HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201123IPC to Staff Supplemental Response 11.pdf..'::j"i:lillan,1.:_r,_,Li I r*q ;ijj'i ii*ir ;3 PH l?r l+ l ' il lril i':_1r i i;.-: tllJi ', .. :ltiii;;ii$SlSi* An IDACORP ComEny LISA D. NOROSTRO]TI Lead Counsel Inordetrom0lda hooorer.com November 23,2020 VIA ELECTRONIC iiAIL Jan Noriyuki, SecreEry ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg 8, Suite 201-A(83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-20-32 Rate Decrease for CostrsAssociated with the Boardman Power Plant Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. &4602, please find ldaho power Company's Supplemental Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Statr, Request No. 11. lf you have any questions about the attached document, please do not hesitate to contiact me. Very truly yours, ,(* !.7("*t,-*, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:slb Attachment LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388€117 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 lnordstrom@ ida hopower. com Attomey for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POV'JER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIry TO DECREASE ITS RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WTH THE BOARDMAN POWER PLANT. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) cAsE NO. IPC-E-20-32 IDAHO POWER GOMPANY'S SUPPLEIIENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW ldaho Power Company ('ldaho Powe/' or 'Company'), and supplements its response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to ldaho Power Company dated September 28, 2020, herewith submits the following information: TDAHO POWER COMPANY'S SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF. 1 REQUEST NO. 11: For project "BART-Bdmn Air Quality Controts" identified in Exhibit No. 4 of Adelman, Dl restimony, prease provide the following: a. Any other project numbers associated with this project either by the operator Portland General Electric "pGE' or ldaho power Company "lPCu. b. Analysis used to support the capital investment. c. Requests developed for bidder proposals. d. Project construction documentation inctuding, but not limited to: i. Construction contract ii. Scope document iii. Organizationalchart iv. Schedule (baseline versus actual) v. Monthly project status reports vi. Action items list(s) vii. Contractor change order requestrs e. Project correspondence discussing: i. Project change in scope ii. Project delay iii. Project cost overruns l. PGE indirect and/or direct charges made to the project. g. IPC indirect and/or direct charges made to the project. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S SUPPLEilIENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTIONREQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.2 NOTE: \Mrere requested information has not been provided, please explain why it was not provided. Please also explain how the Company is assured construction of the project is at least cost. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1I: f. Upon further research, it was determined the costs provided by PGE for the BART air quality control proiect and presented in Exhibit No. 4 incorrectly included accrualand reclassification charges based on a PGE accounting system change. The following chart summarizes PGE's direct and indirect charges made for the BART air quality control project beginning June 1,2412: lnternal PGE Labor, Capital Loadings, Other Miscellaneous Charges $ 3,144,189 Materials $ 1,531,967 Outside Services $23,161-303 100% Total $27.837.459 g. ldaho Power has recorded $2,817,269 of investments associated with the BART air quality control project to electric plant-in-service which includes the Company's 10 percent share of PGE's costs, $2,783,746, plus $33,523 of additional charges associated with ldaho Power loadings and AFUDC. The response to this Request is sponsored by Ryan Adelman, Vice President of Power Supply, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S SUPPLETENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 3 DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 23d day of Norrember,2020. &;!fl"u^^, LISA D. NORDSTROM Attomey for ldaho Ponuer Company IDAHO POVVER COMPANY'S SUPPLETENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 23d day of November 2020,1 served a true and eorrect copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S SUPPLEilIENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF upon the following named parties by the method indicated belorv, and addressed to the following: Gommission Staff John R. Hammond, Jr. Deputy Aftomey General ldaho Public Utilities Gommission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No.8, Suite 201-A (83714) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 _ Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email iohn.hammond@nuc.idaho.oov ldaho Gonservation League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation tsague 710 N. 6th Street Boise, lD 83702 _Hand Delivered _ U.S. Mail OvemQht Mail_F$(X Email botto@idahoconservation.oro Stephanie Buckner, Executive Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S SUPPLETENTAL RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF. S