HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220412IPC to Staff 4-31.pdf<EHH. i.l.I i.l : i"i I i',r '- ri i.l I r I ot'i [: tr9 An DACOnP Company LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com LDN:sg Enclosures April12,2022 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Case No. IPC-E-22-05 ln the Matter of the Application for a Determination Validating the North Valmy Power Plant Balancing Account True-Up Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 35058, please find ldaho Power Company's Response to the Second Production Request of Commission Staff. Due to the voluminous nature of confidential and non-confidential information provided in response to data requests in this case, the Company is posting the attachment(s) to this request to the secure FTP site to allow parties to view the requested information for all data requests, in one place, remotely. Because certain attachments contain confidential information, the FTP site is password protected and will only be provided to those parties who have executed the Protective Agreement in this matter. Although the entire set is password protected so that the responses could be grouped holistically, documents subject to the protective agreement are marked 'CONFIDENTIAL.'To gain access to the secure FTP site, please contact Stacy Gust via email at sgust@idahopower.com. lf you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Re X*!-fl^,ut,.*, Lisa D. Nordstrom CERTIFICATE OF ATTORNEY ASSERTION THAT INFORMATION CONTAINED IN AN IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FILING IS PROTECTED FROM PUBLIC INSPECTION Case No. IPG-E-22-05 ldaho Power Gompany's Application for a Determination Validating the North Valmy Power Plant Balancing Account True-Up The undersigned attorney, in accordance with RP 67, believes that the Attachments in response to Request Nos. 4, 9, 26, 29, and 31 to ldaho Power Company's Response to the Second Production Request of the Commission Staff dated April 12, 2022, may contain information that ldaho Power Company or a third party claims is confidential as described in ldaho Code S 74-101, ef seg., and $ 48-801, ef seg., and as such is exempt from public inspection, examination, or copying. DATED this 12th day of April2022. fr* !.(^1"+r'.^,, Lisa D. Nordstrom Counselfor ldaho Power Company LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 lnordstrom@ida hopower.com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR A DETERM INATION VALIDATING THE NORTH VALMY POWER PLANT BALANCING ACCOU NT TRUE.UP. CASE NO. !PC-E-22-05 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY COMES NOW, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/'or "Company"), and in response to the Second Production Request of the Commission Staff ("Staff) dated March 22,2022, herewith submits the following information: Due to the voluminous nature of confidential and non-confidential information provided in response to data requests in this case, the Company is posting the attachment(s) to this request to the secure FTP site to allow parties to view the requested information for alldata requests, in one place, remotely. Because certain attachments contain confidential information, the FTP site is password protected and will only be provided to those parties who have executed the Protective Agreement in IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POVVER COMPANY - 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) this matter. Atthough the entire set is password protected so that the responses could be grouped holistically, documents subject to the protec'tive agreement are marked 'CONFIDENTIAL." To gain aooess to the secure FTP site, please contact Stacy Gust via email at squst@idahooower.com. IDAHO POWER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUESTOF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POV'JER COMPANY.2 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.4: Please explain the timing of the Company's plan to update decommissioning costs attributed to the North Valmy Plant. lf the Company has no plan to update the decommissioning costs, please explain why not and any potential implications to customers. ldaho Power does not have a definitive timeline to update Valmy decommissioning cost estimates. Article lV of the North Valmy Project Framework Agreement Between Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NVE' or "NV Energy") and ldaho Power Company dated as of February 22,2019 ("Framework Agreemenf'), included as ConfidentialAttachment 1, addresses a remaining party's election to retire a unit or continue operating beyond December 31,2025. lf the remaining party elects to operate past this date, a Class 2- Level Decommissioning Study is required to establish the basis of a one-time decommissioning payment payable by the exiting party for their share. lf parties agree to cease operating the final unit as of a common date, then each party is responsible for their share of the actua! cost of demolition, remediation, and decommissioning of the plant as they are incurred. Under this operating scenario, the contractua! obligation to conduct a study does not exist. Given the uncertain timing of when each party will exit participation in operations at Valmy, and because the Valmy balancing account mechanism approved in Case No. IPC-E-16-24 allows for the tracking and true-up of levelized revenue requirement amounts to actua! costs incurred over time, ldaho Power does not believe an update to the decommissioning costs is warranted or provides value to customers at this time. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REOUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 3 The response to this Request is sponsored by Randy Henderson, PrincipalJoint Projects Coordinator, ldaho Power Gompany. IDAHO POI,\'ER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPATIY -4 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 5: What equipment, parts, or other infrastructure can the Company salvage from Unit No. 1 to use in Unit No. 2. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 5: The equipment that can be salvaged from Unit 1 to use in Unit 2 includes the central air compressors, some large circuit breakers, the boiler feedpump rotor, fan lube oil pumps, pulverizer lube oil pumps and clarifier equipment. Because the major components of both units are products from different manufacturers, the interchange of parts and equipment is !imited. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 5 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: Please provide documentation showing when NV Energy ('NVE") plans to exit Unit No. 1 and Unit No. 2 operations at the North Valmy Power Plant. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6: P|ease see Attachment 1 for the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada's Modified Fina! Order in Docket No. 21- 06001, the Amended Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their 2022-2041 Triennial lntegrated Resource Plan, including the Transmission lnfrastructure for a Clean Energy Economy Plan, and 2022-2024 Energy Supply Plan, indicating an exit of both units and retirement of the North Valmy Power Plant in 2025. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 6 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7: Please explain the physical limitations of extending Unit No. 2 operations beyond the end of 2025. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7: The following are the major risks of extending Unit 2 operations past 2025: o Continued compliance with Nevada's Regional Haze State lmplementation Plan, o The risk of running out of evaporation pond capacity, o The requirement that the plant would need to resume equipment maintenance such as tu rbine overha u l/inspection and pu lverizer overha u l/inspection, . The supplemental labor contract would need to be extended. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPAiIY -7 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.8: Please explain if the Framework Agreement allows operation of Unit No. 2 beyond the end ol2025. lf so, please provide the specific language in the Agreement and the costs agreed to by both parties associated with extending operations in order to contribute to meeting Company load. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION Ng. 8: Article lV of the Framework Agreement, included as ConfidentialAttachment 1 to the Response to Request for Production No. 4, outlines the responsibilities for the parties if one pafi elects to continue operating a unit beyond December 31,2025, including decommissioning procedures and decommissioning cost responsibilities, conveyance of interest, and liabilities. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POIA'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 8 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.9: Please provide documentation showing how the Company and NVE "... work jointly to make decisions regarding Valmy" regarding investments made at the North Valmy Plant during the period from January 1, 2019, through to December31,2021 (BARRETTO, Dl 3). RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 9: As stated in Ms. Barretto's testimony, ldaho Power and NVE work together to manage capital projects and total budget during Ownership Meetings, budget meetings, and other meetings as needed. Ownership Meetings are held twice a year, and include discussions such as safety, fuels, transportation, operations, maintenance, outages, performance, and always includes discussions regarding operations and maintenance expenses and capital expenditures. Beginning 2021, ldaho Power requested monthly meetings with plant and corporate personnel to discuss the same issues typically discussed in Ownership Meetings but on a more frequent basis. These monthly meetings, identified as the North Valmy Monthly Budget Review and Update, provide a forum for an open dialog discussing capital project budgets, variances, scope and need, and year-end forecasts. Presentation materials from Ownership Meetings and monthly meetings that were provided electronically are included as attachments to this response. Due to the voluminous nature of hard copy presentation materia!, it has not been provided in this response. However, the material is available for review at the Company's headquarters. Please contact Tami\Mite at (208) 388-6938 or Dave Fewkes at (208) 388-2628 to schedule a time to review the requested information. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 9 The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Proiec.ts Leader, ldaho Power Gompany. IDAHO POWER COMPAIIIY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPAiIY - 10 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 10: !n Barretto, Dl, page 5, it states, "... ldaho Power has established guidelines at Valmy to allow NV Energy to manage the capital budget as needed and directed by the plant manager, without exceeding the yearly budget, or adding large projects without authorization by the Parties," and goes on to say, "These guidelines provide the appropriate level of oversight while allowing the plant operator to practically manage the plant and any variances that may occur throughout the budget year." Please provide the following: a. Please provide the agreed upon guidelines and include a history of any revisions. b. Please quantiff "large projects." c. Please explain the purpose of each of the guidelines and explain how it contributes to providing the appropriate level of oversight. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. {O: a. As described in Ms. Barretto's testimony, if ldaho Power's share of the capitalforecast is greater than the capital budget by more than $100,000, the Company will review and may authorize a budget change. ln addition, all new or unbudgeted Unit 2 or common facility capital projects larger than $1 million, at the plant level, require a review and authorization in writing prior to starting the project. Finally, any time an individual Unit 2 or common facility capital project with a value greater than $1 million, at the plant level, is expected to exceed the current year original budget by 20 percent or more, ldaho Power will review and authorize the change in writing prior to starting or continuing. The Company requested NVE follow IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMTSSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 11 these procedures to provide additional controls to manage capital projects at the plant outside of the existing ownership agreements. b. Large projects are those that have a value of greater than $1 million (current budget year and at the 100 percent partnership level). c. These additional controls establish the expected formats for reporting actual expenditures to the budget, expectations regarding explaining budget variances, and levels of budget changes that require documented approvalfrom the non-operating partner before spending moves fonryard. This process serves as the primary way ldaho Power oversees the financial activities of the partnership. The level of information reported, along with the research of variances, drive frequent collaborative discussions between the partners. These discussions address how to best handle business factors that come up that require deviations to the budget plan. ln addition, the process ensures decisions regarding new large projects are not made unilaterally, while allowing the operating partner the latitude to manage the overall operations of the plant within certain budget bandwidths. Providing this latitude to the plant director ensures key maintenance and operational issues are addressed timely and not held up waiting for an approvalfor spend that is not material or can be absorbed within the existing operating budget. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 12 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. ,l1: Please provide documentation used in preparation for or used during the Ownership Meetings or other partner meetings where individual capita! project variances were considered or discussed between the Parties with respect to North Valmy capital investments that were made during the period from January 1,2019, through to December 31, 2021. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 11: Please see the Response to Request for Production No. 9 for the presentation material used during the Ownership Meetings or other partner meetings. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\'\'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY.l3 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 12: For all capita! projects between the period from January 1 ,2019, through to December 31 , 2021, please provide documentation reflecting the signed Authorization for Expenditures ("AFE"). (BARRETTO, DI 6). RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 12: As described in the direct testimony of Company witness Ms. Barretto, ldaho Power has established guidelines at Valmy to allow NVE to manage the capital budget as needed and directed by the plant manager, without exceeding the yearly budget, or adding large projects without authorization by both parties. For all capital projects, NVE produces an AFE that includes the project title, date, project manager, description and purpose of the expenditure, cost and budget information, along with various other information to provide support for the project. Attachments 1 through 45 include the AFE's for al! those projects for which ldaho Power's ownership share is over $20,000, and all investments associated with Unit 1. The following chart provides the AFE project code assigned by the plant for each ldaho Power work order for reference: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 14 Proiect Descr AFE Proiect Code 27574743 VALMY 98/,82392 V2 REPLACE TURBINE HP/IP SECTION vA2235 27514784 VALMY 98438396 VC FREEZE PROTECTION HEATERS,v42140 27517151 VALMY 98438233 VC FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM. REF vA2139 27528897 VALMY 98455128 V2 PIN MIXER/UNLOADER. REBUILD vA2156 27555279 VALMY 98455852 VC GROUND WATER MONITORING WEL vA2158 27527353 VALMY 98438400 V2 GENERATOR BUSHINGS. REPLACE vPc.144 27547460 VALMY 98377358 V2 PULVERIZER "A'' MAJOR REBUILD-20.16 V4516 27545751 VALMY 98466935 V1 PULVERIZER D ROLL WHEEL ASS vM210 27591516 VALMY 98494358 VC EQUIPMENT WASH PIPING REPLACEMENT vAa250 275495il VALMY 98467485 V2 SCRUBBER OUTLET DUCT PLUGGA vA2166 27533137 VALMY 98455854 V2 ATOMIZER WHEELS. REPL vA2160 27579441 VALMY 98485333 V2 SCRUBBER ATOMIZER WHEELS. R v42189 27557530 VALMY 9e47378/. V2 SCRUBBER ATOMIZER IA/I-IEELS. R vA2185 275396A7 VALMY 98/,62057 V2 STACK ELEVATOR. REPLACE vM207 27570622 VALMY 98481652 VC 58 COAL UNLOAD CONVEYER BELT, REPLACE VA v42168 27555276 VALMY 98466597 VC VANS. REPLACE (3) VA vA2103 27506993 VALMY 9U3732O VC UNIT SUB 5A 58 1OOO I(/A DRY TRANSORMER RPL vM't43 27568576 VALMY 98478100 V2 TRISECTOR AIR HEATER EXPANSION JOINT REFUR vM215 275331M VALMY 98459394 Vl CIRCULATION WATER PUMP 1A MOTOR, REPL v42180 27533145 VALMY 98459395 V1 D1 PULVERIZER ROLL WHEEL ASSEMBLY, REPL vA2181 275y969 VALMY 98455853 V2 PULVERIZER MOTOR 2D. REBUILD v42159 27587933 VALMY 98492604 V2 CONDENSATE PUMP CAPITAL SPARE INSTALLATION vM243 27556791 VALMLY 98r'73/,62 VAL DMZ SERVER CLUSTER VA vA22',t3 27539686 VALMY 98459449 V1 1A CIRCULATING WATER PUMP M vA2205 2753/.970 VALMY 9U58824 V2 AUXILIARY STEAM DESUPERHEAT v^2167 27il7697 VALMY 98468760 V1 PRIMARY AIR FAN A MOTOR RE vM212 2755',t304 VALMY 98/.53212 V2 SKY CLIMBER ATTACHMENT PLATFORM, INSTALL v42151 27531065 VALMY 9U54279 VALMY TECHNOLOGY SECURITY UPDA v42161 27577136 VALMY 98485331 VC EDI MODULES. REPLACE 2 v42187 27579435 VALMY 98486141 VC SYSTEM1 UPDATE vM228 27543734 VALMY 98464825 V1 FLY ASH BLOIA/ER 18, REPLACE vA2208 27539690 VALMY 98463011 V2 LIME TRANSFER BLO\A/ER 28. RE vA2'169 27566786 VALMY 98475628 VC RO MEMBRANES. REPLACE 68/32 v41016 27533143 VALMY 98459393 V1 1ST POINT FEEDWATER INLET VALVE, REFUR vA2'.t77 27502697 VALMY 98434354 V1 LOW NOX BURNER NOZZLES. REP vA2138 27537123 VALMY 98459139 V1 REVENUE METER, UPGRADE v42163 27533147 VALMY 98459448 V1 1ST POINT HEATER EXTRACTION STEAM BLOCK VA vPQ.178 27501116 VALMY 9U27786 V1 PULVERIZER "B'MAJOR REBUILD VAs16 27502692 VALMY 98434198 V1 SORBENT TRAP MERCURY MONITO VFQ,1U 27528895 VALMY 98/.55'127 V2 CONDENSER INLET WA R vM152 Starting in 2019, the Company began providing authorization to NVE for all AFEs. This was implemented to provide an additiona! layer of review and consideration of capital projects as the Company's exit from Unit 1 was approaching. This was discussed in the October 2019 Ownership Meeting and implemented into the NVE AFE IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 15 approval process soon after. Attachments 46 through 65 are the records documenting the Company's approval of the AFEs following implementation of the approva! process. During the budget approval process for the next calendar year, NVE presents the proposed budget for the plant. The Company will review the proposed budget and initiate discussions between the partners on the appropriate projects for the next year to ensure continued safe, reliable operations. There were no capital projects with a value greater than $1 million at the plant level, that exceeded the original budget by 20 percent for which the Company provided written authorization prior to starting or continuing the project. The response to this Request is sponsored by Lindsay Barretto, 500 kV and Joint Projects Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POVVER COMPANY - 16 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13: ln Barrefto Dl, page 6, it indicated that "Currently ldaho Power provides authorization to NV Energy of all AFEs and supplementalAFEs for each project. ldaho Power has requested that no projects begin, and the budget may not be exceeded, unless the AFE is approved by both NV Energy and ldaho Power." Please provide the date and explain the circumstances under which this policy was created. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 13: This verbal request was made by ldaho Powe/s Joint Projects Leader to NV Energy's Generation Executive in 2O19 during discussions regarding the capital budget and was implemented to provide an additional layer of review and consideration of capital projects as the Company's exit from Unit 1 was approaching. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY - 17 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14: Please list and describe the Company's process steps for assessing a "holistic budget review". (BARRETTO, Dl 7). RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 14: ldaho Power works closely with NV Energy and the plant to develop a list of budgeted projects for the upcoming year and over the plant's remaining life for planning purposes. However, prior to committing to capital spend on a project, ldaho Power will approve or deny the project commencement based on the relevant facts and analysis available at that time. As the units near the end of their planned life, a less static view of the budget has expanded to one that fully considers other potential ways to extend the life of existing equipment, while stil! providing safe and reliable service and maintaining environmental compliance. For example, a decision will balance a traditional capital project replacement versus partial repairs, or a lease versus a replacement. Planned and unplanned projects are given the same level of scrutiny. Valmy's capital budget is managed while maintaining environmentalcompliance and ensuring the operation of the plant is performed in an economical and safe manner. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 18 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 15: Please provide a detailed description of the process the Company used to validate and approve costs incurred by its managing partner, NVE. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 15: The following details the process for which ldaho Power validates and approves costs incurred by its operating partner, NVE: . On the third business day of each month, NVE uploads the prior month preliminary cost data file to the Company's secure FTP site for ldaho Power's accrualentry: o Check operations and maintenance ("O&M") invoice pivot totals for the correct ownership share calculations. o Veriff capital projects for applicable unit and ownership share. o Compare billing totals to budget and/or budget update. o Joint Venture Analyst will reach out to Joint Projects team or NVE with questions, as needed. . Monthly, NVE emails the ldaho Fuel and O&M invoices, and uploads the prior month finalized cost data file to the Company's secure FTP site. o Veriff ldaho O&M invoice pivot in Excel Bl-Data file: o Compare account totals to prior month accrual, reaching out to NVE with questions on notable differences. o Review ldaho O&M invoice pivot for variances, ensuring costs are billed at correct ownership share of 50 percent or 32.2 percent, per Framework Agreement. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 19 a o Check variances if a correcting entry is expected from the prior month. Reach out to NVE with questions as needed. o Create a pivot table of the Capital Costs from Bl data. Lookup ldaho Power's work order and veriff ownership share. For new capital projects, gather AFE's received from NVE. Using information from AFE, create work order in Asset Suite and forward to Joint Projects Leader for review and approval. o Veriff amounts for ldaho O&M in the pivot agree with ldaho O&M invoice. Veriff Fuel invoice pivot in Excel Bl-Data file: o Compare account totals to prior month accrual, reaching out to NVE with questions on notable differences. o Veriff train lease costs tie to what was agreed upon for the current month. o Verify diesel costs agree to the subledger provided by NVE. Subledger tracks the dieseltank balances. Verify ldaho Power's ownership share at 50 percent of these costs. o Veriff amounts for Fuel in the pivot agree with ldaho Fuel invoice. Create and send payment request, with ldaho Fueland O&M invoices, to Joint Projects Leader requesting the following: o A review of the invoice and EFT and to forward the email with approval to Accounts Payable: IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 20 r The approver receives the email, conducts their review of the invoice(s), then forwards the emailto !nvoicesAP@idahopower.com. The email must contain a statement of verification that the work was done, and the charge is accurate, and approve the attached invoice. o lf the invoices are more than $500,000, the Joint Projects Senior Manager is also required to approve the invoice, consistent with the above. . Account reconciliations are performed monthly on the accounts that the invoice is recorded. lf any errors are made through the recording of the invoice, it is discovered and corrected through the reconciliation process. . Actual to budget results are reviewed monthly with the Joint Projects team and with NVE operations and finance personnel. The response to this Request is sponsored by Anne Wadsworth, Joint Venture Analyst, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 21 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 16: For each capita! project contained in EXHIBIT NO. 2 from January 1,2019, through December 31,2021, with an ldaho Power share amount of $150 thousand or greater, please provide the Company's due diligence analysis with supporting workpapers to show that the project was managed to achieve least cost. Specific to each project, please include analysis showing that: a. The overhead costs for NVE to provide project management and oversight were verified as correct and prudently incurred; b. The costs for completing projects using NVE direct labor and materials were verified as correct and prudently incurred; c. The costs from NVE's project contractor and/or subcontractors were verified as correct and prudently incurred; and d. The costs for equipment procured by NVE were verified as correct and prudently incurred. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 16: ldaho Power does not prepare an analysis for each capital project veriffing every charge associated with a project. Rather, the Company has several processes in place in which the prudence of charges is reviewed. First, invoices are received monthly from NVE billing ldaho Power for its ownership share of labor, materials, contractor charges and overheads incurred on capital projects. Part of the invoice review and approval process, as described in the Response to Request for Production No. 15 includes ensuring the charge category and total project cost are in line with the latest forecast for that project, and the project payments are charged at the correct ownership percentage. Because ldaho Power is not the partner paying the contractors, suppliers, employees, etc. who work and provide IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMM]SSION STAFF TO ]DAHO POWER COMPANY - 22 services on the projects, it is not feasible to perform a separate review/approval of the payments for these items. ldaho Power relies on budget review activities and controls to monitor capital spend, ensuring it is prudently incurred, valid and reasonable. As explained in more detail in the Response to Request for Production No. 31, operational audits are also performed by ldaho Power's internal audit department annually to provide further assurance that Valmy capital charges are valid and accurate, and billed to ldaho Power appropriately. Further, the Response to Request for Production No. 9 discusses the current monthly review process whereby the operating partner provides a capitalworksheet with all current year capital projects with monthly actuals and forecast spend, a worksheet for forecasted year-end variances for each capital project, and a monthly variance worksheet for the projects. ldaho Power monitors and reviews the capital project expenditures and variances through these processes along with communications with the plant and plant site visits as needed. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY.23 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 17: Please provide the cost justification for purchasing freeze protection heaters instead of continuing to rent portable electric space heaters. (BARRETTO, Dl 10). RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 17: PIease see Attachments 2 and 3 to the Company's Response to Request for Production No. 12for the AFE's that include the cost justification supporting the installation of the freeze protection heaters. The cost benefit analysis begins on page 9 of each attachment. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY .24 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. l8: Please provide alldocumentation assessing the failure of the Unit No. 1 pulverizer (1D) as well as any inspection reports prior to the failure. (BARRETTO, DI 13). RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 18: Please see Attachment 1 for the documentation supporting assessment of the failure and inspection of the pulverizer. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 25 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 19: Please explain what is meant by the Unit No. 1 pulverizer "had been experiencing much higher-than-expected availability requirements'. (BARRETTO, DI 13). RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 19: Unit 1 was experiencing higher than expected availability due to favorable market conditions and system needs. Originally the unit was expected to be used for summer only operations and in long-term layup during the remaining months of the year, however, it was utilized more than anticipated, primarily due to the impacts of the Enbridge pipeline explosion that occurred in October 2018. The extended run time amounted to many more hours in operation. Additionally, depending on the coal being burned, all four pulverizers were occasionally required to achieve full load, as needed for quarterly environmental testing. The response to this Request is sponsored by Lindsay Barretto, 500 kV and Joint Projects Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\A/ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 26 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 20: PIease explain why the Unit No. 1, (1D) pulverizer exceeded 20,000 hours of operation prior to identiffing the significant wear and parts that had deteriorated beyond the service life expectations. (BARRETTO, Dr 13). RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 20: Please see the Response to Request for Production No. 19 for a discussion on why Unit 1 exceeded expected hours of operation. The partners ceased budgeting for routine overhauls of pulverizers because the plant was approaching its anticipated end-of-life. Operating assumptions at that time were that units would have summer operation only and the plant would be able to repair any actual failures of equipment during the remainder of the year. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\A/ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 27 Did the downtime on the Unit No. 1, (1D) pulverizer, cause any downtime or reduced output on Valmy Unit No. 1? lf so, please provide a record of the downtime, the amount of lost electricity generation, and the additional cost to the Company due to the downtime. Unit 1 was derated to 240 net megawatts ('MW') from September 20,2019 to September 29,2019, and then back to rated full load on September 30, 2019. The plant was able to generate the requested load between September 29, 2019, and November 4, 2019. On November 5, 2019, the appropriate repairs were completed as the unit entered an economic (reserve) shutdown, or a period in which it was not cost effective for the unit to run. ldaho Power cannot precisely estimate the additional costs associated with the Company's share of the reduction, 7 MW, during the ten-day derate window. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY.2S REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.22: Please provide details and analysis explaining the Unit No. 1 circulating water pump failure due to the ground fault. (BARRETTO, Dl 15). : Please see Attachments 24 and 25 of the Response to Request for Production No. 12for the AFE's in support of the replacement of the Unit 1 circulating water pump, including the cost benefit analysis. Attachment 1 to this request provides the detail and analysis of the failed Unit 1 circulating water pump. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Project Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 29 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 23: Please provide details and analysis explaining the Unit No. 1 (1A) primary air fan motor damage. (BARRETTO, Dl 16). RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 23: Please see Attachment 32 to the Response to Request for Production No. 12for the AFE in support of the replacement of the Unit 1 primary fan motor, including the cost benefit analysis. Attachment 1 to this response provides the details and analysis of the Unit 1 primary air fan motor damage. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 30 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 24: ln BARRETTO, Dl, Exhibit No. 2, Page 1 of 3, Please explain the timing and replacement for the overall large number of atomizer wheel replacements attributed to Valmy Unit No. 2 projects identified as: a. 27533137 - VALMY 98455854 V2 ATOMIZER WHEELS, REPL, b. 27579441- VALMY 98485333 V2 SCRUBBER ATOMIZER WHEELS, R, and c. 27557530 - VALMY 98473784 V2 SCRUBBER ATOMIZER WHEELS, R. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 24: A dry scrubber utilizes nine atomizing spray machines, each with their own atomizer wheel for a total of nine wheels on the Unit 2 dry scrubber, to atomize Iime/recycled fly ash mixed slurry that reacts with the sulfur dioxide fSO2") in the flue gas to produce calcium sulfate. The solid calcium sulfate particles are then collected along with the fly ash in the baghouse. To accomplish this, the scrubber atomizer wheels rotate at approximately 13,000 revolutions per minute and the centrifugalforce shears the lime/recycled ash slurry into very small droplets for intimate liquid/gas contact. The scrubber atomizer wheels are exposed to a harsh environment of fly ash laden flue gas as wel! as a spray of an abrasive slurry of lime and ash through the force of the shearing. This causes erosion on both the carbide slurry nozzles and the titanium wheel body, requiring routine replacement. An atomizer wheel can be expected to last for 10,000 - 12,000 hours in service. With the plant's increased load in 2018,2019, and 2020 the existing atomizer wheels were at the end of their service life, and no longer capable of being rebuilUbalanced. The three projects for the procurement of new atomizer wheels were necessary to ensure the plant's reliability for the 2019, 2020 and 2021 summer peak seasons and for IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCT]ON REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 31 environmental compliance for both the Title V SO2 removal and sulfur emissions as well as the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards SO2 emissions. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projec$ Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPATIY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TTIE COMMTSSION STAFF TO TDAHO POWER COIvIPAT.IY - 32 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 25: Please provide the root cause analysis for the "run time failure" related to project 27570622 - VALMY 98481652 VC 58 COAL UNLOAD CONVEYER BELT, REPLACE VA. (BARRETTO, Dl Exhibit No. 2, page2 oi 3). RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 25: The plant did not perform a root cause analysis for the failed conveyor belt as it is not NV Energy's standard practice to perform root cause analyses when conveyor belts fail. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POI/\'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCT]ON REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 33 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 26: Please provide evidence that the replacement of the gearbox related to project 27570622 - VALMY 98481652 VC 58 COAL UNLOAD CONVEYER BELT, REPLACE VA. was implemented in a cost- effective manner (BARRETTO, Dl Exhibit No. 2, page 2 of 3). RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 26: Please see Attachment 20 to the Company's Response to Request for Production No. 12 for the AFE supporting the replacement of the 58 conveyor belt and gearbox, including the cost benefit analysis. ConfidentialAttachment 1 to this request, the Request for Proposals, showed very long lead times for a replacement gearbox, so the decision was made to rebuild the gearbox with support from Ryan Mechanical, the maintenance Long Term Service Agreement contractor. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 34 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 27: ln reference to project 27534969 - VALMY 98455853 V2 PULVERIZER MOTOR 2D, REBUILD, are 600 HP pulverizer motors common and interchangeable between Unit Nos. 1 and 2? RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 27: No. The pulverizers on Unit 1 are manufactured by Babcock and Wilcox and the pulverizers on Unit 2 are manufactured by Foster Wheeler. The motors are not interchangeable. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY.3s REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 28: For project "27574743 - VALMY 98482392 V2 REPLACE TURBINE HP/IP SECTION" identified in Exhibit No.2 of Barrefto, Dl, please explain how the project was completed at least cost. ln addition, please provide the following (where requested information has not been provided, please explain why it was not provided): a. All other project numbers associated with this project either by the operator NVE or the Company. b. The analysis used to support the capital investment. c. Bidder proposal requests. d. Project construction documentation including, but not limited to: i. Construction contract ii. Scope document iii. Organizationalchart iv. Schedule (baseline versus actual) v. Monthly project status reports vi. Action items list(s) vii. Contractor change order requests e. Project correspondence discussing: i. Project change in scope ii. Project delay iii. Project cost overruns f . NVE indirect and/or direct charges made to the project. g. Company indirect and/or direct charges made to the project. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 36 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 28: a. The NVE assigned project code is VF2235 and the ldaho Power work order number is27574743. b. Please see Attachment 1 to the Response to Request for Production No. 12 for the AFE that supports the replacement of the Unit 2 turbine high pressure/intermediate pressure shells. ln addition, Attachment 1 to this response includes the Key Decision Report prepared by the plant. c. The turbine OEM was selected based on access to original drawings and expertise in repairs. d. Please see Attachment 2 for the project scope of work and Attachment 3 for the schedule, status report, and action items dated February 17,2021. Because of the short duration of this project, no monthly updates were prepared. The most significant change of project scope was due to the discovery of additiona! damage and required the repair of the turbine inner shell mating surfaces and replacement of three inner shell tapped studs. e. Please see d. f. The following summarizes ldaho Power's share of NVE's direct and indirect charges made to the project: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 37 Budoeted OH Rate $58.081.54 Non-!nventorv Goods s41.571.il OH Rate Variance $810.97 Other Pav $3.408.69 Other Vouchers $1.585.60 Outside Services Emploved $808,695.45 Overhead - Admin & General $20.435.48 Overhead - Materials $30.985.41 Overhead - Proiect Supervision $19,051.02 Overhead - Purchasino I )415.73 Overtime $81.841.95 Reqular Pav $66.516.12 Stock Material Returns -$7.979.32 Stock Materials $110.662.14 Travel Meals and Lodqinq $3.041.38 Valmv i1.239.123.80 g. The project included additional ldaho Power charges of $1,841.04 in overheads, for a total project cost of $1,240,964.84. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 38 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 29: For project "27514784 - VALMY 98438396 VC FREEZE PROTECTION HEATERS," identified in Exhibit No. 2 of Barretto, Dl Testimony, how the project was completed at least cost. ln addition, please provide the following (where requested information has not been provided, please explain why it was not provided): a. All other project numbers associated with this project either by the operator NVE or the Company. b. The analysis used to support the capital investment. c. Bidder proposal requests. d. Bidder proposal responses. e. Project construction documentation including, but not limited to: i. Construction contract ii. Scope document iii. Organizational chart iv. Schedule (baseline versus actual) v. Monthly project status reports vi. Action items list(s) vii. Contractor change order requests t. Project correspondence discussing: viii. Project change in scope ix. Project delay x. Project cost overruns g. NVE indirect and/or direct charges made to the project IDAHO POIA'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMTSSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 39 h. Company indirect and/or direct charges made to the project. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUGTION NO. 29: a. The NVE assigned project code is VA2140 and the ldaho Power work order number is 27514784. b. Please see Attachments 2 and 3 to the Response to Request for Production No. 12 for the AFE's that support the installation of the freeze protection heaters. The cost benefit analysis begins on page 9 of each AFE. c. Please see Attachments 1 through 3 for the Request for Proposals issued for the freeze protection heaters and supporting exhibits. Attachment 4 includes the Technical Submittal Requirements and ConfidentialAttachment 5 includes the Bidders List. d. Please see ConfidentialAttachments 6 through 8 and Attachment 9. e. Not applicable. All construction/installation was performed in house. f. See e above. g. The following summarizes ldaho Power's share of NVE's direct and indirect charges made to the project: Budqeted OH Rate $2.967.43 Non-lnventorv Goods $442.778.00 OH Rate Variance $63.52 Other Vouchers $1.851 .37 Outside Services Emoloved s34.742.97 Overhead - Admin & Genera!$11,398.27 Overhead - Materials $1.256.61 Overhead - Proiect Supervision $20.546.88 Overhead - Purchasinq $4.555.70 Reqular Pav $3.965.86 Stock Material Returns $(29.62) Stock Materials $5,342.00 Valmv $529.438.99 IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY -40 h. The project included additional ldaho Power charges including a ($0.35) miscellaneous corection, $10,827.31 of Allowance for Funds Used During Construcfion (?FUDC') and $1,058.86 in overheads, for a totalproject cost of $541,324.81. The response to this Request is sponsored by John Carstensen, Joint Projects Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER OOMPANY's RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE coMMtsstoN STAFF TO TDAHO pOVvER COMpAtIy - 41 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 30: Please provide the work order jackets and source documents for the following projects: Proiect Description Total 27574743 VALMY 98482392 V2 REPLACE TURBINE HP/IP SECT!ON $ '1.240.965 27514784 VALMY 98438396 VC FREEZE PROTECTION HEATERS $ s41.325 27555279 VALMY 98455852 VC GROUND WATER MONITORING WEL $ 219.799 27545751 VALMY 98466935 V1 PULVERIZER D ROLL WHEEL ASS $ 159.459 27539554 VALMY 98467485 V2 SCRUBBER OUTLET DUCT PLUGGA $ 126,7s9 27539687 VALMY 98462057 V2 STACK ELEVATOR, REPLACE $ 107.341 27570622 VALMY 98481652 VC 58 COAL UNLOAD CONVEYER BELT. REPLACE VA $ 885.8s3 275s1304 VALMY 98453212 V2 SKY CLIMBER ATTACHMENT PLATFORM, INSTALL $31.051 27533143 VALMY 98459393 V1 1ST POINT FEEDWATER !NLET VALVE. REFUR $14.564 27502697 VALMY 98434354 V1 LOW NOX BURNER NOZZLES, REP $13.148 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 30: Attachments I through 10 include the work order jackets and supporting documents for the above- mentioned work orders. The response to this Request is sponsored by Anne Wadsworth, Joint Venture Analyst, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMM]SSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 42 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.31: PIease provide any SOX Compliance Reports and internal audit reports with supporting workpapers for the Valmy facility. ln addition, please provide the Valmy Billing Review Audit reports and workpapers for the years 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 . RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 31: Audit Services performed audits of internal controls related to the Valmy facility during the period of 2018 to 2021 as part of complying with Sarbanes-Oxley ('SOX') requirements. The related SOX processes are Joint Ventures Fuel Receipts and Consumption ("JVFR') and Joint Ventures Vouchers & Disbursements ('JWD'). Controls within these processes apply to the Valmy, Bridger, and Boardman facilities. Therefore, some information provided will include additional information not specific to the Valmy facility. Audit Reports are only issued for SOX internal control audits in the event of a finding(s). SOX testing is performed on a rotational basis. The following table provides testing performed on these SOX processes by year: Audit Services may perform operationalaudits related to the Valmy Operating Agreement in accordance with its annual audit plan. During the period of 2018 to 2021 an operational audit was performed over 2018 charges to ldaho Power. An audit over 2020 charges is in process but not complete. Due to the voluminous nature of the IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 43 SOX Prccess/Control c04 2018 2019 x 2020 2021ffi x x tc05 EWC C02 c04 x x x x c08 x x EWC C02 Noucher 78)x x El/VlC C02 (Voucherc 49. 50. and 51)x x supporting documentation for all audits described, it has not been provided in this response. However, the material is availabb for review at the Company's headquarters. Please contact Tami\A/hite at (208) 388-6938 or Dave Fewkes at (208) 388-2628 to schedule a time to review the requested information. Confidentia! Attachment Nos. 1 through 13 include the audits of internal controls and ConfidentialAttachment No. 14 includes the Valmy Operating Agreement audit results. The response to this Request is sponsored by Sonse Sutezzo, Operations Audit Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 44 DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 12th day of April2022. frL!.fl"*t.-*, LISA D. NORDSTROM Attomey for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POVI'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POVI'ER COMPA].IY . 45 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 12th day of April2022, ! served a true and correct copy of ldaho Power Company's Response to Second Production Request of the Commission Staff to ldaho Power Company upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Taylor Brooks Deputy Aftorney Genera! ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No.8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 _Hand Delivered_U.S. Mail Overnight Mai!_FAXX FTP SiteX Email: Tavlor.Brooks@puc.idaho.qov &r.J. Stacy Gust, Regulatory Administrative Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY - 46