HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220902Staff 56-61 to IPC.pdfRILEY NEWTON DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BARNO. II2O2 IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO COMPLETE THE STUDY REVIEW PHASE OF THE COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF COSTS AND BENEFITS OF ON.SITE CUSTOMER GE,NERATION & FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT CHANGES TO SCHEDULES 6, 8, AI\D 84 CASE NO.IPC.E-22.22 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY ia; .i l r ; t Street Address for Express Mail: 1I33I W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE,ID 837I4 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Riley Newton, Deputy Attomey General, requests that Idaho Power Company ("Company" or "Idaho Power") provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022.1 This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it, or any person acting on its behalf, may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title, and telephone number of I Stuff ir requesting an expedited response. If responding by this date will be problematic, please call StafPs attorney at (208) 334-0318. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 1 SEPTEMBER2,2022 the person preparing the documents. Please also identiff the name, job title, location, and telephone number of the record holder. In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files on CD with formulas intact and enabled. REQUEST NO. 56: To evaluate the monetary value of the accumulated excess kWh credits, the Value of Distributive Energy Resources ("VODER") Study used each customer class's average energy rate and stated "[t]he average energy rate was selected because the accumulated kwh credits can only be used to offset the energy components of a customer bill." VODER Study at 105. Please explain why the Export Credit Rate ("ECR") is not used to evaluate the monetary value of the accumulated excess kWh credits. In your explanation, please reconcile with the statement in the VODER Study at 105 "the use of non-time variant export credit rates is appropriate." REQUEST NO. 57: The VODER Study states that "[i]n recognition that excess accumulated kWhs benefitted the system at the time they were created, the accumulated kWhs could be compensated at the Export Credit Rate and recovered through the PCA similar to how the study anticipates the cost of export credits would be recovered." Voder Study at 105. Please clarifu whether the ECR used to compensate for the excess accumulated kWhs is the ECR at the time when the excess accumulated kWhs were created or when the excess accumulated kWhs are "cashed out". Please explain why. REQUEST NO. 58: The VODER Study states "[i]f the excess kWh credits were expired and not used to offset customer usage, Idaho Power would benefit by collecting the average energy rate for the usage not offset." VODER Study at 106. Please explain why the benefit is not measured based on the avoidance of the ECR payments. REQUEST NO. 59: Please respond to the following regarding the Tab Summary in Appendix 10.1. a- Please confirm Cell B20 should have been "Residential", instead of "Commercial". THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 2 SEPTEMBER2,2022 b. To calculate "Transfers as a % of KWH Balance", why is "Excess Net Energy Credit Transfers - Actuals" of one year divided by "Net Excess - KWH" of the previous year? For example, why is "Excess Net Energy Credit Transfers - Actuals" as of l2l3ll20l8 divided by "Net Excess - KWH" as of l2l3ll20l7, instead of using the same year's data? c. Please explain why the formula used to calculate "Transfers as ao/o of KWH Balance" for Irrigation customers is different than that for Residential and Commercial classes? d. Why does this analysis not include Schedule 6 customers and the industrial customers of Schedule 84? REQUEST NO. 60: Please respond to the following regarding the Tab Average Energy Rate in Appendix 10.1. a. Please define "APCU - March Forecast". b. Please explain why Idaho's PCA and Oregon's PCAM and APCU - March Forecast should be summed together to arrive at the total system value. REQUEST NO. 61: Please explain whether all the scenarios below are possible. a. For non-legacy systems, accumulated excess kWh credits could be exchanged for financial credits, after ECRs are approved. b. For non-legacy systems, accumulated excess kWh credits could still be used as kWh credits, after ECRS are approved. c. For legacy systems, accumulated excess kWh credits could be exchanged for financial credits, after ECRs are approved. d. For legacy systems, accumulated excess kWh credits could still be used as kWh credits, after ECRs are approved. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER J SEPTEMBER2,2022 IIATED at Boise, Id,aho, *, Z t day of Septembo 2A22. Riley Neirton DWUBAttorney General i:umisc:pro&cq/ipce22.22rntne god rcq 3 TIIIRD PRODUCTION REQI.JEST TO IDATIO POSTER 4 SEPTEN{BER 2,2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 2Nd DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2022, SERVED THE FOREGOING THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-22-22, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: LISA NORDSTROM MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL:rdstrom msoicoecheaallen@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com C TOM ARKOOSH AMBER DRESSLAR ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES PO BOX 2900 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com ambe r. dres s lar(d,arkoo sh. co m KELSEY JAE LAW FOR CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP 920 N CLOVER DR BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: kelsev@k rae.com ERIC L OLSEN ECHO HAWK & OLSEN PLLC PO BOX 6l 19 POCATELLO ID 83205 E-MAIL: elo@echohawk.com TIMOTHY TATUM CONNIE ASCHENBRENNER GRANT ANDERSON IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: ttatum@idahopower.com caschenbrenner@idahopower.com sanderson@ idahooorver.com MICHAEL HECKLER COURTNEY WHITE CLEAN ENERGY OPPORTUNITIES 3778 PLANTATION RIVER DR SUITE IO2 BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: m i ke(0 c I eanenerg)'o pport u n i t ies. com courtney@cleanenergyoptrrortunities.com ELECTRONIC ONLY ERIN CECIL E-MAIL: Erin.cecil@arkoosh.com LANCE KAUFMAN PhD 4801 W YALE AVE DENVER CO 80219 E-MAIL: lance@bardwellconsulting.com -A t-2^"-. 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