HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230124Staff 1-20 to IPC.pdfCHRIS BURDIN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 (208)334-0314 IDAHO BAR NO.9810 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD,BLDG 8,SUITE 201-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorneyfor the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER )COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR )CASE NO.IPC-E-22-29 APPROVAL OF A POWER PURCHASE )AGREEMENT WITH PLEASANT VALLEY )SOLAR,LLC.)REDACTED FIRST )PRODUCTION REQUESTOF )THE COMMISSION STAFF )TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY STAFF of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff"),by and through its attorney of record,Chris Burdin,Deputy Attorney General,hereby requests that Idaho Power Company ("Company"or "Idaho Power")provide the followingdocuments and informationas soon as possible,but no later than MONDAY,FEBRUARY 6,2023. This Production Request is continuing,and Idaho Power is requested to provide,by way of supplementary responses,additional documents that it,or any person acting on its behalf,may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. REDACTED FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY 1 JANUARY ,2023 Please provide answers to each question;supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of informationused in calculations;and the name,job title,and telephone number of the person preparing the documents.Please also identify the name,job title,location,and telephone number of the record holder. In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests,please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files with formulas intact and enabled. REQUESTNO.1:Please describe the competitive procurement process used to procure the Pleasant Valley Solar Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA")and provide all other proposals considered in the procurementprocess. REQUESTNO.2:Please provide a comparison of the Pleasant Valley Solar PPA,the PPA Template provided in Case No.IPC-E-21-42,and the Black Mesa PPA in Case No.IPC-E22- 06.Please list major differences contained in the Pleasant Valley Solar PPA compared to the other two PPAs. REQUESTNO.3:Schedule 33 contains informationwith respect to Renewable Resource Agreements.Please confirm that Schedule 33 will be updated and filed with the Commission after each Renewable Resource Agreement is approved.If not,please explain why not. REQUESTNO.4:Please respond to the followingquestions regarding Section l l.l(II) "Renewable Resource PPAs"of the Special Contract between Brisbie and Idaho Power. a.Section 11.l(II)of the Special Contract states:"[fjor each Renewable Resource PPA, Customer will within ten Business Days after the execution of Idaho Power of such Renewable Resource PPA,deliver a Guaranty from Guarantor identified by Idaho Power as of the date of such Renewable Resource PPA as sufficient to satisfy Customer's performance of its aggregate obligations hereunder as they relate to payment of amounts due from Customer with respect to under such REDACTED FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 JANUARY 24,2023 Renewable Resource PPA."Has the Customer delivered the Guaranty from Guarantorto Idaho Power for the Pleasant Valley Solar PPA?What is amount in the Guaranty?Please provide the workpaper that calculates Section 11.l(II)of the Special Contract also states: REQUESTNO.5:Section 1.35 defines Expected Energy,which means " of Net Output in the first,full Contract Year,reduced by an in the first Contract Year,and per Contract Year thereafter..."Please respond to the following. a.Please confirm that "reduced by an in the first Contract Year"should have been "reduced by an in the second Contract Year."Please explain. b.Please explain why two different degradation factors are used. c.Please describe the relationship between the Estimated Net Output Amount for each month and the Expected Energy for each year.Specifically,when the Seller modifies the Estimated Net Output Amount at the monthlylevel,is the Expected Energy for each year re-calculated for that year based on the modified estimates,and recalculated with the annual degradationfactor for the future years? d.Section 1.35 also states:"[i]f at Final Completion the Facility's Nameplate Capacity Rating is less than the Expected Nameplate Capacity Rating,Expected Energy shall be reduced proportionallyper year for each full MW of Nameplate Capacity Rating below the Expected Nameplate Capacity Rating."Please explain how the Expected Energy information is used in the PPA and provide an example to illustrate how the reduction is calculated.In addition,please explain,as a result of the reduction,how the Estimated Net Output Amount at the monthlylevel will be adjusted accordingly. REDACTED FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY 3 JANUARY 24,2023 e.Please confirm that Expected Energy is a concept at the annual level,instead of the monthlylevel.If so,please further confirm the "Expected Energy"stated in Section 7.12.1 and Section should have been the "Estimated Net Output Amount," which is a concept at the monthlylevel. REQUESTNO.6:Section 4.3.2 states:"[i]f Commercial Operation of the Facility is achieved based on less than one hundred percent (100%)of the Expected Nameplate Capacity Rating,then Seller in its discretion may inform Idaho Power,by written notice received no later than ten (10)Business Days after the Commercial Operation Date,that Seller intends to bring the Facility above the Required Percentage up to but not exceeding one hundred percent (100%)of the Expected Nameplate Capacity Rating,together with a Final Completion Schedule for the additional capacity that Seller intends to add."Should the first 100%have been the Required Percentage,which is defined in Section 1.114?If not,please explain why. REQUESTNO.7:Section 1.40 defines "Final Completion,"which means "following the Commercial Operation Date when Commercial Operation of the Facility is achieved based on less than one hundred percent (100%)of the Expected NameplateCapacity Rating,the achievement by Seller of the conditions set forth in Section 4.2 (e)and (f)with respect to the portion of the Facility at or greater than the Required Percentage of the Expected Nameplate Capacity Rating as elected by Seller in its discretion pursuant to Section 4.3.2."Please respond to the following. a.Should the 100%have been the Required Percentage,which is defined in Section 1.114?If not,please explain why. b.If not and if the Facility is on the Commercial Operation Date to start with,how is "the portion of the Facility at or greater than the Required Percentage of the Expected Nameplate Capacity Rating"determined? c.Should "the portion of the Facility at or greater than the Required Percentage of the Expected Nameplate Capacity Rating"have been "the additional capacity Seller added"? REDACTED FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY 4 JANUARY 24,2023 d.Does Section 1.40 intend to express the meaning that once 4.2 (e)and (f)are achieved for the additional capacity Seller added,Final Completion is achieved? REQUESTNO.8:According to Section 7.7.3,Seller shall provide an initial 12X24 forecast Net Output with the executed PPA and update this forecast at least every two years on a mutually agreed upon schedule that is intended to coincide with the Integrated Resource Plan. Please describe the relationship between this 12X24 forecast,the Estimated Net Output Amount for each month,and the Expected Energy for each year.Specifically,are the updates of all three synchronized?If so,please provide workpapers showing the synchronization. REQUESTNO.9:Please provide an example of how Solar Energy Production Forecasting Monthly Cost is determined for the first Contract Year,where there is no historical data,and the second Contract Year,where there is historical data,according to Section 7.7.2. REQUESTNO.10:Please confirm that,according to Section 3.1,before this PPA and the Special Contract are approved,the Company cannot accept deliveries of Net Output and Green Tags from the Seller. REQUESTNO.11:Section 6.1.1 states that:"[bjetweenthe Effective Date and the Commercial Operation Date,Seller shall sell and deliver to Idaho Power all Test Energy and Net Output."Has the Pleasant Valley project delivered any Test Energy currently?If so,when did the project start delivering Test Energy?If not,when will the project start delivering Test Energy? REQUESTNO.12:Mr.Tatum's Direct Testimony in Case No.IPC-E-21-42 states that Brisbie anticipates beginning operations in .Please respond to the followingquestions. a.Please explain if Brisbie still anticipates beginning operations in based on the most recent information from Brisbie. b.Please confirm that before the Commercial Operation Date,Test Energy generated by REDACTED FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY 5 JANUARY 24,2023 c.Please confirm that Brisbie will meet its entire load using energy from Idaho Power and will pay the two-block rates contained in Schedule 33 before the Commercial Operation Date of the Pleasant Valley project. d.Please confirm that the Renewable Energy Credits ("RECs")associated with Test Energy will be owned by Idaho Power and will not be owned by Brisbie. REQUESTNO.13:Please explain how the amount of Facility Development Security ($90,000 per MW of Nameplate Capacity Rating)is determined. REQUESTNO.14:Please explain how the amount of Default Security ($90,000per MW of Nameplate Capacity Rating)is determined. REQUESTNO.15:Section 7.12 states that Output Guarantee means 90%of the Expected Energy of the Facility for a month less any quantities of Output that were not deliveredto the Point of Delivery (or accepted by Idaho Power)in such month during periods constituting Seller Uncontrollable Minutes.Please respond to the following. a.According to Section 1.35,please confirm that the Expected Energy of the Facility for a month is measured at the Point of Delivery. b.If so,please explain the rationale behind the calculation.Specifically,why is the Output Guarantee calculated as 90%of an amount measured at the Point of Delivery minus an amount not delivered at the Point of Delivery. c.Please explain why the Output Guarantee is set only based on a 90%floor without an upper-limitceiling. REQUESTNO.16:Please explain why Section "Liquidated Damages for Output Shortfall"does not consider transmission charges associated with moving replacement energy to the Point of Delivery,which are considered in Section 12.2.1 "Remedy for Seller's Failure to Deliver." REDACTED FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY 6 JANUARY 24,2023 REQUESTNO.17:Please explain why the Green Tags Price Component is not considered in Section 1.130 "Seller's Cost to Cover,"but is considered in Section 1.58 "Idaho Power's Cost to Cover." REQUESTNO.18:Section 1.130 "Seller's Cost to Cover"states:"[fjor any days prior to the Commercial Operation Date,the Seller's Cost to Cover shall be zero dollars ($0)."Please explain if a similar treatment should be applied to Section 1.58 "Idaho Power's Cost to Cover." (i.e."For any days prior to the Commercial Operation Date,Idaho Power's Cost to Cover shall be zero dollars ($0)." REQUESTNO.19:Please respond to the followingregarding Section 12.2.2 "Remedy for Idaho Power's Failure to Purchase." a.Please confirm that under the circumstance described in Section 12.2.2,Seller is allowed to sell the Net Output and Green Tags not purchased by Idaho Power to third parties. b.This section states Idaho Power shall pay Seller an amount equal to Seller's Cost to Cover multipliedby the amount of Net Output not purchased,less amounts received by Seller pursuant to Section 12.6.Please provide an example to demonstrate the calculation. c.Why does Idaho Power not provide "additional transmission charges"to Seller associated with moving the Net Output to the third party,which are considered in Section 12.2.1 "Remedy for Seller's Failure to Deliver"? d.Why does Idaho Power not provide "additional costs or expenses"incurred as a result of Idaho Power's Default,which are considered in Section 12.2.1 "Remedy for Seller's Failure to Deliver"? REQUESTNO.20:What rate design does the Company intend to use to compensate Brisbie for Capacity Value for energy delivered from this contract given the proceeding in Case No.IPC-E-22-06? REDACTED FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY 7 JANUARY 24,2023 DATED at Boise,Idaho,this 24th day of January 2023. Chris Burdin Deputy Attorney General i:umisc:prodreq/ipce22.29cbyy prod eq REDACTED FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY 8 JANUARY 24,2023 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 24TH DAY OF JANUARY 2023,SERVED THE FOREGOING REDACTED FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTOFTHECOMMISSIONSTAFFTOIDAHOPOWERCOMPANY,IN CASE NO.IPC-E-22-29,BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF,TO THE FOLLOWING: DONOVAN E WALKER TIM TATUMIDAHOPOWERCOMPANYCONNIEASCHENBRENNERPOBOX70IDAHOPOWERCOMPANYBOISEID83707-0070 PO BOX 70E-MAIL:dwalker@idahopower.com BOISE ID 83707-0070dockets@idahopower.com E-MAIL:ttatum idahopower.comeneravcontracts@idahopower.com caschenbrenner@idahopower.com SECRETARY CERTIFICATEOF SERVICE