HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221116Customer Hearing Transcript Vol II.pdf1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PI'BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TDAIIO PO$TER COMPAI{':T I S APPLICATION TO COMPLETE THE STI'DY REVIEW PIIASE OF TIIE COMPREHENSIVE STI'DY OF COSTS A}ID BENEFITS OF ON-SITE CUSTOIIER GEIIERATION & FOR AI':IHORITY IrO IMPI,EMEMT CIIA}TGES TO SCHEDULES 6 , 8, A}ID 84. ) Case No. IPC-E-22-22 ) ) ) ) ) ) -*lioRr&rNAr --l' .,) r"I(:f, t ".);at3 -::- Itl(f CI'r n]wB3 lllEfo o -r;r..-5EmT* U,C)U)o) DATE: I.TOCATION: REPORTED BY: AIVDREA I,. CHECK, CSR No. 748, RPR, CRR BEFORE COMI{ISSIONER ERIC AI{DERSON CO!{MISSIONER {'OHN CIIATBURN November 2, 2022 - 6 :00 p.m. Vera C. O r Learlz Middl,e School Auditorir.m 2350 Elizabeth Bouleward T.urin Fal1s, Idaho 83301 uM Gourt Reporting Seruice Sitt<'e l97O SOUTHERNI -A()()-234-961 1 . BOISE, ID T POCATELLO. ID204-345-961 1 20a-233-Oa16 . TVI'IN FALLS. ID . HAILEY- ID2O8-734-17OO 2oa-s76-1O49 NORTHERN1-AOO-479-17()() r COEUR D'ALENE, ID204-765-1700 . SPOKANE. WA509-455-451 5 Re g i s te re d P rolfe.s s i o n a I Repcsrter.s urww. ida hocou rtreporti ng.com In the Matter of ldaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Revlew Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation Public llearing November 2,2022 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-96 I I (ph) (800)234-961 I (208)-345-8800(fax) APPEARANCES: For the Staf,f,: Off,Lce of the Attorney General BY UR. RIT,EY NEW:TON, ESQ. & I{R. CERISTEN 'I. BURDIN, ESQ. 11331 rc.t Chlndca Blvd., Bulldlng 8, gultG 20Lt BoLaa, Idaho 83720-0074 rLley. newEon@puc . idaho. gov For the C@pany: Idaho Power Company BY t{S. LrSA D. NORDSTROIi, ESQ. & MS. MBGAN GOICOECHEA, EgQ. 1221 l{eat Idabo Street BoLBe, Idaho 83702 lnorde troaoidahopower . com Paga2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 L3 L4 15 16 L7 x8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Page 4 r And for those of you that are wishing to also 2 submit written cornments, the deadline will be Friday, s November 4th, 5:00 p.m. And there are some sheets that 4 are available in the back of the lobby that you can fill s out and submit your written comments. Please feel free e to fill those out, and we can pick those up at the end z of this meeting. And for those that wish to hand them I to Adam Rush - Adam, right there, he's our policy e guy -- so he'll pick them up from you. Thank you. 10 I've got two sets of notes here, so just bearu with me for one minute. L2 We don't have very many people signed up 13 tonight to speak. I was going to put time limi8 on,rr but since we don't have that, I think we're going to 1s vacate that. We do have the building until 9:00 and 16 later, if it was needed.L7 So with that, we probably will just go ahead rs and allow you to speak your mind. Let's try to keep it tg under five minutes, though. Three to five minutes will zo probably be more substantial for everybody here. If 21 someone said something that you agree with, you can also zz defer to them, that those are your comments.23 As frrther background the Commission serves 2{ in a similar capacity as a district court, and we zs generally follow district court rules. We're here this Page 3 1 PROCEEDINGS 2 3 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Good evening, { everyone. Thank you for being here tonight. I guess I s need - is that better? I'll hug the microphone, then.e Well, good evening. This is the time and z place for the Customer Hearing, Case No. IPC-E-22-22, g also referred to as In the Matter of Idaho Power s Company's Application to Complete Study Review Phase of 10 the Comprehensive Study of Costs and Benefits of On-Site 11 Customer Generation and for Authority to lmplement 12 Changes to Schedules 6,8, and 84.13 The purpose of this hearing is to take 1,1 testimony from members of the public in reference to rs ldaho Power Company's request that was filed with the re Commission on June 30th, 2022.L7 My name is Commissioner Eric Anderson. I'm 18 the chair of tonight's proceeding. And I'm joined with rg Commissioner John Chatburn. We comprise the commission zo that will be hearing this case. And we will zr collectively make a final determination on this case at 22 the end of -- November 4th, I believe, will be the last za day of filings.24 So with that -- just give me a second. Excuse 25 me. Page 5 r evening to help create a fully developed record. We're z not here today to pass judgment on comments org statements made for the official record.I The commissioners serve as judges, and s accordingly, we do not answq questions related to the 6 case other than questions regarding procedure. The z Commission will not begin to deliberate on the merits of 8 this case until the official record is closed. g Additionally, the Commissioners, like judges, only speak ro through the orders as it relates to the final ruling onrr this matter. L2 As far as the procedure goes this evening, Irr will call your name from the sign-up sheet, and you willu take the stand, and at that point, I will call -- also rs call the person on deck -- but maybe not do that 16 tonight. There's not many people. But I will be the 1z one that swears you in, and &en we will move over to 1s our counsel, and they can go ahead and get your name and rs spell your last name, address, and whether or not you're 20 an ldaho Power customer. 2t Tonight we're joined by Riley Newton. 22 MR. NEWTON: Hello. Can everyone hearme all zr right?2r Okay. And then people listening, hopefully 25 you can hear me. ili-, { i..-:-.+;-(l)Pages2-5 In the Matter of ldaho Power's Appllcation to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation Public Hearing November 2,2022 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)345-96 I I (ph) (800)Ba-961 I (208)-345{800(fax) Page 6 1 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And Chris Burdin also. 2 MR. BURDIN: Hello. 3 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And these axe ourl deputy attorney generals, and they are representing s staff and staffcomments. e Following your statement there might be 7 questions from the parties that are here tonight and the s interveners. In that case, we will allow them to speak.g It doesn't customarily happen. We, the commission, 10 don?t take questions, but we may have a question or two,rr and we'll go ahead and ask those questions.t2 And as you provide your statements tonight, rl please remember the decorum of these proceedings are u similar to a courtoom. Your comments should be rs directed to the Commission and not members of the rs audience. We're not here to take a poll. We're not :.2 here to take a vote on anything. Please direct your 19 comments to t}te Commissioners as we develop the record. 19 For those in the audience, we ask you to zo refrain from reacting to any testimory while it is being zr provided or after it's been provided. And that means no zz clapping, no verbal comment. And we appreciate your zr willingness to respect this process. 2i Since our cases are typically - arejudicial 25 in nature, we have a court reporter, Andrea Chech who's Page 8 r read off tonight. I'll ury to consolidate them into one set next time. And forgive me for having my hat on still. My mother would be very unhappy with me right now. Our frst person is Russell Schiermeier, Schiermeier [different pronunciation]? MR. SCHIERMEIER: Schiermeier. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Schiermeier. MR. SCHIERMEIER: Wow, huh, I get to be the first guy. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Welcome, Russell. Will you please raise your right hand. RUSSELL SCHIERMEIE& first duly swom to tell the truth relating to said 16 cause, testified as follows: L7 xB COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. 1e MR. NEWTON: Okay. Could you please state 20 your name and spell your last name for the record. 2t MR SCHIERMEIER: Russell Schiermeier, zz S-c-h-i-e-r-m-e-i-e-r.2s MR. NEWTON: And yourplace of residence?24 MR. SCHIERMEIER: Bruneau, tdaho. 2s MR. NEWTON: And are you an ldaho Power 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 Page 7 r on the far end. lf you talk a little too slow -- or a z little too fast, excuse me, or not loud enough, you'll s be directed by me or Andrea to please slow down.I The transcript that Andrea will be recording s is necessary because in our quasi-judicial role, we must e base our decisions on the official record, of which this z is a part of. And the record is also significant in the 8 event that there is a decision that is appealed to theg Idaho State Supreme Court.10 So at this point let's begin by taking the 11 appearances of parties. And let's begin with applicant, rz Idaho Power, Ms. Nordstrom.13 MS. NORDSTROM: Good evening, Commissioners. 1{ I'm Lisa Nordstrom representing Idaho Power Company. 1s And I'm joined by my co-counsel Megan Goicoechea.16 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Welcome. And I've rz already introduced Riley, and they rqrresent Staff.1s Are there any other parties here that I've rg missed? Please stand up and identify yourselves. 20 MR. HECKLER: Thankyou, Commissioner. My 21 name is Mike Heckler, and I'm here representing Clean zz Energy Opportunities for ldaho. 23 COMMISSIONERANDERSON:Welcome.24 Well, with that, we are ready to call our zs first witness. Forgive me for my two sets of notes to Page 9 r customer?2 MR. SCHIERMEIER: I am.3 MR. NEWTON: Okay. The floor is all yours.l MR. SCHIERMEIER: Well, thankyou guys, and s good evening. I really want to thank you guys for the o opportunity to testiff regarding the voter study and the z impact and importance it has on my farm and many others e in the state of ldaho. e I own and operate 3200 irrigated acres outside ro of Bruneau, Idaho, and concentrate on growing crops likerr alfalfa, com, wheat, peppermint, and potatoes. Not :.2 coming from a generational farq I started with an rs underdeveloped farm and poor soil and poor crops.t4 Over the past ten years, I've improved soil rs health, converted all flood irrigation to re radial-controlled center pivots, redesigned pumping rz facilities to utilize BFEs and pressurized automation -- 18 COURT REPORTER: Slow down just a little bit rg for me.20 MR. SCHIERMEIER: I'm sorry -- to startthe zr foundation of a successful Idaho production farm. 22 In 20181worked with Idaho Power in zr developing 800 kilowatts of solar scattered across my 2{ farm to focus on the largest overhead cost, electricity. 2s Utilizing federal tax credi* and REAP Grants, I was tr3irt..[ ...qr'r irit it,(2)Pages6-9 In the Matter of ldaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Revlew Phase...of On.Site Customer Generation Public Hearing November 2,2022 M & M Court Reporting Service (20E)34s-96 I I (ph) (E00)234-961 I (20E)-34s-8800(fax) Page 10 r able to design and build eight individual S00 -- or 100 z kw sites to accommodate for40 percent of my average 3 electrical irrigation use.I My project wirs severely limited to the s placement, design, and layout and how I could offset my e electrical use. Like almost all irrigated farms, all my z pumps are larger than 125 horsepower, and most of my e load is located in three 350 horsepower stations.s With the enforcement of 100 kw cap, the design ro required many separate stations, often right next to rr each other, with redundant meters, switch gear, and rz electrical equipment to satisfy the cap.13 The aggregation of the system is virtually the 1{ same, but the cap required extensive time, effiorl and ts finances to accomplish. The voter study does not show 16 the cost it causes and is very broad in the expenses it rz would incur with a cap tied to one's energy consumed.18 The premise of a fair value to ldatro Power and rg its stakeholders negates a requirement of the cap. A zo farmer is utilizing net metering programs to hedge er against rising electrical costs when it's affordable to 22 do so.23 I've always looked at the solar component as a 24 way to improve the cost effectiveness of my irrigation 2s system like a pivot or a VFD, not as a power source. Page 12 r Utility staff for the willingness to represent z agriculture in ldaho. Through the Public UtilifyI hearings, they have always been an open ear, and Ir appreciate their willingness to go to the farm and see s where the rubber hits the road. e I also want to thank Idaho Power for 12 years z of reliable and affordable power. They have been e instrumental in the success of my farm in implementing e energy saving practices and are vital to agriculture. I ro appreciate being able to be part ofthe process that 11 puts ldaho on a pedestal for American agriculture.Lz For farmers, the voter study shows the cards 13 on the table, but now the cards that are used willrr determine if we are able to help with the rising energy 1s costs and ensure its success in ldaho. I really re appreciate how much you guys have done and this rz opportunity to talk to you. 18 In ag, the solar component is very important 19 to us because we have rising costs, and we're trying to zo mitigate those. I'm very excited about how the Staff 21 over the last tbw years has come out to my farm and seen 22 how they work. and we can see how to implement that.23 To me, moving forward with Idaho Power is thezl only way that we can keep the state of ldaho in the zs agricultural progression that we're at right now. And I Page 1 I r With that mindset, potential PURPA gaming or oversizing z the systems has no advantage because the energy has no 3 other value other than to offset my own consumption.I The voter study also explores a market of -- s sorry -- explores a market or projected value of energy e to link the export rate. As a farmer, my motivation for z utilization of the net metering program is to reduce the I cost of irrigation while I irrigate indexing the cost to 9 an export rate with the market needs to have such ro correlation with the energy costs I am paying whilerr irrigating. I see the market costs of energy as being a rz much better link to the export value of energy. 13 The voter study also failed to show the valuetl that's lost as we look towards a complete solution. rs Since I converted my first Photon to pump a gallon of 16 water, I've been involved in almost five years work with rz PUC to streamline a program for irrigation. 1s The cap and uncertainty of the economics of 1e the program will -- has made future investments all but zo impossible. ln that time REAP grants have been zr underutilized, inflation has eroded the value, and the zz federal tax credits have started sunsetting. I hope ze that the Commission can have the program defined and zt implemented by June of 2023 deadline. 2s I do not want -- I want to commend the Public Page 1 3 appreciate you guys looking into this and hope that we can work moving forward so that we can utilize this as the system for us. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you very much, Russell. Are there any questions for the wihress? Hearing none. Thank you very much. Michael fuchardson? MR. RICHARDSON: No comment. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Eli Bawles, Bowles? MR. BOWLES: Bowles. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, Eli. Will you raise your right hand, please. JAMES ELI BOWLES, frst duly sworn to tell the truth relating to said 12 cause, testified as follows: 18 1e COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. 20 MR. NEWTON: Will you please state your name zr and spell your last name for the record.22 MR. BOWLES: It's James Eli Bowles, zr B-o-w-l-e-s.24 MR. NEWTON: And your place of residence? zs MR. BOWLES: Twin Falls. 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 .; ri-; !{r.il,tj:'(3) Pages l0 - 13 In the Matter of Idaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase...of Onaslte Customer Generation Public Hearing November 2,2022 M & M Court Reportlng Service (20E)34s-e6 I I (ph) (E00)234-961 I (20E)-345-8800(fax) Page 14 1 MR. NEWTON: And are you an Idaho Power 2 customer?3 MR. BOWLES: I am.4 MR. NEWTON: The floor is all yours. s MR. BOWLES: I am also a solarcustomer. So I e have solar on my residence and benefit from the net z metering, so the kilowatt to kilowatt. I was lucky a enough to get into solar before the PUC made their s legacy change in, what, 2019. So I'm grandfathered in, ro which is awesome. However, I also understand therr principles of solar and the industry as a whole. L2 So not only am I an Idaho Power customer, I am 13 the renewable energy professor at CSI. So I teach wind, 1. solar, geothermal, and all that goes along with it. 1s Any * and I know, you know, Idaho Power is a business. te I commend them for wanting to make money. Absolutely, a rz business needs to do that, otherwisg they wouldn't be re in business.19 What I've read so far about this is wanting to 20 be equitable. And I know in the past Idaho Power would 21 cut a check to customers that overproduced, and then 22 we've since changed that. They haven't cut a check to zt anybody in years for theiroverproduction. 24 My understanding is that they're trying to es reduce the net metering. If they do that, that Page 16 r and spell your last name for the record. z MR. MAKINGS: Dave Makings, M-a-k-i-n-g-s. 3 MR. NEWTON: And your place of residence?+ MR. MAKINCS: Kimberly.s MR. NEWTON: And are you an ldaho Power 5 customer? z MR. MAKINGS: Yes,I am. e MR. NEWTON: Thank you. Go ahead.e MR. MAKTNGS: My approach tonight is a little ro bit different. And I appreciate * in fact, I've workedrr with Eli out there at CSI and worked with him in solving 12 my solar system in my home, and so I appreciate the 13 technical information that those gentlemen had.14 I have, also, a fact sheet, a data sheet that 1s was emailed out by, I think, the Idaho Conservation re League with some information on it, which I think is rz verygood. 18 I'd like to take a little bit different rs approach here in that looking at some of the - well, in zo the first place, I didn't -- let me back up a little ar bit. I did not get in on the direct metering system. I zz do have the net metering, but, again, anything that I za produce above and beyond what I use, basically, goes 2{ into Idaho Power's pocket because they turn around and zs sell that electricity that I'm putting back onto the Page 15 effectively kills the solar industry. Idaho Power wants to go 100 percent renewables by 2045. They don't want you and I to go renewables by 2045. They want to do it so that they can make us pay for that. What can I do as a customer to go renewables other than go solar? Possibly wind, but our wind resource right here in town is not good. Ow solar resource is phenomenal. You're, effectively, killing an industry and potentially killing a prognm that benefits the community here at CSI and Twin Falls and our local counties around. And that's about all I have. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. Do we have any questions? Thank you very much for your testimony. MR. BOWLES: Thank you. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Dr. Dave Makings? Please raise your right hand. DAVE MAKINGS, first duly sworn to tell the truth relating to said cause, testified as follows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. MR. NEWTON: Could you please state your name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 14 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Page 17 r grid, and, you know, I don't see any of it. z I did approach ldaho Power about the a possibility of -- what the possibility would be. The 4 system that I have is on a rental property that we own, s and it was better suited for solar than where we live. s So I made an agreement with my tsnant that I would z simply pay his electric bill, knowing that most of the a time it was going to be covered by the solar panels. g And even if the solar panels covered all of the ro electricity that he used, there is - and I don'ttt remember exactly what the fee is, $5.75, or something rz like that, that ldaho Power charges regardless of howrl much electricity we produce. 1{ Anyway, so I said, "Why don't I just see if we rs can just get your bill transferred over, and I'll just 16 pay for it, whatever that might ake. I called Idaho 1z Power, talked to a receptionist, the person who answered 1s the phone there, explained what I was fying to do, and rg she said, "Oh, yeah, that can be done. We can attach zo his bill, just put it on with yours." I just needed the 21 meter numbers and away we went. It took about 45 22 seconds, maybe a minute to accomplish that.2s Then I got to thinking, well, you know, how zl about if I can transfer a bill over, if I can transfer zs what I owe from that site over to my own meter, how tlrrt.l .\t rirrt ri (4) Pager 14- 17 In the Matter of ldaho Power's Appllcatlon to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generrtion Public Hearing November 2,2022 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)345-961 I (ph) (800)Ba-96r I (208)-345-8800(fax) Page 18 1 about ifl could transfer the excess electricity that I z have produced the credits, over to my meter. So I 3 called back. "Well, y€&, you can do that we thinh{ maybe, but both of the meters have to be in the same 5 name, -- well, okay, I don't have to worry about that -- 6 "and both of the meters have to be on the same or z adjacent property.rr I I've taught a lot of renewable energy classes, 9 I've done a lot of things, and I started teaching ro technology in a very general sense at CSU, CSI here backrr in the days when we had Apple IIe computers. And some rz of you -- forgive me -- but whose hair color kind ofrr matches mine, you may remember what an Apple IIe is, 1{ some of you have no idea what I'm talking about. But, 1s anyway, that's what I started with when I started.16 And I can appreciate the ability, the things rz that a person can do with a computer these days. If it 18 took about 37 seconds to attach what was still owed on rg that property down there to my bill, I don't know why it zo wouldn't take anything longer than that to attach the zr credits that I had created to my statement, to my other zz home statement. The meters are in the same name, they 23 are not on the same or adjacent propedies, which that's 2{ just another concern of mine.25 I have some facts here, some data from the - Page 20 r a little bit. And forgive me.z Thank you for your time. Good evening.3 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you,r Dr. Makings. s Are there any questions? e No. Thankyouverymuch.z Next we have Matthew Mahaffey.a MR. MAII{FFEY: Good evening, Commissioners.g Thank you very much. Everyone here tonight, you've all ro probably made sacrifices -- 11. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Please raise your rz right hand.13 MR. MAI{r{FFEY: Oh, yes. L415 MATTHEW MAHAFFEY, re first duly swom to tell the truth relating to said 1? cause, testified as follows: 18le MR. NEWTON: Could you please state your name zo and spell your last for the record.2L MR. MAII{FFEY: Matthew Mahaffey, zz M-a-h-a-f-f-e-y. 23 MR. NEWTON: And your place of residence?24 MR. MAII{FFEY: Filer,Idaho.2s MR.I.IEWTON: And are you an Idaho Power Page 19 r supposedly the power -- the study that Idaho Power did. z I am not going to refute anything or imply that they are 3 untruthful. I guess I'd also refer back to myI background in math and statistics and so forth and 5 research, and believe me, you can find some data to 5 support your view for just about anything that you look 7 at, any topic that you look at. So I do think that they 8 are, you know, overstating some of their expenses.g The last thing I would like to mention, more ro from a societal standpoint, is that every - and I have 11 taught, again, a lot of classes on climate change andn all those other kind of things. The bottom line here, 13 guys! in order for this country, the planet to pullu itself out of this -- some major problems that we're rs looking at down the road, everybody, I mean everybody, re is going to have to sacrifice a little bit.t7 And I know this is kind of a vague societal ra kind of thing, but you know what, if it means that the rg shareholders and some of the executives at ldaho Power 20 have to go maybe with a lifile less money in their zr pocket in order to help curb climate change, you know, zz so be it.23 So if the price that they are turning around 24 to pay for additional people to come online and produce zs electricity, that -- everybody is going to have to give Page 21 r customer?z MR. MAHAFFEY: Yes.s MR. NEWTON: Thank you. Go ahead.r MR. MAHAFFEY: Thank you. I appreciate being s here. I've been a solar installation professional - I e use that word carefully -- but since 2010, as an z electrician since 2003.s I take great pleasure in designing and s building solar generation equipment. There is something 10 empowering -- not only do I build it, but I have ownedrr it for myself. That was kind of what spuned my rz interest as a new homeowner was the ability to own my 13 own solar generation, generate my own power on site.14 Granted, most of these equipment are utility rs interactive and works in conjunction with Idaho Power. t6 There's a tremendous responsibility, I understand, to 17 manage a customer-owned generator and exporting that and ts understanding whafs fair.:.e I take issue with this term used in this 20 report. And what's published on ldaho Power's website zr is the word "fair." And in my experience, throughout zz the years in working with other utilities, is it appears zs that there's a tendency to pit the nonsolar customer,zl which I think it's stated on the website is 90-something 25 percent of customers, against the solar person, the "1 I i ir. *.r...";rrii}{:k (5) Pages l8 - 21 In the Matter of ldaho Power's Applicatloo to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generetion Public Hearing November 2,2022 M & M Court Reporting Servlce (208)34s-961 l(ph) (E00)234-e6l I (208)-345-8800(fax) Page22 1 person, the individual that finds the opportunity to z invest in their own generation equipment. r And I don't think that's fair. I don't see 4 what's fair to use an argument that an individual can't s invest in their own solar. I don't think that's 6 reasonable. Any more reasonable than to publish on z Idaho Power's website that Jackpot Solar, which is in a ldaho -- excuse me -- down in Nevada, Jackpot, and I g would imagine the majority of that solar generation ro would be consumed almost more in Nevada, but I'm not -rr I should be careful in my statements, because I don't 12 know this for a fact, but we have these distributed rs generation facilities that are built solar consumed in u close proximity. 1s They're not transmitted that far. So I just 16 wanted to share some of my concerns about this continued tz effort, not just by ldaho Power, but utilities in re general pifiing the nonsolar customers versus the solar 19 customers. 20 The majority of the time, solar generation zr equipment are designed and built on a property are zz engineered to last for 25 years. It would be multiple zl homeowners if the average household is lived in by 2{ one person for about seven, eight years. 2s So there's a tremendous benefit of empowering Page24 r That study is 100-plus pages. It's pretty heavy z material. And what a lot of us, I think, would a appreciate is maybe a -- I would. I should speak forl myself - maybe a dumbed down version of what are the s costs really honestly impacting nonsolar customers from e the solar customers that invest. z Because this is just a simple number. What e does it amount to, .003 cents per kilowatt-hour added 9 cost to a nonsolar customer, perhaps? What is that ro number? 11 So those are some things that I've thought rz about. I appreciate you letting me share my concerns. rs And my ambitions as a professional in the solarrr industry, it is my goal and hope that I'll have, you 1s know, a career in this industry for a long time, perhaps 15 my son and children.L7 Thankyou. 18 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, Matthew. rg And we appreciate you being here also.zo Are there any questions of Matthew?2L Thankyouvery much. 22 Dick Fosbury? Probably got the wrong last 23 name. Sorry about that. 24 MR. FOSBURY: That's all right. 2s COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Can you please raise Page 23 r individuals in our communities to own and bene{it z directly from their investment. When you pull into the s lot down there at Jackpot Solar, the sign - it saysI right there by the fence, Duke Energy. Does Duke Energy s own the production and the benefits from Jackpot Solar?e These are some of the questions I have. I z don't anticipate or expect anybody to answer those for a me. I wil[, likely, have to do some research and study s up. And I appreciate these hearings. My son and my ro daughter are here. It's good for them to learn that, x1 you know, we have these forums available to us, and I 12 think that's important. Again, I can't thank you all :.s enough for making this opportunity available to us.l,t One other question and that I've noticed rs published on ldaho Power's website is several times its 16 mentioned about "renewable energy credits." And I want rz to know more about what does that mean? And does Idaho ts Power get renewable energy credits from a customer-owned rs generation facility? I need to know that. And if not, zo it's a shame that they're not. zL Are the renewable energy credits generated at ez Jackpot Solar, is that a benefit to Idaho Power? I needzl to know what does renewable energy credit mean? lt's zl published on their website. zs And in this study, there is a lot of numbers. Page 25 1 yourrighthand. 2 DICKFOSBURY, e frst duly sworn to tell the truth relating to said { cause, testified as follows: 56 MR. NEWTON: Would you please state your name z and spell your last for the record.8 MR. FOSBURY: Sure. Dick Fosbury, it's s F-o-s-b-u-r-y.10 MR. NEWTON: And your place of residence?11 MR. FOSBURY: Bellevue,Idaho.L2 MR. NEWTON: And are you an ldaho Power rl customer?14 MR. FOSBURY:I am.1s MR. NEWTON: Thank you. Go ahead.16 MR. FOSBURY: Yeah. Thank you. I'm chair of 17 the Blaine County Commissioners and a retired civil rs engineer, a graduate of the 2019 Energy Academy hosted rs by ldaho Power in Boise a few years ago, and really zo enjoyed that.2L And tonight I'm -- I wanted to thank you for zz having this opportunity for us to provide testimony. 23 I'm here tonight on behalf of Blaine County, the cities zl of Bellevue, Hailey, and Ketchum, with regard to the zs Value of Distributed Energy Resources Study. (6) Pages 22 - 25 In the Matter of ldaho Power's Applicrtion to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation Public Hearing November 2,2022 NI & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234-96r I (208)-34s-8800(fax) Page 26 t We've been working together to make solar 2 energy even more affordable, available, and accessible. 3 [n our area, the local solar capacity has grown an { average of 20 percent annually. This growth helps to s diversify the local economy, create new, good-paying s jobs for residents.z And it's important because we live on the a fringes of the service area for ldaho Power. So when 9 our source goes out in the fiansmission lines, we wait 10 until the lines are corrected or repaired, so it's very r.1 important in the future that we can become more rz resilient as a community.13 Both our community and Idaho Power have u committed to clean energy and climate goals. And we rs appreciate Megan Ronk from Idaho Power presenting at the re Clean Energy Buyers Alliance just last week.t7 Solar accessibility is equally important as we 18 move forward with achieving these goals, especially at a 1e time when rooftop solar is finally becoming a realistic 20 option for low-income residents as the prices have zr dropped about 53 percent over the last ten years. 22 lt's our opinion that certain considerations zg of both the costs and the benefits of solar were left 2{ out of Section 4 of the voter study, and that these zs exemptions did not lend to a just and reasonable Page 28 r well as today Department of Energy's Solar Energy z Technologies Office regarding federal tCIr credits for a rooftop solar. r The proposed compensation rates for solar s would limit Idaho families and businessowners access to e the benefits of solar power. The benefits that solar 7 power has on society does and will continue to benefitI everyone, including Idaho Power.9 We, the ldahoans, deserve access to a fairly ro valued solar compensation rate and decisions that are r:. based on data. And thank you for that. t2 I also wanted to mention that I'm serving as a re member on Governor Little's Energy Efficiency and re Emerging Technology Working Group with the Office of 1s Energy and Mineral Resources.16 So thank you tonight for allowing this 12 testimony. 18 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, Chairman rs Fosbury. And we appreciate our elected officials being zo engaged. It means a lot to us too. So thank you veryzt much for yourpresence. 22 MR. FOSBURY: You bet. Thank you.23 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Are there any zl questions?25 Thank you, again. Pqe27 r calculation ofan export credit rate. z For example, we found that in Section 4.1 of a the voter study, Idaho Power valued the avoided I environmental costs and benefits of on-site solar s generation at 0. lt reads, "Environmental benefits that e do not result in direct savings or an avoidable cost are z not included in this study." Despite acknowledging the a social costs ofcarbon in its 202L integrated resource s plan and the associated methodologies to quantify it, ro Idaho Power left this out of the study calculations. 11 In addition, we know that an additional study 12 by Cross-Border Energy on behalf of the Siena Club rs completed an independent solar valuation study. Andu they made a number of findings and observations that 1s I'll include in my written submittal of my testimony.16 But locally produced solar energy reduces rz Idaho Power's need to upgrade its power lines in the ra long run. This, of course, is referred to as 1e transmission and distribution deferral. The voter study zo does not acknowledge that solar power will grow into the zr future, and this assumption lowers the valuation of the zz transmission and distribution deferral.23 For example, in Blaine County we had a program ze beginning in 2016 called Solarize Blaine. And you could 25 see the potential and the impact that that's had, as Page 29 MR. FOSBURY: You're welcome. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Courtney Hamilton? MS. HAMILTON: Hello. Can you hearme? COMMISSIONER ANDERSON : Yes. MS. HAMILTON: I'm kind of short. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Could you raise your right hand, please. COURTNEY HAMILTON, ro first duly swom to tell the truth relating to said 11 cause, testified as follows: L213 MR. NEWTON: Could you please state your nameu and spell your last for the record.1s MS. HAMILTON: Courtney Hamilton, rs H-a-m-i-l-t-o-n.L7 MR. NEWTON: And your place of residence?1s MS. HAMILTON: Ketchum,Idaho.1e MR. NEWTON: And are you an ldaho Power zo customer? 2t MS. HAMILTON: Yes.22 MR. NEWTON: Thank you. Go ahead.2s MS. HAMILTON: Thanks.2r My name is Courtney Hamilton. I am a member zs of the Ketchum City Council. I am also an employee of 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 :. 1 i,, t i ." :,.r 1-(7) Pages 26 - 29 In the Matter of Idaho Power's Appllcadon to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation Publlc Hearing November 2, 2022 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)345-96 I I (ph) (800)23,1-961 I (208}345-8800(fax) Page 30 r Bluebird Solar and John Reuter Greenworks. I'm a green z building installer professional as well. r Mostly ['m here to rqrresent myself. Dick's 4 conrments were far more eloquent than mine will be and s represent an oflicial letter stated by my city, among 6 others.z But mostly I'm just here because I think that I soluu is a really important part of our future as a e state and as a world. And I think that we should be ro doing everything we can to incentivize solar.11 And this study clearly rernoved a few or :.2 ignored a few important aspects of the costs of energy, ra particularly environmental costs. I think it's really u important that we consider the tremendous costs that we, 1s as a state, have on natural disasters such as wildfires re that are directly linked to climate change. And I also 17 think that the aspects such as clean air and clean waterls are really important to the people of our state and rg should be considered. 20 I think having plentiful rooftop and localized zt solar also diversifies the portfolio for Idaho Power zz spreading it out across the state and creating more 23 opportunities, you know, as Dick stated, when the lines 2a are down in areas like ours where the distribution is a zs little bit more challenging. Page 32 MS. HAMILTON: Thanks. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Wilder Jones? Thank you, Wilder. If you would raise your right hand, as soon as you get your scarfoff. WILDERJONES, first duly sworn to tell the truth relating to said carxie, testified as follows: 10 MR. NEWTON: Could you please state your name rr and spell your last for the record. L2 MR. JONES: Wilder Jones, J-o-n-e-s.13 MR. NEWTON: And yourplace of residence? 1{ MR. JONES: Glenns Ferry. :.s MR. NEWTON: And are you an Idaho Power 16 customer?L7 MR. JONES: I am.18 MR. NEWTON: Go ahead, thanks.1e MR. JONES: I have some things written down so zo I don't get offtrack. Pardon me.2t Good evening, Commissioners, public. Thanks zz for having me. I am from Glenns Ferry, and I am a zs farmer that does irrigate using electrical pumps. Izl participate in an inigation district that has high-lift 2s pumps, and I personally pump out of the river for 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 Page 31 r And I think it's worth pointing out that solar z shines -- or solar creates power when the greatest powerI needs exist for ldaho Power. I know last summer Idahol Power was sending out text messages to their users s asking them to limit their energy use during hot summer e days. And that is when all of this rooftop solar would z be creating energy and helping with that problem.8 So I think that we should be doing everything 9 we can to incentivize solar to increase the cost paid :.0 back to solar producers, no matter how big or small.rr And I think it's -- we owe it to the future of Idaho and 12 the rest of our world to do so.13 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, Courtney.u And thank you for your public service too.1s MS. HAMILTON: Yeah.16 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Are there any rz questions of Courtney?18 MS. HAMILTON: Thank you. 1e COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you very much.20 MS. HAMILTON: And thank you so much for zr having this hearing. I think it's great that you spread zz it out throughout the state.23 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: It's good to get out et and see you good people too. So we're the ones that are zs benefiting more than you, even, so thank you very much. Page 33 r another farm outside the district.z The agricultural sectorandthe energy sector 3 are very similar. In light of the pandemic, it wasr obvious that the ag world, the food industry was s centralized and crippled by all the happenings. And so e it's obvious to people that participate in agriculture z and food systems that a decentralized system is more e adaptable, more resilient, and more equitable.e I think the same is true for our energy 10 sector. As we chased centralization and maximized rr production and put money in the hands of the few, it did 12 not lend itself to resilience, adaptability, and equity.rr So as we discuss self-generation, whether it'srr residential or commercial, it's crucial that we prepare 1s the grid for resilience and adaptability and equity, not 1G for making the few wealthier. L7 As consumers, we should also not be forced to re purchase 100 percent ofour energy from Idaho Power. If 19 we have the means, if we have the land, and we have the zo capital, using the available technology of the day, we zr should be allowed to produce our own energy.22 Thankyou. 23 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you foryour 2,1 testimony.2s Are there any questions? 1ii*-l:-5.r'illt x,(8) Poger 30 - 33 In the Matter of ldaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation Public Hearlng November 2,2022 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)345-96 I I (ph) (800)234-961 I (208)-345-8800(fax) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Page 34 Hearing none. Thank you very much. Folks .. do we have any other lists? I don't have any other names. Did I miss somebody here? Yes, please. MR. REYNOLDS: I didnt get sigrred up, but I would like to make a comment. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Please come forward. We'll swearyou in even if it's just a comment. 10 STEVEREYNOLDS, 11 first duly sworn to tell the truth relating to said 12 cause, testified as follows: 13 1{ MR. NEWTON: Could you please state your name rs and spell yow last forthe record.16 MR. REYNOLDS: Steve Reynolds, rz R-e-y-n-o-l-d-s. 18 MR. NEWTON: And yourplace of residence? le MR. REYNOLDS: Mountain Home,ldaho. ?o MR. NEWTON: And are you an [daho Power zt customer?zz MR. REYNOLDS: Yes,Iam.23 MR. NEWTON: Thankyou. Go ahead.24 MR. REYNOLDS: I'm here as an agricultural zs producer as well as Mr. Schiermeier and Mr. Jones. Page 36 r irrigated crops were around 1500 acres a year. z Cunently, since --2017 was the last year of full 3 water, the last four years, five years we inigate 300{ to 500. It's not sustainable.s So I met with Mr. Fenwick to get proposals on e what it would take from the Idaho Power site. Sailor z Creek Substation and overhead power lines to our riverI pump station would require about a million and a halfg dollars. We need to come up with 3,000 horsepower at ro the river and then two other substations of 1100rt horsepower each, approximately 16 million kilowatts. L2 And so it goes back to what Mr. Schiermeier 13 was saying. This 100,000 allotment or cap from ldahou Power does us virnrally no good. We had a call again 1s from Idaho Power about Monday, and we told them that we re would be coming to this meeting as well.L7 But these projects become very, very much re intertwined with the ability to get some kind of subsidy te release with some type of program that will allow a lot zo larger caps. One of the reasons that ldaho Power has 21 taken at least a particular interest now is because of 22 the reservoirs.23 We can do off-peak pumping, off-seasonzl pumping, we can regulate all of our needs to really meet zs Idaho Power's demands. But if we don't have the ability Page 35 r Actually, we're all in a fairly close area, within z 30 miles. Most of us are all trying to pump out of the s Snake River.l And I concur with both their sentiments that s -- we're a fairly large farmer. We've been renting e ground, approximately 2,000 acres, to go with our base z farm of 4,000 acres. And just as Mr. Jones just e indicated, partially probably between the pandemic and s just the rapid explosion of growth, particularly in the to Treasure Valley, we were renting 1,200 acres the lastrr six years from what is now Meta Platforms and Simplot. rz We've lost over 2,000 acres of rental property due rs strictly to commercialization, either residential oru industrial. The trend, I don't believe, will change any 15 time soon.16 We currently have met with ldaho Power 12 representative Tim Fenwick in Mountain Home. We have ra requested a review to irrigate the 4,000 acre farm rg that's currently under irrigation only by snow pack.20 Climate change was also mentioned as a part of zr considerations. We have five reservoirs that hold ez approximately 9,500 acre feet of water in full years. zs Thathappensapproximatelyevery 10to ll years. The 24 farm came into existence in the mid-1960s.2s For the first 20 years, roughly, the average Page 37 r to let them -- or however the systems works -- to z increase that capacity load for our area, it's not goingr to happen.r The projected costs right now -- and these s were from Idaho Power -- would cost us approximately G $325 an acre. And those need to be offset drastically z to go with the project itself to go in. So that's my 8 concerns. 9 I'm new to this whole thing. I have rented ro ground from Russell, and he's the one that helped me get rr notice of this meeting. We appreciate it. But with the rz rapid depletion of agricultural lands, it's going to ber: critical that there's going to be some type ofu assistance through these solar programs. 1s We also do have 42 megawatts of power, wind 1G power on our place, and also 48 megawatts. We're also rz under contract for solar as well again, if and when re Idaho Power comes up with purchase power agreements rs again. So we're familiar in that respect. 20 When we first did it, we wanted to actually 21 just have Idaho Power offset our power back then. But 22 that is not possible. It's all got to go on the grid, zr which is fine.24 But we're at a point, I think, especially in zs Idaho -- and it's just not the Treasure Valley, it's the (9) Pages 34 - 37 Page 38 r Magic Valley, it's Pocatello, Idaho Falls - the rapid z growth is taking over. We're going to have to get the 3 water further and further from the river, which is moreI and more cost. s And, hopefully, that we can come up with some 6 type of program that will allow .. we're not asking for ? any special benefits, just some -- I mean, if it's l0 a million kilowatts, we can produce that on solar, trade s it, however the program would work, we're all for that. 10 So thankyou. 11. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, Steve, very rz much.13 ls there questions? L4 Thank you for your testimony. 1s Folks, anybody else? I don't have anybody on ro my list.L7 Please.1s MR. SCOTT: I signed up, but I didnt sign up rs for commenting, but if there's room, I'd like to make a 20 comment.2L COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Please. Of course. zz Please raise your right hand. 23 CHUCKSCOTT, ee first duly sworn to tell the truth relating to said 2s cause, testified as follows: Pag€ 40 r like, from the Commission's standpoint, it would be more u objective and more * potsntially more honest. And Ig also noticed that that study, in the presentation ofr that study, they also mentioned that there was several s local state studies, one in Wyoming, and I believe the s other one was in Montana that kind of offered different 7 outcomes for the value of the produced power by private 8 generators. And so I was wondering if those -- any of g those studies would help maybe balance a vested interest 10 study that was done by the voter study by Idaho Power. 11 So that was initially my comment is just have 12 we really examined, you know, the available information rs that is potentially out there in order to - for Idaho tt Power to find its way via the Public Utilities rs Commission.16 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you very much.L7 MR. SCOTT: Thank you. 1s COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Any questions?19 Thank you very much for your testimony.20 Next? Please.2L Please raise yourright hand. 22 23 BRADBARROTT, el fnst duly sworn to tell the truth relating to said 2s cause, testified as follows: Page 39 r MR. NEWTON: Would you please state your name z and spell your last forthe record. a MR SCOTT: It's Chuck Scott, S-c-o-t-t.I MR. NEWTON: And your place of residence?s MR. SCOTT: Twin Falls.6 MR. NEWTON: And are you an Idaho Power z customer?s MR. SCOTT: I am.s MR. NEWTON: Thankyou. Go ahead.10 MR. SCOTT: Thanks, gentlemen, forrr entertaining my cornment.t2 I'm a residential generator. And just rr listening to the comments here, I'm in agreement with 14 most of them. I find that the study that was mentioned rs that was initiated by the Sierra Club, I believe .- 16 MR. FOSBURY: Cross-Border.L7 MR. SCOTT: -- they had mentioned that they ra had found conflicting information or data than the voter 1e study that was presented by ldaho Power. And I would zo think that the Commission would -- it would behoove the zr Commission to be looking at maybe third-party studies 22 that aren't -- you know, don't have a vested interest zr in -- say, for instance, like ldaho Power has a vested zn interest in having a predicted outcome for their study.25 So if you had athird party, it would seem Psge 41 r MR. NEWTON: Would you please state your name z and spell your last name for the record. r MR. BARROTT: Brad Barrott, B-a-r-r-o-t-t. I MR. NEWTON: And yourplace of residence?s MR. BARROTT: Pocatello,Idaho.e MR. NEWTON: And are you an ldaho Power z customer?a MR. BARROTT: Yes.g MR. NEWTON: Thankyou. Go ahead.10 MR. BARROTT: So I actually took a few minutesu in Pocatello, so I just kind of want to add to my rz record. I wasn't originally going to speak tonight, but rg I wanted to show up and listen to all the comments. Buttt after listening to the comments, I just want to add one rs small thing to what I talked about last Friday.1c I represent an Idaho solar company that rz employs 103 W-2 employees with good paying jobs. And I 18 want to thank you guys again for being in Pocatello, for rs being here in Twin Falls, and of course, in Boise 20 tomorrow night. So that just means a lot to us who are zr in the solar industry that you're willing to, you know, 22 come out and speak to the community and hear from us, so ze thankyou forthat. 24 I gave more detail about the types ofjobs at 2s the Pocatello hearing, so I won't do this again tonight In the Matter of ldaho Power's Appllcatlon to Complete the Study Revlew Phese...of On-Slte Customer Generation M & M Court Reporting Servlce (208)34$961 I (ph) (800)Ba-961 I (208)-34s-E800(fax) Public Hearing November 2, 2022 (10) Pageo 38 - 4I In the Matter of ldaho Power's Appllcadon to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation Public Hearing November 2,2022 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34$e6l I (ph) (800)234-e6l I (208)-345{800(fax) Pqe42 I as itrs already on record. However, I want to add to my 2 previous comments that I didn't include in Pocatello. I 3 want to give some very local and real anecdotal detail 4 and evidence.s We have27 solar installer employees who are e currently enrolled today in Idaho universities in their z electrical apprentice programs, and I've had many a already graduate as journeymen electricians in the past.g We all hear that we have a shortage of trained ro workers going into the trades, and specifically as rr electricians in the state and, really, nationally. The rz solar industry is helping with that. There are many tg solar installation companies in Idaho that also are 14 participating in these types of training. 1s The cumulative effect of all these small re businesses really is huge. The solar industry is rz supporting and training thousands of tdaho workers in 18 very practical and good payingjobs, especially in the rg skilled hades.20 ldaho Power's proposal would have a real zr devastating effect on the workers and families that rely 22 on good paying solar energy jobs for their financial and 23 career needs. I believe and would like to state on 2{ record, a healthy renewable energy sector in Idaho is 2s great for Idaho's economy and for Idaho workers. I also Page 44 r MR. RICHARDSON: Gooding,ldaho. 2 MR. NEWTON: And are you an Idaho PowerI customer?{ MR. RICHARDSON: Yes. 5 MR. NEWTON: Thankyou. Go ahead.5 MR. RICHARDSON: Yeah. I wasn't planning on z giving a comment, but I thought I'd put my two cents in. a So I'm an ldaho native,l'm a graduate of Boise State s University, and I've been blessed to work in the solar ro industry since about 2017. 11 Specific to this study, I think there's just rz three issues I'd like to briefly coilrment on. One of 13 them is the timeliness of wrapping up this docket.u Another one is to just kind of agree with some of the 1s other comments made about the 100 kilowatt cap. And l"G then another one, just kind of mentioning the 12 repercussions of potentially moving the program to an re hourly netting type program.1e So in terms of the timeliness of this docket, 20 you know, I have been in the indushry, you know, since zr this docket, you know, began back in 2019. You know, 22 one comment I'd like to make, you know, specifically zs since the grandfathering of the large commercial andzl agricultural meters, I would say, you know, there have zs been dozens oflarge industrial and agricultural Page 43 r just want to agree with the other testimony that was z given tonight.r Thankyou. 4 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you very much. s Do we have any questions? e Thank you for your testimony.z MR. BARROTT: Yep.I COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And you were in g Pocatello too. That's --10 MR. BARROTT: Yep.11 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: -- very dedicated. t2 Please. Sometimes we don't know ifwe want to rs speak until we get here and think about it for a minute. u It's okay, I'm the same way. 1s Please raise your right hand. 16a7 JOEY RICHARDSON, 1s first duly sworn to tell the truth relating to said 19 cause, testified as follows: MR. NEWTON: Could you please state your name and spell your last for the record. MR. RICHARDSON: Joey Richardson, R-i-c-h-a-r-d-s-o-n. MR. NEWTON: And your place of residence? 20 2t 22 23 24 23 Page 45 1 projects that I've gone out and voted just in the last 2 year, and I can think of, you know, about five off the s top of my head that, you know, would have been nearly{ S30 million of investment in ldaho.s You know, these were customers that, you know, s are looking to add self-generation to their plant or to z their farm, you know, mainly here in Twin, and when a explaining all of the details to them in terms of the s 100 kilowatt cap and in terms of the not knowing what 10 the future program was going to be, it really ended thett conversation.t2 I think that for a homeownsr, you know, the 13 repercussions of, you know, not knowing what that future 14 export credit rate will be are less detrimental than, 1s say, a businessowner that wants to potentially invest re millions of dollars into their business or farm. You rz know, they need to plan for that future cash flow. 18 And so the not knowing has just -- like I rs said, just in the last year, that's nearly $20 million zo that I really do believe those customers would have gone zr forward. That's investment we didn't see in ldaho. ez That's investment in a company like mine that we didn't 23 see.24 And, you know, so the timeliness was part of 2s those customers not making the decision, but also the I 1"., t r-."..-.r -(l l) Prges 42 - 45 Page 46 1 100 kw cap. I've worked with a ton of farmers and z dairymen in the Magic Valley, and they would all share 3 the same sentiment that Russell Schiermeier and othersI have made, that the 100 kilowatt cap, you know, when s you're looking at a 3-,4-, 500 horsepower deep well 6 pump, you know, maybe we can offset 10 percent of the 7 energy use.e And we've seen, you know, in the last coupleg of months that there really isn't any technical reason 10 that Idaho Power has this 100 kilowatt cap, that, you 11 know, there are safe ways for installers like myself and rz businessowneni and farmers to work with Idaho Power to rs install these systems safely, which I think will be a -- 1{ you know, a much more fair situation for people. :.s The other -- only other comment I'd like to re make is I would just stress that the Commission weigh rz the repercussions of going to an hourly netting type xs program. For a homeowner to really be well informed and rg make an informed decision, they don't necessarily need, 20 you know, all the input from their solar installer. zr They can do research on their own via websites like zz EnergySage and PWVatts.2s But when you go to an hourly netting type 2{ program, it really requires the homeowner and the solar es installers to have a breadth - you know, a large amount Page 48 r COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thankyou, Joey. And z don't be reluctant in the future. You had a lot of good information to share with us. We appreciate it very much. MR. RICHARDSON: Yeah, thank you. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: No questions? Next? Please. Please raise your right hand. MR. TRYON: Phil Tryon - Phillip Tryon -- oh, sorry. PHILL1P TRYON, frst duly sworn to tell the futh relating to said cause, testified as follows: MR. NEWTON: Please state your name and spell 12 your last forthe record. 18 MR. TRYON: Phillip Tryon, last name rs T-r-y-o-n. 20 MR. NEWTON: And yourplace of residence? 2L MR. TRYON: Jerome.22 MR. NEWTON: And are you an ldaho Power z3 customer?2r MR. TRYON: Yes. 2s MR. NEWTON: Great. Thanks. 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 1{ 15 16 Pqe47 r of data. We need to understand that homeownet's hourly z load profile, and we need to be able to overlay that a hourly load profile with, you know, an hourly solar I production. s And so that type of calculation is not e something that you know, you can do on the back of a z piece of paper. It would even be difficult to do it in s Excel. So it would -- you know, you really have to lean 9 on certain software tools that can do those types of ro calculations.11 And so it really would force homeowners and rz businessownersi to really rely on their solar installers rs in terms of coming up with an accurate, you know,u prediction of what that system is going to do to their 1s power bill. Not only that, but their, you know, hour -- 16 the last 12 months of hourly load data may be different rz from the next 12 months.1s So it also just creates a more difficult, you 19 know, environment for homeowners and installers like zo myself to accurately, you know, give these homeowners zr and businessowners an outlook on what their system is zz going to do to their power bill, as well as the zl investment that they just made.24 So thank you all for being here tonight. And zs I appreciate it. Page 49 r MR. TRYON: I wasn'tplanning on speaking too, z but I just want to come up here. And I've signed up ar lot of people to solar, and I just want to speak on * their behalf.s As far as the one-for-one exchange ratio for e credits and everything, there's a lot of customers I z have that depend: they live on a fixed income, and so I to change the rules on them is not going to be fair for g them.10 And us moving forward with this, they changedu the rules. This rooftop solar is very, very important 12 to us. We have electric cars, we have more and morerr people moving into this state. And if we exchange oru change this, the solar is going to quit going up. And rs so the rates are going to go up because ldaho Power is re going to have to add to their -- they're going to have 12 to add power plants or whatever. So the rooftop solar ra is veqr, very important.le If the credits change, the kilowatt for a z o credit changed, there's going to be a lot of people that zr will suffer from this. And so, I mean, it's just a good zz idea. And all those customers that already have it, if zr it changes on them, it's going to be very, very hard for zl them. So, basically, I'm just here to speak on their zs behalf. And that's about all I have to say. In the Matter of ldaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation M & M Court Reporting Servlce (208)34s-96 I I (ph) (800)xa-961 I (208)-345-8800(fax) Public Heerlng November 2,2022 \tiii-1, "\rlit){,tr (12) Pagee 46 - 49 In the Matter of Idaho Power's Appllcatlon to Complete the Stody Review Phase...of On-Slte Customer Generation Public Hearing November 2, 2022 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-96 I t (ph) (E00)234-e6l I (208)-345{800(fax) Page 50 1 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you very much, 2 Phil.3 MR. TRYON: Thank you. { COMMISSIONERANDERSON:Questions? s Next? Anybody? Please. This is your 6 opportunity to speak and share with us your thoughts. ? And don't be shy.e Well, if there's no other comments tonight, g the evening will be called a little bit earlier than ro normal. But I do want to take this opportunity to thank t 1 everyone here for being so receptive to the Commission. rz Visiting your town, we feel welcomed, and that's 13 important to us. And this is what Idaho is.1,1 And I think the one thing, let's all remind rs ourselves that we live in a great home, and let's feat re each other as kind as we have tonight in the future. rz Thank you very much for your attendance.18 And with that, any other written comments, we rg do have some forms outside. And Adam will be happy to zo stand out there when we're done and take your forms. zr And if not, get them in before Friday at 5:00 o'clock. zz We will take testimony until then. So thank you very za much. And with that we are adjourned.24 (Proceedings concluded at 7:07 p.m.) 25 Page 51 REPORTBR I S CENTITTCATE x, AIIDREA L. clIECX, CSn No. 7418, Certlfled Shorthand neporter, certif,y; Tbat tba forcgolng procaedlnga r.r. CakoD befors n at tbo tsln alld plac. ther€lE aet fortb, ats whLch tfune the r,ritnaaaas were put under oath; That th. t€stlEony and all obJcctloae madc wcra rccorded atenographicelLy by na aad tranecribcd by De or under my dJ.recEJ.on; ?bat the foregtolag Ls a Erue and correct record of all teatl.Dony gl.vea, to th€ basE of t[y abtllty; f furEhor c.rtlfy lbat I am aot a r.latl,vc or eryloyac of any rttornoy or parEy, nor a.u I flnancially Lnteregted Ln the acLlon. IN WITNBSS IIHEBEOF, I .et Ey hand aad seal thta I1th day of November, 2022. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 15 t7 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 A,rm Cl,,rl AIIDREA IJ. CEECX, CgR NO. 7'18, RPB, CRA Notary Publtc P.O. Box 2636 BoiEe, Idaho 83701-2636 M1r Conmlealon er<plrae iluly 20, 2028. \ti, | -...i,,,.-(13) Pages 50 - 51 ln the the Complete Generation M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 1(ph) (800)234-e6ll (208F345-8800(fax) 37:14 associated (l) 27:9 assumption (l) 27:21 attach (3) 17: I 9;18:18,20 attendance (1) 50:17 attorney (1) 6:4 audlence (2) 6:16,19 Authority (l) 3:ll automatlon (l) 9:17 avallable (6) 4 :4 ;23 : I l,l3 ;26 :2 ;3 3 :20; 40:12 average (4) | 0 :2;22:23 ;26 : 4 ;3 5 :25 avoidable (l) 27:6 avoided (l) 27:3 away (l) 17:21 awesome (l) l4:10 back (11) 4:4:l 6:20,25 ;l 8:3, I 0; I 9:3 ; 3 I : I 0;36: I 2;3 7 :21 ;44:21 ;47 :6 background (2) 4:23;19:4 balance (l) 40:9 BARROTT(8) 40:23 ;41 :3,3,5,8, I 0;43 :7, I 0 B-a-r-r-o-t-t (l) 4l:3 base (2) 7:6;35:6 based (l) 28:11 basically (2) l6:23;49:24 Bawles (l) l3:10 bear (1) 4:10 become (2) 26:ll;36:17 becoming (1) 26:19 began (r) 44:21 begin (3) 5:7i7:l0,ll beginning (1) Public Hearlng November 2, 2022 $ $20 (l) 45:19 $30 (l) 45:4 $32s (1) 3',t:6 $s.7s (l) l7:ll [different (l) 8:6 ability (4) 18:16;21:12;36:18,25 able (4) l0:l;12:l0,l4;47:2 above (1) l6:23 Absolutely (l) l4:16 Academy (l) 25:1 8 access (2) 28:5,9 accessibility (l) 26:17 accessible (1) 26:2 accommodate (l) l0:2 accomplish (2) 10:15;17:.22 accordlngly (1) 5:5 accurete (1) 47:13 accurately (l) 47:20 achleving (l) 26: l8 acknowledge (l) 27:20 acknowledging (1) 27:7 acre (3) 35:18,22;37:6 acres (6) 9:9;35 :6,7, I 0,12;36:l across (2) 9:23;30:22 Actualty (3) 35: l;37:20;41: l0 Adam (3) 4:8,8;50:19 adaptabiliQ (2) 33:12,15 A B adrpt$le (t) 33:8 add (6) 4l : I l,l 4;42: 1 ;45 :6;49 :l 6,17 added (l) 24:8 addition (l) 27:ll addltlonet (2) 19:24;.27:ll Additionatty (l) 5:9 address (l) 5: 19 adjacent (2) l8:7,23 adjourned (l) 50:23 advantage (l) ll:2 affordable (3) lO',21;12:7;26:2 acQ) l2:18;33:4 again (9) I 6 :22; I 9 : I | ;23 : 12 ;28 :25 ; 36: 14;37 :17,19;4 I : I 8,25 agatnst (2) 10:21:21:25 aggregatlon (1) l0:13 ago (l) 25:19 agree (3) 4:21:,43:1;44:14 agreement (2) l7:6;39:13 agreements (1) 37: l8 agricultural (6) 12 :25 ;3 3 :2 ;3 4 :24 ;37 : I 2 ; 44..24,25 agriculture (4) l2:2,9,11;33:6 ahead (12) 4: l7;5: l8;6:1 1 ;16:8;2 I ;3; 25 : I 5 ;29 :22 ;32 : I I ;3 4 :23 ;39 :9 ; 4l:9;44:5 air (1) 30:1 7 alfalfa (l) 9:l I Alltance (l) 26:16 allotment (1) 36: l3 allow (4) 4:18;6:8;36: l9;38:6 allowed (1) 33:21 allowing (l) 28:16 almost (3) 1 0:6; I l: 16;22: 10 along (1) 14:14 always (2) l0:23:12:3 ambitions (1) 24:13 Amerlcan (l) l2:l I among (1) 30:5 amount (2) 24:8;46:25 ANDERSON (43) 3:3,17 ;6: 1,3;7 : I 6,23;8;8, I l, I 8; I 3:4, 10, I 2,l9il 5:13,17,24:' 2O:3,1 I ;24: I 8,25 ;28: I 8,23 ; 29 :2,4,6 ;3 I : I 3, I 6,1 9,23 i32 :2i 33:23;34:7;38: I 1,2I;40: I6,I8; 43:4,8,1 l;48: I ,6;50: 1 ,4 Andrea (3) 6:25i7:3,4 anecdotal (1) 42:3 annually (l) 26:4 answered (l) l7:17 anticipate (1) 23:7 appealed (1) 7:8 appeerances (l) 7:ll appears (1) 2l:22 Apple (2) l8: l l ,l3 applicant (1) 7:ll Application (1) 3:9 appreciate (1E) 6:22;12:4,10,16; 1 3: l ; l 6: 1 0, | 2;l 8 : | 6 ;2 I : 4 |23 :9 ;24 :3,1 2, I 9 ; 26: I 5 ;28 :19 ;37 : I I ;47 :25 ;48 :3 apprentice (I) 42:7 approach (3) l6:9,19;17;2 approximately (5) 3 5 ;6,22,23 ;36: I I ;3 7:5 area (4) 26.,3,8;35:l:37:2 areas (l) 30:24 argument (1) 22:4 around (4) I 5: I I ; I 6:24; 1 9:23;36:l aspects (2) 30:12,17 assistance (1) 11 i rr- l. r*Sr.: ri t: i.$,(52) $20 - beginning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 t6 77 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 REPORTER' S CERTIEICATE It ANDREA L. CHECK, CSR No. 748, CertJ-fied Shorthand Reporter, certify; That the foregoing proceedings were taken before me at the tj-me and place therein set forth, at which time the witness was put under oath by me; That the testimony and all objections made were recorded stenographically by me and transcribed by me or under my direction,' That the foregoing is a true and correct record of all testimony given, to the best of my ability; I further certify that I am not a relative or employee of any attorney or party, nor am I financJ-a11y interested in the action. rN WITNESS WHEREOE,I set my hand and seal this \g day of W,2oA0... Atiltu U^d( ANDREA L. CHECK, CSR No - 748, RPR, CRR Notary Public -a- 1GL P.O. Box 2636 Boise, Idaho 837OL-2636t1,t tOF ID 1t,||illt My Commissj-on expires July 20, 2028 - Burdin (2) 6:1,2 business (4) l4:15,17,18;45: l6 businesses (l) 42:16 businessowner (l) 45: I5 businessowners (4) 28:5:46:12;47:12,21 Buyers (l) 26:16 C calculation (2) 27:l:47:5 calculations (2) 27:10;47:10 call (5) 5: I 3,1 4,1 5 ;7 :24;3 6 : I 4 called (4) 17 : | 6: I 8:3 ;27 :24;50:9 came (l) 35:24 can (36) 4:4,62 I ; 5: I 8,22,25 ;l | :23 ; 12:22,24;13 :2,2;l 5 :4,5 ;17 :l 5, 19,19,24,24;18:3, I 6, I 7; I 9:5; 24:25:26:l I 129:3 ;30: l 0;3 1 :9; 36:23,24;38 : 5,8;4 5 :2;46 :6,2 I : 47:6,9 cap (12) l0:9,12,1 4,17, I 9; I I : I 8; 36: l3:44:l 5 ;45 :9;46: 1,4, I 0 cupacity (3) 4:24;26:3:37:2 capital (l) 33:20 caps (1) 36:20 carbon (1) 27:8 cards (2) l2:12,13 career (2) 24:15;42:23 careful (l) 22:ll carefully (l) 2l:6 cars (1) 49:12 Case (6) 3:7,20,21l.5:6,8:6:8 cases (1) 6:24 cash (1) 45:17 cause (12) 8: 16;13: I 7; I 5 :22;20:17 ; 25 : 4;29 : I I :32 :8;3 4 : | 2:38 :25 ; 40:25:43:19;48:14 causes (l) 10: l6 center (l) 9: l6 centralization (l) 33: l0 centralized (l) 33;5 cents (2) 24:8;44:7 certain (2) 26:22:47:9 chair (2) 3:18;25: 16 Chairman (l) 28:1 8 challenging (l) 30.25 change (9) l4:9;19: I I,21;30: 16;35: 14, 20;49:8,14,19 changed (3) l4,22;49:10,20 Changes (2) 3:12;49:23 charges (l) 17:12 chased (l) 33:10 Chatburn (l) 3: l9 Check (3) 6:25;14:21,22 children (l) 24:16 Chris (r) 6:l CHUCK (2) 38:23:39:3 cities (l) 25:23 City (2) 29:25:30:5 civil (r) 25:17 clapping (l) 6:22 classes (2) 18:8; l9: I I Clean (5) 7 :21 ;26:14,1 6;30: I 7, I 7 clearly (l) 30:l l climate (5) 19 :l l,2l ;26:14;30: I 6;3 5: 20 close (2) 22:14:35:l closed (l) 5:8 Club (2) 27:12:39:15 co+ounsel (l) 7:15 In the Matter of ldaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation 27:24 behalf (4) 25:23;27:12;49:4,25 behoove (l) 39:20 Bellevue (2) 25:11,24 benefit (5) I 4 : 6 ;22 :2 5 :23 : 1,22 ;28 :7 beneliting (l) 3l:25 Benefits (9) 3 : I 0; I 5 :9;23 :5 ;26:23 ;27'.4,5 i 28:6,6;38:7 bet (1) 28:22 better (3) 3:5;l l: l2;17:5 beyond (l) 16:23 BFEs (l) 9:17 big (l) 3l:10 bil (7) 11:7 ,15,20,24; l8: l9;47: 15, 22 bit (8) 9: I 8; I 6: I 0, I 8,21 ;19 :16l.20:l : 30:25;50:9 Blaine (4) 25:l'7,23;27:23,24 btessed (l) 44:9 Bluebird (l) 30: I Boise (3) 25:19;41:19;44:8 both (5) l8:4,6;26:13,23;35:4 bottom (1) l9:12 Bowles (10) I 3 : 10, I l,l l,l 5,22,22,25; l4:3,5;15: t6 B-o-w-l-e-s (l) l3:23 BRAD (2) 40:23;41.3 breadth (l) 46:25 briefly (1) 44:12 broad (1) l0:16 Bruneau (2) 8:24:9:10 build (2) l0:l;21:10 building (3) 4:15:21:9;30:2 built (2) 22:13,21 M & M Court Reportiog Service (208)345-961 1 (ph) (800)234-961 r (208)-345-8800(fax) Public Hearing November 2,2022 collectively (1) 3:21 color (l) 1 8:12 coming (3) 9:12:36:16;47:13 commend (2) I l:25;14:16 comment (ll) 6 :22;l 3 :9 ;3 4 :6,8 ; 38 : 20; 39: I I ;40: I I ;44:7,12,22;46t1 5 commenting (l) 38: l9 comments (15) 4:2,5.22:5:2:6:5, I4, I 8;30:4; 39: I 3;4 I : I 3, I 4;42:2;44:1 5; 50:8,18 commercial (2) 33:14:44.,23 commercialization (l) 35: l3 Commission (12) 3 :16,19:;4:23 :5:7;6:9, I 5; 1 | :23 ;39:20,21 ;40 I 5 ;46:1 6; 50:ll coMMrssroNER (45) 3 :3, I 7, I 9;6: 1,3;7 :16,20,23; 8:8,1 l,l8; 13:4,10,12,1 9;15: I 3, I 7,24;2O :3,1 I ;24 : I 8,25 ;28 : 1 8, 23 :29 :2,4,6;3 1 : 1 3, 1 6, 1 9,23; 32:2;33:23;34:7 ;38: | | ,21; 40: 16, t8;43:4.8,1 I ;48: I,6;50: I , 4 commissioners (7) 5:4,9;6: I 8;7: I 3;20:8:25:17 ; 32:21 Commission's (l) 40:l committed (1) 26:14 communities (l) 23:l community (4) l5:10;26:12,13;41,'22 companies (l) 42:13 Company (3) 7:14:41:16;45..22 Company's (2) 3:9,1 5 compensation (2) 28;4,l0 Complete (2) 3:9;l l:14 completed (l) 27:13 component (2) l0:23;12: l8 Comprehensive (l) 3: l0 comprise (l) 3: l9 computer (l) (53) behalf - computer 14:21,22 D l9: l3 County (3) 25:17,23;27:23 couple (l) 46:8 course (3) 27:18:38:21;41:19 court (5) 4 :24,25 ;6 :2 5 ;7 :9 ;9 : I 8 Courtney (6) 29 :2,9,1 5,24i31 : I 3, I 7 courtroom (l) 6:14 covered (2) l7:8,9 create (2) 5:l;26:5 created (l) 18:21 creates (2) 3l:2;47:18 creafing (2) 30:22:31:7 credit (4) 23 :23 ;27 : | ;4 5 : I 4 ;49 :20 credtts (10) 9 :25 ;l I :22;l I :2,21 ;23 : I 6,1 8, 2l;28:2;49:6,19 Creek (l) 36:'l crippled (l) 33:5 crtttcal (l) 37:13 crops (3) 9:10, 13;36: I Cross-Border (2) 27:12;39:16 cructal (t) 33:14 csl (4) l4: l3; l5:10;16: I l; l8:10 csu (r) I 8:10 cumulative (1) 42:15 curb (l) 19:21 currently (4) 35:16,19;36:2;42:6 customarily (1) 6:9 Customer (20) 3:7,1 | ;5 :24i9 : I ;l 4 :2,5,12; l5: 5; I 6:6;2 I : 1,23;24:9;25:13; 29 :20;32 : 1 6 ;3 4 :2 I ;39 :7 ;4 I :7 ; 44:3;48:23 customer-owned (2) 21:17;23:18 customers (ll) I 4 :21 ;2 I :2 5 :22 : I 8,1 9 ;2 4 : 5,6 ; 45:.5,20,25;49:6,22 cut (2) dairymen (l) 46:2 data (7) 16:14;18:25; l9:5;28: I l; 39:18;47: I,l6 daughter (l) 23:10 Dave (3) l5:17,20:16t2 day (2) 3:23l.33:20 days (3) 18:l 1,17;31:6 deadline (2) 4:2;ll:24 decentralized (l) 33:7 decision (3) 7:8;45:25;46:19 decisions (2) 7:6:28:10 deck (l) 5: l5 decorum (1) 6: l3 dedtcated (l) 43:1 I deep (r) 46.5 defer (1) 4:22 deferral (2) 27:19,22 deltned (l) ll:23 deliberate (l) 5:7 demands (l) 36:25 Department (l) 28:l depend (l) 49:7 depletlon (l) 37:12 deputy (1) 6:4 deserve (l) 28:9 design (3) l0:1,5,9 deslgned (l) 22:21 designing (l) 2l:8 Despite (l) 21:7 detail (2) 4l:24;42:3 ln the Metter of Idaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation l8: l7 computers (l) 18:ll concentrate (l) 9: l0 concern (1) l8:24 concerns (3) 22:16;24:12;37:8 concluded (1) 5024 concur (l) 35:4 conflicttng (1) 39:18 conjunction (l) 2l: l5 Conservatlon (l) l6:15 conslder (l) 30:14 conslderations (2) 26:22;35:21 consldered (l) 30: l9 consolldate (1) 8:1 consumed (3) 10:17;22:10,13 consumers (l) 33:17 consumption (1) I l:3 continue (l) 28:7 continued (l) 22:16 contract (1) 37:l'l conversation (l) 45:l I converted (2) 9:15;11:15 corn (1) 9:ll corrected (1) 26:10 correlatlon (l) I l:10 cost (10) 9 :24;l0:l 6,24; I I :8,8;24:9; 27:6;31:9;375;38:4 Costs (14) 3: l0;10:21;l I :10,1 l; l2: I 5, I 9 ;24 : 5 ;26 :23 ;27 : 4,8 ;3 0 : 12,l 3, 14;37:4 Council (1) 29:25 counsel (1) 5: l8 counties (l) l5:11 country (l) detaits (l) 45:8 determination (l) 3:21 determine (l) l2:14 detrimental (l) 45:14 devastatlng (l) 42:21 devetop (l) 6: l8 developed (l) 5:l developing (l) 9:23 Dick (4) 24:22;25:2,8;30:23 Dickts (l) 30:3 different (4) l6:10,18;40:6;47:16 diflIcult (2) 47:7,18 dtrect (3) 6:17:'16:21;27:6 directed (2) 6: l5;7:3 directly (2) 23:2;30:16 disasters (1) 30: l5 dlscuss (l) 33:13 dlstributed (2) 22:12;25:25 distribution (3) 27:19,22;30:24 district (4) 4:24,25;32:24;33:l diversilies (l) 3O:21 diversiS (l) 26:5 docket (3) M:13,19,2L dollan (2) 36:9;45:16 done (5) l2:16;17 :19;18:9;40: l0; 50:20 down (9) 7:3;9: I 8; I 8: l9 :19:l 5;22:8; 23 :3 ;24 :4 ;30 :24 ;32: I 9 dozens (l) 44:25 Dr (2) l5:17;20:4 drastically (l) 37:6 dropped (t) 26.'21 due (l) Public llearing November 2,2022 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 I (ph) (800)234-96r r (208)-34s{800(fax) ,tI irt-{ ,*$triptrtl;(54) computers - due 4:20;19:15,15,25 everyone (5) 3:4:5 :22;20:9;28 :8;50: I I evidence (l) 42:4 exactly (1) l7:l I examined (1) 40:12 example (2) 27:2,23 Excel (1) 47:8 excess (1) l8: I exchange (2) 49;5,13 excited (l) l2:20 Excuse (3) 3:24;7:2;22:8 executives (1) l9:1 9 exemptions (1) 26.25 exist (1) 3l:3 existence (l) 35:24 erpect (l) 23:7 expenses (2) l0: l6; l9:8 experlence (l) 21:21 explained (l) l7:18 explaining (1) 45:8 explores (2) I l:4,5 explosion (l) 35:9 export (5) ll:6,9,12;27:l;45:14 exporting (l) 2l:17 extensive (l) l0: l4 F facilities (2) 9:17:22:13 facility (r) 23:19 fact (3) 16:10,14;.22:12 facts (1) l8:25 failed (l) I l:13 fair (7) employs (l) 4l:17 empowering (2) 21:10;22:25 end (3) 3:22:4:6;7:l ended (l) 45: l0 Energr (37) 7 :22;10:17 ;l I :2,5, I 0, I l,l 2; I 2 :9,1 4 : I 4: 1 3 ;l 8 :8 ;23 :4,4,1 6, 18,21,23;25 :l 8,25 :26:2,1 4,1 6; 27 :12,16;28:1, I 3, I 5;30: I 2; 3 | : 5,7 ;33 :2,9,18,21 ;42:22,24 ; 46:'7 Enerry's (1) 28:1 EnergrSage (1) 46:22 enforcement (1) l0:9 engaged (l) 28:20 engineer (1) 25:18 engineered (l) 22:22 enjoyed (l) 25:20 enough (3) 7:2;14:8;23:13 enrolled (l) 42:6 ensure (1) l2: l5 entertaining (l) 39:ll environment (l) 47:19 environmental (3) 27;4,5:30:13 equally (l) 26:17 equipment (5) l0 :12;21 :9,1 4 ;22:2,21 equitable (2) l4:20;33:8 equity (2) 33:12,15 Eric (l) 3:17 eroded (l) ll:21 especially (3) 26:18:37:24;42:18 even (5) I 7 :9 ;26 :2;3 I :25 ;3 4 :8;47 :7 evening (10) 3:3,6;5 :1,12;7 :13 ;9 :5;20:2,8; 32:21:50:9 event (l) 7..8 everybody (4) In the Matter of ldaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation 35:12 Duke (2) 23:4,4 duly (r2) 8: I 5; I 3: l6; I 5 :21 :20:16: 25 :3 :29 : I 0 ;32:7 ;3 4 : I I ;3 8 :24 ; 40:24;43:18;48:13 dumbed (l) 24:4 during (l) 3l :5 ear (l) l2:3 earlier (l) 50:9 economics (l) 1 l:18 economy (2) 26:5;42:25 effect (2) 42:15,21 effectively (2) l5: 1,8 effectiveness (l) l0:24 Efficiency (1) 28:1 3 effort (2) l0:14;22:17 eight (2) l0:l:22:24 either (l) 35:13 elected (l) 28:19 electric (2) 17:7;49:12 electrical (6) I 0 :3,6,1 2,21 ;32:23 :42 :7 electrician (l) 2l:'l electricians (2) 42:8,11 electricity (6) 9:24;16:25;17: l0,l 3; l8: l; 19:25 Eri (s) l 3:10,12,1 5.22:16:11 eloquent (l) 30:4 else (l) 38:15 emailed (l) l6:15 Emerging (l) 28:14 employee (l) 29:25 employees (2) 4l:17;42:5 I 0: I 8;2 I : I 8,2 I :22:3,4;46:14; 49:8 fairly (3) 28:9;35: 1,5 Falls (5) l3:25; I 5: l0;38: I ;39:5;41 : l9 familiar (l) 37:19 families (2) 28:5:42:21 far (6) 5 : I 2;7 : I ;l 4: 19 ;22: I 5 ;30 : 4; 49:5 farm (14) 9 :7,1 2,13,21,24;12:4,8,2 I ; 33: I ;35:7,18,24;45:7,16 farmer (4) I 0:20; I | :6:32:23 :35 : 5 farmers (3) 12:12;46:1,12 farms (l) l0:6 fast (l) 7:2 federal (3) 9:25;ll:22;28:2 fee (l) l7:l I feel (2) 4:5;50: l2 feet (l) 35..22 fence (l) 23:4 Fenwick (2) 35:17:36:5 Ferry (2) 32:14,22 few (7) 12:21 ;25:19;30: I I,l2;33: I I, l6;41:10 fited (r) 3: l5 Filer (l) 20:24 filings (1) 3:23 rill (2) 4:4,6 final (2) 3:21;5: l0 linalty (l) 26:.19 finances (l) l0: l5 Iinancial (l) 42:22 find (3) l9:5;39: l4;40:14 findings (1) 27:14 finds (l) 22:l E Public Hearing November 2,2022 1l iq;- { *31 ; ii; 1 .lq:M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-e61 I (ph) (800)234-e6l I (208)-345-8E00(fax) (55) Duke - finds 26:8 full (2) 35:22;36:2 fully (l) 5:l further (3) 4:23;38:3,3 future (10) I I : I 9;26: I l;27 :21 :30:8; 3I : I I;45: I0,I 3,17;48:2;50:16 G Gooding (l) 44:l good-paying (l) 26:5 Governor (l) 28:13 graduate (3) 25:18;42:8;44:8 grandfathered (l) l4:9 grandfathering (l) 44:23 Granted (l) 2l:14 Grants (2) 9:25;ll:20 great (5) 2l :8;3 | :21 ;42:25 ;48:25 ; 50:15 greatest (1) 31:2 green (l) 30: I Greenworks (l) 30: I grid (3) l7:l;33: 15;37:22 ground (2) 35:6;37: l0 Group (1) 28:14 grow (1) 27:20 growing (l) 9:10 grown (l) 26:3 growth (3) 26:4;35:9;38:2 guess (2) 3:4;19:3 suv (2) 4:9;8; l0 Cuys (6) 9:4,5;12:16:13: I ;19: l3; 4l: l8 H galton (l) l l:15 gamlng (l)ll:l gave (l) 41:24 gear (l) l0:ll general (2) l8: l0;22:18 generally (l) 4:25 generals (l) 6:4 generate (l) 2l: l3 generated (l) 23:21 Generation (9) 3 : 1 | ;21 :9,1 3 ;22 :2,9,13,20; 23:19:2'l:5 generational (1) 9:12 generator (2) 2l:17:39:12 generators (l) 40:8 gentlemen (2) l6: l3;39:10 geothermal (l) 14:14 given (t) 43:2 giving (r) 4:7 Glerns (2) 32 14,22 goal (l) 24:14 goals (2) 26:14,18 goes (5) 5 : l2;l 4 : 1 4 :l 6 :23 ;26:9 :3 6 :12 Goicoechea (l) 7:15 Good (r8) 3 :3,6;7 :13 ;9 :5;l 5 :7 ;16: 17 : 20 :2,8:23 : I 0 ;3 | :23,24 ;32 :2 I ; 36: I 4:4 I : l'l ;42:18,22:48:21 49..2t Hailey (l) 25.'24 hair (r) l8: l2 half (1) 36:8 Hamilton (14) 29 :2,3,5,9,1 5, I 5,1 8,2 1,23,24 : 3 l :15, 1 8,20;32: l H-a-m-i-l-t-o-n (l) 29:16 hand (12) 4:7 ;8:12;13:13; I 5 : I 8;20: I 2; 2 5 : I ;29 :7 ;3 2 : 4 ;38 :22;40 :2 | : ln the Matter of ldaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Revlew Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation Publlc Hearing November 2,2022 fine (1) 37:23 first (19) 7:25;8:5, 10,15;1 l: I5; l3: l6; I 5 :2 I ;l 6 :20 ;20 : 1 6 ;2 5 :3 ;29 : I 0 ; 32:'7 ;3 4 : I I ;3 5 :25 ;37 :20;3 8 :24; 40:24;43:18;48:13 {tve (6) 4: 19, 1 9; l l : l 6 ;35:21 ;36:3; 45:2 Iixed (l) 49:7 Ilood (1) 9: l5 floor (2) 9:3;14:4 flow (l) 45:17 focus (l) 9:24 Folks (2) 34:2;38:15 foltow (l) 4:25 Following (1) 6:6 follows (12) 8: l6;13: l7; l5:22;20:17; 2 5 : 4 ;29 : I I ;32 :8 ;3 4 : I 2 :38 :25 ; 40:25;43:19:48:14 food (2) 33:4,7 force (l) 47:11 forced (l) 33:17 Forgive (4) 7:25;8:2;18:12;20:1 forms (2) 50:19,20 forth (1) l9:4 forums (l) 23:ll forward (6) 12 :23 ;l 3 :2 ;26 : | 8;3 4 :7 ; 45:21;49:10 Fosbur-v (12) 24 :22,24;25 :2,8,8, I l, I 4, I 6; 28:19,22;29:l;39:16 F-o-s-b-u-r-y (l) 25:9 found (2) 27:2;39:18 foundation (l) 9:21 four (1) 36:3 free (l) 4:5 Friday (3) 4:2;41:15;50:21 fringes (l) M & M Court Reporting Service (20E)345-961 I (ph) (800)234-96r r (20E)-3a5-8800(fax) 43: l5;48:8 hands (1) 33:l I happen (2) 6:9;37:3 happenings (l) 33:5 happens (1) 35:23 happy (l) 50:19 hard (l) 49:23 hat (l) 8:2 head (l) 45:3 health (l) 9: l5 healthy (1) 42.24 hear (5) 5 :22,2 5 :29 :3 :4 I :22 ;42 :9 Hearing (7) 3:7 ,13,20;13:7;31 :21 ;34: I ; 4l:25 hearings (2) l2:3;23:9 heavy (l) 24:l HECKLER (2) 7:20,21 hedge (r) l0:20 llello (3) 5:22;6:2;29:3 help (4) 5:l;1214:19:21;40:9 helped (l) 37:1 0 helping (2) 3l:7;42:12 helps (l) 26:4 highJift (l) 32:24 hits (1) l2:5 hold (r) 35:21 home (5) 1 6 :12;l 8:22;3 4 : I 9 ;3 5 t 17 ; 50:1 5 homeowner (4) 2l:12:45:12;46:18,24 homeowners (4) 22:23;47:l1,19,20 homeowner's (l) 47:l honest (l) 40:2 honestly (l) 24:5 '1| i1;-l,-;n1'1'!11;.ri:(56) fine - honestly instance (1) 39:23 iNtrumental (l) l2:8 integrated (l) 27:8 lnteractive (l) 2l: l5 lnterest (5) 2 | : I 2 :3 6 :2 | :39 :22,2 4 :40 : 9 intertwined (1) 36:1 8 interveners (l) 6;8 into (10) 8: I ; I 3 : I ; I 4:8 ;l 6:24:23:2; 27 :20 ;3 5 :24;42: I 0:4 5 : I 6;49 : I 3 introduced (l) 7:17 invest (4) 22:2,5:24:6;45:15 investment (5) 23 :2 :4 5 : 4,21,22 ;47 :23 investments (l) l l:19 involved (l) I l:16 tPc-E-22-22 {t) 3:7 irrigate (4) I I :8;32:23;35: I 8;36:3 irrigated (3) 9:9; l0:6;36: I irrigating (1) 1l:ll trrigation (7) 9: I 5; I 0:3,24; I I :8,17 :32:24; 35:19 issue (1) 2l:19 issues (l) 44:12 J Jackpot (5) 22;7,8;23:3,5,22 JAMES (2) 13:15,22 Jerome (l) 48:21 jobs (5) 26 6:4 I : 17,24 :42: 1 8,22 JOEY (3) 43:17,23:48:l John (2) 3: l9;30: I joined (3) 3: l8;5:21;7: l5 Jones (9) 32,.2,6,1 2,12, I 4,1 7,1 9 ;3 4 :25 ; 35:7 J-o-n-e-s (l) l2:8 imply (l) l9:2 lmportance (l) 9:7 important (12) 12: 18:23 :l 2;26:7, I 1, I 7;30:8, 12,14,18;49: I l, I8;50:13 impossible (t) I 1:20 lmprove (l) l0:24 improved (l) 9:14 incentivize (2) 30: l0;31:9 include (2) 27:15;42:2 included (1) 27:7 inctuding (l) 28:8 income (l) 49:7 increase (2) 3l:9;37:2 incur (l) l0: l7 independent (1) 27:13 indexing (1) I l:8 indicated (l) 35:8 individual (3) l0:l:22:1,4 individuals (l) 23:1 industrial (2) 35:14:44:25 industry (11) 14: I l; l5:1,9;24:14,15:'33:4; 4l :2 I :42: 12,l 6;44: 10,20 inflation (l) ll:21 information (5) l6: I 3,16;39: I 8;40: l2;48:3 informed (2) 46:18,19 initially (l) 40:l I initiated (1) 39: l5 input (l) 46:20 instatl (l) 46:13 installation (2) 21:5;42:13 installer (3) 30:2;42:5:46:20 installers (4) 46l.11,25;47:12,19 In the Matter of ldaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation 32:12 journeymen (1) 42:8 judges (2) 5:4,9 judgment (l) 5:2 judlcial (l) 6:24 June (2) 3:16;ll:24 Public Hearing November 2,2022 K hope (3) ll:22;13:l;24:14 hopefully (2) 5:24;38:5 horsepower (5) I 0:7,8;36:9,1 I ;46:5 hosted (1) 25:18 hot (l) 3l :5 hour (1) 47:15 hourly (7) 44 :l 8 ;46 : 17,23 ;47 : 1,3,3,1 6 household (l) 22:23 hug (l) 3:5 huge (l) 42:16 huh (l) 8:9 ldaho (99) 3 :8, I 5;5;20;7:9,12,1 4,22: 8:24,25 ;9:8, I 0,21,22: I 0:18; 12:2,6,1 l.l 5,23,24:l 4: l, I 2, I 5. 20; l5: I ; I 6:5, I 5,24;17 :2,12,1 6; | 9 : l,l 9 :20 :24,2 5 :2 | : I 5,20 ; 22:7,8,17 ;23 :l 5,17,22;25: I l, I 2,1 9 ;26:8,1 3,1 5 ;27 :3,1 0,1 7 ; 28:5,8;29: I 8, l9;30:2 I :3 I :3,3, I I ;32: I 5;33: I 8;34: 19,20; 35: I 6;36:6, 1 3,1 5,20 25:37 :5, I 8,2 I ,25;38: I ;39:6,19,23; 40: 10, I 3;4 I :5,6,16;42:6,13,17, 20,24,25 ;M : 1,2,8 ;4 5 : 4,2 I ; 46 : 10,1 2;48 :22;49 :l 5 ;50 : | 3 Idahoans (1) 28:9 Idaho's (l) 42:25 idea (2) 18:14;49:22 identify (l) 7:19 ignored (t) 30:12 IIe (2) I 8: I I,l3 imagine (l) 22;9 impact (2) 9:7:27:25 impacting (1) 24:5 Implement (2) 3:Ll;12..22 implemented (1) ll:24 implementing (l) keep (2) 4:18:12:24 Ketchum (3) 25:24;29:18,25 kitling (2) l5:8,9 kifls (r) l5: I kilowatt (7) I 4:7,7 ;44 : I 5 ;4 5 :9 ;46: 4,1 0 ; 49:19 kilowatt-hour (l) 248 kilowatts (3) 9:23;36:l l;38:8 Kimberly (l) l6:4 kind (r2) l 8: l2; l9: 1 2,17, I 8;21 : I l ; 29:5;36: I 8;40 :6:41 : I I ;44:14, l6;50: l6 knowing (4) 17:7;45:9,13,18 kw (3) 10:2,9:46:l L land (l) 33: l9 lands (1) 37:12 large (4) 35:5;44:23,25;46:25 larger (2) l0:7:36:20 largest (l) 9:24 Iast (30) 3 :22:5 : I 9 :8 :20 :12,2 | ; I 3 :21 ; | 6 : | ; I 9 :9 :20 :20 ;22: 22 ;24 :22 ; 25 :7 ;26: I 6,21 ;29 : I 4 ;3 I :3 ; 32:I I:34: I5:3 5:10:36.'2,3:39:2; 4l :2.1 5 ;43 :22;45 : I, l 9;46:8; 47:16;48:17,18 later (1) 4:16 layout (1) l0:5 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)345-961 I (ph) (800)234-e6l I (208)-345-8800(fax) (57) hope - layout In the M the League (l) l6:16 lean (l) 47:8 learn (l) 23:1 0 least (l) 36:21 left (2) 26:23;27:10 legacy (l) l4:9 lend (2) 26:25;33:12 less (2) 19:20;45:14 letter (l) 30:5 letting (l) 24:12 light (l) 33:3 likely (1) 23:8 limit (2) 28:5;31:5 llmited (1) l0:4 limits (l) 4:13 line (l) l9:12 lines (5) 26 :9,1 0 ;27 : I 7 ;30 :23 ;3 6 :7 link (2) ll:6,12 linked (l) 30: l6 Lisa (l) 7:14 list (l) 38:1 6 listen (l) 4l: l3 listening (3) 5:24;39:13;41:14 lists (1) 34:2 little (1 1) 7: 1,2;9: l 8; l 6:9, 18,20; 19: 16, 20;20:l;30:25;50:9 Littlers (l) 28:1 3 live (4) 17:5;26:7;49:7;50:15 lived (l) 22:23 load (5) 10:8;37:2;47:2,3,16 lobby (1) 4:4 local (5) I 5: I 0;26:3,5;40:5;42:3 Complete Generation M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-e6l I (ph) (800)234-e6l I (208)-34s-8800(fax) milllon (5) 36:8,1 l;38:8:45:4,19 millions (1) 45:16 mind (l) 4: l8 mindset (l)ll:l mine (4) 18:13,24;30:4;45:22 Mtneral (l) 28:15 minute (3) 4:l l;17 :22;43:13 mlnutes (3) 4: 19, I 9;41 : l0 miss (l) 34:3 missed (l) 7:19 mitigate (l) l2:20 Monday (1) 36:15 money (3) l4:16;19:20;33:l I Montana (l) 40:6 months (3) 46:9;47:16,17 more (24) 4 :20 : I 9 :9 :22 :6, I 0 ;23 : I 7 : 26:2,1 I ;30:4,22,25 ;3 I :25 ;33 :7, 8,8;3 8 :3,4;40: 1,2,2;4 I :24; 46t14;47:18;49:12,12 most (5) I 0 :7 :17 :7 :21 : I 4 ;3 5 :2;39 : 1 4 Mostly (2) 30:3,7 mother (1) 8:3 motlvation (1) I l:6 Mountain (2) 34:19;35:17 move (2) 5:17;26:18 moving (5) 12..23 ;l 3 :2;44: 17 ;49 : I 0,13 much (24) I | : l2;12:l 6;13 :4,7; I 5 : I 5; I 7 : I 3 ;20 : 6,9 ;24 :2 I ;28 :21 ; 3 I : I 9,20,25 ;3 4 : I :3 6: I 7 :38 : | 2 ; 40 : I 6,19 :43 :4 ;46;1 4 ;48:4:50; l . 17,23 multiple (1) 22:22 must (l) 7:5 myself (5) 2l :l I ;24:4;30:3 ;46: 1 | :47 :20 Public Hearing November 2,2022 localized (l) 30:20 locally (l) 2'l:16 located (l) l0:8 long (2) 24:15:27:18 longer (l) l8:20 look (3) ll:14;196,7 looked (l) l0:23 looking (6) l3: I ; I 6: 19; l9:l 5;39:21; 45:6;46:5 lost (2) I l: l4;35:12 lot (13) I 8: 8,9; I 9: I | ;23 :3,25;24 :2; 28:20;3 6: 19 ;41 :20 ;48 :2;49 :3,6, 20 loud (l) 1.) lowers (l) 27:21 low-income (l) 26:20 lucky (l) l4:7 M Magic (2) 38:l;46:2 Mahaffey (9) 20:7 ,8,13,15 ,21 ,21 ,24;21;2,4 M-a-h-a-f-f-e-y (l) 20:22 mainly (1) 45:7 major (l) l9: l4 majority (2) 22:9,20 making (3) 23:13;33:16:45:25 Makings (8) | 5 : 17,20 ;16.,2,2,4,7,9 i20 :4 IVI-a-k-i-n-g-s (l) l6:2 manage (l)2l 17 many (6) 4: l2:5 :1 6;9 :7 ;10: I 0;42:7,12 market (4) ll:4,5,9,1 I matches (l) l8:13 material (l) 24:2 math (l) l9:4 Matter (3) 3:8;5:1 1;31: l0 Matthew (5) 20:7,15,21;24:18,20 maximized (l) 33:10 may (3) 6: l0;18: l3;47: l6 maybe (9) 5 : | 5 :17 :22;18:4;19 :20;24:3, 4;39:21;4$:9;46:6 mean (5) 19 :l 5 ;23: 17,23 ;38:7 ;49 :21 means (5) 6:21 :19 : 18;28:20;33 : I 9; 41t20 meet (l) 36:24 meeting (3) 4:7;36:16:37:ll Megan (2) 7:15|26:15 megawatts (2) 37t15,16 member (2) 28:13;29:24 members (2) 3: l4;6: l5 mention (2) l9:9;28:12 mentioned (5) 23 : I 6;3 5 :20;39: I 4,17 ;40:4 mentioning (l) 44:16 merits (l) 5:7 messages (l) 3l:4 met (2) 35: l6;36:5 Meta (1) 35:l I meter (3) L7.21,25;18:2 metering (6) l0:20; I l:7 il4:7 ,25;16:21,22 meters (5) 10: I l; I8:4,6,22:44:24 methodologies (1) 27:9 Michael (l) l3:8 microphone ([) 3:5 mid-1960s (1) 35:24 might (2) 6:6;17:16 Mike (1) 7:21 miles (l) 35:2 (58) League - myself notes (2) 4:10;7:25 notice (1) 37:11 noticed (2) 23:14:40:3 November (2) 3:22;4:3 number (3) 24:7,10:27:14 numbers (2) 17:21:23:25 o 9:9 opinion (l) 26:22 Opportunities (2) 7:22;30:23 opportunity (7) 9 :6 ; 12 : I 7 ;22: I ;23 : | 3 ;25 :22 ; 50:6,10 optton (1) 26.2O order (3) l9:13,21;40: l3 orders (1) 5; l0 originatly (1) 4l:12 others (3) 9:7;30:6;46:3 otherwise (l) l4:17 ours (l) 30:24 ourrelves (l) 50: l5 out (20) 4:5,6:12:21;16: I I, I 5; I 9: 14; 26:9 ,24:27 :10;30:22:31:l ,4,22, 23 ;32 :2 5 ;3 5 : 2 ;40 : I 3 ;4 | :22 ; 45: l;50:20 outcome (l) 39.,24 outcomes (1) 40:7 outlook (l) 47:21 outside (3) 9:9;33: l;50: l9 over (10) 5 : I 7 ;9 : I 4; l2:2 I t | 7 : I 5,24,25 ; I 8 :2;26 :21 ;3 5 : I 2;38 :2 overhead (2) 9:24;36:7 overlay (l) 47:2 overproduced (l) l4:21 overproduction (t) l4:23 oversizing (l)ll:l overstating (l) l9:8 orve (2) 17:25;31:ll owed (l) l 8:18 own (13) 9:9 ;l I :3 ;17 :4,25 :21 :12,1 3, | 3 ;22 :2,5 ;23 : 1,5 ;33 :2 I :4 6 :2 | orvned (1) 2l:10 objective (l) 40:2 observations (1) 27:14 obvious (2) 33:4,6 o'clock (l) 50:21 ofr (4) 8:l;32:4,20;45:2 offered (l) 40;6 OIfice (2) 28:2,14 oflicial (4) 5:3,8;7:6;30:5 oflicials (l) 28:19 off-peak (l) 36:23 off-season (l) 36:23 offset (5) l0:5; I 1 :3;37:6,21;46:6 often (l) l0:10 one (15) 4: I I ;5: I 7;8: I ;22:24;23:14; 36:20;37 : 10;40:5,6;4 I : I 4; 44:12,14,16,22;50: l4 onefor-one (l) 49:5 ones (l) 3l:24 one's (l) l0: l7 online (l) 19:24 onty (7) 5 :9 ;l 2:24 : I 4 : I 2;2 I : I 0 : 35:19;46:15;47:15 On-Site (2) 3:10;27:4 onto (l) l6:25 open (l) l2:3 operate (1) In the Matter of ldaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation name (26) 3: I 7;5 : 13, I 8, I 9,7 :21 ;8:20, 20:13:,20,21 ;15 :25: I 6: I ; I 8;5, 22 :20 : 19 ;24 :23 :,25 : 6 ;29 : I 3,2 4 ; 32:10;34:14;39: I ;4 I : 1,2;43:21 ; 48: l6,l 8 names (l) 34:3 nationally (1) 42:11 native (l) 44:8 natural (l) 30: l5 nature (l) 6:25 nearly (2) 45:3,19 necessarily (l) 46:19 necessary (l) 7:5 need (10) 3 :5 ;23 : 19,22;27 : 17 ;36:9 ; 37 :6;45 :17 ;46:19 :47 :, 1,2 needed (2) 4:161'17:20 needs (5) I I :9; 14: l7;3 I :3:36:24;42:23 negates (l) l0: l9 net (5) 1 0:20; I I :1 ;l 4:6,25 ;l 6:22 netting (3) 44:18;46:17,23 Nevada (2) 22:8,10 new (3) 2l:12;26:5;37:9 Newton (50) 5 :2 1,22 ;8 : | 9,23,25 ;9 :3 : | 3 :20,24 ;l 4 : 1,4 ;l 5 :25 ; I 6:3,5, 8;20:19,23,25;2 I :3 ;25 :6,1 0,12, I 5 ;29: 13,l 7,19 22;32:1 0,13,1 5, I 8;34: 14, 18,20,23;39:l ,4,6,9; 4 I : 1,4,6,9;43 :21,25;44 :2,5 ; 48:16,20,22,25 next (7) 8:2; I 0: 1 0;20:7 :40:20;47 :17 ; 48:7;50:5 night (l) 4l:20 none (2) 13:7;34:l nonsolar (4) 2l:23;22:18;24:5,9 Nordstrom (3) 7:12,13,14 normal (l) 50: l0 pack (l) 35:19 pages (l) 24:l paid (l) 3l:9 pandemic (2) 33:3;35:8 panels (2) l7:8,9 paper (l) 47:7 Pardon (l) 32:20 part (5) 7 :7 ; | 2 : I 0 ;30 :8 ;3 5 :20 ;4 5 :24 partialty (l) 35:8 participate (2) 32:24:33;6 participating (l) 42:14 particular (l) 36..21 particularly (2) 30: l3;35:9 parties (3) 6:7;7:ll,l8 party (1) 39:,25 pass (l) 5:2 past (3) 9:14:14:20;42:8 pav (4) l5:4;17:7,16;19..24 paying (4) ll:10:41:.17;42:.18,22 pedestat (l) l2:ll people (11) 4 :12;5 : I 6,24;l 9:24;30: I 8 ; 3 I :24;33 :6 ;46: I 4 ;49 :3,13,20 peppermint (l) 9:ll per (l) 24:8 percent (7) 1 0 :2 ;l 5 :2:21 :25 ;26:4,21 ; 33: l8;46:6 perhaps (2) 24:9,15 person (7) 5: I 5;8:5; I 7: I 7 :18:17 :21:25; 22;1,24 personally (l) 32:25 Phase (l) 3:9 phenomenal (l) Public Hearing November 2,2022 PN M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 I (ph) (800)234-e6l I (208)-345-8800(fax) (59) name - phenomenal poll (l) 6: l6 poor (2) 9: 1 3,13 portfolio (1) 30:21 possibility (2) 17:3,3 possibte (l) 37:22 Possibly (1) l5:6 potatoes (l) 9:ll potential (2) l1:l:27:25 potentially (5) I 5 :9 ;40 :2,1 3 ;44 : l7 ;4 5 : I 5 Power (79) 3 : 8, I 5;5 :20;7 :12,1 4;8:25 ; 9:22;1 0:l 8,25 ;12:6,7,23 ;l 4: l, 12,15,20; l5: l; 16:5;17:2.12,17; l9:l,l,19;20:25;2 I : I 3, I 5; 22: 1 7 ;23 : | 8,22;25 : | 2,1 9 ;26 :8, I 3,1 5 ;27 :3,1 0,1 7,2O;28 :6,7,8 ; 29 : I 9 ;3 0 :2 I ;3 I :2,2,3,4 ;3 2 : | 5 ; 33 : I 8;34:20;3 5:16;36:6,7,1 4, 15,20;37 :5,1 5, I 6, I 8, I 8,2 1,2 I ; 39 :6,19,23 :40:7,10,1 4;4 I :6; 44 :2 ;4 6 : I 0,1 2 ;47 : I 5,22 ;48 :22; 49:15,17 Power's (7) I 6 : 24 ;2 I :20 :22 :7 ;23 : 1 5 : 27:17;36:25:42:20 practical (l) 42:18 practices (l) l2:9 predicted (l) 39:24 prediction (l) 47:14 premise (1) l0:18 prepare (1) 33:14 presence (l) 2821 presentation (l) 40:3 presented (l) 39:1 9 presenting (1) 26:15 pressurized (l) 9:17 pretty (1) 24:l previous (l) 42:2 price (t) 19:23 prices (l) 26:20 principles (1) 14:l I private (l) 40:7 probably (5) 4 : I 7,20 ;20 : I 0 ;24 :22;3 5 :8 problem (l) 3l:7 problems (l) l9: l4 procedure (2) 5:6,12 proceeding (1) 3: l8 proceedings (2) 6:13:50:24 process (2) 6:23.12:10 produce (5) 1 6:23 ;17 : I 3 ; I 9 :24 ;3 3 :21 ; 38:8 produced (3) 18:2:27:16;40:7 producer (l) 34:25 producers (1) 3 l:10 production (4) 9:21;23:5;33:ll;47:4 professional (3) 2l:5;24:13;30:2 professor (1) l4: l3 profile (2) 47;2,3 program (14) | | :7,17,1 9,23 ;l 5 :9 ;27 :23 ; 36: l9;38:6,9;44: 1 7, 1 8;45: l0; 46.18,24 programs (3) l0:20;37:14;42:7 progression (l) l2:25 project (2) 10:4;37:7 projected (2) l1:5;37 4 projects (2) 36:17;45:l pronunciationl (l) 8:6 properties (l) l8:23 property (5) I 7 : 4 ;l 8 :7,19 ;22:2 L ;3 5 : I 2 proposal (l) 42:20 proposals (l) 36:5 proposed (l) 28:4 provide (2) ln the Matter of ldaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation Public Hearing November 2,2022 l5:8 Phil (2) 48:9;50:2 Phillip (3) 48:9,12,18 phone (l) l7: l8 Photon (l) I l:15 pick (2) 4:6,9 piece (l) 47:7 pit (1) 2l:23 pitting (1) 22:18 pivot (l) l0:25 pivots (1) 9: l6 place (15) 3 :7 ;8 :23 ; I 3 :24 il 6 :3,20 ; 20:23 ;25 :l 0;29 : 17 ;32: 13 ; 34: I 8;37: I 6;39 :4;41 :4;43 :25; 48:20 placement (l) l0:5 plan (2) 2'l:9;45:17 planet (l) l9: l3 planning (2) 44:6;49:l plant (l) 45:6 plants (l) 49:17 Platforms (l) 35:l I Please (35) 4:5 ;6:13,17 ;7 :3, I 9;8: 12, 1 9; I 3: 13,20:15: I 8,25;20: I l,l 9; 24 :25 ;25 :6;29 :7, I 3 ;32: I 0;3 4 :4, 7,1 4;38 : 17,2 1,22;39 : I ;40 :24, 2l :41 :l ;43 : 12, I 5,2 I ;48:7,8, I 6; 50:5 pleasure (l) 2l:8 plentiful (1) 30:20 pm (2) 4:3:50.24 Pocatello (7) 38 : 1 ;4 I :5, I 1,18,25 ;42:2;43 :9 pocket (2) l6:24;19:21 point (3) 5:14;7:10;37:24 pointing (l) 3l:l policy (t) 4:8 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234-961 I (208)-34s-8E00(fax) 6;12:25:22 provided (2) 6:21,21 proximity (1) 22:14 public (6) 3: I 4:l I :25 ;12:2;3 I : I 4 ; 32:21;40:14 publish (1) 22:6 pubtished (3) 2l:20;23:15,24 PUC (2) I I:17;14:8 pull (2) 19:13;23:2 pump (5) 1 1 : I 5;32;25;3 5 :2;36:8;46:6 pumping (3) 9:16;36:23,24 pumps (3) l0:7;32:23,25 purchase (2) 33; l8;37: l8 PURPA (r)ll:l purpose (l) 3: l3 put (4) 4:l3 ;17 :20;33 :| l :44:7 puts (l)l2:ll putting (1) I6:25 PVWatts (l) 46:22 quantify (l) 27:9 quasi-judicial (l) 7:5 quit (l) 49:14 R radial-controlled (l) 9:16 raise (ll) 8: l2;13:13;15: l8:20:l 1; 24:25 ;29 :6;32:3 ;38:22 ;40 :2 | ; 43: l5;48:8 rapid (3) 35:9;37: l2;38: I rate (5) I I :6,9 ;27 : I ;28: I 0;45 : I 4 rates (2) 28:4:49:15 ratio (l) 49:5 reacting (l) a (60) Phil - reacting 5: l0 relating (12) 8: 15; l3: l6; I 5:21;20:16; 25 :3 ;29 : 10;32:7 ;3 4 : | | ;38 :24 ; 40:24;43:18;48:13 release (l) 36: l9 reliable (l) l2:7 reluctant (l) 48:2 rely (2) 42:21:47:12 remember (3) 6;13;17:l l;18:13 remind (l) 50: l4 removed (l) 30:ll renewable (7) 14: I 3; I 8:8;23 :16,18,21,23' 42:24 renewables (3) l5:2,3,5 rental (2) 17:4;35:12 rented (l) 37:9 renting (2) 35:5, l0 repaired (1) 26:10 repercussions (3) 44:17:45:13;46:17 report (l) 2l:20 reporter (2) 6:25;9:18 represent (5) 7 :17 :12:l :30:3,5;41 : l6 representative (l) 35:17 representing (3) 6:4;7:14,21 request (l) 3: l5 requested (1) 35:18 require (l) 36:8 required (2) l0:10,14 requirement (1) l0:19 requires (l) 46..24 research (3) 19:5:23:8:46:21 reservoirs (2) 35:21;36:22 residence (13) 8:23 ; I 3 :24 ;l 4 :6; I 6 :3 ;20 :23 ; 25 : lO;29 : | 7 ;32 : 13 ;3 4 : I I ;39 :4; 4l:4;43:25:48:20 residential (3) 33: I 4;3 5: I 3;39: l2 residents (2) 26:6,20 resillence (2) 33:12,15 resilient (2) 26:12;33:8 resource (3) l57,8;27:8 Resources (2) 25:25:28:15 respect (2) 6:23:37:19 responsibility (l) 2l:16 rest (l) 3l:12 result (l) 27:6 retired (l) 25:-17 Reuter (l) 30: I Review (2) 3:9;35: l8 REYNOLDS (7) 34:5, I 0, I 6, I 6,19,22,24 R-ey-n-oJ-d-s (t) 34:17 Richardson (9) I 3 :8,9 i43 : 17,23,23 ;4 4 : 1,4,6: 48:5 R-i-c-h-a-r-d-s-o-n (l) 43,'24 right (20) 4: 8;5:23 ;8:3, 1 2;10 :10;12:25 ; I 3 : I 3; I 5:7, I 8 ;20:12;23:4; 24 :24;25 : I :29 :7 ;32 :4i37'.4 : 38:22;40:21 :43: I 5 ;48 :8 Riley (2) 5:21;7:17 rising (3) l0:21;12:14,19 river (5) 32:25;35:3 :36:7, I 0;38 :3 road (2) 12:5;19: l5 role (1) 7:5 Ronk (1) 26:15 rooftop (6) 26 :19 ;28 :3 :30 :20 ;3 | :6; 49:ll,l7 room (l) 38: l9 roughly (1) 35:25 rubber (l) l2:5 rules (3) ln the Matter of ldaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation Public Hearing November 2,2022 6:20 read (2) 8: l;14:19 reads (1) 27:5 ready (1) 7:24 real (2) 42:3,20 realistic (l) 26:19 really (19) 9 :5 :12: I 5 ;24:5;25 : I 9;30:8, I 3,l8;36:24;40:12;42:l I ,16; 45 : 10,20;46;9,1 8,24 :47 :8.1 l,l 2 REAP(2) 9:25;l*24 reason (1) 46:9 reasonable (3) 22:6,6:26:25 reasons (1) 36:20 receptionist (l) 17:17 receptive (l) 50:ll record (21) 5 : 1,3,8;6: I 8;7 :6,7 ;8:20; 13 :21 ;l 6:l :20:20;25 :7 ;29 :l 4; 32: I l;34: l5;39:2;41:2,12;42:1, 24;43:22;48:17 recording (l) 7:4 redesigned (1) 9: l6 reduce (2) ll:7;14:25 reduces (l) 27:16 redundant (l)l0:ll refer (1) l9:3 reference (l) 3:14 referred (2) 3:8;27: I 8 refrain (1) 6:20 refute (l) 19:2 regard (1) 25:24 regarding (3) 5:6;9:6;28:2 regardless (l) I'7:12 regulate (l) 36:24 related (1) 5:5 relates (l) 4:25;49:8,1 I ruling (l) 5:10 run (1) 27:t8 Rush (1) 4:8 Russell (7) 8:5, I I,14,2 I ; I 3:5:37 :10;46:3 S sacrifice (1) l9: l6 sacrifices (1) 20:10 safe (l) 46:l I safely (l) 46:13 Sailor (t) 36:6 same (8) I 0: l4; I 8:4,6,22,23:33:9; 43:14;46:3 satisfy (l) l0: I2 saving (l) l2:9 savings (l) 27:6 saying (1) 36:13 scarf (l) 32:4 scattered (l) 9:23 Schedules (l) 3:12 Schiermeier (16) 8:5,6,7,7,8,9,1 4,21,21 .24i9 :2, 4,20 :3 4 :25 :3 6 : | 2:4 6:3 S-c-h-i-er-m-e-l-e-r ( I ) 8:22 scoTT (9) 38: I 8,23;39:3,3,5,8,10, I 7; 40:17 S-c-o-t-t (l) 39:3 second (l) 3:24 seconds (2) 17:22;18:18 Section (2) 26:24:27:2 sector (4) 33.2,2,10;42:24 seem (l) 39:25 self-generation (2) 33:13;45:6 sell (l) l6:25 \Ir*-i.,*,!*r"1*|li M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-e61 I (ph) (800)234-e6l I (208)-345-8800(fax) (61) read - sell 24:7 Simplot (l) 35:1 1 simply (l) 17:7 site (3) 17:25:21:13:36:6 sites (l) l0:2 situation (l) 46:14 six (1) 35:ll skilled (l) 42:19 slow (3) 7:1,3;9:18 small (3) 3l: l0;41: l5;42: l5 Snake (1) 35:3 snow (l) 35: l9 social (1) 27:8 societal (2) l9: I0,17 society (l) 28:7 software (l) 47:9 soil (2) 9:13,14 solar (73) 9:23 ;l 0:23 ;12: I 8 ; I 4:5,6,8, I I, 14; 1 5 : 1,6,'7 :16: l2il7 :5,8,9: 2 I :5,9,13,25 ;22:5,7,9,13,1 8 20: 23 :3,5,22;24:6,13 ;26:1,3,17,19, 23 :27 : 4,1 3,1 6,20i28 : 1,3,4,6,6, 10;30: 1,8,10,2 I ;3 I : 1,2,6,9, l0; 37 : I 4,17 ;38 :8 ;4 I : I 6,2 I ;42:5, 12,l 3,1 6,22 :4 4 :9 ;4 6 :20,24 ; 47 :3,12:49 :3,1 l,l 4, l7 Sotarize (l) 27:24 solution (l) ll:14 solving (l) l6:ll somebody (l) 34:3 someone (1) 4:21 Sometimes (l) 43:12 son (2) 23:9;24:16 soon (2) 32:4;35:15 sorry (4) 9 :20;l I :5 :24:23 ;48 : I 0 source (2) 10:25:26:9 speak (ll) 4: I 3, I 8;5:9;6:8;24:3i41 :12, 22;43 : 1 3 ;49 : 3,24 ; 50 : 6 speaking (l) 49:l special (I) 38:7 Specific (l) 44:ll specilically (2) 42:10;44:22 spe[ (r3) 5 : I 9;8:20; I 3 :21 :l 6:l :20:20: 25 :7 ;29 : | 4 :32: I I ;3 4 : I 5 ;39 :2; 4l:2;43:22;48:16 spread (l) 3l.21 spreading (l) 30:22 spurred (1) 21:ll staff (5) 6:5 ,5;7 :17;12:l ,20 stakeholders (l) I0: l9 stand (3) 5: l4;7: l9;50:20 standpoint (2) l9:10;40: I start (l) 9:20 started (5) 9:12;ll:22:18:9, I 5, I 5 State (25) 7:9;8: I 9;9:8; I 2:24l'13 :20: I 5:25 :20:19 ;25: 6;29: I 3 ;30:9, | 5,1 8,22:3 I :22;32: l0 :3 4 : | 4 : 39: I ;40:5 ;4 I : I ;42: I 1,23 ;43 :21; 44:8;48: l6;49:13 stated (3) 2l:24;30:5,23 statement (3) 6;6;18:21,22 statements (3) 5:3:6:12;22:ll station (l) 36:8 stations (2) l0:8, l0 statistics (l) 19:4 STEVE (3) 34:10,16;38:l I still (2) 8:3; l8: I 8 streamline (1) l l:17 stress (l) 46:16 strictly (1) 35:1 3 studies (3) 39:21;40:5,9 ln the Matter of ldaho Power's Application to Complete the Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation sending (1) 3l:4 sense (l) l8: I0 sentiment (1) 46:3 sentiments (l) 35:4 separate (1) l0: l0 serve (l) 5:4 serves (l) 4:23 service (2) 26:8;31:14 serving (l) 28:12 set (l) 8:2 sets (2) 4:10;7:25 seven (l) 22:24 several (2) 23:15;40:4 severely (l) l0:4 shame (1) 23:20 share (5) 22 : I 6 :2 4 : I 2 ;4 6 :2 :48 :3 ;5 0 :6 shareholders ([) l9: l9 sheet (3) 5: l3; l6:14,14 sheets (l) 4:3 shlnes (l) 3l:2 short (l) 29:5 shortage (l) 42:9 show (3) l0:15;l l:13;41:13 shows (l) l2:12 shy (l) 50:7 Sierra (2) 27:12;39:15 sign (2) 23:3;38: l8 signed (4) 4:12:34:5;38:18;49:2 significant (l) 7:7 sign-up (l) 5: l3 similar (3) 4:24;6:14;33:3 simple (l) Study (2E) 3:9, l0;9:6; l0: I 5; I I :4, 13; 12: 12;19 :l ;23 :8,25 :24:l ;25 :25 ; 26:24;27 ;3,7,10,1 l, I 3, I 9; 30: I I ;39: 14, I 9,24;40:3,4,10, 10;44:l I submlt (2) 4:2,5 submittal (1) 27:15 subsidy (l) 36:1 8 substantial (l) 4:2O Substation (l) 36:7 substations (l) 36:10 success (2) l2:8,15 successful (I) 9:21 suffer (l) 49:21 suited (1) t7;5 summer (2) 3 l:3,5 sunsetting (1) ll:22 support (l) 19:6 supporting (l) 42:17 supposedly (1) l9:l Supreme (l) 7:9 Sure (l) 25:8 sustalnable (l) 36:4 srvear (l) 34;8 swears (1) 5:17 switch (l) l0:l I sworn (12) 8; I 5;13: l6; I 5 :21;20:16: 25 :3 :29 : I 0:32:7 ;3 4: I I ;3 8 : 24 ; 40:24;43: l8;48:13 system (9) l0: I 3,25; I 3:3 ;16:12,21 ;11 :4: 33:7;47:14,21 systems (4) 11:2;33:7:37:l;46:13 Public llearing November 2,2022 T table (l) 12:13 talk (2) M & M Court Reporting Service (208)345-961 I (ph) (800)234-961 I (208)-345-8800(fax) lirr!-l -\.'r !i1i :(62) sending - talk ln the the 7:l;12:17 talked (2) 17:17;41:15 talking (l) l8:14 taught (2) l8:8;19: I I tax (3) 9:25;ll:22;28:2 teach (l) l4: l3 teaching (l) l8:9 technical (2) l6: l3;46:9 Technologies (l) 28:2 technology (3) l8:10;28: l4;33:20 ten (2) 9:14;26:21 tenant (l) 17:6 tendency (1) 2l:23 term (l) 2l:19 terms (4) 44:19;45:8,9;47:13 testilied (12) 8: I 6; I 3 : 1 7; I 5 :22;20:17 ; 25 :4 :29 : I I ;32:8 :3 4 : I 2;38 :2 5 ; 40:25:43:19;48:14 testify (1) 9:6 testimony (12) 3: l4;6:20; l5: I 5;25:22: 27 :l 5;28:17 ;33 :24;38:1 4 ; 40:19;43:1,6;50:22 Thanks (6) 29 :23 ;32:1,1 8,2 I ;39: I 0; 48:25 thinking (l) 17:23 third (l) 39:25 third-party (l) 39:21 though (l) 4:19 thought (2) 24:ll;44:7 thoughts (l) 50:6 thousands (l) 42:17 Three (3) 4:19;10:8:44:12 throughout (2) 2l:21:.31:22 tied (l) l0:17 Tim (1) utilities (3) 2l:22;22:17;40:14 Utility (3) 12:1,2;21:14 utillzation (1) ll:7 utilize (2) 9:17:13:2 Utilizing (2) 9:25;10..20 V w w-2 (1) 4l:17 rvait (l) 26:9 rvants (2) I 5:1 ;45: I 5 water (5) vacate (l) 4:15 vague (l) 19:17 Valley (4) 3 5 :10 ;37 :25 ;38:l ;46:2 valuation (2) 27:13,21 value (8) I0: I 8; 1 I :3,5,12,13,21 ;25:25: 40:7 valued (2) 27:3;28:10 verbal (l) 6:22 version (1) 24:4 versus (1) 22:18 vested (3) 39;22,23;40:9 vFD (l) l0:25 via (2) 40:14:46:21 view (l) 19:6 virtuatly (2) l0: I 3;36: l4 Yisiting (1) 50:12 vital (1) 12:9 vote (l) 6:17 voted (l) 45: I voter (10) 9:6; l0: I 5; I I :4,13;12: 12: 26:24:27 ;3,19;39: I 8;40; I 0 Public Hearlng November 2,2022 lication to Complete Customer Generation M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-e6l I (ph) (800)234-e6ll (208)-345{800(fax) truth (12) 8: l5; l3: l6; l5:21;20:16; 2 5 :3 ;29 : I 0 ;32 :7 ;3 4 : 1 I ;3 I :24 ; 40:24;43:18;48:13 try (2) 4: l8;8: I trying (4) 12:19:,14,'24; I 7: l8;35:2 Tryon (10) 48;9,9,9, I 2, I 8,18,21,24;49: I ; 50:3 T-r-y-o-n (l) 48:19 turn (l) l6:24 turning (l) 19:23 Twin (5) I 3:25; I 5: I 0;39:5 ;41 :19;45 :7 two (5) 4 :l A ;6: l0;7 :25 ;3 6 : | 0;44 :7 type (7) 36: 19;37: l3:38:6;44: I 8; 46:17,23;47:5 types (3) 4l:24:42:14;47:9 typically (l) 6:24 U 35:17 timeliness (3) M:13,19;45:24 times (l) 23:15 today (3) 5:2;28:1;42:6 together (l) 26:l told (1) 36:15 tomorrow (l) 4l20 ton (l) 46:l tonight (18) 3:4;4: I 3 ;5 : I 6,21 ;6:7,12:8:1 ; I 6 :9 ;20 :9 ;25 :2 1,23 ;28 : 1 6 : 4l : 12,25 ;43 :2i47 :24 ;50 :8,1 6 tonightrs (1) 3: l8 took (3) l7:21; l8:18;41:10 tools (l) 47:9 top (r) 45:3 topic (l) l9:7 towards (l) I 1:14 town (2) l5:7;50:12 track (l) 32:20 trade (1) 38:8 trades (2) 42:10,19 trained (1) 42:9 training (2) 42:14,17 transcript (1) 7:4 transfer (3) 17:24,24:18:1 transferred (l) 17:15 transmission (3) 26:9;27:19,22 transmitted (l) 22:15 Treasure (2) 35:10;37:25 treat (l) 50:1 5 tremendous (3) 21:16;22:25;30:14 trend (l) 35: l4 true (l) 33:9 uncertainty (l) l l:18 under (3) 4:19;35:19;37:17 underdeveloped (l) 9:13 underutilized (l) ll.21 unhappy (l) 8:3 universities (l) 42:6 University (l) 44:9 untruthful (l) t9:3 up (19) 4 :6,9,12:7 :l 9 : I 6:20;.23 :9 ; 34:5;36:9;37:18;38:5,I 8, I 8; 4 I : I 3 ;44 I 3 ;47 : I 3 ;49 :2,2,1 4, t5 upgrade (l) 27:17 use (7) I 0:3,6:1 6:23 ;21 :6;22:4:3 | :5 ; 46:7 used (3) 12:13:17:10;21:19 users (1) 3l.4 using (2) 32:23;33:20 (63) talked - water 2 30:9;31:12''33:4 worry (1) l8:5 worth (1) 3l: I Wow (1) 8:9 wrapping (1) 44:13 written (5) 4:2,5;27:15;32: l9;50: 1 8 wrong (1) 24:22 Wyoming (l) 40:5 Y year (4) 36:1,2;45:2,19 years (16) 9 : I 4;l I : I 6;12 :6,2 I ;l 4 :23 ; 2 I :22;22:22,24:25 : 1 9 ;26 :2 | ; 3 5 : | 1,22,23,25 ;36 : 3,3 Yep (2) 43:7,10 0 2,000 (2) 35:6,12 20 (2) 26:4;35:25 2003 (1) 2l:7 2010 (l) 2l:6 2016 (l) 27:24 2017 (2) 36:2;44:10 20lE (l) 9:22 2019 (3) l4:9;25:18:44:21 202r (l) 27:8 2022 (t) 3: l6 2023 (t) ll,.24 204s (2) l5:2,3 2s (1) 22:22 27 (tl 42.,5 0 (l) 27:5 003 (1) 24:8 3 1 3- (l) 46:5 3,000 (1) 36:9 30 (l) 35.2 300 (r) 36:3 30th (r) 3: l6 3200 (r) 9:9 3s0 (t) l0:8 37 (1) l 8:18 4 1,200 (1) 35: I0 l0 (3) 35:23;38:7:46:6 100 (e) l0: 1,9; l 5:2;33: I8;44:15; 45:9:46:1,4,10 100,000 (1) 36: l3 l0Gplus (t) 24:l 103 (r) 4l:17ll (1) 35:23 1100 (r) 36:1 0 12 (3) 12:6;47216,17 l2s (1) l0:7 1s00 (l) 36: I l6 (1) 36:ll 4 (1) 26.24 4- (1) 46:5 4,000 (2) 35:7,18 4.1 (r) )1.) 40 (l) l0:2 In the Matter of ldaho Power's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase...of On-Site Customer Generation Public Hearing November 2,2022 I I : I 6;30: I 7;3 5:22;36:3;38:3 way (4) I 0 :24; I 2 :24 ;40 : | 4 ;43 : | 4 ways (l) 46:t I wealthier (l) 33:1 6 website (5) 2 I :20,24 ;22 :7 ;23 : I 5,24 websites (l) 46:21 week (l) 26:16 weigh (1) 46:16 Welcome (4) 7:16,23;8:ll;29:1 welcomed (l) 50: l2 whatrs (3) 2l:18,20;22:4 wheat (l) 9:ll whole (2) l4:ll;37:9 who's (l) 6:25 whose (1) l8:12 Wilder (4) 32:2,3,6,12 wildlires (l) 30:1 5 willing (1) 4l:21 willingness (3) 6:23;12:1,4 wind (4) l4: l3;15:6,6;37: l5 wish (l) 4:7 wishing (l) 4:l within (1) 35: I witness (2) 7:25;13:6 wondering (l) 40:8 word (2) 2l:6,21 work (6) I I : I 6;1 2 :22;l 3 :2;38:9 ;44:9 ; 46:12 worked (4) 9:22;16:10,ll;4621 workers (4) 42:10,1'7,21,25 working (3) 2l.'22;26:l;28:14 works (2) 2l:15:37:l world (3) 42 (t) 37:15 4s (l) 17:21 48 (l) 37:16 4th (2) 3:22:4:3 5:00 (2) 4:3;50:21 s00 (2) 36.4:46:5 s3 (1) 26:21 7:07 (l) 50:24 8 (1) 3:12 800 (2) 9:23;10:1 84 (r) 3:12 6 (1) 3:12 5 6 7 8 9 9,500 (l) 35:22 9:00 (l) 4: l5 9O-something (l) 2l:24 \lril-{ *!r'i irtt rr M & M Court Reporting Service (208)345-961 l(ph) (800)234-961 I (208)-345{800(fax) (64) way - 90-something