HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220502Exhibits A.pdfEI(HIBII "A' I harre reviewod the forcgoing Protectivo Agreement dated Decembor 22,2A21, in Case No. IPC-E-2142 and agnoe to be bomd by the terms and conditions of zuch Agreement Dayn Hardie, Deputy Auorney Geireral Public Utilities Commission EmployerorFitm I1331 W. Chinden Blvd., Building 8, Suit€ 201-A Boise- Idaho 83714 Business Addrcss Commission Staff Awil26,zCI?2; Date Party EXHIBIT*A' EXIIIBIT "A' I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated December 22,2021, in Case No. IPC-E-21-42 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. Alison Williams, Regulatory Policy and Strategy Advisor Alison Williams PrintedName Idaho Power Comoanv Employer or Firm l22l West Idaho Streel Boise.Idaho 83702 Business Address Idaho Power Comoanv Party Aorj.l27.2022 Date EXHIBIT *A" E)MIBTT *A' I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated December 22,2021, in Case No. IPC-E"2142 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. Christy Davenport Legal Administative Assistant Christv Davennort PrintedName Idaho Power Companv Employer orFirm l22l West Idatro Streel Idaho 8?702 Business Address Idalro Power Comnsnv Party Aon127.2022 Date E)CIIBIT*A" EXHIBIT 6.A" I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Ageement dated Deceurber 22,2021, in Case No. IPC-E-21-42 and agree to be bound by the term$ and eonditions of such Agreoment. (r.&6-h"t'*^ Connie Aschenbrenner, Rate Design Senior Manager Connie Aschenbrenner PrintedName Trloha Prxrrer (]mnnqnv Employer or Firm 1221 Westldaho Stre€L Boise.Idaho 83702 Business Address Idaho Power Comoanv Pafiy A,;r4l )7 7fi71 Date E)CIIBTT'A' E)MIBI'T "A' I have reviewed the foregorng Protective Agreement dated December 22, 2021, in Case No. IPC-E-2142 andagree to be bound by the terrrs and oonditions of such Agreement. *b".G"r- Megan Ronk, Ec6nomic Development & Innovation Director Mecan Ronk PrintedName Idaho Power Comoanv Employer or Firm l22l West Idatro Stneet.Irleho *17OD Business Address Idaho Power Company Par{y Auril2T-2022 Date E)CIIBIT"A" E)(HIBII ..A,, I have reviewed the foregoing Protoctive Agreement dated December 22,2021, in Case No. IPC-E-2142 andagree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. [0".1. P. &.0,L-- Pawel Goralski, Regulatory Analyst Pawel Goralski PrintedName Idatrc Power Comoanv EmployerorFinn 1221 West Idaho Sheet Boise.Idaho 83702 Business Address Idaho Pourer Comnanv Party Arnrril Tl ,{D7 Date E}C{IBIT*A" EI(HIBIT ..A' I have reviowed the foregoing hotective Agreement dated December 22,2021, in Case No. IPC-E-2142 and agr,ee to be bsund by the tenns and eonditions of such Agroement. \b-r er^d. Stacy Gust Regulatory Administrative Assistant Stacv Gust PrintedName Idaho Power Comoanv Employer or Firm l22l West Idaho Street Boise- Idaho 837A2 Business Address Idaho PowerComoany Party Aorj.l27-2022 Date E)CIIBIT "A' EXHIBIT "A' I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated Decem&r 22,2021, in Case No. IPC-E-2142 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. Timothy E. Tatum, Vice President Regulatory Affairs Timothv E. Tatum PrintedName Idaho Power Company Employer or Firm l22l West Idaho Sheet. Boise. Idaho 83702 Business Address Tdaho Power Comnenv Party Aoil26.2022 Date E)(IIIBIT"A"