HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200331Telephonic Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER )COMPANY'S APPLICATION TO MODIFY )CASE NO.IPC-E-20-01SCHEDULE30,SPECIAL CONTRACT )WITH UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF )ENERGY ) )TELEPHONIC HEARING BEFORE COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (Presiding)COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPERCOMMISSIONERERICANDERSON PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 11331 West Chinden Blvd.Building 8,Suite 201-ABoise,Idaho DATE:March 24,2020 VOLUME I -Pages 1 -6 CSB REPORTINGORIGINALCertgiedShorthandReporters PostOfYiceBox9774 Boise,Idaho 83707 Reporter:csbreporting@vahoo.com Constance BucyPh:208-890-5198 Fax:1-888-623-6899 ' CSR 1 A PPE A R A NCES 2 3 For the Staff:Dayn S.Hardie,Esq. 4 Deputy Attorney General 11331 W.Chinden Blvd. 5 Building 8,Suite 201-ABoise,Idaho 83714 6 7 For Idaho Power Company:Lisa D.Nordstrom,Esq. Idaho Power Company 8 1221 W.Idaho Street PO Box 70 9 Boise,Idaho 83707-0070 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING APPEARANCES208.890.5198 1 BOISE,IDAHO,TUESDAY,MARCH 24,2020,2:00 P.M. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Well,good 5 afternoon.My name is Paul Kjellander and I'll be 6 chairing the proceedings today.This is the time and 7 place for a telephonic public hearing in Case No. 8 IPC-E-20-01.It's also known as in the matter of Idaho 9 Power Company's application to modify Schedule 30, 10 special contract with United States Department of Energy. 11 Again,it's Case No.IPC-E-20-01. 12 As far as today's proceedings are 13 concerned,the Commission earlier issued a Notice of 14 Modified Procedure in this case and the Commission's 15 rules for modified procedure generally contemplate that a 16 case under modified procedure will be processed by 17 written submissions without the need for a public 18 hearing;however,the Commission found good cause to 19 schedule a public hearing in this case because the 20 Company filed an amended application seeking approval of 21 an asset transfer under Idaho Code Section 61-328 and 22 that statute mandates a public hearing,which is why 23 we're holding this telephonic hearing today,so why don't 24 we begin first with the appearances of the parties and I 25 believe we have someone on line representing the Staff CSB REPORTING 1 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,if you could 2 identify yourself for the record. 3 MR.HARDIE:Thank you,Mr.Chairman. 4 Dayn Hardie,counsel for Commission Staff. 5 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And Dan,for 6 your benefit and others,if you could please speak a 7 little more slowly and if you would repeat your name, 8 because the court reporter is working remotely as well, 9 and I do want to make sure that she gets your name 10 correctly. 11 MR.HARDIE:Perfect.Dayn Hardie. 12 That's D-a-y-n H-a-r-d-i-e and I am counsel for the 13 Commission Staff. 14 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you very 15 much and I appreciate your patience. 16 Do we have anyone on line representing 17 Idaho Power? 18 MS.NORDSTROM:Yes,this is Lisa 19 Nordstrom for Idaho Power Company. 20 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you,Lisa 21 Nordstrom,and I think by me repeating that twice,I 22 think that's fine and our court reporter will pick up 23 that well. 24 Is there anyone else on the line who needs 25 to be identified for purposes of the official record and CSB REPORTING 2 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 as an intervenor party to the case?Let the record show 2 that no one else is on the line needing to be identified 3 as a party to the case. 4 We'll then now move on for the public 5 comment period.Do we have any caller on who wishes to 6 provide public comment?Asking Adam,do we have a 7 number? 8 MR.RUSH:69 -- 9 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:So is there a 10 caller with the last four digits 6969? 11 MR.HARDIE:Mr.Chairman,that is Dayn 12 Hardie. 13 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay,thank you, 14 Dayn,so that would suggest to us,then,that there are 15 no other calls on the line;is that correct? 16 MR.RUSH:There are. 17 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Number ending in 18 5198. 19 THE COURT REPORTER:That's mine,the 20 court reporter. 21 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:That's the court 22 reporter. 23 MR.RUSH:0828. 24 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay,a caller 25 with 0828. CSB REPORTING 3 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 MR.ELLSWORTH:Yes,that's Gerald 2 Ellsworth from Idaho Power.I'm just listening in. 3 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay.Last four 4 numbers 2045. 5 MS.NORDSTROM:And that would be my 6 number,Lisa Nordstrom. 7 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Okay,so 8 clearly,what we're able to do in this time is do several 9 things:One is to recognize that we have no one on the 10 branch who wishes to provide public testimony;and two, 11 we need to find a way to identify prior to us going live 12 who these numbers actually belong to,and so while we're 13 waiting for this process,we'll be eliminating going 14 forward. 15 So as we stand today,there are no callers 16 who wish to provide public testimony,so there is no 17 additional need to prolong this proceeding,except to 18 wait for another 25 minutes in which we can do this again 19 for the next case related to it,and so with that said,I 20 want to thank everybody for their participation,for 21 their attention,also for helping us test the system and 22 for helping us see what we would like to do in order to 23 clean this up going forward and we'll see if we can even 24 make improvements by the time we do this in 25 minutes, 25 so there being no further reason to keep these CSB REPORTING 4 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 proceedings open,we are adjourned. 2 (The Hearing adjourned at 2:05 p.m.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 5 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 A UTHENT I C A T I ON 2 3 4 This is to certify that the foregoing 5 telephonic proceedings held in the matter of Idaho Power 6 Company's application to modify Schedule 30,special 7 contract with United States Department of Energy, 8 commencing at 2:00 p.m.,on Tuesday,March 24,2020,at 9 Commission Hearing Room,11331 West Chinden Blvd., 10 Building 8,Suite 201-A,Boise,Idaho,is a true and 11 correct transcript of said proceedings and the original 12 thereof for the file of the Commission. 13 14 15 CONSTANCE S.BUCY18CertifiedShorthand Report 187 19 CONSTANCE S BUCY20NOTARYPUBUC-STATE OF IDAHO COMMISSION NUMBER 12995MYCOMMISSIONEXPIRES9-5-202421 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 6 AUTHENTICATION208.890.5198