HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200304Staff 1-50 to IPC.pdfEDWARD JEWELL ocrOt\/RDDEPUTYATTORNEYGENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION p 4 p 9:6POBOX83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 (208)334-0314 IDAHO BAR NO.10446 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BVLD,BLDG 8,SUITE 201-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorneyfor the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER )COMPANY'S 2019 INTEGRATED RESOURCE )CASE NO.IPC-E-19-19 PLAN ) )FIRST PRODUCTION )REQUESTOF THE )COMMISSION STAFF TO )IDAHO POWER COMPANY The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and through its attorney of record, Edward Jewell,Deputy AttorneyGeneral,request that Idaho Power Company (IPC or Company) provide the followingdocuments and information as soon as possible,or by WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25,2020. This Production Request is continuing,and the Company is requested to provide,by way of supplementary responses,additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question,supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations.The Company is reminded that responses pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document,and the name,location and phone number of the record holder and if different the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing if need be.Reference IDAPA FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 1 MARCH 4,2020 In addition to the written copies provided as response to the questions,please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with formulas activated. REQUESTNO.I:On page 90 of the Amended 2019 IntegratedResource Plan (IRP),the Company states,"Idaho Power projects that additional natural gas-fired generating capacity beyond an incremental 600 MW of capacity would require an expansionof Northwest Pipeline from the Rocky Mountain supply region to Idaho." a.)Is an expansion of Northwest Pipeline beyond 600MW required due to availabilityof natural gas from the Rocky Mountain supply region or capacity of the pipeline in the Company's service area?Please explain. b.)If an expansion would be required due to the Rocky Mountain supply region,please explain why that is necessary given that the Northwest Pipeline is a bi-lateral pipeline served by multiplesupply regions. c.)If expansion requirements would be a mix of both supply basin and pipeline capacity, please explain how and to what extent each element contributes to the requirement. REQUESTNO.2:Please provide a schedule that details all capacity and transportation contracts and/or reservations the Company has with Northwest Pipeline for the next ten years. a.)For each year,please provide the volume required,price,and volume under contract or reserved. b.)For each year,please provide the available capacity includingprice and source. REQUESTNO.3:The Aurora Long Term Capacity Expansion model (LTCE)includes options to use Traditional Long Term logic,a Mixed Integer Program (MIP)method that Maximizes Value,and a Mixed Integer Program method that Minimizes Costs.For the Company's 24 Western Electricity Coordination Council (WECC)optimized portfolios,please provide the followinginformation: a.)The Capacity Expansion Option and method used,and the rationale for using that Capacity Expansion Option and method. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 2 MARCH 4,2020 b.)The objective function that was used,with a description of all components of that objective function.Please include specific zones used to determine prices used in the Net Present Value (NPV)calculation. c.)The convergence criteria used,and the rationale for selecting that particular convergence criteria. d.)The last 10 values of the objective function used to determine convergence. REQUESTNO.4:Please explain how flexibilityresources were used in the development of each of the Company's 24 WECC optimized portfolios.For each of these portfolios,please identify which resources were included as flexibilityresources. REQUESTNO.5:Please explain the formal process used by the Company to verify each of the model runs used to develop the Company's 24 WECC optimized portfolios.Please include any checklists or formal procedures used to ensure that model configuration was consistent with the assumptions presented to the Integrated Resource Plan Advisory Committee (IRPAC). REQUESTNO.6:Please confirm that,with the exception of natural gas and carbon prices,all modeling parameters to develop the Company's 24 WECC optimized portfolios were identical for the Amended 2019 IRP.If this is not correct,please explain all differences in modeling configuration,including the inclusion of resources that were either included or removed in order to stabilize the model. REQUESTNO.7:Please describe the process and criteria used by the Company to select a Capacity Expansion Tool.In addition to the Aurora LTCE tool,what other capacity expansion tools and techniques did the Company consider?Please explain. REQUESTNO.8:Please confirm that the Aurora LTCE can optimize portfolios for the WECC,but not for the Company's system.If this is true,please describe the process and criteria that will be used by the Company to select a Capacity Expansion tool for future IRPs. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 3 MARCH 4,2020 REQUESTNO.9:Please describe the Company's process for validating the Aurora LTCE tool prior to development of the Company's 24 WECC optimized portfolios for the Amended 2019 IRP.Please include the Company's procedures for determining the following: a.)The process for validating the particular options and methods used by the Company (Traditional,MIP Maximize Value,and MIP Minimize Cost). b.)Correspondence between IRP objectives and modeling outputs. c.)Model stability. d.)Please explain how the Company determined that the Aurora Capacity Expansion Option and method chosen by the Company would produce portfolios with the least cost and least risk to the Company's ratepayers. e.)Efforts undertakenby the Company to characterize the model. f.)Efforts undertakenby the Company to determine input parameter limits that might cause the model to become unstable or unreliable. REQUESTNO.10:On page 97 of the Company's Amended 2019 IRP,the Company states that a "...subset of top-performing WECC portfolios was manually adjusted with the objective of further reducing portfolio costs specific to the Idaho Power System."Please provide the criteria used by the Company to select this particular subset of portfolios. REQUESTNO.11:How does the Company know that a WECC-optimized portfolio,that wasn't part of the subset that was further manually adjusted,could be manuallyadjusted to be more optimal than the final portfolio selected?Please explain. REQUESTNO.12:For each of the manuallybuilt portfolios shown in Table 9.9,please explain the adjustments that were made to the parent WECC portfolio. REQUESTNO.13:For each of the manuallybuilt portfolios shown in Table 9.9,please provide the objective function that was used to evaluate the model,with a description of all components of that objective function. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 4 MARCH 4,2020 REQUESTNO.14:Please confirm that,with the exception of resources specified in the IRP,all modeling parameters used to develop the Company's manuallybuilt portfolios were identical.If this is not correct,please explain all differences in modeling configuration,including the inclusion of resources that were either included or removed in order to stabilize the model. REQUESTNO.15:Which Aurora zones were used to determine prices that were used to develop the Net Present Values shown in Table 9.9? REQUESTNO.16:Please explain how flexibilityresources were used in the development of each of the Company's manuallybuilt portfolios.For each of these portfolios,please identify which resources were included as flexibilityresources. REQUESTNO.17:On page l10 of the Amended 2019 IRP,the Company states that it, "...is confident that its preferred portfolio detailed in Chapter 10 achieves the low cost,low risk objective of the IRP."Please explain the basis for this degree of confidence. REQUESTNO.18:Please include all analysis performed for Boardman-To-Hemingway (B2H)related rate base estimates at the hypothetical 42%ownership ($648 million)that was conducted to support the November 5,2019 Form 8-K submission to the Security Exchange Commission. REQUESTNO.19:Page 37 of Appendix D states that B2H will provide a range of benefits,includingachieving the Company's clean energy goals,meeting Oregon and Washington Renewable Portfolio Standards and legislation,and providing benefits toward achieving regional balancing area operating efficiencies,reliability and resiliency,and resource adequacy.Please explain why it is reasonable for Idaho Power customers to fund such a large portion of a resource that may benefit the region more than it benefits them. REQUESTNO.20:Idaho Power assumed that B2H will have constant transmission usage that produces the additional transmission revenue included in the Amended 2019 IRP filing. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 5 MARCH 4,2020 Appendix D at 42.Please describe where constant transmission capacity usage will come from and include forecasts,contracts,and/or relevant documents to support these assumptions. REQUESTNO.21:On pages 4 and 5 of its Amended 2019 IRP,the Company states that it reduced the discount rate from 9.59 to 7.12 percent.Please provide all workpapers,in EXCEL format with formulae and links intact,for the calculation of the new discount rate and include the derivation of the (.74%)tax deduction rate reflected on page 6 of the Company's December 6,2019 IRPAC PowerPoint presentation. REQUESTNO.22:Please provide the signed B2H Joint Permit funding agreement described on page 69 of the Company's Amended 2019 IRP. REQUESTNO.23:On page 72 of its Amended 2019 IRP,the Company states that "Portfolios involvingB2H result in a higher FERC transmission rate than portfolios without B2H." Please provide all FERC transmission rates for all Transmission lines used by Idaho Power, includingB2H and Gateway West. REQUESTNO.24:On page 72 of its Amended 2019 IRP,the Company states that it included costs for local interconnection upgrades totaling $21 million in its B2H cost analysis. a.)Please provide a list,with description,costs,and schedule of all projects included in this estimate. b.)Please provide a list,with costs,of any interconnection upgrades related to B2H that were not included in this estimate. c.)Was the cost of these upgrades used in the calculation to determine capital costs for all resource types considered in Table 1 on page 6 of Appendix D?Please explain. REQUESTNO.25:Please provide,in EXCEL format with formulae and links intact,the Company's estimate of the costs of B2H to Idaho ratepayers,including,but not limited to: a.)Rate Base Total b.)Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) c.)Permitting Costs and Permits Received and Filed FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 6 MARCH 4,2020 d.)Pre-Construction Cost e.)Construction Cost f.)Unforeseen expenses g.)Expected Cost Overrun h.)Warranty Cost REQUESTNO.26:On page 63 of its Amended 2019 IRP,the Company states that, "Historically,Idaho Power experiences its peak load at different times of the year than most Pacific Northwest utilities;as a result,Idaho Power can purchase energy from the Mid-Columbia energy trading market during its peak load and sell excess energy to Pacific Northwest utilities during their peak."Please provide the followinginformation: a.)The date,time,and magnitude (MW)of the Company's 100 highest peaking events during the calendar year,2019. b.)The date,time,and magnitude (MW)of the peaking events of "most Pacific Northwest" utilities referred to in its statement. REQUESTNO.27:Please provide all studies and forecasts of firm,dispatchable generationcapacity that would be available to the Company through the proposed B2H transmission line at the time of Company system peaking events during calendar years 2019 through 2038. REQUESTNO.28:Please provide,in EXCEL format with formulae and links intact,the Company's estimate of the costs of Gateway West to Idaho customers,including,but not limited to: a.)Rate Base Total b.)AFUDC c.)Permitting Costs and Permits Received and Filed d.)Pre-Construction Cost e.)Construction Cost f.)Unforeseen Expenses g.)Expected Cost Overrun h.)Warranty Cost FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 7 MARCH 4,2020 REQUESTNO.29:Regarding Idaho Power's segment of the proposed Gateway West transmission line: a.)What is the capacity of Idaho Power's current transmission resources into territory that would be served by these segments of Gateway West? b.)Please provide load studies for the years 2019 through 2038 for the territorythat would be served by these segments of Gateway West. REQUESTNO.30:Please provide the workpapers for the calculations of capital costs for all resource types considered in Table 1 on page 6 of Appendix D.Please include:Total capital $/kW,Total Capital $/kW-Peak,and Depreciable Life. REQUESTNO.31:From Figure 7.5 on page 92 of the Amended 2019 IRP,please provide all workpapers and calculations for the resources presented. REQUESTNO.32:From Figure 7.6 on page 94 of the Amended 2019 IRP,please provide all workpapers and calculations for the resources presented.Please include the assumed level of annual energy outputs for each resource and the inputs/assumptions used to calculate the annual cost of energy over the life of the resource. REQUESTNO.33:With the 2017 Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)decision to cancel the I-5 Corridor Reinforcement transmission project,which was based on BPA policy change toward non-wires solutions to "embrace a more flexible,scalable,and economically and operationally efficient approach to managing BPA transmission needs[,]"'please describe the current status of the IPC-BPA B2H partnership and funding position.As of February 26,2020, Bonneville Power states "Bonneville has not yet made a decision about joint ownership of the B2H Project."2 Please include the most current documentation available to support the Company's response. 'May 17,2017.Elliot Mainzer of Bonneville Power Administration.Letter to Region I-5 Corridor ReinforcementProjectdecision.https://www.bpa.gov/Projects/Projects/l-5/Documents/letter I-5 _decision final web.pdf2BOnneVillePowerAdministration.Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Project (DOE/EIS -507). https://www.bpa.gov/efw/Analysis/NEPADocuments/Pages/Boardman-to-Hemingway.aspx FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 8 MARCH 4,2020 REQUESTNO.34:B2H was not selected as part of the 2019 PacifiCorp/Rocky Mountain Power preferred resource portfolio.Please describe the current status of the IPC/PacifiCorp B2H partnership and fundingposition.Please include the most current documentation available to support the Company's response. REQUESTNO.35:Please describe the Company's plan if a funding partner declines to fund its currentlyassumed share of the B2H project. REQUESTNO.36:Page 71 of the Amended 2019 Integrated Resource Plan states that transmission wheeling revenues are not included in AURORA calculations and the Company modeled incremental transmission wheeling revenue from non-native load customers as an annual revenue credit for B2H portfolios as in the 2017 IRP.Please answer the followingquestions: a.)Please explain why AURORA is not able to capture transmission wheeling revenues. b.)How much is the annual revenue credit for B2H portfolios?How is the value determined? REQUESTNO.37:Page 72 of the Amended 2019 IntegratedResource Plan states that Idaho Power's transmission assets are funded by native load customers,network customers,and point-to-pointtransmission wheeling customers based on a ratio of each party's usage of the transmission system. a.)To which of these categories are Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) QualifyingFacilities (QFs)classified? b.)Please explain how network customers fund Idaho Power's transmission assets. REQUESTNO.38:Page 42 of the Amended 20 19 Integrated Resource Plan Appendix D describes the formula for calculating transmission rates and states Idaho Power's existing transmission wheeling customers will pay this higher transmission rate.Idaho Power assumed constant transmission usage by third parties from 2018 levels.Please answer the following questions: a.)Please explain why only existing transmission wheeling customers will pay this higher transmission rate,not native-load customers and network customers. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 9 MARCH 4,2020 b.)Please discuss whether constant transmission usage is assumed for all three categories of customers:Native-load customers,network customers,and transmission wheeling customers.If so,why.If not,why not. REQUESTNO.39:Page 21 of the Amended 2019 IntegratedResource Plan states that the 2018 Variable Energy Resource (VER)Study expressed these regulating reserve requirements as the dynamicallyvaryingfunction of several factors:season,load-base schedule,time of day,wind- base schedule,and solar-base schedule.Please answer the followingquestions: a.)Please discuss whether these factors are captured in the LTCE model and in the portfolio analysis of the Amended 2019 IRP on an hourly basis. b.)Please discuss whether all the selected portfolios (both WECC-optimized and manually adjusted)meet the regulation reserve requirements. c.)Please discuss whether the models define categories of regulation reserves (Load Up, Load Down,Solar Up,Solar Down,Wind Up,Wind Down)each reserve-providing resource can provide. d.)Please discuss whether the models set constraints on how much capacity reserve- providing resources (such as dispatchable thermal and hydro resources)can provide to meet regulation reserve requirements. e.)Please explain if the effects of the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM)are considered in terms of providing regulating reserve in the Amended 2019 IRP. REQUESTNO.40:Page 100 of the Amended 2019 Integrated Resource Plan states that given the substantial variations in VER generating capacity between portfolios,and temporally (i.e. year-to-year)within portfolios,it was impractical to approximate the Regulation Down regulating reserve for wind and solar production,except for the winter season for solar.Please answer the followingquestions: a.)Please use specific examples to further explain how "the substantial variations in VER generatingcapacity between portfolios,and temporally within portfolios"made it impractical to approximate Regulation Down regulating reserve for wind and solar production. b.)Please explain why the winter season for solar is an exception. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 10 MARCH 4,2020 REQUESTNO.41:Page 22 of the Amended 2019 Integrated Resource Plan states that integration charges for VERs are not used as an input into the AURORA model because portfolio development for the Amended 2019 IRP is being performed through LTCE modeling.Please answer the followingquestions: a.)Please describe the impacts of not including integration charges for VERs on the Amended 2019 IRP results,on the Company,on the PURPA QFs,and on the ratepayers. b.)How is the Company planning to mitigate the issue? REQUESTNO.42:Page 23 of the Amended 2019 Integrated Resource Plan states that when additional incremental VERs are added to the system outside,or between,IRP cycles,there is still a need to identify the incremental cost of maintaining adequate reserves for reliable operations. Please answer the followingquestions: a.)Please explain if the modeling in the Amended 2019 IRP has built in extra regulation reserves to cope with additional incremental VERs that could be potentiallyadded to the system outside or between IRP cycles. b.)If not,what is Idaho Power's plan to address these additional incremental VERs. REQUESTNO.43:For the 20 manuallybuilt portfolios,please provide evidence that the portfolios meet regulating reserve requirements and reliability standards. REQUESTNO.44:Page 46 of the Amended 2019 IntegratedResource Plan Appendix C compares long-term capacity expansion results between No B2H portfolios and With B2H portfolios in pairs.Please answer the followingquestions: a.)Why do pairs of Portfolio 6/Portfolio 18,Portfolio 8/Portfolio 20,Portfolio 11/Portfolio 23,and Portfolio 12/Portfolio 24 have different coal exit results? b.)Why do the remaining pairs have the same coal exit results? REQUESTNO.45:Page 109 of the Amended 2019 IntegratedResource Plan describes the six scenarios of Jim Bridger exit.Please explain in detail why Scenario 5 and Scenario 6 are not necessary to be tested on Portfolio 4 and Portfolio 16. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 11 MARCH 4,2020 REQUESTNO.46:Table 9.9 of the Amended 2019 IntegratedResource Plan shows the NPV of the 20 manuallybuilt portfolios under four natural gas and carbon scenarios.Please provide the NPV variance for each of these portfolios using the same methods used to derive the NPV variance in Figure 9.1. REQUESTNO.47:Page 124 of the Amended 2019 Integrated Resource Plan discusses the preferred portfolio.Please explain why among 24 WECC-optimized portfolios and 20 manually built portfolios Portfolio 16(4)is the preferred portfolio. REQUESTNO.48:Page 124 of the Amended 2019 Integrated Resource Plan states the preferred portfolio was further evaluated under an assumption of planning case natural gas price forecast and planning case carbon cost forecast,represented by Pl4(7).Please answer the following questions: a.)How do these assumptions differ from the assumptions used to formulate the preferred portfolio? b.)Please define Pl4(7). c.)Please explain how this evaluation was conducted. d.)Please provide the results of this evaluation. REQUESTNO.49:Page 28 of the Amended 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Appendix C states the first capacity deficit is 42 MW in July 2029,which has not changed from the first capacity deficit in the original 2019 Integrated Resource Plan Appendix C.Since the Company's original filing,several changes have occurred (e.g.approval of Jackpot Solar).Please answer the following questions: a.)Please list any other changes that have occurred since the original IRP was filed and that should be included in deficit calculations for the Amended 2019 Integration Resource Plan Appendix C. b.)Please discuss whether these changes have been taken into account in the capacity deficit in the Amended 2019 Integration Resource Plan Appendix C. c.)If so,please explain why the first capacity deficit has not changed. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 12 MARCH 4,2020 REQUESTNO.50:Page 28 of the Amended 2019 Integrated Resource Plan mentions Schedule 87,Intermittent Generation Integration Charges.Is the Company planning to file updates to integration charges based on the 2018 VER Study? DATED at Boise,Idaho,this day of March 2020. Edward Jew Deputy Atto ey General i:umise:prodreq/ipcel9.19ejmm prod reql FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 13 MARCH 4,2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 4TH DAY OF MARCH 2019,SERVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTOF THECOMMISSIONSTAFFTOIDAHOPOWERCOMPANY,IN CASE NO.IPC-E-19-19,BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF,POSTAGE PREPAID,TO THEFOLLOWING: LISA D NORDSTROM TIM TATUM REGULATORY DOCKETS MATT LARKINIDAHOPOWERCOMPANYIDAHOPOWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 PO BOX 70BOISEID83707-0070 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-mail:Inordstrom@idahopower.com E-mail:ttatum@idahopower.com dockets@idahopower.com mlarkin@idahopower.com BENJAMIN J OTTO C TOM ARKOOSHIDCONSERVATIONLEAGUEARKOOSHLAWOFFICES 710 N 6TH ST PO BOX 2900 BOISE ID 83702 BOISE ID 83701 E-mail:botto idahoconservation.org E-mail:tom.arkoosh@arkoosh.com erin.cecil arkoosh.com SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE