HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210812Sierra Club 13-27 to IPC.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHOzuTY TO INCREASE ITS RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO RECOVER COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE JIM BRIDGER POWER PLANT CASE NO. IPC-E.21.17 SECOND SET OF PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF SIERRA CLUB TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY Sierra Club hereby serves its second set of production requests regarding the above-mentioned docket. Sierra Club requests that Idaho Power Company provide responses as expeditiously as possible, but not later than the deadline of 2l days, which is September 2. 2021. INSTRUCTIONS Please provide copies of responses to the following contacts ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I Rose Monahan Sierra Club Environmental Law Program 2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300 Oakland, CA94612 ro se. monahan@sierrac lub. org Ana Boyd Sierra Club Environmental Law Program 210l Webster Street, Suite 1300 Oakland, CA946l2 ana.boyd@sierraclub.org 2. J 4. Whenever possible, Sierra Club prefers to receive electronic copies of production responses either by email or on CD. Responses to any and all of Sierra Club's production requests should be supplied to Sierra Club as soon as they become available to Idaho Power Company. The requests herein shall be deemed to be continuing in nature and Idaho Power Company is requested to supplement its responses as necessary and as additional information becomes available. In responding to each production request, please consult every document source which is in your possession, custody, or control, including all documents in the possession of experts or consultants. For each response, identifu the person who prepared the answer to the production request as well as their position with Idaho Power Company or any Idaho Power Company affiliate or parent. 5 6. 7. Please reproduce the production request being responded to before the response 8. 9. If the responses include computer modeling input and output files, please provide those data files in electronic machine readable or txt format. If the responses include spreadsheet files, please provide those spreadsheet files in useable electronic Excel readable format. In responses providing computer files, list the file names with cross-reference to the data request, and if necessary to the understanding of the data, provide a record layout of the computer files. Computer files provided with a response must be in or compatible with the current version, or the immediately prior version, of Microsoft Office. For each dollar amount provided in response to a discovery request please state if the amount is in nominal or constant dollars and what years dollar 10. I l. 2 In the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the Jim Bridger Power Plant Case No.IPC-E-21-17 Sierra Club's Second Set of Production Requests to ldaho Power Company August 12,2021 PRODUCTION REQUESTS SC 13 Please identiff the current undepreciated plant balance for each unit at the Jim Bridger coal plant. If this information has been provided in Idaho Power's application, please indicate where in the application this information can be found SC 14.Please describe the proposed depreciation schedule for each unit of the Jim Bridger plant by year through 2030 or until the plant balance reaches $0. sc 15.Please indicate whether any current coal supply agreements for each unit at the Jim Bridger plant will be in effect beyond 2030. SC 16.Please indicate whether the Company anticipates that it will enter into a coal supply agreement for each unit of the Jim Bridger plant before 2030 that extends beyond 2030. SC 17.Please identiff the date on which Idaho Power decided to move forward with the SCR emission control systems for Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 and any associated actions that committed Idaho Power to the project. a. Confirm or deny: In May 20l3,Idaho Power and PacifiCorp signed a Limited Notice to Proceed ("LNTP") with the contractors of the SCR systems. If denied, please explain. b. Confirm or deny: In December 2013,Idaho Power and PacifiCorp signed a Final Notice to Proceed ("FNTP") with the contracts of the SCR systems. If denied, please explain. SC I8.Please provide a complete, unredacted copy of the Company's Coal Unit Environmental Investment Analysis supporting the decision to install SCRs on Bridger Units 3 and 4 SC 19.Refer to Mr. Adelman's Direct Testimony at 19:8-15. Please provide a complete, unredacted copy ofthe referenced updated Bridger analysis. 3 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the Jim Bridger Power Plant Case No.IPC-E-21-17 Sierra Club's Second Set of Production Requests to Idaho Power Company August 12,2021 SC 20 Please indicate whether Idaho Power completed any other analyses, beyond those identified in SC 18 and 19, demonstrating that installing SCRs on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4 would be a net benefit for ldaho Power customers contemporaneous or subsequent to the Company's Coal Unit Environmental Investment Analysis submitted as part of its June 28,2013 application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, including any analyses conducted after the start or completion of construction. a. If so, please provide such analyses. b. If so, please identifu the date when such analyses were completed. SC 2I.Please provide a schedule of capital spending, by month, at each Jim Bridger SCR project as projected in or around June 2013. SC 22.Please provide a schedule of capital spending, by month, at each Jim Bridger SCR project as incurred. SC 23 Please refer to Mr. Adelman's Direct Testimony at l9:ll-15. Please indicate whether the Company relied on natural gas Official Forward Price Curves ("OFPC") to determine that the Jim Bridger SCR installation was least-cost compared to shuttering Units 3 and 4 and replacing that generation with a combined-cycle combustion turbine resource. a. Please indicate whether Idaho Power produced any OFPCs or instead relied upon OFPCs produced by PacifiCorp. b. If Idaho Power produced its own OFPCs, please indicate which Idaho Power employee was responsible for the production of gas price forecasts relied upon by the Company and whether that employee is still employed by Idaho Power.c. If Idaho Power produced its own OFPCs, please provide each OFPC produced by Idaho Power between December 201I and December 2016, inclusive. d. If Idaho Power relied upon OFPCs produced by PacifiCorp, please provide each OFPC produced by PacifiCorp between December 2011 and December 2016, inclusive. 4 In the Matter of Idaho Power Company's Application for Authority to Increase its Rates for Electric Service to Recover Costs Associated with the Jim Bridger Power Plant Case No.IPC-E-21-17 Sierra Club's Second Set of Production Requests to ldaho Power Company August 12,2021 SC 24 SC 25 SC 26. SC27 Please describe any Bridger mine assumptions made when evaluating the economics of installing SCRs on Bridger Units 3 and 4. a. Confirm or deny: The Company contemplated a four-unit and two-unit fueling plan for the Bridger mine when determining whether to install SCRs on Bridger Units 3 and4. b. If confirmed, provide any underlying workbooks as used supporting the cost of coal, with formulae intact and unlocked, including the mining plan for Bridger Coal Company and projected costs of coal from Black Butte. c. Identiff the date of the end of life for the Bridger Coal Company surface mine in the analysis underlying the Bridger SCR assessment d. Identifr the date of the end of life for the Bridger Coal Company underground mine in the analysis underlying the Bridger SCR assessment. Confirm or deny: On or around October 2013, the Bridger Coal Company produced a revised mine plan. Please provide the Bridger mine October 2013 mine plan from the Bridger Coal Company. Identiff specific features revised from the mine plan and fueling strategy informing the Bridger SCR assessment. Identiff any assumptions made about third party coal costs prior to moving forward with the Bridger SCR installation. a. Please provide the basis and any supporting documentation for such assumptions. 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiS that on this l2e day of August202l,I delivered true and correct copies of the foregoing to the following persons via the method of service indicated below: Elecffonic mail only (see Order 35058) Idaho Public Utilities Commission JanNoriyuki, Secretary secretarv @puc. idaho. gov Erick Shaner erick. shaner@puc.idaho. eov Idaho Power Company Lisa D. Nordstrom Matt Larkin lnordstrom@idahopower. com mlarkin@ idahopower. com dockets@idahopower. com Indus*ial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC peter@richardsonadams. com Dr. Don Reading dreading@mindspring. com Idaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto botto @idahoconservation. org City of Boise Ed Jewell BoiseCitvAttorney@citvofboise. org ej ewe I I @ c itvofbo i se. or g Cle an Energt Opportunitie s for ldaho Michael Heckler Courtney White mike@cleanenersyopportunities. com Kelsey Jae kelsey@kelse)rj ae.com I Micron Te chnologt, Inc : Jim Swier iswier@micron.com Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Austin W. Jensen darueschhoff@ hollandhart. com tnelson@hollandhart.com awi ensen@hollandhart. com aclee@hollandhart. com el earsanoamari@.hollandhart.com /s/ Ana Bovd Ana Boyd Research Analyst Siena Club Environmental Law Program 2101 Webster St., Suite 1300 Oakland, CA946l2 Phone: (415)977-5649 ana.boyd@sierraclub.org 2