HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200522IPC to Staff 6-12.pdfsrm.'\r/1flr/rfa i\LtJl-lr'L-L' ',,,! r.1 lit tl.4-. , tL! I'irli'r-JLISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com May 22,2O2O ELECTRONIC FILING Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 Re: Case No. IPC-E-20-15 2019 Demand-Side Management Expenses - ldaho Power Company's Response to the Second Production Request of the Commission Staff Dear Ms. Hanian: Attached for electronic filing is ldaho Power Company's Response to the Second Production Request of the Commission Staff. The attachments that respond to Production Request 7 are too voluminous for e-mailtransmittal and instead will be made available to the parties on the Company's discovery FTP site lf you have any questions about the attached documents, please do not hesitate to contiact me. Very truly yours, AnD Oof,Pcompe'ry X* !.Z(^l-t."*, Lisa D. Nordstrom LDN:sdh Attachment LISA D. NORDSTROM (lSB No. 5733) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5825 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 I nord strom @ ida h opower. co m Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S APPLICATION FOR A DETERMINATION OF 2018 DEMAND- SIDE MANAGEMENT EXPENSES AS PRUDENTLY INCURRED ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC.E.2O.15 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW, ldaho Power Company, and in response to the Second Production Request of the Commission Staff to ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powef or "Company") dated May 1 ,2020, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 1 REQUEST NO. 6: Please provide a list of market transformation and marketing activities offered by NEEA that the Company has opted out of for all or part of its service tenitory. a. For those activities, please provide a side-by-side comparison of NEEA marketing activities and those conducted by the Company. b. Please provide a financial comparison of those activities. !f applicable, please identify how much the Company was reimbursed from NEEA for those marketing activities. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 6: a. Below please find a side-by-side comparison of those NEEA-sponsored marketing activities ldaho Power opted out of during 2019 and those activities completed by ldaho Power. For further details, please see ldaho Power's Demand-Side Management 2019 Annual Report, pages 135-142. Luminaire Level htin Controls ,, Heat Pum Water Heaters IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 2 ldaho PowerNEEA ln 2019 there were no customer-facing marketing activities that fel! under NEEA's oot-out orovision. Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (..NEEA") ldaho Power A paid media campaign to raise awareness of HPWHs that ran on YouTube, HGTV and DIY networks on cable TV. ldaho Power promoted HPWHs as part of its residential Heating and Cooling program. NEEA deployed HPWH consumer testimonial videos that were used on NEEA's Hot Water Solutions site. Target postcards were mailed in February that promoted all Heating & Cooling measures, includino HPWHS. An email promotion was sent to residential customers in July promoting all Heating and Coolino measures. includino HPWHS. Digitalads ran in February promoting the Heatino and Coolinq prooram. and included a HPWH call-out. Social media posts throughout the year featured heating/cooling related tips, with some mentionino HPWHS. A bill insert was sent to all residential customers in April and September with a HPWH call-out. ln the Fall, content and image updates were made to all heating and cooling webpages on idahooower.com. Ductless Heat Pu Ps IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.3 Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (..NEEA") ldaho Power ldaho Power promoted DHPs as part of its residential Heatinq and Coolino Drooram. Produced a buye/s guide and distributed via owned and eamed channels. Developed consumer-facing and installer- facing materials intended to educate both audiences on NEEA's soon-to-be-released DHP Cold Climate and Recommended Practices, including best practices for sizing, installation, use and maintenance. Postcards were mailed in February that promoted all Heating & Cooling measures, including DHPs. DHPs were prominently featured in the company's TV commercial in the Fall and Spring. Ads ran on network TV and digital platforms. An email promotion was sent to residential customers in July promoting all Heating and Coolino Drooram measures. includinq DHPs. Digitalads ran in February promoting the overall Heating and Cooling program, including a DHP call-out. Social media posts throughout the year featured heating/cooling related tips, with some mentionino DHPs. A bill insert was sent in April and September to all residential customers with a DHP call-out. An article on DHPs was featured in the Summer EE quide. ln the Fall, content and image updates to all heating and cooling webpages on idahooower.com. b. As found in ldaho Power's Application in IPC-E-14-38,1 page 9, for the contract with NEEA for the 2015-2019 funding cycle the Company reduced funding over the five-year funding cycle in the amount of $794,388 associated with marketing activities and an additional $119,126 in associated administration expenses for all the optional programs for which the Company opted out. ldaho Power has no knowledge of NEEA's spending on its marketing activities; consequently, the Company does not have financia! comparisons for these activities. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research and Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. thttos://puc.idaho.eov/Fileroom/PublicFiles/ELEC/IPC/IPCEl438/CaseFiles/20l4l029Application.pdf IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.4 REQUEST NO. 7: Please provide copies of all print, web, television, and radio ads, and/or content used to market the Company's DSM programs in ldaho. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 7: Please see the attachments provided for this response. Because Linkedln only allows individuals or companies to pull posts from the previous year, the Company is unable to pull screenshots from any posts that took place prior to May 7,2019 but has provided a list of Linkedln posts for the period of January 1,2019 through May 6, 2019. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research and Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 5 REQUEST NO. 8: Please provide the amounts budgeted and spent on DSM marketing in 2019. Please identify which program each expenditure was billed to and provide documentation to support the amount spent, including copies of invoices and proof of payment. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 8: As part of discussions on May 6,2020, to clarify Staffs request, Staff indicated that ldaho Power need not respond to this request. The response to this Request is sponsored by Pau! Goralski, Regulatory Analyst, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REOUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 6 REQUEST NO. 9: Please provide the 2019 website analytics for each DSM program or measure website and include the following information-to the extent such analytics are available to the Company. a. Number of page views; b. Number of unique visitors; c. Session duration; d. Source of incoming traffic; e. lnteractions while on the website (For example, are visitors using the program f. Exit pages (Are users exiting to other ldaho Power pages or returning back to search engines or social media.) RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 9: Please see the attachment provided for this response. The Company does not currently have tracking mechanisms in place for item e (interactions on website). Because ldaho Power updated the Uniform Resource Locator ('URL') for its webpages during 2019, webpage results in the attachment may be listed under more than one URL. For item f (exit pages), if the webpage listed in the "Exit Page" and "Page" columns match, the user exited ldaho Power's website from the same energy efficiency webpage. lf "Exit Page" and "Page" do not match, the "Exit Page" column indicates the last ldaho Power webpage the user visited before exiting idahopower.com. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REOUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 7 The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Gustomer Research and Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REOUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 8 REQUEST NO. 10: Please provide the number of Advanced Metering lnfrastructure ("AM!") switches for the A/C Cool Credit and lrrigation Peak Rewards programs that the company has in inventory. Additionally, has the Company purchased any AMI switches for these programs since December 31,2018? RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 10: The inventory of Advanced Metering lnfrastructure ("AMl") switches utilized in both the A/C Cool Credit and lrrigation Peak Rewards programs was approximately 2,446 as of May 2020. The Company has not purchased any AM! switches since September 2012. The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research and Analysis Leader, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 9 REQUEST NO. 11: Please provide a copy of the Technical Resource Manual that was used for the Company's 2019 DSM report. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 11: Please see the attiachment provided forthis response. A hyperlink to the Company's Technical Reference Manual ('TRM") may be found on the Company's Energy Efficiency Program Reports website: https://www.idahopower.com/enerqy-environmenUwavs-to-save/enerqv-efficiencv- prooram-reports/ The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF.lO REQUEST NO. 12: Please provide the following for the Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers program: a. The incentives or expenses paid for each measure type; b. The potential savings for each measure in the energy audit tool, such as EA5 or EA6, used for cost-effectiveness screenings; and c. The cost effectiveness analysis, based on @nsumption datia, showing the Annual Gross Savings by measure type. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 12: a. The number of measures installed and the production costs of those measures may be found in Table 12, WAQC summary of measures installed in 2019 on pages 84-85 of ldaho Powefs Demand-Side Management 2019 Annual Report.2 Production costs are defined as the direct costs paid by ldaho Power to fund audits, energy efficiency measures, and health and safety measures. b. The Company does not use measure-level potential savings for cost- effectiveness screenings. The ldaho Department of Health and Welfare uses the Department of Energy approved energy audit program (EA5) for the ldaho Weatherization Assistance Program and, therefore, the ldaho Community Action Partnership ('CAP") agencies use the EAS. ldaho Power receives output data from the EA5 files for each job ldaho Power helps fund with post- calculation home-specific savings, but does not have access to the CAP agency EA5 tool. 2 https://docs.idahopower.com/pdfs/EnereyEfficiency/Reportsi20l9DSM.pdf IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 11 c. Please see ldaho Powe/s response to Staff Request No. 1 for the Company's cost-effectiveness workpapers showing the calculation for the WAQC program. ldaho Power does not use measure level savings data for cost- effectiveness calculations; in 2019 the Company used average whole house consumption information from pre and post weatherization billing analysis. The Company describes the cost-effectiveness methodology for the WAQC program and shows the results on pages 7 and 32 of ldaho Powefs Demand- Side Management 2019 Annual Report: Supplement 1, Cost Effectiveness.3 The response to this Request is sponsored by Quentin Nesbitt, Customer Research & Analysis Leader ldaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 22nd day of May 2020. X*!.(,,1-t"-*, LISA D. NORDSTROM Attorney for ldaho Power Company 3 https://docs.idahopower.com/pdfs/EnergyEfficiency/Reports/20l gSupplement l.pdf IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF. 12 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 22nd day of May 2020 I served a true and conect copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Dayn Hardie Deputy Attomey General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 1 1331 W. Chinden Boulevard Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ldaho 83714 ldaho lrrigation Pumpers Association, lnc. Eric L. Olsen ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Avenue, Suite 100 P.O. Box 6119 Pocatello, ldaho 83205 Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohio 44107 Hand Delivered _U.S. Mai! Ovemight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Emai! davn.hardie@puc.idaho.oov _Hand Delivered U.S. Mail _Ovemight Mai! _FAXX FTP SiteX Email elo@echohawk.com _Hand Delivered U.S. Mai! _Ovemight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email tonv@yankel.net _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email peter@richardsonadams.com _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mai! Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP Site X Email dreadinq@mindsprinq.com lndustrial Customers of ldaho Power Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27h Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ldaho 83703 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 13 ldaho Conseryation League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North 6h Street Boise, ldaho 83702 _Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP Site X Emai! botto@idahoconservation.orq Gity of Boise Abigail R. Germaine Deputy City Attomey Boise City Attorney's Office 150 North Capitol Boulevard P.O. Box 500 Boise, ldaho 83701 -0500 _Hand Delivered U.S. Mai! _Overnight Mail _FAXX FTP SiteX Email aqermaine@cityofboise.orq A*)-z/4r"_ Sandra D. Holmes Legal Adm inistrative Assistant IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 14