HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211119Tidwell 1 to IPC.pdfREfiT-IVfiO ?$?i t{rY l9 Pl4 l: 53 : ,,'a f!. i!\i lrl ii, -r r-_/ , ir.*LiV :, i; ;-'; ' ,^'r,L.iijls${0f'l BEFORE TTIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN TIIE MATTER OF IDAI{O POWER COMPANY'S PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF A CUSTOMER SI.'RCHARGE AND MODIFIED LINE ROUTE CONFIGURATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW I38.KV TRANSMISSION LINE IN TTM WOOD RIVER VALLEY Case No. IPC-E-21-25 DrscovERY REQUEST #l Kiki kslie A. Tidwell, Int€trrre,nor, hereby files a request for Discovery in Case IPC-E- 2l-25 prrsuant to the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, ID APA 3l-01.01 as follows: l. The name and address of this Intervenor is: Kiki Leslie A. Tidwell 704 N. River St. #1 Ilailey, ID 83333 (208)s78-7769 h!irru,v.(r,gz.,:.tu 2. In its most recent version of its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan hefened Alternative Preliininar} Prcf'erreci l>ortl'olitr (iC4hopc".ryer.cqnr) Idaho Power has identified l0 MWs of backup batteries to be distributed to zubstations in Idaho to rcducc costs of transmission construction Have any of these backup batteries been slated for the substations in the Wood I lD;scover) ltequcst # I IPC-E-21-25 River Valley? Can Idaho Power provide their current cost modeling forthese battery installations? 3. Can Idaho Power provide any other irstance in its history where it has requird all Idaho ratepayers to pay forthe transmission undergrounding costs for one city? Can Idatro Power provide information on its denial of such a request by the City of Eagle? 4. Idaho Power's technicat guide, Class Cost-of-service Process Guide, states, "In order to classiff a particular cost by component, primary attention is given to whether the cost varies as a result of changes in the number of customers, changes in demand imposed by the customers, or changes in energy used by the customers.... Demand-related costs are invesfuents in generation, transmission, and a portion of the distribution plant and the associated operation and rraintenance expenses necessary to accommodate the maximum demad imposed on the Company's system . . . . The Company' s approach to cost allocation for transmission and distribution facilities is an ef;fective method for equitably assigning costs to customer classes. Under this method, tansmission and distibution costs are properly segmented according to the manner in which the costs are imposed on the system. As a rcsult, the cost responsibility of each class can be effectively identified through a combination of direct cost assignment and cost allocation based on the appropriate demand- or customer-based factors." Sun Valley Company has a coutract with ldaho Power as a Commercial Customer with lower per $kWhs rates. However, after the Chrisnnas Eve power outage of 2009, this Contract Customer cbanged its demand for backup power reliability; to impose on all ratepayers in Idaho the costs of a $35 million redrmdant tansmission line, including approximately $la milion of undergrounding costs in Ketchum. Can Idaho Power provide information on why the costs of providing a new transmission line to satisff the demand for additional reliability to one class of customers norttr 2f Discover] Request t1 IPC-E-2.|-J-i oftho Wood Rivor substadm dow not oonstitrne a Chmge in Demd offi nostpopuly assign€d to those custoffi rt{t.nostiog it, rmely Sun Valle,y R€soil? DA-TED rt6 ?s/?t.1 { I*:slie A- fidu,E-ll Pro Se $lDi$covsry Beguest #l IPC-H.-21-25 CTRTIIICATE O[' SEBYICE I hereby certify that on this 19th day of November,202l,I caused to bc served a tnre and conect copy of the foregoing by the method indicatd below, and addressed to the following: ldaHydrc C. Tom ArkooshARKOOSH LAW OFFICES 802 West Bannock Street, Suite LP 103 P.O. Box 2900 Boise, ldaho 83701 U.S. Mail OvernightMail Hand Delivery _Fan_X_ Ernail tom.arkoosh@a*oosh.com Idaho Power Company, Donovan Walker, _U.S. Mail _Ovemieht Mail _Hand Delivery _Fax_X_ Email dwalker@idahopower.com Ron Williams, Hawley Troxell _U.S. Mail _OvernightMail Fland Delivery _ Fa:r _X_ Email rwilliams@hawleytroxell.com Marfr Dinuzio@cox.com U.S.I\dail OvernightMail HandDelivery _ Fax _X_ Email Mark Diouzio@cox.com Tim Graves, Blaine County _U.S. Mail OvernightMail 4lDiscotery Itequest #I IPC-U-21-25 _Hand Delivery _Fa:r_X_ Email tgraves@co. blaine.id.us Terri Carlock _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery -Fax _X_ Email Teni.Carlock@puc.idaho.gov brmutlins@)rnu/aoalytics.com U.S. Mait Overnight }vlail _HandDelivery_Fax_X_ Email brmullins@mwanalytics.com Keri Flawker -U.S. Mail _OvernightMail Hand Delivery _Fax_X_ Email Keri.Hawker@prrc.idaho.gov John llarnmond U.S. Mail OvernightMail Hand Delivery _Fax_X_ Email john.hammond@puc.idaho.gov Ifiki trslie A. SlDiscovery Request #1 IPC-F:-21-25