HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200626Attachment 2 No. 7.docxMOD-004-1 – Transmission Planner Purpose This procedure is intended to describe the roles and responsibilities for compliance with the following requirements of NERC Reliability Standard MOD-004-1: R6. At least every 13 months, the Transmission Planner shall establish a CBM value for each ATC Path to be used in planning during each of the full calendar years two through ten following the current year. R8 Less than 31 calendar days after the establishment of CBM, the Transmission Planner shall notify all the Load-Serving Entities and Resource Planners that determined they had a need for CBM on the system being planned by the Transmission Planner of the amount of CBM set aside. R9, The Transmission Service Provider that maintains CBM and the Transmission Planner shall each provide (subject to confidentiality and security requirements) copies of the applicable supporting data, including any models, used for determining CBM or allocating CBM over each ATC Path. Methodology Historically IPCO has equated CBM to MSSC since CBM was first implemented. IPCO’s MSSC is 330 MW for a planned two-unit trip at Jim Bridger Power plant caused by an installed RAS. MSSC will remain constant at 330 MW until such a time that a larger facility is constructed,the Jim Bridger RAS is no longer needed, or there is a policy change equating CBM to MSSC. Procedures Capacity Benefit Margin (R6 & R8) Transmission Service Provider Annually, email a request for CBM to the Transmission Planner. NOTE: The Transmission Server Provider has procedures that trigger this request. Transmission Planner Review transmission and generating facilities for new or planned changes that will impact CBM. Review newfacilities in service. Review planned facility/policy changes in the next ten years. Within 31 days of the review performed in step 2 above send an email with the CBM values for years two through ten following the current year to the Transmission Service Provider. Transmission Service Provider Post CBM values for all periods provided to OASIS. (Oasis posting serves as notice to all Load Serving Entities (LSEs) and Resource Planners (RPs) of amount of CBM set aside) NOTE: The Transmission Server Provider has procedures for the OASIS posting of CMB. Request for Capacity Benefit Margin Support (R9) Transmission Service ProviderReceive an ad hoc request from any of the following:Associated Transmission OperatorsTransmission Service ProviderReliability CoordinatorTransmission PlannerResource PlannerPlanning CoordinatorWithin 30 days of receive the above request provide supporting data used for determining CBM or allocating CMB over each ATC Path or flowgate. Definitions Define terms that have specialized meanings in the procedure. MSSC—Most Severe Single Contingency. RAS—Remedial Action Scheme. References MOD-004-1 – Capacity Benefit Margin – Transmission Service ProviderprocedureReview/Revision History Review Date Version # Revisions 05/17/17 1.0 NERC compliance process document created.