HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221116Customer Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfBEFORE THE IDATIO PTIBIJIC TIIIIJITIES COMMISSION IN TIIE MATTER OF IDAIIO PO$IER COMPAIiISI S APPLICATION TO COUPI,ETE THE STI'DY REVTBW PHASE OF THE COMPREHENSI\IE STUDY OF COSTS AIID BENEFITS OF ON.SITE CUSTOMER GENERATION& FOR AIXIHORITY TO IUPIJEMENT CIIANGES TO SCHEDUIJES 6 , 8, AI{De4- BEFORE COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON COMMISSIONER iIOHN EIIATBURN DATE:October 2'l , 2022 - 5:00 p.m. Red Lion IIoteI 1555 Pocatello Creek Road Pocatello, Idaho 83201 LTOCATf ON: REPORTED BY: JAr{ET FRENCH, CSR NO. 946 Notary Pr:b1ic ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. IPe-E-22-22 2 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 APPEARANCES For the Staff: OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAI, By: Riley Newton 11331 W Chinden Boulevard, Building 8, BoiEe, Idaho 83720-0074 riley. newton@puc . idaho . gov For the Company: IDAIIO POT{ER COMPAIIIY By: LiEa D. NordEtrom L22L WeEt ldaho Street Boiee, Idaho 83702 Inords trom@idahopowe r . eom Suite 201A Hearing - October 27,2022 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L1 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 PROCEEDINGS COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: WeIl r ![ood evening. It t E 5:00 and it I s the tiure and the place to have our Custoner Hearing for Caee No. IPC-E-22-22, also ref ered to as In the Mat,ter of Idaho Power Company' s Applicatsion to Complete a Stsudy to Review Phaee and Compreheneive Study of CoEte and BenefitE of On-Site CuEtomer Generation and for Authority to Implement Changes to Schedule 6, 8, and 84. Can everybody hear me okay too? The purpose of thLE trearing iE to take testimony from memberE of the public in reference to Idaho Powert s request ttrat waE f iled with the eomiesion on June 30, 2022, and ao thiE is your evening to give your testimony. This evening beJ.ongs to you guys. We don r t have a lot of people signed up. $Ie are going to put some time conEtraintE, but letrs be conservative on our time so that everybody has an opportunity. And if you have written some ttrings down in ttre past, and eubmitted then, we will read aII of ttrose. And we alEo have some foras in the back. If you dontt wiEh to speak tonightr 1rou are more than welcome to f ile a written cornment, aIEo. Hearing - October 27,2022 I shouLd have introdueed myself and ConrrisEioner Chatburn. My nanne iE Eric Arrdereon. I I m the chairman of thiE hearing, and lrm joined with Comrissioner ilohn Chatburn. And at thiE point we have EeveraL partsies that have intervened, mu].t,iple pubtie workshops have been held by both the company and tshe Pub1ic Utilities ComurisEion. Tonightts objective to take live publie testimony that wiLl be added to the underlyJ-ng record in the cage. The coururiEEionerE will review the facts and evidence in the record and make a finaL decision for ttreEe proceedings. At thiE time I would like to docr:nent the partsies that are here for the purpose of our record. IlIe can begin with Etaf f wtro is represented by Attorney General Riley Newton who iE over here. MR. NE9|IION: Good evening. COMMISSIONER A}{DERSON: Arrd we aIEo have fdaho Power and joining us tonight is Lisa Nordst,rom. We1come. MS. NORDSTROM: Thank you. COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: We have Eeveral other interveners. Not aII of them are going to be here , of course, buts I think for tshe recordr E Eake it iE good 4 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 for you SJrryE to know who also is intervening in this cage. The first, and we have several. We have nine in total: Clean Energry Opportunities for ldaho, Mike Heckler; Hydro One ldaho Hydro excuse me. Hydro One ie former Ton Arkoosh is tshe couneel; Idaho IrrigatJ.on Punpere AsEociation, Inc., Eric Oleen; Idaho ConEervation Leagnre, Marie KelLner; InduetriaL CuEtomere of ldaho, Peter Richardgoni City of BoiEe, Mary Grant; Richard Klucktrohn, Richard Klucktrohn trimeelf ; Micron Technologlll, ilim Swier; Idatro Solar Otrrners Network, rfoEhua HiII. Ttre intervenere do have an opportsunity to crogg-exarrine a witnesE ttrat doee t,estify. Under normal cireumEtances, that doeenrt happen very often. It may once or twice during a hearing. Itrs usually just for clarification if tshere is somebody that doeEnt t understand eourething. And we haven t t had a lot of public hearings in a wtrile because of COVID and everything elsei so I rm a little green at this. Bear with me and I I 11 do my best to be polite to everlrone. And since we donr t have too many people tonight, w€ are going to have three minuteE. We are going to go ahead and allow to you epeak get your point across. LetrE try to be conservat,ive, though, 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 maybe five minutes and hit your point. If someone else has Eaid something aluroEt identical, you can def er to them and Eay thiE iE, r beLieve, the Ea.me thing that Charley over here did or whatever. Okay. Once I call your name, we will caLl you for-ward, and I wiII Eyrear you in from here. And at ttrat time I will aEk for your nane, and please spell your last name. And I|11 aLso aEk if you are a member of ldaho Power if you are a customer of Idaho Power I E . Arrd at that point in time you will be able to give your testimony. Tonight we have r.Tanet, French iE our court report,er and Ehe will be keeping a transcript of ttre record and that will be wtrat we refer tso when we actually go to deliberationE on this matter. Taylor, couLd you have tshe doorE maybe Ehut. Ttrank you. I believe Irwe eovered all the incidentals that we have to do, and I think at thiE point we will gto ahead and call the f irst witneEE. If there is any questions of uE about the procedure that I have not covered, wouLd you please just aEk now and we wilL try to clear it up. If not, I ' LL go ahead and caII ttre f irEt witness. Seeing no questions, may I have Mike Larkin 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 7 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 come up to the podir.rur. MR. DIIKE LARKIN: Mike Larkin, L-A-R-K- I -N, f rom Pocatello. Atrd, y€8, I am an Idaho Power customer. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Thank you. And since you are the first one out of ttre chute, I think I rm goingr to go atread and swear you in. And then for ttre futsure ones, then we will go ahead and give your nFrnes so that WitI you please raise your rights hand. MTKE IJARKIN, first duly Eworn to telL ttre truth relating to eaid cause, teEtified as follows: COMMfSSIONER ANDERSON: Welcone, Mike. Give your testimony. MR. LARKINs My wife and I inetalLed solar panels on our horre about six years ago. For the mosts part they have worked very weII, but it will be several more years before they are paid off. We did it not, intending to save a lot of money but becauEe we thought it was ttre right thing to do. We ehould be encouraging people to instaLl solar panele on their home. Idaho Power I s proposal. wiII diecourage from instalLing the soLar panele. Hearing - October 27,2022 f come from a faruring famiJ.y. Farns in muctr of ttre west have lees and less water to grow crops. It I E pretty obvious that climate change is redueing our Enow pack and hotter and dryer Eumera are increasing our water loEE f rom pJ.ants and eoil . We should be doing everything we can to traneition to renewable energry as rapidly as possible over the next decade. Idaho Power I E transition to renewable energy by 2O25 iE too late. Solar powered hones make more sense than having large solar far:ns ttrat take up thouEande of acres of either ag land or wiLdlife habitat,. Having thoEe solar panels on your home meanE eEsentialJ.y no additional loss of land. The demand for more electric power will only increaee aE we transition to electric vehicles and heat pumps for heating. The best way to meet that demand iE for homeownerE and Landowners to generate at leaEt Eome of their own electric power with solar panels. Every independent review that Irve seen of the proE and cons of homes solar Eay it's either a waEh or actually a benefit for utility companies. I thought the purpose of utility companies was to serve the people. I think Idaho Power I e proposal is geared largeJ.y to serve themselves. I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 trope you vote no on their propoeal. Thank you. COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Ttrank you, Mr. appreciate it. Next we have Sarah ilackson. Larkin. I SARAII TACKSON, first duly sworn to teII the truth relating to Eaid cause, t,estif ied aE followe: COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Thank you. PIeaEe give me your narle and spell your IaEt nane. MS. JACKSON: Sarah ilackson, iI-A-C-K-S-O-N, and I live trere in Pocatsello and trave been a customer of Idaho Power for many years. And I do not have written prepared testimony. I did Eubmit written testimony before theEe hearinge were planned and encouraging that we hold public hearings. I dontt know if I need to submits additional written testimony, but I do have just a very few cosurentE. I agree with everything that Mike Larkin EayE and wholly support that. I have a EmalL Emall home, and I had the roof repl.aced thiE spring, and I f igrured once I did that, that I g the right t,ime to do so1ar. I had always had ttrat in the back of my mind,25 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 10 but I just figrrred thiE iE the right time to do it. And I have yet, to have my new net meter inEtalled. The Eolar iE on my roof i Eo I rm a very new cuEtomer to solar, having not actually pu1led the Ewitch yet. It,rE very diEcouraging to me to hear that Idaho Power is looking at reducing the rates before I lve even had a ehance to turn my soLar power on. And according to the studieE that Irve been eeeing that they are very fLawed and need to be eeriously looked at. But, I mean, climate change is happening and supporting those ehangee and encouraging rooftop soLar iE something that I think is very inportant and wery critical. we Eaw thie Elrtrtrner, I think, aome of the indicationE that what,rE going to happen. So I think waiting to do that and discouraging people to inEtall solar iE not the right thing to do. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Ttranke, Sarah. And just ao you know, sinee you trave given written testimony alreadyr }ro1l do not need to Eubmit new written testsimony. What you shared with us will become part of Ehe record. MS . .IACKSON: Okay. Thank you very much. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Thank you very uruch. Brad Barrott. Probably got, that nErme wrong. 10 11 L2 13 16 L7 23 L4 15 24 19 20 2L 18 22 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 11 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 I rn Eorry. MR. BARROTT: Nope. You got it right. BRAD BARROTT, firEt duly sworn to teII ttre truttr relating to said carrge, teEtif ied aE follows: COMMISSIONER AI{DERSON: Thank you. Please give uE your narne, spell your IaEt, and wtrether you are a cuEtomer. MR. BARROTT: Brad Barrott, B-A-R-R-O-T-T, and I am a cuEtomer of Idaho Power. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Ttrank you. P1ease give uE your testimony. MR. BARROTT: Okay. I justs wanted to give you a perspective from people that work within the EoLar industry. I rm a partner in a local Idaho based eolar company. First off , If d ll,ke to Eay thank you to each of you for being here today and lJ.stening to uE pub1ie1y, so that thiE waE very thoughtful of yorl, and I appreciate you naking the trip over to Pocatello. So thank you for that. Alnd just as you consider the decisionE regarding the eoLar industry in ldaho, I'd like to point out very specifJ.c exanples of employees and 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 L2 companies workingr in the Eolar industry in ldaho. Our company has 103 full-tine W-2 enployees all working in EoLar; 77 fuII-t,ime W-2 employees right here in Pocatello. These jobs are in operations, installatione, eleetrical, permitting, engineering, design, warehousing, customer Eervice, and ao on. We have wages that range from $14 per hour starting to $48 per hour with an average wage of L9.57 per hour, very good health and dental ineurance, very good paid vacation progrrams, annual bonuEeE on top of wages. And in addition to our orrr eurpJ.oyees, there iE dozenE, Lf not hundredE of employees with other companies aIEo part of Big Dogrs Big Dog Solarrs ecosyeten, Euch as Local electrical diEt,ributors, local battery distributorE, Iocal parts distributors, Iocal Eolar equipment specific distributors, Iocal roofing contsractors, Local mechanic shops, local auto dealerg, and I could go on wit,h that liet . f I m not Eure of the total nr:mber of solar inet,aLlation fulfitLurent companies based in ldaho, but the nu.nber of good quality jobs in the industry and the state ie definitely in the thousands. And I would just Eay that without a doubt a healthy renewable energy sector in Idaho iE great for Idahots work and economy and that I e all and I wouLd aIEo agree with Hearing - October 27,2022 13 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 everything Mr. Larkin said. So thank you for your time. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank yorr, very mueh. ldS . NORDSTROM: Excuge me . COMMISSIONER A}iIDERSON: ThanK YOU, Mr. LArKiN, for being Eo cLear then people can YeE, ME. NordEtrom. US. NORDSTROM: I just want to confir:rr the nasre of ttre company wiuh wtrich he is employed. Is ttrat Big Dog Solar or different conpany? ![R. BARROTT: Big Dog Solar. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: They are not int,ervenclrs, though. US. NORDSTROM: Correct. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Thank you for asking. Nexts we have Shannon AnsJ.ey. SIIAT{NON ANSLEY, firet duly Eyrorn to telL ttre truth relating to said cauge, teEtsified as follows: MS. ANSLEY: Shannon AnEley. The last, name iE A-N- S.L-8.Y. COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON : Idatro Power. And you are a cuEtomer of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 L4 MS. AIISIJEY: Yes. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Please give uE your testimony. MS. AITSLEY: Okay. Thank you. And thank you for coming to Pocatello. I really appreciate it. I do not yet, trave solar panels on the roof of my house, but I hope tso in the near future. I feel it is one of tshe actsions that private cit,izens can do to help fight ttre effectE of cLimate change on our pJ.anet. While I appreciate that Idaho Power has cormitted to 100 percent clean energy by 2045, reducing their purchase price of renewabl-e energry generated by residential Eolar iE unacceptable. If Idaho Power devalueE power generatsed by non-utility solar installationE, then the solar industry in the Idaho Power Eervice area wiII be dest,royed. The propoeed Idaho Power price Etructure thats is disingenuously support,ed in the value of distributed energry resources study or the voter'B study ie desigrned to deter the competitive threat of Eolar ener!ry systems and force Idaho consurners to exclusively purchase eLectricity from the ut,ility. Perhaps federaL antitruEt lawE and recent court precedence could be used to prevent this imsroral and unet,hicaL business practice. Perhaps Idaho 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 15 citizenE wtro pride themselvee on independence, ehoice, self-reliance will realize that big industsry iE once again profiting on the backs of the littIe guy. I want to have a choice to put soLar on my home in a way that doee not double the payback period for the equipment and inEtallation. I do not want to be penalized by the regional utility because I decide to help fight climate change. There are other exanples in the United States for how utilitieE and non-utility generatorE of solar power can work togettrer in a manner that iE mutually benef icial. Ttre stsate of Hawaii smart export progran is one that shouLd be become a model for all utilitieE in the U.S. I would like for Idaho Power to go back t,o ttre drawing board, start over and propose another EtrategEf to work together with the Eolar generators. And on my way home hearing Senator Mike Crapo I s campaigm promises, he EayE, t'I want f or IdahoanE to have the opportunity to buiLd tsheir own future, n and by accepting what Idaho Power hae currently propoeed for pricing, I think that is in definite conflict, with what Senator Crapo would want done for ldaho citizenE. Thank you. 10 L2 L4 11 13 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 COIIMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Ttrank you for your testimony. Brian Wade. I hope I got that right. donrt read very weII. MR. WADA: Wada. COMMTSSIONER ATiIDERSON: Sorrlr. BRIA}I WADA, first duly sworn to teII the truth relating to Eaid cauge, teEtified as foIIowE: MR. WADA: So I an here representing oh, yes. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: NAME and speJ.I your Iast. MR. WADA: Bryan Wada, W-A-D-A, Pingree, Idaho, and, y€a, I am aldaho Power custourer. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: TIranK you. MR. WADA: AIl right. So I won|t need ttre fuII three minutee even, but aE representing a mid to large sized family farrr, we use a lot of power and eurrently I do not have any Eo1ar installations on our propert,ies or part of our company. Corrrrissioners, ?s you work with Idaho Power, I would just encouraSre you to raiEe or even remove the nets metering cap. Companies like mine we would Like to be part of the movement towardE renewable I Hearing - October 27,2022 L7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 energy. We are just a l.ittle too big right now. We would Like to play in that Epace and to be part of the movement. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Thank you very much for your tsestimorry. TriEea Morain. TRISSA MORAIN, first duJ.y Eworn to tell the truth relating to eaid cause, teEtified as foLlowE: MS. MORAINs My narle is Trisea. The last narre iE Morain, M-O-R-A-I-N. I rm an Idaho Power customer. I just had a coupJ.e of bullet points. I actually work with a eolar company here locally, and Itve been through the last 13 years of Idaho Power and the ctranges that they atteurpted to make througtrout, ttre years, and I do currently have solar on my house aE weII. My main goal is if this is conEidered through the PUC that we consider the cuEtomers that are already in contraet, the cuEtomerE that are al.ready looking at Eolar and have been in a hiatus eince 2OL9 when we basically got, a vea^]z brief amlouncements from Idaho Power that grandfathering 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 18 would only be allowed for two weeke, and you had to get your application in. On my aspect being involved with a eolar company and being an Idaho Power cuEtomer, it waE kind of a lit,t1e bit of a shock to be only aLlowed a two-week allowance to coneider soLar and make a decision on soLar and then move forrrard with it. I believe in that, inetsance they have left uE and all Idatro Power cuEtomers in a complete hiatuE where we dontt know where we can go forward Eorry. I rm not a very good public speaker if we can go forward with EoLar or not go forward with eolar and then thoEe of us wtro are making ttre deciEion to go for-ward witsh Eolar and trave sigmed contractg donrt know what we are getting into now. So that's kind of my testimony there. I also manage I manage a lot of StruyE here and thiE realLy does impact ua. It iutpacts my company. It impaets aII the S7uyE that do work for uE. And thatrE all I trave. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, TriEEa, for your testimony. And you did just fine. Don'ts be tsoo critical of yourEeLf. Next we have Adan Young. ADAI{ YOI'NG, Hearing - October 27,2022 19 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 t3 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 first duly Eworn to teII ttre truth relating to said eause, testified as follows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Please give us your natrte, spe1l your last and whettrer you are a cuEtsomer. MR. YOT NG: Adasr Young, Y-O-U-N-G, and, y€a, I rm an fdatro Power custoner. So firEt off, I do want to thank you, as ottrerE have done , for couring here tonight and for holding theEe hearinge. I rm appreciative of ttre opportunity to testify. So I want to teetify tonight because I donrt think that the VODERT E study adequatsely addreEEeE the ways in which the eligibility cape the delays in program implementation, and tying the export credit rate to IRP foreeasts harn irrigators. AE I said, my nane ie Adan Young. I far:ur with my parents and with ny brotherrE fanily in Binghan County. We farur about 3,000 acreE of wheat, barley, and alfalfa. 100 percent of our ground is groundwater irrigated, and electricity is one of our largest expenE ea. In 2OL9r rtr€ investigated in 2OO-kilowatts Eolar projectsE to help offset theEe irrigat,ion costs. One of, these projects was located in a dry pivot 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 20 corner, which wouLd have been ideal to houEe a much larger project had we not, been arbitrarily conetrained by the 100-kilowatt cap. Ironically, our eecond project, which waE congtructsed on adjacent land and on the Eame feeder Line required additional infraEtructure on ldaho Power t E part,. We were required t,o dry up good crop land to install the second site. In other wordE, the 100-kitowatt cap resulted in a lose-lose Eituation both for our farur and for ldaho Power. The reality is that the l0O-kitowatt eap is redundant and unneceasary. The net billing Etructure proposed in ttre VODER study includes a built-in disincentive for me to overgize a soLar project, that, ie I wotlrt get paid for my nets exports, ratsher they represent a credit that I can use t,o offset my consunption bill. So if ny syetem is deeigned to produce more than I consutrIe, ttren that just beeomeE wasted capacity to mei ao there is my limit,. And really the Etuff deals perfectly with my goals aE irrigator. Irm not a PURPA facility. Irm an irrigator looking to uee solar to hedge my eleetrieal coEts. So my first requests to the comrrission 10 11 L2 L4 15 13 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 2L therefore is to please eLininate the outdated lOO-kilowatt cap and please do so aE Boon aE possible. DIy Eeeond request is that, the corunission hold Idaho Power - to their oum proposal that all changes to net metering be implenented by ilune 2023. Every month thiE gets delayed and kicked down the road repreeents harur to our operation. Since installing our initial systems, our farm has wanted to evaluate the option to invest in more Eolar, but we have been unable to do Eo in the current state liurbo the pro![ram findE itEelf in. Turo years I test,if ied in Docket IPC-E- 20-26 and asked the cortrriEEion to put Eome kind of Eide boardE or interim e:<port, rate in place Eo the irrigat,ors could do the basic financiaL analysis needed to consider furttrer investment. Many other farmerE aEked for the sane thing. The commission responds that,, "W€ find that the claimed chilling effect on new customer participation in ScheduLe 84 during the interim is unpersuasive. " $IeII, I'm here to telL you right rrow that for our far:zr that chilling effect is absoLutely real and it has been for every farmer with whom I I ve spoken. In the meantime, wetve experienced power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 22 eoEt adjustments this year amounting to 15 to 20 percent of our total irrigation power bills. I{e and in fact the entire state of Idaho have aLeo missed out on bringing federal relief fundE into our state while waiting for theee iEsues to be resolved. Pleaee ensure that all changes to net metering are implemented by June 2023 Eo that, irrigators and other consurlere can have the option to inveEt in EoLar and take advantage of federal grant money by fatl of 2023. And then laetly, there iE discuEEion in the VODER study regarding tradeoffE between accuracy and etability in t,he export credit rate. Specifically the study discuEEeE the relatiwe merits of Idaho Power's proj ected IRP rate or a rate tsied to a market index like the interna.tional continental exchange mid-C or the ELAP price exeuse me int,ercontinental exchange mid-C or the ELAP priee. In my opinion using the IRP aE an estimate for voided energry costs is not adequately accurate. Ttre trade off in terrr of aceuracy far outweighs the purported stability provided by thiE method. And I think it I E important here to remember why irrigatore are investing in solar and what, stability really means in that, context. 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 Hearing - October 27,2022 23 $Ie are trying to hedge our eleet,rieal costs. Uncoupling the ECR for market rates and thus what we uLtimately pay f or consrrnption inj ects uncertaintsy, not stability into our effortE to inplement a succesEful edge. So when rising market rates drive our coEts up, we should expect the ECR to increase aE welI, and of course the corollary iE also true. My third request then is that urarket prices and not IRP eEtimates be uEed to calculate avoided energry coEtE. In gull, my three requests are, one, that the l0O-kilowatt c?pr which iE harmful and redundant, be eliminated aE Eoon ar possible; two, that all changes to net metsering become effective by r.fune 2O23i and, tstrree, that market pricee and not, IRP eEtinateE be uEed to calculated avoided energry coEts. There are other queetions and concarns I trave with the VODER study, which by the way, I have read page for page. I Lrave combed through it, but whictr are outEide the acope of this Ehort testimony, including concerne about how Idaho Power defines and calculates transmiEEion and diEtribution to forurula valueE, discuEsions on valuing ECRE on a time variant basis, which would put them out of Elmc with st,atie consumption ratee and why ttre stsudies hl4rothet,ieal 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 figures value on peak energy at a lower rate than of f -peak energry . Pleaee keep us in ttre J.oop as these itemE are diseusEed and deciEions are made. So with that, thank you for your time, and do you trave any questionE for me? COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Ttrank you very much, Adasr. Ken Eorry. I'm not doing very weII with nallleEl. MR. PFAIINENSTIEL : It ' e Kenneth Pf annenstiel . COMMISSIONER AI{DERSON: Thank you. KENNETH PFA}iINENSTIEIJ, first, duJ.y Eworn to teLL the truth relating to said cauge, testified aa followE: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you very much. P1ease give your rrame and spell your IaEt ncrme. MR. PFAIIIIENSTIEL: Ken Pfannenstiel, P-F-A-N-N-E-N-S-T-I-E-t, and I arl an Idaho Power cugtomer as weLL. COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Ttrank you, please give ug your testimony. MR. PFAIINENSTIEL : I would j ust like to point out Hearing - October 27,2022 25 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 ttrat the study that f daho Power conducted t,hat they were basically told to conduct after the laet docket that raiEed theee Eane concerns didn I t give a fair Iook at any of the benefitE that solar has to for people inst,alling rooftop solar and the benefit that, it does. The Croesborder I s I believe it, wae CrosEborder that did tshe counter study to it more accurately defined what Eo1ar doeE for the grid and ttre cuEtomerE tshat install it. So f dontts think that they did a full or a complet,e study. They didnrt, give both Eides of the story. And that is aLL. COIIMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you, Kenneth , for your t,estimony. I appreciate it. That waE a hard last nane t,oo. Virginia ilones. VIRGINIA ITONES, f iret duJ.y Eworn to tell the tsruth re}ating tso eaid cauge, tseEtified as follows: MS. iIONES: Virginia rJones. iI-O-N-E-S. And what else waE I supposed to say? COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Idaho Power custsomer? MS. JONES: Oh, yos, I am an Idaho Power customer, and Irm also a net metering cuEtomer. 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 26 So when I moved to Pocatello a few yeare ago and I was looking for a houEe, the one thing f waE looking for waE a big south facing roof, and I found it,. In fact, Dy house is only 1 degree off of due south. And so I a.ur I had soLar panels inst,aLl-ed about three years ago and at ttrat time I wae thinking that I would be, you know, continuing tso receive a very fair price for the electricity that I wae generatirg, which I and at thiE point I really only have about 1 month in wtrictr I don' t have enough energy that I have to pay an extra biLl. And, you know, I contemplated how long it was going to take me to pay ttrese things off and, you know, thiE was my expectation at the time. And at Eome point like, thie Eurnner when we were talking about brown outs and that beeauEe of aLl the really hot weather, I was realJ.y pleased to think that ny houge waE producing elect,ricity at j ust the right time for aII ttrese things. iluEt when everybody had their air condit,ioners going, I was producing some electricity for it and that electricity was being ueed IocaIIy and it waE being, you know, not carried over huge lines and everything. So, you know, those are aome of ttre benefit,e of hawing Eolar power in houEes. BecauEe my house trappens to be on a fairl.y Hearing - October 27,2022 27 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 23 24 2L 22 busy Etreet in a neighbortrood where people would be considering Eolar power, I lve got a lot of people asking me about my solar panels and how they are paying of f and, you know, Le this somettring they should do. And in the paet I said, rrYeah. Yeah. It reaIly doeEn't take all that long to pay it off. This is a great idea.n I donrt think I can do that if we are looking at the kinds of prices that we are looking in the proposed power charges. And Eo I know ttrere are a lot, of people out there who are really interested, who really want t,o be able to put solar panels in, and we need to eneourage not, discourage thoEe people. So that I E my CoMMISSIONER AIiTDERSON: Thank you, Virginia. Liarra Litzinger. I,IANA I,ITZINGER, firEt duly sworn to teII ttre truth relating to said cauge, testified aE followE: COMMISSfONER AIiIDERSON: Thank you. PleaEe give un your testimony. MS. LITZINGER: But I will teLL you aE f was sitting, waitingt, and pondering I thought, I'Itltlats would ttrey do if I said no. I will not give honest25 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 28 testimony? " YeE, f will give honeet t,estimony. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: We would put a different, weight on it. MS. LITZINGER: There we go. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And please give us your name and spell your laet narle. MS. LITZINGER: Liana Lit,zinger, L-I-A-N-A. tast nElne is L- I -T- Z-S- I -N-G-E-R, and I 'm an Idaho Power cuEtomer and a resident of Pocatello. COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Thank you. MS . LTITZINGER: Okay. So I guees I basically have a two bullet point, and theEe things have al.ready been mentioned, but I rm going to mention them nonetheless. So in looking at Idaho Powerrs study, I saw that the reimburEement rate that they ment,ioned for net metering iE Eomewhere between 3 and 4 cents, a signifieants anount lower than what currently is being paid for folks who have soLar and that concerns me. My other eoncern iE and, again, thiE haE been mentioned before is that, 100-kilowatt cap. I rm thilrrking back to Augusts 15 when President Kevin Satterlee mentsioned that Idatro Statse University that he wanted Idaho Statse University to head down a suEtainability road and t,o me as a graduate from ldaho 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hearing - October 27,2022 29 State UniverEity and a reEident of Pocatello, I E ot EtriwerE, becaute I thought, ttWow, finally finally, you know, we are going to or he iE going to head down this road, rr and I was so pleased by that. So here are my concerne about ttroEe two things. Is that the cepr the l0O-kiLowatt c?pr aE well aE that reimbursement rate wiLL real.ly act, aE a diEincentive. As individuaLE, we may chooge to put eolar on our homee for the good of order, to reduce our carbon footprint and becauee it is the right thing to do. But if we are talking about larger entities and I appreciatsed the input by a couple of farmerE thaE, have previously spoken. You know, I it's hard for me to conceive of, trOkay. What would 100 kilowattE do? rr And I didn I t realize that a f arming or ueJ.ng Eolar panele in order for purrp irrigation is impacted by that nr:mber aIso. But I thought, rrOkay. What would that do to ISU! s you know, maybe conmitment to move for'ward with aome solar and aome other suEtainability practices?rr So while individuals uray silr lrOkay. I tm going to do it for the good of the order or the good of nature, rr 60 on and so fortsh, f think that entities , buEinesses, inst,itutionE dont t gets to pJ.ay around with Etuff like that because they are being operated 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 30 ttrrough tax dollars or purchasing you know, people purchasing their goods, ttrey are more they are more actsabIe, and they have to sdy, t rrThiE is a f iscally responsible decision that we are making.tr And if the reimburgement rate iE Eo low, if ttre asrount of kiLowat,tE that ean be placed is kept at 100 kilowattE, then that iE a huge disincentive for entities that are Iarger than just individual houEehoLds. Let ne Eee. Repalarent, period and you heard ME. iloneE talk about that. Even when individualE puu Eolar on their homes, t,hey are looking at that repalznent period and institsutionE are going tso have to take a look at that even Lrarder, and if that repayment period gets extended oute foll know, if we go from, what, 10 to L4 centE net metering down to 3 to 4 centE, that I E going to t,imes that reimburgement period or repalmrent period out three and four fold. So that t s what I wanted to share. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Thank yorl, Liana, very much for your testimony. Larry Ford. Lrarry, I think I got that one right. MR. FORD: Yeah. Do you want my legal name or is that Eufficient. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: WeII, let me Ewear you in 10 11 L2 13 22 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 23 24 25 31Hearing - October 27,2022 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 LI 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 firet. MR. FORD: Okay. I.ASIRENCE FORf,', firEt duly Eyrorn to telI ttre trut,h relating to said cauge, testified aE follows: COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Thank you. Probably your legal name I would reeognize. MR. FORD: Its t s Lrawrence, with a ttw, rt Ford, like ttre car. COMMISSIONER ATiIDERSON: Thank you, very muctr. IrfR. FORD : Okay. COMMfSSIONER AIiIDERSON: And you are an Idaho Power customer; correct. MR. FORD: Yes, I'm an Idaho Power customer. f have been for many yeare. ReEident of Chubbuck. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Okay. MR. FORD: Okay. I an 75 years oId now. Three years ago I decided to install solar on my houEe. f looked at the coEt, the estimated time of repayrtent, and there iE a grood likelihood that it will not be plus on my Eide during my Lifetime, buts it was t,he right thing tso do so we went ahead with it. AE I underEt,and it, I Erm grandf athered in Eo Hearing - October 27,2022 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 21- 22 23 24 this proposal on net metering wontt affect me. My system was in and aII that before it happened. But aE I Eaid, it was the right thing to do. Now, excuge me a Eecond. Illhen I look at what Idaho Powerrg proposing, I think it,s just wrong headed and disingenuouE . At my Bg€, my menory is not what it was once, but my recolleetion is it waE not that many years ago that they came to PUC with a propoeal for a differentiated rate Etructure where they could charge more for electricity deLivered during the daytime in the Eumler when the demand was trigh, and that I E exactly when Eolar iE delivering the noEt, benefit to them. They are getting Eo1ar power from the in ttre Eumertime they did not pay a dime to conetruct it, a dime to buy it, a dirre to f inance it. They are getting the benefit of thiE additional generation with essentially no coEt to ttrem, and they are claiming that it,rE a net drag on them, and I just don't believe ir. Anyway, it will real-Iy discourage new people from trying to get into soLar if thiE proposal goes through and, again, we should be looking at the future, even if it doesntt directly benefit uE. When I look ats my kids, Dy grandkids, I want a better world25 Hearing - October 27, 2022 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 for them and thatrs why I put it in. So please give it careful consideratsion and don t t kilt what could be a solution to a lot of our probleme. Thank you. COMMISSfONER AIiIDERSON: Thank you for your testimorry, Irarry. Roseurary Snith. MS. SMITH: HL. ROSEIIfARY SIITITH, firEt duly Eworn to tell ttre truth relatingr to said cauge, teetified ae followe: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. PleaEe give uE your nane. MS. SMITH: Rosesrary Smittr. S-M-I-T-II, Last nane. Irm a Pocatello reEident. I em an Idaho Power euetomer, and I put Eolar on my rooftop about three yeare ago during the solar I tshink it waE three years ago during the Solarize Pocatello movement that we had. It wae very Euccessful. There was a lot of excitement around trying to encourage Idaho Power cuetsomers in fact aLL ttre citizene of ldaho to put rooftop solar on becauEe it would be a way to help Idaho Power to meets itE goal of 2045 of being 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 34 having their power being essential.J-y more carbon neutsral, iE the way I look at its, and that we were being encouraged to be part of a solutsion to help Idaho Power meet their goals. So me and my fanily we put up t,enE of thouEandE of dollars of our own hard earned money to puts rooftop so1ar, and we did it becauae we thought it, would be better in the future to be able to have more of a distributed syetem of electricaL generation. And it cost uE a lot of money to do t,hat,. And in return, we are now pretty mueh on the net metering systeur and it I s been benef icial. It wiII t,ake ud quit,e a few year6 more to break ewen from our initial inwestments. But it I think tshat it the the importance of that is ttrat the citizenE and the Idaho Power customerg, I think you could rally theur to put their own hard earned money into helping fdaho Power buitd the infraEtructure that they need in order to meet t,heir goal.s of having the ener!try sources be more renewabLe sourceg. This proposed rate clrange to greatly reduce the credit ener!ry creditsr }rou Ehould vote no on if you think that the cust,omers themEelveE Ehould have a Eay in being able to prourote Idaho Power I s own goals own Etated goal.s of using more renewabLes and 10 L4 11 L2 13 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 Hearing - October 27, 2022 35 having more rooftop Eo1ar. So ittE Eort of like Idaho Power wantE one thing. They rally their customerE to go on and then they Ewitch the ru1eE. And now there iE a lot of people outs there Irve reEonated with people a lot of my neighbors are, like, ttOh, I want Eolar now. I want Eo1ar now. tr A lot of people want it, but when you change the rateE, they people eanrt afford that right now. Thatrs, like, tshousands and thousandE of dollare to put in a Eorrel eystem. And if thoee rateE have sueh a long payback time, the rates go down, they wilL never invest in tt and ttren eEsentially Idaho Power wonrt be able to meet itrE goa1s. So itre self-defeating, I feel. I mean, somebody used the word disingenuous. They say have these goa1s. They want uE to put you know, help out with the gloaLs. $Ie I lL put up our hard earned money to help them meet the goals and then they do the switcheroo and so now the next group of people canrt join in. I really alEo appreciated Larry Ford'E connentg that trItve already done it. Irm grandfathered in, and Irm Etanding here t,onight aE a crrstomer an Idaho Power customer who iE grandfathered in. Irm Etanding here for aII the other 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 36 people in PocateLLo, all the young people in Pocatello, all the new Lromeowners in Pocate1lo, all the other people in thie region who would like to put Eolar on their rooftop, to have not only energry independence but to contsribute to offeetting the terribLe effectE of climate change from burning foesil fue1E. " IrIe need to move away f rom burning fossil fuels. One of the best waye to do it and the ways that citizene are willing to spend their own good money to do it is with rooftop eoLar and the changes in the rateE really, really, really discourage it. Because LromeownerEi, just like farmers, nake a ].ot of economic decisions about wtrat ttrey are going to do. And if there iE a way that their money that can go towards something that has a climate benefit, they will put it there. If they canrt do it you know, it r s totally diEcouraging people fron doing what, they feel ie right thing. So I urge you to vote no on the rate change, and I also hope that aomeone more knowledgeable than me teEtifies about the counter study that Ehowed that ttrere were some flaws in many of the assurrptions of strowing t,hat the Eomehow ttre Eolar roof top roof top solar is a drain on ttre system. Thank you. Hearing - October 27,2022 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 74 13 15 16 L? 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Ttrank you for your testimony. Hayden HarriE. IIAYDEN IIARRIS, first duJ.y Eworn to tseLl the truth reJ.ating to Eaid cauge, tseEtified aa followE: CODIMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Ttrank you. PLeaee give ua your naae, epell your laet, and whether or not yourre an Idaho Power cuEtomer. MR. IIARRIS: Hayden HarriE, H-A-R-R-I-S, and I rm actually not an Idaho Power customer, but I an working for a Eolar company in Idaho FaIIE and out of the L2O solar projects I have taken part of, about 53 percent of my customer base have been on Idaho Power. frd like to kind of Etart with, as lrve been diving into thie whole net metering change application, I canrt say frm the moEt studied orr or I tm ttre moEt current on al]. the EtudieE ttrat trawe been done, but what I am very current on iE sort of a macro economic scale of what, we are looking at here. AE it Etands right now, your average Idahoan wtr,o pays the most in electricity is tl4rically those who iE under the median income. Meaning that tshe25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27, 2022 38 person tshat Eeeks to benefit the moEt from eolar is thoEe who are lower income are those who are going to be further impoveriEhed by a deciEion such aE thie. Wtrats I mean by that, is just tshiE year alone wlren you go and compare what ttre average coet of electricity on Idaho Power t s grid last year iE to this year, this iE ineluding all the power adjustment feeE that are Labeled on each billr w€ are looking at about a 9 percent Lncrease, going from low 11 centE per kilowatt hour up to mid-12 centE per kilowatt hour. That being Eaid, when you take someone who iE barely getting by on a montstr-to-monttr basiE my in-IawE are actually a perfect exampJ.e of this. They have about a $300 power biII. Wtren you increase that from 300 to whatrs around a 10 percent, it raisee it to $330, and then aa we enter this new ener!ry criEis of shutting down over 100 megawatts of coal power plants across the nation, the rate by which it ie going to go up every year is a littLe bit unpredictable, to Eay the least. Adding to thatr 1rou take Eomeone in this Eituation and you continue to add onto the biLl every month because at the end of day, Idaho Power hae done a great serwice for all itE reEident of keeping a continuous power flow, but they are at the end of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 39 d.y, a businees to retain profit and pay their employees and do everything ttrat is neceeaary in that manner. It is not the residents fault that power costs have to go up, however it is their problem. It I E their probJ.em that they are now having to chooEe between getting a nice or they have to choose between getting a fuLl meal and paying ttreir power, we1l, ?t the end of the day we have to make the Eacrifice to pay the power aE it continues to go up. Looking at it from a larger scaLe of things, aE I lve been doing research into what iE being coined the new energry criEiE, not just on our Eca1e but on a globa1 scalee'w€ are looking at, aE if thie change is made in the way Idaho Power wante it to be, it wilL completely dissuade anyone from going soLar. And I being one of the leading salesperEons at PriEm So1ar can affirm that aE intereEt rates Eit right now, they are on the rise, it ! s already become just with interest rates aLone, it's becoming not aE glorious an opportunity as it was before. This will kiII Idaho Eo1ar. I donrt, have a doubt about that in my mind. You wiII have Eome people who really want to go Eolar and they wiLl, but if we in aII intente and purposes eliminate or dissuade if rdaho Power takes an active duty disEuading people, they will succeed. 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 40 No one will go Eo1ar anynore. What we will be subject to iE, as we enter thiE further crisiE of decreasingl decreasing supply on a national level but increasing demand aa again on a natsional level, w€ are seeking to push for electric vetricles and everything else that or any other nechanism that putss preesure on the grid, tshe only real option Idaho Power haE to do iE to raiEe their prices. Because t,hey themselves are likety going to have to start paying more tso acquire any kilowatt hours that, they ttremselves do not produce. Natural.J.y, aE any busineEE doeE, it has to be rolled down to the conau$er. Right now Eolar is the onJ.y way that a customer can g'uarantee wtrats their power bilt ie going to be. This change unfortunately would take away that guarantee. Something that so many retired people in our comrrunity have invested into for ttre sake of keeping their month to month costs low enough that they can Eurvive on Soeial Security. They can gurvive on their fixed income, Eomething they planned for. I really ask you guys t,o consider not just how thiE affects or whether the study was right or wrong or anything of that sorts, but how this actually affects the average person who is already couuritted to Eo1ar and what benefit we are losing in tshe what 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 4L 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 benefj.t we are J.osing in the future for thoee who really, really need a break who really need a break wlren it comes to a monthly cost, f ixing one of their billE one of the bills that everything ie going up. Thank you. CO!ilMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you for your testimony. Ben Heffron. BEN HEFFRON, first duly Eworn to tell ttre truth relating to Eaid cause, testified as follows: COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Th.ank you. MR. HEFFRONs My na.rre is Ben Hef fron, H-E-F-F-R-O-N. Irm not an Idaho Power customer, but I am here representing Eeveral. I firet wants to Eay thank you to everybody here tonight. The moEt glaring issue that I Eee before uB today ie that thiE process haE taken far too long. I want to echo Mr. Youngrs EentimentE from before and ask ttrat ldaho Power be held to their deciEion time f rane for ilune. In 2OL9 when this began, I was able tso attend the Pub1ic Utilities ComriEsion hearing in 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 42 BoiEe. At that hearing there was Epace for 25O people in that room. There were over 800 of uE there. Because this haE laeted aE long aE it has, this proceEs haE gone on aE long aE it has, the Idaho Power cugtomers have been fatigued. We all have process f atigrre. We just want it, to be over. That doeEn t t mean that, we are willing to accepts any outcome, but we want to Eee what the outcone is so we can srake real plans going forward. If you look around thiE room, ttrere are less 50 people here today. That Ehould Ehow you and illuEtrate the point Irm trying to make. Iilhen it comes to the study itEelf , I wouLd aLEo like to ectro the words of Mr. Pf annenEtiel and Mr. Barrott. The CroEsborderIE independent, study shows tshat the actuaL avoided eoEt or the independent study shows that inEt,ead of the 3 .8 centE ttrat Idaho Power study recorurendE that we be compensated for, it Ehould actuaLLy be 18.3 cents. ItrE a phenomenal study. It Ehou1d abEolutely be t,aken into account when we consider what it iE that Idaho is going to do. AE arr Idaho industryr w€ are experiencing exponential growth. Idaho Power has not been able to maint,ain their growth and renewal efforts and reducing the amount that, they compensate for rooftop solar will 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 43 put additional etrain on ttre Idaho Power grid. r.7ust IaEt Eurrurer they were announcing potential rolling blackoutE in the Blackfoot area similar to thoee 6een in California because they werenr t able to keep up with ttre production needed. The micro grid setup, which is what rooftop solar actually Le, is a bunch of micro grids, it helps reLieve the Etrain on the Idaho Power grid. Redueing the compensation for that rooftop Eolar, decreages the likelihood that people are going to be doing thiE and offsetting the demand on the grid that is going to foree or could force rolling blackouts to some of our cuEtomerE. ThiE again, ectroing Mr. Barrott ! E worde . I also work for a local EoLar compatry. We have over 20 fuLJ. - time eurployees in the Idaho FaIIE region spanning everything from eLectrical to desigrn, and the wageE that we pay in your corurunity are irreplaceable. This iE one of the faEteEt growing industries Ln the U.S. , and this ctrange to the a.mount thats would be compensated that Idaho Power iE proposing that we compensate would have draEtic long-Iasting effectE on ttre ability for Idaho to be able to compensate ite customerE fdaho Power to be able to compeneate it,s cuEtomers appropriately. 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 44 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Thank you. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Thank you for your testimony. Mike EngJ.e. MIKE ENGIJE, first duly sworn to teLl ttre truth relating to said cauge, teEtified as follows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you. MR. ENGtEs My name iE Mike Eng1e, E-N-G-L-E, and I arrl an Idatro Power custsoner. I want to Etart by ttranking the comnieEion for eEtablishing theEe publie trearinge and specifically coming to Pocatello to give Idahoans in SoutheaEt Idaho an opportunity to give their input, on the Idaho Power VODER study. It is greatly appreciated, and I personally think it, I e fantaetic that you are here. Thank you. Tonight I'm here to give remarks on behalf of the Portsneuf ReEouree Council. AE I Eaid earlier, my n€rme is Mike Engle and I alr the chair of ttre Portneuf ReEource Council. IILL give a littIe brief background. PRC iE a nonprofit organization that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 45 promotes clean energry and clean water in SoutheaEt Idaho. PRC is a local chapter of the Western Organization of Reeource Council I e (WORC) . WORC haE more than 18, 000 memberE , 37 ch,apters acrogE 7 wegtsern Rocky Mountain states. PRC has about 50 membere but aIEo traE more ttran 300 cLean ener!ry supporters in Southeast Idaho who fo1low PRC t s clean energtry samFaigrrs. And one of thoEe clean energry canpaigms in 2OL9 was Solarize PocatelLo wtrere we helped more than 80 resident,ial eolar inEtallations happen in our region. But I I d also like to acknowledge and applaud Idaho PowerrE coruriturent to 100 percent renewable energry for 2045, and further we comend Idatro Power I e plan to offer clean enerSry optione to cuEtomerg who may not have the means or ability to add on-site clean energry generation. And in general, we support the concept of Idaho Power I E Clean Energy Your Way program. PRC plane to submit more detailed and technical conunentg, but tonight f want to make a few brief commentg about the VODER study and in contraEts ttre Crossborder energy study that the Portneuf Resource Couneil helped to fund. Idahoans who want to inst,all soLar deEerwe Hearing - October 27,2022 46 I 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 to receive a fair and equitable rate for the access energ'y exported to the grid, eimilarly Idaho Power Ehou1d receive a fair and equitable asrount for that power. Both studieE, the VODER study and the CroEsborder energtry etudy clearly show there iE value t,o excess diEtributed energry. The difference in theEe EtudieE is in the detaiL used to arrive ats the aetuaL values. PRC believeE that ttre Idaho Power Etudies base assurrptionE uEed o1d and/or flawed data and that the CrosEborder study used more current data and better baEe assu.urptions. As I mentioned, we plan to submit ttre detailE of how aad why and written eosurent,E before the November 4 deadline. Natsionally there have been numeroua Etudies of the value of diEtributed energiy reaources. Governrnentsal organizationE, academia, and nonprof it organizationE who conduct these studiee have found the value of diEtributed energfy reaourcer to be at or everr significantly above the retail rate. The CrosEborder study, specific to Idaho and conducted by reputable industry consultantE arrived at a Eimilar conclusion. And, in f act , rr€ heard tonight the 15 or 18 eents versus the more or leEE wholeEale rate that Idaho Power VODER study has come up with. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 47 ThiE evening PRC wantE to encourage the PUC staff and coruniEeionerE to take a hard look at the datsa, the assr.urptions, and the methodologry of both studies to find the best value tshat is fair, credible, and equitable for aII part,ies. It ie important that the assessed value be as fair and accurate aE possible at this point in time becauee the results of this study will Eet the stage for the future of distributed energry resourcee in Idaho. And while not directed to be part of ttre study, PRC believeE it ! s important to include the economically quantifiabLe environnental benefitE. Idatro Power acknowledges the impacts of climat,e change in itE integrated resource plan and commits to elean energfy as part of the Eolution to mitigate climatse impacts in ldaho. ThiE iE a good reason to make Eure theEe benefits are etudied here and are included in the final analyeis. Again, thank you for couring to Pocatello, and we Look for'ward to your decision. CoMMISSIONER ATiIDERSON: Thank you, Mike, for your testimony. MR. ENGITE : You are weLcome. Cathy Kriloff. Hearing - October 27,2022 48 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 CATITT KRIIJOFF, firEt duly Eworn to tseIl tshe truth relating to said cauge, teEtified as follows: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: PIeaEe, give us your name. MS. KRILOFFs My name ie Catshy, with a e, Kriloff, K-I-R-L-O-F-F. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Arrd you are an Idaho Power cuEtomer. MS. KRILOFF: Yeg, w€ are an Idaho Power crretsoner COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Ttrank you. MS. KRILOFF 3 - - for 25 years. So I agree wiuh Mike. r appreciate your being here tonight and providing the opportunity to eonment. Irm speaking in etrong support of dist,ributed Eolar power being reimbursed at a 1 to 1 net, met,ering rate and for the removal of the 2S-kilowatt and lOO-kilowatt cap. AE I Eaid, my trusband and I are 25-year Idaho Power cugtomers, artic conservatorg and reducers and ugers and recyclers. We need to be concerned about climate change. We voluntarily contributed for over 10 years to the Green Power program and during 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 49 the Solarize Pocat,ello campaign organized by the Department of Resource Council. We had I Eolar panels instaLled on our rooftop. As Larry stated, we aIEo did this J.argely becauEe we felt it waE our way to contribute to moving our stsate for-ward on renewable energJy, not because it was economieally benef icial t,o uE particularly. TheEe 8 panels were assessed to cover 100 percent of our average electricity and have largely done Eo untsil the Ehift to work more from home during COVID. But since our panels were inetalled in early falL, lrre rarely get, back to zero. And thie year we eagerly watched as it haE gotten close. We appreciate and trave benefited from Idaho Powerrs public eonaervation effortE, their tree triuring and replacenent progreilr, and the grandfathering of net metering for those ttrat installed rooftop solar in 2OL9 or earlier. Others have talked abouts thoEe who are not here tonight, and I would like to mention in particuLar the custodian on our floor, Phil1ip, who spoke to me this last Eurmer about how he waE eagerJ.y trying to figure out if he couLd inEtall EoLar panels on his roof, but he was clearly doing the economic calcuLatsions and highly doubtful about wtrether he 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 50 would be able to do that,. It I s aIEo cLear that to scale up the impact of Eo1ar and other renewable enerstry aE rapidly ae needE to happen to address the effects of the clinate change that are already being felt, it muet be affordable to all and economical-Iy advantsageous to the cit,ies. We strongly support Idaho Power I E goal of 100 percent renewable energry by 2045. I applaud Idaho State University!e announced pLans for a Eimilar goal, and we are eneouraged by fTD I s move toward supporting electrie vehicles and certainly anticipate for the growth in that area wittrin and outEide the stat,e. We believe an important component of reaching thoEe goals is making reEidential Eolar cost, effective by eontinuing to offer fair rate and removing the caps of 25 kilowattE and 100 kilowatts reEident,ial and agricuJ.tural and induet,rial setstings. I found that earLier testirrony compelling from about irrigation. I believe this wil]. incentivize individualg, businesg€rg, and institutions like Idaho State University because instaLLation wilL be coEt effective now and they wiII be abLe to plan a fixed for eLectricity in the future. Thank you. 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 24 20 2L 22 23 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 51 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Thank you for your testimony. Richard Garner. RICIIARD G,A,R.}IER, first duly Eworn to t,elL ttre truth relating to Eaid cause, teEtified aE follows: COMMfSSIONER A}{DERSON: Thank you. MR. GARNER! My nane is Richard Garner, G-A-R-N-E-R, and Irm an Idaho Power cuEtomer. I alEo represent our farn, who iE also an ldaho Power cuEtsomer. ThatrE WhiteEides Dairy. We are located in the Minidoka area. So T, Iike many people, are that have spoken before would like to voice our support in changing Eome of the things in the poJ.icy here. First of all, the firEt tsopic would be the changring the eilze of the solar syetems that are allowed to be put in place. We, like many people here, feel like it is the right t,hing to do to trave solar systsens in here, but at the salre timer EE a larger farur in our area, we hawe an obligation to our eurployees to make sound busineEe decisions. And on moEt of the far:rrE in our 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 52 area, we don|t have EmaII enough weLlE to justify that t,hat eize of a solar panel. If we were to only put in L00 KW system, it would not generate enough electricity to rurr our Eystem that we have. Our there ie a convergion between horsepower, which we uae t,o lift the water, and the kilowattsE and the 100 kilowatt would give us about 133 trorsepower. On our particular f ar:m, we have motsorE that run our we1ls ranging from 150, very Emall inefficient punping Etations, out to 700 horsepower purrping EtationE. And Eo when we get into those eituations, the power grid iE built to support a 300, 400 horsepower motor, but then we are only allowed to put a 100 KIII system in. We f ind we are st,iLl writing Iarge checks to purchase ttre power. And the other thing that wetve werwe felt prohibits a little bit of people's desire to put in t,hose eystems when they can only go up to 100 is not just the solar powers, there iE aIEo infrastructure that haE to be installed into each Etation that have control system wiring to t,ie yourself back into the paneling. And ro if you have to go and put these smaller systems in, you are Etill expensing the Eame amount for that infraEtructure, and Eo if you are aLLowed to do it as a larger system, then it becomes 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 53 more efficient and more conducive for people to want to do that. The other the other thing that we would Iike to speak to iE not only the ELze, but with ttre net metsering with the rate ctrange, the payback makee it Eo much more diffieuLt t,o decide to want to put the sys tem in . Under our current s i tuat ion , wi uh ttre water shortages that we are experiencing in our area, farmers are losing acres due to curtailmentE on water and go when we lose acrea ttrat we can farsr, the farmable acreg that are out there, the cost increase on rent, and in this current economic situation that we are it, our coete have skyrocketed on other things, and Eo looking to solar power to help us to control ttrat iE one thing that maybe gives us a little bit of relief that we could, Like ottrer people have Etsated before, Eet our power coste at a ratse that we can budget for as opposed to aE everything elEe climbs, t,tre power costss climb as weLl. But with tstre deereased reimburgement for the power tLrat we are creating, it makes that payback Eo that itrE just not a Enart buEiness move due to putting systems in. There is currently new lawE that bring in f ederal fundE to help speci f ical.ly geared towards farming to help do projects such as Eo1ar, but werve 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 l7 18 19 20 22 23 24 2L 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 54 Eeen t,imeLinees is a very important part of that doing that. In our area a Lot of eolar syetems Etarted to go in three or four yearE aE o. Our particular company was focusing on otsher projects at the tine and so then aa we began to wisit with experts in that field of, doeE that fit for uEi, they would Ehow uE a paybaek Ecale, and if you had done it three years prior, it wae a no brainer t,o put then in. And two years prior, it made physical sense, and the current year, it ! E naybe a break even. And then aE timeE go orr, these incentives oftentimeE go away. And just recently in the newE right now is that ttre federaL gowernnent Lras passed a new bilL to push money towardE renewable energry and specifically towards farmere, buts it needs to be something that we carr act on right now to be able to take advantage of that because aE time drags orr, aE other people have mentioned before mer w€ need to find a way to get this these deciEions and these projects finalized and done and not keeping pushing it down the road beeause timeliness iE something that we have to keep in mind in the businesE aspect of things. And with that, I thank you for your time and I close. Thank you. COMMISSIONER AtrIDERSON: Thank you for your 10 L4 11 L2 13 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 testimony. ilay and it Etarts with a trB.n. MR. BRAIIE: Bratre. CO!ilMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Brahe. Thank you. And I Like your hats very much. MR. BRAIIE : IIIeII and I I m not taking it of f . {IAY BR.AIIE, f irst duJ.y sworn to tell the tsruth relating tso said cause, testified aE foIIowE: COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: Ttrank you. MR. BRAIIE: ThiE is kind of off the cuff . I didrr I t know whether I was going to make remarke for a couple of reaE ons. COMMISSIONER A}iIDERSON: And pJ.eag€!, give us your name and spe1J. ttre laEt name. MR. BRAIIE: ilay Brahe, B-R-A-II-E. Irm a Pocat,ello reEident. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: And a cugtomer of Idaho Power. IlR. BRAIIE: Arrd an ldatro Power CuEtomer. COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Please give us your testimony. MR. BRAIIE: Thank you. Again, thanks for your 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 55 time. Instead of I thought the reason that I would get behind the mic iE t,o let you know lrm we are talking other people have been talking hl4rot,heticals about people not participating in the net metering progrra.n. Itm one of theEe real people right, on the cusp. IJast weekend Monday I met with a Eolar inEtaller repreeentat,ive t,o begin planning to Eupport both Idatro Power t E goa1s, what I I m Eure is the PUC!E goals, and our own personal goals regarding soLar power and its benefitE. If the rate change and then I found out talking through a network of friendE that Idaho Power iE considering reducing the rate to homeowners for the proceEs, and, frankly, Lf that happens, Amy and I canrt afford in our budget, to pursue the goals. So I'm real and it happened EhiE week. Irm algo not an early adaptser like Eome of the folks here. Irm a middle adapter. So when you consider who I might represent, it'E all the people in the middLe of the belL curve that were waiting for solar to become appropriatse for middLe adapters. And I think I represent a huge nr:mber of people that wilL not participate in Eolar panel inEtallation. Another point regarding the grandfathering, Hearing - October 27,2022 57 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Irm a little caught off gruard and by the irurediacy of this decieion. I guesE my final new point that I traventt heard tonight, Lf it comes to Eome rate increase, I would hope the eomiEsion would teII Idaho Power, "ThiE has to be a future decision down the road for middle adaptere to respond appropriateJ.y.!r Thank you. COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Thank you for your testimony, ilay. And I have a trat just like his Eo that I e why I was making that conment. Timothy HoIe. TIMOTHY HOI,E, firsts duJ.y Eworn t,o tseLl ttre truth relating to Eaid cauge, testified aE follows: COMMISSTONER ANDERSON: Thank you. MR. HOIJE: Do I need to spell my name? COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Your name and MR. HOLE: T-I-M-O-T-H-Y, HoIe, H-O-IJ-E. I a.gt an Idaho Power customer. I live here locally in Pocatello. I an also a Eolar repreaentat,iwe for Inter:mountsain Wind & Solar. $Itro and itt E been brougtrt, up a couple of t,imeE who iE arr active 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 58 participant in ttre SoLarize PocateLlo initiative. I'm very faniliar with Mike Engle and really a Lot of what I planned to talk about was something that I feel Mike Engle spoke abouts, and it waE thiE independent study. I think it was worttr noting that a lot of ttre factore that I rm Eure you are either aware of or are going to be made aware of, aE its been submitted or will be Eubmitted, weren't conEidered, environsrental factorE or were significantIy diEcounted. And thatrE something that I think is not necessarily dishoneEt. Maybe it just wasn't considered, but it waE not, a great move by thie Idaho Power study. On top of that and I think the point has been raiEed a eouple of times. I meet with plenty of people that are intereeted in moving forrard with t,heir own solar systems . Many of these fo1ks, like it I E been Eaid, are struggling in ureans and inereasing the anount that they would have to pay for a system ttrat achieves the exact t,he EErme thing that it would with thiE 1 t,o 1 ratio or just increasing the payoff period of these systems with ttre proposed net metering procees is it'e going to be very tough for many of tshese folkE to nove forward, which, aEi its been brought up before, is a truge motivation or something Hearing - October 27,2022 59 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 ttrat is going to kiII the motivation to move fomard with a more green energry producing eystem. I think that is against the direction that Idatro Power hae Eet for itself by 2045 to be a green company and to eliminate ttre uEe of fossil fuelE. And, you know, I beLieve very firmly aE an owner of my own systeur that this wilL Lrave a negative impact on aII of the reEidentse of Idaho and our energry consurlption in the future. COMMISSIONER AIIIDERSON: Thank you very much for your testinony. Gary Smith. Did I get Gary; right. MR. SMITH: NO. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: No. Sorry. MR. SMITH: Nobody does. ftrs Cary with a re.r COMMISSIONER A}iIDERSON: Cary, thank you. CARY SMITH, first duly Eworn to teII the truth relating tso Eaid ca.uge, testified aE foIIowE: MR. SMITH: It ' s Cary Smith, C-A-R-Y. Smith Etrould be as always S-M-f -T-II. So I do not trave Eolar or wind generation, however, I might in the futsure, and I want to speak to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 50 the nonopoly that ldaho Power enjoye. If I want to buy or EeII power, I have no choice but to buy and EeII to Idaho Power. I donrt have the ability to go out and negotiate with Idaho Power. I canr t go to another power generation company to try and seII my power to then. Having a monopoly is not just a one-way Etreet. Idaho Power haE a responaibility not just itrs stockholderE but alEo to the cuEtomerE of ldaho. Thats means the power that, I might generate should be valued at a higher rat,e becauEe I can only EeII to Idaho Power. Slashing ttre generation rate to rock bot,tom ie a gift to Idaho Power Etocktrolders and a slap in the f ace t,o the peopJ.e of Idaho. I would hope that you would underEtand and consider that, I cannot negot,iate with ttreur and that you are my only advocate betsween me and Idaho Power and take that into coneideration that my diEadvantageous relationship with Idaho Power and the other people of Idaho have when you consider whether or not to cut the rate or give uE a reaEonable rate aE we have in the past. Thank you. COMMfSSIONER AIiIDERSON: Cary, are you an Idaho Power customer. 10 11 13 !4 15 15 L7 18 L9 20 2L L2 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 61 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 L8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 MR. SIIITH: YeE. COMMISSIONER NiIDERSON: Thank you. Thank you for your testimony. Linda Engle. IJINDA ENGIJE, first duly sworn to tell the truth relating to said cause, testified as followg: MS. ENGLE s My naEle is Linda Eng1e, E-N-G-L-E. I am an Idaho Power cugtomer. So we are fortunate enough to have a solar systseur on our home and, we have the J.egacy net metering, which iE the compensation of 1 kilowatt back for each kilowatt that, we put onto the grid. And we are interested in having other peopLe have ttre Earne opportunity, and Eome peopJ-e have spoken to that aE not having difficulty in being able to put Eo1ar systens on their homes. I ! d like to acknowledge and thank our utility companies in fdaho for committing to 100 percent clean energy by 2045 and thank you to the eonunission for corring aLl the way over here to Pocat,ello. $Ie appreciate that. So aE Eome people Lrave spoken about the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 Hearing - October 27,2022 62 study done by Crossborder, the value of solar ean be aE high aE 18 centE or as low as a value given by Idaho Power study at 3 centE per kilowatt hour. A low value of Eolar means that Lromeowner I E will have to put nuch more eLectricity onto the grid to get, that 1 kilowatt back. Homeownere will like1y have to eize ttreir systeurs larger, aE we have heard, and it makes ttreir payback for their systems J.onger becauee theEe EyEtemE are more expensive. This in turn wilL have a chil-ling ef f ect, agrain as we have heard, on Idatro I s reeidentiaL sol-ar industry. I beliewe the Public UtiJ.ity Conurission haE retponsibility to keep Idatro buEineEsee strong. Currently our utility spent gomewhere around $730 million to buy eleet,ricity that is generated out of s tate . AI so our grreat the great ma j ori ty o f our transportation fuelE are imported from out of etate. So support for reEidential Eolar power gives fdahoans the opportunity to not only power tsheir homeE and vehicleE, but to also keep thoEe dollars right here in Idaho. That strengthens ldahorE economy. This depends upon a fair and equitable export credit rate, what we are diseussing tonight. As I mentioned, this value can be as high as 18 centE or as Iow aE 3 centE, depending on the different aspects of the etudy 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 63 L 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 tstrat you look at. So Itm aeking the eomiEsion to seriously consider the eeonomic and financial inplicationE of accept,ing a study that givee a Low value of solar and thoee implicatione on our Idaho f anilieE, couurunities, and businesseE. Thank you for your tine. COMMISSIONER ATiIDERSON: Thank you for your test,imony. TraviE, do we have any other people signed up to speak? IE there anyone present ttrat didrr t t Eigrr up that wisheE to speak tonight? !IR. TRIPP : Yes, sir. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: YeE, please. iIOHN TRIPP, first, duLy Eworn to teII ttre truth relating to Eaid cauEe, teEtified aE followE: MR . TRIPP : My narle the ilohn Tripp, spel led T-R-I-P-P, and I €rm an Idaho Power customer. dlust like this young lady over here, whereas just last Monday a company came and put Eolar panels all over my roof and big old inverters on my back porch with the promise of, you know, cutting my power 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 L2 Hearing - October 27,2022 64 bilt. AE I aar a father of four and the T\I doeEnrt have an off button, and it I E made it very hard to pay the biLlE a lot of timeE when the power biLl comes and it's going fron a much EuraLler house to a bigger house and itrE 2 or $300 EometimeE and ittE almoEt insurmountable. Thatts our fun budget. And this was supposed to be the t,icket out. And last night I got the eurail about, thiE and everything that is going on and all I can say iE, like, T'm appalled, and, Iike, I donrt underEtand. Wtren is it going to stop? If thiE alLowed t,o happen, like whatsts to Eay in five years they are, like, "OIr, ttrat I E not enough money for uE. Now we are dropping it to 2 centsrr and then 1 cent and t,hen pretty aoon itrs just going to be negligible to have a solar panel system. And Eo Irm kind of asking that we kind of stop it, now. You know, the Etatseurent haE been made, fair and equitable, and I think its'e very fair. Like we give you power, you give uE power, and why should it be any different? Why Ehould the rate be different? ft I E the part that gets me. That I s it. Thank you. COMMISSfONER AIiTDERSON: Thank you for your testiurony. L4 11 13 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 Hearing - October 27, 2022 55 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 22 23 24 18 19 20 2L TYLER PRATT, firet duly sworn to tell the truth relating to Eaid cauge, testified renotely as followE: MR. PRATTs My narle j.e Tlzler Pratt. Irm aIr Idaho Power cuEtomer. I live trere in Pocate1lo . I am a. I have a bacheLor I E degree j.n renewable energry engineering and a masterrs in eivil, and I practice civil engineering here in Pocatello. I have done a Lot of our cLients are municipals municipalitieE, and they are often very interestsed in cLean energry for their facilitieE. Itve done a nr:.mber of analyses for Rocky Mountain Power systems that are Eerved by Rocky Mountain Power in the area, and their ratses are aE effectiveJ.y wholesale to the comrrercial scale facilitieE municipal facilitsieE. Not a single one of thoEe systsems that I have analyzed has penciled out. It t E al.ways not made it past t,he preliminary analysis phaee, and I have a feeling that with Idaho Powerrs new rates, wtrich are proposed rates, which are eEEentia1J.y wtrol-esaLe values that, that wiII continue to be the trend. Meaning, Lf ldaho Powerr6 request goes through, it wiII be an end to rooft,op Eolar, and not only for homeowrrerE but aE well for corunereial facilitieE and25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 65 for municipal-ities. The Eecond point, I would like tso make iE, although I rm a proponent of renewable €r€rlff r I would far rather see roof tops covered with eoLar than eoLar farmE. Solar farmE take up a significant footprint, often in far:urland whieh should be ideally growing food, often in deEert or natural areag, which has an environnental iurpaet. Utilizing the roof for generating power, which iE conEumed locally, trakes a lot more Eense. It doesn I t reqrrire as nuch distribution, transmiEsion. IttE just Emart planning. The laEt thing I I d like to Eay is that, the idea that Idatro Power did ttreir own study to me is a clear conflict of interest. I t,hink t,here is merit to tome of their argn:nents in the walue of that the grid prowides, and I think tlrat t s very reasonable and logical, but I aIEo think tshats t,hey have discounted many of the benefitE that diEtributed energlz hae, environmentalJ.y, awoided coEtss, things of that nature. So I wouLd highly propose that a fair independent third party would be the one to do that service study, not Idaho Power themselves who cJ.earJ.y has an intereEt in squashing rooftop Eolar. Thank you. COIIMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Thank you for your 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 67 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 testimony, Tlr1er. My liet has gone dry. So if anybody else wiEhes to speak, this ie an opportunity. This is your day. This is why we are herei so feel free to step up and speak if you wish to. And if I donrt see anybody step up we have somebody stepping up. Ttrank you. EOLI,IN SWAINSTON, first duly Eworn to teII the truth relating to eaid cauge, testified as follows: MR. SWAINSTON: My nane is CoLLin SwaLnEton. That I e S-W-A-f -N-S-T-O-N, and I am an ldaho Power cuEtomer. I did not plan to gets up here and to say anyttring Eo my thoughts may be jurbted, but Itm in agreement with everybody here tonight, t,hat thiE would definitely be a it would be a very unJceneficial to Idaho people that are tryingr to contribute to the pueh to renewable energy. This push iE happening not just in ldaho, but is happening in the count,ry and in the world aa fears of climate change impacts continue to grow. I believe that this would be very disingenuous for ldaho Power to pase t,hiE for this to move 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 58 for'ward with aII the Etatements that have been put out in support for EoLar. I arn in ttre EoLar industry. I work in the solar industry. I tm in operationE and have the pJ.eaeure of speaking with hundredE of cuEtomerE every month, and this would have a very negative impact, for current solar customers past ttre 2OL9 point that have many of then couurit,ted t,o 20 - to 2 5 -year to 3 0 -year loanE, and in thie instance, if they are not grandfathered in, they are Etuck. They wiLL pay that. And Eo if thiE doeE go through, which would be very unfortunate, but if it doeE, I would hope that you would consider ttrose people that hawe already urade a conrritment under the trope and the premiee that solar would pay off for them. And this was eomething that they were willing to inveEt in, tshie clean energry movement, and now their paybaek rates are potent,ially being slashed more than haLf and E o that'e a very negative impact. I would also Like to add that while Idaho Power stateE that clean energry has reduced in cost over the last eeveral years, which is true, that that haE not been the case for the Lasts Eeveral years, ot leaEt for solar companies as infLation haE taken a maEEive hit on soLar companies, not just inflation but 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 69 rising intereEt rates. As many canrt afford to pay 20 to $30,000 out of pocket for solar, ttrerefore they need to gets a loan. So there ie increasing intereEt rates. There ie increaeing crisis on all of the electric electrical equipment aE there hae been ehortages throughout t,he industry. Every part of Eolar is more expensive now than it was two, three, four yearE B9o, and eoLar conpanJ.es and cuEtomers are paying for that. I can say that Eolar, while it does benefit the cuetsomer and they are eventually going to get payback on their system, they are not getting rich off of eo1ar. And Eo I do beLieve t,hat thiE deciEion should be taken very eeriouely and consider the impact of those who have gone solar and ttrat are potentially conEidering solar and that, if Eomettring does ehange that there be given more than ampJ.e time for people to part,icipate in renewable energfy ef fortE and for peopJ.e that currently have Eolar to be grandfathered into the eurrents net met,ering Etructure. Thank you. COMMISSfONER A}iIDERSON: Ttrank you. And can you mention your first name. MR. S?IIAINSTON: CoIIin, C-O-L-L-I-N. COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: YeE , please . 70Hearing - October 27,2022 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 WESL,EY ![ORRIS, f irEt duly E worn to t,ell the truth relat,ing to eaid cauge, teEtified as follows: MR. MORRIS: My nEune iE WesLey Morris, M-O-R-R-I-S, and Irm an Idaho Power cuEtomer. I also Lrave rooftop Eo1ar, and I work for a solar company. We currently trave 27 of our e.rployeee that are in the apprentice program tso become electricianE that are working througtr that through the eoLar industry. I am not a very good public speaker Eo give me a Eecond here to collect ury ttrougtrts. COMMISSIONER AI{DERSON: You are doing fine. Take your time. MR. MORRIS: The monopoly thing with t,he power company is the hardeEt thing for me. I donrt have another option but to go through them, and you are my voice. And so I'rr asking you to do what iE right for rr€, for t,he cugtomers of Idaho Power and for t,he Etate. We shouldnrt have tshe somebody that has tshat much power to sErfe tr$lellr 1rorlr rate just went up and deal wit,h it. I' with solar we at leaEt hawe the ability to cap our rate and that iE what people are Hearing - October 27,2022 7L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 L9 20 2L 11 24 22 23 looking for is something for consistency and to be able to take care of uE instead of juet, 'WeII, it EuckE for us, but the power just went up and so now our biLl went up and there is nothing that we can do about it. rr So I def initeJ.y trope that you take that into coneiderat,ion. Thank you. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Ttrank you for your teetimony. It iE getting down to which pJ.ease. SIIASTA TOLI.EY, firet duly surorn to tell the truth relating to said, cause, testified aa followE: MR. iIOLLEY3 My name iE Shasta ,Jo11ey, Iast name J-O-L-L-E-Y, and I arn an Idaho Power customer. f just wanted to bring attention to a lot of federal incentsives that werve Eeen behind renewable energry in the country you know a lot earlier thiE year. Exciting stuff, and I think you know, we Eee on a federal level tshe one of the biggest advantages to and one of the biggest incentiwes to getting solar on your home is the federal tax incentive, the ITC credit rate, wtrieh they Lrawe increaEed announced an increase to 30 percent and extending that for the next 10 yeare, which iE25 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 72 fantaEtic for the industry, and I think that what Idaho Power is doing here is in exact, opposition to wtrat the federal governnent is trying to push, BEi far aE climate initiativeE go, aE weLL aa we aee a lot of initiatives going into building infraEtructsure for domeEtic manufacturing of EoLar module specif,ical.ly, and I think tshat I s a clear sign tshat on a nationaL Ievel we are puthing against climate change and for independence for honeownerg and keeping up with increaEing populat,ions, especially in a state like Idaho, one of the fasteEt growing states in the eountry for years running now. And I donlt beliewe itls been talked about enough, again, with the push behind renewable enerlIy on a f ederal lewel and t,hen to Eee on the loeal leveL Idaho Power trying to disineentivize renewable energy and the opportunity for their cugtomers t,o expJ.ore ttroEe options and, specuJ.ation I juets hope thatr 1rolr know, federal incentives and decisionE are aIEo taken into consideration when decidingr, you know, what reEultE will come from thiE cage. COMMISSfONER AIIDERSON: Thank you for your testimony. Anyone else? ThiE is it. This is the opportunity. P1ease. 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hearing - October 27,2022 73 MR. FORD: Larry Ford again. COMMISSIONER A}iIDERSON: Hi , Larry. DIR. FORD: One thing I forget to mentsion before is t,trat, like Cathy, I an and have been for many yearE a contributor to the green power progran by Idaho Power. This in their laet push for reducing the reimbursements rate hae pretsty much convinced me that the only green they are intsereEted in is money. They are not interestsed in renewable energy aE euch unleeE they can make a buck off of it. Now, aE I mentioned before , T' m not gure ttrat this syetem I put in wiII pay back in my lifetime, but I don!ts care, and Irm probably in better financial shape that many people, but what thiE would tsend to make me do, even though it wonr t affect me becauge I rm grandfathered in, is put a battery eystem on my solar and just disenga,ge aE much as I ean from Idaho Power and I think ottrer people may reach that Eane decision. If you are going to be playing so unfair with your eustomers, the heII with you. I'm done. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: Thank yorl, Larry. PIeaEe. 10 11 L4 L2 13 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 74 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 14 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 TYSON CHAVIS, firEts duly Eworn to teII tshe truth relating to Eaid cauae, testified aE follows: [IR. CHAVIS s My narne is Tlreon ChaviE, Iast nane is spelled C-H-A-V-I-S. And I do work in Eo1ar diEtribution here in PocateLlo. I aLEo lived in PocatelLo for baEically ury whole life. And I rm 25 years old. And I Struess I have a littLe bit more of a personal thought here, and the main thought, is that solar haE definitely changed like uqr life in the sense tstrat it waE arr actual career avenue for Eomeone like me who was just trying to nake t,hings work out. I took on my neptrew when I was 18 and trying to find like a reaL job well, juet Etsuff like working ats just dead end stuff, but say eolar came Iong Greentech is what it iE ealIed. It actually gave me a real opportunity to grow. And I SIueEs the point Irm trying to make iE thats I do think thiE decieion could potentially kiLI out the opportunity not only for me going for-ward, but for a lot of other people my age or younger trying to find like a real healthy career and somet,hing that is not just a way to make money but to aetually like make Hearing - October 27,2022 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 a di f f erence . f think ttrat I s pretty Lnportant for young people moving forward, LE just doing something ttrat actually feels like that ! s not just making money, but also improving thingsi ao... COI{MISSIONER ANDERSON: Thank you for your test,imony. MR. CHAVIS: Thank you. Arryone elee. Pleaee. MS. DALTON: He11o. COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: HeIIo. COI'RTNEY DAI..TON, firEt duly Eworn tso teII ttre truth relating to eaid cauae, teetified as foLlowE: MS. DAIJTON: My name is Courtney Dalton, Iast, D-A-IJ-T -O-N. I would firEt like to agree with everyone trere f or the stsatementE . And j ust speaking about the eeonomy and kind of the negative impact that it wouLd have if people started shifting away from the solar induetry and kind of the wanting to go Eolar and I think t,hat would be detrimental to the working environsrent of our Etate. People already tend to think that Idaho is behind the timeE. We have a Lot25 Hearing - October 27,2022 76 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 of people moving here from CaLifornia and Utah, and they are kind of baffled tso aee thatr forl know, there ig not Eolar in every single neighborhood on every corner. And there are a lot of jobs here that the solar provides from saleE, eLectrical. There is office work. There iE distribution. You name it, itrE out there. As Eomeone else brought up, there iE peopl.e in the apprenticestrips within the collegee here. And I also wanted to bring up, because nobody haE mentioned, ttrat even Idaho power provides jobs to people who twap out neters for theee solar customers, and they do a grreat job at it. We work with other ut,ility companieE wlro are terrible at get,ting t,hat process moving. And I Eort of want to just comslend Idaho Power in that induetry becauee they move it quickJ-y. They do it efficiently, and it kind of srakes everyone's job eaeier in the solar induetry. So just something that hadn't been brought up Eo I wanted to add that to everyttring else that hae been said about the economy and the solar worLd. So thank you. COMMfSSIONER AIiIDERSON: Thank you for your testimony.25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 77 Round two. Welcome back. MR. GARNER: Do you need to Ewear me in agrain? COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: No. ilust your narre agrain for ttre record. MR. GARNERs My nane is Richard Garner, G-A-R-N-E-R. ilust aE people have been diecueEing, one point that I forgot to nention waE dealing with ttre price in our area, we are Just below the Minidoka Dasr and Eo we have a lot of utsilitsy companies emaller utility companies that Eervice the locaI corurunitsy and ttreir rateE are eigmificantly lower than the Idaho Power rates. And as werve diEcussed this with people at the Idaho Power eompany, tlre unofficial responae is there is a lot more infrastructure that Idaho Power tras to carry power tso the more rural spots, and we recogrnize that, and we accept ttrat,. But in doing 6oe t,hey cantts have it, both wayE. They canrt charge more for their power and then turn around and expect uE to put Eolar in for leEe money. If we are helping them carry that infraEtrueture out, then they should be on the hook to compensate ug at a fair rate. And that waE just a point I wouLd Like to make. Thank you. COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Thank you, again, Richard. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 LI 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Hearing - October 27,2022 78 Arryone eLse? WeLL, think about its for just a second. But I do want tso take the opportunity to thank our eourt reporter, ilanet French, for joining ue tonight too and theee intervenere that are present. And I aleo want to take this opportunity to thank everyone here, nots juet beeause it,rs beneficial that we here from yo[, but, also, honestly, for the decon:.ur and t,he pleaeant nature of this meeting and your abitity to make us feel welcome in PocateLlo. That I E not loEt on uE, and we do appreciate it very, very much. We are nots always weLcome ewerywtrere. Sometimes we have a bJ.g target on uE. And that'E okay. Thatts how our job ie. But it,s rare that everybody here iE so kind to uE tonight, and we appreciate that very nuch, and we thank you for that. And if there iE no one eLse if anybody else wantE to speak, please do, and if rlot, we are going to add adjourn. Thank you again. We are adjourned. (The proceedings concluded at 7246 p.m.) 79 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 REPORTERI S CERTIFICATE l, rrAlIET L. FRENCE, CSR No. 946, CertLfied Shorthand Reporter, certify: That the foregoing proceedings were taken before me at, the tLme and place therein set forth, at which time the witnesa was put under oath by me; That, the teetLmony and all obJectJ.one Dade were recorded etenographically by me and tranacrLbed by ue or under By direction; That, tshe foregoing is a true and correct record of all testLmony gJ.ven, to tshe best of uy abi].ity; I further certify tbat I an not a relatLve or euployee of alry attorney or party, nor an I f inancLally interested Ln thLe aets:Lon. IN WfTNESS SIHERBOF, I eet my hand and eeal this 15th day of November, 2022. ,TAI.IET L. FRENCH, CSR No. 946, RPR Notary Publ.ic P.O. Box 2636 BoLse, Idabo 8370X.-2635 lfir CoztmiEeion E:qriree LL/3 /2028 actions (1) l4:8 active (2) 39:25;57:25 actual (3) 42:15;46:7;74:13 actualty (12) 6: 15;8:22; l0:4;17 :14; 3 7 : I 3 ;3 8: I 3 ;40 :23 ;42: I I ; 43:7;74:18,25;75:3 Adam (5) I 8 :24,25 ;l 9 :6,17 ;24:8 adapter (2) 56: I 8, l9 adapters (2) 56:22;57:6 add (5) 3 8 :22 ;4 5 : I 6 ;68 :20 ;7 6 :2 I ; 78:20 added (1) 4:10 Adding (I) 38:21 addition (l) l2:ll additional (5) 8: l4;9: I 9;20: 6;32:17 ;43:l address (1) 50:4 addresses (l) l9: l3 adequately (2) 19:13;22:20 adjacent (1) 20:5 adjourn (1) 78:20 adjourned (1) 78:21 adjustment (l) 38:7 adjustments (1) 22:l advantage (2) 22:9;54:16 advantageous (l) 50:6 advantages (1) 7l:21 advocate (1) 60:17 affect (2) 32:l;73:15 affects (2) 40:22,24 affirm (1) 39:17 afford (3) 35:8;56: l6;69: I affordable (1) 50:6 ac (1) 8: l2 again (14) I 5 :3 ;28 :20 ;32 :23 ;40 :4 ; 43 : I 4;47 :20 ;5 5 :25 ;62: I | ; 7 2: I 4;7 3 : I ;7 7 :2,3,24;7 8:21 against (2) 59:3;72:8 age (2) 32:6;74:23 ago (9) 7 : I 8 ;26 : 1,6:3 | :20 ;32 :8 ; 33:19,20;54:3;69:8 agree (4) 9 :21 ;12:25;48: I 5 ;75 : I 8 agreement (1) 67:1 8 agricultural (1) 50:17 ahead (6) 5 :24 ;6 :20,24 ;7 :6,7 ;3 I :24 aldaho (1) I 6:15 air (l) 26:20 alfalfa (1) l9:20 allow (1) 5:24 allowance (l) 18:6 allowed (6) I 8: I ,5;5 I : l9; 52:13,25; 64:ll almost (2) 6:2;64:5 alone (2) 38:4;39: l9 although (1) 66:3 always (4) 9 :25 ;59 :23 ;65: I 8;78 : I 3 amount (7) 28 : I 8 ;3 0 : 5 ;42 :2 5 ;43 :20 ; 46:3;52:24;58:19 amounting (1) 22:l ample (1) 69:17 Amy (1) 56:1 5 analyses (1) 65: l3 analysis (3) 2l:15;47:19;65:19 analyzed (1) 65:1 8 and/or (1) 46:10 Ar\DERSON (86) 3 :3 ;4:2,19,23 ;7 :4,1 5 ;9 :3, I l ;10: 1 8,24;l l :8,13;13:3,5, l2,l 5,24;14:2; I 6: 1,6, I 3, I 6; | 7 :4;l 8 :21 ;19 :4;24:7,12,1 8, 23 ;2 5 : I 2,23 ;27 : I 4,2 I ;28 :2,5, In the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase. . . $14 (1) l2:7 $30,000 (1) 69:2 $300 (2) 38:14;64:5 $330 (1) 38: l6 $48 (1) l2:8 $730 (1) 62:14 A 10;30: 19,25;31 :8,12,14,18; 33 z5 rl 4;37 zl 19 ;41 z6,1 4 ; 4 4 22, 101,47 t22i48:5,9,13;51 : 1,9; 5 4 225 ;55 : 4,12,1 6,20,23 i57 28, 18,20;59: I 0,1 4,16;60:24; 6l :2 ;63 :8,1 4 ;6 4 z2 4 ;66 225 ; 69 222,25 ;7 0 zl4 ;7 I z7 ;7 2 222 ; 7 3 22,22 ;7 5 :5,1 0 ;7 622 4 ;7 7 :3, 24 announced (2) 50:9;71:24 announcement (1) 17:25 announcing (1) 43..2 annual (1) 12:10 Ansley (6) | 3 : I 6,1 8,22,22;l 4: 1,4 A-N-S-L-E-Y (1) 13:23 anticipate (1) 50:l I antitrust (1) l4:23 anymore (l) 40:l appalled (1) 64:10 applaud (2) 45: l2;50:8 Application (3) 3:7;18:2;37:19 appreciate (10) 9:4;1 l:21:,14:5,10;25: l3; 48:l 5;49 :l 4;61 :24;7 8: I I,l7 appreciated (3) 29:12;35:21;M:18 appreciative (1) l9:10 apprentice (l) 70:9 apprenticeships (1) 76:9 appropriate (1) 56:22 appropriately (2) 43:25;57:6 arbitrarily (1) 20:2 area (10) I 4: I 6;43:3 ;50 :12;51 :14, 23 ;52: I ;53 :8;5 4:2;6 5 : | 5 ; 77:8 areas (1) 66:7 arguments (1) 66:15 Arkoosh (1) 5:5 around (6) 29 :24;3 3 :22;3 8 : I 5 ;42 :9 ; 62:14;77:18 $ Hearing October 27,2022 ability (5) 43 :23 ;4 5 : I 6 ;60 :3 ;7 0 :2 5 ; 78: l0 able (15) 6 : I | ;27 : 12 ;3 4 :8,24 ;3 5 : I 3 ; 4 | :24;42:23 ;43 :4,23,24; 50: 1,23 ;5 4: I 6;61 : l8;7 | :2 above (1) 46:20 absolutely (2) 2l:22;42:19 academia (1) 46:17 accept (2) 42:7;77:16 accepting (2) l5:21;63:4 access (l) 46:l according (1) l0:8 account (l) 42:20 accuracy (2) 22:12,21 accurate (2) 22:20;47:7 accurately (1) 25:8 achieves (1) 58:20 acknowledge (2) 45:12;61:20 acknowledges (1) 47:14 acquire (l) 40:10 acres (5) 8: l2;19: l9;53:9,10,1 I across (3) 5:25;38: l8;45:4 act (2) 29:7;54:16 actable (1) 30:3 r!ti" :. i '....IrrJ, 1 .( tri"M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961l(ph) (800)234-96rr (208)-34s-8800(fax) (80) $14 - around B-A-R-R-O-T-T (1)ll:ll Barrotds (1) 43:14 base (3) 37:16;46:10,12 based (2) ll:17;12:20 basic (1) 2l:15 basically (4) 17:24;25:2;28: I 1 ;74:8 basis (2) 23:24;38:12 battery (2) l2:15:'73:16 Bear (1) 5:20 become (6) 10:21 ;l 5 :13;23 : 14;39: 1 8; 56:22;70:9 becomes (2) 20:19;52:25 becoming (1) 39:19 began (2) 4l:24;54:5 begin (2) 4:16;56:8 behatf(1) 44:20 behind (4) 56:3 ;7 I :17 ;72:14;7 5:25 believes (2) 46:9;47:12 belt (1) 56:21 belongs (1) 3:16 below (1) 77:8 Ben (3) 4l:8,10,15 beneficial (4) I 5 : | 2;3 4 : I 2;49 :7 ;7 8 :7 benefit (10) 8 :22;25 :5 ;3 2: I 2,1 7,24 ; 36: I 6;38: I ;40 :25 ;41 :l ;69 :10 benefited (1) 49:14 Benefits (7) 3 :8 ;25 :4 ;26 :24 ;47 : I 3,1 8 ; 56: I 1;66: l8 best (4) 5:21;8:17:36:9;47:4 better (4) 32:25 ;3 4:8 ;46 : l2;7 3 : I 3 Big (e) 12:13,13 ;13 :9, I I ; I 5:2; 17 : | ;26 :3 ;63 :24;7 8 : | 4 bigger (1) 64:4 biggest (2) 7l:20,21 bil (10) 20 : I 7 ;26: I I ;38 :8,1 4,22 ; 40 : I 4;5 4: | 3 ;64: 1,3 ;7 I :4 billing (1) 2O:13 bills (4) 22:2;41:4,4;64:3 Bingham (1) 19: l9 bit (s) 18:5;38: 19;52: l7;53: I 5; 74:10 Blackfoot (1) 43:3 blackouts (2) 43:3,12 board (1) 15: l6 boards (1) 2l:14 Boise (2) 5:8;42:l bonuses (1) 12:lO both (7) 4 :7 ;20 : I 0 ;2 5 : I I ;46 : 4 ; 47:3;56:9;77:17 bottom (1) 60: l3 Brad (3) l0:25;l l:4,1I BRAHE (10) 5 5 :3,3,4,6,8,13,18,18,22,25 B-R-A-H-E (1) 55:18 brainer (1) 54:8 break (4) 34:13;41:2,2;54:10 Brian (2) l6:3,8 brief(3) 17:24;44:23:45:22 bring (3) 53:23;71:16;76:ll bringing (l) 22:4 brother's (1) 19:1 8 brought (4) 57:25;58:25;76:8,20 brown (1) 26:16 Bryan (1) 16:14 buck (l) 73:10 budget (3) 53: l8;56:16;64:6 build (2) l5:20;34:18 building (1) In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to the Study Review Phase. . . Heering October 27,2022 arrive (1) 46:7 arrived (1) 46:22 artic (1) 48:22 aspect (2) l8:3;54:22 aspects (1) 62:25 assessed (2) 47:6;49:8 Association (1) 5:6 assumptions (4) 36:23;46:10,12;47:3 attempted (1) 17:17 attend (1) 4l',25 attention (1) 71:16 Attorney (1) 4:16 August (1) 28..22 Authority (1) 3:9 auto (1) 12:17 avenue (l) 74:13 average (5) 12 :8 ;37 :23 ;3 8 : 5 ;40 :24 ; 49:9 avoided (4) 23:10,16;42:15;56: l9 aware (2) 58:6,7 away (4) 3 6:7 :40:15 :54:l | :7 5 :21 72:5 built (r) 52:12 buitt-in (1) 20:14 bullet (2) 17:14;28:12 bunch (1) 43:7 burning (2) 36:6,7 business (6) 14:25;39 :l ;40: I I ;5 I :25 ; 53:22;54:22 businesses (4) 29 :24;50 :2 I ;62 : | 3 ;63 : 6 busy (1) 27:l button (l) 64:2 buy (4) 32:16;60:2,2;62:15 C calculate (1) 23:10 calculated (1) 23:16 calculates (l) 23:22 calculations (1) 49:25 California (2) 43:4;76:l catl (4) 6:5,5,20,24 called (1) 74:18 came (3) 32:8;63:23:74:17 campaign (2) l5:19;49:l campaigns (2) 45:8,8 Can (32) 3 :I I ;4:l 6;6:2:8 : 6; I 3 :6; l4:8; I 5 : 1 I ; I 8 :l0,ll ;20:17 ; 22:8;27 :7 ;30:6;36: I 5 ;39: I 7; 40:14,19,19;42: 8;52: I 8; 53: 10,17;54: I 6;60:ll;62:l , 24;64:9 ;69 : | 0,22;7 I :4; 73:10,17 cap (12) I 6:24;19 :l 4;20: 3,9, I I ; 2 | :2 ;23 : 12;28 :21 ;29 :6,6 ; 48:20;70:25 capacity (l) 20:19 caps (1) 50: l6 car (1) 3l:11 B bechelorrs (1) 65:7 back (11) 3 :23 ;9 :2 5 ;l 5 : I 5 ;28 :22 ; 49 : I 2;52:2 | ;6 | : I 4 ;62 : 6 ; 63:24;73:12;77:l background (1) M:24 backs (1) l5:3 baflled (1) 76:2 barely (1) 38: l2 barley (1) 19:20 Barrott (8) 10:25; l l:2,4,1l,l l,l 5; 13:ll;42:14 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234-9611 (208)-34s-8800(fax) 'r'lin-[ -Sl'; igri't'(81) arrive - car charges (1) 27:9 Charley (1) 6:4 Chatburn (2) 4:2,4 crrAvrs (4) 74:1,5,5;75:7 c-H-A-V-r-S (1) 74:6 checks (1) 52:15 chilling (3) 2l:18,22;62:10 choice (3) l5:lA;60:2 choose (3) 29:8;39'.6,7 Chubbuck (1) 3l:17 chute (1) 7:5 circumstances (1) 5:14 cities (1) 50:7 citizens (6) I 4:8 ;l 5 : 1,24 ;3 3 :23 ;3 4 : I 5 ; 36: l0 City (1) 5:8 civil (2) 65:8,9 claimed (1) 2l: l8 claiming (1) 32:1 8 clarification (1) 5: l6 Clean (15) 5 :3 ; I 4: I I ;45:1,1,6,7,8,15, I 6,18;47 :l 5 :61 :22;65 :12; 68:16,21 clear (5) 6 :23 ;13 : 6;5 0 :2 ;6 6 : I 4;7 2:7 clearly (3) 46:5;49:24;66:22 clients (1) 65: l0 climate (13) 8:3; l0:l l;14:9;15:8;36:6, I 6;47 : I 4,1 6 ;48 :24;50:4 ; 67:23:72:4,8 climb (1) 53:19 climbs (1) 53:18 close (2) 49:13;54:24 coal (1) 38:1 7 coined (1) 39:ll collect (1) 70:13 colleges (1) 76:9 coLLrN (3) 67:9,13;69:24 c-o-LL-r-N (1) 69:24 combed (1) 23:19 coming (5) | 4:5 ;19 :9 ;44: I 5 ;47 :20 ; 6l:23 commend (2) 45:14;76:17 comment (3) 3:25;48:17 ;57:ll comments (5) 9 :20 ;3 5 :22 ;45 :21,22;46 : I 3 commercial (2) 65:16,25 commission (12) 3 : I 5 ;4:8 ;20 :25 ;21 :3,1 3,1 7 ; 4l :25 ;44: 13 ;57 :4;61 :23 ; 62:12;63:2 coMMrssroNER(87) 3 :3 ;4 :2,4,19,23 ;7 :4,1 5 ;9 :3, I l;10:18,24;l I :8,13;13:3,5, l2,l 5,24;14:2: I 6: 1,6, I 3, I 6; I 7 :4 ;l 8 :21 ;19 :4;24:7,12,1 8, 23 ;2 5 : I 2,23 ;27 : I 4,2 I ;28 :2,5, l0;30: 19,25;3 I :8,12, l4,l 8; 33 :5,1 4;37 :1,9 ;41 :6,1 4;44:2, 10;47 :22;48:5,9, I 3 ;5 I : 1,9; 5 4:2 5 ;5 5 :4,1 2,1 6,20,23 ;57 :8, I 8,20;59 : I 0, I 4,1 6;60:24; 6l :2;63 :8,1 4;64:24;66:25 ; 69 :22,25 ;7 0 : I 4 ;7 I :7 ;7 2 :22 ; 73:2,22;7 5:5,10;7 6:24;77 :3, 24 commissioners (3) 4:ll;16:22;47:2 commitment (3) 29:19:45:13:68:14 commits (1) 47:15 committed (3) l4:ll;40:24;68:8 committing (1) 6l:21 communities (1) 63:5 community (3) 40:17;43:18;77:10 companies (13) 8 :22,23 ;l 2: l,l 3,20 ; | 6 :24 ; 6l :21 ;68:24,25 ;69: 8;76: I 5 ; 77:9,10 company (18) 4:7 ;l I :18;12:2;13 :9,10; | 6:21 ;17 : I 5 ;18 :4,18 ;37 :l 4; 43 :l 5 ;5 4:3 ;59 :5 ;60 : 5 ;63 :23 ; 70:7,17;77:13 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase. . . Hearing October 27,2022 carbon (2) 29:10;34:l care (2) 7l:2;73:13 career (2) 74:13,24 careful (1) 33',2 carried (1) 26..22 carry (2) 77:15,20 Cary (s) 59:15,16,18,22;60:24 C-A-R-Y (1) 59:22 Case (5) 3 : 5 ;4: I I :5 :2;68:23 :7 2:21 Cathy (4) 47:25;48:l ,7 ;73:4 caught (l) 57:l cause (28) 7:13:9:9;ll:6;13:20; l6: l0;17: I 0;l 9:2;24:16; 25:19;27 :19;3 I :6;33 : I 2; 37 :7 ;41 :12;44: 8;48: 3 ;5 I :7; 55: l0;57: I 6;59:20;61 :8; 63:18;65:3 ;67 : I I ;70:3 ; 7l:12;74:3;75:14 cent (1) 64:14 cents (13) 28: l7;30: 15,16;38:9,10; 42: I 6,1 8 ;46 :23 ;62:2,3,24,25 ; 64:14 certainly (1) 50:ll chair (1) 44:22 chairman (l) 4:3 chance (1) l0:7 change (20) 8:3;10:l l;14:9;15:8; 3 4:2 I ;3 5 :7 ;3 6 : 6,20 ;37 : I 8 ; 3 9 : I 3 ;40 : | 5 ;43 :20 ;47 : I 4; 48:24;50: 5 ;53: 5 ;5 6: I 2 ; 67:23;69:16;72:8 changed (1) 74:12 Changes (7) 3 :10;10:12;17 :17 ;21 :5 ; 22:6;23:13;36:ll changing (2) 5 l:17, l8 chapter (1) 45:2 chapters (1) 45:4 charge (2) 32:9;77:17 Company's (1) 3:6 compare (1) 38:5 compelting (1) 50:18 compensate (5) 42:25 ;43 :22,23,24;7 7 :22 compensated (2) 42:18;43:21 compensation (2) 43:9;61:14 competitive (1) l4:20 Complete (3) 3:7;18:9;25:10 completely (1) 39: l5 component (l) 50: l3 Comprehensive (1) 3:8 conceive (1) 29:14 concept (1) 45:18 concern (1) 28:20 concerned (1) 48:23 concerns (5) 23 : I 7,21 ;2 5 :3 ;28 : L9 ;29 : 5 concluded (1) 78:22 conclusion (1) 46:22 conditioners (1) 26,,20 conducive (1) 53: I conduct (2) 25:2;46:18 conducted (2) 25:l;46:21 conlirm (1) l3:8 conflict (2) l5:23;66:14 cons (1) 8:21 Conservation (2) 5:7;49:15 conservative (2) 3:20;5:25 conservators (1) 48:22 consider (12) ll:23;17:21;18:6;2 I : I 6; 40 :2 | ;42 :20 ;5 6 :20 ;60 : I 6,20 ; 63:3;68:13;69:14 consideration (4) 33 :2 ;60 : I 8 ;7 | : 6 ;7 2 :20 considered (3) riitr-i -',;-r t!:i li M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234-961r (208F34s-8800(fax) (82) carbon - considered cuff(l) 55:13 current (9) 2l :l I ;37 :20,21 ;46:l I ; 5 3 :7,1 2;5 4:9 ;68 :7 ;69 :20 currently (8) I 5 :22;l 6:19;17: I 8;28: 1 8 ; 53 :23 ;62: I 4;69 : I 9;70 : 8 curtailments (l) 53:9 curve (1) 56:21 cusp (1) 56:7 custodian (1) 49..21 Customer (47) 3 : 5,9 ;6:9 ;7 :3 ;9 :l 4;l 0:4; I | :lO,12;12:6;13 :24;l 6: I 5 ; I 7: I 3; 1 8:4; I 9 :5,7 ;21 :19; 24:22;25 :23,25,25 ;28 :9 ; 3 I : I 5, I 6;33 : I 8;35:24,24; 37 :l l,l3,l 6;40:14;41 :l 6; 44:12;48:10,12;5 I : I l,l3 ; 5 5 :20,22;5 7 :22;60 :2 5 ;6 I : I I ; 63 :21 ;65:6;67 : I 5 ;69: I I ; 70:6;71:15 Customers (23) 5 :8;17 :21,22;l 8:9 ;25 :9 ; 33 :23 ;3 4 : I 6,23 ;3 5 :2 ;42: 5 ; 43 : I 3,24,25 ;45 : 1 5 ;48 :22 ; 60 :9 ;68 : 5,7 ;69 :8 ;7 0 :20 ; 72:17:73:20;76:14 cut (l) 60:21 cutting (1) 63..25 D Dairy (1) 51: l3 DALTON (4) 75:9,12,16,16 D-A-LT-O-N (1) 75:17 Dam (l) '17:8 data (3) 46:10,ll;47:3 day (4) 38:23;39:l ,8:67:4 daytime (1) 32:10 dead (1) 74:17 deadline (1) 46:14 deal (1) 70:24 dealers (1) 12:18 dealing (1) cost (11) 22:l;31:21;32: I 8;34: l0; 3 8 : 5 ;41 :3 ;42: I 5 ;5 0 : I 4,22 ; 53:ll;68:21 Costs (14) 3 :8 ;19 :24;20 :24 ;22:20 ; 23 :1,6,10,16;39:4;40: I 8; 53:13,17,19;66:19 Council (4) 44:21,23;45:24;49:2 Council's (1) 45:3 counsel (1) 5:5 counter (2) 25:7;36:22 country (3) 67:22;71:18;72:12 County (1) l9:19 coupte (5) 17 :l 4;29 :12;5 5 :l 5 ;57 :25 ; 58:15 course (2) 4:25;23:8 court (3) 6:12:14:24;78:4 CoURTNEY(2) 75:12,16 cover (1) 49:8 covered (3) 6:18,22;66:4 covlD (2) 5: l9;49: I I Crapo (1) l5:23 Crapors (1) l5:19 creating (1) 53:20 credible (1) 47:4 credit (Q I 9 : I 5 ;20 : 1 6;22 : I 3 ;3 4:22 ; 62:22;71:23 credits (1) 34:22 crisis (4) 3 8 : I 6 ;3 9 : I 2;40 :2 ;69 :4 criticat (2) l0:14;18:23 crop (1) 20:7 crops (1) 8:2 Crossborder (Q 25:7;45:23;46:5, I 1 ,20; 62:l Crossborder's (2) 25:6;42:14 cross-examine (1) 5: l3 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase. .. 17:20;58:8,12 considering (3) 27:2;56:14;69:16 consistency (1) 7l:l constrained (1) 20:2 constraints (1) 3:19 construct (1) 32:15 constructed (1) 20:5 consultants (1) 46:22 consume (1) 20:1 8 consumed (1) 66:9 consumer (1) 40:12 consumers (2) l4:21;22:8 consumption (4) 20:17;23:3,25;59:9 contemplated (1) 26:12 context (1) 22:25 continental (1) 22:16 continue (3) 38:22;65:22;67:23 continues (1) 39:9 continuing (2) 26:7;50:15 continuous (l) 38:25 contract (1) 17:22 contractors (1) l2:17 contracts (1) l8: l4 contrast (1) 45:22 contribute (3) 36:5;49:5;67:20 contributed (l) 48:24 contributor (1) 73:5 control (2) 52:21;53:14 conversion (1) 52:5 convinced (1) 73:7 corner (2) 20:l;76:4 corollary (1) 23:8 77:7 deals (1) 20:21 decade (l) 8:8 decide (2) l5:7;53:6 decided (1) 3l:20 deciding (1) 72:20 decision (12) 4:12;18:7,13 ;3 0 :4;3 8 : 3 ; 4l :23 ;47 :21 ;57 :2,5 ;69 :13 ; 73:19;74:21 decisions (6) I I :23 ;24: 4 ;3 6 : | 4 ;5 | :2 5 ; 54:19;72:19 decorum (1) 78:8 decreased (1) 53: l9 decreases (1) 43:9 decreasing (2) 40:2,3 defer (1) 6:3 defined (1) 25:8 delines (1) 23:21 definite (1) l5:23 definitely (4) I 2:22;67 :l 9 ;7 I :5 ;7 4: 12 degree (2) 26:4;65:7 delayed (1) 2l:6 delays (1) 19:14 deliberations (1) 6:15 delivered (1) 32:10 delivering (1) 32:12 demand (5) 8: I 5,1 8;32: I l;40:4;43:ll dental (1) l2:9 Department (1) 49:2 depending (1) 62:25 depends (1) 62:22 desert (1) 66:7 deserve (1) 45:25 design (2) Hearing October 27,2022 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-e61 l(ph) (800)234-961r (208)-34s-8800(fax) (83) considering - design dryer (1) 8:4 due (3) 26:4;53:9,22 duly (28) 7 :12:-9:8;l I :5; I 3: l9; I 6:9; 17 :9 ;19 :1 ;24:l 5;25 : I 8; 27 :l 8;3 I :5 ;33 :l | ;37 :6; 4l :l I ;44:7 ;48 :2;5 I : 6;55 :9; 5'l :l 5 ;59 :19 ;61 :7 ;63 :17 ; 65:2;67 :10;7 0:2;7 I :l I ;7 4:2; 75:13 during (8) 5 : I 5 ;2 I :20 ;3 I :23 ;32 : I 0 ; 33:19,20;48.,25;49:10 duty (1) 39:25 E disingenuous (3) 32:6;35:15;67:24 disingenuously (1) l4: l8 dissuade (2) 39:15,24 dissuading (1) 39:25 distributed (8) I 4: I 9 ;3 4:9 ;46 : 6,1 6,1 9 ; 47:9;48:18;66:18 distribution (4) 23 :22 ;6 6 : I | ;7 4 :7 ;7 6 :7 distributors (4) 12:-14,15,15,16 diving (1) 37:1 8 Docket (2) 2l:12;25:2 document (1) 4:14 Dog (3) 12:13;13:10,11 Dogrs (1) 12:13 dollars (4) 30:1;34:6;35:9;62:20 donestic (1) 72:6 done (12) I 5 :24;l 9 :9 ;3 5 :22 ;37 :2 | ; 3 8 :24;49 : I 0 ;5 4 :7,20 ;62 : I ; 65:10,13:'73:21 doors (1) 6:16 double (1) l5:5 doubt (2) 12:23;'39:21 doubtful (1) 49:25 down (11) 3 :21 ;21 : 6;28 :24 ;29 : 4; 30: I 5 ;3 5 : I l;38:17 ;40:12; 54:20;57:5;71:8 dozens (1) 12:12 drag (1) 32:19 drags (1) 54:17 drain (1) 36:25 drastic (1) 43:22 drawing (l) l5:16 drive (1) 23:6 dropping (1) 64:13 dry (3) 19:25;20:7;67:2 eagerly (2) 49:13,22 earlier (4) 44:21;49:18;50: I 8;71 : 18 early (2) 49: I l;56: l8 earned (3) 34:6,17;35:18 easier (1) 76:19 echo (2) 4l:,21;42:13 echoing (1) 43:14 economic (5) 3 6: I 4;37 :22;49 :24;53 : 12; 63:3 economically (3) 47:13;49:7;50:6 economy (4) | 2:2 5 :62:2 I :7 5 :20 :7 6 :22 ecosystem (1) l2:14 ECR (2) 23:2,7 ECRS (1) 23:23 edge (1) 23:5 effect (3) 2l:19,22:62:10 effective (3) 23:14;50:15,22 effectively (1) 65:15 effects (4) I4:9;36:6:43:22:50:4 efficient (l) 53: I efliciently (1) 76:1 8 efforts (4) 23 :4:42:24;49: I 5 ;69: I 8 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phese. . . 12:6;43:17 designed (2) l4:20;20:18 desire (l) 52:17 destroyed (1) l4:17 detail (1) 46:7 detailed (1) 45:20 details (1) 46:13 deter (1) l4:20 detrimental (1) 75:23 devalues (1) l4:14 difference (2) 46:6;75:.l different (5) I 3 : I 0 ;28 :2 ;A:25 ;64 :21,21 differentiated (1) 32:9 difficult (l) 53:6 difficulty (1) 6l:18 dime (3) 32:-15,16,16 directed (1) 47:ll direction (l) 59:3 directly (1) 32:24 disadvantageous (1) 60: l9 discounted (2) 58: l0;66: l7 discourage (4) 7 :25 ;27 : 13 ;32:21 ;3 6 : 12 discouraging (3) l0:5,16;36: l8 discussed (2) 24:4;77:12 discusses (1) 22:14 discussing (2) 62:23;77:6 discussion (l) 22:ll discussions (l) 23:23 disengage (1) 73:17 dishonest (1) 58:ll disincentive (3) 20:14;29:8;30:7 disincentivize (1) 72:16 either (3) 8:12,21;58:6 ELAP (2) 22:17,18 electric (6) 8: 15,16,19;40:5;50: I I ; 69:5 electrical (8) | 2: 5,1 4 ;20 :23 ;23 : I ;3 4:9 ; 43:17;69:5:76:6 electricians (1) 70:9 electricity (14) I 4:22;19 :21 ;26: 8, I 8,2 l, 2l ;32 : I 0 ;37 :24;3 8 :6 ;49 :9 ; 50:24:52:4;62:5,15 eligibility (1) l9:14 eliminate (3) 2l:l;39:24;59:5 eliminated (1) 23:13 else (13) 5:19;6:2;25:22;40:6; 5 3 : I 8 ;67 :2 ;7 2 :24 ;7 5 :8 ;7 6 :8, 2l;78: l,l8,l9 email (1) 64:8 employed (1) l3:9 employees (9) I I :25 ;1 2:2,3,1 l,12;39 :2; 43:16;51:24;70:8 encourage (4) I 6 :23 ;27 : I 2;33 :22;47 : I encouraged (2) 34:3;50: l0 encouraging (3) 7:23;9:17;10:12 end (5) 3 8 :23,25 ;39 :8 ;65 :24 ;7 4 : I 7 Energy (55) 5 :3 ;8:7,8;12:24;1 4: I 1,12, I 9,21 ;l 7 : I ;22:20 ;23 : I 0,1 6 ; 24: 1,2 ;26 : I 0 ;3 4: I 9,22 ;3 6 :4 ; 38:l 6;39:12;45 :1,6,7,8,14, I 5,17,1 8,23 ;46 :2,5,6,1 6,19 ; 47 :9,1 6;49 :6;50:3,8;54: I 4; 59 :2,8;61 :22;65 :8,12;66:3, 18;67 :21 ;68:1 6,21 ;69 : 18; 7l:18;72:14,16;73:9 engineering (3) l2:5;65:8,9 Engle (12) 44:4,6,1 l,l 1,22;47 :24; 58:2,4;61:.4,6,10,10 E-N-G-L-E (2) 44:l l;61:10 enjoys (1) 60: I enough (7) 26: 1 0;40: 1 8;52:7,3;61:12; 64:13;72:14 Hearing October 27,2022 '\ii:t,=.. .!..,-.r .3ir i:M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234-961 I (208F34s-8800(fax) (84) designed - enough 46:6 exchange (2) 22:16,18 excitement (1) 33:22 Exciting (1)'ll:19 exclusively (l) l4:22 excuse (4) 5:4;13:4;22:17;32:4 expect (2) 23:7;77:18 expectation (1) 26:14 expenses (1) 19:22 expensing (1) 52:23 expensive (2) 62:9;69:7 experienced (l) 2l:25 experiencing (2) 42:22;53:8 experts (1) 54:5 explore (1) 72:17 exponential (1) 42:23 export (5) | 5 :12;19 : | 5 ;21 : | 4;22:13 ; 62:22 exported (1) 46:2 exports (1) 20:16 extended (1) 30: l4 extending (1) 7l:25 extra (1) 26:ll F 50 : I 5 ;62:22;64: I 8, I 9;66 :20; 77:22 fairly (1) 26:25 fall (2) 22:10;49:12 Fatls (2) 37:14;43:16 familiar (1) 58:2 families (1) 63:5 family (4) 8:1;16: l9;19:18;34:5 fantastic (2) M:18;72:l far (4) 22:2 I ;4 I :20 ;66 :4 ;7 2 :3 farm (10) I 6: l9;19: I 7, I 9;20:10:, 2 I :9,22 ;5 I : 12,23 ;52 :8 ;53 : I 0 farmable (1) 53:l I farmer (1) 2l:23 farmers (5) 2l :17 ;29 :12;36: I 3 ;53 :9; 54:15 farming (3) 8:l;29:15;53:25 farmland (1) 66:6 Farms (5) 8:l,l l;51:25;66:5,5 fastest (2) 43:19;72:ll father (1) 64:l fatigue (1) 42:6 fatigued (1) 42:5 fault (l) 39:3 fears (1) 67:23 federal (11) | 4 :23 ;22:4,9 ;53 :24 ;5 4: I 3 ; 7 I : 17,20,22;7 2:3,1 5,19 feeder (1) 20:5 feel (7) l4:7 ;3 5 :l 4;36:19 ;51 :21 ; 58:3;67:4;78: l0 feeling (1) 65:20 feels (1) 75:3 fees (1) 38:7 felt (3) 49:5;50:5;52:16 few (4) face (1) 60:14 facilities (4) 65:12,16,17,25 facility (1) 20.,22 facing (1) 26:3 fact (4) 22:3 ;26 : 4;3 3 :23 ;46 :23 factors (2) 58:6,9 facts (1) 4:11 fair (12) 2 5 :3 ;26 :8 ;46 : 1,3 ;47 :4,7 ; In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase. . . Ilearing October 27,2022 ensure (1) 22:6 enter (2) 38:16;40:2 entire (1) 22:3 entities (3) 29:11,23;30:7 environment (1) 75:24 environmental (3) 47:13;58:9;66:8 environmentalty (1) 66:19 equipment (3) l2:161'15:6;69:5 equitable (5) 46 : 1,3 ;47 :5 ;62 :22 ;64 : I 9 Eric (2) 4:2;5:6 especially (1) 72:10 essentially (5) 8: l3;32: 18;34:l;35:12; 65:21 establishing (1) M:|4 estimate (1) 22:19 estimated (1) 3l:21 estimates (2) 23:10,15 evaluate (1) 2l:9 even (11) l0:7; l6: I 8,23;30: 10,13; 32:24;3 4: 13 ;46: I 9; 54 : 1 0; 73:15;76:12 evening (5) 3:3,16,16;4:18;47:l eventually (I) 69:l I everybody (6) 3:11,20;26:19;41: l8; 67:1 8;78:1 6 everyone (3) 5:21;75:18;78:7 everyone's (l) 76:19 everywhere (1) 78:1 3 evidence (1) 4:12 exact (2) 58:20;72:2 exactly (1) 32:12 example (1) 38: l3 examples (2) 1l:25;15:9 excess (1) 9 :20 ;26 : I ;3 4: | 2;45 :21 field (1) 54:5 fight (2) l4:9;15:8 figure (1) 49:23 Iigured (2) 9:24;10:l figures (1) 24:l Iite (1) 3:25 filed (1) 3:14 Iinal (3) 4:12;4'7:19;57:2 finalized (1) 54:19 Iinally (2) 29:2,2 finance (1) 32:16 Iinancial (3) 2l:15;63:3;73:14 Iind (6) 2l :18;47 :4;52: I 4;54: I 8; 74:16,24 linds (l)2l:ll Iine (2) 18:22;70:14 Iirmly (l) 59:6 first (41) 5 :2;6 :20,24 ;7 : 5,1 2;9 :8 ; I I :5,1 8; l3: 19:'16:9;17 :9; 19 : 1,8 ;20 :25 ;24 : | 5 ;25 : | 8; 27 :18;3 I :1,5 ;33 :l | ;37 :6; 4l :l l,18;44:7 ;48 :2;5 I :6,17, I 8;55:9;57: I 5 ;59:19;61 :7 ; 63 : I 7 ;6 5 :2;67 : I 0 ;69 :23 ; 7 0:2;'l | :l I ;7 4:2;7 5 : 13,18 Iiscally (1) 30:3 fit (t) 54:6 live (2) 6:l;64:12 Iixed (2) 40:20;50:23 Iixing (l) 4l:3 flawed (2) l0:9;46: l0 flaws (1) 36:23 floor (1) 49:21 flow (1) 38:25 focusing (1) 54:4 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961l(ph) (800)234-9611 (208)-34s-8800(fax) t\ i rru -[ r'!,,.: t-il'r,!lt::(85) ensure - focusing 36:7 ,8;59:5;62:17 fulfiIlment (1) l2:2O full (3) 16:17;25:10;39:7 full-time (3) l2:2,3;43:16 fun (1) 64:6 fund (1) 45:24 funds (2) 22:4;53:24 further (4) 2 I : 16;38:3;40:2;45:14 future (11) 7 :6;1 4:7 ;l 5 :21 ;32.24:' 3 4:8;41 :l ;47 :9 ;50 :24;57 :5 ; 59:9,25 G Garner (7) 5 I :3,5,10, l0;77 :2,5,5 G-A-R-N-E-R(2) 5l:ll;77:6 Gary(2) 59:12,12 gave (1) 74:19 geared (2) 8:25;53:24 General (2) 4:171;45:17 generate (3) 8:18;52:3;60: l0 generated (3) l4:13,14;62:15 generating (2) 26:9;66:9 Generation (7) 3 :9 ;32:17 ;34:9 ;45 :17 ; 59:24;60:5,12 generators (2) I 5:10,17 gets (3) 2l:6;30:14;64:22 gift (1) 60: l3 given (3) 10:19;62:2;69:17 gives (3) 53:15;62: l8;63:4 glaring (1) 4l:19 global (l) 39: l3 glorious (1) 39: l9 goal (4) 17:20;33:25;50:7 ,9 goats (14) 20:22;34:4,19,24,25; 3 5 :13,16,17,18;50: I 4;56:9, 10,10,16 goes (2) 32:22;65:23 good (15) 3 :3 ;4 : I 8,2 5 ;l 2 :9,9,2 I ; | 8 : I I ;20 :7 ;29 :9,22,22 ; 3 I :22;3 6:1 0;47 : 17 ;7 0: 12 goods (1) 30:2 government (2) 54:13:'72:3 Governmental (1) 46:17 graduate (l) 28:25 grandfathered (6) 3 I :25 ;3 5 :23,25 ;68 : I 0; 69:19;73:16 grandfathering (3) 17:25;49:17;56:25 grandkids (1) 32:25 Grant (2) 5:9;22:9 great (7) I 2 :24;27 :7 ;38 :24 ;58 : | 2 ; 62:16,16;76:14 greatly (2) 34:21;44:17 green (Q 5 :20 ;48 :25 ;59 :2,4 ;7 3 : 5,8 Greentech (1) 74:18 grid (r2) 25 :8 ;38 : 6;40: 7 ;43 :1,6,8, | | ;46:2;52:12;61 : | 5 ;62: 5 ; 66:15 grids (1) 43:7 ground (1) 19:20 groundwater (1) 19:21 group (1) 35: l9 grow (3) 8:2;67:24;74:19 growing (3) 43:19;66:6;72:ll growth (3) 42:23,24;50:12 guarantee (2) 40:14,16 guard (1) 57:l guess (4) 28:ll:,57:2;74:10,20 guv (1) l5:3 guys (5) 3 : I 7;5: I ; I 8: 1 7,19;40:21 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase.. . fold (1) 30:17 folks (4) 28:19;56:19;58:17,24 follow (1) 45:7 follows (28) 7:13;9:9;ll:6;13:20; l6: l0; I 7: l0;l 9:2;24:16; 2 5 : I 9 ;27 : I 9 ;3 I :6 ;33 : 12; 37 :7 ;41 :12;44: 8;48: 3 ;5 I :7; 55: 10;57: l6;59:20;6 1 :8; 63 :18;65:3 ;67 : I I ;70 :3 ; 7l:12;74:3;75:14 food (l) 66:7 footprint (2) 29:10;66:5 force (3) l4:21;43:12,12 Ford (12) 30:21,23 ;3 I :2.4, I 0, I 0, I 3, 16,19;73:1,1,3 Ford's (1) 35:21 forecasts (1) l9:16 forget (1) 73:3 forgot (1) 77:7 former (1) 5:5 forms (1) 3:23 formula (l) 23:22 forth (1) 29:23 fortunate (1) 6l:12 forward (16) 6:6; 1 8:7,10, I 2,12,14; 29 : I 9 ;42:9 ;47 :2 | ;49 : 6 ; 5 8: I 6,24;59: I ;68:l ;7 4:22; 75:2 fossil (3) 36:6,7;59:5 found (4) 26:3 ;46:18;50: I 8 ;56: I 2 four (4) 30:17:,54:3;64: l;69:8 frame (1) 4l:23 frankly (1) 56:1 5 free (1) 67:4 French (2) 6:12;78:4 friends (l) 56: l3 fuets (4) habitat (1) 8: l2 half (1) 68:18 hand (1) 7:9 happen (5) 5: l4;10: l5;45: l0;50:4; 64:ll happened (2) 32:2;56:17 happening (3) 10:ll;67:21,22 happens (2) 26:25;56:15 hard (7) 25:13;29:13;34:6,17; 35:17;47:2;64:2 harder (1) 30:13 hardest (1) 70:17 harm (2) 19:16;21:7 harmful (1) 23:12 Harris (4) 37',3,5,12,12 H-A-R-R-r-S (1) 37:12 hat (2) 55:5;57:10 Hawaii (1) l5:12 Hayden (3) 37:3,5,12 head (2) 28:24;29:3 headed (1) 32:5 health (1) l2:9 healthy (2) 12:23;74:24 hear (2) 3:l l;10:5 heard (5) 30 : I 0 ;46:23 ;57 :3 ;62:7,1 I Ilearing (7) 3 :5,12;4:3 ;5 :15 ; I 5 : I 8; 4l:25;42:l hearings (5) 5: 18;9: 17, I 8; 19:10;44:14 heat (1) 8:17 heating (l) 8: l7 Heckler (1) 5:4 hedge (2) Hearing October 27,2022 H .li:, 1 ..:, : ii;tr,M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 1 (ph) (800)234-961r (208)-34s-8800(fax) (86) fold - hedge 60: I 5;68: I 2, I 4:7 | :5 :7 2:18 horsepower (4) 52:6,8,10,13 hot (l) 26:17 hotter (1) 8:4 hour (6) l2:7,8,8;38: I 0,101.62:3 hours (1) 40:10 house (10) I 4:7 ;17 : 18;20 :l ;26:2,4,18, 25:31:20:64:4,4 households (l) 30:8 houses (1) 26:24 huge (4) 26:23 ;3 0 :7 ;5 6 :23 ;5 I :2 5 hundreds (2) 12:12;68:5 husband (1) 48:21 Hydro (3) 5:4,4,4 hypothetical (1) 23:25 hypotheticals (1) 56:5 I Idaho (169) 3 :6,1 4;4:19 ;5 :3,4,5,7,8,10; 6:9,10;7 :3,24;8 :8,24;9: I 5; l0 :6 ;l I : 12,17,24 ;12:7,20,24 ; 13 :25;14:10,1 4,1 6,17,21,25 ; | 5 :l 5,21,241'1 6:1 4,22;17 :l 3, I 6,25 ;l 8 :4,9 ;l 9 :'l ;20 :6,1 0 ; 2 I :4 ;22 :3,1 4 ;23 :2 I ;24 :21 ; 25 : 1,23,24 ;28 :8,1 5,23,24,2 5 ; 3 I : I 4,1 6 ;32 :4;33 : 17,22,23, 25 ;34:4,1 5,17,24;3 5 :1,12,24; 37 :l l,l3,l4,l 6;38:6,23 ; 3 9 : I 4,20,24 ;40 :7 ;41 : I 6,22 ; 42:4,77,21,22,23 ;43 : 1,8,1 6, 21,23,24;44: l2,l 6,17 ;45 :2,7, I 3,1 4,18 ;46:2,9,21,24;47 : I O, I 4,17 ;48:9,1 1,22;49 :l 4 ;50 :7, 8,2 I ;5 I : I l,12;55 :20,22;56:9, 13 ;57 :4,22;58: 12;59 :4,8; 60: 1,3,4,8,9, I 2,13,14,17,19, 20,24;61 : I l,2l ;62:3,1 3,21 ; 63 : 5,2 I ;6 5 : 5,20,23 ;66 : I 3,22 ; 67 : | 4,20,22,25 ;68 :20 ;7 0 : 6, 20;7 l:l 5 ;7 2:2, I l, I 6;73 :5, l8;7 5 :25 ;7 6: 12,17 ;7 7 :l 1,13, t4 Idahoan (1) 37:23 Idahoans (4) | 5 :20 ;44:.l 5 :45 :25 :62: 19 Idaho's (3) 12:24:62:ll,2l idea (2) 27:l;66:13 ideal (1) 20:l idea[y (1) 66:6 identical (1) 6:2 illustrate (1) 42:ll immediacy (1) 57:l immoral (1) l4:24 impact (8) 1 8: I 8;50:2;59 :7 :66:8: 68:6,19;69:14:'75,,20 impacted (1) 29:17 impacts (5) I 8: I 8, l9;47: I 4,17 ;67 :23 Implement (2) 3:9;23:4 implementation (1) l9: l5 implemented (2) 2l:5;22:7 implications (2) 63:3,5 importance (1) 34:15 important (7) 10:13;22:23;47:6,12; 50:13;54:l;75:l imported (1) 62:17 impoverished (l) 38:3 improving (1) 75:4 Inc (1) 5:6 incentive (l) 7l:23 incentives (4) 54:ll;7l:17,21;72:19 incentivize (1) 50:20 incidentals (l) 6:18 include (1) 47:12 included (1) 47:18 includes (1) 20:14 including (2) 23:21;38:7 income (3) 37:25;38:2;40:20 increase (7) In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase. . . 20:23;23:l Ileffron (4) 4l:8,10,15,15 rr-E-r-F-R-o-N (1) 4l:16 held (2) 4:7;41:22 hell (1) 73:20 Hello (2) 75:9,10 help (10) I 4:9; 1 5 :8; I 9: 24;33 :24; 34:3 ;35 : I 7, I 8 ;53 :14,24,25 helped (2) 45:9,24 helping (2) 34:17;77:20 helps (1) 43:7 Hi (2) 33:8;73:2 hiatus (2) 17:23;18:9 high (3) 32:ll;62:2,24 higher (1) 60:l I highly (2) 49:25;66:20 Hil (1) 5:ll himsetf (1) 5:10 hit (2) 6:l;68:25 hold (2) 9:18;21:4 holding (1) l9:10 Hole (5) 57:12,14,19,21 ,21 H-O-L-E (1) 57..21 home (9) 7 :18,24;8:13 ;9:23 ; I 5 : 5, I 8; 49:10;61:13;71:22 homeowners (7) 8: l8;36:2,13; 56:14;62:6; 65:25;72:9 homeowner's (1) 62:4 homes (6) 8:10,21 ;29:9 ;30: I I ;6 I : I 9; 62:19 honest (2) 27:25;28:l honestly (1) 78:8 hook (1) 77:21 hope (10) 9 :l ;l 4:7 ;l 6:3 ;3 6:21 ;57 :4; 8:16;23 :7 ;38:9,14;53 :l I ; 57:4;71.24 increased (1) 7l:24 increasing (7) 8: 5 ;40:4;58 : I 8,21 ;69 :3,4; 72:10 independence (3) l5:l;36:5;72:9 independent (5) 8 :20 ;42 : I 4,1 6;5 8 :4 ;66 :20 index (1) 22:15 indications (1) l0:1 5 individual (l) 30:8 individuats (4) 29:8,21;30:ll;50:20 Industrial (2) 5:7;50:17 industries (1) 43:19 industry (17) I I :17,24;12:1,21 ;l 4:l 6; I 5 :2 ;42 :22;46 :22 ;62 : I 2; 68 :3,4 ;69 :6;7 0 : I | ;7 2 : | ; 75:22;76:17,19 inefficient (1) 52:10 inflation (2) 68:24,25 infrastructure (7) 20 :6 ;3 4 : I 8 ;52 : 19,24 ;7 2 :5 ; 77:14,21 initiat (2) 2l:8;34:13 initiative (1) 58: I initiatives (2) 72:4,5 injects (1) 23:3 in-laws (1) 38:1 3 input (2) 29:12;M:16 install (7) 7 :23 ;10 : 17 ;20 :8;25 :9 ; 3l:20;45:25;49:23 installation (4) l2:20;l 5 :6 ;50 :22;5 6:24 installations (4) I 2: 5 ;l 4:l 5 ;l 6 :20 ;45 : I 0 installed (7) 7 :17 ;10:3;26:5 ;49:3, I l, I 8; 52:20 installer (1) 56:8 installing (3) 7:25;21:8;25:5 instance (2) l8:8;68:9 Hearing October 27,2022 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234-9611 (208)-34s-8800(fax) (87) Heffron - instance 52:l K 43:1 8 irrigated (1) 19:21 Irrigation (5) 5 :6;1 9 :24;22:2 ;29 : I 6 ; 50: l9 irrigator (2) 20:22,23 irrigators (4) 19:16:21:15:,22:8,23 issue (l) 4l:19 issues (1) 22:5 ISUrs (1) 29:18rrc (1) 7l:23 ITD's (1) 50: l0 items (1) 24:3 J keep (5) 24:3 ;43 :4;5 4:21 ;62:13,20 keeping (5) 6:13 ;38:24;40: I 8;54:20; 72:9 Kellner (l) 5:7 Ken (2) 24:9,20 Kenneth (3) 24:ll,14;25:12 kept (1) 30:6 Kevin (1) 28:22 kicked (1) 2l:6 kids (1) 32,,25 kil (4) 3 3 :3 ;39 :20 ;59 : I ;7 4:21 kilowatt (8) 38:10,10;40: l0;52:7; 6l:14,15;62:3,6 kilowatts (6) 29:15;30:6,6;50: I 6, l6; 52:7 kind (12) l8:4,16;21:13;37:17; 55 : I 3 ;64: I 6, I 6;7 5:20,22; 76:2,18:78:16 kinds (1) 27:8 K-I-R-L-O-F-F (l) 48:8 Kluckhohn (2) 5:9,9 knowledgeable (1) 36:21 Kriloff (6) 47:25;48:1,7,8,1l,14 Kw (2) 52:3,14 L Jackson (5) 9:5,7,13,131'10:23 J-A-C-K-S-O-N (1) 9:13 Janet (2) 6:12;78:4 Jay (a) 55:2,8,18;57:9 Jim (1) 5:10 job (a) 74:16;76:14,19;78: l5 jobs (4) l2:4,21;76:5,13 John (3) 4:4;63:16,20 join (1) 35:20 joined (l) 4:3 joining (2) 4:20;78:4 JOLLEY (3) 7l:10,14,14 J-O-L-L-E-Y (1) 7l:15 Jones (6) 25 : 1 5,17,21,21,24;3 0 : I 0 J-O-N-E-S (1) 25:21 Joshua (1) 5:ll jumbled (l) 67:17 June (5) 3 : I 5 ;21 : 5 ;22:7 ;23 : I 4; 4l:23 justify (l) Iabeled (1) 38:8 lady (1) 63:22 land (4) 8:12,14;20:5,8 landowners (1) 8: l8 large (3) 8: I 1;16: l8;52: l5 largety (3) 8:25;49:4,9 larger (7) In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase. . . instead (3) 42:16;56:2;71:2 institutions (3) 29:24;30:12;50:21 insurance (l) 12:9 insurmountable (1) 64:6 integrated (1) 47:15 intending (1) 7:21 intents (1) 39:23 intercontinental (1) 22:17 interest (6) 3 9 : I 7,19 ;66 : I 4,22;69 : 1,3 interested (6) 27 :l I ;58:l 6;61 :l 6;65 :12; 73:8,9 interim (2) 2l:14,20 Intermountain (l) 57:24 international (1) 22:16 intervened (1) 4:6 interveners (4) 4:24;5:12;13:12;78:5 intervening (l) 5:l into (17) I 8 : I 5 ;22:4 ;23 :4;32:22; 34:17 ;37 :18;39:l I ;40:17 ; 42:20;52:ll ,20,21 ;60: I 8; 69:19;71:6;72:5,20 introduced (1) 4:l inverters (1) 63:24 invest (4) 2 I :9 ;22 :9 ;3 5 : I 2 ;68 : | 6 invested (1) 4O:17 investigated (1) 19:23 investing (1) 22:24 investment (2) 2l:16:.34:13 involved (1) 18:3 rPC-E-20-26 (1) 2l:12 [PC-E-22A2 0) 3:5 Ironically (1) 20:4 rRP (s) 19 :l 6;22:1 5,19 ;23 :9,1 5 irreplaceable (1) 20 :2;29 :l I ;30: 8 ; 3 9: I 0 ; 5l:23;52:25;62:7 largest (1) 19:22 Larkin (9) 6 :25 ;7 :2,2,1 l,l 7 ;9 :3,21 ; 13: I ,5 L-A-R-K-r-N (1) 7:2 Larry (8) 30 :21,21 ;33 :6 ;3 5 :21 ;49 : 4; 73:.1,2,22 last (29) 6:8;9: l2;1 l:9;13:22; I 6:1 3 ;17 :l 2,1 6 ;19 :5 ;24: 19 ; 25 :2,1 4;28 : 6,7 ;3 3 : I 6;37 : lO ; 38:6;43 :2;49 :22;5 5 : 17 ;5 6:7 ; 63 :23 ;64:8 ;66 : 12 ;68 :22,23 ; 7 I :l 4;7 3 :6;7 4:5;75 : I 6 lasted (1) 42:3 lastly (l) 22:ll late (1) 8:9 LAWRENCE (2) 3l:4,10 laws (2) 14:23;53:23 leading (1) 39: l6 League (1) 5:7 teast (4) 8 : I 9;38:20;68 :24;7 0:24 Ieft (1) l8:8 Iegacy (l) 6l: l3 tegal (2) 30:23;31:9 less (5) 8 :2,2;42: I 0 ;46 :24 ;7 7 : | 9 level (6) 40:3,4;7 I :20;7 2:8,1 5,1 5 Liana (4) 27:15,17;28:7;30:19 L-r-A-N-A (1) 28:7 Iife (2) 74:8,12 lifetime (2) 3l:23;73:13 lift (1) 526 tikelihood (2) 3l:22;43:10 likely (2) 40:9;62:6 limbo (1)2l:ll limit (1) 2O:20 Hearing October 27,2022 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234-e6tt (208)-34s-8800(fax) (88) instead - limit toss (2) 8:5,14 lost (1) 78:l I lot (28) 3: l8;5: I 8;7:21 ;16:19; I 8 : I 7 ;27 :2,1 0 ;33 :3,21 ; 34: I 0;3 5 :4,5,7 ;36:13 ;54:2; 58:2,5 ;64:3 ;65 : I 0;66: I 0; 7 | : I 6,18;7 2:4;7 4:23 ;7 5 :25 ; 76:5;77:9,14 low (7) 30: 5 ;3 8 :9 ;40 : I 8 ;62:2,3,24; 63:4 lower (4) 24: I ;28 : I 8 ;3 8 :2;7 7 : I I M macro (l) 37:21 main (2) 17:20;74:ll maintain (1) 42:24 maiority (1) 62:16 makes (5) 5 3 : 5,21 ;62:7 ;66 :9 ;7 6 : I 9 making (6) I I :2 l; I 8: l3;30:4;50: l4; 57:ll;75:3 manage (2) 18:17,17 manner (2) 15:l l;39:3 manufacturing (1) 72:6 many (16) 5 :22;9 : I 5 ;2 I : I 6;3 I : 17 ; 32:7 ;36:23;40: I 6;5 I : I 5,2 I ; 58:17,23 ;66:18 ;68:8;69: I ; 73:4,14 Marie (1) 5:7 market (5) 22:15;23:2,6,9,15 Mary (1) 5:9 massive (1) 68:25 masterrs (1) 65:8 Matter (2) 3:6;6:15 may (7) 5 :l 5 ;6:25 ;29:8,21 ;45 :l 6; 67:17;73:18 maybe (6) 6: l,l6;29: I 8;53: 15;54: l0; 58:l I meal (1) 39:7 mean (4) I 0: I I ;35: I 5;3 8:4;42:7 Meaning (2) 37:25;65:23 means (6) 8:13 ;22:24;45: I 6;58 : I 8; 60:10;62:4 meantime (1) 2l:25 mechanic (1) 12:17 mechanism (1) 40:6 median (1) 37:25 meet (7) 8:17 ;33 :25 ;34:4,19;3 5:13, 18;58:15 meeting (1) 78:9 megawatts (1) 38:1 7 member (1) 6:9 members (3) 3:13:45:4,5 memory (1) 32:6 mention (5) 28 : I 3 ;49 :20 ;69 :23 ;7 3 :3 ; 77:7 mentioned (9) 28:13,16,21,23 ;46:12; 5 4 : I 8 :62:23 ;7 3 : I I :7 6 : I 2 merit (1) 66:14 merits (1) 22:14 met (1) 56:7 meter (1) l0:2 metering (17) | 6 :24;21 : 5 ;22 :7 ;23 : I 4 ; 25 :25;28:17 ;30: I 5 ;32: I ; 3 4:l I ;37 : I 8;48:19 ;49 : 17 ; 53 :5 ;56:6;58: 22;61 :l 4;69 :20 meters (1) 76:13 method (1) 22:22 methodology (l) 47:3 mic (1) 56:3 micro (2) 43:6,'7 Micron (1) 5: l0 mid (1) l6:1 8 mid-r2 (1) 38: l0 In the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application to the Study Review Phase. . . Linda (3) 6l:4,6,10 tine (1) 20:6 lines (1) 26:23 Lisa (1) 4:20 list (2) 12:18;67:2 listening (1) I l:19 little (10) 5:20;15:3;17: l;18:5; 38:19 ;44:23 ;52: 17 ;53 : | 5 ; 57:l;74:10 Litzinger (7) 27 :l 5,17,23 ;28:4,7,7,1 | L-I-T-Z.S-I-N-G-E-R (1) 28:8 tive (4) 4:9;9:14;57:22;65:6 lived (1) 74:7 loan (1) 69:3 loans (1) 68:9 local (12) ll:17 ;12:14,15, l5,l 6, 16, 17,17 ;43 :l 5 ;45 :2;7 2:l 5 ; 77:10 locally (4) 17 : I 5 ;26:22;57 :22;66:9 located (2) l9:25;51: l3 logical (1) 66:17 long (7) 26:12;27 :6;3 5 : I I ;41 :2 | ; 42:3,4;74:18 longer (1) 62:8 long-lasting (1) 43:22 look (9) 25 :4 ;3 0 : I 3 ;32:4,25 ;3 4 :2 ; 42:9;47:2,21;63:l looked (2) l0:9;31:21 looking (16) I 0 : 6 ; 17 :23 ;20 :23 ;26 :2,3 ; 27 :8,9 ;28 : I 5 ;3 0 : I | ;3 2 :23 ; 37 :22;38:8;39: I 0, 1 3 ;53 : 14; 7l:l loop (1) 24:3 lose (l) 53: l0 lose-lose (1) 20:9 losing (3) 40:25;41:l;53:9 mid-C (2) 22:16,18 middle (4) 56:19,21,22;57:6 might (3) 56:20;59:25;60:10 Mike (16) 5 :3 ;6 :25 ;7 :2,2,1 l,l 5 ;9 :21 ; | 5 :1 8;44:4,6,1 1,22;47 :22; 48:15;58:2,3 million (1) 62:15 mind (3) 9:25;39:21;54:21 mine (1) l6'.24 Minidoka (2) 5l:14;77:8 minutes (3) 5:23;6:1;16:18 missed (l) 22:3 mitigate (1) 47:16 model (l) l5: l3 module (1) 72:6 Monday (2) 56:7;63:23 money (14) 7 :21 ;22: l0 ;34:6,1 0,17 ; 35: l8;36: I l,15:54:14;64:13; 7 3 :8;7 4:25 ;7 5 :3 ;7 7 : 19 monopoly (3) 60:1,7;70:16 month (6) 2 | : 6 ;26 : | 0 ;3 8 :23 ;40 : I 8, l8;68:6 monthty (1) 4l:3 month-to-month (I) 38: l2 Morain (4) 17:6,8,12,13 M-O-R-A-r-N (1) 17:13 more (39) 3 :24;7 :20;8:10, I 5 ;20 : I 8; 2 I : I 0 ;25 :7 ;3 0 :2,2 ;32 : I 0 ; 34: 1,8, I 3, I 9,25;35:l ;36:21 ; 40:9 ;45 :4,6,9,20 ;46 : I 1,24; 49: I 0;53 : l, l, 6;59 :2;62:5,9 ; 66: I 0;68: I 8;69:7,17 ;7 4:10; 77:14,15,17 MORRTS (4) 70: I,5,5,16 M-O-R-R-r-S (1) 70:6 most (8) 7 : I 8 ;32 : I 2 ;37 : I 9,20,24i 38:l;41: l9;51:25 motivation (2) Hearing October 27,2022 i1 1i11.[ ;,';i,,1:M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234-9611 (208)-34s-8800(fax) (89) Linda - motivation ll:2 Nordstrom (6) 4:20,22;13:4,7,8,14 normal (1) 5:14 noting (1) 58:5 November (1) 46:14 nunber (5) I 2: I 9,2 | ;29 : I 7 ;5 6 :23 ; 65:13 numerous (1) 46:15 o 29:23;66:19;78:9 near (1) l4:7 necessarily (1) 58:l I necessary (1) 39:2 need (14) 9: I 8 ; I 0:9,20; 16:17 ;27 :12; 3 4: I 8;3 6 :7 ;41 :2,2;48 :23 ; 54: I 8;57: l9;69:3;77 :2 needed (2) 2l:16;43:5 needs (2) 50:4;54:15 negative (4) 59:7;68:6,19;75:20 negligible (1) 64:15 negotiate (2) 60:4,16 neighborhood (2) 27:l;76:3 neighbors (1) 35:5 nephew (1) 74:15 net (21) I 0:2;l 6:24;20 : 13,l 6;21 :5 ; 22: 6 ;23 : | 4 ;2 5 :25 ;28 : I 7 ; 30: I 5;32: l, I 9 ;34:l I ;37 :18; 48:19 ;49 :17 ;53 :5 ;56:6; 58',22;61:13;69:20 Network (2) 5:l 1;56:13 neutral (I) 34:2 new (12) | 0 :2,3,20 ;2 I : I 9 ;32 :21 ; 3 6:2;38: | 6;39 : 12;53 :23 ; 54:13:,57:2;65:20 news (1) 54:12 Newton (2) 4:17,18 next (6) 8:7;9:5; l3:16;18:24; 35:19;71:25 nice (l) 39:6 night (1) 64:8 nine (l) 5:2 Nobody (2) 59:15;76:12 nonetheless (1) 28:14 nonprofit (2) 44:25;46:17 non-utility (2) l4:15;15: l0 Nope (1) objective (1) 4:9 obtigation (1) 5l:24 obvious (1) 8:3 off (15) 7:20; 1 I : I 8; 19 :8;22:21 ; 26:4,13 ;27 :4,6;5 5 :6,13 ;57 : I ; 64.,2 ;68 : I 5 ;69 : 12 :7 3 : I 0 offer (2) 45: l5;50: l5 oflice (1) 76:7 off-peak (1) 24.,2 offset (2) 19:24;20:17 offsetting (2) 36:5;43:l I often (4) 5:14;65:l l;66:6,7 oftentimes (1) 54:l I old (4) 3 I : I 9;46: I 0;63:24;7 4:9 Olsen (1) 5:6 once (5) 5 : | 5 ;6: 5 ;9 :24;l 5 :2;32:l One (28) 5:4,5;7:5; l4:8; I 5: l3; I 9 :2 1,25 ;23 : I I ;26 :2 ;30 :21 ; 3 5 :2;3 6 :9 ;39 : | 6;40 : I ;4 I :3,4 ; 43: 19;45:8;53: I 5;56:6; 65 : 17 ;66:2 I ;7 I :20,21 ;7 2: I I ; 73:3;77:6;78:18 ones (1) 7:7 one-way (1) 60:7 only (18) 8: l5; l8: 1,5;26:4,9;36:4; 40:7,13 ;52:2,1 3, I 8;53 :4; 60: I l,l7 ;62: 19 ;6 5 :24;7 3 :8 ; 74:22 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase. . . 58:25;59:1 motor (l) 52:13 motors (1) 52:8 Mountain (3) 45:5;65:13,14 move (10) l8:7 ;29 :19 ;36:7;50: I 0; 53 :22;5 8 : I 2,24 ;59 : I ;67 :25 ; 76:1 8 moved (1) 26:l movement (4) I 6:25 ;l 7 :3 ;33 :20 ;68 : I 7 moving (5) 49 :5 ;58:l 6;7 5 :2;7 6: l,l 6 much (22) 8 : I ;l 0 :23,24 ;l 3 :3 ;l 7 : 4; 20 : I ;24:7,1 8 ;3 0 :20 :3 I : I 2; 34: I I ;53:6;55:5;59: l0;62:5; 64 : 4 ;66 : I 0 ;7 0 :23 ;7 3 :7,1 7 ; 78:12,17 multiple (1) 4:6 municipal (1) 65:16 municipalities (2) 65: I l;66: I municipals (1) 65:ll must (1) 50:5 mutually (1) l5:12 myself (1) 4:l On-Site (2) 3:8;45: l6 onto (3) 38:22;61:15;62:5 operated (1) 29:25 operation (1) 2l:7 operations(2) l2:4;68:4 opinion (1) 22:19 Opportunities (1) 5:3 opportunity (16) 3 :21 ;5 :12;l 5 :20;19 :l I ; 39 :20;44:1 6;48: I 6;6 I : I 7; 62:19 ;67 :3 ;7 2:17,25 ;7 4:19, 22;78:3,6 opposed (1) 53: l8 opposition (1) 72:2 option (4) 2l:9;22:8;40:7;70:18 options (2) 45:15;72:18 order (4) 29:9,16,22;34:18 organization (2) 44:25;45:3 organizations (2) 46:17,18 organized (1) 49:l others (2) l9:9;49:19 out (27) 7 : 5 ;l I :2 5 ;22:3 ;23 :24 ; 24:25 ;27 :10 ;30 :l 4,17 ;3 5 :4, 17 ;37 :14;49:23;52: I 0;53 : I I ; 5 6: I 2;60 :4 ;62: | 5,17 ;64:7 ; 65 : I 8;68 : I ;69 :2;7 4: | 4,22; 76:8,13;77:21 outcome (2) 42:.7,8 outdated (1) 2l:l outs (1) 26:16 outside (2) 23:20;50:12 outweighs (l) 22:21 over (15) 4:17 ;6:4;8:7 ;l 1 :21 ;l 5:l 6; 26 :22 ;3 8 : I 7 ;42 :2,6 ;43 : | 5 ; 48 :2 5 ;6 I :23 ;63 :22,24;68 :22 oversize (1) 20:15 own (13) 8: l9; I 2: I I ;l 5:20;21 :4; 34:6,17 ,24,25;36: l0;56: l0; Hearing October 27,2022 N name (50) 4:2;6 :5,7,8 ;9 : I 2,12;1 0:25 ; I I :9 ;13 :8,22;l 6:13 ;17 :12, 12;19 :4,17 ;24:19,19 ;25 :l 4; 28:6,6,8;30:23 ;3 1 :9;33 : I 5, I 7 ;37 : I 0 ;41 : I 5 ;44: I 1,22; 48:6,7;5 1 : l0;55:17,17 ; 57 :19,20;61 :10;63 :20;65 : 5 ; 67 :13 ;69:23;7 0:5;7 I :l 4,14; 7 4:5,5 ;7 5 :16;7 6:7 ;7 7 :3,5 names (2) 7:7;24:10 nation (1) 38:1 8 national (3) 40:3,4;72:7 Nationally (1) 46:15 natural (1) 66:7 Naturally (l) 40:l I nature (3) 'tii; j -.i;;l M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234-e6tt (208)-34s-8800(fax) (90) motor - own 27:4;39:7;40:9;69:9 payoff(1) 58:21 pays (1) 37:24 peak (1) 24:l penalized (1) l5:7 penciled (1) 65:18 peopte (62) 3:18;5:22;7:23;8:24; 1 0: I 6; I I :l 6;13 :6;25 :5;27 :1, 2, I 0, l3;30: I ;32:21 ;35:4,5,7, 8,1 9;36: I ,1,3 ,18;39:22,25; 40:l 6;42:1,10;43 : I 0;5 I : I 5, 2l ;53 :l,l 6;5 4:17 ;56:4,5,6, 20,23 ;5 8 : I 6;60 : I 4,20 ;6 | : I 6, 17,25 ;63 : I 0 ;67 :20 ;68 : I 3 ; 69:17,18;7 0:25 ;73 : I 4, I 8; 7 4:23 ;7 5 :2,21,24;7 6: 1,9,13 ; 77:6,12 people's (1) 52:17 per (6) I 2:7,8,8;3 8:9,10;62:3 percent (11) I 4 : I I ;l 9 :20 ;22 :2 ;37 : | 5 ; 38:9,1 5;45: I 3;49:9;50:8; 6l:22;71:24 perfect (1) 38: l3 perfectly (1) 20:21 Perhaps (2) 14:23,25 period (7) I 5:5;30:9, 12, 14,16,17 ; 58:22 pernitting (1) l2:5 person (2) 38:l;40:24 personal (2) 56:10;74:ll personally (1) zM:18 perspective (1) I l:16 Peter (1) 5:8 PFANNENSTIEL (7) 24: I l,l l,l 4,20,20,25 ; 42:13 P-F-A-N-N-E-N-S-T-r-E-L (1 ) 24:21 Phase (2) 3:7;65:19 phenomenal (1) 42:19 Phillip (l) 49:21 physical (1) 54:9 Pingree (1) l6:14 pivot (1) 19:25 place (3) 3:4;21:14;51:20 placed (1) 30:6 plan (5) 45 :l 5 ;46: 12;47 :l 5 ;50 :23 ; 67:16 planet (1) 14:10 planned (3) 9:17:40:20;58:3 planning (2) 56:8;66: I I plans (3) 42:9;45:20;50:9 ptants (2) 8:5;38: l8 play (2) l7:2;29:24 playing (1) 73:19 pleasant (1) 78:9 please (29) 6:7 ,22;7:9;9:l l;1 I :8,13; | 4:2 ;l 9 :4;2 I : 1,2 ;22 : 6 ;24 :3, I 9,23 ;27 :21 ;28 : 5 ;33 :2, I 4 ; 37 :9 ;48:5 ;5 5 :l 6,23;63 :l 4; 69 :2 5 ;7 I :8 ;7 2 :25 ;7 3 :23 ; 75:8;78:19 pleased (2) 26:17;29:4 pleasure (l) 68:5 plenff (r) 58:15 plus (1) 3l:23 pm (1) 78:22 Pocatello (26) 7 :3 ;9 :l 4;l I :21 ;12:4;1 4: 5 ; 26: I ;28 :9 ;29 : I ;33 : I 7,20 ; 3 6 : 1,2,2;44: I 5 ;4 5 :9 ;47 :20 ; 49 : I ;5 5 : I 9 ;57 :23 ;58 : I ; 6l :24;65 :6,9 ;7 4:7,8 ;7 8 : lO pocket (1) 69:2 podium (1) 7:1 point (20) 4:5;5 :25;6:1,10, I 9; I I :25; 24:2 5 ;26 :9,1 5 ;28 : I 2 ;42 : I I ; 47 :7 ;5 6:25 ;57 :2;58 : I 4;66 :2; 68:7 ;7 4:20;77 :7 ,23 points (1) 17:14 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase. . . 58:17;59:7;66:13 owner (l) 59:6 Owners (1) 5:ll M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234-9611 (208)-34s-8800(fax) Hearing October 27,2022 poticy (1) 5l:17 polite (1) 5:21 pondering (1) 27:24 populations (1) 72:10 porch (l) 63:25 Portneuf(3) 44.,21,23;45:23 possible (4) 8:7;21:2;23:13;47 :7 potential (1) 43:2 potentially (3) 68:l'l;69:15;74:21 Power (155) 3 :6;4:20;6:9;7: 3 ;8 : I 5, I 9; 9: l5; l0:6,7; 1 l:12;13:25; l4: 10,14, 14,16, l7; I 5: I 1,15, 2l ;l 6:1 5,19,22;17 :13,16,25; I 8:4,9 ;l 9 :7 ;20 : I 0 ;21 : 4,25 ; 22 :2 ;23 :21 ;24 :21 ;25 : 1,23, 24;26:24;27 :2.9;28: 8;3 I : I 5, I 6;32:1 4 ;33 :17,22,25 ;3 4 : 1,4, I 6,17 ;3 5 :2,12,24 ;37 : I 1,13, I 6;38:7,1 4,17,23,25 ;39 :3,8, 9,1 4,24 ;40 :7,1 4;4 | : I 6,22; 42 :4,1 7,23 ;43 : 1,8,21,24 ; M: I 2,17 ;46 :2,4,9,25 ;47 : I 4 ; 48 : I 0, I 1,18,22,25 ;5 I :l l,l2; 52: l2,l 5 ;53 : I 4,17,19,20; 5 5 :21,22;5 6:l l,l3 ;57 :5,22; 58 : I 3 ;59:4;60 :1,2,3,4,5,6,8, | 0,12,13,17,19,25 ;61 : I | ; 62:3,1 8,1 9 ;63 :21,25 ;6 4 :3,20, 20 ;6 5 : 6,1 3,1 4 ;66 :9,1 3,22 ; 67 :l 4,25 ;68 :21 ;7 0 :6,1 6,20, 23 ;7 I :3,1 5;7 2:2,16;7 3 :5,6, l8;7 6:12,17 ;7 7 :12,13,1 4,1 5, l8 powered (1) 8:10 powers (1) 52:19 Power's (19) 3 : I 4 ;6 : | 0 ;7 :24 ;8 : 8,24 ; 20 :7 ;22: I 4 ;28 : I 5 ;32: 5 ; 34:24;38:6;45 : I 3, 14, I 8; 49 : I 5 ;5 0 :7 ;5 6 :9 ;6 5 :20,23 practice (2) 14:25;65:9 practices (1) 29:20 PRATT (3) 65:1,5,5 PRC (7) 44:25 ;4 5 :2,5,20 ;46 :9 ;47 : l, t2 PRC's (1) 45:7 P pack (1) 8:4 page (2) 23:19,19 paid (4) 7:20;12:9;20: I 5;28: l9 panel (3) 52:2;56:24;64:15 paneling (1) 52:22 panels (15) 7 : 17,24,25 ;8 : I 3,20 ;l 4 : 6 ; 26 : 5 ;27 :3,12;29 : I 6 ;49 :2,8, 11,23;63:23 parents (1) 19:18 part (14) 7 : 18;10 :21 ;12:13 ;l 6:21, 25 ;17 :2;20 :7 ;3 4:3 ;37 : I 5 ; 47 : I l,l 6;5 4: I ;64:22;69 :6 participant (I) 58:l participate (2) 56:24;69:18 participating (1) 56:5 participation (1) 2l:19 particular (3) 49:21:52:8:54:3 particularly (1) 49:7 parties (3) 4:5,15;47:5 partner (1) I l:17 parts (1) l2:15 party (1) 66:21 pass (1) 67:25 passed (1) 54:1 3 past (5) 3 :22 ;27 : 5 ;60 :22;6 5 : I 9 ; 68:7 pay (14) 23 :3 ;26:ll,l3 ;27 :6;32:1 5; 39: 1,9;43 : I 8 ; 58:19;64:2; 68:10,15;69:1;73: l2 payback (8) I 5 :5;35 : I I ;53:5,21;54:6; 62:8;68:17;69:12 payrng (4) (91) owner - PRCrs PTJRPA (1) 20:22 purported (l) 22:22 purpose (3) 3:12;4:15;8:23 purposes (1) 39:24 pursue (1) 56:16 push (7) 40 : 5 ;5 4 : I 4 ;67 :20,21 ;7 2 :3, l4;73:6 pushing (2) 54:20;72:8 put (35) 3 : 19 ;l 5 :4;21 : I 3 ;23 :24 ; 2'l :12;28:2;29: 8;30: I I ;33 : l, 18,23 ;34:5,7,16;3 5:10,16,17 ; 3 6:3,17 ;43 :l ;5 I :19 ;52',2,1 4, 17,22;53 :6;54: 8;6 I : I 5, I 9; 62: 4 ;63 :23 ;68 : I ;'l 3 : 12,l 6 ; 77:19 puts (1) 40:6 putting (1) 53:22 a quality (1) l2:21 quantifiable (1) 47:13 quickly (l) 76:18 quite (1) 34:12 R prohibits (1) 52:17 project (3) 20:2,4,15 projected (1) 22:15 projects (6) I 9 :24,25 ;37 : I 5 ;5 3 :2 5 ; 54:4,19 promise (1) 63..25 promises (1) 15:19 promote (1) 34:24 promotes (1) 45:1 properties (1) l6:21 proponent (1) 66:3 proposal (7) 7 :24;8 :25 ;9 : I ;21 : 4;32: 1,8, 22 propose (2) l5: l6;66:20 proposed (7) I 4:17 ;l 5:22;20:13 ;27 :9 ; 34:21:58:22;65:21 proposing (2) 32:5;43:21 pros (1) 8:21 provided (1))).)) provides (3) 66:16;76:6,12 providing (1) 48: l6 public (12) 3:13;4:6,7 ,9;5: l8;9: l8; I 8 : I I ;41 :2 5 ;44: I 4;49 : | 5 ; 62:12;70:12 publicly (1) ll:20 PUC (3) 17:21:32:8:47:l PUC's (I) 56: l0 pulled (l) l0:4 pump (l) 29:16 Pumpers (1) 5:6 pumping (2) 52:10,11 pumps (l) 8: l7 purchase (3) l4:12,22;52:15 purchasing (2) 30:1,2 raise (3) 7:9;16:23;40:8 raised (2) 25:3;58:15 raises (1) 38:1 5 rally (2) 34:16;35:2 range (1) l2:7 ranging (l) 52:9 rapidly (2) 8:7;50:3 rare (1) 78:1 5 rarely (1) 49:12 rate (34) I 9 : I 6;21 : I 4;22: 13,l 5,1 5 ; 24 : I ;28 : | 6 ;29 :7 ;3 0 : 5 ;3 2:9 ; 3 4:21 ;3 6:20;38: I 8 ;46: 1,20, In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase. . . precedence (l) l4:24 preliminary (1) 65:19 premise (l) 68:14 prepared (1) 9: l6 present (2) 63:l l;78:5 President (1) 28',22 pressure (1) 40:6 pretty (5) 8:3 ;34: I | ;64:1 4;7 3 :7 ;7 5 :l prevent (1) l4:24 previously (1) 29:13 price (6) I 4: 12,17 ;22: 17,l 8;26:8 ; 77:8 prices (4) 23:9,15;27:8;40:8 pricing (1) l5:22 pride (1) l5: I prior (2) 54:7,8 Prism (1) 39:1 6 private (1) 14:8 Probably (3) l0:25;31:8;73: l3 problem (2) 39:4,5 problems (1) 33:4 procedure (1) 6:22 proceedings (2) 4:13;78.22 process (6) 4l :201;42:4,5 ;56: I 5;5 8 :23 ; 76:16 produce (2) 20: l8;40: I I producing (3) 26:18,20;59:2 production (1) 43:5 prolit (1) 39:l profiting (1) l5:3 program (9) l5:13;19: l5;21 : I 1;45: l9; 48:25 ;49 : I 6;5 6:6;7 0:9 ;7 3 :5 programs (l) l2:10 24;48:19 ;50: | 5 ;53 :5,17 ; 5 6:12,1 4;57 :3 ;60 :l 1,12,21, 2l ;62:23 ;64 :2 I ;7 0 :23,2 5 ; 7l:23;73:7 ;77 :22 rates (18) 10:6;23 :2,6,25 ;3 5 : 8, I 0, I I ; 36: 12:,39 : 17,19 ;65 :l 5,20,21 ; 68:17;69:l A;77:ll ,12 rather (2) 20:16;66:4 ratio (1) 58:21 reach (1) 73:18 reaching (1) 50:14 read (3) 3:22;16:4;23:19 real (8) 2 | :22;40 :7 ;42 :8 ;5 6 : 6,1 7 ; 74:16,19,24 reality (1) 20: l0 realize (2) 15:2;29:15 really (22) I 4:5; I 8 : I 8;20 :21 ;22:24; 26:9,1 6,17 ;27 :6, I l, I I ;29 :7 ; 3 2:2 I ;3 5 :2 I ;3 6 : I 2,1 2,1 2 ; 39 :22;40 :21 ;4 | :2,2,2;5 8 :2 reason (2) 47:17;56:2 reasonable (2) 60:21;66:16 reasons (1) 55:15 receive (3) 26:7;46:1,3 recent (l) l4:23 recently (1) 54:12 recognize (2) 3l:9;77:16 recollection (l) 32:7 recommends (1) 42:17 record (6) 4: | 0,12,1 5 ;6: | 4;10 :22; 77:4 record's (1) 4:25 recyclers (l) 48:23 reduce (2) 29:9;34:21 reduced (l) 68:21 reducers (1) 48:22 reducing (7) 8:3; I 0:6; l4: I 2;42:24; Ilearing October 27,2022 i\ iiii, i :-!,,.r rr I ,r M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961l(ph) (800)234-961t (208F34s-8800(fax) (92) precedence - reducing 40:16 return (1) 34: l0 Review (3) 3:7;4:ll;8:20 rich (1) 69:12 Richard (7) 5 :9,9;5 I :3,5, 1 0:77 :5,25 Richardson (1) 5:8 right (29) 7 :9 ,22;9:24:'10:l ,17 ;l I :2; l2:3 ;l 6:3,17 ;l 7 : I ;21 :21 ; 26 : I 8 ;29 : | 0 ;3 0 :22;3 I :24 ; 32:3 ;35 : 8;3 6: 19;37 :23 ; 39 : 17 ;40 : 13,22;5 I :22;54: 12, I 6 ;5 6 :7 ;59 : I 2 ;62 :20 ;7 0 : I 9 Riley (1) 4:17 rise (1) 39:18 rising (2) 23:6;69:l road (5) 2 I : 6 ;28 :25 ;29 :4 ;5 4 :20 ; 57:5 rock (1) 60:12 Rocky (3) 45:5;65:13,14 rolled (1) 40:12 rolling (2) 43:2,12 roof (8) 9:23;10:3;14:6;26:3; 49:24;63:24;66:4,8 roofing (l) 12:17 rooftop (18) l0 :12;25 : 5 ;33 : I 8,24;3 4:7 ; 3 5 : I ;36:4, I 1,24,25;42:25 ; 43 : 6,9 ;49 :3,1 8;6 5 :24 ;6 6 :23 ; 70:7 room (2) 42:2,9 Rosemary (3) 33:7,10,16 Round (1) 77:l rules (1) 35:3 run (2) 52:4,9 running (1) 72:12 rural (l) 77:15 S replacement (1) 49:16 reporter (2) 6:13;78:4 represent (4) 20:16;51:12;56:20,23 representative (2) 56:8;57:23 represented (1) 4:16 representing (3) 16:.12,18;41:17 represents (1) 2l:7 reputable (1) 46,.21 request (5) 3 : I 4 ;20 :25 ;2 | :3 ;23 :9 ; 65:23 requests (l) 23:ll require (1) 66: l0 required (2) 20:6,7 research (1) 39:l I resident (6) 28 :9 ;29 : 1 ;3 I : 17 ;3 3 : 17 ; 38:24;55:19 residential (6) I 4: I 3;45 : I 0;5 0:14,17 ;62:ll,l8 residents (2) 39:3;59:8 resolved (1) 22:5 resonated (1) 35:5 Resource (6) 44:21,23 ;45 :3,24;47 : I 5 ; 49:2 resources (4) l4:19;46:16,19;47:9 respond (1) 57:6 responds (1) 2l: l8 response (1) 77:13 responsibility (2) 60:8;62:13 responsible (1) 30:4 resulted (1) 20:9 results (2) 47:8;72:21 retail (1) 46:20 retain (1) 39: I retired (1)sacrifice (1) In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase. . . Hearing October 27,2022 43:8;56:14:73:6 redundant (2) 20:ll:'23:12 refer (1) 6:14 reference (1) 3: l3 referred (1) 3:6 regarding (4) ll:24;22:12;56:10,25 region (3) 36:3;43:16;45:ll regional (1) l5:7 reimbursed (1) 48:18 reimbursement (6) 28 : I 6 ;29 :7 ;3 0 : 5,1 6 ;53 :20 ; 73:7 relating (2t) 7: l2;9:8; I I :5 ;13:19;16:9; 17 :9 ;19 :l ;24:1 5;25 : I 8; 27 :l 8;3 I :5 :33 :l I :37 :6; 4l:l I :44:7 :48 :2;5 I : 6;55 :9; 57 :l 5;59:19;61 :7 ;63 :17 ; 65 :2;67 :10;7 0:2;7 I : I I ;7 4:2; 75:13 relationship (1) 60:19 relative (1) 22:14 relief (2) 22:4;53:16 relieve (l) 43:8 remarks (2) 44:20;55:14 remember (1) 22:23 remotely (1) 65:3 removal (1) 48: l9 remove (l) 16:23 removing (1) 50: l6 renewable (19) 8:7,8;12:23 ; I 4: I 2;l 6:25 ; 3 4:20;45 :13 :49 : 6 ; 50 : 3,8 ; 54: I 4;65 : 8;6 6:3;67 :21 ; 69 :18;7 I :17 ;7 2:l 4,1 6;7 3 :9 renewables (1) 34:25 renewal (1) 42:24 rent (1) 53:12 Repayment (5) 30:9,12,14,17;31:21 replaced (1) 9:23 39:9 sake (2) 4:25;40:17 sales (1) 76:6 salespersons (1) 39:16 same (9) 6:3;20:5;21:17;25:3; 5 I :23 ;52 :23 ;5 8 :20 ;6 | : 17 ; 73:19 Sarah (4) 9:5,7,13;10: l8 Satterlee (l) 28:23 save (1) 7:21 saw (2) l0: l4;28:15 scale (7) 37 :22;39 :1 0,1 2,1 3 ;50 :2; 547;65:16 Schedule (2) 3: l0;21:19 scope (1) 23,,20 second (7) 20 : 4,8 ;21 :3 ;32 : 4;66 :2 ; 70:13;78:2 sector (I) l2:24 Security (1) 40:19 Seeing (2) 6:25;10:8 seeking (1) 40:5 seeks (1) 38: I selfdefeating (1) 35: l4 self-reliance (I) l5:2 sell (4) 60:2,3,5,11 Senator (2) l5:18,23 sense (4) 8: l0;54:9;66: l0;7 4:12 sentiments (1) 4l:21 seriously (3) l0:9;63:2;69:14 serve (2) 8:24,25 served (1) 65:14 service (5) I 2 : 6 ;l 4 : I 6 ;3 8 :24 ;66 :2 | ; 77:10 set (3) 47:8;53:17;59:4 settings (1) M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 l(ph) (800)234-e6tt (208)-34s-8800(fax) (93) redundant - settings 20:8 sitting (1) 27:24 situation (4) 20:9;38:22;53:7,12 situations (1) 52:12 six (1) 7: l8 size (4) 5l:18;52:2;53:4;62:6 sized (1) 16:19 skyrocketed (1) 53:13 slap (l) 60:14 slashed (1) 68:1 8 Stashing (1) 60:12 small (4) 9:22,22;52:1,9 smaller (3) 52:23;64:4;77:9 smart (3) l5:12;53:21;66:ll Smith (13) 33 :7,8, I 0, I 6, 16;59:12,13, 15,18,22,22,22;61:l s-M-r-T-H(2) 33:16;59:23 snow (1) 8:4 Social (1) 40:19 soil (1) 8:5 Solar (160) 5:10;7 :17,24,25;8: I 0, I 1, 13,19,21 ;9 :25 ;l 0 :3,4,7,12, 17 ;l I : I 6,1 7,24;l 2: 1,3,1 6,1 9 ; I 3 : I 0, I I ; 14:6,13,15,15,21; I 5:4,1 l,l7 ;l 6:20; I 7: I 5, I 8, 23 ;l 8:3,6,7,12,12,1 4;l 9 :241' 20 : I 5,23 ;21 : | 0 ;22:9,24 ; 2 5 : 4,5,8 ;26 : 5,2 4 ;27 :2,3,121, 28:19 ;29:9,1 6, I 9;30: I I ; 3 I :20 ;32:12,1 4,22;33 : 18,19, 24;34:7 ;3 5 :1,6,6;36:4,1 1,24, 25;37 :l 4,1 5;38: I ;39: I 5, I 6, 21,23 ;40 : 1,13,25 ;42:25 ;43 :7, 9,1 5 ;4 5 : 10,25 ;48: I 8;49 :2,1 8, 23 ;50:3, l4;5 I :19,22;52:2, 19 ;53 : I 4,25 ;54:2;5 6:8,1 1,22, 24;57 :23,24;58 : 17 ;59 :24; 6l : 12,19 ;62:.1,4,1 l,18;63 :4, 23 ;64:1 5 ;65 :24;66:4,4,5,23 ; 68 :2,3,4,7,1 4,24,25 ;69 :2,7,8, I 0, I 3, I 5, I 6, I 9;7 0:7,7,10,24; 7 | :22;7 2:6 ;7 3 : l7 ;7 4:6,12, I 7 ;7 5 :21,22;7 6 :3,6,13,19,22; 77:19 Solarize (4) 33:20;45:9;49:l;58: I Solarrs (1) l2:13 solution (3) 33:3;34:3;47:16 somebody (4) 5:16;35:15;67 :7 ;7 0:22 somehow (l) 36:24 someone (6) 6: I ;36:2 1 ;38: I l,2l;7 4:13; 76:8 sometimes (2) 64:5;78:14 somewhere (2) 28:17;62:14 soon (3) 2l:2;23:13;64:14 sorrel (1) 35: l0 sorry (5) I I : I ; l6:6; I 8: lO;24:9; 59:14 sort (4) 3 5 :l ;37 :21 ;40 :23 ;7 6: I 6 sound (1) 5l:24 sources (2) 34:19,20 south (2) 26:3,5 Southeast (3) 44:16;45:1,7 space (2) 17:2;42:l spanning (1) 43:17 speak (9) 3 :24 ;5 :24 ;5 3 : 4 ;59 :2 5 ; 63 :l l,12;67 :3,5 ;78 : I 9 speaker (2) l8:ll;70:12 speaking (3) 48:17;68:5;75: l9 specilic (3) ll:25;12:16;46:21 Specifically (5) 22: | 3 ;44: I 5 ;53 :24;5 4: I 4; '72:6 speculation (1) 72:18 spell (10) 6:8;9 :12;l I :9; I 6: I 3; I 9:5; 24:19;28:6;37: l0;55: I 7; 57:19 spelled (2) 63:20:,74:6 spend (1) 36:1 0 spent (l) 62:14 spoke (2) In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase. . . 50: l7 setup (l) 43:6 several (7) 4:5,23 :5 :2;7 :19 ;41 :17 ; 68:22,23 Shannon (3) 13:16,18,22 shape (1) 73:14 share (1) 30:1 8 shared (1) l0:21 SHASTA (2) 7l:10,14 shift (1) 49:10 shifting (1) 75:21 shivers (1) 29:2 shock (1) l8:5 shops (1) 12:17 short (l) 23:20 shortages (2) 53:8;69:6 show (3) 42:10;46:5;54:6 showed (1) 36:22 showing (1) 36:24 shows (2) 42:15,16 shut (1) 6:16 shutting (1) 38:1 7 side (2) 2l:13;31:23 sides (1) 25:ll sign (2) 63:11:'72:7 signed (3) 3: l8; l8:14;63:10 significant (2) 28: l8;66:5 signilicantly (3) 46:20;58:9;77:11 similar (3) 43:3;46:22;50:9 similarly (1) 46:2 single (2) 65:17;76:3 sit (r) 39:17 site (1) 49:22;58:4 spoken (5) 2l :24;29 : 13 ;5 I :l 6;61 : 17, 25 spots (1) 77:15 spring (1) 9:23 squashing (1) 66:23 stability (4) 22:13,22,24;23:4 staff(2) 4:16;47:2 stage (1) 47:8 standing (2) 35:23,25 stands (1) 37:23 start (4) | 5 : I 6 ;37 : 17 ;40 :9 ;44 : I 3 started (2) 54:2;75.,21 starting (1) l2:7 starts (1) 55:2 state (17) I 2:22;1 5 : | 2;21 : I I ;22 :3,4 ; 28 :23,24 ;29 : I ;49 : 6;5 0 :9,1 2, 2l ;62:1 6,17 ;7 0 :21 ;7 2:10; 75:24 stated (3) 34:25;49:4;53:16 statement (1) 64:18 statements (2) 68:l;75: l9 States (4) I 5: l0;45:5;68 :21;72:11 static (1) 23:24 station (1) 52:20 stations (2) 52:l0,ll step (2) 67:4,6 stepping (1) 67:7 still (2) 52:14,23 stockholders (2) 60:9,13 stop (2) 64:ll,l7 story (1) 25:ll strain (2) 43:1,8 strategr (1) l5:17 Ilearing October 27,2022 ';E!t: i '' r rirrl.:M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 I (ph) (800)234-96r I (208)-34s-8800(fax) (94) setup - strategy l0: l2;50: l0 supposed (2) 25:22;64:7 sure (5) 12:19;47 :17 ;56:9;58:6;73:ll survive (2) 40:19,19 sustainability (2) 28:25;29:20 swArNsToN (4) 67:9,13,13;69',24 s-w-A-r-N-s-T-o-N (1) 67:14 swap (1) 76:13 swear (4) 6:6:7:6;30:25;77:2 Swier (1) 5: l0 switch (2) l0:5;35:3 switcheroo (1) 35:19 sworn (28) 7: l2;9:8;1 I :5;13: l9;16:9; 17 :9 ;19 :l ;24:l 5 ;25 : I 8 ; 27 : | 8;3 I : 5 ;33 : I | ;37 :6; 4l : | | ;44:7 ;48 :2;5 | :6;5 5 :9 ; 57 :l 5 ;59:19;61 :7 ;63 :17 ; 6 5 :2 ;67 : I 0 ;7 0 :2;7 I : I I ;7 4:2; '15:13 sync (1) 23:24 system (20) 20:18;32:2;34:9, I I ;35 : I 0; 3 6:25 ;52:3,4,1 4,21,25 ;53 :7 ; 58:19;59 :2,7 ;6 I : I 3 ;64: I 6; 69:12;73:12,16 systems (lQ l4:21;21:8;51:19,22; 52:l 8,23 ;53 :22;5 4:2;58 : 17, 22;6 | : I 9 ;62:7,8,9 ;6 5 : | 4,1 7 T talk (2) 30: l0;58:3 talked (2) 49:19;72:13 talking (5) 26:1 5 ;29 :l | :56:4,4,13 target (1) 78:14 tax (2) 30:l;71:22 Taylor (1) 6:16 technical (1) 45:21 Technology (l) 5:10 tend (2) 73:15;75:24 tens (1) 34:5 term (1) 22:21 terrible (2) 36:6;76:15 testtfied (29) 7:13;9:9;ll:6;13:20:' I 6: l0; l7: 10; I 9:2;21:12:' 24: | 6;25 : 19 ;27 : 19 ;3 I : 6; 33 :12;37 :7 ;41 :12;44:8;48 :3 ; 5 I :7;55: l0;57:16;59:20; 6l :8;63 : I 8;65 :3;67 :ll ;70:3; 7l:12;74:3;75:14 testities (l) 36:22 testify (3) 5:13;19:l I,l2 testimony (42) 3: 13,16;4: l0;6:ll;7 :16; 9: I 6, I 6, I 9; 10:19,21 ;l I :14; I 4:3 ;l 6:2;17 :5 ;l 8 : I 6,22; 23 :20 ;24:24;25 : 13 ;27 :22; 28: l, I ;30:20; 33 :6;37 :2;41 :7 ; 44:3 ;47 :23 ;50: I 8 ;5 1 :2;55 : 1, 24;57 :9 ;59 :l I ;6 1 :3 ;63 :9; 64 :25 ;67 : | ;7 I :8;7 2:23 ;7 5 : 6 ; 76.,25 thanking (1) M:13 Thanks (2) l0: l8;55:25 therefore (2) 2l:l;69:2 thinking (2) 26:6;28:22 third (2) 23:8;66:21 though (3) 5:25;13:13;73:15 thought (9) 7 :22 ;8 :23 ;27 :24;29 :2,1 7 ; 34:7;56:2;74:ll,ll thoughtful (1) ll:20 thoughts (2) 67:17;70:13 thousands (5) 8 : I I ;12:22 ;3 4 :6;3 5 :9,9 threat (1) l4:20 three (12) 5 :23 ;l 6: 18;23 : I l,l 5 ;26:6; 30: I 7;3 I : l9;33: I 8, l9;54:3, 7;69:7 throughout (2) 17:17;69:6 thus (1) 23:2 ticket (1) 64:7 tie (r) In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to the Study Review Phase. . . street (2) 27:l;60:8 strengthens (1) 62:21 strong (2) 48:17;62:13 strongly (1) 50:7 structure (4) I 4: I 7 ;20 : I 3 ;32 :9 ;69 :20 struggling (1) 58:18 stuck (1) 68:1 0 studied (2) 37:19;47:18 studies (9) I 0 :8 ;23 :25 ;37 :20 i46 :4,7,9, 15,18;47:4 Study (38) 3 :7,8;14:19,20; I 9: I 3 ; 20 : | 4 ;22: l2,l 4 ;23 : I 8 ;2 5 : l, 7,1 0 ;28 : I 5 ;3 6:22;40 :22 ; 42: l2,l 4,1 6,17,19 ;44:17 ; 45 :22,23 ;46 :4,5,1 1,2 1,25 ; 47 :8,1 2;5 8 :4,1 3 ;62: 1,3,2 5 | 63:4;66:13,21 stuff(5) 20 :2 I ;29 :25 ;7 I :19 ;7 4: | 6, t7 subject (1) 40:l submit (5) 9: I 6, I 9; I 0:20;45 :20;46:13 submitted (3) 3:22;58:7,8 succeed (1) 39:25 successful (2) 23:5;33:21 sucks (1) 7l:3 sullicient (1) 30:24 sum (1) 23:ll summer (5) I 0 : I 4;2 6 : 1 5 ;32 : I I ;43 :2 ; 49''22 summers (1) 8:4 summertime (1) 32:15 supply (1) 40:3 support (9) 9 :22;45 : 17 ;48:17 ;50 :7 ; 5 I : I 6;52: l2:,5 6:9 ;62: 18 ;68 :2 supported (1) l4:18 supporters (l) 45:6 supporting (2) 52:21 tied (1) 22:15 timeliness (2) 54:1,21 times (6) 30: l6;54: l0;57 :25;58:15; 64:3;75:25 Timothy (2) 57:12,14 T-r-M-O-T-rr-Y (1) 57:21 today (3) ll:19;41:20;42:10 together (2) l5:l l,l7 told (1) 25:2 Tom (1) 5:5 tonight (19) 3 :24 ;4:20 ;5 :23 ;6 : I 2 ;l 9 :9, I 2 ;3 5 :23 ;4 I : I 9 ;44 :20 ;45 :2 I ; 46 :23 ;48 : I 6 ;49 :20 ;57 :3 ; 62:23 ;63 :12;67: I 8;78: 5, I 6 Tonight's (1) 4:9 took (1) 74:15 top (2) l2: l0;58: l4 topic (1) 5l: l8 tops (1) 66:4 total (3) 5:3;12:19;22:2 totally (1) 36:1 8 tough (1) 58:23 toward (1) 50:10 towards (5) I 6:25 ;3 6:1 6;53 :24;5 4: I 4, 15 trade (1) 22:21 tradeoffs (1) 22:12 transcript (1) 6: l3 transition (3) 8:6,8,16 transmission (2) 23:22;66:ll transportation (1) 62:17 Travis (1) 63:10 tree (1) 49:15 trend (1) Hearing October 27,2022 Itiiii=E ,{c1 ipi ri M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-961 I Gh) (800)234-9611 (208)-34s-8800(fax) (95) street - trend | 4:l 8;24: | ;46: 5,1 6,19 ; 47 :4,6 ;62 : 1,2,4,24;63 :4 ; 66:1 5 valued (1) 60:l I values (3) 23:23;46:8;65:22 valuing (1) 23:23 variant (l) 23:23 vehicles (4) 8: I 6;40:5 ;50: I I ;62:20 versus (1) 46:24 Virginia (4) 25:15,17 ,21;27:14 visit (1) 54:5 voDER(7) 20 : I 4;22 : | 2;23 : I 8 ;44: 17 ; 45,,22;46:4,25 VODERTS (1) l9: l3 voice (2) 5l: l6;70: l9 voided (1) 22:20 voluntarily (1) 48:24 vote (3) 9:l;34:22;36:20 voter's (1) l4:19 w underlying (1) 4:10 unethical (1) l4:25 unfair (1) 73:20 unfortunate (1) 68: l2 unfortunately (1) 40: l5 United (1) l5:9 University (4) 28:23,24;29:1;50:22 University's (1) 50:9 unless (1) 73:9 unnecessary (1) 20:12 unoflicial (l) 77:13 unpersuasive (1) 2l:20 unpredictable (l) 38:20 up (33) 3 :18;6:23 ;7 :l;8 : I 1 ;20:7; 23 :7 ;34:5 ;3 5:l 7;3 8 : I 0, I 9; 3 9 : 4,9 ;4 | :4 ;43 :4 ;4 6 :2 5 ;50 :2 ; 52: 18 ;57 :25 ;58 :25 ;63 : I l,l2:' 66 : 5 ;67 :4,6,7,1 6;7 0 :23 ;7 I :3, 4;72:9;76:8,11,20 upon (1) 62:22 urge (1) 36:20 use (5) I 6 : I 9 ;20 : I 7,23 ;52 : 6 ;59 : 5 used (8) I 4 :24 ;23 : I 0,1 6 ;26 :2 I ; 35:15;46:7,10,1I users (l) 48:23 using (3) 22:19:.29:16;34:25 usually (1) 5: l5 Utah (l) 76:l Utilities (4) 4:7;15:10,14;41:25 utility (10) 8 :22,23 ;l 4 :22;l 5 :7 ;6 I :2 | ; 62:12,14;7 6:15 ;7 7 :9,10 Utilizing (1) 66:8 v vacation (l) 12:10 value (13) w-2 (2) l2:2,3 WADA (7) l6:5,5 ,8,12,14,14,17 W-A-D-A (1) l6:14 Wade (l) l6:3 wage (1) 12:8 wages (3) l2:7,10;43:18 waiting (4) | 0 : | 6 ;22 : 5 ;27 :24;5 6 :2 I wants (4) 3 5 :2;39 :14;47 : I ;78: I 9 warehousing (1) l2:6 wash (1) 8:22 wasted (1) 20:19 watched (1) 49:13 water (6) 8:2,5;45:l ;52:6;53 :8,9 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase. . . 65:22 trimming (1) 49:16 trip (1) ll:21 TRIPP (4) 63:13,16,20,20 T-R-r-P-P (1) 63:21 Trissa (4) 17:6,8,121'18:21 true (2) 23:8;68:22 truth (28) 7: 12;9:8;1 I :5;13: l9;16:9; 17 :9 ;19 :1 ;24:l 5 ;25 : I 8; 27 :l 8;3 I :5 ;33 :l I ;37 :6; 4l :l I ;44:7 ;48:2;5 I :6;55 :9; 57: I 5;59: I 9;6 l:7 ;63:17 ; 65:2;67 :10;70:2;7 l:ll:'7 4:2; 75:13 try (3) 5:25;6:23:60:5 trying (12) 23 : I ;32 :22 ;33 :22 ;42 : I I ; 49 :23 ;67 :20 ;7 2:3,7 6 ;7 4 : I 4, 15,20,23 turn (3) L0:7;62:10;77 :18rv (1) 64:l twice (1) 5: l5 two (8) l8:l;21:12:23:13;28:12; 29:5;54:8;69:7;77:l two-week (1) 18:6 tyrng (l) l9: l5 TYLER(3) 65:1,5;67:l typically (1) 37:24 TYSON (2) 74:1,5 U ultimately (1) 23:3 unable (1) 2l:10 unacceptable (1) l4: l3 unbenelicial (1) 67:19 uncertainty (l) 23:3 Uncoupling (l) 23:2 Under (4) 5 :13 ;37 :25 :53 :7 ;68:14 way (14) 8: I 7; I 5:5, I 8;23:18;33:24; 3 4 :2 ;3 6 : I 5 ;39 :1 4;40 : I 3 ; 45 :18;49:5;54: I 8 ;6 I :23 ; 74:25 ways (4) 19:14;36:9,9;77:17 weather (1) 26:17 week (1) 56:17 weekend (1) 56:7 weeks (1) l8:1 weight (1) 28:3 welcome (7) 3 :25 ;4:21 ;7 : I 5 ;47 :24; 77:l;78:10,13 wells (2) 52:1,9 weren't (2) 43:4;58:8 WESLEY (2) 70:1,5 west (1) 8:2 Western (2) 45:2,4 whafs (3) l0:15;38: l5;64: l2 wheat (1) l9: l9 whereas (1) 63:22 Whitesides (1) 51:13 whole (2) 37:18;74:8 wholesale (3) 46:24;65:15,21 wholly (1) 9:22 wife (1) 7:17 wildlife (1) 8:12 willing (3) 36:10;42:7;68:16 Wind (2) 57:24;59:24 wiring (1) 52:21 wish (2) 3:24;67:5 wishes (2) 63:12;67:3 within (3) ll:16;50:12;76:9 without (1) l2:23 witness (3) Hearing October 27,2022 'iiill.i '.,1 1 i,1r ;,M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-e61 l(ph) (800)234-9611 (208)-34s-8800(fax) (96) trimming - witness 25-kilowatt (l) 48:20 2$-year (2) 48:21;68:8 27 (r) 70:8 3 3 (4) 28:17 ;30:15;62:3 ,24 3,000 (t) l9: l9 3.8 (1) 42:16 30 (2) 3:15:'71:24 300 (3) 38:15;45:6;52:12 30-year (1) 68:8 37 (1) 45:4 4 4 (3) 28:17;30:15;46:14 400 (1) 52:13 5 s0 (2) 42:10;45:5 2l;61:14;62:5;64:14 l0 (4) 30: I 5;38: I 5;48:25;7 I :25 100 (14) I 4:1 I ;19 :20;29 : I 4;30: 6; 38:17 ;45 :13 ;49: 8;50:7, I 6; 52:3,7,14,18;61:21 lO0-kilowatt (8) 20 :3,9,1 1 ;21 :2;23 : | 2; 28:21;29:6;48:20 103 (1) 12:2 11 (1) 38:9 120 (l) 37:14 13 (1) 17:16 133 (1) 52:7 14 (r) 30:15 1s (2) 22:l;28:22 1s0 (1) 52:9 16 (r) 46:23 18 (4) 46:23;62:2,24;74:15 18,000 (1) 45:4 18.3 (l) 42:18 1e.67 (t) l2:8 6 2 6 (1) 3:10 6:00 (r) 3:4 63 (1) 37:15 7 7 (1) 45:4 7:46 (t) 78:22 700 (r) 52:10 76 (r) 3l: l9 77 (t) l2:3 8 2 (2) 64:5,14 20 (3) 22:l;43:16;69:l 20- (1) 68:8 20O-kilowatt (l) 19:23 20te (6) 17 :24;19 :23 :41 :24;45 :9 ; 49:18;68:7 2022 (t) 3:15 2023 (4) 21:5;22:7 ,10;23:14 202s (t) 8:9 204s (6) I 4:1 I ;33 :25 ;45 : I 4;50: 8 ; 59:4;61:22 2s (3) 48: l4;50: l6;74:8 2s0 (1) 42:l 8 (3) 3:10;49:2,8 80 (1) In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase. . . Hearing October 27,2022 5:13;6:20,24 woRC (2) 45:3,3 word (1) 35:15 words (3) 20:8;42:13;43:14 work (15) I I : I 6;12:24:1 5 : I l,l7 ; I 6:22;17 :l 4;18 : I 9;43 : 1 5 ; 49 :10;68:3 ;7 0:7 ;7 4:6,1 4; 76:7,14 worked (1) 7:19 working (6) l2:1,2;37 :13 ;7 0:10;7 4:17 ; 75:23 workshops (l) 4:6 world (3) 32:25:67:23;76:22 worth (l) 58:5 Wow (1),o.') writing (1) 52:14 written (8) 3 :21,25;9 :15,1 6, I 9; I 0: I 9, 20;46:13 wrong (3) 10:25;32:5;40:23 45: l0 800 (l) 42:2 84 (2) 3:10;21:19 9 e (1) 38:9 Y year (8) 22: I ;38:4,6,7,19 ;49 : I 2; 54:9;71:19 years (28) 7 :18,20;9:15:,1 7: I 6,1 8; 2l :12;26:1,6;3 I :17,19,20; 32:8 ;33 : 19,20 ;3 4 : 13 ;48: | 4, 25 ;5 4 :3,7,8 ;64: 12;68:22,23 ; 69 :8 ;7 | :25 ;7 2:12;7 3 :4;7 4:9 Young (8) 18:24,25 ;19 :6,6,17 ;36: | ; 63:22;75:2 Y-O-U-N-G (r) 19:6 younger (l) 74:23 Young's (1) 4l:21 zero (1) 49:12 I (e) 26:4,10;48: I 8,1 8;58:21 , Z 1 M & M Court Reporting Service (208)34s-96r l(ph) (800)234-9611 (208)-34s-8800(fax) (97) WORC - 9 REPORTER' S CERTITICATE l, dIANET L. FRENCH, CSR NO. 945, Cert,ified Shorthand Reporter, eertify: That the foregoing proceedings were taken before me at the time and place therein set forth, at which time the witness was put under oath by me; that the testimony and all objections made were recorded Btenographically by me and were thereafter transcribed by mer or under my direction; That the foregoing is true and correct record of all testimony given, to the best of my ability; I further certify that I am not a relative or employee of any attorney or party, nor am I financially interested in the action. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I set my hand and seal this 16th day of November 2022 L. FRENCH, CSR NO. 946L. ry Public P.O. Box 2636 Boise, Idaho 83701-2636 My Commission expires LL|S/2028OF