HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221221IPC to Staff 1-18.pdf3EHM. ftECEIVED Iuii 0[C 2l Pl{ lr: 52 - I rr'.t l/ar..,r!.1 l( J i'LJIJLIt/- | rr- i- r coFillJlssloN December 21,2022 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 West Chinden Blvd., Building 8 Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 Re Case No. IPC-E-22-27 ln the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application for Review of the Company's Current \MIdfire Mitigation Plan and Authorization to Defer Newly ldentified I ncremental \A/ildfi re Mitigation Costs Dear Ms. Noriyuki Attached for electronic filing is ldaho Power Company's Response to the Frist Production Request of the Commission Stafi in the above-entitled matter. The confidential attachments will be provided to the parties that execute the Protective Agreement in this matter. If you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, mD coRPcomp.ny MEGAL GOICOECHEA-ALLEN Corporate Gounsel msoicoecheaallen@idahopower.com MGA:sg Attachments v4lrrzryv.trituhr-0flo,r Megan Goicoechea-Allen CERTIFICATE OF ATTORNEY ASSERTION THAT INFORTATION CONTAINED IN AN IDAHO PUBLIC UTIL]TIES COTMISSION FILING IS PROTECTED FROT PUBLIC INSPECTION Gase No. IPG-E-22-27 ldaho Power Company's Appllcaffon for Revlew of the Company's Gurrent Wldfire Mltigation Plan and Authorlzatlon to Defier Newly ldentllled lncramental Wldllre l$ltlgaff on Cocts The undersigned attorney, in accordance with Commission Rules of Proedure 67 and 233, believes that the Attachments 5 and 6 in response to Request No. 11 to ldaho Power Company's Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff dated December 21,2022, may contain informatlon that ldaho Power Gompany or a third party claims is confidential as described in ldaho Cde S 74-101, ef seg., and $48-801, ef seg., and as such is exempt ftom public inspection, examination, or copying. DATED this 21d day of December 2022. W3.ctdl.lr-fl0{on Megan Goicoechea-Allen Corporate Counselfor ldaho Power Company LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN (lSB No. 7623) Idaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 lnordstrom@idahopower.com mqoicoecheaa llen@idahopower.com Attorneys for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION !N THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR REVIEW OF THE COMPANY'S CURRENT WLDF!RE MITIGATION PLAN AND AUTHORIZATION TO DEFER NEWLY IDENTIFIED INCREMENTAL WLDFIRE MITIGATION COSTS CASE NO. IPC-E-22-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) COMES NOW ldaho Power Company ('ldaho Powef or "Company"), and in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff ("Commission" or 'Staff) dated November 30,2022, herewith submits the following information: ]DAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY.l REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1: PIease explain howthe ldaho jurisdictional wildfire mitigation expense allocations are determined and provide supporting information or workpapers with formulas intact. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1: For Idaho PowE/S forecast of wildfire-related operation and maintenance (O&M) expenses, ldaho Power is applying a jurisdictional separation amount associated with total O&M, as reported in the Company's annua! FERC Form 1 filing. For 2021, the jurisdictional separation is 95.04 percent in ldaho and 4.96 percent in Oregon. This separation amount applies to all incremental wildfire mitigation O&M except for those activities only performed in one state, such as Red Risk Zone activities (the Company has no Red Risk Zones in Oregon). As the Company's wildfire mitigation work evolves and iflwhen service area risk assessments change, ldaho Power will revisit wildfire mitigation spending to determine if certain costs should be applied across the Company's service area. PIease see the attached spreadsheet with incrementalwildfire-related O&M totals for 2022-2025, as well as jurisdictional separation percentages and resulting Idaho and Oregon expenses by wildfire-mitigation line item. For deferral accounting, ldaho Power's actual costs must be assigned to specific FERC accounts. The jurisdictional separation amounts at the FERC account level stem from the Company's last genera! rate case. While the state separation approach differs between the forecast and actual accounting, the allocation between ldaho and Oregon is generally and consistently in the range of 95 percenU5 percent, respectively. The response to this Request is sponsored by Alison Williams, Regulatory Policy and Strategy Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 2 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2: Please describe the expenses that wil! be included in the new Information Technology cost category. Please explain whether this new category is limited to the EONS communication tool or if other expenses included. Please explain. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2: The new Information Technology O&M cost category is primarily comprised of the EONS communication tool (initial implementation and ongoing usage costs), but it also includes O&M to develop an outage map that shows the latest status of Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) events/locations and is searchable by address. More specifically, $163,000 of lnformation Technology estimated O&M is for development of the PSPS outage map, configuration of the EONS Tool (template creation, workflow configuration, and access and permissions administration), identification of critical customers and facilities, development of integrations to load customer data into the tool, and end-user training. The remaining $528,000 of the estimated expense is comprised entirely of the cost to use the EONS platform for customer communication. This estimate was calculated using the base rate of $10,700 per month for access to the softrare and a messaging allocation for SMS, e-mail, and voice notifications. The messaging allocation allows for the following monthly amounts: 50,000 texts, 100,000 emails, and 50,000 voice notifications. EONS also atlows access to greater messaging amounts for an additional charge. Because the Company believes the included allocation amounts are sufficient to cover PSPS notifications, the Company did not include additlona! messaging charges in its estimate. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 3 The response to this Request is sponsored by Kircten Becker, Appllcation and Analytics Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY.4 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 3: Please describe how the EONS communication tool works and its compatibility with other emergency management communication platforms used by the Company and the ldaho Office of Emergency Management. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 3: The EONS communication tool is an outbound communication system that allows ldaho Power to promptly and proactively notify customers of relevant information through various digita! channels. The system enables the Company to communicate with customers via SMS (text message), emai!, and/or automated voice calls. Messaging templates are pre- configured in the system with scripted language for specific events that can be reused when needed, which provides consistent messaging and easier process steps when notifications need to be triggered. The system is integrated with ldaho Power's primary customer data source system and Geographic lnformation System (GlS) system, providing the necessary contact details and geographical information to segment and contact the appropriate customers based on the specific event. When a notification campaign is needed, a system user will select the required aftributes to create the customer contact list, select the proper messaging template, define the appropriate channel(s) (SMS, email, voice), and trigger the notifications. Here are the general use cases that require the use of EONS: o Ad-hoc outage or safety messaging (e.9., upcoming outage, abnorma! outage situation such as a requested outage due to imminent wildfire, abnormal safety issue such as wildfire, etc.) . Public Safety Power Shutoff and other wildfire customer notifications IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A/ER COMPANY - 5 o Advanced customer communication related to any potential Load Curtailment ac{ivity. Regarding connection to extemal alert systems, EONS b an intemaltoolto ldaho Power and is not intended to function in coordination with broader state emeruency management platforms. The response to this Request is sponsored by Ryan Donnelly, Customer Experience Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPA}IY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION RESUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POVI/ER COMPANY.s REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 4: Please describe the costs for each component of the communications systems used for wildfire management including the new EONS tool. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 4: The EONS tool is the basis for the total cost of the communication system used for wildfire management, as identified in the lnformation Technology portion of the Company's application in this case. Please see the Company's response to Staffs Productlon Request No. 2 for a detailed breakdown of communication system cost estimates. The response to this Request is sponsored by Kirsten Becker, Applications and Analytics Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ]DAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY - 7 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 5: Please provide a breakdown of the costs associated with the covered wire/conductor pilot project. Has the Company evaluated results of any similar projects conducted by other utility companies? lf not, why? lf yes, what are the key takeaways the Company learned? RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 5: ldaho Power is evaluating two construction types for the covered conductor/covered wire pilot to prevent or decrease the Iikelihood of wildfire ignition occurring in wildfire risk zones: conventional construction using standard crossarms and the use of a spacer cable system. The pilot will consist of installing both construction types in ldaho Powe/s Skills Training Facility to understand the requirements associated with installation, maintenan@, insulators, connectors, and tooling needs (both hand tools and hot stick attachments). The costs of the two construction types are broken down below: 1 Traditional Govered Conductor Materials = $28,814.87 Labor = $ 7,398.00 Equipment = $ 1.048.81 Tota! = $ 37,261.68 Soacer Cable Svstem: Materials =$ 31 ,626.71 Labor = $ 7,398.00 Equipment = $ 1.048.81 Total = $ 40,073.52 2. IDAHO PO\A/ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE F]RST PRODUCTION REOUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY. S ldaho Power benchmarked with other utilities regarding their recent experience with covered conductor. The benchmarking included discussions with the 13 western utilities with wildfire mitigation plans. AIlbut one utility is using covered conductor in some capacity to decrease wildfire risk. ldaho Power has had multiple conversations with Southern California Edison, which has been utilizing covered conductor for approximately two years and is currently exploring spacer cable systems. The Company also gained feedback from Xcel Energy in Colorado, which is currently undergoing a four-mile field trialof covered conductor, and Rocky Mountain Power (PacifiCorp), which is beginning to install covered conductor in Utah. ln addition to benchmarking with other utilities, the Company collaborated with the Electric Power Research lnstitute (EPRI) to learn more about covered conducto/s service life and reliability benefits. Based on benchmarking and learnings from EPRI, ldaho Power surmises that covered conductor construction costs significantly more than standard overhead construction. Further, covered conductor cable is difficult to instal! and maintain. New construction standards must be created to account for increased weight and different span lengths. However, covered conductor can also bring substantial benefits in the form of substantial ignition reduction, improved reliability for customers, and reduced arc-flash risk for electricalworkers. Furthermore, some utilities have found the need for PSPS can be reduced or eliminated in areas utilizing covered conductor, thereby decreasing the likelihood and impact of PSPS on customers and communities. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POVVER COMPANY - 9 Based on its investigation and key takeaways from research and benchmarking, ldaho Power proposes to trial both construction types and associated products and hardware prior to committing to adopting more widely. The trialwill provide ldaho Power line crews the opportunity to get hands-on experience and provide feedback on which product is best from an installation and repair perspective. The safety of workers and the reliability of the distribution system are priorities, making the trial critical to ensure the materials are safe to installand can be efficiently and effectively maintained and repaired. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jon Axtman, T&D Engineering and Reliability Senior Manager, with support from Jun Golo, Principal Engineer, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY . 1O REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: Please explain how costs associated with fuel reduction are allocated with the ldaho Department of Lands, the National Forest Foundation, the U.S. Forest Service, and U.S. Bureau of Land Management and provide any supporting information or worksheets with formulas intact. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: As a point of clarification, ldaho Power's routine and enhanced vegetation management efforts are distinct from the fuel reduction program as described on page 20 of the Company's Application in this case. The Company-specific costs estimated for the fue! reduction program are based on the experiences and costs paid by other utilities for similar collaborative work on fuel reduction. The National Forest Foundation (NFF) has been working over the past year with the Boise National Forest and other partners to develop an implementation strategy for fuels reduction, forest health, and fire risk prevention. Their area of focus is referred to as the Boise Front FocalArea and includes the ldaho City fire shed, which ranks 13th out of more than 7,500 fire sheds in the country for wildfire risk to local communities. Much of the area is identified as high wildfire risk in ldaho Power's risk modeling analysis. The NFF acts as an aggregator of funding sources that can be used to complete priority fuels reduction and forest health across jurisdictional boundaries and non'forested !and. The allocation of funding is through the NFF, which puts the funding into direct contracts for work on the ground and oversees the work to ensure it is completed to specification. ldaho Power is currently working with the NFF on developing agreements that outline expectations from both parties, strategies, and funding arrangements. The NFF IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 11 has partnered with other utilities on similar projects in the past including Liberty Utilities, Xcel Energy, Salt River Project, and Southern California Edison. The work performed under these arrangements has proven to decrease hazardous fuel accumulations near overhead powerlines, minimized the risk of powerline wildfire ignitions, and improved forest conditions in the vicinity of utility infrastructure. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jon Axtman, T&D Engineering and Reliability Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 12 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7: Please explaln how the Company will prevent or minimize the risk of camera loss particularly in remote areas. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOB PRODUCTION NO. 7: ldaho Power's pilot efforts with cameras for early wildfire detection include identiffing optima! locations based on geographical wildfire risk areas. Through discussion with various camera manufacturers in 2022, ldaho Power learned that the risk of camera loss can be minimized by co-locating the station with other equipment that has existing physical security measures in place. Examples include deployment on cellular communications towers, microwave towers, and government communication sites. ldaho Power also has Company-owned communication sites that are being explored for camera installation. For locations where there is limited security, such as fire watch towers, equipment will be mounted as far out of reach as possible to be inaccessible to the public. To date, the manufacturer that ldaho Power is considering for deployment of cameras has not experienced any lost or intentionally damaged installations across six states. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jon Axtman, T&D Engineering and Reliability Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY - 13 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 8: Please describe and provide supporting workpapers for the annual Operationa! and Maintenance ('O&M') @mera costs by each camera type including allcamera programs. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 8: ldaho Power is exploring wildfire detection cameras that utilize artificial intelligence (Al) to detect the start of a wildfire. The primary benefit of incorporating Al is that it can reduce response times by reducing human-created delays in fire detection. Furthermore, the cameras provide precise fire location that can be used to increase response times and suppression efficiency. The Company plans to begin piloting cameras in2023 to further evaluate risk- reduction benefits and to learn more of the complexities associated with installations, permitting, software, accuracy, and performance. The pilot will be critical in determining a long-term strategy for cameras in the future. Two purchase options are available for the camera the Company is considering for the pilot: an up-front purchase and a reoccurring service subscription. Under both options, costs associated with site contracting, securing right-of-way, power, permitting, and site licenses are included. Details of each option are described below: o Upfront Purchase: This option requires a five-year contract with an upfront cost of $200,000 per station and $10,000 per year for maintenance, warranty, and software. o Annual Subscription: This option requires a three-year contract with a cost of approximately $50,000 per station per year. The vendorwould maintain ownership of the station and ldaho Power would subscribe to all services such as software, IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY.14 maintenanoe, etc. ln addition, this option provides: o Ongoing release of new features, cloud computing capacity, and cloud storage; o Ongoing refinement of algorithms, data gathering, modeltraining, and cloud computing; o Softuare configuration, including the load-in of assets and the provisioning of notification lists; o Software training, including a dedicated customer success agent and technicalsupport; and o Additional recurring services, including tower space renta!, land rental, maintenance, cellular connectivity, and power. Idaho Power is aligning its pilot with the annual subscription option, which offers a shorter commitment and is less expensive per camera installation. The Company is also exploring partnerships with federal and state agencies to partner on camera installations and costs. Wth a reduced contract period and lower short-term costs, the Company plans to pursue the subscription-based plan for the purposes of a pilot. All associated costs will be Operations and Maintenance expenses. However, as partnerships are developed, the Company will explore ways to decrease costs while still gaining the insight needed to meet the pilot objectives. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jon Axtman, T&D Engineering and Reliability Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY.l5 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.9: Please provide a costcomparison of wood to fiberglass crossarms based on service life of each type. Please provide workpapers supporting the Company's assertion that fiberglass was the most cost-effective alternative when considering up-front capita! and installation costs. \A/ildfire Mitigation Plan at 32. \Nhen developing criteria for enhancing the resiliency of distribution circuits in wildfire risk zones, fiberglass was considered the best material due to its inflammable qualities and Iower susceptibility to electrical tracking. ldaho Power conducted analysis to determine the cost-benefit of transitioning to fiberglass crossarms over traditional wood apitong. The Company's specification for fiberglass includes a three-layer ultraviolet coating to maintain longevity. The service life of fiberglass crossarms is expected to meet or exceed wood apitong. The tables below summarize the cost comparison between fiberglass and wood apitong for two primary construction types. Cost Compaison: 1. Dead End (DE) Wood Crossarm (Apitong) vs Fiberglass Crossarm This analysis was performed by ldaho Power in 2018 to evaluate the use of fiberglass crossarms versus traditionalwood crossarms in dead-end applications. Due to the cost savings, ldaho Power elected to switch to fiberglass crossarms for all dead-end applications. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY - 16 Tvpe 3 yrAve. Usage Ave. Unit Price Annual Spent CID-223L4- Medium 1095 5385.75 il23,sO2.20 CID-4951- Heaw 179 Ss37.43 s96.199.97 DE Apitong: DE Fiberglass: TvDe 3yrAve. Usage Ave. Unit Price Annual Spent Source CID-57954- Medium 1095 s267.s0 s292,912.50 Direct CID-57105- Heaw L79 s456.30 s83.457.70 Distribution * * : Through Distribdion is cheaper than Direct Purchase. Savings for going with DE Fiberglass: 2. Tangent Wood vs Fiberglass crossarm This analysis was performed by ldaho Power tn 2020 to compare wood vs fiberglass crossarms in tangent applications. Due to the cost savings demonstrated by this analysis, the Company elected to switch to fiberglass crossarms in tangent applications. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jon Axtman, T&D Engineering and Reliability Senior Manager, with support from Jun Golo, Principa! Engineer, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A/ER COMPANY - 17 l,mdAytU$t 120 S6o,lot.m 3810 (s115,891.201 u (s7,s41.521 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 10: Please describe the location selected for undergrounding 1.5 miles of overhead line including an explanation of why the location was selected. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 10: Overhead-to- underground distribution conversion projects were performed on four line segments on three Boise Bench and Cartwright feeders in Boise, ldaho. These were the first underground conversion projects that the Company undertook to decrease wildfire risk. The areas were chosen for underground conversion based on the results of Company's risk quantification and modeling, summarized in the Company's Wildfire Mitigation Plan (!ryMP), that identified the areas as having a combination of high wildfire probability and high consequence (i.e., impacts to structures). Field assessments and feedback from local fire officials confirmed that the topography and surface fuels in the areas were conducive to rapid fire spread, which could lead to structure and human safety impacts. Another consideration was that undergrounding these particular line segments would decrease the overall risk profile of each feeder due to most of the feeder already having underground distribution. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jon Axtman, T&D Engineering and Reliability Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY.lS REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 11: On page 12 of its Application, the Company describes a new weather forecasting ensemble. . a. Please provide a complete description of how the ensemble approach improves decision making and results the Company expects to achieve. o b. Please describe the costs for implementing and maintaining the forecasting ensemble and provide supporting information or workpapers with formulas intact. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUGTION NO. 11: a. Currently, ldaho Power runs the Weather Research and Forecasting (\A/RF) modeling system to generate a single trace, deterministic weather forecast to produce the Company's Fire Potential lndex and forecast wind speed. The single, deterministic weather forecast is driven by complex, initial atmospheric conditions with unquantifiable, inherent uncertainty. However, the uncertainty associated with a weather forecast can be assessed from the dispersion of an ensemble obtained by running the model multiple times with perturbed initial conditions and unique model parameterizations; if the forecast ensemble dispersion is small, then the uncertainty about the issued forecast is assumed to be small, and vice versa. Quantifiable uncertainty and the probability of occurrence of forecasted weather events will help to better support internal decision makers, particularly in PSPS operations under the WMP. ln addition to befter representing the uncertainty in a weather forecast, the multi- model ensemble approach leads to more consistency from forecast to forecast, as the change in the initial atmospheric conditions from one forecast to the next are more likely represented within the perturbation of the initial conditions and unique ]DAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISS]ON STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY - 19 model parametrizations used to create the ensemble forecast. An ensemble approach, as viewed by those using ensemble systems, provides a much higher level of accuracy and precision of forecasts (both spatial and tempora!) while also allowing the development of probabilities for the occurrence of when, where, and of what magnitude of events may occur by being able to better account for the variability between model realizations and the complexity of the atmosphere. This is less likely to be the case in the instance of a single trace forecast with a single initial condition and model parameterization. b. The estimated costs for implementing and maintaining the forecasting ensemble are captured under capital labor, materials, and purchased services for the purchase and installation of hardware and the development of the ensemble. !n addition, annua! maintenance costs include incremental purchase services to support the expanded high-performance computer system and ensemble, as wel! as amortized warranty costs. These costs are summarized below. Total Project Gapital Gost Estimate: $ 1,{01,000 ($991,000 plus 10o/o contingency) h Performance oted nsion Cost:000 1. See Attachments 1-4. Expansion cost quotes total $540,000 of which a portion is captured as hardware warranty costs and reflected in the extended annual costs below. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POVVER COMPANY .20 Account Year Labor (100)Purchased Services (300)Materials (200)Other (500) Capital 2023 $4,000 $445,0001 Ensemble Model Deve and Cost:000 2. See ConfidentialAttachment 5. Extended Annual Maintenance and Warra Costs 3. See ConfidentialAttachment 6. 4. Hardware warranty estimated to be 18% of $524,000 of the hardware materials costs and amortized over five years beginning in 2023. The response to this Request is sponsored by Kresta Davis, Senior Manager Water Resources and Policy, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY - 21 Year Labor (100)Materials (200)Purchased Seruices (300)Other (500)Account Capital 2023 $47,000 $495,0002 DCE Frequency Cost Duration rYRS)Account o&M Purchased Services Annually $57,0003 5 Other Annually $19,0004 5o&M REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 12: Please explain the differences between the Company's current pole inspection program and what a contractor would do in a pole loading assessment. Explain the benefits of having a contractor perform the pole loading assessment. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 12: ldaho Powe/s wood pole inspection and treatment program consists of inspecting transmission and distribution (T&D) poles on a 1O-year frequency to identiff defects and remaining shell thickness. The poles are sounded and bored to detect decay and rot and are internally and externally treated to prevent decay and extend their !ife. While ldaho Power's traditional wood pole inspection and treatment program provides insight into the remaining life of poles, pole loading assessments provide deeper insight into an individual pole's structural capacity and resilience for the purposes of understanding an individual pole's vulnerability for failure during extreme weather conditions, such as high winds. The process of conducting pole loading assessments is made up of several steps. First, field collection is performed using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology, GPS, and high-resolution imagery. The data captured is then formatted to obtain precise measurements of distances between poles, pole heights, equipment, and communication circuits. Digital models are created, and software is used to perform comprehensive structural load analysis to determine if the pole meets the requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code. Remaining strength estimation from ldaho Power's wood pole inspection and treatment program is incorporated into the structural load analysis. Such deep pole Ioading analysis is more cost-effectively performed by contractors that have the variety of tools and systems necessary to perform the holistic assessment. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 22 The response to this Request is sponsored by Jon Affnan, T&D Engineering and Reliabilig Senisr Manager, Idaho Power Gompany. IDAHO POVTER COMPAI{Y'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POVVER COMPAT.IY .23 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13: The Company plans to join the lnternationalWildfire Risk Mitigation Consortium. Please list other groups, organizations, or consortiums the Company is involved with or a member of that are associated with wildfire mitigation. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13: !n Section 2 of ldaho Power's Wldfire Mitigation Plan, the Company discusses government, peer, and industry groups with which it engages on wildfire-related issues. Below is a detailed list of these groups and organizations: . ldaho Fire Board - ldaho Power is a volunteer member and works collaboratively with agency and bureau representatives on issues and opportunities around wildland fire management in the state of ldaho. The Board aims to create a forum for discussion and problem solving to benefit citizens of ldaho and help the various partners be more efficient and successfu! in accomplishing their individual missions. . Electric Power Research lnstitute (EPRI) - Idaho Power engages with EPR! to learn more about new technology and the attributes of covered conductor, particularly the UV performance and reliability performance. EPRI also provides insight into best practices and new technology being developed to reduce wildfire risk. Annually, ldaho Power attends a symposium with industry experts hosted by EPRI. . Western Wildfire Work Group - ldaho Power attends biennial meetings with severalwestern utilities to share details of each company's Wildfire Mitigation Plan, as well as new advancements or innovations each company may be considering IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCT]ON REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY - 24 or pursuing. Participating utilities include Avista, PacifiCorp, Puget Sound Energy, Portland General Electric, Northwestern, NV Energy, Xcel Energy, Chelan PUD, and SMUD. o Western Energy lnstitute (VVEI) - ldaho Power participates in WEI's \Mldfire Planning + Mitigation program. This program brings together leaders responsible for wildfire planning and mitigation strategies for interactive peer to peer sessions. o Edison Electric lnstitute (EEl) - ldaho Power is active in various EElgroups related to wildfire and resiliency and routinely participates in wildfire-related meetings of other investor-owned utilities convened by EEl. . Oregon \Mldfire Detection Camera Strategy Group - ldaho Power became a member of this workgroup focused on the interoperability of different camera platforms to improve fire detection, suppression efficiency, and response time. This group has provided valuable information into the benefits that cameras hold for early fire detection and how partnerships can be utilized to expedite the installation. . Various Technology Vendors - ln 2022, ldaho Power held meetings with more than 30 vendors and manufacturers to identiff new technology and innovations used to mitigate wildfire risk. The findings were used to develop a Company roadmap and led to the development of pilot projects in 2022 and 2023, as outlined in the Company's application in this case. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jon Axtman, T&D Engineering and Reliability Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY - 25 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14: PIease explain the incrementalyear over year expense increases in Table 3 of the Application for the Wildfire Mitigation Program Manager. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. {4: The incremental year- over-year expense increase in Table 3 of the Application for the \Mldfire Mitigation Program Manager is based on the following: The need for a Program Manager was identified in 2022 and it was assumed the role would be filled in the second half of the year. As such, a partial annual cost of $90,000 was estimated for the role in 2022. However, the Company was delayed in hiring for the role due to the shifting nature of the \MIdfire Mitigation Plan and an evolved assessment of skillsets required for the position. The role is expected to be filled in2023, and the estimates for2023-2025 remain reflective of the Company's best estimate for the position. The estimated amounts from 2023 through 2025 include a 3 percent annualwage adjustment. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jon Axtman, T&D Engineering and Reliability Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POVVER COMPANY - 26 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 15: Please describe why the Company's proposed vegetation-focused satellite and aerialpatrols benefit beyond the UAV methods currently used by the Company. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 15: ldaho Power's transmission and distribution (T&D) vegetation management program addresses public safety and reliability by safeguarding T&D lines from trees and other vegetation. The Company inspects and prunes more than 400,000 trees on an ongoing basis. New vegetation monitoring tools using satellite and aeria! imagery have come on the market recently that provide specific intelligence on a given area's vegetation encroachment and hazard trees that may cause outages or potential ignition. \A/hile ldaho Power utilizes Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for some line inspections, UAVs are not equipped for analyzing vegetation and vegetation groMh. Additionally, UAVs are limited by their overal! range and have geographic restrictions without a permit to operate Beyond Visua! Line of Sight. The pilot effort as proposed by the Company will use satellite and aerial imagery systems with artificial intelligence to identiff vegetation-related problem areas (e.9., areas with faster growing vegetation and individual "cycle bustef trees) more quickly with less labor and resource needs than using UAVs. The timing of conducting satellite and aerial patrols is also an important factor to consider. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jon Axtman, T&D Engineering and Reliability Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\A/ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY - 27 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 16: Please provide a detailed description of the costs associated with the $11.7 million incremental expense for transition to a three- year clearing cycle, please include any workpapers with formulas enabled. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 16: Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for this response. The Company also provides the following context to help reconcile the incrementalvegetation management expenses identified in the two cost deferrals - IPC-E-21-02 and the current case, IPC-E-22-27. ln ldaho Powe/s first wildfire cost deferral application (lPC-E-21-02), the Company estimated the 2021-2025 incremental costs to transition and maintain a 3-year line clearing cycle to be $36,302,000. To estimate this value, ldaho Power assumed that contractor rates would roughly increase 5 percent annually through 2025 and that the workload to accomplish the transition would be level and consistent for each year of the term. Vegetation management contract negotiations were finalized in January 2022 for a three-year term and, contrary to the Company's assumptions, actual contract rates increased an average of 27 perent for 2022 and roughly 5 percent each year thereafter. ln addition, the negotiated workload is not level throughout the term. Rather, the estimated hours in the workplan start smaller in 2022 and ramp up each year through 2025. The Company's current wildfire deferral filing reflects negotiated contract pricing and workload changes that, together, result in a new tota! estimated incremental cost of $48 million from202l through 2025<r an additional incremental amount of $1 1 .7 million as reflected in the Company's application in this case. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 28 The response to this Rquest is sponsorcd by Jon Axtrnan, T&D Engineering and Reliability Senior Manager, with support from Brent Van Patten, Enginering Leader, ldaho Power Oompany. IDAHO POWER COMPATtrS RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISS.ION S'TAFF TO IDAHO POV'JER COMPANY . 29 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 17: Please provide examples of materials and programs the Company intends to provide customers for the Public Safety Power Shutoff ('PSPS") plan. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 17: Public Safety Power Shutoff ('PSPS") communication generally falls into two categories: 1) broad outreach to all customers for education and awareness, and 2) targeted outreach to customers in PSPS zones. The following summary applies primarily to PSPS communications but with some unavoidable overlap with more general wildfi re-related communications. Communication methods vary based on the particular audience the Company is trying to reach and the goal of the communication. The examples below are from 2022, but the Company expects to provide similar materials going forward. . The May issue of our monthly all-customer newsletter Connections provided an overview of wildfire season preparations and an introduction to what a PSPS is, along with tips for how to prepare for summer outages. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 30 May lssue of Connecfions ldaho Power for Wildfire Season b.-.:p -r 5a--rI & !--l- EE.- ftrl The Company developed a PSPS overview video to explain what a PSPS is, what impacted customers may expect, and how to prepare for wildfire- related outages. Texts, emails, and phone calls were sent to all customers living in PSPS zones with information about PSPS and how to prepare, including updating contact information. The Company used a new communication tool, EONS, to notifu these customers. The new tool allowed the Company to see which customers ldaho Power was unable to reach. The Company followed up with letters to these customers. Sample Text Message to Placerville PSPS Zone Gustomer ldaho Power Notification: Our records show your property in the Placeruille area is in a public safety power shutoff (PSPS) zone. A PSPS zone is an c a a IDAHO PO\A/ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 31 ( r" $/r ir rL '\ v rr, D!r .:l r" C,ut,|f,.' { { area where ldaho Power might need to proactively shut off powerto reduce wildfire isk in extreme weather conditions. Leam more, including how to make an outage kit and prepare for any medical needs, at idah o powe r. com/P SP S. Th ank you. The Company sent an emailto all customerc with information about summer outage preparedness and mention of PSPS, with links to additional information. Email to All Customerc o ,+ Erwy amrmr, rffic llGabo qr5oaar, rrrlr, Iror.. ad toatra||a.- rn tlt crl G* pouraroutrgc. h dum rcanar cilfictr, lr... oda$a codd LJ llolrl (crur dry., or.d.ry f . @ i i.c.r.ry. ll..r c r la,v uryt yq, cal er.pllt fta xildnHdabd qr,agaa: lrpllla yolr coild hbmllndr b, vlllrg trdm{Er"comrcd.ctrd.b. stn ln ftr oil.gr dcllr d ili[9oowr-cun/Iad* I rJIb, .t[ tI b tltrG[llry d.|E ]m hc.l b crftrtrnoil, h d+..tn{r ld onar atE.!|Itct na9oD ae.[caa. Prrelt h n dbd mqr. Oy u-rg r n*hf glqri.br 6 hfit, It *nS oaao! b d., I yoo hm .L.ticd Dfir.rtd mqlcj .SS.r d a rttl.f*, lrEfdr. k . phn lor a.*rg ild w.afie Dd lld 5,rdod( h c.!o polrrr b yor plrne 0n6dt Fa nm x*ril{..d, t , }! llf.lre . rilE oa.e. lf, fif $tnnC!E!ei$&il@. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POIA'ER COMPANY .32 Be Ready for "fWildfire Season +..<= ?*.?*. ".+tf .qr.... 1,.^*F.*r .n* a News media interviews helped with general public awareness. See one example in the ldaho Press. Social media was used frequently for more general customer communication on wildfire preparedness, wildfire prevention, and grid hardening efforts, but social media was also used to raise awareness about community meetings to discuss PSPS. Social Post Promoti Gascade Area Commun Meeting ldaho Power developed multiple new pages on its website to provide wildfire safety information generally and PSPS information specifically. All information can be accessed from https://www. idahopower.com/outaqes- safetv/wildfire-safetv/ and falls into the following categories: o What is a PSPS?: Explanation of PSPS events, including a map customers can use to determine if their homes or businesses are inside a PSPS zone a IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 33 lf you live in Cascade area w€ invile )rou tojcin us this Thursdey, July 14 to leam more about how lre prote<t fh€ grid from wildfire while delivefir€ po\,t er saiely and reliably. Vrit rdahopou;er.ccm.,'!vildfi re for more Jv.e Cas.ade Recreatacn Area & C3s.ade Chanrber of Conrmerce. City of CascaCe, Valley CoLn! dahc. e ldeho Folcr Julv 12 tO I ,t SI Wildfire Mitigation and Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) linre:5 p,m. Date: July 14,2022 Place: 108W. Spring St., Cascade t \.'i.' q PSPS ZOneS wirr. A,, ( ir., w,{, r\i,r{r! d..r tro '/ tdaho /,uil q'rr,';l'ittY 1..i:-l , .*ol ,:,',, Er tJscsi-85. HERE G..-,. scj.c.cpF = PSFS zc']e I = A:i ,e PSFS::ne o Be Prepared for \Mldfire Season: Preparation tips like building an outage kit and making a plan for medical needs o Protecting the Grid: ldaho Power measures to enhance grid resiliency and reduce wildfire risk, an interactive map showing elevated wildfire risk zones, and a link to the Wildfire Mitigation PIan o How You Can Reduce Wildfire Risk: Tips for preventing wildfires when camping, using fireworks, hauling trailers, etc. o PSPS Event lnformation: Real-time information on active PSPS events, estimated shutoff time, outage duration, and customers impacted Postcards and flyers were developed specific to the various PSPS zones and used to communicate with those customers, either through direct mail and/or at in-person meetings and events. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 34 I A @r( sl.rt prF {i!x,n s rS 6 Ss. (!.Ftrylte iffio hs Fffirh rur6 d &Ef lo (6D. ii!a, tre r,dr. n$ 4 hdr ler 6 onefr e&hr(uU!m, tu cJlS r i. efurlu Brl{l tu.(61ctr?t .oatu{x6 odqr xrd 6u,rsr nom *il6!i l 611 n ; rJn rrt' b t,a i r ni.r' !. tu,li 1r (,. ; ra.: ri r$i.!FI--. ,r tr$-: ftn' rr ft.ir.rt ml /F.c,.g o!!.tomil yrljtor niqrro. tr ru: d fil,(rd .*4!L 4n'Jr.j, n br, e\nr Horlt, i to$ n1 tr d., @ brtr, tr, o:,d.riln!.$tr ni, rrir r.L,a h r I r,r irtf rq. [r J.icir. .r , ryt , ao.i,h ltrn,,r, , r , r]DtrEIE l(n.hrn$ !,ci&11d'iiiJ[.] yu.r$]r tr,86.tu( A ruJ ,,.,.d x! I ;r!y.! qrit, rjq5 rrortr ol' F! $ rk Un.u.. ro@EFU, dr-r ihtu6 il ., rh,rdql('nirf*.11lti Tr tr""lr;:l il,l:-'" .:i,T.offitr tu.HhdI.t 1 a I t,.( , E )(r ii r ..qnG i 'r' &,,n(',rd ne d, rd,rrr;*-, olPirlrl,,r r. s, frn i,-'.tEtd b,r !4 !tr, -!j.r 6$t r, Dine.!q.rr.&.b1r,r'rilet '>Ir., ''t ';:li. tdr I t\" ' , l,,ir, -15ffi F for Eastern PSPS Zones Postcard for Garden Valley Area PSPS Zone GI i'.rirlrL ! rii i,, Power Shutoff 3slHfl& tllHt you to do fc tjor s h/iltr9. hrinnrdoi 0 P5r36tt !t& 1,..r'W obg.lh d me -a1 rihS#.r.ao. h @M gM tr'ea NS 6 M lt!t, l! d&, 0 €rtdr drlon!3ffi& \.:* G, Kfldr 5k{ your Foprrq m i* (,oud, Grd€0 varq @ b h a Puilk sal{y toM sMofl (}5r5r rtr Sl wtat is a pspsr H a Psps E wh€n an eEidGlut[ry ]t€ ldaM hs tsucivet) luri, ofi f4 Fffi D e cmin ;rea fl,r*5l,ri:t#*H,il:J^xi:# tr l&k Pow md! ye&iound h Fol( &egra adamd *ddrie1. Howw Ilffilhs (md!d! lesro pfrNlLPritl. re mlghrndto (Jla PSPSas a brlrso( ft6 d€(r!o[ rs b9ed on many[tre;E , Utse{ yN rcnkl hleruh x e !9i { lor t@.Ec , l iDJ&.ry qtofrFq ktoa kdh 6b(.ml i,. dei@il, d F{ (6ty L. ... '!,1, ,r.r1..,':l..r . hpr.b dd Edls d rftF.dtudM(it@dffidqumkM htir{.trl4F*c n a'd.vJi7 Dldd.Jat.r Frrc r6ra\ il !d.kllp{m$ &n l ha!@r . M* turr tsu lm* Br loof e(ls**fi( trSd!Y!,rdRsrlt!9a6 tutu @ir M t, 't/ 'ir' ., tl t,. lla hB L 1N4r, tre dFME ar m(n Miremr ae F$d. ka* pSE p (6ffi hbru{il ar,rif {o*. .",, \i\.r,r r 1,i, taafiueri(ar r.a.i Print newspaper ads ran in areas with higher wildfire risk, encouraging all customers to be prepared and update contact info and mentioning that a potential PSPS could mean an extended outage. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A/ER COMPANY - 35 twy qmn€4 flitffe' ilredtrl dr hr€Eq fdrq hdrrr ftt h6h.3jes. DE, cdl *ocatr. poftrqnager h efiIrrle Eeflrr Coilnim, 0E€ orb96 (or5 lrl lHrs f, mr drys, e+cddr, i, a Flrft r*fy poft, lhnof, (?tE) h nce$ay. lhro rrc rom dpr lor rtrylng refc h e ddfilr*chcdonagn: Virn ir.Dopfls (nrhildtoe tr rnfre ltE qt wildlLe rarcry, sr(t aj lt(rx E h{d a srrlls o/uge ft aU b hm rlrat ldaho hner h ding toFoedule g,il Mate a plan rrmcngat mterhg peB eod Inrlod h (r6e pourrtoyurd FrrpgEoI. Eil @ Prepare tr nreccr mec ne ref{er.sd meddE(rHbl, pGmr€d mdal €S4mrilt lbir (old meil ffi109. pbc€ b90dulq.o o$aqP r lri{ a bad{p g€0sa$r Upda te yur cmtrt hfmafim at(lilmlxmr ( (nY( ooti( lupdalf . WILDFIRE READY 3Sffi*-BE Neurcpaper Print Ad in ldaho Mountain Express aq6! . ...@r. t"a,.!1f$: lt The response to this Request is sponsored by Erica Shiflet, Corporate Communications Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POVVER COMPANY - 36 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 18: Please provide a workpaper showing a breakdown of al! costs associated with the yearly $71,000 PSPS focused communication expense. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 18: Please see the attachment to this request with a table of paid tactics related to PSPS communications and reflecting the estimated annual amount of spending on PSPS, as outlined in the Company's Application in this case. Communication efforts include targeted outreach toward customers living in PSPS zones, advertisements in areas that contain PSPS zones, and broad communication to ensure all customers know how to prepare for wildfire-related outages that may include PSPS. The response to this Request is sponsored by Erica Shiflet, Corporate Communications Manager, ldaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 21st day of December 2022 WT.ctd^u-00lorr Megan Goicoechea-Allen Attorney for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POVVER COMPANY - 37 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 21st day of December 2022,1 served a true and correct copy of ldaho Power Company's Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to ldaho Power Company upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: &^"J- Stacy Gust, Regulatory Administrative Assistant IDAHO PO\A/ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 38 Commission Staft Riley Newton Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8 Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX Emai! Rilev.Newton@puc.idaho.qov BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 1 ATTACHMENT No. 1 SEE ATTACH ED SPREADSH EET DALLTechnologies A quote for your consideration pased on your business needs, we put the following quote together to help with your purchase decision. Below is a detailed summary of the quote we've created to help you with your purchase decision. To proceed with this quote, you may respond to this email, order online through your Premier page, or, if you do not have Premier, use this Quote to Order. Quote No. Total Customer # Quoted On Expires by Solution lD DeallD 3000120342574.5 $451,785.84 133124544 Aug.08,2022 5ep.07,2022 16109911.6 22896222 Sales Rep Phone Email Billing To Andrew Neighbors Jr. (800) 456-3355, +14062097068 Drew. Neighbors@Dell.com ACCOUNTS PAYABLE IDAHO POWER CO POBOXTO 1220W IDAHO ST BO|SE, lD 83702-5626 Message from your Sales Rep Please contact your Dell sales representative if you have any questions or when you're ready to place an order. Thank you for shopping with Dell! Regards, Andrew Neighbors Jr Shipping Group Shipping To RICK POOLE IDAHO POWER CO,1765 N YELLOWSTONE HWY RICK POOLE, REC CCC IF 692 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83415 (208) 111-0000 Shipping Method Standard Delivery Product PowerSwitch S3048-ON - [SHARED_I 1 654] Powe rEd ge C6400 E n clos u re - [AM ER_C 6400_1 2252_V!_VP] Powe rEd ge C6420 - [AM ER_C 6 420 _1 2235 _V I _V Pl Unit Price $7,529.41 $2,366.69 $12,255.31 Quantity 2 8 32 Subtota! $15,058.82 $18,933.52 $392,169.92 Page 1 Dt.:ll I\,4;:rketirrg i P (J S only Dell f\,4arketing LP is located at Orre Dell Way tvlail Stop 8129 Round Rock. TX 78682 DBC as lowas $1355,4/month^Subtotal: Shlpping: Envlronmental Fee: Non-Taxable Anrount: Taxable Amount: Estlmated Tax: i426,162.26 $273.82 $o-oo $3,939.{6 {22A96.62 025,349.76 Tota!:$t151,785.84 Page 2 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP, is located at One DellWay, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Shipping Group Details Shipping To RICK POOLE IDAHO POWER CO 1765 N YELLOWSTONE HWY RtcK POOLE, REC CCC tF 692 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83415 (208) 111-0000 Shipping Method Standard Delivery PowerSwitch S3048ON - ISHARED_I 1 6541 Estimated delivery if purchased today: Jun.20,2023 Description S3048-ON, 48x 1GbE,4x SFP+ 1OGbE ports, Stacking, PSU to lO air, 1x AC PSU, NO OS, Rights to use OS10 Open Edition No Operating System lnstalled Power Supply, 200w, PSU to lO airflow, S3048-ON Dell Networking S304&ON User Guide Dell Hardware Limited Warranty lnitial Year Dell Hardware Limited Warranty Extended Year(s) ProSupport Plus: Next Business Day Onsite Service After Problem Diagnosis, lnitial Year ProSupport Plus: Next Business Day Onsite Service After Problem Diagnosis, 4 Year Extended ProSupport Plus: 7x24 HWSW Tech Support and Assistance, 5 Year Thank you for choosing Dell ProSupport Plus. For tech support, visit //www.dell.com/contactdell lnfo 3rd Party Software Warranty provided by Vendor Basic Deployment Dell Networking S Series Switch ProSupport Add-on for HPC, 5 Years (Requires ProSupport or ProSupport Plus) Dell Networking, Transceiver, SFP+, 1OGbE, SR, 850nm Wavelength, 300m Reach Dell Networking, Jumper Cord, 250V, 't24, 2 Meters, C13/C14, US ProDeploy Additional Deployment Time:8 Hour Onsite Project Management PowerEdge C6400 Enclosure - [AMER_C6400_1 2252_V!_VP] Estimated delivery if purchased today: od.14,2022 Descrlption PowerEdge C6400 Enclosure PowerEdge C6400 Enclosure, 2.5" Hard Drives V3 PowerEdge C6400 Shipping PEC Static Rails Dual, Hot-plug Fault Tolerant Redundant Power Supply ('1+1 ), 2000W, C19|C2O Power Cord Required SKU 21o-AEDQ 6,1g-AGYQ 450-AEOQ 634-8CXR 802-7389 802-7400 802-7421 802-7448 802-7449 gsl-20'ts 997-6306 825-s241 81 7-8555 407-BBEF 450-AASX 823-9284 SKU 21o-ALBU 321-BFBS 340-BLEV 77$-BCFZ 45O.AENU Quantity $7,529.41 2 Subtotal $15,058.82 Subtotal Subtotal $18,933.52 Subtotal Unit Price $2,366.69 Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 Quantity I Unit Price Quantity -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 Page 3 Dell lr4arketirrq L,P U -s orrly Dell fvlarketirrg L P is located at Orre f)ell Way l\4ail Stop B'l 29 Rourrd Rock TX 78682 No Systems Documentation, No OpenManage DVD Kit No Factory lnstalled Operating System No Media Required PowerEdge C6400 Shipping Material PowerEdge C6420 Regulatory Label, CE Marking Basic Next Business Day 12 Months ProSupport Plus and Next Business Day Onsite Service lnitial, 12 Month(s) ProSupport Plus and Next Business Day Onsite Service Extension, 48 Month(s) Basic Deployment Dell Server DSS or C Series PowerCord, 250V, 2FT, C1 9/C20, US PowerEdge C6420 . IAM E R_C6 420 _12235 _V a _V Pl Estimated delivery if purchased today: Oci.18,2022 Descriptlon PowerEdge C6420 No Trusted Platform Module PowerEdge C6420,2.5 Direct Chassis MLK PowerEdge C6400 - C6XXX Shipping PE C6xxldC6400 Complex Tied Order Ship PowerEdge C6420 CE Marking lntel Xeon Gold 6252 2.1G,24C148T, 10.4GTls, 35.75M Cache, Turbo, HT (150W) DDR4-2933 lntel Xeon Gold 6252 2.1G, 24C148T, 10.4GT/s, 35.75M Cache, Turbo, HT (150W) DDR4-2933 Additional Processor Selected Memory, Filler, Blank DIMM, Oty 8 C6420 Heatsink for CPUI CM20 Heatsink for CPU2 NonFabric CPU Clip for C6420 NonFabric CPU Clip for C6420 3200MT/s RDIMMs Performance Optimized C2A, Onboard Controller, C6420 1U Direct BP, NO RAID, Supports up to 6x2.5in Hard Drives No Controller M.2 Blank Riser for C6420 No Operating System No Media Required |DRAC Group Manager, Enabled CFG, Dual, Hot-plug Fault Tolerant Redundant Power Supply, 2000W, C19|C2O Power Cord Required for Use Power Saving Dell Active Power Controller 631-AACK 61,I-BBBH 421-5736 8'18-BBil 389-DVEP 709-8BFB 865.8BKU 86$8BKV 870-5750 450-AEtT SKU 21o-ALBP 461-AADZ 321.BEMT 340-8LEY 331 -7591 340-CQZD 338-BSGU 338.BSGU 379-BDCO 37o-ADPN 412-AAIX 41?-AAIZ 750-AAUR 750-AAUR 37O.AEVR 370-AAtP 780-8CER 40s-AACD 370-ADRU 61g-ABVR 421-5736 379-BCQV 379-8DVT 750-AABF s12,2s5.31 I 16 Quantity 32 Unlt Prlce Quantlty -32 -32 -32 -32 -32 -32 32 Subtotal $392,169.92 Subtotal 8 8 I 8 I 8 8 8 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 Page4 Dell li,4arketirrgtP tJS only Dell [\,4arketinslP islocateri at Orre[)ell Way l'.4arl StopSl2g RorrndRo<:k IX78682 HPC BIOS Settings Redundant PSU Mode No Systems Documentation, No OpenManage DVD Kit Onboard SATA Cable for C6420 Basic Next Business Day 12 Months ProSupport Plus and Next Business Day Onsite Service lnitial, 12 Month(s) ProSupport Plus and Next Business Day Onsite Service Extension, 48 Month(s) ProSupport Add-on for HPC (Requires ProSupport or ProSupport Plus),60 Month(s) ProDeploy for HPC Add-on for Nodes Rack and Stack (Requires PD for HPC Base) 16GB RDIMM, 3200MT/s, Dual Rank 2.5in HDD Blank, GSeries 480GB SSD SATA Mix Use 6Gbps 5122.5in Hot-plug AG Drive, 3 DWPD, iDRAC9,Enterprise 384-BBBt 384-BCIT 631-AACK 470-ACJF 709-8BFC S65BBKU E6SBBKV 86$BBNZ 8s3-6644 370-AEVQ 4OO-ASDP 400-AzuT 385-8BKX 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 384 160 32 32 Subtotalr Shipping: Environmental Fee: Estimated Tax: $426,162.26 $273.82 $0.00 $25,349.76 Total: $451,785.84 Page 5 Dell lr/arketing LP. U.S only Dell lrlarketing l..P is located at One Dell Way, fvlail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 lmportant Notes Terms of Sale This Quote will, if Customer issues a purchase order for the quoted items that is accepted by Supplier, constitute a contract between the entity issuing this Quote ("Supplie/') and the entity to whom this Quote was issued ("Customer"). Unless othenarise stated herein, pricing is valid for thirty days from the date of this Quote. All product, pricing and other information is based on the latest information available and is subject to change. Supplier reserves the right to cancel this Quote and Customer purchase orders arising from pricing errors. Taxes and/or freight charges listed on this Quote are only estimates. The final amounts shall be stated on the relevant invoice. Additional freight charges will be applied if Customer requests expedited shipping. Please indicate any tax exemption status on your purchase order and send your tax exemption certificate to Tax_Department@dell.com or ARSalesTax@emc.com, as applicable. Governlng Terms: This Quote is subject to: (a) a separate written agreement between Customer or Customer's afftliate and Supplier or a Supplier's affiliate to the extent that it expressly applies to the products and/or services in this Quote or, to the extent there is no such agreement, to the applicable set of Dell's Terms of Sale (available at www.dell.com/terms or www.dell.com/oemterms), or for cloud/as-a- Service offerings, the applicable cloud terms of service (identified on the Offer Specific Terms referenced below); and (b) the terms referenced herein (collectively, the "Governing Terms'). Different Goveming Terms may apply to different products and services on this Quote. The Governing Terms apply to the exclusion of all terms and conditions incorporated in or referred to in any documentation submitted by Customer to Supplier. Supplier Software Licenses and Services Descriptions: Customer's use of any Supplier software is subject to the license terms accompanying the software, or in the absence of accompanying terms, the applicable terms posted on www.Dell.com/eula. Descriptions and terms for Supplier-branded standard services are stated at www.dell.com/servicecontracts/global or for certain infrastructure products at www.dellemc.com/en-us/customer-services/product-warranty-and-service-descriptions.htm. Offer€pecific, Third Party and Program Specific Terms: Custome/s use of third-party software is subject to the license terms lhat accompany the software. Certain Supplier-branded and third-party products and services listed on this Quote are subject to additional, specific terms stated on www.dell.com/offeringspecificterms ("Offer Specific Terms"). ln case of Resale only: Should Customer procure any products or services for resale, whether on standalone basis or as part of a solution, Customer shall include the applicable software license terms, services terms, and/or offer-specific terms in a written agreement with the end- user and provide written evidence of doing so upon receipt of request ftom Supplier. ln case of Financing only: lf Customer intends to enter into a financing anangement ("Financing Agreement") for the products and/or services on this Quote with Dell Financial Services LLC or other funding source pre-approved by Supplier ("FS'), Customer may issue its purchase order to Supplier or to FS. lf issued to FS, Supplier will fulfill and invoice FS upon confirmation that: (a) FS intends to enter into a Financing Agreement with Customer for this order; and (b) FS agrees to procure these items from Supplier. Notwithstanding the Financing Agreement, Customer's use (and Customer's resale of and the end-user's use) of these items in the order is subject to the applicable governing agreement between Customer and Supplier, except that tiUe shall transfer from Supplier to FS instead of to Customer. lf FS notifies Supplier after shipment that Customer is no longer pursuing a Financing Agreement for these items, or if Customer fails to enter into such Financing Agreement within 120 days after shipment by Supplier, Customer shall promptly pay the Supplier invoice amounts directly to Supplier. Customer represents that this transaction does not involve: (a) use of U.S. Govemment funds; (b) use by or resale to the U.S. Government; or (c) maintenance and support of the product(s) listed in this document within classified spaces. Customer further represents that this transaction does not require Supplier's compliance with any statute, regulation or information technology standard applicable to a U.S. Government procurement. For certain products shipped to end users in California, a State Environmental Fee will be applied to Customer's invoice, Supplier encourages customers to dispose of electronic equipment properly. Electronically linked terms and descriptions are available in hard copy upon request. ^Dell Buslness Credlt (DBC): Offered to business customers by WebBank, Member FDIC, who determines qualifications for and terms of credit. Taxes, shipping and other charges are extra and vary. Minimum monthly payments are the greater of $15 or 3% of the new balance shown on the monthly billing statement. Dell and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell lnc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPG-E-22-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO, 11 ATTACHMENT NO.2 DeLLTechnologies A quote for your consideration Based on your business needs, we put the following quote together to help with your purchase decision. Below is a detailed summary of the quote we've created to help you with your purchase decision. To proceed with this quote, you may respond to this email, order online through your Premier page, or, if you do not have Premier, use this Quote to Order. Quote No. Tota! Customer# Quoted On Expires by Contract Name Contract Code Customer Agreement # Solution lD 3000119467906.2 $15,112.50 140859921 Jul.18,2022 Sep. 09,2022 Dell NASPO Computer Equipment PA - ldaho c000000013097 PADD16200012 16071452.2 Sales Rep Phone Email Billing To Andrew Neighbors Jr. (800) 456-3355, +14062097068 Drew.Neighbors@Dell.com ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOISE STATE UNIV 1910 UNIVERSITY DR BOISE, lD 83725-0001 Message from your Sales Rep Please contact your Dell sales representative if you have any questions or when you're ready to place an order. Thank you for shopping with Dell! Regards, Andrew Neighbors Jr Shipping Group Shlpplng To RICK POOLE REC CCC IF 692 BOISE STATE UNIV 1765 NORTH YELLOWSTONE. HWY IDAHO NATIONAL LABORATORY IDAHO FALLS, ID 83415 (208) e18-13e8 Solution Name: Bright - 34 Nodes Product Shlpplng Method Standard Delivery lnstall At RICK POOLE REC CCC IF 692 BOISE STATE UNIV 1765 NORTH YELLOWSTONE- HWY IDAHO NATIONAL LABORATORY IDAHO FALLS, ID 83415 (208) 918-13e8 Unit Price $162.50 Quantity Subtota! $15,112.5093Bright Cluster Manager Public Sector 100 to 249 nodes 1 YR Subscription Pagel Dell lvlarketingLP tJS orrly.Dell N4arketrnglP islocatedatOneDell Way,Mail Stop8129 RoundRock,TXTS682 Subtotal: Shlpplng: Envlronmental Fee: Non-Taxablo Amount: Taxable Amount: Estlmated Tax: $15,112.50 $o.oo $0.00 $15,112.50 $0.00 $o.oo Total:$15,.l12.50 Page2 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Shipplng Group Details Shlpplng To RICK POOLE REC CCC IF 692 BOISE STATE UNIV 1765 NORTH YELLOWSTONE. HV\A/ IDAHO NATIONAL LABORATORY IDAHO FALLS,ID 83415 (208) 918.139E Solutlon Name: Brlght- 34 Nodes Shlpping tethod Standard Delivery lnsh!! At RICK POOLE REC CCC IF 692 BOISE STATE UNIV 1765 NORTH YELLOWSTONE. HWY IDAHO NATIONAL ISBORATORY IDAHO FALLS, ID 83415 (208) 91&1398 Bright Cluster Manager Public Sector 100 to 249 nodes 1 YR Subscrlption Estimated delivery if purchased today: Jul.28,2022 Conbact # C00000001 3097 Customer Agreement # PADD1 6200012 Descrlptlon Bright Cluster Manager Publlc Sector 100 to 249 nodes 1 YR Subscription' SKU A8633971 Quantity 1162.50 93 Unlt Prlce Quantltyr 93 Subtotal 115,112.50 Subtotal Subtotal: Shipping: Environmental Fee: Estimated Tax: 115,112.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $15,112.50 Page 3 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One DellWay, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 lmportant Notes Terms of Sale This Quote will, if Customer issues a purchase order for the quoted items that is accepted by Supplier, constitute a contract between the entity issuing this Quote ('Supplier') and the entity to whom this Quote was issued ("Customef ). Unless othenrvise stated herein, pricing is valid for thirty days from the date of this Quote. All product, pricing and other information is based on the latest information available and is subject to change. Supplier reseryes the right to cancel this Quote and Customer purchase orders arising from pricing enors. Taxes and/or freight charges listed on this Quote are only estimates. The final amounts shall be stated on the relevant invoice. Additional freight charges will be applied if Customer requests expedited shipping. Please indicate any tax exemption status on your purchase order and send your tax exemption certilicate to Tax_Department@dell.com or ARSalesTax@emc.com, as applicable. Governing Terms: This Quote is subject to: (a) a separate written agreement between Customer or Customer's affiliate and Supplier or a Supplier's affiliate to the extent that it expressly applies to the products and/or services in this Quote or, to the extent there is no such agreement, to the applicable set of Dell's Terms of Sale (available at www.dell.com/terms or www.dell.com/oemterms), or for cloud/as-a- Service offerings, the applicable cloud terms of service (identified on the Offer Specific Terms referenced below); and (b) the terms referenced herein (collectively, the'Governing Terms"). Different Governing Terms may apply to different products and services on this Quote. The Governing Terms apply to the exclusion of all terms and conditions incorporated in or referred to in any documentation submitted by Customer to Supplier. Supplier Software Licenses and Services Descriptions: Customer's use of any Supplier software is subject to the license terms accompanying the software, or in the absence of accompanying terms, the applicable terms posted on www.Dell.com/eula. Descriptions and terms for Supplier-branded standard services are stated at www.dell.com/servicecontracts/global or for certain infrastructure products at www.dellemc.com/en-us/customer-services/product-warranty-and-service.descriptions.htm. Offer€pecific, Third Party and Program Specific Terms: Customer's use of third-party software is subject to the license terms that accompany the software. Certain Supplier-branded and third-party products and services listed on this Quote are subject to additional, specilic terms stated on www.dell.com/offeringspecificterms ("Offer Specilic Terms"). ln case of Resale only: Should Customer procure any products or services for resale, whether on standalone basis or as part of a solution, Customer shall include the applicable sofhivare license terms, services terms, and/or offer-specific terms in a written agreement with the end- user and provide written evidence of doing so upon receipt of request from Supplier. ln case of Financing only: lf Customer intends to enter into a financing anangement ("Financing Agreement") for the products and/or services on this Quote with Dell Financial Services LLC or other funding source pre-approved by Supplier ("FS"), Customer may issue its purchase order to Supplier or to FS. lf issued to FS, Supplier will fulflll and invoice FS upon confirmation that: (a) FS intends to enter into a Financing Agreement with Customer for this order; and (b) FS agrees to procure these items from Supplier. Notwithstanding the Financing Agreement, Customer's use (and Customer's resale of and the end-user's use) of these items in the order is subject to the applicable governing agreement between Customer and Supplier, except that title shall transfer from Supplier to FS instead of to Customer. lf FS notifies Supplier after shipment that Customer is no longer pursuing a Financing Agreement for these items, or if Customer fails to enter into such Financing Agreement within 120 days after shipment by Supplier, Customer shall promptly pay the Supplier invoice amounts directly to Supplier. Customer represents that this transaction does not involve: (a) use of U.S. Government funds; (b) use by or resale to the U.S. Government; or (c) maintenance and support of the product(s) listed in this document within classified spaces. Customer further represents that this transaction does not require Supplier's compliance with any statute, regulation or information technology standard applicable to a U.S. Government procurement. For certain products shipped to end users in California, a State Environmental Fee will be applied to Customer's invoice. Supplier encourages customers to dispose of electronic equipment properly. Electronically linked terms and descriptions are available in hard copy upon request. D"LLTechnologies A quote for your consideration Based on your business needs, we put the following quote together to help with your purchase decision. Below is a detailed summary of the quote we've created to help you with your purchase decision. To proceed with this quote, you may respond to this email, order online through your Premier page, or, if you do not have Premier, use this Quote to Order. Quote No. Total Customer # Quoted On Expires by Solution lD DeallD 30001 2034031 3.4 $43,616.72 133124544 Aug.08,2022 Sep.07,2022 161 10181.4 22896222 Sales Rep Phone Email Billing To Andrew Neighbors Jr. (800) 456-3355, +14062097068 Drew. Neighbors@Dell.com ACCOUNTS PAYABLE IDAHO POWER CO POBOXTO 1220W IDAHO ST BOtSE, tD 83702-5626 Message from your Sales Rep Please contact your Dell sales representative if you have any questions or when you're ready to place an order. Thank you for shopping with Dell! Regards, Andrew Neighbors Jr Shipping Group Shipping To RICK POOLE IDAHO POWER CO 1765 N YELLOWSTONE HWY RICK POOLE, REC CCC IF 692 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83415 (208) 1 1 1-0000 Shipping Method Standard Delivery lnstallAt RICK POOLE IDAHO POWER CO 1765 N YELLOWSTONE HWY RlcK POOLE, REC CCC lF 692 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83415 (208) 1 1 1-0000 Solution Name: lB HW and Cables Product passive copper hybrid cable, lB HDR 200Gb/s to 2x100Gb/s, QSFP56 to 2xQSFP56, LSZH, colored pulltabs, 2m,26AWG NVIDIA - lnfiniBand cable - QSFP to QSFP - 16.4 ft - Active OpticalCable (AOC) Unit Price $226.53 $1,056.75 Quantity 17 20 Subtotal $3,851.01 $21,135.00 iiellanox Technical Support Bronze Support - 4 years - y6ai1s: 2nd - 5th - shlpment Mellanox Technlcal Support Bronze Support - 4 yearc - years: 2nd - 5th - shipment CS-Bolse State-iiellanoxA Quantuma, HDR lnfinlBand Switch,40 QSFP28 ports,2 Power Supplies (AG), unmanaged, standard de CS-Boise State-Iti ELI-ANOX TEC H N ICAL SU PPORT AN D WARRANTY - SILVER, 5 YEAR, FOR Qi'I87OO SERIES SWTCH $45.04 20 $900.80 $8.19 17 $r39.23 $11,810.39 1 $11,810.39 $3,543.12 1 $3,543.12 DBC as low as $1309 / month^$41,379.55 $29.39 $0.00 $4,612.54 $36,796.t10 $2,207.78 Subtotal: Shipping: Envlronmental Fee: Non-Taxable Amount: Taxable Amount: Estlmated Tax: Total:$43,616.72 Page2 Dell MarketingLP.U.S.only Dell MarketingLP.islocatedatOneDell Way,Mail Stop8'129,RoundRock,TX78682 Shipping Group Details Shipping To RICK POOLE IDAHO POWER CO 1765 N YELLOWSTONE HWY RtcK POOLE, REC CCC tF 692 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83415 (208) 111-0000 Solution Name: lB HW and Cables Shipping Method Standard Delivery lnstallAt RICK POOLE IDAHO POWER CO 1765 N YELLOWSTONE HWY RICK POOLE, REC CCC IF 692 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83415 (208) 111-0ooo NVIDIA - lnfiniBand cable - QSFP to QSFP - 16.4 ft - Active Optical Cable (AOC) Estimated delivery if purchased today: 4u9.17,2022 passive copper hybrid cable, lB HDR 200Gb/s to 2x100Gb/s, QSFP56 to 2xQSFP56, LSZH, colored pulltabs,2m,26AWG Estimated delivery if purchased today: OcL.05,2022 Description passive copper hybrid cable, lB HDR 200Gb/s to 2x100Gb/s, QSFP56 to 2xQSFP56, LSZH, colored pulltabs, 2m, 26AWG Description NVIDIA - lnfiniBand cable - QSFP to QSFP - '16.4 ft - Active Optical Cable (AOC) Description Mellanox Technical Support Bronze Support - 4 years - years: 2nd - Sth - shipment Description Mellanox Technical Support Bronze Support - 4 years - years: 2nd - Sth - shipment Descrlption CS-Boise State-MellanoxA Quantuma, HDR lnfiniBand Switch, 40 OSFP28 ports, 2 Power Supplies (AC), unmanaged, standard de sKu A9923488 SKU AC008662 SKU A8718662 SKU AB7't8666 SKU AC095662 $226.53 Quantity 17 Unlt Prlce Quantlty -17 Quantity $1,056.75 20 Unit Prlce Quantity '20 Quantity $45.04 20 Unit Price Quantlty -20 Quantity $8.19 17 Unit Price Quantity '17 Quantity $1 1,810.39 1 Unit Prlce Quantity '1 Subtotal $3,8sl.01 Subtotal Subtotal $21,13s.00 Subtotal Subtotal $900.80 Subtotal Subtotal $139.23 Subtotal Subtotal $1r,810.39 Subtotal Mellanox Technical Support Bronze Support - 4 years - years: 2nd - Sth - shipment Estimated delivery if purchased today: Aug. 17,2022 Mellanox Technical Support Bronze Support - 4 years - years: 2nd - Sth - shipment Estimated delivery if purchased today: 4u9.18,2022 CS-Boise State-MellanoxA Quantuma, HDR lnfiniBand Switch, 40 QSFP28 ports, 2 Power Supplies (AG), unmanaged, standard de Estimated delivery if purchased today: Mar.22,2023 Page 3 [,)ell llarkelincl t P Ll S lrrly l)ell lr4;rrketrnq L [) rs locateri :il One L]ell VyaV [/arl Str.rir ii 129 RLrLrrrci Ror l.. iX /8682 CSSoise State-ii E LLANOX TEC H NICAL SU PPORT AN D WARRANW. SILVER, 5 YEAR, FOR QiISTOO SERIES SWITCH Estimated delivery [ purchased today: 5ep.26,2022 QuantiQr $3,54:1.12 t Unlt Prlce Quantlty -1 Subtotal $3,54:1.t2 SubtotalDescrlptlon CS-Boise SIaIe'MELI-ANOX TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND WARRANTY - SILVER, 5 YEAR, FOR QM87OO SERIES SWITCH SKU 4C095663 Subtotal: Shlpplng: Environmental Fee: Estimated Tax: $41,379.55 $29.39 $o.oo $2,207.78 Total: $4:!,616.72 Page 4 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One Dell Way, Mail Stop 8'129, Round Rock, TX 78682 Important Notes Terms of Sale This Quote will, if Customer issues a purchase order for the quoted items that is accepted by Supplier, constitute a contract between the entity issuing this Quote ("Supplier") and the entity to whom this Quote was issued ("Customer"). Unless otherwise stated herein, pricing is valid for thirty days from the date of this Quote. All product, pricing and other information is based on the latest information available and is subject to change. Supplier reserves the right to cancel this Quote and Customer purchase orders arising from pricing errors. Taxes and/or freight charges listed on this Quote are only estimates. The final amounts shall be stated on the relevant invoice. Additional freight charges will be applied if Customer requests expedited shipping. Please indicate any tax exemption status on your purchase order and send your tax exemption certilicate to Tax_Department@dell.com or ARSalesTax@emc.com, as applicable. Governlng Terms: This Quote is subject to: (a) a separate written agreement between Customer or Customer's affiliate and Supplier or a Supplier's affiliate to lhe extent that it expressly applies to the products and/or services in this Quote or, to the extenl there is no such agreement, to the applicable set of Dell's Terms of Sale (available at www.dell.com/terms or www.dell.com/oemterms), or for cloud/as-a- Service offerings, the applicable cloud terms of service (identified on the Offer Specific Terms referenced below); and (b) the terms referenced herein (collectively, the "Governing Terms"). Different Governing Terms may apply to different products and services on this Quote. The Governing Terms apply to the exclusion of all terms and conditions incorporated in or referred to in any documentation submitted by Customer to Supplier. Supplier Software Licenses and Services Descriptions: Customer's use of any Supplier software is subject to the license terms accompanying the software, or in the absence of accompanying terms, the applicable terms posted on www.Dell.com/eula. Descriptions and terms for Supplier-branded standard services are stated at www.dell.com/servicecontracts/global or for certain infrastructure products at www.dellemc.com/en-us/cuslomer-services/product-warranty-and-service-descriptions.htm. Offer€pecific, Third Party and Program Specific Terms: Customer's use of third-party software is subject to the license terms that accompany the software. Certain Supplier-branded and third-party products and services listed on this Quote are subject to additional, specific terms slated on www.dell.com/offeringspecificterms ("Offer Specific Terms"). ln case of Resale only: Should Customer procure any products or services for resale, whether on standalone basis or as part of a solution, Customer shall include the applicable software license terms, services terms, and/or offer-specific terms in a written agreement with the end- user and provide written evidence of doing so upon receipt of request from Supplier. ln case of Financing only: lf Customer intends to enter into a financing arrangement ('Financing Agreement") for the products and/or services on this Quote with Dell Financial Services LLC or other funding source pre-approved by Supplier ("FS"), Customer may issue its purchase order to Supplier or to FS. lf issued to FS, Supplier will fulfill and invoice FS upon confirmation that: (a) FS intends to enter into a Financing Agreement with Customer for this order; and (b) FS agrees to procure these items from Supplier. Notwithstanding the Financing Agreement, Customer's use (and Customer's resale of and the end-user's use) of these items in the order is subject to the applicable governing agreement between Customer and Supplier, except that title shall transfer from Supplier to FS instead of to Customer. lf FS notifies Supplier after shipment that Customer is no longer pursuing a Financing Agreement for these items, or if Customer fails to enter into such Financing Agreement within 120 days after shipment by Supplier, Customer shall promptly pay the Supplier invoice amounts directly to Supplier. Customer represents that this transaction does not involve: (a) use of U.S. Govemment funds; (b) use by or resale to the U.S. Government; or (c) maintenance and support of the product(s) listed in this document within classified spaces. Customer further represents that this transaction does not require Supplier's compliance with any statute, regulation or information technology standard applicable to a U.S. Govemment procuremenl. For certain products shipped to end users in California, a State Environmental Fee will be applied to Customer's invoice. Supplier encourages customers to dispose of electronic equipment properly. Electronically linked terms and descriptions are available in hard copy upon request. ^Dell Business Credit (DBC): Offered to business customers by WebBank, Member FDIC, who determines qualifications for and terms of credit. Taxes, shipping and other charges are extra and vary. Minimum monthly payments are lhe greater of $15 or 3% of the new balance shown on the monthly billing statement. Dell and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell lnc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-22-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 11 ATTACHMENT NO.4 D LLTechnologies A quote for your consideration Based on your business needs, we put the following quote together to help with your purchase decision. Below is a detailed summary of the quote we've created to help you with your purchase decision. To proceed with this quote, you may respond to this email, order online through your Premier page, or, if you do not have Premier, use this Quote to Order. Quote No. Total Customer # Quoted On Expires by Solution lD DeallD 3000120342539.2 $28,525.01 133124544 Jul.18,2022 Sep.09,2022 '16110209.3 22896222 Sales Rep Phone Email Billing To Andrew Neighbors Jr. (800) 456-3355, +'1 4062097068 Drew. Neighbors@Dell.com ACCOUNTS PAYABLE IDAHO POWER CO POBOXT0 1220W IDAHO ST BOISE, tD 83702-5626 Message from your Sales Rep Please contact your Dell sales representative if you have any questions or when you're ready to place an order. Thank you for shopping with Dell! Regards, Andrew Neighbors Jr Shipping Group Shipping To RICK POOLE IDAHO POWER CO 1765 N YELLOWSTONE HWY RlcK POOLE, REC CCC lF 692 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83415 (208) 1 1 1-0000 Shipping Method Standard Delivery Product PowerEdge C6400 Enclosure - [AMER_C6400_1 2252_V!_VP] PowerEdge C6420 - [AM ER_C6420_1 2235_Vl_VPl Unit Price $2,398.45 $12,255.31 Quantity Subtotal $2,398.45 $24,510.62 1 2 Pagel Dell t,4arkelingLP US only Dell lr,4arketingL-P islocaledal oneDell Way.[,4ail StopBl2g,RoundRock IX78682 DBC as low as $856 / month^$26,909.07 $22.98 $0.00 $382.98 $26,549.07 $1,592.96 Subtotal: Shipping: Envlronmenta! Fee: Non.Taxable Amount: Taxable Amount: Estimated Tax: Total:$28,525.01 { ra FIND OUT MORE Implement Optimized and Sustainable IT Refresh cycles lr/aximize cashflow . Simplify Operations . Boost productivity Flexible Payment Solutions Months 60 3b 24 Lt I DALL T, ti, h r I ol rx; rcr; Technology Ownership S56P. JJ S69J 3ti s903.1.1 s1.32!).67 Technology Rotation S!r52.1!i s642 1 3 si94 01 $1 085 64 , .t_1t,1 1 Andrew Nerghbor-s Jr. Drew. Neio lrbor s(cD Dell.corn r8(10 t .156-3355. + 1 4062097[)68 Page2 Dell lr,4arketing LP U S orrly Dell Marketing LP is located at One Dell Way fi,4ail Slop 8129. Round Rock. TX 78682 Shipping Group Details Shipping To RICK POOLE IDAHO POWER CO.I765 N YELLOWSTONE HWY RlcK POOLE, REC CCC rF 692 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83415 (208) 111-0000 Shipping Method Standard Delivery SKU 21o-ALBU 321.BFBS 34O.BLEV 77$-BCFZ 450-AENU 631-AACK 61 1-BBBH 421-5736 818-BBI 389-DVEP 709-8BFB 865-8BKU 86S,BBKV 870-5750 450-AEIT 4OO-ASDP 4OO-ASDP 4OO-ASDP 4OO-ASDP 4OO-ASDP 4OO-ASDP 750-AAUO SKU 21o-ALBP 461-AADZ Unit Price $1 35.1 3 $1,013.44 $0.00 $43.92 $2s9.61 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $38:72 $0.00 $22.09 $90.87 $396.'19 Quantity 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quantity 2 Subtota! $1 35.1 3 $1,013.44 $0.00 $43.92 $259.61 $o.oo $o.oo $0.00 $38.72 $0.00 $22.09 $90.87 $396.19 $360.00 $10.40 $4.68 $4.68 $4.68 $4.68 $4.68 $4.68 $0.00 Subtota! $24,510.62 Subtotal $2,398.45 Subtotal $1,883.34 $0.00 Quantity $2,39E.45 1PowerEd ge C 6400 E n cl os u re - [A M E R_C 6 4OO _1 2252 _V I _V Pl Estimated delivery if purchased today: 4ug.04,2022 Description PowerEdge C6400 Enclosure PowerEdge C6400 Enclosure, 2.5" Hard Drives V3 PowerEdge C6400 Shipping PEC Static Rails Dual, Hot-plug Fault Tolerant Redundant Power Supply (1+1), 2000W, C19|C2O Power Cord Required No Systems Documentation, No OpenManage DVD Kit No Factory lnstalled Operating System No Media Required PowerEdge C6400 Shipping Material PowerEdge C6420 Regulatory Label, CE Marking Basic Next Business Day 12 Months ProSupport Plus and Next Business Day Onsite Service lnitial, 12 Month(s) ProSupport Plus and Next Business Day Onsite Service Extension, 48 Month(s) Basic Deployment Dell Server DSS or C Series PowerCord, 250V, 2FT, C19/C20, US 2.5in HDD Blank, C-Series 2.5in HDD Blank, C-Series 2.Sin HDD Blank, C-Series 2.Sin HDD Blank, C-Series 2.Sin HDD Blank, C-Series 2.Sin HDD Blank, C-Series PowerEdge C-Series Sled Blank PowerEd ge C6420 - IAM ER_C6420_1 2235_V!_VPI Estimated delivery if purchased today: Aug.04,2022 Description PowerEdge C6420 No Trusted Platform Module $360.00 $5.20 $2.34 $2.34 $2.34 $2.34 $2.34 $2.34 $0.00 $12,2s5.31 Unit Price $941.67 $0.00 Quantity 2 2 Page 3 Dell lr,4arketinq LP tJ S only Dell N,4arketinq L P rc located al One Dr,,ll Wav lvlail Stop 8129 Ror-rnd Rock f X78682 PowerEdge C6420,2.5 Direct Chassis MLK PowerEdge C6400 - COXXX Shipping PE C6xDdC6400 Complex Tied Order Ship PowerEdge C6420 CE Marking lntel Xeon Gold 6252 2.1c, 24C148T, 10.4GT/s, 35.75M Cache, Turbo, HT (150W) DDR4-2933 lntel Xeon Gold 6252 2.1G, 24C148T, 10.4GT/s, 35.75M Cache, Turbo, HT (150W) DDR4-2933 Additional Processor Selected Memory, Filler, Blank DIMM, Oty I C6420 Heatsink for CPUl C6420 Heatsink for CPU2 NonFabric CPU Clip for C6420 NonFabric CPU Clip tor C6420 3200MT/s RDIMMS Performance Optimized C2A, Onboard Gontroller, C6420 1U Direct BP, NO RAID, Supports up to 6x2.5in Hard Drives No Controller M.2 Blank Riser for C6420 No Operating System No Media Required iDRAC Group Manager, Enabled CFG, Dual, Hot-plug Fault Tolerant Redundant Power Supply, 2000W, C19lC20 Power Cord Required for Use Power Saving Dell Active Power Controller HPC BIOS Settings Redundant PSU Mode No Systems Documentation, No OpenManage DVD Kit Onboard SATA Cable tor C6420 Basic Next Business Day '12 Months ProSupport Plus and Next Business Day Onsite Service lnitial, 12 Month(s) ProSupport Plus and Next Business Day Onsite Service Extension, 48 Month(s) ProSupport Add-on for HPC (Requires ProSupport or ProSupport Plus), 60 Month(s) ProDeploy for HPC Add-on for Nodes Rack and Stack (Requires PD for HPC Base) 16GB RDIMM, 3200MT/s, Dual Rank 480GB SSD SATA Mix Use 6Gbps 512 2.5in Hot-plug AG Drive, 3 DWPD, 2.5in HDD Blank, C-Series iDRAC9,Enterprise 321-BEMT 34O.BLEY 331-7591 340-CQZD 338-BSGU 338-BSGU 379-8DCO 370-ADPN 412-AA|X 412-AAIZ 7sO.AAUR 750-AAUR 37O.AEVR 370-AAtP 780-BCER 40s-AACD 370-ADRU 61g-ABVR 421-5736 379-BCQV 379-8DVT 750-AABF 384-8BBI 384-BCtT 631-AACK 470-ACJF 709-BBFC 865-BBKU 86'BBKV 865-BBNZ 853-6644 370-AEVQ 400-AzuT 400-AsDP 385-BBKX $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,433.14 $2,433.14 $0.00 $2.91 $0.00 $0.00 $0.32 $0.32 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.91 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $1s.86 $27.51 $324.1 6 $1,413.40 $296.09 $350.66 $290.1 3 $358.87 $2.91 $158.24 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $4,866.28 $4,866.28 $0.00 $s.82 $o.oo $0.00 $0.64 $0.64 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5.82 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3',t.72 $55.02 $648.32 $2,826.80 $592.1 I $701.32 $6,963.12 $717.74 $29.10 $316.48 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 2 10 2 Page4 Dell l,4alrketingtP US only.Dell MarketingtP islocatetl al One[-lell [/ay.N4ail StopB'l 29,RotrndRock Ix78682 Subtotal: Shipping: Environmental Fee: Estimated Tax: $26,909.07 $22.98 $0.00 $1,592.96 Total: $28,525.01 lmportant Notes Terms of Sale This Quote will, if Customer issues a purchase order for the quoted items that is accepted by Supplier, constitute a contract between the entity issuing this Quote ("Supplier") and the entity to whom this Quote was issued ("Customer"). Unless otherurise stated herein, pricing is valid for thirty days from the date of this Quote. All product, pricing and other information is based on the latest information available and is subject to change. Supplier reserves the right to cancel this Quote and Customer purchase orders arising from pricing errors. Taxes and/or freight charges listed on this Quote are only estimates. The final amounts shall be stated on the relevant invoice. Additional freight charges will be applied if Customer requests expedited shipping. Please indicate any tax exemption status on your purchase order and send your tax exemption certificate to Tax_Department@dell.com or ARSalesTax@emc.com, as applicable. Governlng Terms: This Quote is subject to: (a) a separate written agreement between Customer or Customer's affiliate and Supplier or a Supplier's affiliate to the extent that it expressly applies to the products and/or services in this Quote or, to the extent there is no such agreement, to the applicable set of Dell's Terms of Sale (available at www.dell.com/terms or www.dell.com/oemterms), or for cloud/as-a- Service offerings, the applicable cloud terms of service (identified on the Offer Specific Terms referenced below); and (b) the terms referenced herein (collectively, the'Governing Terms'). Different Governing Terms may apply to different products and services on this Quote. The Governing Terms apply to the exclusion of all terms and conditions incorporated in or referred to in any documentation submitted by Customer to Supplier. Supplier Software Licenses and Services Descriptions: Customer's use of any Supplier software is subject to the license terms accompanying the software, or in the absence of accompanying terms, the applicable terms posted on www.Dell.com/eula. Descriptions and terms for Supplier-branded standard services are stated at www.dell.com/servicecontracts/global or for certain infrastructure products at www.dellemc.com/en-us/customer-services/product-warranty-and-service-descriptions.htm. Offer€pecific, Third Party and Program Specific Terms: Custome/s use of third-party software is subject to the license terms thal accompany the software. Certain Supplier-branded and third-party products and services listed on this Quote are subject to additional, specific terms stated on www.dell.com/offeringspecificterms ("Offer Specific Terms"). ln case of Resale only: Should Customer procure any products or services for resale, whether on standalone basis or as part of a solution, Customer shall include the applicable software license terms, services terms, and/or offer-specific terms in a written agreement with the end- user and provide written evidence of doing so upon receipt of request from Supplier. ln case of Financing only: lf Customer intends to enter into a financing anangement ("Financing Agreement") for the products and/or services on this Quote with Dell Financial Services LLC or other funding source pre-approved by Supplier ("FS"), Customer may issue its purchase order to Supplier or to FS. lf issued to FS, Supplier will fulfill and invoice FS upon confirmation that: (a) FS intends to enter into a Financing Agreement with Customer for this order; and (b) FS agrees to procure these items from Supplier. Notwithstanding the Financing Agreement, Customer's use (and Customer's resale of and the end-user's use) of these items in the order is subject to the applicable governing agreement between Customer and Supplier, except that title shall transfer from Supplier to FS instead of to Customer. lf FS notifies Supplier after shipment that Customer is no longer pursuing a Financing Agreement for these items, or if Customer fails to enter into such Financing Agreement within 120 days after shipment by Supplier, Customer shall promptly pay the Supplier invoice amounts directly to Supplier. Customer represents that this transaction does not involve: (a) use of U.S. Government funds; (b) use by or resale to the U.S. Government; or (c) maintenance and support of the product(s) listed in this document within classified spaces. Customer further represents that this transaction does not require Supplier's compliance with any statute, regulation or information technology standard applicable to a U.S. Government procurement. For certain products shipped to end users in Califomia, a State Environmental Fee will be applied to Customer's invoice. Supplier encourages customers to dispose of elechonic equipment properly. Electronically linked terms and descriptions are available in hard copy upon request. ^Dell Buslness Credit (DBC): Offered to business customers by WebBank, Member FDIC, who determines qualifications for and terms of credit. Taxes, shipping and other charges are extra and vary. Minimum monthly payments are the greater of $15 or 3% of the new balance shown on the monthly billing statement. Dell and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell lnc. *.Payment solutions provided and serviced by Dell Financial Services L.L.C. or its affiliate or designee ('DFS") for qualified customers. Offers may not be available or may vary in certain countries, Where available offers may be changed without notice and are subject to product availability, applicable law, credit approval, documentation provided by and acceptable to DFS and may be subject to minimum transaction size. Offers not available for personal, family or household use. Dell Technologies and the Dell Technologies logo are trademarks of Dell lnc. Restrictions and additional requirements may apply to transactions with governmental or public entities. Rates are based upon the final amount, configuration and specification of the supplied equipment. lnterim rent may apply and be due in the first payment cycle. The quote is exclusive of shipping costs, maintenance fees, filing fees, licensing fees, property or use taxes, insurance premiums and similar items, which shall be for lessee's account. CALIFORNIA: Loans made or arranged pursuant to Califomia Finance Lenders Law license #6037884. FINANCE LEASE: At the end of the initial Finance Lease term, lessee may 1) purchase the equipment for $1 or 2) return the equipment to DFS. FAIR MARKET VALUE ('FMV") LEASE: At the end of the initial FMV Lease term, lessee may 1) purchase the equipment for the then FMV, 2) renew the lease or 3) retum the equipment to DFS. This proposal is valid through the expiration date shown above, or, if none is specified, for 30 calendar days from date of presentation. This proposal is property of DFS and contains confidential information. This proposal shall not be duplicated or disclosed in whole or part. Page 7 Dell Marketing LP. U.S. only. Dell Marketing LP. is located at One DellWay, Mail Stop 8129, Round Rock, TX 78682 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-22-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL REQUEST NO. 11 ATTAGHMENT NO.5 BEFORE THE ]DAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM']SSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-22-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL REQUEST NO. 11 ATTACHNflENT NO. 6 SEE ATTACH ED SPREADSHEET BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-22-27 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 18 ATTAGHMENT NO. 1 SEE ATTACH ED SPREADSH EET