HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220915IPC to Staff Supplemental Response.pdfsm" An IDACORP CompenY LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counse! I nordstrom@idahooower.com Septembet 15,2022 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, fdaho 83720-0074 Re Case No. IPC-E-22-22 ln the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application to Complete the Study Review Phase of the Comprehensive Study of Costs and Benefits of On- Site Customer Generation & For Authority to lmplement Changes to Schedules 6, 8 and 84 for Non-Legacy Systems Dear Ms. Noriyuki Attached for electronic filing is ldaho Power Company's Second Supplemental Response the First Production Request of the Commission Staff in the above-referenced matter. Based on consultation with Commission Staff, the Company provides these second supplementa! responses to the First Production Request of Staff dated August 3, 2022, pursuant to Staffs request for additional information on Request Nos. 5, 6, 13, and 24. lf you have any questions about the documents referenced above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Verv trulv vours. ^'l-__ 4 X*!fl"u^^, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:sg Attachments LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN (lSB No. 7623) Idaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 lnordstrom@ida hopower. com mqoicoecheaa llen@ida hopower.com Attorneys for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE !DAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO COMPLETE THE STUDY REVIEW PHASE OF THE COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF COSTS AND BENEFITS OF ON.SITE CUSTOMER GENERATION & FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT CHANGES TO SCHEDULES 6, 8, AND 84 FOR NON-LEGACY SYSTEMS oASE NO. |PC-E-22-22 IDAHO PO\A/ER COMPANY'S SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) COMES NOW, ldaho Power Company ('ldaho Powe/' or "Company") hereby provides these second supplemental responses to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff ("Commission" or "StafP') dated August 3,2022. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POVVER COMPANY - 1 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.5: Please provide a histogram (10 kW intervals) showing the number of non-solar residential customers with demand peaks greater than 25 kW. : Please see Figure 1 below for the histogram of non-solar residential customer service points. This information is based on billing data over the calendar year 2021.|t excludes mobile home parks, RV parks, and large master metered customers. The customers included in this histogram with demand 25 kilowatts ('kW') and greater represent 2.1 percent of non-solar residential customers. Customer counts and demand are reported by service point, or Point of Delivery, where the retail customer takes Electric Service from ldaho Power.l This method for counting customers is consistent with how the Company reports customer counts and how the existing project eligibility cap is applied. Pursuant to Rule C, Service and Limitations, meter readings will not be combined or aggregated for any purpose except for determining if the Customer's total power requirements exceed 20,000 kW for determining special contract arrangements. 1 Point of Delivery and Eleclric Service are defined in Rule B, Definitions of |.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 IDAHO PO\'\'ER COMPANY'S SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POVVER COMPANY - 2 Figure I Non-Solar Residential Customer Service Point Histogram 600,000 495,1325m,000 000 000 000 400, 300, 200, o g oo:,o o o €)z 100,000 25 or less 1,904 25-34 30 75-84 29 85 plus 7,059 1,269 2gT 64 3544 45-54 55€4 65-74 Annual Peak Demand (kW) The response to this Request is sponsored by Grant T. Anderson, Regulatory Consultant, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 3 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: Flease provide a histogram (100 kW intervals) showing the number of non-solar Commercial, lndustrial, and !rrigation ('Cl&l') customers with demand peaks greater than 100 kW. SECOND SUPPLETI'IENTAL RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: Please see Figure 2 below for the histogram of non-solar Cl&l customer service points. This information is based on billing data over the calendar year 2021. The customers included in the histogram with demand 100 kW and greater represent 6.10/o ot non-solar Cl&l customers. Customer counts and demand are reported in the same method as explained in more detail in Second Supplemental Response to Request for Production No. 5. Figure 2 Non-Solar Cl&l Customer Service Point Histogram 1oo'mo 90.781 90,000 80.000 70.000 60.000 50.000 40.0m 30.000 20.0m 10.000 Annual Peak Demand (kW) The response to this Request is sponsored by Grant T. Anderson, Regulatory Consultant, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 4 o o) Eoo =c) o o,.ct E =z 3,47 I o,o,C\looC\l ,: o)o, oo oi,I ooo 3 181 o =do(:,o- 4 6,o,O)oo(,, ! o,o,@oc)@ :: O)o,i.-oo 1..- I 6,o,(o oa(O 239 (r)o,tr)oorl1 T' o,C"lloo-t 1,189 OtCD (7) oo(, REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13: Pages 101 and 102 of the VODER study discuss changes in the system ownership and provides an example where a business owner could have a maximum hourly demand of 50 kW when s/he installs a generation system, but a new owner may only operate with a maximum hourly demand of 25 kW. Please respond to the following. a. Please explain whether this situation could increase the exported amount. b. Please explain whether this situation could cause any safety or reliability issues to the Company's system. c. Please explain what mechanism(s) is(are) necessary to sufficiently address issues caused by change of ownership. d. Please provide the estimated costs of implementing the mechanism(s). SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13: Please see the following responses regarding project eligibility cap: a. There would likely be an increase in exports based on the reduced peak demand. However, this isn't definitive and would depend on the original load factor compared to the new load factor. b. It is not likely that this situation would cause a safety or reliability issue. The risk that could occur would be a match on the distribution line between the minimum load with the coincident generation that could result in the system operating in an island condition. The decrease in load while maintaining the generation level, if occurring often, could lead to this islanding potential. However, the singular example presented of a 25kW load reduction is not likely to result in this scenario. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 5 c. The Company believes this is both a policy and administrative issue - not a safety or reliability issue. A solution could be that the new customer must curtailthe generation to match the new peak load. d. Curtailing the generation could require an inverter maximum output settings change, if possible, or disconnecting a portion of the array. The Company has not yet evaluated other potential administrative costs necessary for incremental personnel to monitor and follow up with the new customer to adjust the inverter. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jared L. Ellsworth, Distribution & Resource Planning Director, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 6 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 24: Please explain why the Nameplate Capacity value of 64.11 MW was used to calculate the Avoided Capacity Cost. Please provide any workpapers supporting this value. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 24: The cumulative nameplate capacity of active projects installed at the end of 2020 was 64.11 MW. By selecting the operational projects at the end of 2020, data for at least one full year was available. The Effective Load Carrying Capacity ('ELCC') and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory ("NREL') 8,760-based methods provide capacity contribution results as percentages whose calculations utilize a nameplate capacity of the resource under review and can be used for different amounts of penetration levels in the system. The attached Excel spreadsheet provides the data supporting the nameplate capacity value of 64.1 1 MW. The company considered the impact of including projects added throughout the calendar year 2021. Customer loads and customer generation output vary from season to season; the resulting exported energy also varies by season. lncluding projects added throughout the year would skew the resulting data and not provide a representative annual exported energy to use in the Study. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jared L. Ellsworth, Distribution & Resource Planning Director, ldaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 1Sth day of September 2022. X;!.ff""ut **, LISA D. NORDSTROM Aftorney for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POVER COMPANY'S SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POVVER COMPANY - 7 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 1Sth day of September 2022, ! served a true and correct copy of ldaho Power Company's Second Supplemental Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY - 8 Commission Staff Riley Newton Chris Burdin Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8 Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX Email Rilev.Newton@puc.idaho.qov Chris.burdin@ouc. idaho.qov IdaHydro C. Tom Arkoosh Amber Dresslar Arkoosh Law Offices 913 W. River Street, Suite 450 P.O. Box 2900 Boise, ldaho 83701 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX Email tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com Amber.d resslar@a rkoosh. com erin. cecil@a rkoosh.com ldaho Conseryation League Marie Kellner Idaho Conservation League 710 North 6th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mai! _FAX_FTP SiteX Email mkellner@idahoconservation.orq ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc. Eric L. Olsen Echo Hawk & Olsen, PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue, Suite 100 P.O. Box 61 19 Pocatello, ldaho 83205 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX Emai! elo@echohawk.com Lance Kaufman, Ph.D 4801 W. Yale Ave. Denver, CO 80219 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX Email lance@bardwellconsultinq.com Gity of Boise Mary Grant Deputy City Attorney Boise City Aftorney's Office 150 North Capitol Boulevard P.O. Box 500 Boise, ldaho 83701 -0500 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX Email mrqrant@citvofboise.orq bo isecitvatto rnev@ citvofboise. o ro Wi! Geh! Energy Program Manager Boise City Dept. of Public Works 150 N. Capitol Blvd. PO Box 500 Boise, ldaho 83701 -0500 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX Email wqehl@citvofboise.oro lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_ FTP SiteX Email peter@richardsonadams.com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mai! _Overnight Mail _FAX_ FTP SiteX Emai! dreadino@mindsprino.com Micron Technology, lnc. Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Austin W. Jensen Holland & Hart, LLP 555 Seventeenth Street, Suite 3200 Denver, Colorado 80202 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _ FAX _FTP SiteX Email darueschhoff@hollandhart.com tnelson@hollandhart.com awiensen@hol la nd hart.com Jim Swier Micron Technology, lnc. 8000 South FederalWay Boise, ldaho 83707 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _ FAX _ FTP SiteX Email iswier@micron.com aclee@holland ha rt. com IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY - 9 Clean Energy Opportunities for ldaho Kelsey Jae Law for Conscious Leadership 920 N. Clover Dr. Boise, ldaho 83703 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Ovemight Mail _ FAX _ FTP SiteX Email kelsev@kelseviae.com Michael Heckler Courtney \Nhite Clean Energy Opportunities for ldaho 3778 Plantation River Dr., Suite 102 Boise, lD 83703 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX Email mike@cleanenerovopportu n ities.com cou rtnev@cleanenerqvopoortu n ities.com Richard E. Kluckhohn, pro se Wesley A. Kluckhohn, pro se 2564 W. Parkstone Dr. Meridian, lD 83646 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _ FAX FTP SiteX Email kluckhohn@qmail.com wkluckhohn@mac.com ldaho Solar Owners Network Joshua Hill ldaho Solar Owners Network 1625 S. Latah Boise, lD 83705 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _ FAX FTP SiteX Emai! solarownersnetwork@qmail.com tottens@amsidaho.com ABC Power Gompany, LLC Ryan Bushland ABC Power Company, LLC 184 W. Chrisfield Dr. Meridian, lD 83646 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mai! _ FAX FTP Site -[ Email rvan.bushland@abcpower.co sunshine@abcpower.co &rsj= Stacy Gust, Regulatory Administrative Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCT]ON REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 1O BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISS]ON CASE NO. IPG-E-22-22 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO.24 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET