HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220322Staff 4-31 to IPC.pdfldaho Pu.blic Utilities Commrssiono*...f,.,p,??,Sn, luAR 2 2 2022 TAYLOR BROOKS DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-007 4 (208) 334-0320 IDAHO BAR NO. 11542 Boise, ldaho Street Address for Express Mail: I 1331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attomey for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPAII'Y'S APPLICATION FOR A DETERMINATION VALIDATING THE NORTH VALMY POWER PLANT BALANCING ACCOUNT TRUE.UP. CASE NO.IPC-E-22-05 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY STAFF of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, ("Staff') by and through its attorney of record, Taylor Brooks, Deputy Attomey General, hereby requests that Idaho Power Company provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than TUESDAY, APRrL 12, 2022. This Production Request is continuing, and Idaho Power Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it, or any person acting on its behalf, may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title, and telephone number of the person preparing the documents. Please also identifu the name, job title, location, and telephone number of the record holder. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I MARCH 22,2022 In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files with formulas intact and enabled. REQUEST NO. 4: Please explain the timing of the Company's plan to update decommissioning costs attributed to the North Valmy Plant. If the Company has no plan to update the decommissioning costs, please explain why not and any potential implications to customers. REQUEST NO. 5: What equipment, parts, or other infrastructure can the Company salvage from Unit No. I to use in Unit No. 2. REQUEST NO. 6: Please provide documentation showing when NV Energy ('NVE") plans to exit Unit No. I and Unit No. 2 operations at the North Valmy Power Plant. REQUEST NO. 7: Please explain the physical limitations of extending Unit No. 2 operations beyond the end of2025. REQUEST NO. 8: Please explain if the Framework Agreement allows operation of Unit No. 2 beyond the end of 2025. If so, please provide the specific language in the Agreement and the costs agreed to by both parties associated with extending operations in order to contribute to meeting Company load. REQUEST NO. 9: Please provide documentation showing how the Company and NVE "... work jointly to make decisions regarding Valmy" regarding investments made at the North Valmy Plant during the period from January 1,2019, through to December 31,2021 (BARRETTO, DI3). REQUEST NO. 10: In Barretto, DI, page 5, it states, "... ldaho Power has established guidelines at Valmy to allow NV Energy to manage the capital budget as needed and directed by the plant manager, without exceeding the yearly budget, or adding large projects without authorization by the Parties," and goes on to say, "These guidelines provide the appropriate level SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 2 MARCH 22,2022 of oversight while allowing the plant operator to practically manage the plant and any variances that may occur throughout the budget year." Please provide the following: a. Please provide the agreed upon guidelines and include a history of any revisions. b. Please quantiff "large projects." c. Please explain the purpose of each of the guidelines and explain how it contributes to providing the appropriate level of oversight. RBQUEST NO. 11: Please provide documentation used in preparation for or used during the Ownership Meetings or other partner meetings where individual capital project variances were considered or discussed between the Parties with respect to North Valmy capital investments that were made during the period from January 1,2019, through to December 31, 2021. REQUEST NO. 12: For all capital projects between the period from January 1,2019, through to December 31, 2021, please provide documentation reflecting the signed Authorization for Expenditures ("AFE"). (BARRETTO, DI 6). REQUEST NO. 13: In Barretto DI, page 6, it indicated that "Currently Idaho Power provides authorization to NV Energy of all AFEs and supplemental AFEs for each project. Idaho Power has requested that no projects begin, and the budget may not be exceeded, unless the AFE is approved by both NV Energy and Idaho Power." Please provide the date and explain the circumstances under which this policy was created. REQUEST NO. 14: Please list and describe the Company's process steps for assessing a "holistic budget review". (BARRETTO, DI 7). REQUEST NO. 15: Please provide a detailed description of the process the Company used to validate and approve costs incurred by its managing partner, NVE. REQUEST NO. 16: For each capital project contained in EXHIBIT NO. 2 from January 1,2019, through December 31,2021, with an Idaho Power share amount of $150 thousand or SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER J MARCH 22,2022 greater, please provide the Company's due diligence analysis with supporting workpapers to show that the project was managed to achieve least cost. Specific to each project, please include analysis showing that: a. The overhead costs for NVE to provide project management and oversight were verified as correct and prudently incurred; b. The costs for completing projects using NVE direct labor and materials were verified as correct and prudently incurred; c. The costs from NVE's project contractor and/or subcontractors were verified as correct and prudently incurred; and d. The costs for equipment procured by NVE were verified as correct and prudently incurred. REQUEST NO. 17: Please provide the cost justification for purchasing freeze protection heaters instead of continuing to rent portable electric space heaters. (BARRETTO, DI l0). REQUEST NO. 18: Please provide all documentation assessing the failure of the Unit No. I pulverizer (lD) as well as any inspection reports prior to the failure. (BARRETTO, DI 13). REQUEST NO. 19: Please explain what is meant by the Unit No. I pulverizer "had been experiencing much higherthan-expected availability requirements". (BARRETTO, DI 13). REQUEST NO. 20: Please explain why the Unit No. 1, (1D) pulverizer exceeded 20,000 hours of operation prior to identifuing the significant wear and parts that had deteriorated beyond the service life expectations. (BARRETTO, DI 13). REQUEST NO. 21: Did the downtime on the Unit No. 1, (lD) pulverizer, cause any downtime or reduced output on Valmy Unit No. I ? If so, please provide a record of the downtime, the amount of lost electricity generation, and the additional cost to the Company due to the downtime. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 4 MARCH 22,2022 REQUEST NO. 22: Please provide details and analysis explaining the Unit No. I circulating water pump failure due to the ground fault. (BARRETTO, DI l5). REQUEST NO. 23: Please provide details and analysis explaining the Unit No. I (1A) primary air fan motor damage. (BARRETTO, DI 16). REQUEST NO. 24: In BARRETTO, DI, Exhibit No. 2, Page I of 3, Please explain the timing and replacement for the overall large number of atomizer wheel replacements attributed to Valmy Unit No. 2 projects identified as: a. 27533137 - VALMY 98455854 V2 ATOMIZER WHEELS, REPL, b. 27579441- VALMY 98485333 V2 SCRUBBER ATOMIZER WHEELS, R, and c. 27557530 - VALMY 98473784 V2 SCRUBBERATOMIZER WHEELS, R. REQUEST NO. 25: Please provide the root cause analysis for the "run time failure" related to project 27570622 - VALMY 98481652 VC 58 COAL UNLOAD CONVEYER BELT, REPLACE VA. (BARRETTO, DI Exhibit No. 2, page2 of 3). REQUEST NO. 26: Please provide evidence that the replacement of the gearbox related to project 27570622 - VALMY 98481652 VC 58 COAL LINLOAD CONVEYER BELT, REPLACE VA. was implemented in a cost-effective manner (BARRETTO, DI Exhibit No. 2, page2 of 3). REQUEST NO. 27: In reference to project 27534969 - VALMY 98455853 V2 PULVERIZER MOTOR 2D, REBUILD, are 600 HP pulverizer motors common and interchangeable between Unit Nos. I md2? REQUEST NO. 28: For project'27574743 - VALMY 98482392 V2 REPLACE TURBINE HP/IP SECTION" identified in Exhibit No. 2 of Barretto, DI, please explain how the project was completed at least cost. In addition, please provide the following (where requested information has not been provided, please explain why it was not provided): SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 5 MARCH 22,2022 a. All other project numbers associated with this project either by the operator NVE or the Company. b. The analysis used to support the capital investment. c. Bidder proposal requests. d. Project construction documentation including, but not limited to: i. Construction contract ii. Scope document iii. Organizational chart iv. Schedule (baseline versus actual) v. Monthly project status reports vi. Action items list(s) vii. Contractor change order requests e. Project correspondence discussing: i. Project change in scope ii. Project delay iii. Project cost ovemrns f. NVE indirect and/or direct charges made to the project. g. Company indirect and/or direct charges made to the project. REQUEST NO. 29: For project "27514784 - VALMY 98438396 VC FREEZE PROTECTION HEATERS," identified in Exhibit No. 2 of Barretto, DI Testimony, how the project was completed at least cost. In addition, please provide the following (where requested information has not been provided, please explain why it was not provided): a. All other project numbers associated with this project either by the operator NVE or the Company. b. The analysis used to support the capital investment. c. Bidder proposal requests. d. Bidder proposal responses. e. Project construction documentation including, but not limited to: i. Construction contract ii. Scope document SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 6 MARCH 22,2022 iii. Organizational chart iv. Schedule (baseline versus actual) v. Monthly project status reports vi. Action items list(s) vii. Contractor change order requests f. Project correspondence discussing: viii. Project change in scope ix. Project delay x. Project cost ovemrns g. NVE indirect and/or direct charges made to the project h. Company indirect and/or direct charges made to the project REQUEST NO. 30: Please provide the work order jackets and source documents for the following projects: Proiect Description Total 27574743 VALMY 98482392 V2 REPLACE TURBINE HPiIP SECTION $ 1.240.965 27514784 VALMY 98438396 VC FREEZE PROTECTION HEATERS s 541,325 27555279 VALMY 98455852 VC GROUND WATER MONITORING WEL s 219.799 27545751 VALMY 98466935 VI PULVERIZER D ROLL WHEEL ASS $ 159,459 27539554 VALMY 98467485 V2 SCRUBBER OUTLET DUCT PLUGGA $ 126,759 27539687 VALMY 98462057 V2 STACK ELEVATOR, REPLACE $ 107.341 27570622 VALMY 98481652 VC 58 COAL UNLOAD CONVEYER BELT, REPLACE VA $ 88s.8s3 27551304 VALMY 98453212 V2 SKY CLIMBER ATTACHMENT PLATFORM, INSTALL $ 31,051 27533t43 VALMY 98459393 Vl 1ST POINT FEEDWATER INLET VALVE, REFUR $ 14.s64 27502697 VALMY 98434354 Vl LOW NOX BURNER NOZZLES, REP $13.148 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 7 MARCH 22,2022 REQUEST NO.31: Please provide any SOX Compliance Reports and intemal audit reports with supporting workpapers for the Valmy facility. In addition, please provide the Valmy Billing Review Audit reports and workpapers for the years 201 8, 2019,2020, and 2021 . ,lDATED at Boise,Idaho, this/2 day of March2022 aylor i:umisc:prodreq/ipce22.5tbrk prod req 2 SECOND PRODUCTTON REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 8 MARCH 22,2022 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 22ND DAY OF MARCH 2022, SERVED THE FOREGOING SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE coMMrssloN STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPATIY, IN CASE NO. IPC.E-22-05, BY E.MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: LISA NORDSTROM IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: lnordstrom@idahopower.com dockets@ idahopower. com MATT LARKIN IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE rD 83707-0070 E-MAIL: mlarkin@idahopower.com SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE