HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210928Tidwell 1-5 to IPC.pdf' I -' t l\,' E{")r "l- -, *i t Lt-' ,:'t ::It:' 33 EH 8: 2l BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPA}IY'S APPLICATION TO INITIATE A MULTI-PHASE COLLABORATIVE PROCESS FOR TTIE STUDY OF COSTS, BENEFITS, AhID COMPENSATION OF NET EXCESS ENERGY ASSOCIATED WTTH CUSTOMER ON.SITE GENERATION Case No. IPC-E-21-21 DrscoYERY REQUEST Kiki Leslie A. Tidwell, lntenrenor, hereby files a rEquest for Discovery in Case IPC-E- 2l-21 pursuant to the Rules of Procedure of the Idatro Public Utilities Commissioru ID APA 31.01.01 as follows: l. The name and address of this Intervenor is: Kiki kslie A. Tidwell 704 N. River St. #l Hailey,ID 83333 Q08)s78-775e ktinsv@cox.net 2. Idaho Power, in its Jure 25,2021Application to initiate a study of the costs, benefits, and Compensation of Net Excess Energy, stated, "To more accurately assign the appropriate share of fixed costs and unquantified benefits of on-site generation, in Order No. 34046 the Commission directedthe Company to (1) 'undertake a comprehensive study of fixed costs' aod (2) 'irritiate a docket to comprohonsivcly study the costs and benefits of on-site DrscovERY REQUEST r generation on Idaho Power's system, as well as proper rates and rate design, tansitional rates, and related issues of compensation for net excess energy provided as a resource to the Company."' . . . '"the sfudy must use the most current data possible''. ..and "the study must be witten, so it is undenundable to an average crstomet''. 3. The Company later states in the same application that *Furttrer, the Company believes recommendations to modiry the existing offering should focus on cost-of-service principles..." Therefore, it is material for the Company to disclose how currenfly specific costs are allocated to gll customer classes through the ratemaking process in a way that it is understandable to an averag€ customer. I submit a Discovery Request for Idaho Power to provide ttris inforrration, including the two s€parate Mcrosoft Excel workbooks in which they calculate the class cost-of-service model; the Assign Module and the Functionalized Cost Module. 4. Through Idaho Power's 2021 Integrated Resoruce Planning process, the Company has identified that 900 MlYs of additional generation resources are needed to cover increased future loads, a large portion of which is to primarily to cover the peak loads in late Jrme and early July when inigatom are putting considerable demand on the system, along with air conditioning demand. Could ldaho Powerprovide information as to why this demand from inigation customers is uot assigned to that customer class? Idaho Power should also provide the costs to ratepayers of other activities that could materially impa,ot company costs of service, like cloudseeding; where do those costs get allooeted to which sustomsrs? 5. Altho',gh part of this study's proposed scope is to also identift "the appropriate value of excess net energy to onstre equitable compensation for on-site generators", ldalto Power has stated that it does not possess any studies on the benefits of on-site generation. There are Drsco\rERY REQITEST 2 numerous studies on the benefits to the gid and to all ratepayers whe, on-site generation and micro-grids can reduce load at peak power demands. Surely, a oompany of this size must possess some studies of these be,nefits; cen they provide any information that they have malrzed? c day Leslie A. Tidwell ho Se 2ttr 2021 DISCOVERY REQTIF,ST 3 CERTITICATE OT SERVICE I hereby cefiiry that on this 28th day of Se,ptember, 2021,I oarsed to be served a tnre and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to tlre following: CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 17th day of August 2021 | senred a true and correst copy of IDAIIO POWER COMPAIIYS APPLICATION TO INITI.ATE A MULTI-PHASE COLLABORATIVE PROCESS FOR TIIE STI.JDY OF COSTS, BENEFITS, ANID COMPENATION OF NET EXCESS ENERGY ASSOCI,ATED WTH CUSTOMER ON-SITE GENERATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: ldaHydro C. Tom Arkoosh ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES 802 West Bannock Street, Suite LP 103 P.O. Box 29@ Boise, ldaho 83701 U.S. Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery _ For _X_ Email tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com ldaho Conservation Ifague and NW Energy Coalition Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conseryation Lrague 710 Norlh 6th Street Boise, ldaho 83702 U.S. Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery _ Fax _X_ Email bouo@idahoconservation-org NW Energy Coalition F. Diego Rivas NW Energy Coalition I101 8th Avenue Helena" Montana 5960I U.S. Meil Ovemight Mait Hand Delivery _ Fax _X_ Email diego@nwenergy.org ldaho lnigation Pumpers Associatiou lnc. Eric L. Olsen ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue, Suite 100 P.0. Box 61 19 Pocatello,ldaho 83205 DISCOVERY REQUEST 4 U.S. Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery _ Fax _X_ Email elo@echohawk.com Anthony Yankel 12700 Lako Avenug Unit 2505 lakewoo{ Ohio 44107 U.S. Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery _Fa:r_X_ Email tony@yankel.net I I Vote Solar Briana Kobor Vote Solar 358 South 700 East, Suite 8205 Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 _U.S. Mail OvernightMail _Hand Delivery _ Fax _ X Email briana@votesolar.org David Bender Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Road Madisoq lMsconsin 537 ll Al Luna Nick Thorpe 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 702 Washington, DC 20036 U.S. Mail Overnight Mail HandDelivery _Fa:r_X_ Email dbender@eartt{ustice.org City of Boise Mary R. Grant DepW City Attorney Boise City Attonrey's Office 150 North Capitol BoulevardP.O. Box 500 Boise,ldaho 83701-0500 U.S. Mail Ovemight Mail Hand Delivery _ Fax -rX- Email boisecityattorney@cityofboise. org ldaho Clean Energy Association Preston N. Garter GIVENS PLJRSLEY LLP 601 West Bannock Street Boise, ldaho E3702 U.S. Mail Ovemight Mail Iland Delivery Fa>r DISCOVERYREQTTEST s _n_ Email prestoncarter@givenspurslcy.com ldaho Sierra Club Kelsey Jae Nrmez KELSEY JAE NUNEZ LLC920 North Clover Drive Boise, ldatp E3703 _U.S.IvIail Ovendght Mail Hand Delivery _ Far _X_ Email kelsey@kelseyj aenrmezcom Lisa Yorurg, Lindsay Beebe, ldaho Sicrra Club 503 West Franklin Strect Boise, ldaho 83702 U.S. Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery _ Falr _X_ Email lindsay.beebe@sierraclub.org PacifiCorp d/bla Rocky Mountain Power Yvonne R. Hogle Rocky Mountain Power 1407 V/est North Temple, Suite 320 Salt l-ake City, Utah 84115 U.S. Mail Ov€rnight N{ail Iland Delivery _ Fan _X_ Email yvorne.hoole@pacifico{p.com Ted Weston Rocky Mountain Power'1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Sdt Lake Gity, Utah 84116 U.S. Mail Ovemight Mail Hand Delivery _ Fax _X_ Email ted.weston@pacificorp.com lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAI{S, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ldaho 83707 U.S. Mail Ovemight Mail Hand Delivery _ For _X_ Email peter@richardsonadarns.com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boisc, ldaho E3703 l5icron Technology, hc. Austin Rueschhoff DrscovERY REQITEST 5 U.S. Mail OvernightMail Hand Delivery - Fa:r _X_ Email dreading@indspring.com Thorvald A. Nelson Holland & Hart LLP 555 Seventeenth Sfteet, Suite 3200 Denver, Colorado 80202 -U.S. Mail OvernightMail lland Delivery _ Fax _X_ Email danreschhoff@holladandhartcom Jim Swier Miuon Technology, Inc. 8000 South F€deral $/ay Boise, ldaho 83701 _U.S. Mail OvemightMail Hand Delivery _Fax_X_ Email j swier@mioron.com Russell Schiermeier 29303 Davis Road Bnupeu ldaho 83604 U.S. Mail OvErnight Mail HandDelivery _ Fax _X_ Email buvhay@smail.com Ryan Bushland, ABC Power Company LLC, 184 W. Chrisfield th., Meridian, ID 83&6 _U.S. Mail Overnight Mail lland Delivery _ Fax _X_ Email ryan.bushland@abcpower.co Richard E. Kluckhohn, Wesley A. Kluckhohn 25ilW. Parkstone Dr., Meridian,ID 83646 U.S. Mail Overnight Mail Hand Delivery _ Fax _X_ Email kluckhohn@grnail.com Tim Tatum, Idaho Power, fiatum@idahopower.com DrscovERYREQrrEST 7 U.S.Itdail Ov€rnight lvlail Hand Delivery Fax _X_ Email TTattm@idahopower.com s Ifiki kslie t DISCOVDRYnEQTTEST 8