HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210728IPC to Staff 1-14.pdfnlmtoNpp51 o An loAcoRP company July 28,2021 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., BIdg 8, Suite 201-A(83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-21-13 ln the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application for Approval of Its Load Curtailment and lnterruption Plan Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 35058, please find ldaho Power Company's Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff. Please handle the confidential information in accordance with the Protective Agreement executed in this mafter. If you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, . rlr -11',.'::i! |r "L'..:-i ! L-r: LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel I nordstrom@idahopower.com LDN:sg Enclosures X*!.("1-t,.*, Lisa D. Nordstrom LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I n ord strom@ ida hopowe r. com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ITS LOAD CURTAI LMENT AND INTERRU PTION PLAN CASE NO. IPC-E-21-13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Company"), and in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff dated July 7, 2021, submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSETO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF.l ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) REQUEST NO. 1: Company Wtness Anderson's direct testimony states that the Company's current reliability coordinator is operated by the California lndependent System Operator ("CA!SO'). Anderson Dl at 4. a. Please provide current copies of CAISO curtailment procedures and requirements the Company is expected to comply with. b. Please explain how the Load Curtailment and Interruption Plan ("LCIP") and modified Rule J align with and support CAISO curtailment procedures and requirements. c. Please explain if CAISO has requested the Company to curtail since becoming the Company's reliability coordinator in 2018. lf so, please provide dates, size, duration, and reason for each curtailment. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1: a. Provided as Attachment No. 1 to this Response is a copy of the RC West's System Emergencies Procedure RC0410, V3.2, as downloaded from RC West's portal on July 9, 2021, at the following address: http ://www. ca iso. co m/Docu me nts/RC 04 1 0. pdf . b. According to RC West's RC0410 Procedure and NERC EOP-011-1 R2, each Balancing Authority shall develop, maintain, and implement an RC-reviewed operating plan to mitigate capacity and energy emergencies within its balancing authority area. ldaho Power has filed with the RC West its Load Management Procedures ("LMP"). The Load Curtailment and lnterruption Plan ("LClP") incorporated into the proposed Rule J outlines requirements at a higher level than what is contained in the detailed LMP. Therefore, the LCIP aligns and IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 2 supports the required procedures for capacity and energy emergencies outlined in the RC West RC0410. The current LMP is provided as Confidential Attachment No. 2 and the RC review acknowledgment is provided as Attachment No. 3 to this Response. c. Since becoming a customer of RC West, ldaho Power has not received a request from RC West to curtail. The response to this Request is sponsored by Kathy Anderson, Senior Manager Real Time Operations and Markets, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 3 REQUEST NO. 2: Please describe how the Company provides notification of curtailment or interruption to state regulatory and reliability authorities. Please provide supporting documentation and examples. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 2: The primary state regulatory authorities notified would be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission and/or the Public Utility Commission of Oregon. Under the Company's Emergency Response Communication Plan ("ERCP'), provided as a Confidential attachment to this request, the designated Communication Coordinator notifies several critical internal groups including the Legal and Regulatory Affairs departments. lf circumstances giving rise to the interruption or curtailment are likely to be of significant public impact or attention, Regulatory Affairs will contact the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("lPUC") and/or Public Utility Commission of Oregon ('OPUC') to notify them of the event and provide updates as the situation warrants. Further, the Company's Emergency Management Team ("EMT') will contact the ldaho and Oregon Offices of Emergency Management depending on the type and severity of the event. The role of the EMTwilldepend on if the event impacts the continuity of critical business functions and/or the severity of the event. These types of communications are envisioned to occur via direct phone cal!, so the Company does not have record of specific communications to state regulatory and reliability authorities. The response to this Request is sponsored by Connie Aschenbrenner, Rate Design Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 4 REQUEST NO. 3: Please explain how customers were notified of the proposed LCIP and Rule J modifications and provide supporting documentation. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3: The Commission's Notice of Application issued July 13,2021, in Order No. 35101 provided broad notice to customers and stakeholders of the Company's Application in this matter. Idaho Power has not provided separate notification to customers regarding the proposed Load Curtailment and lnterruption Plan and Rule J modifications. The response to this Request is sponsored by Lisa Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 5 REQUEST NO. 4: PIease describe how the Company provides notification of curtailment or interruption to customers and the public. Please provide supporting documentation and examples. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.4: As described in more detail in the direct filed testimony of Company witness Kathleen Anderson, Customers are able to get outage information through customer service, online at idahopower.com, by subscribing to text alerts and through public communication via media and social media outreach. Other channels of communication targeted at individual customers could include call outs, texts and emails. The communication process begins with the interna! notifications outlined in the company's Emergency Response Communication Plan (ERCP). The designated Communication Coordinator notifies several critical groups including Corporate Communications, Customer Service, lT, Legal and ldaho Power's Emergency Management Team. This also starts the chain of communication with customers. The ERCP is provided as a confidential attachment to Staff Request No. 2. Efforts specifically within Corporate Communications are provided in the attached Confidential Attachment 1 to this request, which provides an outline of the tasks to be performed immediately after a load shed event begins. The document also provides example communications recently used for a "Lighten the Load" campaign. Because the company has not had to use curtailment communications, it does not have any examples of curtailment communications that have already been used. The Company does have draft materials ready to be tailored to a load shed event if needed and has provided an illustrative social media post as Attachment 2 to this request. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCT]ON REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF -6 The response to this Request is sponsored by Erica Shiflet, Extemal Communications Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVI'ER COMPANYS RESPONSETO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF. T REQUEST NO. 5: Please explain how Iegacy stakeholders and contractual customers were notified of the proposed LCIP and Rule J modifications. Please provide supporting documentation. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 5: The Commission's Notice of Application issued July 13, 2021, in Order No. 35101 provided broad public notice, including to contract customers and legacy stakeholders, of the Company's Application in this matter. Idaho Power has not provided separate notification to contract customers or legacy stakeholders regarding the proposed LCIP and Rule J modifications. The response to this Request is sponsored by Lisa Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 8 REQUEST NO. 6: Please explain how Demand Response participants were notified of the proposed LCIP and Rule J modifications. Please provide supporting documentation. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 6: The Commission's Notice of Application issued July 13, 2021, in Order No. 35101 provided broad notice to demand response participants of the Company's Application in this matter. ldaho Power has not provided separate notification to demand response participants regarding the proposed Load Curtailment and lnterruption Plan and Rule J modifications. The response to this Request is sponsored by Lisa Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 9 REQUEST NO. 7: Company \Mtness Anderson's direct testimony states "Over time, changes in technology, modifications to industry practices, and changes in generation capacity have served to make the existing Modified Regional Plan obsolete." Anderson Dl at 3. a. lf the Modified Regiona! Plan is obsolete at the regional level, please explain how regional partners and stakeholders are addressing curtailment planning and notification. b. PIease provide copies of Company, regional partner, and stakeholder correspondence regarding current regional curtailment planning activities and status of the Modified Regional Plan. c. Please provide current copies of any documents that place the Modified Regional Plan document in an "obsolete" status. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 7: a. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 established the Electric Reliability Organization ("ERO'), which is an independent entity charged with developing and enforcing mandatory standards for the reliable operation and planning of the bulk power system through North America. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation ("NERC") was designated as the ERO by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in July 2006. Mandatory standards began to replace the previously negotiated agreements among parties related to reliability of their interconnected systems. Today, effective NERC Emergency Preparedness and Operations ("EOP') standards address emergency IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 1O operations and the requirement to coordinate emergency operating plans through the Reliability Coordinator ("RC"). ln addition to the emergency operating plans required to be coordinated through the RC, ldaho Power and other Northwest Power Pool ("N\A/PP"; members have included the option of calling on the reserve sharing program when a member is in a declared NERC-defined Energy Emergence Alert ("EEA')-1 or higher to potentially avoid a load shed situation. The NWPP program documentation outlines howthe program can be used forthat purpose and is available at httos : //www. nwnn. o rolres rces/nwoo-rese rve-sha ri nq - p roq ram-documentation. b. There is no current regionalcurtailment planning beyond those provided under the Company's Response to Staff Request No. 1 regarding the Reliability Coordinator Emergency Operations plans. Curtailment planning and coordination changed from a regionalfocus to a Balancing Authority/RC focus when the NERC Standards became mandatory. ldaho Power does not possess documentation to when the Modified Regional Plan was officially terminated or superseded. ldaho Power inquired of the NWPP, who was identified as the Utility Coordinator in the plan, for any historical information that it can provide. The N\A/PP indicated that current employees are not aware of the program or its history, however, reached out to retired employees to see what could be recalled. Those employees indicated the program was eliminated as a result of FERC orders 888 and 889 regarding Open Access Transmission. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 11 c" See the response to b. above. The response to this Request is sponsored by Kathy Anderson, Real Time Operations and Markets Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POYVER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 12 REQUEST NO. 8: Regarding page 9 of Kathleen Anderson's direct testimony, how are "facilities essentialto the public welfare" determined, tracked, and notified? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 8: ldaho Power's service operations are segmented into five regions. The regional leadership overseeing each service region is responsible for identifying distribution feeders used in ldaho Power's initialautomatic load shed program. The review by the regiona! leadership looks to ensure that the initial load shed feeders programed into the emergency management system do not include hospitals, care facilities, fire or police emergency response facilities. The feeder list is reviewed for summer and winter rotations. The regional leadership are aware of the location of the emergency response facilities, such as hospitals, care facilities, and other facilities and avoid recommending those feeders for initial Ioad shed. The response to this Request is sponsored by Kathy Anderson, Real Time Operations and Markets Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 13 REQUEST NO. 9: Table 1 on page 2 of the LCIP states "as required by NERC Standards." What are the NERC standards that are referenced in the LCIP? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 9: NERC Standard EOP-011-1 is the current emergency operations standard in effect. This standard is available at the NERC website at https://www.nerc.com/palStand/Reliabilitv%20Standards/EOP-01 1-1.pdf. The response to this Request is sponsored by Kathy Anderson, Real Time Operations and Markets Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF.14 REQUEST NO. 10: Page 4 of the Application states that the LCIP applies to emergencies declared by state entities, and when directed by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation ('NERC') or the Western Electricity Coordinating Council ("WECC"), and by the Company at its own discretion. a. PIease describe the process for resolution if one entity's declaration conflicts with the decisions of another entity. b. Please describe the scope and provide examples for the types of emergencies that can be declared by the various entities mentioned above RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 10: a. Decisions regarding emergencies are communicated and coordinated through the RC to ensure the stability of the bulk electric system. The purpose of NERC standard EOP-011-1 is to address the effects of operating emergencies by ensuring each transmission operator and balancing authority has developed operating plan(s) to mitigate operating emergencies, and that those plans are coordinated within a RC Area. The RC will work with each impacted transmission operator and balancing authority to ensure reliability is met. The RC can ultimately determine the best course of action for the reliability of the interconnection should conflicting decisions occur. When emergency operations arise within a Balancing Authority in real time, there is generally a high level of coordination between the RC and any impacted parties to discuss what is going on and what actions can be taken. b. NERC and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) do not direct individual entities in real time to declare emergencies. The NERC standard IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 15 EOP-011-1 directs entities to work through RCs to declare those. As a result, it is difficult to see a scope or example that comes from NERCM/ECC rather than the RC. As for state entities, such instances could include localized flooding, fire danger, earthquakes, or tornados. lf a state entity feels the need to curtail power to an area for public safety, the request can be made of ldaho Power and curtailment could occur. The Company could call for emergency curtailments for transmission system emergencies outlined in the RC West's Procedure RC0410 section 3.2 (provided in response 1) or in the interest of public safety as noted for state entities. The response to this Request is sponsored by Kathy Anderson, Real Time Operations and Markets Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 16 REQUEST NO. 1{: Please describe how the Company notifies customers and the public of return to service. Please provide supporting documentation and examples. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 11: The Company uses several methods to keep customers and the public informed regarding curtailments and interruptions. Please see the Emergency Response Communication Plan provided as a confidential attachment to the Company's response to Staff Request No. 2 and the attachment to the Company's response to Staff Request No. 4. The response to this Request is sponsored by Erica Shiflet, Externa! Communications Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 17 REQUEST NO. 12: Page 5 of the Application states the Modified Regional Plan has addressed only long-term regional energy shortages, while the Rule J procedures cover short-term emergencies. ln contrast, lhe 2021 LCIP contains both short- and long- term operational activities the Company can initiate during emergencies to minimize adverse impacts to customers and restore system stability. Please answer the following questions: a. Which long-term components of the LCIP are common with the Modified Regiona! Plan? b. Which short-term components of the LCIP are covered by the Rule J Procedures? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 12: Idaho Power does not consider curtailments and interruptions defined as long or short-term; they simply result from a specific situation or circumstance and can vary in duration. Prior to NERC standards, coordination agreements among states and neighboring utilities was more of a voluntary necessity than a mandatory requirement. Today the Company and other utilities still do that coordinating out of voluntary necessity, but it comes in the form of Reserve Sharing Programs and a potential Resource Adequacy program such as the one the Northwest Power Pool is looking to establish and not in the form of bi-lateral agreements of curtailment procedures. Today, load curtailment procedures are created by each Balancing Authority and Transmission Operator and coordinated through the RC. These are enacted regardless of whether the energy shortage is shorter-term or longer-term. lf curtailments are necessary, they follow the procedures coordinated with the RG. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 18 a. The Modified Regional Curtailment PIan identified an entire process in which regional curtailments could be issued by the state in a coordinated manner due to more regionalenergy shortage issues such as low hydro. LCIP simplifies this process by stating ldaho Power will comply with all state and federal mandates to curtail the electric energy used to prevent an electrical system collapse. lt doesn't set out a plan specific to the state or region alone but allows for ldaho Power to continue to follow the processes outlined in its emergency operation plan coordinated with the RC. This allows better coordinated reliability for the interconnection. ln addition, it allows for a single plan to follow regardless of the duration of the energy shortage. b. The entire LCIP is included in the Rule J Procedures. This is to align al! curtailment plans (State and NERC required) to focus on the actua! curtailment and interruption in the same manner regardless of the circumstance creating the need for the plan's activation. The response to this Request is sponsored by Kathy Anderson, Real Time Operations and Markets Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISS]ON STAFF - 19 REQUEST NO. l3: Page 5 of the Application states that the 2021 LCIP addresses the Company's operational approach to lnitiation of Load Curtailment; Automatic, Remote and ManualActions; Curtailment Stages; lnterruptible Loads; BIock Rotation; Emergency Load Shed Groups; and Return to Service. PIease answer the following questions: a. ls each item listed above implemented differently under a short-term emergency versus a long-term emergency? lf so, please describe the difference. b. Does the Modified Regional Plan address each item? lf so, how does the Modified Regional Plan address each item? Are there any differences between the Modified Regional Plan and the LCIP for each item? c. Do the Rule J Procedures address each item listed above? If so, how do the Rule J procedures address each item? ls there any difference between the Rule J procedures and the LCIP on each item? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 13: a. ldaho Power implements each action item the same regardless of the duration of the emergency. The need for curtailments and interruptions is based on specific situations; how long those situations or conditions continue drives the duration. b. The Modified Regional Curtailment PIan was a plan that was for State- lmplemented curtailment needs, not needs specific only to an individua! utility's area. lt identified curtailment stages that could be used that would apply to all regional loads. The curtailment stages identifled in the Modified Regional Plan are specific to percent of load curtailments while the LCIP curtailment stages IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 20 align with the Energy Emergency Stages outlined in NERC EOP-011-1. The curtailments identified in step 3 or 4 of the LCIP as emergency load shed are not based on a percentage of load needed but instead on the actual load megawatt value needed to preserve the reliability of the system. The LCIP is only for ldaho Power and not a regional basis. The Modified Regional Curtailment Plan also had a return to service section focused on actions that are based on the State declaring an end for the curtailment and included three specific steps: 1) lnform the public the curtailment is no longer needed, 2) take care of alladministrative matters under the plan such as reporting and incentive or penalty assessments, and 3) State rescinds any State orders for mandatory load curtailment. The LCIP doesn't address the three steps listed in the Modified Regional Curtailment Plan but instead focuses on when ldaho Power is able to return to service rather than how ldaho Power will do it. c. The Rule J incorporates the entire LCIP into it. This was intentional to ensure that the two plans were the same and administered the same. The response to this Request is sponsored by Kathy Anderson, Real Time Operations and Markets Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 21 REQUEST NO. 14: If the LCIP is approved, is the Company still going to implement the Modified Regional Plan? Does the LCIP replace the Modified Regional PIan? Please explain. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 14: As noted in the Company's Application and responses to Staffs data requests, the Modified Regional Plan is obsolete. The LCIP replaces the Modified Plan. The response to this Request is sponsored by Kathy Anderson, Real Time Operations and Markets Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 22 DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 28th day of July 2021. X*fr-ffa"+,,"*, LISA D. NORDSTROM Attorney for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POVVER COMPANYS RESPONSE TOTHE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 23 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 28th day of July 2021, I served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSON STAFF upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilitles Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8, Suite 201-A(83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc. Eric L. Olsen ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Ave., Ste. 100 Pocatello, ldaho 83205 Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail Overnight Mai! -FAX X Email davn.hardie@puc.idaho.qov FTP Site Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail FA)(XEm ail elo@echohawk.com FTP Site (}r"t. Stacy Gust, Regulatory Administrative Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF COMMISSION STAFF - 24 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 1 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 $ Colifornio ISO RC West Reliability Goordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distribution Restriction: None Table of Gontents Purpose 1. Responsibilities..... 2. Scope/Applicability 3. Procedure Detail 3.1. Capacity and Energy Emergencies............ 3.1.1. EEA Watch 3.1.2. EEA 1 -AllAvailable Generation in Use.......... 3.1.3. EEA2 - Load Management Procedures in Effect........ 3.1.4. EEA 3 - Firm Load Shedding lmminent or in Progress. 3.1.5. EEA 0 - Termination .. 3.1.6. EEATemplates......... 3.2. Transmission System Emergencies................ 3.3. Extreme Weather Emergencies............. 3.4. Operating lnstructions 3.5. Load Shedding lnstructions 3.5.1. Situations that May Require Load Shedding............. 3.5.2. When Load Shedding lnstruction May Not Be Viable 3.6. Event Reporting.. 3.7. BA and TOP EOP-01 1 Plan Submissions and Review 4. Supporting lnformation Operationally Affected Parties References Definitions. Version History 5. Periodic Review Procedure. Review Criteria & lncorporation of Changes Frequency 2 2 2 2 2 ...3 ...3 ,,,4 ... 5 ...7 ...7 ...8 ...9 .11 .11 .12 .12 .13 .13 .14 .14 .14 .14 .16 .17 .17 .17 .17 This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED. 1 Appendix 2. Scope/Appl icabi I ity $ Colif"rnio ISO . RC West Reliability Goordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distribution Restriction None Purpose Provide guidance on mitigating transmission system operating Emergencies; Capacity and Energy Emergencies; and extreme weather and environmental Emergencies. Provide the RC's philosophy on load shedding. 1. Responsibilities . ReliabilityCoordinatorOperator . Operations Compliance Support Reliability Coordination during Bulk Electric Sysfem (BES) Emergencies or during conditions or events that could result in Adverse Reliability lmpact on the BES. o As defined in the NERC Glossary, a BES Emergency is any abnormal system condition that requires automatic or immediate manual action to prevent or limit the failure of transmission facilities or generation supply that could adversely affect the reliability of the BES. o ln addition, the NERC Glossary defines Adverse Reliability lmpact as the impact of an event that results in frequency-related instability, unplanned tripping of load or generation, or uncontrolled separation or cascading outages that affects a widespread area of the !nterconnection. 3. Procedure Detail 3.1. Capacity and Energy Emergencies Each Balancing Authority (BA) shall develop, maintain, and implement an RC-reviewed Operating Plan to mitigate Capacity and Energy Emergencies within its Balancing Authority Area.1 During a BA Capacity or Energy Emergency, the RC operator will declare an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) for the affected entity. This may be at the request of the BA, or when deemed necessary in the judgment of the RC operator. There are three levels of EEAs and an additional termination level.2 lt is not necessary to progress through the levels sequentially, and the RC operator should use good judgment in declaring the level best defined by the criteria. Public appeals for conservation or demand response programs under contractual agreements during normal operations do not qualify as EEA triggering events. l EOP-011-1 R2 2 Attachment 1-EOP-011-1 B. This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED. 2 a fr) Collf"rnio ISO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distribution Restriction None lf a BA forecasts a potential energy or capacity deficiency one or more days prior to the operating day, the BA may request the RC operator to declare an "EEAWatch" before the operating day. A BA may also choose to request an EEA Watch during the operating day if the BA is concerned about potential energy or capacity issues in advance of the forecasted shortage. E.g. for a forecasted shortage at 1300 a BA may request issuing an EEA Watch declaration during the moming hours, normally this would be three or more hours in advance. This proactive notification may be helpful to assist the BA procure additional energy or capacity. Following the activation of Contingency Reserves, a BA or Reserve Sharing Group (RSG) must recover Contingency Reserves within 60 minutes following an event requiring activation. lf there is an additional event that takes place during this recovery period, the 60-minute recovery period resets. The RC operator should not declare an EEA for a BA during this recovery period unless requested by the BA, or if the RC operator, after consultation with the BA, has reason to believe that the BA will not be able to recover their Contingency Reserves within the recovery period. 3.1.1. EEAWatch A BA may request the RC operator to declare an "EEA Watch" one or more days prior to the operating day, or during the operating day, if the BA forecasts being in an EEA level. 3.1.2. EEA 1 - All Available Generation in Use A BA is considered to be in EEA 1 when all available generation resources are in use and/or: r The BA is experiencing conditions where all available generation resources are committed to meet firm Load, firm transactions, and reserve commitments, and is concerned about sustaining its required Contingency Reserves. This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED. 3 Reliability Coordinator Actions . Discuss with the BA forecasting a potential energy or capacity deficiency, and . Determine whether an EEA Watch would be desired and the applicable day (date) and/or time period. . Upon request by the BA, declare an EEA Watch via a WECC-wide GMS message, notifying all BAs, TOPs and Western RCs (See Section 3.1.6 for templates). o Notify market participants in the RC Area via GMS. o Cancel EEA Watch via GMS, if conditions change, and the BA no longer forecasts being in an EEA. @ Colif"rnio lSO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distri bution Restriction None a Non-firm wholesale energy sales (other than those that are recallable to meet reserve requirements) have been curtailed.3 3.1.3. EEA2 - Load Management Procedures in Effect A BA is considered to be in EEA2 when load management procedures are in effect and/or: . The Balancing Authority is no longer able to provide its expected energy requirements and is an energy-deficient Balancing Authority. o An energy-deficient Balancing Authority has implemented its Operating Plan(s) to mitigate Emergencies. 3 Attachment 1-EOP-011-1 Section B-1l EOP-011-1 R5. This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED. 4 Rel iabil ity Coordinator Actions a a a Discuss with BA not meeting its Contingency Reserve requirements and evaluate mitigation options based on guidelines provided in RC West Operating Procedure RC0210 [\4onitorinq Frequencv and Balancinq Authority Performance. o Determine if the BA is part of an RSG, if Contingency Reserves are deliverable to the BA and if the BA will require an EEA to get assistance from the RSG (Refer fo Secfion 3.4.2 of RC0210). Evaluate whether the criteria for EEA 1 is met, if the BA is not part of an RSG or RSG reserves is not adequate or deliverable. o Determine status of generation in the BA and if all generation within the BA is committed to meet firm load, firm transactions and reserve commitments. o Determine whether the BA is concerned about sustaining its required Contingency Reserves. o Determine whether the BA has curtailed wholesale energy sales (other than those that are recallable to meet reserve requirements). Upon discussion with the BA, declare an EEA 7 for the BA if the criteria for EEA 1 is met, or if requested by the BA. lssue an alert to all impacted entities without delav, but not longer than within 30 minutesfrom time of the declaration:a o Notify all BAs, TOPs, and Western RCs via GMS WECC-Wide message. o Notify market participants in the RC Area via GMS. o Send RCIS message. Notification should include the name of the BA, the EEA level, and if necessary, contact information that other BAs can use to provide emergency assistance. Update RCIS and GMS with any changes in information. a o I Colifornio ISO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 6t21t2021 System Emergencies Distribution Restriction : None o An energy-deficient BA is stillable to maintain minimum Contingency Reserve requirements.s Once an EEA 2 has been declared, the BA should provide periodic updates to the RC operator at a minimum of every hour until the EEA2 has been terminated.6 3.1.4. EEA 3 - Firm Load Shedding lmminent or in Progress A BA is considered to be in an EEA 3 condition when firm load interruption is imminent or in progress and the energy-deficient BA is unable to meet minimum Contingency Reserve requirements. 5 Aftachment 1-EOP-011-1 Section B-2 6 Attachment 1-EOP-011-1 Section B-2.2 (applicable to BA) This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED. 5 Rel iabil ity Goordi nator Actions o Discuss with BA not meeting its Contingency Reserve requirements and evaluate mitigation options based on guidelines provided in RC West Operating Procedure RC0210 Monitorino Frequencv and Balancino Authoritv Performance. o Determine if the BA is part of an RSG, if Contingency Reserves are deliverable to the BA and if the BA will require an EEA to get assistance from the RSG (Refer to Section 3.4.2 of RC0210). e Evaluate whether the criteria for EEA 2 is met, if the BA is not part of an RSG or RSG reserves is not adequate or deliverable. o Determine whether options available to the BA under the criteria for EEA t have been exhausted. o Determine whether the BA is implementing demand response or other load management procedures. o Upon discussion with the BA, declare an EEA 2 for the BA if the criteria for EEA 2 is met or if requested by the BA. o lssue an alert to all impacted entities without delav, but not longer than within 30 minutes from time of the declaration: o Notify all BAs, TOPs, and Western RCs via GMS WECC-Wide message. o Notify market participants in the RC Area via GMS. o Send RCIS message. Notification should include the time of declaration, the BA name, the EEA level, and contact information that other BAs can use to provide emergency assistance. o Update RCIS and GMS with any changes in information. o Review Transmission oufages and work with TOPs for viability of returning transmission elements that may relieve loading on SOLs or IROLs for the possibility of energy delivery. S Colifornio ISO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distribution Restriction : None Before requesting an EEA 3, the energy-deficient BA must make use of all available resources; this includes, but is not limited to: o Ensuring all available generation units are online and all generation capable of being on line within the time frame of the Emergency is on line. o Activating Demand-Side Management within provisions of any applicable agreements.T The energy-deficient BA is responsible for updating the RC operator at a minimum of every hour until the EEA 3 is terminated.s 7 Attachment 1-EOP-011-1 Section B-2.5I Aftachment 1-EOP-011-1 Section B-3.2 (applicable to BA) This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED. 6 Reliability Goordinator Actions o Discuss with BA not meeting its Contingency Reserve requirements and evaluate mitigation options based on guidelines provided in RC West Operating Procedure RC0210 Monitorinq Frequencv and Balancinq Authoritv Performance. o Determine if the BA is part of an RSG, if Contingency Reserves are deliverable to the BA and if the BA will require an EEA to get assistance from the RSG (Refer to Section 3.4.2 of RC0210) o Evaluate whether the criteria for EEA 3 is met, if the BA is not part of an RSG or RSG reserves is not adequate or deliverable. o Determine whether options available to the BA under the criteria for EEA 1 and EEA2 have been exhausted. o Verify all available generation in the BA are committed to meet firm load, firm transactions and meet reserves. o Verify all available demand-side management have been activated. . Upon discussion with the BA, declare an EEA 3 for the BA if the criteria for EEA 3 is met or if requested by the BA. o Continue acfions initiated during the EEA 2. o lssue an alert to all impacted entities without delav, but not longer than 30 minutes from time of the declaration: o Notify all BAs, TOPs, and Western RCs via GMS WECC-Wide message. o Notify market participants in the RC Area via GMS. o Send RCIS message. Notification should include the name of the BA, the EEA level, and contact information that other BAs can use to provide emergency assistance. o Update RCIS and GMS with any changes in information. {} Colifornio ISO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distri bution Restriction None Reliability Coordinator Actions o Evaluate the risks of revising SOLs and /ROLs for the possibility of delivery of energy to the energy-deficient BA. IVofe.' This must be coordinated with other RCs with agreement from the responsible TOP. o Request the BA to provide updates at a minimum every hour until the EEA 3 is terminated. o Notify internal parties to ensure the appropriate report is submitted per RC West Operating Procedure RC0420 Event Reportinq. 3.1.5. EEA0 - Termination When the energy-deficient BA is able to meet its Load and Operating Reserve requirements, it shall request the Reliability Coordinator Operator to terminate the EEA. 3.1.6. EEA Templates When declaring an EEA, the RC operator may use the following templates. lnclude any additional information as necessary. . Subject EEA 11,2, or 3l Declaration o Effective XXXX PPT, RC West has declared an EEA-[1 ,2, ot 3] for [entity and/or entity area (if applicable)1. Please contact them at (XXX) XXX-XXXX if you can provide them with emergency assistance. . Subject: EEA 0 Declaration o Effective XXXX PPT, RC West has declared an EEA-O for [entity and/or entity area (if applicable)1. o Subject: EEA Watch Declarationo Effective XXXX PPT, [Entity] is forecasting being in an EEA from [)fi] PPT to IYYJ PPT on [Date]. Please contact the entity at ()0{X) XXX-XXXX if you can provide assistance. . Subject EEA Watch Cancellationo Effective XXXX PPT, EEA Watch for [Entity] has been cancelled. This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED. 7 Reliability Coordinator Actions . Confirm with BA that it meets the criteria for EEA Termination. o Notify all applicable entities of the termination. o Notify all BAs, TOPs, and Western RCs via GMS WECC-Wide message. o Notify market participants in the RC Area via GMS. o Send RCIS message. $ Colifornio ISO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distri bution Restriction None 3.2. Transmission System Emergencies TOPs are expected to have Operating Plans reviewed by the RC entity to mitigate transmission system Emergencies in their area, and to notify the RC operator in real-time when the TOP is experiencing an Emergency.e A Transmission system Emergency may include, but is not limited to: o An actual or potential IROL exceedance, . An actual or potential SOL exceedance with potentialAdverse Reliability lmpact, o Unacceptable voltage levels with potentialAdverse Reliability lmpact, o Loss of reactive reserves with potential Adverse Reliability lmpact, o Loss or potential loss of transmission elements due to fires, earthquakes, storms, physical attacks, vandalism or other reasons, with potential Adverse Reliability lmpact, . A single or credible multiple Contingency will result in instability, uncontrolled separation, or cascading outages that adversely impact the reliability of the BES, o System separation, islanding or Open Loop, o Extraordinary Contingency, and . Any other transmission event that result in Adverse Reliability lmpact. When the RC operator receives a notification from a TOP of a BES Emergency on the transmission system, or if RC west analysis indicate that an Emergency condition exists, Reliability Coordinator Actions o Confirm the Emergency condition in collaboration with the affected TOPs. o Actively evaluate system conditions and determine mitigation options in coordination with TOPs contributing to and/or affected by the condition. TOP Operating Plans include (but not limited to) mitigation optionslo such as: o Cancelling or recalling transmission and generation outages, o Reconfiguring transmission system, o Re-dispatching generation, and o Operator-controlled manual load shedding that minimizes overlap with automatic load shedding, and is capable of being implemented in a timeframe for mitigating the Emergency. Refer to RC West Operating Procedure RC0460 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan if electrical islanding has occuned. Determine if there are any SOL or IROL exceedances a a e EOP-011-'1 R1 (applicable to TOP) r0 EOP-0'11-1 R1.2 (applicable to TOP) This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED. 8 fr) Colifornio ISO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 6t21t2021 System Emergencies Distri bution Restriction None Reliabi I ity Coordi nator Actions . Refer to RC West Operating Procedure RC0310 ltlitiqatinq SOL and IROL Exceedances. o Declare a BES Emergency via a WECC-wide GMS message without delay (within 30 minutes),ll notifying all BAs, TOPs and Western RCs. . Consider initiating a conference call if the condition affects multiple entities and if a conference call will expedite coordination efforts. o Coordinate mitigafion activities with affected TOPs and determine if an Operating lnstruction is needed. o Coordinate with BAs, TOPs and neighboring RCs that may be able to provide assisfance. . lssue Operating lnstructions immediately, in accordance with Section 3.4: Operating lnstructions, and Section 3.5: Load Shedding lnstructions. . Monitor system conditions to determine if the instructed actions were implemented, and whether the transmission Emergency will be resolved in a timely manner. . lssue additional Operating lnstructions if needed. o lssue notification to all BAs, TOPs and Western RCs once Emergency condition has been mitigated and the system is stable via a WECC-wide GMS message. . Log a summary of all communications and acfions. 3.3. Extreme Weather Emergencies BAs and TOPs are expected to have Operating Plans (reviewed by the RC entity) that address the reliability impacts of extreme weather in their area. They are also required to notify the RC operator in Real-time when experiencing such an Emergency.12 Extreme weather Emergencies may include, but are not limited to: o Unanticipated high loading due to high or low temperatures, o Wind/rain storms, . Thunderstorms, o Tsunamis, o Hurricanes, o Floods, . Snow, and . GMDs (See RC West Operating Procedure RC0430 GIVD Operatinq Plan). 1r EOP-011-1 R5. 12 EOP-011-1 R1.2.6, P2.2.9 (applicable to TOP and BA respectively) This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED. o $ Colifornio ISO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distribution Restriction None When the RC operator receives a notification from a BA or TOP of an Emergency due to extreme weather: Rel iabil ity Coordinator Actions o lssue an alert without delay to all impacted entities, but no longer than within 30 minutes.l3 o Notify all BAs and TOPs in the RC Area and neighboring RCs via GMS. o Actively evaluate system conditions and determine mitigation options in coordination with the affected BAs/TOPs. BA/TOP Operating Plans include (but not limited to) mitigation optionsla such as: o Cancelling or recalling transmission and generation outages, o Reconfiguring transmission system, o Re-dispatching generation, o Shedding operator-controlled manual load that minimizes overlap with automatic load shedding, and is capable of being implemented in a timeframe for mitigating the Emergency, o Requesting EEAs (Refer to Section 3.1: Capacity and Energy Emergencies), o Managing generation to address capability and availability, fuel and inventory concerns, fuel and switching capabilities, and environmental constraints, o Submitting public appeals for voluntary load reductions, o Requesting government agencies to implement their programs to achieve necessary energy reductions, o lnstructing a reduction of internal utility energy use, and o Using interruptible load, curtailable load and demand response.o Refer to Section 0: o Transmission System Emergencies if the weather Emergency is affecting the transmission system. . Refer to Section 3.1: Capacity and Energy Emergencies if the weather Emergency creates capacity or energy issues. o Monitor weather and forecasf tools to determine the effect of current and projected conditions. o Coordinate mitigaffon activities with affected BAs and TOPs and determine if an Operating lnstruction is needed. . Issue Operating lnstructions immediately, in accordance with Section 3.4: Operating lnstructions, and Section 3.5: Load Shedding lnstructions. 13 EOP-011-1 R5. 'r1 EOP-01 1-'l R1.2 (applicable to TOP) This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED 10 !) Colifornio ISO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distribution Restriction None Reliabil ity Coordinator Actions a a lssue notification to all impacted entities when the Emergency condition has been mitigated and the system is back to normal: o Notify all BAs and TOPs in the RC Area and neighboring RCs via GMS. Log a summary of all communications and actions. 3.4. Operating lnstructions During system Emergencies, the RC operator will actively evaluate system conditions, coordinate mitigation activities with the affected BAs/TOPs and determine if there is a need to issue an Operating lnstruction. During a system Emergency, take the following actions Reliability Coordi nator Actions . Actively evaluate system conditions and determine possible mitigation options o Coordinate with affected BNTOP to determine if the potential mitigation is viable. o lf not, advise the BA/TOP of alternate or additional mitigation options. o Evaluate the mitigation in progress to determine if the Emergency condition will be resolved in a timely manner. o lssue an Operating lnstruction without delay if the actions being taken are not adequate or will not resolve the condition in a timely manner (Refer to RC West Operating Procedure RCO1 1 0 Communications Protocols o lf load shedding is required, refer to Section 3.5 - Load Shedding . o Monitor system conditions to determine if the instructed actions were implemented and whether the issues will be resolved in a timely manner. . lssue additional Operating lnstructions if needed. . Log a summary of all communications and acfions. \ 3.5. Load Shedding lnstructions Load shedding should be considered a last resort to mitigate reliability issues that occur in Realtime. All appropriate mitigation options should first be explored as time allows, including timely demand- side management or load transfer, before issuing an Operating lnstruction to shed firm load. However, during Emergency situations or during situations or events with the potential to result in Adverse Reliability lmpact, the RC operator may determine that other mitigation actions will not be adequate or would not resolve the issue in a timely manner. ln such cases, the RC operator should consider issuing an Operating lnstruction to shed firm load. This document is conlrolled when viewed eleclronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED. 11 @ Colif"rnio ISO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 6t2112021 System Emergencies Distribution Restriction : None 3.5.1. Situations that May Require Load Shedding The RC operator should consider issuing an Operating lnstruction to shed load, when: o A single or credible multiple Contingency will result in cascading outages, instability or voltage collapse, o An IROL exceedance is unlikely to be mitigated within 30 minutes or Tv, o Potential Adverse Reliability lmpact due to generation/load imbalance caused by large sustained ACE or frequency excursion, EEA, etc., or o Following Realtime Assessment, it is unclear whether the system can sustain the next single or credible multiple Contingency. When the RC operator determines that one of the above Emergency conditions exists and load shedding is being considered as an option: 3.5.2. When Load Shedding lnstruction May Not Be Viable Generally, an Operating lnstruction to shed firm load may not be viable, when: o The reliability issue can be mitigated in a timely manner using other mitigation actions. o Shedding firm load will violate safety, equipment, regulatory or statutory requirements. This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED. 12 Reliability Coordinator Actions . Perform Real-time Assessmenfs in collaboration with the RTOEto validate the reliability issue, if time allows. o Gonfirm results with the affected BAs, TOPs and neighboring RCs. o Operate conseruativelyif there is disagreement in study results between entities o lf there is disagreement with a neighboring RC on the IROL or Tv for a shared facility, operate to most limiting IROL or Tv.1s o Discuss mitigation options with the affected BAs/TOPs and determine if those options can resolve the issue in a timely manner o Evaluate effectiveness of mitigation in progress to determine if the condition will be resolved in timely manner o Determine whether post-Contingency automatic or manual mitigation actions are available or acceptable o lssue an Operating lnstruction to shed load, if other mitigation actions will not resolve the issue in a timely manner (Refer to RC West Operating Procedure RC0110 Communications Protocols). o Log a summary of all communications and acfibns. ls lRo-009-2 R4. @ C"lifornio ISO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distribution Restriction None o A load shed instruction cannot be physically implemented. o Studies show that the risk to the system will be contained within a defined area. . Load at risk is not sufficiently more than the load that would have to be shed pre-Contingency 3.6. Event Reporting Certain BES Emergencies such as IROL violations, system separation (islanding), firm load shedding, etc., require filing a NERC EOP-004 or a DOE OE-417 report. The RC operator will ensure that the appropriate internal parties are notified to ensure that the proper reports are submitted. Rel iability Goord i nator Actions a Notify internal CAISO Emergency Response Coordinator of the BES Emergency in accordance with RC West Operating Procedure RC-0420 Event Reportinq. 3.7. BA and TOP EOP-011 Plan Submissions and Review The CAISO Operations Compliance team shallwork in conjunction with the RC to facilitate reviews of the Emergency Operating Plan(s) submitted by BAs and TOPs.16 The EOP-011 plans can be submitted to RC West each time the plan(s) are updated. RC West does not have an annual or periodic update requirement for EOP-011 plans. The Plan Review Submissions library on the RC West secure website shall be used by the BAs and TOPs to upload Emergency Operating Plan(s) for RC review. The BAs and TOPs shall upload the plan document(s)with a completed RC0410A EOP-011 Plan Review Checklist. Within 30 calendar days of receipt, RC West shall: o Review each submitted Operating Plan(s) on the basis of compatibility and inter-dependencywith other BAs' and TOPs' Operating Plans, o Review each submitted Operating Plan(s) for coordination to avoid risk to Wide Area reliability, and . Notify each BA and TOP of the results of its review, specifying any time frame for resubmittal of its Operating Plan(s) if revisions are identified. Each TOP and BA shall address any reliability risks identified by the RC West and resubmit its Operating Plan(s) to RC West within the specified time period. Upon RC West's completion of the review process, the RC will post a review letter to the secure site and notify the submitting entity. 16 EOP-011-1 R3, R3.1 and sub requirements This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED. 13 'ap Colif"rnio ISO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distribution Restriction None 4. Supporti ng lnformation Ope rational Iy Affected Parties Shared with the Public and AESO, BCRC, SPP RC and RC West BAs and TOPs References NERC Requirements COM-002-4; EOP-011-1 R3, R5, R6; IRO-009-2 R2, R3, R4; tRo-o14-3. BA/TOP Operating Procedure RC West Operating Procedures RCO1 1 0 Communications Protocols RC0310 tMitiqatinq SOL and IROL Exceedances RC0420 Event Reportinq RC0430 GIVD Operatinq Plan RC0460 Reliability Coordinator Area Restoration Plan Definitions The following terms capitalized in this Operating Procedure are in accordance with the NERC Glossary, and/or othenruise when used are as defined below: Term Description Emergency or BES Emergency Any abnormal system condition that requires automatic or immediate manual action to prevent or limit the failure of transmission facilities or generation supply that could adversely affect the reliability of the Bulk Electric System. Adverse Reliability lmpact The impact of an event that results in frequency-related instability; unplanned tripping of load or generation; or uncontrolled separation or cascading outages that affects a widespread area of the lnterconnection. Extraord inary Conti ngency Shall have the meaning set out in Excuse of Performance, section B.4.c.language in section 8.4.c: Means any act of God, actions by a non-affiliated third party, labor disturbance, act of the public enemy, war, insurrection, riot, fire, storm or flood, earthquake, explosion, accident to or breakage, failure or malfunction of machinery or equipment, or any other cause beyond the Reliability Entity's reasonable control; provided that prudent industry standards (e.9. maintenance. desiqn. operation) have been emploved: and This docuntent is controlled when viewed electronically. When dov,rnloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED 14 $ Cotifornio ISO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distribution Restriction None Term Description provided further that no act or cause shall be considered an Extraordinary Contingency if such act or cause results in any contingency contemplated in any WECC Reliability Standard (e.9., the "Most Severe Single Contingency" as defined in the WECC Reliability Criteria or any lesser contingency). System Operating Limit (soL) The value (such as MW, Mvar, amperes, frequency or volts) that satisfies the most limiting of the prescribed operating criteria for a specified system configuration to ensure operation within acceptable reliability criteria. System Operating Limits are based upon certain operating criteria. These include, but are not limited to:. Facility Ratings (applicable pre- and post-Contingency Equipment Ratings or Facility Ratings),. Transient stability ratings (applicable pre- and post- Contingency stability limits),o Voltage stability ratings (applicable pre- and post- Contingency voltage stability), and r System voltage limits (applicable pre- and post- Contingency voltage limits). I nterconnection Reliability Operating Limit (IROL) A System Operating Limit that, if violated, could lead to instability, uncontrolled separation, or Cascading outages that adversely impact the reliability of the Bulk Electric System. Contingency Reserve The provision of capacity that may be deployed by the Balancing Authority to respond to a Balancing Contingency Event and other contingency requirements (such as Energy Emergency Alerts as specified in the associated EOP standard). A Balancing Authority may include in its restoration of Contingency Reserve readiness to reduce Firm Demand and include it if, and only if, the Balancing Authority: . ls experiencing a Reliability Coordinator declared Energy Emergency Alert level, and is utilizing its Contingency Reserve to mitigate an operating emergency in accordance with its emergency Operating Plan, or o ls utilizing its Contingency Reserve to mitigate an operating emergency in accordance with its emergency Operating Plan. Reliability Coordinator (RC) Area The collection of generation, transmission, and loads within the boundaries of the Reliability Coordinator. lts boundary coincides with one or more Balancing Authority Areas. This document is conlrolled when viewed electronically. When dovrnloaded or prinled, this documenl becomes UNCONTROLLED 15 $ Colif"rnio ISO RC West Reliability Coordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distribution Restriction None Term Description Capacity Emergency A capacity emergency exists when a Balancing Authority Area's operating capacity, plus firm purchases from other systems, to the extent available or limited by transfer capability, is inadequate to meet its demand plus its regulating requirements. Cascading The uncontrolled successive loss of System Elements triggered by an incident at any location. Cascading results in widespread electric service interruption that cannot be restrained from sequentially spreading beyond an area predetermined by studies. Contingency The unexpected failure or outage of a system component, such as a generator, transmission line, circuit breaker, switch or other electrical element. Energy Emergency A condition when a Load-Serving Entity or Balancing Authority has exhausted all other resource options and can no longer meet its expected Load obligations. Version History Version Change Date 1.0 Approved by Steering Committee 9126118 1.1 Section 3.3: Corrected minor reference error 11120118 1.2 Added notification to market participants when declaring EEAs. Removed references to RCIS in Section 3.2. Added RC0410A to Appendix section. 4119119 2.0 Annual Review: Section 3.3: Updated notification information and removed RCIS as a form of notification for extreme weather only. Section 3.7: Clarified plan submission requirements Replaced CAISO RC with RC West and updated to RC West logo. Minor grammar and format updates. 4t21120 3.0 Annual Review: Updated criteria for issuing EEAs in Section 3.1, and clarified references to RC0210. Updated all RC West procedure references and updated procedure review frequency to "Annual". Approved by Real-Time Working Group (RTWG). 2104121 3.1 Added Section 3.1.1 for EEA Watch. Added EEA Watch templates to Section 3.1.6. Clarified criteria and steps for RC declaring a "BES Emergency" in Section 3.2. Minor format and grammar updates. Reviewed and approved by the Real-Time Workinq Group. 4115121 This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becomes UNCONTROLLED. 16 @ cotibrnio ISO i nC West Reliability Goordinator Procedure Procedure No.RC0410 Version No.3.2 Effective Date 612112021 System Emergencies Distribution Restriction : None 3.2 Section 3.1: Updates made related to EEA Watch based on received feedback. 6121121 5. Periodic Review Procedure Review Griteria & lncorporation of Ghanges There are no specific review criteria identified for this document. Frequency Annual. Appendix RC0410A EOP-011 Plan Review Checklist This document is controlled when viewed electronically. When downloaded or printed, this document becornes UNCONTROLLED 17 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM]SSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL REQUEST NO. 1 ATTAGHMENT NO.2 CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT SENT SEPARATELY BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO. 1 ATTACHMENT NO.3 e Colifornio lS RC West April8,2021 ldaho Power Contact: Gary Slayton The California ISO Reliability Coordinator has reviewed your EOP-011 Operating Plan, P3g! Manaoement Procedures. effective 4/1 /2021 . The plan was found to be compatible with the RC's plan and other inter-dependent Balancing Authority and Transmission Operator Operating Plans. Review of your Operating Plan by the RC West Reliability Coordinator does not signify or equate to a determination of compliance with any applicable reliability standards which can only be assured by a functional entity's Compliance Enforcement Authority. Reviewed by: Olga Zvyagina, Lead Operations Compliance and lntegration Analyst lf you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at isorc@caiso.com Thank you, Operations Compliance & Controls Team RC West Califomia ISO Reliability Coordinator, 250 Outcropping Way, Folsom, CA 95630 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC.E.21.13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL REQUEST NO. 2 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT SENT SEPARATELY BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-13 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL REQUEST NO.4 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT SENT SEPARATELY BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-13 IDAHO POWER COMPANY REQUEST NO.4 ATTAGHMENT NO.2 ldaho Power Company Corporate Communications Customer Communications For example communications recently used to request that customers reduce use during peak hours, see the following o News release o Webpaqe o Social media o Customer email: I)lning lhb fisfodc hGdurec, ut ncrd yolr @ lo plCvrnl orn ec!. Plcerc Inory u,G'r! dolrg ctlq/0$no wG crn lo !v(il, t r*rg ottlhc potxCf, drd lhd hchdt! ca:tg il crdomcr! !o rrducr lhcar l'!G rt wcl. HcrG arG.mE Hc.r thd c.n hch, G.pccHy toor tl to 9 p.m. *'lrGll ancrgry rrc b hlhcrl: ll ir3 rS l,o do 30, fum your llo nG ot oltrcc lhcrmodd up. ftil, dGgtGG., to lhc ArC bn'l sor*fE qdr !o hafl, UrG lhr barboils, flrbrurayr o. prt.3urc coolcr, httcd of an dcctic rangc ot ovcn, rrlrach urc a lol ol por,cr. Clooa doo.!, urixtow! ard bhd3 so lha lun rvonl hcal up ttc ollcc bnttthg or horcc ar much Powcr dorm dGvi:ca (co.ntrIbr!, tebbb, Tvr tnd 0rni!0 orttcrn ) h tlc evcnang Only urc lghE h ocrrrli{rd ,oo.n3 (rrncadad).fi, }GGp lhc liirgG nd tcczcr dos! doccd 13 much a3 po.sflrac. SwG th. di3hct rnd hlrn.lry tor tha momhg stltcn t|crc'3 lcls dcmand br cn rgy. Avd, irigrtne crop. or rumirg $c lpririldGG h llr. tflrmooo, rhilfhg b modng or naght i, posruc Thar* you,0. you, hcb dudry lhcrc crilicd hours Eccau$ wG crnl slorr Gocrgty, f3 mGl importrnl to conrcrvo during lhc cyrring hqrr! whGn high &mand sb..nt lhc g[l! mort. Fot molr hromtdbn, virl irelppo*r com. To lign up for *rts, hdudfuig orf.gc tG)ot or cmJr, vEi M, Accorrnt. a a a a a a a