HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191115Staff 2-9 to IPC.pdfP,ECEIVED 9ll0Y l5 Altll:36 r'ior'rl,iissrctl Street Address for Express Mail: I i331 W CHINDEN BVLD, BLDG 8, SUITE 20I.A BOISE, ID 83714 Attome), for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDATIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE NIATTER OF THE PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO STUDY F'IXED COSTS OF PROVIDING ELECTRIC SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS. CASE NO. IPC-E-I8.I6 The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attomey of record, Edward Jewell, Deputy Attorney General, request that Idaho Power Company ("Company") provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, and no later than FRIDAY' DECEMBER 6,2019. This Production Request is continuing, and the Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations. The Company is reminded that responses pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document, and the name, location and phone number ofthe record holder and if different the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing if need be. See IDAPA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I NOVEMBER I5,2OI9 EDWARD JEWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEYS GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0314 IDAHO BAR NO,10446 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWERCOMPANY SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER In addition to the written copies provided as response to the questions, please provide all Exccl and electronic files on CD with formulas activated. REQUEST NO, 2: For the classcs used to develop the ratcs in Appendix I of thc Company's Fixed-Cost Study Report, please provide date ranges during *,hich the proposed summer and non-summer on-peak demand charges would be assessed. REQUEST NO.3: Please provide the workpapers used to determine the 3:00 - l0:00 pm summer peak periods and 7:00 - I l:00 am and 5:00 - 9:00 pm peak periods described in Appendix H of the Company's Fixed-Cost Study Report. REQUEST NO. .l: Please provide the rvorkpapers used to calculatc rates lor all Base and Studied cases presented in Appendices I through L ofthe Company's Fixed-Cost Study Report. Pleasc include all supporting assumptions. REQUEST NO.5: F'or each of the customer classes studied in Appendices I through L of the Company's Fixed-Cost Study Report, please explain how the Company's basic load charge corresponds to the NCP allocator used by the Company's 2017 CCOS study to allocate distribution plant among classes. REQUEST NO. 6: For each of the customer classes studied in Appendices I through L of the Company's Fixed-Cost Study Report, please provide the date, time, and magnitude (kW or MW) of the class Non-Coincident-Peak used in the 2017 CCOS Study. REQUEST NO.7: On page 7 of the Company's Fixed Cost Study Report, the Company describes how the basic load charge is measured. For each of the customer classes studied in Appendices I through L, please provide the following: a, The number ol' customers for whom at least one peak used to calculate that customer's Basic Load Cliarge coincided with the class Non-Coincident-Peak Period used in the 2017 COS study. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 2 NOVEMBER 15,20I9 b. If available, please provide this information for the top 100 class non-coincident peaks for the year 2017 . REQUEST NO.8: For each of the customer classes studied in Appendices I through L of the Company's Fixed-Cost Study Report, please provide the following for each year from 2012 through 2018 (inclusive): a. Total energy (kWh or MWh) billed to each customer class. b. Total demand (kW or MW) that would have been billed under the Company's proposed on-peak demand charge. c. Total BLC (kW or MW) that would have been billed under the Company's proposed on-peak demand charge. REQUEST NO.9: On pages 28 through 3l of its Fixed Cost Report, the Company proposes a three part, tiered rate structure. a. Please explain how the Company would implement its proposed summer demand charge using existing AMI meters and AMI infrastructure. b. Please explain any changes to either the Company's meters or infrastructure that would be needed in order to implement this rate structure. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this lSn au1 of November 2019. Edward J Deputy General SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO IDAHO POWER 3 NOVEMBER 15,20I9 i:umisc:prodrcq/ipce l S.l6ejmm prod req2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTI}-Y THAT I HAVE THIS 3OIh DAY OF APRII,2OI9, SERVED THE FOREGOING SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY, IN CASE NO. IPC-E.I8-16, BY MAILINCA COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, 1'O 1'H[, FOLLOWING: BENJAMIN J OTTO ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 710 N 6TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: botto[D.idah oconsglyalltQt.org ERIC L OLSEN ECHO HAWK & OLSEN PLLC PO BOX 6l 19 POCATELT,O ID 83205 E-MAIL: elo(t?cchohawk.com C TOM ARKOOSH ARKOOSH LAW OFFICES PO BOX 2900 BOISE ID 8370I E-MAIL: tom.arkoos koosh.com TIM TATUM CONNIE ASCHENBRENNER IDA}IO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: ttaturn(a)idahopowcr.com caschenbrenner idahopouer.com TED WESTON ROCKY MOLINTAIN POWER I4O7 WN TEMPLE STE 330 SALT I.AKE CIfY UT 84I I6 ll-MAII-: ted.rvcston(rrlpacilicorp.com eri n. c ec i I /a) arkoo sh. com CERTIFICA'fE OF SERVICE LISA D NORDSTROM IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE rD 83707-0070 E-MAIL: lnordstromfD.idahopower.com DAVID J MEYER ESQ VP AND CHIEF COUNSEL AVISTA CORP POBOX3727 SPoKANE WA99220-3727 E-MAIL: david.mever@avistacorp.com ELECTRONIC ONLY Joe Miller i oe. millerfiAgviSlAqg_rp=qet:1 ELECTRONIC ONLY dsslsqiidqlepsryr.seu PATRICK D EHRBAR DIR OF REG AFFAIRS AVISTA CORP PO BOX 3727 SP0KANE WA99220-3727 E-MAIL: patrick.ehrbar@ar.istacom.com F. DIEGO RIVAS NW ENERGY COALITON I IOI 8TII AVE HELENA MT 5960I E-MAIL : diego@nwenergr-.com ANTHONY YANKEL 12700 I,AKE AVE UNIT 2505 LAKEWOOD OII 44I07 E-MAIL: tonya@yankel.net YVONNE R HOGLE ROCKY MOI.INTAIN POWER I4O7 WN TEMPLE STE 320 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84I I 6 E-MAIL: Yvonne.hogle@-pqcilicorp.com DAVID BENDER EARTHJUSTICE 3916 NAKOMA RI) MADISON WI 53711 E-MAIL: dbender@earthiustics,qrg ABIGAIL R GERMAINE BOISE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFFICE PO BOX 500 BOISE ID 83701-0500 E-MAI L: agcrmaine?cilvofboisc.orq KELSEY JAE NUNEZ IDAHO SIERRA CLUB 920 CLOVER DR BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: kelsey@kelseyiaenurcz.cam PETER J RICHARDSON RICHARDSON ADAMS PLLC 5I5 N 27TH STREET PO BOX 7218 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: peter@richardsonadams.com RUSSELL SCHIERMEIER 29393 DAVIS ROAD BRTINEAU ID 83604 E-MAIL: buvhav@email.com NICK THORPE E-MAIL: nthorpe@earthiustice.orc ZACK WATERMAN MIKE HECKLER IDAHO SIERRA CLUB 503 W FRANKLIN ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: zack.waterman@sierraclub-otg michael.p.hecker@gmail.com SE T Y CI]RTIFICATE OI-' SERVICE BRIANA KOBOR VOTE SOLAR 358 S 7OO E STE 8206 SALT LAKI CITY UT 84I02 E-MAIL: briana@votesolar.org ELECTRONIC ONLY AL LLTNA E-MAIL: aluna@earthj ustice.org PRESTON N CARTER GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 60I W BANNOCK STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: prestoncarter@sivenspurslev.com DR DON READING 6070 HILL ROAD BOISE ID 83703 E-MAIL: dreadinq@mindsprins.com