HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190607IPC to Staff Attachment No. 14.pdf Electric Motor Repairing Specification – 2012 Rewind/Repair Processes for Electric Motor Efficiency Retention Green Motors Practices Group A Non-Profit Corporation Page 1 o Table o 1.0 INT 2.0 INITI 2.1 WI 2.2 C 2.3 WI 2.4 R 2.5 SH 2.6 FA 2.7 B 2.8 RE 2.9 FI 3.0 QUA 3.1 M 3.2 TE 4.0 PRO 4.1 Ob 4.2 Pr 5.0 PRO 5.1 Ob 5.2 Pr 6.0 PRO 6.1 Ob 6.2 Pr SPECIFI f 8 Contents ODUCTION L INSPEC DING RE RE PREPA DING ........ TOR TEST FT AND B S ............... ALANCING .. ASSEMBL AL TESTS . LITY CONT ASURING I TS AND I EDURE: B ective: ......... ocedure: ........ CEDURE: C ective: ......... ocedure: ........ CEDURE: M ective: ......... ocedure ......... CATION RE .................... TION and DI OVAL ........ RATION ....... ..................... AND REPAI ARING FI ..................... ..................... Y .................... ..................... ROL ............. NSTRUME SPECTION RN-OFF O ..................... ..................... ORE-LOSS T ..................... ..................... ICROMETE ..................... ..................... FERENCES . .................... SASSEMBL .................... .................... .................... R .................. TS ................ .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... NTS .............. DURING W EN TEMPE .................... .................... ESTER VE .................... .................... R AND MIC .................... .................... .................... .................... Y ................. .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... OR  ............ RATURE V ..................... .................... RIFICATION ..................... .................... ROMETER ..................... .................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ERIFICATI ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... REFERENC ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ON ................ .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... E/CALIBRA .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... TION ............ .................... .................... .................... ....... 2  ....... 2  ....... 2  ....... 3  ....... 3  ....... 4  ....... 4  ....... 4  ....... 5  ....... 5  ....... 5  ....... 6  ....... 6  ....... 6  ....... 6  ....... 6  ....... 6  ....... 7  ....... 7  ....... 7  ....... 7  ....... 7  ....... 7  ....... 8  Page 2 o 1.0 INT This Spe protocol induction Motors u in accord 2.0 INI 2.0.1 Init and digit inspectio machine’ descripti motor’s r 2.0.2 Dis • P r • P • I • S 2.1 WI 2.1.1 Wi original c winding affect the the repla total cros Where pr 2.1.2 Co repair to per squar a temper repairer s ambient t and/or di after strip strip loss test with cleaning 1 IEEE 112 CSA3923 CSA C3 8 ODUCTI cification cov o low and motors and ed in hazard nce with U TIAL INSP al inspectio al imaging to indicate de owner or th n may inclu liability and assembly mi erform matc assembly; erform insul entify and l ore disasse NDING RE ding Data – onfiguration. onfiguration winding’s m ement reduc sectional ar cticable, rep re Loss – Co heck for da inch RMS1. ture check f all compare mperature a cuss with th ping shall no s3. To avoid os -strippin nd drying o Segregated n 11, Testing o 2.11, Testing N ers Green M ediu -volta escribes mi us environ 674 or CSA ECTION a of machine document ea ects of a pot owner’s de e digital pict energy cons imum proce -mark to ide tion resistan cate needed bled machin MOVAL Precisely re If the motor is preferred gnetic densi s current de a of a turn, t airer may re duct core-lo aged inte -l Repairer sh r hot spots a the results at ter 15 minut customer be more th misleading c measureme the core is c o-load saturati three-hase s of three-hase tors Practice e rando -w imum requir ents shall ha equired equi nd DISASS ry shall, with h motor’s a ntially catast ignated repr res and an e mption, and s shall inclu tify externa e test of ins quivalent re ry protected ord winding is more than hen approp ties, harmon sity (increas e turns per uce end turn s tests on all minar insula ll record exc d overall co a similar ma s, or losses fore proceed n four watts mparison o t adjustment mplete. If t on test, EAS uirrel cage m squirrel cage s Group’s ( und and for ments for re e all explosi valent. EMBLY in practical li -received co ophic natur sentative, a timate of th on the expec e: l and internal lated station lacement co and isolated data prior to two-pole, re iate, and is p c content, or s wire cross oil, the span extensions, stators. Com ion. The test ting current e heating. If netic flux d re excessive ng. For a co er pound, a results, repa s (i.e., use in e initial and Tech Note 17 tors during re otors during MPG) repair -coil three- air and over on-proof fea mits, include dition and c , the se vice d give a des potential ef ed time and component ry and rotati ponents; from unrelat winding rem lacing a con r issible if: current dens sectional are and connecti ut may not i a e oth be shall be at nd watts los data from pr nsity. If ho overall after e with less t d not more t rer must not tial test core os -strippin furbishment p refurbishment and rewind hase AC sq aul of such ures maintai , but not be l nfiguration. rovide sha ription of th ect of the de ost to comp onfiguration g compone d compone val to perm entric confi (1) the repl ties by more per ampere on of the coi crease them ore and after flux density each time, vious core t spots excee stripping, re an 15° C hot an 20% hig conduct the dimensions), core measu . 12 pg. 12 fficiency ret irrel cage achines. N ed and recer mited to, tes If tests and l contact the defects. Th ects on the ete the repai for correct ts; ts. t replication uration with cement does than 2% , an . Otherwise, s shall not c stripping an of 85,000 li s well as car sts are avail 15° C2 abo airer shall re spots, the lo er than the p econd core l or until the ements vary, ntion te: tified ing . f the a lap not (2) the ange. iron es y out ble, e the medy ses e- ss Page 3 o repairer s pound an 2.1.3 Bu visual ins winding fixed loc temperat (700°F). communi shall con provided teeth spla 2.1.4 Wi teeth. 2.2 CO 2.2.1 Iro obvious i defined i 2.2.2 Me 2 a l p 2 r a c 2 w u 2 p 2.3 WI 2.3.1 Ins the origi compatib 2.3.2 Co conducto shall be s 2.3.3 Sta extension slot cond 2.3.4 Coi conducto compoun 8 hall perform temperatur rn Out – Prio ection tha t lean in a co tion sensing re is limited f a higher te ation or doc irm this y t hat, (1) no o ed (bent). nding Extra E PREPA Damage – B ron damage section 2.1. thod of Rep 2.2.1 Grind cceptable pro mination ins oceeding. .2.2.2 Remo eplacing the sembly with aterial comp re-plate ass .2.2.3 Chem withstanding compromis .2.2.4 Mica rovided the l NDING lation syste nal system ins e as a group, nductors an rs per turn) a ike resistan tor coil(s) ex increase I²R ctors. l-to-coil con rs and namep s and/or che a second pos -rise shall c r to each ope e water mis trolled temp robe attach y means of perature be mentation i e core loss t en flame co ction – Avoi RATION Before proce nd significa . air – Select t ing – Limite vided dimen lation integ val of lamin m with an equ the same nu sition, dime mbly. ical inter-la future burn-o d and core-l between lam amination ass m shall be eq alled by the and suitable d conductor nd conductivi and variable tension shall losses. Repa nections shal ate insulatio micals as pe -stripping co mply with th ation of a h temperature rature burno d to the upp uel control omes necess dicating tha st. I is acce tacts or ove lamination ding with th t frame dam e most appro grinding an ional integri ity is mainta ation(s) –It is valent mater ber of de- sions, and i minar re-ins ff oven proce ss test result ination – Ins embly dime al to or bett anufacture for the inten cross section ty of the orig frequency d not be great re shall pay be equal to class rating manufactur e test, using e criteria giv a -cleaning ( control syst t oven wher r half of the nd suppleme ry, the repai the core iro table to che heats the la amage due t repair, corr ge, plus any priate metho de-urring y of the slot ned. Correct unacceptabl al. However rred, undam te -laminar ulation proce ssing is perm remain wit rting split m sions remain r than the in . Individual ed operatio al area shall inal material ive rated. r than origin particular att r greater tha . Before proc r’s instructio the correcte n above. urn-off) ov m is operati (1) the part tator bore, a tary (water rer shall refe can safely ically or me inations, an coil cutoff, ct and repor defects indic based on th f the lamina and/or bore any smeared to remove i it is accepta ged laminat nsulation ch ess – A re-ins tted provide in the param ica between unchanged. sulation clas nsulation sy al environm e equal to o supplied by l extension ention to thi n the conduc eeding, neut s. dimensions; n, repairer s nal. Repaire temperature d; (2) the c pray) coolin ence manuf ithstand the chanically st ; (2) no core coil extractio to the mach ted by a cor e following i ion core-pla emains unc bore tooth-t dividual la le to restac ons if they h racteristics lation soluti core-plate i eters of secti he laminatio ification te tem compon nt. greater tha the manufac rom core-pla action to mi ivity of the alize any/all the watts lo all verify y shall strip s monitored librated to 370°C cturer emperature, ip windings plate is flare n, or splayin ne’s owner loss test as formation: e may be anged, and ps before ination(s) wi part or all o ve the same s the origina n capable o tegrity rem n 2.1.2. s is permitt perature rati nts shall be the area (of urer. Magne e, nor can t imize cross inding connection s per e y a and or of ll thout the ins d g of otal wire e d Page 4 o 2.3.5 Im suitable t machine’ 2.3.6 Wi determin resistanc than 1% 2.4 RO 2.4.1 Tes not. This rotated s a rotor de winding i • • • • • 2.4.2 Re unwarran failed or and/or re 2.5 SH 2.5.1 Sh unavaila notify the 2.5.2 Be bearing ANSI/E 2.5.3 Re to size co and sleev designed other co 2.6 FA 2.6.1 Fa are to fit etween customer. receiving e of the 4 EASA/A5 CSA C36 CSA C37 EASA/A8 EASA/A 8 regnation o the operati owner requ nding D.C. r e unbalanced temperature nbalance for TOR TEST ing shall be est shall app aft makes (a fect. When r s defective, r Growler t Current a Physical e Ultrasonic Core loss pair of rotor ed. Repairer ay be defec lacing rotor AFT AND B ft extension le reference machine’s o ring fits – s anufacturer SA AR100- pairs to shaft centric and ng are the a or use on be pounds, or t S inspections irmly to the issimilar me It is not per permission f ame or supe SI AR100-2 2.11, Testing 2.11, Testing SI AR100- SI AR100- ethod shall i g temperatur rements, wh esistance tes winding coil corrected m form wound AND REP conducted fo y a stable si least) one re pairer suspe pairer may st alysis or vib amination or magnetic ests (axial c quirrel cages may not use ive and un-r ars and end EARING F shall be ch NSI/EASA ner. all be measu ublished tol 010, Tables and end brac arallel to co cepted and p ring housin knurl and/o hall focus o haft or rotor als. In this c issible to w om the mac ior (i.e. mor 10, Recomm of three-hase of three-hase 012 Recomm 012 Recomm nclude prehe and enviro chever is mo ts using a D groups or hi asured resul stators.5 AI r damaged b gle-phase v olution. Va ts electrical onduct one ation analysi impression e rrent thorou can be exce GMPG com pairable. Ho rings if perfo ITS ecked for str AR100-201 ement verifi rances. If di -13 and 2-1 et bearing h ponent ori eferred met s shall be ac peen to loc cracks and by the origin se, the servi ld the fan to ine’s owne . suitable for nded Practice squirrel cage squirrel cage nded Practice nded Practice ting, treatm ment in whi e stringent. resistance b h resistance s should be l rs and end ri ltage to the s iation of stat r mechanic r more of th s of a loaded amination o h shaft) sively expen liant identifi ever, this d rmed to the ightness and , Tables 2-1 d at oth th ensional tol 8. If defectiv usings shall inal manufa ods. Wear re eptable. It is or seat bear easurement al factory m e provider s the shaft. It i Replacemen the environ For The Repa otors during otors during For The Repa For The Repa nt, and curi h the equip idge or equi connections. ss than 2% gs, whether tator of the a r current in l defects wit following a moto f the bars an ive and diffi ation if they es not precl riginal desig size. If dime hrough 2-67. shaft and en erances are e, repairer m be by buildi tured machi sistant high unacceptabl ngs. for toleranc thod unless t all provide s permissibl fans shall h ent or applic r of Rotating refurbishment refurbishment r of Rotating r of Rotating g of stator w ent is to ope alen . Cond Lead-to-lead nbalance fo the moto -ro sembled mo xcess of 3% the roto , o ditional test end rings cul ; further determine t de repairer using equi sional toler If defective, d bracket co navailable, r st notify the g up the me ed surfaces. trength epox to use gene e fit to the s ere has bee n alternative to make rep ve the same ation) materi lectrical App pg. 8 pg. 15 lectrical App lectrical App th materials ate4, or per t ct the test to or phase rando , an or is suspect o , while a s is an indicat if the stator 6: ork may be a a rotor ha ro re-arri alent materi nces are repairer mus tact points a ference machine’s o al and machi elding, pla products al epoxies o aft or rotor. fretting cor method to t irs to fans a number of b al, and be ratus, pg. 13 ratus pgs. 5, ratus pgs. 10, e less or owly on of g ls. ainst ner. ing ing ans osion e ter ades, 11 Page 5 o dimensio replace f designed unaccept 2.7 BAL Conduct manufact must mee Half key driven eq Toleranc W is wei Toleranc gm. in/pl Material fan. Added m withstan positione metallic 2.8 RE The re-as points: • • • • • • 2.9 FIN 2.9.1 Ins the moto coil wind manner: • R m • R 2.9.2 Mo presence No Load not follo 8 nally and str ns with an o or the appli ble. ANCING a dynamic ba rer’s origin t the followi – Balance wi ipment. e G2.5 (ISO ght of rotor i e G1.0 (ISO ane). removal shal aterial shall the centrifu in a locatio arts only. ASSEMBL sembly of th Match mark On reinserti laminations. Dowels and On motors Bearing typ original. On vertical the machine performanc AL TESTS lation wind r. The minim ngs, correct ewound mot achine’s vol epaired mot tor run test f the follow Ampere Unb w line leads ucturally equi iginal equip able motor. ance check l specificatio g criteria: h a half key 1940-1) – Ge pounds and 1940-1) – T maintain el aintain stru al forces eit where cent Y e motor is ge shall line u n of the roto fitted bolts s ith insulated (open, shiel otors, the e s owner and . ing resistan um value sha d to 40° C. I r tests shall age rating, e rs not rewou e motor at ng condition alance – Re hen exchang alent to the ent compon ariation of f each moto ns, repairer s n the keywa erally, the p is operatin o pole rotors ctrical and s tural integrit er in the ma ifugal force erally the re . r, take care n all go back i bearings, do ed or sealed dplay shall the repairer ce to ground l be 5 meg-o acceptable, e one time g. 3264VDC d shall be h o load and r s and the req airer shall in d, and exce riginal man nt supplied fan’s air vel rotor. In the all dynamic is necessar ermitted tota speed in R should be b ructural inte of rotor an ufacturer's d ill tend to k erse of the d t to damage to the same ument insul , internal fit, e the same a gree that a equired test ms for rand he repairer s nly, for one for a 460V -pot tested t ted terminal ired action: estigate and ds six to ten facturer sup y the manuf city or flow event rotor u ally balance to offset we imbalance i M (213 W/ lanced to 3 rity of the r fan. Positio signated po ep the mate isassembly p the journals holes that th tion resistan and lubrica the original odified setti conducted a om windings all hi-pot te inute at 17 C machine. 65% of the oltage. The correct this times voltag lied fan. It i cture , and from origina nbalance exc he rotor. Th ight added 7.5W/N = gm. in/plan /N = oz. inc tor and flow ing shall be itions and lo ial in place. ocess obser or the stator y came fro ce tests. t shall be eq manufacture g would del t 500 volts or 100 meg- t the windin 0VDC plus ew winding test shall det ondition if t unbalance. prefe able t pecifically characterist eeds balancing hen installed z. in/plane ). /plane (85 capacity of t adequate to ked in place ttach weigh ing the follo indings and . ivalent to th r's setting, u ver better C prior to ru ohms for for in the follo .4 times the value. rmine the e unbalance cs is ork on here /N e , or s to ing less ning ing does Page 6 o Vibratio results. T provided 3.0 QU 3.1 ME 3.1.1 Cal control9 calibratio calibratio Bore Ga standards Machini Microme internatio Core Los be on file impractic through 5 3.2 TES 3.2.1 Rec work. Re motor, to 3.2.2 Fin time and emergen of test sc 3.2.3 Tes original f tag shall qualifyin 4.0 PR 4.1 Obje off oven. and/or ga 4.2 Proc 4.2.1 Ob indicatin (stator) te of the me 9 ATTAC 8 n – Repairer s lerance shal y the machi ALITY CO SURING bration of a nd electrical records sha shall be an uges checked before and a st’s Gauge B ers checked al or nation s Test Equip and availabl l, repairer .2.4 until re TS AND I ord docume pairer shall s the machine al Inspectio place of final y cases, pro eduling and t Results an orm, to the nclude the te repai and OCEDURE: ctive: To outl This proced ge read-out. edure: ain a suitab g device of k mperature fo er output sh MENT—Ins hall take hor not exceed e’s owner. NTROL NSTRUM ll measuring easuring d ll be availabl ual, with the for conform ter each use locks calibrat or conforma l standards ment calibrat for review. ay temporari ediation by NSPECTIO tation of al hip superviso wner or des n. Repairer w tests on any ided the repa hey were un d Document machine owne t completio r rewound m BURN-OF ine a procedu re verifies or le, removabl nown accurac verification ll be traceab rumentation a zontal, verti NSI EASA ENTS instruments s vices used for machin following e nce with me er section 6 d at a mini ce with me efore and aft d per manu lternativel y (six mont third party N DURING tests, meas -signed, ori gnated repre ll inform the f their moto irer made ev ble to atten ation. The re or their desi date, GMP otors. F OVEN T re determini reveals nece e temperatu y. In conjunc purposes an e to national d Equipment al and axial AR100-2010, hall be regul the repaire owners and cep ions: surement st 1. um require surement sta er each use. acturer’s inst , if core loss s or as appro alibration. WORK urements, an inal copies o sentative co machine ow s, and they ry effort to i , the repairer airer will de gnated repre account nu EMPERAT ng the temper sary compe re indicatin tion with a c identified a or internatio uality Proce eadings at e Table 4-5, o r, including in motor an GMPG insp ndards trace ent of every dards (per s ruction if av testing calibr ved by GMP inspections these recor tact person. er or their d ill have the form machi shall not po ive final ins entative. A s be , and a u TURE VER ature of a ty sation of exi g device usin librated met such. Annu al standards ures, page 6 ch bearing a another mo urn off ove motor com ction. Mini ble to intern five (5) year ction 6.1) tr ilable and d ation is unav ) follow se arried out d s, at the sam signated rep ight to witn e owner or t tpone the fin pection and tainless-steel ique identif IFICATIO pical motor s sting oven te a calibrated r, this devic l calibration . for a minimal d record the e rigid stand temperatur onent testing um frequen tional or nat . ceable to cumentation ilable or tions 5.2.2 ring motor r time as the esentative o ss the tests. eir represen al tests. test results, i GMPG com er attached t N ervice center perature co temperature determines and certifica lternative rd . The y of onal shall pair the n ative their liant urn- trol art ion Page 7 o 4.2.2 Ve or adjace temperat compare stabilize, appropria the readi 5.0 PR 5.1 Obje baseline t 5.2 Proc 5.2.1 Cal specificat y the re of the ins 5.2.2 Re- Archive t reference 5.2.3 Ref results co the core-l test and l 5.2.4 Ob Keep this 6.0 PR REFER 6.1 Obje reference and there an accura 6.2 Proc 6.2.1 Th complete for the ra locks in minimu stored in 10 It may b instrumen11 The con change in 8 ification op nt to the tem re gauge rea hat reading t a lower temp e offset at 7 gs including OCEDURE: tive: To out determine edure: ibrate the co ion10. Apply ponsible qua rumentation. calibrate co he document tool,” includ erence tool s mpared to th ss equipme bel tested co tain a manu certificate o OCEDURE: NCE/CA tive: To out standards. N ore not calib e reading. edure: e first step in with a tracea ge and capa order to achi annually (pr n appropriat e necessary to ation for calib ition of the r he core stack ration shall erature sensi out stabilize the reading erature selec 0° F or 370 notations on CORE-LO line a proced he accuracy re-loss equi a sticker to t ified technic re loss equip ed watts loss ng date and tator shall t original bas t resulting e-loss equip facturer’s ca n file for GM MICROM IBRATIO line a proced te: The indi ated. Measu the verifica ble calibratio ility of instr ve the appr ferably mo ely safe, sec return instru ated units. Ot ference stator nsulation syst equire placi g device, e s at a pre-sel from the ver ion is accept C. A qualifi or near the g SS TESTE ure for an “in f core-loss t pment instru e core-loss e an. Archive ment immed er pound re nitials of the en be re-test eline test. Te atts loss per ent with th libration cer PG evaluatio ETER AN ure for an “in ated read-o e the inside tion process s n certificate. ments calib priate size to thly) for cali re location. entation to th er instrument core is not im m between te g the temper suring that t cted temper fication dev ble provide d technician uge. R VERIFI house” ongo st equipmen entation to uipment in ll document ately conduc ults and lab responsible d annually ( t results wit ound is veri test date, in tificate whe requiremen D MICRO house” calib t on an insid icrometer i hall be to o The dimensi ated. It is pe be calibrate ration of mi o maintain c equipment m ation calibrati ortant, but it st procedures. ature indicat e leads are a ture (e.g. 70 ce. If the ov calculated a records, not CATION ing verificati watts loss p he manufact icating the d ation with re ing a core te l the surplus ualified tec t a minimu in 5% of the ied and accu tialed by the purchasing ts. METER ration of mic micrometer self with a c tain a set of n range of t missible to “ . These iden rometers an alibration, it nufacturer fo n sources ma ust be stored ng device in cessible. W ° F or 370° n temperatur djustments r s variations n program er pound. rer’s instruc te of re-cali ard to the in st on a suitab stator as a “ nician.11 ) and/or as n original bas ate. Record qualified tec nstruments f ometer and is not (consi librated outs achinist’s g e blocks sha ring” (toge ified gauge micromete is necessary calibration o also be used. in a safe dry o the stator en the part/o ) repairer w e does not flect an ates, and ar stablishing a ions or ration and i tial re-calibr le surplus st aseline core- eded, with t line test indi ach subseq nician. r calibratio icrometer ered) accur ide microme auge blocks, l be appropr her) several locks, used standards ar o re-certify t exchange lace to preven ore ven ill hives itial tion tor. oss e cate ent . te er for ate auge t a e t any Page 8 o gauge bl new calib 6.2.2 Rec responsib 6.2.3 All during th appropria the fourt calibratio 6.2.4 If t tolerance variance match th 6.2.5 Th verify the “worn” a 6.2.6 Sta standard of the ins 6.2.7 Pu certificat evaluatio SPECI AEMT CSA EASA IEEE NEMA USDOE 8 ock set by the rated set at l ord measur le technician instruments e calibration e gauge blo decimal pla form as the he micromet it is (conside etween the gauge block e micromete size of its’ c d unreliable ndard meas before any m rument. chase instru e traceable to s. FICATI Good Energ C390- Phase C392- ANSI Appar The E Good Guide Stator Stand Mach Stand Gener Stand the Pe Stand Offic Moto original ma ast every fiv ements on an involved in rocess. In o ks at 0.2500 e. Repeat th “as found” er and gaug red) calibrat auge block a , and record r is now cons orresponding uring practic easurement i ments capa a National S ON REFE Practices Gu Efficiency 10 Test Met Induction M 11 Testing o EASA AR 1 atus fect of Repa ractice Gui ines for Mai Core Testin rd 43-2000, nery rd 112-2004 tors rd 1068-200 roleum, Che rd MG-1:20 of Industrial s ufacturer or (5) years. appropriate he calibratio der to calibr increments measureme easurement. e block meas ed and record d the micro n the “as left idered calib reference st e require tha taken. This ble of the tol tandard for c RENCES ide—The Re ods, Markin tors Three-Phas 0-2010 Rec r Rewinding e to Maintai taining Mot (Tech Note ecommend Standard T , Standard f ical and Pr 9, Motors a Technology qualified in alibration re process sha te micromet ver the rang t to verify t urements m the “as foun eter should column. rated, and m ndard. If not a micromet rinciple app erance and c libration. Ar air of Induc Requireme Squirrel Ca mmended P on Motor E Motor Effi r Efficiency 17) d Practices st Procedure r the Repair cess Industr d Generator Model Rep ependent ca ord form, d ll reach ambi rs check the e of the instr at it is accur atch within t ” measurem be corrected y be used a replace the r be “zeroed ies not only libration req hive this ce ion Motors ts and Energ e Induction actice for th ficiency – E iency (2003 during Rebu or Testing In for Polyphas and Rewind es ir Specificati ibrator or re ted and initi ent temperat instrument(s ment, and c te. Record t e micromet nt in an “as by adjusting nually (pref tandard as it to its’ appr o calibratio ired with a tificate for est Practices y Efficiency otors durin Repair of SA/AEMT ilding (Tech sulation Resi e Induction ng of AC El on for Low lace them w led by the re before an against the mpare resul is reading o r manufactu eft” column. the microme rably monthl has become priate refere but with eac anufacturer MPG verific to Maintain Levels for T g Refurbish otating Elect ewind Stud ote 16) stance of Ro otors and ctric Motors oltage Indu th a s to a er’s Any er to y) to ce h use s tion ree- ent ical and ating in tion