HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211105Public Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfBETORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO INITTATE A MULTI-PHASE COLLABORATIVE PROCESS FOR THE STUDY OF COSTS, BENETITS, AND COMPENSATION OE NET EXCESS ENERGY ASSOCIATED WITH CUSTOMER ON-SITE GENERATION CASE NO. IPC-E-2L-21, TELEPHONIC HEARING BEFORE COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (Presiding) COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON e f\{€,:ferC5 ,eJ;{* lTirc)(Jl !"n :[ rBr\, {3 h! PLACE:Commission Conference Room 11331 West Chinden BIvd.Building 8, Suite 201-ABoise, Idaho "-9t*"I {}JglDLffil COC}*bxrDATE:October 28, 2027 VOLUMET-Pagesl-29 CSB REPORTING C ertifu d S h ort h on d Rep o rter s Post Office Box9774 Boise,Idatro 83707 csbreportin g@yahoo.com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: l-888-623-6899 Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR ORIGINAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 APPEARANCES Eor the Staff:Erick Shaner, Esq. Deputy Attorney General 11331 West Chinden B1vd.Building 8, Suite 20L-A PO Box 83720Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 For Idaho Power Company:(Of Record) Lisa Nordstrom Idaho Power Company PO Box 10 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 For Industrial- Customersof Idaho Power:(Of Record) RICHARDSON, by Peter ,J. PO Box 12!8 Boise, Idaho ADAMS, PLLC Richardson 837 02 For Idahydro:(Of Record) ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES by Ton Arkoosh PO Box 2900 Boise, Idaho 83701 For Idaho Conservati-on League:(Of Record) Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th Street Boise, Idaho 83102 For Idaho Clean Energy Associatlon:(Of Record) Kevin King Idaho Clean Energy Association PO Box 2264 Bo j-se, Idaho 837 02 25 APPEARANCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 A P P E A R A N C E S (Continued) Eor Clean Energy Opportunities for Idaho:(Of Record) Michael Heckler Courtney White Clean Energy Opportunitiesfor Idaho Inc. 3118 Plantation River DriveSulte 702Boise, Idaho 83703 -and- Kelsey ilae Law for Conscious Leadership 920 N. Cl-over Drive Boise, Idaho 83703 (Of Record) Eor Idaho Solar Owners Network:(Of Record) Joshua EiII Idaho So1ar Owners Network L625 S. Latah Boise, Idaho 83705 For Micron Technology, Inc.:(Of Record) HOLLAND & HART LLP Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald Nelson Austin Jensen 555 17th Street, Suite 3200 Denver, Colorado 80202 Eor City of Boise:(Of Record) Ed ilewell Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorneyrs Office l-05 North Capitol BIvd. PO Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701--0500 For Kiki Lesl-ie A. Tidwell,pro se:(Of Record) Kiki LesJ.ie TidweII, pro se 704 N. River StreetSuite #1Hailey, Idaho 83333 25 APPEARANCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 77 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s1_98 A P P E A R A N C E S (Continued) Eor Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association:(Of Record) Eric L. Olsen Echo Hawk & Ol-sen PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue Suite 100 PO Box 6L79Pocatello, Idaho 83205 For Richard E. Kluckhohn,pro se and Wesl-ey A. Kluckhohn, pro se:(Of Record) Richard E. Kluckhohn, pro Wesley A. Kluckhohn, pro 2564 W. Parkstone Dri-veMeridian, Idaho 83646 SC SE For (of ABC Power Company, Record) LLC:Ryan BushLand ABC Power Company, LLC 184 W. Chrisfield DriveMeridian, ldaho 83646 Eor(of Comet Energy, LLC: Record) George Stanton Comet Energy, LLC 13601 W. McMillan RoadSuite L02 PMB 166Boise, Idaho 83713 Eor(of Idahome Solar, LLC: Record) Tyler Grange Idahome So1ar, LLC 2484 N. Stokesberry Place Sui-te #100Meridian, Idaho 83646 25 APPEARANCES 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L2 13 1,4 15 21 22 15 l7 1.8 19 2A 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890.5198 INDEX I/[ITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE Anne Herndon ( Public) Statement 7 Cliff Ke1ley ( Public) Statement 11 Jane Chandler ( Public) Statement t4 Lisa YounE ( Public) Statement L7 AIex McKinley ( Public) Statement 27 Daniel De1 Grande ( Public) Statement 24 25 INDEX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 L6 L1 18 t9 20 21 22 Z5 24 CSB REPORTTNG 208.890. s198 1 BOISE, IDAHO, THURSDAY,OCTOBER 28, 202L, 6:00 P. M COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Well-, good a public hearing as in the evening. This is the time and place for in Case No. IPC-E-27-27, also referred to matter of Idaho Power Company's application to initiate a multi-phase collaborative for the study of costs, benefits, and compensation process for net excess energy associated with customer on-site generation. testimony public i-n The purpose of this hearing is to take and relevant comments from members of the reference filing with the Commission that to Idaho Power Company's was fil-ed on June Z9th,202L. My name is Paul Kjellander. Irm the Chair of tonight's proceedings and I'm joined by Commlssioners Kristine Raper and Eric Anderson. Again, tonight's objective is to get live public testimony on the official record for this case. We have a court reporter who is helping us deveJ-op a transcript that wil] be added to the underlying record of this case. Upon the close of the official record, the three members of the Commission wil-l- review the facts and evidence in this case and issue a final- decision, so let's start tonight and the way I I 1I begin25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 76 11 1B 19 20 21, 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 2 is by recognizing the official- intervenors this case. It is typical for us during a from thepublic hearing to actually hear intervenors and parties to the case, but techno.l-ogical considerations that we have or parties to l-ive, in-person individual given the associated wi-th instead is Ithe telephonic conference, what will simply reference the names we'l-I do of the parties and who they represent or who they're represented by so can get that officially in the record. I also want to note that two of that we the counsel for two of the intervenors have requested legaJ- that they be allowed to, if necessary to, cross-examj-ne public witnesses, not expert witnesses but public witnesses, that they be al-Iowed to have that opportunity, and what I intend to do is to yes, allow you that opportunity; however, I'm not going to go through at the end of each witness and say is there cross-examinatj-on. The Commissj-oners have also agreed not to cross-examine witnesses or ask additional- questions, again, with the j-ntent being trying to get public comment on the record officialJ-y since that's the reason and purpose that we're here; however, for those two members of the 1e.ga1 community who want to feave that option open, what you'11 need to do is merely at the appropriate tj-me to quickly intervene, interrupt me, and proceed with25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 14 15 t6 L7 18 1_9 20 21- 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 3 your question, and if I do not hear from you, I will go ahead and move on to the next public witness, so with that said, Iet me go through just the parties of the case. Representing Idaho Lisa Nordstrom. Commission Staff counsef from the Deputy Attorney is Erick Shaner. We also have as Power Company, we is represented by General's Office. have legaI That one the parties the is representedIndustrial Customers of Idaho Power which by Peter Richardson. V[e have Idahydro with Tom Arkoosh; Idaho Conservation League, Benjamin Otto; the Idaho Cl-ean Energy Association with Kevj-n King; the Clean Energy Opportunities which is Mj-chae1 Heckler, Courtney White, and aLso Kelsey Jae. We then have Idaho Solar Owners Network, Joshua Hill; Micron Technology, there we see Jim I'm sure that ISwi-er and Austin Rueschhoff mispronounced that, I apologize, Austin Thorval-d Nel-son and Austin Jensen who are with Holl-and & Hart. We have with the City of Boise Ed Jewell. We have pro se Kiki Leslie A. Tidwel-I. We have the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Richard Kluckhohn Association with Eric 01sen. We have and Wesley Kluckhohn,pro se; ABC Power We have Cometby Ryan Bushland. Stanton. We have So1ar, LLC, list of Company represented LLC, George IdahomeEnergy, Tyler Grange, and as you notice from the long25 COLLOQUY I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 76 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 4 j-ntervenors and parties, you might recognize why it was that I intended to move forward quickly without a lot of opportunity to go through cross-examination, so with and find out if people had that said, I think we're ready to move forward with the instructions for this evening. Again, as I referenced, tonight is a telephonic hearing. We have two separate telephone lines for participants. testify, the number to enter a participant code 667 4832#, and for those who j-nstructions r so here t s eveni-ng: When you hear saying 208 since the Eor those who want to be sworn in to is (800) 920-7487 and to testify and simply want to you'11 be asked that code is l-isten in and do not intend to be sworn in to testify, the number to caII is aLso (800) 920-1481 . You'l-1 be asked to enter a participant code, which is 9817951#. Make sure, please make sure, that you enter in the correct code to help us avoid unnecessary delays and if you do not intend to testi-fy, please use code 6614832# [sic]r so the reason I say that is if you've call-ed in to the other line, which is one in which you would be testifying for, but you don't wish to testify, hang up, redi-al that 800 number and then enter in the code 661 4832#. A11 right, so those how we'II your phone what's the are the general move forward this number and I won't be other area code, 986?25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 q 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 L6 L1 1B 79 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 5 We don't have a whole lot of t.hose out there your name and have have a 208, I believe, yet, so this the last digits of your phone We wil-l- thenthat, we'lI unmute. the record and how we wil-l- do that you spell your last name. then we'l-l- ask if you are everybody evenr-ng, number. j.s going but I'l-f When you offlcially to give hear onget is you ask We'lI you ask a customer your address and Idaho Power. you of First off, hear is I'11- just mentioned, l-ast name, ask though, ask youwhat you'11 to provide to that is wil-l-, ds I that truthful- testimony. I do or I wil-l and at I will- swear you j-n and if you swear or affirm The appropriate response that point, then, I your name and have you address, and then you of ldaho Power. Now, ask you you your customer speIl wilI be asked if you're a once you're officially on the record, you wi-11 then be asked to give us your statement. As we noticed up in we've kicked out and orders and the all- the notices that press releases is that it i-s our to five minutes reason for that the list right all night long this proceedJ-ng, intent to try each. Just and limit public testimony to l-et you a1I know, the is ten-fold: We have several- now and it's not our intent to to get which testimony on the narrow is to get your thoughts people on try to stay scope of and ideas25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 16 l1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 6 as it relates to what needs to be incl-uded in the study, so if we could kind of keep everything along those 1j-nes, I think we'11 move through this quickly and that will help the Commission as we move forward in developing this record, so we do j-ntend to impose a five-minute limit. A1so, though, if you feel- that you have not had sufficient ti-me to articulate all of your comments and concerns verballyr we do encourage you to provide additional written testimony and you can find the information on how to do that on our website as weIIr so wlth that, I believe that we are ready for our first public witness and with thatr we will go to the caller I'm going to go ahead and just read the whole number on that because it is apparently not a 208 area code, So 1et's go for it here. It is (386) 3L4-8474, so I belj-eve we have that unmuted and is the caller there? (386) 3L4-8474, is the caller there? You have a mute on your end. Okay, so we will not hang up on you. Instead what we wil-1 do is we'II move on to the next caller and we may double check and come back to see you a thereif maybe so werll l-ittle later just to was a technical glitch on your (208) 31'7-8'76-t. end,move to the next ca11er, (208) 371-8767, is the caller there? AUDfENCE: Yeah, can you hear me?25 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 16 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: f can. It's very good and f'm glad to hear you. That means that our system is working and we certainly appreciate it. Thank you very much. Can I get you sworn in first? AUDIENCE: Yeah, before I sLart, I just want to say my service isn't that. greatr so if it cuts out, I'11 submit my written comments and then you can just skip through the cut-out if that makes sense. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay. hlell, it does make sense and so far you sound pretty good, so I think werre on the right track, so let me begin my swearing you in. appearr_ng as was exami-ned ANNE HERNDON, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let's start first by getting your name. What's your first name and last name and could you spe11 your last name? THE WITNESS: Anne Herndon, H-e-r-n-d-o-n, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: A11 right and we've got that, and your address, please. THE WITNESS: 6110 Bay Street, Boise, 1 HERNDON PubIic 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T4 15 1-6 L7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 I HERNDON PubIic Idaho. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Wel-l, werve got you offlcially on the record and if you cou1d, please offer us your statement. THE WITNESS: Thank you for this opportunity to comment. f support the proposal-s of the intervenors in this case and I urge the PUC to develop a study framework based on their recommendatj-ons. I wish to highlight the following sentence in the September 30, 2021, initial framework to study documents: "The study framework does not represent agreement by all parties on what should be included in the final study framework. " Upon reviewing the documents, it. seems obvious that Idaho Power's proposed design eJ-ements are far from agreement with those of the intervenors. I will mention a few of the comments provi-ded by the intervenors that are especially definitely need to framework. No. !, signi-ficant and, therefore, be included in the final study a neutral party should Energy Po1icy Institute Idaho National Lab. the study design should J-ncorporate conduct the at Boise Statestudy, such as the University or the No.Z ,25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 76 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 9 methods identified by conducted to determlne generation. The Idaho Iist of such studles. recent studies that have been the value of sol-ar energy League has provided a credits should never Conservation expire. They belong on environmental and the beginning of the hidden on page 15 as far more detail than No. 3 , export customer.to the other benefits needs to appear at study framework rather than being a side i-ssue. This section needs No. 4, the sectj-on the brief mention provided in Idaho Power's proposal. Accordi-ng to the Commission's Order No. 34509, "The Company must prepare and file a credible and fair study on the costs and benefits of distributed on-site generation to the Companyrs system." Idaho Power's proposed framework dedicates plenty of effort to studying costs, but does hardly anything to address benefits. A1I of the intervenors' proposals for this section need to be included in the study. As a final note, I'm confused about the review process. If I understood the panel correctly at the workshop on Tuesday, the Commission wil-l deliberate after the comment peri-od cl-oses on November 30th and proceed to issue a final order. Then phase two would begin, which is the ile, because there is actuaf study. This seems unfair to no opportunity for concerned parties HERNDON Publ-ic 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 to revi-ew or comment on the Commission's study framework. I believe the Commission should publish a draft of their proposed framework and provide a period for all parties to submit comments on this draft. After consideration of these comments in final delj-beration, the Commission can modify the draft, if necessary, before issuing the final order. Inserting an opportunity to comment on the Commission's version of the framework before it becomes final will help to produce a study that is credible, fair, and able to del-iver valid results. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you and we appreciate your testimony. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Why don't we try one more time with the phone No. (386) 3L4-8474. Is the call-er there? Okay, same resultr So we'11- move on and the next cal-ler we have, I believe we have a name identified with it, but I'11 go ahead and go with the number. It is (541) 915-6109 and I belj-eve that belongs to Cliff Ke11ey. Is the caller there? AUDIENCE: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great, thank you, and you're coming in well and we appreciate that. Let's begin by getting you sworn in. CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 10 11 1-2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 HERNDON Public 25 10 1 2 3 4 tr 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 l4 15 76 t7 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 KELLEY Publ-ic CLIFF KELLEY, appearing as a public witness, havi-ng been duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And why don't we start with your name. THE WITNESS: It is Cliff Ke11ey. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, Cliff, and the last name is spelled? THE WITNESS: K-e-I-l--e-y. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, Cliff, and your address, please. THE WITNESS: IL469 Payette Heights Road in Payette. COMMISSIONER K,JELLANDER: Thank you and are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WfTNESS: Yes, f am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good, thank you, and if you wou1d, please, offer us your statement. THE WITNESS: All right, I am a solar generator having began my research the pandemic was observations. It installed a solar system J-n 2020. I 2020 about the same ti-me thatearly in getting into full swing and a took me awhile to fearn that couple of the current net metering been grandfathered to arrangement with Idaho Power had end in December. I would like to25 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 R 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 76 77 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 KELLEY Public note that ldaho Power made no general announcement of that for peopfe who might be considering sol-ar instal-l-ation, and I would note because that obviously when there was no anticipation that the impact that it had. closed when I was trying on the calf-back basis. from my experience that that ruling was made, the pandemic would have I found that Idaho Power's offices were call back about a question or issue about to get information. People were Sometimes it took weeks to get a r did it installed, my system. but it tookget out and do the inspection and aII Anyway, eventually awhile for them to come that and it went live mid 2020, so I would l-ike the PUC to expand the scope of the study to include treatment of customers who came online in the period between the current grandfather date of December 2079 and whenever whatever new rate structure goes into effect for net metering, because I believe that they coul-dn't have anticipated the impact that the pandemic would have had. A1so, I learned through the process that I cannot transfer my credits on my what I s termed residential net metering system to my irrigation account, even though both accounts, both meters are on the same property and served from the same segment of the distribution system. I see no reason for that and I25 L2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 think that that should be addressed or considered in the study, the transferrlng of credits between classes of service. I won't go into I noticed that the intervenors have addressed many of the concerns I have and I hope the PUC will take those into account. I'm not going to go through that, but I do support the issues raised by the j-ntervenors and I'm particularly concerned about the expiration of credits. I see no reason for that and would encourage, as the prevj-ous call-er said, that a neutral party be used to develop and conduct the study, and that concludes my comments. COMMISSfONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, Mr. Kel1ey. We appreciate your comments. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to a caller with the number (208) 853-6714. That's (208 ) 863- 611 4. AUDIENCE: Yes, can you hear me? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Yes, I can hear a voice. That's great. Can I get you sworn in? AUDIENCE: Awesome. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great. CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 10 11 72 13 74 15 16 l1 18 t9 20 21, 22 23 24 KELLEY Public 25 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 74 15 16 1-7 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 CHANDLER PubIic appearing as was examined JANE CHANDLER, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: If you could for the record, please state your name, spellinq your last name for us. THE WITNESS: Jane Chandler, C-h-a-n-d-1-e-r . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and your address? THE WITNESS: 1,401 East Jefferson Street, Boise, Idaho, 837L2. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of fdaho Power? THE WITNESS: I sure am COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank you. Wetve got you officially on your statement. the record, so please provide us THE WITNESS: I would like to Commlssion to conduct a neutral, independent is fair and done by a third party and have it value of solar generation, both financial and quality of life and environmental benefits of urge the study that include the also renewable energy. The Public Utilities Commission shoul-d value the25 t4 1 2 3 4 q 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 L6 L1 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 CHANDLER PubIic interests of the public, especially because Idaho Power es sentially Commission shoul-d protect slow down for bit of trouble public, especially given essentially operates as Utilities Commi-ssion has acts as a monopoly and the Public Util-ities and the studies done on solar generation the public to COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Can I ask you to just a second? We're havi-ng just a little tracklnq. It's good information, but just slow down a little bit for us, if you wouId, please. THE WITNESS: The Public Utilities Commission should act in the best interests of the and the place the fact a monopoly a duty to they live that Idaho Power and the Publ-ic support the needs of andthe people for future concerns. generations and our current protecting it both environmental support the proposal-s of the intervenors follow their recommendations. bel-ieve that credits shoul-d never I and urge them to AdditionaIly, I and that the environmental- benefits should be weighed more heavily than are important currently what expr-re and Idaho Power is proposing. I also agree the comment period is important after a draft study is made availabl-e and before a final order is ruled on. It's going to affect multiple generations and the way that our planet looks in25 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 U 9 10 11 t2 13 14 15 t6 17 t-8 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 CHANDLER Public the future not be taken IightIy, and fj-nancial benefits to Idaho Power should not be the primary benefit or the primary thought. We should be taking into account what it. woul-d look l-ike to live in f daho f or years to come. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank your and we appreciate your comments interrupted you, but it al-so and Irm sorry that I reference to other people who gives me a good chance to testify that we wj-11 need j ust the you to speak a little more reasons, not least of which telephonically can again, I apprecj-ate for your testimony. ( The be just a Iittle scratchy and sor your patience with it and thank you s1owly for a is sometimes variety of the audio It's again Is the witness l-eft the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let's move forward now with the next caller, (208) 94L-4186. (208) 947-4786. Is the caller there? with the cal-Ier with the number (208) caller there? It seems as if it I s on my screen, Adam. Let's try 94L-4786. I see a mute signal AUDIENCE: I apologize, I must have dialed in on the wrong numberr so please go on beyond, past COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank you, me 25 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 16 L7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 YOUNG Public appreciate that. We'lL move forward. Thank you very much. Let's move on to the next number and that is area code (208) 841-8587. Is the caller there? (208) 841-8s87. THE I/{ITNESS: Yeah, you COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : you're comlng in very well for us. Why getti-ng you sworn in. can hear me? Yes, I can and don't we begin by LISA YOUNG, appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn, testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And if you could for the record, please tel-l us your name, spelling your last name. THE WITNESS: My name is Lisa Young, Y-o-u-n-9. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And that was Lisa Young? THE WITNESS: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good, and your address. THE WITNESS: 503 West Franklin Street in Boise, Idaho.25 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 t6 17 18 L9 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 YOUNG Publ-ic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Please take this time to offer us your statement. THE WITNESS: Great, thanks. Good evenr_ng, director Commissioners. My name of the Idaho Chapter of is Lisa Young. f 'm the the Sierra CIub and over 10r 000 members andspeaking today supporters in on beha]f of the southern Idaho/ many of whom are Idaho Power customers and many of whom are interested in ownlng a sol-ar system to heJ-p meet their energy needs. I will- be submitting written comments on this case before the comment deadline, but I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you directly durj-ng the hearing tonight, and thank you for offeri-ng this forum to hear directly from customers and other stakeholders. Our members and supporters are also to submit their own personal next few weeks since this an written comments over issue that they care I want to eager the deeply thankabout and that you in advance each of their directly impacts them for taking the time to comments as well. read and consider saying that j-t's no secret members care a lot about and I will start by that our organization and j-ts25 1B 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 71 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 YOUNG Public the heal-th and well-being of the so-cal-l-ed natural worId, but what motivates uJ-timately impacts which, of course, many of us is how the people, communities, environment and the are economy, to the andenvironment does harm inextricably linked. Harm to families and businesses benefits to the environment provide benefits to famil-ies and businesses, and these costs and benefits can be measured. Numerous studies have assessed and the tangible environmental benefits fromquantified distributed customer-owned soIar, public heal-th costs, from development, to strengthen basis for this study, section bl-ank in its evaluation "Evaluation of cleaner l-ocal- Idaho Power left the specific latest proposal. It just says the quantifiabl-e ranging air to from lower green job the case ofgrid resil-iency in climate change impacts, and that's why we were so dlsappointed to see Idaho Power's proposed study framework present such a weak and empty environmental benefits section. Despite being provided with the PUC Staff's five specific suggested measurements for this section and the Company telling us in its reply comments in Case IPC-E-20-26 that they would indeed use those as a environmental- and other system benefits. "25 L9 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 The Commission has already directed Rocky Mountain Power in Case PAC-E-19-08 to analyze those five specific envj-ronmental benefits that PUC Staff previously outlined in its own ldentical solar study. Idaho Power should be required to do the same for a sound and wel-l--rounded analysis and to ensure fairness between Idaho Power and Rocky Mountain Power customers in Idaho. For Idaho Power to remove details like this from its own envj-ronmental- benefits section of the study l-eaves us concerned that i-t's trying to avoid analyzing these critical metrics. For too long the very real environmental costs and benefits of infrastructure projects have been swept aside and disregarded. They must be accurately studied and quantified, particularly as environmental changes continue to have a greater and greater impact on our citi-es, our communi-ties, our homes, our grid, and consequently, our economy and the public at large. Please direct Idaho Power to, at the very l-east, study the exact same parameters as Rocky Mountain Power in its environmental benefi-ts section of its customer solar study and consider the recommendations by several other intervening parties who have already provided feedback on that section as well-. On behal-f of Sierra Club members, I want CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 10 11 L2 1_3 L4 15 16 L1 18 t9 20 2T 22 23 24 YOUNG Public 25 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 16 71 18 1,9 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . s198 MCKINLEY Public to thank you again for hostj-ng this forum for public comment ensuring our concerns and suggestions and we look forward to be continue engaging in this important process as it moves forward. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and we appreciate your testimony this evening. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let's move on now to the next caller and the number is (208) 901-5167. Is the cal1er there? AUDIENCE: Yes, hello. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Yes, we hear you we1l. Why don't I begin by swearj-ng you in. ALEX McKINLEY, appearing as a public witness, having been duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: If you could, teII us your name for the record. THE WITNESS: AIex McKinley, M-c-K-i-n-1-e-y. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And that's Alex McKinley. Thank you, Alex. Your address please. THE WITNESS: 1,407 East Jefferson, Boise,25 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 T2 13 L4 15 76 1,1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890. s198 MCKINLEY Public Idaho. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Please provide us your statement. THE WITNESS: In general, I agree with the previous cal-Iers. I feel that my concerns about the study stem from the fact that the parties in the case along with Idaho Power seem very far apart on what they believe woul-d represent a fair and credible assessment of costs and beneflts of distributed generation, and it seems to me that Idaho Power in entering this process, even though in previous cases the PUC has instructed them to, they're not entering this process in an open and transparent way. They're enterj-ng it instead with a bias and they have an end goa1, and so I think, I would hope if nothing e1se, that an independent third party conduct the study. That would give it a litt1e more credibility than what seems to potentially be the result right now. I would afso like the large amount of research into this area, including other studies that have been completed starting in other states, to be considered as sort of a point for the wheelneed to re-create a study like this. We don't and there's been a lot of25 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 things very simllar to this already done. I think as many people before have said, I'm disappointed that the environmental benefits and other benefits of distrlbuted generation seem to be lacking in Idaho Powerrs initial proposal for a study framework. I think that fdaho Power spends a lot of effort in marketing the environment and thelr conservation strategies to people, but then j-n forums like this where the river meets the road, they can just fight against that and so I'm concerned that the, you know, faj-r, just, reasonable, and in the public interest bar for this study isn't right now going to be the result and we're going to be back to the place we started when this gets finishedr so I think some of the folks had nice ldeas, but before an actual study is done, a further comment period would be nice to have to actually comment on the details, because thatrs actually what matters, how you value the environment, how you value dj-stributed generation is what the study is al-I about and so without more details, it's difficult to comment j-n a more specific way. I really appreciate the tj-me and I will yield to the next person. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for your comments. We appreciate them. (The witness left the stand. ) CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 MCKINLEY Public 10 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 14 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 DEL GRANDE PubIic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we will move now to the next cafler with the number (510) 421-6100 Is the call-er there? AUDIENCE: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Greatr w€ can AUDfENCE: My name is Dan okay. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Why don't I get you sworn in first, Dan. appearing as was examined DAN]EL DEL GRANDE, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as f ol-Iows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And if you couId, give us your name. THE WITNESS: Daniel De1 Grande. That's D-e-1 G-r-a-n-d-e. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and your address, please. THE WITNESS: 939 South Shoshone, Boise, Idaho. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer THE WITNESS: And I am an Idaho Power customer.25 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great, thank you very much, and I knew you would anticipate the next questi-onr so thank you for that. You are ful1y sworn in and please give us your statement. THE WITNESS: A11 right. WeIl, thanks for the public forum tonight. I have a pretty short one, I think. I think the study desi-gn could use some sort of a customer centric message. You know, when a customer wants to put I'm in the process of putting in a solar system and so I'm looking at, what I want to do is put enough kilowatts so that at the end of the year my bill is, you know, minimum monthly fee, five bucks or whatever times L2, but I just need to know that f can do that and I'd like to see some sort of, f donrt know, maybe it's a sample advertisement or program design out of the study design that woufd communicate to consumers what it is that they can do and how much they're going to be credited back. I al-so think that one thing Irm concerned with is the time period wlth which export credits are accumulated and expire, Lf they do expire and I feel like we need to do something like an April lst through March 30th period, because the sun shines in Boise when werre creating al1 these credits in the summer and then we use up the credits in the winter to some extent when, you l0 11 I2 13 L4 15 t6 t1 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 DEL GRANDE Publ-ic 25 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 l_0 11 L2 13 1,4 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 DEL GRANDE Publ-ic know, we don't have as many hours and quality of sunshine, and if credits expire, I'd l-ove to see a way for them to get cashed out every year or they could be carried out for maybe another 24 to 36 months. And fj-na1J-y, I agree that we shoul-d have a second public comment period before the IPUC issues its final rule, so with that, Ir11 yield to the next cal-ler. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you very much. We appreci-ate your comments. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let's go back again couple Is the If for for any frustration additional written technical glitch At and please comments and our end. this hearing me, I apologize feel free to submit some we apologize if it was a to one of the initial- numbers that we've tried a of times now and that is area code (386) 374-84'74. caller there? Okay, we tried three tj-mes on that. whatever reason you are on present list of callers bridge. It's my intent which time, then, we'11- additional callers, we point we have exhausted the that have cal-l-ed in on the to take a ten-minute recess, dt come back and if will- continue with we have the public bring thistestimony; otherwj-se, what we will do is specific public hearj-ng in for a landj-ng, so we will go25 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 77 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB RBPORTING 208.890.5198 off the record for a 1O-minute window. ft's our intent to be back on with the record live again at 10 minutes before the hour. (Recess. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we will- go back on the record and as I l-ook at the list of potential- cal1ers, I notice that we do not have any additi.onal new numbers of those to testify, so at this point, what I'd like to do is first and foremost, thank everyone who did cal-l- in, ej-ther to listen or to testify, for their desire to participate in this evening's proceedings. Additionally, for those who directly provided testimony, I greatly appreciate the fact that you were able to keep your comments and statements to a concise format and kept it under five minutes. We certainl-y do appreciate that as we develop this record, so thank you again for your thoughtful comments in helping us in developing this record. Since at this point we do not have any additional call-ers who testify, it is my public hearj-ng to back officially on customers ready to at this time adjourn then, to bring and so, testify, it is this customer again for your intent, cl-osure the record and agar-n, we have are online to this specific now that wetre no additional appropriate for us hearing. Thank you to 25 21 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 participation. (The Hearing adjourned at 6:53 p.m.) CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 10 1-1 1"2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 l-9 20 27 22 23 24 25 28 COLLOQUY AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that the foregoing telephonic proceedings held in the matter of Idaho Power Company's application to initiate a mul-ti-phase coll-aborative process for the study of costs, benefits, and compensation for net excess energy associated with customer on-site generation, commencing at 6:00 p.m.r orl Thursday, October 28, 2027, dt the Commj-ssion Hearing Room, 11331 West Chj-nden B1vd, Building 8, Suite 207-A, Boise, Idaho, is a true and correct transcript of said proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the Commissi-on. CONSTANCECertified S. BUCY Shorthand Repor r #187 BI,CYsCONSTAt.lCE IDAIOOFSTAIERJBUCNOTARY 12905ilUMBERcoMMlssloN 9+2024E(PIRESMYG!{lllMlsspN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 17 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 25 29 AUTHENTICATION