HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201002IPC to Staff 13-26 - Redacted.pdfi1.'*.;:f tHfi* ?iitu *iT -? PH fi 39 . -*- ai$ .. 1.., ".i.'r i LjiS"{'#. '-, j, -" -;*:"cl-i;*qsiGH AnD CORPComBnv LISA D. NORDSTROT' lpad Counre! lnordr,trsnSdrhooower.cdn October 2,2020 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Jan Noriyuki, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg.8, Ste.201-A Boise, ldaho 837204074 Re: Case No. IPC-E-20-30 ln the Matter of ldaho Power Company's Application for Authority to Establish Tariff Schedule 68, Interconnections to Customer Distributed Energy Resources Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Attached for electronic filing, pursuant to Order No. 34602, is ldaho Power Company's Responses to Commission Staffs Second Produc'tion Request, Nos. 13 through 26. lf you have any questions about the attached document, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, X;!(^*t,.*, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:slb Enclosure LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221 West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388€936 I nordstrom@ ida hooower. com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH TARIFF SCHEDULE 68, INTERCONNECTIONS TO CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. |PC-E-20-30 IDAHO POWER COMPANYS RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST COMES NOW, ldaho Power Company ('ldaho Powef or'Company"), and in response to the Second Production Request of the Commission Staff to ldaho Power Company dated September 11,2020, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST . 1 REQUEST NO. 13: On page 19 of her direct testimony, Ms. Aschenbrenner states that it is possible to identiff customers who have e:panded their system, or cases when they may no longer be on-line, using Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMl), and that this can be done at a significant cost savings relative to "rolling a truck.' What is the cost savings to the Company if on-site recertification is removed? lnclude with your response an Excelworkbook that shows the calculation. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 13: Please see Attachment 1 for the workpaper quantiffing the costs of a recertification inspection. By removing the three- year recertification requirement, ldaho Pourcr expects to reduce the number of recertification inspections by approximately 80 percent per year, and based on current projections (cited on page 19 of the direct filed testimony referenced), the Company estimates it would avoid incurring costs for these recertifications of $112,924 (1,800*$78 .42*0.8) in 2021and $158,0(N (2,520*$ 2022, The response to this Request is sponsored by Connie Aschenbrenner, Rate Design Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST -2 REQUEST NO. 14: PIease provide workpapers that were used to calculate the retum trip charge of $81. Provide in excel format with formulas intac't. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 14: PIease see Attachment 1 for the workpapers used to calculate the return trip charge of $61. The response to this Request is sponsored by Connie Aschenbrenner, Rate Design Senior Manager, ldaho Porer Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST .3 REQUEST NO. 15: How many billing hours are needed to do a thorough on*ite inspection prior to approval? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. {5: Idaho Porverestimates one hourto perform an on-site inspection, including travel, inspec'tion, and reporting. Please see Attachment 1 for the supporting workpaper. The response to this Request is sponsored by Connie Aschenbrenner, Rate Design Senior Manager, ldaho Power Gompany IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST - 4 REQUEST NO. 16: Hon many employees are needed for an on-site inspec{ion? What is the average loaded wage for an on-site inspec'tion? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. t6: An on-site inspecilion requires one employee and is typically performed by a Meter Technician. The average loaded wage for a Meter Technician is cunently $68.48 per hour. The response to this Request is sponsored by Connie Aschenbrenner, Rate Design Senior Manager, ldaho Povuer Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST - 5 REQUEST ilO. 17: I/Vhat is the total mst of an on-site inspec'tion to Company, including but not limited to, direct labor, indirect labor, all expenses, and the amount of time per inspection? RESPONSE TO REOUEST 1{O. f 7: Idaho Power estimates the direct costs for an initial on-site inspection to be approximately $84. Please see Attachment 1 for the workpaper that shoua the calculation of an initial on-site inspection cost. The response to this Request is sponsored by Gonnie Aschenbrenner, Rate Design Senior Manager, ldaho Poupr Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST - 6 REQUEST NO. f 8: What iE the cost of the sptem protection package described on pages 17 and 27 of Mr. Ellsworth's direct testimony? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. t8: Page 17 of Mr. Ellsworth's direct testimony referenoes commercia! or industrial customers that installed distributed energy resources ('DERs') behind the meter and in parallelwith the Company's system. These systems nyere all less than 3 MVA, and only one required the installation of protection equipment, which included a protective relay that cost approximately $2,000. Page 27 ol Mr. Ellsworth's direct testimony references system protection equipment for non-export DERs of 3 MVA or larger. The Company does not have an example of a non-export system greater than 3 MVA to reference for cost, but an engineering review would evaluate the type of equipment required, such as but not limited to, disconnect switches, a reclosing device, or the type of protective relays. The specific requirements and resulting components would be dependent on the system details. ln totial, the Company estimates the equipment may cost approximately $200,000, depending on the system details and system protection requirements determined necessary. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jared Ellsworth, Transmission, Distribution and Resource Planning Director, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST .7 REQUEST NO. l9: ln reference to Section 2 of Schedule 68, Application Process, please provide the workpapers and additional information, inctuding a description, of how the $100 application fee was calculated. Also include within your response the workpapers, notes, approvalfrom management, and any discussion within the Company about the Schedule 68 proposed application fee. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. t9: The 9100 apptication fee was approved by the Commission in Case No. IPC-E-12-27, and is cunently included in Schedule 72. Please see Attiachment 1 for a copy of ldaho Powe/s Response to Request No. 9 of the ldaho Conservation League to ldaho Povver Company in Case No. IPC-E-12-27,dated January 30, 2013. Please reference Attachment 1 to the Company's Response to Request No. 20 to compare the total costs incurred to process applications to the application fees collected in 2016 through 20'19. While the $100 application fee does not ofbet the costs incurred to process the current leve! of applications, the Company did not request an increase to the fee as part of this case. The response to this Request is sponsored by Connie Aschenbrenner, Rate Design Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECONDPRODUCTION REQUEST - 8 REOUEST NO. 20: Please provide the costs the Company incurs to process an application. lnclude with your response an Exce! workpaper that includes, but is not limited to, direct Iabor hours and cost, indirect labor hours and cost, and any other related expenses. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.20: Please see Attachment 1 for all direct costs related to processing on-site generation applications. On the'Assumptions" tab of Attachment 1, the Company has outlined the activities associated with processing an application. The response to this Request is sponsored by Connie Ascfienbrenner, RaE Design Senior Manager, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST .9 REQUEST NO. 21: Please describe what takes place during a Feasibility, System lmpact, and Facility Study and include time and cost estimates for these proposed types of studies. Please include samples of these studies. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 2l: Feasibilitv Studv: The Feasibility Study includes a general review of system impact and potential issues and includes identification of any circuit breaker capabitity limits exceeded as a result of the interconnection, identification of any voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection, identification of system protection adjustnents that are neoessary and non-binding estimated cost of facilities requircd to interconnect the DER and address any identified short circuit and pourer flow issues. The Feasibility Study is completed by a Transmission & Distribution Engineer(s), and actualtime will vary depending on the project's complexity. As proposed in Schedule 68, the applicant pays a $1,000 application fee, which is intended to cover the Feasibility Review cost. Barring unusual circumstances, the Feasibility Study will be completed within 15 business days. Svstem lmpact Study: The System lmpact Study provides a detailed assessment of the transmission and distribution system adequacy to accommodate higher complexity projects. A System lmpact Study consists of a short circuit analysis, a stability analysis, voltage drop and flicker studies, protection and setpoint coordination studies, and grounding reviews, as necessary. The System lmpact Study is completed by a Transmission & Distribution Planning Engineer(s), and the actualtime willvary depending on the project's complexity. This study may not be required for some projects depending on size and location. A deposit ($2,000 for distribution and $10,000 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST - 10 for transmission) will be required from the applicant. The applicant must pay any study costs that exceed the deposit, and if the deposit exceeds the invoiced fues, the remainder is refunded. A distribution System lmpad Study, if required, willbe completed and the results transmitted to the applicant within 30 Business Days of execution of a System lmpact Study Agreement. A transmission System lmpact Study, if required, will be completed and the results transmitted to the applicant within 45 Business Days of execution of a System lmpact Study Agreement. Facilitv Studv: The Facility Study includes design and engineering studies to determine design and specifications. The Facility Study specifies and estimates the cost of the equipment, engineering, procurement, and constructlon work (including overheads) needed to implement the conclusions of the Feasibility and/or System lmpact Study. Construction options are provided to the customer. A Project Leader completes the Facility Study and the actualtime willvary depending on the complexity of the project. A deposit of five perent of the estimated cost determined in the Feasibility Study or System lmpact Study, not to exceed $30,000, would be required. Any study fees will be based on the actual @sts, invoiced to the applicant after the study is completed and delivered, and will include a summary of professionaltime. The applicant must pay any study costs that exceed the deposit, and if the deposit exceeds the invoiced fees, the remainder will be refunded. In cases where distribution or transmission upgrades are required, the Facilities Study will be completed within 45 Business Days after the applicant agrees to the IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST .11 Facility Study. ln cases where no upgrades are neoessary, and the required facilities are limited to local facilities at or near the applicant's point of inbrconnection, the Facility Study will be completed within 30 Business Days after execution of the Facility Study agreement. Please note, while none of these studies have yet been completed for a customer installing on-site generation, the Company has completed these types of studies for non-utility Sellers interconnecting to the Company's system. For examples of a Feasibility Study, System lmpact Study, and Facility Study completed, please see the Attachment Nos. I - 3. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jared Ellsworth, Transmission, Distribution and Resource Planning Director, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST .12 REQUEST NO. 22: Please explain the Company's rationale for not requiring existing customers to install smart inverters. Does the Company foresee any problems that could occur because some Schedule 68 customers are using smart inverters and others are using non-smart inverters? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO.22: Before interconnecting any of the existing DERs, a study prooess was completed to determine what, if any, system upgrades would be necessary to mitigate expected voltage impacts caused by the DER. Requiring those same customers to prematurely replace their existing inverter would impose unneoessary costs on the customer. As noted on page 15 of Mr. Ellsworth's direct filed testimony, once a customer replaces an inverter, they will be required to install an inverter compliant with the terms of Schedule 68, or a suooessor schedule, in place at that time. The Company does not foresee any problems that could occur because some customergenerators use smart inverters and others use non-smart inverters. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jared Ellsworth, Transmission, Distribution and Resource Planning Director, ldaho Power Company. TDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SEGOND PRODUCTION REQUEST . 13 REQUEST NO. 23: How does the Company foresee compensating customers with Smart lnverter technology that can provide distribution grid benefits? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 23: The Smart lnverter technology being enabled through the proposed Sclredule 68 requirements does not add incremental benefit beyond that which would exist without the DER presene. The proposed Smart lnverter configurable functions would allow for voltage/reactive po,yer control, low voltage ride through, and anti-islanding settings. The DER creates the voltage deviation, and it is the DER that can cost-effectively mitigate the deviation through the installation of a Smart lnverter. Without a voltage-reactive power setting, a non+xport system would still cause voltage issues at the custome/s site, or to adjacent customers, that would have to be addressed through system upgrades, funded by the customer- generator, absent the Smart lnverter capability. The response to this Request is sponsorcd by Jared Ellsworth, Transmission, Distribution and Resource Planning Director, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST .14 REQUEST NO. 24: Whatwillthe Gompany do (or require) as Smart lnverter variables and standards change? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 24: The Company expects the variables adopted through this process will meet the needs of our customers, and the grid, unti! there is a significant increase in DER penetration. The Company will monilor revisions to the IEEE 1547 standard to determine if future revisions warrant implementation to address potential grid issues that materialize or assist in further increased DER penetration. lf the Company does determine that difierent strandards should be required for ldaho Power interconnections, the Company will seek approvalfrom the Commission to implement changes to Schedule 68. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jared Ellsworth, Transmission, Distribution and Resource Planning Director, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST . 15 REOUEST NO.25: Does the Company have any plans to implement IEEE 1547 communications protocols that would enable it to cornmunicate with customer generator smart inverters? Please explain why orwhy not. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 25: No. Given the relatively low level of DER penetration on ldaho Pone/s system, the Company did not consider proposing additional func{ionality that would be implemented at what could be an additional expense to customer generators. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jared Ellsworth, Transmission, Distribution and Resource Planning Director, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSION STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST - 16 REQUEST NO. 26: Please explain howthe Company intends to manage and modify smart inverter reactive power and ride through settings in the event that high DER penetration rates risk causing instabili$ in portions of its grid. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 26: The settings identified in the proposed Schedule 68 include settings that are within the range of the IEEE 1il7 standard. That standard was vefted to ensure that high penetration of DER would not have an adverse effect on the grid. ln addition, the seftings in the proposal include the disturbance ride- through requirement settings (Category lll) recommended by the North American Electrical Reliability Corporation (NERC) for grid stability. However, as more experience is gained by the industry, setting changes may be identified that will befter serve the grid. At that time, the Company will determine if those changes should be incorporated in the connected DER, and at what level. The response to this Request is sponsored by Jared Ellsworth, Transmission, Distribution and Resource Planning Director, ldaho Power Company. Respectfully submitted this 2d day of October, 2020 X; !7("*+--*, LISA D. NORDSTROM Aftorney for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISS]ON STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST - 17 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 2d day of October 2O2O,l served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST upon the bllowing named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Edward Jewell Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 8372A-OOT 4 ldaho Gonservatlon League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Gonservation League 710 North 6h Street Boise, ldaho 83702 ldaho Sierra Club Lisa Young Mike Heckler 503 W Franklin Street Boise, ldaho 83702 ldaho Clean Energy Assoclation, !nc. ("lGEA') Preston N. Garter Givens Pursley LLP 601 West Bannock Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail_Fru(_FTP SiteX Email edward.iewell@puc.idaho.qov Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail_FA)(_FTP SiteX Email botto@idahoconservation.org _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail _FA)(_FTP SiteX Email lisa.voung@sierraclub.org; michael. p. heckler@omail.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAX_FTP SiteX Email prestoncarter@oivensoursley,com; kend rah@o ivensp u rslev. com Stephanie L. Buckner Executive Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO COMMISSTON STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST . 18 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-20-30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 TO REQUEST NO. 13 (EXCEL SPREA DSHEET ATTACHED TO EMAILI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-20-30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 TO REQUEST NO.14 (EXCEL SPREADSHEET ATTACHED TO EMAILI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO STAFF'S SEGOND PRODUCTION REQUEST BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-20-30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 TO REQUEST NO. 15 (EXCEL SPREA DSHEET ATTACHED TO EMAILI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-20-30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTAGHMENT 1 TO REQUEST NO.17 (EXCEL SPREADSHEET ATTACHED TO EMAILI TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES GOMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-20-30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTAGHMENT 1 TO REQUEST NO. 19 TO IDAHO POWER GOMPANY'S RESPONSES TO STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST REQUEST 1{O. 9: Please reEr to Exhibit 4 at page 40, which is a tegislative format of the proposed revisions to Schedule 72. Please document horr ldaho power calculated the $100 application fee for new Net Metering customers. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 9: The 9100 application fee is intended to reflect cosE associated with the application prooess, including customer service, internal administration, distribution feasibility research, and field visit and inspection requirements. While the Company feels this charge is commensurate to the services provided throughout the application process, it has not preparcd a study that specifically delineates each of these costs. The response to this Request was prepared by Matthew T. Larkin, Regulatory Analyst ll, ldaho Power Company, in consultiation with Lisa D. Nordstrom, Lead Counsel, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANYS RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE TO IDAI{O POWER COMPANY - 15 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE No. lPc-E-20-30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTAGHMENT 1 TO REQUEST NO.2O (EXCEL SPREA DSHEET ATTACHED TO EMAILI TO IDAHO POWER GOMPANY'S RESPONSES TO STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-20-30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 1 TO REQUEST NO.21 TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO STAFF'S SEGOND PRODUCTION REQUEST GENERATOR INTERCOI\INECTION FEASIBILITY STUDY RBPORT for integration of the proposed 3MW IPC PROJECT QUEIJE, #520 to the IDAIIO POWER COMPANTY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM for r REPORT v.0 February 28,2017 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains Idaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastnrsture lnformation (CEID. Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entercd into a non- disclosure agreement with ldaho Power Company and have a need to know. Drte Revirion Initials of 02D8t2016 0 PMA FeSRGI #520-Original issue. Revision History 3MW Feasibility Study Report i OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains Idaho Power Company Critical Energy Infraskuctuir Information (CEID. Distribution ofthis report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. Table of Contents 5.0 Description of Transmission Facilities 3 6.0 Description of Substation Facilities 3 ?.0 Description of Distribution Facilities ......................... 3 8.0 Short Circuit Study Resu1ts.................. ....................... 3 9.0 Description of Required Facility Upgrades '..............4 10.0 Description of Operating Requirements .......--.......... 5 I1.0 Conclusion ........7 APPENDIX A................ ..................8 A-1.0 Method of Study..... A-2.0 Acceptability Criteria A-3.0 Grounding f}rirlqnen A-4.0 Electrical System Protection Guidancc B-1.0 Project #520 Site location..... ............... l0 3MW Foasibility Study Report ii OFFICIAL USE ONLY This rcport contains Idaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution ofthis report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. I 8 9 9 List of Tables Table I Conceptual-level Cost Estimate for GI #520 4 List of F'igures Figure I Operating requirements .......................6 Figure 2 Location ofE GI #520...... ............ l0 3MW Fcasibility Study Report iii OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains ldaho Power Company Critioal Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with ldatro Power Company and have a need to know. 1.0 Introduction Eras contracted with ldaho Power Company (IPC) to perform a Generator Interconnection Feasibilif Study forthe integration of the proposed 3 MW I (the Project). The Project is located in IPC's Western Region in Malheur County, Oregon (Sm Figure 2: Location of GI # 520 in Appendix B). The project latitude and longitude are approximately Generation Interconnect queue number 520 (GI #520'). The Project is The Project has applied to connect to the ldaho Power distribution system for an injection of 3 MW at a single Point of lnterconnection (POI) at 12.47 kilovolts (kV). The POI is located in the Ontario (ONTO) 024 distribution feeder boundary ONTO substation. The POI latitude and longitude are approximately This report documents the basis for and the results of this feasibility study for the GI #520 Generation Interconnection Customer. The report describes the proposed project the determination of project interconnection feasibility and estimated costs for integration of the Project to the Idaho Power System. This report satisfies the feasibility study requirements of the Idaho Power Tariff. 2.0 Summary The feasibility of interconnecting the 3 MW 024 distribution feeder was evaluated. The POI is located at The power flow analysis indicated that interconnecting the is feasible with modifications discussed in this report. to [PC's 12.47 kV ONTO- to ONTO-024 The Project will be required to control voltage in accordance with a voltage schedule as provided by Idaho Power Grid Operations. Therefore, GI #520 will be required to install a plant conftoller for managing the real and rcactive power output of the 3 MW inverter array at the project POL Also, the installation of a phasor measur€ment unit device (PMU) at the POI and the installation and maintenance costs associated with communication circuits needed to stream PMU data will be required in order to interconnect GI #520. A Transmission System Impact Study is required to determine if any additional network upgrades arc required to integrate the Project into the IPC transmission system and to evaluate system impacts such as thermal, voltage, transient stability, and reactive margin. Generator interconnection service, either as an Energy Resource or a Network Resoutce, does not in any way convey any right to deliver electricity to any specific customer or point of delivery. 3Mw- Feasibility Study Report I OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains ldaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure lnformation (CEII). Distribution ofthis r€port must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. Additionally, a Distribution System Impact Study will be required. The total preliminary cost estimate to interconnect the the oNTo-024 distribution fbeder is $849,816, and includes the following tasks:r Install a four-pole 12.47 kY generation interconnection paokage at the PrOt. This includes an SEL-421 protective relay, which requires 3-phase potential transformers (PTs), 3- phase current transformers (CTs), and remote connectivity. Additionally, a single-phase PT shall be installed on the interconnect customer side of the IPC reoloser,o Reconductor approximately 2.25 miles from the POI -from #4 ACSRto 795 AAC.o Replace recloser ONTO24R70X with an electronic rccloser. Additionally, a single-phase PT shall be installed on the interconnect customer side of the recloser for deadline check.r Install a PMU device at the POI.o Install a single-phase PT and wiring for dead-line check on ONTO-024.o Install Beckwith M2001-D load tap changer (LTC) controllers on the Tl34 transformer at ONTO substation.. Upgrade the ONTO T022 AMI transformer. The cost estimate includes direct equipment and installation labor costs, indirect labor costs and general overheads, and a contingency allowance. These arc cost estimates only and final charges to the customer will be based on the actual construction costs inourred. It should be noted that the preliminary cost estimate of $849,816 does not include the cost of the customer's owned equipment to constuct the solar generation site or required communication circuits. 3.0 Scope of Interconnection Feasibility Study The Interconneotion Feasibility Study was done and prepared in aocordance with tdaho Power Company Standard Generator Interconnection Procedures to provide a preliminary evaluation of the feasibility of the interconnection of the pnrposed generating project to the Idaho Power system. As listed in the Interconnection Feasibility Study agreement, the Interconnection Feasibility Study report provides the following information:o preliminary identification of any circuit breaker short circuit capability limits exceeded as a result ofthe interconnection;o preliminary identification of any thermal overload or voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection; andr preliminary description and non-binding estimated cost of facilities rcquired to interconnect the Small Generating Faoility to the IPC system and to address the identified short circuit and power flow issues. All other proposed generation projects prior to the Project in the Generator Interconnect queue were considered in this study. A current list of these projects can be found in the Generation Interconnection folder located on the Idaho Power web site at the link shown below:3Mw- Feasibility Study Report 2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains Idaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure [nformation (CEII). Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with ldaho Power Company and have a need to know. htto:/hvww.oatioasis.com/inco/indexhtml. 4.0 Description of Proposed Generating Project GI #520, consists of a single 3 MW photovoltaic solar plant which requested to be connected to ldaho Power's 12.47 kY ONTO-024 distribution feeder. The Project will need to install a grid connection control system for managing the real and reactive power output of the verters. The design drawing shows sets off fused disconnects to step- up the voltage from 480 V to 12.00 kV. The solar plant will need to size the step-up transformers appropriately for the total plant MVA as well as the 12.47 kV connection. Additionally, the design drawing shows grounded wye delta transformers. Idatro Power will require grounded wye grounded wye or wye grounded wye with the ground on the utility side. The project will use ! photovoltaio modules per inverter, for a total - The Project's projected in-service date was not inoluded in the GI application. 5.0 llescription of Transmi$ion Facilities Preliminary power flow analysis indicated that interconnection of a 3 MW injection at the POI considered in this study is feasible. A Transmission System Impact Study will be requircd to determine the specific network upgrades required to integrate the full project output of 3 MW. 6.0 Description of Substation Facilities Idaho Power's ONTO substation is located in Malheur County, Oregon, The existing substation transformer, ONTO T134, is a three-phase 138-13.09 kV transformer rated for 30 MVA. 7.0 Description of Distribution Facilities The requested POI for the Project is on the ONTO-024 distribution fbeder. This is a grounded- wye feeder operating at 12.47 kV at the POt. The Project must have a grounded-wye transformer connection on the IPC side, as well as a wye connection on the Project side of the fansformer. Refer to Appendix A, Section 3, for additional grounding requirernents. 8.0 Short Circuit Study Results The fault cun€nt contribution from the PV generators does not exceed any circuit bneaker rating. 3Mw- Feasibility Study Report 3 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains tdaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure lnformation (CEII). Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with Idatro Power Company and have a need to know. 9.0 Description of Required Facility Upgrades The Project will be required to provide a plant contoller that will operate the inverter system in Volt/VAr control mode in order to regulate voltage accoding to a voltage schedule that will be provided by Idaho Power. A Distribution System Impact Study will be requircd to evaluate distribution operational concerns, mitigation options, and costs if the Project chooses to continue to the next phase of the study process. Additionally, a Transmission System tmpact Study will be required to determine the specific network upgrades required to integrate the full project output of 3 MW. The cost of potential system upgrades would be determined during the Transmission System tmpact Study and have not been included in the Feasibility Study cost estimate. The following upgrades will be required to lPC-owned facilities to facilitate the interconnection ofGI #520:o Install a four-pole 12.47 kV generation interconnection package at the POI. This includes an SEL42I protective relay, which requires 3-phase potential transformers (PTs), 3- phase current bansformers (CTs), and remote connectivity. Additionally, a single-phase PT shall be installed on the interronnect customer side of the IPC recloser.o Reconductor apprcximatcly 2.25 miles from the POI Epm#4ACSRto 795 AAC.o Replace recloser ONTO24R70X with an electronic recloser. Additionally, a single-phase PT shall be installed on the interconnect customer side of the rccloser for deadline check.o Install a PMU device at the POI.o Install a single-phase PT and wiring for deadJine check on ONTG024.o Install Beckwith M2001-D load tap changer (LTC) conhollers on the Tl34 transformer at ONTO substation.. Upgrade the ONTO T022 AMI transformer. See the conceptual-level cost estimate in Table l. Table I Conceptual-level Cost Estimate for GI #520 Item of Work Estimate Generation interconnection and protection package Substation upgrades Distribution upgrades Transmission upgades $174,000 $5,800 $464,000 TBD in SIS Unloaded costs Contingency 2oo/o (l) 643,E00 $128,760 Total unloaded costs $772,560 3MW Fcasibility Study Report 4 OFFICTAL USE ONLY This report contains ldatro Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution of this rcport must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. Overheads (2)$77,256 Total loaded costs $849,815 $149"816TotalCost Estimate in 2015 dollers (3) fied design components, material cost incrcases, labor estimate shortfalls, etc. (2) Overhead costs oovcr thc indircct costs ssrccided with thc Projecl tS) fhir cost estimate includes direct equipment, material, labor, overhesds, and contingency as shown' o Note that these estimates do not include the cost of the customer's oquipment/facilities or required communication circuits for SCADA, PMU, and metering' r Note that the overhead rates arc subject to change during the year. o These are estimated costs only and final charges to the customer will be based on the actual construotion costs incuned. . These are non-binding conceptual level cost estimates that will be furtherrpfined upon the request and completion of Transmission and Distribution Facility Studies. 10.0 Description of Operating Requirements The project shall be oapable of injecting reactive power (over-excited) and absorbing reactive power (under-excited) iqual to 145 MVAR at all active power output between 2Wo and l00o/o of nameplate aotive Power rating. 3MW Feasibility Study Report 5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains ldatro Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEID. birtribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with ldaho Power Company and have a need to know. a Qlnlcctino -QAIEoru.E PF = 0.9 (over-excited) Flgure I Operrtlng requlrcmcnts Idaho Power has determined that the inverter seleoted by the Project me€ts the r€active power capability requir€ments. The Project will be required to control voltage in accordance with a voltage schedule as provided by Idatro Powq Grid Operations. Thcreforc, GI #520 will be required to install a plant contoller for managing the real and reactive power output of the 3 MW inverter aray at the project POL The installation of a PMU at the POI and maintenance costs associated with communication circuits needed to strcam PMU data will also be required in order to interconnect GI #520. Voltage flicker at startup and during operation will be limited to less than 5%o as measured at the POI. The allowable voltage flicker limit is further rcduced during operation due to multiple voltage fluctuations per hour or minute, per Idaho Power's T&D Advisory Information Manual. The Project is required to comply with the applicable voltage fluctuation limits found in IEEE Standard 1453-20A4IEEE Recommended Practicefor Measurement and Limits of Yohoge Fluctuotions and Associated Light Flicker onAC Power Systems. 3Mw- Feasibility Study Report 6 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains Idatro Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEID. Distribution ofthis report must be limited to parties that have entened into a non- disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. I II I Ij a I :i I i a;0 I I, i i a ? It I t P .2P,*t .t.at I II I II I I a i i a ip I it iI I i i i i PF = 0.9 (under-elalted) The project is requircd to comply with the applicable Volage and Cunent Distortion Limits founa in IEEE Standard 519-2014 IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirementsfor Harmonic Control in Electical Powet fistems. Additional operating requirements for the Project may be identified in the System Impact Study when it is performed. 11.0 Conclusion The requested interconnection of the GI #520, to Idaho Pow€r's sYstem was studied. The project will need to interconnect using a 12.47 kV grounded-wye connection to the ONTO-024 12.47 kV distribution feeder. The results of this study work confirm that it is feasible to interoonnect the GI #520, to the existing ldaho Power system with the modifications listed. A four-pole generation interconnect paokage, a PMU, dead-line check, and a digital tap changer controls on the ONTO Tl34 are required to integrate the 3 MW projeot as well as reconductoring approximately 2.25 miles from the POII from #4 ACSRto 795 AAC and replacing recloser ONTO24R70X withan elechonic rccloser.Additionally, a single-phase PT shall be installed on the interconnect customer side of ONTO24RTOX for deadline check. A Transmission and Distribution System tmpact Study is required to determine the specific transmission network upgrades required to integrate the project as a Networ*. Resource and to evaluate the system impacts sucli as thermal overload, voltage, transient stability, and reactive margin. All generation projects in the area ahead of the Project in the IPC generation interconnection qu.ir and theii associated transmission system improvements were modelod in a preliminary jo*". flow analysis to evaluate the feasibility of interconnecting GI #520. The results and lonclusions of this feasibility study are based on the realization of these projects in the unique queue/project order. The estimated cost to interconnect GI #520 to the IPC system ctthe 12.47 kV point of interconnection considered in this study is approximately $849'816. Generator interconnection service, either as an Energy Resource or a Network Resource, does not in any way convey any right to deliver electricity to any specific customer or point of delivery.-Transmission requirements to integrate the Project will be determined during the System Impact Study phase of the generator intersonneotion prccess. 3Mw- 7Feasibilitv studv Rcport .FFICIAL usE oNLy This report contains Idaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure lnformation (CEII). bistribution of this r€port must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosurr agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. APPENDD( A A-1.0 Method of Study The Feasibility Study plan inserts the hoject up to the ma;<imum rcquested injection into the selected Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) power flow case and then, using Power World Simulator or GE's Positive Sequence Load Flow (PSLF) analysis tool, the impacts of the new l€sounc,e on Idaho Power's transmission system (lines, transformers, etc.) within the study area are analyzed. The WECC and ldaho Power reliability criteria and ldaho Power operating procedures werc used to determine the acceptability of the configurations considered. For distribution feeder analysis, Idalro Power utilizes Advantica's SynerGEE Software. A-2.0 Acceptability Criteria The following acceptability criteria were used in the power flow analysis to determine under which system configuration modifications may be required: The continuous rating of equipment is assumed to be the normal thermal rating ofthe equipment. This rating will be as determined by the manufacturer of the equipment or as determined by ldatro Power. Less than or equal to 100% of continuous rating is acceptable. Idatro Power's Voltage Operating Guidelines were used to determinE voltage requirements on the system. This states, in part, that distribution voltagos, under normal operating conditions, are to be maintained within plus or minus 5% (0.05 per unit) of nominal everywhere on the feeder. Therefore, voltages greater than or equal to 0,95 pu voltage and less than or equal to 1.05 pu voltage are acceptable. Voltage flicker during starting or stopping the generator is limited ta sYo as measured at the point of interconnection, per ldatro Power's T&D Advisory Information Manual. Idaho Power's Reliability Criteria for System Planning was used to determine proper transmission system operation. All customer generation must meet IEEE 519 and ANSI C84.1 Strndards. All other applicable national and Idatro Power standards and prudent utility practices were used to determine the acceptability of the configurations considered. The stable operation of the system requires an adequate supply of volt-amperes reactive (VAr or VArs) to maintain a stable voltage profile under both steady-state and dynamic JMW Feasibility Study Report E OFFICI.AL USE ONLY This report contains ldaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure [nformation (CEID. Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. system conditions. An inadequate supply of VArs will result in voltage decay or even collapse under the worst conditions. EquipmenUline/path ratings used will be those that are in use at the time ofthe study or that arc represented by IPC upgrade projects that are either cuncntly under construction or whose budgets have been approved for constuction in the near firture. Al[ other potential future ratings are outside the scope of this study. Future transmission changes may, however, affect current facility ratings used in the study. A-3.0 GroundingGuidance IPC requires interconnected transformers on the distribution system to limit their ground fault curent to 20 amps at the Point of Interconnection. A4.0 Electrical System Protectton Guidance IFC requires electrical system protection per Requirements for Gencration Interconnections found on the ldaho Power Web site, htto://www.idahonower.comhdfs/BusincscToBusineca[ecilitvRcouirements.ndf 3Mw- Feasibility Study Report 9 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This rcport contains Idatro Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution ofthis report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non' disclosure agreement with ldaho Power Company and have a need to know. APPENDIX B B-1.0 -GI Project #520 Site Location 3MW Feasibility Study Report l0 OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY This report contains Idaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entercd into a non- disclosure agreement with ldaho Power Company and have a need to know. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-20-30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 2TO REQUEST NO.20 TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION RESUEST An IDACOnP CstrgtY Final Generator Interconnection Facitity Study Report for the Project #435 for ln Idaho November 13,2015 DRAFT - FACILITY STUDY REPORT (FSR) Project Generation Queue #1435 November 13,2015 1. General Facility Description ("Seller') has stated that the proposed project will consist of a solar photovoltaic array to located in Mountain Home, Idaho. The solar generation array is to connect to Idatro Power Company (IPC)'s 69 kV hansmission line. The total project output as studied is 20 MW. Contact Information for Seller is as follows: - The Seller's photovoltaic system will be constructed as follows:l. The inverter system will comprise inverter having an appar€nt power with each 2.inverter stations will inverter step up transformer with a 406 3. There will be aIMVA Generator Step Up (GSU) transformer with a 34.5 kV grounded- wye to 69 kV grounded-wye rating. 4. A plant controller will be used to contncl the inverter system and to implement smart inverter functionality for operating the project within a voltage range and power factor specified by IPC at the point of interconnection. The above referenced inverters, or equivalent inverters that have the same specifications and functionality as stated above must be utilized. If a different inverter is utilized that has different specifications and functionality than that which was studied then additional study and/or equipment may be necessary. A Standard Generator Interconnection Agreement (the '.GIA") under IPC's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OA'fD or Schedule 72 between Seller and tPC - Delivery (Transmission Owner) for the- Project, specifically Generator Interconnection Project #435' willbeprepare@GIAwillbeadefinitiveagreementthatcontainstermsand conditions that supersedes this FSR. If an earlier queue project that is responsible for providing additional sub-transmission capacity should drop out of the queue, a later queue project that may have been relying on at least a portion of any'osurplus" capacity may then be faced with additional project costs for sub-transmission capacity additions of their own. As ofthe date of this report, there are no projects in the queue ahead of I Point of Change of Ownership The Point of Change of ownership for the I project will be the spadelocatedontheSeller,ssideofthedisconnectswffiedrawingIabeled2|D.#. 1.3 Custorner'slnterconnectionFacilities The Seller will install generators, dishibution collector system, stepup transforme(s), disconnect switches, appropriate grounding measiures, and associated auxiliary equipment. Seller will build facilities to the Point of Change of Ownership for the generator facility. for which costs related to sub-transmission capacity upgrades or additionscouIdbepassedontoEshouldchangesbemadetotheirqueuepositionor generation output. For this and other reasons, the cost estimates included in this FSR are estimates only, are based on currently known or assumed facts that may not be accurate or materialize, and are subject to change. 1.1 lnterconnectionPoint The Point of Interconnection for the Project will be northwest of the intersection Idaho. A drawing ts I on page 9 1.2 1.4 Other Faclllties Provided by Seller 1.4.1 Telecommunlcations In addition to communication circuits that may be needed by the Seller, the Seller shall provide the following communication circuits for IprC's use: l. One POTS (Plain Old Telephone Seruice meeting the technical requirements of TR- NWT-000335:1993; NCI code 02L52-2wfue, loop start,600 ohm) dial-up circuit for querying the revenue meter and protection relay at the generation interconnect site. The POTS line must be capable of supporting reliable sustained data communication at a minimum of 4800 bps with a modem using V.32bis modulation. If that minimum data rate is or becomes unattainable or unreliable, alternate cincuits will be required - contact IPC for guidance. 2. One DDS (Digital Data Service meeting the technical requirements of TR-NWT- 000341:1993:,NCI code 04DU5.19, 04DU5.56, or 04DU5.64) data circuit (guaranteed minimum data rate of 19,200 bits per second) for SCADA between the generation interconnection site and Boise Bench Transmission Station (2001 Amity Street, Boise, ID 83716). Please note that Frame Relay Service is not acceptable. 3. One DDS (Digital Data Service meeting the technical requirements of TR-NWT- 000341:1993; NCI code 04DU5.19, 04DU5.56, or 04DU5.64) data circuit (guaranteed minimum data rate of 19,200 bits per second) for each required Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) between the generation intenconnection site and Boise Bench Transmission Station (2001 Amity Sheet, Boise, ID 83716). Please note that Frame Relay Service is not acceptable. The Seller shall provide the required communioations circuits between the Intenconnection site and IPC's operations to Idaho Power Company's Boise Bench 2 Substation on Amity Road in Boise, Idaho. The communication cirpuits shall be DC powered (at the terminus locations and within the telecommunications provider's network) such that they will continue operation during a potver outage for a minimum of 4 hours, and meet the specified reliability, bandwidth, and latency requirements. The Seller may choose to coordinate with a third party communications provider to provide the communications cirsuits and pay the provider's associated one time setup and periodic charges, or deliver the circuits using their own infrastnrcture, or a combination thereof. The communication circuits shall be terminated in an approved demarcation box (cable pairs shall be labeled accordingly) at a location approved by IPC. The communication circuits will need to be installed, tested and operational prior to the Seller being allowed to generate power into IPC's system. Note that installation by a third party communications provider may take several months and should be ordered in advance to avoid delaying the project. The Seller or their third party communications provider may need to install communications equipment (i.e. batteries, multiplexers, etc) near each terminus of the required communications oircuits. lf this equipment is required, the Seller shall be responsible to install this equipment in facilitieVlocations that are not owned or operated by IPC. Note: Century Link and other third party communications providers typically have this type of equipment near IPC's operations points. If high voltage protection is required by the local communioations provider for the incoming cable, the high voltage protection assembly shall be engineered and supplied by the Interconnect Customer. Options are available for indoor or outdoor mounting. The high voltage protection assembly shall be looated in a manner that pnrvides IPC 24-hour access to the assembly for communications trouble-shooting of IPC owned equipment. 1.4.2 Ground Fault EquiPment The Seller will install transformer configurations that will provide a ground source to the transmission system. 1.4,3 Easemenfs and Permits Easements and permits are required to construct the IPC facilities. IPC will work diligently in the acquisition of these items; however these authorizations are out of IPC control and may delay the project. The Seller, at its sole cost and expense, will provide to IFC the following information for IPC review and approval: l. a Phase I environmental study for the real property on which the station easement will be located, which provides warranties for and identifies IE as the User of the report; 2. an A.L.T.A suruey for the station and transmission line easement and access easement originating at a public right of way, to include a written legal description and map of each easement area; 3. a title commitment and cxtended owner's policy title insurance for the station easement and aooess easement; 4. a distribution line easement for local service to the IPC station as shown in Figure l. 3 Upon IPC approval of all documents listed above, IPC will supply to the Seller a completed IPC easement for the station, transmission and distribution lines and necessary access from a public right-of-way, for signature by the land owner of record. Once the signatures have been secured, the Seller will return the signed easement to IPC for reoording. IPC will submit for permitting to construct the station including the control building to Elmorc, County. 1.4.4 Generator Output Limit Control Seller shall install equipment to rcceive signals from IPC Grid Operations for Generation Output Limit Control (*GOLC") - see Section 3 Operating Requirements and Appendix A. IPC's recommended method of communication for GOIf is via fiber between the lnterconnection Station and the hoject. 1.1.5 Local Seryice The Seller is responsible to arrange for local seryice to their site, as necessary Included in the cost for the Interconnection Facilities is a new single phase distribution line extension for local service to the IPC substation. 1.4.6 Meteorological Data In order to integrate the solar energy into the IPC system and operate IPC's solar forecasting tool, the Seller must provide solar irradiation and weather data from the Facility's physical location to IPC via real time telemetry in a form acceptable to IPC. The associated cost for obtaining this data is the Seller's responsibility. The data must be provided at l0 second intervals and consist of: Global Horizontal lrradiance Plane of Array Temperature Wind Speed and Direction The installed inshuments must equal or exceed the specifications of the following instruments: Temperature and Relative Humidity: R.M Young Relative Humidity and Temperature Probe Sensors Model 41382 Wind: R.M Young Wind Monitor Model05103 Pyranometer: Apogee Instuments Model SP-230 1.5 ldaho Power Company's lnterconnection Facilities IPC will install aO.23 mile 69 kV transmission tap between the existing transmission line and the Seller owned substation.tap assumed 1300 feet long or less. To the Point of Change of Ownership, the equipment and structurcs inside the IPC station will include, a dead-cnd structurg two air- break switches, a 69 kV cirouit breaker, associated relaying, control and metering equipment and a control building. Revenue metering will be accomplished on the fiansmission line side ofthe 69 kV breaker. n6ekvto be approximately 4 To meet NERC's MOD-II and I3-WECC-CRT-1, Rl.2 r€quir€ments, tPC will install equipment to collect and transmit Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) data to IPC. The communication cirouits required for this data transmission are desoribed above (section 1.4.1). The data can be made available to the Seller on lequest. The minimum acceptable PMU mcssage rate is 30 samples per second. The minimum set of PMU measurement channels ref;orded at the POI is shown below. Additional or substitute channels may be requircd' on a oor casc basis depending on the interconnection configuration and facility design details. r FrcouencYo Frequencv Delta (dF/dt)r A-B:C Phase Voltase Magnitudeo A-B-C Phase Voltage Angleo Positive Sequence Voltaee Magnitude. Positive Sequence Voltaee Angler A-B-C Phase Cunent Magnitudee A-B-C Phase Current Ansleo Positive Seouence Cunent Magnitudeo Positive Sequence Cunent Angle 2. Estimated Milestones These milestones will begin, and the construction schedule referenced below will only be valid, upon receipt of funding from Seller or its authorized third party no later than the date set forth below for such payment. IPC will not commit any resources toward project consffuction that have not been funded by Seller. Additionally, failue by Seller to make the required payments as set forth in this Study by the date(s) specified below may result in the loss of milestone dates and construction schedules set forth below. [n the event that the Seller is unable to meet dates as outlined below, Seller may rcquest an extension of the Operation Date of up to three (3) years. Seller's request will be evaluated by IPC to ensure Seller's request does not negatively impact other projects in [PC's Generator Interconnection Queue. Such extension will be allowed only if IPIC determines, in its sole discretion, that the extension will not negatively impact other projects in IPC's Generator Interconnection Queue. Estimated milestones, which will be updated and revised for inclusion in the GIA in light of subsequent developments and conditions, are as follows: 1 Consult with System Planning to determine acceptability. 5 On or before Se/ler December 15, 2015 February 4,2016 ldaho Power February '11,2016 ldaho Power February 18, 2016 Design Confiactor March 1,2016 Design Contractor ldaho Power Design Contractor March 15,2016 May 31 ,2016 June 15, 2016 ldaho Power June 30, 2016 ldaho Power and Design Contmctor July 15, 2016 ldaho Power August 1,2016 Construction Contractor November 1, 2016 Construction Contractor November 15, 2016 ldaho Power November 15,2016 ldaho Power D Seller ldaho PowerD Executes Generation lnterconnection Agreement and ldaho Power receives 1) construction deposit of $1,832,100 or arangements acceptable to ldaho Power arc made with ldaho Powefs Credit Department and 2) acceptable information forthe station location, geotechn ical and topographical suruey. Completes scoping forthe ldaho Power subsfafron, transmissio n and distribution I ines (facilities') Reguesfs design cost quote from selected design firm, prepares desgn contract Design @ntruct is fully executed - Design Contractor Begrns design of the ldaho Power facilities Provides documents for Elmore County pemitting rcquirements SuDmrts to Elmore County for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to construct the facilities Completes design activities with three required progress submittals for each design activity (station structural, control, protection, scada, communications, transmlbsion and distibution lines). Two week allowance for ldaho Power review at each submittal. Receryes Elmore County permits (90 day esti m ated permit process d u ration), prcp ares construction contract docu me nts Final construction documents are reviewed, all revisions complete, and final design document are acceptable to ldaho Power Execufes consffiiction contract with a prefened "sole source' contractor Sfarfs construction of ldaho Powerfacilities Completes construction of ldaho Power facilities ldaho Power Commissioning Complete Notifrcation fiom ldaho Power's Energy Contracting Coordin ator confi rmi ng Firsf Energy of Non-Firm Output Seller festrhg begins Notification frcm ldaho Powefs Energy Contracting Coordin ator confirmi ng Ope ration 6 TB TB Date (pending allrequirements arc met) of Finn Netwo* Resource Output IPC does not warant or guarantee the foregoing estimated milestone dates, which are estimates only. These milestone dates assume, among other things, that materials can be timely procured, labor resources are available, and that outages to the existing transmission system are available to be scheduled. Additionally, thete are several matters, such as permitting issues and the performance of subcontraotors that are outside the control of IPC that could delay the estimated Operation Date. For purposes of example only, federal, state, or local permitting, land division approval, identification of Interconnection Facilities location, acoess to proposed Interconnection Facilities location for survey and geotechnical investigation, coordination of design and constuction with the Seller, failure of IPC's vendors to timely perform services or deliver goods, and delays in payment from Seller, may result in delays of any estimated milestone and the Operation Date of the project. To the extent any of the foregoing are outside of the reasonable control of IPC, they shall be deemed Force Majeure events. The Milestone Schedule above is an expedited schedule whereby Seller has requirtd Idaho Power to sole source and utilize third party contractor nesources, to expend additional funds, and to take additional actions in an attempt to meet the Seller's desired completion date before the end of 2016. This estimated Milestone Schedule depends upon the performance of third party contraotor resources to expedite their activities, while maintaining proper and adequate managemen! review, and approval from Idaho Power. Idatro Power will contract with the third party resources, with Seller being an intended third party beneficiary of said conhact and work. The above estimated Milestone Schedule assumes that, and depends upon, Seller and the third party contractor/resoutrces doing what is necessary to meet the required timelines for Idaho Power to complete the work identified in this Agreement. 3. Operating Requirements IPC shall also provide requirements that must be met by the Seller prior to initiating parallel operation with the IPC System. The project is required to comply with the applicable Voltage and Current Distortion Limits found in IEEE Standard 519-1992IEEE Recommended Practices andrequirementslor hqrmonic Control in Electrical Power Slstems or any subsequent standards as they may be updated from time to time. - will be subject to reductions dirpcted by IPC Grid Operations during transmission system contingencies and other reliability events. When these conditions occur, the Project will be subject to Generator Output Limit Control ("GOLC") and will have equipment capable of receiving an analog setpoint via DNP 3.0 from IPC for GOLC. Generator Output Limit Control will be accomplished with a setpoint and discrpte output control from IPC to the Project indicating maximum output allowed. For more detail see Appendix A. Low Voltage Ride Through: The Project must be capable of riding through faults on adjacent section of the power system without tripping due to low voltage. It has been determined, through study, that the Project must be capable of rpmaining interconnected for single line to ground faults: 0.5pu for 26 cycles and 0.31pu for 35 cycles for three phase to ground faults. 7 Seller will be able to modify power plant facilities on the Seller side of the Interconnection Point with no impact upon the operation of the transmission or distribution system whenever the generation facilities arc electrically isolated from the system via the 0618 air break switch and a terminal clearance is issued by IPC's Grid Operator. F'requency Response Requirements: Generator must be capable of providing Fast Frequency Response for both positive and negative frequency deviations from 60Hz ( +/- 0.036 Hz) for bulk electric system disturbances. Minimum respons€ required will be 3o/o (5o/o droop setting provides 3.3o/o of generator's full capacity for a 0.1 Hz deviation) of generator's full capacity for as long as the generator is able to provide support or the frequency deviation is reduced to within stated limits, whichever occunl first. Response will only be required when aggregate variable generation on IPC system is above 35% of load. 4. Reactive Power The installed reactive power capability of the project must have an, IPC requird power factor operating range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging at the point of interconnection (POt) over the range of requested real power output of the project (up to maximum output of 20 MW). The project will also be requircd to meet the voltage/VAr schedule provided by Idaho Power. The updated Power flow analysis performed in the System Impact Study indicates that the reactive compensation range of the proposed hoject at full output has suffioient capacity to provide a 0.95 leading or lagging power factor at POLTheEProjectwillberequiredtocontroltheVArfloworvoltageatthe69kV POI per a voltage/VAr schedule provided by ldaho Power Grid Operations. The- f Project is required to install a plant controller for managing the real and apparent power output of 20MW(22MVA at the project POI. Estimated Costs The following good faith estimates att provided in 2015 dollars and are based on a number of assumptions and conditions. IPC does not warant or guarantee the estimated costs in the table below, which are estimates only and are subject to change. Seller will be rcsponsible for all actual costs incurred in connection with the work to be performed by IPC and its agents, under the terms and subjeot to the conditions included in any GIA executed by tPC and Seller. Estimated Cost: I nkrconnecllon Facililics : 0.23 mile 69 kV transmission line extension, station prop€rty improvements, fencing dead-end structure, one 69 kV circuit breaker, two air-break switches, a control building with associated relaying, control, communication and revenue metering equipment. Also includes a 3400 ft single phase distribution line extension for station local service Upgrades lo Transmiss ion: Idaho Power nOTAL E 1.7s0.000 $1,750,000 I Two 69 kV transmission air break switchcs (one switch on each side of the tap).Idaho Power TOTAL $82.100 $82,100 GRANDTOTAL $1it32r100 Note Regarding Transmission Seruice: This FSR is a Netruork Resource Interconnection Facility Study. This FSR identifies the facilities neoessary to integrate the Generating Facility into IPC's network to sere load within IFC's balancing area. Netrvork Rosource Interconnection Service in and of itself does not convey any right to deliver electricity to any specific customer or Point of Delivery. Note Regarding GIA: This Facility Study Report (FSR) is a study and preliminary evaluation only and does not constitute, or form the basis of, a definitive agreement related to the matters described in this FSR. Unless and until a GLA is executed by IPC and Seller, no party will have any lcgal rights or obligations, exprcss or implied, related to the subject matt€r of this FSR. 9 Figure 1. Location of Interconnection Facilities Figure 2. Details of Transmission Line and Station l0 A.t 4.2 Appendix A Generation lnterconnection Gontrol Requirements Generator Output Limit Gontrol (GOLC) A.1.1 IPC requires Interconnected Power hoducers to accept GOLC sigrrals from our EMS. A.1.2 The GOLC signals will consist of four points shared between the IPC EMS (via the IPC RTU) and the Seller's Generator Controller. The IPC RTU will be the master and the Sellet's Generation Controller will be the slave. A.1.2.1 GOLC Setpoint An analog output that contains the MW value the Customer should curtail to, should a GOLC request be made via the GOLC On/Offdiscrete output Control point. A. An Analog Input feedback point must be updated (to reflect the COLC setpoint value) by the Seller Controller upon the Controllefs receipt of the GOLC setpoint change, with no intentional delay. A.1.2.2 GOLC Or/Off: A discrete output (DO) control point with pulsing Trip/Close controls. Following a "GOLC Om" control (DNP Control Code "Close/Pulse On"), the Customer Controller will run power output back to the MW value specified in the GOLC Setpoint. Following a "GOLC Off' control (DNP Control Code "Tri/Pulse On"), the Seller is free to run to maximum possible output. A. A Discrete Input (DI) feedback point must be updated (to reflect the last GOLC DO Control Code received) by the Seller Controller upon the Controller's receipt of the GOLC DO contncl, with no intentional delay. The feedback DI should latch to an OFF state following the receipt of a "GOLC OFF" contol and it should latch to an ON state following the receipt of an 'GOLC ON" control. A.1.3 If a GOLC contrcl is issue4 it is expected to see MW reductions start within I minute and plant output to be below the GOLC Setpoint value within l0 minutes. Voltage Control A.2.1 IPC requires Transmission-lnterconnected Power Producers to accept Voltage Contol signals from our EMS when they are connected to our transmission system. A.2.2 The voltage control will consist of one setpoint and one feedback point shared between the IPC EMS and the Seller Controller. A,2,3 The setpoint will contain the desired target voltage for the plant to operate at. This setpoint will have a valid control range of 0.95 and the I .05 per unit of nominal system voltage. A.2.4 The conhol will always be active, there is no digital supervisory point like the Curtail On/Off control above. A.2.4.1 When a setpoint change is issued an Analog Input feedback point must be updated (to reflect the Voltage Control setpoint value) by the Seller Controller upon the Controller's receipt of the Voltage Control setpoint change, with no intentional delay. A.2.4.2 When a setpoint change is received by the Seller Controller, the Voltage Control system should react with no intentional delay. ll The volt4ge control system should operate at the voltage indicated by the setpoint with an aocuracy of +l- 0.5o/o of the nominal system voltage. A.2.5 The Seller should supervise this control by setting up "rtasonability limits", i.e. configure a reasonable range of values for this control to be valid. As an example, they will accept anything in the valid confrol range (between .95 and 1.05 p.u.), but reject values outside this range, If they were fed an eroneous value outside the valid range, their control system would default to the last known, good value. 4,3 Generation lnterconnection Data Points Requirements Digital Inputs to Idaho Power (DNP Obj. 01, Var.2) Index Description state (0/l)Comments: 0 52A Customer Capacitor Breaker (if present)Open/Closed Sourced at station I GOLC Otr/On (Control Feedback)Off/On Feedback provided by Seller Digttal Outputs to Customer (DNP Obj. 12, Yer. 1) Index Doscription Comments: 0 GOLC Off/On Control issued by ldatro Power Analog Inputs to IPCo (DNP Obj. 30, Var. 2) Index Description Raw Hish Raw Low EU Hieh EU low EU Units Comments: 0 GOLC Setpoint Value Received (Feedback)32767 32768 TBD TBD MW Provided by Seller I Voltage Contol Setpoint Value Rec'd (Ieedback)32767 32768 TBD TBD KV Provided by Seller Analog Outputs to Customer (DNP Obj.41, Var.2) Index Description RawHish Raw Low EU Hish EU Low EU Units Comments: 0 GOLC Setpoint 32?67 -32768 TBD TBD MW Control issued by Idaho Power I Voltaee Conhol Setpoint 32767 -32768 TBD TBD KV Control issued by Idaho Power t2 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE NO. IPC-E-20-30 IDAHO POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT 3 TO REQUEST NO.2A TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSES TO STAFF'S SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST GENERATOR INTERCOI\IhIECTION SYSTEM IMPACT STUDY REPORT for integration ofthe proposed 3MW rPc PROJECT QUEITE #532 to the IDAHO POWER COMPANY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM for I. REPORT v.0 Manch,2019 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains Idaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEID. Distribution ofthis report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with Idaho Power company and have a need to know. Date Revision Initials Summary of Changes 3ll2r20r9 0 AV SISR GI #532 - Original issue. Revision History 3MW System Impact Study Report i OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains ldaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ......................... I 2.0 Summary... ..........................1 3.0 Scope of lnterconnection Transmission System Impact Study.......... ...............2 4.0 Description of Proposed Generating Project........ .........................3 5.0 flescription of Transmission Facilities............... ....... 3 6.0 Description of Power Flow Case ............4 7.0 Power Flow Analysis Study Results..,.... ....................4 8.0 Description of Substation Facilities. ......................... 4 9.0 Description of Distribution Faci1ities.................. .......5 10.0 Short Cirouit Study Resu1ts................ ......................... 5 I1.0 Description of Required Facility Upgrades ................ s l2.O Description of Operating Requirernents................ .......................7 13.0 Conclusion ........ g APPENDIX A................ ..................9 A-1.0 Method of Study ..........9 A-2.0 Aocepability Criteria .......................9 A-3.0 GroundingGuidance.... ................... l0 A4.0 Electrioal System Protection Guidance ............ l0 A-5.0 WECC Coordinated Off-Nominal f,'requency Load Shedding and RestorationRequirements.............. ............ l0 3MW System Impact Study Rcport ii OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains ldaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entercd into a non- disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. B-1.0 GI Project #532 Site Location..... ......... I I 3MW Systcm Impact Study Report iii OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report oontains ldaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution ofthis r€port must be limited to parties that have entered into a non' disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. List of Tables Table I Conceptual-level Cost Estimate for GI #532 6 List of Figures 3 MW Vcrde Light Powcr Project System Impact Study Rcport iv OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains Idaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution ofthis report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. 1.0 Introduction Inc. has contracted with tdaho Power Company (IPC) to perform a Generator Interconnection System Impact Study for the integration of the proposed 3 MW I (the Project). The Project is proposed to be located in IPC's Western Region in Malheur County, Oregon (See Figure 2:Locationofl I-GI#532in Appendix A). The project latitude and longitude are approximately The Project is Generation Interconnect queue number 532 (GI #s32). The project has applied to connect to the Idaho Power distribution systom for an injeotion of 3 MW at a single Pbint of Interconnection @OI) at 12.47 kilovolts (kV). The POI evaluated is located in ttre Ontario (ONTO) 019 distribution circuit boundary approximately I This report documents the basis for and the results of this System Impact Study for the GI #532 Generation Interconnertion Customer. The report describes the proposed project, the determination of project interoonnection impact and estimated costs for integration of the Project to the Idaho Powir System. This report satisfies the System Impact Study requirements of the Idaho Power Tariff. 2.0 Summary The system impact of interconnecting the 3 MW IPC's 12.47 kV ONTO-019 distribution feeder was evaluated. The POI is located at The transmission system and distribution analysis indicated that interconnecting thel ONfO-Otq will have minimal system impact with modifications discussed in this report. The Pncject will be required to control voltage in accordance with a voltage schedule as provided by tdatro Power Grid Operations. Therefore, GI #532 will be requircd to install a plant controller for managing the real and reactive power output of the 3 MW inverter array at the project POI. Generator interconnection service, either as an Energy Resouue or a Network Resource, does not in any way convey any right to deliver electricity to any specific customer or point of delivery. ThetotalpreliminarycostestimatetointerconnecttheEtheoNTo- 0l 9 distribution feeder is $327,45 l, and includes the following tasks: o Install a four-pole 12.47 kY generation interconnection package at the POI. Thjs includes an SEL-421 protective relay, which requires 3-phase potential transformers (PTs), 3- phase current transformers (CTs), SCADA and remote connectivity. I Install a single-phase PT and wiring for dead-line check on oNTo-OI9. 3MW System Impact Study RePort I OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains ldaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. . Install Beckwith M2001-D load tap changer (LTC) controllers on the Tl35 transformer at ONTO substation.o Upgrade the ONTO T023 AMI transformer.r Move recloser ONTOI9RIO5 approximately 0.5 miles.o Add aX-blade switphto ONTOI9o Add two sets of 3 phase fused and one set of I phase fuses to distribution circuit laterals. The cost estimate includes direct equipment and installation labor oosts, indirect labor costs and general overteads, and a contingency allowance. These arc cost estimates only and final charges to the customer will be based on the actual construotion costs incurred. It should be noted that the preliminary cost estimate of $327,451 does not include the cost of the customer's owned equipment to construct the solar generation site or required communication circuits. 3.0 Scope of Interconnection Transmission System Impact Study The Interconnection Transmission System Impact Study was completed, in accordance with Idaho Power Company Standard Generator lnterconnec'tion Procedures, to provide an evaluation of the systern impacts ofthe interponnection of the proposed generating project to the Idaho Power system. As listed in the Interconnection Transmission System Impact Study agreemen! the Interconneotion Transmission System Impact Study report provides the following information: r identification of additional transformer load tap changer opemtions, voltage fluctuations (flicker) and additional feeder losses.o identification of required reactive power support.o identification of islanding conditions.o identification of any circuit breaker short cirpuit capability limits exceeded as a result of the interconnection.o identification of any thermal overload or voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection.r identification of any angular instability.o description and non-binding estimated cost of facilities required to interconnect the Small Generating Facility to the IPC System and to address the identified short circuit and powcr flow issues. All other proposed generation projects prior to this project in the Generator Interconnect queue wene considered in this study. A current list of these projects can be found in the Generation Interconnection folder located on the Idaho Power web site at the link shown below: htto :/Amvw.oatioasis.comfi oco/index.btml. 3MW Systsm Impact Study Report 2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains ldaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with ldaho Power Company and have a need to know. 4.0 Description of Proposed Generating Project Gl#532, consists of a single 3 MW photovoltaic solar plant which requested to be connected to tdaho Power's 12.47 kV ONTO-019 distribution feeder. The Project will need to install a plant controller for managing the real and reactive power output. The supplied single line drawing shows the project using finverters. The drawing shows frn ith fused disconnects. 5.0 Description of Transmission Facilities The Project's impact on the Brownlee East transmission path (WECC Path #55) was evaluated in this Transmission System Impact Study. In addition, the ldaho-Northwest fransmission path (WECC Path #14) which is in series with the Brownlee East fiansmission path was studied at its rated West'to- East tansfer capaclty. The ldaho-Northwest transmission path (WECC Path #14) is defined as the sum ofthe flows on the following five lines:o Oxbow-Lolo 230kV. Hells Canyon-Hunicane 230kVr North Powder-La Grande 230kVo Hines-Hamey ll5kVr Hemingway-Summer Lake 500kV The Brownlee East transmission path (WECC Path #55) is defined as the sum of the flows on the following seven lines:. Brownlee-Boise Bench #l 230kVo Brownlee-Bohe Bench #2230kVo Brownlee-Boise Bench #3 230kVo Brownlee-Horse Flat #4 230kVc Brcwnlee-Ontario230kVr Oxbow-Starkey l38kvr Quartz-Ontario l38kV For this generation intelponnection Transmission System Impact Study, the flow on the Idaho- Northwest transmission path was modeled at I MW West-to-East and the Brownlee East transmission path was modeled atI MW West-to-East. The paths were shessed to these speoific levels in order to determine if the addition of the Project's 3 MW degraded the existing Brownlee East path's transfer capability. 3MW System Impact Study Report 3 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains Idaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreemont with Idatro Power Company and have a need to know. 6.0 Description of Power Flow Case This study utilized the WECC apploved lghs3al Heavy Summer operating case as the starting point ofthe studies. Two power flow cases were developed: o The "Base Case" with projects earlier in the queue added, but not the Project.o The "Second Case" with projects earlier in the queue and the Projcct added. The pre-contingency flows across the ldatro-Northwest and the Brownlee East pathVcut-planes were modeled at their respective ratings (see Section 5.0). Flow in each path is modeled in this manner in order to capture the potential impact of the Project on the existing capabilities of the surrounding paths and the interconnected transmission systems. Performing the studies at these levels will ensurc that the Total Transfer Capability ofthe adjacent paths are not impacted by the Ptoject. In addition to the l9hs3a Heavy Summer operating case, a light-load operating case was developed for the IPC 69 kV sub-transmission system. The limits uscd for this analysis are as follows: l. Voltage magnitude during normal operating steady-state must remain between 0.93 per unit and 1.05 per unit. [f the post-hansient voltage deviates from this range during N-l conditions and an operating pnrcedue can be taken to return the voltage to the required range without creating a four-terminal line, then network upgrades ane not required.2. Line loading must be less than l00o/o of line rating during normal steady-state operation. Steady-state line loading above 100% requires network upgrades.3. Post-transient line overloading that does not exceed the emergency line rating resulting from an N-l contingency is acceptable if an operating procedure can be taken to reduce the line loading below 100% without creating a four-terminal line. Post-transient line loading above the emergency line rating rcsulting from an N-l contingency nequires network upgrades. 7.0 Power Flow Analysis Study Results Results from the stressed Heavy summer operating case indicate the addition of the Gl#532 project will not result in contingency violations that would impact the Total Transfer Capability of the adjacent Path 55 Brownlee East transmission path. The addition of GI #532 does not exceed any lines ratings for any N-l contingencies. E.0 Description of Substation Facilities Idaho Power's ONTO substation is located in Malheur County, Oregon. The existing substation transformer, ONTO T135, is a three-phase 138-13.09 kV transformer rated for 37 MVA. 3MW- System Impact Study Report 4 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains ldaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEID. Distribution of this rcport must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. 9.0 Description of Distribution Facilities The requested POI for the Project is on the ONTO-019 distribution feeder. This is a grounded- wye feeder operating at 12.47 kV at the POt. The Project must have a grounded-wye ilansformer connection on the IPC side, as well as a wye connection on the Projeot side of the transformer. Refer to Appendix A, Section 3, for additional grounding requirements. 10.0 Short Circuit Study Results Fauh hrtv at OI{TO ffttSl 12.5 kV Bus: SIG Fault (A)I 3PH Fault (A)I Fauh DuUet FOI -Sohr 12.5 kVBtts: SLG Fault (A)I 3PH Fault (A)I The fault oun'ent contribution from the PV generators does not exceed any circuit breaker rating. 11.0 Description of Required Facility Upgradm The Project will be required to provide a plant confioller that will operate the inverter system in Volt/VAr control mode in order to regulate voltage according to a voltage schedule that will be provided by Idaho Power. The following upgrades will be required to lPC-owned facilities to facilitate the interconnection ofGI #532: o Install a four-pole 12.47 kV generation interconnection package at the POI. This includes an SEL-421 protective relay, which rcquircs 3-phase potential trutsformers (PTs), 3- phase cunent transformers (CTs), SCADA and remote connectivity. o Install a single-phase PT and wiring for dead-line cheok on ONTO-019. o Install Beckwith M2001-D load tap changer (LTC) contollers on the Tl35 hansformer at ONTO substation.r Upgrade the ONTO T023 AMI transformer.o Move reoloser ONTOI9RI05 approximately 0.5 miles.. Add aX-blade swirchto ONTOI9 3MW Systcm Impac-t Study Report 5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains Idaho Power Company Critical Energy In&astructure Information (CEII). Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with ldaho Power Company and have a need to know. a Add two sets of 3 phase fused and one set of I phase fuses to distribution circuit laterals. See the conceptual-level cost estimate in Table l. Table I Conceptual-level Cost Estimate for GI #532 Item of Work Estimate Generation interconnection and protection package Substation upgrades Distribution upgrades $179,800 $0 $58,000 Unloaded costs Contingency 20% (l) $237,800 $47,560 Total unloaded oosts Overheads (2) $285,360 $42,091 Total loaded oosts Total Conceptual-level Cost Estimate in 2019 dollan (3) $327,451 st27,451 (l) Contingency is added to cover the unforeseen costs in the estimate. These costs cen include unidentified design componcnts, mdcrial cost increases, labor cstimate shortfalls, etc. (2) Overhead costs cover the indirect costs associated with the project. (3) This cost estimate includes direct cquipment, material, labor, overhcads, and oontingcncy as shown. o Notc that these estimates do not include the cost of the customer's equipment/facilities or required communication circuits for SCADA, and metering.o Note that the overhead rates are subjoct to ohange during the year.o These are estimated oosts only and final charges to the customer will be based on the actual construction costs incurred. 3MW Systcm Impact Study Report 6 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains ldaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution of this r€port must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disolosure agreement with tdatro Power Company and have a need to know. . These arc non-binding conceptual level cost estimates that will be firther refined upon the request and completion of Transmission and Distribution Facility Studies. l2.O Description of Operating Requiremen6 The Project shall be capable of injecting r€active power (over-excited) and absorbing reactive power (under-exoited) equal to 1.32 MVAR at all active power output between 2070 and 1007o of the nameplate active power rating of 3 MW. 0tl o,u 001?- o.ll lca..dlSnl )Irbora-l ll.tidlrua.?.rdaal Figurc I Operating rcquircmentc The inverter(s) will be required to have the UL l74lSA certification prior to the installation. The Project will be required to conbol voltage in accordanoe with a voltage schedule as provided by ldatro Power Grid Operations. Thercfore, GI #532 will be required to install a plant oonfitller for managing the rral and reactive power output of the 3 MW inverter system at the project POI. Voltage flicker at startup and during operation will be limited to less than 5% as measured at the POI. The allowable voltage flicker limit is further rcduced during operation due to multiple voltage fluctuations per hour or minute, per Idaho Power's T&D Advisory Information Manual. The Project is required to comply with the applicable voltage fluctuation limits found in IEEE Standard 1453-2004 IEEE Recommended Practicefor Measurement and Limits of Yoltoge Fluctuatiotts and Associated Light Flicker on AC Power Systems. 3MW Syslan Impact Study Report 7 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains Idaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructurc Information (CEII). Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with tdaho Power Company and have a need to know. The project is required to comply with the applicable Voltage and Cument Distortion Limits found in IEEE Standard 519-2014 IEEE Recommended Proctices ond Requirementsfor Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Slstems. Additional operating rcquircments for the Project may be identified in the System Impact Study when it is performed. 13.0 Conclusion The requested interconnection of the Gl#532, to ldaho Power's system was studied for impact to the IFC elecffical transmission and distribution system. The project will need to interconnect using r12.47 kV grounded-wye connection to the ONTO-0I9 12.47 kV distribution feeder. The results of this study confirm that, with the modifications listed, no network upgrades willbe required to interconnect the Gl#532,to the existing tdaho Power system. A four-pole generation interconnect paokage, deadJine checlq and a digital tap changer control on the ONTO Tl35 are required to integrate the 3 MW. All generation projects in the area ahead of the Projeot in the IPC generation interconnection queue and their associated transmission system improvemcnts were modeled in a preliminary power flow analysis to evaluate the feasibility of interconnecting Gl#532. The results and conclusions of this System Impact Study are based on the realization of these projects in the unique queue/proj ect order. The estimated cost to interconnect GI #532to the IPC system atthe 12.47 kV point of interconnection considered in this study is approximately $321,451. Generator interconneotion service, either as an Energy Resource or a Network Resource, does not in any way convey any right to deliver electricity to any specific customer or point of delivery. Transmission requirements to integrate the Project will be determined during the System Impact Sfirdy phase of the generator interconnection process. 3MW System tmpact Study Report 8 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains Idaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEID. Distribution of this r€port must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with ldaho Power Company and have a need to know. APPENDU( A A-1.0 Method of Study The Transmission System lmpact Study plan inserts the hoject up to the maximum requested injection into the selected Western Electicity Coordinating Council (WECC) power flow case and then, using Power World Simulator or GE's Positive Sequence Load Flow (PSLF) analysis tool, examines the impaots of the new resource on Idaho Power's transmission system (lines, transformers, etc,) within the study area under various operating and outage scenarios. The WECC and Idaho Power reliability criteria and ldaho Power operating procedures were uscd to determine the acceptability ofthe configurations considered. The WECC case is a rccent case modified to simulate stessed but reasonable pre-contingenoy energy transfers utilizing the IPC system. For distribution feeder analysis, Idaho Power utilizes DNV'GL's Synergi Elechic softrnare and EPRI's OpenDSS softwarc. A-2.0 Acccptebility Criteria The following acceptability oriteria were used in the power flow analysis to determine under which system configumtion modifications may be required: The continuous rating of equipment is assumed to be the normal thermal rating of the equipment. This rating will be as determined by the manufacturer of the equipment or as determined by ldaho Power. Less than or equal to 100% of continuous rating is acceptable. Idatro Power's Voltage Operating Guidelines were used to determine voltage requirements on the system. This states, in part, that distribution voltages, under normal operating conditions, are to be maintained within plus or minus 5% (0.05 per unit) of nominal at each meter or POI on the feeder. Therefore, voltages greater than or equal to 0.95 pu voltage and less than or equal to 1.05 pu voltage are acceptable. Voltage flicker during the starting or stopping of the generator will be limited to less than 5% as measured at the POI. Allowable volage flicker limit is furtherreduced during operation due to multiple voltage fluctuations per hour or minute, per Idatro Power's T&D Advisory Information Manual. Idaho Power's Reliability Criteria for System Planning was used to determine proper tansmission system operation. All customer generation must meet IEEE 519, IEEEI453, IEEEI547, and ANSI C84.1 Standards. All other applicable national and ldaho Power standards and prudent utility practices werc used to determine the acceptability of the configurations considered. 3MW Feasibility Study Report 9 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains tdaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEID. Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with ldaho Power Company and have a need to know. The stable operation of the system requires an adequate supply of volt-amperes reactive (VAR$ to maintain a stable voltage profile under both steady-state and dynamic system conditions. An inadequate supply of VARs will rcsult in voltage decay or even collapse under the worst conditions. Equipment/line/path ratings used will be those that are in use at the time ofthe study or that are represented by IPC upgrade projects that are either ountntly under construction or whose budgets have been approved for oonstuotion in the near futune. All other potential future ratings are outside the scope of this study. Future fransmission changes may, however, affect current facility ratings used in the study. A-3.0 GroundingGuidance IPC requires interconnected transformers on the distribution system to limit treir ground fault curent to 20 amps at the Point of Interconnection. A-{.0 Electrical System Protection Guidance IPC requires electrical system prctection per Rcquirements for Cencration Interconnections found on the ldaho Power Web site, http:/ftvww.idahonowcr.com/odfs/BucinessToBurinc$dfecilityRoouircmentg.pdf A-5.0 WECC Coordinated Olf-Nominal X'requency Load Shedding and Restoration Requirements IPC requires frequency operational limits to adhero to WECC Under-frequency and Over- frc.quency Limits per the WECC Coordinated Off-Nominal Frequenoy Lnad Sheddins and Restoration Requirements available upon request. 3MW System Impact Study Report l0 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains ldaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). Distribution of this rcport must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure sgreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know. B-1.0 APPENDD( B GI Project #532 Site Location 3MW System Impact Study Report l1 OFFICIAL USE ONLY This report contains ldaho Power Company Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEID. Distribution of this report must be limited to parties that have entered into a non- disclosure agreement with Idaho Power Company and have a need to know.