HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220513IPC to ICIP 1-13.pdf LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com May 13, 2022 Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 Re: Case No. IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (“PCA”) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for electronic filing is Idaho Power Company’s Response to the First Production Request of the Idaho Industrial Customers of Idaho Power in the above- entitled matter. The confidential attachments will be provided in a separate encrypted email to the parties who sign the protective agreement. If you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:sg Enclosures RECEIVED 2022 May 13, PM 3:09 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 1 LISA D. NORDSTROM (ISB No. 5733) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6935 lnordstrom@idahopower.com Attorney for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (“PCA”) RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM JUNE 1, 2022, THROUGH MAY 31, 2023. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company (“Idaho Power” or “Company”), and in response to the First Production Request of the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power (“ICIP”) dated April 22, 2022, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 2 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1: Please provide, in electronic format with all formulae intact where possible, all workpapers and other documents used in the development of Idaho Power’s Application in this matter, specifically include tables one through six of Ms. Brady’s direct testimony. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1: Please see Excel Attachments 1 – 4. Excel Attachment 1 was used in preparation of Exhibit No.1 (2022-2023 PCA Forecast) as well as the tables found in the direct testimony of Jessica G. Brady. Excel Attachment 2 contains the calculations for the PCA rate components. Excel Attachments 3 and 4 were used in preparation of Exhibit No. 3 (2022 ROE Determination Revenue Sharing Benefits). The response to this Request is sponsored by Jessi Brady, Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 3 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2: Please provide copies of all communications between Idaho Power and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and/or its Staff regarding Idaho Power’s Application in this matter. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2: Please see the attached files. Please note that certain communications related to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff’s (“Staff”) audit authority as granted by Idaho Code § 61-610 have been redacted due to the sensitive and highly confidential nature of the related documents provided on the referenced FTP site. To make arrangements to view the documentation referenced in these communications on-site at the Company’s corporate headquarters, please contact Tami White at twhite@idahopower.com, or (208) 388-6938, or Dave Fewkes at dfewkes@idahopower.com, or (208) 388-2628. The response to this Request is sponsored by Matthew Larkin, Revenue Requirement Senior Manager, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 4 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 3: Please provide copies of all responses to production requests (both formal and informal) provided to any other party to this proceeding. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 3: Please see the attachments provided in Response to ICIP’s Request for Production No. 2. The response to this Request is sponsored by Stacy Gust, Regulatory Administrative Assistant, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 5 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 4: Please identify the Company’s Idaho jurisdictional return on equity (ROE) for each year the PCA has been in effect. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 4: The Idaho jurisdictional ROE is not available for each year the PCA has been in effect, however, the following table details the Idaho jurisdictional ROE since the inception of the Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits/Revenue Sharing mechanism in 2009. Idaho Jurisdictional ROE 2009 9.75% 2010 10.37% 2011 12.55% 2012 11.18% 2013 11.22% 2014 11.19% 2015 10.13% 2016 9.53% 2017 9.94% 2018 10.21% 2019 9.80% 2020 9.98% 2021 10.02% The response to this Request is sponsored by Matthew Larkin, Revenue Requirement Senior Manager, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 6 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 5: Please identify the rate change (year over year) in the PCA for each year the PCA has been in effect. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 5: Below is a table showing the traditional PCA rate applied to all rate classes and the rate change year over year from 2014 through the proposed rate in 2022. Year PCA Rate $ per kWh Rate Change $ per kWh 2014 0.007305 N/ 2015 0.005298 -0.002007 2016 0.006187 0.000889 2017 0.007361 0.001174 2018 0.004854 -0.002507 2019 0.001318 -0.003536 2020 0.004862 0.003544 2021 0.007571 0.002709 2022 0.014505 0.006934 To provide a consistent basis for comparison, the PCA rate provided in the table excludes items such as revenue sharing, transfer of demand side management rider funds, and tax reform credits that were also included in the overall PCA rates applied to customers in various years. Additionally, in Case No. IPC-E-13-20, a new base level of Net Power Supply Expense (“NPSE”) was ordered by the Commission to “(1) update base rates effective June 1, 2014, and (2) quantify the 2014/2015 PCA rates to be effective June 1, 2014.” Because the PCA rate reflects differences between NPSE recovered through base rates and actual NPSE, the Company has provided all PCA rate changes that reflect the current base assumptions from 2014 to present. A year-over-year comparison of PCA rates in effect prior to the base NPSE update in Case No. IPC-E-13- 20 would not provide an accurate relative comparison due to the change in underlying assumptions. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 7 The response to this Request is sponsored by Jessi Brady, Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 8 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: Please explain, in detail, the meaning of the phrase “financial return” when it is used in the Company’s public notice materials in the context of: “Neither Idaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financial return from this filing.” RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: “Financial Return” refers to return on investment as applied under the Regulatory Compact, in which Idaho Power is afforded the opportunity to earn a fair return on investment made on behalf of customers, reflecting the weighted cost of debt and equity financing. The Power Cost Adjustment (“PCA”) provides for recovery or credit of variations in net power supply expenses, which does not include a return component. The response to this Request is sponsored by Matthew Larkin, Revenue Requirement Senior Manager, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 9 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7: Does the Company expect to receive a “financial return’ form its “requested price increase to collect the cost of an accelerated depreciation schedule for all coal-related investments at the Jim Bridger Power Plant…”. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7: Yes. If approved as filed, the Company’s request related to the Jim Bridger Power Plant includes a fair return on prudently-incurred, undepreciated investments at the plant. The response to this Request is sponsored by Matthew Larkin, Revenue Requirement Senior Manager, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 10 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 8: Beginning on line 20 at page 30 of Ms. Brady’s pre-filed direct testimony is a reference to her “discussions” in which she “consulted with management” in order to “determine what rate mitigation, if any, the Company should include in this filing.” Please identify the dates of all referenced consultations and the identity of the management personnel who were consulted. For each referenced consultation please provide copies of all notes, agenda, minutes, email communications documentation (whether nor not contemporaneous) and/or all documentation of said consultations. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 8: Discussions with management occurred during the week of April 11, 2022, when the final PCA quantification was known. Verbal consultations occurred with Tim Tatum, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, and Matthew Larkin, Revenue Requirement Senior Manager. Because these were verbal consultations, no additional documentation exists. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jessi Brady, Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 11 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 9: At the top of page 31 Ms. Brady states that she was “advised by management to not propose any rate mitigation measures in this case.” Please identify the “management” personnel who advised against proposing any rate mitigation measures in this case. Please provide copies of all notes, agenda, minutes, email communications and all other documentation (whether nor not contemporaneous) of said management advise to not propose any rate mitigation measures in this case. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 9: Please see the Company’s Response to ICIP’s Request for Production No. 8. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jessi Brady, Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 12 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 10: Does Idaho Power’s management believe there is a threshold rate increase in terms of percentage increase such at a rate mitigation measure would be warranted? What is that threshold? RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 10: Idaho Power management defers to Order No. 24806, issued March 29, 1993, where the Commission indicated that a threshold of 7 percent of normalized base revenues was the appropriate threshold at which to investigate deferral of a percentage of PCA-related net power supply expense recovery. The response to this Request is sponsored by Matthew Larkin, Revenue Requirement Senior Manager, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 13 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 11: At several places in Ms. Brady’s testimony she discusses the possibility of rate mitigation “measures” and rate mitigation “options” in the plural. Yet, her testimony only addresses the management’s rejection of a single option or a single measure which is the possibility “spreading recovery over multiple years.” (See page 31 line 12). What other options or measures were discussed (and ultimately rejected) by Idaho Power’s management and/or Ms. Brady that would help to mitigate the rate impact of the Company’s proposed rate increase? What other rate mitigation measures is the company generally aware of? RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 11: The use of the word “rejected” in the premise of this question could be interpreted as Idaho Power being opposed to rate mitigation with regard to this filing, which is not an accurate depiction of Ms. Brady’s testimony. On the contrary, Ms. Brady discusses Idaho Power’s openness to rate mitigation measures if determined to be appropriate by the Commission, as shown on lines 1 through 11, page 32. Notwithstanding the above clarification, discussions regarding potential PCA mitigation options centered around spreading recovery over multiple years. The example the Company provided in testimony was a relatively simple bifurcation of the requested rate increase over a two-year period. The Company is also generally aware of other rate mitigation measures; for example, in the 2002 PCA, Idaho Power proposed to securitize a large portion of the PCA amount through the issuance of up to $172 million in bonds. The Commission rejected this proposal, in part due to concerns over rate pancaking (Order No. 29026 at 17). Instead of accepting the Company’s mitigation proposal, the Commission chose to adjust rates to recover $244.4 million over a single year and IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 14 deferred the recovery of $11.5 million to be collected from Irrigation and Small General Service customers in the following year, citing special circumstances that existed related to those two classes of customers. The response to this Request is sponsored by Matthew Larkin, Revenue Requirement Senior Manager, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 15 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 12: Please explain whether the Company would support a rate mitigation measure that spreads this proposed rate increase over several years if it were proposed by, and only applicable to, sophisticated customers who understood the risks associated with deferred collection and “rate pancaking.” RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 12: As discussed in the testimony of Ms. Brady, the Company would be amenable to discussing rate mitigation proposals if the Commission deems they are appropriate. With regard to a rate mitigation measure “proposed by, and only to, sophisticated customers,” the Company cannot indicate whether or not it would be supportive of such a proposal without understanding the details of the proposal in its entirety. The response to this Request is sponsored by Matthew Larkin, Revenue Requirement Senior Manager, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 16 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13: For the time period beginning with Idaho Power’s last general rate case, please provide copies of all references to the PCA made by Idaho Power or IDACORP or their respective management in any discussions or analysis of its financial condition, results of operations and business and/or regulatory risks to potential or existing investors, regulators1, bankers and/or security and financial analysists. Please provide copies of any comments made by the same entities/personnel regarding Idaho Power’s PCA. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13: Idaho Power objects to this request as being overly broad in that it encompasses more than decade, is burdensome, and is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of evidence relevant to this proceeding. Notwithstanding this objection, Idaho Power is including with this request investor presentations from 2016 through 2020, which reflect available historical materials in accordance with the Company’s document retention policy. Materials encompassing 2021 and 2022 may be accessed publicly on the Investor Relations portion of the IDACORP website at https://www.idacorpinc.com/investor- relations/events-and-presentations/default.aspx. The response to this Request is sponsored by Matthew Larkin, Revenue Requirement Senior Manager, Idaho Power Company. 1 Other than the Idaho PUC in open proceedings. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 17 DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 13th day of May 2022. ________________________________ LISA D. NORDSTROM Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER - 18 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 13th day of May 2022, I served a true and correct copy of Idaho Power Company’s Response to the First Production Request of the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Company upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX _____ FTP Site X Email: Dayn.Hardie@puc.idaho.gov Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Peter J. Richardson 515 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX _____ FTP Site X Email: peter@richardsonadams.com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, Idaho 83703 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX _____ FTP Site X Email: dreading@mindspring.com ________________________________ Stacy Gust, Regulatory Administrative Assistant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 1 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 1 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 1 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 1 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 8:57:46 AMFrom: Kathy Stockton Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 11:27:36 AMTo: Fewkes, David Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: 2022 PCA AuditSensitivity: Normal KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Funny you should ask… I am working on an audit request, and yes it will most likely be much like last year, although it has been a few years since I have been directly involved with the PCA audit. I would like to begin reviewing information in February, specifically electricity sales and purchases, coal and natural gas invoices, etc. for the March through December 2021 period. I will send you my audit request by the end of the week, and I will revisit the questions asked last year to see if there are any changes to the questions. Thanks! Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 11:23 AMTo: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>Cc: White, Tami <TWhite@idahopower.com>; Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>Subject: 2022 PCA Audit Good morning Kathy, We have met in passing when Cam helped facilitate the PCA audit. A couple of years ago, Cam moved on to a new position and I have assumed the responsibility of helping facilitate the PCA audit. I understand the time for the PCA audit is compressed. Tohelp with this, I have tried to assign the questions to our employees earlier in the month. Will there be any changes to the questions from last year? I am wondering if you have a list of questions that you could send prior to the formal request? Let meknow how you would like to approach this. I am committed to working with you and helping to facilitate a smooth audit process. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMERThis transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, oruse of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether inelectronic or hard copy format. Thank you. Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 8:58:26 AMFrom: Kathy Stockton Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 9:00:49 AMTo: Fewkes, David Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: 2022 PCA AuditSensitivity: Normal KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Our office has had absences as well, but so far, I have been healthy. I expect to have questions to you by the middle of this week, pending our internal review process. As you probably expected, the questions will mirror those asked in previous audit requests. I would like to meet virtually to discuss the process Idaho Power uses to bid into the EIM market. The last time I was assigned to the PCA, Idaho Power had just entered the EIM market, so I have yet to do an audit while the Idaho Power has been active inthat market. Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 8:57 AMTo: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>Subject: RE: 2022 PCA Audit Good morning Kathy, I wanted to follow-up with you sooner, but my household has had a brush with Omicron, sigh. Have you had a chance to finalize the questions? I would like to get them assigned to folks internally so we can turn the information around and get it back to you as quickly as possible. I hope all is well with you. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell)(: 208-388-2628 (work) From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 11:27 AMTo: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: 2022 PCA Audit KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Funny you should ask… I am working on an audit request, and yes it will most likely be much like last year, although it has been a few years since I have been directly involved with the PCA audit. I would like to begin reviewing information in February, specifically electricity sales and purchases, coal and natural gas invoices, etc. for the March through December 2021 period. I will send you my audit request by the end of the week, and I will revisit the questions asked last year to see if there are any changes to the questions. Thanks! Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 11:23 AMTo: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>Cc: White, Tami <TWhite@idahopower.com>; Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>Subject: 2022 PCA Audit Good morning Kathy, We have met in passing when Cam helped facilitate the PCA audit. A couple of years ago, Cam moved on to a new position and I have assumed the responsibility of helping facilitate the PCA audit. I understand the time for the PCA audit is compressed. Tohelp with this, I have tried to assign the questions to our employees earlier in the month. Will there be any changes to the questions from last year? I am wondering if you have a list of questions that you could send prior to the formal request? Let meknow how you would like to approach this. I am committed to working with you and helping to facilitate a smooth audit process. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMERThis transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, oruse of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether inelectronic or hard copy format. Thank you. Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 8:59:51 AMFrom: Fewkes, David Sent: Monday, January 31, 2022 1:01:00 PMTo: 'Kathy Stockton' Subject: RE: 2022 PCA AuditSensitivity: Normal Excellent. Thank you. I will stay in touch. I hope your day is great. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: 208-409-4671 (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2022 1:00 PMTo: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: 2022 PCA Audit KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. That actually would be a very good date! Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2022 12:59 PMTo: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>Subject: RE: 2022 PCA Audit That sounds good. I’ll get started on that. Is there a target date, that you’d like to have the information? Would later in the week of February 21 work? Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Monday, January 31, 2022 12:57 PMTo: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: 2022 PCA Audit KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. David, If you would like to start gathering information on last year’s questions, then I can get a head start on this year’s audit. There will be no changes to last year’s questions, other than the dates. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner with thisinformation. We are anticipating adding new staff, and I will be working with the new hire on the PCA audit. When we have added new staff, then I anticipate that we will be sending the formal audit request, but for now, it would be greatly appreciated if you can getstarted gathering the information. Thanks, Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 11:23 AMTo: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>Cc: White, Tami <TWhite@idahopower.com>; Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>Subject: 2022 PCA Audit Good morning Kathy, We have met in passing when Cam helped facilitate the PCA audit. A couple of years ago, Cam moved on to a new position and I have assumed the responsibility of helping facilitate the PCA audit. I understand the time for the PCA audit is compressed. Tohelp with this, I have tried to assign the questions to our employees earlier in the month. Will there be any changes to the questions from last year? I am wondering if you have a list of questions that you could send prior to the formal request? Let meknow how you would like to approach this. I am committed to working with you and helping to facilitate a smooth audit process. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMERThis transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, oruse of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether inelectronic or hard copy format. Thank you. Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 9:02:28 AMFrom: Reyna Quintero Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2022 3:25:53 PMTo: Nordstrom, Lisa; Larkin, Matt; Tatum, Tim; Fewkes, David; IPCDockets Cc: Kathy Stockton Subject: [EXTERNAL]First Audit Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company in the 2022 PCA Sensitivity: NormalAttachments: Idaho Power 2022 PCA Audit Request 1.pdf ; KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.Good afternoon, Attached please find the First Audit Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company in the above-referenced matter. Regards, Reyna Quintero | Utilities Administrative AssistantIdaho Public Utilities Commission11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Building 8, Suite 201-AP.O. Box 83720Boise, Idaho 83720-0074Direct: (208) 334-0368 | Fax: (208) 334-3762reyna.quintero@puc.idaho.gov CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail may be confidential, privileged, and exempt from public disclosure, and the sender intends that it be used only by the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, then you may not use, disclose, copy, ordistribute the e-mail or its contents. If you believe you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete the copy you received. Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 9:05:00 AMFrom: Fewkes, David Fewkes, David Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 4:29:00 PMTo: Kathy Stockton Cc: Fewkes, David White, Tami; Larkin, Matt; Brady, Jessi; Nordstrom, Lisa; Davenport, Christy; Gust, Stacy; Fewkes, David Subject: ENCRYPT PCA Staff Audit Data Room Sensitivity: Normal SENT VIA ENCRYPTED E-MAIL Good afternoon, Staff members may access non-confidential documents submitted in response to the First Audit Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company for the 2022 PCA filing, in the Staff Audit Data Room using: Staff members who have signed the Protective Agreement executed by Idaho Power and the Commission Staff for the First Audit Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company for the 2022 PCA filing may access the confidential documentsposted in the Staff Audit Data Room using: If you have questions, please contact me at (208) 409-4671. Regards, David Fewkes Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 9:04:14 AMFrom: Fewkes, David Fewkes, David Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 4:28:00 PMTo: Kathy Stockton Cc: Fewkes, David White, Tami; Larkin, Matt; Brady, Jessi; Nordstrom, Lisa; Davenport, Christy; Gust, Stacy; Fewkes, David Subject: PCA Staff Audit Data Room Sensitivity: NormalAttachments: Certificate of Attorney - 2022-2023 PCA Audit Request.pdf ; Good afternoon, To enable the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to inspect Idaho Power documents under the authority granted by Idaho Code § 61-610, Idaho Power Company has posted its response to the First Audit Request of the Commission Staff toIdaho Power Company for the 2022 PCA filing on a secure FTP site, the Staff Audit Data Room. The Staff Audit Data Room FTP login screen can be accessed via https://fileexch.idahopower.com. USERNAMES: PASSWORDS: An e-mail with the passwords will be sent separately. As noted in Procedural Rule 227, the Commission’s statutory right to audit is independent of any right of discovery in formal proceedings. Idaho Power’s responses to discovery requests submitted by Staff and intervening parties will be posted to aseparate FTP site dedicated to that purpose. If you have questions, please contact me at (208) 409-4671. Regards, David Fewkes Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 9:06:48 AMFrom: Larkin, Matt Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 2:05:38 PMTo: Kathy Stockton Cc: Fewkes, David; Robin Maupin Subject: RE: EIM and the PCA Audit Sensitivity: Normal Hi Kathy, It’s looking like Wednesday at 10 a.m. is the most likely option, but I’m awaiting confirmation from a few internal folks. Would that time work for you and Robin? Thanks! Matt From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 10:09 AMTo: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>Cc: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>; Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: EIM and the PCA Audit KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Has a time been set up to discuss the EIM sales/purchases? Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Kathy Stockton Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 11:46 AMTo: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>Cc: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>; Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>Subject: RE: EIM and the PCA Audit Wednesday or Thursday would be fine, Robin has no availability on Friday, April 1st. Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 11:23 AMTo: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>Cc: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>Subject: RE: EIM and the PCA Audit Hi Kathy, Dave passed along your request to discuss the EIM as it pertains to the PCA. What’s your availability looking like Wednesday, March 30th to Friday, April 1st? Thanks, Matt From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 4:53 PMTo: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>Subject: [EXTERNAL]EIM and the PCA Audit KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Hello, I would like to set up a meeting to discuss how the EIM sales and purchases flow through the PCA, and how Idaho Power bids into the EIM market plus any standards, policies and procedures that are applicable to these sales and purchases that are notcovered or specifically addressed in the Energy Risk Management Policy and the Energy Risk Management Standards. Would it be possible to set up a meeting sometime towards the end of March to discuss this? Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMERThis transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, oruse of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether inelectronic or hard copy format. Thank you. Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 9:08:37 AMFrom: Fewkes, David Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 1:19:00 PMTo: Kathy Stockton Cc: Robin Maupin Subject: RE: PCA Audit Follow up questions Sensitivity: Normal Thank you. I appreciate it. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell)(: 208-388-2628 (work) From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 1:19 PMTo: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>Cc: Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: PCA Audit Follow up questions KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. I have added the files for Audit Requests 26, 28, and 30 to the Staff Selections folder on the FTP site. The file names refer back to the first Audit Request number, but have the information in the file name pertaining to the request. Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 3:08 PMTo: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>Cc: Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>Subject: RE: PCA Audit Follow up questions Excellent, thank you for working with me. I have created a folder on the site. You can navigate to the folder by using the drop-down menu on the left, as pictured below. If there are any issues at all, please let me know. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell)(: 208-388-2628 (work) From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 3:00 PMTo: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>Cc: Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: PCA Audit Follow up questions KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. I think that could work. It probably has more confidentiality than email. Currently I have referenced selections in the draft of the second set of audit requests, and I will put something in the request about uploading the files to the FTP site. Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 2:49 PMTo: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>Cc: White, Tami <TWhite@idahopower.com>Subject: RE: PCA Audit Follow up questions Hi Kathy, I appreciate your point. I think, using the same credentials you have used to access the confidential response file, you could upload the selections to the FTP site. I could make a folder titled “Staff Selections” and you could upload the file(s). Is this astrategy that you would like to try? I believe it would satisfy the confidentiality concerns. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (:cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 1:44 PM To: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: PCA Audit Follow up questions KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. We can add the counterparty and amount of the transaction, I just want to make sure that we are keeping the confidential information confidential. We have selected about 20 transactions from sales and purchases, as well as some transactions fortransmission expense and RECs, and Demand Response payments. We can always send our excel file with the selection outside of the audit request if clarification is needed. On a side note, we are looking at the response to Audit Request No. 19 which references page 4 of each Op Plan, yet that page has no information about the timing of generation fleet scheduled maintenance or other outages. Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 1:33 PMTo: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>Cc: White, Tami <TWhite@idahopower.com>Subject: RE: PCA Audit Follow up questions Good afternoon Kathy, Thank you for the question. Idaho Power could have multiple invoices/payments that have the same deal number. In addition to the fields you have recommended, it would be helpful if you would provide the counterparty and amount selected forfurther review in the follow-up audit request. Let me know if this works for you. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 11:43 AMTo: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>Subject: [EXTERNAL]PCA Audit Follow up questions KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Robin and I are working on follow-up audit requests for the PCA. We have a selection of sales and purchases for further review, and in order to maintain confidentiality, we would like to know how to include the sales and purchases in our follow-up auditrequest. Will the month and deal number be sufficient for selection? For example: Month Deal Number4/30/2021 139999 Thanks, Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMERThis transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, oruse of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether inelectronic or hard copy format. Thank you. Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 9:09:30 AMFrom: Kathy Stockton Sent: Friday, April 1, 2022 5:19:13 PMTo: Fewkes, David Cc: Robin Maupin Subject: [EXTERNAL]EIM transactions added to Staff Selection File Sensitivity: Normal KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Good afternoon, Wednesday Robin and I met with IPC personnel to discuss the mechanics of the EIM market and how Idaho Power bids into the market. Now that we have a somewhat better understanding of how the market works, we have selected two months of EIMtransactions for further review. Since these transactions are included in the response to Audit Request No. 5, and since we already have a follow-up question, I would like to add our transaction selection to Audit Request No. 26. I have uploaded theselection file to the Staff Selection location on the FTP site. We would like to look at the invoices and accompanying documents for the EIM transactions for the months of August and October. I have highlighted our selection in orange on the selection file. It is our understanding that that the EIM invoices arerather complicated, so we may reach out for further help with that. I will be out of the office all next week and will be checking my emails periodically during the week. Thank you for your time, Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 9:10:33 AMFrom: Kathy Stockton Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 11:33:01 AMTo: Fewkes, David Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: PCA 1 - 24 UpdatesSensitivity: Normal KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. That sounds like it will work. Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 11:32 AMTo: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>Subject: RE: PCA 1 - 24 Updates I was hoping to be able to give the internal folks until Friday, the 22nd. Would Tuesday, the 26th work for you? I could cut that to internal folks by the 21st, and to you on Monday, the 25th, maybe? Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 11:29 AMTo: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: PCA 1 - 24 Updates KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. It would be good to get the updated responses as soon as possible, although I know that monthly closings may impact response time. I expect the PCA case to be filed by Monday, April 18, 2022, so how about Friday April 22, 2022. Will that date work? Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 8:28 AMTo: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>Subject: PCA 1 - 24 Updates Good morning, I’m about to circulate the request for updated responses for audit requests 1 – 24 (Jan – March). When were you hoping you would receive the updated responses? I want to put a deadline on the request that I circulate that is reasonable and aligns withyour expectations. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMERThis transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, oruse of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether inelectronic or hard copy format. Thank you. Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 9:12:03 AMFrom: Fewkes, David Fewkes, David Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 10:44:00 AMTo: Kathy Stockton; Donn English Cc: Fewkes, David White, Tami; Larkin, Matt; Brady, Jessi; Nordstrom, Lisa; Davenport, Christy; Gust, Stacy; Fewkes, David Subject: ENCRYPT PCA Staff Audit Data Room Sensitivity: Normal SENT VIA ENCRYPTED E-MAIL Good morning, Staff members may access non-confidential documents submitted in response to the Second Audit Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company for the 2022 PCA filing, in the Staff Audit Data Room using: Staff members who have signed the Protective Agreement executed by Idaho Power and the Commission Staff for the First Audit Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company for the 2022 PCA filing may access the confidential documentsposted in the Staff Audit Data Room using: If you have questions, please contact me at (208) 409-4671. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (:cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 9:11:36 AMFrom: Fewkes, David Fewkes, David Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 10:44:00 AMTo: Kathy Stockton; Donn English Cc: Fewkes, David White, Tami; Larkin, Matt; Brady, Jessi; Nordstrom, Lisa; Davenport, Christy; Gust, Stacy; Fewkes, David Subject: PCA Staff Audit Data Room Sensitivity: NormalAttachments: Certificate of Attorney - 2022-2023 PCA Audit Request.pdf ; Good morning, To enable the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to inspect Idaho Power documents under the authority granted by Idaho Code § 61-610, Idaho Power Company has posted its response to the Second Audit Request of the Commission Staff toIdaho Power Company for the 2022 PCA filing on a secure FTP site, the Staff Audit Data Room. The Staff Audit Data Room FTP login screen can be accessed via https://fileexch.idahopower.com. USERNAMES: PASSWORDS: An e-mail with the passwords will be sent separately. As noted in Procedural Rule 227, the Commission’s statutory right to audit is independent of any right of discovery in formal proceedings. Idaho Power’s responses to discovery requests submitted by Staff and intervening parties will be posted to aseparate FTP site dedicated to that purpose. If you have questions, please contact me at (208) 409-4671. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 9:10:57 AMFrom: Kathy Stockton Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 10:42:32 AMTo: Fewkes, David Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: Note regarding 2nd Audit Request responsesSensitivity: Normal KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Thank you so much. I think the bookmark system will be excellent. Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 10:41 AMTo: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>Subject: Note regarding 2nd Audit Request responses Good morning Kathy, I’m about to send the 2nd Audit Request responses numbered 25 – 31. I want to touch bases with you before I send them. I did something a little different this time in hopes that it will make reviewing the selections easier than before. In short, rather than send dozens of files over, I have combined each question’s selections into one file, except for 26. With 26, there were the initial 19 selections which I have combined into one file, and then the subsequent EIM selections which Icombined into a second attachment in response to 26. When you open the PDFs, they include a Table of Contents, but probably more useful are the bookmarks I have included in each of the files. Please take a look at the bookmarks in the PDF files. You can click on the bookmark for each selection which willtake you right to the information you are looking for. The Table of Contents functions similarly, but in my experience, the bookmarks make the process more efficient. If you have any questions at all, or concerns regarding this approach, please let me know. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (:(cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMERThis transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, oruse of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether inelectronic or hard copy format. Thank you. Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 9:13:28 AMFrom: Fewkes, David Fewkes, David Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 10:24:00 AMTo: Kathy Stockton; Donn English Cc: Fewkes, David White, Tami; Larkin, Matt; Brady, Jessi; Nordstrom, Lisa; Davenport, Christy; Gust, Stacy; Fewkes, David Subject: ENCRYPT Supplemental Responses - PCA Staff Audit Data Room Sensitivity: Normal SENT VIA ENCRYPTED E-MAIL Good morning, Staff members may access non-confidential documents submitted in the supplemental response to the First Audit Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company for the 2022 PCA filing, in the Staff Audit Data Room using: Staff members who have signed the Protective Agreement executed by Idaho Power and the Commission Staff for the First Audit Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company for the 2022 PCA filing may access the confidential documentsposted in the Staff Audit Data Room using: If you have questions, please contact me at (208) 409-4671. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 9:13:06 AMFrom: Fewkes, David Fewkes, David Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 10:24:00 AMTo: Kathy Stockton; Donn English Cc: Fewkes, David White, Tami; Larkin, Matt; Brady, Jessi; Nordstrom, Lisa; Davenport, Christy; Gust, Stacy; Fewkes, David Subject: Supplemental Responses - PCA Staff Audit Data Room Sensitivity: NormalAttachments: Certificate of Attorney - IPC-E-22-11.pdf ; Good morning, To enable the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to inspect Idaho Power documents under the authority granted by Idaho Code § 61-610, Idaho Power Company has posted its supplemental response to the First Audit Request of theCommission Staff to Idaho Power Company for the 2022 PCA filing on a secure FTP site, the Staff Audit Data Room. The Staff Audit Data Room FTP login screen can be accessed via https://fileexch.idahopower.com. USERNAMES: PASSWORDS: An e-mail with the passwords will be sent separately. As noted in Procedural Rule 227, the Commission’s statutory right to audit is independent of any right of discovery in formal proceedings. Idaho Power’s responses to discovery requests submitted by Staff and intervening parties will be posted to aseparate FTP site dedicated to that purpose. If you have questions, please contact me at (208) 409-4671. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) Archived: Monday, May 2, 2022 9:14:17 AMFrom: Kathy Stockton Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 11:42:47 AMTo: Fewkes, David Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: Supplemental responses to First Audit RequestSensitivity: Normal KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Thank you! I may not review these today, but I will let you know Monday if there are any issues. Kathy StocktonSenior AuditorIdaho Public Utilities Commissionkathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov(208) 334-0360 From: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com> Sent: Friday, April 22, 2022 10:30 AMTo: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>Subject: Supplemental responses to First Audit Request Good morning. I emailed the notification that I have posted the responses to the secure FTP site a few minutes ago. If you have questions about the organization of responses, or any questions at all, please feel free to contact me. In a prior email, you made a side note that suggested the requested information for AR 19 was not available where I had noted its availability. You are correct and I apologize for the confusion. In this supplemental response, I have provided a maintenancereport for the entire PCA period. I believe it will satisfactorily address the request, but let me know if you have additional questions, comments, or concerns. Take care, David FewkesBUDGET APPLICATION ANALYSTIdaho Power | Corporate Budgeting (: (cell) (: 208-388-2628 (work) IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMERThis transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, oruse of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether inelectronic or hard copy format. Thank you. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 1 From:Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov> Sent:Wednesday, March 30, 2022 9:26 AM To:Larkin, Matt Subject:[EXTERNAL]Accepted: Idaho Power EIM Discussion KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.    1 From:Larkin, Matt Sent:Wednesday, March 30, 2022 10:02 AM To:Kathy Stockton Subject:RE: EIM and the PCA Audit Ok I was afraid of that. We’ll send a WebEx link and switch over to that.     From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>   Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 10:00 AM  To: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>  Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: EIM and the PCA Audit    KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.  Teams isn’t allow us to join    Kathy Stockton  Senior Auditor  Idaho Public Utilities Commission  kathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov  (208) 334‐0360    From: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>   Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 8:59 AM  To: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>  Subject: RE: EIM and the PCA Audit    Nope! I’ll send it now. Thanks!     From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>   Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 8:58 AM  To: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>  Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: EIM and the PCA Audit    KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.  Did you send a Webex link and I missed it?    Kathy Stockton  Senior Auditor  Idaho Public Utilities Commission  kathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov  (208) 334‐0360    2 From: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>   Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 3:03 PM  To: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>  Cc: Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>  Subject: RE: EIM and the PCA Audit    OK great. Let’s block out 10 a.m., Wednesday, March 30th. I’ll get an official invite sent over with a WebEx link. And I  agree, the REC meeting will be different people, so I’ll get to work checking availability on that.     Thanks!  Matt      From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>   Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 2:11 PM  To: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>  Cc: Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>  Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: EIM and the PCA Audit    KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.  Wednesday at 10 AM next week will work for us.    As we have been auditing, I find that I could use a refresher course on the RECs and how they are sold, whether bundled,  etc. so perhaps someone to speak to that as well?  I realize that is probably someone from the Merchant side of the  house rather than the Load Serving Entity so probably two separate meetings.    Kathy Stockton  Senior Auditor  Idaho Public Utilities Commission  kathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov  (208) 334‐0360    From: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>   Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 2:06 PM  To: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>  Cc: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>; Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>  Subject: RE: EIM and the PCA Audit    Hi Kathy,    It’s looking like Wednesday at 10 a.m. is the most likely option, but I’m awaiting confirmation from a few internal folks.  Would that time work for you and Robin?    Thanks!    Matt      3 From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>   Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 10:09 AM  To: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>  Cc: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>; Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>  Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: EIM and the PCA Audit    KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.  Has a time been set up to discuss the EIM sales/purchases?    Kathy Stockton  Senior Auditor  Idaho Public Utilities Commission  kathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov  (208) 334‐0360    From: Kathy Stockton   Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 11:46 AM  To: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>  Cc: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>; Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>  Subject: RE: EIM and the PCA Audit    Wednesday or Thursday would be fine, Robin has no availability on Friday, April 1st.    Kathy Stockton  Senior Auditor  Idaho Public Utilities Commission  kathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov  (208) 334‐0360    From: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>   Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 11:23 AM  To: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>  Cc: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>  Subject: RE: EIM and the PCA Audit    Hi Kathy,     Dave passed along your request to discuss the EIM as it pertains to the PCA. What’s your availability looking like  Wednesday, March 30th to Friday, April 1st?     Thanks,     Matt       From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>   Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 4:53 PM  To: Fewkes, David <DFewkes@idahopower.com>  Subject: [EXTERNAL]EIM and the PCA Audit  4   KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.  Hello,    I would like to set up a meeting to discuss how the EIM sales and purchases flow through the PCA, and how Idaho Power  bids into the EIM market plus any standards, policies and procedures that are applicable to these sales and purchases  that are not covered or specifically addressed in the Energy Risk Management Policy and the Energy Risk Management  Standards.    Would it be possible to set up a meeting sometime towards the end of March to discuss this?        Kathy Stockton  Senior Auditor  Idaho Public Utilities Commission  kathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov  (208) 334‐0360    IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMER  This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure  under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure,  copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY  PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the  material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you.  1 From:Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov> Sent:Thursday, April 14, 2022 11:38 AM To:Larkin, Matt Cc:Robin Maupin; Travis Culbertson Subject:[EXTERNAL]RE: REC discussion for the upcoming PCA KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.  Let me see what we already have for that week and get back to you.    We will be joined by Travis Culbertson as he will be focusing on the RECs in the PCA.    Since the case will be filed by then, all the attendees to the meeting will have signed a confidentiality agreement.  Kathy Stockton  Senior Auditor  Idaho Public Utilities Commission  kathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov  (208)334‐0360 From: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>   Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2022 11:33 AM  To: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>  Cc: Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>  Subject: RE: REC discussion for the upcoming PCA  Hi Kathy,  Apologies for taking so long to get this set up. Would the afternoon of Monday, April 25th, or Tuesday, April 26th work?  I’m out of the office all next week (taking the 4 year old nephew to Disneyland… wish me luck).   We’re pretty open that whole week of April 25th, so if another day / time would work better let me know.   Thanks!  Matt  From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>   Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 4:30 PM  To: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>  Cc: Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>  Subject: [EXTERNAL]REC discussion for the upcoming PCA  KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.  2 Any progress in setting up a meeting to go over RECs in general and how they flow through the PCA?  At this point, any  time after the PCA is filed should work.    Kathy Stockton  Senior Auditor  Idaho Public Utilities Commission  kathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov  (208) 334‐0360    IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMER  This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure  under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure,  copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY  PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the  material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you.  1 From:Taylor Thomas Sent:Wednesday, April 27, 2022 3:41 PM To:Larkin, Matt Subject:[EXTERNAL]Accepted: REC / PCA Meeting with IPUC Staff KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.    1 From:Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov> Sent:Wednesday, April 27, 2022 5:07 PM To:Larkin, Matt Subject:[EXTERNAL]Accepted: REC / PCA Meeting with IPUC Staff KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.    1 From:Laura Conilogue <Laura.Conilogue@puc.idaho.gov> Sent:Wednesday, April 27, 2022 3:59 PM To:Larkin, Matt Subject:[EXTERNAL]Accepted: REC / PCA Meeting with IPUC Staff KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.    1 From:Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov> Sent:Thursday, April 28, 2022 12:47 PM To:Larkin, Matt Subject:[EXTERNAL]RE: REC Questions and overview KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.  Thanks.    The explanation about the timing of the transactions versus the actual execution and payment makes sense.    Kathy Stockton  Senior Auditor  Idaho Public Utilities Commission  kathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov  (208) 334‐0360    From: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>   Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 12:46 PM  To: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>  Subject: RE: REC Questions and overview    Ok sounds good. I’ll pass your question along and we’ll plan to chat at 3:00. Thanks!     From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>   Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 12:45 PM  To: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>  Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: REC Questions and overview    KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.  That makes sense accounting‐wise.  I think our new people will still benefit from a REC discussion.  I am personally  slightly confused about selling them in the different time periods and how the RECs are acquired.      I also have a question about off‐system sales bundled with RECs.  Are those RECs that the Company has? Does the  Company buy them to bundle?         Kathy Stockton  Senior Auditor  Idaho Public Utilities Commission  kathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov  (208) 334‐0360    2 From: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>   Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 12:20 PM  To: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>  Cc: Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>  Subject: RE: REC Questions and overview    Hi Kathy!    In preparation for today’s call, we chatted with our Op Plan and accounting folks about your question. The short answer  is as follows: the REC transactions provided in Audit Request 10 will not reconcile to the REC transactions shown in the  Op plan and the Appendix due to timing differences. The REC transactions in the Op plan are based on when the  transactions are executed. The REC transactions in the audit request and PCA deferral report are based on when the  RECs are actually transferred to the counterparty. We do not record the REC transactions in the PCA until they are  transferred to the counterparty, which could be months or years after the transaction is initially executed.     Does that answer your question? We’re happy to meet this afternoon and walk through that, but I didn’t know if that  explanation would resolve the questions you had regarding the audit info.     Thanks!    Matt        ‐‐   Matt Larkin  REVENUE REQUIREMENT MANAGER  Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs  1221 W. Idaho St. | Boise, ID | 83702  Work 208‐388‐2461  Fax 208‐388‐6449  Email mlarkin@idahopower.com          From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>   Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 1:03 PM  To: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>  Cc: Robin Maupin <Robin.Maupin@puc.idaho.gov>  Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: REC Questions and overview    KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.  I think tomorrow between 3 and 4 will work.  We may have other staff members attending and I will make sure they  have signed the protective agreement.    Nothing says party like RECs!    Kathy Stockton  Senior Auditor  3 Idaho Public Utilities Commission  kathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov  (208) 334‐0360    From: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>   Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 12:24 PM  To: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>  Subject: RE: REC Questions and overview    Hi Kathy,     Sounds good. Would you be available tomorrow between 3 and 4? Or Friday, 11 a.m. or after?     Thanks,    Matt      From: Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>   Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 12:19 PM  To: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>  Subject: [EXTERNAL]REC Questions and overview    KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify  the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below.  Staff (Robin & I) would like to schedule a time to discuss the RECs and how they are handled in the PCA.  I am reviewing  the Op Plan for March 2022 and I am wanting to reconcile these with the spreadsheet “Renewable Energy Credits  Transaction Summary” in Supplemental Response to Staff’s AR 10.    I know that RECs can be sold forwards and backwards, yet I am not able to tie together the amounts in AR 10 with what  is in the Confidential Op Plans.    Any help is greatly appreciated.    Kathy Stockton  Senior Auditor  Idaho Public Utilities Commission  kathy.stockton@puc.idaho.gov  (208) 334‐0360    IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMER  This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure  under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure,  copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY  PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the  material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you.  BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 1 From:Gust, Stacy Sent:Friday, April 15, 2022 4:07 PM To:Jan Noriyuki Cc:Nordstrom, Lisa Subject:IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 Attachments:Application.pdf; Direct Testimony of Jessica Brady.pdf; BillInsert_PCA.pdf; Postcard_PCA.pdf; PCA News Release.pdf; Exhibit No. 1 - 2022-2023 PCA Forecast.xlsx; Exhibit No. 2 - 2022 PCA Deferral Report - Balancing Adjustment.xlsx; Exhibit No. 3 - 2022 ROE Determination Revenue Sharing Benefits.xlsx; Exhibit No. 4 - 2022 Earnings Sharing Benefit.xlsx Ms. Noriyuki, Please find attached for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 35058, Idaho Power Company’s 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Application, the Direct Testimony of Jessica Brady, PCA Bill Insert, PCA Postcard, and PCA News Release. Also provided as a courtesy to Staff are the Excel workpapers. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Stacy Gust REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com April 15, 2022 Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 Re: Case No. IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (“PCA”) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 35058, is Idaho Power Company’s Application in the above-entitled matter. In addition, please find attached the Direct Testimony of Jessica G. Brady filed in support of the Application. A Word version of the testimony will also be sent in a separate email for the convenience of the Reporter. Accompanying this filing is the Company’s Press Release, Customer Notice, and Direct Mail Postcard. If you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:sg Enclosures APPLICATION - 1 LISA D. NORDSTROM (ISB No. 5733) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6935 lnordstrom@idahopower.com Attorney for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (“PCA”) RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM JUNE 1, 2022, THROUGH MAY 31, 2023. ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 APPLICATION Idaho Power Company (“Idaho Power” or “Company”), in accordance with Idaho Code § 61-502 and RP 052, hereby respectfully requests the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”) approve an update to Schedule 55 based on the quantification of the 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment (“PCA”) to become effective June 1, 2022, for the period June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023. If the proposed rates and charges for electric service in the state of Idaho included as Attachment 1 to this Application are approved, the 2022-2023 PCA will result in an overall revenue increase of approximately $103.4 million, or an 8.27 percent increase from current billed revenue. APPLICATION - 2 In support of this Application, Idaho Power has filed the Direct Testimony of Jessica G. Brady, Regulatory Analyst. Ms. Brady’s testimony details the 2022-2023 PCA amount, explains the factors that impact this year’s PCA quantification, details the calculation of the proposed 2022-2023 PCA rates, and discusses the additional PCA component related to revenue sharing. I. BACKGROUND 1. Idaho Power is an Idaho corporation whose principal place of business is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. 2. Idaho Power is a public utility supplying retail electric service to more than 600,000 customers in southern Idaho and eastern Oregon. Idaho Power is subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission in Idaho and to the jurisdiction of the Public Utility Commission of Oregon. Idaho Power is also subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 3. On March 29, 1993, by Order No. 24806 issued in Case No. IPC-E-92-25, the Commission approved the implementation of an annual power cost adjustment procedure in order to provide consistency and stability to rates. The PCA is a cost recovery mechanism that passes on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to Idaho Power customers. Neither Idaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financial return on this filing – money collected from the surcharge can be used only to pay power supply expenses. 4. On January 9, 2009, by Order No. 30715 issued in Case No. IPC-E-08-19, the Commission approved certain changes to the PCA mechanism, including a 95 percent/5 percent sharing mechanism between customers and the Company. Order No. APPLICATION - 3 30715 also approved changes to the Load Growth Adjustment Rate (“LGAR”), third-party transmission expense, the PCA forecast, and power supply expense distribution. 5. On January 13, 2010, the Commission issued Order No. 30978 in Case No. IPC-E-09-30 approving the settlement stipulation filed in lieu of a general rate case. Through this stipulation, a revenue sharing mechanism was established to allow the Company to accelerate the amortization of accumulated deferred investment tax credits if the Company’s actual Idaho jurisdictional year-end Return on Equity (“ROE”) fell below 9.5 percent in any fiscal year from 2009 through 2011. This mechanism also included a provision for revenue sharing if the Company’s actual Idaho jurisdictional year-end ROE exceeded 10.5 percent in any year during the same three-year period. Per the terms of the stipulation, 50 percent of the Idaho jurisdictional year-end ROE in excess of 10.5 percent was to be shared with customers in the form of a rate reduction. The revenue sharing percentages, thresholds, accounting, and duration were subsequently modified by Order Nos. 32424, 33149 and 34071. 6. On March 15, 2011, the Commission issued Order No. 32206 in Case No. GNR-E-10-03 adopting a revised LGAR methodology and changing the name of the methodology to the Load Change Adjustment Rate (“LCAR”). 7. On May 28, 2015, the Commission issued Order No. 33307 in Case No. IPC-E-15-15 converting the LCAR to a Sales Based Adjustment (“SBA”) rate, as well as modifying the PCA deferral balance’s monthly interest calculation. Per Order No. 33307, the SBA rate is calculated in the same manner as the LCAR, with the only modification being the replacement of the load-based megawatt-hour (“MWh”) denominator with the corresponding sales-based MWh denominator. Second, the Order required the Company APPLICATION - 4 to calculate monthly interest on the deferral balance by assigning annual base Net Power Supply Expense (“NPSE”) to each month according to expected base rate revenue collection as set in the Company’s last general rate case, Case No. IPC-E-11-08. 8. On May 31, 2018, the Commission issued Order No. 34071 in Case No. GNR-U-18-01 approving the current iteration of the revenue sharing mechanism. This order accepted the settlement stipulation filed on April 12, 2018, extending the revenue sharing mechanism indefinitely and modifying portions of the previous accounting order. More specifically, Order No. 34071 approved modifications to the sharing portion of the mechanism, which allowed for greater customer benefits. First, for actual year-end Idaho jurisdictional earnings greater than 10 percent ROE, all amounts up to and including 10.5 percent ROE will be shared between customers and the Company on an 80 percent and 20 percent basis, respectively. The customer revenue sharing benefit will be in the form of a reduction to rates at the time the subsequent year’s PCA becomes effective. Second, Idaho earnings above a 10.5 percent ROE will also be shared, with customers receiving 55 percent of the earnings in the form of a reduction to rates at the time the subsequent year’s PCA becomes effective, as well as 25 percent of the earnings applied as an offset to the Company’s pension balancing account, with the Company retaining the remaining 20 percent. 9. On May 28, 2021, the Commission instructed Idaho Power “to initiate discussions with interested parties and to file a case with the Commission to review whether the PCA mechanism should be modified” before the Company files its PCA application in April 2022. Order No. 35054. On January 10, 2022, the Commission issued Order No. 35290 in Case No. IPC-E-21-18 approving a modification to the PCA filing to APPLICATION - 5 replace the “true-up” and “true-up of the true-up” with a single balancing account referred to below as the “Balancing Adjustment.” This modification does not materially affect the overall cost recovery of the PCA. II. 2022-2023 PCA CALCULATION 10. The PCA is a rate mechanism that quantifies and tracks annual differences between actual NPSE and the normalized or “base level” of NPSE recovered in the Company’s base rates for recovery or credit through an annual rate change on June 1. The PCA is also the rate mechanism used by the Company to provide direct revenue sharing benefits resulting from the revenue sharing mechanism approved in Order No. 34071. 11. The PCA mechanism utilizes a 12-month test period of April through March (“PCA Year”) and consists of a forecast component and a Balancing Adjustment. The PCA forecast component is based on the Company’s March Operating Plan and represents the difference between the NPSE forecast in the March Operating Plan and the base level NPSE recovered in the Company’s base rates. The Balancing Adjustment includes a backward-looking tracking of differences between the prior PCA Year’s forecast and actual NPSE incurred by the Company, and also tracks the collection of the prior year’s Balancing Adjustment. 12. With the exception of Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (“PURPA”) expenses and demand response incentive costs, the PCA allows the Company to pass through to Idaho customers 95 percent of the annual differences in actual NPSE as compared to the base level NPSE, whether positive or negative. APPLICATION - 6 13. Forecast. The testimony of Ms. Brady describes and computes the PCA rate to be effective June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023. The system-level forecast of NPSE for the 2022-2023 PCA Year is $498,834,556, which is $193,149,687 higher than the currently approved base level NPSE of $305,684,869. The 2022-2023 PCA forecast component to be collected from Idaho customers is $178,795,145. As described in the testimony of Ms. Brady, the system-level forecast of NPSE for the 2022-2023 PCA Year is $56,477,149 higher than last year’s forecast amount of $442,357,407. This year, due to an expected reduction in hydro generation and increase in both natural gas prices and market energy prices, the Company expects to increase coal generation for load service as well as off-system surplus sales. 14. Balancing Adjustment. Per Order 35290, the “true-up” and the “true-up of the true-up” have been combined into a single Balancing Adjustment. In addition to the NPSE incurred during the April 2021 through March 2022 period, Idaho Power included its actual cost of Western Energy Imbalance Market (“EIM”) participation for April 2021 through March 2022 in the Balancing Adjustment as approved by Commission Order No. 34100. Benefits associated with EIM participation are embedded in actual NPSE experienced over that same period. 15. The PCA Balancing Adjustment deferral balance at the end of March 2022, with interest applied, was approximately $38.7 million. This balance was primarily driven by a decrease in actual hydro generation from expected as well as higher than forecast market purchases, offset by increased surplus sales. 16. Combined Uniform PCA Rate. The Company’s uniform PCA rate for the 2022-2023 PCA Year is comprised of (1) the 1.1926 cents per kilowatt-hour (“kWh”) APPLICATION - 7 adjustment for the 2022-2023 projected power cost of serving firm loads under the current PCA methodology and 95 percent sharing and (2) 0.2579 cents per kWh for the 2021- 2022 Balancing Adjustment. The sum of these two components results in an approximate 1.4505 cents per kWh charge for all rate classes. III. REVENUE SHARING 17. The Company’s earnings in each year from 2011 through 2015, as well as 2018, resulted in revenue sharing with Idaho customers totaling $126.2 million, either as a direct rate offset in the PCA or as an offset to amounts that would have otherwise been collected in rates. The Company’s earnings in 2016, 2017, 2019, and 2020 were below the revenue sharing threshold. As described in greater detail in the direct testimony of Ms. Brady, the Company’s 2021 Idaho jurisdictional year-end ROE was 10.02 percent. In accordance with the terms of the modified revenue sharing mechanism approved by Order No. 34071, the Company’s Idaho jurisdictional year-end ROE was above the 10.0 percent ROE threshold for revenue sharing. Therefore, the 2022-2023 PCA will include a revenue sharing component of $568,771. IV. CUMULATIVE PROPOSED JUNE 1, 2022, RATE CHANGES 18. PCA. The 2022-2023 total PCA amount, as measured from the currently approved base level NPSE, including the revenue sharing provision, is $216.9 million. This represents an increase in total billed revenue of $103.4 million, an increase of 8.27 percent, for Idaho customers, effective June 2022 through May 2023. 19. Fixed Cost Adjustment (“FCA”). On March 15, 2022, Idaho Power filed its annual FCA in Case No. IPC-E-22-07. The Company’s 2022 FCA filing proposes a $4.9 million decrease in current billed revenue, or a 0.81 percent decrease, for Idaho APPLICATION - 8 Residential and Small General Service customers, effective June 2022 through May 2023. 20. Jim Bridger Power Plant (“Bridger”) Cost Recovery Request. On June 3, 2021, Idaho Power filed an application to increase rates to accelerate the depreciation schedule for all coal-related investments at Bridger and establish a balancing account to track the incremental costs and benefits associated with Idaho Power’s cessation of coal- fired operations at the plant. On February 16, 2022, the Company filed an amended request to reflect changes resulting from the expected conversion of Bridger Units 1 and 2 to natural gas in accordance with the results of the 2021 Integrated Resource Plan. If the amended request is approved as filed, the filing would result in an increase of total billed revenue of $27.1 million, an increase of 2.17 percent, for Idaho customers, beginning June 1, 2022. 21. Combined Effect of the PCA, FCA, and Bridger Filings. If the proposed PCA, FCA, and Bridger rate changes are approved as filed, the combined impact is an overall increase in current billed revenue of $125.6 million, or 10.05 percent, for June 2022 through May 2023. 22. Attachment 1 to this Application is Idaho Power’s proposed IPUC No. 29, Tariff No. 101, in both clean and legislative formats, which contains the tariff sheets specifying the proposed Schedule 55 rates for providing retail electric service to its customers in the state of Idaho for June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023. 23. Attachment 2 to this Application contains a summary of revenue impact showing the effect to each customer class of applying the Company’s proposed PCA APPLICATION - 9 rates that collect $103.4 million more, from June 2022 through May 2023, than the PCA rates currently in effect. 24. Rate Mitigation. Due to the magnitude of the requested increase, Idaho Power considered proposing rate mitigation measures as part of this filing. As detailed in the testimony of Ms. Brady, it has not done so for several reasons. The Company believes that customer interests are generally best served by matching cost recovery as closely as possible with the period in which power supply costs are incurred. Additionally, mitigating rate impacts by spreading recovery over multiple years creates the possibility that the deferred collection will result in “rate pancaking” with potential future rate increases, essentially deferring an increase in the current year to create an even larger increase in the future. The Company also considered prior Commission orders concerning use of rate mitigation measures in the PCA. In orders from the 2008, 2009, 2013, and 2020 PCA cases in which rate mitigation was discussed, the Commission declined to adopt any rate mitigation measures, primarily for the same concerns surrounding rate pancaking, appropriate matching of costs and recovery, and the overall intent of the PCA mechanism. Order Nos. 30563, 30828, 32821, and 34682. 25. While the Company is not proposing any rate mitigation measures in this filing, it is open to discussing these measures if the Commission determines they may be appropriate. A two-year recovery period, for example, would reduce the rate impact from the proposed $103.4 million, or 8.27 percent increase, to an approximate $50 million, or slightly more than 4 percent, annual increase in collection spread over two years. APPLICATION - 10 V. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 26. Idaho Power believes that a technical hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented herein and respectfully requests that this Application be processed under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submissions rather than by hearing. RP 201, et seq. If, however, the Commission determines that a technical hearing is required, the Company stands ready to present its testimony and support the Application in such hearing. VI. COMMUNICATIONS AND SERVICE OF PLEADINGS 27. In conformance with RP 125, this Application will be brought to the attention of Idaho Power’s customers by means of a press release to media in the Company’s service area and a customer notice distributed in customers’ bills, both of which accompany this filing. To ensure that all customers are notified in a timely manner and have sufficient time to submit comments, Idaho Power is sending a direct mail postcard to a subset of customers that receive their bill toward the end of the processing time for this case. As such, a bill insert and/or the direct mail postcard will be mailed no later than May 20, 2022. 28. The Company has also prominently displayed its intent to file the PCA on its website since March 15, 2022. Upon filing of this Application, this web graphic will link directly to the PCA press release and bill insert. Idaho Power will also keep its Application, testimonies, and exhibits open for public inspection at its offices throughout the state of Idaho. Idaho Power asserts that this notice procedure satisfies the Rules of Procedure of this Commission; however, the Company will, in the alternative, bring the APPLICATION - 11 Application to the attention of its affected customers through any other means directed by this Commission. 29. Communications and service of pleadings with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Lisa Nordstrom Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 lnordstrom@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com Matthew T. Larkin Timothy E. Tatum Jessi Brady Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 mlarkin@idahopower.com ttatum@idahopower.com brad idahopower.com VII. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 30. As discussed in greater detail above, Idaho Power respectfully requests that the Commission issue an order approving an update to Schedule 55 based on the quantification of the 2022-2023 PCA, resulting in an overall increase to current billed revenue of approximately $103.4 million to become effective June 1, 2022. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 15th day of April 2022. ________________________________ LISA D. NORDSTROM Attorney for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 PROPOSED TARIFF (Clean and legislative formats) CLEAN FORMAT Idaho Power Company Seventeenth Revised Sheet No. 55-1 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Sixteenth Revised Sheet No. 55-1 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – June 1, 2022 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT APPLICABILITY This schedule is applicable to the electric energy delivered to all Idaho retail Customers served under the Company’s schedules and Special Contracts. These loads are referred to as "firm" load for purposes of this schedule. BASE POWER COST AND PROJECTED POWER COST The Base Power Cost of the Company's rates, expressed in cents per kWh, is computed by dividing the sum of the Company's power cost components by firm kWh sales. The power cost components are segmented into three categories as described in the table below: The Projected Power Cost is the Company estimate, expressed in cents per kWh, of the power cost components for the forecasted time period beginning April 1 each year and ending the following March 31. BALANCING ADJUSTMENT The Balancing Adjustment is based upon the differences between previous Projected Power Cost and the power costs actually incurred. The Balancing Adjustment is 0.2579 cents per kWh. EARNINGS SHARING Order Nos. 30978, 32424, 33149, and 34071 directed the Company to share a portion of its earnings above a certain threshold with customers through the annual Power Cost Adjustment. The Company’s 2021 earnings were above the prescribed threshold resulting in a credit of 0.0038 cents per kWh. Idaho Power Company Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 55-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 55-2 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – June 1, 2022 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) POWER COST ADJUSTMENT The Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) is the sum of: 1) 95 percent of the difference between the Projected Power Costs in Category 1 and the Base Power Costs in Category 1; 2) 100 percent of the difference between the Projected Power Costs in Category 2 and the Base Power Costs in Category 2; 3) 100 percent of the difference between the Projected Power Costs in Category 3 and the Base Power Costs in Category 3; 4) the Balancing Adjustment; and 5) Earnings Sharing. The following table calculates the rates for Categories 1, 2 and 3. The following table shows the determination of PCA rates for Categories 1, 2, and 3: Category Description Base Power Cost Projected Power Cost Difference Sharing % Rate (¢ per kWh) 1 The sum of fuel expense and purchased power expense (excluding purchases from cogeneration and small power producers), less the sum of off- system surplus sales revenue and revenue from market-based special contract pricing. 1.0234 1.7726 0.7492 95% 0.7117 2 Purchased power expense from cogeneration and small power producers. 0.8531 1.3549 0.5018 100% 0.5018 3 Demand response incentive payments. 0.0751 0.0541 -0.0209 100% -0.0209 Total 1.9516 3.1816 1.2301 1.1926 Idaho Power Company Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 55-3 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Tenth Revised Sheet No. 55-3 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – June 1, 2022 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) The monthly Power Cost Adjustment rates applied to the Energy rate of all metered schedules and Special Contracts are shown below. The monthly Power Cost Adjustment applied to the per unit charges of the nonmetered schedules is the monthly estimated usage times the cents per kWh rates shown below. Schedule Category Balancing djustment Earnings Sharing Total PCA 1 2 3 1 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0047) 1.4458 3 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0045) 1.4460 5 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0045) 1.4460 6 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0047) 1.4458 7 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0059) 1.4446 8 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0059) 1.4446 9S 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0035) 1.4470 9P 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0031) 1.4474 9T 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0035) 1.4470 15 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0122) 1.4383 19S 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0035) 1.4470 19P 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0027) 1.4478 19T 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0025) 1.4480 24 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0038) 1.4467 40 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0042) 1.4463 41 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0074) 1.4431 42 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 (0.0030) 1.4475 26 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 * 1.4505 29 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 * 1.4505 30 0.7117 0.5018 (0.0209) 0.2579 * 1.4505 * Earnings Sharing Credits are applied as monthly amounts per the table below. Schedule Special Contract Monthly Credit 26 Micron ($1,307.24) 29 Simplot ($328.56) 30 DOE ($432.24) EXPIRATION The Power Cost Adjustment included on this schedule will expire May 31, 2023. LEGISLATIVE FORMAT Idaho Power CompanySixteenth Seventeenth Revised Sheet No. 55-1 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Fifteenth Sixteenth Revised Sheet No. 55-1 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35290 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – January 10, 2022June 1, 2022 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT APPLICABILITY This schedule is applicable to the electric energy delivered to all Idaho retail Customers served under the Company’s schedules and Special Contracts. These loads are referred to as "firm" load for purposes of this schedule. BASE POWER COST AND PROJECTED POWER COST The Base Power Cost of the Company's rates, expressed in cents per kWh, is computed by dividing the sum of the Company's power cost components by firm kWh sales. The power cost components are segmented into three categories as described in the table below: The Projected Power Cost is the Company estimate, expressed in cents per kWh, of the power cost components for the forecasted time period beginning April 1 each year and ending the following March 31. BALANCING ADJUSTMENT The Balancing Adjustment is based upon the differences between previous Projected Power Cost and the power costs actually incurred. The Balancing Adjustment is (0.21222579) cents per kWh. EARNINGS SHARING Order Nos. 30978, 32424, 33149, and 34071 directed the Company to share a portion of its earnings above a certain threshold with customers through the annual Power Cost Adjustment. The Company’s 20201 earnings were below above the prescribed threshold resulting in a credit of 0.0000 0038 cents per kWh. Idaho Power Company Eleventh Twelfth Revised Sheet No. 55-2 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101Tenth Eleventh Revised Sheet No. 55-2 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35290 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – January 10, 2022June 1, 2022 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) POWER COST ADJUSTMENT The Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) is the sum of: 1) 95 percent of the difference between the Projected Power Costs in Category 1 and the Base Power Costs in Category 1; 2) 100 percent of the difference between the Projected Power Costs in Category 2 and the Base Power Costs in Category 2; 3) 100 percent of the difference between the Projected Power Costs in Category 3 and the Base Power Costs in Category 3; 4) the Balancing Adjustment; and 5) Earnings Sharing. The following table calculates the rates for Categories 1, 2 and 3. The following table shows the determination of PCA rates for Categories 1, 2, and 3: Category Description Base Power Cost Projected Power Cost Difference Sharing % Rate (¢ per kWh) 1 The sum of fuel expense and purchased power expense (excluding purchases from cogeneration and small power producers), less the sum of off- system surplus sales revenue and revenue from market-based special contract pricing. 1.06120234 1.51747726 0.45627492 95% 0.43347117 2 Purchased power expense from cogeneration and small power producers. 0.88468531 1.355749 0.47115018 100% 0.47115018 3 Demand response incentive payments. 0.077951 0.052741 -0.025209 100% -0.02520209 Total 2.02371.9516 2.92583.1816 0.90211.2301 0.87931.1926 Idaho Power Company TenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 55-3 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Ninth Tenth Revised Sheet No. 55-3 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35290 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – January 10, 2022June 1, 2022 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE 55 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (Continued) The monthly Power Cost Adjustment rates applied to the Energy rate of all metered schedules and Special Contracts are shown below. The monthly Power Cost Adjustment applied to the per unit charges of the nonmetered schedules is the monthly estimated usage times the cents per kWh rates shown below. Schedule Category Balancing djustment Earnings Sharing Total PCA 1 2 3 1 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0047)- 0.75711.4458 3 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0045)- 0.75711.4460 5 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0045)- 01.75714460 6 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0047)- 01.75714458 7 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0059)- 01.75714446 8 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0059)- 01.75714446 9S 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0035)- 01.75714470 9P 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0031)- 01.75714474 9T 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0035)- 01.75714470 15 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0122)- 01.75714383 19S 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0035)- 01.75714470 19P 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0027)- 01.75714478 19T 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0025)- 01.75714480 24 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0038)- 01.75714467 40 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0042)- 10.75714463 41 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0074)- 01.75714431 42 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) (0.0030)- 01.75714475 26 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) * 01.75714505 29 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) * 01.75714505 30 0.43347117 0.47115018 (0.0252209) (0.12222579) * 01.75714505 * Earnings Sharing Credits are applied as monthly amounts per the table below., and are currently $0.00 per month. Schedule Special Contract Monthly Credit 26 Micron ($1,307.24) Idaho Power Company TenthEleventh Revised Sheet No. 55-3 Cancels I.P.U.C. No. 29, Tariff No. 101 Ninth Tenth Revised Sheet No. 55-3 IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANY Issued per Order No. 35290 Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Effective – January 10, 2022June 1, 2022 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 29 Simplot ($328.56) 30 DOE ($432.24) EXPIRATION The Power Cost Adjustment included on this schedule will expire May 31, 20223. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2 2022 PCA Revenue Impact Summary Total Percent Rate Average Normalized Current Adjustments Proposed Change Line Sch. Number of Energy Billed Mills to Billed Total Billed Mills Billed to Billed No Tariff Description No.Customers (kWh) Revenue Per kWh Revenue Revenue Per kWh Revenue Uniform Tariff Rates: 1 Residential Service 1 490,293 5,458,972,074 $573,825,900 105.12 $37,595,977 $611,421,877 112.00 6.55% 2 Master Metered Mobile Home Park 3 21 4,521,955 $454,030 100.41 $31,154 $485,184 107.30 6.86% 3 Residential Service Energy Watch 4 0 0 $0 0.00 $0 $0 0.00 N/A 4 Residential Service Time-of-Day 5 988 17,662,331 $1,788,337 101.25 $121,677 $1,910,014 108.14 6.80% 5 Residential Service On-Site Generation 6 12,024 65,895,664 $7,342,186 111.42 $453,824 $7,796,010 118.31 6.18% 6 Small General Service 7 30,348 137,395,735 $18,011,465 131.09 $944,531 $18,955,996 137.97 5.24% 7 Small General Service On-Site Generation 8 80 190,425 $27,285 143.29 $1,309 $28,594 150.16 4.80% 8 Large General Service 9 37,919 3,900,728,491 $290,148,866 74.38 $26,912,491 $317,061,357 81.28 9.28% 9 Dusk to Dawn Lighting 15 0 5,267,423 $1,278,806 242.78 $35,882 $1,314,688 249.59 2.81% 10 Large Power Service 19 116 2,391,392,176 $141,697,963 59.25 $16,517,816 $158,215,779 66.16 11.66% 11 Agricultural Irrigation Service 24 19,120 1,897,512,119 $154,754,865 81.56 $13,084,541 $167,839,405 88.45 8.46% 12 Unmetered General Service 40 1,663 13,925,301 $1,229,632 88.30 $95,975 $1,325,607 95.19 7.81% 13 Street Lighting 41 2,980 23,760,014 $3,589,588 151.08 $162,984 $3,752,572 157.94 4.54% 14 Traffic Control Lighting 42 766 2,847,961 $184,266 64.70 $19,663 $203,929 71.61 10.67% 15 Total Uniform Tariffs 596,318 13,920,071,669 $1,194,333,190 85.80 $95,977,822 $1,290,311,012 92.69 8.04% 16 Total Special Contracts 3 1,071,974,663 $55,966,760 52.21 $7,408,256 $63,375,016 59.12 13.24% 17 Total Idaho Retail Sales 596,321 14,992,046,332 $1,250,299,949 83.40 $103,386,078 $1,353,686,028 90.29 8.27% (1) June 01, 2022 - May 31, 2023 Forecasted Test Year (Spring 2022 Forecast) (2) Percentage impact does not include components which are applied as percentages, Riders and Franchise Fees. Idaho Power Company Calculation of Revenue Impact 2022-2023 State of Idaho Power Cost Adjustment & Revenue Sharing Filed April 15, 2022 Summary of Revenue Impact Current Billed Revenue to Proposed Billed Revenue Percent Rate Average Normalized Current Adjustments Proposed Change Line Sch. Number of Energy Billed Mills to Billed Total Billed Mills Billed to Billed (2) No Tariff Description No. Customers (1) (kWh) (1) Revenue Per kWh Revenue Revenue Per kWh Revenue Uniform Tariff Rates: 1 Large General Secondary 9S 37,635 3,304,176,840 $250,044,987 75.68 $22,794,458 $272,839,444 82.57 9.12% 2 Large General Primary 9P 280 592,994,508 $39,836,749 67.18 $4,093,492 $43,930,241 74.08 10.28% 3 Large General Transmission 9T 4 3,557,143 $267,131 75.10 $24,541 $291,671 82.00 9.19% 4 Total Schedule 9 37,919 3,900,728,491 $290,148,866 74.38 $26,912,491 $317,061,357 81.28 9.28% 6 Large Power Secondary 19S 0 0 $0 0.00 $0 $0 0.00 0.00% 7 Large Power Primary 19P 114 2,358,498,546 $139,847,426 59.30 $16,290,562 $156,137,988 66.20 11.65% 8 Large Power Transmission 19T 2 32,893,630 $1,850,537 56.26 $227,254 $2,077,791 63.17 12.28% 9 Total Schedule 19 116 2,391,392,176 $141,697,963 59.25 $16,517,816 $158,215,779 66.16 11.66% 11 Irrigation Secondary 24S 19,120 1,897,512,119 $154,754,865 81.56 $13,084,541 $167,839,405 88.45 8.46% 12 Irrigation Transmission 24T 0 0 $0 0.00 $0 $0 0.00 0.00% 13 Total Schedule 24 19,120 1,897,512,119 $154,754,865 81.56 $13,084,541 $167,839,405 88.45 8.46% (1) June 01, 2022 - May 31, 2023 Forecasted Test Year (Spring 2022 Forecast) (2) Percentage impact does not include components which are applied as percentages, Riders and Franchise Fees. Filed April 15, 2022 Summary of Revenue Impact - Rates 9, 19, and 24 Distribution Level Detail Current Billed Revenue to Proposed Billed Revenue Idaho Power Company Calculation of Revenue Impact 2022-2023 State of Idaho Power Cost Adjustment & Revenue Sharing Thank you for reading this notice. We value your business. ©2022 Idaho Power Printed on recycled paper. XXXXX-I-XXXX Oxbow Power PlantOxbow Power Plant Opportunities for Public Review Idaho Power’s proposal is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of the application are available to the public at the IPUC offices (11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, ID 83714), Idaho Power offices, or at idahopower.com or puc.idaho.gov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC’s RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding Idaho Power’s proposal may be filed with the IPUC. Idaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment Idaho Power has filed the final piece of its annual spring cost adjustments with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). This year’s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calls for a price increase across all customer classes as a result of higher power costs related to last summer’s unprecedented heatwave and lower hydro generation because of drought conditions. Neither Idaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financial return from this filing, which is a request for $103.4 million. The money collected is used solely to recover expenses associated with annual fluctuations in power costs. The overall impact to residential customer bills on June 1 depends on the outcome of three filings: • The annual PCA, filed today, is a cost-recovery tool that passes on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to Idaho Power customers. If the PCA proposal is approved by the IPUC as filed, the typical Idaho residential customer using 950 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per month will see a $6.54 increase on their bill related to this request. • The annual Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA), filed in March and applicable to only residential and small commercial customers, adjusts prices based on changes in energy use per customer during the previous year. If the FCA proposal is approved as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer will see a $0.81 decrease on their bill related to this request. • Idaho Power has requested a price increase to collect the cost of an accelerated depreciation schedule for all coal-related investments at the Jim Bridger Power Plant in Wyoming. If approved as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer will see a $2.07 increase on their bill related to this request. The impact of these three filings for all Idaho customers is shown in the table below. A typical Idaho residential customer will see an overall monthly increase of $7.80. The actual percentage of change will depend on a customer’s classification and the rate they pay. The PCA has two main components: the forecast and the backward-looking balancing adjustment. The forecast reflects Idaho Power’s anticipated fuel costs, purchased power costs and customer benefits from sales of surplus energy for the coming April through March. The balancing adjustment brings last year’s forecasted costs in balance with costs actually incurred by Idaho Power by looking back at what happened the previous April through March. The increase in this year’s PCA is attributed to last year’s actual power supply costs, which exceeded the forecast, driven by lower-than-expected hydro generation, high natural gas prices and high market prices. Idaho Power experienced higher power costs than it has in the past due to the record-setting heat wave of summer 2021, during which the company exceeded its previous all-time peak load for five consecutive days. This year’s PCA forecast also reflects expected increases to costs primarily due to continued drought conditions, which would result in less low-cost hydro generation available to serve customers, and higher costs associated with power purchase agreements under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). 2022 RATE FILINGS PERCENTAGE CHANGE FROM CURRENT BILLED REVENUE Overall Percentage Impact Residential Small General Service Large General Service1 Large Power2 Irrigation POWER COST ADJUSMENT (PCA)3 8.27%6.55%5.24%9.18%12.10%8.46% FIXED COST ADJUSMENT (FCA) -0.39%-0.81%-0.82%N/A N/A N/A BRIDGER 2.17%2.08%1.99%2.24%2.23%2.30% COMBINED IMPACT4 10.05%7.82%6.41%11.43%14.33%10.75% 1 Includes lighting schedules; ² Includes special contracts; ³ Includes revenue sharing; 4 Totals may not sum due to rounding Oxbow Power Plant Thank you for reading this notice. We value your business. ©2022 Idaho Power Printed on recycled paper. XXXXX-I-XXXX Oxbow Power PlantOxbow Power Plant Opportunities for Public Review Idaho Power’s proposal is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of the application are available to the public at the IPUC offices (11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, ID 83714), Idaho Power offices, or at idahopower.com or puc.idaho.gov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC’s RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding Idaho Power’s proposal may be filed with the IPUC. Idaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment Idaho Power has filed the final piece of its annual spring cost adjustments with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). This year’s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calls for a price increase across all customer classes as a result of higher power costs related to last summer’s unprecedented heatwave and lower hydro generation because of drought conditions. Neither Idaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financial return from this filing, which is a request for $103.4 million. The money collected is used solely to recover expenses associated with annual fluctuations in power costs. The overall impact to residential customer bills on June 1 depends on the outcome of three filings: • The annual PCA, filed today, is a cost-recovery tool that passes on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to Idaho Power customers. If the PCA proposal is approved by the IPUC as filed, the typical Idaho residential customer using 950 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per month will see a $6.54 increase on their bill related to this request. • The annual Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA), filed in March and applicable to only residential and small commercial customers, adjusts prices based on changes in energy use per customer during the previous year. If the FCA proposal is approved as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer will see a $0.81 decrease on their bill related to this request. • Idaho Power has requested a price increase to collect the cost of an accelerated depreciation schedule for all coal-related investments at the Jim Bridger Power Plant in Wyoming. If approved as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer will see a $2.07 increase on their bill related to this request. The impact of these three filings for all Idaho customers is shown in the table below. A typical Idaho residential customer will see an overall monthly increase of $7.80. The actual percentage of change will depend on a customer’s classification and the rate they pay. The PCA has two main components: the forecast and the backward-looking balancing adjustment. The forecast reflects Idaho Power’s anticipated fuel costs, purchased power costs and customer benefits from sales of surplus energy for the coming April through March. The balancing adjustment brings last year’s forecasted costs in balance with costs actually incurred by Idaho Power by looking back at what happened the previous April through March. The increase in this year’s PCA is attributed to last year’s actual power supply costs, which exceeded the forecast, driven by lower-than-expected hydro generation, high natural gas prices and high market prices. Idaho Power experienced higher power costs than it has in the past due to the record-setting heat wave of summer 2021, during which the company exceeded its previous all-time peak load for five consecutive days. This year’s PCA forecast also reflects expected increases to costs primarily due to continued drought conditions, which would result in less low-cost hydro generation available to serve customers, and higher costs associated with power purchase agreements under the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 (PURPA). 2022 RATE FILINGS PERCENTAGE CHANGE FROM CURRENT BILLED REVENUE Overall Percentage Impact Residential Small General Service Large General Service1 Large Power2 Irrigation POWER COST ADJUSMENT (PCA)3 8.27%6.55%5.24%9.18%12.10%8.46% FIXED COST ADJUSMENT (FCA) -0.39%-0.81%-0.82%N/A N/A N/A BRIDGER 2.17%2.08%1.99%2.24%2.23%2.30% COMBINED IMPACT4 10.05%7.82%6.41%11.43%14.33%10.75% 1 Includes lighting schedules; ² Includes special contracts; ³ Includes revenue sharing; 4 Totals may not sum due to rounding Oxbow Power Plant       Idaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment  April 15, 2022  BOISE, Idaho — Idaho Power has filed the final piece of its annual spring cost adjustments with the  Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). This year’s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calls for a price  increase across all customer classes as a result of higher power costs related to last summer’s  unprecedented heatwave and lower hydro generation because of drought conditions.   Neither Idaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financial return from this filing, which is a request  for $103.4 million. The money collected is used solely to recover expenses associated with annual  fluctuations in power costs.   “We are sensitive to the impacts rate increases have on our customers and work hard to serve our  growing number of customers with prices that remain 20% to 30% lower than the rest of the nation,”  said Ryan Adelman, Vice President for Power Supply. “Unfortunately, the drought and last summer’s  record heatwave resulted in higher‐than‐expected overall power supply costs. Recovering these costs  helps us maintain the reliable service our customers depend on.”   The overall impact to residential customer bills on June 1 depends on the outcome of three filings:    The annual PCA, filed today, is a cost‐recovery tool that passes on both the benefits and costs of  supplying energy to Idaho Power customers. If the PCA proposal is approved by the IPUC as  filed, the typical Idaho residential customer using 950 kilowatt‐hours (kWh) of energy per month  will see a $6.54 increase on their bill related to this request.      The annual Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA), filed in March and applicable to only residential and  small commercial customers, adjusts prices based on changes in energy use per customer during  the previous year. If the FCA proposal is approved as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer  will see a $0.81 decrease on their bill related to this request.     Idaho Power has requested a price increase to collect the cost of an accelerated depreciation  schedule for all coal‐related investments at the Jim Bridger Power Plant in Wyoming. If approved  as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer will see a $2.07 increase on their bill related to this  request.  The impact of these three filings for all Idaho customers is shown in the table below. A typical Idaho  residential customer will see an overall monthly increase of $7.80. The actual percentage of change will  depend on a customer’s classification and the rate they pay.             2022 RATE FILINGS  Percentage Change from Current Billed Revenue  Filing Overall  Percentage  Impact    Residential  Small  General  Service   Large  General  Service 1  Large Power 2 Irrigation   PCA3 8.27% 6.55% 5.24% 9.18% 12.10% 8.46%  FCA  ‐0.39%  ‐0.81%  ‐0.82% N/A N/A N/A  Bridger  2.17% 2.08% 1.99% 2.24% 2.23% 2.30%  Combined  Impact 4  10.05% 7.82% 6.41% 11.43% 14.33% 10.75%  1 Includes lighting schedules; 2 Includes special contracts; 3 Includes revenue sharing; 4 Totals may not  sum due to rounding   The PCA has two main components: the forecast and the backward‐looking balancing adjustment. The  forecast reflects Idaho Power’s anticipated fuel costs, purchased power costs and customer benefits  from sales of surplus energy for the coming April through March. The balancing adjustment brings last  year’s forecasted costs in balance with costs actually incurred by Idaho Power by looking back at what  happened the previous April through March.   The increase in this year’s PCA is attributed to last year’s actual power supply costs, which exceeded the  forecast, driven by lower‐than‐expected hydro generation, high natural gas prices and high market  prices. Idaho Power experienced higher power costs than it has in the past due to the record‐setting  heat wave of summer 2021, during which the company exceeded its previous all‐time peak load for five  consecutive days.  This year’s PCA forecast also reflects expected increases to costs primarily due to continued drought  conditions, which would result in less low‐cost hydro generation available to serve customers, and  higher costs associated with power purchase agreements under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act  of 1978 (PURPA).  Opportunities for Public Review   Idaho Power’s proposal is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of the application  are available to the public at the IPUC offices (11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201‐A, Boise, ID  83714), Idaho Power offices, or at idahopower.com or puc.idaho.gov. Customers also may subscribe to  the IPUC’s RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding  Idaho Power’s proposal may be filed with the IPUC.  About Idaho Power  Idaho Power, headquartered in vibrant and fast‐growing Boise, Idaho, has been a locally operated  energy company since 1916. Today, it serves a 24,000‐square‐mile area in Idaho and Oregon.       The company’s goal to provide 100% clean energy by 2045 builds on its long history as a clean‐energy  leader that provides reliable service at affordable prices. With 17 low‐cost hydroelectric projects at the  core of its diverse energy mix, Idaho Power’s residential, business and agricultural customers pay among  the nation’s lowest prices for electricity. Its 2,000 employees proudly serve more than 600,000  customers with a culture of safety first, integrity always and respect for all.  IDACORP Inc. (NYSE: IDA), Idaho Power’s independent publicly traded parent company, is also  headquartered in Boise, Idaho. To learn more, visit idahopower.com or idacorpinc.com.  Jordan Rodriguez  Communications Specialist  jrodriguez@idahopower.com  208‐388‐2460  BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (“PCA”) RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM JUNE 1, 2022, THROUGH MAY 31, 2023. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JESSICA G. BRADY BRADY, DI 1 Idaho Power Company Q. Please state your name, business address, and 1 present position with Idaho Power Company (“Idaho Power” or 2 “Company”). 3 A. My name is Jessica G. Brady. My business 4 address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. I 5 am employed by Idaho Power as a Regulatory Analyst in the 6 Regulatory Affairs Department. 7 Q. Please describe your educational background. 8 A. In May of 2016, I received a Bachelor of 9 Science degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Arts degree 10 in Spanish from the University of Idaho. I have also 11 attended “Electric Utility Fundamentals & Insights,” an 12 electric utility course offered through the Western Energy 13 Institute. 14 Q. Please describe your work experience. 15 A. In September 2021, I was hired as a Regulatory 16 Analyst in Idaho Power’s Regulatory Affairs Department. As 17 a Regulatory Analyst, I provide support for the Company’s 18 regulatory activities, including compliance reporting, 19 financial analysis, and the development of revenue 20 forecasts for regulatory filings. I am also responsible for 21 the Company’s power cost filings in both Idaho and Oregon. 22 Prior to Idaho Power, I worked for five years at 23 Clearwater Analytics, a provider of investment accounting 24 and reporting software. I held various roles at Clearwater 25 BRADY, DI 2 Idaho Power Company Analytics but was primarily focused on customer success and 1 relationship management. I gained a breadth of knowledge in 2 investments and the use of proprietary software to 3 streamline the operations of a company’s finance and 4 accounting teams. I spent my last year at Clearwater 5 developing a training program focused on providing new 6 hires with the technical skills to be successful in an 7 operations role. 8 Q. What is the Company requesting in this case? 9 A. The Company is requesting approval of its 10 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment (“PCA”) rates to become 11 effective June 1, 2022. If approved, the 2022-2023 PCA 12 will result in an increase in total billed revenue of 13 approximately $103.4 million, or 8.27 percent. 14 Q. How is your testimony organized? 15 A. My testimony consists of four sections. In the 16 first section, I provide an overview of the PCA. In the 17 second section, I detail the 2022-2023 PCA amount in 18 comparison to last year’s PCA amount, identify and discuss 19 the main factors contributing to this change, and present 20 the quantification of the 2022-2023 PCA rates to become 21 effective June 1, 2022. In the third section, I discuss 22 the additional PCA component related to revenue sharing. In 23 the final section, I detail the net customer impact of the 24 2022-2023 PCA rates if approved as filed. 25 BRADY, DI 3 Idaho Power Company I. PCA OVERVIEW 1 Q. What is the purpose of the PCA? 2 A. The PCA is a rate mechanism that quantifies 3 and tracks annual differences between actual Net Power 4 Supply Expenses (“NPSE”) and the normalized or “base level” 5 of NPSE recovered in the Company’s base rates, resulting in 6 a credit or surcharge that is updated annually on June 1. 7 The PCA mechanism uses a 12-month test period of April 8 through March (“PCA Year”) and includes a forecast 9 component and a Balancing Adjustment, formerly referred to 10 as the “true-up” and the “true-up of the true-up”. The 11 forecast component represents the difference between the 12 Company’s NPSE forecast from the March Operating Plan and 13 base level NPSE recovered in the Company’s base rates. The 14 Balancing Adjustment includes a backward-looking tracking 15 of differences between the prior PCA Year’s forecast and 16 actual NPSE incurred by the Company, and also tracks the 17 collection of the prior year’s Balancing Adjustment. 18 Q. Is the Balancing Adjustment new to this PCA 19 filing? 20 A. Yes. In Order No. 352901, the Idaho Public 21 Utilities Commission (“Commission”) approved a modification 22 1 In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Modification of the Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism, Case No. IPC-E-21- 38, Order No. 35290 (January 10, 2022). BRADY, DI 4 Idaho Power Company to the PCA filing to replace the “true-up” and “true-up of 1 the true-up” with a single Balancing Account. The two 2 “true-up” rates previously included in PCA filings are now 3 combined into one “Balancing Adjustment” rate. It should be 4 noted that this modification solely impacts the presentment 5 of the PCA but has no material impact on the rates charged 6 to customers. 7 Q. How does the PCA mechanism function? 8 A. With the exception of Public Utility 9 Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (“PURPA”) expenses and 10 demand response incentive payments, the PCA allows the 11 Company to pass through to customers 95 percent of the 12 annual differences in actual NPSE as compared with base 13 level NPSE, whether positive or negative. With respect to 14 PURPA expenses and demand response incentive payments, as 15 actual annual expenses deviate from base level NPSE, the 16 Company is allowed to pass 100 percent of the difference 17 for recovery or credit through the PCA. The PCA is also 18 the rate mechanism used by the Company to provide customer 19 benefits resulting from the revenue sharing mechanism 20 approved by the Commission in Order No. 34071. 21 Q. Does the revenue collected from customers 22 through the annual PCA rate contribute toward the Company’s 23 earnings? 24 BRADY, DI 5 Idaho Power Company A. No. The PCA mechanism provides for the annual 1 collection or refund of net power supply cost differences 2 between actual costs incurred by the Company and the base 3 level NPSE component of base rates. Aside from the 95 4 percent to 5 percent sharing component I just described, 5 the PCA provides for a one-for-one collection or refund of 6 actual net power supply expenses incurred, or to be 7 incurred, to provide safe, reliable electric service to 8 customers. 9 Q. What are the components of the PCA base level 10 NPSE? 11 A. The PCA base level NPSE includes the following 12 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) accounts: 13 Account 501, Fuel (coal); Account 536, Water for Power; 14 Account 547, Fuel (gas); Account 555, Purchased Power; 15 Account 565, Transmission of Electricity by Others; and 16 Account 447, Sales for Resale (typically referred to as 17 surplus sales). 18 The PCA base level expense component for FERC 19 Account 555 includes costs of both PURPA and non-PURPA 20 (market) purchases. Per Order No. 32426, the Company 21 adjusts FERC Account 555 to also include demand response 22 incentive payments that the Company provides to customers 23 who participate in any of its three demand response 24 programs. 25 BRADY, DI 6 Idaho Power Company II. 2022-2023 PCA 1 Q. What is the total PCA collection that would 2 result under the 2022-2023 PCA rates proposed by the 3 Company in this case? 4 A. The 2022-2023 PCA rates would result in total 5 PCA collection of $216.9 million. This represents an 6 increase in total billed revenue of $103.4 million for the 7 upcoming year, an increase of 8.27 percent. 8 Q. Have you prepared a table that details the 9 $103.4 million revenue impact by component? 10 A. Yes. Table 1 presents a separation of the 11 $103.4 million increase into each component included in the 12 Company’s proposed rates. 13 Table 1 Revenue Impact by Component         Line No. Rate Component 2021‐2022 PCA 2022‐2023 PCA Difference  1 PCA Forecast   $           131,825,063    $     178,795,145    $            46,970,081   2 PCA Balancing Adjustment   $           (18,320,281)   $       38,664,487    $            56,984,768   3 PCA Total   $           113,504,783    $     217,459,632    $          103,954,849   4 Revenue Sharing   $                               0     $          (568,771)   $               (568,771)  4 Total Revenue Impact   $           113,504,783    $     216,890,861    $          103,386,078   14 Q. What are the main factors driving the revenue 15 change requested in this case? 16 A. The increase in this year’s PCA is attributed 17 to an increase in both the forecast component and the 18 Balancing Adjustment. The increase in this year’s forecast 19 component is attributed to lower expected hydro generation, 20 BRADY, DI 7 Idaho Power Company higher market energy prices, and higher natural gas prices, 1 which will be discussed in detail later in this testimony. 2 This year’s PCA Balancing Adjustment is 3 approximately $38.7 million, which is $57.0 million higher 4 than last year’s Balancing Adjustment, which was a credit 5 of $18.3 million. This year’s Balancing Adjustment 6 demonstrates that actual power supply costs for the 2021-7 2022 PCA Year were higher than the forecast power supply 8 costs included in last year’s PCA forecast. 9 A. PCA Forecast. 10 Q. How is the PCA forecast amount determined? 11 A. As described previously, the PCA forecast 12 component represents the difference between the Company’s 13 forecast of NPSE for the upcoming April – March test year 14 and base level NPSE recovered in the Company’s base rates. 15 Q. What is the Company’s determination of the 16 system-level difference between currently approved base 17 level NPSE2 and the forecast of NPSE for the 2022-2023 PCA 18 Year? 19 A. The system-level forecast of NPSE for the 20 2022-2023 PCA Year is $498,834,556, which is $193,149,687 21 higher than the currently approved base level NPSE of 22 $305,684,869. Table 2 presents the system-level 23 2 In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Establish a New Base Level of Net Power Supply Expense, Case No. IPC-E-13-20, Order No. 33000 (March 21, 2014). BRADY, DI 8 Idaho Power Company differences between currently approved base level NPSE and 1 the forecast of NPSE for the 2022-2023 PCA Year by FERC 2 account. 3 Table 2 2022 ‐ 2023 PCA FORECAST  (Total System)            Line No. FERC Account Base NPSE Forecast Difference    95% Sharing Accounts      1 Account 501, Coal   $           108,503,180    $     151,179,160    $            42,675,980   2 Account 536, Water for Power   $               2,380,597    $                         0    $            (2,380,597)  3 Account 547, Other Fuel   $             33,367,563    $       86,983,566    $            53,616,003   4 Account 555, Purchased Power Non‐PURPA   $             62,606,593    $       99,906,480    $            37,299,887   5 Account 565, 3rd Party Transmission    $               5,455,955    $         5,149,239    $               (306,716)  6 Account 447, Surplus Sales    $         (51,735,153)   $    (65,085,848)   $         (13,350,695)        $          160,578,735    $    278,132,598    $         117,553,863             100% Sharing Accounts      7 Account 555, PURPA   $          133,853,869    $    212,586,058    $           78,732,189   8 Account 555, Demand Response Incentives   $            11,252,265    $        8,115,900    $          (3,136,365)  9 Total   $          305,684,869    $   498,834,556    $        193,149,687   4 Q. What is the basis for the forecast of NPSE for 5 the 2022-2023 PCA Year? 6 A. The forecast of NPSE for the 2022-2023 PCA 7 Year is based on the Company’s March 31, 2022, Operating 8 Plan. 9 Q. How is the NPSE forecast developed for the 10 Company’s Operating Plan? 11 A. The Operating Plan is prepared monthly and 12 represents a forecast of the Company’s monthly NPSE for the 13 following 18-month period; however, for the PCA, the 14 Company includes only the 12 months that correspond to the 15 BRADY, DI 9 Idaho Power Company PCA Year. The Operating Plan is developed by simulating 1 the dispatch of the Company’s generation resources for each 2 month, segmented by heavy load and light load hours. The 3 dispatch considers a current forecast of forward market 4 energy prices, available hydro generation, coal and natural 5 gas prices, and any existing hedge transactions. The 6 system load forecast is then analyzed against the resulting 7 monthly heavy load and light load dispatch to determine a 8 monthly load and resource balance. Any identified resource 9 deficiency is assumed to be filled with market energy 10 purchases or natural gas to fuel the Langley Gulch power 11 plant (“Langley Gulch”), based on economics and available 12 generating capacity at Langley Gulch. Economically 13 dispatched generation above the system load forecast 14 represents surplus energy sales. The forecast of monthly 15 NPSE and generation for the 2022-2023 PCA Year, as 16 determined in the Company’s March 31, 2022, Operating Plan, 17 is provided in Exhibit No. 1. 18 Q. Please explain how the Company modeled Bridger 19 Units 1 and 2 in the March 31, 2022 Operating Plan, in 20 light of the ongoing Bridger Regional Haze compliance 21 discussions. 22 A. In light of ongoing discussions with the U.S. 23 Environmental Protection Agency regarding the Wyoming 24 Regional Haze State Implementation Plan (“SIP”), Idaho 25 BRADY, DI 10 Idaho Power Company Power adjusted the availability of Bridger Units 1 and 2 1 within the March Operating Plan. Specifically, the Company 2 modeled Bridger Unit 2 to be available for dispatch at a 25 3 percent level from June – October 2022 to reflect ongoing 4 uncertainty related to these discussions. For the remaining 5 months within the PCA year, Unit 2 is modeled at 6 availability levels that meet the overall plant emissions 7 limits and annual emissions cap as required per the revised 8 SIP. Bridger Unit 1 operations were modeled as available 9 for dispatch at the revised approved SIP levels for the 10 entire 2022-2023 PCA year. 11 Q. How does the Company’s forecast of system-12 level NPSE for the 2022-2023 PCA compare to the system-13 level forecast included in last year’s PCA? 14 A. Table 3 below compares this year’s 2022-2023 15 PCA forecast of NPSE to last year’s PCA forecast by FERC 16 account. As detailed in this table, the PCA forecast on a 17 total system basis for the 2022-2023 PCA Year is 18 $498,834,556, which is $56,477,149 higher than last year’s 19 forecast amount of $442,357,407. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BRADY, DI 11 Idaho Power Company 1 Table 3 PCA Forecast Comparison Expenses  (Total System)            Line No. FERC Account  2021‐2022      Forecast  2022‐2023  Forecast Difference    95% Sharing Accounts      1 Account 501, Coal   $            118,562,796    $       151,179,160    $          32,616,365   2 Account 536, Water for Power   $                                0    $                           0    $                            0   3 Account 547, Other Fuel   $              57,235,044    $         86,983,566    $          29,748,522   4 Account 555, Purchased Power Non‐PURPA   $              74,800,530    $         99,906,480    $          25,105,950   5 Account 565, 3rd Party Transmission    $                4,853,909    $           5,149,239    $               295,331   6 Account 447, Surplus Sales   $           (25,842,225)   $       (65,085,848)   $       (39,243,623)        $            229,610,054    $       278,132,598    $          48,522,544               100% Sharing Accounts      7 Account 555, PURPA   $            205,133,741    $       212,586,058    $            7,452,317   8 Account 555, Demand Response Incentives   $                7,613,612    $           8,115,900    $               502,288         $            212,747,353    $       220,701,958    $            7,954,605             9 Total PCA Forecast   $            442,357,407    $       498,834,556    $          56,477,149   2 Q. What general conclusions can be drawn from the 3 information contained in Table 3? 4 A. When viewed by category, the 95 percent 5 sharing accounts have increased approximately $48.5 million 6 from last year’s forecast, while the 100 percent sharing 7 accounts have increased approximately $8.0 million over 8 last year’s forecast. 9 Q. What factors are contributing to the major 10 differences presented in Table 3? 11 A. Forecast expenses included in the 95 percent 12 sharing accounts are expected to increase by 21 percent as 13 compared to last year, from $229,610,054 to $278,132,598. 14 BRADY, DI 12 Idaho Power Company Due to a reduction in forecast hydro generation, higher 1 forecast market energy prices, and higher forecast natural 2 gas prices, the Company expects to rely more on coal 3 generation to serve load and is expected to increase off-4 system surplus sales. 5 Q. Please elaborate on the changes in the 95 6 percent sharing accounts for this year’s forecast as 7 compared with last year’s forecast. 8 A. In addition to lower forecast hydro 9 generation, which will be discussed in detail later in 10 testimony, higher forecast market energy prices and natural 11 gas prices are contributing to increased generation at the 12 Company’s coal plants, as well as increased off-system 13 surplus sales. 14 For the 2022-2023 PCA Year, the average forecast 15 market purchase price is $49.11 per megawatt-hour (“MWh”), 16 compared to $27.34 per MWh last year, an increase of 80 17 percent. In addition, the per-unit cost of natural gas for 18 the 2022-2023 PCA Year is $34.03 per MWh, an increase of 39 19 percent compared to last year. As a result of higher market 20 energy prices and natural gas prices, coal generation 21 becomes more economic. The average per-unit cost of coal-22 fired generation is $29.74 per MWh, which is a 10 percent 23 decrease from last year. Accordingly, expenses from market 24 purchases are expected to increase 91 percent as compared 25 BRADY, DI 13 Idaho Power Company to last year’s forecast, natural gas expense is expected to 1 increase 52 percent, and coal fuel expense is expected to 2 increase 28 percent. 3 The increase in forecast market energy prices is 4 also resulting in higher surplus sales revenue. Surplus 5 sales revenue is expected to increase 152 percent compared 6 to last year, from $25,842,225 to $65,085,848. For the 7 2022-2023 PCA Year, the average forecast market sales price 8 is $51.73 per MWh compared with $34.23 last year, a 51 9 percent increase. 10 Q. What factors are contributing to the change in 11 the 100 percent sharing accounts? 12 A. Forecast expenses included in the 100 percent 13 sharing accounts are expected to increase by 4 percent as 14 compared to last year, from $212,747,353 to $220,701,958. 15 Forecast PURPA costs increased by $7.45 million as compared 16 to last year’s forecast and forecast demand response 17 incentive payments increased by $0.5 million as compared to 18 last year. 19 Q. Is the increase in forecast PURPA costs 20 related to increased generation output from PURPA projects? 21 A. In part. Table 4 details changes between last 22 year’s PCA forecast and this year’s PCA forecast with 23 respect to forecasted generation in MWh. As shown in Table 24 4, PURPA generation is anticipated to increase by 10,708 25 BRADY, DI 14 Idaho Power Company MWh, or less than 1 percent. The 4 percent increase in 1 PURPA expense is largely the result of price escalation in 2 PURPA contracts, for which the average cost is $69.96 per 3 MWh, compared to $67.75 last year. 4 Table 4 PCA Forecast Comparison Generation (Total System‐MWh)           Line No. FERC Account 2021‐2022 Forecast  2022‐2023  Forecast Difference  1 Hydro                     6,690,890                 5,972,743                   (718,147)      95% Sharing Accounts      2 Account 501, Coal                      3,599,219                 5,083,043                 1,483,825   3 Account 547, Other Fuel                    2,340,994                 2,556,322                     215,328   4 Account 555, Purchased Power Non‐PURPA                     1,478,696                 1,580,326                     101,630     95% Sharing Accounts                  14,109,799               15,192,435                  1,082,636                100% Sharing Accounts      5 Account 555, PURPA                      3,027,905                 3,038,613                      10,708     100% Accounts                     3,027,905                 3,038,613                       10,708           6 Total Generation                     17,137,704               18,231,048                  1,093,344             95% Sharing Accounts      7 Account 447, Surplus Sales                        754,975                 1,258,195                     503,220   8 Total Load                   16,382,729               16,972,853                      590,124   5 Q. What other general conclusions can be drawn 6 from the information in Table 4? 7 A. Compared to last year’s forecast, hydro 8 generation is expected to decrease 718,147 MWh, or 11 9 percent. The decrease in hydro generation, combined with an 10 increase in market energy prices and natural gas prices, is 11 driving an increase in coal-fired generation and surplus-12 sales. Coal-fired generation is projected to increase 13 1,483,825 MWh compared to last year, or 41 percent and 14 BRADY, DI 15 Idaho Power Company surplus-sales volumes are expected to increase 503,220 MWh, 1 or 67 percent. 2 Q. What is causing the decrease in expected hydro 3 generation of 718,147 MWh? 4 A. The decrease in expected hydro generation is 5 mainly due to lower projected inflows into Brownlee 6 reservoir. The March Operating Plan used in this year’s 7 PCA forecast projects April through July inflows into 8 Brownlee of 2.9 million acre-feet (“MAF”) as compared to 9 4.2 MAF used to determine last year’s PCA forecast, a 10 decrease of 31 percent. Expected inflows into Brownlee 11 were higher for last year’s PCA forecast as a result of 12 better snowpack conditions, which provide for sustained 13 runoff and increased hydro generation during the spring and 14 summer months. 15 Additionally, this year’s PCA forecast reflects 16 weaker reservoir storage conditions, as compared to last 17 year’s forecast. The March Operating Plan used in this 18 year’s PCA demonstrates that available storage in the 11 19 reservoirs above Brownlee is 76 percent of normal and at 51 20 percent of capacity, compared to last year’s 2021 March 21 Operating Plan, in which storage was 113 percent of normal 22 and at 75 percent of capacity. Together weaker snowpack 23 conditions and carryover as compared to the prior year are 24 BRADY, DI 16 Idaho Power Company resulting in the 11 percent reduction in forecast hydro 1 generation for the 2022–2023 PCA Year. 2 Q. How are the forecasted NPSE differences 3 presented in Table 2 used to determine the 2022-2023 PCA 4 forecast component to be collected from Idaho customers? 5 A. The 2022-2023 PCA forecast component reflects 6 the Idaho jurisdictional share of the forecasted NPSE 7 differences presented in Table 2, adjusted for the PCA 8 sharing provisions. The Idaho jurisdictional share of the 9 forecast NPSE differences is determined by applying a ratio 10 of forecast firm Idaho jurisdictional sales to forecast 11 firm system-level sales to the system-level NPSE 12 differences. 13 Q. What is the Company’s forecast of system-level 14 firm sales and Idaho jurisdictional firm sales for the 15 2022-2023 PCA Year? 16 A. For the 2022-2023 PCA Year, Idaho Power has 17 forecast system-level firm sales to be 15,690,546 MWh and 18 Idaho jurisdictional firm sales to be 14,992,046 MWh, or 19 95.55 percent of the system level. 20 Q. What is the Company’s determination of the 21 2022-2023 PCA forecast component to be collected from Idaho 22 customers? 23 A. The 2022-2023 PCA forecast component to be 24 collected from Idaho customers is $178,795,544. Table 5 25 BRADY, DI 17 Idaho Power Company presents the determination of the 2022-2023 PCA forecast 1 component by individual PCA expense and revenue category. 2 3 Table 5 2022‐2023 PCA FORECAST            Line No. FERC Account Difference from Base  Difference After  Sharing Idaho Allocation    95% Sharing Accounts (From Table 1)     1 Account 501, Coal   $              42,675,980    $           40,542,181    $           38,737,356   2 Account 536, Water for Power   $              (2,380,597)   $           (2,261,567)   $           (2,160,888)  3 Account 547, Other Fuel   $              53,616,003    $           50,935,202    $           48,667,709   4 Account 555, Purchased Power Non‐PURPA   $              37,299,887    $           35,434,893    $           33,857,430   5 Account 565, 3rd Party Transmission    $                 (306,716)   $              (291,380)   $              (278,408)  6 Account 447, Surplus Sales   $           (13,350,695)   $        (12,683,160)   $        (12,118,541)        $            117,553,863    $        111,676,170    $        106,704,658               100% Sharing Accounts      7 Account 555, PURPA   $              78,732,189    $          78,732,189    $          75,227,251   8 Account 555, Demand Response Incentives   $              (3,136,365)   $          (3,136,365)   $          (3,136,365)  9 Total   $            193,149,687    $        187,271,994    $        178,795,544   4 B. Balancing Adjustment. 5 Q. What is this year’s quantification of the 6 Balancing Adjustment? 7 A. The Balancing Adjustment is detailed in the 8 PCA deferral report, attached hereto as Exhibit No. 2. This 9 report compares actual NPSE amounts to actual power cost 10 collections monthly, with the differences accumulated as a 11 deferral balance. The balance at the end of March 2022, 12 with interest applied, was $38,669,525 as shown on row 100 13 of Exhibit No. 2. The approximate $38.7 million represents 14 BRADY, DI 18 Idaho Power Company an increase to customer rates in this year’s PCA Balancing 1 Adjustment. 2 Q. To what factors do you attribute the 3 accumulation of the approximate $38.7 million deferral 4 balance? 5 A. The approximate $38.7 million deferral balance 6 was primarily driven by a decrease in actual hydro 7 generation from expected as well as higher than forecast 8 market purchases, offset by higher surplus sales. 9 Actual hydro generation for the 2021-2022 PCA year 10 totaled 5,268,002 MWh, a 21 percent decrease from last 11 year’s forecast of 6,690,890 MWh. Actual purchased power 12 totaled 4,079,834 MWh, a 176 percent increase from last 13 year’s forecast. Actual surplus sales volumes totaled 14 1,373,630 MWh, an increase of 82 percent from 754,975 MWh. 15 Actual natural gas prices were also higher than 16 forecast, driving a 55 percent increase in natural gas fuel 17 expense. Although natural gas prices were higher than 18 forecast, the Company’s reliance on natural gas generation 19 did not decrease as it was needed to serve load due to 20 lower than expected hydro generation and higher than 21 expected temperatures during the 2021 summer season. 22 Q. Please elaborate on the changes in actual 23 versus forecast generation and expense for the 2021-2022 24 PCA Year. 25 BRADY, DI 19 Idaho Power Company A. Last year’s PCA forecast included an average 1 market sales price of $34.23 per MWh. The actual average 2 market sales price for the 2021-2022 PCA year was $57.70 3 per MWh, a 69 percent increase. As a result of the 4 difference in forecast and actual market sales prices, as 5 well as economic opportunity during the spring and winter 6 months of the 2021-2022 PCA year, actual surplus sales 7 volumes were 82 percent higher than forecast. Surplus sales 8 revenue totaled $79,257,653, which was 207 percent higher 9 than forecast revenues of $25,842,225. 10 Coal-fired generation totaled 3,241,970 MWh, which 11 was 10 percent lower than forecast, and actual coal fuel 12 expense was $104.5 million, 12 percent lower than forecast. 13 Coal-fired generation was lower than forecast due to the 14 increase in market energy purchases and increase in natural 15 gas generation. 16 Natural gas generation totaled 2,719,869 MWh for the 17 2021-2022 PCA Year, which was 378,875 MWh, or 16 percent, 18 higher than forecast. Due to natural gas prices being 19 higher than expected, actual natural gas expense totaled 20 $88,941,596, which was 55 percent higher than forecast. 21 While natural gas prices were higher than forecast, the 22 Company’s reliance on natural gas generation increased 16 23 percent as it was needed to meet load, as well as make off-24 system sales when it was economic, as noted previously. 25 BRADY, DI 20 Idaho Power Company While both purchased power and surplus sales 1 increased, surplus sale volumes were highest in off-peak 2 spring and winter months, and purchased power was highest 3 in summer months, where hot temperatures caused 4 continuously higher than forecast peak loads. 5 Q. Were there any items included in this year’s 6 Balancing Adjustment in addition to actual NPSE incurred 7 during the April 2021 through March 2022 period? 8 A. Yes. Per Commission Order No. 34100, Idaho 9 Power included its actual costs of Western Energy Imbalance 10 Market (“EIM”) participation for April 2021 through March 11 2022 in the Balancing Adjustment. Benefits associated with 12 EIM participation are embedded in actual NPSE experienced 13 over that same period. 14 Q. Please summarize the conditions of Order No. 15 34100 as they pertain to EIM cost recovery through the 2021 16 PCA. 17 A. Per the terms of the settlement stipulation 18 (“EIM Stipulation”) approved by Order No. 34100, Idaho 19 Power agreed to include an EIM-related monthly revenue 20 requirement in its monthly PCA deferral calculation based 21 on actual EIM participation costs commencing April 1, 2018. 22 The Company also agreed to apply a soft cap to EIM-related 23 revenue requirement included in the PCA deferral equal to 24 annual EIM benefits as reported by the California 25 BRADY, DI 21 Idaho Power Company Independent System Operator (“CAISO”) for the corresponding 1 period. 2 Q. Is the EIM-related revenue requirement 3 included in the April 2021 through March 2022 PCA deferral 4 under the soft cap of annual CAISO-reported benefits for 5 that same period? 6 A. Yes. For the April 2021 through March 2022 7 period, the EIM-related revenue requirement totaled $2.9 8 million, while CAISO reported EIM benefits for Idaho Power 9 of approximately $40 million from April through December 10 (CAISO’s first quarter 2022 report has not yet been 11 published). Therefore, the Company’s EIM-related revenue 12 requirement is less than the soft cap agreed to in the EIM 13 Stipulation. 14 Q. Does Idaho Power believe the EIM has provided 15 net benefits to customers since joining in April 2018? 16 A. Yes. While Idaho Power believes the CAISO 17 benefit calculation overstates estimated benefits to Idaho 18 Power’s system, the Company believes customers have 19 realized significant net benefits since the Company’s entry 20 into the EIM in April 2018. As discussed in the Company’s 21 May 24, 2019, Report of EIM Benefits and Costs of 22 Participation, filed in Case No. IPC-E-16-19, Idaho Power 23 has developed a more precise methodology for determining 24 EIM benefits that uses inputs specific to the Company. 25 BRADY, DI 22 Idaho Power Company Based on this methodology, the Company believes benefits 1 achieved between April 2021 and December 2021 are 2 approximately $16 million (benefits for the first quarter 3 of 2022 are not yet available). This level of EIM benefits 4 compared to the Idaho-jurisdictional EIM costs of $2.9 5 million, demonstrates a net benefit to the Company and, 6 ultimately, its customers. 7 C. PCA Rate Determination. 8 Q. How is the rate for the forecast portion of 9 the PCA for April 2022 through March 2023 determined? 10 A. The rate for the forecast portion of the PCA 11 is equal to the sum of (1) 95 percent of the difference 12 between the non-PURPA expenses quantified in the Operating 13 Plan and those quantified in the Company’s last approved 14 update of NPSE, divided by the Company’s forecast of system 15 firm sales for June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023 (“System-16 level Sales Forecast”); and (2) 100 percent of the 17 difference between PURPA-related expenses quantified in the 18 Operating Plan and those quantified in the Company’s last 19 approved update of NPSE, divided by the Company’s System-20 level Sales Forecast; and (3) 100 percent of the difference 21 between the Idaho jurisdictional demand response incentive 22 payments quantified in the Operating Plan and those 23 quantified in the Company’s last approved update of NPSE, 24 BRADY, DI 23 Idaho Power Company divided by the forecast of Idaho jurisdictional firm sales 1 for June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023. 2 Q. What is the rate for the forecast portion of 3 the PCA for April 2022 through March 2023? 4 A. The rate for non-PURPA expenses is 0.7117 5 cents per kilowatt-hour (“kWh”), which is calculated by 6 multiplying $117,553,863 from Table 2 by 95 percent and 7 then dividing it by the System-level Sales Forecast of 8 15,690,546 MWh (($117,553,863 * 0.95) / 15,690,546) = 9 $7.117 /MWh = 0.7117 cents/kWh). The rate for PURPA 10 expenses is 0.5018 cents per kWh, which is calculated by 11 dividing $78,732,189 from Table 2 by the 15,690,546 MWh 12 ($78,732,189 / 15,690,546 MWh = $5.018/MWh = 0.5018 13 cents/kWh). The rate for demand response incentive 14 payments is a negative 0.0209 cents per kWh, which is 15 calculated by dividing the negative $3,136,365 from Table 2 16 by the forecast of Idaho jurisdictional firm sales of 17 14,992,046 MWh (-$3,136,365 / 14,992,046 MWh = -$0.209/MWh 18 = -0.0209 cents/kWh). The forecast portion of the PCA rate 19 is 1.1926 cents per kWh, which is calculated by adding the 20 non-PURPA expense of 0.7117 cents per kWh to the PURPA 21 expense of 0.5018 cents per kWh to the demand response 22 incentive payment of negative 0.0209 cents per kWh (0. 7117 23 + 0.5018 + -0.0209 = 1.1926 cents/kWh). 24 BRADY, DI 24 Idaho Power Company Q. How did you compute this year’s Balancing 1 Account rate? 2 A. As shown in Exhibit No. 2, this year’s 3 Balancing Adjustment of the PCA is approximately $38.7 4 million, which, when divided by the Company’s forecast of 5 Idaho jurisdictional sales of 14,992,046 MWh, results in a 6 rate of 0.2579 cents per kWh ($38,669,526 / 14,992,046 = 7 $2.579/MWh = 0.2579 cents/kWh). 8 Q. What is the resulting PCA rate when you 9 combine all the PCA components described previously? 10 A. The uniform PCA rate comprises (1) the 1.1926 11 cents per kWh for the 2022-2023 projected power cost of 12 serving firm loads under the current PCA methodology and 95 13 percent sharing, and (2) the 0.2579 cents per kWh for the 14 2021-2022 Balancing Adjustment of the PCA. The sum of these 15 two components is a 1.4505 cents per kWh charge for all 16 rate classes. 17 III. ADDITIONAL PCA RATE ADJUSTMENTS 18 A. Revenue Sharing. 19 Q. When was the revenue sharing mechanism 20 originally established? 21 A. The revenue sharing mechanism was originally 22 established in Case No. IPC-E-09-30 and approved in Order 23 No. 30978, effective for the years 2009-2011. Since then, 24 the revenue sharing mechanism has been modified and 25 BRADY, DI 25 Idaho Power Company extended three times.3 Most recently, the revenue sharing 1 mechanism was extended indefinitely, with modifications, in 2 Order No. 34071 in Case No. GNR-U-18-01. 3 Q. What are the provisions of the current revenue 4 sharing mechanism? 5 A. In Case No. GNR-U-18-01, the Company filed a 6 motion to approve a settlement stipulation (“2018 7 Stipulation”) extending the sharing mechanism indefinitely, 8 with modifications. The Commission approved the 2018 9 Stipulation in Order No. 34071. 10 Per the terms of the 2018 Stipulation, if the 11 Company’s actual year-end Return on Equity (“ROE”) for the 12 Idaho jurisdiction exceeds 10 percent, all amounts up to 13 and including a 10.5 percent ROE will be shared between 14 customers and the Company on an 80 percent and 20 percent 15 basis, respectively, to be provided as a rate reduction to 16 become effective at the time of the subsequent year’s PCA. 17 If the Company’s Idaho jurisdictional ROE exceeds 10.5 18 percent, all amounts in excess of 10.5 percent will be 19 shared 55 percent with Idaho customers as a rate reduction 20 to become effective with the subsequent year’s PCA, 25 21 percent will be shared with Idaho customers in the form of 22 an offset to amounts in the Company’s pension balancing 23 account, and 20 percent will be apportioned to the Company. 24 3 Order Nos. 32424, 33149 and 34071. BRADY, DI 26 Idaho Power Company With regard to the amortization of Accumulated 1 Deferred Investment Tax Credits (“ADITC”), the 2018 2 Stipulation allows the Company to accelerate the 3 amortization of ADITC, in an amount up to $45 million, to 4 achieve a maximum 9.4 percent Idaho jurisdictional ROE if 5 the Company’s year-end actual results fall below that 6 amount for any year beginning January 1, 2020. Idaho Power 7 may use up to $25 million of additional amortization of 8 ADITC per year, provided the total, cumulative amount of 9 ADITC does not exceed $45 million. Per the 2018 10 Stipulation, once the Company has fully amortized the $45 11 million of ADITC, revenue sharing will cease; however, 12 Idaho Power may at any time request to replenish the total 13 amount of ADITC it is permitted to amortize, and if 14 approved by the Commission, revenue sharing would continue. 15 Q. Did the revenue sharing mechanism result in 16 any action following the 2009-2020 fiscal years? 17 A. Yes. The Company’s earnings in each year from 18 2011 through 2015, as well as 2018, resulted in revenue 19 sharing with customers totaling $126.2 million, either as a 20 direct rate offset in the PCA or as an offset to amounts 21 that would have otherwise been collected in rates. The 22 Company’s earnings in 2016, 2017, 2019, and 2020 were below 23 the revenue sharing threshold. These amounts are detailed 24 in Table 6 below. 25 BRADY, DI 27 Idaho Power Company Table 6 2009‐2020 Revenue Sharing         Line No. Revenue Sharing Component 2009‐2011 2012‐2014 2015‐2020       1 Available ADITC For Use $45 Million $45 Million $45 Million     2 ROE Threshold 9.5% 9.5% 10.0%     3 50‐50 Sharing Threshold 10.5% 10.0% N/A     4 75‐25 Sharing Threshold N/A 10.5% 10.0%     5 Customer Benefits ($ Millions):      6 Reduction to Rates $27.1  $22.8  $8.2   Total  7 Offset to Pension Balancing Account $20.3  $47.8  $0.0     2009‐2020  8 Total $47.4  $70.6  $8.2     $126.2   1 Q. Did the Company’s year-end 2021 financial 2 results warrant any action related to the existing sharing 3 agreement per the terms of the 2018 Stipulation? 4 A. Yes. The Company’s year-end 2021 financial 5 results yielded an actual Idaho jurisdictional ROE of 10.02 6 percent, above the 10 percent ROE threshold for revenue 7 sharing, and thus resulting in a revenue amount to be 8 shared with customers after tax gross-up of $568,771. 9 Q. Did the Company use the same methodology to 10 determine the Idaho jurisdictional 2021 year-end ROE that 11 was used in prior PCA filings? 12 A. Yes. The methodology used to determine the 13 Company’s Idaho jurisdictional 2021 year-end ROE is 14 consistent with the methodology used for the year-end ROE 15 determinations since the inception of the mechanism. 16 Q. Do you have an exhibit demonstrating the 17 application of this methodology? 18 BRADY, DI 28 Idaho Power Company A. Yes. Exhibit No. 3 provides a step-by-step 1 calculation of the Idaho jurisdictional ROE based on year-2 end 2021 financial results utilizing the Commission-3 approved methodology from previous PCA filings. 4 Q. What is the revenue sharing amount to be 5 included in the 2022-2023 PCA? 6 A. As detailed in Exhibit No. 3, the 2021 Idaho 7 jurisdictional ROE was 10.02 percent. As quantified on line 8 63 of Exhibit No. 3, in 2021, the Company’s earnings 9 exceeded an Idaho jurisdictional ROE of 10 percent by 10 $527,962. Per the terms of the 2018 Stipulation, 80 percent 11 of the $527,962 should be shared with customers as a direct 12 reduction to PCA rates effective June 1, 2022. Applying the 13 80 percent sharing provision to the $527,962 yields a 14 customer-allocated sharing amount of $422,369. After tax 15 gross-up, the revenue sharing amount to be applied to 16 customer bills is $568,771. 17 Q. How does the Company propose to allocate the 18 $568,771 revenue sharing to customer classes? 19 A. The Company proposes to allocate the revenue 20 sharing benefit to customer classes utilizing the same 21 methodology as in past cases, i.e., based on each class’s 22 proportional share of forecasted base rate revenues for the 23 upcoming PCA rate effective year, which in this case is 24 June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023. 25 BRADY, DI 29 Idaho Power Company Q. Have you provided an exhibit detailing the 1 class allocation utilizing this methodology? 2 A. Yes. Exhibit No. 4 details the class 3 allocation of the $568,771 revenue sharing benefit. As 4 displayed in column G of Exhibit No. 4, each customer class 5 receives a decrease of approximately 0.05 percent relative 6 to current base revenues. 7 Q. How does the Company propose to include the 8 class-allocated revenue sharing benefits in rates? 9 A. Except for the special contracts for Micron 10 Technology, Inc., the U.S. Department of Energy, and the 11 J.R. Simplot Company – Pocatello, Idaho Power proposes to 12 include the class-allocated revenue sharing benefits on a 13 cents-per-kWh basis applied to the 2022 PCA rates effective 14 June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023. Column F of Exhibit No. 15 4 contains the rates proposed for inclusion in each class’s 16 PCA rate. 17 Q. What is the Company’s proposal for providing 18 revenue sharing benefits to its special contract customers? 19 A. Consistent with the methodology used to share 20 2011-2015 and 2018 revenues, the Company proposes to 21 provide the special contract customers a flat dollar-per-22 month credit in 12 equal portions to serve as a reduction 23 to monthly invoices billed from June 2022 through May 2023. 24 The total revenue sharing benefit allocated to the special 25 BRADY, DI 30 Idaho Power Company contract customers is displayed in column E of Exhibit No. 1 4. 2 Q. Is the Company’s rate design proposal for the 3 2022 revenue sharing benefits consistent with past-approved 4 proposals? 5 A. Yes. 6 IV. NET CUSTOMER IMPACT 7 Q. What is the revenue impact of the requested 8 PCA rate when compared with PCA rates currently in effect? 9 A. Attachment 2 to the Application filed 10 contemporaneously with my testimony provides a detailed 11 description of the overall revenue impact of this filing on 12 each customer class. As shown in Attachment 2, applying 13 the requested PCA rates to expected customer sales for the 14 June 2022 through May 2023 test year results in a PCA 15 increase of $103.4 million. 16 Q. Given the magnitude of the increase for the 17 2022-2023 PCA, did the Company consider proposing any rate 18 mitigation options? 19 A. Yes. Given the magnitude of the 2022-2023 PCA 20 increase, I consulted with management to determine what 21 mitigation, if any, the Company should include in this 22 year’s PCA filing. 23 Q. Following these discussions, is the Company 24 proposing to include any rate mitigation in this filing? 25 BRADY, DI 31 Idaho Power Company A. No. After careful consideration, I was advised 1 by management to not propose any rate mitigation measures 2 in this case. However, the Company is open to rate 3 mitigation measures if the Commission deems them 4 appropriate. 5 Q. Why is the Company not proposing any rate 6 mitigation in this case? 7 A. First, the Company believes that customer 8 interests are generally best served by matching cost 9 recovery as closely as possible with the period in which 10 power supply costs are incurred. Additionally, mitigating 11 rate impacts by spreading recovery over multiple years 12 creates the possibility that the deferred collection will 13 result in “rate pancaking” with potential future rate 14 increases, essentially deferring an increase in the current 15 year to create an even larger increase in the future. The 16 Company also considered prior Commission orders with regard 17 to rate mitigation measures in the PCA. In orders from the 18 2008, 2009, 2013, and 2020 PCA cases4 in which rate 19 mitigation was discussed, the Commission declined to adopt 20 any rate mitigation measures, primarily for the same 21 concerns surrounding rate pancaking, appropriate matching 22 of costs and recovery, and the overall intent of the PCA 23 mechanism. 24 4 Order Nos. 30563, 30828, 32821, and 34682 BRADY, DI 32 Idaho Power Company Q. Would Idaho Power be amenable to implementing 1 rate mitigation measures for the 2022-2023 PCA if the 2 Commission determines such measures are appropriate? 3 A. Yes. While both Idaho Power and the Commission 4 have expressed concerns with rate mitigation measures in 5 the past, the Company would be amenable to discussing such 6 measures in the current filing. A two-year recovery period, 7 for example, would reduce the rate impact from the proposed 8 $103.4 million, or 8.27 percent increase, to an approximate 9 $50 million, or slightly more than 4 percent, annual 10 increase in collection spread over two years. 11 Q. Have you prepared a revised Schedule 55 that 12 includes the proposed PCA rates? 13 A. Yes. Attachment 1 to the Application is a 14 revised Schedule 55 and includes the proposed PCA rates in 15 clean and legislative formats. 16 Q. Should the Commission approve the Company’s 17 computation of the PCA rates? 18 A. Yes. The Commission should approve the 19 Company’s computation of the PCA rates. The calculation of 20 the PCA rates follows the methodology that was approved in 21 Order Nos. 30715, 33307, and 34071. If approved, the 2022-22 2023 PCA will result in an increase in total billed revenue 23 of approximately $103.4 million, or 8.27 percent. 24 \\ 25 BRADY, DI 33 Idaho Power Company Q. Does this conclude your testimony? 1 A. Yes, it does. 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 BRADY, DI 34 Idaho Power Company DECLARATION OF JESSICA G. BRADY 1 I, Jessica G. Brady, declare under penalty of 2 perjury under the laws of the state of Idaho: 3 1. My name is Jessica G. Brady. I am employed 4 by Idaho Power Company as a Regulatory Analyst in the 5 Regulatory Affairs Department. 6 2. On behalf of Idaho Power, I present this 7 pre-filed direct testimony and Exhibit Nos. 1-4 in this 8 matter. 9 3. To the best of my knowledge, my pre-filed 10 direct testimony and exhibits are true and accurate. 11 I hereby declare that the above statement is true to 12 the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I understand 13 it is made for use as evidence before the Idaho Public 14 Utilities Commission and is subject to penalty for perjury. 15 SIGNED this 15th day of April 2022, at Boise, Idaho. 16 17 Signed: _________________________ 18 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY BRADY, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 1 Line No. FERC Accoun April May June Jul Augus Septembe Octobe Novembe Decembe January February March Annua 95% Sharing Account 1 Hydroelectric Generation (MWh 497,726 638,022 480,588 521,844 479,226 467,253 411,296 377,554 421,109 499,779 509,799 668,546 5,972,743 Account 536, Water for Power 2 Total Expense -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Account 501, Coa Jim Bridge3 Energy (MWh)340,469 91,408 217,645 397,110 396,394 385,697 387,296 419,907 441,058 438,988 398,531 394,768 4,309,270 4 Total Expense 9,443,599$ 2,248,639$ 5,734,700$ 10,763,184$ 10,767,828$ 10,483,821$ 10,550,491$ 11,461,278$ 12,067,323$ 12,795,415$ 11,813,841$ 11,652,435$ 119,782,555$ North Valm 5 Energy (MWh)- (0) 49,680 92,374 92,374 89,394 92,374 89,394 92,374 92,374 83,435 (0) 773,773 6 Total Expense 253,916$ 253,916$ 2,055,223$ 3,588,576$ 3,598,821$ 3,491,852$ 3,602,724$ 3,499,879$ 3,614,433$ 3,730,360$ 3,445,374$ 261,533$ 31,396,605$ Account 547, Other Fuel Langley Gulc 7 Energy (MWh)209,344 - 164,576 210,784 211,056 208,240 215,800 215,505 226,896 227,040 202,080 219,513 2,310,834 8 Total Expense 6,563,384$ 391,446$ 4,602,383$ 4,941,008$ 4,964,704$ 6,942,101$ 7,333,533$ 8,057,540$ 7,705,046$ 7,953,869$ 7,855,176$ 6,831,914$ 74,142,105$ Danskin 9 Energy (MWh)- - - 94,920 121,032 - - - - 2,752 - - 218,704 10 Total Expense 188,260$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 3,833,070$ 4,845,555$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 328,116$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 10,701,080$ Bennett Mountai11 Energy (MWh)- - - - 26,784 - - - - - - - 26,784.00 12 Total Expense 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 1,120,405$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 2,140,380$ Account 555, Purchased Power Non-PURP 13 Energy (MWh)40,254 279,203 366,794 289,780 172,321 41,195 31,697 56,268 114,743 75,148 53,545 59,379 1,580,326 14 Total Expense 4,157,980$ 9,534,941$ 11,968,170$ 17,449,226$ 18,381,020$ 4,286,045$ 4,053,608$ 4,883,331$ 9,440,738$ 6,207,751$ 4,714,385$ 4,829,284$ 99,906,480$ Account 565, 3rd Party Transmission15 Total Expense 322,260$ 284,758$ 630,748$ 842,719$ 784,043$ 478,164$ 524,429$ 294,591$ 231,318$ 250,501$ 247,157$ 258,551$ 5,149,239$ Account 447, Surplus Sale 16 Energy (MWh)243,770 - - - - 67,592 182,866 100,591 - 70,270 238,722 354,384 1,258,195 17 Total Expense (8,807,736)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ (5,618,895)$ (9,806,823)$ (5,227,868)$ (0)$ (5,477,413)$ (15,656,206)$ (14,490,907)$ (65,085,848)$ 100% Sharing Account Account 555, PURP 18 Energy (MWh)304,393 309,451 328,424 295,688 281,666 239,650 234,716 187,192 182,632 203,474 229,833 241,494 3,038,613 19 Total Expense 15,817,171$ 15,833,025$ 22,446,262$ 24,018,906$ 22,981,384$ 16,991,418$ 16,537,458$ 15,971,840$ 15,876,164$ 15,380,343$ 17,213,069$ 13,519,017$ 212,586,058$ Account 555, Demand Response Incentive 20 Total Expense -$ -$ 405,663$ 1,810,997$ 2,173,196$ 1,810,997$ 1,086,598$ 828,450$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 8,115,900$ 21 Total Net Power Supply Expense 28,031,559$ 28,827,709$ 48,124,134$ 67,340,411$ 69,616,956$ 39,146,487$ 34,163,003$ 40,050,025$ 49,216,007$ 41,261,668$ 29,913,782$ 23,142,813$ 498,834,555$ 22 Total Generation (MWh)1,392,185 1,318,084 1,607,707 1,902,500 1,780,853 1,431,430 1,373,179 1,345,819 1,478,812 1,539,556 1,477,222 1,583,700 18,231,048 23 Total Load (MWh)1,148,415 1,318,084 1,607,707 1,902,500 1,780,853 1,363,838 1,190,313 1,245,228 1,478,812 1,469,285 1,238,500 1,229,317 16,972,853 APRIL 1, 2022 - MARCH 31, 2023IDAHO POWER PCA FORECAS Exhibit No. 1 Case No. IPC-E-22-11 J. Brady, IPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY BRADY, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 2 Power Cost Adjustment Highlighted cells need to be updated prior to the June and July PCA entries April 2021 thru March 2022 April May June July August September October November December January February March Totals Idaho Jurisdiction Net Power Supply Expense (Non-QF) Actual Non-QF Fuel Expense-Coal 1,757,654.22 2,514,720.18 7,399,208.57 10,741,867.24 10,164,589.83 12,340,609.49 12,316,422.51 9,595,793.75 11,558,010.46 11,064,306.78 8,586,436.46 8,008,364.72 106,047,984.21 Fuel Expense-Gas 4,951,817.23 4,811,440.59 9,677,044.41 11,235,688.77 6,541,453.37 8,301,240.92 6,083,484.56 8,620,688.39 8,395,740.16 8,075,067.74 6,289,292.47 3,596,646.61 86,579,605.22 Non-Firm Purchases 3,493,642.85 5,088,468.04 31,400,383.66 34,713,710.07 20,241,393.06 14,739,423.21 11,093,208.55 11,275,274.53 18,479,986.77 15,990,136.63 17,785,197.15 8,774,306.18 193,075,130.70 Third Party Transmission 147,558.34 320,962.37 1,039,318.17 1,673,946.46 1,440,889.56 502,349.91 560,650.46 494,788.63 478,257.45 383,049.25 466,799.64 397,204.66 7,905,774.90 Surplus Sales 1,232,006.71 2,764,951.07 (9,915,940.56) (7,889,388.83) (5,147,668.33) (17,585,821.35) (10,333,780.36) (8,418,338.49) (8,094,574.26) (9,153,640.02) (4,647,258.89) (4,057,451.42) (81,246,904.73) Water for Power (Leases)- - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Actual NPSE $11,582,679.35 15,500,542.25 39,600,014.25 50,475,823.71 33,240,657.49 18,297,802.18 19,719,985.72 21,568,206.81 30,817,420.58 26,358,920.38 28,480,466.83 16,719,070.75 312,361,590.30 Idaho Allocation 95.1%95.5%95.8%95.9%95.9%95.8%95.7%95.0%95.2%95.3%95.4%95.7% Net Idaho Jurisctional Actual Non-QF $11,015,128.06 14,803,017.85 37,936,813.65 48,406,314.94 31,877,790.53 17,529,294.49 18,872,026.33 20,489,796.47 29,338,184.39 25,120,051.12 27,170,365.36 16,000,150.71 298,558,933.90 Base Non-QF Fuel Expense-Coal $7,525,242.00 7,487,643.00 9,019,153.00 11,385,255.00 12,185,412.00 10,796,845.00 7,781,442.00 7,302,324.00 8,455,019.00 9,553,773.00 8,912,994.00 8,098,078.00 108,503,180.00 Fuel Expense-Gas $2,314,209.00 2,302,646.00 2,773,625.00 3,501,263.00 3,747,333.00 3,320,312.00 2,392,997.00 2,245,656.00 2,600,139.00 2,938,035.00 2,740,979.00 2,490,369.00 33,367,563.00 Non-Firm Purchases $4,342,083.00 4,320,388.00 5,204,073.00 6,569,319.00 7,031,012.00 6,229,805.00 4,489,910.00 4,213,459.00 4,878,566.00 5,512,549.00 5,142,819.00 4,672,610.00 62,606,593.00 Third Party Transmission $378,398.00 376,507.00 453,517.00 572,494.00 612,729.00 542,907.00 391,281.00 367,189.00 425,151.00 480,400.00 448,179.00 407,203.00 5,455,955.00 Surplus Sales $(3,588,093.00) (3,570,166.00) (4,300,402.00) (5,428,577.00) (5,810,099.00) (5,148,019.00) (3,710,251.00) (3,481,805.00) (4,031,418.00) (4,555,312.00) (4,249,784.00) (3,861,227.00) (51,735,153.00) Water for Power (Leases)$165,106.00 164,281.00 197,883.00 249,796.00 267,352.00 236,886.00 170,727.00 160,216.00 185,506.00 209,613.00 195,555.00 177,676.00 2,380,597.00 Idaho Base NPSE $11,136,945.00 11,081,299.00 13,347,849.00 16,849,550.00 18,033,739.00 15,978,736.00 11,516,106.00 10,807,039.00 12,512,963.00 14,139,058.00 13,190,742.00 11,984,709.00 160,578,735.00 Idaho Allocation 95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0% Net Idaho Jurisdiction 95% Items $10,580,097.75 10,527,234.05 12,680,456.55 16,007,072.50 17,132,052.05 15,179,799.20 10,940,300.70 10,266,687.05 11,887,314.85 13,432,105.10 12,531,204.90 11,385,473.55 152,549,798.25 Idaho Jurisdiction Change From Base $435,030.31 4,275,783.80 25,256,357.10 32,399,242.44 14,745,738.48 2,349,495.29 7,931,725.63 10,223,109.42 17,450,869.54 11,687,946.02 14,639,160.46 4,614,677.16 146,009,135.65 Sharing Percentage 95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0% Net Power Supply Expense Deferral ①$413,278.79 4,061,994.61 23,993,539.25 30,779,280.32 14,008,451.56 2,232,020.53 7,535,139.35 9,711,953.95 16,578,326.06 11,103,548.72 13,907,202.44 4,383,943.30 138,708,678.88 Idaho Jurisdictional Qualifying Facility NPSE Actual QF (Includes Net Metering, Raft River 100% & Liquidated Damages)$14,914,964.00 16,814,327.42 21,562,454.29 20,857,476.76 22,001,656.24 16,148,827.73 16,039,245.65 15,134,743.71 18,257,040.00 12,014,614.09 14,654,191.67 13,776,760.43 202,176,301.99 Idaho Allocation 95.1%95.5%95.8%95.9%95.9%95.8%95.7%95.0%95.2%95.3%95.4%95.7% Idaho Jurisctional Actual QF $14,184,130.76 16,057,682.69 20,656,831.21 20,002,320.21 21,099,588.33 15,470,576.97 15,349,558.09 14,378,006.52 17,380,702.08 11,449,927.23 13,980,098.85 13,184,359.73 193,193,782.67 Base QF $9,283,440.00 9,237,057.00 11,126,388.00 14,045,307.00 15,032,413.00 13,319,420.00 9,599,498.00 9,008,440.00 10,430,450.00 11,785,917.00 10,995,427.00 9,990,113.00 133,853,870.00 Idaho Allocation 95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0% Idaho Jurisdictional Base $8,819,268.00 8,775,204.15 10,570,068.60 13,343,041.65 14,280,792.35 12,653,449.00 9,119,523.10 8,558,018.00 9,908,927.50 11,196,621.15 10,445,655.65 9,490,607.35 127,161,176.50 Idaho Jurisdiction Change From Base $5,364,862.76 7,282,478.54 10,086,762.61 6,659,278.56 6,818,795.98 2,817,127.97 6,230,034.99 5,819,988.52 7,471,774.58 253,306.08 3,534,443.20 3,693,752.38 66,032,606.17 Sharing Percentage 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%QF Deferral ②$5,364,862.76 7,282,478.54 10,086,762.61 6,659,278.56 6,818,795.98 2,817,127.97 6,230,034.99 5,819,988.52 7,471,774.58 253,306.08 3,534,443.20 3,693,752.38 66,032,606.17 Idaho Revenue Adjustment (SBAR Actual Idaho Jurisdictional Billing Month Sales MWh 1,022,091 1,121,255 1,294,124 1,784,020 1,664,879 1,357,241 1,047,114 970,118 1,079,035 1,243,412 1,222,767 1,132,221 14,938,277 Normalized Idaho Jurisdictional Billing Month Sales MWh 947,192 953,286 1,131,686 1,370,142 1,428,766 1,300,608 1,045,495 957,864 1,081,014 1,177,663 1,101,149 1,004,027 13,498,892 Sales Change MWh 74,899 167,969 162,438 413,878 236,113 56,633 1,619 12,254 (1,979) 65,749 121,618 128,194 1,439,385 % of Prior Period Billings at Old Rate -$ 0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000% % of Current Period Billings at New Rate-effective 6/2015 26.72$ 100.000%100.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000% Sales Adjustment Prior To Sharing @ $(2,001,301.28) (4,488,131.68) (4,340,343.36) (11,058,820.16) (6,308,939.36) (1,513,233.76) (43,259.68) (327,426.88)52,878.88 (1,756,813.28) (3,249,632.96) (3,425,343.68) (38,460,367.20) Sharing Percentage 95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0% Idaho Revenue Adjustment (SBAR) ③$(1,901,236.22) (4,263,725.10) (4,123,326.19) (10,505,879.15) (5,993,492.39) (1,437,572.07) (41,096.70) (311,055.54)50,234.94 (1,668,972.62) (3,087,151.31) (3,254,076.50) (36,537,348.85) Idaho Jurisdcitional Demand Response Incentive Payments Idaho Actual Demand Response $ - 15.00 215,509.60 2,837,603.74 2,830,335.20 918,876.18 339,283.73 (29,901.00) 338.82 - - - 7,112,061.27 Idaho Base Demand Response $ 780,401.00 776,502.00 935,327.00 1,180,702.00 1,263,682.00 1,119,681.00 806,970.00 757,284.00 876,823.00 990,769.00 924,317.00 839,807.00 11,252,265.00 Change From Base $(780,401.00) (776,487.00) (719,817.40) 1,656,901.74 1,566,653.20 (200,804.82) (467,686.27) (787,185.00) (876,484.18) (990,769.00) (924,317.00) (839,807.00) (4,140,203.73) Sharing Percentage 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Change From Base ④$(780,401.00) (776,487.00) (719,817.40)1,656,901.74 1,566,653.20 (200,804.82) (467,686.27) (787,185.00) (876,484.18) (990,769.00) (924,317.00) (839,807.00) (4,140,203.73) Idaho Miscellaneous Revenue System Emission Allowance Sales Credit $ - - - - - - - - - - - - - System Renewable Energy Credit Sales $(562,709.92) (2,514.98) (209,377.27) 306.63 248.05 204.28 (47,100.26) (957,856.00) 1,978.88 (15,162.75) (4,548,299.72) (8,460.92) (6,348,743.98) Revenue Subtotal $(562,709.92) (2,514.98) (209,377.27)306.63 248.05 204.28 (47,100.26) (957,856.00)1,978.88 (15,162.75) (4,548,299.72) (8,460.92) (6,348,743.98) Idaho Allocation 95.1% 95.5% 95.8% 95.9% 95.9% 95.8% 95.7% 95.0% 95.2% 95.3% 95.4% 95.7% Sharing Percentage 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0%Miscellaneous Revenue Deferral ⑤$(508,380.28) (2,281.72) (190,554.25)279.36 225.99 185.92 (42,821.20) (864,465.04)1,789.70 (13,727.60) (4,122,124.04) (7,692.25) (5,749,565.41) Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-22-11 J. Brady, IPC Page 1 of 2 Idaho EIM Participation Costs Return on EIM Capital Investment $ 41,551.97 40,425.17 39,298.37 38,171.57 37,044.76 35,917.96 34,791.16 33,664.35 32,537.55 31,377.59 30,706.63 30,035.68 425,522.76 Operating Expenses $ 236,046.12 247,117.91 233,818.23 241,017.65 247,528.80 227,261.53 217,600.38 230,366.44 230,575.44 172,307.29 191,995.31 177,385.27 2,653,020.36 Revenue Subtotal $ 277,598.09 287,543.09 273,116.60 279,189.22 284,573.56 263,179.49 252,391.53 264,030.80 263,112.99 203,684.87 222,701.94 207,420.95 3,078,543.12 Sharing Percentage 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% EIM Revenue Requirement ⑥$263,718.19 273,165.93 259,460.77 265,229.75 270,344.88 250,020.52 239,771.96 250,829.26 249,957.34 193,500.63 211,566.84 197,049.90 2,924,615.97 TOTAL DEFERRAL (Sum of ①-⑥) $2,851,842.24 6,575,145.26 29,306,064.79 28,855,090.58 16,670,979.22 3,660,978.05 13,453,342.13 13,820,066.15 23,475,598.44 8,876,886.21 9,519,620.13 4,173,169.83 161,238,783.03 PCA Forecasted Revenues Actual Idaho Jurisdictional Billing Month Sales MWh 1,022,091 1,121,255 1,294,124 1,784,020 1,664,879 1,357,241 1,047,114 970,118 1,079,035 1,243,412 1,222,767 1,132,221 14,938,277 % of Prior Period Billings at Old Rate 6/1/2020 7.83$ 100.000%100.000% 59.416%1.049%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000% % of Current Period Billings at New Rate - 6/1/2021 8.79$ 0.000%0.000% 40.600% 99.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000% 100.000%Forecast Rate Revenues ⑦(8,006,044.95) (8,782,797.58) (10,591,359.88) (15,672,159.87) (14,639,281.60) (11,934,224.01) (9,207,278.35) (8,530,253.86) (9,487,963.28) (10,933,325.62) (10,751,791.84) (9,955,623.02) (128,492,103.86) PCA Balancing Account Balance Monthly Interest Rate (Annual 1% for 2021-2022)%0.0833%0.0833% 0.0833% 0.0833%0.0833% 0.0833% 0.0833% 0.0833% 0.0833% 0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%1.0000% 2020-2021 PCA Ending Balance True-up Ending Balance 4,519,614.31 4,519,614.31 True-up of the True-up Ending Balance (22,156,785.96) (22,156,785.96) Beginning Balance (17,637,171.65)$ (19,769,421.03) (18,662,294.82) 2,995,202.48 18,384,016.20 22,468,617.64 15,872,975.72 21,413,705.95 27,906,822.00 43,235,933.07 42,735,093.69 43,032,551.71 (17,637,171.65) 2021-2022 Incremental Deferral (Sum of ①-⑥ above 2,851,842.24 6,575,145.26 29,306,064.79 28,855,090.58 16,670,979.22 3,660,978.05 13,453,342.13 13,820,066.15 23,475,598.44 8,876,886.21 9,519,620.13 4,173,169.83 161,238,783.03 2021-2022 PCA Forecast Revenues (Collections) ⑦ above (8,006,044.95) (8,782,797.58) (10,591,359.88) (15,672,159.87) (14,639,281.60) (11,934,224.01) (9,207,278.35) (8,530,253.86) (9,487,963.28) (10,933,325.62) (10,751,791.84) (9,955,623.02) (128,492,103.86) 2021-2022 PCA Prior Balance Revenues (Collections) 3,036,650.97 3,331,253.05 2,958,344.30 2,203,387.01 2,037,583.81 1,658,880.19 1,281,438.97 1,185,459.01 1,318,220.23 1,519,570.09 1,494,017.15 1,383,566.57 23,408,371.35 Revenue Sharing - Order No. - - - - - - - - - - - - - DSM Rider Forecasted Surplus Funds - Order No. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021-2022 Ending Balance Without Current Month Interest (19,754,723.39) (18,645,820.30)3,010,754.39 18,381,520.20 22,453,297.63 15,854,251.87 21,400,478.47 27,888,977.25 43,212,677.39 42,699,063.75 42,996,939.13 38,633,665.09 38,517,878.87 Current Month Interest (14,697.64) (16,474.52) (15,551.91)2,496.00 15,320.01 18,723.85 13,227.48 17,844.75 23,255.68 36,029.94 35,612.58 35,860.46 151,646.68 2021-2022 Ending Deferral Balance (19,769,421.03)$ (18,662,294.82) 2,995,202.48 18,384,016.20 22,468,617.64 15,872,975.72 21,413,705.95 27,906,822.00 43,235,933.07 42,735,093.69 43,032,551.71 38,669,525.55 38,669,525.55 Tab is 100% locked down, with no manual inputs. Idaho Billed Sales MWh 1,022,091 1,121,255 1,294,124 1,784,020 1,664,879 1,357,241 1,047,114 970,118 1,079,035 1,243,412 1,222,767 1,132,221 14,938,277 Oregon Billed Sales MWh 52,772 52,608 57,143 77,158 72,013 58,812 47,588 50,586 54,932 61,300 58,577 51,206 694,695 Total MWh 1,074,863 1,173,863 1,351,267 1,861,178 1,736,892 1,416,053 1,094,702 1,020,704 1,133,967 1,304,712 1,281,344 1,183,427 15,632,972 Idaho % Billed Sales 95.1%95.5%95.8%95.9%95.9%95.8%95.7%95.0%95.2%95.3%95.4%95.7% Oregon % Billed Sales 4.9%4.5%4.2%4.1%4.1%4.2%4.3%5.0%4.8%4.7%4.6%4.3% Exhibit No. 2 Case No. IPC-E-22-11 J. Brady, IPC Page 2 of 2 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY BRADY, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOTAL TOTAL 8 SYSTEM IDAHO IDAHO %SYSTEM IDAHO IDAHO % 9 * * * SUMMARY OF RESULTS * * * 10 TOTAL COMBINED RATE BASE 3,697,810,735 3,552,703,864 96.076% 11 12 DEVELOPMENT OF NET INCOME 13 OPERATING REVENUES 14 RETAIL SALES REVENUES (Incl 449.1 Rev)974,391,283 932,709,732 Direct Assign 1,252,903,102 1,198,934,622 Direct Assign 15 OTHER OPERATING REVENUES 143,588,027 136,940,469 95.4%199,114,589 189,896,371 95.4% 16 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,117,979,310 1,069,650,202 1,452,017,691 1,388,830,993 17 18 OPERATING EXPENSES 19 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 683,260,685 649,645,486 95.1%917,571,975 872,429,080 95.1% 20 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 123,577,643 118,717,824 96.1%165,446,697 158,940,333 96.1% 21 AMORTIZATION OF LIMITED TERM PLANT 6,256,000 6,013,901 96.1%8,495,466 8,166,702 96.1% 22 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 26,188,106 24,462,684 93.4%30,947,260 28,908,278 93.4% 23 REGULATORY DEBITS/CREDITS 1,087,391 878,396 80.8%1,497,775 1,209,905 80.8% 24 PROVISION FOR DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (14,885,993) (14,382,662) 96.6%(21,559,910)(20,830,919)96.6% 25 INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ADJUSTMENT 11,264,544 10,824,447 96.1%11,832,897 11,370,595 96.1% 26 FEDERAL INCOME TAXES 29,156,558 28,544,231 97.9%35,047,688 34,311,639 97.9% 27 STATE INCOME TAXES 11,411,459 11,163,398 97.8%13,298,956 13,009,865 97.8% 28 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 877,316,394 835,867,704 1,162,578,803 1,107,515,477 29 30 OPERATING INCOME 240,662,916 233,782,498 289,438,888 281,315,516 31 ADD: IERCO OPERATING INCOME 6,715,053 6,414,821 95.5%8,991,347 8,589,341 95.5% 32 33 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTION 247,377,969 240,197,319 298,430,236 289,904,857 97.1% 34 ADD: AFUDC EQUITY 31,537,344 30,299,778 96.1% (L 10) 35 ADD: OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 343,755 333,934 97.1% (L 33) 36 37 INCOME BEFORE INTEREST CHARGES 330,311,334 320,538,570 38 LESS: INTEREST CHARGES 86,663,666 83,262,872 96.1% (L 10) 39 40 NET INCOME 243,647,668 237,275,698 41 42 ACTUAL YEAR-END RESULTS - BEFORE ITC ADJUSTMENT 43 EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK 243,647,668 237,275,698 44 COMMON EQUITY AT YEAR END 2,464,724,288 2,368,005,322 96.1% (L10) 45 46 RETURN ON YEAR-END COMMON EQUITY 9.89%10.02% 47 48 EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK @ 9.40 ROE 234,148,807 222,592,500 (L44 * 9.4%) 49 EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK @ 10 ROE 246,472,429 236,800,532 (L44 * 10%) 50 EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK @ 10.50 ROE 258,796,050 248,640,559 (L44 * 10.5%) 51 52 53 ACTUAL YEAR-END RESULTS - AFTER ITC ADJUSTMENT: 54 INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ADJUSTMENT (16,206,620) (L48-L43) / (1-9.4%) 55 ADJUSTED EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK 221,069,078 56 ADJUSTED COMMON EQUITY AT YEAR-END 2,351,798,702 57 ADJUSTED RETURN ON YEAR-END COMMON EQUITY 9.40% 58 59 IF IDAHO RETURN ON COMMON EQUITY (Line 46) <9.4% 60 ADDITIONAL ITC ADJUSTMENT (Annualized) If L 54 is negative, then 0; if positive, then smaller of L54 or $25,000,000 0 61 62 IF IDAHO RETURN ON COMMON EQUITY (Line 46) >10% 63 IDAHO EARNINGS GREATER THAN 10% ROE BUT LESS THAN 10.5%527,962 (L43-L49)/(1-10%) 64 65 IF IDAHO RETURN ON COMMON EQUITY (Line 46) >10.5% 66 INCREMENTAL IDAHO EARNINGS GREATER THAN 10.50% ROE 0 (L43-L50)/(1-10.5%) 67 68 Per Order #34071:After Tax Tax Gross Up 69 ROE between 10%-10.5% --CUSTOMER SHARE - 80% (Reduction to rates)422,369 568,771 70 ROE between 10%-10.5% --COMPANY SHARE - 20% 105,592 71 ROE greater than 10.5% (Incremental) -- CUSTOMER SHARE - 55% (Reduction to rates)0 - ROE greater than 10.5% (Incremental) -- CUSTOMER SHARE - 25% (Offset to Pension balance)0 - 72 ROE greater than 10.5% (Incremental) --COMPANY SHARE - 20% 0 73 527,962 74 Prepared by: Kelley Noe Reviewed by: September Allocations/Ratios IDAHO POWER COMPANY ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ANALYSIS For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2021 Actual September 30, 2021 Actual December 31, 2021 Exhibit No. 3 Case No. IPC-E-22-11 J. Brady, IPC Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY BRADY, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 4 (A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F) (G) Line  No Tariff Description Rate  Sch.  No.  Average  Number of  Customers Normalized Energy  (kWh) Current Base  Revenue Percentage of  Idaho Base  Revenues Allocated  Revenue Sharing  Benefit Dollars per  kWh Rate Percent  Revenue  Change Uniform Tariff Rates: 1 Residential Service 1 490,293 5,458,972,074 494,239,546 45.07% ($256,535) (0.000047) (0.05)% 2 Master Metered Mobile Home Park 3 21 4,521,955 388,104 0.04% ($201) (0.000045) (0.05)% 3 Residential Service Energy Watch 4 0 0 0 0.00%‐                        ‐                0.00% 4 Residential Service Time‐of‐Day 5 988 17,662,331 1,530,838 0.14% ($794) (0.000045) (0.05)% 5 Residential Service On‐Site Generation 6 12,024 65,895,664 6,381,494 0.58% ($3,097) (0.000047) (0.05)% 6 Small General Service 7 30,348 137,395,735 15,753,366 1.44% ($8,171) (0.000059) (0.05)% 7 Small General Service On‐Site Generation 8 80 190,425 24,155 0.00%($11) (0.000059) (0.05)% 8 Large General Service  ‐ Secondary 9S 37,635 3,304,176,840 225,029,064 20.52% ($116,704) (0.000035) (0.05)% 9 Large General Service  ‐ Primary 9P 280 592,994,508 35,347,188 3.22% ($18,332) (0.000031) (0.05)% 10 Large General Service  ‐ Transmission 9T 4 3,557,143 240,200 0.02% ($125) (0.000035) (0.05)% 11 Dusk to Dawn Lighting 15 0 5,267,423 1,238,927 0.11% ($643) (0.000122) (0.05)% 12 Large Power Service ‐ Secondary 19S 0 0 0 0.00%‐                        (0.000035) 0.00% 13 Large Power Service ‐ Primary 19P 114 2,358,498,546 121,991,234 11.12% ($63,267) (0.000027) (0.05)% 14 Large Power Service ‐ Transmission 19T 2 32,893,630 1,601,499 0.15% ($831) (0.000025) (0.05)% 15 Agricultural Irrigation Service 24 19,120 1,897,512,119 140,388,800 12.80% ($72,808) (0.000038) (0.05)% 16 Unmetered General Service 40 1,663 13,925,301 1,124,204 0.10% ($583) (0.000042) (0.05)% 17 Street Lighting 41 2,980 23,760,014 3,409,701 0.31% ($1,768) (0.000074) (0.05)% 18 Traffic Control Lighting 42 766 2,847,961 162,704 0.01%($84) (0.000030) (0.05)% 19 Total Uniform Tariffs 596,318 13,920,071,669 $1,048,851,023 95.64% ($543,955)(0.05)% 20 Total Special Contracts 3 1,071,974,663 $47,850,839 4.36% ($24,816)(0.05)% 21 Total Idaho Retail Sales 596,321 14,992,046,332 $1,096,701,862 100.00% ($568,771)(0.05)% Note: (1) June 01, 2022 ‐ May 31, 2023 Forecasted Test Year (Spring 2022 Forecast) (2) 19S rate in column (F) set to match 9S rate due to single customer movement between classes. Idaho Power Company Calculation of Revenue Impact Class Allocated Revenue Sharing 2022‐2023 State of Idaho Filed April 15, 2022 Exhibit No. 4 Case No. IPC-E-22-11 Page 1 of 1 Idaho Power has filed the final piece of its annual spring cost adjustments with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). This year’s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calls for a price increase across all customer classes as a result of higher power costs related to last summer’s unprecedented heatwave and lower hydro generation because of drought conditions. Neither Idaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financial return from this filing, which is a request for $103.4 million. The money collected is used solely to recover expenses associated with annual fluctuations in power costs. The overall impact to residential customer bills on June 1 depends on the outcome of three filings: • The annual PCA, filed today, is a cost-recovery tool that passes on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to Idaho Power customers. If the PCA proposal is approved by the IPUC as filed, the typical Idaho residential customer using 950 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per month will see a $6.54 increase on their bill related to this request. • The annual Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA), filed in March and applicable to only residential and small commercial customers, adjusts prices based on changes in energy use per customer during the previous year. If the FCA proposal is approved as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer will see a $0.81 decrease on their bill related to this request. • Idaho Power has requested a price increase to collect the cost of an accelerated depreciation schedule for all coal-related investments at the Jim Bridger Power Plant in Wyoming. If approved as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer will see a $2.07 increase on their bill related to this request. Idaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment Oxbow Power Plant Continued on reverse side The impact of these three filings for all Idaho customers is shown in the table below. A typical Idaho residential customer will see an overall monthly increase of $7.80. The actual percentage of change will depend on a customer’s classification and the rate they pay. 2022 RATE FILINGS PERCENTAGE CHANGE FROM CURRENT BILLED REVENUE Overall Percentage Impact Residential Small General Service Large General Service1 Large Power2 Irrigation POWER COST ADJUSMENT (PCA)3 8.27%6.55%5.24%9.18%12.10%8.46% FIXED COST ADJUSMENT (FCA) -0.39%-0.81%-0.82%N/A N/A N/A BRIDGER 2.17%2.08%1.99%2.24%2.23%2.30% COMBINED IMPACT4 10.05%7.82%6.41%11.43%14.33%10.75% 1 Includes lighting schedules; ² Includes special contracts; ³ Includes revenue sharing; 4 Totals may not sum due to rounding P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, ID 83702 PRE-SORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT NO. 679 Important Information:Please Note: We want to ensure all of our customers have sufficient time to submit comments to the IPUC. Because your bill is processed toward the end of the IPUC’s review of our request, you will receive this notification twice: first in this postcard and then in an insert in your bill later this month. Idaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment Continued from reverse side The PCA has two main components: the forecast and the backward-looking balancing adjustment. The forecast reflects Idaho Power’s anticipated fuel costs, purchased power costs and customer benefits from sales of surplus energy for the coming April through March. The balancing adjustment brings last year’s forecasted costs in balance with costs actually incurred by Idaho Power by looking back at what happened the previous April through March. The increase in this year’s PCA is attributed to last year’s actual power supply costs, which exceeded the forecast, driven by lower-than-expected hydro generation, high natural gas prices and high market prices. Idaho Power experienced higher power costs than it has in the past due to the record- setting heat wave of summer 2021, during which the company exceeded its previous all-time peak load for five consecutive days. Thank you for reading this notice. We value your business. Opportunities for Public Review Idaho Power’s proposal is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of the application are available to the public at the IPUC offices (11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, ID 83714), Idaho Power offices, or at idahopower.com or puc.idaho.gov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC’s RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding Idaho Power’s proposal may be filed with the IPUC. This year’s PCA forecast also reflects expected increases to costs primarily due to continued drought conditions, which would result in less low-cost hydro generation available to serve customers, and higher costs associated with power purchase agreements under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). Line No. FERC Account April May June July August September October November December January February March Annual 95% Sharing Accounts 1 Hydroelectric Generation (MWh)497,726 638,022 480,588 521,844 479,226 467,253 411,296 377,554 421,109 499,779 509,799 668,546 5,972,743 Account 536, Water for Power 2 Total Expense -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Account 501, Coal Jim Bridger 3 Energy (MWh)340,469 91,408 217,645 397,110 396,394 385,697 387,296 419,907 441,058 438,988 398,531 394,768 4,309,270 4 Total Expense 9,443,599$ 2,248,639$ 5,734,700$ 10,763,184$ 10,767,828$ 10,483,821$ 10,550,491$ 11,461,278$ 12,067,323$ 12,795,415$ 11,813,841$ 11,652,435$ 119,782,555$ North Valmy 5 Energy (MWh)- (0) 49,680 92,374 92,374 89,394 92,374 89,394 92,374 92,374 83,435 (0) 773,773 6 Total Expense 253,916$ 253,916$ 2,055,223$ 3,588,576$ 3,598,821$ 3,491,852$ 3,602,724$ 3,499,879$ 3,614,433$ 3,730,360$ 3,445,374$ 261,533$ 31,396,605$ Account 547, Other Fuel Langley Gulch7 Energy (MWh)209,344 - 164,576 210,784 211,056 208,240 215,800 215,505 226,896 227,040 202,080 219,513 2,310,834 8 Total Expense 6,563,384$ 391,446$ 4,602,383$ 4,941,008$ 4,964,704$ 6,942,101$ 7,333,533$ 8,057,540$ 7,705,046$ 7,953,869$ 7,855,176$ 6,831,914$ 74,142,105$ Danskin 9 Energy (MWh)- - - 94,920 121,032 - - - - 2,752 - - 218,704 10 Total Expense 188,260$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 3,833,070$ 4,845,555$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 328,116$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 10,701,080$ Bennett Mountain 11 Energy (MWh)- - - - 26,784 - - - - - - - 26,784.00 12 Total Expense 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 1,120,405$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 2,140,380$ Account 555, Purchased Power Non-PURPA 13 Energy (MWh)40,254 279,203 366,794 289,780 172,321 41,195 31,697 56,268 114,743 75,148 53,545 59,379 1,580,326 14 Total Expense 4,157,980$ 9,534,941$ 11,968,170$ 17,449,226$ 18,381,020$ 4,286,045$ 4,053,608$ 4,883,331$ 9,440,738$ 6,207,751$ 4,714,385$ 4,829,284$ 99,906,480$ Account 565, 3rd Party Transmission 15 Total Expense 322,260$ 284,758$ 630,748$ 842,719$ 784,043$ 478,164$ 524,429$ 294,591$ 231,318$ 250,501$ 247,157$ 258,551$ 5,149,239$ Account 447, Surplus Sales 16 Energy (MWh)243,770 - - - - 67,592 182,866 100,591 - 70,270 238,722 354,384 1,258,195 17 Total Expense (8,807,736)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ (5,618,895)$ (9,806,823)$ (5,227,868)$ (0)$ (5,477,413)$ (15,656,206)$ (14,490,907)$ (65,085,848)$ 100% Sharing Accounts Account 555, PURPA18 Energy (MWh)304,393 309,451 328,424 295,688 281,666 239,650 234,716 187,192 182,632 203,474 229,833 241,494 3,038,613 19 Total Expense 15,817,171$ 15,833,025$ 22,446,262$ 24,018,906$ 22,981,384$ 16,991,418$ 16,537,458$ 15,971,840$ 15,876,164$ 15,380,343$ 17,213,069$ 13,519,017$ 212,586,058$ Account 555, Demand Response Incentives 20 Total Expense -$ -$ 405,663$ 1,810,997$ 2,173,196$ 1,810,997$ 1,086,598$ 828,450$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 8,115,900$ 21 Total Net Power Supply Expense 28,031,559$ 28,827,709$ 48,124,134$ 67,340,411$ 69,616,956$ 39,146,487$ 34,163,003$ 40,050,025$ 49,216,007$ 41,261,668$ 29,913,782$ 23,142,813$ 498,834,555$ 22 Total Generation (MWh)1,392,185 1,318,084 1,607,707 1,902,500 1,780,853 1,431,430 1,373,179 1,345,819 1,478,812 1,539,556 1,477,222 1,583,700 18,231,048 23 Total Load (MWh)1,148,415 1,318,084 1,607,707 1,902,500 1,780,853 1,363,838 1,190,313 1,245,228 1,478,812 1,469,285 1,238,500 1,229,317 16,972,853 APRIL 1, 2022 - MARCH 31, 2023 #Internal Use Only Power Cost Adjustment Highlighted cells need to be updated prior to the June and July PCA entries April 2021 thru March 2022 April May June July August September October November December January February March Totals Idaho Jurisdiction Net Power Supply Expense (Non-QF) Actual Non-QF Fuel Expense-Coal 1,757,654.22 2,514,720.18 7,399,208.57 10,741,867.24 10,164,589.83 12,340,609.49 12,316,422.51 9,595,793.75 11,558,010.46 11,064,306.78 8,586,436.46 8,008,364.72 106,047,984.21 Fuel Expense-Gas 4,951,817.23 4,811,440.59 9,677,044.41 11,235,688.77 6,541,453.37 8,301,240.92 6,083,484.56 8,620,688.39 8,395,740.16 8,075,067.74 6,289,292.47 3,596,646.61 86,579,605.22 Non-Firm Purchases 3,493,642.85 5,088,468.04 31,400,383.66 34,713,710.07 20,241,393.06 14,739,423.21 11,093,208.55 11,275,274.53 18,479,986.77 15,990,136.63 17,785,197.15 8,774,306.18 193,075,130.70 Third Party Transmission 147,558.34 320,962.37 1,039,318.17 1,673,946.46 1,440,889.56 502,349.91 560,650.46 494,788.63 478,257.45 383,049.25 466,799.64 397,204.66 7,905,774.90 Surplus Sales 1,232,006.71 2,764,951.07 (9,915,940.56) (7,889,388.83) (5,147,668.33) (17,585,821.35) (10,333,780.36) (8,418,338.49) (8,094,574.26) (9,153,640.02) (4,647,258.89) (4,057,451.42) (81,246,904.73) Water for Power (Leases)- - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Actual NPSE $11,582,679.35 15,500,542.25 39,600,014.25 50,475,823.71 33,240,657.49 18,297,802.18 19,719,985.72 21,568,206.81 30,817,420.58 26,358,920.38 28,480,466.83 16,719,070.75 312,361,590.30 Idaho Allocation 95.1%95.5%95.8%95.9%95.9%95.8%95.7%95.0%95.2%95.3%95.4%95.7% Net Idaho Jurisctional Actual Non-QF $11,015,128.06 14,803,017.85 37,936,813.65 48,406,314.94 31,877,790.53 17,529,294.49 18,872,026.33 20,489,796.47 29,338,184.39 25,120,051.12 27,170,365.36 16,000,150.71 298,558,933.90 Base Non-QF Fuel Expense-Coal $7,525,242.00 7,487,643.00 9,019,153.00 11,385,255.00 12,185,412.00 10,796,845.00 7,781,442.00 7,302,324.00 8,455,019.00 9,553,773.00 8,912,994.00 8,098,078.00 108,503,180.00 Fuel Expense-Gas $2,314,209.00 2,302,646.00 2,773,625.00 3,501,263.00 3,747,333.00 3,320,312.00 2,392,997.00 2,245,656.00 2,600,139.00 2,938,035.00 2,740,979.00 2,490,369.00 33,367,563.00 Non-Firm Purchases $4,342,083.00 4,320,388.00 5,204,073.00 6,569,319.00 7,031,012.00 6,229,805.00 4,489,910.00 4,213,459.00 4,878,566.00 5,512,549.00 5,142,819.00 4,672,610.00 62,606,593.00 Third Party Transmission $378,398.00 376,507.00 453,517.00 572,494.00 612,729.00 542,907.00 391,281.00 367,189.00 425,151.00 480,400.00 448,179.00 407,203.00 5,455,955.00 Surplus Sales $(3,588,093.00)(3,570,166.00)(4,300,402.00)(5,428,577.00)(5,810,099.00)(5,148,019.00)(3,710,251.00)(3,481,805.00)(4,031,418.00)(4,555,312.00)(4,249,784.00)(3,861,227.00)(51,735,153.00) Water for Power (Leases)$165,106.00 164,281.00 197,883.00 249,796.00 267,352.00 236,886.00 170,727.00 160,216.00 185,506.00 209,613.00 195,555.00 177,676.00 2,380,597.00 Idaho Base NPSE $ 11,136,945.00 11,081,299.00 13,347,849.00 16,849,550.00 18,033,739.00 15,978,736.00 11,516,106.00 10,807,039.00 12,512,963.00 14,139,058.00 13,190,742.00 11,984,709.00 160,578,735.00 Idaho Allocation 95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0% Net Idaho Jurisdiction 95% Items $ 10,580,097.75 10,527,234.05 12,680,456.55 16,007,072.50 17,132,052.05 15,179,799.20 10,940,300.70 10,266,687.05 11,887,314.85 13,432,105.10 12,531,204.90 11,385,473.55 152,549,798.25 Idaho Jurisdiction Change From Base Net Power Supply Expense Deferral ① Idaho Jurisdictional Qualifying Facility NPSE Actual QF (Includes Net Metering, Raft River 100% & Liquidated Damages) Base QF QF Deferral ② Idaho Revenue Adjustment (SBAR) Idaho Revenue Adjustment (SBAR) ③ Idaho Jurisdcitional Demand Response Incentive Payments Idaho Actual Demand Response $- 15.00 215,509.60 2,837,603.74 2,830,335.20 918,876.18 339,283.73 (29,901.00) 338.82 - - - 7,112,061.27 Idaho Base Demand Response $780,401.00 776,502.00 935,327.00 1,180,702.00 1,263,682.00 1,119,681.00 806,970.00 757,284.00 876,823.00 990,769.00 924,317.00 839,807.00 11,252,265.00 Change From Base $(780,401.00) (776,487.00) (719,817.40) 1,656,901.74 1,566,653.20 (200,804.82) (467,686.27) (787,185.00) (876,484.18) (990,769.00) (924,317.00) (839,807.00) (4,140,203.73) Sharing Percentage 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Change From Base ④$(780,401.00) (776,487.00) (719,817.40)1,656,901.74 1,566,653.20 (200,804.82) (467,686.27) (787,185.00) (876,484.18) (990,769.00) (924,317.00) (839,807.00) (4,140,203.73) Idaho Miscellaneous Revenue Miscellaneous Revenue Deferral ⑤ #Internal Use Only Idaho EIM Participation Costs Return on EIM Capital Investment $41,551.97 40,425.17 39,298.37 38,171.57 37,044.76 35,917.96 34,791.16 33,664.35 32,537.55 31,377.59 30,706.63 30,035.68 425,522.76 Operating Expenses $236,046.12 247,117.91 233,818.23 241,017.65 247,528.80 227,261.53 217,600.38 230,366.44 230,575.44 172,307.29 191,995.31 177,385.27 2,653,020.36 Revenue Subtotal $277,598.09 287,543.09 273,116.60 279,189.22 284,573.56 263,179.49 252,391.53 264,030.80 263,112.99 203,684.87 222,701.94 207,420.95 3,078,543.12 Sharing Percentage 95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0% EIM Revenue Requirement ⑥$263,718.19 273,165.93 259,460.77 265,229.75 270,344.88 250,020.52 239,771.96 250,829.26 249,957.34 193,500.63 211,566.84 197,049.90 2,924,615.97 TOTAL DEFERRAL (Sum of ①-⑥)$2,851,842.24 6,575,145.26 29,306,064.79 28,855,090.58 16,670,979.22 3,660,978.05 13,453,342.13 13,820,066.15 23,475,598.44 8,876,886.21 9,519,620.13 4,173,169.83 161,238,783.03 PCA Forecasted Revenues Actual Idaho Jurisdictional Billing Month Sales MWh 1,022,091 1,121,255 1,294,124 1,784,020 1,664,879 1,357,241 1,047,114 970,118 1,079,035 1,243,412 1,222,767 1,132,221 14,938,277 % of Prior Period Billings at Old Rate 6/1/2020 7.83$ 100.000%100.000%59.416%1.049%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000% % of Current Period Billings at New Rate - 6/1/2021 8.79$ 0.000%0.000%40.600%99.000%100.000%100.000%100.000%100.000%100.000%100.000%100.000%100.000% Forecast Rate Revenues ⑦(8,006,044.95)(8,782,797.58)(10,591,359.88)(15,672,159.87)(14,639,281.60)(11,934,224.01)(9,207,278.35)(8,530,253.86)(9,487,963.28)(10,933,325.62)(10,751,791.84)(9,955,623.02)(128,492,103.86) PCA Balancing Account Balance Monthly Interest Rate (Annual 1% for 2021-2022)%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%1.0000% 2020-2021 PCA Ending Balance True-up Ending Balance 4,519,614.31 4,519,614.31 True-up of the True-up Ending Balance (22,156,785.96) (22,156,785.96) Beginning Balance (17,637,171.65)$ (19,769,421.03) (18,662,294.82) 2,995,202.48 18,384,016.20 22,468,617.64 15,872,975.72 21,413,705.95 27,906,822.00 43,235,933.07 42,735,093.69 43,032,551.71 (17,637,171.65) 2021-2022 Incremental Deferral (Sum of ①-⑥ above 2,851,842.24 6,575,145.26 29,306,064.79 28,855,090.58 16,670,979.22 3,660,978.05 13,453,342.13 13,820,066.15 23,475,598.44 8,876,886.21 9,519,620.13 4,173,169.83 161,238,783.03 2021-2022 PCA Forecast Revenues (Collections) ⑦ above (8,006,044.95)(8,782,797.58) (10,591,359.88) (15,672,159.87) (14,639,281.60) (11,934,224.01) (9,207,278.35) (8,530,253.86) (9,487,963.28) (10,933,325.62) (10,751,791.84) (9,955,623.02) (128,492,103.86) 2021-2022 PCA Prior Balance Revenues (Collections)3,036,650.97 3,331,253.05 2,958,344.30 2,203,387.01 2,037,583.81 1,658,880.19 1,281,438.97 1,185,459.01 1,318,220.23 1,519,570.09 1,494,017.15 1,383,566.57 23,408,371.35 Revenue Sharing - Order No. - - - - - - - - - - - - - DSM Rider Forecasted Surplus Funds - Order No. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021-2022 Ending Balance Without Current Month Interest (19,754,723.39)(18,645,820.30)3,010,754.39 18,381,520.20 22,453,297.63 15,854,251.87 21,400,478.47 27,888,977.25 43,212,677.39 42,699,063.75 42,996,939.13 38,633,665.09 38,517,878.87 Current Month Interest (14,697.64)(16,474.52)(15,551.91)2,496.00 15,320.01 18,723.85 13,227.48 17,844.75 23,255.68 36,029.94 35,612.58 35,860.46 151,646.68 2021-2022 Ending Deferral Balance (19,769,421.03)$ (18,662,294.82) 2,995,202.48 18,384,016.20 22,468,617.64 15,872,975.72 21,413,705.95 27,906,822.00 43,235,933.07 42,735,093.69 43,032,551.71 38,669,525.55 38,669,525.55 Tab is 100% locked down, with no manual inputs. Idaho Billed Sales MWh 1,022,091 1,121,255 1,294,124 1,784,020 1,664,879 1,357,241 1,047,114 970,118 1,079,035 1,243,412 1,222,767 1,132,221 14,938,277 Oregon Billed Sales MWh 52,772 52,608 57,143 77,158 72,013 58,812 47,588 50,586 54,932 61,300 58,577 51,206 694,695 Total MWh 1,074,863 1,173,863 1,351,267 1,861,178 1,736,892 1,416,053 1,094,702 1,020,704 1,133,967 1,304,712 1,281,344 1,183,427 15,632,972 Idaho % Billed Sales 95.1%95.5%95.8%95.9%95.9%95.8%95.7%95.0%95.2%95.3%95.4%95.7% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOTAL TOTAL 8 SYSTEM IDAHO IDAHO %SYSTEM IDAHO IDAHO % 9 * * * SUMMARY OF RESULTS * * * 10 TOTAL COMBINED RATE BASE 3,697,810,735 3,552,703,864 96.076% 11 12 DEVELOPMENT OF NET INCOME 13 OPERATING REVENUES 14 RETAIL SALES REVENUES (Incl 449.1 Rev)974,391,283 932,709,732 Direct Assign 1,252,903,102 1,198,934,622 Direct Assign 15 OTHER OPERATING REVENUES 143,588,027 136,940,469 95.4%199,114,589 189,896,371 95.4% 16 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,117,979,310 1,069,650,202 1,452,017,691 1,388,830,993 17 18 OPERATING EXPENSES 19 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 683,260,685 649,645,486 95.1%917,571,975 872,429,080 95.1% 20 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 123,577,643 118,717,824 96.1%165,446,697 158,940,333 96.1% 21 AMORTIZATION OF LIMITED TERM PLANT 6,256,000 6,013,901 96.1%8,495,466 8,166,702 96.1% 22 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 26,188,106 24,462,684 93.4%30,947,260 28,908,278 93.4% 23 REGULATORY DEBITS/CREDITS 1,087,391 878,396 80.8%1,497,775 1,209,905 80.8% 24 PROVISION FOR DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (14,885,993) (14,382,662) 96.6%(21,559,910)(20,830,919)96.6% 25 INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ADJUSTMENT 11,264,544 10,824,447 96.1%11,832,897 11,370,595 96.1% 26 FEDERAL INCOME TAXES 29,156,558 28,544,231 97.9%35,047,688 34,311,639 97.9% 27 STATE INCOME TAXES 11,411,459 11,163,398 97.8%13,298,956 13,009,865 97.8% 28 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 877,316,394 835,867,704 1,162,578,803 1,107,515,477 29 30 OPERATING INCOME 240,662,916 233,782,498 289,438,888 281,315,516 31 ADD: IERCO OPERATING INCOME 6,715,053 6,414,821 95.5%8,991,347 8,589,341 95.5% 32 33 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 247,377,969 240,197,319 298,430,236 289,904,857 97.1% 34 ADD: AFUDC EQUITY 31,537,344 30,299,778 96.1% (L 10) 35 ADD: OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 343,755 333,934 97.1% (L 33) 36 37 INCOME BEFORE INTEREST CHARGES 330,311,334 320,538,570 38 LESS: INTEREST CHARGES 86,663,666 83,262,872 96.1% (L 10) 39 40 NET INCOME 243,647,668 237,275,698 41 42 ACTUAL YEAR-END RESULTS - BEFORE ITC ADJUSTMENT 43 EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK 243,647,668 237,275,698 44 COMMON EQUITY AT YEAR END 2,464,724,288 2,368,005,322 96.1% (L10) 45 46 RETURN ON YEAR-END COMMON EQUITY 9.89%10.02% 47 48 EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK @ 9.40 ROE 234,148,807 222,592,500 (L44 * 9.4%) 49 EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK @ 10 ROE 246,472,429 236,800,532 (L44 * 10%) 50 EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK @ 10.50 ROE 258,796,050 248,640,559 (L44 * 10.5%) 51 52 53 ACTUAL YEAR-END RESULTS - AFTER ITC ADJUSTMENT: 54 INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ADJUSTMENT (16,206,620) (L48-L43) / (1-9.4%) 55 ADJUSTED EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK 221,069,078 56 ADJUSTED COMMON EQUITY AT YEAR-END 2,351,798,702 57 ADJUSTED RETURN ON YEAR-END COMMON EQUITY 9.40% 58 59 IF IDAHO RETURN ON COMMON EQUITY (Line 46) <9.4% 60 ADDITIONAL ITC ADJUSTMENT (Annualized)If L 54 is negative, then 0; if positive, then smaller of L54 or $25,000,000 0 61 62 IF IDAHO RETURN ON COMMON EQUITY (Line 46) >10% 63 IDAHO EARNINGS GREATER THAN 10% ROE BUT LESS THAN 10.5%527,962 (L43-L49)/(1-10%) 64 65 IF IDAHO RETURN ON COMMON EQUITY (Line 46) >10.5% 66 INCREMENTAL IDAHO EARNINGS GREATER THAN 10.50% ROE 0 (L43-L50)/(1-10.5%) 67 68 Per Order #34071:After Tax Tax Gross Up 69 ROE between 10%-10.5% --CUSTOMER SHARE - 80% (Reduction to rates)422,369 568,771 70 ROE between 10%-10.5% --COMPANY SHARE - 20% 105,592 71 ROE greater than 10.5% (Incremental) -- CUSTOMER SHARE - 55% (Reduction to rates)0 - ROE greater than 10.5% (Incremental) -- CUSTOMER SHARE - 25% (Offset to Pension balance)0 - 72 ROE greater than 10.5% (Incremental) --COMPANY SHARE - 20% 0 73 527,962 74 Prepared by: Kelley Noe Reviewed by: September Allocations/Ratios IDAHO POWER COMPANY ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ANALYSIS For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2021 Actual September 30, 2021 Actual December 31, 2021 (A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F) (G) Line No Tariff Description Sch. Number of (kWh) Current Base Revenue Idaho Base Revenue Sharing Dollars per kWh Rate Revenue Uniform Tariff Rates: 1 Residential Service 1 490,293 5,458,972,074 494,239,546 45.07% ($256,535) (0.000047) (0.05)% 2 Master Metered Mobile Home Park 3 21 4,521,955 388,104 0.04% ($201) (0.000045) (0.05)% 3 Residential Service Energy Watch 4 0 0 0 0.00%- - 0.00% 4 Residential Service Time-of-Day 5 988 17,662,331 1,530,838 0.14% ($794) (0.000045) (0.05)% 5 Residential Service On-Site Generation 6 12,024 65,895,664 6,381,494 0.58% ($3,097) (0.000047) (0.05)% 6 Small General Service 7 30,348 137,395,735 15,753,366 1.44% ($8,171) (0.000059) (0.05)% 7 Small General Service On-Site Generation 8 80 190,425 24,155 0.00%($11) (0.000059) (0.05)% 8 Large General Service - Secondary 9S 37,635 3,304,176,840 225,029,064 20.52% ($116,704) (0.000035) (0.05)% 9 Large General Service - Primary 9P 280 592,994,508 35,347,188 3.22% ($18,332) (0.000031) (0.05)% 10 Large General Service - Transmission 9T 4 3,557,143 240,200 0.02% ($125) (0.000035) (0.05)% 11 Dusk to Dawn Lighting 15 0 5,267,423 1,238,927 0.11% ($643) (0.000122) (0.05)% 12 Large Power Service - Secondary 19S 0 0 0 0.00%- (0.000035) 0.00% 13 Large Power Service - Primary 19P 114 2,358,498,546 121,991,234 11.12% ($63,267) (0.000027) (0.05)% 14 Large Power Service - Transmission 19T 2 32,893,630 1,601,499 0.15% ($831) (0.000025) (0.05)% 15 Agricultural Irrigation Service 24 19,120 1,897,512,119 140,388,800 12.80% ($72,808) (0.000038) (0.05)% 16 Unmetered General Service 40 1,663 13,925,301 1,124,204 0.10% ($583) (0.000042) (0.05)% 17 Street Lighting 41 2,980 23,760,014 3,409,701 0.31% ($1,768) (0.000074) (0.05)% 18 Traffic Control Lighting 42 766 2,847,961 162,704 0.01%($84) (0.000030) (0.05)% 19 Total Uniform Tariffs 596,318 13,920,071,669 $1,048,851,023 95.64% ($543,955)(0.05)% 20 Total Special Contracts 3 1,071,974,663 $47,850,839 4.36% ($24,816)(0.05)% Note: (1) June 01, 2022 - May 31, 2023 Forecasted Test Year (Spring 2022 Forecast) (2) 19S rate in column (F) set to match 9S rate due to single customer movement between classes. Idaho Power Company Calculation of Revenue Impact Class Allocated Revenue Sharing 2022-2023 State of Idaho Filed April 15, 2022 1 From:Gust, Stacy Sent:Monday, April 18, 2022 9:09 AM To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:RE: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 Attachments:2022 PCA - Brady Testimony FINAL.docx Ms. Noriyuki, Please find attached the Word version of the Direct Testimony of Jessica Brady for the reporter. Thank you. Stacy Gust REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 From: Gust, Stacy Sent: Friday, April 15, 2022 4:07 PM To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: Nordstrom, Lisa <LNordstrom@idahopower.com> Subject: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 Ms. Noriyuki, Please find attached for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 35058, Idaho Power Company’s 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Application, the Direct Testimony of Jessica Brady, PCA Bill Insert, PCA Postcard, and PCA News Release. Also provided as a courtesy to Staff are the Excel workpapers. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Stacy Gust REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (“PCA”) RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM JUNE 1, 2022, THROUGH MAY 31, 2023. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JESSICA G. BRADY BRADY, DI 1 Idaho Power Company Q. Please state your name, business address, and 1 present position with Idaho Power Company (“Idaho Power” or 2 “Company”). 3 A. My name is Jessica G. Brady. My business 4 address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. I 5 am employed by Idaho Power as a Regulatory Analyst in the 6 Regulatory Affairs Department. 7 Q. Please describe your educational background. 8 A. In May of 2016, I received a Bachelor of 9 Science degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Arts degree 10 in Spanish from the University of Idaho. I have also 11 attended “Electric Utility Fundamentals & Insights,” an 12 electric utility course offered through the Western Energy 13 Institute. 14 Q. Please describe your work experience. 15 A. In September 2021, I was hired as a Regulatory 16 Analyst in Idaho Power’s Regulatory Affairs Department. As 17 a Regulatory Analyst, I provide support for the Company’s 18 regulatory activities, including compliance reporting, 19 financial analysis, and the development of revenue 20 forecasts for regulatory filings. I am also responsible for 21 the Company’s power cost filings in both Idaho and Oregon. 22 Prior to Idaho Power, I worked for five years at 23 Clearwater Analytics, a provider of investment accounting 24 and reporting software. I held various roles at Clearwater 25 BRADY, DI 2 Idaho Power Company Analytics but was primarily focused on customer success and 1 relationship management. I gained a breadth of knowledge in 2 investments and the use of proprietary software to 3 streamline the operations of a company’s finance and 4 accounting teams. I spent my last year at Clearwater 5 developing a training program focused on providing new 6 hires with the technical skills to be successful in an 7 operations role. 8 Q. What is the Company requesting in this case? 9 A. The Company is requesting approval of its 10 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment (“PCA”) rates to become 11 effective June 1, 2022. If approved, the 2022-2023 PCA 12 will result in an increase in total billed revenue of 13 approximately $103.4 million, or 8.27 percent. 14 Q. How is your testimony organized? 15 A. My testimony consists of four sections. In the 16 first section, I provide an overview of the PCA. In the 17 second section, I detail the 2022-2023 PCA amount in 18 comparison to last year’s PCA amount, identify and discuss 19 the main factors contributing to this change, and present 20 the quantification of the 2022-2023 PCA rates to become 21 effective June 1, 2022. In the third section, I discuss 22 the additional PCA component related to revenue sharing. In 23 the final section, I detail the net customer impact of the 24 2022-2023 PCA rates if approved as filed. 25 BRADY, DI 3 Idaho Power Company I. PCA OVERVIEW 1 Q. What is the purpose of the PCA? 2 A. The PCA is a rate mechanism that quantifies 3 and tracks annual differences between actual Net Power 4 Supply Expenses (“NPSE”) and the normalized or “base level” 5 of NPSE recovered in the Company’s base rates, resulting in 6 a credit or surcharge that is updated annually on June 1. 7 The PCA mechanism uses a 12-month test period of April 8 through March (“PCA Year”) and includes a forecast 9 component and a Balancing Adjustment, formerly referred to 10 as the “true-up” and the “true-up of the true-up”. The 11 forecast component represents the difference between the 12 Company’s NPSE forecast from the March Operating Plan and 13 base level NPSE recovered in the Company’s base rates. The 14 Balancing Adjustment includes a backward-looking tracking 15 of differences between the prior PCA Year’s forecast and 16 actual NPSE incurred by the Company, and also tracks the 17 collection of the prior year’s Balancing Adjustment. 18 Q. Is the Balancing Adjustment new to this PCA 19 filing? 20 A. Yes. In Order No. 352901, the Idaho Public 21 Utilities Commission (“Commission”) approved a modification 22 1 In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Modification of the Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism, Case No. IPC-E-21- 38, Order No. 35290 (January 10, 2022). BRADY, DI 4 Idaho Power Company to the PCA filing to replace the “true-up” and “true-up of 1 the true-up” with a single Balancing Account. The two 2 “true-up” rates previously included in PCA filings are now 3 combined into one “Balancing Adjustment” rate. It should be 4 noted that this modification solely impacts the presentment 5 of the PCA but has no material impact on the rates charged 6 to customers. 7 Q. How does the PCA mechanism function? 8 A. With the exception of Public Utility 9 Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (“PURPA”) expenses and 10 demand response incentive payments, the PCA allows the 11 Company to pass through to customers 95 percent of the 12 annual differences in actual NPSE as compared with base 13 level NPSE, whether positive or negative. With respect to 14 PURPA expenses and demand response incentive payments, as 15 actual annual expenses deviate from base level NPSE, the 16 Company is allowed to pass 100 percent of the difference 17 for recovery or credit through the PCA. The PCA is also 18 the rate mechanism used by the Company to provide customer 19 benefits resulting from the revenue sharing mechanism 20 approved by the Commission in Order No. 34071. 21 Q. Does the revenue collected from customers 22 through the annual PCA rate contribute toward the Company’s 23 earnings? 24 BRADY, DI 5 Idaho Power Company A. No. The PCA mechanism provides for the annual 1 collection or refund of net power supply cost differences 2 between actual costs incurred by the Company and the base 3 level NPSE component of base rates. Aside from the 95 4 percent to 5 percent sharing component I just described, 5 the PCA provides for a one-for-one collection or refund of 6 actual net power supply expenses incurred, or to be 7 incurred, to provide safe, reliable electric service to 8 customers. 9 Q. What are the components of the PCA base level 10 NPSE? 11 A. The PCA base level NPSE includes the following 12 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) accounts: 13 Account 501, Fuel (coal); Account 536, Water for Power; 14 Account 547, Fuel (gas); Account 555, Purchased Power; 15 Account 565, Transmission of Electricity by Others; and 16 Account 447, Sales for Resale (typically referred to as 17 surplus sales). 18 The PCA base level expense component for FERC 19 Account 555 includes costs of both PURPA and non-PURPA 20 (market) purchases. Per Order No. 32426, the Company 21 adjusts FERC Account 555 to also include demand response 22 incentive payments that the Company provides to customers 23 who participate in any of its three demand response 24 programs. 25 BRADY, DI 6 Idaho Power Company II. 2022-2023 PCA 1 Q. What is the total PCA collection that would 2 result under the 2022-2023 PCA rates proposed by the 3 Company in this case? 4 A. The 2022-2023 PCA rates would result in total 5 PCA collection of $216.9 million. This represents an 6 increase in total billed revenue of $103.4 million for the 7 upcoming year, an increase of 8.27 percent. 8 Q. Have you prepared a table that details the 9 $103.4 million revenue impact by component? 10 A. Yes. Table 1 presents a separation of the 11 $103.4 million increase into each component included in the 12 Company’s proposed rates. 13 Table 1 Revenue Impact by Component Line No. Rate Component 2021-2022 PCA 2022-2023 PCA Difference 1 PCA Forecast $ 131,825,063 $ 178,795,145 $ 46,970,081 2 PCA Balancing Adjustment $ (18,320,281) $ 38,664,487 $ 56,984,768 3 PCA Total $ 113,504,783 $ 217,459,632 $ 103,954,849 4 Revenue Sharing $ 0 $ (568,771) $ (568,771) 4 Total Revenue Impact $ 113,504,783 $ 216,890,861 $ 103,386,078 14 Q. What are the main factors driving the revenue 15 change requested in this case? 16 A. The increase in this year’s PCA is attributed 17 to an increase in both the forecast component and the 18 Balancing Adjustment. The increase in this year’s forecast 19 component is attributed to lower expected hydro generation, 20 BRADY, DI 7 Idaho Power Company higher market energy prices, and higher natural gas prices, 1 which will be discussed in detail later in this testimony. 2 This year’s PCA Balancing Adjustment is 3 approximately $38.7 million, which is $57.0 million higher 4 than last year’s Balancing Adjustment, which was a credit 5 of $18.3 million. This year’s Balancing Adjustment 6 demonstrates that actual power supply costs for the 2021-7 2022 PCA Year were higher than the forecast power supply 8 costs included in last year’s PCA forecast. 9 A. PCA Forecast. 10 Q. How is the PCA forecast amount determined? 11 A. As described previously, the PCA forecast 12 component represents the difference between the Company’s 13 forecast of NPSE for the upcoming April – March test year 14 and base level NPSE recovered in the Company’s base rates. 15 Q. What is the Company’s determination of the 16 system-level difference between currently approved base 17 level NPSE2 and the forecast of NPSE for the 2022-2023 PCA 18 Year? 19 A. The system-level forecast of NPSE for the 20 2022-2023 PCA Year is $498,834,556, which is $193,149,687 21 higher than the currently approved base level NPSE of 22 $305,684,869. Table 2 presents the system-level 23 2 In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Establish a New Base Level of Net Power Supply Expense, Case No. IPC-E-13-20, Order No. 33000 (March 21, 2014). BRADY, DI 8 Idaho Power Company differences between currently approved base level NPSE and 1 the forecast of NPSE for the 2022-2023 PCA Year by FERC 2 account. 3 Table 2 2022 - 2023 PCA FORECAST (Total System) Line No. FERC Account Base NPSE Forecast Difference 95% Sharing Accounts 1 Account 501, Coal $ 108,503,180 $ 151,179,160 $ 42,675,980 2 Account 536, Water for Power $ 2,380,597 $ 0 $ (2,380,597) 3 Account 547, Other Fuel $ 33,367,563 $ 86,983,566 $ 53,616,003 4 Account 555, Purchased Power Non-PURPA $ 62,606,593 $ 99,906,480 $ 37,299,887 5 Account 565, 3rd Party Transmission $ 5,455,955 $ 5,149,239 $ (306,716) 6 Account 447, Surplus Sales $ (51,735,153) $ (65,085,848) $ (13,350,695) $ 160,578,735 $ 278,132,598 $ 117,553,863 100% Sharing Accounts 7 Account 555, PURPA $ 133,853,869 $ 212,586,058 $ 78,732,189 8 Account 555, Demand Response Incentives $ 11,252,265 $ 8,115,900 $ (3,136,365) 9 Total $ 305,684,869 $ 498,834,556 $ 193,149,687 4 Q. What is the basis for the forecast of NPSE for 5 the 2022-2023 PCA Year? 6 A. The forecast of NPSE for the 2022-2023 PCA 7 Year is based on the Company’s March 31, 2022, Operating 8 Plan. 9 Q. How is the NPSE forecast developed for the 10 Company’s Operating Plan? 11 A. The Operating Plan is prepared monthly and 12 represents a forecast of the Company’s monthly NPSE for the 13 following 18-month period; however, for the PCA, the 14 Company includes only the 12 months that correspond to the 15 BRADY, DI 9 Idaho Power Company PCA Year. The Operating Plan is developed by simulating 1 the dispatch of the Company’s generation resources for each 2 month, segmented by heavy load and light load hours. The 3 dispatch considers a current forecast of forward market 4 energy prices, available hydro generation, coal and natural 5 gas prices, and any existing hedge transactions. The 6 system load forecast is then analyzed against the resulting 7 monthly heavy load and light load dispatch to determine a 8 monthly load and resource balance. Any identified resource 9 deficiency is assumed to be filled with market energy 10 purchases or natural gas to fuel the Langley Gulch power 11 plant (“Langley Gulch”), based on economics and available 12 generating capacity at Langley Gulch. Economically 13 dispatched generation above the system load forecast 14 represents surplus energy sales. The forecast of monthly 15 NPSE and generation for the 2022-2023 PCA Year, as 16 determined in the Company’s March 31, 2022, Operating Plan, 17 is provided in Exhibit No. 1. 18 Q. Please explain how the Company modeled Bridger 19 Units 1 and 2 in the March 31, 2022 Operating Plan, in 20 light of the ongoing Bridger Regional Haze compliance 21 discussions. 22 A. In light of ongoing discussions with the U.S. 23 Environmental Protection Agency regarding the Wyoming 24 Regional Haze State Implementation Plan (“SIP”), Idaho 25 BRADY, DI 10 Idaho Power Company Power adjusted the availability of Bridger Units 1 and 2 1 within the March Operating Plan. Specifically, the Company 2 modeled Bridger Unit 2 to be available for dispatch at a 25 3 percent level from June – October 2022 to reflect ongoing 4 uncertainty related to these discussions. For the remaining 5 months within the PCA year, Unit 2 is modeled at 6 availability levels that meet the overall plant emissions 7 limits and annual emissions cap as required per the revised 8 SIP. Bridger Unit 1 operations were modeled as available 9 for dispatch at the revised approved SIP levels for the 10 entire 2022-2023 PCA year. 11 Q. How does the Company’s forecast of system-12 level NPSE for the 2022-2023 PCA compare to the system-13 level forecast included in last year’s PCA? 14 A. Table 3 below compares this year’s 2022-2023 15 PCA forecast of NPSE to last year’s PCA forecast by FERC 16 account. As detailed in this table, the PCA forecast on a 17 total system basis for the 2022-2023 PCA Year is 18 $498,834,556, which is $56,477,149 higher than last year’s 19 forecast amount of $442,357,407. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BRADY, DI 11 Idaho Power Company 1 Table 3 PCA Forecast Comparison Expenses (Total System) Line No. FERC Account 2021-2022 Forecast 2022-2023 Forecast Difference 95% Sharing Accounts 1 Account 501, Coal $ 118,562,796 $ 151,179,160 $ 32,616,365 2 Account 536, Water for Power $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 3 Account 547, Other Fuel $ 57,235,044 $ 86,983,566 $ 29,748,522 4 Account 555, Purchased Power Non-PURPA $ 74,800,530 $ 99,906,480 $ 25,105,950 5 Account 565, 3rd Party Transmission $ 4,853,909 $ 5,149,239 $ 295,331 6 Account 447, Surplus Sales $ (25,842,225) $ (65,085,848) $ (39,243,623) $ 229,610,054 $ 278,132,598 $ 48,522,544 100% Sharing Accounts 7 Account 555, PURPA $ 205,133,741 $ 212,586,058 $ 7,452,317 8 Account 555, Demand Response Incentives $ 7,613,612 $ 8,115,900 $ 502,288 $ 212,747,353 $ 220,701,958 $ 7,954,605 9 Total PCA Forecast $ 442,357,407 $ 498,834,556 $ 56,477,149 2 Q. What general conclusions can be drawn from the 3 information contained in Table 3? 4 A. When viewed by category, the 95 percent 5 sharing accounts have increased approximately $48.5 million 6 from last year’s forecast, while the 100 percent sharing 7 accounts have increased approximately $8.0 million over 8 last year’s forecast. 9 Q. What factors are contributing to the major 10 differences presented in Table 3? 11 A. Forecast expenses included in the 95 percent 12 sharing accounts are expected to increase by 21 percent as 13 compared to last year, from $229,610,054 to $278,132,598. 14 BRADY, DI 12 Idaho Power Company Due to a reduction in forecast hydro generation, higher 1 forecast market energy prices, and higher forecast natural 2 gas prices, the Company expects to rely more on coal 3 generation to serve load and is expected to increase off-4 system surplus sales. 5 Q. Please elaborate on the changes in the 95 6 percent sharing accounts for this year’s forecast as 7 compared with last year’s forecast. 8 A. In addition to lower forecast hydro 9 generation, which will be discussed in detail later in 10 testimony, higher forecast market energy prices and natural 11 gas prices are contributing to increased generation at the 12 Company’s coal plants, as well as increased off-system 13 surplus sales. 14 For the 2022-2023 PCA Year, the average forecast 15 market purchase price is $49.11 per megawatt-hour (“MWh”), 16 compared to $27.34 per MWh last year, an increase of 80 17 percent. In addition, the per-unit cost of natural gas for 18 the 2022-2023 PCA Year is $34.03 per MWh, an increase of 39 19 percent compared to last year. As a result of higher market 20 energy prices and natural gas prices, coal generation 21 becomes more economic. The average per-unit cost of coal-22 fired generation is $29.74 per MWh, which is a 10 percent 23 decrease from last year. Accordingly, expenses from market 24 purchases are expected to increase 91 percent as compared 25 BRADY, DI 13 Idaho Power Company to last year’s forecast, natural gas expense is expected to 1 increase 52 percent, and coal fuel expense is expected to 2 increase 28 percent. 3 The increase in forecast market energy prices is 4 also resulting in higher surplus sales revenue. Surplus 5 sales revenue is expected to increase 152 percent compared 6 to last year, from $25,842,225 to $65,085,848. For the 7 2022-2023 PCA Year, the average forecast market sales price 8 is $51.73 per MWh compared with $34.23 last year, a 51 9 percent increase. 10 Q. What factors are contributing to the change in 11 the 100 percent sharing accounts? 12 A. Forecast expenses included in the 100 percent 13 sharing accounts are expected to increase by 4 percent as 14 compared to last year, from $212,747,353 to $220,701,958. 15 Forecast PURPA costs increased by $7.45 million as compared 16 to last year’s forecast and forecast demand response 17 incentive payments increased by $0.5 million as compared to 18 last year. 19 Q. Is the increase in forecast PURPA costs 20 related to increased generation output from PURPA projects? 21 A. In part. Table 4 details changes between last 22 year’s PCA forecast and this year’s PCA forecast with 23 respect to forecasted generation in MWh. As shown in Table 24 4, PURPA generation is anticipated to increase by 10,708 25 BRADY, DI 14 Idaho Power Company MWh, or less than 1 percent. The 4 percent increase in 1 PURPA expense is largely the result of price escalation in 2 PURPA contracts, for which the average cost is $69.96 per 3 MWh, compared to $67.75 last year. 4 Table 4 PCA Forecast Comparison Generation (Total System-MWh) Line No. FERC Account 2021-2022 Forecast 2022-2023 Forecast Difference 1 Hydro 6,690,890 5,972,743 (718,147) 95% Sharing Accounts 2 Account 501, Coal 3,599,219 5,083,043 1,483,825 3 Account 547, Other Fuel 2,340,994 2,556,322 215,328 4 Account 555, Purchased Power Non-PURPA 1,478,696 1,580,326 101,630 95% Sharing Accounts 14,109,799 15,192,435 1,082,636 100% Sharing Accounts 5 Account 555, PURPA 3,027,905 3,038,613 10,708 100% Accounts 3,027,905 3,038,613 10,708 6 Total Generation 17,137,704 18,231,048 1,093,344 95% Sharing Accounts 7 Account 447, Surplus Sales 754,975 1,258,195 503,220 8 Total Load 16,382,729 16,972,853 590,124 5 Q. What other general conclusions can be drawn 6 from the information in Table 4? 7 A. Compared to last year’s forecast, hydro 8 generation is expected to decrease 718,147 MWh, or 11 9 percent. The decrease in hydro generation, combined with an 10 increase in market energy prices and natural gas prices, is 11 driving an increase in coal-fired generation and surplus-12 sales. Coal-fired generation is projected to increase 13 1,483,825 MWh compared to last year, or 41 percent and 14 BRADY, DI 15 Idaho Power Company surplus-sales volumes are expected to increase 503,220 MWh, 1 or 67 percent. 2 Q. What is causing the decrease in expected hydro 3 generation of 718,147 MWh? 4 A. The decrease in expected hydro generation is 5 mainly due to lower projected inflows into Brownlee 6 reservoir. The March Operating Plan used in this year’s 7 PCA forecast projects April through July inflows into 8 Brownlee of 2.9 million acre-feet (“MAF”) as compared to 9 4.2 MAF used to determine last year’s PCA forecast, a 10 decrease of 31 percent. Expected inflows into Brownlee 11 were higher for last year’s PCA forecast as a result of 12 better snowpack conditions, which provide for sustained 13 runoff and increased hydro generation during the spring and 14 summer months. 15 Additionally, this year’s PCA forecast reflects 16 weaker reservoir storage conditions, as compared to last 17 year’s forecast. The March Operating Plan used in this 18 year’s PCA demonstrates that available storage in the 11 19 reservoirs above Brownlee is 76 percent of normal and at 51 20 percent of capacity, compared to last year’s 2021 March 21 Operating Plan, in which storage was 113 percent of normal 22 and at 75 percent of capacity. Together weaker snowpack 23 conditions and carryover as compared to the prior year are 24 BRADY, DI 16 Idaho Power Company resulting in the 11 percent reduction in forecast hydro 1 generation for the 2022–2023 PCA Year. 2 Q. How are the forecasted NPSE differences 3 presented in Table 2 used to determine the 2022-2023 PCA 4 forecast component to be collected from Idaho customers? 5 A. The 2022-2023 PCA forecast component reflects 6 the Idaho jurisdictional share of the forecasted NPSE 7 differences presented in Table 2, adjusted for the PCA 8 sharing provisions. The Idaho jurisdictional share of the 9 forecast NPSE differences is determined by applying a ratio 10 of forecast firm Idaho jurisdictional sales to forecast 11 firm system-level sales to the system-level NPSE 12 differences. 13 Q. What is the Company’s forecast of system-level 14 firm sales and Idaho jurisdictional firm sales for the 15 2022-2023 PCA Year? 16 A. For the 2022-2023 PCA Year, Idaho Power has 17 forecast system-level firm sales to be 15,690,546 MWh and 18 Idaho jurisdictional firm sales to be 14,992,046 MWh, or 19 95.55 percent of the system level. 20 Q. What is the Company’s determination of the 21 2022-2023 PCA forecast component to be collected from Idaho 22 customers? 23 A. The 2022-2023 PCA forecast component to be 24 collected from Idaho customers is $178,795,544. Table 5 25 BRADY, DI 17 Idaho Power Company presents the determination of the 2022-2023 PCA forecast 1 component by individual PCA expense and revenue category. 2 3 Table 5 2022-2023 PCA FORECAST Line No. FERC Account Difference from Base Difference After Sharing Idaho Allocation 95% Sharing Accounts (From Table 1) 1 Account 501, Coal $ 42,675,980 $ 40,542,181 $ 38,737,356 2 Account 536, Water for Power $ (2,380,597) $ (2,261,567) $ (2,160,888) 3 Account 547, Other Fuel $ 53,616,003 $ 50,935,202 $ 48,667,709 4 Account 555, Purchased Power Non-PURPA $ 37,299,887 $ 35,434,893 $ 33,857,430 5 Account 565, 3rd Party Transmission $ (306,716) $ (291,380) $ (278,408) 6 Account 447, Surplus Sales $ (13,350,695) $ (12,683,160) $ (12,118,541) $ 117,553,863 $ 111,676,170 $ 106,704,658 100% Sharing Accounts 7 Account 555, PURPA $ 78,732,189 $ 78,732,189 $ 75,227,251 8 Account 555, Demand Response Incentives $ (3,136,365) $ (3,136,365) $ (3,136,365) 9 Total $ 193,149,687 $ 187,271,994 $ 178,795,544 4 B. Balancing Adjustment. 5 Q. What is this year’s quantification of the 6 Balancing Adjustment? 7 A. The Balancing Adjustment is detailed in the 8 PCA deferral report, attached hereto as Exhibit No. 2. This 9 report compares actual NPSE amounts to actual power cost 10 collections monthly, with the differences accumulated as a 11 deferral balance. The balance at the end of March 2022, 12 with interest applied, was $38,669,525 as shown on row 100 13 of Exhibit No. 2. The approximate $38.7 million represents 14 BRADY, DI 18 Idaho Power Company an increase to customer rates in this year’s PCA Balancing 1 Adjustment. 2 Q. To what factors do you attribute the 3 accumulation of the approximate $38.7 million deferral 4 balance? 5 A. The approximate $38.7 million deferral balance 6 was primarily driven by a decrease in actual hydro 7 generation from expected as well as higher than forecast 8 market purchases, offset by higher surplus sales. 9 Actual hydro generation for the 2021-2022 PCA year 10 totaled 5,268,002 MWh, a 21 percent decrease from last 11 year’s forecast of 6,690,890 MWh. Actual purchased power 12 totaled 4,079,834 MWh, a 176 percent increase from last 13 year’s forecast. Actual surplus sales volumes totaled 14 1,373,630 MWh, an increase of 82 percent from 754,975 MWh. 15 Actual natural gas prices were also higher than 16 forecast, driving a 55 percent increase in natural gas fuel 17 expense. Although natural gas prices were higher than 18 forecast, the Company’s reliance on natural gas generation 19 did not decrease as it was needed to serve load due to 20 lower than expected hydro generation and higher than 21 expected temperatures during the 2021 summer season. 22 Q. Please elaborate on the changes in actual 23 versus forecast generation and expense for the 2021-2022 24 PCA Year. 25 BRADY, DI 19 Idaho Power Company A. Last year’s PCA forecast included an average 1 market sales price of $34.23 per MWh. The actual average 2 market sales price for the 2021-2022 PCA year was $57.70 3 per MWh, a 69 percent increase. As a result of the 4 difference in forecast and actual market sales prices, as 5 well as economic opportunity during the spring and winter 6 months of the 2021-2022 PCA year, actual surplus sales 7 volumes were 82 percent higher than forecast. Surplus sales 8 revenue totaled $79,257,653, which was 207 percent higher 9 than forecast revenues of $25,842,225. 10 Coal-fired generation totaled 3,241,970 MWh, which 11 was 10 percent lower than forecast, and actual coal fuel 12 expense was $104.5 million, 12 percent lower than forecast. 13 Coal-fired generation was lower than forecast due to the 14 increase in market energy purchases and increase in natural 15 gas generation. 16 Natural gas generation totaled 2,719,869 MWh for the 17 2021-2022 PCA Year, which was 378,875 MWh, or 16 percent, 18 higher than forecast. Due to natural gas prices being 19 higher than expected, actual natural gas expense totaled 20 $88,941,596, which was 55 percent higher than forecast. 21 While natural gas prices were higher than forecast, the 22 Company’s reliance on natural gas generation increased 16 23 percent as it was needed to meet load, as well as make off-24 system sales when it was economic, as noted previously. 25 BRADY, DI 20 Idaho Power Company While both purchased power and surplus sales 1 increased, surplus sale volumes were highest in off-peak 2 spring and winter months, and purchased power was highest 3 in summer months, where hot temperatures caused 4 continuously higher than forecast peak loads. 5 Q. Were there any items included in this year’s 6 Balancing Adjustment in addition to actual NPSE incurred 7 during the April 2021 through March 2022 period? 8 A. Yes. Per Commission Order No. 34100, Idaho 9 Power included its actual costs of Western Energy Imbalance 10 Market (“EIM”) participation for April 2021 through March 11 2022 in the Balancing Adjustment. Benefits associated with 12 EIM participation are embedded in actual NPSE experienced 13 over that same period. 14 Q. Please summarize the conditions of Order No. 15 34100 as they pertain to EIM cost recovery through the 2021 16 PCA. 17 A. Per the terms of the settlement stipulation 18 (“EIM Stipulation”) approved by Order No. 34100, Idaho 19 Power agreed to include an EIM-related monthly revenue 20 requirement in its monthly PCA deferral calculation based 21 on actual EIM participation costs commencing April 1, 2018. 22 The Company also agreed to apply a soft cap to EIM-related 23 revenue requirement included in the PCA deferral equal to 24 annual EIM benefits as reported by the California 25 BRADY, DI 21 Idaho Power Company Independent System Operator (“CAISO”) for the corresponding 1 period. 2 Q. Is the EIM-related revenue requirement 3 included in the April 2021 through March 2022 PCA deferral 4 under the soft cap of annual CAISO-reported benefits for 5 that same period? 6 A. Yes. For the April 2021 through March 2022 7 period, the EIM-related revenue requirement totaled $2.9 8 million, while CAISO reported EIM benefits for Idaho Power 9 of approximately $40 million from April through December 10 (CAISO’s first quarter 2022 report has not yet been 11 published). Therefore, the Company’s EIM-related revenue 12 requirement is less than the soft cap agreed to in the EIM 13 Stipulation. 14 Q. Does Idaho Power believe the EIM has provided 15 net benefits to customers since joining in April 2018? 16 A. Yes. While Idaho Power believes the CAISO 17 benefit calculation overstates estimated benefits to Idaho 18 Power’s system, the Company believes customers have 19 realized significant net benefits since the Company’s entry 20 into the EIM in April 2018. As discussed in the Company’s 21 May 24, 2019, Report of EIM Benefits and Costs of 22 Participation, filed in Case No. IPC-E-16-19, Idaho Power 23 has developed a more precise methodology for determining 24 EIM benefits that uses inputs specific to the Company. 25 BRADY, DI 22 Idaho Power Company Based on this methodology, the Company believes benefits 1 achieved between April 2021 and December 2021 are 2 approximately $16 million (benefits for the first quarter 3 of 2022 are not yet available). This level of EIM benefits 4 compared to the Idaho-jurisdictional EIM costs of $2.9 5 million, demonstrates a net benefit to the Company and, 6 ultimately, its customers. 7 C. PCA Rate Determination. 8 Q. How is the rate for the forecast portion of 9 the PCA for April 2022 through March 2023 determined? 10 A. The rate for the forecast portion of the PCA 11 is equal to the sum of (1) 95 percent of the difference 12 between the non-PURPA expenses quantified in the Operating 13 Plan and those quantified in the Company’s last approved 14 update of NPSE, divided by the Company’s forecast of system 15 firm sales for June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023 (“System-16 level Sales Forecast”); and (2) 100 percent of the 17 difference between PURPA-related expenses quantified in the 18 Operating Plan and those quantified in the Company’s last 19 approved update of NPSE, divided by the Company’s System-20 level Sales Forecast; and (3) 100 percent of the difference 21 between the Idaho jurisdictional demand response incentive 22 payments quantified in the Operating Plan and those 23 quantified in the Company’s last approved update of NPSE, 24 BRADY, DI 23 Idaho Power Company divided by the forecast of Idaho jurisdictional firm sales 1 for June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023. 2 Q. What is the rate for the forecast portion of 3 the PCA for April 2022 through March 2023? 4 A. The rate for non-PURPA expenses is 0.7117 5 cents per kilowatt-hour (“kWh”), which is calculated by 6 multiplying $117,553,863 from Table 2 by 95 percent and 7 then dividing it by the System-level Sales Forecast of 8 15,690,546 MWh (($117,553,863 * 0.95) / 15,690,546) = 9 $7.117 /MWh = 0.7117 cents/kWh). The rate for PURPA 10 expenses is 0.5018 cents per kWh, which is calculated by 11 dividing $78,732,189 from Table 2 by the 15,690,546 MWh 12 ($78,732,189 / 15,690,546 MWh = $5.018/MWh = 0.5018 13 cents/kWh). The rate for demand response incentive 14 payments is a negative 0.0209 cents per kWh, which is 15 calculated by dividing the negative $3,136,365 from Table 2 16 by the forecast of Idaho jurisdictional firm sales of 17 14,992,046 MWh (-$3,136,365 / 14,992,046 MWh = -$0.209/MWh 18 = -0.0209 cents/kWh). The forecast portion of the PCA rate 19 is 1.1926 cents per kWh, which is calculated by adding the 20 non-PURPA expense of 0.7117 cents per kWh to the PURPA 21 expense of 0.5018 cents per kWh to the demand response 22 incentive payment of negative 0.0209 cents per kWh (0. 7117 23 + 0.5018 + -0.0209 = 1.1926 cents/kWh). 24 BRADY, DI 24 Idaho Power Company Q. How did you compute this year’s Balancing 1 Account rate? 2 A. As shown in Exhibit No. 2, this year’s 3 Balancing Adjustment of the PCA is approximately $38.7 4 million, which, when divided by the Company’s forecast of 5 Idaho jurisdictional sales of 14,992,046 MWh, results in a 6 rate of 0.2579 cents per kWh ($38,669,526 / 14,992,046 = 7 $2.579/MWh = 0.2579 cents/kWh). 8 Q. What is the resulting PCA rate when you 9 combine all the PCA components described previously? 10 A. The uniform PCA rate comprises (1) the 1.1926 11 cents per kWh for the 2022-2023 projected power cost of 12 serving firm loads under the current PCA methodology and 95 13 percent sharing, and (2) the 0.2579 cents per kWh for the 14 2021-2022 Balancing Adjustment of the PCA. The sum of these 15 two components is a 1.4505 cents per kWh charge for all 16 rate classes. 17 III. ADDITIONAL PCA RATE ADJUSTMENTS 18 A. Revenue Sharing. 19 Q. When was the revenue sharing mechanism 20 originally established? 21 A. The revenue sharing mechanism was originally 22 established in Case No. IPC-E-09-30 and approved in Order 23 No. 30978, effective for the years 2009-2011. Since then, 24 the revenue sharing mechanism has been modified and 25 BRADY, DI 25 Idaho Power Company extended three times.3 Most recently, the revenue sharing 1 mechanism was extended indefinitely, with modifications, in 2 Order No. 34071 in Case No. GNR-U-18-01. 3 Q. What are the provisions of the current revenue 4 sharing mechanism? 5 A. In Case No. GNR-U-18-01, the Company filed a 6 motion to approve a settlement stipulation (“2018 7 Stipulation”) extending the sharing mechanism indefinitely, 8 with modifications. The Commission approved the 2018 9 Stipulation in Order No. 34071. 10 Per the terms of the 2018 Stipulation, if the 11 Company’s actual year-end Return on Equity (“ROE”) for the 12 Idaho jurisdiction exceeds 10 percent, all amounts up to 13 and including a 10.5 percent ROE will be shared between 14 customers and the Company on an 80 percent and 20 percent 15 basis, respectively, to be provided as a rate reduction to 16 become effective at the time of the subsequent year’s PCA. 17 If the Company’s Idaho jurisdictional ROE exceeds 10.5 18 percent, all amounts in excess of 10.5 percent will be 19 shared 55 percent with Idaho customers as a rate reduction 20 to become effective with the subsequent year’s PCA, 25 21 percent will be shared with Idaho customers in the form of 22 an offset to amounts in the Company’s pension balancing 23 account, and 20 percent will be apportioned to the Company. 24 3 Order Nos. 32424, 33149 and 34071. BRADY, DI 26 Idaho Power Company With regard to the amortization of Accumulated 1 Deferred Investment Tax Credits (“ADITC”), the 2018 2 Stipulation allows the Company to accelerate the 3 amortization of ADITC, in an amount up to $45 million, to 4 achieve a maximum 9.4 percent Idaho jurisdictional ROE if 5 the Company’s year-end actual results fall below that 6 amount for any year beginning January 1, 2020. Idaho Power 7 may use up to $25 million of additional amortization of 8 ADITC per year, provided the total, cumulative amount of 9 ADITC does not exceed $45 million. Per the 2018 10 Stipulation, once the Company has fully amortized the $45 11 million of ADITC, revenue sharing will cease; however, 12 Idaho Power may at any time request to replenish the total 13 amount of ADITC it is permitted to amortize, and if 14 approved by the Commission, revenue sharing would continue. 15 Q. Did the revenue sharing mechanism result in 16 any action following the 2009-2020 fiscal years? 17 A. Yes. The Company’s earnings in each year from 18 2011 through 2015, as well as 2018, resulted in revenue 19 sharing with customers totaling $126.2 million, either as a 20 direct rate offset in the PCA or as an offset to amounts 21 that would have otherwise been collected in rates. The 22 Company’s earnings in 2016, 2017, 2019, and 2020 were below 23 the revenue sharing threshold. These amounts are detailed 24 in Table 6 below. 25 BRADY, DI 27 Idaho Power Company Table 6 2009-2020 Revenue Sharing Line No. Revenue Sharing Component 2009-2011 2012-2014 2015-2020 1 Available ADITC For Use $45 Million $45 Million $45 Million 2 ROE Threshold 9.5% 9.5% 10.0% 3 50-50 Sharing Threshold 10.5% 10.0% N/A 4 75-25 Sharing Threshold N/A 10.5% 10.0% 5 Customer Benefits ($ Millions): 6 Reduction to Rates $27.1 $22.8 $8.2 Total 7 Offset to Pension Balancing Account $20.3 $47.8 $0.0 2009-2020 8 Total $47.4 $70.6 $8.2 $126.2 1 Q. Did the Company’s year-end 2021 financial 2 results warrant any action related to the existing sharing 3 agreement per the terms of the 2018 Stipulation? 4 A. Yes. The Company’s year-end 2021 financial 5 results yielded an actual Idaho jurisdictional ROE of 10.02 6 percent, above the 10 percent ROE threshold for revenue 7 sharing, and thus resulting in a revenue amount to be 8 shared with customers after tax gross-up of $568,771. 9 Q. Did the Company use the same methodology to 10 determine the Idaho jurisdictional 2021 year-end ROE that 11 was used in prior PCA filings? 12 A. Yes. The methodology used to determine the 13 Company’s Idaho jurisdictional 2021 year-end ROE is 14 consistent with the methodology used for the year-end ROE 15 determinations since the inception of the mechanism. 16 Q. Do you have an exhibit demonstrating the 17 application of this methodology? 18 BRADY, DI 28 Idaho Power Company A. Yes. Exhibit No. 3 provides a step-by-step 1 calculation of the Idaho jurisdictional ROE based on year-2 end 2021 financial results utilizing the Commission-3 approved methodology from previous PCA filings. 4 Q. What is the revenue sharing amount to be 5 included in the 2022-2023 PCA? 6 A. As detailed in Exhibit No. 3, the 2021 Idaho 7 jurisdictional ROE was 10.02 percent. As quantified on line 8 63 of Exhibit No. 3, in 2021, the Company’s earnings 9 exceeded an Idaho jurisdictional ROE of 10 percent by 10 $527,962. Per the terms of the 2018 Stipulation, 80 percent 11 of the $527,962 should be shared with customers as a direct 12 reduction to PCA rates effective June 1, 2022. Applying the 13 80 percent sharing provision to the $527,962 yields a 14 customer-allocated sharing amount of $422,369. After tax 15 gross-up, the revenue sharing amount to be applied to 16 customer bills is $568,771. 17 Q. How does the Company propose to allocate the 18 $568,771 revenue sharing to customer classes? 19 A. The Company proposes to allocate the revenue 20 sharing benefit to customer classes utilizing the same 21 methodology as in past cases, i.e., based on each class’s 22 proportional share of forecasted base rate revenues for the 23 upcoming PCA rate effective year, which in this case is 24 June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023. 25 BRADY, DI 29 Idaho Power Company Q. Have you provided an exhibit detailing the 1 class allocation utilizing this methodology? 2 A. Yes. Exhibit No. 4 details the class 3 allocation of the $568,771 revenue sharing benefit. As 4 displayed in column G of Exhibit No. 4, each customer class 5 receives a decrease of approximately 0.05 percent relative 6 to current base revenues. 7 Q. How does the Company propose to include the 8 class-allocated revenue sharing benefits in rates? 9 A. Except for the special contracts for Micron 10 Technology, Inc., the U.S. Department of Energy, and the 11 J.R. Simplot Company – Pocatello, Idaho Power proposes to 12 include the class-allocated revenue sharing benefits on a 13 cents-per-kWh basis applied to the 2022 PCA rates effective 14 June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023. Column F of Exhibit No. 15 4 contains the rates proposed for inclusion in each class’s 16 PCA rate. 17 Q. What is the Company’s proposal for providing 18 revenue sharing benefits to its special contract customers? 19 A. Consistent with the methodology used to share 20 2011-2015 and 2018 revenues, the Company proposes to 21 provide the special contract customers a flat dollar-per-22 month credit in 12 equal portions to serve as a reduction 23 to monthly invoices billed from June 2022 through May 2023. 24 The total revenue sharing benefit allocated to the special 25 BRADY, DI 30 Idaho Power Company contract customers is displayed in column E of Exhibit No. 1 4. 2 Q. Is the Company’s rate design proposal for the 3 2022 revenue sharing benefits consistent with past-approved 4 proposals? 5 A. Yes. 6 IV. NET CUSTOMER IMPACT 7 Q. What is the revenue impact of the requested 8 PCA rate when compared with PCA rates currently in effect? 9 A. Attachment 2 to the Application filed 10 contemporaneously with my testimony provides a detailed 11 description of the overall revenue impact of this filing on 12 each customer class. As shown in Attachment 2, applying 13 the requested PCA rates to expected customer sales for the 14 June 2022 through May 2023 test year results in a PCA 15 increase of $103.4 million. 16 Q. Given the magnitude of the increase for the 17 2022-2023 PCA, did the Company consider proposing any rate 18 mitigation options? 19 A. Yes. Given the magnitude of the 2022-2023 PCA 20 increase, I consulted with management to determine what 21 mitigation, if any, the Company should include in this 22 year’s PCA filing. 23 Q. Following these discussions, is the Company 24 proposing to include any rate mitigation in this filing? 25 BRADY, DI 31 Idaho Power Company A. No. After careful consideration, I was advised 1 by management to not propose any rate mitigation measures 2 in this case. However, the Company is open to rate 3 mitigation measures if the Commission deems them 4 appropriate. 5 Q. Why is the Company not proposing any rate 6 mitigation in this case? 7 A. First, the Company believes that customer 8 interests are generally best served by matching cost 9 recovery as closely as possible with the period in which 10 power supply costs are incurred. Additionally, mitigating 11 rate impacts by spreading recovery over multiple years 12 creates the possibility that the deferred collection will 13 result in “rate pancaking” with potential future rate 14 increases, essentially deferring an increase in the current 15 year to create an even larger increase in the future. The 16 Company also considered prior Commission orders with regard 17 to rate mitigation measures in the PCA. In orders from the 18 2008, 2009, 2013, and 2020 PCA cases4 in which rate 19 mitigation was discussed, the Commission declined to adopt 20 any rate mitigation measures, primarily for the same 21 concerns surrounding rate pancaking, appropriate matching 22 of costs and recovery, and the overall intent of the PCA 23 mechanism. 24 4 Order Nos. 30563, 30828, 32821, and 34682 BRADY, DI 32 Idaho Power Company Q. Would Idaho Power be amenable to implementing 1 rate mitigation measures for the 2022-2023 PCA if the 2 Commission determines such measures are appropriate? 3 A. Yes. While both Idaho Power and the Commission 4 have expressed concerns with rate mitigation measures in 5 the past, the Company would be amenable to discussing such 6 measures in the current filing. A two-year recovery period, 7 for example, would reduce the rate impact from the proposed 8 $103.4 million, or 8.27 percent increase, to an approximate 9 $50 million, or slightly more than 4 percent, annual 10 increase in collection spread over two years. 11 Q. Have you prepared a revised Schedule 55 that 12 includes the proposed PCA rates? 13 A. Yes. Attachment 1 to the Application is a 14 revised Schedule 55 and includes the proposed PCA rates in 15 clean and legislative formats. 16 Q. Should the Commission approve the Company’s 17 computation of the PCA rates? 18 A. Yes. The Commission should approve the 19 Company’s computation of the PCA rates. The calculation of 20 the PCA rates follows the methodology that was approved in 21 Order Nos. 30715, 33307, and 34071. If approved, the 2022-22 2023 PCA will result in an increase in total billed revenue 23 of approximately $103.4 million, or 8.27 percent. 24 \\ 25 BRADY, DI 33 Idaho Power Company Q. Does this conclude your testimony? 1 A. Yes, it does. 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 BRADY, DI 34 Idaho Power Company DECLARATION OF JESSICA G. BRADY 1 I, Jessica G. Brady, declare under penalty of 2 perjury under the laws of the state of Idaho: 3 1. My name is Jessica G. Brady. I am employed 4 by Idaho Power Company as a Regulatory Analyst in the 5 Regulatory Affairs Department. 6 2. On behalf of Idaho Power, I present this 7 pre-filed direct testimony and Exhibit Nos. 1-4 in this 8 matter. 9 3. To the best of my knowledge, my pre-filed 10 direct testimony and exhibits are true and accurate. 11 I hereby declare that the above statement is true to 12 the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I understand 13 it is made for use as evidence before the Idaho Public 14 Utilities Commission and is subject to penalty for perjury. 15 SIGNED this 15th day of April 2022, at Boise, Idaho. 16 17 Signed: _________________________ 18 1 From:Gust, Stacy Sent:Monday, April 18, 2022 8:11 AM To:Jan Noriyuki Cc:Nordstrom, Lisa; Aschenbrenner, Connie Subject:RE: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 Attachments:BillInsert_PCA_04-22_Print.pdf Ms. Noriyuki, Please find attached the corrected Bill Insert that was sent out regarding the above matter. Could you please replace it with the Bill Insert that was filed on Friday? Thank you. Stacy Gust REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 From: Gust, Stacy Sent: Friday, April 15, 2022 4:07 PM To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: Nordstrom, Lisa <LNordstrom@idahopower.com> Subject: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 Ms. Noriyuki, Please find attached for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 35058, Idaho Power Company’s 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Application, the Direct Testimony of Jessica Brady, PCA Bill Insert, PCA Postcard, and PCA News Release. Also provided as a courtesy to Staff are the Excel workpapers. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Stacy Gust REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 Thank you for reading this notice. We value your business. ©2022 Idaho Power Printed on recycled paper. 31180-I-0178 Oxbow Power PlantOxbow Power Plant Opportunities for Public Review Idaho Power’s proposal is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of the application are available to the public at the IPUC offices (11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, ID 83714), Idaho Power offices, or at idahopower.com or puc.idaho.gov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC’s RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding Idaho Power’s proposal may be filed with the IPUC. Idaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment Idaho Power has filed the final piece of its annual spring cost adjustments with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). This year’s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calls for a price increase across all customer classes as a result of higher power costs related to last summer’s unprecedented heatwave and lower hydro generation because of drought conditions. Neither Idaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financial return from this filing, which is a request for $103.4 million. The money collected is used solely to recover expenses associated with annual fluctuations in power costs. The overall impact to residential customer bills on June 1 depends on the outcome of three filings: • The annual PCA, filed today, is a cost-recovery tool that passes on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to Idaho Power customers. If the PCA proposal is approved by the IPUC as filed, the typical Idaho residential customer using 950 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per month will see a $6.54 increase on their bill related to this request. • The annual Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA), filed in March and applicable to only residential and small commercial customers, adjusts prices based on changes in energy use per customer during the previous year. If the FCA proposal is approved as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer will see a $0.81 decrease on their bill related to this request. • Idaho Power has requested a price increase to collect the cost of an accelerated depreciation schedule for all coal-related investments at the Jim Bridger Power Plant in Wyoming. If approved as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer will see a $2.07 increase on their bill related to this request. The impact of these three filings for all Idaho customers is shown in the table below. A typical Idaho residential customer will see an overall monthly increase of $7.80. The actual percentage of change will depend on a customer’s classification and the rate they pay. The PCA has two main components: the forecast and the backward-looking balancing adjustment. The forecast reflects Idaho Power’s anticipated fuel costs, purchased power costs and customer benefits from sales of surplus energy for the coming April through March. The balancing adjustment brings last year’s forecasted costs in balance with costs actually incurred by Idaho Power by looking back at what happened the previous April through March. The increase in this year’s PCA is attributed to last year’s actual power supply costs, which exceeded the forecast, driven by lower-than-expected hydro generation, high natural gas prices and high market prices. Idaho Power experienced higher power costs than it has in the past due to the record-setting heat wave of summer 2021, during which the company exceeded its previous all-time peak load for five consecutive days. This year’s PCA forecast also reflects expected increases to costs primarily due to continued drought conditions, which would result in less low-cost hydro generation available to serve customers, and higher costs associated with power purchase agreements under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). 2022 RATE FILINGS PERCENTAGE CHANGE FROM CURRENT BILLED REVENUE Overall Percentage Impact Residential Small General Service Large General Service1 Large Power2 Irrigation POWER COST ADJUSMENT (PCA)3 8.27%6.55%5.24%9.18%12.10%8.46% FIXED COST ADJUSMENT (FCA) -0.39%-0.81%-0.82%N/A N/A N/A BRIDGER 2.17%2.08%1.99%2.24%2.23%2.30% COMBINED IMPACT4 10.05%7.82%6.41%11.43%14.33%10.75% 1 Includes lighting schedules; ² Includes special contracts; ³ Includes revenue sharing; 4 Totals may not sum due to rounding Oxbow Power Plant 1 From:Gust, Stacy Sent:Monday, April 18, 2022 8:53 AM To:Jan Noriyuki Cc:Naomi Carr Subject:RE: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 Thank you! Stacy Gust REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 From: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2022 8:52 AM To: Gust, Stacy <SGust@idahopower.com> Cc: Naomi Carr <Naomi.Carr@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Thank you, Stacy. We will get it replaced. Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, ID 83714 208-334-0338 jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov Notice of Electronic Filing Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 35058, issued June 3, 2021, please accept this e-mail as confirmation of your submittal being accepted for electronic filing. From: Gust, Stacy <SGust@idahopower.com> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2022 8:11 AM To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: Nordstrom, Lisa <LNordstrom@idahopower.com>; Aschenbrenner, Connie <CAschenbrenner@idahopower.com> Subject: RE: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 2 Ms. Noriyuki, Please find attached the corrected Bill Insert that was sent out regarding the above matter. Could you please replace it with the Bill Insert that was filed on Friday? Thank you. Stacy Gust REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 From: Gust, Stacy Sent: Friday, April 15, 2022 4:07 PM To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: Nordstrom, Lisa <LNordstrom@idahopower.com> Subject: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 Ms. Noriyuki, Please find attached for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 35058, Idaho Power Company’s 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Application, the Direct Testimony of Jessica Brady, PCA Bill Insert, PCA Postcard, and PCA News Release. Also provided as a courtesy to Staff are the Excel workpapers. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Stacy Gust REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMER This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. 1 From:Goralski, Paul Sent:Monday, April 18, 2022 9:35 AM To:Jan Noriyuki Cc:Naomi Carr; Gust, Stacy Subject:RE: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 Thanks so much Jan for getting those files removed so quickly! From: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2022 8:48 AM To: Goralski, Paul <PGoralski@idahopower.com> Cc: Naomi Carr <Naomi.Carr@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Good morning, Paul. We will get this corrected right away. Thank you, Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, ID 83714 208-334-0338 jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov Notice of Electronic Filing Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 35058, issued June 3, 2021, please accept this e-mail as confirmation of your submittal being accepted for electronic filing. From: Goralski, Paul <PGoralski@idahopower.com> Sent: Friday, April 15, 2022 4:54 PM To: Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: RE: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 2 Good Afternoon Ms. Noriyuki: Thank you for uploading the filing to the PUC website so quickly this afternoon. I noticed when I was reviewing the Excel versions of the files were also posted to the website. The PDF versions of the exhibits are included with the Brady Testimony and we provide the Excel versions as a courtesy to Staff for their review. Would it be possible to remove the Excel exhibits from the PUC website? Thank you! -Paul Paul Goralski REGULATORY CONSULTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-2608 | Mobile 347-631-9643 From: Gust, Stacy <SGust@idahopower.com> Sent: Friday, April 15, 2022 4:49 PM To: Goralski, Paul <PGoralski@idahopower.com> Subject: FW: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Id Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 From: Gust, Stacy Sent: Friday, April 15, 2022 4:07 PM To: 'Jan Noriyuki' <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: Nordstrom, Lisa <LNordstrom@idahopower.com> Subject: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 Ms. Noriyuki, 3 Please find attached for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 35058, Idaho Power Company’s 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Application, the Direct Testimony of Jessica Brady, PCA Bill Insert, PCA Postcard, and PCA News Release. Also provided as a courtesy to Staff are the Excel workpapers. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Stacy Gust REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMER This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. 1 From:Goralski, Paul Sent:Thursday, April 21, 2022 10:58 AM To:Kathy Stockton Cc:Brady, Jessi; Gust, Stacy Subject:FW: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 Attachments:Exhibit No. 1 - 2022-2023 PCA Forecast.xlsx; Exhibit No. 2 - 2022 PCA Deferral Report - Balancing Adjustment.xlsx; Exhibit No. 3 - 2022 ROE Determination Revenue Sharing Benefits.xlsx; Exhibit No. 4 - 2022 Earnings Sharing Benefit.xlsx Hi Kathy: Attached please find the Excel versions of Idaho Power’s PCA exhibits. We have tried to include these with the filing, but we’re still working out the logistics to make sure they are not posted to PUC site, but getting passed along to the correct Staff contacts. Thanks for your patience, we’ll get there! -Paul From: Gust, Stacy <SGust@idahopower.com> Sent: Friday, April 15, 2022 4:49 PM To: Goralski, Paul <PGoralski@idahopower.com> Subject: FW: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authorit Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 From: Gust, Stacy Sent: Friday, April 15, 2022 4:07 PM To: 'Jan Noriyuki' <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: Nordstrom, Lisa <LNordstrom@idahopower.com> Subject: IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 Ms. Noriyuki, Please find attached for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 35058, Idaho Power Company’s 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Application, the Direct Testimony of Jessica Brady, PCA Bill Insert, PCA Postcard, and PCA News Release. Also provided as a courtesy to Staff are the Excel workpapers. If you have any questions regarding this filing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Stacy Gust 2 REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 Line No. FERC Account April May June July August September October November December January February March Annual 95% Sharing Accounts 1 Hydroelectric Generation (MWh)497,726 638,022 480,588 521,844 479,226 467,253 411,296 377,554 421,109 499,779 509,799 668,546 5,972,743 Account 536, Water for Power 2 Total Expense -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Account 501, Coal Jim Bridger 3 Energy (MWh)340,469 91,408 217,645 397,110 396,394 385,697 387,296 419,907 441,058 438,988 398,531 394,768 4,309,270 4 Total Expense 9,443,599$ 2,248,639$ 5,734,700$ 10,763,184$ 10,767,828$ 10,483,821$ 10,550,491$ 11,461,278$ 12,067,323$ 12,795,415$ 11,813,841$ 11,652,435$ 119,782,555$ North Valmy 5 Energy (MWh)- (0) 49,680 92,374 92,374 89,394 92,374 89,394 92,374 92,374 83,435 (0) 773,773 6 Total Expense 253,916$ 253,916$ 2,055,223$ 3,588,576$ 3,598,821$ 3,491,852$ 3,602,724$ 3,499,879$ 3,614,433$ 3,730,360$ 3,445,374$ 261,533$ 31,396,605$ Account 547, Other Fuel Langley Gulch7 Energy (MWh)209,344 - 164,576 210,784 211,056 208,240 215,800 215,505 226,896 227,040 202,080 219,513 2,310,834 8 Total Expense 6,563,384$ 391,446$ 4,602,383$ 4,941,008$ 4,964,704$ 6,942,101$ 7,333,533$ 8,057,540$ 7,705,046$ 7,953,869$ 7,855,176$ 6,831,914$ 74,142,105$ Danskin 9 Energy (MWh)- - - 94,920 121,032 - - - - 2,752 - - 218,704 10 Total Expense 188,260$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 3,833,070$ 4,845,555$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 328,116$ 188,260$ 188,260$ 10,701,080$ Bennett Mountain 11 Energy (MWh)- - - - 26,784 - - - - - - - 26,784.00 12 Total Expense 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 1,120,405$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 92,725$ 2,140,380$ Account 555, Purchased Power Non-PURPA 13 Energy (MWh)40,254 279,203 366,794 289,780 172,321 41,195 31,697 56,268 114,743 75,148 53,545 59,379 1,580,326 14 Total Expense 4,157,980$ 9,534,941$ 11,968,170$ 17,449,226$ 18,381,020$ 4,286,045$ 4,053,608$ 4,883,331$ 9,440,738$ 6,207,751$ 4,714,385$ 4,829,284$ 99,906,480$ Account 565, 3rd Party Transmission 15 Total Expense 322,260$ 284,758$ 630,748$ 842,719$ 784,043$ 478,164$ 524,429$ 294,591$ 231,318$ 250,501$ 247,157$ 258,551$ 5,149,239$ Account 447, Surplus Sales 16 Energy (MWh)243,770 - - - - 67,592 182,866 100,591 - 70,270 238,722 354,384 1,258,195 17 Total Expense (8,807,736)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ (5,618,895)$ (9,806,823)$ (5,227,868)$ (0)$ (5,477,413)$ (15,656,206)$ (14,490,907)$ (65,085,848)$ 100% Sharing Accounts Account 555, PURPA18 Energy (MWh)304,393 309,451 328,424 295,688 281,666 239,650 234,716 187,192 182,632 203,474 229,833 241,494 3,038,613 19 Total Expense 15,817,171$ 15,833,025$ 22,446,262$ 24,018,906$ 22,981,384$ 16,991,418$ 16,537,458$ 15,971,840$ 15,876,164$ 15,380,343$ 17,213,069$ 13,519,017$ 212,586,058$ Account 555, Demand Response Incentives 20 Total Expense -$ -$ 405,663$ 1,810,997$ 2,173,196$ 1,810,997$ 1,086,598$ 828,450$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 8,115,900$ 21 Total Net Power Supply Expense 28,031,559$ 28,827,709$ 48,124,134$ 67,340,411$ 69,616,956$ 39,146,487$ 34,163,003$ 40,050,025$ 49,216,007$ 41,261,668$ 29,913,782$ 23,142,813$ 498,834,555$ 22 Total Generation (MWh)1,392,185 1,318,084 1,607,707 1,902,500 1,780,853 1,431,430 1,373,179 1,345,819 1,478,812 1,539,556 1,477,222 1,583,700 18,231,048 23 Total Load (MWh)1,148,415 1,318,084 1,607,707 1,902,500 1,780,853 1,363,838 1,190,313 1,245,228 1,478,812 1,469,285 1,238,500 1,229,317 16,972,853 APRIL 1, 2022 - MARCH 31, 2023 Power Cost Adjustment Highlighted cells need to be updated prior to the June and July PCA entries April 2021 thru March 2022 April May June July August September October November December January February March Totals Idaho Jurisdiction Net Power Supply Expense (Non-QF) Actual Non-QF Fuel Expense-Coal 1,757,654.22 2,514,720.18 7,399,208.57 10,741,867.24 10,164,589.83 12,340,609.49 12,316,422.51 9,595,793.75 11,558,010.46 11,064,306.78 8,586,436.46 8,008,364.72 106,047,984.21 Fuel Expense-Gas 4,951,817.23 4,811,440.59 9,677,044.41 11,235,688.77 6,541,453.37 8,301,240.92 6,083,484.56 8,620,688.39 8,395,740.16 8,075,067.74 6,289,292.47 3,596,646.61 86,579,605.22 Non-Firm Purchases 3,493,642.85 5,088,468.04 31,400,383.66 34,713,710.07 20,241,393.06 14,739,423.21 11,093,208.55 11,275,274.53 18,479,986.77 15,990,136.63 17,785,197.15 8,774,306.18 193,075,130.70 Third Party Transmission 147,558.34 320,962.37 1,039,318.17 1,673,946.46 1,440,889.56 502,349.91 560,650.46 494,788.63 478,257.45 383,049.25 466,799.64 397,204.66 7,905,774.90 Surplus Sales 1,232,006.71 2,764,951.07 (9,915,940.56) (7,889,388.83) (5,147,668.33) (17,585,821.35) (10,333,780.36) (8,418,338.49) (8,094,574.26) (9,153,640.02) (4,647,258.89) (4,057,451.42) (81,246,904.73) Water for Power (Leases)- - - - - - - - - - - - - Total Actual NPSE $11,582,679.35 15,500,542.25 39,600,014.25 50,475,823.71 33,240,657.49 18,297,802.18 19,719,985.72 21,568,206.81 30,817,420.58 26,358,920.38 28,480,466.83 16,719,070.75 312,361,590.30 Idaho Allocation 95.1%95.5%95.8%95.9%95.9%95.8%95.7%95.0%95.2%95.3%95.4%95.7% Net Idaho Jurisctional Actual Non-QF $11,015,128.06 14,803,017.85 37,936,813.65 48,406,314.94 31,877,790.53 17,529,294.49 18,872,026.33 20,489,796.47 29,338,184.39 25,120,051.12 27,170,365.36 16,000,150.71 298,558,933.90 Base Non-QF Fuel Expense-Coal $7,525,242.00 7,487,643.00 9,019,153.00 11,385,255.00 12,185,412.00 10,796,845.00 7,781,442.00 7,302,324.00 8,455,019.00 9,553,773.00 8,912,994.00 8,098,078.00 108,503,180.00 Fuel Expense-Gas $2,314,209.00 2,302,646.00 2,773,625.00 3,501,263.00 3,747,333.00 3,320,312.00 2,392,997.00 2,245,656.00 2,600,139.00 2,938,035.00 2,740,979.00 2,490,369.00 33,367,563.00 Non-Firm Purchases $4,342,083.00 4,320,388.00 5,204,073.00 6,569,319.00 7,031,012.00 6,229,805.00 4,489,910.00 4,213,459.00 4,878,566.00 5,512,549.00 5,142,819.00 4,672,610.00 62,606,593.00 Third Party Transmission $378,398.00 376,507.00 453,517.00 572,494.00 612,729.00 542,907.00 391,281.00 367,189.00 425,151.00 480,400.00 448,179.00 407,203.00 5,455,955.00 Surplus Sales $(3,588,093.00)(3,570,166.00)(4,300,402.00)(5,428,577.00)(5,810,099.00)(5,148,019.00)(3,710,251.00)(3,481,805.00)(4,031,418.00)(4,555,312.00)(4,249,784.00)(3,861,227.00)(51,735,153.00) Water for Power (Leases)$165,106.00 164,281.00 197,883.00 249,796.00 267,352.00 236,886.00 170,727.00 160,216.00 185,506.00 209,613.00 195,555.00 177,676.00 2,380,597.00 Idaho Base NPSE $ 11,136,945.00 11,081,299.00 13,347,849.00 16,849,550.00 18,033,739.00 15,978,736.00 11,516,106.00 10,807,039.00 12,512,963.00 14,139,058.00 13,190,742.00 11,984,709.00 160,578,735.00 Idaho Allocation 95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0% Net Idaho Jurisdiction 95% Items $ 10,580,097.75 10,527,234.05 12,680,456.55 16,007,072.50 17,132,052.05 15,179,799.20 10,940,300.70 10,266,687.05 11,887,314.85 13,432,105.10 12,531,204.90 11,385,473.55 152,549,798.25 Idaho Jurisdiction Change From Base Net Power Supply Expense Deferral ① Idaho Jurisdictional Qualifying Facility NPSE Actual QF (Includes Net Metering, Raft River 100% & Liquidated Damages) Base QF QF Deferral ② Idaho Revenue Adjustment (SBAR) Idaho Revenue Adjustment (SBAR) ③ Idaho Jurisdcitional Demand Response Incentive Payments Idaho Actual Demand Response $- 15.00 215,509.60 2,837,603.74 2,830,335.20 918,876.18 339,283.73 (29,901.00) 338.82 - - - 7,112,061.27 Idaho Base Demand Response $780,401.00 776,502.00 935,327.00 1,180,702.00 1,263,682.00 1,119,681.00 806,970.00 757,284.00 876,823.00 990,769.00 924,317.00 839,807.00 11,252,265.00 Change From Base $(780,401.00) (776,487.00) (719,817.40) 1,656,901.74 1,566,653.20 (200,804.82) (467,686.27) (787,185.00) (876,484.18) (990,769.00) (924,317.00) (839,807.00) (4,140,203.73) Sharing Percentage 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Change From Base ④$(780,401.00) (776,487.00) (719,817.40)1,656,901.74 1,566,653.20 (200,804.82) (467,686.27) (787,185.00) (876,484.18) (990,769.00) (924,317.00) (839,807.00) (4,140,203.73) Idaho Miscellaneous Revenue Miscellaneous Revenue Deferral ⑤ Idaho EIM Participation Costs Return on EIM Capital Investment $41,551.97 40,425.17 39,298.37 38,171.57 37,044.76 35,917.96 34,791.16 33,664.35 32,537.55 31,377.59 30,706.63 30,035.68 425,522.76 Operating Expenses $236,046.12 247,117.91 233,818.23 241,017.65 247,528.80 227,261.53 217,600.38 230,366.44 230,575.44 172,307.29 191,995.31 177,385.27 2,653,020.36 Revenue Subtotal $277,598.09 287,543.09 273,116.60 279,189.22 284,573.56 263,179.49 252,391.53 264,030.80 263,112.99 203,684.87 222,701.94 207,420.95 3,078,543.12 Sharing Percentage 95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0%95.0% EIM Revenue Requirement ⑥$263,718.19 273,165.93 259,460.77 265,229.75 270,344.88 250,020.52 239,771.96 250,829.26 249,957.34 193,500.63 211,566.84 197,049.90 2,924,615.97 TOTAL DEFERRAL (Sum of ①-⑥)$2,851,842.24 6,575,145.26 29,306,064.79 28,855,090.58 16,670,979.22 3,660,978.05 13,453,342.13 13,820,066.15 23,475,598.44 8,876,886.21 9,519,620.13 4,173,169.83 161,238,783.03 PCA Forecasted Revenues Actual Idaho Jurisdictional Billing Month Sales MWh 1,022,091 1,121,255 1,294,124 1,784,020 1,664,879 1,357,241 1,047,114 970,118 1,079,035 1,243,412 1,222,767 1,132,221 14,938,277 % of Prior Period Billings at Old Rate 6/1/2020 7.83$ 100.000%100.000%59.416%1.049%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000% % of Current Period Billings at New Rate - 6/1/2021 8.79$ 0.000%0.000%40.600%99.000%100.000%100.000%100.000%100.000%100.000%100.000%100.000%100.000% Forecast Rate Revenues ⑦(8,006,044.95)(8,782,797.58)(10,591,359.88)(15,672,159.87)(14,639,281.60)(11,934,224.01)(9,207,278.35)(8,530,253.86)(9,487,963.28)(10,933,325.62)(10,751,791.84)(9,955,623.02)(128,492,103.86) PCA Balancing Account Balance Monthly Interest Rate (Annual 1% for 2021-2022)%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%0.0833%1.0000% 2020-2021 PCA Ending Balance True-up Ending Balance 4,519,614.31 4,519,614.31 True-up of the True-up Ending Balance (22,156,785.96) (22,156,785.96) Beginning Balance (17,637,171.65)$ (19,769,421.03) (18,662,294.82) 2,995,202.48 18,384,016.20 22,468,617.64 15,872,975.72 21,413,705.95 27,906,822.00 43,235,933.07 42,735,093.69 43,032,551.71 (17,637,171.65) 2021-2022 Incremental Deferral (Sum of ①-⑥ above 2,851,842.24 6,575,145.26 29,306,064.79 28,855,090.58 16,670,979.22 3,660,978.05 13,453,342.13 13,820,066.15 23,475,598.44 8,876,886.21 9,519,620.13 4,173,169.83 161,238,783.03 2021-2022 PCA Forecast Revenues (Collections) ⑦ above (8,006,044.95)(8,782,797.58) (10,591,359.88) (15,672,159.87) (14,639,281.60) (11,934,224.01) (9,207,278.35) (8,530,253.86) (9,487,963.28) (10,933,325.62) (10,751,791.84) (9,955,623.02) (128,492,103.86) 2021-2022 PCA Prior Balance Revenues (Collections)3,036,650.97 3,331,253.05 2,958,344.30 2,203,387.01 2,037,583.81 1,658,880.19 1,281,438.97 1,185,459.01 1,318,220.23 1,519,570.09 1,494,017.15 1,383,566.57 23,408,371.35 Revenue Sharing - Order No. - - - - - - - - - - - - - DSM Rider Forecasted Surplus Funds - Order No. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2021-2022 Ending Balance Without Current Month Interest (19,754,723.39)(18,645,820.30)3,010,754.39 18,381,520.20 22,453,297.63 15,854,251.87 21,400,478.47 27,888,977.25 43,212,677.39 42,699,063.75 42,996,939.13 38,633,665.09 38,517,878.87 Current Month Interest (14,697.64)(16,474.52)(15,551.91)2,496.00 15,320.01 18,723.85 13,227.48 17,844.75 23,255.68 36,029.94 35,612.58 35,860.46 151,646.68 2021-2022 Ending Deferral Balance (19,769,421.03)$ (18,662,294.82) 2,995,202.48 18,384,016.20 22,468,617.64 15,872,975.72 21,413,705.95 27,906,822.00 43,235,933.07 42,735,093.69 43,032,551.71 38,669,525.55 38,669,525.55 Tab is 100% locked down, with no manual inputs. Idaho Billed Sales MWh 1,022,091 1,121,255 1,294,124 1,784,020 1,664,879 1,357,241 1,047,114 970,118 1,079,035 1,243,412 1,222,767 1,132,221 14,938,277 Oregon Billed Sales MWh 52,772 52,608 57,143 77,158 72,013 58,812 47,588 50,586 54,932 61,300 58,577 51,206 694,695 Total MWh 1,074,863 1,173,863 1,351,267 1,861,178 1,736,892 1,416,053 1,094,702 1,020,704 1,133,967 1,304,712 1,281,344 1,183,427 15,632,972 Idaho % Billed Sales 95.1%95.5%95.8%95.9%95.9%95.8%95.7%95.0%95.2%95.3%95.4%95.7% # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOTAL TOTAL 8 SYSTEM IDAHO IDAHO %SYSTEM IDAHO IDAHO % 9 * * * SUMMARY OF RESULTS * * * 10 TOTAL COMBINED RATE BASE 3,697,810,735 3,552,703,864 96.076% 11 12 DEVELOPMENT OF NET INCOME 13 OPERATING REVENUES 14 RETAIL SALES REVENUES (Incl 449.1 Rev)974,391,283 932,709,732 Direct Assign 1,252,903,102 1,198,934,622 Direct Assign 15 OTHER OPERATING REVENUES 143,588,027 136,940,469 95.4%199,114,589 189,896,371 95.4% 16 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,117,979,310 1,069,650,202 1,452,017,691 1,388,830,993 17 18 OPERATING EXPENSES 19 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 683,260,685 649,645,486 95.1%917,571,975 872,429,080 95.1% 20 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 123,577,643 118,717,824 96.1%165,446,697 158,940,333 96.1% 21 AMORTIZATION OF LIMITED TERM PLANT 6,256,000 6,013,901 96.1%8,495,466 8,166,702 96.1% 22 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 26,188,106 24,462,684 93.4%30,947,260 28,908,278 93.4% 23 REGULATORY DEBITS/CREDITS 1,087,391 878,396 80.8%1,497,775 1,209,905 80.8% 24 PROVISION FOR DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (14,885,993) (14,382,662) 96.6%(21,559,910)(20,830,919)96.6% 25 INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ADJUSTMENT 11,264,544 10,824,447 96.1%11,832,897 11,370,595 96.1% 26 FEDERAL INCOME TAXES 29,156,558 28,544,231 97.9%35,047,688 34,311,639 97.9% 27 STATE INCOME TAXES 11,411,459 11,163,398 97.8%13,298,956 13,009,865 97.8% 28 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 877,316,394 835,867,704 1,162,578,803 1,107,515,477 29 30 OPERATING INCOME 240,662,916 233,782,498 289,438,888 281,315,516 31 ADD: IERCO OPERATING INCOME 6,715,053 6,414,821 95.5%8,991,347 8,589,341 95.5% 32 33 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 247,377,969 240,197,319 298,430,236 289,904,857 97.1% 34 ADD: AFUDC EQUITY 31,537,344 30,299,778 96.1% (L 10) 35 ADD: OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 343,755 333,934 97.1% (L 33) 36 37 INCOME BEFORE INTEREST CHARGES 330,311,334 320,538,570 38 LESS: INTEREST CHARGES 86,663,666 83,262,872 96.1% (L 10) 39 40 NET INCOME 243,647,668 237,275,698 41 42 ACTUAL YEAR-END RESULTS - BEFORE ITC ADJUSTMENT 43 EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK 243,647,668 237,275,698 44 COMMON EQUITY AT YEAR END 2,464,724,288 2,368,005,322 96.1% (L10) 45 46 RETURN ON YEAR-END COMMON EQUITY 9.89%10.02% 47 48 EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK @ 9.40 ROE 234,148,807 222,592,500 (L44 * 9.4%) 49 EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK @ 10 ROE 246,472,429 236,800,532 (L44 * 10%) 50 EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK @ 10.50 ROE 258,796,050 248,640,559 (L44 * 10.5%) 51 52 53 ACTUAL YEAR-END RESULTS - AFTER ITC ADJUSTMENT: 54 INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ADJUSTMENT (16,206,620) (L48-L43) / (1-9.4%) 55 ADJUSTED EARNINGS ON COMMON STOCK 221,069,078 56 ADJUSTED COMMON EQUITY AT YEAR-END 2,351,798,702 57 ADJUSTED RETURN ON YEAR-END COMMON EQUITY 9.40% 58 59 IF IDAHO RETURN ON COMMON EQUITY (Line 46) <9.4% 60 ADDITIONAL ITC ADJUSTMENT (Annualized)If L 54 is negative, then 0; if positive, then smaller of L54 or $25,000,000 0 61 62 IF IDAHO RETURN ON COMMON EQUITY (Line 46) >10% 63 IDAHO EARNINGS GREATER THAN 10% ROE BUT LESS THAN 10.5%527,962 (L43-L49)/(1-10%) 64 65 IF IDAHO RETURN ON COMMON EQUITY (Line 46) >10.5% 66 INCREMENTAL IDAHO EARNINGS GREATER THAN 10.50% ROE 0 (L43-L50)/(1-10.5%) 67 68 Per Order #34071:After Tax Tax Gross Up 69 ROE between 10%-10.5% --CUSTOMER SHARE - 80% (Reduction to rates)422,369 568,771 70 ROE between 10%-10.5% --COMPANY SHARE - 20% 105,592 71 ROE greater than 10.5% (Incremental) -- CUSTOMER SHARE - 55% (Reduction to rates)0 - ROE greater than 10.5% (Incremental) -- CUSTOMER SHARE - 25% (Offset to Pension balance)0 - 72 ROE greater than 10.5% (Incremental) --COMPANY SHARE - 20% 0 73 527,962 74 Prepared by: Kelley Noe Reviewed by: September Allocations/Ratios IDAHO POWER COMPANY ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ANALYSIS For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2021 Actual September 30, 2021 Actual December 31, 2021 (A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F) (G) Line No Tariff Description Sch. Number of (kWh) Current Base Revenue Idaho Base Revenue Sharing Dollars per kWh Rate Revenue Uniform Tariff Rates: 1 Residential Service 1 490,293 5,458,972,074 494,239,546 45.07% ($256,535) (0.000047) (0.05)% 2 Master Metered Mobile Home Park 3 21 4,521,955 388,104 0.04% ($201) (0.000045) (0.05)% 3 Residential Service Energy Watch 4 0 0 0 0.00%- - 0.00% 4 Residential Service Time-of-Day 5 988 17,662,331 1,530,838 0.14% ($794) (0.000045) (0.05)% 5 Residential Service On-Site Generation 6 12,024 65,895,664 6,381,494 0.58% ($3,097) (0.000047) (0.05)% 6 Small General Service 7 30,348 137,395,735 15,753,366 1.44% ($8,171) (0.000059) (0.05)% 7 Small General Service On-Site Generation 8 80 190,425 24,155 0.00%($11) (0.000059) (0.05)% 8 Large General Service - Secondary 9S 37,635 3,304,176,840 225,029,064 20.52% ($116,704) (0.000035) (0.05)% 9 Large General Service - Primary 9P 280 592,994,508 35,347,188 3.22% ($18,332) (0.000031) (0.05)% 10 Large General Service - Transmission 9T 4 3,557,143 240,200 0.02% ($125) (0.000035) (0.05)% 11 Dusk to Dawn Lighting 15 0 5,267,423 1,238,927 0.11% ($643) (0.000122) (0.05)% 12 Large Power Service - Secondary 19S 0 0 0 0.00%- (0.000035) 0.00% 13 Large Power Service - Primary 19P 114 2,358,498,546 121,991,234 11.12% ($63,267) (0.000027) (0.05)% 14 Large Power Service - Transmission 19T 2 32,893,630 1,601,499 0.15% ($831) (0.000025) (0.05)% 15 Agricultural Irrigation Service 24 19,120 1,897,512,119 140,388,800 12.80% ($72,808) (0.000038) (0.05)% 16 Unmetered General Service 40 1,663 13,925,301 1,124,204 0.10% ($583) (0.000042) (0.05)% 17 Street Lighting 41 2,980 23,760,014 3,409,701 0.31% ($1,768) (0.000074) (0.05)% 18 Traffic Control Lighting 42 766 2,847,961 162,704 0.01%($84) (0.000030) (0.05)% 19 Total Uniform Tariffs 596,318 13,920,071,669 $1,048,851,023 95.64% ($543,955)(0.05)% 20 Total Special Contracts 3 1,071,974,663 $47,850,839 4.36% ($24,816)(0.05)% Note: (1) June 01, 2022 - May 31, 2023 Forecasted Test Year (Spring 2022 Forecast) (2) 19S rate in column (F) set to match 9S rate due to single customer movement between classes. Idaho Power Company Calculation of Revenue Impact Class Allocated Revenue Sharing 2022-2023 State of Idaho Filed April 15, 2022 1 From:Keri Hawker <Keri.Hawker@puc.idaho.gov> Sent:Wednesday, April 27, 2022 4:08 PM To:Gust, Stacy Subject:[EXTERNAL]RE: Idaho Power Company's 2022-2023 PCA Attachments:IPCE2211_Protective Agreement.pdf KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Stacy, The attached includes additional staff exhibit A’s. Thank you, Keri Hawker | Legal Administrative Assistant Idaho Public Utilities Commission From: Keri Hawker Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 4:21 PM To: Gust, Stacy <SGust@idahopower.com> Subject: RE: Idaho Power Company's 2022-2023 PCA Hi Stacy, The attached is signed. Keri Hawker | Legal Administrative Assistant Idaho Public Utilities Commission From: Gust, Stacy <SGust@idahopower.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 2:57 PM To: Keri Hawker <Keri.Hawker@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: Idaho Power Company's 2022-2023 PCA Hi Keri, Could you please check on whether you have a signed copy of the attached Protective Agreement from John Hammond attorney handling this matter in advance of Idaho Power Company’s response to the audit requests we received. Thank you. Stacy Gust REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 2 Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMER This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. C 0 0 PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF (AND OTHER PARTIES AS APPLICABLE) 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment This Protective Agreement is entered into this 17th day of November 2021 by Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff, and other parties as applicable. Recitals: 1.WHEREAS, Idaho Power and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff anticipatethat parties to this proceeding may make requests to provide, or make available for review, certain information, considered by its custodian to be of a trade secret, privileged or confidential nature (as defined in Idaho Code§§ 74-107 through 74-109 and 48-801). 2.WHEREAS, Idaho Power and the undersigned parties agree that entering into aProtective Agreement will expedite the production of documents; will afford the necessary protection to Idaho Power's and the undersigned parties' employees and/or representatives evaluating the 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment who might review the information and subsequently be requested to reveal its contents by setting forth clear cut parameters for use of Confidential Information, and will protect Confidential Information which might be provided during the course of the proceedings, now therefore. IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1.(a) Confidential InformationAll documents, data, information, studies and other materials furnished pursuant to any requests for information, subpoenas or other modes of discovery (formal or informal), and including depositions, that are claimed to be of trade secret, proprietary or confidential nature (herein referred to as "Confidential Information") shall be so marked by the party or entity providing the information by stamping the same with a designation indicating its trade secret, proprietary or confidential nature and printed on "yellow" paper. IDAPA Any claim of confidentiality must be accompanied by an attorney's certificate that the material is protected by law from public disclosure and cite the specific legal authority to support the claim. IDAPA 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT -PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT - 1 (b)Protection of Confidential Information Access to and review of Confidential Information shall be strictly controlled by the terms of this Agreement. Unless otherwise ordered, Confidential Information, including transcripts of depositions containing information to which a claim of confidentiality is made, shall remain under seal, shall continue to be subject to the protective requirements of this Agreement, and shall not be disclosed to individuals who have not executed the nondisclosure agreement set forth in Exhibit uA .. " ( c)Use of Confidential Information All persons who may be entitled to review, or who are afforded access to any Confidential Information by reason of this Agreement shall neither use nor disclose the Confidential Information for purposes of business or competition, or any purpose other than the purpose of preparation for and conduct of the proceedings, and then solely as contemplated herein, and shall keep the Confidential Information secure as trade secret, confidential or proprietary information and in accordance with the purposes and intent of this Agreement. (d)Persons Entitled to Review Access to Confidential Information shall be limited to counsel of the undersigned parties, employees, experts, agents or representatives of the undersigned parties who have executed an Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. Such information will be clearly marked and protected from unauthorized public disclosure. (e)Non-disclosure Agreement Confidential Infonnation shall not be disclosed to any person who has not signed a non­ disclosure agreement on this form, which is attached hereto as Exhibit .. A,, and incorporated herein. The non-disclosure agreement or Exhibit "A" shall require the person to whom disclosure is to be made to read a copy of this Protective Agreement and to certify in writing that he or she has reviewed the same and has consented to be bound by its terms. The Agreement shall contain the signatory's full name, permanent address and employer. Such agreement shall be delivered to counsel for the providing party, before disclosure is made. 2.Copies No copies or transcriptions of the Confidential Information shall be made by the recipient except as necessary to make the information available to individuals who have executed an Exhibit "A" to this Protective Agreement. 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT-PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT� 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.Non-waiver of Obiection to Admissibility The furnishing of any document, information, data, study or other materials pursuant to this Protective Agreement shall in no way limit or waive the right of the providing party to object to its relevance or admissibility in any proceedings before this Commission. 4.Challenge to Confidentiality (a)Initial Challen2e This Protective Agreement establishes a procedure for the expeditious handling of information that a party claims is confidential. Any party may challenge the characterization of any information, document, data or study claimed by the providing party to be a trade secret, proprietary or confidential information. A party seeking to challenge the confidentiality of any information shall first contact counsel for the providing party and attempt to resolve any difference by stipulation. Resolution may include removing the confidential classifications, creating a non­ confidential summary, reformatting the information, etc. (b)Subsequent Challenge In the event that the parties cannot agree as to the character of the information challenged, any party challenging the confidentiality may petition the Commission to rule upon the disputed information. The Petition shall be served upon the Commission and all parties to the case who have signed an Exhibit "A" as provided in this Protective Agreement. The Petition shall designate with specificity the document or material challenged and state the grounds upon which the subject material are deemed to be non-confidential by the challenging party. (c)Challen2e Hearin2 The challenging party shall request that the Commission conduct an in camera proceeding where only those persons duly authorized to have access to such challenged materials under this Protective Agreement shall be present. This hearing shall be commenced no earlier than five (5) business days after serving the Petition on the providing party and the Commission. The record of the in camera hearing shall be marked "CONFIDENTIAL -Subject to Protective Agreement." To the extent necessary, the transcript of such hearing shall be separately bound, segregated, sealed, and withheld from public inspection by any person not bound by the terms of this Agreement. 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT -PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT - 3 (d)Determination The parties will ask the Commission to issue an Order determining whether any challenged information or material is not properly deemed to be exempt from public disclosure pursuant to the Idaho Public Records Act (Idaho Code§§ 74-101 through 74-126). If information is found to be not exempt from disclosure, no party shall disclose such challenged material or use it in the public record, or otherwise outside the proceedings for at least five (5) business days unless the providing party consents to such conduct. This procedure enables the restrictions of this Agreement from material claimed to be confidential. Such relief may be sought from the Commission or a court of competent jurisdiction. 5.(a) Receipt Into Evidence Provision is hereby made for receipt into evidence in this proceeding of materials claimed to be confidential in the following manner: (1)If the requesting party intends to use Confidential Information or to make substantive reference to Confidential Information supplied to it under this Agreement, it shall give reasonable prior notice of such intention to the providing party and shall provide copies of the used Confidential Information or substantive reference to Confidential Information only to the providing party, and such other parties, if any, who have executed an Exhibit "A" to this Protective Agreement. (2)One (I) copy of the used Confidential Information or substantive reference to Confidential Information or substantive reference to Confidential Information described in paragraph S(a)(l) shall be placed in the sealed record. (3)The copy of the documents to be placed in the sealed record shall be tendered by counsel for the providing party to the Commission, and shall be maintained in accordance with the terms of this Protective Agreement. (b)Seal While in the custody of the Commission, materials containing Confidential Information shall be marked "CONFIDENTIAL -SUBJECT TO ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE OF CONFIDENTIALITY" and shall not be examined by any person except under the conditions set forth in this Agreement, if applicable. 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT -PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT - 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 (c)In Camera Hearing and Transcripts Any Confidential Information that must be orally disclosed at a hearing in the proceedings shall be offered at an in camera hearing, attended only by persons authorized to have access to the information under this Protective Agreement. Similarly, any transcription of any examination or other reference to Confidential Information ( or that portion of the record containing Confidential Information) shall be marked and treated as provided herein for Confidential Information. (d)Access to Record Access to sealed testimony, records, and information shall be limited to the Commission and persons who have signed an Exhibit "A" as provided in this Protective Agreement, unless such information is released from the restrictions of this Agreement either through agreement of the parties or after notice to the parties and hearing, pursuant to the order of the Commission and/or the final order of a court having final jurisdiction. (e)Appeal Should an appeal from the proceeding be taken, sealed portions of the record may be forwarded to any court of competent jurisdiction for purposes of an appeal, but under seal as designated herein for the information and use of the court. If a portion of the record is forwarded to a court under seal for the purposes of an appeal, the providing party shall be notified which portion of the sealed record has been designated by the appealing party as necessary to the record on appeal. 6.Use in Pleadings Where references to Confidential Information in the sealed record or with the custodian is required in pleadings, briefs, arguments, or motions ( except as provided in Paragraph 5), it shall be by citation to title or exhibit number or some other description that will not disclose the substantive Confidential Information contained therein. Any use of or substantive references to Confidential Information shall be placed in a separate section of the pleading or brief and submitted to the Commission pursuant to Paragraph 5. This sealed section shall be served only on counsel of record who have signed the nondisclosure agreements set forth in Exhibit "A" attached to this Protective Agreement, and may, in tum, be disclosed by them only to individuals who likewise signed Exhibit "A". 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT -PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT - 5 7.Summary of Record If deemed necessary by the Commission, the providing parties shall prepare a written summary of the Confidential Information referred to in Orders to be issued to the public and the parties. 8.Return or Destruction of Confidential Information (a)Upon request of the providing party, aU original documents and copies of the Confidential Information shall be: ( l) returned to the providing party; or (2) or at the option of the recipient destroyed within thirty (30) days after the final settlement or conclusion of the proceedings, including administrative or judicial review thereof. After return or destruction of documents pursuant to this paragraph, and upon request, a written receipt verifying return or destruction shall be provided by counsel. (b)On a case-by-case basis and upon notification to the utility, the Commission Staff may retain one copy of the Confidential Information under seal. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, any member of Staff may review and use that copy of the Confidential Information outside this proceeding while performing his or her duties as a Staff member. Staff's use and disclosure of the Confidential Information in a later Commission proceeding shall be subject to any protective agreement signed in the proceeding. (c)Any notes maintained by a recipient of Confidential Information which embody or reflect any of the Confidential Information provided under this Agreement shall, upon request of the providing party, be either returned to the providing party or, at the option of the recipient, destroyed. Ill /II Ill Ill Ill Ill 9.Effective Date This Protective Agreement shall become effective on the date hereof. 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT -PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT -6 0 0 0 C 0 C DATED this 17th day of November 2021. IDAHO POWER COMPANY By: __________________ _ Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Attorney Representing Idaho Power Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF By: .D� Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Attorney Representing the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT -PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT - 7 0 0 0 EXHIBIT "A" I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated November 17, 2021, for the 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. EXHIBIT"A" Public Utilities Commission Employer or Firm 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise. Idaho 83714 Business Address Commission Staff Party Date ' C 0 0 EXHIBIT "A" I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated November 17, 2021, for the 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. EXHIBIT "A" Public Utilities Commission Employer or Firm 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise. Idaho 83714 Business Address Commission Staff Party date BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 1 From:Daniel Klein <Daniel.Klein@puc.idaho.gov> Sent:Wednesday, April 13, 2022 11:21 AM To:Aschenbrenner, Connie Cc:Terri Carlock Subject:[EXTERNAL]RE: PCA News Release & Customer Insert KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Connie, We have taken a look at the press release and customer notice and didn’t find anything that we thought needed to be changed. Thanks for running it by us. We will look for the filing later this week. Daniel Klein Program Manager Compliance/Consumer Assistance Telecom 208 334-0352 D 208 807-0451 C From: Aschenbrenner, Connie <CAschenbrenner@idahopower.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 6:42 PM To: Daniel Klein <Daniel.Klein@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: Terri Carlock <Terri.Carlock@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: PCA News Release & Customer Insert Hi Daniel, develop a direct mail post card with the same information that will be sent to those customers whose to be mailed after May 20th so they receive the information in time to submit comments for the Commission’s consideration. If you have any concerns, suggested revisions, or would like to discuss, please let me know by Thursday at noon. Thank you, Connie IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMER This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. Thank you for reading this notice. We value your business. ©2022 Idaho Power Printed on recycled paper. XXXXX-I-XXXX Oxbow Power PlantOxbow Power Plant Opportunities for Public Review Idaho Power’s proposal is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of the application are available to the public at the IPUC offices (11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, ID 83714), Idaho Power offices, or at idahopower.com or puc.idaho.gov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC’s RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding Idaho Power’s proposal may be filed with the IPUC. Idaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment Idaho Power has filed the final piece of its annual spring cost adjustments with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). This year’s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calls for a price increase across all customer classes as a result of higher power costs related to last summer’s unprecedented heatwave and lower hydro generation because of drought conditions. Neither Idaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financial return from this filing, which is a request for $103.4 million. The money collected is used solely to recover expenses associated with annual fluctuations in power costs. The overall impact to residential customer bills on June 1 depends on the outcome of three filings: • The annual PCA, filed today, is a cost-recovery tool that passes on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to Idaho Power customers. If the PCA proposal is approved by the IPUC as filed, the typical Idaho residential customer using 950 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per month will see a $6.54 increase on their bill related to this request. • The annual Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA), filed in March and applicable to only residential and small commercial customers, adjusts prices based on changes in energy use per customer during the previous year. If the FCA proposal is approved as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer will see a $0.81 decrease on their bill related to this request. • Idaho Power has requested a price increase to collect the cost of an accelerated depreciation schedule for all coal-related investments at the Jim Bridger Power Plant in Wyoming. If approved as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer will see a $2.07 increase on their bill related to this request. The impact of these three filings for all Idaho customers is shown in the table below. A typical Idaho residential customer will see an overall monthly increase of $7.80. The actual percentage of change will depend on a customer’s classification and the rate they pay. The PCA has two main components: the forecast and the backward-looking balancing adjustment. The forecast reflects Idaho Power’s anticipated fuel costs, purchased power costs and customer benefits from sales of surplus energy for the coming April through March. The balancing adjustment brings last year’s forecasted costs in balance with costs actually incurred by Idaho Power by looking back at what happened the previous April through March. The increase in this year’s PCA is attributed to last year’s actual power supply costs, which exceeded the forecast, driven by lower-than-expected hydro generation, high natural gas prices and high market prices. Idaho Power experienced higher power costs than it has in the past due to the record-setting heat wave of summer 2021, during which the company exceeded its previous all-time peak load for five consecutive days. This year’s PCA forecast also reflects expected increases to costs primarily due to continued drought conditions, which would result in less low-cost hydro generation available to serve customers, and higher costs associated with power purchase agreements under the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 (PURPA). 2022 RATE FILINGS PERCENTAGE CHANGE FROM CURRENT BILLED REVENUE Overall Percentage Impact Residential Small General Service Large General Service1 Large Power2 Irrigation POWER COST ADJUSMENT (PCA)3 8.27%6.55%5.24%9.18%12.10%8.46% FIXED COST ADJUSMENT (FCA) -0.39%-0.81%-0.82%N/A N/A N/A BRIDGER 2.17%2.08%1.99%2.24%2.23%2.30% COMBINED IMPACT4 10.05%7.82%6.41%11.43%14.33%10.75% 1 Includes lighting schedules; ² Includes special contracts; ³ Includes revenue sharing; 4 Totals may not sum due to rounding Oxbow Power Plant Idaho Power Files Annual Power Cost Adjustment April 15, 2022 BOISE, Idaho — Idaho Power has filed the final piece of its annual spring cost adjustments with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). This year’s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calls for a price increase across all customer classes as a result of higher power costs related to last summer’s unprecedented heatwave and lower hydro generation because of drought conditions. Neither Idaho Power nor its shareholders receive any financial return from this filing, which is a request for $103.4 million. The money collected is used solely to recover expenses associated with annual fluctuations in power costs. “We are sensitive to the impacts rate increases have on our customers and work hard to serve our growing number of customers with prices that remain 20% to 30% lower than the rest of the nation,” said XXX. “Unfortunately, the drought and last summer’s record heatwave resulted in higher-than- expected overall power supply costs. We must recover these costs in order to maintain the reliable service our customers depend on.” The overall impact to residential customer bills on June 1 depends on the outcome of three filings:  The annual PCA, filed today, is a cost-recovery tool that passes on both the benefits and costs of supplying energy to Idaho Power customers. If the PCA proposal is approved by the IPUC as filed, the typical Idaho residential customer using 950 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per month will see a $6.54 increase on their bill related to this request.  The annual Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA), filed in March and applicable to only residential and small commercial customers, adjusts prices based on changes in energy use per customer during the previous year. If the FCA proposal is approved as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer will see a $0.81 decrease on their bill related to this request.  Idaho Power has requested a price increase to collect the cost of an accelerated depreciation schedule for all coal-related investments at the Jim Bridger Power Plant in Wyoming. If approved as filed, a typical Idaho residential customer will see a $2.07 increase on their bill related to this request. The impact of these three filings for all Idaho customers is shown in the table below. A typical Idaho residential customer will see an overall monthly increase of $7.80. The actual percentage of change will depend on a customer’s classification and the rate they pay. 2022 RATE FILINGS Percentage Change from Current Billed Revenue Filing Overall Percentage Impact General Service General Service 1 2 Irrigation PCA 8.27% 6.55% 5.24% 9.18% 12.10% 8.46% FCA -0.39% -0.81% -0.82%% N/A N/A N/A Bridger 2.17% 2.08% 1.99% 2.24% 2.23% 2.30% Combined Impact 4 1 Includes lighting schedules; 2 Includes special contracts; 3 Includes revenue sharing 4 Totals may not sum due to rounding The PCA has two main components: the forecast and the backward-looking balancing adjustment. The forecast reflects Idaho Power’s anticipated fuel costs, purchased power costs and customer benefits from sales of surplus energy for the coming April through March. The balancing adjustment brings last year’s forecasted costs in balance with costs actually incurred by Idaho Power by looking back at what happened the previous April through March. The increase in this year’s PCA is attributed to last year’s actual power supply costs, which exceeded the forecast, driven by lower-than-expected hydro generation, high natural gas prices and high market prices. Idaho Power experienced higher power costs than it has in the past due to the record-setting heat wave of summer 2021, during which the company exceeded its previous all-time peak load for five consecutive days. This year’s PCA forecast also reflects expected increases to costs primarily due to continued drought conditions, which would result in less low-cost hydro generation available to serve customers, and higher costs associated with power purchase agreements under the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 (PURPA). Opportunities for Public Review Idaho Power’s proposal is subject to public review and approval by the IPUC. Copies of the application are available to the public at the IPUC offices (11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, ID 83714), Idaho Power offices, or at idahopower.com or puc.idaho.gov. Customers also may subscribe to the IPUC’s RSS feed to receive periodic updates via email about the case. Written comments regarding Idaho Power’s proposal may be filed with the IPUC. About Idaho Power Idaho Power, headquartered in vibrant and fast-growing Boise, Idaho, has been a locally operated energy company since 1916. Today, it serves a 24,000-square-mile area in Idaho and Oregon. The company’s goal to provide 100% clean energy by 2045 builds on its long history as a clean-energy leader that provides reliable service at affordable prices. With 17 low-cost hydroelectric projects at the core of its diverse energy mix, Idaho Power’s residential, business and agricultural customers pay among the nation’s lowest prices for electricity. Its 2,000 employees proudly serve more than 600,000 customers with a culture of safety first, integrity always and respect for all. IDACORP Inc. (NYSE: IDA), Idaho Power’s independent publicly traded parent company, is also headquartered in Boise, Idaho. To learn more, visit idahopower.com or idacorpinc.com. Jordan Rodriguez Communications Specialist jrodriguez@idahopower.com 208-388-2460 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 5 1 From:John Hammond <John.Hammond@puc.idaho.gov> Sent:Wednesday, November 17, 2021 9:45 AM To:Nordstrom, Lisa Subject:[EXTERNAL]RE: IPC's 2022-2023 PCA Audit KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Lisa, Thank you. I will take a look at get back with you on this. John R. Hammond Jr. | Office of the Attorney General Lead Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Direct: (208) 334-0357 | Fax: (208) 334-3762 john.hammond@puc.idaho.gov NOTICE: The e-mail may be confidential, privileged, and exempt from public disclosure, and the sender intends that it be used only by the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, then you may not use, disclose, copy, or distribute the e-mail or its contents. If you believe you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete the copy you received. From: Nordstrom, Lisa <LNordstrom@idahopower.com> Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 9:44 AM To: John Hammond <John.Hammond@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: Annis, Mark <MAnnis@idahopower.com>; Gust, Stacy <SGust@idahopower.com> Subject: IPC's 2022-2023 PCA Audit Good morning John, After Idaho Power’s November 3rd Customer Advisory Group meeting, Kathy Stockton advised Idaho Power that she would like to receive a copy of the power point presentation in anticipation of the spring PCA audit. Idaho Power is amenable to sharing it with Staff and notes that it contains pricing triggers that dictate Idaho Power’s participation in the wholesale market. To protect this sensitive information from public disclosure, would Staff mind signing the 2022-2023 PCA Audit Protective Agreement a little earlier than normal? I’ve attached the usual agreement for your review or assignment to the appropriate attorney. Thanks for helping to facilitate this, Lisa Nordstrom LEAD COUNSEL Idaho Power | Legal 2 Office 208-388-5825 | Mobile 208-344-2045 IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMER This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. 1 From:Reyna Quintero <Reyna.Quintero@puc.idaho.gov> Sent:Thursday, February 10, 2022 3:25 PM To:Nordstrom, Lisa; Larkin, Matt; Tatum, Tim; Fewkes, David; IPCDockets Cc:Kathy Stockton Subject:[EXTERNAL]First Audit Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company in the 2022 PCA Attachments:Idaho Power 2022 PCA Audit Request 1.pdf KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Good afternoon, Attached please find the First Audit Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company in the above-referenced matter. Regards, Reyna Quintero | Utilities Administrative Assistant Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Building 8, Suite 201-A P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Direct: (208) 334-0368 | Fax: (208) 334-3762 reyna.quintero@puc.idaho.gov CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail may be confidential, privileged, and exempt from public disclosure, and the sender intends that it be used only by the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, then you may not use, disclose, copy, or distribute the e-mail or its contents. If you believe you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete the copy you received. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Bradt.ittle,Govemor P.O. Box 83720,Bolse,ID 83720.0074 Eric Anderson,President John Chatbum,Commissioner John R.Hammond,)r.,Commissioner February 10,2022 David Fewkes Idaho Power Company P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 Dear Mr.Fewkes, Given the expeditednature of the PCA filing process, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff("Staff")will begin its review of the records associated with Idaho Power's forthcomingApplication to change rates throughthe Power Cost Adjustment mechanism ("PCA").The scope of this initial review will be the months of April 2021 through December 2021 and the remaining months,January through March,will be reviewed when the PCA is filed in April 2022. Staffwould like to begin a virtual audit of the confidential materials,on a platform that is mutually convenient.Staffrequests that written Audit Responses be provided as soon as possible but no later than THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 24, 2022.Please mark confidential informationas CONFIDENTIAL and provide it on yellowpaper.In addition to any written responses, please provide CDs with any spreadsheets in their native Excel format with all formulas intact. Audit Request No.1:Please provide access to the PCA book and all supporting documentation for the PCA deferral calculations. Audit Request No.2: Please provide the Risk Management Committee Meeting minutes that cover the entire PCA period.Please also provide a copy of the latest Risk Management Policy and Guidelines. Audit Request No.3: Please provide copies of the operating plans and other reports that were presented to the Risk ManagementCommittee during the PCA period. 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Building 8 5ulte 201-A, Bolse ID 83714 Telephone:(208)334-0300 Facsimile:(208)334-3762 David Fewkes February 10,2022 Page 2 Audit Request No.4: Please provide a copy of the latest natural gas procurement guidelines that are used to procure natural gas for the Danskin,Bennett Mountain,and Langley Gulch facilities. Audit Request No.5:Staff would like to review the off-system sales and purchases included in this year's PCA filing.Please provide a month-by-monthlisting of all the sales and purchases,for all months in this PCA filing.Please provide this data in an electronic format with all formulas intact. Audit Request No.6:Staff would like to review the fuel expenses,specifically the invoices supporting the purchases for coal and natural gas during this PCA period.Please identify gas purchases for each facility at Danskin, Bennett Mountain,and Langley Gulch. Please also provide coal purchases for each unit at Jim Bridger and Valmy.To facilitate this review,please provide a listing of all the fuel expenses,listed by month, for this PCA filing. Audit Request No.7:Please provide the total MWh produced by the Danskin plants, the Bennett Mountain plant;and the Langley Gulch plant during the PCA period.Please show the dates and times each plant operated. Audit Request No.8:Please provide the total MWh produced by the Jim Bridger and Valmy plants during the PCA period. Please show the dates and times each plant operated. Audit Request No.9:Please provide all workpapers and documentation for actual Third-Party Transmission expenses for the PCA period. Audit Request No.10: Please provide all workpapers and documentation for the Renewable Energy Credit sales for the PCA period. Audit Request No. 11:Please provide all workpapers and documentation for the Demand Response incentive payments for the PCA period. Audit Request No.12: Please provide all workpapers and documentation for the actual QualifyingFacilities payments for the PCA period. Audit Request No.13: Please provide a list of the daily Mid-C prices for the PCA period, including heavy load and light load hours. Audit Request No.14: Please provide the workpapers showing the calculations for actual Idaho Jurisdictional Billing Month Sales for the PCA period. David Fewkes February 10,2022 Page 3 Audit Request No.15:Please provide the workpapers showing the monthlycollections for the PCA period. Audit Request No.16: Please provide copies or access to workpapers, memoranda, and reports that document any external and internal reviews performed on any PCA components for the PCA period. Please include within your response any documentationprepared for Sarbanes- Oxley("SOX"),internal audit, external audit,and other jurisdictional inquiries and commumcations. Audit Request No.17: To the extent not provided in Audit Request No.16,please provide a list of all Internal Audit department audits and reviews that were performed within the last three years or are planned to be performed associated with any components of the PCA. Please include within your response a contact name to obtain copies and discuss the audits. Audit Request No. 18:To the extent not already provided in Audit Request No.16, please provide workpapers related to SOX and/or Internal Audit review of the actual power costs,such as those identifyingand testing key controls. Please also include within your response any issues that were identified,and the Company's response to the identified issues. Audit Request No.19: Please provide a copy of all reports that discuss major operational issues with any component of the Company's generationfleet during the PCA period. Audit Request No.20: Please provide a list of all fuel hedge transactions completed during the PCA period. Audit Request No. 21:Please provide the monthlyrun rate dispatch prices for all fuel plants included in the PCA period. Audit Request No. 22:Please provide all supporting documentation for the Water for Power expense incurred during the PCA period. Audit Request No. 23:Please provide all workpapers and documentation for the Energy ImbalanceMarket ("EIM")Participation costs for the PCA period. Audit Request No.24:Please provide a list of all Company resources that are participating in the EIM.Please also provide any limits on those resources that are participating in the EIM. David Fewkes February 10,2022 Page 4 If it appears that a response will take longer,please call to work out any necessary timing changes.Review of the requested documents may require additional written (e-mail)or verbal inquiries. If you have any questions regarding the above audit requests, please do not hesitate to contact me at (208) 334-0360 or by e-mail at kathv.stockton puc.idaho.cov or Donn English at (208)334-0362 or donn.english@puc.idaho.cov.Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Sincerely, Kathy Stockton Senior Auditor e-mail: Inordstrom idahopower.com mlarkin@idahopower.com ttatum idahopower.com DFewkes@idahopower.com From:Gust, Stacy Sent:Thursday, February 24, 2022 4:22 PM To:Nordstrom, Lisa; Fewkes, David; White, Tami Subject:FW: Idaho Power Company's 2022-2023 PCA Attachments:Protective Agreement - 22-23 PCA.pdf FYI. Stacy Gust REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 From: Keri Hawker <Keri.Hawker@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 4:21 PM To: Gust, Stacy <SGust@idahopower.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: Idaho Power Company's 2022-2023 PCA KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Hi Stacy, The attached is signed. Keri Hawker | Legal Administrative Assistant Idaho Public Utilities Commission From: Gust, Stacy <SGust@idahopower.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 2:57 PM To: Keri Hawker <Keri.Hawker@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: Idaho Power Company's 2022-2023 PCA Hi Keri, Could you please check on whether you have a signed copy of the attached Protective Agreement from John Hammond attorney handling this matter in advance of Idaho Power Company’s response to the audit requests we received. Thank you. Stacy Gust REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 2 IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMER This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT – PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT - 1 PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF (AND OTHER PARTIES AS APPLICABLE) 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment This Protective Agreement is entered into this 17th day of November 2021 by Idaho Power Company (“Idaho Power”) and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff, and other parties as applicable. Recitals: 1. WHEREAS, Idaho Power and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff anticipate that parties to this proceeding may make requests to provide, or make available for review, certain information, considered by its custodian to be of a trade secret, privileged or confidential nature (as defined in Idaho Code §§ 74-107 through 74-109 and 48-801). 2. WHEREAS, Idaho Power and the undersigned parties agree that entering into a Protective Agreement will expedite the production of documents; will afford the necessary protection to Idaho Power’s and the undersigned parties’ employees and/or representatives evaluating the 2022-2023 Power Cost Adjustment who might review the information and subsequently be requested to reveal its contents by setting forth clear cut parameters for use of Confidential Information, and will protect Confidential Information which might be provided during the course of the proceedings, now therefore. IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. (a) Confidential Information All documents, data, information, studies and other materials furnished pursuant to any requests for information, subpoenas or other modes of discovery (formal or informal), and including depositions, that are claimed to be of trade secret, proprietary or confidential nature (herein referred to as “Confidential Information”) shall be so marked by the party or entity providing the information by stamping the same with a designation indicating its trade secret, proprietary or confidential nature and printed on “yellow” paper. IDAPA Any claim of confidentiality must be accompanied by an attorney’s certificate that the material is protected by law from public disclosure and cite the specific legal authority to support the claim. IDAPA 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT – PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT - 2 (b) Protection of Confidential Information Access to and review of Confidential Information shall be strictly controlled by the terms of this Agreement. Unless otherwise ordered, Confidential Information, including transcripts of depositions containing information to which a claim of confidentiality is made, shall remain under seal, shall continue to be subject to the protective requirements of this Agreement, and shall not be disclosed to individuals who have not executed the nondisclosure agreement set forth in Exhibit “A.” (c) Use of Confidential Information All persons who may be entitled to review, or who are afforded access to any Confidential Information by reason of this Agreement shall neither use nor disclose the Confidential Information for purposes of business or competition, or any purpose other than the purpose of preparation for and conduct of the proceedings, and then solely as contemplated herein, and shall keep the Confidential Information secure as trade secret, confidential or proprietary information and in accordance with the purposes and intent of this Agreement. (d) Persons Entitled to Review Access to Confidential Information shall be limited to counsel of the undersigned parties, employees, experts, agents or representatives of the undersigned parties who have executed an Exhibit “A” to this Agreement. Such information will be clearly marked and protected from unauthorized public disclosure. (e) Non-disclosure Agreement Confidential Information shall not be disclosed to any person who has not signed a non- disclosure agreement on this form, which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein. The non-disclosure agreement or Exhibit “A” shall require the person to whom disclosure is to be made to read a copy of this Protective Agreement and to certify in writing that he or she has reviewed the same and has consented to be bound by its terms. The Agreement shall contain the signatory’s full name, permanent address and employer. Such agreement shall be delivered to counsel for the providing party, before disclosure is made. 2. Copies No copies or transcriptions of the Confidential Information shall be made by the recipient except as necessary to make the information available to individuals who have executed an Exhibit “A” to this Protective Agreement. 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT – PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT - 3 3. Non-waiver of Objection to Admissibility The furnishing of any document, information, data, study or other materials pursuant to this Protective Agreement shall in no way limit or waive the right of the providing party to object to its relevance or admissibility in any proceedings before this Commission. 4. Challenge to Confidentiality (a) Initial Challenge This Protective Agreement establishes a procedure for the expeditious handling of information that a party claims is confidential. Any party may challenge the characterization of any information, document, data or study claimed by the providing party to be a trade secret, proprietary or confidential information. A party seeking to challenge the confidentiality of any information shall first contact counsel for the providing party and attempt to resolve any difference by stipulation. Resolution may include removing the confidential classifications, creating a non- confidential summary, reformatting the information, etc. (b) Subsequent Challenge In the event that the parties cannot agree as to the character of the information challenged, any party challenging the confidentiality may petition the Commission to rule upon the disputed information. The Petition shall be served upon the Commission and all parties to the case who have signed an Exhibit “A” as provided in this Protective Agreement. The Petition shall designate with specificity the document or material challenged and state the grounds upon which the subject material are deemed to be non-confidential by the challenging party. (c) Challenge Hearing The challenging party shall request that the Commission conduct an in camera proceeding where only those persons duly authorized to have access to such challenged materials under this Protective Agreement shall be present. This hearing shall be commenced no earlier than five (5) business days after serving the Petition on the providing party and the Commission. The record of the in camera hearing shall be marked “CONFIDENTIAL – Subject to Protective Agreement.” To the extent necessary, the transcript of such hearing shall be separately bound, segregated, sealed, and withheld from public inspection by any person not bound by the terms of this Agreement. 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT – PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT - 4 (d) Determination The parties will ask the Commission to issue an Order determining whether any challenged information or material is not properly deemed to be exempt from public disclosure pursuant to the Idaho Public Records Act (Idaho Code §§ 74-101 through 74-126). If information is found to be not exempt from disclosure, no party shall disclose such challenged material or use it in the public record, or otherwise outside the proceedings for at least five (5) business days unless the providing party consents to such conduct. This procedure enables the restrictions of this Agreement from material claimed to be confidential. Such relief may be sought from the Commission or a court of competent jurisdiction. 5. (a) Receipt Into Evidence Provision is hereby made for receipt into evidence in this proceeding of materials claimed to be confidential in the following manner: (1) If the requesting party intends to use Confidential Information or to make substantive reference to Confidential Information supplied to it under this Agreement, it shall give reasonable prior notice of such intention to the providing party and shall provide copies of the used Confidential Information or substantive reference to Confidential Information only to the providing party, and such other parties, if any, who have executed an Exhibit “A” to this Protective Agreement. (2) One (1) copy of the used Confidential Information or substantive reference to Confidential Information or substantive reference to Confidential Information described in paragraph 5(a)(1) shall be placed in the sealed record. (3) The copy of the documents to be placed in the sealed record shall be tendered by counsel for the providing party to the Commission, and shall be maintained in accordance with the terms of this Protective Agreement. (b) Seal While in the custody of the Commission, materials containing Confidential Information shall be marked “CONFIDENTIAL – SUBJECT TO ATTORNEY’S CERTIFICATE OF CONFIDENTIALITY” and shall not be examined by any person except under the conditions set forth in this Agreement, if applicable. 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT – PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT - 5 (c) In Camera Hearing and Transcripts Any Confidential Information that must be orally disclosed at a hearing in the proceedings shall be offered at an in camera hearing, attended only by persons authorized to have access to the information under this Protective Agreement. Similarly, any transcription of any examination or other reference to Confidential Information (or that portion of the record containing Confidential Information) shall be marked and treated as provided herein for Confidential Information. (d) Access to Record Access to sealed testimony, records, and information shall be limited to the Commission and persons who have signed an Exhibit “A” as provided in this Protective Agreement, unless such information is released from the restrictions of this Agreement either through agreement of the parties or after notice to the parties and hearing, pursuant to the order of the Commission and/or the final order of a court having final jurisdiction. (e) Appeal Should an appeal from the proceeding be taken, sealed portions of the record may be forwarded to any court of competent jurisdiction for purposes of an appeal, but under seal as designated herein for the information and use of the court. If a portion of the record is forwarded to a court under seal for the purposes of an appeal, the providing party shall be notified which portion of the sealed record has been designated by the appealing party as necessary to the record on appeal. 6. Use in Pleadings Where references to Confidential Information in the sealed record or with the custodian is required in pleadings, briefs, arguments, or motions (except as provided in Paragraph 5), it shall be by citation to title or exhibit number or some other description that will not disclose the substantive Confidential Information contained therein. Any use of or substantive references to Confidential Information shall be placed in a separate section of the pleading or brief and submitted to the Commission pursuant to Paragraph 5. This sealed section shall be served only on counsel of record who have signed the nondisclosure agreements set forth in Exhibit “A” attached to this Protective Agreement, and may, in turn, be disclosed by them only to individuals who likewise signed Exhibit “A”. 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT – PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT - 6 7. Summary of Record If deemed necessary by the Commission, the providing parties shall prepare a written summary of the Confidential Information referred to in Orders to be issued to the public and the parties. 8. Return or Destruction of Confidential Information (a) Upon request of the providing party, all original documents and copies of the Confidential Information shall be: (1) returned to the providing party; or (2) or at the option of the recipient destroyed within thirty (30) days after the final settlement or conclusion of the proceedings, including administrative or judicial review thereof. After return or destruction of documents pursuant to this paragraph, and upon request, a written receipt verifying return or destruction shall be provided by counsel. (b) On a case-by-case basis and upon notification to the utility, the Commission Staff may retain one copy of the Confidential Information under seal. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, any member of Staff may review and use that copy of the Confidential Information outside this proceeding while performing his or her duties as a Staff member. Staff’s use and disclosure of the Confidential Information in a later Commission proceeding shall be subject to any protective agreement signed in the proceeding. (c) Any notes maintained by a recipient of Confidential Information which embody or reflect any of the Confidential Information provided under this Agreement shall, upon request of the providing party, be either returned to the providing party or, at the option of the recipient, destroyed. 9. Effective Date This Protective Agreement shall become effective on the date hereof. /// /// /// /// /// /// 2022-2023 POWER COST ADJUSTMENT – PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT - 7 DATED this 17th day of November 2021. IDAHO POWER COMPANY By: Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Attorney Representing Idaho Power Company IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF By: Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Attorney Representing the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff 1 From:Reyna Quintero <Reyna.Quintero@puc.idaho.gov> Sent:Tuesday, March 29, 2022 5:31 PM To:Nordstrom, Lisa; Larkin, Matt; Tatum, Tim; Fewkes, David; IPCDockets Cc:Kathy Stockton Subject:[EXTERNAL]Second Audit Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company in the 2022 PCA Attachments:Idaho Power 2022 PCA Audit Request 2.pdf KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Good afternoon, Attached please find the Second Audit Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company above-referenced matter. Regards, Reyna Quintero | Utilities Administrative Assistant Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Building 8, Suite 201-A P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Direct: (208) 334-0368 | Fax: (208) 334-3762 reyna.quintero@puc.idaho.gov CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail may be confidential, privileged, and exempt from public disclosure, and the sender intends that it be used only by the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, then you may not use, disclose, copy, or distribute the e-mail or its contents. If you believe you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete the copy you received. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Brad Little,Govemor P.O.Box 83720,Boise,ID 83720·0074 Eric Anderson,President John Chatbum,Commissioner John R.Hammond,Jr.,Commissioner March 29, 2022 David Fewkes Idaho Power Company P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 Dear Mr.Fewkes, Given the expedited nature of the PCA filing process, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff ("Staff")will begin its review of the records associated with Idaho Power's forthcoming Application to change rates through the Power Cost Adjustment mechanism ("PCA").The scope of this initial review will be the months of April 2021 through December 2021 and the remaining months, January through March, will be reviewed when the PCA is filed in April 2022. Staff requests that written Audit Responses be provided as soon as possible but no later than WEDNESDAY,APRIL 13,2022. Please mark confidential information as CONFIDENTIAL and provide it on yellowpaper.In addition to any written responses, please provide CDs with any spreadsheets in their native Excel format with all formulas intact. Audit Request No.25:As a follow-up to Audit Request No.3,"Op Plans and Supporting Docs," please define the terms and provide a narrative description for each item in the strategy column in the Hedging Data for HL and LL.See pages 31-39 of 378 of "CONFIDENTIAL Attachment -Response to Staffs AR 3 -Op Plans and Supporting Does.pdf" as an example. Audit Request No. 26: As a follow-up to Audit Request No.5,please provide the supporting documentation and source documents for the off-system sales and purchases transactions Staff has selected.Staff's selection will be uploaded to the secure FTP site,"Staff Audit Data Room:"to the folder named "Staff Selections." Audit Request No. 27:As a follow-up to Audit Request No.6,please provide the journal entries and supporting documentation for the coal journals for the months of June 2021 and November 2021; and for the natural gas journalsfor the months of July2021 and October 2021. 11331W. Chinden Blvd.,Building 8 Suite 201.A,Bolse ID 83714 Telephone:(208)334-0300 Facsimile:(208)334-3762 David Fewkes March 29, 2022 Page 2 Audit Request No.28:As a follow-up to Audit Request No.9,Transmission Expense, please provide the supporting documentation and source documents for the transactions Staff has selected.Staff's selection will be uploaded to the secure FTP site,StaffAudit Data Room to the folder named "Staff Selections." Audit Request No. 29: As a follow-up to Audit Request No.10,Renewable Energy Credit Sales,please provide supporting documentation,such as invoices,contracts,and/or receipts,for the followingRenewable Energy Credit sales in 2021: a.3Phases Renewables in April 2021(multiple purchases); b.3PR Trading in June 2021;and c.Green-e Certification Fees in December 2021. Audit Request No. 30: As a follow-up to Audit Request No.11,Demand Response IncentivePayments, please provide the supporting documentationand source documents for the transactions Staffhas selected.Staffs selection will be uploaded to the secure FTP site,"Staff Audit Data Room"to the folder named "Staff Selections." Audit Request No. 31: As a follow-upto Audit Request No.12,please provide the invoices,supporting documentation,and source documents for the followingtransactions: Date Project Name Dec 2021 Rockland Wind Farm August 2021 Golden Valley Wind Park July 2021 ID Solar 1 May 2021 Two Ponds Windfarm April 2021 Fossil Gulch Wind If it appears that a response will take longer,please call to work out any necessary timing changes.Review of the requested documents may require additional written(e-mail)or verbal inquiries.If you have any questions regarding the above audit requests, please do not hesitate to contact me at (208)334-0360 or by e-mail at kathv.stocktongpuc.idaho.covor Donn English at (208)334-0362 or donn.enalishgpuc.idaho.cov.Thank you for your cooperationand assistance. Kathy Stockton Senior Auditor E-mail:Inordstrom idahopower.com pilgrhin idphopower.com ttatum@idahopower.com DFewkegaldphopower.com 1 From:Jo Nelson <Jo.Nelson@puc.idaho.gov> Sent:Friday, April 22, 2022 3:05 PM To:Nordstrom, Lisa; Larkin, Matt; Tatum, Tim; Brady, Jessi; IPCDockets Cc:Dayn Hardie Subject:[EXTERNAL]First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company in Case No. IPC-E-22-11 Attachments:ipce22.11dhkls prod req 1.pdf KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. DAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 (208)334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO.9917 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BVLD,BLDG 8,SUITE 201-ABOISE, ID 83714 Attorneyfor the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR )CASE NO.IPC-E-22-11AUTHORITYTOIMPLEMENTPOWER)COST ADJUSTMENT ("PCA")RATES FOR )FIRST PRODUCTIONELECTRICSERVICEFROMJUNE1,2022,)REQUESTOF THETHROUGHMAY31, 2023 )COMMISSION STAFF TO )IDAHO POWER COMPANY The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and through its attorney of record,Dayn Hardie,Deputy Attorney General, request that Idaho Power Company ("Company" or "Idaho Power")provide the followingdocuments and information as soon as possible,or by TUESDAY,MAY 3,2022.1 This Production Request is continuing,and the Company is requested to provide,by way of supplementary responses,additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question,supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations.The Company is reminded that responses *Staffis requesting an expedited response.If responding by this date will be problematic,please call Staff'sattorneyat(208)334-0312. FIRST PRODUCTIONREQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY l APRIL 22, 2022 pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document, and the name,location,and phone number of the record holder and if different the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing if need be. See IDAPA In addition to the written copies provided as response to the questions,please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with formulas activated. REQUESTNO.1:Please provide a list of all Idaho Power customers who purchased Company-owned Renewable Energy Credits ("RECs")that are being passed through the Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA")Schedule 55.Please include in the response the fuel type for the RECs, purchase price,quantityof RECs, and date purchased. REQUESTNO.2:Please provide all workpapers used to derive the final figures included in the exhibits in electronic format with all formulas intact. REQUESTNO.3:Please provide the monthlynumber of megawatt-hours ("MWh") associated with the system base and actual net power costs for all Net Power Supply Expense ("NPSE")Accounts includingFederal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC")accounts 501 (Coal),account 536 (Water for power),account 547 (Gas),account 555 (Non-PURPA),account 565 (3rd party transmission),account 447 (Surplus Sales),account 555,(PURPA),and account 555 (Demand Response Incentives). REQUESTNO.4:Did the Company re-distribute or smooth base NPSE in this year's filing?If so,please provide workpapers that reflect the calculations/method used to derive the revenue-smoothed (redistributed)base NPSE included in Exhibit No.2 from the Aurora generated NPSE that was last authorized by the Commission for the deferral period for all NPSE accounts.Please include all workpapers in electronic format with calculations intact. REQUESTNO.5:Please provide supporting data on the reservoir levels for the Upper Snake River Basin for both current and 2023 forecasted amounts. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 APRIL 22,2022 REQUESTNO.6:Please provide the length of time and amount of production in MWhs lost for forced downtime (unscheduled)that Company-owned generationfacilities/units experienced each month during the deferral period.For each forced downtime,please explain the cause and resolution of the downtime REQUESTNO.7:Please provide all Company-owned facility/unit unforced downtime (scheduled)including the date range,length of time,and reason that occurred during the deferral period. DATED at Boise,Idaho,this day of April 2022. DEÿii'ÍIardi Deputy Att ey General i:umisc:prodreq/ipce22.11dhkls prod reql FIRST PRODUCTIONREQUEST TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY 3 APRIL 22, 2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 22ND DAY OF APRIL 2022,SERVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTOF THECOMMISSIONSTAFFTOIDAHOPOWERCOMPANY,IN CASE NO.IPC-E-22-11,BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF,TO THE FOLLOWING: LISA NORDSTROM MATTHEW LARKINIDAHOPOWERCOMPANYTIMOTHYTATUMPOBOX70JESSIBRADYBOISEID83707-0070 IDAHO POWER COMPANYE-MAIL:Inordstrom@idahopower.com PO BOX 70dockets@idahopower.com BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL:mlarkin@idahopower.com ttatum@idahopower.com ibradv@idahopower.com SECRETARY CERTIFICATEOF SERVICE 1 From:Nordstrom, Lisa Sent:Friday, April 29, 2022 3:02 PM To:Dayn Hardie Cc:Larkin, Matt; Brady, Jessi Subject:FW: PCA Application/Testimony Numbers Dayn, In response to your question about how the forecast and balancing adjustment numbers reconcile between page 6 of the Application and page 6 of Brady’s testimony, please see Jessi’s explanation below. If this doesn’t answer your question, please let us know and we can set up a call. Wishing you a great weekend, Lisa Nordstrom LEAD COUNSEL Mobile From: Brady, Jessi <JBrady@idahopower.com> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2022 2:56 PM To: Nordstrom, Lisa <LNordstrom@idahopower.com> Subject: PCA Application/Testimony Numbers Hi Lisa, the application helps clear things up! - “The system-level forecast of NPSE for the 2022-2023 PCA Year is $498,834,556, which is $193,149,687 higher than the currently approved base level NPSE of $305,684,869.” o This compares the total forecast amount with our approved base NPSE - table 2 on page 8 of testimony. 2 - - “The 2022-2023 PCA forecast component to be collected from Idaho customers is $178,795,145.” o This matches the number from Table 1, which is on page 6 of testimony - - “the system-level forecast of NPSE for the 2022-2023 PCA Year is $56,477,149 higher than last year’s forecast amount of $442,357,407.” o This is comparing the total forecast amount of 498,834,556 to last year’s total forecast of 442,357,407 – table 3 on page 11 of testimony 3 - - “The PCA Balancing Adjustment deferral balance at the end of March 2022, with interest applied, was approximately $38.7 million” o This matches the balancing adjustment number from Table 1 above (38,664,487) Please let me know if I can help clarify further! Thanks, Jessi Jessi Brady Regulatory Analyst Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Work (208) 388-5764 Email Jbrady@idahopower.com 1 From:Angie Velasquez <Anga.Velasquez@puc.idaho.gov> Sent:Monday, May 2, 2022 2:52 PM To:Dr. Don Reading; IPCDockets; Nordstrom, Lisa; Larkin, Matt; Peter J Richardson; Tatum, Tim Subject:[EXTERNAL]Idaho Power Co Case No. IPC-E-22-11 Attachments:Intervention Order No 35389.pdf KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Attached is Intervention Order No. 35389 in Case No. IPC-E-22-11. Thank you, Angie Velasquez Technical Records Specialist I Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, ID 83714 208-334-0341 E-mail: anga.velasquez@puc.idaho.gov CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail may be confidential, privileged, and exempt from public disclosure, and the sender intends that it be used only by the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, then you may not use, disclose, copy, or distribute the e-mail or its contents. If you believe you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete the copy you received. ORDER NO. 35389 1 Office of the Secretary Service Date May 2, 2022 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION The Industrial Customers of Idaho Power (“ICIP”) petitioned to intervene in this case on April 22, 2022, pursuant to Rules of Procedure 71 through 75 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, IDAPA FINDINGS OF FACT We find that no party timely opposed this Petition to Intervene. We further find that based on the pleadings and other documents filed in this case, intervention by this party would serve the purposes of intervention as described by Rule 74 of the Rules of Procedure and should be granted. O R D E R IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Petition to Intervene filed by ICIP is granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all parties comply with all rules of the Commission including Rules of Procedure 71 through 75, and 222 through 223 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, IDAPA, .222-.223. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all parties in this proceeding serve all papers hereafter filed in this matter on all parties of record. This Intervenor is represented by the following for purposes of service: ICIP: Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise, ID 83702 peter@richardsonadams.com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ID 83703 dreading@mindspring.com IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that parties comply with Order No. 35375, issued April 21, 2022. Generally, all pleadings should be filed with the Commission electronically and will be deemed timely filed when received by the Commission Secretary. See Rule 14.02. Service IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (“PCA”) RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM JUNE 1, 2022, THROUGH MAY 31, 2023 ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 ORDER NO. 35389 ORDER NO. 35389 2 between parties should continue to be accomplished electronically when possible. However, voluminous discovery-related documents may be filed and served on CD-ROM or a USB flash drive. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this 2nd day of May 2022. ERIC ANDERSON, PRESIDENT JOHN CHATBURN, COMMISSIONER JOHN R. HAMMOND JR., COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary I:\Legal\ELECTRIC\IPC-E-22-11 PCA\orders\IPCE2211_ICIP_in_dh.docx 1 From:Jan Noriyuki <jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov> Sent:Tuesday, May 3, 2022 9:18 AM To:Dr. Don Reading; IPCDockets; Brady, Jessi; Nordstrom, Lisa; Larkin, Matt; Peter J Richardson; Tatum, Tim Subject:[EXTERNAL]Idaho Power Company Case No. IPC-E-22-11 Attachments:Order No 35392.pdf KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Please find attached a Notice of Application / Notice of Modified Procedure for Case No. IPC-E-22-11. Thank you, Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise, ID 83714 208-334-0338 jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov Notice of Electronic Filing Pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 35375, issued April 21, 2022, please accept this e-mail as confirmation of your submittal being accepted for electronic filing. NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE ORDER NO. 35392 1 Office of the Secretary Service Date May 3, 2022 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (PCA) RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM JUNE 1, 2022 THROUGH MAY 31, 2023 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE ORDER NO. 35392 On April 15, 2022, Idaho Power Company (“Company”) applied for Commission authorization to implement its Power Cost Adjustment (“PCA”) rates effective June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023. The Company requests its Application be processed by Modified Procedure with an effective date of June 1, 2022. If approved, the Company’s PCA would increase rates for all customer classes via an overall revenue increase of approximately $103.4 million, or 8.27 percent. Residential rates would increase 6.55 percent if approved as filed. Application at 1; see also Attachment 2 to the Application. The Commission now provides this Notice of Application and establishes comment deadlines for interested persons and the Company’s reply. THE PCA MECHANISM The PCA mechanism permits the Company to increase or decrease its PCA rates to reflect the Company’s annual “power supply costs.” Due to its diverse generation portfolio, the Company’s actual cost of providing electricity (its power supply cost) varies from year to year depending on changes in such things as the river streamflow, the amount of purchased power, fuel costs, the market price of power, and other factors. The annual PCA surcharge or credit is combined with the Company’s “base rates” to produce a customer’s overall energy rate. The Company states that neither it nor its shareholders receive any financial return from the PCA – money collected from the surcharge can be used only to pay power supply expenses. Application at 2. The PCA quantifies and tracks annual differences between actual Net Power Supply Expenses (“NPSE”) and the normalized or “base level” of NPSE recovered in the Company’s base rates, resulting in a credit or surcharge that is updated annually on, June 1. The PCA mechanism NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE ORDER NO. 35392 2 uses a 12-month test period of April through March (“PCA Year”) and includes a forecast component and a Balancing Adjustment (formerly referred to as the “true-up” and the “true-up of the true-up”). The forecast component represents the difference between the Company’s NPSE forecast from the March Operating Plan and base level NPSE recovered in the Company’s base rates. The Balancing Adjustment includes a backward-looking tracking of differences between the prior PCA Year’s forecast and actual NPSE incurred by the Company, and also tracks the collection of the prior year’s Balancing Adjustment. In Order No. 35290, the commission approved a modification to the PCA filing to replace the “true-up” and “true-up of the true-up” with a single balancing account. The two “true- up” rates previously included in PCA filings are now combined into one “Balancing Adjustment” rate. The Balancing Adjustment modification solely impacts the presentment of the PCA but has no material impact on the rates charged to customers. Except for Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (“PURPA”) expenses and demand response incentive payments, the PCA allows the Company to pass through to customers 95 percent of the annual differences in actual NPSE as compared with base level NPSE, whether positive or negative. With respect to PURPA expenses and demand response incentive payments and actual annual expenses deviate from base level NPSE, the Company is allowed to pass 100 percent of the difference for recovery or credit through the PCA. The PCA is also the rate mechanism used by the Company to provide customer benefits resulting from the revenue sharing mechanism, approved by the Commission in Order No. 34071. NOTICE OF APPLICATION YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that this year’s PCA Application requests to increase revenue through Schedule 55 by $103.4 million for the 2022-2023 PCA year. Application at 1. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Company system-level forecast for NPSE is approximately $56.5 million higher in the 2022-2023 PCA year than 2021-2022 PCA year. The forecast is primarily driven by the expected reduction in hydro generation and increases in natural gas prices and market energy prices. Id. at 6. The Company also forecasts an increase in coal generation to serve its load and an increase in surplus sales. Id. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Balancing Adjustment at the end of March 2022, including interest, was approximately $38.7 million and was primarily driven by a decrease NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE ORDER NO. 35392 3 in actual hydro generation and higher than forecast market purchases, but offset partially by surplus sales.1 Id. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that under Order No. 34071, the Commission requires the Company to share revenue with its customers if its Idaho jurisdictional year-end return on equity (“ROE”) is 10.0 percent or greater. The Company asserts its Idaho jurisdictional year- end ROE in 2021 was 10.02 percent requiring the Company to include $568,771 as the revenue sharing component of the 2022-2023 PCA. Id. at 7. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Company’s uniform PCA rate for the 2022- 2023 PCA Year is comprised of (1) the 1.1926 cents per kilowatt-hour (“kWh”) adjustment for the 2022-2023 forecasted power cost of serving firm loads under the current PCA methodology and 5 percent sharing and (2) 0.2579 cents per kWh for the 2021- 2022 Balancing Adjustment. Id. at 6- 7. Together these two components result in an approximate 1.4505 cents per kWh charge for all rate classes. Id. at 7. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that on March 15, 2022, the Company filed its annual FCA in Case No. IPC-E-22-07. Id. The Company’s 2022 FCA filing proposes a $4.9 million decrease in current billed revenue, or a 0.81 percent decrease, for Idaho Residential and Small General Service customers, effective June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023. Id. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that on June 3, 2021 the Company applied to increase rates to accelerate the depreciation schedule of coal-related investments at Bridger and establish a balancing account to track the incremental costs and benefits associated with the Company ending operations there. Id. at 8. If approved, the request for cost-recovery from Bridger would increase total billed revenue by $27.1 million—an average of 2.17 percent for affected customers. Id. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that if the PCA, FCA, and Bridger cost-recovery applications are approved as filed, the combined impact is an overall increase in current billed revenue of $125.6 million, or 10.05 percent. The impact by revenue class is: 1 The PCA Balancing Account for the 2022-2023 PCA year is approximately $38.7 million, which is about $57.0 million higher the 2021-2022 PCA year. NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE ORDER NO. 35392 4 Proposed 2022-2023 Revenue Impact by Class: Percentage Increase from Current Billed Rates by Proposed Change Power Cost Adjustment Residential Small General Service Large General Service Large Power Irrigation 6.55% 5.24% 9.28% 11.66% 8.46% Fixed Cost Adjustment Residential Small General Service Large General Service Large Power Irrigation (0.81)% (0.82)% N/A N/A N/A Bridger Cost-Recovery Residential Small General Service Large General Service Large Power Irrigation 2.08% 1.99% 2.24% 2.23% 2.30% Total Combined Impact Residential Small General Service Large General Service Large Power Irrigation 7.82% 6.41% 11.43% 14.33% 10.75% See Application, Attachment 2; Case No IPC-E-22-07, Application, Attachment 1; and Case No. IPC-E-21-17, Supplemental Attachment 1. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Company has proposed to implement the PCA, FCA, and Bridger cost-recovery rates on June 1, 2022. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Application and Attachments are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Commission’s office. These documents are also available on the Commission’s website at www.puc.idaho.gov. Click on the “ELECTRIC” icon, select “Open Cases,” and click on the case number as shown on the front of this document. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that all proceedings in this case will be held pursuant to the Commission’s jurisdiction under Title 61 of the Idaho Code. NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE ORDER NO. 35392 5 YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that all proceedings in this matter will be conducted pursuant to the Commission’s Rules of Procedure, IDAPA et seq. NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Commission has determined that the public interest may not require a formal hearing in this matter, and it will review the case through written submissions under the Commission’s Rules of Modified Procedure Rules 201-204 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Rules of Procedure, IDAPA The Commission notes that Modified Procedure and written comments have proven to be an effective means for obtaining public input and participation. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that persons desiring to state a position on this Application may file a written comment explaining why they support or oppose the Application. Persons who would like a hearing must specifically request a hearing in their written comments. Persons shall have until May 16, 2022, to file written comments. Comments must be filed through the Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is unavailable. To comment electronically, please access the Commission’s website at www.puc.idaho.gov. Click the “Case Comment Form” and complete the form using the case number as it appears on the front of this document. To file by e-mail, the customer must e-mail the comments to the Commission Secretary and the Company at the e-mail addresses listed below. If computer access is unavailable, then comments may be mailed to the Commission and Company at these addresses: For the Idaho PUC: Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 secretary@puc.idaho.gov Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 For Idaho Power Company: Lisa Nordstrom Matthew Larkin Timothy Tatum Jessie Brady Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 lisa.nordstrom@idahopower.com mlarkin@idahopower.com ttatum@idahopower.com jbrady@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE ORDER NO. 35392 6 YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Company must file any reply comments by May 19, 2022. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that if no written comments or protests are received within the time limit set, the Commission will consider this matter on its merits and enter its order without a formal hearing. If written comments are received within the time limit set, the Commission will consider them and, in its discretion, may set the same for formal hearing. O R D E R IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Company’s Application be processed by Modified Procedure, Rules 201-204 (IDAPA Persons interested in submitting written comments must do so by May 16, 2022. The Company must file any reply comments by May 19, 2022. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that parties comply with Order No. 35375, issued April 21, 2022. Generally, all pleadings should be filed with the Commission electronically and will be deemed timely filed when received by the Commission Secretary. See Rule 14.02. Service between parties should continue to be accomplished electronically when possible. However, voluminous discovery-related documents may be filed and served on CD-ROM or a USB flash drive. /// NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE OF MODIFIED PROCEDURE ORDER NO. 35392 7 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this 3rd day of May 2022. ERIC ANDERSON, PRESIDENT JOHN CHATBURN, COMMISSIONER JOHN R. HAMMOND JR., COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary I:\Legal\ELECTRIC\IPC-E-22-11 PCA\orders\IPCE2211_NtcApp_Mod_dh.docx BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 6 1 From:Gust, Stacy Sent:Tuesday, May 3, 2022 1:18 PM To:Jan Noriyuki Cc:Dayn Hardie; peter@richardsonadams.com; dreading@mindspring.com; Nordstrom, Lisa Subject:IPC-E-22-11 Application for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 - Idaho Power Company's Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff Attachments:Idaho Power Company's Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff.pdf; Response to Staff's Request No. 2- Attachment 1 - PCA Tables.xlsx; Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 2 - PCA Rate Components.xlsx; Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S.xlsx; Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 4 -Net Income.xlsx; Response to Staff's Request No. 3 - Attachment 2 - Base NPSE.xlsx; Response to Staff's Request No. 3 - Attachment 3 -Actual MWhs.xlsx; Response to Staff's Request No. 4 - Attachment 1 - Revenue Shaping.xlsx; Response to Staff's Request No. 6 - Attachment 1 -Forced Outages.xlsx; Response to Staff's Request No. 7 - Attachment 1 - Scheduled Outages.xlsx Ms. Noriyuki, Please find attached Idaho Power Company’s Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff in the above matter. I will send the confidential attachments in a separate encrypted email to the parties who have signed the Protective Agreement. If you have any questions about this filing, please contact me. Thank you. Stacy Gust REGULATORY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Office 208-388-5749 LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com May 3, 2022 Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, Idaho 83714 Re: Case No. IPC-E-22-11 Application of Idaho Power Company for Authority to Implement Power Cost Adjustment (“PCA”) Rates for Electric Service from June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023 Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for electronic filing is Idaho Power Company’s Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff in the above-entitled matter. The confidential attachments will be provided under separate cover to the parties who sign the Protective Agreement in this matter. If you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:sg Enclosures IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 1 LISA D. NORDSTROM (ISB No. 5733) Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6935 lnordstrom@idahopower.com Attorney for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT POWER COST ADJUSTMENT (“PCA”) RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM JUNE 1, 2022, THROUGH MAY 31, 2023. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW, Idaho Power Company (“Idaho Power” or “Company”), and in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff dated April 22, 2022, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 2 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1: Please provide a list of all Idaho Power customers who purchased Company-owned Renewable Energy Credits (“RECs”) that are being passed through the Power Cost Adjustment (“PCA”) Schedule 55. Please include in the response the fuel type for the RECs, purchase price, quantity of RECs, and date purchased. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1: Please see Confidential Attachment 1 for all Idaho Power customers who purchased Company-owned Renewable Energy Credits (“RECs”) that are being passed through the Power Cost Adjustment. The response to this Request is sponsored by Suzanne Smith, Senior Program Specialist, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 3 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2: Please provide all workpapers used to derive the final figures included in the exhibits in electronic format with all formulas intact. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2: Please see Excel Attachments 1 – 4. Excel Attachment 1 was used in preparation of Exhibit No.1 (2022-2023 PCA Forecast) as well as the tables found in the direct testimony of Jessica G. Brady. Excel Attachment 2 contains the calculations for the PCA rate components. Excel Attachments 3 and 4 were used in preparation of Exhibit No. 3 (2022 ROE Determination Revenue Sharing Benefits). The response to this Request is sponsored by Jessi Brady, Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 4 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 3: Please provide the monthly number of megawatt-hours (“MWh”) associated with the system base and actual net power costs for all Net Power Supply Expense (“NPSE”) Accounts including Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) accounts 501 (Coal), account 536 (Water for power), account 547 (Gas), account 555 (Non-PURPA), account 565 (3rd party transmission), account 447 (Surplus Sales), account 555, (PURPA), and account 555 (Demand Response Incentives). RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 3: Please see Confidential Attachment 1 for monthly PURPA generation in megawatt-hours (“MWh”) associated with the system base net power costs. Please see Excel Attachment 2 for monthly generation associated with system base net power costs for all non-PURPA Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) accounts. Docket No. IPC-E-13-201 contains additional detail regarding the Company’s base net power supply costs. Please see Excel Attachment 3 for monthly generation associated with actual net power supply costs for April 2021 – March 2022. There are no MWhs associated with FERC accounts 536 (Water for Power), 565 (3rd Party Transmission) and 555 (Demand Response Incentives). The response to this Request is sponsored by Jessi Brady, Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 5 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 4: Did the Company re-distribute or smooth base NPSE in this year’s filing? If so, please provide workpapers that reflect the calculations/method used to derive the revenue-smoothed (redistributed) base NPSE included in Exhibit No. 2 from the Aurora generated NPSE that was last authorized by the Commission for the deferral period for all NPSE accounts. Please include all workpapers in electronic format with calculations intact. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 4: Base NPSE in this filing are shaped according to base rate revenues from the Company’s last general rate case, in accordance with Commission Order No. 33307 issued in Case No. IPC-E-15-15. The shaping of base NPSE has remained consistent with each PCA filed since the conclusion of that case. Please see Excel Attachment 1, which details the shaping of base NPSE by retail revenues. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jessi Brady, Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 6 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 5: Please provide supporting data on the reservoir levels for the Upper Snake River Basin for both current and 2023 forecasted amounts. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 5: Following drought conditions in 2021, reservoirs upstream of Brownlee had lower than normal storage at the end of the irrigation season to carryover into the following year. On November 1, 2021, which is the end of the irrigation year, storage in the major reservoirs above Brownlee (which Idaho Power defines as the cumulative storage in Jackson Lake, Palisades, Island Park, American Falls, Anderson Ranch, Arrowrock, Lucky Peak, Lake Lowell, Cascade, Deadwood, and Owyhee Reservoir) was 53% of normal, or only 22% of the total capacity of these reservoirs. The winter of 2021/2022 began with storm cycles and snowpack building at an above average rate in most of the basins above Brownlee. However, beginning in early January, the Snake River Basin experienced dry conditions through approximately March, which led to below normal snowpack conditions across all basins upstream of Brownlee Reservoir. In the April 1, 2022 Idaho Water Supply Outlook Report (https://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/ftpref/support/states/ID/wy2022/wsor/borid422.pdf), the Natural Resources Conservation Service listed snowpack in key basins above Brownlee Reservoir as follows: ꞏ Upper Snake Basins: 66 to 70% of median ꞏ Wood and Lost Basins: 61 to 76% of median ꞏ Southern Snake Basins: 50 to 78% of median ꞏ West Central Basins: 60 to 70% of median IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 7 The low snowpack, coupled with the low carryover conditions from the prior irrigation year, resulted in below normal water supply forecasts in the basins above Brownlee, and subsequently in Idaho Power’s streamflow forecast at its hydropower projects. At the March Water Supply Committee meeting, hosted by the Idaho Department of Water Resources, regional water managers provided forecasts for water supplies and reservoir operations. Materials from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation provide supporting data for the following paragraphs and can be found at the following link (https://idwr.idaho.gov/water-data/water-supply/committee/). In the Upper Snake, above Milner Dam, storage on March 8, 2022 was 72% of normal, which corresponds to the 7th lowest storage amount in the last 46 years. Forecasts for runoff in the Upper Snake ranged from 63 to 75% of normal. Reservoir storage projections showed that the total system storage was likely to end the irrigation season at less than 20% of capacity. In the Boise Basin, storage on March 9, 2022 was 85% of average. Forecasts called for runoff to be approximately 80% of average. The lower storage and runoff projections resulted in forecasts that did not predict refill of the Boise system, yielding little to no excess flow exiting the Boise Basin beyond minimum stream flows. Projections showed Boise Basin reservoir content at approximately 40% of normal at the end of the irrigation season. In the Payette Basin, storage on March 9, 2022 was 88% of average. Forecasts called for runoff to be approximately 81% of average. The lower storage and runoff projections resulted in forecasts that predicted marginal refill of the Payette system, IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 8 yielding little to no excess flow exiting the Payette Basin due to reservoir releases for flood risk management. Projections showed Payette Basin reservoir content at approximately 60% of normal at the end of the irrigation season. In the Owyhee Basin, storage on March 9, 2022 was 51% of average. Forecasts called for runoff to be approximately 81% of average. Since the Owyhee Reservoir is a multiyear system, this amount of runoff is insufficient to fill the system or lead to any increases in streamflow downstream of Lake Owyhee. Given current water supply and reservoir storage conditions, carryover in all major reservoirs above Brownlee is expected to be below normal at the end of the 2022 irrigation season and into the start of the 2023 water year. This reduces the likelihood of any significant winter season or early flood risk management water releases through the end of the PCA analysis period. Idaho Power reviewed the available forecasts, along with internal hydrologic modeling and reservoir operations models, and concurred that current and forecast drought conditions coupled with low reservoir storage made it unlikely that any of the regulated portions of the Snake River Basin upstream of Brownlee Reservoir would significantly contribute to stream flows, and therefore hydropower generation, through most of Idaho Power’s hydro system during the upcoming PCA year. The response to this Request is sponsored by Frank Gariglio, Engineering Leader, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 9 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: Please provide the length of time and amount of production in MWhs lost for forced downtime (unscheduled) that Company- owned generation facilities/units experienced each month during the deferral period. For each forced downtime, please explain the cause and resolution of the downtime RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: Please see Excel Attachment 1. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jessi Brady, Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 10 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7: Please provide all Company-owned facility/unit unforced downtime (scheduled) including the date range, length of time, and reason that occurred during the deferral period. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7: Please see Excel Attachment 1. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jessi Brady, Regulatory Analyst, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 11 DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 3rd day of May 2022. ________________________________ LISA D. NORDSTROM Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 12 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 3rd day of May 2022, I served a true and correct copy of Idaho Power Company’s Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Idaho Power Company upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX _____ FTP Site X Email: Dayn.Hardie@puc.idaho.gov Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Peter J. Richardson 515 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX _____ FTP Site X Email: peter@richardsonadams.com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, Idaho 83703 Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX _____ FTP Site X Email: dreading@mindspring.com ________________________________ Stacy Gust, Regulatory Administrative Assistant BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL REQUEST NO. 1 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL REQUEST NO. 3 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 3 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 3 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 4 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 6 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 7 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET Table 2 Line No.FERC Account Base NPSE Forecast Difference FERC Account 2021-2022 Forecast Per Unit Actual Per Unit % Change 95% Sharing Accounts % Change from Base 95% Sharing Accounts % Change Expenses1 Account 501, Coal 108,503,180$ 151,179,160$ 42,675,980$ 39%Account 501, Coal 118,562,796$ 104,495,443$ (14,067,352)$ -12%32.94$ 32.23$ -2.15%Coal2 Account 536, Water for Power 2,380,597$ 0$ (2,380,597)$ -100%Account 536, Water for Power 0$ -$ (0)$ 3 Account 547, Other Fuel 33,367,563$ 86,983,566$ 53,616,003$ 161%Account 547, Other Fuel 57,235,044$ 88,941,596$ 31,706,552$ 55%24.45$ 32.70$ 33.75%Gas462,606,593$ 99,906,480$ 37,299,887$ 60%Account 555, Purchased Power Non-PURPA 74,800,530$ 198,463,419$ 123,662,888$ 165%50.59$ 48.64$ -3.84%Non-PURPA5 Account 565, 3rd Party Transmission 5,455,955$ 5,149,239$ (306,716)$ -6%Account 565, 3rd Party Transmission 4,853,909$ 7,754,808$ 2,900,899$ 60% 6 Account 447, Surplus Sales (51,735,153)$ (65,085,848)$ (13,350,695)$ 26%Account 447, Surplus Sales (25,842,225)$ (79,257,653)$ (53,415,428)$ 207%34.23$ 57.70$ 69%Sales Price 160,578,735$ 278,132,598$ 117,553,863$ 73%229,610,054$ 320,397,612$ 90,787,559$ 100% Sharing Accounts 100% Sharing Accounts 7 Account 555, PURPA 133,853,869$ 212,586,058$ 78,732,189$ 59%Account 555, PURPA 205,133,741$ 195,067,884$ (10,065,857)$ -5%67.75$ 66.29$ -2.15%PURPA811,252,265$ 8,115,900$ (3,136,365)$ -28%Account 555, Demand Response Incentives 7,613,612$ 7,112,062$ (501,550)$ -7%9 Total 305,684,869$ 498,834,556$ 193,149,687$ 63%212,747,353$ 202,179,946$ (10,567,407)$ PPAs 49,209.25 51,535.95 5% Market Purchases 24,654.47 47,200.41 91%Total 442,357,407$ 522,577,558$ 80,220,152$ 18%27.34$ 41.52$ 52%Purchase PriceTable 3 Trans Losses 936.81 1,170.12 25%Total 74,800.53 99,906.48 34%24,654.47 144,203.39 Purchases - Expense Line No.FERC Account 25,591.28 48,370.53 89%901.88 3,473.29 Purchases - MWh95% Sharing Accounts % Change Forecast ExpensesPY Forecast Per Unit CY Forecast Per Unit Per Unit % Change 1 Account 501, Coal 118,562,796$ 151,179,160$ 32,616,365$ 28%32.94 29.74 -10% Coal 2 Account 536, Water for Power 0$ 0$ -$ 0%FERC Account 3 Account 547, Other Fuel 57,235,044$ 86,983,566$ 29,748,522$ 52%24.45 34.03 39% Gas Hydro474,800,530$ 99,906,480$ 25,105,950$ 34%50.59 63.22 25% Purchases & PPAs5 Account 565, 3rd Party Transmission 4,853,909$ 5,149,239$ 295,331$ 6%95% Sharing Accounts 6 Account 447, Surplus Sales (25,842,225)$ (65,085,848)$ (39,243,623)$ 152%(34.23) (51.73) 51% Sales Account 501, Coal 3,599,219 3,241,970 (357,249) -10% 229,610,054$ 278,132,598$ 48,522,544$ 21%Account 547, Other Fuel 2,340,994 2,719,869 378,875 16%Account 555, Purchased Power Non-PURPA 1,478,696 4,079,834 2,601,138 176%100% Sharing Accounts 32.00 27.80 -13% Bridger 95% Sharing Accounts 14,109,799 15,309,676 1,199,877 7 Account 555, PURPA 205,133,741$ 212,586,058$ 7,452,317$ 4%40.39 40.58 0% Valmy87,613,612$ 8,115,900$ 502,288$ 7%100% Sharing Accounts212,747,353$ 220,701,958$ 7,954,605$ 4%85.31 83.24 -2% PPAs Account 555, PURPA 3,027,905 2,942,673 (85,231) -3% 27.34 49.11 80% Market Purchases 100% Accounts 3,027,905 2,942,673 (85,231) 9 Total PCA Forecast 442,357,407$ 498,834,556$ 56,477,149$ 13%Trans Losses67.75 69.96 Total Total Generation 17,137,704 18,252,350 1,114,646 7% Table 4 95% Sharing AccountsAccount 447, Surplus Sales 754,975 1,373,630 618,655 82% Line No.FERC Account Total Load 16,382,729 16,878,720 495,991 3.0%1 Hydro 95% Sharing Accounts 2 Account 501, Coal3 Account 547, Other Fuel4 95% Sharing Accounts 14,109,799 15,192,435 1,082,636 8%PPAs 576.81 619.14 100% Sharing Accounts Purchases 901.88 961.19 5 Account 555, PURPA 3,027,905 3,038,613 10,708 0.35%4% 100% Accounts 3,027,905 3,038,613 10,708 6 Total Generation 17,137,704 18,231,048 1,093,344 6% 95% Sharing Accounts7 Account 447, Surplus Sales 754,975 1,258,195 503,220 67%152%51%8 Total Load 16,382,729 16,972,853 590,124 4% Table 5 Line No.FERC Account 95% Sharing Accounts (From Table 1) 1 Account 501, Coal 42,675,980$ 40,542,181$ 38,737,356$ 2 Account 536, Water for Power (2,380,597)$ (2,261,567)$ (2,160,888)$ 3 Account 547, Other Fuel 53,616,003$ 50,935,202$ 48,667,709$ 4 37,299,887$ 35,434,893$ 33,857,430$ 5 Account 565, 3rd Party Transmission (306,716)$ (291,380)$ (278,408)$ 6 Account 447, Surplus Sales (13,350,695)$ (12,683,160)$ (12,118,541)$ 117,553,863$ 111,676,170$ 106,704,658$ % Change in Sales System Sales 15,131,418 15,690,546 -3.6%100% Sharing Accounts 14,436,951 14,992,046 -3.7%7 Account 555, PURPA 78,732,189$ 78,732,189$ 75,227,251$ 95.41%95.55% 8 (3,136,365)$ (3,136,365)$ (3,136,365)$ 9 Total 193,149,687$ 187,271,994$ 178,795,544$ Table 6 Line No. Revenue Sharing Component 2009-2011 2012-2014 2015-2020 1 Available ADITC For Use $45 Million $45 Million $45 Million2 ROE Threshold 9.5%9.5%10.0%3 50-50 Sharing Threshold 10.5%10.0%N/A 4 75-25 Sharing Threshold N/A 10.5%10.0% 5 Customer Benefits ($ Millions):6 Reduction to Rates $27.1 $22.8 $8.2 Total7$20.3 $47.8 $0.0 2009-2020 8 Total $47.4 $70.6 $8.2 $126.2 Table 1 Line No. Rate Component 2021-2022 PCA 2022-2023 PCA Difference 1 PCA Forecast 131,825,063$ 178,795,145$ 46,970,081$ 2 PCA Balancing Adjustment (18,320,281)$ 38,664,487$ 56,984,768$ 3 PCA Total 113,504,783$ 217,459,632$ 103,954,849$ 4 Revenue Sharing -$ (568,771)$ (568,771)$ 4 Total Revenue Impact 113,504,783$ 216,890,861$ 103,386,078$ Idaho Jurisdictional Sales 14,992,046,332 2021 PCA Rates 2022 PCA RatesPCA Forecast 0.008793 0.011926 PCA True-up -0.001222 0.002579Revenue Sharing DSM Rider Ongoing TransferDSM Rider One Time Transfer 0.007571 0.014505 2009-2020 Revenue Sharing Revenue Impact by Component 2022 - 2023 PCA FORECAST (Total System)Forecast vs Actuals PCA Forecast Comparison Expenses (Total System) Forecast vs Actuals (Generation) PCA Forecast Comparison Generation (Total System-MWh) 2022-2023 PCA FORECAST Net Power Supply Expense 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 a-Apr 2021 a-May 2021 a-Jun 2021 a-Jul 2021 a-Aug 2021 a-Sep 2021 a-Oct 2021 a-Nov 2021 a-Dec 2021 a-Jan 2022 a-Feb 2022 Mar 2022 Mar 31 2022 Bridger 83,080 119,783 131,370 1,597 2,204 5,688 8,434 7,643 10,106 10,141 7,094 9,372 7,488 7,063 6,250 Boardman 24 24 Valmy 21,392 31,397 31,015 161 287 1,711 2,308 2,522 2,235 2,175 2,501 2,186 3,576 1,524 206 Coal 104,495 151,179 162,385 1,758 2,515 7,399 10,742 10,165 12,341 12,316 9,596 11,558 11,064 8,586 6,456 Langley 66,610 74,142 66,505 28 3,852 4,563 4,994 5,947 7,370 4,008 7,270 8,051 9,358 5,492 5,678 Natural Gas Plants 22,331 12,841 76,457 4,924 959 5,114 6,242 594 931 2,076 1,351 345 (1,283)797 281 Natural Gas 88,942 86,984 142,962 4,952 4,811 9,677 11,236 6,541 8,301 6,083 8,621 8,396 8,075 6,289 5,959 CSPP 195,068 212,586 222,477 14,506 16,471 21,070 20,302 21,391 15,633 15,463 14,463 17,518 11,398 14,079 12,771 PPAs 52,569 51,536 57,869 3,171 3,320 3,639 4,235 4,476 3,366 4,861 5,758 5,764 5,091 4,388 4,500 Purchases 144,203 47,200 20,256 718 2,072 29,010 30,357 14,920 11,865 6,756 6,195 13,077 11,837 13,915 3,481 Demand Response Incentive 7,112 8,116 8,116 0 216 2,838 2,830 919 339 (30)0 Transmission Losses 1,691 1,170 1,229 13 40 363 838 176 24 52 14 48 13 57 54Third Party Transmission 7,755 5,149 5,407 148 321 1,039 1,674 1,441 502 561 495 478 383 467 246Water Leases 0 0 10 (10) Surplus Sales (79,258) (65,086) (156,788)1,232 2,765 (10,452) (7,353) (5,148) (18,491) (9,428) (8,418) (7,865) (9,384) (4,647) (2,068) PCA Defined Net Power Supply Expense 522,578 498,835 463,911 26,498 32,315 61,960 74,868 56,793 34,460 37,004 36,693 48,985 38,467 43,135 31,399 $/MWh Market Purchases $4.54 $12.09 $59.12 $57.23 $44.36 $58.91 $43.64 $25.60 $37.65 $26.83 $43.77 $36.25Surplus Sales - Market ($78.26) ($48.00)$381.51 $99.50 $61.13 $78.30 $51.21 $62.73 $40.58 $44.95 $40.57 Bridger $26.08 $29.98 $29.85 $29.32 $30.67 $29.40 $32.20 $31.36 $33.40 $32.15 $31.67 $27.92Boardman Valmy $197.10 $38.03 $42.98 $33.27 $34.95 $36.60 $46.74 $34.32 $39.80 $51.01 ($119.11) Langley $15.99 $23.35 $25.18 $26.96 $30.74 $39.88 $47.12 $40.52 $43.24 $49.96 $32.01 $25.86 Change Net Power Supply Expense a-Apr 2021 a-May 2021 a-Jun 2021 a-Jul 2021 a-Aug 2021 a-Sep 2021 a-Oct 2021 a-Nov 2021 a-Dec 2021 a-Jan 2022 a-Feb 2022 Mar 2022 Bridger (19,165)21,169 34,584 254 182 3,738 (1,609) (8,963) (2,700)4,784 (1,712) (7,736) (5,866) (1,959)2,420 Boardman 24 24 Valmy 5,074 20,831 22,770 (87)39 (225) (153)100 (110)1,928 2,254 (1,085)1,190 1,270 (48) Coal (14,067)42,001 57,354 167 245 3,513 (1,762) (8,862) (2,810)6,712 541 (8,820) (4,676) (689)2,372 Langley 15,460 28,365 21,140 (3,815)1,664 2,339 1,279 2,114 3,146 (259)2,439 1,683 3,351 466 1,052 Natural Gas Plants 16,247 (5,696)36,249 4,652 678 4,843 5,297 (1,775)660 1,795 1,080 64 (1,564)516 Natural Gas 31,707 22,670 57,388 837 2,343 7,183 6,576 339 3,806 1,536 3,518 1,747 1,787 983 1,052 CSPP (10,066)395 2,363 (175)2,247 186 (3,507) (877) (1,074) (935) (2,125)1,809 (3,637) (1,776) (201) PPAs 3,359 1,283 3,211 136 651 144 60 517 (59)714 148 (138)111 (134)1,211 Purchases 119,549 16,000 11,999 927 1,982 26,268 22,592 11,958 10,202 3,628 3,579 12,999 9,577 12,854 2,983 Demand Response Incentive (502)502 502 0 (65) (100) (238) (374)306 (30)0 Transmission Losses 755 161 169 (41) (1)333 773 14 (101) (43) (76) (29) (58) (15) (3)Third Party Transmission 2,901 53 55 (171)55 466 916 778 52 50 214 259 116 206 (41)Water Leases (0) 10 (10) Surplus Sales (53,415) (32,103) (88,858)5,373 3,981 (10,452) (7,133) (5,148) (10,890) (9,428) (8,418) (4,603) (4,575) (3,955)1,835 PCA Defined Net Power Supply Expense 80,220 50,962 44,183 7,051 11,503 27,577 18,414 (1,519) (1,248)2,538 (2,648)3,234 (1,363)7,473 9,208 PCA Year NPSE (Apr‐Mar) Net Power Supply Expense 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 Mar 31 2022 Bridger 83,080 119,783 131,370 Boardman 24 Valmy 21,392 31,397 31,015 Coal 104,495 151,179 162,385 Langley 66,610 74,142 66,505 Natural Gas Plants 22,331 12,841 76,457 Natural Gas 88,942 86,984 142,962 CSPP 195,068 212,586 222,477 PPAs 52,569 51,536 57,869 Purchases 144,203 47,200 20,256 Demand Response Incentive 7,112 8,116 8,116Transmission Losses 1,691 1,170 1,229Third Party Transmission 7,755 5,149 5,407Water Leases 0 0 Surplus Sales (79,258) (65,086) (156,788) PCA Defined Net Power Supply Expense 522,578 498,835 463,911 $/MWh Market PurchasesSurplus Sales - MarketBridgerBoardmanValmy Langley Change Net Power Supply Expense Bridger (19,165)21,169 34,584 Boardman 24 Valmy 5,074 20,831 22,770 Coal (14,067)42,001 57,354 Langley 15,460 28,365 21,140 Natural Gas Plants 16,247 (5,696)36,249 Natural Gas 31,707 22,670 57,388 CSPP (10,066)395 2,363 PPAs 3,359 1,283 3,211 Purchases 119,549 16,000 11,999 Demand Response Incentive (502)502 502Transmission Losses 755 161 169Third Party Transmission 2,901 53 55Water Leases (0) Surplus Sales (53,415) (32,103) (88,858) PCA Defined Net Power Supply Expense 80,220 50,962 44,183 Apr 2022 May 2022 Jun 2022 Jul 2022 Aug 2022 Sep 2022 Oct 2022 Nov 2022 Dec 2022 Jan 2023 Feb 2023 Mar 2023 9,444 2,249 5,735 10,763 10,768 10,484 10,550 11,461 12,067 12,795 11,814 11,652 254 254 2,055 3,589 3,599 3,492 3,603 3,500 3,614 3,730 3,445 262 9,698 2,503 7,790 14,352 14,367 13,976 14,153 14,961 15,682 16,526 15,259 11,914 6,563 391 4,602 4,941 4,965 6,942 7,334 8,058 7,705 7,954 7,855 6,832 281 281 281 3,926 5,966 281 281 281 281 421 281 281 6,844 672 4,883 8,867 10,931 7,223 7,615 8,339 7,986 8,375 8,136 7,113 15,817 15,833 22,446 24,019 22,981 16,991 16,537 15,972 15,876 15,380 17,213 13,519 4,317 3,836 3,636 3,572 3,499 3,496 4,356 4,723 4,962 5,189 4,909 5,041 (209)5,662 8,252 13,670 14,687 691 (388)60 4,362 949 (266) (269) 406 1,811 2,173 1,811 1,087 828 50 37 80 207 195 99 86 100 116 70 71 57322 285 631 843 784 478 524 295 231 251 247 259 0 (8,808) (5,619) (9,807) (5,228) (0) (5,477) (15,656) (14,491) 28,032 28,828 48,124 67,340 69,617 39,146 34,163 40,050 49,216 41,262 29,914 23,143 $24.09 $25.59 $69.76 $117.62 $65.57 $77.58 $70.04 $36.00 $89.80 $53.63 $49.31 $77.95 $65.58 $40.89$27.74 $24.60 $26.35 $27.10 $27.16 $27.18 $27.24 $27.29 $27.36 $29.15 $29.64 $29.52 ###########$41.37 $38.85 $38.96 $39.06 $39.00 $39.15 $39.13 $40.38 $41.29 ########### $31.35 $27.97 $23.44 $23.52 $33.34 $33.98 $37.39 $33.96 $35.03 $38.87 $31.12 Apr 2022 May 2022 Jun 2022 Jul 2022 Aug 2022 Sep 2022 Oct 2022 Nov 2022 Dec 2022 Jan 2023 Feb 2023 Mar 2023 6,727 (543)1,999 2,327 (2,716) (1,227) (490)3,617 (1,040)1,519 3,627 7,370 0 0 275 1,358 1,292 1,294 3,349 3,246 3,361 3,470 3,185 1 6,727 (543)2,274 3,685 (1,424)67 2,858 6,863 2,320 4,989 6,812 7,371 4,532 (1,494)2,580 1,022 926 3,163 3,432 3,522 2,538 2,658 3,194 2,293 3,515 4,007 (2,398) (5,524) (5,296) 4,532 (1,494)2,580 4,536 4,933 3,163 3,432 1,124 (2,986) (2,638)3,194 2,293 84 344 355 (284)187 (189) (104) (817)48 (92)883 (19) 1,216 1,109 64 (698) (548) (2)122 (1,008) (1,065)109 296 1,688 (717)5,397 6,888 2,408 6,292 (859) (1,172)1,671 (2,567) (1,341) 125 (1,127) (895)518 1,053 828 7 6 12 37 65 (2) (8)20 34 (4) (4) (3)(13)6 29 47 88 5 (12) (0)1 (30) (26) (43) (4,611)2,681 1,285 (211) (8,034) (5,228)4,018 (295) (15,656) (6,052) 7,226 7,507 13,612 8,605 8,697 2,490 (692)610 4,041 (528) (5,842)5,235 PCA Year NPSE (Apr‐Mar) Net Power Supply Expense 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 a-Apr 2021 a-May 2021 a-Jun 2021 a-Jul 2021 a-Aug 2021 a-Sep 2021 a-Oct 2021 a-Nov 2021 a-Dec 2021 a-Jan 2022 a-Feb 2022 Mar 2022 Mar 31 2022 Bridger 83,080 119,783 131,370 1,597 2,204 5,688 8,434 7,643 10,106 10,141 7,094 9,372 7,488 7,063 6,250 Boardman 24 24 Valmy 21,392 31,397 31,015 161 287 1,711 2,308 2,522 2,235 2,175 2,501 2,186 3,576 1,524 206 Coal 104,495 151,179 162,385 1,758 2,515 7,399 10,742 10,165 12,341 12,316 9,596 11,558 11,064 8,586 6,456 Langley 66,610 74,142 66,505 28 3,852 4,563 4,994 5,947 7,370 4,008 7,270 8,051 9,358 5,492 5,678 Natural Gas Plants 22,331 12,841 76,457 4,924 959 5,114 6,242 594 931 2,076 1,351 345 (1,283)797 281 Natural Gas 88,942 86,984 142,962 4,952 4,811 9,677 11,236 6,541 8,301 6,083 8,621 8,396 8,075 6,289 5,959 CSPP 195,068 212,586 222,477 14,506 16,471 21,070 20,302 21,391 15,633 15,463 14,463 17,518 11,398 14,079 12,771 PPAs 52,569 51,536 57,869 3,171 3,320 3,639 4,235 4,476 3,366 4,861 5,758 5,764 5,091 4,388 4,500 Purchases 144,203 47,200 20,256 718 2,072 29,010 30,357 14,920 11,865 6,756 6,195 13,077 11,837 13,915 3,481 Demand Response Incentive 7,112 8,116 8,116 0 216 2,838 2,830 919 339 (30)0 Transmission Losses 1,691 1,170 1,229 13 40 363 838 176 24 52 14 48 13 57 54Third Party Transmission 7,755 5,149 5,407 148 321 1,039 1,674 1,441 502 561 495 478 383 467 246Water Leases 0 0 10 (10) Surplus Sales (79,258) (65,086) (156,788)1,232 2,765 (10,452) (7,353) (5,148) (18,491) (9,428) (8,418) (7,865) (9,384) (4,647) (2,068) PCA Defined Net Power Supply Expense 522,578 498,835 463,911 26,498 32,315 61,960 74,868 56,793 34,460 37,004 36,693 48,985 38,467 43,135 31,399 $/MWh Market Purchases $4.54 $12.09 $59.12 $57.23 $44.36 $58.91 $43.64 $25.60 $37.65 $26.83 $43.77 $36.25Surplus Sales - Market ($78.26) ($48.00)$381.51 $99.50 $61.13 $78.30 $51.21 $62.73 $40.58 $44.95 $40.57 Bridger $26.08 $29.98 $29.85 $29.32 $30.67 $29.40 $32.20 $31.36 $33.40 $32.15 $31.67 $27.92Boardman Valmy $197.10 $38.03 $42.98 $33.27 $34.95 $36.60 $46.74 $34.32 $39.80 $51.01 ($119.11) Langley $15.99 $23.35 $25.18 $26.96 $30.74 $39.88 $47.12 $40.52 $43.24 $49.96 $32.01 $25.86 Change Net Power Supply Expense a-Apr 2021 a-May 2021 a-Jun 2021 a-Jul 2021 a-Aug 2021 a-Sep 2021 a-Oct 2021 a-Nov 2021 a-Dec 2021 a-Jan 2022 a-Feb 2022 Mar 2022 Bridger (19,165)21,169 34,584 254 182 3,738 (1,609) (8,963) (2,700)4,784 (1,712) (7,736) (5,866) (1,959)2,420 Boardman 24 24 Valmy 5,074 20,831 22,770 (87)39 (225) (153)100 (110)1,928 2,254 (1,085)1,190 1,270 (48) Coal (14,067)42,001 57,354 167 245 3,513 (1,762) (8,862) (2,810)6,712 541 (8,820) (4,676) (689)2,372 Langley 15,460 28,365 21,140 (3,815)1,664 2,339 1,279 2,114 3,146 (259)2,439 1,683 3,351 466 1,052 Natural Gas Plants 16,247 (5,696)36,249 4,652 678 4,843 5,297 (1,775)660 1,795 1,080 64 (1,564)516 Natural Gas 31,707 22,670 57,388 837 2,343 7,183 6,576 339 3,806 1,536 3,518 1,747 1,787 983 1,052 CSPP (10,066)395 2,363 (175)2,247 186 (3,507) (877) (1,074) (935) (2,125)1,809 (3,637) (1,776) (201) PPAs 3,359 1,283 3,211 136 651 144 60 517 (59)714 148 (138)111 (134)1,211 Purchases 119,549 16,000 11,999 927 1,982 26,268 22,592 11,958 10,202 3,628 3,579 12,999 9,577 12,854 2,983 Demand Response Incentive (502)502 502 0 (65) (100) (238) (374)306 (30)0 Transmission Losses 755 161 169 (41) (1)333 773 14 (101) (43) (76) (29) (58) (15) (3)Third Party Transmission 2,901 53 55 (171)55 466 916 778 52 50 214 259 116 206 (41)Water Leases (0) 10 (10) Surplus Sales (53,415) (32,103) (88,858)5,373 3,981 (10,452) (7,133) (5,148) (10,890) (9,428) (8,418) (4,603) (4,575) (3,955)1,835 PCA Defined Net Power Supply Expense 80,220 50,962 44,183 7,051 11,503 27,577 18,414 (1,519) (1,248)2,538 (2,648)3,234 (1,363)7,473 9,208 PCA Year NPSE (Apr‐Mar) Net Power Supply Expense 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 Mar 31 2022 Bridger 83,080 119,783 131,370 Boardman 24 Valmy 21,392 31,397 31,015 Coal 104,495 151,179 162,385 Langley 66,610 74,142 66,505 Natural Gas Plants 22,331 12,841 76,457 Natural Gas 88,942 86,984 142,962 CSPP 195,068 212,586 222,477 PPAs 52,569 51,536 57,869 Purchases 144,203 47,200 20,256 Demand Response Incentive 7,112 8,116 8,116Transmission Losses 1,691 1,170 1,229Third Party Transmission 7,755 5,149 5,407Water Leases 0 0 Surplus Sales (79,258) (65,086) (156,788) PCA Defined Net Power Supply Expense 522,578 498,835 463,911 $/MWh Market PurchasesSurplus Sales - MarketBridgerBoardmanValmy Langley Change Net Power Supply Expense Bridger (19,165)21,169 34,584 Boardman 24 Valmy 5,074 20,831 22,770 Coal (14,067)42,001 57,354 Langley 15,460 28,365 21,140 Natural Gas Plants 16,247 (5,696)36,249 Natural Gas 31,707 22,670 57,388 CSPP (10,066)395 2,363 PPAs 3,359 1,283 3,211 Purchases 119,549 16,000 11,999 Demand Response Incentive (502)502 502Transmission Losses 755 161 169Third Party Transmission 2,901 53 55Water Leases (0) Surplus Sales (53,415) (32,103) (88,858) PCA Defined Net Power Supply Expense 80,220 50,962 44,183 Apr 2022 May 2022 Jun 2022 Jul 2022 Aug 2022 Sep 2022 Oct 2022 Nov 2022 Dec 2022 Jan 2023 Feb 2023 Mar 2023 9,444 2,249 5,735 10,763 10,768 10,484 10,550 11,461 12,067 12,795 11,814 11,652 254 254 2,055 3,589 3,599 3,492 3,603 3,500 3,614 3,730 3,445 262 9,698 2,503 7,790 14,352 14,367 13,976 14,153 14,961 15,682 16,526 15,259 11,914 6,563 391 4,602 4,941 4,965 6,942 7,334 8,058 7,705 7,954 7,855 6,832 281 281 281 3,926 5,966 281 281 281 281 421 281 281 6,844 672 4,883 8,867 10,931 7,223 7,615 8,339 7,986 8,375 8,136 7,113 15,817 15,833 22,446 24,019 22,981 16,991 16,537 15,972 15,876 15,380 17,213 13,519 4,317 3,836 3,636 3,572 3,499 3,496 4,356 4,723 4,962 5,189 4,909 5,041 (209)5,662 8,252 13,670 14,687 691 (388)60 4,362 949 (266) (269) 406 1,811 2,173 1,811 1,087 828 50 37 80 207 195 99 86 100 116 70 71 57322 285 631 843 784 478 524 295 231 251 247 259 0 (8,808) (5,619) (9,807) (5,228) (0) (5,477) (15,656) (14,491) 28,032 28,828 48,124 67,340 69,617 39,146 34,163 40,050 49,216 41,262 29,914 23,143 $24.09 $25.59 $69.76 $117.62 $65.57 $77.58 $70.04 $36.00 $89.80 $53.63 $49.31 $77.95 $65.58 $40.89$27.74 $24.60 $26.35 $27.10 $27.16 $27.18 $27.24 $27.29 $27.36 $29.15 $29.64 $29.52 ###########$41.37 $38.85 $38.96 $39.06 $39.00 $39.15 $39.13 $40.38 $41.29 ########### $31.35 $27.97 $23.44 $23.52 $33.34 $33.98 $37.39 $33.96 $35.03 $38.87 $31.12 Apr 2022 May 2022 Jun 2022 Jul 2022 Aug 2022 Sep 2022 Oct 2022 Nov 2022 Dec 2022 Jan 2023 Feb 2023 Mar 2023 6,727 (543)1,999 2,327 (2,716) (1,227) (490)3,617 (1,040)1,519 3,627 7,370 0 0 275 1,358 1,292 1,294 3,349 3,246 3,361 3,470 3,185 1 6,727 (543)2,274 3,685 (1,424)67 2,858 6,863 2,320 4,989 6,812 7,371 4,532 (1,494)2,580 1,022 926 3,163 3,432 3,522 2,538 2,658 3,194 2,293 3,515 4,007 (2,398) (5,524) (5,296) 4,532 (1,494)2,580 4,536 4,933 3,163 3,432 1,124 (2,986) (2,638)3,194 2,293 84 344 355 (284)187 (189) (104) (817)48 (92)883 (19) 1,216 1,109 64 (698) (548) (2)122 (1,008) (1,065)109 296 1,688 (717)5,397 6,888 2,408 6,292 (859) (1,172)1,671 (2,567) (1,341) 125 (1,127) (895)518 1,053 828 7 6 12 37 65 (2) (8)20 34 (4) (4) (3)(13)6 29 47 88 5 (12) (0)1 (30) (26) (43) (4,611)2,681 1,285 (211) (8,034) (5,228)4,018 (295) (15,656) (6,052) 7,226 7,507 13,612 8,605 8,697 2,490 (692)610 4,041 (528) (5,842)5,235 PCA Year NPSE (Apr‐Mar) = Cells with Input Coal 108,503,180$                     Coal 151,179,160$                    Water for Powe 2,380,597                            Water for Powe 0                                          Forecast ‐ Base 95% Split Gas 33,367,563                          Gas 86,983,566                        Base Forecast Non‐PURPA 62,606,593                          Non‐PURPA 99,906,480                        1.0234 1.7726 0.7492 0.7117 3rd Party Transmission 5,455,955                            3rd Party Transmission 5,149,239                           Surplus Sales (51,735,153)                        Surplus Sales (65,085,848)                        Net 95% account 160,578,735$                     Net 95% account 278,132,598$                   0.8531 1.3549 0.5018 0.5018 difference of Net 95 % account 117,553,863$                      0.0751 0.0541 ‐0.0209 ‐0.0209 (cents per kWh) Net 95% rate 0.7117 1.9516 3.1816 1.2301 1.19260 PURPA 133,853,869$                     PURPA 212,586,058$                    Net 100% account 133,853,869$                     Net 100% account 212,586,058$                    difference of 100% accoun 78,732,189$                         Recoverable Portion PCA Forecast (Idaho (cents per kWh)106,704,658$             95% Accounts Net 100% rate 0.5018 75,227,251                  PURPA (3,136,365)                   Demand Response 178,795,544$              Demand Response Incentiv 11,252,265$                        Demand Response Incentiv 8,115,900$                         Net 100% account 11,252,265$                        Net 100% account 8,115,900$                        178,795,145$              difference of 100% accoun (3,136,365)$                        1.1926$                         (cents per kWh) Net 100% rate ‐0.0209 TOTAL NPSE 305,684,869$                     TOTAL NPSE 498,834,556$                    (cents per kWh) Total Forecast Rate 1.1926 0.011926                                                           Last Year's PCA  Rate (Final Order)Net change (cents per kWh)Total PC True‐Up 38,669,526$                        0.2579 0.002579                           217,459,632$             113,504,783$      103,386,078$    Reveue Sharin 568,771.00$                        0.7571 (cents per kWh) Total PCA Rate 1.4505 91.59% System Sales 15,690,546 Idaho Percentage Idaho Jurisdictional Sales 14,992,046 95.55% BASE 1 PCA CALCULATIONS Base Forecast Tariff Calculation (cents per kWh) BASE 2 BASE 3 Base Forecast Base Forecast 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 9 * * * SUMMARY OF RESULTS * * * 10 11 DEVELOPMENT OF RATE BASE COMPONENTS 12 13 ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE 6,441,732,366 6,190,113,105 251,619,261 14 LESS: ACCUM PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION 2,416,221,274 2,319,550,450 96,670,824 15 AMORT OF OTHER UTILITY PLANT 37,557,485 36,104,579 1,452,907 16 NET ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE 3,987,953,607 3,834,458,077 153,495,530 17 LESS: CUSTOMER ADV FOR CONSTRUCTION 7,897,846 7,840,341 57,505 18 LESS: ACCUM DEFERRED INCOME TAXES 479,842,916 461,170,942 18,671,974 19 ADD : PLT HLD FOR FUTURE 4,095,344 3,959,068 136,276 20 ADD : WORKING CAPITAL 124,704,125 119,635,298 5,068,827 21 ADD : CONSERVATION+OTHER DFRD PROG.27,790,408 24,483,880 3,306,528 22 ADD : IERCO RATE BASE 40,345,976 38,542,096 1,803,880 23 ADD : ELECTRIC PLANT ACQUISITION ADJ.-114/5 662,038 636,729 25,309 24 TOTAL COMBINED RATE BASE 3,697,810,735 3,552,703,864 145,106,871 25 26 RATE OF RETURN UNDER PRESENT RATES 27 OPERATING REVENUES 28 SALES REVENUES 1,035,636,761 991,216,908 44,419,853 29 OTHER OPERATING REVENUES 82,342,549 78,433,294 3,909,255 30 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,117,979,310 1,069,650,202 48,329,108 31 OPERATING EXPENSES 32 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 683,212,307 649,599,003 33,613,303 33 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 123,577,643 118,717,824 4,859,819 34 AMORTIZATION OF LIMITED TERM PLANT 6,256,000 6,013,901 242,099 35 ACCRETION EXPENSE 48,379 46,482 1,896 36 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 26,188,106 24,462,684 1,725,422 37 REGULATORY DEBITS/CREDITS 1,087,391 878,396 208,995 38 PROVISION FOR DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (14,885,993)(14,382,662)(503,331) 39 INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ADJUSTMENT 11,264,544 10,824,447 440,097 40 FEDERAL INCOME TAXES 29,156,558 28,544,231 612,327 41 STATE INCOME TAXES 11,411,459 11,163,398 248,061 42 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 877,316,394 835,867,704 41,448,690 43 OPERATING INCOME 240,662,916 233,782,498 6,880,418 44 ADD: IERCO OPERATING INCOME E10 6,715,053 6,414,821 300,232 45 CONSOLIDATED OPERATING INCOME 247,377,969 240,197,319 7,180,650 46 47 RATE OF RETURN UNDER PRESENT RATES 6.690%6.761%4.949% Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 1 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 48 * * * SUMMARY OF RESULTS * * * 49 50 RATE OF RETURN UNDER PRESENT RATES 51 TOTAL COMBINED RATE BASE 3,697,810,735 3,552,703,864 145,106,871 52 53 SALES REVENUES 1,035,636,761 991,216,908 44,419,853 54 OTHER OPERATING REVENUES 82,342,549 78,433,294 3,909,255 55 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,117,979,310 1,069,650,202 48,329,108 56 OPERATING EXPENSES 57 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 683,212,307 649,599,003 33,613,303 58 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 123,577,643 118,717,824 4,859,819 59 AMORTIZATION OF LIMITED TERM PLANT 6,256,000 6,013,901 242,099 60 ACCRETION EXPENSE 48,379 46,482 1,896 61 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 26,188,106 24,462,684 1,725,422 62 REGULATORY DEBITS/CREDITS 1,087,391 878,396 208,995 63 PROVISION FOR DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (14,885,993)(14,382,662)(503,331) 64 INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ADJUSTMENT 11,264,544 10,824,447 440,097 65 FEDERAL INCOME TAXES 29,156,558 28,544,231 612,327 66 STATE INCOME TAXES 11,411,459 11,163,398 248,061 67 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 877,316,394 835,867,704 41,448,690 68 OPERATING INCOME 240,662,916 233,782,498 6,880,418 69 ADD: IERCO OPERATING INCOME 6,715,053 6,414,821 300,232 70 CONSOLIDATED OPERATING INCOME 247,377,969 240,197,319 7,180,650 71 RATE OF RETURN UNDER PRESENT RATES 6.690%6.761%4.949% 72 73 DEVELOPMENT OF REVENUE REQUIREMENTS 74 RATE OF RETURN REQUIRED @ No ROE Specified in IPC-11-08 7.860%7.860%7.860% 75 76 RETURN AT CLAIMED RATE OF RETURN 290,647,924 279,242,524 11,405,400 77 EARNINGS DEFICIENCY 43,269,955 39,045,205 4,224,750 78 NET-TO-GROSS TAX MULTIPLIER 1.347 1.347 1.347 79 80 REVENUE DEFICIENCY 58,284,629 52,593,891 5,690,738 81 82 FIRM JURISDICTIONAL REVENUES 981,573,769 939,617,644 41,956,125 83 84 PERCENT INCREASE REQUIRED 5.94%5.60%13.56% 85 86 SALES AND WHEELING REVENUES REQUIRED 1,039,858,398 992,211,535 47,646,863 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 2 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 87 * * * TABLE 1 - ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE * * * 88 89 INTANGIBLE PLANT 90 301 - ORGANIZATION P101P 5,703 5,480 223 91 302 - FRANCHISES & CONSENTS D10 37,320,909 35,894,193 1,426,715 92 303 - MISCELLANEOUS P101P 44,325,821 42,594,045 1,731,776 93 94 TOTAL INTANGIBLE PLANT 81,652,433 78,493,719 3,158,714 95 96 PRODUCTION PLANT 97 310-316 / STEAM PRODUCTION D10 983,432,391 945,837,430 37,594,961 98 330-336 / HYDRAULIC PRODUCTION D10 1,027,294,147 988,022,425 39,271,722 99 340-346 / OTHER PRODUCTION D10 555,623,121 534,382,587 21,240,534 100 101 TOTAL PRODUCTION PLANT 2,566,349,659 2,468,242,442 98,107,217 102 103 TRANSMISSION PLANT 104 350 / LAND & LAND RIGHTS 105 TRANSMISSION SERVICE D11 39,264,322 37,763,313 1,501,009 106 DIRECT ASSIGNMENT DA350 0 0 0 107 TOTAL ACCOUNT 350 39,264,322 37,763,313 1,501,009 108 109 352 / STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS 110 TRANSMISSION SERVICE D11 86,244,147 82,947,179 3,296,968 111 DIRECT ASSIGNMENT DA352 658 0 658 112 TOTAL ACCOUNT 352 86,244,805 82,947,179 3,297,626 113 114 353 / STATION EQUIPMENT 115 TRANSMISSION SERVICE D11 463,801,909 446,071,544 17,730,364 116 DIRECT ASSIGNMENT DA353 111,594 75,100 36,494 117 TOTAL ACCOUNT 353 463,913,503 446,146,644 17,766,858 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 3 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 118 * * * TABLE 1 - ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE * * * 119 120 354 / TOWERS & FIXTURES 121 TRANSMISSION SERVICE D11 228,176,239 219,453,446 8,722,793 122 DIRECT ASSIGNMENT DA354 0 0 0 123 TOTAL ACCOUNT 354 228,176,239 219,453,446 8,722,793 124 125 355 / POLES & FIXTURES 126 TRANSMISSION SERVICE D11 217,872,554 209,543,654 8,328,900 127 DIRECT ASSIGNMENT DA355 33,842 0 33,842 128 TOTAL ACCOUNT 355 217,906,396 209,543,654 8,362,742 129 130 356 / OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS & DEVICES 131 TRANSMISSION SERVICE D11 253,438,674 243,750,141 9,688,533 132 DIRECT ASSIGNMENT DA356 26,495 1,189 25,306 133 TOTAL ACCOUNT 356 253,465,169 243,751,330 9,713,839 134 135 359 / ROADS & TRAILS 136 TRANSMISSION SERVICE D11 390,266 375,347 14,919 137 DIRECT ASSIGNMENT DA359 0 0 0 138 TOTAL ACCOUNT 359 390,266 375,347 14,919 139 140 TOTAL TRANSMISSION PLANT 1,289,360,700 1,239,980,914 49,379,786 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 4 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 141 * * * TABLE 1 - ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE * * * 142 143 DISTRIBUTION PLANT 144 360 / LAND & LAND RIGHTS ACCT360 7,683,074 7,485,785 197,289 145 361 / STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS ACCT361 51,698,404 49,873,701 1,824,703 146 362 / STATION EQUIPMENT ACCT362 299,139,312 288,099,654 11,039,658 147 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 5 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 148 * * * TABLE 1 - ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE * * * 149 150 364 / POLES, TOWERS & FIXTURES DA364 297,915,726 274,478,511 23,437,215 151 365 / OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS & DEVICES DA365 148,963,270 139,411,142 9,552,128 152 366 / UNDERGROUND CONDUIT DA366 53,140,833 52,352,719 788,114 153 367 / UNDERGROUND CONDUCTORS & DEVICES DA367 309,064,375 304,359,251 4,705,124 154 368 / LINE TRANSFORMERS D60 670,064,383 646,481,949 23,582,434 155 369 / SERVICES DA369 65,815,991 62,899,539 2,916,452 156 370 / METERS ACCT370 112,004,367 108,284,989 3,719,378 157 371 / INSTALLATIONS ON CUSTOMER PREMISES DA371 4,773,845 4,482,463 291,382 158 373 / STREET LIGHTING SYSTEMS DA373 5,609,417 5,361,317 248,101 159 160 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION PLANT 2,025,872,997 1,943,571,020 82,301,978 161 162 GENERAL PLANT 163 389 / LAND & LAND RIGHTS PTD 20,911,506 20,094,509 816,997 164 390 / STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS PTD 142,054,779 136,504,807 5,549,972 165 391 / OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT PTD 40,958,240 39,358,033 1,600,207 166 392 / TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT PTD 107,643,497 103,437,948 4,205,549 167 393 / STORES EQUIPMENT PTD 4,279,317 4,112,127 167,190 168 394 / TOOLS, SHOP & GARAGE EQUIPMENT PTD 12,058,163 11,587,060 471,103 169 395 / LABORATORY EQUIPMENT PTD 14,889,449 14,307,729 581,719 170 396 / POWER OPERATED EQUIPMENT PTD 23,700,119 22,774,173 925,946 171 397 / COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT PTD 74,643,039 71,726,792 2,916,247 172 398 / MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT PTD 10,088,702 9,694,544 394,158 173 174 TOTAL GENERAL PLANT 451,226,810 433,597,722 17,629,088 175 176 TOTAL PLANT BEFORE FAS 143 ADJ 6,414,462,599 6,163,885,815 250,576,784 177 178 FAS 143 & OTHER ADJUSTMENTS D10 27,269,767 26,227,290 1,042,477 179 TOTAL ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE 6,441,732,366 6,190,113,105 251,619,261 180 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 6 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 181 * * * TABLE 2 - ACCUMULATED PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION * * * 182 183 PRODUCTION PLANT 184 310-316 / STEAM PRODUCTION L 97 569,898,891 548,112,618 21,786,273 185 330-336 / HYDRAULIC PRODUCTION L 98 475,256,339 457,088,091 18,168,248 186 340-346 / OTHER PRODUCTION L 99 147,554,412 141,913,656 5,640,756 187 TOTAL PRODUCTION PLANT 1,192,709,642 1,147,114,364 45,595,277 188 189 TRANSMISSION PLANT 190 350 / LAND & LAND RIGHTS L 107 9,510,667 9,147,090 363,577 191 352 / STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS L 112 32,273,589 31,039,587 1,234,002 192 353 / STATION EQUIPMENT L 117 120,734,651 116,110,781 4,623,869 193 354 / TOWERS & FIXTURES L 123 75,766,058 72,869,649 2,896,409 194 355 / POLES & FIXTURES L 128 74,266,710 71,416,526 2,850,184 195 356 / OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS & DEVICES L 133 86,287,194 82,980,310 3,306,884 196 359 / ROADS & TRAILS L 138 292,474 281,293 11,181 197 TOTAL TRANSMISSION PLANT 399,131,342 383,845,237 15,286,105 198 199 DISTRIBUTION PLANT 200 360 / LAND & LAND RIGHTS L 144 187,786 182,964 4,822 201 361 / STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS L 145 15,173,714 14,638,155 535,559 202 362 / STATION EQUIPMENT L 146 67,127,213 64,649,901 2,477,312 203 364 / POLES, TOWERS & FIXTURES L 150 147,533,649 135,927,086 11,606,564 204 365 / OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS & DEVICES L 151 56,807,230 53,164,520 3,642,710 205 366 / UNDERGROUND CONDUIT L 152 18,108,522 17,839,961 268,562 206 367 / UNDERGROUND CONDUCTORS & DEVICES L 153 99,103,297 97,594,572 1,508,725 207 368 / LINE TRANSFORMERS L 154 192,914,512 186,125,024 6,789,488 208 369 / SERVICES L 155 44,425,876 42,457,267 1,968,609 209 370 / METERS L 156 39,281,996 37,977,541 1,304,454 210 371 / INSTALLATIONS ON CUSTOMER PREMISES L 157 1,716,098 1,611,352 104,746 211 373 / STREET LIGHTING SYSTEMS L 158 2,630,426 2,514,084 116,342 212 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION PLANT 685,010,318 654,682,427 30,327,891 213 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 7 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 214 * * * TABLE 2 - ACCUMULATED PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION * * * 215 216 GENERAL PLANT 217 389 / LAND & LAND RIGHTS L 163 0 0 0 218 390 / STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS L 164 34,109,337 32,776,712 1,332,626 219 391 / OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT L 165 16,503,445 15,858,668 644,777 220 392 / TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT L 166 23,297,167 22,386,965 910,203 221 393 / STORES EQUIPMENT L 167 1,148,548 1,103,675 44,873 222 394 / TOOLS, SHOP & GARAGE EQUIPMENT L 168 4,108,368 3,947,857 160,511 223 395 / LABORATORY EQUIPMENT L 169 6,495,290 6,241,524 253,766 224 396 / POWER OPERATED EQUIPMENT L 170 5,170,279 4,968,280 201,999 225 397 / COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT L 171 27,205,063 26,142,182 1,062,881 226 398 / MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT L 172 3,806,325 3,657,614 148,710 227 TOTAL GENERAL PLANT 121,843,823 117,083,478 4,760,345 228 229 UNDER- / OVERALLOCATED SALVAGE L P101P 0 0 0 230 ACCUM DEPR BEFORE FAS 143/OTHER ADJ 2,398,695,125 2,302,725,506 95,969,619 231 232 FAS 143 ADJ &/OR DISALLOWED COSTS L 230 17,526,149 16,824,944 701,205 233 TOTAL ACCUM PROVISION FOR DEPR 2,416,221,274 2,319,550,450 96,670,824 234 235 AMORTIZATION OF OTHER UTILITY PLANT 236 INTANGIBLE PLANT L 94 37,557,485 36,104,579 1,452,907 237 HYDRAULIC PRODUCTION L 98 0 0 0 238 239 TOTAL AMORT OF OTHER UTILITY PLANT 37,557,485 36,104,579 1,452,907 240 241 TOTAL ACCUM PROVISION FOR DEPR 242 & AMORTIZATION OF OTHER UTILITY PLANT 2,453,778,760 2,355,655,029 98,123,731 243 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 8 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 244 * * * TABLE 3 - ADDITIONS & DELETIONS TO RATE BASE * * * 245 246 NET ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE 3,987,953,607 3,834,458,077 153,495,530 247 LESS: 248 252 CUSTOMER ADVANCES FOR CONSTRUCTION 249 POWER SUPPLY D10 0 0 0 250 OTHER DA252 7,897,846 7,840,341 57,505 251 TOTAL CUSTOMER ADV FOR CONSTRUCTION 7,897,846 7,840,341 57,505 253 ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES 254 190 / ACCUMULATED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES 255 CUSTOMER ADVANCES FOR CONSTUCTION DA252 (1,658,547)(1,646,471)(12,076) 256 OTHER LABOR (18,406,387)(17,559,418)(846,969) 257 281 / ACCELERATED AMORTIZATION P101P 0 0 0 258 282 / OTHER PROPERTY P101P 442,010,948 424,741,917 17,269,031 259 283 / OTHER P101P 57,896,902 55,634,915 2,261,988 260 TOTAL ACCUM DEFERRED INCOME TAXES 479,842,916 461,170,942 18,671,974 262 NET ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE 3,500,212,845 3,365,446,794 134,766,051 263 ADD: 264 WORKING CAPITAL 265 151 / FUEL INVENTORY E10 31,377,098 29,974,219 1,402,879 266 154 / PLANT MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 267 PRODUCTION - GENERAL L 101 19,033,303 18,305,692 727,611 268 TRANSMISSION - GENERAL L 140 13,891,238 13,359,233 532,005 269 DISTRIBUTION - GENERAL L 160 34,497,214 33,095,750 1,401,464 270 OTHER - UNCLASSIFIED L 176 4,378,844 4,207,788 171,057 271 TOTAL ACCOUNT 154 71,800,600 68,968,463 2,832,137 272 165 / PREPAID ITEMS 273 AD VALOREM TAXES L 708 2,421,662 2,326,883 94,780 274 OTHER PROD-RELATED PREPAYMENTS D10 4,165,057 4,005,834 159,223 275 INSURANCE L 101 4,607,578 4,431,438 176,140 276 PENSION EXPENSE LABOR 0 0 0 277 SOFTWARE CONTRACTS L 92 5,750,492 5,525,825 224,667 278 MISCELLANEOUS PREPAYMENTS L 1062 4,581,638 4,402,637 179,001 279 TOTAL ACCOUNT 165 21,526,427 20,692,616 833,811 280 WORKING CASH ALLOWANCE L 625 0 0 0 281 282 TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL 124,704,125 119,635,298 5,068,827 284 NET ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE 3,624,916,970 3,485,082,091 139,834,878 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 9 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 285 * * * TABLE 3 - ADDITIONS & DELETIONS TO RATE BASE * * * 286 287 NET ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE 3,624,916,970 3,485,082,091 139,834,878 288 ADD: 289 105 / PLANT HELD FOR FUTURE USE 290 HYDRAULIC PRODUCTION L 98 109,609 105,419 4,190 291 TRANS LAND & LAND RIGHTS L 107 1,235,716 1,188,477 47,239 292 TRANS STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS L 112 383,232 368,579 14,653 293 TRANS STATION EQUIPMENT L 117 32,296 31,059 1,237 294 DIST LAND & LAND RIGHTS L 144 1,517,337 1,478,374 38,963 295 DIST STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS L 145 511,838 493,773 18,065 296 DIST STATION EQUIPMENT L 146 0 0 0 297 GEN LAND & LAND RIGHTS L 163 305,317 293,388 11,928 298 GEN STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS L 164 0 0 0 299 TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT L 166 0 0 0 300 TOTAL PLANT HELD FOR FUTURE USE 4,095,344 3,959,068 136,276 301 302 ELECTRIC PLANT ACQUISITION ADJ.-114/5 D10 662,038 636,729 25,309 303 304 DEFERRED PROGRAMS: 305 182 / CONSERVATION PROGRAMS 306 IDAHO DEFERRED CONSERVATION PROGRAMS CIDA 0 0 0 307 OREGON DEFERRED CONSERVATION PROGRAMS CODA 0 0 0 308 TOTAL CONSERVATION PROGRAMS 0 0 0 309 182 / MISC. OTHER REGULATORY ASSETS 310 CUB FUND INTEREST (OPUC 15-399)CODA 48,512 0 48,512 311 AM. FALLS BOND REFINANCING D10 213,718 205,548 8,170 312 SFAS 87 CAPITALIZED PENSION - OPUC ORDER 10-064 CODA 6,507,452 0 6,507,452 313 CLOUD COMPUTING - IPUC ORDER 34707 CIDA 1,459,174 1,459,174 0 314 LIDAR SURVEY - IPUC ORDER 32426 CIDA 10,901 10,901 0 315 PS&I - SHOSHONE FALLS EXPANSION (IPUC Order 29904) CIDA 0 0 0 316 SIEMENS LTP DEFERRED RATE BASE (IPUC Order 33420) CIDA 9,151,853 9,151,853 0 317 SIEMENS LTP RATE BASE (IPUC Order 33420)CIDA 13,656,404 13,656,404 0 318 SIEMENS LTP DEFERRED RATE BASE (OPUC ORDER 15-387) CODA 379,159 0 379,159 319 SIEMENS LTP RATE BASE (OPUC ORDER 15-387)CODA 560,250 0 560,250 320 TOTAL OTHER REGULATORY ASSETS 31,987,423 24,483,880 7,503,543 321 182 / OTHER DEFERRED PROGRAMS E10 0 0 0 322 254 / JIM BRIDGER PLANT END OF LIFE DEPR - OPUC ORDER 12-296 CODA (4,184,771)0 (4,184,771) 323 RECONNECT FEES - (OPUC ADV 16-09)CODA (12,244)0 (12,244) 324 TOTAL DEFERRED PROGRAMS 27,790,408 24,483,880 3,306,528 325 326 DEVELOPMENT OF IERCO RATE BASE 327 INVESTMENT IN IERCO E10 25,633,183 24,487,116 1,146,067 328 PREPAID COAL ROYALTIES E10 1,001,325 956,555 44,770 329 NOTES RECEIVABLE FROM SUBSIDIARY E10 13,711,468 13,098,424 613,044 330 TOTAL IERCO RATE BASE 40,345,976 38,542,096 1,803,880 331 3,697,810,735 3,552,703,864 145,106,871 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 10 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 333 * * * TABLE 4 - OPERATING REVENUES * * * 334 OPERATING REVENUES 335 336 FIRM ENERGY SALES & REFUNDS 337 440-448 / RETAIL RETREV 974,391,283 932,709,732 41,681,551 338 447 / FIRM SALES FOR RESALE E10 0 0 0 339 447 / OPPORTUNITY SALES E10 61,245,478 58,507,175 2,738,303 340 341 TOTAL SALES OF ELECTRICITY 1,035,636,761 991,216,908 44,419,853 342 343 OTHER OPERATING REVENUES 344 345 449 / OATT TARIFF REFUND 346 NETWORK D11 0 0 0 347 POINT-TO-POINT D11 0 0 0 348 TOTAL ACCOUNT 449 0 0 0 349 350 451 / MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE REVENUES DA451 3,545,766 3,510,094 35,672 351 352 454 / RENTS FROM ELECTRIC PROPERTY 353 SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT L 117 2,397,201 2,305,394 91,807 354 TRANSFORMER RENTALS L 154 14,854 14,331 523 355 LINE RENTALS D11 0 0 0 356 COGENERATION L 491 1,317,176 1,258,285 58,891 357 DARK FIBER PROJECT CIDA 300,000 300,000 0 358 POLE ATTACHMENTS L 150 1,082,105 996,975 85,130 359 FACILITIES CHARGES DA4547 7,537,256 7,218,487 318,769 360 OTHER RENTALS L 101 978,412 941,009 37,403 361 WATER LEASE E10 63,369 60,536 2,833 362 TOTAL ACCOUNT 454 13,690,373 13,095,016 595,357 363 364 456 / OTHER ELECTRIC REVENUES 365 TRANSMISSION NETWORK SERVICES - FIRM D11 7,182,486 6,907,912 274,574 366 TRANSMISSION NETWORK SERVICES - DIST FACILITIES D60 816,367 787,636 28,731 367 TRANSMISSION - POINT-TO-POINT & OTHER D11 33,926,238 32,629,295 1,296,943 368 FIBER OPTIC ATTACHMENT E10 0 0 0 369 ALTERNATE TRANSMISSION SERV. CHG.L 140 0 0 0 370 PHOTOVOLTAIC STATION SERVICE L 160 0 0 0 371 DSM RIDER FUNDS DARIDER 22,591,465 20,915,733 1,675,732 372 STANDBY SERVICE CHARGE CIDA 539,561 539,561 0 373 SIERRA PACIFIC USAGE CHARGE E10 49,775 47,550 2,225 374 BPA - OTHER REVENUE D10 0 0 0 375 ANTELOPE L 516 0 0 0 376 MISCELLANEOUS PTD 518 498 20 377 TOTAL ACCOUNT 456 65,106,410 61,828,183 3,278,227 378 379 TOTAL OTHER OPERATING REVENUES 82,342,549 78,433,294 3,909,255 380 381 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 1,117,979,310 1,069,650,202 48,329,108 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 11 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 382 * * * TABLE 5 - OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES * * * 383 384 STEAM POWER GENERATION 385 OPERATION 386 500 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING D10 706,942 679,917 27,025 387 501 / FUEL E10 61,853,607 59,088,114 2,765,492 388 389 502 / STEAM EXPENSES 390 LABOR D10 0 0 0 391 OTHER E10 6,313,311 6,031,041 282,270 392 TOTAL ACCOUNT 502 6,313,311 6,031,041 282,270 393 505 / ELECTRIC EXPENSES 394 LABOR D10 0 0 0 395 OTHER E10 1,062,534 1,015,028 47,506 396 TOTAL ACCOUNT 505 1,062,534 1,015,028 47,506 397 506 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES D10 6,106,307 5,872,873 233,434 398 507 / RENTS L 97 175,288 168,587 6,701 399 TOTAL STEAM OPERATION EXPENSES 76,217,990 72,855,562 3,362,429 400 401 MAINTENANCE 402 510 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING D10 (8,421)(8,099)(322) 403 511 / STRUCTURES D10 872,839 839,472 33,367 404 512 / BOILER PLANT 405 LABOR D10 0 0 0 406 OTHER E10 6,342,452 6,058,879 283,573 407 TOTAL ACCOUNT 512 6,342,452 6,058,879 283,573 408 513 / ELECTRIC PLANT 409 LABOR D10 0 0 0 410 OTHER E10 1,851,518 1,768,736 82,782 411 TOTAL ACCOUNT 513 1,851,518 1,768,736 82,782 412 514 / MISCELLANEOUS STEAM PLANT D10 7,110,247 6,838,434 271,813 413 TOTAL STEAM MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 16,168,635 15,497,422 671,213 414 415 TOTAL STEAM GENERATION EXPENSES 92,386,625 88,352,984 4,033,641 416 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 12 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 417 * * * TABLE 5 - OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES * * * 418 419 HYDRAULIC POWER GENERATION 420 535 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 881 3,982,551 3,828,587 153,964 421 536 / WATER FOR POWER 422 WATER LEASE D10 0 0 0 423 OTHER D10 4,066,531 3,911,075 155,457 424 TOTAL ACCOUNT 536 4,066,531 3,911,075 155,457 425 426 537 / HYDRAULIC EXPENSES D10 11,237,146 10,807,569 429,577 427 538 / ELECTRIC EXPENSES 428 LABOR D10 1,033,465 993,957 39,508 429 OTHER E10 286,592 273,778 12,814 430 TOTAL ACCOUNT 538 1,320,056 1,267,735 52,321 431 432 539 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES D10 3,629,708 3,490,951 138,758 433 540 / RENTS D10 232,421 223,535 8,885 434 435 TOTAL HYDRAULIC OPERATION EXPENSES 24,468,413 23,529,452 938,961 436 437 MAINTENANCE 438 541 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 887 98,606 94,836 3,770 439 542 / STRUCTURES D10 766,387 737,089 29,298 440 543 / RESERVOIRS, DAMS & WATERWAYS D10 441,812 424,922 16,890 441 544 / ELECTRIC PLANT 442 LABOR D10 1,045,678 1,005,703 39,974 443 OTHER E10 595,294 568,678 26,616 444 TOTAL ACCOUNT 544 1,640,972 1,574,381 66,590 445 446 545 / MISCELLANEOUS HYDRAULIC PLANT L 98 2,302,758 2,214,728 88,031 447 448 TOTAL HYDRAULIC MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 5,250,535 5,045,957 204,578 449 450 TOTAL HYDRAULIC GENERATION EXPENSES 29,718,948 28,575,409 1,143,539 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 13 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 451 * * * TABLE 5 - OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES * * * 452 OTHER POWER GENERATION 453 OPERATION 454 546 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 894 444,646 427,648 16,998 455 547 / FUEL 456 SALMON DIESEL E10 5,549 5,301 248 457 OTHER E10 62,042,527 59,268,588 2,773,939 458 TOTAL ACCOUNT 547 62,048,076 59,273,888 2,774,187 459 460 548 / GENERATING EXPENSES 461 LABOR D10 2,188,368 2,104,710 83,658 462 OTHER E10 1,355,275 1,294,680 60,595 463 TOTAL ACCOUNT 548 3,543,642 3,399,390 144,252 465 549 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES D10 906,903 872,234 34,669 466 550 / RENTS D10 0 0 0 468 TOTAL OTHER POWER OPER EXPENSES 66,943,267 63,973,160 2,970,107 470 MAINTENANCE 471 551 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 900 0 0 0 472 552 / STRUCTURES D10 137,226 131,980 5,246 473 553 / GENERATING & ELECTRIC PLANT 474 LABOR D10 30,759 29,583 1,176 475 OTHER E10 40,568 38,754 1,814 476 TOTAL ACCOUNT 553 71,326 68,337 2,990 478 554 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES L 99 1,441,327 1,386,227 55,099 479 TOTAL OTHER POWER MAINT EXPENSES 1,649,879 1,586,544 63,335 480 481 TOTAL OTHER POWER GENERATION EXP 68,593,147 65,559,705 3,033,442 483 OTHER POWER SUPPLY EXPENSE 484 555.0 / PURCHASED POWER 485 PURCHASED POWER - TRANS LOSSES E10 1,481,513 1,415,274 66,239 486 OTHER PURCHASED POWER E10 142,511,126 136,139,413 6,371,713 487 TOTAL ACCOUNT 555.0 143,992,640 137,554,688 6,437,952 488 555.1 / COGENERATION & SMALL POWER PROD 489 CAPACITY RELATED D10 0 0 0 490 ENERGY RELATED E10 152,410,316 145,596,007 6,814,309 491 TOTAL COGEN & SMALL POWER PROD 152,410,316 145,596,007 6,814,309 493 TOTAL ACCOUNT 555 296,402,955 283,150,694 13,252,261 495 556 / LOAD CONTROL & DISPATCHING EXPENSES D10 355 341 14 496 557 / OTHER EXPENSES 497 IDAHO POWER COST-RELATED EXPENSES CIDA (24,852,847)(24,852,847)0 498 OREGON POWER COST-RELATED EXPENSES CODA (123,666)0 (123,666) 499 OTHER D10 3,917,491 3,767,732 149,759 500 TOTAL ACCOUNT 557 (21,059,022)(21,085,115)26,093 501 502 TOTAL OTHER POWER SUPPLY EXPENSES 275,344,288 262,065,921 13,278,367 504 TOTAL PRODUCTION EXPENSES 466,043,009 444,554,019 21,488,990 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 14 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 505 * * * TABLE 5 - OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES * * * 506 507 TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 508 509 OPERATION 510 560 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 140 2,164,986 2,082,072 82,914 511 561 / LOAD DISPATCHING D12 3,913,915 3,764,292 149,622 512 562 / STATION EXPENSES L 117 2,228,143 2,142,810 85,333 513 563 / OVERHEAD LINE EXPENSES L 123+128+133 896,516 862,171 34,345 514 565 / TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY BY OTHERS E10 5,488,859 5,243,451 245,408 515 566 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES L 140 0 0 0 516 567 / RENTS L 140 3,438,724 3,307,028 131,696 517 518 TOTAL TRANSMISSION OPERATION 18,131,142 17,401,823 729,319 519 520 MAINTENANCE 521 568 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 140 139,055 133,730 5,326 522 569 / STRUCTURES L 112 1,021,777 982,709 39,068 523 570 / STATION EQUIPMENT L 117 1,317,637 1,267,174 50,463 524 571 / OVERHEAD LINES L 123+128+133 1,661,356 1,597,710 63,646 525 573 / MISCELLANEOUS PLANT L 140 1,794 1,725 69 526 575 / OPER TRANS MKT ADMIN - EIM L 140 574,296 552,302 21,994 527 TOTAL TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE 4,715,915 4,535,350 180,565 528 529 TOTAL TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 22,847,058 21,937,173 909,884 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 15 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 530 * * * TABLE 5 - OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES * * * 531 532 DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 534 OPERATION 535 580 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 160 2,952,682 2,832,728 119,954 536 581 / LOAD DISPATCHING D60 3,645,635 3,517,329 128,305 537 582 / STATION EXPENSES L 146 1,125,351 1,083,820 41,531 538 583 / OVERHEAD LINE EXPENSES L 150+151 3,748,236 3,471,535 276,701 539 584 / UNDERGROUND LINE EXPENSES L 152+153 3,557,079 3,503,132 53,947 540 585 / STREET LIGHTING & SIGNAL SYSTEMS L 158 14 13 1 541 586 / METER EXPENSES L 156 3,698,908 3,576,077 122,831 542 587 / CUSTOMER INSTALLATIONS EXPENSE L 157 769,913 722,920 46,993 543 588 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES L 160 3,025,283 2,902,380 122,903 544 589 / RENTS L 160 336,383 322,718 13,666 545 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION OPERATION 22,859,484 21,932,651 926,833 547 MAINTENANCE 548 590 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 160 7,835 7,517 318 549 591 / STRUCTURES L 145 0 0 0 550 592 / STATION EQUIPMENT L 146 3,105,950 2,991,326 114,624 551 593 / OVERHEAD LINES L 150+151 14,042,862 13,006,195 1,036,667 552 594 / UNDERGROUND LINES L 152+153 407,299 401,122 6,177 553 595 / LINE TRANSFORMERS L 154 47,709 46,030 1,679 554 596 / STREET LIGHTING & SIGNAL SYSTEMS L 158 201,671 192,751 8,920 555 597 / METERS L 156 612,889 592,536 20,352 556 598 / MISCELLANEOUS PLANT L 157 66,452 62,396 4,056 557 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 18,492,667 17,299,873 1,192,794 559 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 41,352,150 39,232,524 2,119,627 561 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING EXPENSES 562 901 / SUPERVISION L 961 627,132 590,685 36,447 563 902 / METER READING CW902 1,410,005 1,063,114 346,891 564 903 / CUSTOMER RECORDS & COLLECTIONS CW903 10,319,486 9,975,804 343,681 565 904 / UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS CW904 1,018,665 969,242 49,423 566 905 / MISC EXPENSES L 563+564+565 399 375 23 567 TOTAL CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING EXPENSES 13,375,687 12,599,221 776,466 568 CUSTOMER SERVICES & INFORMATION EXPENSES 569 907 / SUPERVISION L 968 580,656 540,118 40,539 570 908 / CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE 571 SYSTEM CONSERVATION E100 174,938 167,116 7,822 572 OTHER ACCT908 26,574,469 24,714,782 1,859,687 573 TOTAL ACCOUNT 908 26,749,407 24,881,898 1,867,509 574 909 / INFORMATION & INSTRUCTIONAL DA909 211,865 204,808 7,057 575 910 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES L 573+574 666,742 620,385 46,357 576 TOTAL CUST SERV & INFORMATN EXPENSES 28,208,671 26,247,210 1,961,462 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 16 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 577 * * * TABLE 5 - OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES * * * 578 SALES EXPENSES 0 0 0 580 TOTAL SALES EXPENSES 0 0 0 582 ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL EXPENSES 583 920 / ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL SALARIES LABOR 60,213,178 57,442,471 2,770,707 584 921 / OFFICE SUPPLIES LABOR 9,895,239 9,439,910 455,329 585 922 / ADMIN & GENERAL EXPENSES TRANSFERRED-CR LABOR (23,988,184)(22,884,368)(1,103,815) 586 923 / OUTSIDE SERVICES LABOR 5,428,720 5,178,918 249,802 587 924 / PROPERTY INSURANCE 588 PRODUCTION - STEAM L 97 246,200 236,788 9,412 589 ALL RISK & MISCELLANEOUS P110P 3,151,275 3,030,953 120,323 590 TOTAL ACCOUNT 924 3,397,475 3,267,741 129,735 592 925 / INJURIES & DAMAGES LABOR 5,178,953 4,940,644 238,309 593 926 / EMPLOYEE PENSIONS & BENEFITS 594 926 / EMP PENSIONS AND BENEFITS - GENERAL LABOR 24,223,935 23,109,272 1,114,663 595 926.203 / EMP PENSIONS AND BENEFITS - OREGON CODA 1,061,854 0 1,061,854 596 926.204 / EMP PENSIONS AND BENEFITS - IDAHO CIDA 12,865,285 12,865,285 0 597 926.205 / EMP PENSIONS AND BENEFITS - FERC D11 0 0 0 598 TOTAL ACCOUNT 926 38,151,074 35,974,556 2,176,517 599 927 / FRANCHISE REQUIREMENTS CIDA 0 0 0 600 928 / REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPENSES 601 FERC ADMIN ASSESS & SECURITIES 602 CAPACITY RELATED D10 1,981,579 1,905,827 75,752 603 ENERGY RELATED E10 897,433 857,309 40,124 604 FERC RATE CASE D11 0 0 0 605 FERC ORDER 472 E99 691,553 660,392 31,161 606 FERC OTHER D11 173,485 166,853 6,632 607 FERC - OREGON HYDRO FEE D11 118,550 114,018 4,532 608 SEC EXPENSES L 176 0 0 0 609 IDAHO PUC -RATE CASE CIDA 0 0 0 610 -OTHER CIDA 21,272 21,272 0 611 OREGON PUC -RATE CASE CODA 0 0 0 612 -OTHER CODA 934,856 0 934,856 613 TOTAL ACCOUNT 928 4,818,728 3,725,670 1,093,058 615 929 / DUPLICATE CHARGES LABOR 0 0 0 616 930.1 / GENERAL ADVERTISING LABOR 29,194 27,850 1,343 617 930.2 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES LABOR 3,329,196 3,176,003 153,193 618 931 / RENTS L 174 0 0 0 619 TOTAL ADM & GEN OPERATION 106,453,573 100,289,394 6,164,179 621 935 / GENERAL PLANT MAINTENANCE L 174 4,932,159 4,739,463 192,696 622 623 TOTAL ADMIN & GENERAL EXPENSES 111,385,732 105,028,857 6,356,875 625 TOTAL OPER & MAINT EXPENSES 683,212,307 649,599,003 33,613,303 626 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 17 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 627 * * * TABLE 6 - DEPRECIATION & AMORTIZATION EXPENSE * * * 628 629 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 630 310-316 / STEAM PRODUCTION L 97 32,768,426 31,515,744 1,252,682 631 330-336 / HYDRAULIC PRODUCTION L 98 14,287,073 13,740,902 546,171 632 340-346 / OTHER PRODUCTION L 99 12,051,648 11,590,934 460,714 633 TOTAL PRODUCTION PLANT 59,107,147 56,847,580 2,259,566 634 635 TRANSMISSION PLANT 636 350 / LAND & LAND RIGHTS L 107 240,677 231,476 9,201 637 352 / STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS L 112 1,213,578 1,167,176 46,402 638 353 / STATION EQUIPMENT L 117 7,006,017 6,737,702 268,315 639 354 / TOWERS & FIXTURES L 123 1,790,975 1,722,509 68,466 640 355 / POLES & FIXTURES L 128 4,525,461 4,351,785 173,677 641 356 / OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS & DEVICES L 133 3,452,919 3,320,589 132,330 642 359 / ROADS & TRAILS L 138 2,664 2,562 102 643 TOTAL TRANSMISSION PLANT 18,232,292 17,533,799 698,492 644 645 DISTRIBUTION PLANT 646 360 / LAND & LAND RIGHTS L 144 21,818 21,257 560 647 361 / STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS L 145 824,805 795,693 29,112 648 362 / STATION EQUIPMENT L 146 4,024,800 3,876,266 148,534 649 364 / POLES, TOWERS & FIXTURES L 150 5,368,030 4,945,724 422,306 650 365 / OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS & DEVICES L 151 2,942,903 2,754,192 188,711 651 366 / UNDERGROUND CONDUIT L 152 744,706 733,662 11,044 652 367 / UNDERGROUND CONDUCTORS & DEVICES L 153 4,321,543 4,255,753 65,790 653 368 / LINE TRANSFORMERS L 154 10,685,063 10,309,010 376,053 654 369 / SERVICES L 155 772,002 737,793 34,209 655 370 / METERS L 156 3,892,250 3,762,998 129,252 656 371 / INSTALLATIONS ON CUSTOMER PREMISES L 157 94,036 88,296 5,740 657 373 / STREET LIGHTING SYSTEMS L 158 64,719 61,856 2,862 658 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION PLANT 33,756,674 32,342,500 1,414,174 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 18 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 659 * * * TABLE 6 - DEPRECIATION & AMORTIZATION EXPENSE * * * 660 661 GENERAL PLANT 662 389 / LAND & LAND RIGHTS L 163 0 0 0 663 390 / STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS L 164 2,207,235 2,121,000 86,235 664 391 / OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT L 165 5,180,836 4,978,424 202,411 665 392 / TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT L 166 141,342 135,820 5,522 666 393 / STORES EQUIPMENT L 167 122,209 117,434 4,775 667 394 / TOOLS, SHOP & GARAGE EQUIPMENT L 168 440,516 423,306 17,211 668 395 / LABORATORY EQUIPMENT L 169 560,100 538,218 21,883 669 396 / POWER OPERATED EQUIPMENT L 170 0 0 0 670 397 / COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT L 171 3,650,744 3,508,112 142,632 671 398 / MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT L 172 400,774 385,116 15,658 672 673 TOTAL GENERAL PLANT 12,703,756 12,207,430 496,326 674 675 403/ BOARDMAN ARO DEPRECIATION EXP DAARO 0 0 0 676 677 DEPR EXP BEFORE DISALLOWED COSTS 123,799,868 118,931,309 4,868,559 678 679 DEPRECIATION ON DISALLOWED COSTS L 677 (222,224)(213,485)(8,739) 680 TOTAL DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 123,577,643 118,717,824 4,859,819 681 682 AMORTIZATION EXPENSE 683 INTANGIBLE PLANT L 94 6,446,175 6,196,806 249,369 684 HYDRAULIC PRODUCTION L 98 0 0 0 685 MISC. AMORTIZATION GAINS & LOSSES L 101 (190,175)(182,905)(7,270) 686 TOTAL AMORTIZATION EXPENSE 6,256,000 6,013,901 242,099 687 688 TOTAL DEPRECIATION & AMORTIZATION EXP 129,833,644 124,731,725 5,101,919 689 690 411.093/4 / ARO ACCRETION EXPENSE DAACCRETION 48,379 46,482 1,896 691 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 19 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 692 * * * TABLE 7 - TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME TAXES * * * 693 694 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 695 FEDERAL TAXES 696 FICA LABOR 13,030,349 12,430,758 599,591 697 FUTA LABOR 88,463 84,392 4,071 698 LESS: PAYROLL DEDUCTION & LOADING LABOR (13,329,131)(12,715,792)(613,339) 699 STATE TAXES 700 AD VALOREM TAXES 701 JIM BRIDGER STATION L 97 1,101,880 1,059,757 42,123 702 VALMY L 97 499,311 480,223 19,088 703 BOARDMAN L 97 77,862 74,886 2,977 704 OTHER-PRODUCTION PLANT L 101 6,190,320 5,953,675 236,646 705 OTHER-TRANSMISSION PLANT L 139 5,272,104 5,070,193 201,910 706 OTHER-DISTRIBUTION PLANT L 160 7,864,007 7,544,528 319,479 707 OTHER-GENERAL PLANT L 174 1,523,909 1,464,371 59,538 708 SUB-TOTAL 22,529,393 21,647,633 881,760 709 710 LICENSES - HYDRO PROJECTS L 98 3,150 3,030 120 711 712 REGULATORY COMMISSION FEES 713 STATE OF IDAHO CIDA 1,801,731 1,801,731 0 714 STATE OF OREGON CODA 164,843 0 164,843 715 716 FRANCHISE TAXES 717 STATE OF OREGON CODA 631,414 0 631,414 718 719 OTHER STATE TAXES 720 UNEMPLOYMENT TAXES LABOR 210,319 200,641 9,678 721 HYDRO GENERATION KWH TAX E10 1,057,575 1,010,291 47,284 722 IRRIGATION-PIC CIDA 0 0 0 723 724 CANADA SALES TAX E10 0 0 0 725 726 TOTAL TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 26,188,106 24,462,684 1,725,422 727 728 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 20 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 729 * * * TABLE 8 - REGULATORY DEBITS/CREDITS * * * 730 731 REGULATORY DEBITS/CREDITS 732 STATE OF IDAHO CIDA 878,396 878,396 0 733 STATE OF OREGON CODA 208,995 0 208,995 734 735 TOTAL REGULATORY DEBITS/CREDITS 1,087,391 878,396 208,995 736 737 738 * * * TABLE 9 - INCOME TAXES * * * 739 740 410/411 NET PROVISION FOR DEFERRED INCOME TAXES 741 ACCOUNT #282 - RELATED P101P (8,029,567)(7,715,858)(313,709) 742 ACCOUNTS #190 & #283 - RELATED L 771 (6,856,426)(6,666,805)(189,621) 743 TOTAL NET PROVISION FOR DEFERRED INCOME TAXES (14,885,993)(14,382,662)(503,331) 744 745 411.4 - INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ADJUSTMENT P101P 11,264,544 10,824,447 440,097 746 747 SUMMARY OF INCOME TAXES 748 749 TOTAL FEDERAL INCOME TAX L 797 29,156,558 28,544,231 612,327 750 751 STATE INCOME TAX 752 STATE OF IDAHO L 853 10,640,646 10,411,615 229,031 753 STATE OF OREGON L 827 754,861 736,665 18,196 754 OTHER STATES L 870 15,952 15,117 835 755 TOTAL STATE INCOME TAXES 11,411,459 11,163,398 248,061 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 21 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 756 * * * TABLE 10 - CALCULATION OF FEDERAL INCOME TAX * * * 757 758 OPERATING REVENUES 1,117,979,310 1,069,650,202 48,329,108 759 760 OPERATING EXPENSES 761 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE 683,212,307 649,599,003 33,613,303 762 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 123,577,643 118,717,824 4,859,819 763 AMORTIZATION OF LIMITED TERM PLANT 6,256,000 6,013,901 242,099 764 ACCRETION EXPENSE 48,379 46,482 1,896 765 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME 26,188,106 24,462,684 1,725,422 766 REGULATORY DEBITS/CREDITS 1,087,391 878,396 208,995 767 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 840,369,826 799,718,291 40,651,535 768 769 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES L 767 0 0 0 770 771 INCOME BEFORE TAX ADJUSTMENTS (NOI before Interest)277,609,484 269,931,911 7,677,573 772 773 INCOME STATEMENT ADJUSTMENTS 774 LONG TERM DEBT INTEREST EXPENSE L 24 63,108,673 60,632,207 2,476,466 775 OTHER INTEREST EXPENSE L 24 10,779,214 10,356,224 422,990 776 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGES 73,887,887 70,988,431 2,899,456 777 778 NET OPER INCOME BEFORE STATE INCOME TAXES 203,721,597 198,943,480 4,778,117 779 780 TOTAL STATE INCOME TAXES (ALLOWED)11,196,340 10,953,001 243,339 781 782 NET FEDERAL INCOME AFTER STATE INCOME TAXES 192,525,257 187,990,479 4,534,778 783 784 FEDERAL TAX AT 21 PERCENT 40,430,304 39,478,001 952,303 785 OTHER CURRENT TAX ADJUSTMENTS L 784 0 0 0 786 PRIOR YEARS' TAX ADJUSTMENT L 784 (8,546,188)(8,344,889)(201,299) 787 788 TOTAL FEDERAL INCOME TAX BEFORE OTHER ADJUSTMENTS 31,884,116 31,133,111 751,005 789 790 OTHER TAX ADJUSTMENTS 791 ALLOWANCE FOR AFUDC P101P 0 0 0 792 FEDERAL INCOME TAX ADJUSTMENTS - PLANT P101P (26,387,141)(25,356,216)(1,030,925) 793 FEDERAL INCOME TAX ADJUSTMENTS - OTHER L 771 13,398,770 13,028,213 370,557 794 SUM OF OTHER ADJUSTMENTS (12,988,371)(12,328,002)(660,369) 795 FEDERAL TAX ON OTHER TAX ADJ AT 21 PERCENT (2,727,558)(2,588,881)(138,677) 796 797 TOTAL FEDERAL INCOME TAX 29,156,558 28,544,231 612,327 798 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 22 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 799 * * * TABLE 11 - OREGON STATE INCOME TAXES * * * 800 801 NET OPERATING INCOME BEFORE TAXES - OREGON L 778 203,721,597 198,943,480 4,778,117 802 803 ALLOWANCE FOR AFUDC P101P 0 0 0 804 STATE INCOME TAX ADJUSTMENTS 805 STATE INCOME TAX ADJUSTMENTS - PLANT P101P (30,500,633)(29,308,997)(1,191,636) 806 STATE INCOME TAX ADJUSTMENTS - OTHER L 771 45,869,406 44,600,841 1,268,565 807 ADD: MFG DEDUCTION NOT ALLOWED L 771 0 0 0 808 809 TOTAL STATE INCOME TAX ADJUSTMENTS - OREGON 15,368,773 15,291,845 76,929 810 811 INCOME SUBJECT TO OREGON TAX 219,090,370 214,235,325 4,855,045 812 813 IERCO TAXABLE INCOME E10 20,675,939 19,751,512 924,427 814 BONUS DEPRECIATION ADJUSTMENT P101P 0 0 0 815 FEDERAL NOL L 771 0 0 0 816 TOTAL STATE TAXABLE INCOME - OREGON 239,766,309 233,986,836 5,779,473 817 APPORTIONMENT FACTOR (.045454550)10,898,470 10,635,766 262,703 818 POST APPORTIONMENT SCHEDULE M L 771 819 TAXABLE INCOME 820 OREGON TAX AT 6.6 PERCENT 719,299 701,961 17,338 821 LESS: INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT P101P 0 0 0 822 823 STATE INCOME TAX ALLOWED - OREGON 719,299 701,961 17,338 824 FIN 48 ADJUSTMENT L 820 0 0 0 825 PRIOR YEARS' TAX ADJUSTMENT L 820 35,562 34,705 857 826 827 STATE INCOME TAX PAID - OREGON 754,861 736,665 18,196 828 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 23 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 829 * * * TABLE 12 - IDAHO STATE INCOME TAXES * * * 830 831 NET OPERATING INCOME BEFORE TAXES - IDAHO L 778 203,721,597 198,943,480 4,778,117 832 833 ALLOWANCE FOR AFUDC P101P 0 0 0 834 STATE INCOME TAX ADJUSTMENTS 835 STATE INCOME TAX ADJUSTMENTS - PLANT P101P (54,381,959)(52,257,297)(2,124,662) 836 STATE INCOME TAX ADJUSTMENTS - OTHER L 771 13,301,030 12,933,177 367,854 837 838 INCOME SUBJECT TO IDAHO TAX 162,640,668 159,619,359 3,021,309 839 840 IERCO TAXABLE INCOME E10 20,675,939 19,751,512 924,427 841 BONUS DEPRECIATION ADJUSTMENT P101P 0 0 0 842 FEDERAL NOL L 771 0 0 0 843 TOTAL STATE TAXABLE INCOME - IDAHO 183,316,607 179,370,871 3,945,736 844 APPORTIONMENT FACTOR (0.80866426)148,241,588 145,050,813 3,190,775 845 POST APPORTIONMENT SCHEDULE M L 771 0 0 0 846 TAXABLE INCOME 148,241,588 145,050,813 3,190,775 847 IDAHO TAX AT 6.9250 PERCENT 10,265,730 10,044,769 220,961 848 LESS: INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT P101P 0 0 0 849 850 STATE INCOME TAX ALLOWED - IDAHO 10,265,730 10,044,769 220,961 851 FIN 48 ADJUSTMENT L 847 0 0 0 852 PRIOR YEARS' TAX ADJUSTMENT L 847 374,916 366,846 8,070 853 STATE INCOME TAX PAID - IDAHO 10,640,646 10,411,615 229,031 854 855 856 857 OTHER STATE INCOME TAX 858 INCOME SUBJECT TO TAX L 838 162,640,668 159,619,359 3,021,309 859 860 IERCO TAXABLE INCOME E10 20,675,939 19,751,512 924,427 861 BONUS DEPRECIATION ADJUSTMENT P101P 27,994,393 26,900,673 1,093,720 862 FEDERAL NOL L 771 0 0 0 863 TOTAL STATE TAXABLE INCOME - OTHER STATES 211,311,000 206,271,544 5,039,455 864 APPORTIONMENT FACTOR (1.0)211,311,000 206,271,544 5,039,455 865 POST APPORTIONMENT SCHEDULE M L 771 0 0 0 866 TAXABLE INCOME 211,311,000 206,271,544 5,039,455 867 OTHER TAX AT 0.1 PERCENT 211,311 206,272 5,039 868 ADD : CURRENT YEAR'S TAX DEFICIENCY L 853 0 0 0 869 PRIOR YEARS' TAX ADJUSTMENT L 853 (195,359)(191,154)(4,205) 870 OTHER STATES' INCOME TAX PAID 15,952 15,117 835 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 24 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 871 * * * TABLE 13 - DEVELOPMENT OF LABOR RELATED ALLOCATOR * * * 872 STEAM POWER GENERATION 873 500 - 514 / TOTAL STEAM GENERATION D10 267,964 257,720 10,244 874 HYDRAULIC POWER GENERATION 875 535 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 881 3,292,248 3,164,971 127,277 876 536 / WATER FOR POWER E10 566,061 540,753 25,309 877 537 / HYDRAULIC EXPENSES D10 4,504,895 4,332,681 172,215 878 538 / ELECTRIC EXPENSES D10 1,033,465 993,957 39,508 879 539 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES D10 2,403,639 2,311,752 91,887 880 540 / RENTS D10 0 0 0 881 TOTAL HYDRAULIC OPERATION EXPENSES 11,800,309 11,344,114 456,195 882 541 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 887 81,433 78,320 3,113 883 542 / STRUCTURES D10 546,294 525,410 20,884 884 543 / RESERVOIRS, DAMS & WATERWAYS D10 280,707 269,976 10,731 885 544 / ELECTRIC PLANT D10 1,045,678 1,005,703 39,974 886 545 / MISCELLANEOUS HYDRAULIC PLANT D10 1,561,209 1,501,526 59,682 887 TOTAL HYDRAULIC MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 3,515,321 3,380,936 134,385 888 TOTAL HYDRAULIC GENERATION EXPENSES 15,315,630 14,725,050 590,580 889 OTHER POWER GENERATION 890 546 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 894 380,604 366,055 14,550 891 548 / GENERATING EXPENSES D10 2,188,368 2,104,710 83,658 892 549 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES D10 344,732 331,554 13,179 893 550 / RENTS D10 0 0 0 894 TOTAL OTHER POWER OPER EXPENSES 2,913,705 2,802,319 111,386 895 896 551 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 900 0 0 0 897 552 / STRUCTURES D10 36,150 34,768 1,382 898 553 / GENERATING & ELECTRIC PLANT D10 30,759 29,583 1,176 899 554 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES D10 369,863 355,724 14,139 900 TOTAL OTHER POWER MAINT EXPENSES 436,772 420,075 16,697 901 TOTAL OTHER POWER GENERATION EXP 3,350,477 3,222,394 128,083 902 555 / PURCHASE POWER E10 0 0 0 903 556 / LOAD CONTROL & DISPATCHING EXPENSES D10 64 62 2 904 557 / OTHER EXPENSES D10 3,026,486 2,910,789 115,697 905 TOTAL OTHER POWER SUPPLY EXPENSES 3,026,550 2,910,850 115,700 906 907 TOTAL PRODUCTION EXPENSES 21,960,621 21,116,015 844,607 908 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 25 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 909 * * * TABLE 13 - DEVELOPMENT OF LABOR RELATED ALLOCATOR * * * 910 911 TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 912 560 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 140 1,506,010 1,448,333 57,677 913 561 / LOAD DISPATCHING D12 2,334,515 2,245,270 89,245 914 562 / STATION EXPENSES L 117 1,627,786 1,565,445 62,341 915 563 / OVERHEAD LINE EXPENSES L 123+128+133 332,325 319,594 12,731 916 565 / TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY BY OTHERS E10 0 0 0 917 566 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES L 529 0 0 0 918 567 / RENTS L 140 0 0 0 919 TOTAL TRANSMISSION OPERATION 5,800,635 5,578,642 221,993 920 568 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 140 59,644 57,360 2,284 921 569 / STRUCTURES L 112 839,968 807,851 32,117 922 570 / STATION EQUIPMENT L 117 1,330,821 1,279,854 50,968 923 571 / OVERHEAD LINES L 123+128+133 561,160 539,663 21,498 924 573 / MISCELLANEOUS PLANT L 140 1,663 1,600 64 925 TOTAL TRANSMISSION MAINTENANCE 2,793,257 2,686,327 106,930 926 TOTAL TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 8,593,892 8,264,969 328,923 927 928 DISTRIBUTION EXPENESES 929 580 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 160 2,170,066 2,081,906 88,160 930 581 / LOAD DISPATCHING D60 2,986,180 2,881,083 105,096 931 582 / STATION EXPENSES L 146 648,311 624,385 23,926 932 583 / OVERHEAD LINE EXPENSES L 150+151 2,600,735 2,408,745 191,991 933 584 / UNDERGROUND LINE EXPENSES L 152+153 930,165 916,058 14,107 934 585 / STREET LIGHTING & SIGNAL SYSTEMS L 158 0 0 0 935 586 / METER EXPENSES L 156 2,650,147 2,562,143 88,005 936 587 / CUSTOMER INSTALLATIONS EXPENSE L 157 526,297 494,173 32,124 937 588 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES L 559 1,845,029 1,750,457 94,572 938 589 / RENTS L 160 0 0 0 939 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION OPERATION 14,356,930 13,718,949 637,980 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 26 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 940 * * * TABLE 13 - DEVELOPMENT OF LABOR RELATED ALLOCATOR * * * 941 942 943 590 / SUPERVISION & ENGINEERING L 160 6,908 6,628 281 944 591 / STRUCTURES L 145 0 0 0 945 592 / STATION EQUIPMENT L 146 1,923,697 1,852,704 70,994 946 593 / OVERHEAD LINES L 150+151 3,513,964 3,254,557 259,407 947 594 / UNDERGROUND LINES L 152+153 192,981 190,055 2,927 948 595 / LINE TRANSFORMERS L 154 17,675 17,053 622 949 596 / STREET LIGHTING & SIGNAL SYSTEMS L 158 100,933 96,469 4,464 950 597 / METERS L 156 478,160 462,282 15,878 951 598 / MISCELLANEOUS PLANT L 160 47,790 45,849 1,942 952 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 6,282,109 5,925,595 356,514 953 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 20,639,039 19,644,545 994,494 954 955 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING EXPENSES 956 901 / SUPERVISION L 961 527,861 497,183 30,678 957 902 / METER READING CW902 876,604 660,941 215,663 958 903 / CUSTOMER RECORDS & COLLECTIONS CW903 6,638,306 6,417,223 221,083 959 904 / UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS DA909 0 0 0 960 905 / MISC EXPENSES L 957-959 0 0 0 961 TOTAL CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING EXPENSES 8,042,771 7,575,347 467,424 962 963 CUSTOMER SERVICES & INFORMATION EXPENSES 964 907 / SUPERVISION L 967 506,305 470,957 35,348 965 908 / CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE L 573 3,102,858 2,886,232 216,626 966 909 / INFORMATION & INSTRUCTIONAL L 574 0 0 0 967 910 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES L 965+966 316,562 294,461 22,101 968 TOTAL CUST SERV & INFORMATN EXPENSES 3,925,725 3,651,651 274,074 969 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 27 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 970 * * * TABLE 13 - DEVELOPMENT OF LABOR RELATED ALLOCATOR * * * 971 SALES EXPENSES 972 912 / DEMO & SELLING EXPENSES L 579 0 0 0 973 TOTAL SALES EXPENSES 0 0 0 974 975 ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL EXPENSES 976 920 / ADMINISTRATIVE & GENERAL SALARIES PTDCAS 35,536,738 33,899,760 1,636,979 977 921 / OFFICE SUPPLIES PTDCAS 203,583 194,205 9,378 978 922 / ADMIN & GENERAL EXPENSES TRANSFERRED-CR SUBEX 0 0 0 979 923 / OUTSIDE SERVICES PTDCAS 0 0 0 980 924 / PROPERTY INSURANCE 981 PRODUCTION - STEAM L 97 0 0 0 982 ALL RISK & MISCELLANEOUS P101P 246,949 237,301 9,648 983 TOTAL ACCOUNT 924 984 925 / INJURIES & DAMAGES LABOR 90,130 85,983 4,147 985 0 LABOR 0 0 0 986 927 / FRANCHISE REQUIREMENTS CIDA 0 0 0 987 928 / REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPENSES 988 FERC ADMIN ASSESSMENTS L 176 0 0 0 989 FERC RATE CASE EXPENSE RESREV 0 0 0 990 SEC EXPENSES L 176 0 0 0 991 IDAHO PUC - RATE CASE CIDA 0 0 0 992 - OTHER CIDA 0 0 0 993 OREGON PUC - RATE CASE CODA 0 0 0 994 -OTHER CODA 0 0 0 995 TOTAL ACCOUNT 928 996 929 / DUPLICATE CHARGES SUBEX 0 0 0 997 930.1 / GENERAL ADVERTISING RELAB 0 0 0 998 930.2 / MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES PTDCAS 117,204 111,805 5,399 999 931 / RENTS L 174 0 0 0 1000 935 / GENERAL PLANT MAINTENANCE P3908 704,861 677,323 27,538 1001 TOTAL ADMIN & GENERAL EXPENSES 36,899,466 35,206,377 1,693,089 1002 TOTAL OPER & MAINT EXPENSES 100,061,514 95,458,903 4,602,612 1003 TOTAL LABOR - RATIO (%)1 0.9540 0.0460 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 28 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 1004 * * * TABLE 14 - ALLOCATION FACTORS * * * 1005 1006 CAPACITY RELATED KW 1007 GENERATION LEVEL (PSP)D10 2,559,752 2,461,897 97,855 1008 POWER SUPPLY-TRANSMISSION (PST)D11 2,559,752 2,461,897 97,855 1009 RETAIL TRANSMISSION D12 2,559,752 2,461,897 97,855 1010 DISTRIBUTION - SUBSTATIONS D60 2,431,503 2,345,928 85,575 1011 1012 ENERGY RELATED MWH 1013 GENERATION LEVEL (PSP)E10 16,054,695 15,336,885 717,810 1014 RETAIL MWH AT GENERATION LVL E100 16,054,695 15,336,885 717,810 1015 CUSTOMER LEVEL E99 14,796,085 14,129,371 666,714 1016 1017 CUSTOMER RELATED FACTORS 1018 369-DIRECT ASSIGNMENT DA369 64,812,031 61,940,067 2,871,964 1019 370-METERS ACCT370 104,876,449 101,393,771 3,482,678 1020 902-CUSTOMER WEIGHTED CW902 1,962,900 1,479,985 482,915 1021 903-CUSTOMER WEIGHTED CW903 14,723,735 14,233,374 490,361 1022 904-CUSTOMER WEIGHTED CW904 1,877,187 1,786,110 91,077 1023 909-DIRECT ASSIGN-AVG.NO.CUST.DA909 578,745 559,468 19,277 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 29 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 1024 * * * TABLE 14 - ALLOCATION FACTORS * * * 1025 1026 1027 252-CUSTOMER ADVANCES DA252 5,115,964 5,078,714 37,250 1028 350-LAND & LAND RIGHTS DA350 0 0 0 1029 352-STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS DA352 658 0 658 1030 353-STATION EQUIPMENT DA353 111,594 75,100 36,494 1031 354-TOWERS & FIXTURES DA354 0 0 0 1032 355-POLES & FIXTURES DA355 33,842 0 33,842 1033 356-OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS & DEVICES DA356 26,495 1,189 25,306 1034 359-ROADS & TRAILS DA359 0 0 0 1035 360LAND & LAND RIGHTS ACCT360 7,429,778 7,238,993 190,785 1036 361-STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS ACCT361 50,879,274 49,083,482 1,795,792 1037 362-STATION EQUIPMENT ACCT362 287,263,363 276,661,984 10,601,379 1038 364-POLES, TOWERS & FIXTURES DA364 293,142,665 270,080,950 23,061,715 1039 365-OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS & DEVICES DA365 147,320,762 137,873,958 9,446,804 1040 366-UNDERGROUND CONDUIT DA366 53,566,219 52,771,796 794,423 1041 367-UNDERGROUND CONDUCTORS & DEVICES DA367 302,975,749 298,363,317 4,612,432 1042 371-INSTALLATIONS ON CUSTOMER PREMISES DA371 4,004,512 3,760,088 244,424 1043 373-STREET LIGHTING SYSTEMS DA373 4,848,521 4,634,074 214,447 1044 451-REVENUE - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE DA451 4,352,130 4,308,346 43,784 1045 454-REVENUE - FACILITIES CHARGE DA4547 9,714,244 9,303,405 410,839 1046 908-OTHER CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE ACCT908 49,090,746 46,826,537 2,264,209 1047 440-RETAIL SALES REVENUE RETREV 974,391,283 932,709,733 41,681,551 1048 456 - DSM RIDER FUNDS DARIDER 22,591,465 20,915,733 1,675,732 1049 DAACCRETION 48,379 46,482 1,896 1050 DAARO 0 0 0 1051 447-WHOLESALE SALES REVENUE RESREV 0 0 0 1052 IDAHO CIDA 1 1 0 1053 OREGON CODA 1 0 1 1054 NET TO GROSS TAX MULTIPLIER DA990 1.347 1.347 1.347 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 30 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 1055 * * * TABLE 14 - ALLOCATION FACTORS * * * 1056 1057 INTERNALLY DEVELOPED ALLOCATION FACTORS 1058 PLANT - PROD,TRANS&DIST PTD 5,881,583,357 5,651,794,375 229,788,982 1059 LAB - PROD,TRANS,DIST,CUST ACCT&CSIS PTDCAS 63,162,048 60,252,526 2,909,522 1060 PLANT - HYDRO,OTHER,TSUBS,DSUBS&GP P110P 2,935,140,102 2,823,069,912 112,070,190 1061 PLANT - GEN PLT (390,391,397&398)P3908 267,744,759 257,284,175 10,460,584 1062 PLANT - PROD,TRANS,DIST&GEN P101P 6,332,810,166 6,085,392,097 247,418,069 1063 O&M - PROD,TRANS,DIST,CUST ACCT&CSIS SUBEX 571,826,575 544,570,146 27,256,429 1064 LAB - PROD,TRANS,DIST,CUST ACCT&CSIS RELAB 63,162,048 60,252,526 2,909,522 1065 LAB - ALL LABOR WITHOUT 925-6 "CIRC"LABOR 99,724,435 95,135,619 4,588,816 1066 REV - RETAIL, RESALE & WHEELING FMREV 981,928,539 939,928,220 42,000,319 1067 PLANT - 89%*HYD PROD + 11%*TRANS SURVEY 1,056,121,468 1,015,737,859 40,383,609 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 31 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 1068 * * * TABLE 15 - ALLOCATION FACTORS - RATIOS * * * 1069 1070 CAPACITY RELATED KW 1071 GENERATION LEVEL (PSP)D10 100.00%96.18%3.82% 1072 POWER SUPPLY-TRANSMISSION (PST)D11 100.00%96.18%3.82% 1073 TRANSMISSION RETAIL D12 100.00%96.18%3.82% 1074 DISTRIBUTION - SUBSTATIONS D60 100.00%96.48%3.52% 1075 1076 ENERGY RELATED MWH 1077 GENERATION LEVEL (PSP)E10 100.00%95.53%4.47% 1078 RETAIL MWH AT GENERATION LVL E100 100.00%95.53%4.47% 1079 CUSTOMER LEVEL E99 100.00%95.49%4.51% 1080 1081 CUSTOMER RELATED FACTORS 1082 369-DIRECT ASSIGNMENT DA369 100.00%95.57%4.43% 1083 370- METERS ACCT370 100.00%96.68%3.32% 1084 902-CUSTOMER WEIGHTED CW902 100.00%75.40%24.60% 1085 903-CUSTOMER WEIGHTED CW903 100.00%96.67%3.33% 1086 904-CUSTOMER WEIGHTED CW904 100.00%95.15%4.85% 1087 909-DIRECT ASSIGN-AVG.NO.CUST.DA909 100.00%96.67%3.33% Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 32 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 1088 * * * TABLE 15 - ALLOCATION FACTORS - RATIOS * * * 1089 1090 DIRECT ASSIGNMENTS (red font denotes allocator comes from Plant Book) 1091 252-CUSTOMER ADVANCES DA252 100.00%99.27%0.73% 1092 350-LAND & LAND RIGHTS DA350 #DIV/0!#DIV/0!#DIV/0! 1093 352-STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS DA352 100.00%0.00%100.00% 1094 353-STATION EQUIPMENT DA353 100.00%67.30%32.70% 1095 354-TOWERS & FIXTURES DA354 #DIV/0!#DIV/0!#DIV/0! 1096 355-POLES & FIXTURES DA355 100.00%0.00%100.00% 1097 356-OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS & DEVICES DA356 100.00%4.49%95.51% 1098 359-ROADS & TRAILS DA359 #DIV/0!#DIV/0!#DIV/0! 1099 360LAND & LAND RIGHTS ACCT360 100.00%97.43%2.57% 1100 361-STRUCTURES & IMPROVEMENTS ACCT361 100.00%96.47%3.53% 1101 362-STATION EQUIPMENT ACCT362 100.00%96.31%3.69% 1102 364-POLES, TOWERS & FIXTURES DA364 100.00%92.13%7.87% 1103 365-OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS & DEVICES DA365 100.00%93.59%6.41% 1104 366-UNDERGROUND CONDUIT DA366 100.00%98.52%1.48% 1105 367-UNDERGROUND CONDUCTORS & DEVICES DA367 100.00%98.48%1.52% 1106 371-INSTALLATIONS ON CUSTOMER PREMISES DA371 100.00%93.90%6.10% 1107 373-STREET LIGHTING SYSTEMS DA373 100.00%95.58%4.42% 1108 451-REVENUE - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE DA451 100.00%98.99%1.01% 1109 454-REVENUE - FACILITIES CHARGE DA4547 100.00%95.77%4.23% 1110 908-OTHER CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE ACCT908 100.00%95.39%4.61% 1111 440-RETAIL SALES REVENUE RETREV 100.00%95.72%4.28% 1112 456 - DSM RIDER FUNDS DARIDER 100.00%92.58%7.42% 1113 DAACCRETION 100.00%96.08%3.92% 1114 DAARO #DIV/0!#DIV/0!#DIV/0! 1115 447-WHOLESALE SALES REVENUE RESREV #DIV/0!#DIV/0!#DIV/0! 1116 IDAHO CIDA 100.00%100.00%0.00% 1117 OREGON CODA 100.00%0.00%100.00% 1118 NET TO GROSS TAX MULTIPLIER DA990 1.347 1.347 1.347 Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 33 of 34 1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY 2 FERC FORM 1 3 JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATION STUDY 4 FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 5 6 7 ALLOC/TOTAL IDAHO OREGON 8 DESCRIPTION SOURCE SYSTEM IPUC OPUC 1119 * * * TABLE 15 - ALLOCATION FACTORS - RATIOS * * * 1120 1121 INTERNALLY DEVELOPED ALLOCATION FACTORS 1122 PLANT - PROD,TRANS&DIST PTD 100.00%96.09%3.91% 1123 LAB - PROD,TRANS,DIST,CUST ACCT&CSIS PTDCAS 100.00%95.39%4.61% 1124 PLANT - HYDRO,OTHER,TSUBS,DSUBS&GP P110P 100.00%96.18%3.82% 1125 PLANT - GEN PLT (390,391,397&398)P3908 100.00%96.09%3.91% 1126 PLANT - PROD,TRANS,DIST&GEN P101P 100.00%96.09%3.91% 1127 O&M - PROD,TRANS,DIST,CUST ACCT&CSIS SUBEX 100.00%95.23%4.77% 1128 LAB - PROD,TRANS,DIST,CUST ACCT&CSIS RELAB 100.00%95.39%4.61% 1129 LAB - ALL LABOR WITHOUT 925-6 "CIRC"LABOR 100.00%95.40%4.60% 1130 REV - RETAIL, RESALE & WHEELING FMREV 100.00%95.72%4.28% 1131 PLANT - 89%*HYD PROD + 11%*TRANS SURVEY 100.00%96.18%3.82% Response to Staff's Request No. 2 - Attachment 3 - FORM1S 5/11/2022 4:53 PM Page 34 of 34 Rate Case Net Income Analysis As of Dec 31, 2021 OPERATING REVENUES: RETAIL SALES REVENUES (*See Below)........................................................................ 1,262,052,401 DEF REV HC RELICENSING AFUDC (Idaho Only).......................................................... (8,780,127) TAX REFORM ADJUSTMENT...........................................................................................- LANGLEY GULCH AMORTIZATION.................................................................................. (369,171) REVENUE SHARING.........................................................................................................- OTHER OPERATING REVENUES.................................................................................... 199,114,589 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES..................................................................................... 1,452,017,691 OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES.............................................................. 917,571,975 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE............................................................................................... 165,446,697 AMORTIZATION OF LIMITED TERM PLANT................................................................... 8,495,466 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME........................................................................................ 30,947,260 REGULATORY DEBITS/CREDITS.................................................................................... 1,497,775 PROVISION FOR DEFERRED INCOME TAXES.............................................................. (21,559,910) INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT ADJUSTMENT..................................................................... 11,832,897 FEDERAL INCOME TAXES............................................................................................... 35,047,688 STATE INCOME TAXES.................................................................................................... 13,298,956 TOTAL OPERATION EXPENSES...................................................................................... 1,162,578,803 OPERATING INCOME........................................................................................................ 289,438,888 ADD: IERCO OPERATING INCOME (Net Income from Operations)............................. 8,991,347 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS......................... 298,430,236 ADD: AFUDC EQUITY..................................................................................................... 31,537,344 ADD: OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS..................................................................343,755 INCOME BEFORE INTEREST CHARGES........................................................................ 330,311,334 LESS: INTEREST CHARGES......................................................................................... 86,663,666 COMMON EQUITY (Excludes APB 28).............................................................................. 2,464,724,288 (1) *DETAIL BREAKOUT OF RETAIL SALES REVENUE ABOVE IDAHO RETAIL SALES REVENUES W/O HC RELICENCING AFUDC DEFERRAL....... 1,207,714,749 OREGON RETAIL SALES REVENUES............................................................................. 54,337,652 TOTAL RETAIL SALES REVENUE.................................................................................... 1,262,052,401 IDAHO RETAIL SALES REVENUES W/ HCC AFUDC DEFERRAL & TAX REFORM 1,198,934,622 OREGON RETAIL SALES REVENUES W/ TAX REFORM & LANGLEY AMORT 53,968,480 (1) Excludes APB 28 Line No. FERC Account April May June July August September October November December January February March Annual 95% Sharing Accounts 1 Hydroelectric Generation (MWh)467,986 560,392 420,429 498,713 433,804 429,916 394,887 354,557 395,348 509,897 378,245 423,829 5,268,003 Account 501, Coal Jim Bridger 2 Energy (MWh)61,226 73,515 190,560 287,646 249,170 343,720 314,985 226,251 280,617 232,924 222,977 223,835 2,707,426 North Valmy 3 Energy (MWh)- 1,457 44,990 53,690 75,794 63,943 59,436 53,517 63,711 89,860 29,874 (1,728) 534,544 Account 547, Other Fuel Langley Gulch 4 Energy (MWh)1,771 164,945 181,190 185,250 193,479 184,787 85,061 179,405 186,194 187,323 171,566 219,513 1,940,484 Danskin 5 Energy (MWh)66,079 28,648 75,773 120,821 70,235 25,607 20,314 13,097 30,781 647 16,638 - 468,640 Bennett Mountain6 Energy (MWh)73,910 4,802 68,536 95,013 44,445 10,249 8,292 1,727 3,976 (93) (112) - 310,745.00 Account 555, Purchased Power Non-PURPA 7 Energy (MWh)208,395 225,999 535,863 575,743 382,330 240,332 212,691 297,978 402,806 498,273 366,818 132,606 4,079,834 Account 447, Surplus Sales 8 Energy (MWh)15,742 57,607 27,397 73,898 84,212 236,150 184,121 134,193 193,796 208,763 114,551 43,200 1,373,630 100% Sharing Accounts Account 555, PURPA 9 Energy (MWh)299,823 344,590 334,036 256,117 273,879 227,277 226,874 175,506 205,081 159,917 198,077 241,497 2,942,673 10 Total Generation (MWh)1,179,190 1,404,348 1,851,377 2,072,993 1,723,136 1,525,831 1,322,540 1,302,038 1,568,514 1,678,748 1,384,083 1,239,552 18,252,350 11 Total Load (MWh)1,163,448 1,346,741 1,823,980 1,999,095 1,638,924 1,289,681 1,138,419 1,167,845 1,374,718 1,469,985 1,269,532 1,196,352 16,878,720 APRIL 1, 2021- MARCH 31, 2022 IPCO POWER SUPPLY EXPENSES FOR 2013 NORMALIZED LOADS OVER 85 WATER YEAR CONDITIONS AVERAGE January February March April May June July August September October November December Annual Hydroelectric Generation (MWh)752,627.5 815,491.3 838,193.8 857,602.1 939,082.0 903,967.9 676,826.1 507,296.6 539,966.8 551,501.7 468,579.8 673,213.8 8,524,349.5 Bridger Energy (MWh)388,320.4 222,117.4 248,591.9 235,340.8 294,123.6 270,536.3 477,666.4 484,535.9 407,010.7 479,444.7 457,104.8 483,159.2 4,447,952.1 Expense ($ x 1000)8,824.7$ 5,081.9$ 5,688.5$ 5,475.9$ 6,900.3$ 6,307.0$ 10,782.3$ 10,932.1$ 9,292.1$ 10,820.2$ 10,348.3$ 10,905.8$ 101,359.0$ Boardman Energy (MWh)22,777.8 13,440.0 18,943.4 9,376.9 6,396.1 16,526.1 33,030.9 35,190.2 33,219.1 39,049.7 30,004.8 33,128.3 291,083.3 Expense ($ x 1000)515.3$ 318.4$ 432.9$ 224.3$ 148.4$ 386.0$ 709.5$ 749.9$ 709.3$ 822.0$ 650.0$ 711.4$ 6,377.4$ Valmy Energy (MWh)2,343.6 - - - 1,754.2 108.6 7,166.8 - - 565.9 - 8,983.3 20,922.4 Expense ($ x 1000)88.5$ -$ -$ -$ 66.4$ 4.1$ 257.6$ -$ -$ 21.2$ -$ 329.0$ 766.8$ Langley Gulch Energy (MWh)48,702.3 10,565.9 35,068.0 7,212.6 32,758.6 15,765.7 131,495.7 146,699.1 150,309.0 176,358.6 100,311.5 122,114.4 977,361.5 Expense ($ x 1000)1,269.6$ 276.3$ 888.3$ 208.3$ 946.4$ 453.2$ 3,301.9$ 3,492.9$ 3,238.4$ 4,001.0$ 2,607.8$ 3,467.7$ 24,151.7$ Danskin Energy (MWh)146.2 33.8 52.5 4.3 1.0 23.5 3,056.1 5,708.9 3,871.3 1,772.4 72.5 173.1 14,915.6 Expense ($ x 1000)6.1$ 1.4$ 2.1$ 0.2$ 0.0$ 1.1$ 124.2$ 220.3$ 135.5$ 65.2$ 3.0$ 7.9$ 566.9$ Bennett Mountain Energy (MWh)9.6 - 2.8 0.2 - 2.6 328.2 773.1 436.2 127.9 4.5 8.6 1,693.6 Expense ($ x 1000)0.4$ -$ 0.1$ 0.0$ -$ 0.1$ 13.5$ 30.3$ 15.5$ 4.8$ 0.2$ 0.4$ 65.3$ Fixed Capacity Charge - Gas Transportation ($ x 1000)722.7$ 654.6$ 722.7$ 700.0$ 722.7$ 709.0$ 741.3$ 741.3$ 718.0$ 722.7$ 703.0$ 725.8$ 8,583.5$ Purchased Power (Excluding PURPA) Market Energy (MWh)48,844.2 10,270.8 4,720.1 3,094.5 11,963.6 100,243.3 217,407.6 204,492.7 39,606.3 586.4 7,923.4 18,240.2 667,393.1 Elkhorn Wind Energy (MWh)33,933.8 24,180.5 38,239.2 20,502.0 18,304.0 22,117.6 31,551.7 24,405.1 19,545.2 19,382.1 32,298.0 26,193.4 310,652.6 Neal Hot Springs Energy (MWh)7,825.8 14,810.1 16,396.9 15,867.9 16,396.9 15,867.9 15,867.9 16,396.9 15,867.9 16,396.9 15,867.9 16,396.9 183,959.8 Raft River Geothermal Energy (MWh)7,056.0 6,662.0 5,674.0 5,360.0 5,316.0 5,323.0 5,726.0 5,998.0 6,111.0 7,004.0 6,939.0 7,199.0 74,367.9 Total Energy Excl. PURPA (MWh)97,659.7 55,923.4 65,030.2 44,824.3 51,980.5 143,551.8 270,553.2 251,292.6 81,130.4 43,369.4 63,028.3 68,029.5 1,236,373.4 Market Expense ($ x 1000)1,407.6$ 266.3$ 133.7$ 97.0$ 388.5$ 3,017.5$ 7,778.8$ 6,898.4$ 1,294.6$ 18.7$ 285.7$ 627.5$ 22,214.3$ Elkhorn Wind Expense ($ x 1000)1,827.4$ 1,302.2$ 1,513.5$ 811.5$ 724.5$ 1,191.1$ 2,038.9$ 1,577.1$ 1,052.5$ 1,043.8$ 2,087.2$ 1,692.7$ 16,862.3$ Neal Hot Springs Expense ($ x 1000)774.8$ 1,466.2$ 1,189.9$ 1,151.5$ 1,189.9$ 1,570.9$ 1,885.1$ 1,947.9$ 1,570.9$ 1,623.3$ 1,885.1$ 1,947.9$ 18,203.4$ Raft River Geothermal Expense ($ x 1000)419.6$ 396.2$ 248.0$ 234.3$ 232.4$ 316.6$ 408.6$ 428.0$ 363.4$ 416.5$ 495.2$ 513.7$ 4,472.6$ Total Expense Excl. PURPA ( $ x 1000)4,429.4$ 3,430.8$ 3,085.1$ 2,294.3$ 2,535.2$ 6,096.0$ 12,111.4$ 10,851.5$ 4,281.5$ 3,102.3$ 4,753.2$ 4,781.8$ 61,752.7$ Surplus Sales Energy (MWh)91,158.6 195,859.3 309,617.8 337,126.2 305,320.4 120,589.2 43,940.4 23,570.3 140,450.1 410,661.5 183,261.5 147,491.1 2,309,046.6 Revenue Including Transmission Expenses ($ x 1000)1,955.6$ 4,192.3$ 7,064.4$ 7,571.8$ 6,530.1$ 2,155.6$ 954.6$ 533.8$ 3,248.4$ 10,967.6$ 4,644.9$ 4,225.0$ 54,044.2$ Transmission Expenses ($ x 1000)91.2$ 195.9$ 309.6$ 337.1$ 305.3$ 120.6$ 43.9$ 23.6$ 140.5$ 410.7$ 183.3$ 147.5$ 2,309.0$ Revenue Excluding Transmission Expenses ($ x 1000)1,864.5$ 3,996.5$ 6,754.8$ 7,234.7$ 6,224.8$ 2,035.0$ 910.7$ 510.2$ 3,108.0$ 10,556.9$ 4,461.6$ 4,077.5$ 51,735.2$ Net Power Supply Expenses ($ x 1000)13,992.2$ 5,766.9$ 4,065.0$ 1,668.3$ 5,094.6$ 11,921.3$ 27,131.0$ 26,508.0$ 15,282.3$ 9,002.3$ 14,603.9$ 16,852.4$ 151,888.3$ January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Idaho Retail Sales 87,892,715 81,997,690 74,500,623 69,230,657 68,884,758 82,974,327 104,741,972 112,103,253 99,328,721 71,587,640 67,179,862 77,784,408 998,206,626 January February March April May June July August September October November December Total System Total Fuel Exp. Coal (501)9,553,773 8,912,994 8,098,077 7,525,242 7,487,643 9,019,153 11,385,255 12,185,412 10,796,845 7,781,442 7,302,324 8,455,019 108,503,180 Water for Power (536.002)209,613 195,554 177,675 165,106 164,281 197,883 249,796 267,352 236,886 170,727 160,216 185,506 2,380,597 Langley Gulch - Gas 2,126,575 1,983,944 1,802,552 1,675,044 1,666,675 2,007,574 2,534,245 2,712,352 2,403,271 1,732,072 1,625,425 1,882,004 24,151,735 Danskin-Gas 49,920 46,572 42,313 39,320 39,124 47,126 59,489 63,670 56,415 40,659 38,156 44,179 566,943 Bennett Mountain-Gas 5,754 5,368 4,877 4,532 4,509 5,432 6,857 7,338 6,502 4,686 4,398 5,092 65,344 Fixed Gas Capacity 755,786 705,095 640,628 595,312 592,337 713,493 900,672 963,972 854,124 615,579 577,677 668,865 8,583,542 Total Fuel Exp. Gas (547)2,938,035 2,740,979 2,490,370 2,314,209 2,302,646 2,773,625 3,501,263 3,747,333 3,320,312 2,392,997 2,245,656 2,600,139 33,367,563 Non-Firm Purchases (555.1)5,512,549 5,142,819 4,672,610 4,342,083 4,320,388 5,204,073 6,569,319 7,031,012 6,229,805 4,489,910 4,213,459 4,878,566 62,606,593 QF Purchases (555.2)11,785,917 10,995,427 9,990,113 9,283,440 9,237,057 11,126,388 14,045,307 15,032,413 13,319,420 9,599,498 9,008,440 10,430,450 133,853,869 Transmission By Others (565)480,400 448,179 407,202 378,398 376,507 453,517 572,494 612,729 542,907 391,281 367,189 425,151 5,455,955 Surplus Sales (447)4,555,312 4,249,784 3,861,226 3,588,093 3,570,166 4,300,402 5,428,577 5,810,099 5,148,019 3,710,251 3,481,805 4,031,418 51,735,153 100% Idaho Allocation Demand Response Incentive 990,769 924,317 839,807 780,401 776,502 935,327 1,180,702 1,263,682 1,119,681 806,970 757,284 876,823 11,252,265 2013 Base Power Supply Expenses - Monthly Shaping According to Normalized Retail Sales Revenue I D A H O P O W E R C O M P A N Y SUMMARY OF PROFORMED NORMALIZED REVENUES IDAHO JURISDICTION BY MONTH BY RATE 12-MONTHS ENDING MAY 31, 2015 Forced Shutdowns BES Units Unit Code Unit Name Unit Type Event  Year Event Type Event Start Date Event End Date Event Duration FAC‐008 Ratings  (MW) 101 LANGLEY GULCH #2 852 ‐ CC steam units 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 07/05/2021 03:59 MPT 07/05/2021 13:44 MPT 9:45:00 131.45 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 07/12/2021 04:19 MP 07/12/2021 06:26 MP 2:07:00 131.45 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 07/27/2021 09:32 MP 07/27/2021 16:00 MP 6:28:00 131.45 302 BENNETT MOUNTAIN 300 ‐ Gas Turbine/Jet Engine (Simple Cycle Operation)2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 07/26/2021 23:59 MP 07/27/2021 10:00 MP 10:01:00 172.80 2022 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 03/17/2022 01:40 MP 03/17/2022 02:47 MP 1:07 172.80 2022 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 03/17/2022 03:57 MP 03/17/2022 09:42 MP 5:45 172.80 2022 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 03/17/2022 16:04 MP 04/01/2022 00:00 MP 343:56:00 172.80 304 DANSKIN #2 300 ‐ Gas Turbine/Jet Engine (Simple Cycle Operation)2022 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 01/10/2022 11:46 MP 01/19/2022 15:00 MP 219:14:00 45.90 305 DANSKIN #3 300 ‐ Gas Turbine/Jet Engine (Simple Cycle Operation)2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 07/04/2021 13:45 MP 07/04/2021 15:22 MP 1:37:00 45.90 2022 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 02/23/2022 07:24 MP 02/23/2022 08:32 MP 1:08 45.90 306 LANGLEY GULCH #1 851 ‐ CC GT units 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 07/05/2021 03:59 MP 07/05/2021 13:44 MP 9:45:00 187.00 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 07/12/2021 04:19 MP 07/12/2021 06:26 MP 2:07:00 187.00 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 07/27/2021 09:32 MP 07/27/2021 16:00 MP 6:28:00 187.00 501 HELLS CANYON #1 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 01/27/2022 15:06 MP 01/27/2022 15:08 MP 0:02 130.50 503 HELLS CANYON #3 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 04/01/2021 00:00 MP 05/01/2021 00:00 MP 720:00:00 130.50 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 05/01/2021 00:00 MP 06/01/2021 00:00 MP 744:00:00 130.50 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 06/01/2021 00:00 MP 07/01/2021 00:00 MP 720:00:00 130.50 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 07/01/2021 00:00 MP 08/01/2021 00:00 MP 744:00:00 130.50 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 08/01/2021 00:00 MP 09/01/2021 00:00 MP 744:00:00 130.50 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 09/01/2021 00:00 MP 10/01/2021 00:00 MP 720:00:00 130.50 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 10/01/2021 00:01 MP 11/01/2021 00:00 MP 743:59:00 130.50 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 11/01/2021 00:00 MP 12/01/2021 00:00 MP 721:00:00 130.50 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 12/01/2021 00:00 MP 12/31/2021 23:59 MP 743:59:00 130.50 2022 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 01/01/2022 00:00 MP 02/01/2022 00:00 MP 744:00:00 130.50 2022 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 02/01/2022 00:00 MP 03/01/2022 00:00 MP 672:00:00 130.50 2022 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 03/01/2022 00:00 MP 04/01/2022 00:00 MP 743:00:00 130.50 506 OXBOW #3 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 05/04/2021 15:23 MP 05/04/2021 17:00 MP 1:37:00 47.50 508 BROWNLEE #1 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 08/18/2021 05:02 MPT 08/19/2021 16:54 MPT 35:52:00 112.50 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 09/11/2021 07:33 MP 09/15/2021 15:20 MP 103:47:00 112.50 510 BROWNLEE #3 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 01/01/2022 22:29 MP 01/03/2022 08:00 MP 33:31:00 112.50 515 STRIKE #3 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 05/12/2021 22:17 MPT 05/13/2021 17:30 MPT 19:13:00 27.60 516 BLISS #1 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 05/25/2021 13:20 MPT 06/01/2021 00:00 MPT 154:40:00 25.01 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 06/01/2021 00:00 MP 06/03/2021 12:07 MP 60:07:00 25.01 537 AMERICAN FALLS #1 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 05/18/2021 08:51 MP 05/18/2021 09:08 MP 0:17:00 30.78 538 AMERICAN FALLS #2 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 08/19/2021 09:25 MP 08/19/2021 11:28 MP 2:03:00 30.78 539 AMERICAN FALLS #3 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 06/05/2021 06:52 MP 06/06/2021 06:57 MP 24:05:00 30.78 2021 U1 ‐ Forced ‐ Immediate 06/16/2021 03:28 MP 06/16/2021 04:09 MP 0:41:00 30.78 NON‐BES Units Unit Code Unit Name Unit Type Event  Year Event Type Event Start Date Event End Date Event Duration FAC‐008 Ratings  (MW) N/A CDPO G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 06/22/2021 20:31 06/22/2021 22:07 1:36:00 6.21 N/A CDPO G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 03/29/2022 08:32 03/29/2022 15:08 6:36:00 6.21 N/A CLPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 07/05/2021 17:12 07/05/2021 23:10 5:58:00 2.50 N/A CLPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 07/31/2021 22:16 08/01/2021 23:59 25:43:00 2.50 N/A CLPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 08/16/2021 19:24 08/17/2021 23:59 28:35:00 2.50 N/A CLPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 08/31/2021 10:30 08/31/2021 10:36 0:06:00 2.50 N/A CLPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 09/01/2021 20:24 09/02/2021 09:23 12:59:00 2.50 N/A CLPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 09/02/2021 16:08 09/02/2021 17:27 1:19:00 2.50 N/A CLPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 09/06/2021 13:35 09/06/2021 21:30 7:55:00 2.50 N/A CLPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 09/15/2021 17:48 09/15/2021 19:45 1:57:00 2.50 N/A CLPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 03/28/2022 08:00 03/31/2022 13:39 77:39:00 2.50 N/A CLPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 03/28/2022 08:02 03/29/2022 23:59 39:57:00 2.50 N/A LMPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 10/27/2021 03:43 10/27/2021 19:35 15:52:00 13.50 N/A LMPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 10/27/2021 07:15 10/27/2021 19:30 12:15:00 13.50 N/A LMPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 12/24/2021 16:11 12/24/2021 17:06 0:55:00 13.50 N/A LSPR G014 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 11/15/2021 07:30 11/17/2021 12:48 53:18:00 15.05 N/A LSPR G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 11/18/2021 12:21 12/07/2021 15:20 458:59:00 15.05 N/A LSPR G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 11/18/2021 12:34 12/07/2021 15:20 458:46:00 15.05 N/A LSPR G014 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 01/04/2022 15:16 01/04/2022 16:20 1:04:00 15.05 N/A LSPR G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 01/04/2022 17:45 01/05/2022 09:50 16:05:00 15.05 N/A MLPR G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 08/09/2021 08:00 08/30/2021 08:39 504:39:00 12.07 N/A MLPR G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 09/05/2021 13:30 09/09/2021 16:00 98:30:00 12.07 N/A SFPR G003 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 04/05/2021 09:06 04/07/2021 14:50 53:44:00 11.5 N/A SWPO G011 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 05/06/2021 17:58 05/06/2021 20:32 2:34:00 13.59 N/A SWPO G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 05/06/2021 17:58 05/06/2021 20:32 2:34:00 13.59 N/A SWPO G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 05/22/2021 03:42 05/22/2021 12:02 8:20:00 13.59 N/A SWPO G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 11/01/2021 13:53 11/01/2021 14:56 1:03:00 13.59 N/A SWPO G011 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 12/02/2021 08:00 12/02/2021 13:56 5:56:00 13.59 N/A SWPO G011 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 12/02/2021 15:57 12/08/2021 15:52 143:55:00 13.59 N/A SWPO G011 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 12/09/2021 07:30 12/15/2021 14:20 150:50:00 13.59 N/A SWPO G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 12/16/2021 07:00 02/01/2022 16:00 1137:00:00 13.59 N/A SWPO G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 02/02/2022 16:26 02/03/2022 20:29 28:03:00 13.59 N/A SWPO G011 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 02/03/2022 11:56 02/03/2022 14:54 2:58:00 13.59 N/A SWPO G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 02/03/2022 20:30 02/07/2022 11:50 87:20:00 13.59 N/A TSPO G003 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 05/18/2021 19:07 05/19/2021 06:45 11:38:00 6.8 N/A TSPO G003 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 02/07/2022 08:00 02/22/2022 18:00 370:00:00 6.8 N/A US12 G002 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 04/26/2021 16:30 04/30/2021 17:00 96:30:00 9 N/A US12 G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 05/04/2021 10:03 05/04/2021 14:00 3:57:00 9 N/A US12 G002 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 05/04/2021 10:03 05/04/2021 14:00 3:57:00 9 N/A US12 G002 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 05/06/2021 18:11 05/12/2021 21:16 147:05:00 9 N/A US12 G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 10/25/2021 10:05 10/27/2021 14:15 52:10:00 9 N/A US12 G002 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 01/03/2022 08:30 01/06/2022 13:45 77:15:00 9 N/A US34 G003 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 06/07/2021 11:47 06/10/2021 16:21 76:34:00 8.25 N/A US34 G004 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 06/07/2021 15:19 06/07/2021 16:13 0:54:00 8.25 N/A US34 G003 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 4/1/2021 04/01/2021 17:00 17:00:00 8.25 N/A US34 G004 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 4/1/2021 04/01/2021 17:00 17:00:00 8.25 N/A US34 G004 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 4/1/2021 04/07/2021 23:59 167:59:00 8.25 N/A US34 G003 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 4/1/2021 04/01/2021 00:01 0:01:00 8.25 N/A US34 G003 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Forced 11/15/2021 09:30 11/18/2021 16:00 78:30:00 8.25 N/A US34 G003 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Forced 03/07/2022 08:00 03/18/2022 10:19 266:19:00 8.25 BES Facility Definition:  Generating resource(s) including the generator terminals through the high‐side of the stepup transformer(s) connected at a voltage  of 100 kV or above with: a) Gross individual nameplate rating greater than 20 MVA. Or, b) Gross plant/facility aggregate nameplate rating greater than 75  MVA Estimated Lost  MWHrs Event Description 1281.66 An analog input card on the Steam Package of the DCS failed. 278.67 850.48 The closed cooling water head tank transmitter reading went to 0 which shut off the closed cooling water pump 1729.73 3.46 5240 ‐ Fire detection and extinguishing system B 15.55 5074 ‐ Flashback including instruments 59431.10 5012 ‐ High pressure blades/buckets B 10063.58 5120 ‐ Hydraulic oil system A 74.36 Danskin, Unit 3 tripped offline during the startup sequence. A fuel pressure transmitter went open for a brief instant causing a startup fired abort. 0.92 5048 ‐ Gas fuel system B 1823.25 An analog input card on the Steam Package of the DCS failed. 396.44 1215.50 The closed cooling water head tank transmitter reading went to 0 which shut off the closed cooling water pump 0.00 9910 ‐ Maintenance personnel erro 93960.00 4500 ‐ Rotor windings (including damper windings and fan blades on hydro units) 97092.00 4500 ‐ Rotor windings (including damper windings and fan blades on hydro units) 93960.00 4500 ‐ Rotor windings (including damper windings and fan blades on hydro units) 97092.00 4500 ‐ Rotor windings (including damper windings and fan blades on hydro units) 97092.00 4500 ‐ Rotor windings (including damper windings and fan blades on hydro units) 93960.00 4500 ‐ Rotor windings (including damper windings and fan blades on hydro units) 97092.00 4500 ‐ Rotor windings (including damper windings and fan blades on hydro units) 94090.50 4500 ‐ Rotor windings (including damper windings and fan blades on hydro units) 97092.00 4500 ‐ Rotor windings (including damper windings and fan blades on hydro units) 97092.00 4500 ‐ Rotor windings (including damper windings and fan blades on hydro units) 87696.00 4500 ‐ Rotor windings (including damper windings and fan blades on hydro units) 96961.50 4500 ‐ Rotor windings (including damper windings and fan blades on hydro units) 76.95 OBPR Unit #3 tripped due to a failed thrust bearing metal RTD that went high. All relays operated as they should.  4034.25 The fault was predicted to be between the high side of the generator terminals and the breaker bushing terminals. Crews in the field began working on the physical troubleshooting of the issue and soon found a defective area of the bushing on the breaker assembly where current had arced probably to the  nearby structure support members. In summary the relays operated as they were intended to. 11675.25 Continued work on the differential trip caused by wildlife  3768.75 4555 ‐ Bearing cooling system A 531.30 While preparing for MOD testing for unit 3, the AVR/PSS was rebooted. During the restart process, the PSS reverted to some default parameters that caused it to swing the field current quite a bit once the unit was online and testing signals were introduced to the PSS  ocntrol loop. The unstable oscillations caused by the PSS response caused the rotor field fault detection to pick up and trip the unit.   3868.68 1503.60 8.62 63.10 Plant offline due to dissolved oxygen 741.18 20.93 Turbine 3 tripped on turbine packing box cooling water low. Estimated Lost  MWHrs Event Description 9.94 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: CDPO_G001 GEN_STATE_OFF 6/22/2021 8:31 PM 40.99 Plant Maintenance Plant breaker testing    15.00 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: CLPR_G011 GEN_STATE_OFF 7/5/2021 5:12 PM. Ended early because of PI event CLPR_G011 GEN_STATE_GEN 7/5/2021 11:10 PM 64.38 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: CLPR_G011 GEN_STATE_OFF 7/31/2021 10:16 PM 71.45 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: CLPR_G011 GEN_STATE_OFF 8/16/2021 7:24 PM 0.25 Plant Maintenance Unit off‐line to change belt on oil pump. Plant will be opening 001Z and doing a LOTO. 32.50 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: CLPR_G011 GEN_STATE_OFF 9/1/2021 8:24 PM. Ended early because of PI event CLPR_G011 GEN_STATE_GEN 9/2/2021 9:23 AM 3.33 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: CLPR_G011 GEN_STATE_OFF 9/2/2021 4:08 PM. Ended early because of PI event CLPR_G011 GEN_STATE_GEN 9/2/2021 5:27 PM A snake managed to get into the cubicle that ties the generator leads to the GSU transformer and made contact with a conductor. The contact with the snake initiated a phase to ground fault that quickly developed into a  phase to phase fault. The SEL‐300G tripped on both 87 & 21 target elements.  19.80 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: CLPR_G011 GEN_STATE_OFF 9/6/2021 1:35 PM. Ended early because of PI event CLPR_G011 GEN_STATE_GEN 9/6/2021 9:30 PM 5.00 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: CLPR_G011 GEN_STATE_OFF 9/15/2021 5:48 PM. Ended early because of PI event CLPR_G011 GEN_STATE_GEN 9/15/2021 7:45 PM 194.18  Unit Inspection 100.00 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: CLPR_G011 GEN_STATE_OFF 3/28/2022 8:02 AM     214.25 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: LMPR_G001 GEN_STATE_OFF 10/27/2021 3:43 AM. Ended early because of PI event LMPR_G001 GEN_STATE_GEN 10/27/2021 7:35 PM 165.38 Plant Trouble  12.42 Plant Trouble      802.17 Plant Trouble Generator troubles 6907.95 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: LSPR_G012 GEN_STATE_OFF 11/18/2021 12:21 PM 6904.19 Plant Trouble Bearing Temperature 16.10 Plant Trouble Inadvertent by workman 86E‐Wiring Crew hit plunger. 242.00 Plant Trouble     6088.72 Unit inspection & expansion joint leak 1188.40 Plant Trouble Water/Oil Issue 618.13 Inspection of  wicket gates     34.78 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: SWPO_G011 GEN_STATE_OFF 5/6/2021 5:58 PM 34.78 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: SWPO_G012 GEN_STATE_OFF 5/6/2021 5:58 PM 113.16 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: SWPO_G012 GEN_STATE_OFF 5/22/2021 3:42 AM 14.26 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: SWPO_G012 GEN_STATE_OFF 11/1/2021 1:53 PM 80.15 Trouble shooting of  voltage regulator system 1954.88 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: SWPO_G011 GEN_STATE_OFF 12/2/2021 3:57 PM 2049.03 Shaft seal leak, inspection assessment 15446.15 Control wiring,unit Inspection, wicket bonnet replacement,index testing? 381.06 Control wiring,unit Inspection, wicket bonnet replacement,index testing? 40.76 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: SWPO_G011 GEN_STATE_OFF 2/3/2022 11:56 AM 1186.38 Control wiring,unit Inspection, wicket bonnet replacement,index testing?     79.08 Plant Trouble Breaker failed‐ outage (RS) # 10636 should a close but field verified breaker never closed 2516.00 Unit inspection    868.50 Plant Trouble moisture Ended early because of PI event US12_G002 GEN_STATE_GEN 4/29/2021 10:55 AM 36.00 Trash rack inspection 36.00 Trash rack inspection 1323.72 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: US12_G002 GEN_STATE_OFF 5/6/2021 6:11 PM 469.44 Plant Trouble Automa cally created based on PI event: US12_G001 GEN_STATE_OFF 10/25/2021 10:05 AM.Troubleshoo ng a noise and smell coming from the unit. 695.25 Bearing troubleshooting and repair wor     631.70 Plant Trouble water in governor oil 7.43 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: US34_G004 GEN_STATE_OFF 6/7/2021 3:19 PM. Ended early because of PI event US34_G004 GEN_STATE_GEN 6/7/2021 4:13 PM 140.25 Flume inspection and assessment   140.25 Plant Trouble Automatically created based on PI event: US34_G004 GEN_STATE_OFF 9/9/2020 11:08 AM 1386.00 Plant Trouble clearance #21803unit IS on 4/1...told today so ended outage PE 0.17 Plant Trouble out per gen desk request 647.63 New air cooler ‐ delay while waiting for parts 2197.22 Unit Inspection and assessment List of all forced outages for Jim Bridger from 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 Unit Start End MW Restriction Duration (hrs) MWh Lost Reason JB1 04/24/2021 01:0 04/27/2021 12:0 531 83.1 44,108.4 Unit offline for tube leak repair.  JB1 04/27/2021 12:0 04/27/2021 14:4 531 2.6 1,380.6 Start up failure‐ High opacity JB1 04/27/2021 14:4 04/27/2021 19:17 531 4.6 2,451.5 Unit offline to rap precipitator JB1 11/21/2021 13:45 11/21/2021 16:05 531 2.3 1,239.0 SEDC Out of Service ‐ Tripped Relays JB1 11/21/2021 16:45 11/21/2021 20:51 531 4.1 2,177.1 12 induced draft fan rotation backwards JB2 04/04/2021 01:01 04/07/2021 17:07 539 88.1 47,485.9 Unit offline for tube leak repair.  JB2 04/10/2021 19:5 04/10/2021 22:22 539 2.5 1,365.5 Unit trip‐ #1 & #2 control valves stuck JB2 06/13/2021 18:23 06/15/2021 13:22 539 43.0 23,168.0 #1 main stop valve stuck closed causing unit trip JB2 07/12/2021 07:56 07/12/2021 12:42 539 4.8 2,569.2 Unit trip ‐ Manually tripped unit to avoid SO2 exceedance as the south SO2 damper went 80% open and would not respond in ovation JB2 08/04/2021 08:56 08/04/2021 14:13 539 5.3 2,847.7 Main Turbine Trip Solenoid Failur JB2 08/23/2021 23:22 08/24/2021 03:18 539 3.9 2,120.1 Unit trip ‐ #22 and #24 boiler circulating pumps tripped JB2 11/07/2021 11:35 11/07/2021 16:46 539 5.2 2,793.8 Unit offline ‐ Replace the servo valve on the main turbine #1 reheat intercept Valve JB3 10/08/2021 21:5 10/09/2021 00:45 523 2.9 1,490.6 Unit Trip ‐ High Opacity ‐ 34E transformer‐rectifier tripping JB3 10/22/2021 13:43 10/24/2021 02:32 523 36.8 19,255.1 Unit offline ‐ Repair waterwall tube lea JB3 10/26/2021 00:48 10/28/2021 07:35 523 54.8 28,651.7 Unit offline ‐ Repair #32 boiler feedpump booster pump discharge valve JB3 12/04/2021 17:06 12/06/2021 02:2 523 33.3 17,415.9 Unit offline ‐ economizer tube leak. JB3 12/20/2021 03:0 12/21/2021 19:35 523 40.6 21,225.1 Unit trip ‐ #31 primary air fan motor failed JB3 12/27/2021 19:42 12/27/2021 22:02 523 2.3 1,220.3 Unit trip ‐ 35 gas path didn't close when 321D fan tripped ‐ tripped until to avoid opacity exceedance JB4 05/09/2021 04:46 05/09/2021 11:16 526 6.5 3,419.0 Start up failure ‐ air preheater soot blowers are not working  JB4 05/09/2021 11:16 05/09/2021 22:5 526 11.6 6,084.1 Air preheater soot blowers have been repaired.  Resume start up coming out of overhaul. JB4 05/09/2021 22:5 05/10/2021 13:46 526 14.9 7,854.9 Startup failure ‐ Exciter communication is not working JB4 05/10/2021 13:46 05/11/2021 00:0 526 10.2 5,382.7 Boiler circulating water pump differential pressure sensing line cracked between root valve and the mud drum.  JB4 05/11/2021 00:0 05/11/2021 12:1 526 12.2 6,399.7 Boiler circulating water pump differential pressure sensing line has been repaired. Begin startup and conduct whopper testing coming out of the overhaul.  JB4 05/11/2021 12:1 05/11/2021 19:37 526 7.5 3,918.7 Low Pressure turbine outer casing leak JB4 05/11/2021 19:37 05/11/2021 21:42 526 2.1 1,095.8 Whopper testing JB4 05/11/2021 21:42 05/11/2021 22:2 526 0.6 333.1 High turbine lube oil temp ‐ isolation valve position indication was backwards JB4 05/11/2021 22:2 05/12/2021 00:0 526 1.7 876.7 Whopper testing JB4 05/12/2021 00:0 05/12/2021 09:31 526 9.5 5,005.8 Startup and whopper test coming out of the overhaul.  JB4 05/12/2021 10:09 05/12/2021 12:49 526 2.7 1,402.7 Unit offline‐ No indication of Primary Air Fan airflow.  JB4 05/12/2021 20:29 05/13/2021 00:0 526 3.5 1,849.8 Unit offline‐ economizer tube leak.  JB4 05/13/2021 00:0 05/14/2021 00:0 526 24.0 12,624.0 Unit offline‐ economizer tube leak.  JB4 05/14/2021 00:0 05/14/2021 16:3 526 16.6 8,714.1 Unit offline‐ economizer tube leak.  JB4 05/22/2021 09:2 05/23/2021 15:52 526 30.5 16,060.5 Unit trip ‐ #41 feedwater heater drain leak tripped 41 7200 bu JB4 10/06/2021 08:1 10/06/2021 10:13 526 2.0 1,043.2 Unit trip ‐ #43 absorber blowdown valve stuck open resulting in low level JB4 10/06/2021 10:13 10/06/2021 16:16 526 6.1 3,182.3 Start up failure ‐ Relay problems  JB4 10/20/2021 13:4 10/20/2021 15:2 526 1.7 876.7 Unit Trip ‐ Boiler feed booster pump lube oil pressure indication bad JB4 12/07/2021 11:3 12/07/2021 12:53 526 1.3 692.6 Unit trip ‐ A loose connec on on the 24v power supply caused a bad T9 y‐axis vibra on reading. JB4 12/10/2021 09:17 12/10/2021 13:38 526 4.4 2,288.1 Unit Trip ‐ False transformer water spray indication JB2 01/07/2022 02:3 01/10/2022 17:21 539 86.9 46,812.2 Unit offline ‐ Repair cooling tower risers JB2 01/10/2022 20:26 01/10/2022 21:49 539 1.4 745.6 Unit offline ‐ 22 induced draft fan tripped due to high temp.  21 ID Fan OOS JB2 01/10/2022 21:49 01/10/2022 22:39 539 0.8 449.2 Startup Failure ‐ Exhaust hood temp JB2 01/11/2022 08:28 01/11/2022 10:28 539 2.0 1,078.0 Unit trip ‐ Opacity was high while putting 21 induced draft fan back in service ‐tripped unit to avoid opacity exceedance  JB3 01/26/2022 18:4 01/27/2022 00:46 523 6.0 3,155.4 Unit Trip ‐ Manually tripped unit to avoid opacity exceedance. #31 ID fan tripped causing the high opacit JB1 02/21/2022 20:53 02/22/2022 01:12 531 4.3 2,292.2 Unit Trip ‐ Drum transmitters B and C falsely indicated low drum level JB1 02/22/2022 01:12 02/22/2022 08:31 531 7.3 3,885.2 #11 PA fan motor outboard bearing temp below permissive limit JB1 02/25/2022 19:53 02/25/2022 22:42 531 2.8 1,495.7 Unit Trip ‐ Manually tripped unit due to opacity.   Found an obstruction that was partially blocking the stack opacity monitor port.   JB2 02/28/2022 15:59 02/28/2022 18:11 539 2.2 1,185.8 Unit trip ‐ #23 condensate pump tripped due to lower bearing failure JB1 03/11/2022 17:31 03/11/2022 20:28 531 3.0 1,566.5 Unit Trip ‐ Manually tripped unit due to opacity. Appears there was an obstruction that was partially blocking the stack opacity monitor port.   JB1 03/19/2022 01:0 03/21/2022 14:5 531 61.8 32,833.5 Unit Offline‐#12 boiler circulating pump repai List of all forced outages for North Valmy Unit 2 from 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 Unit Start End MW Restriction Duration (hrs) MWh Lost Reason VALMY 2 05/24/2021 03:0 05/25/2021 21:2 268 42.3 11,345.3 Drain Reciever allowed air in leakage to condenser causing high backpressure trip. VALMY 2 06/11/2021 02:09 06/11/2021 09:26 268 7.3 1,951.9 Lost communication with baghouse. Trip on high dp VALMY 2 06/14/2021 20:2 06/21/2021 09:3 268 157.2 42,120.7 Generator tripped on generator protection VALMY 2 06/27/2021 20:52 06/28/2021 13:49 268 17.0 4,542.6 Lost commuication with baghouse.  Baghouse closed all dampers. VALMY 2 06/28/2021 13:58 06/28/2021 17:5 268 3.9 1,036.3 U2 right Main Stop Valve malfunction VALMY 2 07/11/2021 13:21 07/17/2021 22:26 268 153.1 41,026.3 Main steam line gasket blew on left upper control valve steam lead VALMY 2 08/06/2021 01:25 08/06/2021 02:36 268 1.2 317.1 Lost 2C pulverizer gearbox which tripped the mill and then tripped the unit VALMY 2 08/14/2021 03:19 08/14/2021 19:5 268 16.6 4,444.3 B Main turbine lube oil pump failed VALMY 2 11/09/2021 12:49 11/09/2021 20:08 268 7.3 1,960.9 Lost commuication with baghouse.  Baghouse closed all dampers, zero air flow through VALMY 2 12/26/2021 17:37 12/27/2021 01:4 268 8.1 2,175.3 CST level indication froze due to cold weather. VALMY 2 02/08/2022 23:17 02/09/2022 04:15 268 5.0 1,331.1 Unit tripped on High Opacity. Suspect Baghouse Compartment 2. VALMY 2 02/11/2022 07:23 02/15/2022 23:59 268 112.6 30,176.8 Unit 2, we lost control of the raise/lower controls to the exciter and burnt electrica VALMY 2 03/07/2022 16:08 03/07/2022 19:2 268 3.3 875.5 Both In Service Pulverizers (A&C) plugged with coal while trying to increase coal feed VALMY 2 03/08/2022 00:5 03/09/2022 16:0 268 39.1 10,478.8 False Trisector Air Heater Zero Speed switch tripped MFT (Labeled as Baghouse OpacityT VALMY 2 03/13/2022 17:32 03/13/2022 19:32 268 2.0 536.0 Unit Tripped on High Opacity Protective Trip during cleaning cycle of the baghouse Unforced Shutdowns Unit Code Unit Name Unit Type Event Year Event Type Event Start Date Event End Date Event Duration Event Cause Code 101 LANGLEY GULCH #2 852 ‐ CC steam units 2021 PO ‐ Planned 04/01/2021 08:06 MP 04/02/2021 08:00 MP 23:54:00 Spring plant maintenance outage 2021 PO ‐ Planned 04/02/2021 08:01 MP 04/30/2021 10:18 MP 674:17:00 Spring extended maintenance outage 2021 MO ‐ Maintenance 05/03/2021 11:29 MP 05/04/2021 08:00 MP 20:31:00 Spring extended maintenance outage 2021 PO ‐ Planned 10/01/2021 01:00 MP 10/17/2021 11:59 MP 394:59:00 Fall maintenace outage 2022 PO ‐ Planned 03/11/2022 08:00 MP 04/01/2022 00:00 MP 495:00:00 5274 ‐ General unit inspection during spring maintenance outage 302 BENNETT MOUNTAIN 300 ‐ Gas Turbine/Jet Engine (Simple Cycle Operation)2021 PO ‐ Planned 05/01/2021 17:55 MP 05/14/2021 17:30 MP 311:35:00 Spring plant maintenance outage 2021 MO ‐ Maintenance 09/04/2021 16:45 MP 09/05/2021 13:50 MP 21:05:00 Fall maintenance outage 2021 PO ‐ Planned 09/17/2021 08:00 MP 09/29/2021 11:48 MP 291:48:00 Fall extended maintenance outage 2022 MO ‐ Maintenance 01/24/2022 21:13 MP 01/26/2022 09:30 MP 36:17:00 5240 ‐ Fire detection and extinguishing system B 2022 PO ‐ Planned 02/18/2022 08:00 MP 03/01/2022 00:00 MP 256:00:00 5274 ‐ General unit inspection A 2022 PO ‐ Planned 03/01/2022 00:00 MP 03/07/2022 11:30 MP 155:30:00 5274 ‐ General unit inspection A 303 DANSKIN #1 300 ‐ Gas Turbine/Jet Engine (Simple Cycle Operation)2021 PO ‐ Planned 05/18/2021 08:00 MP 06/01/2021 00:00 MP 328:00:00 Spring plant maintenance outage 2021 PO ‐ Planned 06/01/2021 00:00 MP 06/11/2021 12:31 MP 252:31:00 Spring extended maintenance outage 2021 PO ‐ Planned 10/18/2021 08:00 MP 10/26/2021 16:25 MP 200:25:00 Fall maintenance outage 304 DANSKIN #2 300 ‐ Gas Turbine/Jet Engine (Simple Cycle Operation)2021 MO ‐ Maintenance 09/27/2021 06:30 MP 09/29/2021 00:59 MP 42:29:00 Fall maintenance outage 2021 PO ‐ Planned 10/18/2021 08:00 MP 10/27/2021 16:30 MP 224:30:00 Fall extended maintenance outage 305 DANSKIN #3 300 ‐ Gas Turbine/Jet Engine (Simple Cycle Operation)2021 PO ‐ Planned 04/01/2021 00:00 MP 04/01/2021 14:00 MP 14:00:00 Spring plant maintenance outage 2021 MO ‐ Maintenance 08/09/2021 07:58 MP 08/09/2021 16:43 MP 8:45:00 Fall maintenance outage 2021 PO ‐ Planned 10/18/2021 08:00 MP 10/27/2021 16:10 MP 224:10:00 Fall extended maintenance outage 306 LANGLEY GULCH #1 851 ‐ CC GT units 2021 PO ‐ Planned 04/01/2021 08:06 MP 04/02/2021 08:00 MP 23:54:00 Spring plant maintenance outage 2021 PO ‐ Planned 04/02/2021 08:01 MP 04/30/2021 10:18 MP 674:17:00 Spring extended maintenance outage 2021 MO ‐ Maintenance 05/03/2021 11:29 MP 05/04/2021 08:00 MP 20:31:00 Spring extended maintenance outage 2021 PO ‐ Planned 10/01/2021 01:00 MP 10/17/2021 11:59 MP 394:59:00 Fall maintenace outage 2022 PO ‐ Planned 03/11/2022 08:00 MP 04/01/2022 00:00 MP 495:00:00 5274 ‐ General unit inspection during spring maintenance outage 501 HELLS CANYON #1 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 04/27/2021 08:31 MP 04/27/2021 09:16 MP 0:45:00 Inspection outage 2021 PO ‐ Planned 04/27/2021 11:02 MP 04/27/2021 11:55 MP 0:53:00 Inspection outage 502 HELLS CANYON #2 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 04/27/2021 09:34 MP 04/27/2021 10:30 MP 0:56:00 Inspection outage 504 OXBOW #1 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 PO ‐ Planned 02/14/2022 08:00 MP 02/24/2022 18:45 MP 250:45:00 4840 ‐ Inspection E 505 OXBOW #2 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 PO ‐ Planned 02/28/2022 08:00 MP 03/01/2022 00:00 MP 16:00 4840 ‐ Inspection E 2022 PO ‐ Planned 03/01/2022 00:00 MP 03/10/2022 11:15 MP 227:15:00 4840 ‐ Inspection E 506 OXBOW #3 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 11/29/2021 08:00 MP 12/01/2021 00:00 MP 40:00:00 Condition assessment outage 2021 PO ‐ Planned 12/01/2021 00:00 MP 12/09/2021 18:10 MP 210:10:00 Condition assessment outage 507 OXBOW #4 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 11/29/2021 08:00 MP 12/01/2021 00:00 MP 40:00:00 Condition assessment outage 2021 PO ‐ Planned 12/01/2021 00:00 MP 12/21/2021 16:36 MP 496:36:00 Condition assessment outage 508 BROWNLEE #1 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 10/04/2021 08:00 MP 11/01/2021 00:00 MP 664:00:00 GSU major inspection and assessment 2021 PO ‐ Planned 11/01/2021 00:00 MP 12/01/2021 00:00 MP 721:00:00 GSU major inspection and assessment 2021 PO ‐ Planned 12/01/2021 00:00 MP 12/29/2021 17:07 MP 689:07:00 GSU major inspection and assessment 509 BROWNLEE #2 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 PO ‐ Planned 03/21/2022 08:00 MP 04/01/2022 00:00 MP 256:00:00 GSU major inspection and assessment 510 BROWNLEE #3 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 05/04/2021 08:04 MP 05/05/2021 11:20 MP 27:16:00 Inspection on rotor pole tightness 2022 PO ‐ Planned 01/03/2022 08:00 MP 02/01/2022 00:00 MP 688:00:00 Unit maintenance and inspection 2022 PO ‐ Planned 02/01/2022 00:00 MP 03/01/2022 00:00 MP 672:00:00 Unit maintenance and inspection 2022 PO ‐ Planned 03/01/2022 00:00 MP 03/16/2022 15:00 MP 374:00:00 Unit maintenance and inspection 511 BROWNLEE #4 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 05/26/2021 08:00 MP 05/26/2021 11:14 MP 3:14:00 4840 ‐ Inspection E 2021 PO ‐ Planned 09/27/2021 08:00 MP 10/01/2021 00:00 MP 88:00:00 Replacement of GSU transformer 2021 PO ‐ Planned 10/01/2021 00:00 MP 11/01/2021 00:00 MP 744:00:00 Replacement of GSU transformer 2021 PO ‐ Planned 11/01/2021 00:00 MP 12/01/2021 00:00 MP 721:00:00 Replacement of GSU transformer 2021 PO ‐ Planned 12/01/2021 00:00 MP 12/28/2021 13:35 MP 661:35:00 Replacement of GSU transformer 2022 MO ‐ Maintenance 02/01/2022 08:00 MP 02/01/2022 15:00 MP 7:00 4899 ‐ Other miscellaneous generator problems 2022 PO ‐ Planned 03/17/2022 11:00 MP 03/17/2022 13:59 MP 2:59 4840 ‐ Inspection E 512 BROWNLEE #5 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 04/01/2021 00:00 MP 05/01/2021 00:00 MP 720:00:00 Generator rewind project 2021 PO ‐ Planned 05/01/2021 00:00 MP 06/01/2021 00:00 MP 744:00:00 Generator rewind project 2021 PO ‐ Planned 06/01/2021 00:00 MP 06/09/2021 09:09 MP 201:09:00 Generator rewind project 513 STRIKE #1 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 10/26/2021 23:59 MP 10/29/2021 16:15 MP 64:16:00 GSU Transformer testing 2022 PO ‐ Planned 01/18/2022 07:00 MP 02/01/2022 00:00 MP 329:00:00 4840 ‐ Unit Inspection  2022 PO ‐ Planned 02/01/2022 00:00 MP 02/15/2022 08:00 MP 344:00:00 4841 ‐ Unit Inspection  514 STRIKE #2 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 10/11/2021 07:30 MP 10/18/2021 08:00 MP 168:30:00 Repair turbine bearing lea 2022 PO ‐ Planned 02/16/2022 07:00 MP 03/01/2022 00:00 MP 305:00:00 4840 ‐ Inspection E 2022 PO ‐ Planned 03/01/2022 00:00 MP 04/01/2022 00:00 MP 743:00:00 4840 ‐ Inspection E 515 STRIKE #3 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 09/27/2021 07:00 MP 10/01/2021 00:00 MP 89:00:00 4840 ‐ Unit Inspection  2021 PO ‐ Planned 10/01/2021 00:00 MP 10/07/2021 12:52 MP 156:52:00 4840 ‐ Unit Inspection  516 BLISS #1 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 09/20/2021 08:00 MP 09/30/2021 15:32 MP 247:32:00 4840 ‐ Unit Inspection  517 BLISS #2 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 10/05/2021 08:00 MP 10/14/2021 16:00 MP 224:00:00 4840 ‐ Unit Inspection  518 BLISS #3 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 10/18/2021 07:30 MP 10/28/2021 13:25 MP 245:55:00 4840 ‐ Unit Inspection  537 AMERICAN FALLS #1 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 11/15/2021 08:00 MP 12/01/2021 00:00 MP 376:00:00 4840 ‐ Unit Inspection  2021 PO ‐ Planned 12/01/2021 00:00 MP 12/15/2021 16:00 MP 352:00:00 Maintenance outage 2022 PO ‐ Planned 02/07/2022 08:30 MP 02/07/2022 14:15 MP 5:45 3620 ‐ Main transformer 2022 PO ‐ Planned 03/30/2022 07:00 MP 03/30/2022 15:00 MP 8:00 4840 ‐ Inspection E 538 AMERICAN FALLS #2 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 PO ‐ Planned 12/13/2021 08:00 MP 12/13/2021 08:40 MP 0:40:00 4840 ‐ Inspection E 2021 PO ‐ Planned 12/15/2021 14:30 MP 12/31/2021 23:59 MP 393:29:00 Maintenance outage 2022 PO ‐ Planned 01/01/2022 00:00 MP 01/13/2022 14:26 MP 302:26:00 4840 ‐ Inspection E 2022 PO ‐ Planned 02/07/2022 08:30 MP 02/07/2022 14:36 MP 6:06 3620 ‐ Main transformer 539 AMERICAN FALLS #3 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 PO ‐ Planned 01/18/2022 08:00 MP 02/01/2022 00:00 MP 328:00:00 4840 ‐ Inspection E 2022 PO ‐ Planned 02/01/2022 00:00 MP 02/07/2022 08:30 MP 152:30:00 4840 ‐ Inspection E 2022 PO ‐ Planned 02/07/2022 08:30 MP 02/07/2022 14:10 MP 5:40 3620 ‐ Main transformer NON‐BES Units Unit Code Unit Name Unit Type Event Year Event Type Event Start Date Event End Date Event Duration Event Description CDPO G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Planned 03/14/2022 08:00 03/24/2022 10:48 242:48:00 Plant Maintenance Unit Inspection CDPO G002 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Planned 03/28/2022 08:00 04/07/2022 09:13 241:13:00 Plant Maintenance Unit Inspection CLPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 05/24/2021 08:00 05/26/2021 15:26 55:26:00 Plant Maintenance unit inspec on LMPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 04/01/2021 08:01 05/05/2021 14:19 822:18:00 Plant Maintenance unit inspec on, valving on water driven governor‐upgrade gov., flume cover, ball valve penstock LSPR G011 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 04/01/21 03/31/2022 15:00 8751:00:00 Plant Maintenance Turbine replacement, rewind project, (check‐outs & commission unit) LSPR G013 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 04/05/2021 08:04 04/15/2021 08:57 240:53:00 Plant Maintenance Unit Inspection LSPR G014 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 04/19/2021 08:02 04/29/2021 14:05 246:03:00 Plant Maintenance unit inspec on, head gate refurb. LSPR G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Planned 02/22/2022 08:00 03/15/2022 07:20 503:20:00 Plant Maintenance Unit inspection LSPR G014 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Planned 03/15/2022 08:00 03/23/2022 09:20 193:20:00 Plant Maintenance Unit Inspection MLPR G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Planned 02/11/2022 08:00 04/07/2022 11:05 1323:05:00 Plant Maintenance Gen. protection upgrade,unit inspection, cone repair, blow out cooler  SFPR G004 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 08/23/2021 07:09 09/03/2021 06:00 262:51:00 Plant Maintenance UI testing SWPO G011 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 10/18/2021 08:00 12/01/2021 15:44 1063:44:00 Plant Maintenance Control wiring,unit Inspec on, index tes ng? SWPO G012 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 11/22/2021 08:00 11/23/2021 16:00 32:00:00 Plant Maintenance Control wiring,unit Inspec on, wicket bonnet replacement,index tes ng TFPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Planned 01/24/2022 08:00 02/02/2022 14:33 222:33:00 Plant Maintenance unit inspection,inspect runner, unwatering pump TFPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Planned 03/12/2022 08:00 03/12/2022 18:07 10:07:00 Plant Maintenance Transmission Maintenance TSPO G003 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 05/10/2021 08:04 05/18/2021 17:13 201:09:00 Plant Maintenance Unit Inspection UMPR G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 10/18/2021 07:00 11/17/2021 14:20 727:20:00 Plant Maintenance unit inspection, head gate refurb. US12 G001 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 09/20/2021 08:00 10/14/2021 12:41 580:41:00 Plant Maintenance Work on Local Service US12 G002 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 09/20/2021 08:00 10/14/2021 12:39 580:39:00 Plant Maintenance Work on Local Service US34 G004 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 04/01/21 04/15/2021 11:42 347:42:00 Plant Maintenance Reject way replacement project. US34 G003 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 04/01/21 04/15/2021 10:45 346:45:00 Plant Maintenance Reject way replacement project. US34 G004 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2021 Planned 04/01/21 04/07/2021 17:00 161:00:00 Plant Maintenance  US34 G004 GN 500 ‐ Pumped Storage/Hydro 2022 Planned 03/21/2022 08:30 03/24/2022 12:47 76:17:00 Plant Maintenance Unit Inspection BES Facility Definition:  Generating resource(s) including the generator terminals through the high‐side of the stepup  transformer(s) connected at a voltage of 100 kV or above with: a) Gross individual nameplate rating greater than 20 MVA. Or, b)  Gross plant/facility aggregate nameplate rating greater than 75 MVA List of all scheduled outages for Jim Bridger from 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 Unit Start End Duration (hrs) JB1 11/17/2021 02:22 11/21/2021 13:45 107.4 JB2 07/16/2021 00:47 07/17/2021 00:00 23.2 JB2 07/17/2021 00:00 07/18/2021 00:00 24.0 JB2 07/18/2021 00:00 07/18/2021 08:32 8.5 JB3 11/11/2021 00:59 11/16/2021 23:45 142.8 JB4 03/27/2021 01:15 05/01/2021 07:00 845.8 JB4 05/01/2021 07:00 05/09/2021 04:46 189.8 JB4 06/05/2021 01:49 06/08/2021 03:01 73.2 JB4 09/17/2021 01:00 09/20/2021 06:45 77.8 JB4 11/22/2021 00:51 11/24/2021 14:20 61.5 JB4 12/18/2021 01:01 12/19/2021 03:16 26.3 JB4 03/29/2022 01:01 04/01/2022 00:00 71.0 Reason Unit offline ‐ Turbine foam clean Unit offline ‐ Replace #22 Boiler Circ Pump Unit offline ‐ Replace #22 Boiler Circ Pump Unit offline ‐ Replace #22 Boiler Circ Pump Unit offline ‐ Turbine foam clean Unit offline for overhaul.  Outage extension ‐ #2 MS valve actuator returned from the shop on 5/6/2021; installed; seal leakage test on 5/8/2021. Unit off for fine screen removal. Unit offline ‐ Repair waterwall tube leak 41 Boiler Circ Pump Check Valve Repairs Unit offline ‐ economizer tube leak Unit off ‐ Deslag Finishing Super Heat Section List of all scheduled outages for North Valmy Unit 2 from 4/1/2021 ‐ 3/31/2022 Unit Start End Duration (hrs) VALMY 2 02/16/2022 00:00 02/21/2022 23:59 144.0 Reason Planned Maintenance Outage for mandatory Boiler Inspection, Ovation Upgrade BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 7 1 Subject:Follow up to PR No. 6 in Case No. IPC-E-22-11 Location:WebEx Start:Thu 5/12/2022 10:00 AM End:Thu 5/12/2022 11:00 AM Show Time As:Tentative Recurrence:(none) Meeting Status:Not yet responded Organizer:Brady, Jessi Required Attendees:Larkin, Matt; Tatum, Tim; Adelman, Ryan; Mike Louis; Terri Carlock; Michael Eldred; Kathy Stockton; Jo Nelson Meeting to discuss the below Production Request (as a follow up to Staff’s DR 6) Please provide the following for Hells Canyon #3 relative to the forced downtime that started on 4/1/2021 through 4/1/2022 (according to the response). 1. Please provide a detailed explanation as to the cause of the downtime including the likely root cause(s). 2. Is the unit still offline? If so, when is it expected to come back on line? 3. Why the unit back online? 4. Could the unit have been brought on line sooner? If so, please explain how and the associated cost. 5. According to the response, 1,143,180 Megawatt-hours during the PCA deferral period has been lost of zero-fuel cost generation. Please calculate the additional cost of replacing the generation from that unit due to the outage. Please provide workpapers in electronic format with formula intact. 6. Please provide any documentation showing the Company’s analysis of the downtime that address any or all of the questions above. -- Do not delete or change any of the following text. -- When it's time, join your Webex meeting here. Join meeting More ways to join: Join from the meeting link https://idahopower.webex.com/idahopower/j.php?MTID=m738c23618104e8094fa2787517052f04 Join by meeting number 2 Meeting number (access code): 2597 105 8295 Meeting password: JPyBQuYc339 Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) +1-650-479-3208,,25971058295## Call-in toll number (US/Canada) Join by phone 1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada) Global call-in numbers Join from a video system or application Dial 25971058295@idahopower.webex.com You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join using Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Skype for Business Dial 25971058295.idahopower@lync.webex.com If you are a host, click here to view host information. Need help? Go to https://help.webex.com 1 From:Brady, Jessi Sent:Tuesday, May 10, 2022 1:22 PM To:Mike Louis Subject:RE: Follow up to PR No. 6 in Case No. IPC-E-22-11 Thank you! I will schedule with WebEx. From: Mike Louis <Mike.Louis@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 1:02 PM To: Brady, Jessi <JBrady@idahopower.com> Cc: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>; Tatum, Tim <TTatum@idahopower.com>; Terri Carlock <Terri.Carlock@puc.idaho.gov>; Michael Eldred <Michael.Eldred@puc.idaho.gov>; Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>; Jo Nelson <Jo.Nelson@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: [EXTERNAL]RE: Follow up to PR No. 6 in Case No. IPC-E-22-11 KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Hi Brady, The best time for us is from 10 to 11. We have an all day meeting that day, but this part of the meeting is not critical for those in attendance. Can you send us an invite via Webex? Teams does not work between the commission and IPC. Thanks, Mike From: Brady, Jessi <JBrady@idahopower.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 12:16 PM To: Mike Louis <Mike.Louis@puc.idaho.gov> Cc: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>; Tatum, Tim <TTatum@idahopower.com>; Terri Carlock <Terri.Carlock@puc.idaho.gov>; Michael Eldred <Michael.Eldred@puc.idaho.gov>; Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>; Jo Nelson <Jo.Nelson@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: RE: Follow up to PR No. 6 in Case No. IPC-E-22-11 Hi Mike, Thanks for sending these over! We will work on drafting responses to these. Can you confirm if any of the below times will work for you all to discuss? Thursday 5/12 10 – 11am 12 – 1pm 3 – 4pm Thank you! Jessi 2 Jessi Brady Regulatory Analyst Idaho Power | Regulatory Affairs Work (208) 388-5764 Email Jbrady@idahopower.com From: Mike Louis <Mike.Louis@puc.idaho.gov> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 9:40 AM To: Brady, Jessi <JBrady@idahopower.com> Cc: Larkin, Matt <MLarkin@idahopower.com>; Tatum, Tim <TTatum@idahopower.com>; Terri Carlock <Terri.Carlock@puc.idaho.gov>; Michael Eldred <Michael.Eldred@puc.idaho.gov>; Kathy Stockton <Kathy.Stockton@puc.idaho.gov>; Jo Nelson <Jo.Nelson@puc.idaho.gov> Subject: [EXTERNAL]Follow up to PR No. 6 in Case No. IPC-E-22-11 KEEP IDAHO POWER SECURE! External emails may request information or contain malicious links or attachments. Verify the sender before proceeding, and check for additional warning messages below. Hi Jessi, You sponsored Production Request No. 6 in Case No. IPC-E-22-11. Staff has some follow up questions providing clarification and additional information regarding the forced downtime on Hells Canyon #3. Regarding Production Request No. 6, please provide the following for Hells Canyon #3 relative to the forced downtime that started on 4/1/2021 through 4/1/2022 (according to the response). 1. Please provide a detailed explanation as to the cause of the downtime including the likely root cause(s). 2. Is the unit still offline? If so, when is it expected to come back on line? 3. Why the unit back online? 4. Could the unit have been brought on line sooner? If so, please explain how and the associated cost. 5. According to the response, 1,143,180 Megawatt-hours during the PCA deferral period has been lost of zero-fuel cost generation. Please calculate the additional cost of replacing the generation from that unit due to the outage. Please provide workpapers in electronic format with formula intact. 6. Please provide any documentation showing the Company’s analysis of the downtime that address any or all of the questions above. Because of the expedited timeline for Staff’s comments, we would like to schedule a meeting as soon as possible with those that can answer these questions. We will also send a formal production request, hopefully by the end of the day, so we can get the response in writing. Thank you. Mike Louis Engineering Program Manager Idaho Public Utilities Commission Mike.Louis@puc.idaho.gov 208-334-0316 (work) (cell) IDAHO POWER LEGAL DISCLAIMER 3 This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL REQUEST NO. 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 8 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-22-11 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 13 ATTACHMENT NO. 1