HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220819Staff 26-55 to IPC.pdf.-. Ii".': Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RILEY NEWTON DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0318 IDAHO BAR NO. II2O2 IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO COMPLETE THE STUDY REVIEW PHASE OF THE COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF COSTS AND BENEFITS OF ON-SITE CUSTOMER GENERATION & FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLBMENT CHANGES TO SCHEDULES 6, 8, AND 84 it;i i:.' 3b CASE NO.IPC.E-22.22 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPAI{Y ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Riley Newton, Deputy Attorney General, requests that Idaho Power Company ("Company" or "Idaho Power") provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,2422. This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it, or any person acting on its behalf, may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title, and telephone number of the person preparing the documents. Please also identift the name, job title, location, and telephone number of the record holder. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER I AUGUST 19,2022 In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files on CD with formulas intact and enabled. REQUEST NO. 26: Appendices 4.4 and 4.5 are the net hourly and real-time exports for year 2021. Please provide Appendices 4.4 and 4.5 broken out by Schedule 6, 8, and 84. Please clarifu how the Schedule 84 customer data is netted for two-meter customer implementations. REQUEST NO.27: The Value of Distributive Energy Resources ("VODER") study at 41 discusses the calculation of avoided cost of energy based on seasonal time-variant export credit values, using the seasonal and time differentials of the Company's Demand Response Program. a. Please explain why a capacity-related on-peak/off-peak time differentiation is used for determining a time-differentiated avoided cost of energy rate. b. Please provide justification for the proposal of using the seasonal and time differentials (on-peak and off-peak) of the Demand Response Program. c. Please explain why the Company did not use other types of capacity-related on- peak/off-peak time differentiations such as: (l) The peak/non-peak information approved in Order No. 35294 in Case No. IPC-E-21-35; (2) The highest risk hours under the Effective Load Carrying Capability ("ELCC") method; (3) The highest risk hours under the National Renewable Energy Laboratory ("NREL") 8760 method. In your response, please explain what the highest risk hours are under the ELCC method and the NREL 8760 method, respectively. d. Please explain why the Heavy Load period and the Light Load period described in the VODER study at 37 are not used to determine a time-differentiated avoided cost ofenergy rate. REQUEST NO. 28: Please explain why the Company did not use other types of capacity-related on-peak/off-peak time differentiations to calculate avoided cost of capacity, such as: (l) the peak/non-peak information approved in Order No. 35294 (Case No. IPC-E-21-35); (2) the highest risk hours under the ELCC method; (3) the highest risk hours under the NREL 8760 method. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 2 AUGUST 19,2022 REQUEST NO.29: Please explain why the Company did not use other types of capacity-related on-peak/off-peak time differentiations to calculate avoided transmission and distribution capacity costs, such as: (1) the peak/non-peak information approved in Order No. 35294 (Case No. IPC-E-21-35); (2) the highest risk hours under the ELCC method; (3) the highest risk hours under the NREL 8760 method; and (4) local peak hours. REQUEST NO. 30: Order No. 35284 at l8 states "[w]e also find it reasonable and fair for the study to adopt the Company's offered improvements to wording and clarification of the use of net peak. We direct the Company to study the use of first deficit year, the identif,rcation and evaluation of methods for identiffing system coincident peak, the exploration of different rate designs, and the evaluation of potential differences between customers with and without storage." a. Please identifu the first def,rcit year used in determining avoided cost of capacity in the VODER study. If this is not provided in the VODER study, please provide it. b. Please identiff the evaluation of methods for identifring system coincident peak in the VODER study. If this is not provided in the VODER study, please provide it. REQUEST NO.31: The VODER study at 47 states "ELCC determines an individual generator's contribution to the overall system reliability and is primarily driven by the timing of the highest risk hours, or Loss of Load Probability ("LOLP") hours." Please explain what the highest risk hours are and how they are determined. REQUEST NO.32: The VODER study at 48 discusses the NREL 8760 method. Please confirm that the highest risk hours under this method are the top 100 net load hours. If so, please provide the top 100 net load hours. REQUEST NO. 33: The VODER study at 54 states "[t]o determine the potential value of on-site generation in deferring or delaying the need for Idaho Power to build T&D resources, the study identifies coincident peak hours." Additionally, the VODER study at 55 states "the expected exports coincident with Idaho Power system peak load at the location [and] [t]he avoided T&D cost values of VERs [(Variable Energy Resources)] can be calculated using actual SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER .,AUGUST 19,2022 and proposed capacity projects, the local area growth rates, and the local VER export values at the time of the local peak." a. Does the VODER study use coincident peak hours at the local level instead of the system level to determine avoided transmission and distribution capacity values? b. If so, please explain why planning for transmission and distribution is based on local coincident peak hours, instead oflocal net peak hours. c. Please explain how system peak load at the location is determined. d. Please define "local area growth rates" and explain how they are determined. e. Does "system peak load at the location" and "local peak" have the same meaning? If not, please explain. REQUEST NO. 34: The VODER study at 54 states that avoided transmission and distribution capacity costs would be paid only when "the quantity of the export would need to be sufficient to exceed the planning capacity shortfall". However, the quantity of the export is not required to exceed the Company's capacity deficit to receive avoided generation capacity costs. Please explain why avoided transmission and distribution costs are not counted the same way as avoided generation capacity costs. REQUEST NO.35: Please explain why the calculation of the Export Credit Rate ("ECR") uses different time periods of data for different components of the ECR. For example, 2020 and 2021 historical data is used to calculate capacity contribution under the ELCC and NREL 8760 methods, whereas only the 2021 data is used to calculate avoided transmission and distribution costs. REQUEST NO.36: The VODER study at 55 states the data used for calculating avoided transmission and distribution costs include each capacity project's peak capacity and peak load, growth rate, and time of peak demand, as well as system aggregate export shapes based on real- time and net-hourly energy measured in202l. The VODER study at 56 also mentions "expected peak time exports". a. Please explain how each capacity project's peak capacity is determined. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 4 AUGUST 19,2022 b. Please explain how system aggregate export shapes are determined based on real- time and net-hourly energy, respectively. c. Please define "Solar Contribution at Peak" on Tab "Growth Projects 2007-2026" in Appendix 4.13 Transmission and Distribution Avoided Capacity excel file. d. Please explain how the "Solar Contribution at Peak" is calculated. REQUEST NO. 37: Order No. 35284 at l9 states "[t]he Commission finds it reasonable and fair to separately study avoided transmission costs and avoided distribution costs. In doing so, the study should consider: (a) whether exports avoid construction or delay construction, (b) individual customer-generators versus a class, and (c) configurations with and without storage." a. Section 4.3.2 of the VODER study only discusses calculations for project deferral. Please identiff where an analysis of project avoidance is conducted in the VODER study. If this is not provided in the VODER study, please provide it. b. Please identiff where an analysis of individual customer-generators versus a class is conducted in the VODER study. If this is not provided in the VODER study, please provide it. c. Please identifr where an analysis of configurations with and without storage is conducted in the VODER study. If this is not provided in the VODER study, please provide it. REQUEST NO.38: The VODER study at 57 states "[t]he study did not evaluate a locational based ECR value as this is not a feasible solution within the Company's billing system", even though Order No. 35284 at l9 states "avoided distribution costs are locational benefits properly studied" and that "[i]t is reasonable to evaluate, for use, examples from the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab to better value this element of the ECR." Please explain in detail why this is not a feasible solution within the Company's billing system. [n addition, please explain why the VODER study does not consider examples from the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 5 AUGUST 19,2022 REQUEST NO.39: If a utility is in excess of energy and chooses to sell exported solar generation into the market, please explain whether the on-site generation customers should pay for line losses, which could potentially be a negative adjustment in the ECR they receive. REQUEST NO. 40: Order No. 35284 at 20 states "[i]t is also reasonable to study the difference between using static or marginal losses and the magnitude of each as part of the valuation to be included in the ECR." Please identiff where this analysis is located in the VODER study. If this is not provided in the VODER study, please provide it. REQUEST NO. 4l: Table 4.9 inthe VODER study presents the Company's 2012 System Loss Study results based on On-Peak, Mid-Peak, and Off-Peak hours for summer and winter. Please explain whether the 2012 System Loss Study results should be converted to align with the timeframe of the Demand Response Program (or other capacity-related peak timeframes) before being used for calculating avoided line losses. REQUEST NO. 42: The VODER study at 59 discusses transforrner core losses, and states "[t]he 2012 System Loss Study determined the loss percentages for the transmission system, distribution system, distribution primary voltage, and the distribution secondary voltage." a. Please define transformer core losses. b. Please define distribution primary voltage and distribution secondary voltage. c. Please explain whether losses associated with distribution primary voltage and losses associated with distribution secondary voltage are two types of transformer core losses. d. Please explain whether losses of the transmission system, distribution system, distribution primary voltage, and the distribution secondary voltage can all be avoided by customer-generator exports. REQUEST NO. 43: The VODER study at 59 states that20l2 System Loss Study was done for both energy losses and for peak losses. Please define both types oflosses and explain whether the loss percentages listed in Table 4.8 and Table 4.9 of the VODER study represent energy losses, peak losses, or both. If they only list one type, please provide the other type. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 6 AUGUST 19,2022 REQUEST NO. 44: Please explain how the 5.80% annual line loss percentage is determined in Figure 4.14 of the VODER study. REQUEST NO. 45: Please respond to the following regarding Avoided Line Loss in Figure 4.18 of the VODER study. a. Please explain what line loss percentages are used to calculate Off-Peak Avoided Line Loss and how they are determined. b. Please explain what line loss percentages are used to calculate On-Peak Avoided Line Loss and how they are determined. c. Please explain whether the line loss percentages are applied to the avoided cost of energy (energy losses), the avoided cost ofcapacity (peak losses), or both. d. Please explain whether the line loss percentages are different when applied to the avoided cost ofenergy (energy losses) and the avoided cost ofcapacity (peak losses). REQUEST NO. 46: If on-site generation of solar energy is to be certified in Westem Renewable Electricity Generation Information System ("WREGIS") by a customer, can all the generation be certified, or can only the exported generation portion be certified? If on-site generation of solar energy is to be certified in WREGIS by Idaho Power on behalf of the customers, can all the generation be certified, or can only the exported generation portion be certified? REQUEST NO. 47: Order No. 35284 at 21 states that "changes in costs for distribution circuits are appropriate to study." Please explain whether the VODER study analyzes changes in costs for distribution circuits. If not, please explain why. REQUEST NO. 48: The VODER study at 67 uses an integration charge of $2.93 per Megawatt hour ("MWh"), determined in the Base 2023 Case of the 2020 VER Integration Study, and states that "[t]his integration rate could be utilized until Idaho Power completes its next integration study and integration costs for customer-generators could be evaluated directly." Please estimate the deviation of an integration charge today from the 52.93 per MWh, given the SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 7 AUGUST 19,2022 differences between key assumptions/inputs that should be used today and key assumptions/inputs used in the2020 VER Integration Study. Some examples for consideration are shown in the following table. Today's Assumptionsflnputs 2020' s Assum ptions/Inputs Latest forecast for 2023 load.2020 VER Integration Study at 10 states "[t]o estimate 2023 loads, E3 used load growth projections from [daho Power to uniformly increase 2019 loads by approximately 5 percent total to 2,081 aMW." Latest 2023 VER profiles determined 2020 VER Integration Study at l0 states "the 2019 historical VER profiles were used to derive the2023 VER profiles." Updated new solar assumptions, if available 2020 VER Integration Study at l l states "for the 2023 base case, it was reasonable to assume that25l MW of new solar was online in their service territory ( l3 I MW of unspecified PURPA contracts and 120 MW form the planned Jackpot Solar facility)." Updated wind assumptions for 2023, if available. 2020 VER Integration Study at 11 states "ldaho Power also proposed that the2023 wind capacity remain the same as that from 2019;' Updated unit capacities, if available.2020 VER [ntegration Study at 13 lists unit capacities in20l9 and2023 by generator and resource Wpe. REQUEST NO. 49: The VODER study at 64 states "Figure 4.15 depicts customer exports compared to the Company's utility scale solar with both outputs normalized based on their peaks for the first week of the four quarters of 2021." a. How does Figure 4.15 reflect day-ahead and hour-ahead real time uncertainty? b. Please describe the normalization process based on the peaks of the first week for the four quarters of 2021. c. For "July 2021" in Figure 4.15, please explain why customer exports do not align with utility scale solar as compared to January, April, and October of 2021? d. Given "July 2021", please explain why the Company still believes "[t]his data shows that the shapes are comparable and highly correlated" and "[t]hese figures SECOND PRODUCTTON REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 8 AUGUST 19,2022 support utility scale solar as a good proxy for customer-generator exports for the purposes of studying integration costs." VODER study at 64. REQUEST NO. 50: The VODER study at 65 states "[i]ntegration costs are also caused by uncertainty in the 15-minute and 5-minute timeframes. Idaho Power does not collect customer data on these timeframes; therefore, it is challenging to directly compare customer exports and utility scale solar." Please explain what the Company means by "Idaho Power does not collect customer data on these timeframes," when customer meters can measure on real time intervals. REQUEST NO. 51: The VODER study at 7l states "the energy input would be updated every other year along with or directly after receiving acknowledgement of an IRP." VODER study at 72 states "[t]he levelized fixed cost of the avoided resource is determined in ldaho Power's IRP. Therefore, it would be reasonable to expect this input only to be updated every other year." a. Please explain whether the energy input could be updated after an IRP is filed. b. Please confirm that the levelized fixed cost of the avoided resource could be updated every other year along with or directly after an IRP is filed or acknowledeed. REQUEST NO. 52: The VODER study evaluates two methods for calculating avoided cost of capacity: flat annual rates and seasonal time variant rates. However, Chapter 5 Frequency of Export Credit Rate Updates only discusses update frequency of the flat annual ECR. a. Please explain how the Company plans to update seasonal time variant avoided cost of capacity. b. If the update depends on the Demand Response Program, please explain how frequently the Company plans to update the program. c. Please explain whether the avoided cost of capacity can be calculated based on the peak hours that the Company files with the Commission annually on October 15. d. If so, please explain whether the update can occur annually in the October l5 filing. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 9 AUGUST 19,2022 REQUEST NO. 53: If the Company is going to do a full Cost of Service study, please explain whether the Company is going to analyze how compensations of ECR will affect the total system costs. In addition, please explain whether the impacts could potentially affect all classes. REQUEST NO.54: The VODER study at 84 states "[i]n development of CCOS inputs, Schedule 84 customers are not included in the customer sample for Schedule 9, 19, or 24." Please explain why Schedule 84 customers are not included in the customer sample for Schedule 9,19, or24. REQUEST NO. 55: The VODER study at 94 states that customer generation is a must- take resource similar to Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (*PURPA") qualiffing facilities, so these costs should not be subject to the 95%15% sharing mechanism. Please explain why all must-take resources should not be subject to the sharing mechanism. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this l ]\*of August 2022. Riley Newton Deputy Attorney General i:umisc:prodreq/ipceZ2.Z2mtrc prod req 2 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER l0 AUGUST 19,2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 19th DAY OF AUGUST 2022, SERVED THE FOREGOING SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY, IN CASE NO. IPC-E-22-22, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWNG: LISA NORDSTROM MEGAN GOICOECHEA ALLEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOrSE rD 83707-0070 E-MAIL: I .coln m go icoecheaall en@,idaho power. com doc ket s@)i d aho po wer. con'r C TOM ARKOOSH AMBER DRESSLAR ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES PO BOX 2900 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com amber.dresslar@arkoosh.com KELSEY JAE LAW FOR CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP 920 N CLOVER DR BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: kelsev@,kelseyiae.com ERIC L OLSEN ECHO HAWK & OLSEN PLLC PO BOX 61 19 POCATELLO ID 83205 E-MAIL: elo(Eec u'k.cortt TIMOTHY TATUM CONNIE ASCHENBRENNER GRANT ANDERSON IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: ttatum@idahopower.com caschenbrenner@idahopower.com ganderson@idahopolver. com MICHAEL HECKLER COURTNEY WHTTE CLEAN ENERGY OPPORTUNITIES 3778 PLANTATION RIVER DR SUITE 102 BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: mike@c leanenergyopportunit ies.com courtney@cleanenergyor:portunities.com ELECTRONIC ONLY ERIN CECIL E-MAIL: Erin.cecil@arkoosh.com LANCE KAUFMAN PhD 4801 W YALE AVE DENVER CO 80219 E-MAIL : lance@bardrvellconsultins.com Y CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE