HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220722Certificate of Attorney.pdf''t"' -'-l':if .i,:,:.-r;, Iii Pii f:2+ i1-:l, . ' , ' ,.) ASSERTTON THAT INFORMATION CONTAINED IN AN IDAHO PUBL]G.iIJTILITIES I.I:,;i*I+ COMMISSION FILING IS PROTECTED FROM PUBLIC INSPECTION Application of ldaho Power Gompany for a Determination of 2O2l Demand-Side Management Expenses as Prudently lncurred Case No. IPC-E-22-08 The undersigned attorney, in accordance with RP 67, believes that the Aftachments in Response to Request No. 15 to ldaho Power Company's Response to the Third Production Request of the Commission Staff, dated July 22,2022, may contain information that ldaho Power Company or a third party claims is confidential as described in ldaho Code S 74-101, ef seg., and S 48-801, ef seg., and as such is exempt from public inspection, examination, or copying. DATED this 22nd day of July 2022. X*!(^t"+,,^, Lisa D. Nordstrom Counse! for ldaho Power Company