HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210429IPC to Staff 1-17.pdf6MRG r. .-r',fil.. ".L. - "-'. L-:r i',r, l,:'li ?3 Pi"; 3:'+0 McDOWELL RACKNER GIBSON PC 419 SW I lth Ave, Suite 400 | Portland, OR 97205 . L :,.I !fJ Aonu LowxevM(W)Wffi26 *am@rng{a r.ryrt Re: April29,2021 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 Case No. IPC-E-21-04 !n the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application for a Determination of 2020 Demand-Side Management Expenses as Prudently lncuned Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Aftached for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 34781, is ldaho Power Company's Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff, Nos. 1 through 17. !f you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Adam Lowney cc: IPC-E-21-04 Service List (via email) Attachments main: 503 595 3922 | fax: 503 595 3928 | www.mrg-law.com 419 SW llthAve, Suite 400 | Portland, Oregon 97205-2605 ADAM LOWNEY (lSB No.10456) McDowell Rackner Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Avenue, Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205 Telephone: (503) 595-3926 Facsimile: (503) 595-3928 adam@mrg-law.com LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) Idaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I n o rd stro m @ id a h opowe r. co m Attorneys for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR A DETERMINATION OF 2O2O DEMAND.SIDE MANAGEMENT EXPENSES AS PRUDENTLY INCURRED. CASE NO. !PC-E-21-04 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Compohy"), and in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to ldaho Power Company dated April 8, 2021, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) REQUEST NO. 1: Please provide the cost-effectiveness workpapers and calculations for each energy efficiency and demand response program in2020 in Excel format, with allformulas intact. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1: Please see the attachment provided to this response. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REOUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 2 REQUEST NO. 2: Please provide the revenue (excluding interest) by class and tariff schedule for the DSM tariff rider in 2020. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 2: The table below contains the 2020 ldaho Power Energy Efficiency Rider funding by rate class: 2020 Rate Glass Tariff Schedule Rider Fundins Residential Commercia! lndustrial lrrigation Lighting 01,03,05,06 07, 08, 09 19,26,29,30 24 15,40, 41,42 13,O70,217 7,225,859 4,275,932 3,897,815 124,827 $ $ $ $ $ Total $ 28,594,651 The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REOUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 3 REOUEST NO. 3: Please provide the calculation of the interest accrued to the DSM tartff rider account. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 3: Please see the attiachment provided to this response. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Poner Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 4 REQUEST NO.4: Please provide a list of market transformation and marketing activities offered by NEEA that the Company has opted out of for all or part of its service territory. a. For those activities, please provide a side-by-side comparison of NEEA marketing activities and those conducted by the Company. b. Please provide a financial comparison of those activities. lf applicable, please identiff how much the Company was reimbursed from NEEA for those marketing activities. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.4: The Company has not opted out of any market transformation or marketing activities offered by NEEA in 2020. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 5 REQUEST NO. 5: Please provide the number of Advanced Metering lnfrastructure ('AMl") switches for the A/C Cool Credit and lrrigation Peak Rewards programs that the Company has in inventory. RESPONSE TO REOUEST NO. 5:The inventory of Advanced Metering lnfrastructure ('AMl') switches utilized in both the A/C Cool Gredit and lrrigation Peak Rewards programs is approximalely 2,461 as of April 19,2021. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research and Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 6 REQUEST NO. 6: On page 3 of the 2020 DSM Annual report, the Company states that due to COVID-19 protocols, in-home work was suspended for the following programs: (1) Easy Savings: Low-lncome Energy Efficiency Education; (2) Energy House Calls; (3) Home Energy Audit Program; (4) Multifamily Energy Savings Program; and (5) Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers. Please answer the following questions for each program: a. Please provide the current status of each program. b. Please provide the safety protocols and guidelines the Company is adhering to in order to deem the programs safe to administer. c. Once deemed safe to administer the programs, does the Company expect any limitations and modification to the programs? lf yes, please explain. d. Once deemed safe to administer the programs, does the Company expect any issues with ramping up the programs? !f yes, please explain. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 6: 1. Easy Savings: Low-lncome Energy Efficiency Education a. In-home work with program contractors continues to be suspended due to COVID-19 protocols. b. Given the risk associated with in-home visits for customers, employees, and contractors, the Company is proceeding cautiously. ldaho Power's Emergency Management Team (.EMT') reviews several key monitors related to the pandemic including, but not limited to, community spread, positivity rate, and Company employee infections and quarantines, as IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 7 part of evaluating business processes that were paused due to the pandemic. The EMT also closely monitors Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Iocal health department guidance. Additionally, information related to operational criticality, need, and impact are provided by the business unit. Al! these factors will be utilized in providing a recommendation to Senior Leadership for approval of restarting the in-home work. c. \Mile the Company does not necessarily expect modifications to the program, ldaho Power does anticipate the following safety protocols will be required after approval of restarting the in-home work: 1. A daily health checklist will be required by the employee/contractor before entering homes. 2. Masks will be required to be worn during the duration of the visit. 3. Social distancing will be utilized as much as possible during the duration of the visit. 4. Contracts with Idaho Power's third-party suppliers will be updated to include safety and protocol requirements for contractors. The EMT will continue to evaluate the key monitors, previously noted, and could, at any time recommend modifications to work practices or the suspension of in-home work to ensure the safety of customers, contractors, and the Company's employees. d. No, the Company does not expect issues with ramping up the program once it is deemed safe to administer. Community Action Partnership IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 8 agencies have been in contact with the HVAC contractors involved in the program to ensure they are ready to resume when it is safe to do so. 2. Energy House Calls a. ln-home work with program contractors continues to be suspended due to COVID-19 protocols. b. See answer to 1b. above. c. See answerto 1c. above. d. The Company does not expect issues with ramping up the program as customers and contractors continue to express interest in resuming the program. Enrollments are being accepted and the Company is maintaining a waitlist until the program is deemed safe to resume in- home activities. As of April 19,2021, 55 customers are currently on the waitlist. 3. Home Energy Audit a. ln-home work with program contractors continues to be suspended due to COVID-19 protocols b. See answer to 1b. above. c. See answer to 1c. above. d. The Company does not expect issues with ramping up the Home Energy Audit program. Enrollments are being accepted, and the Company is maintaining a waitlist until the program is deemed safe to resume in- home activity. Once in-home activity resumes, the Company anticipates scheduling pending applicants in the order they were received. Any IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 9 customer at that point not yet comfortable with having an auditor visit the home will be held for a future date when the customer is comfortable with the visit. As of April 19,2021, 323 customers were on the waitlist. 4. Multifamily Energy Savings Program a. ln-home work with program contractors continues to be suspended due to COVID-19 protocols. b. Seeanswerto 1b. above. c. See answerto 1c. above. d. From a program perspective, the Company does not expect issues with ramping up activity, however, it is aware that some renters may not yet feel comfortable having contractors in their homes. As of April 19, 2021 , one complex was on the waitlist. 5. Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers a. ln-home work with program contractors continues to be suspended due to COVID-19 protocols. b. See answer to 1b. above. c. See answer to 1c. above. d. lt is the Company's understanding that agency staffing has been reduced as a result of the pandemic, which may result in delays to weatherizing homes when in-home activity resumes. From the Company's perspective, Idaho Power has continued its engagement with agencies to identify opportunities to optimize the program and stands ready to ramp up in-home activity once it is safe to do so. As of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 10 April 19, 2021, the total waitlist for the program includes 104 customers. Of these, 18 projects began pre-COVID and were placed on hold as of March 2020. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Cornpany. IDAHO POV'JER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 11 REQUEST NO.7: On page 51 of the 2020 DSM Annual Report, the Company states that there is a waiting list for the Energy House Calls Program. Please answer the following regarding the Energy House Calls Program: a. PIease provide the current number of customers on the waitlist for the program. b. How many customers were on the waitlist at the end of 2020? c. How long does the Company anticipate it willtake to serve all customers on the wait list? d. When the Company deems the program safe to administer again, does the Company foresee any issues with retaining contractors to administer the program? lf yes, please explain. e. Please provide a breakdown of expenses incurred for the program following the suspension of the program due to COVID-19 in March ol 2020. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 7: Regarding the Energy House Calls Program: a. There are currently 55 customers on the waitlist for the Energy House Calls program. b. There were approximately 45 customers on the waitlist at the end of 2020. c. After consultation with the third-party contractors who perform the in-home work, ldaho Power predicts it may take 3-6 months to get through all the jobs on the waitlist. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 12 d. No, contractors for the program plan on continuing to work on the program and are anxious to resume fteld visits. e. Please see the attachment provided forthis response for expenses incured since suspension of in-home activity for the program. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANYS RESPONSE TOTHE FIRST PRODUCTION RESUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 13 REQUEST NO. 8: On page 61 of the 2020 DSM Annual report, the Company states that there is a waiting list for the Home Energy Audit program. Please answer the following regarding the Home Energy Audit Program: a. Please provide the current number of customers on the waitlist for the program. b. How many customers were on the waiting list at the end of 2020? c. How long does the Company anticipate it will take to serve all customers on the wait list? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 8: a. There are 332 customers on the waitlist for the program as of April 19, 2021. b. There were 233 customers on the waitlist for the program at the end of 2020. c. After consultation with the third-party contractors who perform the in-home work, ldaho Power predicts it may take 7-9 months to serve all customers on the waitlist. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 14 REQUEST NO. 9: On page 45 of the 2020 DSM Annual Report, the Company states that due to Welcome Kits no Ionger being cost-effective as a stand-alone measure that the kits will now be offered as a promotional item in 2021. Please answer the following questions regarding the Welcome Kits in 2021: a. What are the Company's projected cost for implementing the program as a promotional item? b. What are the projected savings for the kit? c. How will these savings be reported? d, What programs does the Company plan to cross-promote in conjunction with the Welcome Kits? e. What offerings will be included in the Welcome Kits? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 9: a. The projected costs to send Welcome Kits to new customers is estimated to be approximately $610,605 in 2021. This includes the cost of the bulbs, assembly of the kits, packaging, educational materials, shipping and handling. For program year 2020, the majority of the costs associated with the Welcome Kits were charged to the Educational Distributions program, with a small portion (approx. 7 percent of total program costs) related to the educational materials assigned to the Residential Energy Efficiency Education lnitiative ('REEEl"). The educational materials in the kit encourage the adoption of new energy efficient behaviors and promote participation in other ldaho Power energy efficiency programs. For program IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 15 year 2021, the Company intends to assign more of the Welcome Kit costs to REEEI; however, the specifics have not been decided at this time. b. The projected savings are estimated to be 22.86 kilo-watt hours per kit. c. The savings will be reported as part of the Educational Distributions program. d. The 202l educational flip book included with the kit will cross-promote the following programs: A/C Coo! Credit, Energy House Calls, Heating & Cooling Efficiency Program, Home Energy Audit, Multifamily Energy Savings Program, Rebate Advantage, Residentia! New Construction (pilot), Shade Tree Project, and both whole-house weatherization programs- Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers and Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers. e. The 2021 Welcome Kits wil! contain an educational flip book, a Light- Emitting Diode ("LED") nightlight, two 800-lumen LED bulbs, two 1600- lumen LED bulbs, and a greeting card. The response to the request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 16 REQUEST NO. 10: On page 31 of the 2020 DSM Annual Report, the Company states that communication levels exceeded 90% for the cycling events for the A/C Cool Credit program. When communication failed for the cycling events please answer the following questions: a. \l/hat communication occurs with the customers in the event of a communication failure from a cycling event? b. What is the Company's process for diagnosing the failed communication? c. \A/hen a cycling event is activated and communication did not occur, are incentives paid to the customers whose devices failed to communicate? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 10: a. Communication with the customer may take the form of a phone call, an in-person visit from a technician, or a door hanger left at the premise in the case of a site visit when the customer is not home. !f the communication failure with the switch is an ongoing issue, the switch is investigated to see if the issue can be resolved. b. The devices are automatically "pinged" throughout the year to check communications. This happens daily during the spring and summer, and at least three times a week during the fall and winter. A monthly report provides information on which switches did not successfully communicate and the number of failures. This information is tracked on an ongoing basis to discover patterns. An example is a switch that is communicating normally over the course of a IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 17 period and then stops all communication, but the customer's electricity usage indicates they may still be running their air conditioner. ln this case, a technician would visit the site to diagnose the issue and correct if possible. lt is through this process that failed communication with devices is diagnosed and addressed. c. The financial incentive of $5.00 is paid per month, not per event, to participants in the A/C Cool Credit program even if their device failed to communicate during an event. lf communications to a device fails on an ongoing basis, which is identified using the process described in the answer above, a technician will make every effort to correct the issue. lf it is not possible to correct the issue, the customer would be removed from the program and no longer receive the incentive. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 18 REQUEST NO. 1{: Please answer the following regarding the lrrigation Peak Rewards Program: a. Please provide the average number of service points per customer in 2020. b. Please provide the number of customer opt-outs per dispatch event. c. PIease provide the tota! estimated amount of demand response reduction not realized as a result of customer opt-outs per dispatch event. d. Please provide the amount of device failures per dispatch event. e. Please provide the total estimated amount of demand response reduction not realized as a result of device failures per dispatch event. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 11: a. The average service points per customer in 2020 was 5. b. The customer opt-outs per dispatch event were as follows: 612412020 - 9 customers with 18 service points,712112020 - 9 customers with 15 service points, 713112020 - 17 customers with 56 service points. c. The tota! estimated amount of demand response reduction not realized as a result of customer opt-outs was as follows: 612412020 - 2.9 mega-watts ("MW'), 712112020 - 1.24 MW, and 713112020 - 8.3 MW. d. The amount of device failures per dispatch event as a percent of enrolled MW were as follows: 612412020 - 5.48o/o, 712112020 - 5.91o/o, and 713112020 - 4.83%. This information can also be found on page 9 of the 2020 Irrigation Peak Rewards Program Report located in Supplement 2 to the 2020 Demand-Side Management Report. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 19 e. The total estimated amount of demand response reduction not realized as a result of device failureswas as follows: 612412020 - 10.36 MW,712112020 - 8.68 MW, and 71311202A - 6.95 MW The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research &Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 20 REQUEST NO. 12: On page 87 of the 2020 DSM Annual Report, the Company describes a "do-it-yourself weatherization" bill insert. \A/hat was the cost of this insert and was it assigned to the Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers program or another program? ls the Company claiming any energy savings from the bill insert? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. {2: The cost for sending the bill insert to all residential customers in ldaho was $4,283. Because any residential customer may benefit from installing these types of measures, the bill insert was considered a general education/awareness piece and was assigned to the Residential Education lnitiative. \Mile it is likely these education efforts will result in energy savings experienced by a participating customer and accruing to the Company's system over time, ldaho Power did not claim any energy-savings from the bill insert. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 21 REQUEST NO. 13: On page 26 of the Goralski Direct Testimony, he states that the Company continued marketing efforts for suspended programs. Please provide a list of these marketing expenses and please explain why the Company continued marketing for suspended programs. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 13: Please see the aftachment provided to this response for the list of marketing expenses. ldaho Power continued with Iimited marketing for one program, Home Energy Audits. Some items, including the March bill insert and February/March digital ads, were scheduled and running before in-home program activity was suspended in mid-March 2020. The Company marketed the program afier March 2020 in a limited capacity to maintain awareness and afford customers the opportunity to get on the waitlist. Because many customers were working from home and noticing potential household projects and improvements, the marketing was tailored using the following message: "Looking to improve your home after spending so much time in it?" The marketing activities included customer bill inserts in July, September and December. The December bill insert contained a disclaimer statement: "Auditor visds are on hold due to COVID-l9. By signing up, you will be added to a list and contacted when auditor w'sifs tesume." The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 22 REQUEST NO. 14: PIease describe the methodology change to the Effective Load Carrying Capacity ("ELCC") used in calculating the Value of Demand ('VOD') referenced in the Goralski Direct Testimony on page 34. Please include workpapers for the Company's calculations, in electronic format with links intact and formulae enabled. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 14: The value of demand included in the report, and ultimately cited in the testimony, was based on the Effective Load Carrying Capacity ("ELCC") established in the 2013 settlement. ln a January 2021 meeting, the Company and Staff discussed that a revision may be warranted to update the ELCC to reflect the most recent S-year period. Subsequent to that discussion, the Company performed an analysis to determine if program cost-effectiveness would be impacted under an updated ELCC. The result was an ELCC of 85 percent based on 2016-2020 data inputs, which results in a total value of demand of approximately $18 million, as compared to the $19.6 million using the ELCC of 93 percent from the 2013 settlement. ln 2020, the cost of operating all three demand response programs was $7.7 million, and ldaho Power estimates that if the three programs were dispatched for the full 60 hours, the total costs would have been approximately $10.9 million. Please see the attachment provided to this response showing how the updated 85 percent ELCC was calculated using 2016- 2020 top 100 hours data, as well as how the $1 8 million value of demand was calculated using an updated ELCC of 85 percent. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 23 REQUEST NO. 15: Please provide workpapers supporting Table 4-1,Table 4-2, and Table 4-3 on pages 13-14 in the DNV-GL's "ldaho Power Educational Distributions lmpact and Process Evaluation" report. Please include workpapers in electronic format with links intact and formulae enabled. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 15: Please see the attachments provided to this response. Please note the folder contains several files, some of which are confidential. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 24 REQUEST NO. 16: Please provide workpapers supporting Table 5, Table 6, and Table 7 on pages 12-15 in the Tetra Tech's "ldaho Power Company lrrigation Efficiency Rewards Program" report. Please include workpapers in electronic format with links intact and formulae enabled. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 16: Please see the attachment provided to this response. Please note the folder contains several files, some of which are confidentia!. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 25 REQUEST NO. 17: Please provide workpapers supporting Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 on page 8 in the ADM Associates, lnc's "Rebate Advantage PY2019 M&V Report". Please include workpapers in electronic format with links intact and formulae enabled. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 17: Please see the attachment provided to this response. Please note the folder contains severa!files, some of which are confidential. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. Respectfully submitted this 29th day of April 2021. ADAM LOWNEY LISA D. NORDSTROM Attorneys for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 26 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 29th day of April2021, ! served a true and correct copy IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Matt Hunter, Deputy Attorney General !daho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8, Suite 201-A(83714') PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Jan Noriyuki, Secretary 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 lndustrial Customerc of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson, Richardson Adams PLLC 515 N.27th St P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83702 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, Idaho 83703 ldaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto 710 N. 66 St. Boise, ldaho 83702 Hand Delivered _U.S. Mai! _Overnight Mail _FA)(X Email Matt.Hunter@puc.idaho.qov Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail -FAX X Email secretarv@puc.idaho.qov Hand Delivered _U.S. Mai! _Overnight Mail _FA)(X Email peter@richardsonadams.com dreadinq@ mindsorino.com Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail FA)(X Email botto@ idahoconservation.orq A!4,-t^ TJ! Alisha Till, Paralegal IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF 27 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-04 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT TO REQUEST NO. 1 TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF rPc-E-21-04 R$ponse to Staff No. I Cost-Effectiveness Summary by Program EABcD 1 G s benefit 7 s s Annual Gros Costs Costs with Adder Bill SavinBs Educational Di5tributions 19,909,747 too%s s,827,739 s 6,410,s13 s 8,899,543 EnerEv Effi cient LichtinR 13.942.202 100%s 7.s94.591 s 8.3s4.050 s 12.333.930 Enersv House Calls 56.944 700%s 29.017 s 31.919 s 55.340 Heatinc & Coolinc Efficiencv Prosram 1.839_058 1009(s 1-009-479 r.770.427s s 7.626.927 Multifamily Energy Savings Prosram 2A,04,.100%12,318 13,550 20,707 Rebate Advanta{e 366.678 100%s 304.047 s 334.452 s 601.152 Residential New Construction Pilot Procram 649.\22 too%s 731.230 s 804-353 1.145_182s Shade Tree Proiect s2.662 72tv s s s SimDle SteDs, Smart Savinrs -148,404 1009{77,491s s 85,229 177,745s Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers 218.611 70o%s 160.708 s t76.779 s 307.429 Weatherization Solutions for Elisible Customers 47_360 t0/]%s 28.385 s 31.224 57-901s Commerclel and lndustrial C&l EE - Custom Proiects 94.006.717 1009(s 58.874.100 s 64.761.510 s 37.569.495 C&l EE - New Construction 14.555_936 to/J%8_097.575s 4.907.444s 7.740.477s C&l EE - Retrofits 20.955.21S 100P1 s 11_655.243 s 12.420.769 s tt.t4r.tt Commercial Energv-Savings Xits 258,368 100%s 128.900 s 741,790 s t28,M3 Small Business Direct lnstall 780.250 100x s 352.505 s 387.757 s 330.703 lrriration s s Easy Savings: Low-lncome Energy Efficiency Education 10,628 too%s 1,144 s 1,258 s 2,534 Home Energv Audit ProEram 31,938 100%s 15,417 s 15,958 s 25,2tt Oreson Residential Weatherization 0 1009(s s s Residential Enerw Efficiencv Education lnitiative Residential Overhead Commercial/lndustrial Commercial/lndustriaUlrrication Overhead Oreron Commercial Audit Green Motors - lndustrial 56.012 700%s 20.643 s 22.704 s 13_802 Green Motors - lrriEation 36,747 100%s 45,464 s 50,01r 27,76ts (Xher Enersv Efficiencv Direct Prorram Overhead lndired Prosram Exoanses Enero Efficiencv Accountins and Analvsis Energy Efficiencv Advisory Group SDecial Accountinc Entries fotal ldaho Porer Enerrv EffiGienw Portfolio ErD€nses taa.aaa.27,108.566.677 s 119.rUt3.345 s 90.398.790 adiustment WAOC - OH allocation alreadv accounted adjustment Weatherization Solutions - OH allocation already accounted Iotal ldaho Power Eneryy Efficiency Portfolio hpenses (Less Adiustmentsl 1E0.818,277 108,566,677 s 119,tr8345 s 90,39t 790 Residential EE Sector 37.301.800 15.791.558 17.370.713s 3 25.1!r4.OlO Commercial/lndustrial EE S€ctor'130,632,507 79,L29,070 S 87,ur.,977 s s7,024,034 lrrigation EE sector 5 12.88,!t.970 13.6tl5,050 s 15.010.655 3 8,180.7t6 Cool Credit Power Portfolio ' Flex Peak Prorram Peak Rewards total DSM Expense' ilotB: 2. Odtcr programs and Ac{rrlt.s Grpcnriea includ.d ln tlE ovrtail Portbllo @6t afulvlols3. SomG lncludad in thc sccto, aort Gfilctfrrcn.3t. rffcrtwmrrsn#cs,butthrcostlt.rcrumowdlnthcportfollocost-rffccdrrn rranalyrBtonoto,crst t ftGcortrmddoubhcoufttrreasB. .1. Commcr'cLutn&rifrlal EncAy Etreicncyscctor coet{ftcthEncrs rrtlo3 trcludai.vfiI3.nd p.rttlpilrt co.ts ftom Gean Mobls nc*ih& hom [aG:14. 5. lrErtlon Encrly Etrdancy S.ctor co6t-rfurrcnsr rffo. lncfudG glullEi ard partlclp.nt corB ftom Gra.n iroto.t Rai,ln& fiom nnG 35. 7. Totd tsM cl$etl3s. RGfi!rcnc. 160 Ucs to tht Tobl DSM E ectt3cs ln lgpcndka. 2 - 3. rPc.E-21-04 Response to Staff No. 1 Educational Distri butions Segment: Residential 2020 Program Results Net Benefit lnouts Ref. Resource Savlngs 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kWh) NPV Cumulative Energy (kwh) '10% Crodit (Northwest PorerAct) 19,909,74 1 114,912,206 $ $ 5,E27,739 s82,774 Total Electric Savings $ 6,410,513 Participant Bitl Savings NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings $ 8,899,541 Other Benefits Non-Utility Rebatos/lncentives Non-Enerov Benefts t 3 2-377.9O1 s A B NUI NEB of Cost-Effectiveness Results in Eech Teet 5,8: 8,7t 5,E: N/A S'NTG (A+NUl+Nl S-NTG N/A $ $ $ Cocts Discounl Rate Nominal WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + E6calation)) - 1 Escalation Rate Net-toGross (NTG) Minimum NTG Sensitivity Customer Segmont Rate/kwh Notes: Enorgy savings as reported by Franklin Energy for the 2019-2020 student kits. NEBs for give away bulbs, welcome kit bulbs, and energy-savings kits include PV of periodic bulb redacamont costs. NEBS for student kit and energy-savings kit shoriverheads include the net present value (NPV) ofwater and wastewator savings and, wten applicable, therm savings. No participant cost. 2020 cost-offectiveness ratios include evaluation exponses. lf evalution expenses were removed from the program's cost+tfectiveness, the UCT and TRC would be 1.4E ar Line Cost lnputs Ref. Program Administratlon $ 4,006,023 Prooram lncentives 3 I P i, Totel Utilitv Coet 3 4.006.023 Measure Eouloment and lnstallation (lncnmental Particioant Costl 3 Utility Cosl Test Tolal R€source Cost Test Ratepayer lmpacl Measure Tesl Cost Tesl Utility Cost Test Total Resourco Cost Test Ratepayer lmpac{ Measure Test tPc-E-21-04 Response to Staff No. 1 Easy Savings: Low-lncome Energy Efficiency Program Segment: Residential 2020 Program Results Notes: No participant cost. of Cost-Effectiveness Resultg Beneflts and Coets lncluded in Each Tect for Levelized Calculations Discount Rate Nominal (WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / ('l + Es661"1;onr - , Escahtion Rate Net-to-Gross (NTG) Minimum NTG Sensitivity Customer Segment Rat€/kwh N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cost lnputs Ref. Program Admlnbtration Proqram lncentives $9,503 $I P irl Total utilltv Coct t 9.503 teasuru EouiDment end lnstallation (lncrement l ParticiDant Costl i Nat Benefit lnputs Ref. Rerource Savings 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kwh) NPV Cumulative Energy (kWh) 10% Credit (Northwtsst PorverAc{) 10,62E 33,4E7 $ $ 1,144 't14 Total Electric Savings t 1,258 Participant Bill Savings NPV Cumuhtive Participant Bill Savings $2,5y Other Benefits Non-Utility R6bates/lncentives Non-Enerqv Benefits $I S A B NUI NEB Test Cost Test Utility Cost Test Total R$ource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpact Measure Test Utility Cost Test Total Rosource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpact Measure Test Cosl Test tPc-E-21-04 Response to Staff llo. t Energy Efficient Lighting Segmenk Residential 2020 Program ResulB Notos: NEBs include PV of periodic bulb roplacement costs. Cost lnouts Ref, Program Admlnbtratlon $ 3 7U,43 Prooram lncentives 882.117 I P it Totrl Utllitv Cost 3 1.667.{59 il.trur. Eouioment end lnrtelletlon Oncremenbl PtrtlclD.nt Coitl 3 2.28{.338 of Cost EflecUveness Results Benellta and Coctr lncluded ln Each Tost = S'NTG =(A+NUl+Nt NTG = S'NTG +++ for Discount Rate Nominal (WACC) Real (1 + wAcc) / (1 + Escalation)) - 1 Escalation Rat6 Net-tccross (NTG) Minimum NTG Sensitivity Customer Segment Rate/kWh $ $ $ 7,5( 12,E| 7,5( 17 7'. T..t Utility Cost Test Total R$ource Cost T€st Ratepayer lmpacl Measure Test Perticioant Cosl Test Resource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpaci Measure T6st l,trilig Cost Test Net Benefit Ref. Partlclpant Bill Savingr NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings Non-utility Rebates/lncentives $t BenoltE $ 12,333,930 Savingr $ 7,594,591 8,354,050Total Electric Savings 10% Credit Pouler 13,942,202 149,197,560 S $ 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kWh) NPV Cumulative Eneryy (kWh) B NUI s A tPc-E-21-O4 Response to staff No. 1 Energy House Calls Segment: Residential 2020 Program Results Notes: NEBs include PV of periodic bulb replacoment costs for direct install LED bulbs. NEBS for showerheads and faucet aerators include the net present value (NPV) ofwater and waste water savings. No participant costs. of Gost-Effectiveness Results Beneflt N/A and Costs lncluded in Each Test S'NTG (A+ NUI + Nl S-NTG N/A $ $ $ for Levelized Calculations Discounl Rale Nominal (WACC) Real (('l + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - 1 Escalstion Rato Nettccross (NTG) Minimum NTG Sensitivity Customer Segment Rate/kWh Line Losses Cost lnputs Ref. Program Administration $ 3 s,352 Prooram lncentives I P M Total Utiliw Cost $6,352 Measure Equipment and lmtallatlon (lncremental Participant Co.t)$ Test Utility Cost Test Resource Cost Test lmpact Measure Test Cost Test Cost Test Resource Cost Test lmpacl Measure T€st Benefit Ref. Participant Bill Savings NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings Other Benefi6 Polrer $55,3100 $ $Total Electric Savings 29,017 31,919 Non-Utility Rebates/lncentives Benefits 56,944 659,466 $ Savings 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kwh) NPV Cumulative Energy (kWh) B NUI NEB s A rPc-E-21-(E Respo$etostaffNo. I Green Motors - lndustrial Segment lndustrial 2020 Program Results Cost lnouts Ref. Progr.m AdmlnistraUon Prooram lncentives $ 3 I P tul Tote! tltilitv Goct 3 Ueaiur€ Eouioment and lnrtallation {lncremental ParticlDant Cost)$8.48t of Cost-Effectlveness Results and Coctr lncluded in Erch Test for Levelized Calculatlone Rate Nominal (WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - 1 Rate (NTG) NTG Sensitivity Customor Segment Rate/kWh Lo33es Beneflt N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Net Beneflt lnpuE Ref. Recource Savings 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kwh) NPV Cumulative Energy (kWh) 10% Crodit (Northwest PorverAc-t) 56,012 406,343 $ $ 20,643 2,064 Total Elec.tric Savings $12,708 Partlclpant Bll! Savlngs NPV Cumuhtive Participant Bill Savings t 13,802 Othor Benefits Non-Utility Rebatevlncentives t 3Non-Enerov Benefits s A NUI NEB Teat Cost Te6t Resource Cost Test lmpac't Measure Test Cost Test Cost Test Resource Coet Test lmpacl Moasure Tost Cost Test tPC-E.21-(X Rcsponse to Staff ilo. 1 Green Motors - lrrigation Segment lnigation 2020 Program Results Cost lnputr Ref. Program Admlnldrallon $ WlttyCoct $ teacuro Eouloment and lmt lla0on {lncromentel P.rticlDsnt Coat}$12.192 ! P m of Cost€ffectlvoneaa Results lnd Costr lncluded in E ch T.st for Levellzed Calculatlonc Rate Nominal (WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - I Rate (NTG) NTG Sensitivity CuBtomer Segment Rate/kwh Beneflt N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Net Beneflt lnDuts Ref. Rerource Savlnp 2020 Annual Gros3 Enorgy (kwh) NPV Cumulative Energy (kWh) t0% Crodit (Nortlnrest PorcrAct) fi,117 171,122 $ $ 45,464 4,546 Total Elec{ric Savings $50,011 Participant Blll Savlngs NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings $27,781 Other Benefitr Non-Utility Rebatos/lncentives t 3Non-Enamv Benefils s A B NU! NEB Tert Cost Tost Resource Cost Test lmpact Measure Test Cost Test Cost Test Resource Cost Test lmpact MeasurB Test Cost Test lPiC-E-21-(lr Response to Staff No. 1 Heating & Cooling Efficiency Program Segment Residential 2020 Program Results Notes: NEBs include NPV of RTF values for annual O&M savings and monetized comforl savings. 1,0( 't,5t 1,0( $ $ $ Results S'NTG (A+NUl +Nl NTG S*NTG B+l+NUl+ for Levelized Calculations Discount Rate Nominal WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - 1 Escalation Rate Net-to-Gross (NTG) Minimum NTG Sensitivity Average Customer Segment Rate/kwh Line Lossos Cost Inputs Ref. Program Administration $2s8,370 Prooram lncantives s 368.190 I P l, Total Utilitv Cost $606,559 teasure Equipment and lnctallation (lncremental Participant Cost)$1.653.423 Net Benefit Ref. Non-Utility Rebates/lncentives Benefits $ $ $ 1,626,927 Total Elec{ric Savings 1,009,479 1,110,427 SaYings 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kWh) NPV Cumulative Energy (kwh) Bill Savings NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings 't,E39,066 19,6E0,'t87 $ B NUI NEB s A Test Utility Cost Test Total Resource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpac{ Measure Test Total Resourc€ Cost Tost Ratepayor lmpact Measure Test Utility Cost Test Cost Test tpc-E-2l-tt{ Response to Staff t{o. 1 Home Energy Audit Program Segment Residential 2020 Program Reeults Cost lnouts Ref. Prcgam Admlnlrtr.Uon Prooram lncontlvss 3 130,545 t I P t Total l,ftllltv Coct 3 130.548 teasum Eouloment and lmt llsUon (lncr.m.ntal PartlclDant Costl 3 t2.t03 of Gost-EffecUveness Beneflt rnd Co3t3 lncluded ln Each Discount Rate Nominal (WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - 1 Escalation Rate Net-'tGcross (NTG) Customer Segmont RetoftWh Line Losses N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Net Benellt lnputg Ref Rerource Savlngs 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kWh) NPV Cumulative Energy (kwh) 10% Cr€dit {Northuest PowerAc,t) 31,93E 309,752 t 3 15,417,ta, Total Electric Saving8 $16,958 Partlclpant Blll Savlnge NPV Cumulative Participanl Bill Savings t 25,211 other Beneftll Non-Utility Rebatos/lnc€ntives Non-Enerqv Benefits t $6.135 s NUt NEB T..t Utilig Cost Test Total Resource Cost Test Ratspayer lmpac't Measure Test Particioant Cost Test Resource Coet Teet Ratepayer lmpaci Measure Test Utility Cost Test Cost Test tPc-E-21-O4 Response to Staff No. 1 Multifamily Energy Savings Program Segment: Residential 2020 Program Results Notes: NEBS include PV of periodic bulb rephcement costs tor direci install LED bulbs. NEBS for shorverheads and faucet aerators include the net presenl value (NPV) ofwater and waste water savings. No participant costs. Sum of Cost-Effectiveness Results Benefit N/A Benefits and Costs lncluded in Each Test = S'NTG =(A+NUl +Nl NTG = S. NTG Rete Nominal (WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - 1 Rate (NTG) NTG Sensitivity Customer Segment Rate/kwh $ $ $ Cost lnouts Ref. Program Administration Proqram lncentaves $ i 89,829 I P it Total Utilitv Cost 3 89.829 Measurc EouiDment and lmt llation {lncrementel ParticiDant Cost)3 Net Benefit lnputs Ref. Resource Savings 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kwh) NPV Cumulative Energy (kWh) 10% Credit (Northwest PowerAct) 28,041 256,460 $ $ 12,3'.t8 1,232 Total Elec{ric Savings $13,550 Particip.nt Bill Savings NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings $20,707 Other Benefits Non-Utility Rebates,/lncentives Non-Enerqv Benefits $ $11.486 s A B NUI NEB Test Utility Cost Test Total Resource Cosl Test Ratepayer lmpact Measure Test Cost Test Cost Test Resource Cost Test lmpact Measure Test tFc.E-21.04 Response to Staff llo. 1 Oregon Residential Weatherization Segmenh Residential 2020 Program Results Gost lnputs Ref. Program Admlnbtratlon $5,313 teasurc Equloment and lnrtalhtlon (lncremental Participant CoEt)t I P it Beneflt N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A for Levellzed Celcuhtlonc Discount Rate Nominal (WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - 1 Escahtion Rate Net-toGross (NTG) Customer Segment Rate/kWh Line Losses Net Beneflt lnputs Ref. Rerource Sevlngt 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kVVh) 0 NPV Cumulative Energy (kM) 0 $ 10% Cr€dit (Northw€st PorcrAct) $ - Total Elec'tric Savings $ - Prrtlclpant BIll S.vlngs NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings I Other Bonefitr Non-Utility Rebates/lncentives t 3Non-Enemv Bensfits s B NUr NEB of Test Utility Cost Test Total Resource Co6t Test Ratepayer lmpact Measure Test Utility Cost Test Tolal Reeource Cost Tsst Ratopayer lmpaci Measurs Test rPc-E-21-04 Response to Staff ]to. I Rebate Advantage Segment Residential 2020 Program Results of Cott-Effectlveness Results Bonefiti rnd Coetc lncluded ln Elch Tost = S'NTG =(A+NUl +Nl NTG =S*NTG =B+l+NUl+ lor Levellzed Calcul.tlon! Discount Rate Nominal (WACC) Roal ((1 + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - I Escahtion Rete Net-{o-Gross (NTG) Minimum NTG Sensitivig Cu3tomor Sogment Rato/kwh Une Losses Notec: 2020 cost-efbc'tiveness ratioe indude evaluation expenses. lf evalufion expenses were removed from the program's cost€ffec{iven$s, tho UCT and TRC would b€ 1.73 ar Beneflt $ $ $ $ 3( 4i 3( E( Ref. Adminiatratlon lncentiver il,122 Coat and lnrt llation t I P xt Ref.Net Benefit 601,162 t $ $ Benefitt t 304,O47 334,.052 Non-Utility Rebates/lncantives Benefits Total Electric Savings '10% Cr€dit Povuer Blll Savlngs NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings 366,676 6,1E9,330 $ $ SrYlng. 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kwh) NPV Cumulative Energy (kVVh) B NUI NEB s A Te3t tltility Cost Test R€source Cost Te3t Ratepayor lmpact Measure Test Cost Test Reeource Cost Test Ratopa)rer lmpad Measur€ Test t ilityoGtT6t CostTost lPc-E-21-04 Response to Staff [rlo. 1 Residential New Construction Segment: Residential 2020 Program Resulb Notes: 2012 lntemational Energy Conservation Code (IECC) with am€ndments adoptod in ldaho in 2014. of Cost-Effectiveness Results Benofit3.nd Costs lncluded in Each Test = S'NTG =(A+NUl +Nl NTG =S-NTG =B+l+NUl+ for Levelized Calculations Discount Rate Nominal (WACC) Real ((l + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - 1 Escalation Rate Net-to-Gross (NTG) Minimum NTG Sensitivity Customer Segment Rate/kwh Line Losses $ $ $ Benefit 7i 1,Ot 7: 7', Cost lnputs Ref. Prog ram Admlnlstration $83,704 lncentive6 $ 473,5(N Measu'e Equipment and lnltallation (!ncremental Paiticiprnt CGt)$782,285 ! P lul Test Utility Cost Test Total Resource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpact Measure Test Participant Cost Test Utility Cost Test Total Resource Cosl Test Ratopayer lmpact Measure Test Cost Test Benefit Ref, Other Benefits $ 730 $ 1,140,182 $ $ $ 731,230 804,353 123 Non-Utility RebateVlncentives Benefits Total Electric Savings 10% Credit Power 6/.9,522 1 1,359,554 Bll! Savings NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings Savings 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kwh) NPV Cumulative Energy (klrrt) B NUI NEB s A lPc.E.21-{t4 Response to Staff llo. I Shade Tree Project Segment: Residential 2020 Program Results Cost lnouts Ref. Program Administration $ 3 28,.f90 Prosram lncentivec ! P lt Total Ljtilitv Cost 3 28.490 teasurc EouiDmant and lnat lletion (lnciementel Particioant CGt)3 of Cost-Effectiveness Resu lts N/A and Costs lncluded in Each Test = S'NTG =(A+NEl)* NTG)+NEB = S'NTG N/A $ $ $ for Levelized Calculationr Rate Nominal (WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - 1 Rate (NTG) NTG Sensitivity Customer Segment Rate/kwh Losses Net Benefit lnputs Ref. Resource Savlngs 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kWh) - frcm 2013 - 2016 plantings Cumulalive Energy (kwh) - fiom 2020 plantings NPV Cumulative Energy (kwh) 10olo Credit (No(hwest Power Act) 52,662 0 0$ $ Total Electric Savings $ Partlcipant Bill Savings NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings $ Other BenGfits Non-Energy lmpacts - Therms Non-Energy Benefits $t S A B NEI NEB lmpac{ Measure Test Cost Test Cost Test Resource Cost Test Cost Test Resource Cost Test lmpact Measure Test Cost Test tPc-E-21-o4 R$ponse to Staff No. 1 Simple Steps, Smart Savings Segment: Residential 2020 Program Results Notos: NEBS include the NPV of water savings from low-llow showerheads and clothes washers. of Gost-Effectlveness Results Benefit 3 and Costs lncluded in Each Test = S'NTG =(A+NUl+Nl NTG = S'NTG =B+l+NUl+ $ $ $ 3{ for Levelized Calculations Rate Nominal (WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + fssa151;sn)) - 1 Rate (NTG) NTG Sensitivity Customer Segment Rat€/kwh Losses Cost lnputs Ref. Program Administration $69,862 Program lncentives I 29,279 Total Utilitv Cost $ 99,141 I P MMeasurc Eouioment and Installation (!ncromontal P.tticlp.nt CoBt)$28,767 Net Benefit lnputs Ref. Resource Savlngs 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kWh) 'l4E,4u NPV Cumuhtive Energy (kWh) 1,439,314 $ 10% Credit (Northwest PowerAd) $ 77,481 7,74E Total Electric Savings $85,229 Particip.nt Bill Savings NPV Cumuhtive Participant Bill Savings $1't7,145 Other Benefits Non-Utility Rebatedlncenlives $ 3Non-Enarov Benefits 2:,/,.281 s A B NUI NEB Test Utility Cost Test Resource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpact Measure Test Cost Test Cost Test Resource Cost Test lmpact Measure Test Cost Test rPc-E-21-04 Response to Staff IIo. I Weatherization Ass ista nce for Qual ified C ustomens Segment Residential 2020 Program Results of Cost-Effectlveness Results $ $ $ 't( 3: 'l( and Co6ts Included an Each Tost = S'NTG =(A+NUl +Nl NTG = S'NTG N/A Rate Nominal (WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - 1 Rate Net-tccross (NTG) NTG Sensitivity Customer Segment Rate/k\M Cort Inputs Ref. Program Admlnistration CAP Aoencv Pavmentr t 3 115,521 654.96t P OH t Total tftlllty Coet Accrualc/Revenal of Ganyover Dollarr $ $ Tto,45 615,092 Tot l Prog6m Expenses 3 1.385.577 ldaho Power lndir6ct Overhead Erponsc Alloc.tion - 2.378%$32,949 Addltlontl State Fundlno s !12-71e Test lmpac{ Measure Tesl Cost Test Resourca Cosl Test Cost Tsst Resourca Cost Test lmpac{ Measure Test Cost Test Net Beneflt lnputs Ref. Recource Savings 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kWh) NPV Cumulative Energy (k\M) 10% Credit (Northwest PorcrAct) 218,611 3,358,364 $ $ 160,706 16,071 Total Electric Savings $176,779 Partlclp.nt Blll Savings NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings $307,429 Other Benelitr Non-Utility Rebatesfl ncentives Non-Electric Benefits Heath & Safety Repair Other t $ $ $ 1 52,1 E9 4E 44,62E Non-Enerqy Benefits 3 r96.865 s A B NUt NEB ila&r: tuingg updrEd in 2&m and bmed on t billing 8n il!,sL d0te 201&2018 utdrcrtsa$on proirds. Program oos&,oilbcihronlss hootporaod kldro Putfe tJuruco Conmla$oe oPUC) rf rloomrlonddimE fom ese GNR-E-12-01. Reoommcrhfpm irdlde: No q"&mqportiipsrt oost!. Cosblhovn apliom the DOE stabnoailpddor GsilEIlcc program tFc-E-21-(t4 Response to Staff tlo. I Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers Segment Residential 2020 Program Results of Cost-Effectiveness Resu lts Benefits and Costc lncluded ln E ch Tert = S'NTG =(A+NUl +Nl NTG =S*NTG for LevelLed Calculations Rate Nominal WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + E566151;on1; - , Rate (NTG) NTG Sensitivity Customer Segment Rate/kwh Losses Notes: Savings updated in 2020 and based on a billing analysis ofthe 20,16-2018 wBatherization projects. Program cost-effectiven€ss incorporated ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) staff recommendations from case GNR-E-12-01 . Recommendations include: Claimed 100% of savings; increased NTG to 100o/o; added a 10% conservalion preference addef h6alth, safety, and repair non+nergy benefits, and allocation of indirec{ or No customer participant costs. $ $ $ Benefit N/A Cost lnputs Ref. Program Admlnlstration Weatherlzatlon LLC Pavments $ 3 36,561 172,154 P OH M Total Utllltv Cost 3 208.715 ldaho Power lndlrect Overhead Expense Allocation - 2.37E%$ 3 4,963 Additional State Fundino Net Benefit lnoute Ref. Recource Savingr 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kwh) NPV Cumulative Energy (kWh) 10% Credit (Northwost PorverAct) 47,360 658,102 $ $ 2E,3E5 2,839 Total Electric Savings t 3'.t,24 Partlclpant Bitl Savlngs NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings $57,901 Other Benelits Non-Utility Rebates/lncentives Non-Elec{ric Benefits Heath & Safety Repair Other $ $ $ $ 1 1,239 't,026 6,'t84 Non-Enerov Benefits 3 18.'149 s A NUI NEB Test Cost Test Utility Cost Test Total Resource Cost Test Ratopayer lmpac-t Measure Test Utility Cost Test Total Resource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpacl Measure Test tPc.E-21-04 Response to Staff No. 1 Commercia! Energy-Savings Kits Segment Commercial 2020 Program Results Net Benefit lnouts Ref. Retource Savings 2020Annual Gross Energy (k\A/h) 25E,36E NPV Cumulative Energy (kWh) 2,363,048 $ '12E,900 10% Crodit (Northw€st Pofler Act) $ 12,890 Total Electric Savings $ 1,01,790 Paillcipant Bill Savings NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings 128,U3 Other Benefits Non-Utility Rebates/lncentives Non-Enerov Benefits 10d.,672 $ $ $ s A NUI NEB of Cost-Effectiveness Results tn = S, NTG =(A+NUl +Nl NTG = S'NTG N/A $ $ $ 1" )t 12 for Levellzed Calculations Discount Rate Nominal WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - 1 Escalation Rate Net-to-Gross (NTG) Minimum NTG Sensitivity Customer Segment Rate/kWh Notes: NEBs include PV of periodic bulb replacement costs for direct install LED bulbs and water, waste water, and therm savings from water saving devices. Cost lnputs Ref. Program Admanistration t t 103,678 Prooram lncentivas I P lt Total Utllitv Gost $103,678 toasurc EouiDment and lnstallation (lncremental Pailcipant Cost)$ Test Utility Cost Test Resourcs Cost Test Ratepayer lmpact Measure Test Cost Test Resource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpact Moasure Test Utility Cost Test Cost Test lPc-E-21-{t4 Response to Staff No. I Custom Projects Segmenh lndustrial 2020 Program Results Net Benefit lnputs Ref. Resource Savings 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kwh) NPV Cumuhtive Energy (kwh) 10olo Credit (Northwest PowerAc{) 94,005,717 1,04E,711,M6 $ $ 5E,874,1 00 5,8E7,4't0 Total Electric Savings $ 64,761,510 Participant Bill Savlngs NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings $ 37,669,.f95 Other Benefits Non-Utility R€batssy'lncentives Non-Enerov Benefils $ 3 2.310.595 s A B NUI NEB of Cost-Effectlveness Resu lts Bonefib and Corts lncluded in Each Test =S-NTG = (A+ NUI + Nt NTG =S*NTG =B+l+NUl+ for Levelized Calculations Discount Rate Nominal (WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - 1 Escahtion Rate Net-to.Gross (NTG) Minimum NTG Sensitivity Customer Segment Rate/kWh Losses Benefit $ $ $ 5E,E] 67,01 58,8; Notes: Energy savings are unique by project and are review€d by ldaho Power engineering staff or third-party consultants. Each projec.t must complete a certification inspeclion. program cost+fiectiveness. Green Rewind savings are induded in the sec{or cosl-effec{ivene$. Non+nergy benefits/impacts on a $/kwh for each end+se. Based on 2019 impacl evaluation of other C&l programs. Cost lnputs Ref. Program Administration Proqram lncentives 3 3 2,137,551 1s.621.845 I P M Total Utllitv Gost t t8.050.396 Measure Eouioment and lnctallatlon (lncremental PartlclDant Cost)3 39.166.900 Test Cost Tesl Utility Cost Test Total Resourc€ Cost Test Rat€payer lmpacl Measure Test Total Resource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpact Measure Test Utility Cost Test Cost T€st rPc-E-21-04 Respome to Staff [to. I New Construction Segment Commercial 2020 Program Results Notec: Non+nergy bonefits/impac'ts on a $&lMt for each end-use. Based on 2019 impac't evaluation. of Cortffiectveness Results Benefltr end Coet3 lncluded an E ch Tert S-NTG (A+NUl +Nl S'NTG B+1+NUl+ Discount Rate Nominal (WACC) Real (1 + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - I Escalation Rate Net-to-Gross (NTG) Minimum NTG Sensitivig Customer Segment Rate/kWh Lossee $ $ $ Benefit 8,0! 't 0,9! E,0! 11 7t Coct lnouts Ref. Program Admlnlstratlon $421,337 1.962.845Prooram lncentlvea s I P xt Total tlUlitv Cost 2.383.983 tearurn Eouloment end lnrtalletlon flncrementrl Partlcloant Goct)3 3.75,,.274 Ref.Beneflt Non-Utility Rebatos/l ncentivss Beneflta $ $ s 7,74,477 8,097,676 9,907,444Total Elec{ric Savings l0% Credit Blll Savlngs NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings 14,565,936 141,271,009 $ Savlngs 2020 Annual Gross Enorgy (kl,rh) NPV Cumuhtive Enorgy (kVvh) B NUI NEB s A T.3t CostT€st Utility Cost Test Total Resource Cost Teat Ratepayer lmpact Measur€ Te3t Utility Cost Test Total Resource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpact MeasuB Test lPc-E-21-04 Response to Staff No. 1 Retrofits Segment: Commercial 2020 Program Results Net Benefit lnputs Ref. Resource Savings 2020 Annual Gross Energy (k\M) NPV Cumulative Energy (kwh) 10% Credil (Northwesl PowerAcl) 20,965,2 t 5 203,335,656 $ $ 11,655,243 1,165.524 Total Electric Savings t 12,820,768 Participant Bill Savings NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings I 11,141,114 Other Benefits Non-Utility R€bates/lncentives Non-Energy Benefts t $3.380.947 s A B NUt NEB of Results Benefit 11,61 16,2( 11,61 $ $ $ rnd Costs lncluded in Each Test = S'NTG (A+NUl +Nl NTG = S'NTG B+l+NUl+ for Levelized Calculations Discount Rate Nominal (WACC) Real (('l + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - 'l Escalation Rate Net-to-Gross (NTG) Minimum NTG Sensitivity Customer Segment Rate/kwh Line Losses Notes: Measure inputs ftom Evergreen Consulting Group or the Technical Reference Manual prepared by ADM Associates, lnc. unless otheruise noted. Non-energy benefitsr/impacts on a $/kwh for each end-use. Based on 2019 impact evaluation. Cost lnputs Ref. Program Administration Proqram lncentives $ 3 994,706 2.592-57',|I P M Total Utilitv Cost 3 3.5e7.277 teasure Eouioment and lnstellation {lncremental Particioant Costl 3 10.989.726 Test Utility Cost Test Total Resource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpac{ Measure Test Utility Cost Test Total Resource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpact Measure Test Cost Tesl tPc-E-2lfl Response to Staff ilo. 1 Small Business Direct lnstall Segmen[ Commercial 2020 Program Results Notes: Energy savings are unQue by pmjec{ and are revievued by a third-party implomonter Non+nergy benefits/impac,ts on a $/kWh for each end-use. Based on 2019 impacl evaluation of other C&l programs. of Cost-Effectlveness Resu lts S'NTG (A+NUt+Nt S'NTG $ $ $ 3a $r 3l for Levellzed Calculations Discount Rate Nominal (WACC) Real (('l + WACC) / ('l + Escalation)) - 1 Escahtion Rate Net-to-Gross (NTG) Minimum NTG Sensitivity Customer Segmenl Rate/kWh Cost lnputs Ref, Program Admlnbtratlon t 339,830 3 ! P lt Totrl Utllltv Coct I 339,830 teasuro Eouipment and lnttalhtlon (lnctemental P.tticip.nt CoGt)E Net Beneflt lnoutg Ref. Reeource Savlngr 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kwh) NPV Cumulative Energy (kWh) 10% Crodit (Northwost Po,uerAc{) 760,260 6,1E4,935 $ $ 352,s06 3s,251 Total Electric Savings t 387,757 Participant Blll Savlngs NPV Cumuhtive Participant Bill Savings I 330,703 Other Beneflts Non-Utility ReMes/lncentives Non-Enerov Benefits t $159,41 s A B NUI NEB Utility Cost Test Total Resource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpacl Measure Test Utility Cost Test Total Resource Cost Tesl Ratepayer lmpaci Measure Test Cost Test lPc-E-21.04 Response to Staff No. 1 lrrigation Efficiency Rewards Segment: lrrigation 2020 Program Results of Cost-Effectlveness Results Benefrt 't 3,6( 6E,9( 13,6( lnd Cost3 lncluded In Each Tert S-NTG (A+NUl +Nl NTG S'NTG +++ Discount Rate Nominal (WACC) Real ((1 + WACC) / (1 + Escalation)) - 1 Escalation Rate Net-to,Gross (NTG) Minimum NTG Sensitivity Cuslomer Segment Rat€y'kwh Notes: Energy savings are combined tor projec{s under the Custom and Menu program. Savings under each Custom project is unique and individually calculated and ass$sed. For Custom option, Non-en€rgy benefits including yield, hbor, and other benefits reported by th€ customer. For Menu option, NEBS from RTF Green Rewind savings are included in the sector cost-effectiveness. 2020 cost-effoctiveness ratios include evaluation expenses. lf evalution expenses wer€ removed from the program's cost-€fbctiveness, th6 UCT and TRC would be 4.030 € $ $ $ Gost lnouts Ref Program Administration Proqram !ncentives t 432,856 2.968.817t I P xt Total tltllltv Coet 3.tOt.673 teasura EouiDment and lnstallation (lncremental Particioant Cost)3 16.424.199 Benefit Ref Non-Utility Rebates/lncentives Benetits $ I 8,'152,985 Total Electric Savings 't3,600,566 14,960,644 12,E47,823 143,345,570 $ Savings 2020 Annual Gross Energy (kWh) NPV Cumulative Energy (kWh) Bill Savlngs NPV Cumulative Participant Bill Savings B NUI s A Test Utility Cost Test Resource Cost Test Ratepayer lmpact Measure Test Cost Test Resource Cost Test Ratepayor lmpac{ Measure T€st Utility Cost Test 2. 9.C096 w cc(Andtls Fh.ndrl EsHor SummLlnr L6 tPoE 2Laf.+oB b Si.i tlo. I 2@l Av! 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 3 5 7 8 9 10u xt l:} t'a 15 t6tl 18 19n 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30lltt 33 3{ 35 36 37 38 3tio a1 a2 434 as4 TID B..dlld lylifit cqxxia o.qD€t o,m4., 0.@457 oqDa66 o.qrxr6o.drr6 oIIXrt6 o(Eo70.617 0.@521o.ffi 0,qE51 0.otE62 O(XIE il 0.685 o.G96o.ffi11 O(ur2'a 0.q)637 o.ffi50 O.GX64 o.ffi-r8 0.drt2 o.drro6 0.q!r2t o.qD735 0.G)752 0.@768 omrSa0.duD odxtl7 0.qD8ilil 0.qt08s2 oqb87o0,@ 0.@97 0.m926 0,m945 o.(8 65 0,qD$s odrrxr o.@rf,1 o.oloa8 o,0lgr1 omlo93o.mff o.611t9 o,otlc3 um7 uNa atNaUMd&1q@ qt,M q@ q1M UM 4M 4@ 4@ qre gt@t UN di& 4Nsr&otmqlN Itm fi&s& glM dtrc dlM dtM qN 4NqlM dtru ,tro &1N1orc{1rcgl& ?1rc ?1ru dlN dtM 3trcsm ?l6t qlre ?t6qN glM ffiyE6tmt7 7W71asiar 7/6aH srala 7/6re tustm 7wwsi& T,&rd6& 7WW 6r& t,@lD 61@ lt@tuGtrc 7WWsr/@ ,@d 6IM WM6rm l@fs6r@ l@worm 7@tu stmt ftw w 8i& 7/@M@tre ?/@hsr& Twfa @16 7@ffi 4l& 7,@hsl@ 7r@&st@ t/@M srre ,r@k arm twwDt@l flwtu6t& Tlww Dt& 7/@& 6'M TINW6i& TtWlE6tm 7,mw wN ftwtu Gt& fwwGI,fr 'IMld6& Tt1ffik 6rdr nml 1u6rE2 7r@tu6i@ 't@frst& Tlww st& TlwM 6tm lwle6IM ?WW6i/ilt3&tu 6!rc 'Wfu6im ?r6umidr ?mr k 6!m TWfa strc 7rcwd 6t& 7wffist/G 7,6b CAPACITY Et .ltlclty rr:r.-?.rE!rfit lE GEtriFrltiIt7rlt,trElrll|r:"I E '.il]I|FFIrr.rE:rlli-ll IliErtl.trt:rllrtt:ll1@tt!F?:!trllllr,tr o.qrult o.qrl28 o.qru:rr o,qEl6a o6D910.dr:r,, oor3t5 0.lDtr,itooltoi, 0.qr!l32 0.@L52 ool493 o.qrrs2a oot5lt6 oollltg 5 o.qrrzr 5 (Iqrt6s6 $ oqE69t 4N 4N ttm qM 4m ANIum q@ 6Na 6m ilffiqtm qm ar@qlN 0mt dlffi di/fr 6tEw atm srre 6lruDwNl 6m 6tm6Nastm 6iat wmNMs!aD6!m st&tsi&6rm MU7Wk ?ffiH 7l@tufm?bTMlU 7Wk ,WVftwawIMfu Ttmw twwtmk,WID7rffitu tmffi7,mb,Wd Avoided Capacity Estimate 2019 Program Max MW Avolded Capacity ($/kW) - Efective load Carrying Capacity - Avoided Capacity w/ ELCC Dlscount Rate - Value Shifted Energy ($/kwh) Hourc of events 390.00 Srzr.rg 93% 5tt2.7L 7.t2% 20.00 s/MWh 50 s Benefits (El (F)(Dl(cl 2019 2020 202! 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 L70 t70 L70 L70 L70 L70 L70 L70 L70 L70 L70 L70 t70 t70 L70 t70 L70 L70 L70 L70 s19,628,139 s19,629,139 S19,628,139 S19,628,139 s19,629,139 s19,628,139 S19,628,139 S19,628,139 S19,628,139 s19,629,139 s19,628,139 s19,629,139 s19,629,139 s19,628,139 s19,628,139 s19,529,139 S19,628,139 S19,628,139 s19,628,139 sso.33 Sso.sg ss0.33 Sso.ss ss0.33 ss0.33 ss0.33 Sso.ss Sso.33 sso.33 sso.33 sso.33 ss0.33 ss0.33 Sso.sg Sso.ss ss0.33 ss0.33 sso.33 s19,628,139 s19,528,139 s19,629,139 s19,628,139 s19,528,139 S19,628,139 s19,628,139 s19,628,139 s19,628,139 S19,G28,139 s19,628,139 s19,628,139 S19,628,139 s19,629,139 s19,628,139 S19,628,139 s19,628,139 s19,628,139 S19,G28,139 s19,628,139 Def icit (post B2H) (MW) DR MW Capacity Total Avoided Capacity& Shifted E nergy Max S/kwYea r Levelized Total Nominal NPV 5392,562,180 5206,01s,407 s392,s62,780 5206,01s,407 Non-incentive Program Expenses lncentives 2020 Actual Expense Estimated Varlable Credit: Totel lfrlg.Uon Pak R0nrds S282,oo 56,124,937 FhxPek s92,031 s450,450 ACCool GrGdlt s42&611 s336,410 Totel $803,118 s6,gu,797 $6,40l,ltz $2,893,7ls $542,4E1 s2VS,7L2 5765,020 $o $7,7L4,913 s3,L@,A7 Sg,ilrrtz?$8r8,l93 s766,O2O $lorS+3ao Page 29 of30 tE tkno&1dvorlp/blcCtedla kw Hn S/kWh Fr6or 8!!e25 /A 0.98 9516 316898 la 0.14t 95t6 S755,033 9,138,681 3At99.rr5 f,o:Paal Admh & Mrrkctrg s 91,071.q' s 960.00Mn drlr SGryiBr lhcEnthrss '35,9a$vG.?gew.,lrymmthoEdn.ft/tbvcltil4,.,/8hr4@trs-t2,wt/,l?e1,.nE xi.rdtwrbbbf,.dft) ftilbllP..tnil.t rlftnln Mr*rUtE Mrtcfuls sqvlc.r lCCmlC!.dt Admh OdErE.p.rs trrrbftlt Srwle3 lncanthca s 8446e.38S 1,192.8s ss,009.51S 138f03.91 Tord[ I 10,a!+3lll 70,5Ut L4Pa7 {53r30J cr€dlt d',r. to.csountlry aorircuon 3%,491 336;410 765,t80 s szraru . Esthnatxld Vdttohb Cred ltt lW Hn S/kwh F.stor 35300 {8 0.16 LWX BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-04 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT TO REQUEST NO. 3 TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF lPc-E-21-04 Response to Staff No. 3 IDAHO POWER COMPANY TNTEREST ON DSM RTDER (ORDER #29026)2il201 IDAHO September October November Beo Balance (1,787,616.47) 311,044.66 1,109,022.27 1,548,495.61 2,948,642.56 5,697,137.78 7,358,921.72 8,168,754.56 9,086,732.18 7,388,586.05 8,502,754.26 6,795,905.87 Endino Balance 311,044.66 1,109,022.27 1,548,495.61 2,948,642.56 5,697,137.78 7,358,921.72 8,168,754.56 9,086,732.18 7,388,586.05 8,502,754.26 6,795,905.87 8,839,261.59 Averaqe Balance (738,285.91) 710,033.47 1,329,758.94 2,249,569.09 4,322,890.17 6,528,029.75 7,763,939.14 8,627,743.37 8,237,659.12 7,945,670.16 7,649,330.07 7,817,583.73 Ganying Charoe (1,230.48) 1,183.39 2,214.60 3,747.62 7,204.82 10,880.05 12,939.73 14,379.57 13,729.43 13,242.78 12,748.88 13,029.31 Rate December Jan,202A Feb Mar Apr May June July August 2.000/o 2.000/o 2.000/o 2.000/o 2.000/o 2.00V0 2.00Y0 2.000/o 2.000/o 2.000/o 2.00olo 2.000/0 104,069.70 Page 1 of 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-21-04 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTAGHMENT TO REQUEST NO. 7 TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUGTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF tPc-E-2'1-04 Response to Staff No. 7 cc W0 ilm$or 158 nzs0f,u wo task Disbursement Desc Sum of Total AmountDescrin Erpcnr ADYISORALTOCATIOTI BEl{EFltS FRoX 232016 69773 2O2O ADVISOR ALLOCATION BENEFITS FROM 232016 775 1,071 GREE CoRnECTlol{S EIIERGY IOUSE GALLS + IUIRA DAIA TRA]ISFER LID TISGELTAI{EOUS TAXES ENERGY HOUSE CALLS + (blank) (blank) Sales Tu, NorrP.O. SOW 2. BILL PRINT MONTHL 2018 ALEXANDER CLARK IIW (626) 2,292 12 1,239 270 0t*rdurd GATE COIIITRACIOR SERVIGES HOTE ElIERGY EFFIGIE]ICY IECIIIIOI SOW 1 - ENERGY HOUSE CALI ENERGY HOUSE CALLS. SOW1 4,770 2,179 Grrnd Totrl 21"O5 Page 1 of3 tPc-E-21-04 Response to Staff No. 7 k16r!6 e!tr r& ffi@ @t $lMffireur EES ,!m* &$ &!j2 2& kffi srMffil@M. @r ilmr!I tal o!.lffi*lp ,e urMm M@froffihu[rmoft6,lmU0 uji2 ,N offilm e, &rMcE u dE Mtroffih Ur&m MffiMh6@U!!! &r OffiF @ M &mttt & ffi offih 42 slmoa E Mu &mffi offih M $!mm Mu ffih lu6 & offia & s'MEfrmaEmil &ffih u s@ffimahil[16aeoffiFM$lmffiMrl@mnl)2e kffi itn, Ilm*ffiffire2W Effi Dffi€ffiffirea O! MA!{snc&@n&q@M ilfrffi 2rn, Dt&*ffiffiuiu ffiA!!!&offiFMmm@d@M&mrS si!2 2N offih mtr Mmt{ Mu offiIm l!7rl rlMm ffiE ffi&rl!n erir fi &r fr* offi@ M 0& &eD!r O!tr offih $ r&m ffiU MmffilF meft!o &ilt 7M offih ul mm @Coffih at @m &tc Mmffih @6ilBtrffih@ffi@ulo$ufr&toffiF@@6@mt$ En: z& offilF ry ffim wC e@rI&rffi*&.@ffi@ffi@ulastur&offihqmrm@ffi&mfrOrnffioffih!4mmsaec ilr&offi+@semts &fi ffih u MffilildMailfl qffi\o !o &! offi@ & ffixmHawrMr o& $Mtros S!tr offih mrmm ffits!!!l@0ffi&il@&ffiUMm!E sllr !t! l& offiF tU @ ffi &Oh!f, Ern 2,?a oMh 6t&ffi ffiU!r! l& offiaE dr srmm fiffil& offils: €lmm ffiUffih M e!s Mtr M offih u 6lmoft w[ MffiE&40iuq&Gs@&t& srm&ffirr.m s@dI Onr W offih 0 h@@ WE Mffito e(r offib @ ffi0 Oni 7W offih &lmm s @u frffiffihd 6 6tmaD Heu@ offih em!!r & offiF !U slMm @ effihS@@6ffiUffih &!mm !6 m[ @mh@ ru ffionsurwnr.uil mffimffiffi @ffiUt^msl'rufi 6110 & st@d &!0 ertr ,. &r eM U mMiltffi&LHo, Nll&m rMr t!&r'rm 0!7!6 &te &tu t,:s kW U .lwmilhflhleH!, o&llIilm lee ffiprx Srit ,N offih al7 Smm d W@E &8ftls Etrr offih u 6!s sr, ffih sldEtrtmdffid @seruoffiF&b@wbfi ofi M ffih 5'effidrffid & @M6 &r offitu slMmdEHEil!i oil, & ffih 4 5tmffiE!ffiuil ffi&a &tr offilil s 5@Efrff!ffiila @ro & tu offih @u!n&offilr.uh@iE ffilF @fts &iil !ffih slMiaoffitu o m@u?l2B m@ &lmffiIarffi( 0e frlr! ffimr! &! kffi &!t stMwrttrM( @OlMh MM UN6E Mffio!ffihr&rMffiMW!o utf 2ffi orffih @ M-fr @ ffi dtrMu emtsst?ffiffiI&HtMmMM@ffiraExr[ll.eoffiF(mmMffi @ ffih u @oh ?r@[ &ffi!!!&rffihu@fi sr ,& offih @m $@[ &m s 0r offi* rtn u ffi 7,@u emw offih @mffi+UrmtEUo[muemr$ 6tr ,& offib u rmm fim!o onr fr & offitF ffiufr &!tr r& ffih s mMarlE[uiloffi* u MffiErffimaoffih ma@{ooffih @mmnMaffit mo!ffih 4 mm M 6!6 '@0u tuffiio Mn frM oiffih 7r mrm u w6 7ffiu Mmoffih ti ,trlMih M ru ffimw olffih 7tffiv ffibfrrs E![ ,& offih Drmafr!I l@ Offih r, ,rr&m @ ffi ,tr@u &mM ol,lffitd te,mffi !!! .@ offitu o D!&aE tlt@u emoffi* Dtmmoffih st Mm n@E rt&!trffioffihuffiem @ ffih Dmmffihr6EroUMmrs qnl w ffib E@mffitu @E efrt$ 6!tr @ offih u Drmm!J! l@ offi* i6 ,a*@U Mmffih Ermxfo!ffih s! Drmffiilrtffi.il* 6 Mtro!g e!fl orffih DrmlmMallmrMn ofi 0m @ao M2M offit.r Ua hrmffidIffirffiiloffitu il! DrM}M!ffirrMrmil 0s 0m @trots &n? W ffi@ {lltr DlMftffi @ !M D t& ffiffi {lS ttrMeffi u @ mA M!o Ertr !il t& 6ffih 4 srmm u@u!r bn M offih er slmm $ffi[ &omM offih E,mm @ ffilri ls ffi* (r, a@m U@U umtu offihffi* tu 5@m U,mV Mm6 Snr $ &t offi*fr Eni ffi ffi* r! o@omtB Dlf t$ &r ffih1l2ffi offih O! slmmoffil$ M lE ffiE &mr,:m. orffi* ofi o mmotffih M Ormom G lMU M{mrr ,e orffih d 6lMffi @ ul6 @E lPc-E-21-04 Response to Staff No. 7 .lMrm6xmuilffi!maMrdil @lmilffimrffiurffiu,lmdrHraE{ l.f,mffiNE,'d'lmmM6ffiarBr!@M6M'HN ffiuqr&MumeuremeffiffiDmemeureM& M[qr&MduMUsr&0Mu ^md&qiMM&M&qreMuMU TMffiU ffl!mdffiBx En M?!ffiB,@!mrmBr! BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-21-04 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT TO REQUEST NO. 13 TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF IPGE-21+4 Response to Stafi No. 13 j 'ttd &8ff ffiffiffitrd ffiffimffffiffi5 ffiffm ,id&b li|ridaa**$h BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC.E.21.O4 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT TO REQUEST NO.14 TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF lPc-E-21-04 Response to StaffNo. 14 @ta7:6 ill 2-d 3.131 !.14 7XXS5.6*l 2B stG Mna*oill 2.Oa 3t$!.is sr @xa?:oill 318 3.t6 dlato ill !.02 3ffi 3.il5 @!64:O ill t.1D !!s 2H !rli 3,t6 7rr1a7.@il1 3.2$3,111 s @ia?:@ ill l.is 7Brl6@il1 !xr t@1oa@Nl 1,26 ,MO7:@il w t@1af '@41 s.a lrs ttu1sa@Nl 3.r&s 3,S l@1e $'@il|l,@ 7n1t2O7:@ tu !r17 78196.@il1 2.0n !i2! 3,G 7/r11!6'm rul !.4 2,S m@5:6il s 7&1e!.@ ill 2.5 w @!65@ml !,24t ?0117 a.@tu|3,fr ftur!!@tu1 a.2N 9n @!6 6& ill !,u7 ?nn1 e.6Nl 3.&7xulrr@*l !.r!5 toAr iofiill t!?a !.ts 3bi !t& ta16a.d tul !:U l.tq tln !ai 3202 e2r15 9.d tul 3.124 s.214 3rs 3m7 !u slf, 3E 3r& !.t5! @t6g@wl !,01a 7dt75sill !d 7241aa.@ tul !24 &1/105.Otu1 3_6'3X !*!.2&lt( 1,6 tfr !.s !r6 !,6 tdrT!$il1 trt !.s ua ild172.mil1 t.217 L027 3,176 !,t!6 !26 3,6 ,/2t1t !.o Nl Lr&36 s.u7 38 Li6 3,S ,/pra5.@ ill ,,2D T{ !,u ,ztt!6m ill t.!!7 298 tili 3_@ ilr179.6il1 4,21 76116.@ tul t2n 2W lrs 3,6 ,utr!r.m PMI !.ts 810 3.@ ill 3.ffi !215 3.r$12l6 7Art6a@ruI LO',n217 5:mtul 3.19!!.ffi 3&!tBr 74$6 7.@ ryl !,r8 3.21 3St ltt sb7 ft t1u7 e'@il|3,1!7 ,agrl!.@ ill !.i6 et196otul 3.it !tr 1M72.@Nl 3,6 ,a&lt 3.m tul t.@ 2*!tt 7/1117!:mill 4,212 3.67 @rDlo:oill ,112 976 4.2f1 !.1$s5 h!175.mtu1 ,,297 ,/27116:m ill 3&s 3.ts 3r2i 2016 o 9 d 2017 6 0 0 2018 0 0 0 2019 o 0 2l 2020 4 0 19 s aPc-E-2144 Response to Staff No. 14 l3!5 31' m(asfiill LID zrerreorul a.i4 7dt1atfiNl 3.rz hrnaat@il|!.r07 7Xa17lOill !.6 7t1ot7 a:&il| !,tO zrlrzsmml lar M/laG:Oill 26 ..,'.'**l Uffi?:d tul t1n ^.,-*lml!.2!7 l:6!& !,ig l.m !.rt !,r$@ra50 ill a.lta !,to @1aa.6 ill !.f7 !,@ !.ti!!a &ritloill !.ff4 s6sill g !.ts 610mtl !.6t d6affdl g s.oh urdflssill s%s6aotl s !tv !_vl tutastl Lfft s6dill g 3m Eiarstl sBtiltl s !st 2fr s6r6ffl 6 ,!rlaa:mrul 3.@ slr U!rla7:0il1 lpla il mdaM{l l6 @r7afi fll !s ndats ill AB @1r7fidl !,1S hsaisill LQ @t7l:m fll !,is lPc-E-21-04 Response to Staff No. '14 Program Max MW Avoided Capacity ($/kwl - Efective Load Carrying Capacity - Avoided Capacity d ELCC Dlscount Rate - Value Shifted Energy ($/kwhl Hourc of events Updated Value of Demand l2OL6-2020 ELCC of 85%l s 390.00 s121.19 85Yo s103.2s 7.t2% 20.00 s/MWh 60 Beneflts (Al (Bl (Dl(cl 2019 2020 202t 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 203L 2032 2033 2034 2035 2035 2037 2038 t70 t70 L70 L70 L70 t70 L70 L70 L70 L70 t70 t70 L70 L70 L70 L70 L70 L70 L70 t70 S18,021,160 s19,021,160 S18,021,160 s18,021,160 S18,021,160 s19,021,160 S18,021,160 s19,021,160 S18,021,160 s18,021,160 $18,021,160 s18,021,150 s18,021,160 s18,021,160 s18,021,160 s18,021,160 S18,021,160 s19,021,160 s18,021,150 S18,021,1G0 s18,021,160 s18,021,160 S18,021,160 S18,021,1G0 s18,021,150 s18,021,160 s18,021,160 S18,021,160 s18,021,160 S18,021,1G0 s19,021,160 s19,021,160 s19,021,160 s19,021,160 s19,021,160 S18,021,160 s19,021,160 S18,021,160 s46.21 s45.21 s46.21 546.2L 546.zL s46.2t s46.21 $46.2L 546.21 s46.21 546.21 546.21 546.21 546.zL 546.21 $as.zr 546.2L 546.2L s46.21 546.21160 Deficit (post 82H) (MW) DR MW Ca pacity Total Avoided Capacity& Shifted Energy Max 5/kwYearLevelized Total Nominal NPV 5360,423,r92 s1.89,148,677 5360,423,L92 51.89,148,677