HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220518IPC to Staff 43-46.pdfSEHM. ,q.ECIivID i.it'friiY i I Pi1 tr: I8 Lisa D. Nordstrom An|I)AOORPComp.ry LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Couneel Inordstrom@idahopower.com May 1 8,2022 VIA ELECTRONIC EMAIL Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Case No. IPC-E-2143 ln the Matter of Idaho Power Company's2021 lntegrated Resource Plan Dear Ms. Noriyuki Attached for electronic filing is ldaho Power Company's Response to the Third Production Request of the Commission Staff in the above-entitled matter. The confidential attachment will be provided under separate cover to the parties who have signed the Protective Agreement in this matter. lf you have any questions about the attached document, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Re fr; !.7(^t-t,*-, LDN:sg Enclosures LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I n o rd strom@ida hopower. com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE !DAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 2021 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN. oASE NO. !PC-E-2143 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powed'or "Company"), and in response to the Third Production Request of the Commission Staff ("Commission" or 'Staff') dated May 1 1,2022, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF- 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.43: The Company's response to Staffs Production Request No. 13 states that the reserve obligations for network customer loads within the ldaho Powefs balancing authority area ('BAA") are covered as part of the planning reserve margin. Please explain how the Company has included reserves for network customer loads in the planning reserve margin given the following: (1) The planning reserve is determined by a percentage multiplied by the load forecast and Response No. 39 states that the load forecast does not include network customer loads; and (2) As mandated by NERC, the BAA must carry a contingency reserve equalto or greater than 3% of the BAA's load, which includes the network customer loads plus 3% of the online generation or the single largest contingency on the BAA. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.43: The Company's planning reserye margin ('PRM") adequately covers its NERC reliability standard BAL- 002 obligation. The PRM also ensures the Company has sufficient resources to continue to reliably meet customer needs during unplanned outages, extreme weather events, poor water conditions, etc. The PRM provides the Company with flexibility to meet its obligations, but the PRM is not calculated by summing the needs associated with contingency reserves, unplanned outages, extreme weather events and poor water conditions. The PRM is determined through a loss-of-load probabilistic analysis. BAL-002 obligations are not a factor in calculating the PRM but are covered by the PRM. Therefore, the Company must consider whether it has a sufficient PRM to cover its BAL-002 obligations, or whether it should increase its PRM for operational purposes. The Company reached the conclusion that it has a sufficient PRM to meet its BAL-002 obligations through the following comparative and logicalsteps: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF- 2 1. Applying a PRM to the Company's load forecast, and not factoring in contingency reserve requirements, is consistent with the Company's prior lRPs and is consistent with many major marketsl and utilities2 in the United States. PacifiCorp has significant network load (non-native load) in its BAA, and therefore would be very comparable to the Company. 2. While the Company is somewhat unique in its quantity of network load, the Company is also unique in the quantity of transmission imports that are included within its load and resource balance (quantity relative to total peak Ioad). The Company includes 380 megawatts ("MW') of transmission imports (pre-B2H) and 330 MW of capacity benefit margin ('CBM") in its load and resource balance. The Company is not required to carry contingency reserves for this combined 710 MW of imports, because the resource is not in the Company's BAA. This reduced contingency reserve obligation associated with lower BAA resources more than offsets the increased obligation associated with network load, and non-ldaho Power network resources in the ldaho Power BAA. 3. Finally, the Company has historically been able to meet its BAL-002 obligations, even during extreme conditions. The Company will continue to evaluate the impacts of network load, and non- ldaho Power network resources on operating obligations and adjust the PRM in future lRPs, if appropriate. There is also discussion of contingency reserves on pages 44 and 45 of lhe 2021 IRP Appendix D. t https://spo.oro/documents/64801/2021%2Osoo%20iune%2Oresource%2Oadequacv%2Oreport.pdf 2 httos://www.pacificorp.com/contenUdam/ocorp/documents/en/pacificorp/enerqy/inteorated-resource- olanl2021 -ro N olume%201%20-o/o209.1 5.2021%20F inal.odl (pages 309-31 2). IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.3 The response to this Request is sponsored by Jared Ellsworth, Transmission, Distribution & Resource Planning Director, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.4 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. '14: The Company's response to Staffs Production Request No. 39 states that the transmission capacity to serve network load is factored into the lRP. Please respond to the following: a. Please confirm that the transmission capacity is typically used to wheel power from outside the BAA to serve network load. b. ls the transmission capacity mentioned above excluded in the load and resource balance ('L&R') as a resource? Please explain. a. Correct, transmission capacity is used to whee! power from outside the ldaho Power BAA to serve network customer load. b. Yes, transmission capacity set aside for network customer usage is excluded from the load and resource balance for determining the forecasted capacity surplus/deficit for ldaho Power native load customers. ln the load and resource balance workbook submitted in the Company's response to Staffs Production Request No. 10, the existing Bonneville Power Administration ("BPA") network customer load forecasts can be found in row 82 of the tab labeled 'ATC Background." The additional BPA Eastern ldaho network customer forecasts associated with (Boardman to Hemingway ("B2H") are in row 89. An additionaloffset is included in row 90 to conservatively assume BPA utilizes their entire 550/250 MW share of B2H. The network customer loads are subtracted from the transmission capacity resulting in the tota! capacity used for the planning reserve margin determination in row 92. IDAHO PO\A'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF- 5 The reeponEe to thiE Reguest is sponsold by Curtis \FCesthofr, $yetem Consulting Engineer, ldaho Porer Company. IDAHO POT'\ER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUOTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.6 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.45: Does the Company currently sell capacity services (such as load following, balancing, and regulation reserves) to third parties located outside the BAA? lf so, please explain how the capacity and its associated transmission capacity are included in the L&R. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 45: No, ldaho Power does not currently sell capacity services to third parties located outside its BAA. The response to this Request is sponsored by Josh Harris, Rea!-Time Balancing Operations Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF- 7 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.46: The Company's response to Staffs Production Request No. 40 states that participants in the Western Power Pool Reserve Sharing Program ("Program") are able to call on other participants for assistance if internal reserves do not fully cover a contingency. Please respond to the following: a. Can the capacity from the Program be considered firm? Please explain. b. Please list all the events in 2020 and 2021 where the Company called on other participants for assistance, including times, amounts, and utilities that the Company contacted. c. Please list all the events in 2020 and 2021 where the Company was called on by other participants for assistance, including times, amounts, and utilities that the Company was contacted by. d. Are any of the times listed in b. and c. peak hours? Please identiff. e. Have there been any situations when the Company has requested reserves from the Program but has not been provided, since the Program was initiated? RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 46: a. Yes, the capacity from the program can be considered firm. Each participating entity is required to set aside generation to contribute their share of the pool's reserve requirement. lf an entity calls on reserves, generation is made available by participants to satisff the request. b. Please see attached Confidential spreadsheet labeled "Reserve Requests_20z0 2021.x1sx" to find the requested data. The tab titled 'Request_Summary_2020_2021_8" Iists the events that ldaho Power called on other participants for assistance, including times, amounts, and BAA's providing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF. S the assistance. c. Please see attached Gonfidential spreadsheet titled "Reserve Requests_20z0 2021.xlsx" to find the requested data. The tab titled "Request_Summary_2020_2021_C" lists the events that Idaho Power provided other participants with assistance, including times, amounts, and BAA's receiving the assistance. d. Within the same Confidential spreadsheet for parts "b'and "c'. above, column F in each tab, titled "Peak", indicates with a "Yes' if the request was made during peak hours. For purposes of this data request, peak hours are considered June 15 - September 15 and during the hours of 1400 -22OOPDT. e. No, there have not been any instances where a reserve sharing request was made by ldaho Power, but the energy was not provided. The response to this Request is sponsored by Josh Harris, Real Time Balancing Operations Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF- 9 DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 18th day of May 2022. frL!.ff"*t^-*, LISA D. NORDSTROM Attomey for ldaho Porer Company IDAHO PO\TT'ER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE coMMlsstoN STAFF- 10 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 18th day of May 2022,1 served a true and correct copy of ldaho Power Company's Response to the Third Production Request of the Commission Staff upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No.8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 ldaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto Emma E. Sperry ldaho Conservation League 710 N. 6h Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Kiki Leslie Tidwell 704 N. River Street #1 Hailey, lD 83333 Micron Technology, lnc. Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Austin Jensen Holland & Hart LLP 555 17th Street, Suite 3200 Denver, CO 80202 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAX FTP SiteX EmailDavn.Hardie@puc.idaho.qov _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX EMAIL botto@idahoconservation.orq esperrv@ id a h oco n se rvatio n. oro _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mai! _FAX_FTP SiteX EMAIL ktidwell2O22@qmail.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX EMAIL darueschhoff@hollandhart.com tnelso n @ h olla nd ha rt. com awiensen @holla nd hart.com aclee@holland ha rt.com qlqarqanoamari@hollandhart.com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF- 11 Jim Swier Micron Technology, lnc. 8000 South FederalWay Boise, lD 83707 Glean Energy Opportunities for ldaho Kelsey Jae Law for Conscious Leadership 920 N. Clover Dr. Boise, lD 83703 Michael Heckler Courtney VUhite Clean Energy Opportunities for ldaho !nc 3778 Plantation River Dr., Ste. 102 Boise, lD 83703 lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 STOP B2H Goalition Jack Van Valkenburgh Valkenburgh Law, PLLC P.O. Box 531 Boise, ldaho 83701 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX EMAIL iswier@micron.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP Site X EMAIL kelsev@kelseviae.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP Site X EMAIL cou rtnev@cleanenerovopportu n ities.com mike@cleanenerqvopportu nities. com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP Site X EMAIL peter@richardsonadams.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP Site X EMAIL dreadinq@mindsprino.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP Site X EMAIL iack@vanvalkenburohlaw.com IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF- 12 Jim Kreider STOP B2H Coalition 60366 Marvin Rd La Grande, OR 97850 _Hand Delivered -U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mail _F$(_FTP Site X EMAIL iim@stoob2h.oro \ft..+ &^^J= Stacy Gust, Regulatory Administrative Assistant IDAHO POVVER COil,IPANY,S RESPONSE TO THE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.13 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISS]ON GASE NO. IPC-E-21-43 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL REQUEST NO.46 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 SEE ATTACHED SPREADSHEET