HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220314IPC to Staff 1-2.pdfF'Ii] i: lot'Li] ii:'j.l SAR ih Ftt 3' 33 , li ' -,{u,.t'=itgon An IDACORP Comp.nv DO]IOVAN E. WALIGR lred Counro! March 14,2On VlA ELECTRONIG ilIAIL Jan Noriyuki, Secratary ldaho Publlc utlites Gommission 11331 West Chinden Blvd., Building 8 Sulte 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 Re: Case No. lPre-E-2z{lz Shlngle Cleok LLC ldaho Power Compan/sAppllcation rc the Energy Sales Agreement ftom the Shingle Creek Hydro Projec't Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for eleclronlc filing is ldaho Poruer Compan/s Response to the Flrst Produclion Request of the Commission Stafi in the abow entiiled rnatter. lf you have any questions abo.rt the attacfied doturnenta, please do not hesitab b contad me. Very tuly yours, 2dal0 -Donovan E. Walker DEU\f:cld Enclosures DONOVAN E. WALKER (!SB No. 5921) ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Sroot (83702) P.O. Box 70 Bolse, ldaho 8g7OT Telephone: (208) 38&5017 Faeimlle: (208) 388€936 duvalker@ idahooourcr. com Attomey br ldaho Poruer Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPA}.IY FOR APPROVAL OR REJECTION OF AN ENERGY SALES AGREEMENT WITH SHINGLE CREEK LLC, FOR THE SALE AT.ID PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ENERGY FROM THE SHINGLE CREEK FIYDRO PROJECT. CASE NO. IPGE.22{2 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) COMES NOW, ldaho PowerCompany fldaho Poruef or'Companf), and in Iosponse b tte Finst Production Request of the Commisslon Staff ('IPUC or Commisslon") dated February 18,202,, hercwith submits he bllowing inbrmation: IDA}IO POUI'ER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REOUEST OF THE coMMtsstoN srAFF- 1 REAUEST FOR PRODUGTION t{O. t: Please explain how ldaho Power veriftes nameplate capacity of its qua!fiing facilities. What evidence does the Company request? RESPONSE TO REOUEST FOR PRODUCTIOil ilO. l: To veriff the nameplate capadty of qualifying facilities selling their output to ldaho Power, ldaho Power requesb a photograph of the nameplate rating physically stamped on orathched to the genenator. The response to thls Request is sponsored by Camille Christen, Resource Acquisition, Planning and Cmrdinat'ron Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAFIO POWER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.2 REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 2: The 2017 Agreement in Case No. IPGE- 17-08 lists both the nameplate capacity and the Maximum Capacity Amount as 222 kilowatts ("k\M). However, the prcposed eneryy sales agreement in Case No. IPC-E-22- 02 fists the nameplate capacity and the maximum capacity amount as 224 kW and 222 kW, respectively. Please reconcile the two agreements and provide evidence of the actua! nameplate capacity. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUGTION NO. 2: When Shingle Creek sought a replacement energy sales agreement fESA") in the fall of 2021 to replace its expiring ESA, the prcject submitted a Schedule 73 request indicating that the nameplate capacity was 222 kW, consistent with the nameplate capacity and maximum capacity amount listed in fie2017 Agreement. ln the course of drafting the proposed replacement ESA in this docket, ldaho Power requested a photograph of the nameplate capacity physically stamped on the generator, Shingle Creek provided a photo, reproduced below, that indicated the nameplab capacity is actually 224kW (112 kW per unit). ldaho Power discussed with the proiect the difference between the nameplate capaci$ of 222 kW on the Schedule 73 application and prior Agreement, and the actual nameplate capacity of 224 kW on the genenator. The project elected to reconcile the difference by listing nameplate capacity as the actual 224 kW,listing the maximum capacity amount as 222 kW, and making rclated changes to Sections 6.1 and 7.7 and Appendix B of the replacement ESA to ensurc that ldaho Power does not pay for generation above that amount. This approach ensures consistency between the prior agreement and the replacement ESA in terms of the maximum generation ldaho Power agrces to pay for, while also allowing the nameplate capacity to be listed accurately. When ldaho Power IDAHO FOWER COMPATIYS RESPoNSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST oF THE COMMTSSION STAFF - 3 inbrmally oonsulbd wifi Statr on thb apptoacfi prlor to submlt$ng he applicaflon in this caso, Statr did not raise oonoems ntlfi the approach at that flme. The phobgnaphs of fie nameplabs are below. IDA}IO POVI'ER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REOUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.4 The rcsponse b his Request is sponsored by Camille Christen, Resourca Aoquisl0on, Planning and Goordinaton Manager, ldaho Pmpr Company. Reepec{frrlly submitbd thls 146 dayof Marctr 2022. Mzdd!4- DONOVAN E. WALKER Attomey fur ldaho Power Gompany IDA}IO FOVI/ER COMPAI,IYS RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODT,ICTION REQUEST OF THE coMMtssroN sTArF - 5 CERNHCATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY ilrat on this 14h day of Marcfr 2022,1 served a tue and conect copy of ldaho Power Compan/s Reoponse to the First Producfion Request of the Commlssion Staff upon Ote bllowing named parties by the mehod lndicabd below, and addrcssed to the blloving: Riley Newton ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Ghinden Btud. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 Bryan EleVeny, Mike DeVeny Shlngle Creek LLC P.O. Box 1160 Rlggins, lD 83549 Ernailed b: rilev.newton@ouc. ftlaho. oov Emailed b: smdevenv@vahoo.com devenvm@fiontemet.net Chdsty Davenport, Legal Asslstant IDAIIO POWER COMPANYS RESFONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE coMMrsstoN s11pp-6