HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191218Public Hearing Transcript Vol II.pdfo o CSB REPORTING Ce rli/ied S horth and Reporters Post Ollice Box 9774 Boise, Idaho 83707 csbreportin vahoo.com Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR BEEORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILIT]ES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OE THE PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO STUDY THE COSTS, BENEFITS, AND COMPENSATION OF NET EXCESS ENERGY SUPPLIED BY CUSTOMER ON-SITE GENERATION CASE NO. I PC-E- 18 - 15 BEEORE ; <:) C) TTIC)com "-, mo FCOMMISS IONER PAUL K.]EI,LANDER (HIeSLCi-ngI oo COMMISSIONER KR]STINE RAPER COMMISSIONER ER]C ANDERSON oz. PLACE :Commi s s ion 113 31 WestBuilding I Boise, Ida Conference Room Chinden BIvd.Suite 2 01-A ho DATE :December 2, 201.9 VOLUME I]Paqes 24'l 488 o ORIGINAL Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: l-888-623-6899 a o 1 2 3 4 ( 6 7 8 9 10 ! 11 L2 13 74 15 L6 l'7 18 I9 20 27 22 23 2A CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 APPEARANCES For the Staff:Edward Jerell , Esg. Deputy Attorney General 11331 W. Chlnden Bl-vd. Building 8, Suite 2 01-A Boise, Idaho 83714 For Idaho Pcwer Company:Lisa D. NordstroD Idaho Power Company 1227 W. Idaho Street PO Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 25 APPEARANCES I I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2I13 74 15 16 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 INDEX WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE Joshua Seth Hill (Publ ic ) Statement Marlan Herz(PubIic)Statement 263 Gregory Cunningham (Public ) Statement 261 Eugene Hruza(Public)Statement ?69 Ralph Myers (Public ) St at ement 213 Jessica Benson (PubIic)Statement 289 Wil-liam Bouck(Public)S tateme nt 294 Richard K.Luckhohn ( Public ) Statement 1o-1 Jeff Cafdwell(PubIic)Statement 301 Jim Haddock (Public) S tat eme nt 304 M j-chael Dunlap (PubIic) Statement 307 Tami TayI or (Pubfic) Statement 309 Anne Herndon(Public)Statement 311 Diane Jensen ( Publ ic ) 312Statement e 25 INDEX o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 O 13 l4 15 16 I1 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 o CSB RE PORT ING (208 ) 890-s198 INDEX (Continued) WITNESS EXAM]NATION BY PAGE Alan Shealy(Public)Statement 314 Robert Mattern (Public ) Stat ement 3r8 Michael McBride ( Publ- j-c ) Statement 32L Melody Asher (Public) Statement 321 Robert Soj ka (PubJ-ic) StaLement 332 R.ick Just(Public)Statement 338 Laurie Bent I ey (Public) St at emen t 339 Gary Roeder(PubIic)St at eme nt Bri-en Riff(Publlc)Statement 346 John Gannon(Public ) Statement 350 RusseI.I Buschert ( Publ ic ) Statement 352 Rod Eonda(PubIic)Statement 356 Jamie could(Public)Statement 358 Linda Langdon ( PubI ic ) 360Statement 25 INDEX o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 L2 a 13 74 15 76 L1 1B 19 2A 27 22 23 )A CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 INDEX (Continued) W]TNESS EXAMINATTON BY PAGE Jeff Eereday ( Public ) StatemerLt 362 Christopher Barker(Public)Statement 368 Robert Parker ( PubIic ) Statement 3't 3 Lisa Hecht (PubIic)Statement 31 6 Cha r.Ies cains(Public)Statement 384 Tyfer Granqte ( Publ ic ) Statement 391 David Monsees (Public) Statement 401 Randy Nilson (Public) S ta Lement 40s Pattl Raino (Pub11c ) Statement 408 Britt Wilfiams ( PubJ- j-c ) Statement 4tL Spencer !,lood (Public ) Statement 418 Robert Conant ( Pubfic ) Statement 420 Rodney Wolfe ( Public ) S t at ement 431 Pat Beale (Public) 434Statement a 25 TNDEX t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 11 1-2 13 l4 15 16 T1 18 t9 20 21. 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING(208) 890-s198 INDEX (Continued) WITNESS EXAMINATTON BY PAGE Stephanie Sheppard (Public ) Statement 438 Clinton Hoops(Public)Statement 44L Jerry Jensen (PubIic ) Statement 443 Gary Labrum (PubJ-ic) Statement 446 Robert Kunz (Public) Statement 449 Steven Schwa r z (Pubfic) Statement William Eowkes (Public) Statement 458 Vikki Lang (PubIic ) Statement 465 Ron Hif f ( PubIic ) St atement 46t Ifana Rubef ( PubI ic ) Statement 468 Jeffrey Woodworth(Pubfic)Statement 413 George Stanton ( PubIic ) Statement 41 6 Patrick Erederickson (Public ) Statement 419 Doug Namba (Public ) 483Statement o 25 INDEX a o 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 l4 15 16 L1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.8S0.5198 BOTSE. TDAEO, TUESDAY, DECE!{BER 3, 2OL9, ?:00 p. M This is the time and COMM] SS IONER KJELLANDER :Good evening. hearing in Casea publ ic No. IPC-E-18-15, also application of Idaho place for known as Power in the matter of the benefits, and compensation Company of net to studv the excess costs, supplied on-site generat ion. I'II be the Chair of ene Igy is Paul this evening ' s public hearing. Next to me is Commissioner Eric Anderson and I'm also joined by Kristine Raper, The three of us comprise the Commission and I will make -- and we wil-l- coll-ectiveLy make a final" delermination on this case once it's fuIIy submitted. For those of you that are wishing to al-so submit written comments, the deadline is today. There are some sheets that are out in the lobby area in the by customer Kjellander. back if you'd li ke feel free to f ill- to submit written comments. Please those out and .,re can get those left our publ i ceither on the table or to Adam Rush, information officer, who during one My name that you know that him and a.Iso be put of the breaks I will introduce to you or him to you so those comments can be delivered to into the official record.a 25 241 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 tr' 1 I 9 10 11 12 o 13 1.4 15 16 L1 18 19 2A 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 So the purpose of tonight's hearing is to take testimony from the public regarding this case. This is an opportunity for members of the public to get their statement entered into the record that ultimatefy assists this Conunission in its del-iberation process. As further background, the Commission serves in a simj-far capacity as a Dist.rict Court and we genera.If y fo1low District Court ru.Ies. We're here this evening to hel-p create a fuIly developed record. We're not here today to pass judgment on cornments or statements made for the official record. The Commissioners serve as judges and accordinqly, do not answer questi-ons rel-ated to the case other t.han questions regarding procedure. The Commission wilf not begj-n to deliberate on the merits of this case until- the offi-cial record is closed. AdditionafLy, the through its Orders this matter. AS Commi s s j-on, like as it relates to judges, only speaks the finaf ruling on far as the procedure goes this evening, I wil-f call your name from the sign-up sheets and you wi.]I then take the stand. At Commissioner Raper wi-ll swear that point, then, you in, will ask swear or affirm that you to theraise your right hand and testimony you're providing is the whole t.ruth and nothing but the truth, then the Deputy Attorney General wiII ask25 248 COLLOQUY o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 statement for the record. Following your statement, there nlght be questions from partles to the case as weII as Commissioners and so we wou]-d like you to just remain on the stand until we have any additional- questions that may be asked in relationship to your testimony. As you provide your statement tonight, please remember that the decorum of this proceeding is s.imifar to a courtroom. Your conunents shoufd be directed to the Commissioners and not members of the audience. We're not here to take a you a few short questions record, You wi-Ll next- be to get you affowed to to any testimony no clapping or no officially on the provide your pofl. direct We're not here to take a vote on anything. Please your comments to the Commissioners as we develop this record, Eor those ln the audience,. we ask you to it's beingrefrain from reacting while and we appreciate your wj-llingness to respect this provided. That means verba.L comment judicial in nature, we have and, again, thank you for does her work tonight. We people wilJ- speak a 1ittle slow down for purposes of process, a court Since our cases are reporter, Connie not standing behind her Bucy, as she wiff need you -- occasionally quickly and we ensuring that may ask you to we get the transcript officially for theo COLLOQUY 10 11 72 t3 L4 15 1.6 11 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 249 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 a 13 L4 15 16 l1 18 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.51 98 record, The transcript is necessary because in our quasi judicial role, we must base our decisions on that official record of which this is a part, and that record is al-so significant in the event that our decision is appealed to the Idaho State Supreme Court, so at this point, 1et's begin by taking the appearances of the partles and let's begin with the Applicant Idaho Power. MS. NORDSTROM: Lisa Nordstrom, attorney for Idaho Power. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and ]et's move now to representing the Commissi-on. MR evening, Commissioners. My name Atto.rney General for the Public the Deputy Attorney Generaf Staff of the ldaho Public Utilities JEWELL: Thank you, Chairman. Good is Edward Utilities JewelI, Deputy Cornmission. THE AUDIENCE: MR. JEWELL: Deputy Attorney General for Commission. COMM]SSIONER Louder. My name i s Edwa rd .TeweJ- 1 , the ldaho PubIic Utilities Mr. Jewe1l. Are there any other parties for the record thisneed to be recogni zed KJELLANDER:Thank you, to the case that evening? Seeing none, then, we are ready to call- our first25 250 COLLOQU Y I 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 I o 10 11 l2 I 13 74 15 l6 l1 rB 19 20 2L 22 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.519E 257 I recognize that probably the best thing to try to prescribe a limit, but I think will do instead is encourage you to keep brief. recognizing there are others who evening. witness. I just want very long l-ist of over names thi s evenang. best, and for making to let you know that 100 people who have we do have a signed up and do would beto I'11 do my in advance as we get you up mistakes, but I t.hat what we your comment wi ]f testify this here, I apologi ze do thlnk I have the Try not to repeat things that have been said before, but certainly we do want to hear from you, so if you could provide new information, that would be fine. If you've already testified officially on the record and some were invo.Ived with the telephonic hearing yesterday and have afso provided written comments, please if you want to testify tonight, if you could add some additional new information, t.hat would be usefuf for us and afso help us to get through the list of those who wish to testlfy, so l-et's begin with the first witness -- and I apol-ogize in advance, I wilf mispronounce some I recognize with a name like mine, f irst one under controJ-, Joshua HiI.l-. MR. HILL: You got it right. o COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 L2 o 13 r4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208. 890. s198 HILL Public JOSHUA SETH HILL, appearing as a public witness, having been was examined and testified as follows: duly sworn, EXAM]NATION BY MR. JEWELL: Q And will you state your name and spe1l it for the record, please ? A ,Joshua Seth Hifl, J-o-s-h-u-a S-e-t-h H-i-1-1. O A 8370s. o A o A previously informat ion in forma t ion Thank you. Thank asking if as to the you. I I could And can you state your place of address? 1625 South Latah Street, Boj-se, Idaho, And are you a customer of Idaho Power? Yes. And the floor I 'm testi fying. Would COMMISSIONER RAPER: is yours for your conunent. addressed the PUC sLaf f submat a handout with some proof of the that be acceptable? To the court ? s tatemenl, s THE W]TNESS: CoTTeCt. COMMISSIONER RAPER: That woufd be fine. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 16 1.1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890.5198 HlLL Public this brief. Thank you, Commissioner and Chairman THE WITNESS: So I'll do my best to keep Commissioner, I have another copy ifKj ellander and you would like. this one. I bel-ieve it's testify to the sett.Iement unfair, and unreasonabl-e. generation customers are COMMISSIONER RAPER: We're good. THE WITNESS: -- Commissioner Raper and Commj-ssioner Anderson, I testified and met first time last year in the previous case 13, ending in 13. I in Case I PC-E- 18 - 15 for the relates to want to as unj ust, for on-site you that The proposed discriminatory and unfair. rates Before any changes to Schedule 6 and 8 can be made, a full study of the benefits of sofar shoufd be completed by mul-tiple parties, including independent third parties, if a f ul,l- rate change j-s necessary and may I suggest a simple time-of-use rate across al-f schedul-es to solve the problem and be updated in future rate cases as needed by ldaho Power, referred to as the Company after this. ' I want to go all the way back to 2008 when the federal tax credit for sol-ar was implemented at 30 percent- I bel-ieve the reason the federal tax credit was implemented is to encourage adoption of on-site generation by the fol-ks who get the tax credit, theo25 253 a t 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 I2 o 13 I4 15 T6 1'7 1B 19 2A 21 22 23 CSB REPORTING 208. 890. 5198 HILL PubI ic public, you. of solar to exponentrally as the federal tax Idaho speclflc growth referencing that Idaho case and previous, the outpacing the growth simply, we're adding better or worse and That 30 percent is meant to fower the cost more reliable, the pubJ-ic, by the customer and make our gr id bydistribute generation amongst our busj-nesses, and homeowners which I The growth of so lar grid hope are here tonight. it has across the nation, which growth does not even the grid as a whole. in Idaho has more than that I wi 11 g rown is why come cl-ose to To put Idaho for the growth. follow come unless credit wilf be stepping down. As to and in the cases 1'11 be Power mentions throughout thi s of 10-15,000 we're only new homes in adding potentially a coup.Ie thousand solar customers per year; therefore, werre not saturating the A1l of my grid any numbers d i rect 1y otherwise In Order from Idaho Power and PUC documents noted. I'II try to keep this brief, as I said. No. 32846, the Commission stated, and not to be redundant, but I befieve this is the crux of the case, "we find it fair, just, and reasonabfe for the kilowatt-hour credit to indefinitely carry forward to offset future bills for so long as the customer remains on the net mete.r.ing service at the same generation site. AlLowing the credits to carry forward indefinitelyo25 254 I l- 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 o t2 13 l4 15 16 11 t1 2L 1B 19 )i 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 H]LL Publ i c ensures that customers will be able to use their credits when they need them and thus receive the benefits of their systems . " In IPC-E-1"7-13, the case for new schedules for customers with on-sj-te generation, last year's case, this Corunission ordered that Idaho Power cl-ose Schedufe 84 and create Schedule 6 and 8. They further ordered ldaho Power initiate a docket to the costs and benefits of on-slte comprehenslvely generation on rates and ratesystem, as weII as proper not to be redundant, but I my testimony in this case. study fdaho Power's Again, crux of believe that to design. be the Further, it was ordered Idaho Power sha11 file a study with the Commisslon exploring fixed cost recovery in basic charges and other rate designs prior to 1ts next general rate case, so when customers go so1ar. they're paying for generation. Idaho Power isn't paying a penny for that generatj-on. Savj-ngs and cost shift from sofar when compared to energy efficiency is very similar to the grid. The grid doesn't know the difference between a circuit of a thousand people lower j-ng their usage by 10 percent versus 10 percent of people on those thousand units goj-ng soLar. It's ultimately the same. There is a shift whenever power is pushed onto the grid by some so]-ar customers, but I believe thato25 255 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 shift to be so negligible and as I understand electricity, Irm not an engineer, but power flows "downhill. " It goes to the neighbor that needs it right awayi thus, lowering the demand l-oad on that circuit. Erom Idaho Power's 2018 annual report, in 201,8, 201'7 and '16, Idaho Power expended approximately 44 mif l-ion, 48 mil-f ion -- I apologize, I thought this might. happen- In 2018, 201.1 , and 2016, Idaho Power expended approximately 44 mi1lion, 48 mi1lion, and 43 mi11ion, respectively, on both energy efficiency and demand response programs. In my conversations with Idaho Power staff, this is in an emaif I can provj-de if needed, the quote, "Demand-side management marketing expenses total $1,210,L72." That means the Company spends around 2.8 percent of their marketing on encouraging energy efficiency to customers. In 2018, Idaho Power -- again, quoting Idaho Power's numbers, in 2018, Idaho Power's energy efficiency programs reduced energy usage by approximately 173,000 megawatts. One watt, 1,000 kilowatts, 1,000 kil-owatts, 1,000 megawatts, a significant amount of power. fn the graphic on the handout I provided, it explains how that is seen by the grid, so I'11 skip expJ-alning that further. That 173,000 megawatts equates 10 a 11 L2 13 74 15 16 L1 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24t CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 H]LL Public 25 256 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 "/ 8 9 10 11 72 a 13 l4 15 16 t1 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 a 25 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HILL Pub] ic to approximately $14, 878,000 the base rate. That's less ]ess than they actual-ly question/ I apologi ze . We have a at 8.6 cents per kilowatt at t han the retai} value, surely -- not to ask aIost, so roughfy $16 mif l-ion expenditure per year trying to to be more energy efficient and yet, we're rec!-assif y solar's effect on the grld of efficiency by changing the compensation structure. Quote from Idaho Powerrs 20LB annual net metering report, "There are roughly 650 efectrical distribution circuits in the Company's servj-ce area, tr circuits by which the grid is split up. "As of March 31st, 2018, there were 2,068 active net meterj-ng systems totaling approximately 16 megawatts on 3'77 distribution circuits, " meaning roughly a little over haff of ldaho Powerrs grid got free generation from customers like yourself -- I'm sorry, like some people who invested in so1ar. 16 plus megawatts of generation which costs Idaho Power zero dollars to install and maintain. The value of distributed generation is afso very significant and has not been weighed in this case. The Company, to quote again, "The Company had accumulated approximatel-y 0.5 million, 1.3 million, 2.3 mi1lion, and 2.6 million unused excess net energy 251 o 1 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 o 13 l2 L4 18 20 27 22 23 24 15 t6 71 19 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HILL Pubf i c credits by the end of years 2014, 201,5, 201,6, and 2017, respectively." To again use just the base rate, 2.6 million excess credits tn 2017 resulted tn $223,600 in free efectricity to the grid, not to the fine folks who invested in solar. PUC Staff told me in phone conversations before this hearing distributed energy is every bit as vaLuable as energy efficiency. The EIA, Energy Information Administration, estimates that national electricity transmission and distribution, in other words, moving all that power around 6 percent of the tota]- around, losses average electricj-ty that Idaho gene ra t ed, Power shoufd beme an 1ng the only putting power in pe rcent if we as a grid entity aL lowed solar farms out decide to profit from solar, if they're in the desert and shipping that results in significant cost and about a 6 f oss. Distributed generation lowers the transmission cost to the grid. I cannot stress this enough as an integral point to my testimony. Company staff claim that 70 percent of fixed costs and charges per kilowatt-hour are fixed costs -- sorry, the Company claims that 70 percent of generation or per kilowatt charges the customer receives are fixed costs. Looking at overall, cost, a class cost. of service study wasO25 258 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 16 l1 18 19 20 2). 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HILL PubIic uploaded as workpapers in the following docket to this case, I PC-E- 18 - 16. Thi s study looks at Those numbers Idaho Power ' s overall cost of operating. to set the rate in this case, Those what ' s being used numbers do not are factor in benefits that solar provides to the grid or negliglbly so. I asked when our peak pricing is to Idaho Power Company staff. The answer, "It depends, but power system peaks in fate a fternoon/evening in summert j-me. " In summertime we all- get charged significantly more for our kifowatt-hours. I asked what solar benefits specifically were set aside in this case, 18-15, The Company staff's answer, "Three components - avoided transmission and distribution capaci-ty, integration costs, and environmenta.I benefits.I' Not to quote the entire docket, but in 20L7's annuaf net metering report from Idaho Power, they say, among other things, the circuit -- this is the report that Idaho Power issues to this Commission reporting on net meters' saturation basicalJ-y. "That circuit serves, " the most saturated circuit for sol-ar serves, "mostly rural customers," farmers for instance, "with a cal-culated surnmer peak load of approximately 1,900 kilowatt-hours. The net metering penetratj-on on the circu.it is approximately 32 percent. " 259 o 1 ) 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 a 13 ).4 15 r6 l1 1B 19 2A 27 22 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 H]LL Publ ic quote, "The net the Company's small- and thedistribution system continues to Company has not yet experienced impacts on these circuits. " Off To that ' s 32 Dercent no siqnificant to manage circuits, " unquote. there's a solar. To go back circuit of our gr j-d to metered connected ki-fowatt capacity on rema Ln significant operational quote again, 32 percent, these cases, the verbiage problems. fn the next year's report leading was slightly changed. up to Thi s circuit, again referring to the most saturated circuit, it did go up slightly j-n the amount of solar kifowatts. "This circuit serves most.Iy rural customers with a calculated summer peak load of approximately 2,100 kilowatts. " Loads increased. "During minimum foad conditlons, " this is where it changed, "the 550 kilowatts of power f l-ows from the circuit j-nto the substation and on to other circuits"; in other words, they started specifying that maybe in springtj-me, extra power is going on to the grid. Eurther quote, "Although growing the net metered connected kil-owatt capacity on quickly, the Company's distribution system re.Iative to the total load and continues to remain smal-l- the the minimal ope rat iona l Company has been abfe impact on these AI t hough some service transformer upgradeso25 260 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 11 1.2I13 1.4 15 16 L'1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 I 25 261 HTLL Publ ic have been required, I provided documentation to show Lhe transformer costs can be upwards of 2-3,000. Other providers of solar to.Id me $10,000 or more potentiafly for transformer upgrades that benefit the grid that the customer pays for. This is completely contrasted to what some of the orders and comments from ldaho Power lead you to believe, so Company staff's final answer regarding the probfem we're trying to sofve, they say, "the problem is, while the majority of our underlying cost structure is fixed, the way that we coffect those costs is through vofumetric rates. And when customers reduce their usage for any reason, that creates underrecovery for the utility and what we're feft to do is coflect that from other customers"; so again, a customer who chooses not to run their air conditioner has the same effect on the grid of cost shifting to other customers as a customer who offsets with solar. "This needs to be addressed for all of our customers. We are not trying to single out solar, " end quote from Idaho Power staff. Again, the Commission previous]y ordered a comprehensive study of the costs and benefits of on-site generat.ion. Idaho Power has stated in this docket that they have set aside the value of many benefits of solar. The public previously placed thej-r o 1 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 l2 o 13 l4 15 1.6 7-7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HILL Public trust with the Publ-ic Utilities Commission through on their previous Orders. I see environmentaf benefit to follow of .Iand one of the main reasons I got into worki-ng j-n solar ago in Idaho. My grandfather used to say, "They're making any more land, invest in it." We donrt have USE AS years not to use fand for el-ectricity generation if we use our rooftops. To me, that's why solar makes the most sense, as wefl as the benefits j-t provides to the grid, Lhe freedom, and your rights to invest in the grid and say how our power is gene.rated. I wou.l-d also like to see further study of the advancement of the benefits of distributed generation, which I have not found significant $reighing of those benefits that solar provides to the grid. In other words, as sofar power is distributed amongst the grid, it creates a more reliable, Iess susceptible to terrorism grid, l-ess outages. Itrs a common sense use of our doflars. I do not want to see the policy of Idaho become the worst in the nation, I implore this Commission to not pass the settlement proposed in this docket as it is unfair, unjust, and unreasonable to the public. Our future generation should not have to look back and say we passed this policy and why we passed25 262 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 .A CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HERZ PubIic this policy when it's clear that it's not a sofar issue. It's a rate desiqn issue that should be fixed for aII customers by Idaho Power.Thank you so much. KJELLANDER: And fet's see ifCOMM] SS]ONER there are any any questions from members quest j-ons . from parties Excuse me, please.Are there questions Mr. Hill, for to the case? Any of the Commission? Thank you, your testimony. THE WITNESS: Thank you. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Our next witness Marian Herz. appearing as was examined MARIAN HERZ, a publj.c wj-tness, having been duly sworn, and testified as fof .l-ows: EXAMINATION" BY MR. JEWELL: o the record, A H-e-r-z - o And wilf you state and spell your name for Marian Herz, M-a-r-.i-a-n, fast name is Thank you, and what j-s your pface ofa25 zo ) o 1 2 3 A 6 l I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 74 15 16 11 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 H ERZ Public residence ? Court, Power? Yes, Joshua said, but personal intere st invested in solar October of 2078, And lt's all A BLrise, Idaho, 7351 idest Old Country Q Thank you. and are you a customer of Idaho A 0 A Thank you. yours. WelI, I certainfy support what to approach it more from a of us who have already installed the so.Iar panels in I'm going of those power . did the I ful,l business case. I used to be a financial analyst and know how to do those things and whil-e the payback was fairly 1ong, I figured it would at least come in my lifetime. Then I got the letter from Idaho Power with the new proposed rates and going from monthly to hourly measuring of the credits, and so I went back and crunched the numbers again and found that f woul-d not get a payback in my lifetime. This is really a signj-ficant difference. This program shoufd not apply to those of us who have already invested based on certain and approved unethical to rufes that were provided by Idaho Power I'm assuming, It's in solar panels. We made our investment by the change Corun-ission, the rules after the fact and aftero25 ?-64 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 LO 11 t2 o 13 t4 15 l6 71 18 L9 2A 22 23 24 a CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. sr98 HE RZ Public we've afl made our investments. pol-icy only to have The Commission approved that encouraged investment for a net metering Iong-term savings, We should expect from our public honoring the more from our it changed is unethica.I . appointed official-s and they had no intention oftfut j-11ty. agreement, place. they should have not made it in the first In other parts of the country, and have documentation, but I'm sure we could get some I don't lf you currentneeded it, other states solar owners when they definitely grandfather change their rates, We I I'] should be doing the same. The Idaho Publ-ic Util-j-ties Commission promised that discriminatory rates would not be the outcome of any proposed changes, If they're implemented for -- if these proposed chanqes on this docket are impfemented, it's definiteJ-y discriminatory towards those of us who already invested. Please, please keep your word and don't discriminate against us. My understanding, I talked to one of the parties invol-ved in the case, Irm not going to mention their name because I havenrt asked their permission, but they were heavify involved and I was told that the impact of those of us who have already gone solar is insignificant in the rounding error 1evel, so25 265 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 I 11 72 13 74 15 16 L1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24I CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 HERZ Publ ic I'm pleading with you to please grandfather in us who have already made the investment. It's thing to do and it's the ethical thing to do. you . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK me see if there are any questions from parties case or from the Commission. There are not. for your testimony. (The witness feft the stand. ) COMMI SS IONER KJELLANDER : V,le ' l1 Greg Cunningham. those of the right Than k you. Let to the Thank you call now GREGORY CUNNINGHAM, appearing as a public witness, having been first duJ-y sworn, testified as f oll-ows: THE AUDIENCE: I Inaudible. ] COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Excuse me, wetll go ahead and proceed the way we are. I donrt know where peopfe are sitting and I know I've already got a bunch of people sj-tting on the f J-oor up here. It's going to be a difficuLt path for them to come forward, so -- and the problem is I can't actually read the next name, so I'm going to butcher this. Maybe thatrs what I was really trying to avoid. Eugene KIuza, perhaps, from Minidoka,25 266 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 a 13 l4 15 l6 L1 18 L9 2A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 CUNN ] NGHAM Publ ic could you raise so just wanted your hand? to let you know that.. S ir, if you j ust know you're confusion, You are next in the queue and want to stay seated, I just wanted to let you next j-n the queue and therein is the potential so go ahead. Pfease proceed. EXAM INAT ] ON BY MR. JEWELL: Q Wilt you please state and spell your name for the record? A GregoryCunnlngham, G-r-e-g-o-r-y C-u-n -n- i -n-g-h- a -m . 0 And your address ? A Kimberly, Idaho. Q And are you a customer of Idaho Power? A YeS. Q Go ahead. A I donrt have the information as Joshua had. Afl- I know is in June of'18, Idaho Power and fdaho Public Utifities Commission had an agreement and in May of r19, I invested 3.3 cents a watt totaling $60,000 of my retirement money to go solar with the idea that when I get my 401(k) money, I can take my money and pay off my solar panels and make retirement .Iife easier for me.o 25 2.61 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 o 13 L4 15 16 L1 18 19 20 27 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 CUNN I NGHAM Public Now, lady before me saici, wou.Idntt make sense with thj-s new agreement, fike the it does not pencil to make -- it rf rfor me to do it at this point. wouldn't have would have went and bought a new fact. I wanted the agreement we the shares of credits, so when f woul-d have known this was coming, T invested $60,000 of my retirement sol-ar. I probably pickup. That's a the one-to-one on credits in the bi 1l in the invest That ' s why I say, It took in so.la r to for Dodge had, ma ke summertime, I wintertime and your testimony. the case? Erom don't have a $400 power that's what I face. two-and-a-half acres. I have a I wanted to get out from month winter power bil-fs when Irm I have Iittle shop behind and underneath the $4 00 a not making sofar, so the surnmertime, that's coming up would be just fine. a big chunk of my retirement money to try to make life easier for me when I years. That's all I have. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank yeah, the agreement In the wintertime, I'd stil--l be rnaking a $400 a month ldaho Power bill. That's what I was trying to get away from. decided to go solar. That's what I have to do retire i-n two Are there any members of the questions from Commission? If you for parties to not, thank you for your testimcny this evening.o 25 loo a o 1 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 t6 1.1 o 1B 19 20 27 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 HRU ZA PubIic (The witness left the stand. ) CCMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And Mr. K1uza, Eugene Kl-uza. appearing as was examined EUGENE HRUZA, a publ-ic witness, having been duJ-y sworn, and testified as folLows: EXAM]NATION BY MR. JEWELL: Q Just one second. Will you state and spell your name for the record/ please? A I am Eugene Hruza, E-u-g-e-n-e H-r-u-z-a. I l-1ve five miLes east of Minidoka in south central Idaho. I've been a lifetime user of Idaho Power: the solar packageelectricity and I got interested in deaf sometime ago, because I could and I tried to get involved in wj-nd said I didn't have wj-nd enough -- see some benefit in it generation, but they COMMISSIONER RAPER: One moment. THE WITNESS: Excuse me, I'11 leave that alone. I was very interested in wind generation, but ?_69 THE WITNESS: Okay, I'm -- o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 76 t-1 2t 1B L9 20 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT ING 208.890.s198 HRUZA Pubfic they said I didn't have enough wind Idaho to run one of the things, but work/ and so I talked to the Idaho personnel at Burley, Idaho, Ron Moore, list of the power biII, the usage, and domestic electricity for 18 years, and two figures. As of March or April of was $580.19 for 5,300 kilowatt-hours. it is -- I'11 find it here in a minute December or no, in January of 2000, 552 ki-Lowatt-hours cost 5257 and that is an increase. Now, if you system stays as it has in south central- solar system would Power sales or farm and he got me a everything on my I'f f just give you ' 18, my power bill In March, I think to make sure. In __ tr ao? eno rmou s buy a solar package today and the been, iL will pay for itseff in 20 that don't believe in paying rent. electr.ic bil-I as rent, because years. I Now, f see when it's am a pe.rson paylng your gone, it's gone. If you buy a Sooner or lat er solar system, it's an investment.1t- wilf cos t the bank pays for it sel f was the motive They tol-d me to buy a solar "We can seff you you $84,000." and says, "Wi11 and you that I -- and I pac ka ge solar own had got and panel s the solar system. Now, that behind buying a soJ,ar system, ahold of di f fe rent an outfit in Sa lt companres Lake says, on a system tha t I went to youa25 214 t 1 2 3 4 5 o 1 8 o 10 11 T? o 13 l4 15 16 71 18 L9 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 HRU ZA Publ i c borrow me the money to buy a system Iike think you need a good price. " this?" He says. "I and see if that'ss hoppi ng Auric in is this: last bilJ.ing electricity for. I have problem with trying on, the of that if that to do some I got ahold of Boise. They wanted 597,200, but the difference The system out of SaIt Lake, they said they was pane 1sgo shopp.ing for what we charge tell you March. a meter the cheapest you for. The solar wholesale. We we can get and that's out of Auric says we guarantee The product is guaranteed for guaranteed for 25 years. That in the value of the cost to me route. our system f <>r 25 years. 25 years, the service is makes a lot of d.ifference and so I went with that system it stands today. has gone down to Today or this kil-owatt-hours of Now, I'J-1 They got it completed in $5.14 a month and thatrs whe re My bilI charge. I have 11,000 and some odd that Idaho Power has used, received money it and that i-s theforreceived nothing the new proj ect the new proposal they are to come up with in my rest of this winter, isn't a benefll to me, for oprnron, I'm going because from now to be using some credit that Idaho Power has in reserve for me and Ir11 tell- you what my bill one month ' s electricwas in January of '17, $823 bi1l, and when 1 tefl people that, they say man, thatrsa 211" a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 l2 a 13 L4 15 76 1.1 1B 19 20 27 22 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 more than my whol-e budget is for January and just my electric bi I1 was $823. The month before that it was 576. The month after 517, so with those kind of costs, we need something to stabilize this system l-j-ke the way j-t was. It $ras net metering and that net meter is very interesting to look at. If you go out and look at it, it has the el-ectricity going -- lines going across this way. Thatrs the electricj-ty going to Idaho Power. When it changes, the l1nes go the other dj-rection coming to my facility, my home. Okay, now, I'II tell you the exciting thing is go out on a cfear sunny day and there's little clouds floating across, when them clouds come across the sun, them lines start going the other directlon. When the sun comes out bright, they start the sun the fastergoing the the fines other way move, and and the brighter it's very interesting and it tel-fs you that something is happening in your favor, and I encourage everybody to investigate so.Lar for yourself, and if Idaho Power will only give us an opportunity to deve.l-op electricity, they are the beneficiary when it comes to how l-ong they've got to use my product from the solar system kilowatt-hours and they sell them for whatever they can, 1,2 cents a kilowatt-hour. Maybe they have higher rates than that, but I've been around a long25 212 HRU ZA Public t o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.s198 MYERS Publ- ic time and I have irrigation started irrigation, it cost irrigation pump. Now, the Thank you. COMMISSIONER pumps that when I first $1,500 a year to run the same pump costs 25,000 a year. KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are throughthere any -- please, no appJ-ause. this with the decorum of a court. Let's move 1 appreciate your to the case?comments. Any Mem]cers of the testimony. quest j-ons from part ie s Commission? Thank you for your THE WITNESS: Thank you. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER K.IELLANDER: Next Mr. Ralph Myers. appearrng as was examined RALPH MYERS a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as foffows: EXAMINAT ION BY MR. JEWELL: Q WiIl you state and spe11 your name for the record, pl-ease ? A Ra]ph Myers, R-a-I-p-h M-y-e-r-s.o 25 21 3 I 1 2 3 4 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 a 13 L4 15 16 71 1B 19 )i 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 21 4 o A Will you state your address? 1C975 West Netherland Drive, Boise, I daho . o A o A the Publ i c waiting for And are you a customer of Idaho Power? v^a ai - Take it away. Thank you for the opportunity to address Utilities Commission this evening. I've been this opportunity for several months to tal-k for Schedule 6 and Schedufe 8. I retired Last 38 years in the Army. I prepared for by saving money for those things that I wanted and secure for the future. That included a began researching about the current proposed agreement for on-site solar generation year after re t i rement to procure compan j-es, I a worthwhi Ie solar system, so in preparation, I solar systems as a way to hedge the that is absolutel-y going to happen Based on the proqram Idaho Power and the bids I received rasang in the being from cost of power fuLure. offered by power that it was solar crunched the numbers and declded offered by Idaho Power would in with a breakeven on the cost of years without any changes. It energy needs in the future and i nvest-ment f or me.The program being the long run provide me the system after several would meet my foreseeable it would minimize the cost MYERS Publ ic o 25 a 1 2 3 4 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 o 13 74 15 L6 ).1 18 19 )i 27 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MYERS Public of electricity. f'm sure the Pubfic Utilities Commission j-s aware that solar systems are not smal-l- investments, nor do people enter into these decisions to instalJ- so.Iar systems without understanding clearly the program they are signing up for with the Power Company and the contract they are entering into wlth the sol-ar instal-lation company. This decision involves spending tens of thousands of dol,l-ars of hard-earned money to instalf solar systems. When I first heard about this case, f began checking the ldaho Public Utilitiesr website for information that what was being negotiated on my behalf. What were the possible changes to the $32,000 solar system that I had just installed on my home. Every few weeks I would 1og on to the Public Util-ities Commission website and became increasingly frustrated. There were rea11y no deta i l-ed detailed information about this case, any actually beingminuteswas negotiated on my explaining what behaff or agreed upon . new l ettersI did notlce many f 'm sure some of you are here this evening -- from solar owners telling you, Commissioners. that they did not think it was fair or just for you affow Idaho Power to change the program that they signed up for. I continued to growt25 21 5 I t 1 2 4 5 6 'l I 9 10 L1 L2 13 14 15 16 l1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MYERS Public finally talked to an empfoyee who tofd me that there was a fimited amount of information available because the process was a sett lement. That was news to me. He said that the frustrated until one day f the Idaho Publ- ic Utilities actuaL meetings were there wou.Id be some actualfy voice their Commission around mid JuIy. I not public information and that hearings later where the public coufd actually called Idaho Power was irri,tated that process was being input allowed. There information on the concerns. I during the entire negotiated, there was no rel,ease of process, because with the provisions be nul1 and void. " time that this were no public any substantive that covers the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, I came across Title 74, Chapter 2, of Idaho law which covers transparent and ethical government. Erom my understanding/ and Irm not a l-awyer, this l-aw requires alf neetings to be pub.Iic unfess they meet the listed exceptions in the law. There were none l-isted under Titfe 61, which j.s the Idaho Public Utifities Commission. Title 74-208 states, "If an action or any del-iberation or decision making that feads to an action occurs at a meeting which fails to comply I checked, Whife Iooking for the law of this chapter, such actions shallt25 ?1 6 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 I 9 10 a 11 72 13 74 15 76 22 24 18 19 20 7't 21. a CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 Title 61-208 which covers the Idaho Public Utilities Commission has a paragraph calIed "Office and Meetings. " It states, "The sessions of the Commission shal-1 be public. " A review of the Tltle 61-201, creation and appointment of the terms of office of members of the Idaho Public Utifities Commission, Title 61--204 also clearly defined the purpose and al-so the oversight provided in Idaho public }aw for this Comm.ission. Understanding that government by the people and for the people is an essential. component of our democracy and that checks and balances are woven into the Constitution and Iaw, I have reached out to the authorities that can Idaho citi zens. The agent and appoints by Commissioner on this my senator, the fook into this stand in the gap for every one of us Governor is the chlef executive approval of the Senate every an integra.I part of the IPUC process authority for any wrongful or illegal specifically Title 61.-208, office and "l 4-203, governing bodies and the publlc meetings. This morning I comments that I'm speaking to forwarded a copy of my you tonight in an emai]- to requirement for open and Bear, to request she if action is requ j-red Commission. The At t orney and is the actions, meetings, General is oversight Titfe Honorable Senator case and determine MY ERS Pubfic ?5 ') 11 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 I 9 o o CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 MYERS PubI ic by the Attorney General. reply and action prior to I have requested a written the Governor th.rough his online process direct involvement in this matter. This agreement with Idaho Power. My request to I will quote the portion I -- do not want a form letter. I impl-ementation date of thi s T've also sent a letter to to request his includes the addressing Titte 74-208, paragraph 5. that deals with enforcing Title 74. the Governor and my senator, of it. "I feedbac k not the end portion want substantive on the actual inquiry into this matter. I am accuslng anyone. I'm asking that the checks and balances of the ldaho public l-aw be invoked to ensure that the government agencj-es appointed by the Executive Branch and approved by the Senate are af}owed to operate as they were j-ntended, that the people of Idaho are being well served and are not being unjustly, unfairly, and possibly iIIega1Iy treated by this settlement and the processes used to come to it in hol-ding closed door meetings that prevented public input and opportunity to shape the outcome of this very important case. Irm disappointed that this case was negotiated and a proposal seltlement reached without any meetings and inviting those impacted to provide input. " Now, I understand you could send a letter 218 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 l1 18 L9 20 2L 22 z3 24 )q a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 t6 77 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90. s198 MYERS PubI ic in and you there, but from thi s door meetings to posted on invitations to these closed comments, but you can see how in the process. This would be allowed to make -- oh, Iet cou.I d and I read Lhose that to my knowledge, there we.re no Commission to allow us to come make any interestedmany he 1p people are me go back. 1ikely the settfement, outcome of to ensure they would I am guess j,ng that Idaho Power was most party that moved to enter this case into a to l-imit customer input, and shape the the agreement. This would help to ensure they could be all,owed to make a quick and decisive vj-ctory with littl-e or no time for public response. I am sure they are the ones that refused to exclude current customers in the settlement wording and wanted the fanguage that a.l-l-owed the settlement to take effect even though current customers were not defined. How can this be perceived as anything less than unfair? It appears that no one was looking out for the taxpayers of ldaho, that the government agency creat ed the public inte re st the wheel.from ut i lity companaes was Titfe 61-204 to protect asleep at says of be the and l_ he of the Commission, "It shall the Attorney right and the Genera I duty of thethe Attorney General to represent people of the State of Idaho and appear for Commlsslon. " 21 9 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 L2t13 1l L4 15 16 l1 O 18 19 20 2l 22 Z3 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 MYERS Public Nowher:e does it say make compromises with utility negatively impacts and results incompanl e s wrongful, I daho . 23 October, made. After was totall,y abandon the that unjust, and unfalr treatment of the peopfe of I received a .Ietter from Idaho Power dated 2019, telling me that a decision had been reading it, it was clear that the agreement in favor of ldaho Power and affowed them to program that I used to base my decision to buy a solar system. They stated that the agreement will lead to a more equitable and sustainable service offering into the future. It includes words like approximately and estimated and gives Idaho Power more opportunities in the future to change the program again for those who currently own sofar systems. I t.hink everyone in this room can agree that the cost of electrici-ty wj.l-l- increase over the next many years; however, the agreement that you've come up with a11ows Idaho Power to slowly reduce the value of the electricity that we produce, so as electricity goes up, I get Iess credited to my account and ldaho Power makes a profit from my solar system. Pretty good deal for Idaho Power. This means fdaho Power is going to be allowed to unfaj-rIy and insidiously glean profits from Idaho taxpayers' solar systems. In plain speech, gentlemen, I25 280 a o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 L4 16 15 ll I 19 18 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MYERS Public call this steafing. If it tiasn't the letter from ldaho Power, customer care number on the enough hry reading to cafl the to get some -- yeah, I entertaining, isnrt from them. I talked representative for thi s try to get a better agreement miqht have on irritating I decided fetter hear some people it -- to get some to an Idaho Power Iaughing. Pretty more information empJ-oyee, their action, to ask them questions and understanding of the impact this my current program. When I asked why Idaho Power wanted to change .it was customers, th j-s wording was harming created cos t Idaho Powe r, customers. shifting is a fabrication by lawyers of conf us.ing, the program that I had signed up for, he said that Lrecause I was. and I am quoting this,"harming" is Idaho Powerthe word this gentleman used,other When I challenged ridiculous that I harming word .That ' s a powerful and the fact that it was other customers, he said that my solar system shifting. Itrs a nice self-created term by and they were trying to make it fair for a1l- Life's not fair. This notion of cost bunch of smoke and mirrors. Itts a the well-paid staff and accountants and Idaho Power's payro}l. 1've never seen a more convoluted set of terms to explaj-n what25 ')Q 1 a 1 2 3 4 6 1 8 9 10 a 11 72 13 l4 15 76 l1 t-8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 MYE RS Publ i c something costs. Their claim about cost shifting is complete nonsense. As I understand it, once electricj-ty is generated, it moves to the first point of use, so tell me how my production of clean, green energy that's going into the grid and being used by Idaho Por^rer customers is costing Idaho Power more money. The appl-ication fee that I paid should have covered the 20 minutes that the ldaho Power employee was at my house ]ast December to flip the switch so I could start producing The transmission I ines energy and that Idaho put energy in the Power ma inta in s to cease to exist if grid. from eve ry the grid want to house to house are single solar system today, Idaho Power not going in I daho were magically removed woufd stllf have to maintain to every single customer in Idaho, because they se 11 you power. The fine that brings power to my home services an entire neighborhood. My so.Iar system does not place any additionaf cost on Lhe grj-d. The power that I produce in excess goes into the transmission l-ines and is probably used within a quarter Of course, Idaho Power is charging the mife of my home. standard rate for that power that I produce and receives a profit from my solar system. Now, they want to create a new program that wj-l-f slowly pay me less whlle power costs increaseo25 282 o I 2 3 4 6 1 over the years and they charge that new higher rate to thei-r customers. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: MT. Myers/ Just a reminder and I know thaL you have wr.itten comments there that hopefully you will also gj-ve to us, we have 100 people signed up to testify. Werre almost an hour into the hearing and we've only had five people on the witness stand, so if there's a way to bring this into closure, that woul-d be usef u.I and helpf u1, THE WITNESS: f'fI take that under advisement, sir. When I really duq into the issue with the ldaho Power employee on the phone, he really didn't have a logical answer for me. He just kept talking to his -- staying to his talking points that he was given. It was fike listenj-ng to a broken record, a parrot, if you wi11, cost shifting, cost shifting, fair for everyone, harming. He could not explain one single term in the letter that they sent me nor that was in the agreement . It was clear that the customer care line was realIy a formality to present an appearance that Idaho Power cares about me or any of their customers. The conversation ended with me giving him a piece of my mind about how Idaho Power is a 1arge, powerful, for-profit Company and that they were using this 8 9 10 11 72 13o 15 16 71 14 18 24 20 2l 22 19 ?3 o 25 283CSB REPORTING 208.890.5:-98 MYERS Public t 1 2 3 4 5 fi 7 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 l4 15 15 L1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MYERSPubfic agreement to undermine and unfairly and unjustfy steal from Idaho taxpayers. After the cal1, I logged into the Idaho Public Utilities' website and downloaded the agreement. As f began to read this very lengthy document, it was clearly -- it was cl-ear that it was written by a bunch of lawyers. The docunent was complicated with complicated jargon and a bunch of new Idaho Power specific cost factors that are impossible to understand, Can anyone here on the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, this is rhetorical, explain to me in l-ayman's terms the factual- and the validity of any of these fab.ricated cost factors? Where are the documents that show the actua], cost directl-y attributed to my solar system because I want to see them? What is clear is that Idaho Power has very good lawyers and accountants and they have created a bunch of new cost factors to create the ill-usion that there is a need t.o change the current Public Util-ities Commission exists for program. the same The Tdaho reason that the Securities Exchange Commission exists. as we.l-I as many others government agencies created and appointed, because corpoIatlons have been given entirely too much individual- -fi ke power. Theyrre not aftruistic. They do not l-ook out for the little guy. They do not give you aa25 244 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 I2 o 13 t4 15 16 71 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208 . I90. s198 MYERS PubI ic break. They have stockhol-ders and stockholders Iike profits. unacceptable is states that if we overlooked a anyway and we'II implemented? It a mess to me. is supposed gove rnment interest of Another thlng in thi s agreement that is is l-anguage thatthe fact that there anything in this agreement is then we're going to do it anyway. What kind is this? How is it that a government agency of Idaho can hofd closed door meetings that i Ilega1, of process of the State result in a document that says if we didn't do this quite right or if do it become s ]aw, then we I re j ust going figure it alf out after it seems like, I don't know, Lo it seems l-ike If this is how -- is this how government this transparent and ethicalto work? Is process is kicking the can fdaho taxpayers square in resources or the power to January of 2020. I brought a here tonight. This bi 11, at work? Is this protecting the citizens of ldaho? This the public pass-the-buck and placing it, ls a s imple use from Idaho down the road the middle without the change the outcome before copy of my Idaho Power b.i.Ll as I unclerstand legalIy binding document and in essence a contract. It documents the power that I25 285 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 o 13 74 15 16 l1 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MYERS Publ i c Power and the ki.Iowatt-hours that T receive. It records the amount of money i-hat services provided. If I I legal}y owe coufd not or Idaho Power for did bil-], Idaho Power bil-l, to charge me They would send me report. I submit to my Idaho Power bi 1"I, wou.Ld use that contract, fate fees. They would to that not pay my that simple threaten me. collections and damage my credit you that that same lega1 document, in some ways substantiates the fact I'm on is l-ike a contract withthat fdaho short the program Power and notice. shou.Id not arbitrarily be changed on The power biff clear.Iy shows how much many credits I have month to month. I sj-gned up for, net metering month powe r That ' s month . reason to pay I used, how the svstem to That is the system I want to keep. It stands to that if Idaho Power can use my bill to go after me my bil1, then I should be abfe to use it to prevent Idaho Power from converting alI my current kifowatt-hour credits and changing my program. even conclude that every single solar customer One might in Idaho has some basic legal standing to protect themsefves from the .inpf ementation of this program that Idaho Power agreed to. Maybe hre could open for dj-scovery j-n this process the actual goings on that occurred in these ?86 o I 2 4 5 6 1 I 9 meetj-ngs. We could uncover the real reason behind Idaho Power's interest in changing current programs for on-site solar generation, I wou.Id prefer that the ldaho Pubfic Utilities Commission work to protect the hard-working citizens of Idaho by clearly defining who a current ldaho solar power customer is before the implementation date of the proposed agreement. They can ensure our current program is extended out to provide taxpayers an opportunity to amortize their signj-ficant solar investments. Leqal decisions in other states have allowed for up to 10 years. The Idaho PubLic Utiflties Commissi.on Staff published a document after the settlement on your website which provides significant precedential faw on utifities' lawsuits. Upon reading this document, it seems like the Staff was laying the groundwork for correcting the agreement to protect on-sile solar customers. I hope thatrs the case. In closing, I feel that the Idaho Publj-c Utilities has fallen short of completing their fiduciary duties to protect Idaho taxpayers. The cu.r.rent agreement faifs to clearly identify and protect current Schedule 6 and 8 customers from this egregious attempt by Idaho Power. The current proposed settlement agreement includes complicated Idaho Power specific language. It CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 MYERS Publ i c 10 a l1 L2 13 L4 15 L6 71 18 19 2A 27 22 23 24 o 25 281 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 12 o 13 T4 l-5 16 l1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT ING 208. 890. s198 does not clearl-y define the people being affected by the agreement. It has language that a1lows the document to be enacted whether it's lega1 or not. In Iiqht of this information, the real question is what will- the Idaho Publ-ic Util-ities Commission do to fix it. It is imperative that you clearly define who a current solar customer is, provide multi-year plan to alLow solar customers to amortize the cost of their systems and modify or throw out the agreement before January of 2020. If thj-s does not occur, then the Idaho a Pubfic Utilitles Commission will have failed to prot e ct directlyof Idaho unf a.i r, in their the public facll-itate and unj ust va.l-ue from interest of the people the wrongful, i I lega I, efforts by Idaho Power unreasonabfe and current Idaho Power customers to subsidize questions from parties to the Thank you. Are case? And from 've got to move that you may want plan to stea f with the decorum their profit ma.rgin, and that concludes my comments, sir. COMMlSS]ONER KJELLANDER : there any members of the Commission? through this evening and I to applaud, but if we would Please, we appreciate please s tay forward.of this forum so we can move (The wltness left the stand. ) COMMISSTONER KJELLANDER: The next witnessI25 2BB MYE RS PubIic o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 l0 t1 1.2 a 13 L4 15 16 L'1 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 BENSON Public to caff to help devefop the record is Jessica Benson. JESSICA BENSON, appearing as a public witness, having been fj-rst duly sr.rorn, testif ied as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. JEWELL: Q Good evening. Will you please state and speff your name for the record? A Jessica Benson, J-e-s-s-i-c-a B-e-n-s-o-n. Q And your address ? A Is 366 East Old Saybrook Drive, Boise, Idaho, 83706. Q And are you a customer of Idaho Power? A I am. Q Go ahead and make your comment, pJ.ease. A Okay; so even though I had a big bundle of papers, donrt -- Irm not nearly as weJ-l organized as everyone efse, but my husband and I are in the awkward positlon of having signed our contract for solar on October 30th, committing to a nearly $20,000 .investment for rooftop solar, and the day before Thanksgivj-ng was when we actually turned our system on, and mya25 289 a I 2 3 4 5 6 '1 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 t4 15 L6 L1 18 L9 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BEN SON PubI ic understanding j-s that under the current agreement that we would not even stand to potentially be grandfathered into the rates that we understood to be implemented when we decided to invest in our system. Similar to other people who have testified today, we did this as a p.recursor to retirement, pl-anning for decreased costs over the years. We pretty much figured that we would be getting about a three to four percent return on our investment over the years, and with the current changes that are being proposed, that would go down to essentially zero. We have a son in colfege. Next year we'Il have two kids in colfege and this was a pretty heady investment for us to make. When we made our investment, when we made our dec.isions, we used the website from Idaho Power to help us in our decision making and at that point it seemed very supportive of roof top so.Iar. The so.Ia r and other c.l-eansection that said. "Yourpage had a choices. choices . Idaho Power supports clean energy information for you, " and and customer to help you then under We have resources and make the decision that's right the rooftop solar section it states, considering putting solar panels or generation on your home or business, to he1p. " "rf other you ' re renewabfe Idaho Power is here o 25 290 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 o 10 11 L2 I 13 14 15 16 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 BENSON PubIic o 25 29L Weff, now, on the website it states, "AIso, please be sure to educate yourself about the current cases before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission that coufd change your expected payback date when making a solar investment. " This feels like a cfear case of bait and switch. On September 30th, as I said, we signed our contract with Auric SoJ-ar, Our neighborhood has been -- we have a neighborhood association that has been pretty antj.-solar and we've worked hard with our neighborhood association trying to get people on boa.rd, so part of our investment in sofar was actua.Ily an investment in our neighborhood and an j-nvestment in our comnunity. We over-built our system hoping that vre woufd actually be able to put some power back out on to the grid to support our neighborhood, because that's the way we feel like Idahoans support each other and especially in potential- times of need, so when we were put in the position of getting a letter stating that al-] of a sudden, our rate of investment was going to change significantly, we were shocked to say the least, so from the Idaho Power's purpose and value statement, 'rWe are passionate about powering lives with clean, re1iab1e, affordable energy, whi.l-e deve.Ioping innovative sol-utions every day. Serving those who depend on us is at the o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 LO o 11 L2 13 L4 15 76 L1 o 1B 19 2A 27 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. sr98 BENSON Publ ic center of everything we do. We al-f prosper by committing to the needs, safety, and success of our customers, communities, employees, and shareholders"; so what woufd we like to see as a couple who have just invested in this ? Eirst, the Coruniss j-on needs to respect the investments of the 5,000 plus rooftop sol-ar owners and have them grandfathered as al-1 other states have done when considering changes to net metering under the existing net metering agreement with Idaho Power. Existing rooftop owners should be anyone that has an operatj-ng system 30 days after the settlement is officj-ally in place. Any requests for a change to the net metering program must be preceded by a cost-benefit study that is performed by a neutra.I third party to inform the Commission of the true costs and benefits of solar interconnection and to promote the growth of power generation. Fina1ly, a transparent Idaho Power customers needs to settfement so that aIl voices, on-site to a.Ll to any solar part of s impl e outreach campaign be completed prior those of current customers and potential so.Iar customers, can be the discussion. This can be done through a email from ldaho Power, but the language needs to be agreed upon by the settlement participants and Idaho25 292 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 l 8 9 10 t-1 1? o 13 14 15 16 1.1 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 1 a')BENSON Publ i c Pourer customers that are being affected. Currentfy, the 13 participants on the settlement do not represent this group of potential rooftop solar customers, nor existing rooftop solar customers, and the six signing certainly do not -- are not representative of ldaho Power private homeowner customers. I encourage Commission to embrace its Einal J-y, should not have to work the Idaho Public Utilities this settlement to determine fair. through all aspects of just, and reasonabfe MTSS LON rates and utility practices for electric, gas, and water consumers, to ensure the delivery of utility service is safe, re]-iable, and efficient, and to ensure safe operation of pipelj-nes and rail carriers within the state. role of you. Let us not we as customers of ldaho Power Iegislatively in order to have a on how rooftop solar can be power grid. That shoufd be the be California or, for that fair, unbiased integrated into approach Idaho's matter, Nevada. There be a homegrown Idahoan best for Idaho -- for are better models to use. It can approach to the folks who facifitate what is already have achieve that rooftop goal insolar systems and those who plan to the future. Thank you.o 25 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L? o 13 !4 15 16 71 18 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890. s19B BOUCK Public COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let's see if there are some questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission. Thank you for your testl-mony. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let's cal-f William from Sunset Strip in Mountain Home. WILLIAM BOUCK, appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn, testif ied as f o1l-ows: EXAM]NATION BY MR. JEWELL: Q Good evening, sir. Idil1 you state and spell- your name for the record, please? A It's William, W- j--l-I- j--a-m, Bouck, B-o-u-c-k. I live at 3250 Sunset Strlp, Mountain Home. Q And are you currently a customer of Idaho Power ? A O A T'm not fancv I am for 31 years. on speaking. All f can just Okay, the floor is yours to make your comrnent. o 25 294 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 a 11 t? 13 14 15 16 t7 I 1B 19 2A 2t 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890.5198 BOUC K Pubfic SAY, good the which I long as really a ir, rhe bene fit . Powe r energy 1ike, into my I sti1l I think, s o 1ar, do as It's been good for I do se 11 that thought was it goes on next person I thought, l-ike most of us, that this would be a retirement opportunity. I -invested second person about $60,000 or more good sav j-or. AIso, I the increase of the a good investmenL. the way it's been promised. feft it was also property, so if be able to reap value of my woufd also It's been a good th j-ng. after all-, I ownI mean. doesn't, The energy it produces that is credited to me. Thatrs the pane.Is, Idaho should be my what the net meter idea was abouti otherwise, we shoufd have gone the ofd-fashioned way and have a battery pack and store the energy and cut Idaho Power out al-f together, so I just think it's coming down to plain greed. Itrs kind of like the energy crunch of t14 when di.esel was, fike/ 9.10 a gallon cheaper and all of a sudden, it went up because everybody wanted to go diesel to save them some money. It ;ust comes down to greed. Itrs just kind of like playing chess and they're just trying to outdo your thinking. I have an extra panel that I put on It I senergy. there for the reason of having plenty of also make money even if gone back to the grid where they could they charge those Ehat don't. have25 295 I 1 2 3 4 5 o 1 I 9 10 1l l2t13 74 15 16 l1 1B t9 20 2L 22 23 24t CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 BOUCK Publ ic don't think there would be all these sof ar. you can what lf hold up? " 'rA panels to drive I mean, if solar wasn 't a good idea, I solar farms and or to buy from thatfdaho Power asking people to sofar farm. I think itrs a the one that i-nsta1led mine great idea. Again, Auric is and 25-30-year guarantee and He says, "WeIl, let me telf you something. ball and tried invest 't beat that. f asked them, I said, "You know, we get hail damage? I mean, wil-I the panels not breaks, " he says, "I took a golf t h rough idea.I think it'sme on mean, cou 1d panels t hing a great wind in it and it didn't break it,; so that sold the energy saver, I surely, we have a fot of Mounta in Home, the sofarhave 1oo k gone with a windmill, nice on the house and but I thought I think it \^ras the to do.That's pretty much all I have to say, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let's see if questions from parties or members of the Thank you for your testimony. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Werlf cal-1 now there are any Commission. Richard Kluckhohn from Park Stone Drive, Meridian. 25 296 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 o 13 74 15 L6 7'l 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208. 890. s198 KLUCKHOHN Publ- ic RlCHARD KLUCKHOHN, appearing as a public wj.tness, having been first duly sworn, testified as f ol.Iows: EXAM]NA1'ION BY MR. JE9IELL: o record, plea se ? A name is spel led o A Idaho,83646. 0 A o A Thank you, and 2564 West Park your addre s s ? Stone Drive, Meridian, Wilf you state and spell your name for the Richard Kluckhohn, R-i-c-h-a-r-d, last K-I-u-c-k-h-o-h-n. And are you a customer of Idaho Power? that I handed to the the floor is I'm going to Commission is have to read yours. say that the document what I'.Il call sworn it into the record and cover a few points not been covered Yes. O kay, First, testimony so save time, that I think previously. $21,450 and ret i rement I do not I am going to, however, are crit ica.I and have period. f invested in solar this fafl. I invested my intent r,/as to reduce my costs over my o 25 291 a I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 a 13 1.4 15 L6 l1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 KLUCKHOHN PubIlc I have a master's degree in economics, math econ specifically and modeling. I used that knowledge to model my system so that I could determine was it profitable, was it worthwhile to invest. Under the monthly net metering program, I wou.l-d return my costs in 16 years. Thatrs not a really great return, but itrs reasonabl-e, at feast thatrs what I determined. I then fooked at the new program and did the exact same system ana.l-ysis; however, I had to eva.Iuate my system to determj-ne what the hourly consumptj-on was for every day of every month. Not many I had consumption is I use a lot of 7:00 o ' cfock. people can do that. to determine what my of every month and9o rng ended show s will power at This is a Then to produce every day up and created is a what that graph that ' s in system was what I the report that basis, and you 6:00 o'clock in net graph and I what became very g raph market day when ona dai Iy notice that the morning also use it interesting shows, the and rate and when the power I'm not home or rarely quantities of power and about 6:30. 7:30, 8:30, and for me is on a dasis basis, as the red area is where my family pays the is generated during the home. it generates large I also took Iooks fike for every month am paid a minuscule few cents. that and computed what a month of the year and, 1o ando25 298 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 l I 9 t-0 o 11 l2 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 2A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.51.98 KLUCKHOHN PubIic behold, something similar. The winte.r months I do not generate enough power. During the suruner months when there's peak demand, I generate extra power. Again, Idaho Power receives I'If call it a premium price. I also took the nodel and evaluated what is the impact for Idaho Power. Under the current net monthly meteri-ng system, because I overbuilt my system for my own reasons, fdaho Power wil-f make $3,600 in profit, pure profit, off of my system. metering system, make a profit of it wiff take 36 metering system, hourly two graphs, Idaho Power wil,l- $40,000 off of my system and to recover the costs of a years. No one in their to recover only 50 cents on Under the net system that rlght mind the dollar can make a concl-usion make sense using these $25,000 ro years for me a flfe of 25 spend money has wou-Ld and pay profit from my for me study quite that Idaho Power extra money so might guess simple. It that they that the doesn I t of $25, 000. You iS I then anyone too k has a home like mine, this model and said is there any size of I bet s ys tem that that has a reasonabLe payback period. have solar can guess the answer, which as no. peop I e The re than 25 years. system in. Is is no size in which the payback is less I then said, we1l, Ietrs put a storage there any possibility of any size. Thea25 299 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 72 o 13 74 15 76 71 18 19 20 2t 23 24t CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 KLUCKHOHN Pul:,1ic answer is no. If I take my economics and fook at that, what that simply says system like mj-ne, at a sense period. What does means that probably sol ar they will move then wifl take Power? I doubt anal-ysis on my is no one wlll invest in solar, a home because it does not make that mean for me? WeII, that looking elsewhere to return to work to companfes are away from Idaho to other going to start make a profit and locations. Who is very, very I PC-E- 1B - 15 is unprofitable. s ystem I s value what I paid for never get paid They're taking critical point looking only at PUC chooses to pa ybac k they've system that net hou r1y care of my warranty? I don't know. Idaho it, so my simple conclusion from this home, these are real numbers, real models, simpfe. I befieve the results of enacting alI about profit, greed, and making solar The greed portion j,s that my solar wilf be only about 45 to 50 percent of it, because it will not return. I'11 back and thatls where the qreed is. my asset for their benefit. The other is I do not be.Iieve as an economist and rny solar wi.Il survive if the metering and some sort of a system, simifar to what simply at my house, if I use system, compensation proposed. Aga j-n, Iooking25 300 I 1 3 4 5 6 -t I 9 10 11 12 a 13 l4 15 16 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24t CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 CAL DWELL PubIic generate an extra kilowatt-hour, j-t goes out my wire to a transformer, they pay me four cents, 4.2, and down the wire to a neighbor's and they charge them nine or ten cents, That is a 150 percent profit and there is no transmission Iines, no corporate overhead, no executlve's salaries, and no corporate profit. What j et I've i-nvof ved in that cost. This j-s pure writLen rs my Than k testimonv. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER :you. Are membe rsthere any questions of the Commission? (The from part ies Thank you for witness lef t to the case or your testimony. the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We'l-I cal-l- next Jeff Cafdwefl. JEEE CALDWELL, appearing as a pubJ.ic witness, having been flrst duly sworn, testified as follows: EXAMINAT]ON BY MR. JEWELL: Q WilI you pfease state and spe11 your name for the record? A Jeff CaJ,dweII, just like the town, Idaho.C-a-1-d-w-e-1-1, 1581 Cow Horse Drive, Kuna,25 301 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 o 9 10 11 l2 a 13 74 15 76 77 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 CAL DWELL PubIi- c Eirst of aII, f guess I'd like to say thank you to al1 of those that came before me with some eloquent and very pointed discussion. I ovrn two systems, one on my commercial building as weII as my personaf residence, and f have to agree with pretty much everything that was stated. There are a couple things I'd like to just briefly add given that most of it was stated i-s No. 1, grandfathering in existing net metering clients should be an obligationi not a consideration. You know, we make capital investments and decisions based upon the rules and regulations at the time, not three years down the road. I installed my systems in 2017 and I even called the PUC and talked to a gent.Ieman that was ln charge of the sofar program who has since passed and I wish I had gotten it in wrlting, but he stated that the PUC would never take away any grandfathering, because I specifically asked him that. disturbing in the hen is the house and they all the got the broken also, something that I find very fact that as I put it, the fox was Ieft choice of the hens ones for what they put and felt that the eggs and was good for Idaho Power us to pick up, and that is made these decisions on how essentially it should go professionalforward without any kind of independent or25 302 o 1 2 3 4 6 1 o 9 10 11 12 o 13 L4 15 t6 L1 18 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 CALDWELL Publ ic otherwise people bringing to the tabfe what could have been pros and cons, benefits as well- as negatives, and I f j.nd it interesting that they were supposed to get thi-s completed, but never did. f would also like to mention that when we put these systems in, we also look at future value. I believe thaE there's a future value for any of our residences or our businesses that instal-f these systemsi however, if we go with the new system that Idaho Power is proposing, I don't see us having any maintenance companres or te 1l- s me that guess bas i ca I1y know, Idaho is decisions on installation companies around and so that now I have a liability, because there's nobody to service it or take care of the warranty, and I I woufd say that, youquicklyclosing,ln a very conservative state and we make our our pocketbooks, but we value and appreciate our COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER : from part.ies to the Hearing none, thank also make it on the fact that we green state and the and puJ-1ing this Thank you. Are case or members you for your val-ues and the recreation that we have out from underneath the population of Idaho is wrong. Thank you. there any questions of the Commiss ion ? testimony. (The witness left the stand, )o 25 303 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 11 72 o 13 74 15 16 t'l 18 19 ?a 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. sr98 HADDOCK Public COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Caff the next r^/i tne s s Jim Haddock. JIM HADDOCK, appearing as a public witness, sworn, testified as fol lows: having been flrst duly EXAMlNATION BY MR. JEWELL: Q Will you please state and spell your name for the record? A My name is Jim Haddock, J-i-m H-a-d-d-o-c-k. I live at 1738 West Puzzle Creek in Meridian, Idaho. Q And are you currently a customer of Idaho Power? A wel-I, first of all, I'd fike to say that I am a retiree and to be honest, I didn't put in my solar system two years ago to hefp take care of my retirement, because to be honest with you, it wasnrt that good of an i.nvestment. If I coufd keep on net metering, it would pay for itself in about 14-and-a-ha1f years, and I'm 74 and I plan to l-ive at least until I'm 90, so it would just pay off before I died.a 25 304 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 I2 o 13 T4 15 16 1"1 IB 19 2A 2l 22 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 HADDOCK Publ ic put rn what we eve rybody there were installed however, I system in. my system, I are f a c.ing I'm up here was real Iy, here today. to say is when really nervous I was assured I first about j ust by that if Wha t that talked about solar at the time any rate changes pr io.r to that t ime was nervouS, very actually had it that people that had sofar I was so refieved when I got would be grandfathered in; nervous, when I put my instafled in March 2018 and a letter from ldaho Power I date Apri I were going that under that we have to have, that serv.ice under the exlsting Customers i^/ho submit that that Idaho Power is telling IPUC, and so I was kind of 2nd, 2018, that listed the proposal that they to make to the IPUC and that proposal sald this proposal, customers hrho submit this form, the form that they're talking about. verifj-cation form, which included alI there ' s a system the inspections have, would takeyou had to me net metering Schedule 84. form on or after the effective date of the ne\^, schedufe will take service under the new schedu.Ies. Now, th j-s Iette r 2018. That was before -- this came to me on Apri] 2nd, was the proposal at Ieast that they submitted to the taken aback when this surnmer I read about a new Schedufe 6 and a new Schedufe B, not that there were going to be such things, but the facta 305 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72t13 l4 15 76 l1 1B I9 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890. 5198 HADDOC K Public that those of us that contrary to this letter said were going to be put on that Schedule 6 and Schedule 8, so I came down to talk to the IPUC and at that time none of you Commissioners were here, Anyway, I talked to a publ-ic relatj-ons official who was very confusing, but he assured me that the IPUC works for the good of their customers and that I didn't have anything to worry about, so I'm up here reafly just to say that Irm extremely mystified as to what happened between this proposal that they put in and what happened between then and when we all got put on Schedufe 6 and Schedule 8. copy to the made another I sent a copy of this Ietter -- I gave a PR guy this summer when I talked to him. I copy . certain.Ly and I'd be mystj-fied question, more than meet with don' t want I keep my copy at to lose it, but I Ieave it, but what home because I made another copy I'm really can't answer the happy to aboul is and I know you why would ,hy, the IPUC which acts on our behaff do Idaho Power requested and sometime I'd like to you and find an answer to that. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And would i-t be possible to get a copy of the document you referenced? THE WITNESS: Oh, absolutely. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and we wiff make that a part of the record as welf. Thankt25 306 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 72 a 13 ).4 15 16 l1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 DUN LAP PubIic you for your testimony. (The w.itness left the stand. ) COMMI S S I ONER KJELLAN DER : We ' .I1 ca 1.I now Michael Dunlap, appearing as was examined M]CHAEL DUNLAP, a public wj-tness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: I live at 5256 THE WITNESS: My name is Michael Dunlap. North Cougar Elat Court, Meridian, Idaho, and I am an Idaho customer. EXAMINAT]ON BY MR. JEWELL: 0 please? A o A o Irve got here I clean energy by And can you spell Dunlap for the record, Pardon? Can you speff your l-ast D-u-n-I-a-p. Thank you, go ahead. They've gone over a lot wanted to read. Idaho 2045. I didn't know it name ? of things that Power plans was on the to go back25 307 a o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 \2 13 74 15 L6 L1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 of the solar panels that homeowners own and thatrs what it's looking 1ike. I'd like to see them go total green, clean energy they say, but not on our back. Most peopl-e that went sofar did it help to the environment. Solar panels are not cheap, about $1,000 a panel with installation. It takes about 20 panels or more to be efficient, to make j-t really worth it. Most people have to finance the installation and try to get monthly payments that are cl-ose to their monthly electrj"c bil-f as possibl-e so it doesn't hurt their budget; in other words, they try to balance it out. Most financing takes from 10 to 14 years. On .larger setups, it takes longer. With Idaho Power's plan to cut in half the kilowatt allowance, financial payment that means and ha 1f ofyou sti1l have your e.Lectric a monthly bi 11 again on a l-ot ofunfair burden which can families; in other to try put an words . used to pay,yourre paying half plus you're st j- l,I your bill paying the aga j-n that you financiaL it's worth not go. I anybody go but for us into it. Euture homeowners can figure it out if it to go sofar with the new proposed rates or don't think solar when yourre going to have hardly theyrre trying to get the rates in, cast by ldaho Power and we bitthe dye Now, they W.l S want us to now, they want too25 308 DUNLAP Publ ic o o 1 3 4 6 1 8 9 10 l-1 L2 13 74 15 16 71 o 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890. s198 TAYLOR PubIic change it, leaving us holding the bag. Thatrs about it. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: LetIS See if there are any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commissj-on. If not, thank you for your testimony, (The witness feft the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We'1I cal-I now Tami Taylor. TAMI TAYLOR, appearing as a public witness, sworn, testified as follows: havlng been first duly EXAMINAT ION 309 BY MR. JEWELL: Q Hefl-o, good evening. Wi-11 you please state and spefl your name for the record? A Tami Taylor, T-a-m-i T-a-y-1-o-r. Q And your address ? A 3299 West Davis Lane, Meridian, Idaho- 0 Are you a customer of Idaho Power? A I am. Q Okay, the floor is yours. Thank you. A We invested in solar in April, a $70,000 I 1 2 3 4 5 tr 1 8 9 10 1l 72 o 13 l4 15 L6 t1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 TAYLOR Pubfic investment. $600-1,300 retirement the Cornmission? My power bills were from parties to If not, thank running anywhere from as we got cl-oser to us out, so we the case or members of you for your testimony. a month and we figured this would rea1ly help calculated the cost out and my payments are $500 a month on my solar, but my power bills dropped substantially, and I that know looking around in this room, everybody has put a big investment j-n this trying to go green, trying to help themsefves out so they will be better set for retirement or cheaper costs in their fives, and Irm not as eloquent as the rest, but I just wanted to make sure Idaho Power hears this and that you guys were weII aware of what you guys were doing when we signed up for this, an agreement you had with all of us, and Irm hoping that you listen to all- of us in this room that it is life-changing if you change these, put 6 and I into effect. COMMISSIONER K,JELLAN DER: Thank you. Are there questions (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSlONER KJELLANDER: We'lI caff Anne Herndon. 25 310 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 I 9 10 11 L2 I 13 L4 15 16 !1 18 1.9 20 2I 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5r98 311 HERN DON Public appearang as was examined ANNE HERN DON, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testifled as foll-ows: THE WITNESS: Anne Herndon, A-n-n-e H-e-r-n-d-o-n, 6110 Bay Street, Boise, Idaho. Yes, I'm a customer of Idaho Power and I agree with all the statements before. I hron't go into them again. I just wanted to maybe add a couple things. One of the main reasons we invested in our power -- our solar panels was for the clean energy and for the environmenta.I benefit and I see a ]-ot of people come up to me and say oh, you know, you've got solar panels, that's really cool. How do you like it? It's great. I feef good about it, but Idaho Power keeps messing with us and I can't truthfully tell anybody that it's a good idea to get solar right now in Idaho because of what Idaho Power is doing, so I feel that that's just not rightf and the PUC is a Publ-j-c Utilities Cormission for the public and that means we need to encou.rage c.Iean, renewable energy for Idaho and that needs to be the bottom line and you need to pay attent.ion that. I did want to submit one of the fittle flyers we always get in our bill-, because it does state that ldaho Power's goal is to be 100 percent clean energyI25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 l1 t2 a 13 l4 15 t6 L'1 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. sr-98 JEN SEN PubIic like the other gentleman said before and they need to pay attention to that and they canrt do that by killing sola\r. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let's see if there are any questions from parti-es to the case or members of the Commission. Thank you for your testimony. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we'II caff Diane Jensen from Meridian. appearlng as was exami-ned DIANE JENSEN, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as f oIl-ows: THE WITNESS: My name D-i-a-n-e ,J-e-n-s-e-n, and I Iive at Street, Merldian, and as you can telf, l-ive on sociaf security on.ly, and when is Diane Jensen, 2571 West Willard I'm retired and I we put our sol ar everything j ust was the best plan our power bill to the charging us, because we to build up the points, to me. panels in, we like everybody did all the figuring and else and figured that it for us, because we coufd reduce $5.25 that ldaho Power would be would be generating enough power which this.is very di sappointingo25 I o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 7?, 13 L4 15 16 L1 27 l-o 79 20 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.51-98 313 for 30 years and you canrt change make more profit doing. They made ve been a banker once you make a it j ust because and worked with Ioans and I f eel- t.hat's what Idaho contract with you think you s omebody, need to Powe r i- s a contract with all of us people at one .rate, We invested in it to first make it green, society and we our future. I also thought it was the a green, more best thing for to go through a our sofar panels to enabl-e people everybody to they already sucker peopLe say. Letrs see if the case or worked at the Iegislature this last people from putting year and bi 1l to great big process and so this was I I find it put these knew what solar panels. order for us the y and I to do it's We had to get deal encouraged think that and it was Idaho Power worked very hard and lobbied for a change the Iaw so that HOA's couldn't bfock IN them and then feft a very good who HOA's have sa.id no, you cantt have these panefs, but interesting that solar panels up they were going into getting of a lot more there are any members of the testimony. go r, ng have to t.o cosL them a heck and that ' s alf COMMI SS IONER questions from Commissi-on. I KJELLANDER: partles to If not, thank you for your (The witness left the stand. ) JENSEN Public O 25 I 1 2 3 A 5 6 1 I o 10 lt 72 o l3 l4 15 76 I1 l8 l9 20 27 22 23 2A CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 SHEALY Publ ic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We'Il now calI Barbara Shapel. MS. SHAPEL: I will forego my turn. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay. thank We'11 cafl next Alan Shealy, and just a reminder for you . those that who may this is want to fill out written comments, I know probably going and we have yet than you a fi rst might have break, if youant icipated woufd 1i ke to fill out some longer to take written we stillcomment s , j ust wantedhave those forms in the back, so I that to your attentj-on and remind to bring you of that. ALAN SHEALY, appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn, testified as f ol-l-ows: EXAMlNAT]ON BY MR. JEWELL: Q Wilt you state and spe11 your name for the record, please? A Yes, I live at 2153 East to thank the Chair. I'm Afan Shealy, Solitude Court in Commi-ssioners for A-l-a-n S-h-e-a-1-y. Boise, and Ird l-ike hearing my brief becausetestimony. I'm going to be mercifullya25 374 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 11 72 o 13 l4 l-5 15 71 1B 19 2A 27 22 24 CSB REI'ORT INC 208.890.5198 SHEALY Pubfic people have touched going to say, but I thj-ngs. I wanted to envisioned and j ust in it. on just about wanted to j ust everything that I was Iook at the proposal as to point out one of the examane a couple of currently absurdit ies No. 1, I implore the Comr0issioners to grandfather the existing systems for the reasons stated, but if we fook at the proposa.L, the proposal, cuts reimbursement rates by about 50 per:cent in eight years to 4.4 cents per kil,owatt-hour. This is a static number. For those people who aw a.r e are considering investing in these that that's a static nurnber in thesystems now, be proposaf. That rates of around existing systems those numbe.rs are doesn't change. Now, assuming 8.5 cents a kilowatt-hour and cu r rent assuming just a base rate of inffation of around two percent, itrs reasonable to assume that over a 2O-year period of time, werre going to see rates in the 13-14-cent ki.Iowatt-hour range. What that means with that 4.4-cent reimbursement rate 1s a minimum inflation adjusted reimbursement cut of 65-70 percent. That is not being factored in here, so if yourre looking -- assum.ing that you're going to -- and I hope that you grandfather in, these people ought to be aware that going to significantJ-y and harmfullyo25 315 t 1 2 3 4 6 'l 8 9 10 11 t2 o 13 T4 15 76 L1 t 18 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ]NG 208.890.5198 S H EALY PubIic affect the Idaho Power oh, there' s numbers when they crunch anot-her thing I want to is trying to kiII a gnat them, and to me -- cover, too. I think with a cruise missife here. If you fook at current capacity generated by was about 11-12 megawatt-hours the current generation, the a sofar rooftop, fast year about 2,000 net metering customers last year. or megawatts, I'm sorry, This year it's greater, but if you fook at what that means in terms of the total ratepayer base of 535,000, that's about 0.37 percent of aff the ratepayers. The production that they generate, the capacity that they have is less than four-tenths of one percent of the totaf capacity generating capability of Idaho Power, which I think at a peak levef is about 3,200 megawatts, so this is a very, very sma11 problem for ldaho Power. For them to pewl and whine that this is going to signifi.cantly impact thelr ratepayers fa11s on deaf ears here. I just don't understand j-t, and there's a moral play here to say nothj-ng of the potential legal taking that this involves for existj-ng system owners, and perhaps some lawyers are sa1ivating at a class action suit here. I don't know. Irm not a lawyer, but this is the equivalent of Idaho Power sticking their hands in our pockets and taking out do]-l-ar bi]ls, a fot of doll-ar25 316 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 o 13 74 15 L6 7l 18 19 ZU 2-l 22 23 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 S HEALY Publ i c bi]ls, but what I woufd like to ask ldaho Power is what kind of a message does this send to our children? What kind of a to the community message does this say, does of the United States, tothrs put out Idahoans who want to step up like we all did in this room and do the rj.ght thj,ng, to walk the walk? What does it say with Idaho Power essentia1.Iy taking a flame thrower to people who want to put these systems on their roofs? They'd have to be dead above the neck to do it, so basical-Iy what this does is it Power is saying we donrt people to take inexhaustible supply done on our rooftops We donrt want that to neutraf by 2045, but of energy, that we 204 days on average happen. Sure, we w-a says, Idaho advantaqe of an get radiating out of the year. want to be carbon those who want to step existing people who did find that shameful. I there are any members of the 're going to do it by victimizj-ng up and do the right thing and the the right thing to begin with. I would be embarrassed if I were working for Idaho Power. Thank you. your testlmony. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let's see if questions from parties to the case or Commission. Thank you, Mr. Shea.ly, for THE WITNESS: Thank you. (The witness left the stand. )o 25 317 o a t- 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 a 11 72 13 74 15 16 1.1 1B 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MATTERN Pubfic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDERI Itrs our intent at this point to take about a 1o-minute break and we will resume at around the top of the hour and so, again, a ten-minute break and we will go off the record. (Recess. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We are back on the record now and we wi.Il call the next witness, No. 1-8. ft is Robert and I believe it's Mattern. MR. MATTERN: Close enough. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank you. appearing as was examined ROBERT MATTERN, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as f o1l-ows: THE WITNESS: My name j-s Robert Mattern, R-o-b-e-r-t M-a-t-t-e-r-n. I live at 380 Clabby Road in Weiser. That's C-I-a-b-b-y, 83612, and yes, I am an Idaho power user. I put my solar system in, it's been j-n now just slightly over a year, I've got about 3,100 kifowatt-hour:s of credit which I'11 use up thi-s wj-nter. Now, you're telling me with the short date we have, I mean, January 1st, guys, is right around the corner. This Commission needs to stop this immediately. I have a few comments and some questions25 318 t 1 2 3 A 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 a l3 74 15 L6 l1 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 I'd flke to flnd out, and I know we canrt answer them tonight, how the laws in Idaho compare to our neighboring states in regards to solar. What protections have other states given to their citizens who are engaged in this? One of the things I did, like everybody here, I spent a conslderable amount of time looking at my return on investment, how this was going to penciJ- out. frm retired, like most of the people here, and one of the things that I had hoped a solar system for my by me investing a considerable amount of money home that it would increase ne j-ghbors on both sides their air conditioners, it's summer, Idaho Power profit off of that, because who Irm supplying the power conditioner, fike, 12 cents my home's value, because I of me and down the street to run which because it's peak load and 1n coufd use that as a selling point at some point to a new buyer that hey, I'm charging a littfe more than the neighbor, but look at the benefits that you have. This new proposal is going to take many of those benefits away; therefore, I will suffer a financial loss due to Idaho Power's policies. In the summertime, I buifd credits at about 8.7 cents a kilowatt-hour and that goes down to my is still making about 30 pe r cent neighbor j ust they're charging the for to run their air a kilowatt-hour. It25 379 MATTERN PubI ic a I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 don't seem quite fair. I think, if anything, instead of it going down, it shoufd go up to realistically compensate us for the benefits that we give them during peak loads. Idaho Power advertises on TV, 2045 they want to go green. How can you possibly go green when you discourage everybody in this room and alL their neighbors from ever investing in a sol-ar system? It wonr t penciJ., and one real-l-y big question I would llke to find an answer to, I know it won't be tonight, thj-s new program proposes you're going to monitor my usage hourly? Come on. Nowhere in the country does that happen. A11 power bi1ls are done on a monthly basis. The only reason theyrre going to u,ant to do it hourly is so they can manipulate the system so they can make even mo.re money off of us. That's not fair. In the fetter, it says they have 550,000 customers currently. The way this area is booming with the housing and stuff going in, that number is goinq up. Put whatever number in there you want. My question is at what point is Idaho Power going to have to expand their power production to meet that increased demand? Right now solar: people are about one percent of the whole market. That's insignlficant. They should be encouraging. They should get up to five or ten CSB REPORTING 208. 890.5198 MATTERN Public 10 11 72 13t l4 1B 15 16 l1 19 I 20 27 22 23 24 25 320 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72t13 14 15 15 l1 1B t9 20 27 22 23 24t CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 McBRI DE Pubfic percent of the homeowners be putting solar in. They benefit off every one of us under the current system. It seems highly unfair to cut our return in half. As people have stated, I'm 58 years old. I've got a system in. Itrs been in a year. I'd like to live long enough to get my money back. Thank you. COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Are or members ofthere quest j-ons case the Commission? from parties to the If not, thank you appearing as was examined for your testimony. (The witness left the stand.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Michaef McBride. MICHAEL MCBR I DE, a public witness, having been duly swo.rn, and testified as f oI]ows: THE WITNESS: My name is Michael McBride, M-i-c-h-a-e-l- M-c-B-r-i-d-e. I live aL 2502 Lauri.e Lane in Twin EaJ-Is County, Idaho, and I am a cust.omer of Idaho Power. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Please provide your statement. Thank you. THE WITNESS: it's been said a.Iready, but one who's tried to read the Okay, some of what I had so far, I seem to be the only sett-Lement agreement, so my25 )z I o t 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 o 1-3 t4 L5 16 ll 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24t CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 McBRI DE Pubf i c corunent s are based on the copy of the settlement find on Idaho Power's web page andI couldagreement that I hope there's some different just one copy out there and there aren't agreement.s, I guess on the positive slde, I'd fike to te1I you we appreciate being able to come tal-k to you about these things, and I think it's great that the current service price charges will stil-I remain around $5.00 per month, which had been a contested thlng in the past, and I also think it's great that we can pay a $10.00 fee and aggregate our credlts and move them over to, say, my past year irrigation. I have a 1itt]e tiny pasture pump which is on a sepa.rate transformer and separate bifI. When I read the agreement, though, I have some concerns. one of my concerns, it's very difficult for a lay person to read and understand it, particularly when they're talking about on page 5, I believe it is, the development of Schedu.Ies 6 and 8 and terms like blended energy rate and the difference between the current export credit rate and 75 percent of what the difference would be. It's lust Another comment f mentioned that they need to justification for why rates see a copy of the shoul-d change. I woul-d real confus ing, would have is Idaho Por,.rer controf s the data. Severa-I other firstly, people have 25 322 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 16 l1 18 19 20 2L 22 2.3 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 McBRI DE Public encou rage with, if supports because f the y their the Commission to push ldaho Power to come up haven't alreadyf with the data that's don't wanting to do what they want to do, think it's there. I al-so am concerned about this new invention of net hourly bi I I ing . and track usage been by the done , hour, It's amazing that they can go on the ccmputer but that's not how it's u u.r tradit ionafly personally, maybe a little biased, but I'm wondering if thatrs just a trojan horse that they put in there so that they can further manipulate in out years something they have in mind; otherwise, I don't see any reason to calcufate it hourly and then make it a monthfy bi1ling. One possibfe concern I learned over dinner last night wj-th one of the neighbors who was thinking about putting in power, sol-ar powe.r, is that the vendors who do put in solar power are having a real hard time doing bids right now, and if they have to use the hourly figures of net hourly billing, it may be very difficult, impossible for them to give customers, future customers, an accurate readout on what their positj.ves and negatives are in this process. I donrt know why el-se they would need to devefop that new. f am not a member of the Sierra CLub. t don't work at Micron. I don't have stock in Idaho Power, I o 25 323 a a 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 l4 15 16 18 19 20 L1 ?L 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT ING 208.890.5198 but there's been a l-ot of people doing a 1ot of work on this settlement agreement and I suppose it's to try to keep lt out of court, but I don't know how it wilf work out. I do have some just barely connection with the Idaho Conservation League and from what we not sign not f air understand was that they to the people just what I rve from them is one reason they did felt that this future system was that are currently in heard. They may tel-1 the program. That' s you differentfy, I don't know. So I would recommend, as severaf other people did, are already current net Commission, there is a were doinq nobody was wiff tafk you and at obl- ivious that the four or in the program be metering program can work with the more thousand people tha t alfowed to stay in the and then you, as a Power Company to see j-f future for othe r people want to to do rooftop solar or deal with themif Idaho Power just doesn't anymore. Sunday I because we're kind of a wal- ked around our neighborhood, Iittle solars/ and knocked on doors to hot spot see what for rooftop the ne ighbors At two doors I'11 go with completely of fooked at with regards home. At one to this meetino. door Bob Sojka back there, who later, one of my nei-ghbors, said two other homes the people were as to what was going on and kinda25 324 MCBRI DE Pubf i c I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 I?t 13 t4 15 16 l1 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 McBRI DE Public me like a man from the moon who just knocked on their door. They had no c.l-ue. They're too busy -- we1l, thatrs why you only have 2,000 people here tonight. They were too busy cooking Thanksgiving dinner, taking care of the kids, watching the football game, and doing thj-ngs people do and probably didn't spend much time reading that letter that they got from Idaho Power that saj,d, oh, by the way, things are going to change big time if we get ou.r way, so those people are rea1ly dependent on the Public Utilities Commj,ssion to stand up for them and do what's fair. A year-and-a-half ago or about then, I testified in Pocateflo at a meeting about Idaho Power want j-ng and we to raise our serv.ice fees from $5.00 to 565.00 won that. Maybe we should woufdn't be after the have lost, because then maybe they now, but at justify why more for a bi-g money they are after data tothat time they did not have the people with sola r panels should get charged people without them, so itservice charge than seems to me like we're in a big ongoing battle here. A couple of things that I did pick up because I read the settlement agreement, even though I couldn't understand it, was -- I'11 just list a couple. There's p]-aces in t-he out.Iine of the settJ-ement agreement where people kind of went I guess that's okay, but we'reo25 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 I2 I 13 14 15 L6 71 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 t 25 326 MCBRI DE Pubfic going to maintain the right at a Later date to argue on a docket about whether spec.ific language such as how things are developed occur, so they're approving the general outline four or five times, but not approving what the methodology would be, and I think if there's that many places where they haven't got their job done and building a consensus here that maybe the settlement agreement isn't done enough to present to you. One thing that rea1Iy kind of shocked me is on page 3, the energy vafue wilJ- be decreased by 10 percent to reflect the non-firm nature of energy provided by on-site regulators or generators, excuse me. The methodology to determine such val-ue is not part of the settlement agreement, but the parties retain their right to advocate for a methodology to determine such a vafue in a future docket was one of them, so right offhand, theyrre saying our powe.r is worth 10 percent l-ess because it's non-f i-rm in nature. When ldaho Power builds a solar array down at Rogerson, the same clouds go over Rogerson that's going to go over my house, are they going to decrease the value of their reduced electricity to the public by 1-0 percent because a cloud went by that day? I don't think so, and it's not clear whether this 10 percent deva.Iuation of the power werre putting in there is part o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I o 10 a 11 l2 13 1.4 15 76 l1 1B l9 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT'ING 208. 890.5198 AS HER Publ l c of the 50 percent cut or is this with this document on how much a iea]Iy a 60 percent cut unit will be worth after them and then they send I had, Thanks for your they send it back. time, hope after we send it to That ' s pretty much what you make a good decision. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and do we have any members of the testimony thi s questions from parties to the case or not, thank you for yourCommission? 1f evening, THE WITNESS:Thank you. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER K,IELLANDER: We'1I call the next witness Melody Asher. She's No. 20 out of a List of 115. appearang as was examined MELODY ASHER, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as folfows: THE WITNESS: My name is Melody Laurie Asher, M-e-1-o-d-y A-s-h-e-r. I five at 2502 Lane, Twin Ea11s, I daho, so it's easier in the county and I do have a copy of notes we spent the idea that for you. We're not rich, but 34,120 to put solar panels on we would pay it off ln 12-15 our roof with years, something li ke that.25 321 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 a 72 13 L4 15 t6 l1 2t 1B 19 20 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 ASHER Publ ic I 328 We as a family made that. substantial- j-nvestment in solar panels because we felt it was the right thing to do, not, not to just get a lower power bi11. Obviously, i-t's not a lower power bi1I. It's going to take us a l-ong time to pay it off, but we would like to pay it off before we're dead . We spent a good portion of the money that we got when my parents passed away on this, because it was the right thing to do. We put solar roofs -- solar panefs on our roofs as our way to contribute to Iess human-caused g1oba1 warming and climate change. We put solar panels on our roof and became on-site generation or net metering customers because we hope that that can make a difference in the world by -- make a difference global-l-y by acting locally and by produclng and using solar power. Through the currently existing program, lj-ke I said, it would take 12 plus years, L2-1-4 years to pay back our investment and it wilf take even longer if fdaho Power is allowed to give us l-ess than the kil-owatt-hour credit for our excess power. Our solar power system was designed to meet a certaj-n percentage of our usage and it wonrt do that if ldaho Power is allowed to credit us for half our exported power. We as a society and as our powe.r companies a o t CSB REPORTING 208. 890. 5198 ASHER PubI ic need to do this now, not in 10 or 20 years. We're contributing percent cfean and reviewing enerqy by 2045 goal. what -inf ormation we righl now to Idaho Power's hopefully 100 news, mailj,ngs, Internet searches, all- that sort of stuff, we couldnr t see that anyone, Idaho Power or anyone else, and maybe we just can't find it, I don't know, did the comprehensive study of the costs and benefits of sol-ar power that the on-site generation customers send in to the grid like the PUC, you guys, told them they had to do l-ast year before they would be alfowed to change the value of the credit of our excess electrj-city, Isn't that something that was supposed to happen before they were allowed to change the net metering rufes? If they did a comprehensive study, then where is it? lrd like to see it. I would have thought that it would have been inc.Iuded as an attachment to the settlement agreement. The comprehensive study should have explained the rationale used to devel-op the new schedule. We're doing j-t now coul-d find in.loca] cu.rrent kilowatt-hour credit is a fair credit for our To me, the for kilowatt-hour exported i-nvestment in local., clean us, including Idaho Power. Idaho Power wants to change ene rgy About that benefits all of 50 percent credit li ke the ki-lowatt credit to does 329 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 L"7 t8 19 20 2L 22 a2 24 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 l4 15 16 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 ASHER Pubf i c not seem reasonable or fair. Idaho Power must have studied the they want make even hou r 1y change VEISUS monthly net metering because also, and they must be going to our on-s j-te generation throughmoney and,hourly meter j,ng that and I would it j-s now, not on hourly. Idaho Power residential solar power littl-e brochures to that. generation for them, customers because we to more aIso. that, off They' re -- makes again, we havenrt seen a study about like to stay on monthly net metering as Company acts l-ike they support send out do. Instead, Idaho Power should generation and they support their on-site are making soJ-ar power money. I think that effect wiLh our bills and maintain a web page encourag.ing customer sol-ar power, but I have to say that they do have, nowadays anyway they have, a litt1e note that says check on what's go.ing on, that it might be dlfferent than what it is now, but they send out littfe brochures encouraging people to use green power and to possibly get solar power, but they seem to want to make it fess and less worthwhile for their customers to actually have solar panels. You know, f mean, no one wil-l- be ab.Ie to afford to have solar panels if they do what they want to Idaho Power puts making plenty of money off our excess neighbors at fuf l- rate andpower by selling it to oura25 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 t-1 72 o 13 74 15 15 T1 19 ?a 2L 22 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 ASHER Public they didn't pay to make it. T expect that there is no almost no line .Ioss with the power going to our adjacent neighbors. I do not believe that Idaho Power should be al-l-owed to change the vafue of on-site generation kil-owatt-hour credits. The settfement agreement clearly states that the parties thereln involved .Leave it up to you guys, t.he PUC, as to whether current on-site generation customers should be grandfathered and remain under the same system that was in place when -- you know, that's in place now and I think that they shouLd grandfather afl current custome.rs on -- you know, that are generating power in the same kil-owatt-hour per excess kilowatt-hour and use monthly net mete.r.ing. That way, current customers would live by the rul-es that would know up receive and be front what energy ab-Le to determine cred j-ts they would how l-onq it woufd really up gett j-ng a worse solar power on are already in place and new customers ta ke know know, deal, to pay back thelr investment, and if you want to the truth, I thlnk they shou.Ld geL same deal-. You I don't think they should end beca us e people ' s roofs it wi 1l- be the anyway. This is onl,y end of fair, so I please ask you to reject Idaho Povrer's request to establish newo25 331 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 11 13 l2 t4 16 15 l1 2t 1B 19 20 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 SOJKAPublic compensation structures for their customers that are already generating power and leave us under the current existing rufes and structures. Thank you very much. COMMISSlONER KJELLANDER: Do we have any questj-ons from parties to the case or members of the Comrnission? Thank you for you testimony. THE WITNESS: Thank you. (The witness feft the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Robert Soj ka. appearang as was examined ROBERT SOJKA, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: THE WITNESS: My name is l-j-ve at 2506 Laurie Lane in Twin Eal-ls, been an Idaho Power customer since 1986. Robert Soj ka. I Idaho, and I have MR. JEWELL: Excuse me, sir, can you spell Soj ka for the record? THE WITNESS: The last name is spelled S-o-j-k-a. I'II start with the most important statement and that ls that I requested that the .PUC reject and nullify the proposed settlement offered by fdaho Power and require a compl-ete study by an outside panel- of experts from states that have successfull-y impfementedo25 332 o t I 2 3 4 6 1 8 9 10 t2 13 l4 15 16 11 11 2L 18 t9 20 22 23 ?4 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 SOJKA PubI ic permanent net meterj-ng for domestic sofar generation. I totally agree with Joshua Hill. I also l-aws were egregiously the comrnents of the first spea ke r, public meeting agree that viofated Idaho's j-n reaching this settfement.There should be legal these violations. repercussions and that into a Let's make one Idaho Power woufd have never promotion of sofar power and metering several years ago if enough math to determrne that consequences to Power. fn fact, it's under the original net thing perfectly clear. lnitiated the original on-site generation and net it hadn't already done the terms of the original metering terms and the changes -- the changes that net metering compensation weren't a good deal- for Idaho a great deal for Idaho Power, and under the original metering terms and they propose now wildly fantastic are aimed deal- for at parJ-aying themselves. In this arrangement, the homeowner pays the fulI tab for system design, materials, and installation, bears the total responsibility for its maintenance and alI Iiability regarding impact on future work on or near the system or problems the system may cause to the home st.ructure in the futurei for example, roof damage, perhaps, during wind or whatever. I'n going to skip a number of points thato25 333 o t 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 l0 11 72 a 13 L4 15 16 t1 18 19 20 2l 22 23 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 SOJKA Pubf i c have already been made quite wef .l-, but one thing that I do want to tafk about- i-s the fact that we're hearing about developing large scale solar farms as a component of the ]daho Powe r and one of the things about that they suffer from the same other s t.at ic generation system a cosmetic Band-Aid on their Iarge scale solar transmission loss has, and so thi s system, farms is that any is putting environmentaL program to further promote some of these other rate schedule changes. If we were here today arguing about the price of any other commodity or service that had been lnitially contracted and paid for in advance and in good faith, then within months of signing the agreement the selling party demanded a better deaf, it would be regarded, as a previous speaker has said, bait and switch or welching on the deal. This is particularly true given the cl-out differentiaf of a statewide entity versus an individual customer or citizen with the PUC. Idaho Power has vastly more influence with the Utilities Commission than individuaf citizens and Idaho Power knows that. They know it and theyrve played their cards from that influence perspective. There's some questions that arise in my mind given that consideration. We, my wife and I and our famify, have never failed to pay our power bil-l in a timely manner anda25 334 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 l1 72 o 13 74 15 76 71 1B 19 2A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s19B SOJKA Public 18 months or so ago, we invested over $40,000 of our savings based on an Idaho Power stated terms governing the domestic solar i.nstallations. That would have meant our power biII had been paid in fulf in advance for the life of our system. Secondly, adding our system under Idaho Power's original terms was an added value for our home in the event of resal-e. The proposed new terms will greatly diminish or even wipe out that resale val-ue from the j-mprovement j.nvestment that we made of over $40,000. I donrt think they shoufd have the power to do that. f have to ask, is it Idaho Power's actual intent to stifle competition by supressing investments in domestic solar systems? From everything that I've heard tonight i ntent and everything I've befieved before that the sofe the individual solar generat ion of this meter schedul-ing change is to in fact kilf movement within the State of Idaho for a variety of both convenience and economj-c reasons that benefit Idaho Power. I thought competitlon was good for capitalism. Why wouldn't it be in the people -- why would it ever be in the people of Idahors interest to do this when so.Lar domestic installers are the fastest growing job sector in the Idaho economy, and it's the onLy sector thatrs growing right now that actually pays aa25 335 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72t13 L4 15 l6 t1 1B 19 20 27 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 SO JKA Publ ic livable wage. 100 percent sofar farms ? wouldn't we compensation be thinking as we]l? That system of referred to variously as total-itarianism and are Eourthly. wiII Idaho Power give comp.Iete a]so be getting 100 percent net metering for our instaflations? I think we need to about that. Another observatj-on, there have been and net metering compensation to And if they do, what's the these large difference? Why and management is soc.ialism, or even really allow Idaho to there are other countries where public entities regard what the public entity oh,ns as theirs, but also regards what individuaf citizens have belonging to that publ-ic entity as wel-f . Does fdaho Power Lrelieve that what is theirs is theirs and that what is ours ls theirs, also, possesslon commun I sm, we going to go down that citizens? I in Idaho. our cit.i zens their frustration over path and behave that way think that ' s shameful . I remind the PUC that times are changing have already successfully vented public officials ' insensitivity to problems that have already been states. ln this case, let's use Medicaid expansion. When put to a vote in j iggered metering towards its reasonable solutions to shown to work the example of other states, in other net metering was kept anda25 336 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 o L3 l4 15 L6 L1 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 SOJKA Public was rejected by voters. Idaho has an initiatrve process and I way with the PUC Power wou.Id be would hope that if that this litera-I Idaho Powe r grab by don ' t has lts powe r ldaho challenged by voters treated unfairly. I has expressed quite a regarding fdaho Power angst to the PUC for who like being ignored or process to proceed enraged as we are are doing tonight. to think that this audience probably bit of its angst to this situation and I suspect there may be as much having enabled and affowed this this point so that we have to be as and speak our views rn the way that we for the opportunity to give Thank you very much comment . COMM] SS IONER KJELLANDER :Thank you. Are case or membersthere any questions of the Commission? this evening. ( The from part ies ff not, thank to the you for your testimony w.itness f ef t the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we wiII call now the next witness which is Brian Cossins. Brian C-o-s-s-i-n-s from Middfeton. Okay, we'II move on to Rick .Iust. 331 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 l1 l2 o 13 l4 15 76 71 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 JU ST Pubf i c appearrng as was examined B.ICK JUST, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as fo].Iows: THE WITNESS: My name is Rick Just, R-i-c-k J-u-s-t. I ]-ive at 11544 West Jenilyn Court in Boise and I am an Idaho Power customer. Members of the Commission, I just have about 90 seconds worth of testimony here. I'11- make three quick points. No. 1, the name of this proposed settlement agreement is study of costs, benefits, and compensation of net excess energy supplied by customer on-site generation. I l-ike irony as much as the next person, but I would like to point out that there has been no study presented. No. 2, we instal-l-ed our rooftop system in 2016 and have since added more panels, a hybrid electric water heater, and a compfete new electric heat pump system. That alf cost us $45,000. We did that based on the assumption that the net metering prog.ram we signed up for woufd remain substantialfy as it was. We designed our system j-n response to that program. We woul-d have designed it very differently had we known Idaho Power wouJ-d radically change it with hourly monitoring, We counted on the Company to keep its word and on the PUC to see that they dj-d. It would be onlyo25 338 o a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 13 L4 15 15 71 18 19 20 2l 22 23 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BENTLEY Public fair to existing net metering program customers to be grandfathered in, but that really isntt the main point. The main point is future customers on point three. In spite of Idaho Power's public refations efforts that exto.Is solar power, the effect of this settl-ement would be to all but ki]] future rooftop so]ar, decimate rooftop solar j-nstallation companies, and jeopardize future maintenance and warranty issues for those of us who already have systems by putting those instal-l-ers out of business. Thank you, Commissioners. ' COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions? If not, thank you for your testimony this evening. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Teri Ottens. LaUf ie RFni I a\/ appearing as was examined LAUR]E BENTLEY, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as f ol-lows: THE WITNESS: My name is L-a-u-r-i-e, last name B-e-n-t-1-e-y. I North Bfack Sand Avenue in Meridian, and Power customer. Irm outraged that Idaho Laurie Bent l-ey, live at 5472 I am an Idaho Power continueso25 339 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 a 13 14 15 76 11 1B 19 2A 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208. 890. s198 340 BENTLEY Public to deincentivize the ins ta l- latron solar-powered electrical systems of persona.I for homeowners .We're facing a g Ioba I more sustainable cl.imate crisis and need to be moving to a system to generate power now. homeowners who have installedIndividual solar panels have been doing their part to help reduce carbon emissions and we need to protect the consumer and future generations rather than focusing on what will make Idaho Power the most profitable Company they can be. These productions shoufd apply to existing net metering customers as wel.L as future homeowners who install soJ-ar, because the benefits cal-l-ed out by the petition such as the benefits of reduced Iine maintenance and avoided capacity issues, as well as environmental- benefits have not been taken into consideration when calcufating the export credit rate. The formu.La is calculated -- as calculated does not give homeowners anything close to fair and equitable compensation for the power they generate if it doesn't include these benefits, which it does not. I spent more than S45,000 out of pocket in 2013 to install solar panels and lithium-ion batteries to store the extra capacity gene-rated by my system, which is more than a year's worth of safary for me. My goal was to stabilize the cost ofa25 I I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 T2 o 13 t4 15 16 ll 1B 79 20 27 22 2,4 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.s198 BENT LEY Publ ic energy for myself since I don't have a pension or a significant retirement account to fal] back on when I get old like many baby boomers under a constant attack by those funds, so my future one of the lucky to l-ive frugal1y, wastefuf. I do. Even social security is politicians tryJ-ng to raid is uncerta.in and ones, because my parents conserve the resources, s ca ry, t aught and not and I 'm me how be thought my abiJ,ity to generate my own electricity wou.Id be a great way to protect the environment, while also giving myself an insurance policy against future rate hikes and changes l-ike the ones Idaho Porder is proposing. As a native ldahoan. I urge you to please protect consumers and continue to reward those of us who give a damn about preserving Idaho's future by rejecting Idaho Power's proposal to change net metering for existing and future net metered customers. Thank you for allowing my testimony. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions? Thank you for your testimony. (The witness feft the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: John Cherion or is it Therion? John from Meridian and I be]ieve itrs Ta]1 Pine PIace, Meridlan. No, okay. We'fI move on to Gary Roeder.I 25 347 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 appea.rr-ng as was examined GARY ROEDER, a pubiic witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: THE WlTNESS: Gary Roeder, G-a-r-y R-o-e-d-e-r. I five in Boise. Idaho, and I am a current net metering cusl-omer with ldaho Power. I'II L on i, ght Eirst and put of all, I it just echo a a different rea I1y really party and few of the things 1've heard twist on a couple of things, appreciate feels 1i ke the Lhe opportunity to testify, but 11th hour. I feel like the concept of due solar owner. I will suffer financlal- process has been los t- to the petition as a in this. I feel that I am a custome.r and as a net metering damages in the does make me a only opportunity Irve not right. event the party to the very the pet ition, Iast- day and PUC does pass this and that and yet, here I am, you know, on this is the had to make a conment and thatrs o I a.Iso want to echo one of the other comments that were made about the actua]- matter itself. The title is a study. It doesn't say anything j-n there about changing the terms, changing conditions, changing the rates. Therers a lot of that in there, but there's not a l-ot of stuciy, so I think that based on that al-one, that should give the PUC the ability to reject the CSB RE PORT I NG 208 .890. s198 ROEDER PubI ic 3 4?, 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 Ll 1B 19 20 2L )) 24 25 o I 2 3 A 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 1"2 a 13 74 15 16 71 18 19 20 21 ?,2 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 ROE DER Pubf ic settl-ement agreement as j,t exceeds the scope of the initial petition. As far as about the net metering on Idaho Power and I had an the detai.Is itself, I'11 echo an hourly basis. I called actually very nice guy talk to me on the phone at net metering, because I didn't know what the heck was in the settlement ag.reement, and he said, "Wel-l- let's pulf up one of your days that yourre on your solar and let's go through what you have there, " and he was able to walk me through and show me al"l the stuff that goes on on the hourly basis meter, so why woul-d they need to month.Iy to a net hourly basis? using change the current net from a net Wel1, there ' s on.Iy one reason do that and thatrs t-o increase their profits. they need to because when he analyzed the nurnlcers, he told me my bill would go up $10-15 a month solely by the change of just doing a change of how they're cal,cul-ating the power. It doesn't change the power going out of my house and coming back into the house. It just changes what they're going to charge for how they're calculating and when the povrer goes in and out of my house. Everybody has pretty much talked about the new scheme and theyrve done a great job talking about how the one-for-one is a good deal for Idaho Power and is a 343 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 a 13 74 15 76 L1 1B 19 2A 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 ROEDER Publ ic if the PUC passes this sett.Iement good deal for me and We calculated 'l 2-i5 technology deve lop ing numbers are you to even a bunch of s ett lement way you or what I echo what yea r: s f or our everybody else has payoff. Itrs now agreement, Gone, said. go ne okay. Not only is it qone, but aII into my house ilself is gone the house, it's worthless to weI1, is it even reasonable. Can can thro$, a big Tesla battery or will that pan out. I did that. There's no my investment that I as weII, because when the next owner. I f i-nd some put I se1l The non-export opti-on about the baLteries, one of the other conlnenters made a statement about this and we looked at this. !,ihen I saw the proposal, I said, fn way where I here andsomething It doesn't pan out. can efficientfy with today' s I'm aware of, even what theyrre with some of the new capacitor technol"ogy, the not there to make j-t financially feasj-b1e for add and so the non-export opt.ion, that's just fluff that ldaho Power threw in that proposed settl-ement agreement .intends to agreement. It's not reasonable, so in sumrnary, the ki 1I residential and future. me for on-site meaningless if solar power The bright generation you end up generatj-on, both the existing Iine that the Sierra CIub told that the parties agreed to is with no residential on-site generationa25 344 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I o l0 11 t2 o 13 l4 15 76 l1 1B 79 20 27 22 24 a CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.s198 ROE DER Publ- i c systems. If the PUC accepts this agreement, it wiff ruin local- solar installation companies. f 've talked to two of then. They canrt go on record because of some lega1 prohibition, and other empl-oyees wiII likel-y fose their J Or-)5 . If the PUC accepts or so of us systems the this settlement agreement, thousands so.Ive the the 5,000 who have pa id with would pay should be tens of a good for of do.Ilars each for our systems from this unfai.r predatory proposal from Idaho faith understanding that our themsel-ves within their f if e f agree enough .Exemptj-ng probl em. This span, we proposal has one thing to kil-I residentia.l- exempted Power, but only .in its soJ.a r power in It's LS with everybody else that this doesn't go far me just because I have solar doesnrt target. Its target j-s Idaho and I think that PUC should reject thi s basis of due process. being only a study. It settlement beyond the agreement on the stated scope of discriminatory and unfair to current net metering customers and furthermore, does the PUC really want to be the executj-oner for solar power in the State of Idaho? Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions? Thank you for your testimony.25 345 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 T2 o 13 74 15 16 L1 18 l-9 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 R] EE Publ- 1c (The witness left the stand. ) CCMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We'll cafl now Brien Riff. appearing as was examined BRIEN RIEF, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as foll-ows: THE !{ITNESS: I'm Brien Riff, B-r-i-e-n R-i-f-f, 12888 North Schicks Ridge Road, Boise, Idaho. AfI set? I just have aI'm an Idaho Power customer. question. Am I allowed the Commission? t.o ask a procedural question to COMMlSSIONER KJELLANDER: We're here to take your testimony. questions. We're not here to answer THE WITNESS: If it's a procedural questlon, we -- COMMI S S IONER that at a break. THE WITNESS: Lot of research in looki.ng Iike to read an example of KJELLANDER: We can an srner Okay. A1f right; so I did a into this case 18-5 and frd what typically happens when an Idaho Public Utilities Commission case is a request for study, and this is actually the very next case, which iso25 346 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 l1 I2 o 13 l4 l5 l6 71 18 l9 20 2T ?2 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 R] F'F' Pubf i c 18-6 and it says, "In the matter of Idaho Power Company to study fixed electric service to customers, " and the appJ-ication of costs for providing here's the memorandum that was issued and it says, "Al-though the partres ref e.rred to t hroughout understood be conducted by the Company parties"i so in Case l8-5, their meet.rngs as settlement conferences this case, parties afso under at the end of this docket. that a with input from generafly study woufd othe r are saying that the end rates. in 1B-6, we be a study, soresult is going to how a study in one we a-re changing languageWith the exact same I rm just confused resu.It.in a change research. There' s procedurally, at work since their occu.r. feast the way inception, in they have order for CASC CAN performed their a rate change to as to of rates, and I went back and did the never been a request to study in Idaho Public ULilities Commission history that has resulted in an change in rates, so there has to be another docket It's why done and I didn't politics difficult ProceduraI1y, that's a there was nobody knows about lt just think ln that we to see big issue for me. this is how it was seems fike the biggest back room deal-. modern day economy and modern day coul-d have somethinq that was this or understand t.ake pl-ace.a 25 341 I 1 2 3 4 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 o 13 L4 15 16 71 18 ).9 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT ING 208.890.5198 RIFE PubIic the Corunission di-scriminatory proposal in Schedule 84, itself and the fact The second thing not to adopt any against on-site .is it's the position of proposal that is generation and this that it does not cover commercial, is discriminatory kilowatt-hour user in a average of 5. 9 cents to continue to get so you as a custome.r, in its own right. whr ch is la rge A 10,000 commercial 9-S environment pays an per fu11 as a kilowatt-hour and they're going credit for that kilowatt-hour, to get cut to 4.4 a 10,000They're st i1I kilowatt-hour this settlement. and Schedule 8, address.ing all to us folks in going to be customer. residentiaf customer, are at5 go 1ng 9 for They're not even affected by This settl-ement only affects Schedule 6 so by of the the proposal itself not even rate Schedule 6, categories is discriminatory as wel] as the fofks in smaff commercial which is Schedul-e 8. Those two things in itself shoufd be enough for the Commission to turn down this proposal, but frm an existing solar customer and I also work in the industry. If you talk to anyone at any leadership position in any of the major companies, this is going to kill thousands of jobs in Idaho. Thousands of peopJ-e will be out of work. I'm a family of four. This is how I'vea25 348 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 1t- L2 o 13 74 15 t6 L1 18 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 RI EE PubI ic supported my chilciren since 2016 anci to without any input and doing it in such pass legi s Iat ion a back room was not involvedprivate meet i ng in, I j ust take was presented. lobby where the Pub] ic there, and She didn't public to that ' s not manner that the public which was when it a look back at the first time thi-s case It was an uproar, because it was rates for solar, and the result was proposed in 2017. a request to change the was the Commission decided there was going to be a study. We just had a little out in the one consumer requested expelrence to see the reque s t the first study who was f rom Utilitles Commission receptionist know how to get it for them. It's out the result was she didn't know where it was. of the files in this case. It's not availab.le point of fight, not in any for the it and decision, point of see unless you specifically okay. The !,hol e the whole point of the the millions of dol]-ars was that if there was a in attorney study that and that I s the Commissi,on makes consumers of Tdaho. the whole fees and money spent we could evaluate it not what's happening the right decis ion It would be really and in effect, first and then make a decision here, so I hope and protects the sad to see solar that ' s what this get killed in Idaho is going to that into consideration, you do. I hope you guys take take families l-ike mine, youa25 349 t 1 2 3 4 5 t) 1 8 9 10 11 T2t13 L4 15 l6 a CSB REPORT ING 208. 890. s19B take the thousands of employees that you're about to put out of work if )/ou pass this legislation. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Are there anv questions? Thank you for your comnents. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: John Gannon. appearang as was examined JOHN GANNON, a pubJ-ic witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as f o].Iows: THE WITNESS: My name is John Gannon, 1104 Johnson Street, Boise, Idaho. It's J-o-h-n G-a-n-n-o-n, and I am an ldaho Power customer,and thank you, your time tonight.Mr. Chairman a legisfator. cent ra.I bench and Commission, for Iam I represent and I think District 17, which is in the it's fair to say that the peopl-e in dependent my di st ri ct upon what we believe that our future ls do today, to use our resources 1n environmentaJ damage in oura wrse way, country and and to prevent around Lhe worfd. Idaho isn' t doing to do a lot, but encou.raging the use of solar 1S a Way something and discouraging to note that solar use sends the wrong message. I want reimbursement to smalf solar producers, as 350 1.1 18 t_9 20 27 22 24 25 GAN NON Publ ic a 10 11 L2 a l3 74 15 76 t1 1B 19 20 27 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 GANNON Publ ic I rve generai-1y reviewed materially affect other couple of cents a month donrt use sofar, but to especiaffy for peopfe Ii ke will not work on my home. the materlals, doesn' t rea.I.Iy electric use.rs. It may cause a to some residential users who more so that we can do something to help I think the second Lhing, me, that is not me who cannot Irm happy to very signj- ficant, use solar. It pay a l- itt 1e bj-t our environment. second huge concern, and it's been expressed by so many people here, is how is it fair to current solar users to change the rates a fwa ys for any s igni f i cant J-y preferable to in midstream? A consistent policy is one that is uncertain and fluctuates industry, especially a new to rel-iabfy present its program makes customers uncomfortable, fewer sal-es, and uncertainty reason. A new must be ab lelndustry, and costs. Uncertainty resu.I t s in a proposes. public support other sources. Unce rta i nt y results in industry will be hurt if you proceed Iack of confidence in an industry. Thj-s as the set t lement I think it's fair to say is evolving in favor of that SOIAI, in Idaho, wi-nd, and As we you not serious climate i- s sues arising, not sendI would just encourage today not discourage Thank you. to send this industrythe wrong message and through this settlement.25 351 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 I 9 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 \2 a 13 74 15 16 l1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 BUSCHERT Public COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Are the.re any questions? Thank you for your testimony, (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We'1I cal-l now Russel.l- Buschert. appearang as was examined RUSSELL BUSCHERT, a pubfic w.itness, having been duly sworn, and testified as foL.Lows: THE WITNESS: Russ, Russell- Buschert, Russel, R-u-s-s-e-1-1. Buschert is B-u-s-c-h-e-r-t . I have met many -- we11, a number of Idaho Power employees over the years and theyrre aII wonderful people. Please don't denigrate them. Theyrre doing in many cases a really good job at hard work, et cetera. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about their top management, so don't bfame your neighbors or anything that work for Idaho Power. They're good peopl-e. My wife and I, we're members of the Sierra Club. We will not be sending them any more money until they reverse their decision on this i.ssue. They certain.Iy werenrt speaking for us and so they need to agree to a different strategy in the future, so I think any Sierra Club member that had anything to do with solaro25 352 a a I 2 3 4 5 6 1 ls really f rustr:ated with that and they're going to hear a lot about this. I agree with what a 1ot has been said so far, but we're missing a couple of things here. Werre missing t$ro huge data points in the potential discussion. When I look through Idaho Power's annual report and a Lhing called the integrated resource pJ.an, they've got graphs and graphs of projections, but I can't find any -- we11. of the projected selJ-ing prices for excess power generated and sold out of state. f can't even find the -- you know, it really seemed to be reafly buried down deep of what they're getting for our generation, and then the same thing is l can't find projected pricinq or current prici-ng on what they're payj-ng for peak usage rates, and granted, spot markets go aII over the p1ace. I have a neighbor who pays $30.00 a day if he's running his air conditioner down in Sacramento, because it's durlng peak hours in the summer, something over $.20 a kilowatt-hour he's paying. Out of the 2019 integrated resource p1an, thi.s is from Idaho Pohrer, Idaho Power relies on regional power markets to suppLy a significant portion of energy and capacity needs during certain times of the year. Idaho Power is especially dependent on the regional power market purchases during peak load periods, so they need this power that werre CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 BUSCHERT Publ ic I 9 10 a 11 t2 13 74 15 L6 I1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 353 o 1 2 3 A 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 o 13 )"4 15 l6 L1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BU SCHERT Public generating, plain and This is their own statement resource plan and so don't reaffy want your true, and then I have right out of it's -- for power is a I itt l-e bit their 2019 t.hem to i nt eg r:at ed welI, wesay It I s notcr azy . of an j ust with t hem,afso, on I t riedsee, this so-called equity to find the capitafargument, so Iet',s expenditure number lines and sort of for new generation and transm.ission see they -- in Eagle they ran a big there awhile back and then thev also loca1 upgrades of capacity, so when you new line through have to put in periodic lines -- welI, fet me go back. When Avimor went in, they put their own little substation there. Avimor paid for that, but when a development out in Eagle goes in, the developer is paying to put the focaf power around the houses there, but they're not paying anything, to my knowledge, for additional- capacity that eventually goes in, and -- but al-I I could find on Idaho Powerrs capj-ta] budget was something in the neighborhood they were bragging about investing about -- I think it was somewhere around -- it was over a bill,j.on dollars over five years or something like that for upgrades. This is and I'm guessing tha-" to pay probably for additional customers, well, you know,o 25 354 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 probably $100-200 million a year is going into paying for new stuff, not repairs of existing stuff, and in the fast 15 years, I've been flat or down on my electricity use and so are many elderly retirees on fixed incomes. We have done nothing to thi-s increased use, yet we get to pay for that in every single power bilI, because there's that investment that Idaho Power is making that we get to heJ-p pay f or, and that to me, i-f you're going to .Iook f or an inequity, go after that 50 or $100 miLlion and figure out a way with the state legisl-ature probably to start charging developers for much broader impact fees than just locaI areas, because when we're getting stuck with rate increases to pay for this stuff, we're in effect subsidizing these new customers and they aren't basically paying their way, so the message to Idaho Power is if you're looking for an inequity, you know, ignore us. Werre the little gnat on the elephant's you know what compared to that shlft, that cost shifting, thatrs going on there. Lastl-y, we need a new group of some kind to formulate a long-term policy thatrs stable and predictable and we need to 90 far beyond just killing this proposaf. That doesn't help the industry out. In fact, just the fact that this proposa.I surfaces kills a fot of deals. I mean, if I was thinking about this rj-ght 10 11 ).2 o 13 14 15 76 l1 18 19 20 2L 22 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 BU SCHERT PubI ic I 25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 l4 15 76 1't 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 o EONDA Pubfic now, I would pess imistic. to come down say no, I better wait around or even more well, every two years it- seems like Irve got here and waste umpteen hours flghting some That's what we need from crazy deal from Idaho Power about greed, so again, we need to secure some kind of a promise from Idaho Power that they will support rooftop solar long term and f mean 75, 20 years. guys have this kind of the chance to be known as them, and so you -- my opinion, be known as the can be known as it's going to be the can you and Idaho Pubflc decision naking is you Utifities Commissi-on or the Idaho Power Utilities Commission up to you guys to make that decision. COMMISS IONER KJELLANDER : Thank you. Thank you. Any testimony.questions? If not, (The thank you for witness l-eft your the stand. ) Rod Fonda. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ['ie'II call now ROD FONDA, a publ j-c witness, having been duly sworn, and test i-f ied as follows: appearrng as was examined THE WITNESS: My name is Rod Fonda, R-o-d F-o-n-d-a. I 1lve ln Hailey. f am an Idaho Power25 356CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. 5198 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o r0 o 11 72 13 l4 15 L6 I'l 27 1B L9 20 22 23 24 CSB REPORT lNG 208 .890.5198 subscriber,payer. My wife and I built a house in Hailey We paid $22,OOO baeed on what we could from the system of what it would take to meet a year figure alf of mon th 1y didn ' t but ago. out an annuaf basis. Idaho Power our electrica L needs .We really tried to do it on wanted to do it on a basis. Okay, that's c-lose enough. even contempl-ate how Iike an incredi.ble that would have Hourly, worked i nto the people in and that was it, this our percentage of room, 20t 000 bucks is a lot of money i nve stment . Like all the other speakers. yes, that was an economic investment that we made. It was a1so, as one woman said, because it was the right thing to do. Idaho Power hopes to be tota.lly green by 2045. That means they arentt there yet. I don't know how much theyrre getting from fossil fuels. Obvj,ously, hydroelectric is better than fossil fuels, but so.Iar is better than hydroelectric. Ask the fish. SaLmon in Idaho, you read aIl the articfes about what trouble that unbellevabIy, incredlbly unique resource is. The more solar, the less hydroelectric, the better, Yes, we shouJ-d be grandfathered in, but yes, the solar industry needs help not to get kicked in the teeth. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions? Thank you for your testimony. EONDA PubI ic o 25 357 a 1 2 3 4 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 a 13 1.4 15 16 l1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 (The witness feft the stand. ) COMIqISSIONER KJELLANDER: Now, up to No. 35, Carol Haddock. Carof Haddock. Move to Jamie Govid? MR. GOULD: Gould. COMMTSSIONER KJELLANDER: Oh, Gould, okay. appearing as was examined JAMIE GOULD, a pub1lc r,/itness / having been duJ-y sworn, and testif ied as f o].Iows: THE WITNESS: MY name is Jamie Goufd, J-a-m-i-e G-o-u-l-d. Address is 1050 Meadowbrook Lane, Nampa, Idaho. I al-so work for I am a net metering Idaho Power customer. your friendly neighborhood naturaf gas utility. Several of my because i-t's a renewable coworkers went to solar simply renewabfe energy. We are energy. a good Natural gas is not a al-ternat i ve to several different energies, but therers a flnite amount of methane on this big rock that we live on, so a1f of us in here, I think, pretty much feel the same, that we're all Iooking for alternatives, but sustainable, very sustainable, alternatives, which sofar is, and so since werve had our system, my children have been revlewing theo25 358 GOULD PubI ic a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 o CSB REPORT lNG 208.890. s198 GOULD PubIic process. !{e have twins that are 22 years old, just finished graduating from college. They're on board with green energy, renewable energies. They're watching what the PUC is doing. They're also watching what Idaho Power is currently doing to the current net metering customers. l ask the Commission and I ask Idaho Power to keep the originaf agreement that we alI signed on as existing sol-ar customers. That's what we determined our ROI on. appl,es to appl-es for I have That ' s the numbers we crunched, and we just ask that it's ki.lowatt-hours. request for Idaho Power I work at a large one more and the Commission and that is facility. It's an L&G plant facility in Nampa. We make liquefied natural- gas. Our current power needs are anywhere from $12-18,000 a month. We approached to look at a Iarge array out there, because we own a lot of property around an impact zone. We wanted to put in a large solar array to offset energy costs, but currentl-y, Idaho Power has blocked any permits for industrial or commercial- usage for solar. I think that's mud on Idaho Powerrs face and I hope that they get on board with renewable energy and so1ar, because the people that are advocates for it are not going to go away. Itrs going to happen.o 359 10 11 1.2 13 t4 15 L6 l1 18 t9 20 27 22 ZJ 24 25 I 10 11 l2tl3 74 15 16 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LANG DON Public People talked about, sol-ar and killing solar customers. you know, ki 1l ing I don't think thatrs lt. I think they're qoing Idaho Power and want to go there to get so aggravated with off the grid even more, so those are my final comrnents. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are any questions? Thank you for your comments today. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDERT Bi l1 DonnelIy. BiIl Donnelly? We'IL move to Lj-nda Langdon. appearing as was examined LINDA LANGDON, a public wj,tness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: THE WITNESS: MY name L-a-n-g-d-o-n. I .Iive at 4195 North Boise, Idaho, and I am an Idaho Power wilf be really brief. I timed myself two minutes. I have had solar panels is Linda Langdon, Cambria Lane in customer. This at home, less than on my home for two-and-a-half years. While there may not be any signed contract between Idaho Power and solar power homeowners, there has been a 20-year implied symbiotlc relationship. On hot sunny summer days, we solar power25 360 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 74 15 16 t1 18 L9 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 LANG DON PubI ic producers provide idaho Power with Lwo benefits: not needing to draw electric from the grid; two, solar energy the power in later t ime, One, J-etting with the the form SUCh AS Idaho Power use our extra produced understanding we be compensated for of a credit, which can be used at a at night or on cloudy days fike we've had today. I think this is just greed on the part of Idaho Power to change the way they compensate sofar polrer homeowners. Even if existing solar power homes -- excuse me, power homeowners get grandfathered in, this wiII not -- this wilf do nothing for citizens -- excuse me, for future homeowners and businesses who wish to be good citizens and hel-p combat the climate change. I have fived ln Boise for 25 years and have seen big changes with population growth being one of them. I have heard an expectation of one million people in the area by 2050. How will fdaho Power be able to meet the need of all of these new homeowners without solar power producers? But who would even the burden of the expense to install solar are not fairly compensated for the power we these future want to bear panels if we produce ? Idaho may not have experienced the severe drought and wil-dfires as bad as California, but with cfimate change rapidly affecting the liest, this may veryo25 351 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 L6 L1 rB I9 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 EERE DAY Publ ic well happen in the future. If a drought takes hold, this might hamper Idahc Power's ability to provide enough hydroelectric power for the ever-growing population. Solar and wind power will be needed in the future more than ever. appearrng as was examined Thank you for your time. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER :Thank you. Are there any quest-ions? Thank you for your testimony. (The hritness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Jeff Eereday. JEEF EEREDAY, a public w.itness, having been duJ-y swo.rn, and testified as fof lows : THE WITNESS: My name live in Boise at 420 East Crestline speffed J-e-f-f E-e-r-e-d-a-y, and I Idaho Power. Thank you for allowi ng is ,le f f Eereday. Drive. My name is am a customer of this testimony perhaps the most f ea s i-b.Ie distributed I tonight. propo s a f electric several important one, is the rise generation f acr.l it ies that not emit carbon dioxide or Idaho Povrer is bringlng its net metering to you at a time of great transformation in the utility industry. This transition invofves efements, but a central one, of highly do not burn fossil fuel,s, do other greenhouse gases, ando25 362 o l- 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 a 13 74 15 l6 l1 18 l9 20 2l 22 23 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 EERE DAY Pubfic rooftop soLar is a growj-ng part of this distributed generation. much only a large utility fike Idaho e.lectrical power to serve cities and Power did so just like alf electric Itrs the future. Time was when pretty Power could generate citizens. Idaho companies did with enormous centralized plants, big dams, huge coal-fired power plants, Idaho Power's adoption of jet engine-sized gas turbines in the fast 25 years or so as a better way to meet peak demand was a qood move on their part, I think. That move did not abandon fossil- fuels, but it signaled a departure from coal. The departure from coal is all- but complete. The departure from natural gas is on the horizon, so when they moved to naturaL gas for their peak generating facilitj-es, that was a wefcomed development, but we've moved on. Now, el-ectricaf demand growth ls flat or even negative. Russ mentioned how he uses less power than he used to. Most of us would probably say the same. What is a utility to do? The price of sol-ar panels at the same time is plummeting as their efficiency foffows the famil-iar path of Moore's Law. This is a new world for electric utilities. You are at a point of a change, a huge change. Idaho Power is asking you to go back and stay and root yourself in the past and drag down rooftopa25 363 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 l2 o 13 l4 15 16 l1 1B 19 2A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 F'ERE DAY Public solar with you. It's good that ldaho Power has invested at least some resources but the world keeps l-ike these in thi s in large changing centralized solar plants, room ton i ght-, ratepayers, c.it i zens want more choice, more and energy security, more of a feeling that they are part the solutj,on and not still part of the problem. Ratepayers, too, can generate power right on the.ir rooftops and this Commission should find ways to accommodate and encourage that. of I thought Jamie Gould' s interest.ing where he pointed out that is fightlng individual development of point was really Idaho Power Company industrial-s i zed sofar arrays. Isnrt that just what the old utility interesting. WelJ-, model says, werre in that is cha rge . We'reWe do it. It's our centraf generating going to build the big things and you the worfd has moved on and Idaho Power system. wi 1l like it, but is finding that out.. I don't think they're going to tefl you that, but I think thev know 1-hat. is going away. you to stop the consi-der their with its lates t The world of Essentially world from applicat ion, proposal. the utility in the ofd model Idaho Power tonight is asking changing around them. As you I ask that you not go along Deny it. Deny that agreement.a 25 364 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 EEREDAY Public Throw it out. Eo1]owing the agreement will bl-ow to these 5,000 or so customers who have this transition to distributed generation on on their own, with their own funds and most my wife and I, I believe did it in part for deal a huge lnitiated their own, of them, 1i ke f inancial- having to doIEASONS, with the but in part for much hrigger reasons future of our planet. That worfd is changj.ng and ldaho Power needs to get on board. They need to figure out who they are and where they're going. This direction is retrograde, the wrong direction. A new paradigm may be emerging for utiliti.es Iike yours, Idaho Power Company. As the utility industry undergoes this remarkable change we can see unfolding around us, I think it Likely that this electric Company, Idaho Power Company, formed in 1915, seems like it's always been here for those of us who grew up in ldaho, it always has, but I think itrs likeJ.y that this efectric Company in a few years may be more about transmission and load managemen! and fess about generation. Who knows for sure, but at this point, I suqgest it woul-d be unwise and unfair for this Commission to adopt what ldaho Po$,er proposes. Tabl-e this proposal. Insist on the fuI.I and compfete study that you directed the Company to do and insist as many have pointed out that it be vetted byo 36s 10 11 t2 13 l4 15 16 L7 1B 19 20 27 )') 23 24 z5 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 o 13 L4 15 L6 l1 1B 19 20 2I ll 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 FERE DAY Publ ic it is fikely to change in response. I see no reason to doubt that this change can fuJ-1y embrace and support rooftop sofar and other distributed generation technologies, Donrt throw that away. Just one additional note. This Commlssion third parties. InsisL that it incl"ude an where the current trends are taking this analysis of Company and how decision concerning the ever had up Eo thar time. 43 years ago made biggest idea that The big idea was a vely wlse ldaho Power had ever even contemplated to bui 1d the biggest that would project that dwarf alf of t hey their other p l- ant Many t ime Pointlng that their resources combined. That was a coal-fired power that was going to be built 18 miles south of Boise, of us who were there and who were agitated at that were out that Idaho Power experts were not projections were not correct, thatcorrect, their data was manipul-ated, and for reasons that to some extent remain a bit of a brifl-iant mystery to me, this Commission on that day made the right decision and turned down that project, despite all of Idaho Power's lobbying and all of their money and aII of their advertising and a1I of their experts and all of their data. This Commission that day saved Idaho Power. That project woul-d have tipped them over. They would have been bankrupt in my opinion. As their late 366 o 1 2 3 4 6 1 8 9 10 a 72 13 ).4 15 16 11 71 27 18 19 20 22 23 2A CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 36 t- CEO himseff who vras a wonderful man named Jim Bruce told me to my face later on, "Make the right decision here." They don't have the right idea in this case. Thank you. I have provided you a letter that my wife and I have provided for the record. It goes into much more technical detail about this project and this proposaL, but I just wanted to make this statement to you because werre at a new time and it's time for some new thinking. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDERi Are there any questions? Thank you for your testimony. (The witness Left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Anne Hausrath. THE AUDIENCE: She's gone home. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: She's gone home, thank you. I think it says Vj.n Van Pinter. Maybe itrs Jrm Van Pfnter. Vicky Smith. MS. SMITH: I participated online, I decline. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Christopher Barker. EEREDAY Pubf i c o 25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 o 13 74 15 76 t1 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 BARKER Publlc appearing as was examined CHRISTOPHER BARKER, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as f oll-ows: THE WITNESS: I'm ChrisEopher Barker from Caldwell-, Idaho. I live at 2604 Fal-l-crest Street. C-h-r-i-s-t-o-p-h-e-r B-a-r-k-e-r, so lrm pretty -- so solar came around pretty early on in 20l-3 a home show. My into Idaho. wife and IThe y just old. ro 1 1ed were promoting it got mar.ried a few We're f ike why not, the wor1d, Iet's invest. This so that was Sola r years before that. I was 30 years is what's Te ch to update our HOA Cafdwef I going to Sofutions especial ly to get them eng i nee rs roof loads went a rgue ended cha ng e and now it's Auric. I was the first in Cafdwell to install it, in our subdivision. We had to approve it. The didn't want to accept wouldn't handle it in City ir. the of They said that our to school for civil engineering with them a little bit on it. snow, so we -- so I as wel], so I had to He agreed and we $30, 000. That's aand we inves t ed Iot of up getting it money for a it into our: 30-year-oJ-d, a Iot, so we refinanced, home 1oan, planned on a seven-year payoff. We're six months right now from paying it25 368 t 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 72t13 l4 15 16 l1 18 l9 2A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BARKER Publ ic off and it's pretty frustrating that we invest all- this money and then you guys want to turn around and just hose theseus basical ly rates. It's home. We saw by allowing Idaho Power to change realIy frustrating, benefit in solar. so this was our We thought hey, but, you know, first not only could we be able fami I y, beneflt from the solar, bi1l. we would to pay which ouI power We wanted to start a we have now, three litlle boys. Now we don't have to pay the $5.25 pay for power. franchise fee. !,le ' re at zero,basically Power every have Already I daho single year s ince requested a rate we've had our sol-ar system lncrease. It night be off a fittfe bit, but we missed the big increase that was somewhere right in 2012. It was like a 12 percent increase, somewhere right in there. It was a fot and then I've seen several others that have been approved an increase, which puts a burden on the State of ]daho. It's hard on people. That's why you hear a]-f these guys with high power bi]ls that are wanting to find other sol-utions fike sofar, so every t.ime that these guys affow Idaho Power to increase rates, it does help the guys that already have so1ar, because the payoff is faster, so that's actually helped me, but it hurts ldaho, so Idaho Power obvi-ously wanted us to invest in sol-ar.I 369 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 T2t13 t4 15 16 71 18 r9 2A 27 22 23 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BARKER Public gave us a 30 reached their just take that money back. back, so itrs essentially The government did, too. Thatrs why they percent Lax credit, so now Idaho Power quota on sofar customers, they'-re trying to They're trying to get it going to hur:t Idaho, so now / my this so I'm proper:ty. I I want to on a f 1tt le biggest home the going to was born do the same farm, maybe toys, and I' increaslng the worth as much, concern here is I'm not rest of my -Iife. I'm want to build a house in the country outs ide going to }ive only 36 right on a piece of of Eruitland. and have them tn thlng with my have a little Now my value property for a shop for my home . kids m going to want to sell my thatsolar system f was looking at of my home, now a burden on it's not going to be me as well, soso that's essentially that solar system, if this program goes through, my solar system .is worthless to the next person, because there is nothing in this contract or in this proposal about what happens to transfer/ so we're talking about new customers and exi-sting customers, but what about the existing systems that we've already got on our home s ? 'Those systems need to be ab-Ie to transfer to the next per:son and maintain the existing schedule that we have right now, so right now I was on Scheduleo2-5 370 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 o t2 13 14 15 16 11 11 2L 18 19 20 ?2 24 84, you guys are I want to keep 84 change it to ScheduJ-e 6 and 8, keep 84 for the system, not the home, the next person that 84 as we1l. It's a one-to-one trylng to and also for just me. so if I has the home needs to credit, not just me, probabfy four to f ive individual person itself as a whole. sell h ave because I plan on selling my home j-n years, so j-t ' s to have sola r in a couple of not a benefiL for younger people 11ke me this schedule, because this horne, so I think grandfathered in, it's it's grandfathered i nto take that into account that not. f via s on 1y that whoeve r afready to years, I rm just keep out of guys deny not onfy the person, should you lt, you guys should tell- them not grandfathered into This goes a lot deeper who owns the system and and think about the sys t em. told 25-year you guys need lo those things. than just an Itrs the system life expectancy on my system or guarantee on my system, but they also tofd Before me or are expected one iLem, bef ore 2 01- 3 to last, so they when I can go for instal-l-ed Iong time. system, a credit me 110 -yea r long these investment Idaho Power where they generated. life expectancy on the panels. That's how there ' s a fot ofSO an a my doused to be abfe to used to actuaffy gave you money for the power that you It wasn't just a credi-t. Obviously, they caught on to that rea11ya25 37 r BARKER Pub I 1c CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 o 13 t4 15 l6 t1 18 l9 ?,4 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 BARKER Pubf i c fast because they saw what was happening, and so they changed it t.o a c:ne-to-one credit because they thought that they could benefit a fittle bit from it. I donrt think they expected it to take off l-ike it did, so what I would request from you guys is to help younger generations like me and protect us agaj-nst our investments, against Idaho Power from taking our investments away from us, so there's a lot more at stake than just five, ten years down the road. There's a Iong time and I'm an example on that, so I hope you guys consider that. COMMISSIONER K,JELLANDER: Are there any questions? Thank you for your testimony. THE AUDIENCE: I have a questj-on- COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We're not opening up questions to people in the audience. I was looking at the parties, so thank you for your testimony. THE WITNESS: (The witnes s COMMISSIONER to testify is Bj-II Robison. f or Bil-l- Robison. 'Ihank you. left the stand. ) KJELLANDER: The next person Bill Robison. One more time Next Joseph Arlmitsu. Joseph Arimitsu? Nathan Johnston. Nathan Johnston.a 25 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 l2 o 13 l4 15 L6 71 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 PARKER PubI ic Terry Maret. Linda Aman . Robert Parker. appear.rng as was examined ROBERT PARKER, a public w.itness, having been duly sworn, and testified as foLfows: THE WITNESS: My name R-o-b-e-r-t P-a-r-k-e-r. I live at is Robert Parker, 2 5518 Kingsbury Road in Middleton. There is an articLe that came out on the Cornmission might not beyesterday that the aware of, as uiell that I would li ke people as the members of the audj-ence here, to mentlon. Itrs from the proceedings of the Nationaf Academy of of America. MR. JEWELL: real quick? Where did you THE hI]TNESS: Middleton. Sciences of the United States Excuse me, may I j-nterrupt say that you lived? 25518 Kingsbury Road, MR. JEWELL: Middfeton, okay. and you are an Idaho Power customer? THE WITNESS: Yes, sorry. MR. JEWELL: Okay, thank you. THI WITNESS: The .title of this artic]-e is25 31 3 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13I 15 76 11 74 18 2A 2T 22 23 24 l9 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 31 4 called Tracking erni ssi oas Itrs of note because both mentioned in here a couple read an artic.Ie Lhat talks of brings some of this to (inaudible) . Let me find cal-led Huge Var iat ions . that ' s exported -- okay, in r-he US efectricity systen. Idaho and Idaho Power are of ti-mes, and f would like to about thi-s article that kind fruition, my point of this. There's a section here Most of the Iow emission power most of the l-ow emissions power thatrs exported comes from the Pacific Northwest's abundant hydropower, whil-e the Rocky Mountain area exports electricity with the hlghest associated emissions. That l-eads to some striking asymmetricies. Locaf generation in the hydro-rich Idaho Power Company has embodied emissions of only 71 kilograms per megawatt-hour, whiJ-e the imports coming primarily from the Rocky Mountain states have a carbon of 625 kilograms per megawatt-hour. I did a littfe bit of math and that's an 880 percent increase in, basical.ly in, dirtier power and thatrs over hydroelectric versus having to import from their other sources that they do when they need to import it. They have an option on the plate with us, with so.Lar, where they could drop those ridiculousl-y Iow rates of 7L per hour to even cheaper, but they're making a decision if this goes through to not do that and go with PARKER PubI ic I 25 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 t-1 l?t t-3 l4 15 t6 T1 18 19 20 2L ?? 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.sr98 PARKER Pubfic power that's much, much, much dirtier. While I've heard several- people that Idaho Power has stated plans he re tonight say by 2045, but ago, j-f they the numbers go green whi Ie the market, choose to go to as the representative said a little do this to solar. it wiII kil} are black and white, and instead with dirtj-er power, I think the message is clear that Idaho Power and the State of Idaho, if they don't do something about this or if they allow it to go through, have l-ess than zero interest in going solar. Thatrs j-t. I can give this article to you if you want. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Since you referenced it, 1 think it would be worthwhile to include it in the record. Thank you and we appreciate your testimony. (The witness feft the stand. ) COMMISSIONER K,.IELLANDER: f can' t make out the next name, but j-t's the resident of 2000 South Longmont in Boise. I think the last name might be 8e11. 2000 South Longmont in Boise. Werll- move to the next name Lisa Hecht. 315 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 t CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 31 6 HECHT Public LISA HECHT, a public witness, having been duly sworn,appearang as was examined arld testified as follows: THE WITNESS: My name is Lisa Hecht, fast name H-e-c-h-t. I am an Idaho Power customer who resides at 4920 East Sagewood Drive. Boise, Idaho, 83716. Honorabfe PUC Coruniss.ioners, to the Idaho public to ensure provided with fair, just, and utif ities granted monopolies thank you for your service that Idaho citizens are reasonabfe treatment by and regulated under the PUC. hearing as Power's IRP the mother I bring multiple viewpoints to this an electrical engineer, an attendee of Idaho ot two young adults, 23 and 26, and as someone the IPCC reports, the Eourth Nationaf sessions, a net metering customer since 2016, who has read Climate Assessment, hafved her and who hoJ-ds great concern for personal carbon footprint, our children and all of First, the positive. f'm pleased that this proposed settfement keeps demand charges the same, rrhich will continue to align cost with usage, incenting efficiency, and benefiting all customers. I'm going to be as brief I can having submitted written comments. There are three things I'mo L0 11 l2 13 14 15 16 L',t 18 19 20 2L 1n 23 24 25 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 11 72 o 13 1.4 15 76 t1 18 l9 20 2l ?? 23 ?,4 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HECHT Pubfic asking for in the benefits s umma ry . of solar:. One is to complete the study of Ther:e are some that are rnissing, Secondly, existing users must besome important ones. grandfathered. I'll Thirdly, we need to say think more about all of these. this ruling on the future for Idaho and deeply about the impacts of for the world. generation was was the the benefits of Some of those My testimony regards the proposed settlement for IPC-E-18-15, whose study is, as has been previously mentioned, study of costs, benefits, and compensation of net excess energy supplied by customer: on-site generation. direct the The very of that customer title implies that determining the val-ue important in conclusion of opening this case, so what the costs and especia 1Iy us ?that net excess energy supplied by val-ues have been assigned values of va.l-ues. How, then, can the compensation values possibly being calcufated? My zero, some of those is that the PUC the evaluation by assagnrng of sol-ar s.r gn r ng mutu a 11y meter i ng, mrss rng Those benef its be flrst ask, therefore, parties to complete agreed-to vafues on solar net meteri-ng. avoided T&D capacity may andsignificant and include environmental benef its.AvolCed particular could be signi f i cant T&D capacity in va.Iue s ince Idaho Powero25 311 o 1 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 t4 15 76 l7 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTINC 208.890. 5198 HECHT Pubfic assesses thei-r T&D costs at two-thirds of total costs of providing electricity. These missing if not now, concurrentl-y with those updates to export determined jointly wlt.h values could be determined, the next IRP cycfe and credit in Sect.ion C should be at Ieast the current intervenors, preferably by an independent third party. Given that the foundation for identifying val-ues of sol-ar exists, it should be possible to include aII values. After all, Idaho Power has been party to an Oregon PUC resource value of solar study for years, sj.nce I believe at least 2014 or '15, and tonight in Oregon with the Oregon PUC, there will- be a public meeting sununarizing the filings, addressing the status of those, and outfining next steps on the value, resource value, of solar in Oregon with their PUC. I'd also mention tn 2011 , 28 vafuation studies were proposed around the country, pending or decided in 28 states and D.C., so therers pl-enty of information on that, That's item one. Item two is the issue of grandfathering was not addressed in the settfement. My guess is that considering what happened in Nevada with net metering, that was what you'd calL an Idaho hot potato. As a net meterinq customer since 2016, f 318 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 11 l2 o 13 l4 15 16 \7 18 t9 2A 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 HECHT PubIic urge you rn net metering designs and the sLrongest terms t.o grandfather customers under the program which existing drove the installaLions oI their systems. Around the U.S., in other states, 20 years from instal-lation has been a frequent grandfathering period, such as in Nevada in 2076, and that coincides with the expected minimum guaranteed l-ifetlme of most solar PV panel systems. That grandfathering should fol-l-ow our accounts, if not our addresses, as was previously mentioned. Existing customers must be grandfathered and i-t is all about fairness. We who instafled sofar on our homes with I daho don't practically have the option of a contract Power, because a PPA would be far too f or homeowners and sma]-] business owners.expenslve Therefore,only the Idaho PUC the value of j ust, and can p.rotect it is f air,our investment to ensure that reasonabl-e to families and smalf businesses who invested their hard-earned dof l-ars in cleaner energy for themsefves, their neighborhood, and ultimately the world. I wanted to do my part for my daughters, community, and the world sj-nce we have under 10 years to massively reduce our carbon output and e.l-ectric generation is Ameri-ca's No. 2 source of carbon emissions at about 28 percent last I checked. Our lnvestment will continue to benefitt25 319 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2t13 t4 15 I6 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 HECH T Public other customers for the lifetime of the panel, and as the study found, those benefits include avoided generation, sj-gnificant potentiafly avoided T&D losses since generation and load are co-located, and fower demand for much of peak since peak demand Iargely coincides with peak solar generation and since peak load drives Idaho Povrer generation investments. An important touched on I'd like to delve one that ' s been briefly into a littl-e more deeply is that the break-even time of the sofar investment depends in part on home resale vafue. That certainfy was part of my calculation. What happens to resale value if we can't grandfather or if the system value is modified? On average, across the U.S., solar PV j"nvestments raj-se value by 4.1 percent, but if net metering compensation rules change frequentfy, uncertaj-nty destroys that value. Regarding precedents, a Nevada district judge determined in 20L6 that fairness meant respecting the rights of those who invested their personal money in solar PV energy systems that benefj-ted the entire system. Nevada PUC chair Paul Thomsen resigned in May 2OL'l afler the PUC's decision to lower net metering rates and not grandfather existing customers, because Nevada has expressed their feel-ing that it was profoundly unjust. Net metering 1s a program and our so.Iar PVo 380 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 o 11 l2 13 14 15 16 l1 2A t9 2L 1B 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 H ECHT Public designs are built on the premise and rules,especlally support thethe economics/ .t monthly motion to grandfather new net nretering. 1 customers untif or a fter January of 2O2O or when the ruling -- I think it was 30 days after the ruling was complete. I'ff have to doubl-e-check. I have also accrued nearly 2,200 kilowatt-hours in accumulated credits under the existing rules, r.rorth $176 at ej.ght cents per kil-owatt-hour. This is another value I'd Iike to have the possibility of eventuall-y recouping through grandfathering. Lastly, I invite you to join me in my perspective as a mother of two 20 somethings and a concerned ci-tizen who has read the IPCC and National Climate Assessment reports with great concern and determination to get us al-f to safe harbor by cleaning up our efectric energy ASAP. Per lPCC models to achieve carbon neutralj-ty by 2050, we must el-iminate coal-burning and reduce natural gas by 80 percent. Solar must grow significantly to replace them, along with wind, battery, and other storage. Here's the question for Idaho and the PUCi Do we want that solar on existing rooftops and buif t space or covering Idaho I s precj.ous farm.l-and or wild places? How wif l- Idaho Power achieve its goal of 100a25 381 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 l1 l2 13 15 16 l1 74 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.519E HECHT Public ha ]f of Idaho Power's percent roo ftop impacted in g.rown about impact ing po1es, and generation timJ.ng and c]-ean electri city by 204 5 without the help of generat j a,n ? The hydrological cycles that provide about have al-ready been extremes. Eires have Interagency Fire Center, of terms of 4X per the Natlonal Idaho Power's transmlssion and distribution ext inct i on, salmon, as we know, are on the brink so here's another possibility that solar on rooftops holds: Vermont's Green Mountain Power, a B-corporation, entered into a cooperative customers who use -- to use batteries to agreement with sh ave In fact, I discussed this with Mr. Richens at peak load. Idaho Power. What vafue might such a program hold for Idahoans? Idaho Power wants to see electric vehicle adoption grow. EVs also have batteries which couLd be used cooperatively to meet load. When we don't put a financial value on all the benefits of sofar and other forms of customer net metering, this discourages its use at a time when we must prepare to ramp it up. We can onfy determine what is fair to a.l-l- customers by estabfishing a fuf l- and fair, agreed-upon valuation among all parties to the case. What options might we be foreclosing witht25 382 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 -t B 9 10 11 L2 o 13 74 15 16 L1 18 19 20 2-t 22 23 24 o CSB RE PORT ING 208.890.5198 HECHT Publ ic negative terms for solar net metering customers? If we thereby dlscour:age solar now by punishing those who tried to do right, many according to their highest values, what recourse wiJ-l we have to achieve the required clean energy balance mandated by physics as l-aid out by the IPCC and NCA SCientiStS? In surunary, we all have the most to ga.in through a cooperative relat.ionship between Idaho Power and net generation customers in acceferating a clean energy future by ful1y valuing not only what Idaho Power provides, but afso what net generation customers provide, now and in the future, and incentivizing thati otherwise, those who can will leave the grid and the.re may be pushes for free market competitj-on in the electric sector as in Texas. Thank you. COMMISSIONER K,IELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions? Appreciate your testimony and thank you . (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDERi At this point it's our intention to take a 1o-minute break and we will reassume at 11:10. (Recess. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: AJ-1 right, we wifl go back on the record. Again, I appreciate aII of25 383 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 t4 15 16 71 r8 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.s198 GAINS Publ ic your willingness to stay through and we'11 continue to plow through the List, and now that werre back on the record, werre ready to cal-f our next witness and itts No. 56. trle have Charles Gains. Mr. cains. we'd li.ke to bring you up as a witness. appearing as was exam.ined CHARLES GAINS, a public witness, havi-ng been duly sworn, and testified as foflows: I 'm a net metering custome.r name is spelled G-a-a-n-s. Drive, Boise, Idaho. In the brevity, I !m four paragraphs try to be terse, time and I want agreement itseff. existing the net metering THE W]TNESS:My name for Idaho I five at interest is Charles Gains. Power. My la st 1-l2L East Canova of going to skip my introduction and first or so in my submitted testimony, I wil1 but 1've been working on this for a long to have my parts. one The second say. My cornrnents are organized into two Is regarding the settlement IS regarding the treatment of have already signed up forcustomers who program. reasonable. just, Power assert thi s Part one, is the sett.l-ement agreement and fair? Idaho PUC Staff and Idaho issue is about Idaho Power's right tot25 384 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 74 15 16 L1 1B 19 20 21 ?2 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 GAINS Publ i c change the rates. I'hi s than that. It is about monopoly, .is taking us 1n the future -- to the issue is really so much greater where Icraho Power Company. a ln the future.Let's take a look a telescope. Can percent cleanwe see the goal of getting energy gett ing c] oser or is metering Order see this as a energy possibj-Lities. What Commission had created was opportunitles. to buy expensive manufacturers to future through to 10 0back it getting further away? When Idaho Public Utilities Commission net was issued, Idaho Power customers didnrt windfall. Rather, it opened the door to the Idaho Publ-ic Utili-ties a cf ean Order became popular not because it but because it aflowed customers options and energy incubator. The made customers r ich, and upgrade equipment such that Power standards. The Order Sofar coufd be installed without having batteries. The Order mot ivated it would meet the de s ign Idaho allowed return enough that the customer could see an eventual payback. Most impor:tant of all, it created opportunity for innovation with clean energy. Today, ldaho Power Company claims its clean energy generation stands at about 60 percent, welI below its goa1, a goal that is hard to keep when the electricity market demand is growing at the same time. Idaho Power complains it is concerned about competitiono25 385 o 10 11 72 o r3 l4 15 16 l't 18 t9 20 27 22 ?3 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 GA]NS Pubf i c and the rate threat by clean energy generators under the net metering Order. Yet, Idaho Power doesnrt have to invest one dime to add this cl-ean renewable energy generation to j-ts base. Commissioners, Idaho Power is not only turning the telescope telescope is now out Power doesn I t appear vision of more clean around, but in addition, the of focus. The request by Idaho to be Idaho Power is movang us any generation at such growth. c] ose r to the a time when It does not energy experiencing at all that Idaho Power should bemake any sense concerned about generating market the new generation its own generating 1t a1l this time and money rates when there is such energy. Commj-ssioners, agreement and grow the tota I Power area. such a tiny sector of the total in its service area. ft should welcome and incorporate thls innovation into management p1an. is simply a fool's errand to be wasting worrying about minor generating for cJ-ean, rel j-able settlement great demand throw out this move on to more important matters. Let's clean energy availability j-n the fdaho Part two, is i-t fair or just to change the deal- with existing customers? Commissioners, how would you like it if some power authority suddenly announcedt25 386 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 O 1 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 t-1 L2 a 13 l4 15 16 L1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.sr98 GAI NS PubIlc that you would now have to perform your 3ob, but for hal-f the pay? Isnrt that what Idaho Power is asking those who have already committed to the net metering agreement? We had a dea.I . Every business 101- faw class teaches that a contract must contain the foflowing efements3 The pa.rt.ies agree to net metering. An whole net the deaf. Idaho Power and offer and acceptance must for power and they credit power to I agreed to be made. The metering program was presented at the rate and we, in good fal-th, accepted element of consideration must exist. fu11 thate.Lectricaf rate. An Idaho Power same rate. agreement. for a ]oan 1ega1. words of like a request want to The parties Indeed, we have to be were capable capable to and able enter int o We pay us at the qualify has to be fn the bird that t-o based on the deal-, and the Wel-1, there's lots of evidence Jeremy Whitcomb Rifey: "[,ihen ag reement of that. I see a walks fike a dur:k and swims like a duck and quacks fike a duck, I caII that bird a duck." metering deal Commissioners, what they want, f et- people cafl the net but this bird sure looks contract to me, The problem $rith Idaho Powerrs is clear. We had a deal and ldaho Power doesn't honor it. When Idaho Power informed me about the detaifs and specificat-1ons of the net metering deal, it25 387 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 1.2I13 74 15 15 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 GAINS Publ ic was a]f about the win-win for both parties, First, I cou.Id generate and use my own power. Second, it let Idaho Power avoid using its generating capacity and store the potential energy for later use. Third, if I generated extra power, Idaho Power coufd take it and provide it to my nej-ghbors at the ful1 retail price and credit my account for repat::lation sometime in the future. f relied in good faith on Idaho Power assurances. Idaho Power dld not notify me or make an obvious statement that it was abfe to change the rates, Simply by this fact alone, Idaho Power shoul-d not be allowed now after we have inked the deal to change the rates I relied upon. Note, too, that D. L. Evans Bank relied on the dependability of my net metering contract to process my 1oan. EolJ-owing that, the Idaho Office of Energy refied on these same assurances in order to accept my application and give me the 1oan. I have already -- I already have much more than, after taxes and credits, $18,000 lnvested in my solar system. From the beqinning, the net metering deal I signed with Idaho Power is how I would pay off this loan and ul-timately reaJ-ize a return retirement. It is not fair oron my inve s tment Idaho 1n my Powe rj usl to 1et citlng sone back out of the hidden excuse that this is ex j-st j-ng deal by allowed because ito25 388 I I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 1"2t13 t4 15 16 71 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 GATNS Publ ic is a rate change. Indeed, omission are often Iies of Idaho Power change the rat e sofar customer. my mother would deception. " never made their say: "Lies of intention to the pot ent 1a Ia visible condit.ion to me, I never would have accepted the financial decision and obligation to make the deaf had I known what ldaho Power was planning. Af1 net metering customers shoufd have their deals protected and grandfathered in perpetuity, but Idaho Power seems to hold al-] the cards, Indeed, Senator .Tohn Mccain once said: "The more powerful you are, the more llkely you are to get what you want. " Don't af l-ow this to happen. There's a great disparity in bargaining power betrlreen the smal-1 net metering customers and Idaho Power Company. The Commission, I think, was formed to provlde some counterbal-ance to Idaho Power given its obligations, size, and fimited competition. I am asking the Commiss.ion not to af .Low Idaho Power to change the deaf. However, if the Commission does side with Idaho Powerrs request, at least keep those already invested grandfathered in perpetuity. This wilf give customers like me the dollar return to maintain, update, and keep their systems operating and in compliance. In conclusion, the ldaho PUC Commission net metering Order rs an infinite sum, an open Ordert 389 a 10 11 l2 o 13 L4 15 76 l1 1B 19 2A 27 22 23 t CSB REPORT ING 208 .890. s19B GAINS PubIlc so.Iution, The proposed IdaLro sett.Iement agreement is a zero sum solutj-on. The underlying message here is that smaI1, innovat.ive renewable generators have no freedom to create, control, and enjoy the benefits of developing and using renewable energy resources. In other words, the fittfe guy doesn't have a chance. If Idaho Power's request goes forward, from now on all ldaho Power has tc do is j-dentify someone else's new gerrerating technology, innovation, and/or development idea as a threat to its rates and the sma1l generator business idea is DOA. With the presently stands, Idaho better, bigger, cheape.r net metering Order as it Powe.r is incentivized to research clean energy ideas. Keep the to healthy competition. Commission sends this pro j ects and innovat.ionPowe.r, f uture Order and it If the Idaho under net opens up the door Public Util-1ties message to Idaho wi I1 be created economy, not orr rulemaking, and on the basis of science, technology, and the basis that leads to hearings, regulatory manipulat.ion. As for those who were motivated to sign up ethi-cal- thinking By what Power to metering, by what sense of fairness or is there justification to pul-l the deal reasoning does it make it okay to a1Iow violate that basic fdahoan tenant and apart ? Idaho that is,25 390 I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 l1 L2 a 74 15 t6 l1 18 L9 20 2l 22 23 24 a CSB REPORT ING 208.890. s198 GRANGE PubIic my word is my bond. Thank you. Any questions? COI.,IMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Do we have questions from parties or members of the Commission? Seeing none, thank you for your testimony. THE WITNESS: You're welcome. (The witness l-eft the stand. ) COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: Eiler Grange. Oh, is that Tyler? MR. GRANGE: It is Tyl-er. TYLER GRANGE, appearlng as a public witness, having been first duly sworn, testlfied as fo1lows: THE WITNESS: All rlght, my name is Tyler at 866Grange. I am an North World Cup Idaho Power customer. I live Lane -in Eagle. for to MR. JEWELL: Can you spel1 your last name? THE WITNESS: Grange, G-r-a-n-g-e. MR. JEWELL: Thank you. THE WITNESS: So I want to thank you guys this opportunlty. I know it's really late. I want thank the transcriber here, I think we do not envy her job that's right now and I want to thank every here to show their support. I mean, single person we've been25 391 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 a 13 t4 15 L6 l1 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 here for many You could be and stuff and am for you, support for little bit. I perspective j-s afso have sol ar person sel1s, moves the house foreve r, for the Iife of the liours - You could be s-i e:etr:J.no . You cou id doing be w ith your families how grateful I showing your so obviously, I echo every been stated about other things. Yesterday on the phone call I gave testimony or statement, sorry, not. testimony, yeah, testimony, about how -- wel,l,, l-et me kind of back up a I just want to Iet you know for you to be here voicing and this. on my hous e, own a solar company here in town, so my golng to be a llttle bit different. I single other testimony that's grandfathering. I implore that you onfy grandfather the customers, but That was stated as wel1, because in because they ' re that also needs f ol-low that, not the systems. event that the going to five in grandfathered in befieve in that guys also the not to be 100 percent, because systemr that's so 1really huge, that's Yesterday on the phone cafl I tafked about had -- have had to incur expensehow us as a company, we on our end or e.ither us end, to figure out how to cover the costs of transformer upgrades, so on the phone ca11, I tafked about that. I didrr'L feel l-ike it was or the customer, it's been on our s ome kind of fair that,o GRANGE PubIic o o CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 to provide and I donrt paying for believe that the upgrades. to be case, you know, Idaho Power stating that it transmission for the costs them expense net metering stuf f because theyrre not where we're adding on their .Iines. Idaho it, you Power, solar Either we have to make a deal with the customer on customer, you know, or add that to thei-r sharing the expense or we have the take that out, have them pay for that f inanc.ing . I mean, Irve had bids transformers on to people's homes and That's going Lo cost an extra $8-12,000 and you know, is saying yeah, if have to pay for it, so again, what I sai-d yesterday. I'11 back uo a unofficial or anything. It August / September ' i sh time. business ls booming. It's bills are high. You know, take control of their power on how us as a It was very the middle of of the year, our summer. Power you guys v,rant just want to kind guys of echo this, I bills, sofar industry kind of heard about this, -IittIe bit a fot of was about in By this time the middle of meeting and we find out that people r ight . know,you but are wanting to Wegotoa I won't go into specifics of what group it that's on the proposaf that it's one of the groups agreed to it, you know, came to us and said hey, fdaho Power wants what do you guys think? Net metering to change is going to beo 393 GRANGE Publ ic 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 16 7't 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 I I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I I 10 l1 ).2I13 74 15 16 I1 1B l9 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 GRAN GE Publ ic different, and we were aI-I sitting there in this meeting so telf us, Iike what do theyand we're just want to do, and li.ke c kay, other pfaces. I'm not one of the best I as a sol-ar owner a private meeting behind closed doors and we're just ki-nd of like okay, so why can't you tell us, stuff like that. ' We told them, you know, we'lI sign an NDA. We wonrt tel1 anybody. If you guys want to keep it private, that's fine, but before you allow *- you know, have us vote in support or not to, you know, support this proposal, we need to knot, the informatj-on, like vrhat are we getting lnto. None of that was ever discussed. We had zero idea on what was being proposed unt.il after -- they're like oh, we can't teII you. It's found out at the same time as everybody elseyou did know, we when it speak for a was becoming refeased, so lot of other solar owners ln we do not support this docket, the industry lie do notthat say support compan 1e s changes, werre go.ing to in Idaho. it's this proposal in any way, shape, or form. As soon as again, we didn't even know immediately several other that. meeting was over, 1ike, any specifics, but there was colleagues from other sol-ar that we tal-ked to and we're like weII, if this we're out of here. We're Arizona, California, Texas, New Hampshire, leaving not going markets. the market, to I ie, solar EinanciaIly, you know,a 25 394 a o l- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 l4 15 16 71 t_B 19 2A 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 GRANGE Public there's sense to don't do on, and seve.raf cther s tate s do sofar - ldaho is it to save money. Basically what this is what a Iot of where it makes financiaf not one where it is you we're peop 1e That ' s setting up signed up al-f we're custome.rs for, is basically They j ust little bit itrs a bi 1l swao. want to take control. They want to independence. They want a their energy, and by taking doing. have a say on how they this net of metering policy, the one-to-one exchange, lt makes it -- there's no way -- there's no way in heck that peopJ-e are going to get solar after this, there's no way, because it's already been tough enough for solar to make sense here financially, but by ripping out the one-to-one exchange, it's not going to happen, so I'm already seeing the effects of this. As this has been released, again, we were -- our business was realfy booming. We had the best months of our company 1n August and September. Then/ boom, this letter goes out and j-nstantJ-y we've seen a huge drop in new jobs and instaffations and when -- I kind of was sitting here kind of doing the math a littfe bit, when one person says yes to solar, it provides over want to take 15 j obs between me, marketing team, my my company, my sales reps, my engineers, my project manage.rs, theo25 395 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 12t13 14 15 76 71 18 19 2,4 2L 22 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 GRAN GE Pub l ic site survey team, the lnstallers, the electrician, my distribution company that I work with, al-1, their employees. That's 15 to 20 jobs here in Idaho on one transaction, and if the solar industry goes away or j-f this net metering gets pulled away, all those jobs are going to be gone. Eor one single transaction therers going to be several jobs lost, okay. Itrs very important, not onfy do we supply jobs and stuff, obviousl-y, if our business isn't going to be there anymore, there's -- every time, you know, we do permits and stuff, that's fees, that's permitti"ng costs that we're paying to the cities, so that's l-ost revenue for the cj-tles. The taxes, that's lost revenue for taxes for the states. It's -- I mean, as was previously stated, so.Iar is one of the -Iargest or one of the fastest growing .industries in the area and it is a very -- it would be very sad to see that go away, because it's just going to be a compound effect to where peopl-e that a.lready have solar, there's providers to service them. not going to be not sofar People that really do want to want it, it's going to be ago solar toy for just because they the peopfe that have extra money. Because there's companies, there's going to be means my suppfier is not going to be l"ess competition, which abfe to have as many going Iess to beo25 396 o a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 1.2 13 14 16 ll 1B 19 2A 27 22 23 ?4 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 391 pane.I s in that are storage, taking l--he equlpment / so t.hat requires installation his cos t prices to because there's not many companies to go up. That. requires the soLar go up because there's not as many insta.l-.I s happenlng domino effect, you know, soanymore. there's It's just a huge not goj-ng r-o be many around to servlce those, and then the servlce available, there ' s going to compana e s calls t.hat be one or are two going to be companies that and a feg if domino effect do that and they're going to charge therers any services calls, so itrs that by changing the net metering, catastrophic, so I implore you guys wholeheartedly. There's got to be a an arm a huge it's going to be to reject this way for us to work with Idaho Povrer to make this a win-win. I believe 100 percent in win-win. I tal-k about this with a1l my customers that go so.lar. If it's not a win-wj,n for you or for me, we do not do the deal,. If itrs not beneficiaf for them or not beneficial for me, you know, we just don't do the deal, and so that same idea, I would love to be able to work with ldaho Power on a way to make this a wi'n-win. It's a -- this is a fantastic opportunity that we've got here before us to real-Iy kind of make a statement of what we reaffy believe in here in Idaho. I mean, you know, going back to what f was GRANGE Publ ic o 25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 T4 15 76 l1 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT ING 208. 890.5198 GRANGE Publ ic saying about Idaho not being the best market for solar, it's because f dahr:'s prices are pretty low compared to other states. I have other col-feagues in other states that have asked me, you knowf olher f rj-ends that are in Arizona, they're like why in the heck woufd you be in Idaho, and the biggest reason why I tell them is I j ust communi t y . say Idaho is love Idaho. It's great people, it's a great There's not one pe.rlson here that wou.Id never one of the greatest communities to live in. We believe in each other. We believe in independence. We beLieve j-n being conservative. At the same t j-me, we embrace that j-ndependence and we embrace, you know, opportunitj-es. That's what makes us reaIly unique and, you know, to be honest -- so right now, currently, like I said, I'm already seeing the effects of this policy going into effect in my business. My sales team, again, this happened in October and November, sales reaIly pl-ummeted. Right before Christmas, that's a real1y hard time to have sales stop, you know. I have a big group of my sa.Ies staff right now that are currently not working in Idaho. To keep them working and in order for them to make money for Christmas and stuff, they're actually in Arizona right now sefling jobs, and guess who is getting that money? The installers down there, the economies down there, theo25 398 I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 I 9 10 11 72 13 L4 t6 15 t1 TO 19 20 2l 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890. s198 GRANGE Publ- 1c cities down there, the distributors have to do those things in order for down there, and we working, and we are in tafks about opening a other states and, you know, I don't want to my guys to keep business in do that. You know, I don't want to move. I do not want to pick up my family and take them to another p1ace. We love it here. We bought a house. Our goal- is to establish roots here long term and by simply taking this net metering away, it's really going to cause us to have to pack up and go somewhere, because I believe 100 percent in solar for the fact that it helps people with independence. It helps the environment. It helps the grid. It's a win-win for everybody. You know, f have a fot of respect for Idaho Power, what they do, but l-ike I said, this could be a great opportunity for us to col-faborate together to real-Iy figure out a way for Idaho Power to come out as a winner on this. If this gets passed, imagine the backfash in the publj.c view that people are going to have with Idaho Power. Like f know -- Irve seen Idaho Power's commercia.Is. f 've seen what they do- They real.ly try to save face and, you know, promote a good image and I think they should, but if this goes through, they will not have that. You're going to have people with pitchforks and, you know, fj-re thrown at thelr buildings and stuff. Itrst25 399 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 11 L2 l3 L4 15 16 22 23 24 L7 2L 18 t-9 20 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 GRANGE Pubfic going to much, but only going I guarantee Iater, this golng to be ti-me wasted now, but I together on be meciieva.l t"imes al-i over agar_n. wontt be a Maybe not so it won'c be good, It I think we cou.Id aIl work not going to stop and sooner together and whe re we ' re a.l- 1 actually set a reaI.Iy cool precedent be done in the nation, Solar is only this goes through, I guarantee it's speed bump along the way. Solar j-s might sJ,ow down for a few years, but good view. colfaborate on this and have this become wi-nners and we can on how solar should going to grow. If just golng to be a to it you it's wi 11, have to get wor k,a overturned and it's or j ust .l-ot more r ight t h ings end of the a Iot more i, ot more money, a be sl-eeping in bedwhere we coul-d a.l- I rea l1y havi ng You do bel-ieve 100 percent we can work us all do something really cool. know, I have a ]ot of other written down. what I wanted to say, but at the day, I j ust want to ]-eave my message that I wanted to share with the group, with the PUC, with Idaho Power, because I real]y believe therers a way for us to all work on this to where everybody is excited and everybody is happy about the future of our energy here in Idaho. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let's see if there are any questions from parties of thet25 400 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 t2 o 13 L4 15 16 L1 18 79 2A 27 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 MONSEES Publ i c case or members of the Commission. Thank you for your test imony . (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: David Monsees. appear1ng as was examined DAVID MONSEES, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as folfows: THE WITNESS: I'm David Monsees. It's spelled I 'm an M-o-n-s-e-e-s. and I'm at 1347 Parkhill Drive. Idaho Power cusLomer and that's in Boise, ldaho, and I woufd like to take a different perspective, a historicaf perspective, that other people testifying I 've been following Idaho Idaho about 10 years ago. haven't focused on so much. Power ever since I moved to Lamont Keen was the CEO of Idaho Power at the time and he was rea11y not a very 1lsten to anybody and WelI, nice man and he reaI1y wouldn't he was 100 percent for Darrel Anderson came in coa l- . and spo ke he keptni-cer words and seemed to listen to people, but the same sort of perspective on fossil fuefs. He just shifted from coaf plants, which were going to end up beinq a big money loser if they kept up with them, to natural gas, and when they -- they have an independento25 401 o o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 15 )) 18 19 20 L1 27 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 - 890.5198 MONSEES Publ ic advisory committee that helps develop their 20-year plan and the plan before last that I sat in on, the IRPAC meetings, which are open to the public, their own data showed that solar was cheaper electric for their plants than gas, and their plan came out 100 percent gas, because regardless of what thei.r data showed, they knew where they wanted to go with their pIan. The y the are willing to continue this kind of data and misinformation that misinformation. The approach take is a driver behind this manipufation of killed -- Lamcnt.killed wind pretty much with to fossil fuels a lot of that they werre in the Power, if short of Iike they middLe of companies f l oodi ng, resul-t of sources. requirements of your Order shoul-d kif l- the whole idea they needed to raise rates, extlnction that are met on anyth.ing until the and either that or you righL now, and the p.Ianet we know .is victim to l-ike Idaho Power. The blizzards, wildfires, droughts are all known to be in ]-arge part a our faifure to use sustainable green power ft's been pointed out before, but I'd like to cite the specific PUC Order No. 34046, which they have -- Idaho Power has not met and so I beLieve this Commission shou.l-d not move forward rloht now. Tdaho money/ there are other things they because they're could do,o 25 4C2 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 I4 15 16 T1 1B 19 2A 2l 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5re8 MONSEES PubIic could stop spending obscene Iegislators and l-he governor amounts of money on payi-ng There was one year: $s,000, rn the state every year. where Butch Otter got needed it orwhether he$5,000, every year he not from ldaho Power, el-ect ion year, he afso and other thousands of got citizens of Idaho. Why do their own pockets with that 10,000 for Darrel Anderson retired, he was making over the brakes on progress and more than Lamont Keen was, with. dollars from the other executive in that year that was an 10,000 from Darrel Anderson these executi-ves come out of kind of money? Because is chump change. When Lamont $5 million a year just to put Darrel is making significantly so this is what we're deal.ing got and officers of ldaho Power. This kind of manipulation, why do they do it? It's because this monopoly has -- it was started to get, you know, e.Iectricity out quick to everybody everywhere and that purpose is gone now, They really are a monopoly without a purpose. An open market with multiple companies, I think, wou.ld be a much fa.irer and just thing for the We're deafing with a Company that has regulati.ons on raises and bonuses and there is nothing about progress in those regufations that determj-ne what kind of bonus -- and their board rs stacked. WeIl,25 103 a 10 11 72t13 l4 15 t6 I1 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208. 890.5198 MON S EES Publ ic Lamont Keen is one of the board members, but ma de they're theirstacked with peopfe in the industry who millions doing exactly what Idaho Power I would ask the Commission to consider is doing now and that. You know, it's listening to Idaho Power. Irve seen them lie often enough that itrs company about how 11ke, safe this time fa]l when the period It's kind of obscene and you can't let you know, listening to a Lobacco crgarettes ar:e. to thei.r sophistry like what of contract for industriaf solar yourself happened farms was moved from $20.00 down 20 years down two years. When you have a two-year contract, no one, no bank is going to give a company the money necessary to build that solar farm. They kiIled industriaL solar i-n one whack, Don't 1et them kiff solar altogether and this is really what they want to do. They have been pushing not to have change. They want to have a central supply source and they control the wires. Thank you. COMMISSIONER K.IELLANDER: Are there any questions? If not, thank you very much for your testimony, (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Next is Richard Zuercher. Richard Zuercher? Randy Nilson. Randy Nilson?o 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 9 404 o 1 2 3 4 6 't I 9 10 11 72 a 13 14 15 16 L1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 N I LSON Public spe 11ed five at and I'm an Idaho this year solar Fa tt i THE R-a-n-d-y. 2000 South oh, hi. customer, I installed in March of RANDY NILSON, appearing as a publ"ic witness, having been first duly sworn, testified as fol-lows: IiITNESS: My name is Randy N11son, Last name is spelled N-i-f-s-o-n. I Peppercorn Pface, Boise, Idaho, 83709, Powe r pane.I s clean on my house in order to tor one reason, lower Iower my energy and, power bi 11, to try to to smooth it my power bif l- to ga not to also, but out. I 've noticed I've kepL track try of for probably the last 10 years and it's gone up drastically by the thought by at I east least f eve.I out and bill-s l-ater. didn't want my increases from Idaho Power, so I installing not have to go with increased power f'm already retired on disability and I solar panels, I coul-d at instaffed the se powe r solar panels. I went bill to get way out of reach, so I through the Wholesale budget. $5,000 calcufation. I boughr- the and they calculated it out system through Solar and I'm on a fimited I'm on Medicare and Medicaid, which allows me ao25 ,1 05 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 l I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 L6 L1 18 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.E90.5198 N I LSON Publ ic ret i rement income . They I have to use that money only allow me to keep $1,700 and to pay for everything, food, I was trying to, like I said onutilities, mortgage. so my power biff, stop it plus to go green. from increasing in the future, I had no idea about this secret agreement that was sent to me in a lett.er on October 23rd stating that they were going to modify the net, monthfy net, metering agreement and if they hrent to that -- j.f they went to that based on an hourly net metering where they only paid me half of what I generate, which I generate during the day a IoL of power, but they're on.Iy going to pay me 44 cents, but when I use that same power for me at night, theyrre going to charge me eight cents -- 4.4 cents is what they were going to pay me, but doubl-e charge me that at night, which makes no sense and they came back and said we1l, that's because you're cheating out regular customers that don't have solar, and I was like we11, how can that be and just because yourre going to pay me on an hour-for-hour basis on monthJ-y net metering, and they said we11, our costs, we have to recoup those to maintain the grid and you're not paying what you did in the past, so welre going to have to reduce what we pay you. t said, we11, what are your costs fora25 446 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 t4 15 16 1l 18 79 ll) 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 N I LSON Pub-I ic solar? What is your overhead? I mean, yourre sayinq th.tt- j-t's more expensive homeowner. They couldnrt answer that no idea what I was talking about and nobody has told me about the benefit. to Idaho Power for te 11 me why for this non-solar question. They had after right now, There are benefit s the summer when I us producing produce more energy for them.During than fmonth it's not a lot, during the but duringactually use, month -- peak at night, so those peop]-e that but you I re going aftogether if you and right now I'm the peak hours, 1i ke duri.ng they're getting all They don't have to t-he daytime, I use stuff this free pay tor energy. maintenance. so I don't through with I have to pay maintenance on my solar understand this deaf and I think if a.r.ra y / ha ve you only their go fng solar to ki 11 arrays, go this, as Commissioners,you're not invested in to wipe out adopt what on a f i-xed that you donrt accept before me, he taL ked the solar industry Idaho Power is ins.j-st.ing on, lncome. I'IJ probably have to sell my house and there's no way Itm golng t,o be able to afford this deal, and it, so I Iike thejust ask gentfeman study to for f dalro -- have them actually do a of what theyt re go,lno we as homeowners producing power much that's really worth, not half to charge us. Anyway, that's al"l- I see how much Power, how o 431 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 t6 l1 o 18 79 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT I NG 208.890.5198 RA]NO Pubfic have to say. Thank you. COMI.IISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you. ATe the.re any questions of the Commission? (The appearlng as was examined from parties to the case or members If not I witness than k left you for your te st imony. the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And the next name on the Iist is Patti Raino. PATTI RAINO, a publ-ic viitness, having been duly sworn, and testified as f ol-lows: THE WITNESS: Hello. My name is Patti Raino, P-a-t-t-i or Patricia, P-a-t-r-i-c-i-a, Raino, R-a-i-n-o. I five at 4905 West Outlook Avenue, Boise, 83703, and I am an Idaho Power customer, but I am not a net metering customer. It has been very informative for me to sj-t through this hearing and listen to aff the testimony. I thlnk that from what 1've heard, the decision for you as Commissioners shoufd be relatively easy, but I may be wrong. I strongl-y forward by Idaho that Idaho Power in the settLement. It is the proposal that has betray the trust of the solar power here in oppose Powerbeen put import a nt customers not t.hat have invested in?5 408 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2t13 14 15 16 T1 18 79 20 2L )') 23 24 RA] NO Publ i c Idaho. To change the program under which solar was install-ed is r,r.rong and wil-l bring hardship to many of Idaho Power's customers that have made the good sense choice to limit their carbon footprint. Further, moving from net metering will discourage others like me to utilize sofar to meet their energy needs. My son has a large solar company in Hono1u1u. I might add that in Hono1ulu, solar provides about 25 to 30 percent of the power there in that state and employs more than 100 people there and 250 people throughout the country, and because he grew up in ldaho, has property and family ties to our state, he has also extended his business to Idaho. His business, Revo.Iusun, provides residential anci commercial solar, as weff as systems for solar. Those who have purchased storage soLar of net to adj ust Idaho Power. systems using metering wilf their systems The PUC should the current Idaho Power policy find it difficult and costly to the proposal submitted by be concerned with diverslfying and creating redundancy in constricting it. our energy systems, not in I concur with many The Idaho of the points that have Conservation League a lsobeen made here today. made these points. but aftel: iistening to all theI25 409CSB REPORTING 208 . 890. s198 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 T2 O 13 14 15 L6 71 1B L9 20 27 22 23 24 a CSB REPORT ING 208.890. s198 RAI NO Public testimony, I continued as a pcl i cy for to put so.Iar rooftops is anybody who wants use of some of our would say that net metering should be in their home. Tire best now . residential solar, so the net availability should def in j-teIy for anybody who has put solar and is in the program right meterlng program be extended and continue our energy system and supply energy to many to look at the big a very parochial and in this state. Thank ft should al-so be extended to anybody that wants to put solar on their homes, and I was bej-ng more conservative in my testimony before, but I feel pretty strongl-y after listening to everything that solar generatlon is with the PUC' s of our citi zens. picture and Idaho limiting view of you - an important part of encouragement could ft is important Power has taken solar generat ion COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Are there questions from parties to the case or from members any of the Commission? crapp. David Thank you for (The witness COMMI SS]ONER Grapp ? Ben Ilef f ron . you.r testimony, Ieft the stand. ) KJELLANDER: Next is David Ben Heffron? Michael Schoenhut, Michael Schoenhut ?25 410 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2t13 ).4 15 L6 L1 1B 79 2A 2L 22 ?3 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890.5198 WILLIAMS PubI ic John Green. John Green? Brltt Williams. Is that Bri-tt? Yes, welcome. appearing as was examined BRITT WILLIAMS, a public witness, having been duly swornr and testified as follows: THE WITNESS: Britt WiIIiams, B-r-i-t-t Iive at 1900 East Paradise Lane,W-i- 1-f-i-a-m-s . I Meridian, fdaho, and recently -- wefl, mY built and this is a happy and joyful and I am an fdaho Power customer and I system is on the way. It's being surprrse. T wouLd say it's surprrses are an unpleasant Usually surprise. My officiaJ- title is a contract specialist for the U.S. government, I'm a professional buyer. I spend the taxpayers' money, including my or,rn, to get the best val-ue for the government, not .Lowest price technj-ca1Iy acceptable. I buy qualityr not $400 hammers. I've heard it all. I've bought for the Air Eorce. I've bought for the Army. Irve bought for BLM, supported wildlife firefighters, and I work for a different organization, government, here in town. I wonrt mention the name, but good faith and fair deal-ing are tenets to civil servants who work in my career fieldo25 477 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 12 a 13 15 16 11 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 4I?W ] LL ]AMS Public as a contract specialist- - You heard earlier the five items of a contract. You've got to have agreement, offer and acceptance, considerat.ion. You've got to be capabJ-e and Iega1. We also have to act in good faith. Werve got to be honest. In government contracting, if you say you're going to eval-uate by one thing and then you don't, companies_are upset, because they've fost millions of doll-ars potentially in an awarded contract. They do what's called a protest. They can file it with the contracting it a number ways, but here, you of f ice.r. They can go to basically, didn I t fo I low court. They can do it's a claj-m to say through with here, won or we coul-d of what you said so we protest, have won, but perspective, theyrve 1ega1. They have to the contract. It's because we should have now we can't win. There's two types of contract modifications. One is unilateral, whj-ch means one person signs, and the other one is a bilateral agreement, so when you have a conLract or an agreement or a lease or anything fike that in the federal government, you have two parties that agreed. You had the five things that we tal-ked about earlier and from a contracting officer's got have to have money. It's got to be got to the actual authority to sign be fair and reasonable.o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 o 13 l4 15 16 71 18 r9 2A 27 lt 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 W] LL IAMS Publ ic You've heard it said often through tonight, how do we get to fair and reasonable. We do the math based on the deal. How do I know it's a good deal? I promote competition. I had six companies come to my house. I spent at feast one to four hours between the different instal-1ers, engineers, whoever they brought with them, and I picked one. It was down to two and I picked one, and the one I picked was because he had experience. He took My roof is perfect ly me to a structure that he had buil-t. south-facing, but I'd have for my to cut p rovide house. all the trees that are in front of my house that the shade, that provide the great comfort to help my HVAC cool my house. Why am I $5,000 cutting aII these giant trees and them every year? It's not a best value, array structure behind my house that's nice angle and the solar panels wifl be cover, so I get dual functionafity from goang t hen so 1 to spend t rimming did an I didn ' t buy my system to because a carport at a the carport my system. get a cheaper I had saved mysystemelectric biLl.I got my planned for made flscaf money for it, anaJ-ys j-s. 1t it if I went through pf anned ir, did all the math, aII rhe I could actually afford planned and sense, a different loan system, but I and saved anC about it. It wasnrt on a whim, so for 10 years thought my competition broughto25 413 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 q 10 11 L2t13 l4 15 I6 L1 18 19 2A 2L ?2 23 24t me a fair and reasonable price. The ranges of pricj-ng I have were between 30 and $40,000, all six. They gave me different panels, different warranties, different manufacturers, dj-fferent inverters, different mi croinverte.rs, a whofe bunch of different things. I made the best decision that I knew of at the time based on Idaho Power and al-l- of my own competition, so f would go back to the things Irve Learned tonight from alI the different very eloquent and very prepared people that have spoken before me and Irm sure after me as we]1, in the federal government, if you have something that is cal-led a proposal, that's what it is. If you have something that's called an award, that's what it is. If this document was ca.l-.Ied a study, and as the gentleman a couple only study that actually history, so consider the it's a study, show us the before me said, this j-s the proposed rates change out of the source, PUC members, that if study. I'm in the federaf on this a]-l the time. You saidI get ca f l.edgove rnment . this, show honest. We me.Okay, here it is. V,le've said we're being said we care about green. Do our actions line up with our words? Be honest. Thj-s is a time that American people are really not so sure about government. They don't trust25 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 4t4 W I LL IAMS PubIic t 1 2 3 4 6 '7 B 9 10 11 L2 I 13 l4 15 16 l1 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890. sr98 W I LL IAMS Public the government. They don't trust public companies. They don't trust. Letrs give them a .reason to trust us. Be honest. If it's you.r fault, admit it. Say I'11 fix it. Irll do a modification and the gentleman that said it's got to be a win-win, it has to be a wln-win. The government wants It's not -- it's then get the very and put them out credlt. The credit. Now, the feds, but Quite a long not trying to give them best negotiated price of business. It wants an award and to put them under them to succeed. percent tax percent tax of years versus to do business with sma.II businesses. The government gave a 30 StaLe of ldaho gave it's tiered over a the feds started in a seven couple 2008 to now, '19. time. The government wants to promote green energy. Idaho has said it wants to promote green energy. Idaho Power says Lhat. The new seLtfement agreement, which the title is really a study, which study, but instead has promoted unifateralfy, not bi l atera 11y, Publ ic Utilities Commission is hasn ' t delivered the rate changes with its customers, so the is showing by actions, it's to support .it s actions, not really the not by suppo rt ing be its words, but the pubfic. If included. I 've hear public, Idaho Power by its the sofar generators, myself to invested, I'm here, I've invested. I 415 o 1 2 3 I 6 1 I 9 11 72 o 13 74 15 I6 L1 18 19 2A 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 WI LL IAMS Pubf i c bel-ieve in.it because rt's the right thing to do because it is green. I'm not f may not have the same beliefs as many see the my kids. becau se that Iike this, that l-ike sofar and green, but T it as a legacy towant to dobenefits from it. I My klds get so.l-ar, I 've learned and I've because I've educated them, educated. I have an el-ectric car. It's not a Tesla, no. Anyone I tell- always asks me, is it a Tesla. No, you know, itrs not a Tesla, because for the same money as a Tesla, I have a couple friends ttlat have Teslas, but for the same money as a Tesla, I bought a Chevy Spark, which j-s a t j.ny Ilttle car and f'm 614" and weigh 230 and I bareLy fit in there, anyway, I bought a Chevy Spark and I bought a sol-ar PV panel system for my house and that's the same money as a Tesla, but I'm going to get a longer reward and more funct.ionality and more bank for my buck over the term of the life of that. Let's ca.l-l a study a study. It's not reaIIy a settlement agreement, because no one has agreed of the customers that the rate increases are being imposed on. It's not real]y an agreement. I mean, let's cal] a spade a spade. It's a study. Show us a study. Compfete the study with a third party, with different aud.itors, wj.th pecple that are in the so]-ar PV industry,a 25 476 10 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 with sol-ar consumers. Get some different fo]ks on there to give their input. Due process, that was talked about regulations, gist of that qu j-te a Titfe was I many I'd like W] LLIAMS Pubf ic bit by a gent leman 14-208,61-208, anci have no study and and we have no due wiro quoted several many others. The got that the sessions must I:,e wasn't followed. There were The due p.rocess meetings. If we signed agreement have? An we have no pub 11c . no publ ic bilateral- unwritten book, Do this. Don't accept process, what the studies, this and as a do the book, postpone future customer, not a a future solar continue the net do we t2 11 13 10 t4 15 t6 current customer, I shoufd say as producer, I'm a metering program because if we' re about a1f of the actions J-ine up current customer, that's in place now and -in the future, really about green things that we say with our vrords, and we're reaflv we are/ then let our 1B 19 20 71 2l 22 23 I'd l-ike r- c, change one thing where people have said, yorr know, all change is good. 24 to change thaL and say, you know, aI1 good change is good, and you folks on the PUC, you members, have a chance tc restore good faith in our community and promote good change to contj.nue this process. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Do we have quest j.onc f rcrn part ie*< tc the: case or theo25 CSB REPORTIIJG 208. 890.5198 471 o 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 1.2 o 13 14 15 16 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 [100D Publ ic Commission? 'Ihere being none, thank you for your test imony. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMlSS]ONER KJELLANDER: Next, SpenceT Wood. SPENCER WOOD, appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn, testified as folfows: THE WITNESS: Spencer Wood, S-p-e-n-c-e-r W-o-o-d. I reside at 42L East Crestl-ine Drive, Boise, Idaho, and I am an Idaho Power consumer for over 40 years. AlL of us that have invested in resldential solar investments, itrs quite expensive to us, but it is providing the utility Company with sustainabl-e, cfean energy without a capital investment by Idaho Power or a need for transmission facil j-ties. Eor that reason, we expect to be credited by the net metering agreement at the same rate we are charged, which is about eight point -- weII, 8.6 cents per kilowatt-hour, including foreseeable future rate increases, and as soon as I got this letter dated from ldaho Power on October 23xd, \ thought this is absurd. They're telling us in 2028 that the powero 418 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 is only going to be worth 4.4 cents per kilowatt-hour. That's just not the way it works. It's going to be 10 cents for sure, so f guess I'J-I just have to say that I just found that quite absurd, and I hope -- we also want to sustain these experienced sol-ar companies, these instal-Iation companies, to thrive ln ldaho, to be able to servj-ce our systems. This proposal may drive them out of the area and it wj-Il drive a successful enterprise and employer out of the area. That's not in keeping with what we want for ldaho, and for this simple reason, I ask that we categorically reject the proposed settlement of a reduced rate for our exported power. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Would it be possible to have a copy of your l-etter for the record as well? THE WITNESS: Yes . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: I wanted to make sure we had it for the record. Thank you for your testimony. (The v',itness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Robert from 4960 North Earrow St.reet in Boise. 10 11 72 a 13 I4 15 16 71 1B 19 2-A 27 /l 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 WOOD Pubf i c I 25 419 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 1.2 o 13 L4 15 L6 71 18 l9 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 CONANT Public ROBERT CONANT, appearing as a public witness, having been duly swo.rn, was examined and testified as follows3 THE WITNESS: Thank you, Commj-ssioners, for your pat.ience to electrical -- hear us. I am a professional COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: ahead and get your name officially cou.ld say your name and spell your THE WITNESS: Robert on the Why don't we go record, if you Iast one for us. Conant, C-o-n-a-n-t. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address. THE WITNESS: 4960 North Farrow Street and, yes, I am an ldaho Power customer. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Please provide us your statement. THE WITNESS: Thank you. Thanks for your patience with us. I am a professionaf electrica]- system engineer, in fact, specializing in system design on this very campus for over a decade now. We have a lot of on-site generation perspecti-ves in this room and I'm here to do ny duty as a citizen, not mainly to represent the solar generation customers who diligently could be here to speak for themselves. Irve come with a perspective25 424 o L 2 3 4 5 6 1 I o 10 a 13 11 72 l4 15 16 L] 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5r98 CONANT Publ- i- c from the unde r- rep re sented customers who failed to be pfus other ldaho Power of any of this. the suggested 450,000 notified They a re, after all, beneficiaries of this calcufations are based fixed cost report. change. on the The Company fixed cos t A1I my data and Company's, Idaho would li ke it Power's, to be appa ren t Iosing a large customers, at they wished to that this l-ost from their r:epo rt that they are amount of money from feast when considering j-nc1ude. They would revenue, the cost of on-s.ite generation the factors that fike it understood it is beino borne the bul-k of the non-generating residentiaf customers There are a number of other factors have since justified this proposaf in the name of rate fai rness . by and the y studydid not inc.Iude, which a more would have, deferred costs and thorough net metering sol-ar benefits. They failed to assign value to generatj-ng during the summer, their self-proclaj-med higher cost summer months on page 32. While multip.Ie scenar.ios were considered in their report, the actual benefit to Idaho non-generating residents, the benefit of net hourly billing was not discussed at a.Il in the 91-page fixed cost study, what would be the benefit to the non-gene.rating res.ident, so I've been compefled Lo determine from their own data whata 421 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 l B 9 10 11 l2 o 13 l4 15 15 L1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 422 CONANT Publi-c that benefit might be As an and present it to you. important aside, the Company is using incorrect .Ianguage in their pubfic correspondence. The Company's -Ietter to the public addressed, and I quote, "more accurate measuring as the issue being addressed in this case." Accu.rate measuring, who could argue vrith that? They don't mention that accurate hourly measuring is already occurring and has for five-ten years wlth the distribution of smart meters. Any customer can log in onl-ine and see accurate hourly measuring, their utilization, and upfoad to the grid. I urge the Commission to require fdaho Povrer to use the correct terminology. With al-l- the negative PR it may incur, this is about residentiaL solar carryovers and billing methodol-ogy. The term measurement is misfeading to the public and you wil-f see that's not the terminology they used in their report. As a .result of my personal. analysis of this report, there are two points I woufd f il<e to make to the Commission regarding the logical and mathematical problems with the study and the proposed settlement agreement. The first is this: The Company is proposing this change in the name of, as mentj-oned, rate fairness, They wouid like those who incur the costs, at l-east as they calculate them, to pay the costs, buto25 o 10 o 11 72 L4 15 16 l1 18 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 CONANT Pubfic strangely, from the resident i a 1 fixed cost repor t paying for those the Company's own Eigure generation customers are fixed 1 on page 15, not the ones you should be targeting. There exists much more vast misalignment dollar-wise of distribution of fixed costs within the Schedule 1 resj-dential customer cfass itself. because the Company has fai.Ied to address the main fixed cost .issues. Not discussed by the Company in their is the large discrepancy between who's those frxecl costs and who is actually costs and frm not talking aboutincurring solar.m talking about the bulk of Schedule 1, residential customers not bifled appropriately amongst each other for fixed costs per the Company's own report, The examples are not hard to consider, Someone with a 1ow scaIe, but constant, so highJ-y-accumulat ing electric 1oad, with a large el-ectric bill- is bearinq the fixed costs imposed by someone with minimal overall energy usage, but usage patterns which drive up the rea.L costs of peak load and time-of-use generation and infrastructure. A1so, Schedu.Ie 1 on its own compared to residential on-site generation is 430 times larger. I would ask the Company why are we not proposing properly assigning the vast majority of fixed costs within Schedul,e 1.o 25 423 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 a a l- 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 13 15 76 l1 L4 18 20 I9 2l 22 a 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 CONANT PubIic If werre trul.y pursuing fixed cost fairness for Schedule 1 people, this is the proposed goal, wouldn't it make sense to address 99.8 percent of the group impacted by the problem, not only the .2 percent who are on-site generation customers? Why are you ha ve discriminating against on-site qeneration saying they to pay their proper share of fixed costs, but no one etse? No other schedules were mentioned at al-l- and this .leads to the most bfatant issue I take with the Company's study my, second point. This regards the doLlar amounts involved. You have to follow the money. I examined the Company's revenue surplus and deficiency numbers. In that report, they are clear and with the Company, I must agree, that they are overcharging residential customers based on their data by 19 million per year, page L4, or an average of $60.00 per customer thereabouts, but who is getting the benefit of thls overcharging by 19 miffion? The Company makes it sound like it is the residential solar producers as this is the onl-y party whom the Company is targeting with this new regul-ation, but only half a million dolfars of this 19 million overcharge, 2.6 percent, is from residential- so1ar. Yet, the Company is overcharging by 19 miilion. Who is the other 18.5 milLion subsidizing?25 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I o 10 11 72 a 13 74 15 t6 tl 1B 19 20 2L 22 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 CONAN TPublic This is not going ldaho Power t s own hal f groups much to them, residential- r:epo rt , Iarge general,solar, but per industrial, and not be about a minor actuafly what those mi ] f j-on, 60 cimes as irrigation customers are not wel-l-. Page 14, discussion. It paying their in Schedule Ei gu re s hou l-d I fair share of costs, burdening the residents people pay, perhaps even them as and if you consider the service charge that these 6, in the report summarizes this addressinE in this proposal, though a milIion. I'm tal-king about are underbilled for totals 31 as ldaho Power is considering they've had this data by about that many customers. for two years. In rea.Iity, with the data in the fixed cost report, bilIing, i-f we were to bill on-site generators perfectly fairly based on the Company's own numbers, the Cornmission wou]-d save the average Schedu]e 1 customer over the course of an entire year around $1.00. The math is not hard; this group recuperated Everybody is here over va11ey. half a million dollars underpaid by 51.00 for the families in this I ask the Commission why are we not discussing saving us a1f $60.00 a year? Let's have a candid discussion about the 20,000 irrigation, large general, and industrial customers who are causing 97.4I25 425 a 1 2 3 4 6 l 8 9 percent, almost the entire Schedule 1 overcharge totafing 31 miffion and Iet's get that back to Schedule 1 customers. In World War II, we dropped rubber dummies in enemy territory so they would spend their limited ammunitj.on fighting a harmless target. Idaho Poh/er i.s wasting the Commission and the public's t.ime targeting the wrong group. I would urge you, the Commission, to focus your resources on the actual cost burden to Idaho residential overbilling. Why are we wasting f j.teral- years targeting residential generat.ion, individual homeowners, who account for onfy 2.6 percent of the amount that you are overcharging other residential customers ? I am not surprised that the public view of this is predat.ory to fdaho Power for squashing the generating pubfic because they encroached on their power generation monopoly. Here today we are discussing how best to punish .26 percent or two out of 1,000 customers for faulty rate structures that failed to account for fixed costs properly for any of the haff miflion residentiaf customers. Why target initial change towards the two smaffest schedule groups, both in numbers and dol1ars, on your rate fairness quest? Why is the company discriminatinq in this way? Something you, CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 CONANT Public 10 t 11 t2 13 74 15 16 ll o 18 79 20 2). 22 23 24 25 426 o t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t 11 L2 13 14 15 76 t1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 Commissioners, have forbidden. Orre of the only conclusions the consumer can make j-s that they are targeted because they do not have corporations behind them. As an analyst of the solar coru[unity, which as far as I can teII is in alignment with federaf and state goals of advancing clean energy, have made personal. investments in the technology of the future, have made personal investments in the clean future of our wor1d, while not taking a single cent of a paycheck from thej-r investment, only future deferred cost based on responsibfe calcufations, based on your prior policy. Should they rather not be the target of your suppo.rt having fu11y cooperated with every regulation and safety protocol you have issued? In fact, bore additional cost for sure to their systems in order to meet and yet, deslring regulations, Are the Company s ent they some misleading sr-atements like sort of law violator honest and sald they measuring, They shou.Ld have been desire l-ucrative billing for Idaho the accura t-e Power to the detriment of prior green ene.rgy competition in ldaho. You have a ciear goal in thj-s proposal remove decades of previousfy agreed-upon green energy incentives to a few. Whife Idaho Power promotes their to CONANT Pubfic o 25 4',?-1 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 1l- L2 o 13 t4 t5 16 11 r-B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 CONANT PubI ic pro green face to the vast public, they continue to overcharge tens or: millj-ons to that public while subsidizing the much more literally power hungry industrial bottom fines. Shoufd not hourly billing be marketed as it is, a way to target and discourage residential- solar customers in an unprecedented way? Why are they not including Schedule 24 or Schedufe 9? This is discriminatory. In the regulation proposal that the Company would 1i ke excuse me. They would Iike to discourage future sol-ar installations and for inappropriate reasons. Again, this is based on data from their own report. Their own summary language focuses on classes 6 and 8, a mere 2.4 percent of the problem, as "especially a problem" on page 15. I ask you why is 2.6 percent of the Company's billing issue especially a problem while 97.4 percent is not bej.ng mentioned at all in this proposal ? I agree that reform is needed, but if approved, you're targeting the wrong group with this regulatioil. If power-provlding parties like Idaho Power are guaranteed a roughly seven percent profit on their work, why are the truly green, proactive, smal1er, more risk-exposed, anci personally invested homeowners in Idaho not worthy of similar consideration? Simply because theyo25 428 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 I 13 l4 15 16 r'1 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTTNG 208. 890. 5198 CONANT Publ ic don't have mil.Iir;ns of stakeholders holding stock that my residential solar stakeholders are seven, and 11. They sit across the dinner certificates or s itt ing The only and at some point I'm here are currently excited about and future careers defined across the board room. personal con'nent T would make rs ages four, table from me them.They mi nds also to represent clean energy with open by pride in our household caring we.l" l- f or smart and they fimited community resources. They hear and reference this moment as a.r e thousands of children will, They are looking to us to be like I fall into oneof justice and I know youe xamp.le s of these t!,/o categories, ScheduJ-e The Company would 1or Schedule 6 suggest that solar generators are to be treated as power wholesalers and yet denied that their solar installation is abfe to pay for itself or any proflt. Reasonable would be guaranteeing the same percentage that Idaho Power is guaranteed and granting depreciation, other tax incentives that af .I businesses are provided by federal law. Thi.s is, of course, a ridiculous proposal, Every househol-d will- have Iow barriers to producing energy in a couple of decades j-n some form if they stifl own the sun that shj-nes on their house. There is an overly complicated ]ega1 messa 429 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 a 13 74 15 15 71 1B 19 20 2t 22 l3 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 CONANT PubIic 4 30 that would ensue by making every residence a business. If we approve t-his further distracting form, the real source -- excuse me -- if we approve this. Eurther distracting from the real source of fixed cost inequal-ity j-n Idaho, letrs stay focused and do our jobs and force Idaho Power to address the broader fairness issues. Wlth years into the dj-scussion and the Company pressuring for quick regulation, it is time we started talking about the rea-I solution. Why would the so-caIled beneficiarj-es of this change not be invited? Because if they came and actually did the math, this would not be the change they would want. It does not begin to address their needs. This begs the question, who is this change representing, really, if not for a Schedul,e 1 benefit of a doffar? At the end of my analysi.s, who is this for? This is about ldaho Power controlling the future of household energy generation, nothing more, nothing Iess. The higher the percentage of energy that they contro.I Ieads to more revenue do11ars. The -larger dol-lar amount of revenue at their guaranteed profit means more dollars in profit. To c1ose, Commissioners, if you are for cJ-ean energy, why punish it? Punishing these .2 percent of the residents does not even begin to grant the other 450,000 fairness, This is a fie r-hat we are being soId. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 t-1 72 o 13 1.4 15 16 11 1B 79 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 WOLF'E Public The math is clear. If you are for rate fairness, then 1et's actually pursue it, instead of straining out a half miffion dolfar gnat and swallowing a $31 million camel. Thank you. COMM] SS]ONER to the case KJELLANDER: Any questions or members of thefrom the part j-es Cornmi s s ion? If not, (The thank witness COMMISS IONER you for your test imony. left the stand. ) KJELLANDER: Werf .I caf .I now Rodney Wolfe. appearlng as was examined RODNEY WOLEE, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as f oll-ows: THE WITNESS: Thanks for having me here tonight. My name is Rodney Wo1fe, R-o-d-n-e-y W-o-l-f-e, 5974 North Will-owdal-e Lane, Garden City, Idaho, 831L4, and I am an Idaho Power customer and a net metering customer. Primarj-ly, f want to address the Commission that I vehemently oppose this proposal. It wiff have a negative financial- impact on my family as we have invested significant capj-tal based on the existing net metering structure. The proposed changes wiff cost me thousands of dol]-ars over the fife of my instal-l-edo25 431 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 o 13 l4 15 L6 11 1B 19 2A 21 22 23 CSB REPORT ]NG 208.890.5198 WOLEE PubI ic equ ipmen t from the stories, the face promoting this is began planning to I planned to put correct.l-y, south sofar. We saved. committed and we and eliminate any transfer value resalc :>-f lny home in the f uture. potentiaffy You must at Anyt h i ngl-east grandfather existing cogen customers, el-se woufd be unfair, unjust. I want to share just the story of how I came about my investment, because it wasnrt about a cost savings. It was about trying to make a difference, a tiny sna11 difference, in the world. I don't know if you read the news, but it seems l-ike we have a carbon problem. This was something that I coul-d do for myself, my famj-ly, my neighbors, my conmunity, my state, my world, the globe to make one smal-l- impact, and it seems that for the last 10 plus, 15 years, Irve been being told thatrs the responsible thing to do. Itrs what we all need to be thi.nkj-ng about doing. The incentives we.re a]1 there. The on the power companies, everybody was what you shoufd do. Twelve years ago I put thls. I moved to a smaller home. a solar -- the home was positioned exposure. We always planned to do We planned. In 2018, we finally it was a maj or commitment. due to some medi-cal- We had to things. I July, my then put it off fcr t-hi nk it's ironic: in a year Lhat 1 gor- my permrt thiso25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 t0 11 72 o 13 74 76 l7 18 l9 20 2L 22 ?-3 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 WOLEE Publ ic electricaf permit I .IuIy, my efectri.cal insta.I f at ion of my something, I think, the 23rd, surprise. Wow, calculation we made think in -- my ldaho permit in September. Power permit in T finished the system on the 17 th October 15th. I went l-ive and I received the fetter on that seems like a bad deal, was based on the one-to-one so every month I y we s i gned f i na 11y, net metering program, so that was the deal that up for. That was the deal- that we relied on, so this is a bad idea at the worst time for many reasons that everybody expressed by all of the people and all of the testimony here today. Shame on anyone who woufd even consider enacting this whatever it is. I hope everybody can sleep at night. Thanks. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Do we have any questions? If not, thank you for your testimony. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER K,JELLANDER: James Crussweff . Are you James? No, okay, Let's see, th.is name I cannot read. It is 2498 East Ashbrook Court, the resident of 2496 East. Ashbrook Court. Steven Nelson. Pat Bea1e. a 433 o a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 LL L2 13 l4 15 15 71 a 1B 19 20 2l 22 2.3 24 CSB REPOP.T]NG 208.890.5198 BEALE Public appearang as was examined PAT BEALE, a pui:J.ic witness, havrng been duly sworn, and testified as follows: THE WITNESS: live at 2012 South Harmony Idaho Power customer and -- My name is Patrick Beale. I Avenue in Boise and I'm an me to start back? guy rlght there. (Aud io lost. ) THE WITNESS: Okay, where would you Beale, B-e-a-.I-e. IrIl Iook at 'f he re ' s been 1i ke that peopfe, I woufd tomea very educated people that have some very tal-ented spoken tonight and that I think it'sagree with some of the very obvious decis ion spea kers that can be made by the Comm.issron hearing this matter. You know, I've been involved in public processes in the past and public involvement can be very contentious and it can be very difficult to buil-d that consensus and, you know, when we first got into actuafly having our own system, I caLled Idaho Power and I said I hear that there's some words going on. There's something that's brewing about possible changes, and they said -- anyway, I talked with them. They said, you know, you might speak to the PUC, so I cal]ed over here. I said I wouJ-d real-J"y like to keep my ear on the track on this. I woul-d really like to be involved, so I got 434 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 I2 o 13 1.4 15 t6 11 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 a CSB REPORT ING 208.890. s198 BEALE Publ- ic signed up to be able to get some electronic mailings and other things and the point is that I basically got nothing and Irm not complaining about that. It's just I wanted to be involved and vested in this whole process and I didn't rea]J-y have that chance. I was very surprised to get the letter, but the letter was vague enough t.hat it didn't really describe to me what was happeninq, and by the time that fetter came out, itrs like well, the been made is the way 1t seemeci to me. not at all be the case at all, but I in which to be able I'm not prepared, decision has Now, that feel fike I' to spea k because f a l ready mi ght m coming up here didn't eyes or to times that systems in in at the Ilth hour and I afso feef that real1y realize this close to the finish but something that your ears tonight train was on the track and we're so I can say I would agree with well-educated folks that have maybe that bad is on me, but virtuall-y all- of the real1y spoken here today. 1ine. so I did want and that is to bring to your I 've heard a few Some realIy great information came out, therers maybe 4,000 people that the state, 4,000, and if their have net meter on that was $20,000, and price that they that ' s actualfy ave rage I thinkspent low,but let's just say. you know, we'fl be conservative, thatrs $80 mil]ion we've put on the line as private25 435 o 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BEALE Public individual-s that ldaho Power did not have to put out in order to obtain t-hat power. I mean, the return on investment, the risk that I and my family it's significant for has invested in these have incurred, itrs signif.icant and anybody el-se thatrs out there that systems and, you know, to that return on investment or have itpotentia Ify extended out not have to 35 years or something if my dead by then.that long, you know, I'11 be system I wifl we have goes have inmoved out. There's a f inancia.l- stake that this and we donrt want to lose that resource. I know that I just recently read that Zillow has stated after assessing all of the sales of houses that have net meterinq systems and that don't and they feel that there's a 4.1 percent gain in property va.Iues, so it's not a l-ot, but it's stiff significant. 4.1 percent your property is worth more compa.red to comps if you have a system as compared to if you don't have a system, so I think that's important that a lot of money has come in, and I said $80 million if we're talking about -- that they're spending closer to $40,000, you know, pretty soon you're at $200 million we put out of pocket, the citizens, in the last 10 years in order to do these systems, so I guess it's just a big deal-. And the final thing that I wanted to Ieaveo 436 L2 13 L4 15 16 L-t 18 19 20 2t 22 24 25 o 10 ll 72 a 13 L4 15 16 t1 1',d 19 2A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 BEALEPublic the Commission with, and by the way, thank you for being here tonight and listeninq for so 1ong, j-t's been a l-ong night for everybody, and that is to lift your eyes up and not just look at this individual- decision, which you have to do, but to look further down the road. I heard someone tafk about a telescope and using that as the analogy, you know, look at what's coming to the state in 20 years from now. I know p robab I y and I'm virtually everyone in here has kids or what ' s going grandkids to be the COMMT SS IONER your testimony. the Commlssion? world and we' r:e do, too, and talking 20 and 40 the road and are we sure you years down the road and 60 years in the right? Are you guys, are the right dlrection j-n order to be and that's the question that down you steering get to where I would offer the ship in we want to to you that you need to anshrer as part of what you're Idaho Power's proposal, so thank you very KJELLANDER: Are there any assessing with much . Thank you and we questi-ons fromappreciate parties or agaln. There are none, so thanks COMI.{ISSIONER KJELLANDER: Louis LandTy. (The witness Left the stand. ) RA Robbins. Louis Landry? o 25 431 1 2 3 4 6 1 9 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 o 13 74 15 L6 L1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 O CSB REPORT ING 208. 890.5198 SHEPPARD PubI ic Doug from 3895 North Buckstone Avenue, Merid.ian. Doug? St ephen Stephanie. We ' 11 take Sheppard. Stephen a Stephanie. oh. appearing as was examined STEPHANIE SHEPPARD, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: THE WITNESS: My name is Stephanie Sheppard, S-t-e-p-h-a-n-i-e, Sheppard, S-h-e-p-p-a-r-d. I l-ive at 6330 West Montana Avenue here in Boise and I'm an Idaho Power customer. Eor years I've waited for Idaho Power to devel-op solar solutions so that I coufd buy into their program. I waited and I waited and I read their stuff and they continued to be committed to hydroelectric, coaI, and gas. I waited a l-ittIe longer and fina11y, I went to a home show and I bought the system. I paid big bucks for the system. I got my tax break and like everyone e1se, we waj-ted for Idaho Power to buy into the system and they didn't do it. The government supported me and Idaho Power did not. Three years fater ldaho's commitment to power, to sofar power, is about the same as it was 10 years ago. Their commitment to going green by 2045, make25 438 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t? I 13 74 l5 76 L1 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.s198 SHE P PARD PubI ic no mistake. it is not about solar. ftrs about hydroelectric. Their material says that. Thelr website says that. Their commitment to going green in 2045 is not about so1ar. I travel extensively throughout the worl-d and the last 20 years I've been surprised at how much I the world, Last summer fa ro undsee sofar panels pop up was in the mi-ddle of the solar panel, a couple of Serengetj- in Africa, there's a them. Come back to Idaho and our Idaho Power. which is a here in this state, remains solar solution, They cite monopoly on our power system again uncommitted to the infrastructure costs. They analogy earfier, they' re missile. 3-5,000 of us depending on that they want to crush. cry fou1. beating a I l- i ked the guyr s gnat with a cruise There I s four who you ta.Ik to, 3-5,000 of us They bore no cost in putting in my system. l donrt do math in public, so I like the $80 million cost that this group of people put together, because we believe in a solution that the Power Company is not providing to us. I fiken this issue to think 20 years ago, imagine Century Link, the phone company, punishing those of us who wanted to buy cel-l- phones back in the day by increasing the celL phone because they had to have a land.Iine to our house. Resistance is futile. You may -- if yout25 439 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2t13 74 15 16 71 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 SHEPPARD Pubf i c approve crush, this/ Conmissioners, Vou may crush, you will the sol;rr induslry in lclaho for a l-ittle whiJ-e, but rest assured, I think the solar energy remain cornnltted. I wifl remain committed. Idaho Power. They reject and null-if y have the monopoly. companies wil-] I will buy years , sol-ar i. s Water is a this request from They're punishing put in $80 million the wrong side of that generator and I wil-f find the world and I wil-l find that battery grid and I'J-I help everybody f carr I ask the members to Efon Musks of the and I will get off the do it. -- they're into the Please don't be onprograms. because in punishing those of us who history,20 the answer. CoaI 1s a finite resource. finite resource. If the sun goes away, werre all dead anyway, so that doesn't matter. I thj-nk solar is going to be around. Please don't reward Idaho Power and punish the so.l-ar f ol-ks who are trying to do the right thing. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Any questions from the parties or members of the Commission? Thank you for your testimony. (The witness feft the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: C].inton and I can't make out the fast name, h,ut Cfinton from 5914, is that West View, Meridian? okay.I 25 444 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 L4 15 16 71 1B 79 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5r98 HOOPS Pub 1i c CLINTON HOOPS, appearing as a pubLic witness, having been first duly sworn, testified as follows: THE WITNESS: My name is Clinton Hoops. Last name is spelled H-o-o-p-s. Address is 5914 West View Drive, Meridian, and I am an fdaho Power customer. I skipped bringlng my notes up here partly because a lot of this stuff has al-ready been covered, but one of the things that's been touched upon or hasnrt been touched upon is when Idaho Power comes here in looking at rates and investments,'theyrre guaranteed a return on their investment by the PUC. The home generators are not gua.ranteed any return. We're making that investment as a gambl-e, and rea11y, we're, yes, we're looking at -- depending on discount rates applied, Irve done way too many economi-c analyses and played with those numbers that we're sitting out there 15-20 years to maybe break even and that's a maybe, because weII, our system also l-oses efficiency during its lj-fetime. Numbers vary by half a percent to one percent a year. Those numbers are hard to cal-cufate into those analyses unless you reaffy get serious about it, so we are -- I'm just going to say that we're fooking at a minimum of a 2O-year payback generaffy, so is it fair foro25 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 L2 13 t-4 15 16 l1 18 79 )A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 reafly a future customer to put solar on their with the rates tirurt are being suggested in this house and settlement agreement? We're start tal- king discount rates that, we're talking this IS no economic sense to it, and investmenc that ldaho Power to approve. tafking -- actuaffy, if you and throw j-ng things into a 50-year payback and there's it certain.Iy wouldn' t be an woufd make and expect the PUC viirhin that, the other point I'11 is thls is distr j.buted generation. Idaho Power their peaker plants siLes it want to site it bri-ng up in s it ing as cfose to the cusLomer as poss.ible. Thatrs exactly $rhat we're to the crtstomer.We're siting our system neighbor, Past that, I doing.next He' s our a l-ot of done a fot appreciate sald. I can't emphasize enough that I really agreement shoul,d be rej ected. really recommend feel the sett lement your comnents. (The witness feft- the stand. ) have to thank people who have -- ,foshua ar)d others who have of research, much more eloquent than I am. I their comments and whoIly support what theyrve COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for COMM.ISS1ONER KJELLANDER: We'11 caff next Sean Manion, HJ-dden Valley Drive. Jer ry Jensen . HOO PS Publ ic O o 1 2 3 4 5 6 "t I 9 10 o 11 72 13 L1 18 14 15 15 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890.5198 44.1 appearang as was exam.ined JERRY JENSEN, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as foflows: THE WITNESS: Heflo, my Jensen. I live at A12L East Indigo in I'm here because I want to talk about a name ls Jerry Idaho, and of things so }ate in Nampa, coup l-e it ' sthat have not been mentioned. I'm important. sorry The My air conditioner 1l: 00 o ' clock in the evening, but they' re littfe secret of rooftop matter what you do today, degree as I learned when panels ln August and then It was going backwards. it kept golng brackwards. put a smalf system in, so wasn ' t my air conditioner, 11,:30 than it was two days that and I'm a physj-cist. think my solar panels are solar energy provi-ders. No they will benefit to some I first installed my solar wenL out and watched the meter. first is a shady came on and 85 degrees, it's golng backwards. It shoufdn't I went in the my house. The reason it's so the morn.rng, be. I neighbor's. It's 70 degrees in because I just put southern exposures I peaked over the fence. It iL was my house. cool is a bunch of solar panefs on all of my and all of a sudden, my house is 10 before. degrees We aff cofder at benefit from 1 get to make this estimate. I the equivalent to two very JENSEN Pubfic o 25 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 large shade trees by my house, and if every Idaho Power customer had two mature shade trees in their yard, we woul-d all use a lot less power during the peak periods, and we all know r.rhen that is, it's midsummer, right? Solar he1ps, but frankly, that shade helps, too. It hel-ps a lot, but the other thing I vrant to teLl you -- talk about is net metering. This is a powerful tool if you use it right and can be very helpful. Under the proposed rate structure, j-t wil-l- be to my advantage to use the most power while I'm producing the most power. I should run my washer, my dryer, my dishwasher, my expensive heater all during the day when frm producing the most power. but that helps Idaho Power the least because that's when they need power on the grid. What helps you 1s if I use my net metering and push those energy uses that I do have a choice on into the evening, okay, into the times that the grid is not loaded, and you can monitor that, Idaho Powe.r does monitor that. They assured me they are and they're charging me $5.00 a month to do that, okay, but think of the power of this. If all of these users who are such a burden on the rest of the grid were af .I turning their thermostats up at noon and not running their air conditioners during peak periods, which is generally from 10 11 L? I 13 L4 15 16 l1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 1,l CSB REPORT ]NG 208.890.5198 JENSEN Pubf i c t 445 o I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 l4 15 l6 l1 1B 19 2A 27 22 23 ?4 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 JENSEN Publ ic to do so, now, all of a sudden, we're not the foad on the grid at peak times, we're distribute that foad. As we al.L know, solar is a 4:00 to 6:00 p.rn. in down, as we afl can the evening, j ust and $,/ould do i f we shutting them had an incent ive only reducing hefping to at, but they' re solar panel s also the prob f em systems for and when t hat go down. cloud pops up and That I s what ldaho bit of a all your solar Power has to design that ' s the cost they're Iooking of urbannot 1oo ki ng reducing the wi J-l ingnes s properly inc periods. We we saw that at the cost saving cost of heating homes and of net meter:ing cost to entivized to reduce our customers if we' re use during th ing the peak we did whenwill do that and the first net meter is we went from four washes I means four loads of washes a week to two. nlght, not because it was mc,re We sta.rted running the dishwasher late at know the grid is loaded in the efficient, but because we afternoon, and we can al-l- using net metering, thi s way to lncentivize the use by people that have the can program my furnace not needs the power and we can help in that and you could by very powerful too1, the right of energy in off peak periods choice and most of us do. I to come on when I know Idaho turn this around and use it the right way. Thank you foro25 445 o t 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 o 13 L4 15 l6 1-1 1B l9 2A 2t 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 LABRUM Publ ic your time. (:OMMISSIOI.IER K.IELL.ANDER: And thank vou for your testimony today. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Dirk Bodily. Dirk Bodily? Scott Moore. Scott Moore? Richard Brennan. Richard Brennan, Two Rivers Drive, Eagle. Gary from 10952 North Haw.Iey place ln Eag1e. THE AUDIENCE: Hanley. COMMlSSIONER KJELLANDER :Hanley, okay, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Lab rum. THE AUDIENCE: L- a-b- r -u -m. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay. appear j-ng as was examined GARY LABRUM, a pubfic witness, having been duJ,y swo.rn, and t.estified as folfows: THE WITNESS: My name L-a-b-r-u-m. Gary is with a single " is Gary Labrum, live at l- 0 952r. " Io25 446 and your last name? THE AUDIENCE: Labrum. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 72 11 13 27 l4 15 16 tl 18 19 20 t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 LABRUM Public of where I spend North Hanfey I'm an Idaho the upcharge federal tax P l ar,-re ,H-a-n-l-e-y, in Eag1e, Idaho, 83616. ratepayer. Customer denotes a choice a consumer. I am a solar customer. l)()!,teI AS My testimony concerns IPUC Case No. IPC-E-18-15. Idaho Power has made this filing to the Publ-j-c Utilities Commission that could change the net metering program for ratepayers. My wife and I are opposed. We built a new smaller home, two bedrooms and 1,080 square feet, in 2014 seekj-ng enerqy and labor efficiencies. We invested $29,000 in that new home to just have the rooftop solar panels, bypassing much fancier interior and exterior finishes to be able to util-ize our cash as so.l-ar and to stay on budget. We made that decision to achieve some form of energy .independence. of the des j-gn anci t,ie of ag re ement to insta I l rnade the decision at the very beginning building process to utilize sofar, with the decision being because we would bethe maj or part able to uti-Iize the then current Idaho Pohrer pricing structure and to help with solar at t-he being able to afford time. State and factors enabled our decision to go forward down the road what we mi ght pos s ibi 1j- t y that sometime in for energy independence incentives helped. with the invested Those ever heip us break even doll.ars-and-cents-wise.o 25 441 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 o 9 Our sol-ar panels have enabLed us to be a net exporter of electrical energy. We have generated over 24 megawatt-hours of power sj.nce we installed our system and went l-ive in October of 2016. We do not expect to get a check from Idaho Power. We are satisfied with being abfe to accumul"ate a credit that may offset energy use when we're not able to export the power, never to be reimbursed. We are not in the energy business. We did not expend resources to make a profit. We wished to not be behofden to the whims of a utility and also believe that the program at the Idaho Power, state, and federal levels was created to incentivize purchasing renewable generation. Solar rooftop generators account for l-ess than -- pick any number, but I picked 8/10th of one percent of Idaho Powerrs ratepayers. Eight years from now Idaho Power only wants to credj-t us with what will probably be less than 30 percent of what they will be charging their ratepayers for electricaf energy. The $80 mil-llon, f used an even lower figure, if that 8,/10th of one percent spent just half of what I have, theyrve invested more than $60 million into generating power for the grid. We, my wife and I, who invested to try to 10 11 1.2 o 13 14 15 t6 l1 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LABRUM Publ ic 25 4 48 o 1 3 4 5 6 -7 I 9 10 11 l2t13 t4 15 15 L1 1B t9 20 2t 22 24t CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 attain energy independence PubIic Uril iLies Ccmrnission would hope that the Idaho be an arbiter their capacity for of ethics, fairness, andoversight would protection for al- Iow us alf to IN the residents of the St.ate of Idaho and maintain the original terms that we thought we were doing. attention at this late your comments and there are appreciate your testimony. THE WITNESS: appea.rang as was examined COMMISSIONER K.TELLANDER: Thank you for Thank you for your time and hour of the night. no questions,so we Thank you. (The witness feft the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Robert Kunz. ROBERT KUNZ, a publ j-c witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: THE W]TNESS: fast name ls spelled K-u-n-z. Hilf Court in Boise, and I am My name is Robert Kunz. The 1rm at L1367 West- an Idaho customer, Power customer, on Schedufe 5. I'm going to onfine here to just keep it brief, but f was attend testimony yesterday and I fooked back the documents on the PUC website about ldaho try abfe Hickory I daho to edit to at some of Power cases 449 KUNZ Pr:bl rc o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 in net meter.ing from the past. It's very clear that there's a ]ot's of tension here between alf the interested parties goinq way, way back. In this matter, based on Order 34046, the docket to comprehensl,vely study the costs and benefits of on-site generation of fdaho Power's system is what we're here for. I think Idaho Power believes that the settlement agreement that they produced actually meets its objectives. They even titl-e it that way, but what j-t really does is it just rewrites Schedufe 6 and 8 to include new concepts such as net hourly meeting -- metering, blended base energy rate, export credit rates, It doesnrt discuss any benefj-ts of on-site generation, does not present logic for how the proposed changes came to be. It rea11y isnrt a study. It's an attempt at a rate redesign and it jumps to a conc.Iusion. Looking back at the history, this seems to be Idaho Powerrs methodology to petition the PUC for changes to net metering, throw something out there and see if it will f1y. As far back as 2012, Idaho Power opened a case, IPC-E-I2-27, which introduced Schedule 6 and 8 for the first time, spelled out changes to them to increase the service charge and introduce a basic load capacity charge, simj-1ar to a demand charge. The PUC rejected that pl,an and even then 10 11 12 I 13 L4 15 t6 L1 18 19 20 2t 22 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 a 25 450 KUNZ Pubf i c o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 t1 L2 a r3 L4 15 16 L1 18 79 2A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890. s198 KUNZ Pub-Lfc instructed Idaho t'ower to be ready with a cost-benefit analysis and plrt jt all together for the next general rate case, their next a.Ilowed to generation that. again to penali ze others have taf ked that will make PV export energy wi 11 the sma11, We're stiLl- waiting for that rate case. In attempt in IPC-E-17-13, Idaho Power was create Schedule 6 and 8 to seg.regate on-site customers even though Schedule 84 already did Even the PUC Staff change. The common thread through argued against thi s much of the Staff discussion is that Idaho Power is arguing for that their own data does not change s 're backNow, v/e one support. .l-es s than about, customers with a systems unfeasible. In the end be worth half of import ba I ance percent as rate schedufe ene rgy point, and customers will have to attempt to hour 1y . their net usage BasicalIy fdaho Power wants to discourage on-site generatj-on in the strongest possible manner. Of course, this is contrary to their stated goal of 100 percent renewable by 2045. I think it's an attempt to sta11 on-site generation projects and persist in antiquated rate tariffs. Idaho Power is resisting industry changes brought on by distributed energy resources. Let's get out of the past and into the futurea25 451 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 74 l5 15 71 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 a CSB REPORT ING 208.890.51-98 SCHWARZ Publ ic with a well thoughc-out plan to take into account DERS and distributicnaf equity t-o come up with a new general rate case. I hope the Commj.ssion rejects this settlement agreement in favor of a comprehensive general rate case that utifizes the fixed cost study that others have talked about in current rate design trends. Thanks for your time tonight. COMMTSSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, and there belng na questions,we appreciate your testimony th j-s evening . (the wit-ness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: The next name I can make out, the first name is Steve from 12101. Okay, oh, that's Schwarz. appearrng as was examined STEVE SCHWARZ, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and tesEified as folfows: ' THE WITNESS: My name j-s Steve Schwarz. I l-ive at 12101 Sheloko Road, CaLdwell, Idaho. I am an Idaho Power customer re.l-uctantly and Irm also a solar producer. COMMISS]ONER RAPER: Can you spell your?5 452 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l L2 o 13 74 t5 16 71 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208. 890. 5198 SC HWARZ Publ- i c l-as t name ? TtiE WITNESS: S-c-h-w-a-r-2. Do you need me to spelf Sheloko, too? Okay, just checking. A11 riqht. so we got into solar a few years ago primarily because when we moved to our new p1ace, our power bill was extraordinary. $850 a month was our average power bi]1. It was then that f rea.Iized that therers a tiered rate structure, which really penalizes peopfe that use a l-ot of power, so we're out in the middle of nowhere and we have no natural gas, so our choice i-s propane or e]ectric and we have cows and some horses and now we irrigrate. We use a ground source heat be a little bit more efficient with how we pump trying to use heat, so us to get away tier three, it seems f ike everything uses power. There's no way from efectricity, so we're in the top and I started looking at the rates and Simplot when they're, you know, doj-ng tor tler, wow, whatever thev're doing, they get a pretty good deal-, but man, I'm sure getting the shaft, so we didn't -- you know, I'd like to say I did sol-ar because 1'm green. I drive diesel- trucks and diesel tractors. I l-ike hot rods. I'm not a green guy, but I used to be a CPA and I can do the math, so we penciled it out and based on how we could build an 80 percent system thata25 453 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 'l 8 9 10 11 l2t13 t4 15 15 71 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 - 890.5198 SCHWARZ PubIic woul-d cut our power bill by almost it would a 70 percent system that would cut our 90 percent of, and for because of the rate that us, it got our payback down to get about us out 7-10 years. It factors and depends it was a if you cons ider $l-00,000 system.some of the other Sam for We got a tax credit. I appreciate Uncle that, but, you know, we're still talking about out of pocket. If this rate structure goes in, I rough bac k-of-the-nap kin cal-culatlons and the the master's in economics was more thorough than $75,000 did some guy with me, but I tend to agree with his little bit lower, but I woufd end month.Iy system and my por"r nitt numbers. Mine were a up payrng more than I paid with for my my and fpower bill before. My payback would be 20 years would probably end up on average in the months where right now 1'm paying $350 a month even paying zero, so from a hardshj-p perspective, it just seems completely ridicul,ous. I don't underst-and it. The gentleman talked about the unfairness of cost structure. Absolutely. If you want fair rates, Irm all about fair rates, but it costs a certain amount of money to paying the have at it. the number produce a same rate? Here ' s your of gigawatts If Ml cron is using 25 gigawatts, dollar, here's ki.Iowatt. Why are we not a1l rate, here's you used and you.r you t re in. II25 454 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 a 13 t4 15 76 l1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 SC HWARZ Public shouldn't have to pay more than they shoufd; same much power irrigation I think if we're going th lng takes,with irrigation. because we do rL, it fair, let's make What seem to get charged much I use and then it fair. seems particular]y unfair is that I -- so Irm charged more based on how f get how too, but to ma ke save, so back in 2016, Idaho go up when people start to Power raised the power rates more money. have gone up my rate s because of Okay, wel1, in the 1as t doing very reduced consumption. They needed Idaho Power's earnings per share three years. It doesn't seem like theyrre up over the last bil-f ha s, so it getting charged thing that really got me the dialogue around cost bunch of garbage. I used this year, and their net income has gone three years. Mine hadn't, but my power seems like, you know it seems J-ike, I'm no matter what I do. well Okay, wel1, I've got that's fine, but I would lj-ke to see to pay for power, it be fair. The particular case is Cost shifting is a about this shifting. awfuf lot of stuff with numbers, and f can do an like everybody in many studies, Brookings is actually a net tobea CPA j ust efse. Cost shifting has been debunked but a 2016 study by Brookings, by the Institution, showed that net metering benefit.25 455 o O 1 2 3 4 5 b 1 I 9 In the articfe f was reading, it was talking about a study that was commissioned by the Maine Public Utj-fities Commission in 2015, they put a value of 33 cents per kilowatt-hour on energy generated by distributed solar compared to the average retaif price of 13 cents per kilowatt-hour, so it seems like there's a difference even in val-ue from a sol-ar generation perspective, whj-ch quite honestfy makes a fot of sense. Werre not taking -- wer.re not burning fossil- fue1s. We're, you know we're, using essentially feftover roof space to generate free power back into the grid at the times when it's needed the most, It seems like -- I'm not convinced this isn't about green energy, because I think it is . I 'm j ust not sure we' re a.L.l aligned on whaL the green is. I think the green is money. I think it's all about Idaho Power being a monopoly. Either they want to monopolj-ze the producti-on and distribution of power, which they kind of do now anyway, or theyrre trying to get rid of solar technology, which I donrt think makes a lot. of sense, but I wou.l-dn't be at all surprised to see them -- it seems like they're trying to get us out of the market. Why would you penalize -- why would you r,rant to penalize and dj.sincent peop.Ie for adding power back into the grid? It doesnrt make sense to me, so my 10 11 72 13 L4 15 16 )-1 1B t9 2A 27 22 23 ?4 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 S CHWARZ Publ ic O 456 o 1 2 3 4 6 1 9 t0 11 t2 o 13 74 15 76 L1 18 79 2A 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 S CHWARZ PubIic numbers, I did the numbers, too, for the amount of money that the solar producers with numbers of probably assumed that if there's have in the system and I came up c.Ioser to $250 milf ion. I 5,000 rooftop installs and at an I thi.nk at a m.ini-mum we shoufd continue average i ns t al] they are, ours 1f it, s 20,000, of money. with the net metering price of 50,000, f don't know how big was twj,ce that, that would be 250 mj-llion. then it woufd be 100 million. It's a lot believe that it program the way that it is, but I makes sense to continue that andre a 11y to set are -- the precedent now for Idaho Power to say no, we this is a great opportunity to set policy for this state to say no, we a.re going to technofogy. Did you realize that was actuafly the They didn't it away and what to be the Koda k. invest in cl-ean Koda k ones that invented the digital camera? think -- they thought it was a fad, gave do you see of Kodak now? We donrt want We want to be the AppJ-e of the so.lar technology industry. A11 right, there's a.Ll I have. Thanks for your time. CCMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and we appreciate your corments. THE WITNESS: I know you guys wil-l- make the right choice. (The witness left the stand. )o 25 451 o 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 O 13 L4 l5 16 T1 1B 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 EOWKES Publ ic Ben Purs ley? appearing as was examined COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Ben Pursley. Dan Skinner. Dan S kinne r ? Gr:eg from Telemark Street in Boise. Greg? Williams Fowkes. W]LLIAM EOWKES, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: Eowkes, THE WITNESS: Yes, my name 1s Willlam F-o-w-k-e-s. I l.ive at 3011 Taft Street in Boise an Tdaho customer at my address there, and T amand I am a net metering customer across town house and sponsor for her because I at my am her daughter's guardian. One of people testimony, thing t might note is that you've got a ]ot here for a long time. We've heard a Iot of and if we're to believe that net metering customers are harming other non-producing customers, then where are those outraged ol-her customers or at least mildly annoyed customers? !,/hy aren't they standing up and saying yes, you guys are reaily causing me some harm. I don't think we've heard anything along those llnes tonlght and I thlnk that ' s rather telling. I do want to go on to say that I wou.Ido25 458 I L 2 J 4 5 5 1 I 9 10 11 72t13 14 15 16 L1 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 EOWKES Publ ic fike to give some meaning to some words that are relevant here, even gor.ng into the dictionary to define them, so there's a word that sometimes has been used that's called renege and that is a verb that means to go back on a promise or an undertaking or word honor, which is a noun, principle for ethical- conduct. relevant to the changes in net a contract. There is the refers to high respect the adherence to whatand great esteem and j-t refers to is right as a code of honor, the Golden RuIe and this is a as you want to be treated and which and then there's the term pr incipl e itrs used Al- 1 of metering of treating other as a guiding these words ar:e that Idaho Power is propos ing. When I relied on the net metering policies of Idaho Power as set forth 1n 2016 to make my decisions to purchase an 1B-paneI PV pot/er-generating system to the tune of some $20l000, there was no asterisk attached to those documents that I reca.Ll allowing for Idaho Power to renege and not folfow thr:ough with the program that I signed up for if they no longer felt like dolng that. This decislon was not for me afone, but as a co-guardian for our deve Iopmental ly-delayed daughter and her home. It would be primarily for her to reduce her energy costs on into the future arrd a.Iso to do the right thing. The addition of net metering with a PVI 159 25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o 10 11 t2 o 13 l4 15 16 11 18 I9 20 2T 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 FOWKES Publ" i- c i-t's one system woufd add to thing for to myself the va-Iue of Lhe property as we]1, so someone to dishonor and renege on an alone, that's one thing and I do takeagreement offense at that, but when someone that I'm acting on behalf of Idaho Power proposes to renege on a promise to my daughter, t.hat's a very different thlng. I'm talking about honor here, skating on thln 1ce, If Idaho Power thinks I'm going to take this lightly, I am defending my daughter, Grandfathering J-n existing net metering clients should be and is an obllgation in my opinion. If net metering is not grandfathered for existing customers, there wi.L1 no doubt be a class action ]awsuit and in my educated opinion, it will be a slam dunk for the plaintiffs, and the reason that I say that I'm an expert in thi-s is because I have grandfathers who were lawyers, but they're dead, but I do have a view into this situation that l think is re.levant and I think it has precedence for what is going on here right. now. Because my daughter 1s deve.Iopmenta.I.I y delayed, significantly delayed, because of her braln injury near the time of birth and due to the severity of her disabil.ities, she has qualified to rece.ive aid for her care, 24-hour-a-day care, because she can do nothing for herself other than laugh out loud, and so about thr:eet25 460 o t- 2 4 5 6 't 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 l4 15 l6 L1 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 FOWKES Publ i c a 46t years -- excuse me, six years ago, she's on a program through -- to receive services through the Heafth & Weffare funded by Medicaid because of the severity of her disabilities and at that time Lhe Department of Health & Weffare decided they were going to change the rei-mbursement rates for those people and suddenly, we were given notice that rates wou.Id be going down drastically for her. When myseff and others questioned what was the determination process about, what were the tools that were being used, r,'e werae toJ-d it was none of our business by Health & Welfare. Well, about this time some interested parties went to the ACLU and said we can't get any answers from the Department, so would you inquire what's going on, so ACLU asked them what was going on and they said it's none of your business. ft's a secret. It's proprietary information about how we determine these rates and .rates of reimbursement and we're not going to teII you . Weff. that left littfe room other than to file suit in federal court and the Atto.rney ceneral in the State of Idaho is quite fami-Iiar with the K.W. versus Armstrong lawsuj-t. K.W. represents the initials of the plaintiff who filed for a class action suit and Armstrong is the former Director of Hea.l th & Welfare bringing a25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 1l- T2 a 13 L4 15 16 L1 18 L9 ?0 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890.5198 EOWKI] S Fublic suit against the State of and the f edera.I j uCge said ldaho, and the c1ear1y. this suit $ras brought is an unfai r tools by whichthepractice and you ' re ma k ing r e imburs ement j udge whi ch rates you're unable these budget to divuJ-ge reductions,cost reductions, rate reductions, and this is unconst i tut ional and you're to the State of Idaho, and Srnce not going to do this anymore Heal-th & okay, the a tool by Welfare has colne to the table and to sit down that time, they sa id and createsaid, you need you're going to are set and you divulge the methodology by which will do this at the direction of the court. You wiLl engage all of the stakeholders in this process, so at that point Health & Welfare decided to form a community process call-ed Community Now where al,l" of the stakeholders come together, including the Attorney General, ACLU, all affected parties, alI affected parties, so I think that this process is j-nstructive about what is going on here now. We have a process where the study has supposedfy been done. It has not trufy been revealed to the public about what is in that study, what methods, what tools were used to create the rate reduction proposals to the PUC, and I think this is one of those case-s where therers precedence set for this is not going to be a]lowed by the courts to go anya25 162 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 I 9 10 11 12 o 13 l4 IJ L6 t1 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 o CSB RE PORT ING 208.890.5198 EOWKES Publ,ic further if iL comes Lo them, so clear1y, I think that it is a matter of honor fcr to have their agreements It's j ust existing honored. simple integrity. net metering customers honor. You give your word and you follow the Utifities Commission somehow does not It's simple through, and if strike back this attempt by ldaho Power to renege on their corunitments to the net metering customers, then f'm sure there wilf be a class action Iawsuit fi 1ed, convinced that is Idaho a n swe red but I am this is sofirmly convinced obvious that the so I'm wanting tools that are and Irm very Commissioners wiII make the corr:ect judgment in thi-s area. I'm very confident of that, It's so obviously decent to make that decision and j-t is obviously fair. I thj,nk that c]early, if there is be methods by which reimbursements or rates are going to adj usted, the tool s thos e it shoufd be a public process that were used in these cfosed tooIs, are those studies, are and at this point door sess ions are to know what is they proprietary secrets, being hidden about the used, what this isn'tinevitably, come out ls if that these deci s i ons Power hiding, and clearly, what wi 1] were arbitrary and that up this process. process should be unfair tools were util-izeci to run I thi-nk the enr- i re25 4b3 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 1C I L3 11 t1 \2 L4 15 15 1B 19 2A 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 EOI,IKES Publ ic rejected and I think that the entire process of setting rates for af1 customers, not just net metering customers, shoul-d be revealed in this eve ry too k pe rson place process. I think net metering shoul-d go forward for Because these meetings who wants to sign on. doors andbehind closed did not include stakeholders, this in entltled behavior and it's pathetic, one-for-one net merering cornmitment my and opr-n 1on as bel,ieve me, thi s was a significant economic i-nvestment decision for myself and my wife and we're sti1l paying off this foan and we expect this to benefit the value of the home by installing the solar array hardware, as well as the conunitment on the part of fdaho Power to honor that therefore, the grandfathered, account holder, Power should be honor and my honor? Is it meter i tse.I f shou-Id and agreement, so, be registered to be number of the currentnot j ust and with the account making it easier change a reality, Idaho for sol-ar generatlon, is not possible for Idaho c.L imate not harder, and perhaps if this Power to accomplish this, they shoufd go the way of the BeII system. This is a matter of honor and codes of what is Idaho Power's code of or is it expendable in this Commissi-oners wil-I make the quest.ion is redeemab le case, and I hope proper declsion. that the Thank you very much .t 25 464 a I 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 o 13 L4 15 76 71 18 19 2A 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 I,ANG PubIlc COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and we appreciate your testimony this eveni-ng. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: The next wilness Clay Ellestad, and why don't we take -- five minutes is good? We'11 take a five-minute break and we'11 be back. (Recess. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we'11 go back on the record. The next name on the Iist is Clay Elfestad from Sycamore Drive, Boise. Vikk j- Lang. appearrng as was examined VIKKI LANG. a public wj-tness, having been duly sworn, and testi-f ied as foll-ows: TIIE WITNESS: My name is Vikki Lang, 3907 East Indian Trail Lane in Kuna.V-i-k-k-i L-a-n-9, I agree with everything everybody said I am one of the very small group that our prope.rty, and because we have two here tonight, but has two meters on mefers on our property, Idaho Power gives us the pleasure transferring over all of our kilowatt-hours every March. WeI1, I just got my blII from of once a year, October 18th. My second meter has 8,737 k-ifowatt-hours sitting on ito25 4 55 o 1 2 3 4 6 't 9 10 11 t2 a 13 t4 15 t6 \1 18 19 2A 21 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LANG Pubrl ic no$, that I can't use until March when ldaho Power grants me the power to transfer my other meter to my first meter, so by the time March comes around this year, I shoul-d be over 10,000 kil-owatt-hours, so how am I going to be treated differently when you change everything that you want to change, because I'm not going to twice, because get screwed once, I'm meters, so gorng for November 18 th you and which it wif l- probably be over knows, depending on the weather to get screwed I have two to have my 8,737 kj-lowatt-hours as of to be able to have that 10, maybe until March, 11, 000, who and I have to pay. . I have to pay my December bi1f. I have to pay my January bi11, and f have to pay my Eebruary bi11, because my credits are transferred once a year. What I woufd like to see and Idaho Power has to.Id me more t.han once that I'm in a very smaff group of peopfe that I would l-ike to request that my credits since I'm in a very small- group should be able to be transferred twice a year so that f can use my credits, not Idaho Power. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and we appreciate your testimony. (The wj-tness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Russell Johnson. Russell- Johnson? Bi 1l Dean. Bilf Dean?o 25 466 o 1 2 3 4 6 I 9 10 L1 l2 o 74 15 16 71 18 19 20 2L 2_2 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 H]LL PubIic Dena Dean. I bet she's with Bilt. Ron HiiI. appearlng as was examined RON HILL, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as fo]lows: THE WITNESS: My name is Ron Hil}, Ron, R-o-n, HlIl, H-i-l--l, I l-ive at 10459 West Shadow Rock Street in Boise and I am an ldaho Power customer. Irm currently in the process of on our house. I decided to it's the right thing to do havi ng do that solar panels instalfed because I feel 1i ke and eventually we're trying to get to net zero. I encourage you guys/ you have a tough thedecision to ma ke right decision. by your decision Than ks . and I j ust encourage A l-ot of people a re and we trust you to you to ma ke going to be affected do the right thing. COMMISSIONER KJEILLANDER: Thank you, and thank you for your testimony. (The witness -Ieft the stand, ) COMMISSIONER KJELI,ANDER: Ilana RuL,e1. o 25 461 O I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 1.2I13 ).4 15 16 l1 IB 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 RUBEL Public appearing as $ras examined ILANA RUBEL, a public witness. having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: THE WITNESS: My name is Ilana RubeL. That's I-l-a-n-a R-u-b-e-I. I l-ive at 2750 Migratory Drive, Boise, Idaho, and I'm an ldaho Power customer. I am also a net metering customer and so I suppose on my own behalf, certainly, the proposed rule would certainly harm me and make it impossible for me to realfy ever recoup the investment I made in my own solar panels, which were tens of thousands of doll-ars, more than I make in an ent i re investment, yea r but I' at the legislature. but I made that m reafly more here on behalf of my constituents. I'm a Iegislator. I represent District 18 in the House of Representatives and I have been contacted by many constituents, some of whom were here tonight and many of whom could not be here tonight, and so I wanted to pass along what I had received by way of communj-cations throuqh my const.ituents who are extremely concerned and universally opposed, at .Ieast the ones who have contacted me, extremely opposed to the proposed rate changes. These are folks, and I think werve gotteno25 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 a flavor of this tonight from the +-estimony we've heard, these are folks who made very significant financial sacrifices, These are not necessarily wealthy people who have sol-ar panels on their home, These are not, you know, limousine Liberals or whatever. These are folks t'Iho saved and in many cases borrowed and planned and, you know, made considerabl-e f inancia.I sacrifices for the Iong -- what they perceived as the .Iong-term financial security in reliance on the existing rate structure, and often, as we heard from many people tonight/ because they thought it was the right thing to do. Now, it's interesting that now they're being accused of increasing people's costs, which strikes me as very ironic, because I think they did this for the exact opposite reason. They did this to try to avert the costs in many cases of climate change. Giant hurricanes aren't free to taxpayers. Theyrre about $30 biltion a pop. Giant forest fires, rivers drying up, droughts, a1I of these things are not free. They're extremely costly and these are folks that made personal financial sacrifices and took costs on to themselves to try to protect against some of those costs hitting society, hitting their children, and hitting thelr grandchildren, so, again, I think it's a bit unreasonable to say, you know, we should stick them now because theyrre somehow 10 t 11 l2 13 14 15 16 l1 1B t9 2A ?1 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 RUBEL Publ ic t 469 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 I 9 10 l1 ), I I 13 27. L4 15 16 71 18 L9 2A 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 RUBEL PubI ic imposing costs. We had a wonderfuf piece of testimony earlier that I think debunked that pretty powerfully that any purported costs, if existent at all, are in the pennies and absolutely negfigible compared to the very large, significant financial burdens that wilf hit this small group of people who have solar panels. The hardship is very real and I think the fact that it's 2:00 o'clock in the morning and we still have people testifying and a significant number of people in the room, rea]Iy, I think, shows the depth and the intensity of hardship that will hit this group of people who have invested in solar paneJ.s on their home, so this proposed structure rea1ly inflicts great harm on a small group of people and, you know, to absofute negligible benefit to the larger group of ratepayers, so with respect to the people who already have panels, it just seems to make no sense from a financial or a fairness perspective, but I feel like if already have be kind of a aII we did were just protect the people who them in, it would stillthem and grandfather travesty. One of the things that I've done as a legislator, I Lrosted the first ever climate change hearing at the Capitol and we heard from the leading scientists i-n the state who tafked about the cost too25 470 o 1- 2 3 4 5 6 '1 8 9 10 o 11 72 13 I1 I4 15 16 1B 19 Z\) 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 from low snowpac k, The list escalating of things interest to happen e conomi s t of the !,ie Idaho and what is going climate change, and one cost is going to be biflion to the state expected $r1 the people in the Idaho highest attended event at fiLled the Lincoln to us as a resuft of said that the about $200 an acre or over over the next decade or two, [le heard about projected rlvers drying up forest fires, l-oss of air was staggering. Certainly,qual ity . we real i ze that the j-s in cfean energy. It was the Capitol in eight years. Auditorium and five overflow rooms and there was unbelievable passion for clean energy in that room, but moreover, I mean, the costs and the damage that we're facing from this were astonishing and you can't open your newspaper without seeing new horrific news every day and new projections about what's coming our way, and so it rea11y almost defies belief to me that we're here at a juncture where there's serious consideration, j.n 11ght of aII the things hitting us there's serious consideration, of taking a move that would punish the people who did everything in their power to try to address the probl,em, potentiall-y put our solar industry out of business and preclude any consumers from ever making a decision to put solar on their homes again. That just seems .I j-ke an astonishing step RUBEL Publ ic o 25 41r o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 o 1-3 l4 15 76 t1 1B 19 20 2l ?,2 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 RUBEL Publ-ic to ta ke i-n facing us be viewed light of every piece of and I think it would be and information that vrould not we don't make, so ne ws a move unfortunate move hlstory. ft woufd b,e and is one that I hope we 11 by I feel that we should not only in, but be, you know, grandf athe r inr; people shoufd be keeping the a viable choice going wc current structure and making this verv natura I tor^rard. You know, f'm sure as -- I suspect, I don't have the number to support this. but I suspect a very large number of peopJ-e who do this are doing it for some combination of financial and ideological- reasons and if Idaho Power makes good on their assurance that they wil-l move to cl-ean power by 2045, I thlnk there v/il1 be a not.rn clean energy Rlght- now putting it feave that the only way on your house opl- i cn open to We energy you know, but right you can yoursel f people. have the tapering. If people can get c.Iean Power Company, they'1I do lt and,t h rough maybe in now it's get and their 25 years there won't be such an issue. option. is by I think we need to percenL penetrat ion. the West. This is not a critrcalfowest penetration in financial issue facing Idaho Power or facing any ratepayer right ncw, and I don't time in the foreseeabLe future. expect it will- be any [,ie cou]d get, you know,o 4t2 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 76 71 18 79 20 27 ?2 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.sr.98 WOO DWORTH Publ- i c f j-ve times the adoption that we have right now and rt would still br-: a trivial rounding error with respect to on behalf of I would urge peopl e I s the many that we rates, so for all these reasons and constituents who have contacted me, continue with the current rate structure, both for current and future customers. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for your testimony and we appreciate you staying this late. THE WITNESS: Thank you for staying this Iate. Lisa Young. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Or this early. (The witness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We'Il call next Lisa Young? Jake MacArthur. Jeffrey Woodworth. appearing as was examined JEEFREY WOODWORTH, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as fo.I.Iows: THE i/{ITNESS: My name is Je ffrey 2522 East- Pl-ateauWoodworth. Itrs W-o-o-d-w-o-r-t-h, Drive, so testimony. thank vou for your time ground us today to hear thi s initially back in theI wanted too25 413 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2I13 L4 15 16 L'1 18 19 2A 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 WOODWORTH Publ- ic 1ega1 standard The burden of evaluating is on the just, and t.hi s settlement settling parties reasonabl-e, and the agreement. to show for that this is proo f fair, Commissioners cannot simply rely on settled to make that dec.ision, but through the record online, therers the fact that theyrve actually when you look almost no evidence submitted by the set,tling parties that this is fair, just, and reasonable, specifically looking at their choice to use an avoided cost structure for determining the rates. While avoided cost is reasonabfe for determining how you Ehould invest your money to get the best gain, that doesh't mean it's suitable for a rate structure and there'E been no evidence that I've seen there. There's been no evidence I've seen from the testimony, although been able to attend, j ustified a greement there's been many hours I havenrt but that isn't an appropriate way rates, and soappropriate methodology for a I t houqh the Commissioners determine, to make factual given the Iack of evj.dence Commi ss.ioners simply can't determinations here, I think on the record, the will not be legal ly in approving the settlement determj-ning do have wide Iatitude to uncie r the ldaho APA and must reject it. I'd like to turn, then, briefly just tot25 414 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t/,t 13 74 15 16 L1 l8 r9 2A 2l 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 WOO DWORTH Publ- i c the grandfathering issue. First,, previously sarci that sending clear the Commissioners have price signals is Commissioners choose not to creaLes uncertainty in the future for important. If the grandfather, that any for rate future rate structures. As costs continue to falI structure and the so]ar, there may need to be future adjustments to the of those wi1l, not be as that they can rely on the pricing not fee Iclear if customers do Commiss.ioners to honor the .investments. regard, but it's a fot of testimony in that have a chilling effect. It's We've heard gofng price to going to du l.l Commissioners personally, entered into had basically relied on the the signals into the future if the approve the settlement agreement and choose grandfather. choose not to grandfather -- Last, I j ust if they not to would ]1ke to comment, Idaho date for grandfathering settlement agreement and a weird sj-tuation, because I Power had proposed that the should be the not.ice of the that puts me in a contract. made a down payment, and was -- comrnr-tted a financial -- had financially current cost structure before the notice, but didnrt submit the application untif Ycu know, I worked with afterwards. the sofar provider to submit the application and so choosing the date of25 415 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l L2 o 13 t4 15 16 l1 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890.5198 S TANTON Publ ic notlce as the date or comparing the application date to si.tuation where fnctice would put rne in athe date of had already received the committed financially before I actually notice of the settlement agreement, think if we're choose a grandfathering The date the Commissionlater wou.Id be decision would be the p choose Lo gc with grand testimony I have. Than appearing as was examined goinq to better. and so I date, makes a COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and we appreciate your restimony this morning. (The witness Ieft the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Joseph Schueler. Tuck Milfer. Tuck Miller? I just like saying that. George Stanton. eferred date, assuming that they athering. That's alf the you. GEORGE STANTON, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: o 25 THE WITNESS: My name is George Stanton. Last name is S-t--a-n-t-o-n. I Live at 13427 ldest Annabrook Drive, Boise, Idaho, and I am a customer of Idaho Power. I do not have a net meter as I rent. A 41 6 a 10 11 72 a 13 74 15 16 77 18 19 2t 22 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 STANTON Public couple of things believe have been hasn ' t been weI1. some have, but said is that in my opinion, the ma j ori ty this is a1l- to that I wanted to state that I don't malntain a monopoly. The reasons that would be is cost shifting, if you want to use that termlnology. There's Power has been abl-e to do onseveral things that Idaho their own that has been done by other utilities that woufd incentivize people to Llse power when they want them One thing they have done would be when they took ove.r -- took control over certain AC units. Another would h:e time-of-use. An example of that woufd be five years ago when I started working for a sofar company, I was tafking to the previous net meter specialist over at the net metering department and they said they were two years away from being able to do solar on time-of-use. Talking to the current one, they're sti1l two years away from being abl-e to do time-of-use in net metering. Erom that alone, there's been no advancement and even an attempt to try and cost shift in a manner that would affect everybody. In my opinion, $/e screwed up when we put solar customers on thej-r own rate schedule. That r^,as asking fo:: this right here, was separating Lhem ancl making them a minority so that theya25 411 1 2 3 4 6 '1 I 9 )i 23 we canrt tefl you how could be pre j udi.ced an mai ntain a monoPOl y. Who ls the current oth need power? A coupfe the -less than one perce with the laptop made a should be published. I you don't have a leg to decision. It-'s just th back to the drawing boa One way shopplng for a smart ph telling you to change pf anything. You coufd end could cost you you'11 find out Also, you planning on going up and The uncertainty in the ma how much cost. mu the data.Prices will during pea $300 a no you use a fot data costs.Charges wou in my opinion, at other reason that is wou.Id party that you can go ther things would be why choose . The gentleman that was here eat argument. I think that one that was true, then, obviously, tand on and rt's really not a way it is and they need to go look at this case is it's fike and Lhe data provider is options, no more unl imited p paying 950.00 a month or if times on their network, it h. Later. maybe next year, ach text, ca1l, and megabyte of afso depend on when you choose nge based on hourly demand and different usage tines wil l onthfy base charge, it's can't tell you that either. et has already been created. only to there be? to if you o L 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 19 20 21. 22 t-0 o 11 72 13 L4 15 T6 L1 1B 23 24 o 25 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s1-98 418 S TANTON Public a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 7?t l3 74 15 16 71 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24t25 CSB REPOR'I ING 208.890.5198 ERE DERI CKSON Public The fact that werre here today the market, I've heard people affected them, and you can see out and look at people that are have been looking at solar. It has created uncertainty in how that it'stestify on it in the market if you go actual-f y looking into or does affect them, and your testimony. there again, f actua.I based shifting and op.inlon, it's have. Erederickson. appearang as was examined there are several testimonies that are off of fdaho Power's own data about cost how that's actually a fal1acy, and so in my a pretty easy decision, so that's all I COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for (The witness left t.he stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Patrick PATRICK FREDERICKSON, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif i.ed as fo]Iows: THE WITNESS: Patrick t'rederickson, F-r-e-d-e-r-i-c-k-s-o-n, 3004 East Rosso PIace, CaldwelI, Idaho, and, I am an ldaho I have two twin boys that technology. I love ldaho Power junkie and user, because are l-l and they love their Power, I go to your dams 4,1 9 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 llr 16 1l 18 19 2A 2t 22 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208. 890.5198 rRE DER I CKSON PubIic often. I love eastern Idaho against ldaho because I went shipped out of the lakes. I Iove the parks. I'm from and it's been a ton of fun. I'm not Power. I wish they had a sofar program, jaiI, going on it's a great have been They months with them. I hooked up. It took I'm in mid process. up my paneJ-s. I went six 21 panels and six of them are months to get someone from say, oh, yeah, yours was the do they didn't know what they that got thrown in I found some realIy with state a guy whi 1e hoo ked have me six Utah to f inal1y first one done were doing and yelling for a come up and in this way, months and waiting come fix the problem. Since then, an issue, so I wish there on who can seJ-f things and maybe revoke their selling my solar Prius. A year later, decided to we're going to redo it. I went six complaining at somebody in Utah, and I went through two of those to SO Pro, solar companies around here that that woufd not was more kind of restrictions when they get incarcerated. privileges, I don't know, so experience hasn't been that great. what's because I bouoht a very similar to here, they Prius, so don't pay doesn't -- insta]1 a tax, paidwhen I registered, I as much gas as you they can't recoup extra money because l guys do, so my car that cost, so guess what, 480 o 1 2 3 4 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 o 13 LA L5 16 L1 18 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 ^ 890.5198 EREDERICKSON PubI ic to fi na IIy miles per everyone e.Ise gets as welf, and so they put a pJ.ace without thinking completely through 1t of a sudden, it took several, years to get it correct it. I just hope that's not the case hope that we have some visionaries. I just see Waf*Mart al-l over. that got put into l-aw. the rate for thi s It took two or three years later for that get out of 1aw, because my car that makes 40 gallon as wel-f a-Ll the other: Honda Civics and .Iaw in and then all back out and here. I Right, I see Idaho Power saying they need it -- having a1I these rate adjustments, We with sofar panels, but yet. they raised you have s ome know, we're or they they problerns Iowered haveupcomi ng year, and then I apologi ze, down 1ess. We11, it the incentives are gone guarantee you the rates so.la r panel companies thing. This is what' s ca.I led commerce. You it's 2:00 a.m., but every year you increment j ust so happens from the federal will start going that ' s when al-1 are gone. This isn government and I up once the 't the new you j ack horrible. there than been going on forever. Itrs know, you try and make your rate cheaper to get rid of your competlt,ion and then your rates up. I'm not I'm from Kansas and our sayrng rates their rates are are a l-ot highero25 481 o 1 2 3 4 5 ? 1 I o 10 11 L2 o 13 l4 15 16 7't 1B 19 20 27 ?1 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. 5198 FRE DER I CKSON Publ- ic here and I'm thankfuf for what we have here. I love having I j ust want solar panels. to keep what we have here and I didn't buy it because I wanted to save money like everyone else and guess what, my neighbors, they all have electric mowers now and they're get t ing it' s saturated that we're not getting away from power, to need a fot more of it. Why would we are trying to help the problem? your time and your composure. There's that, but thank you for your time. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : we Namey? electric cars. You go to Cafifornia and with electric vehicles.It seems to me but we're going hurt those that My calcufations, 5,000 customers, $20,000 install is $100 miflion. If I remember right, the auto industry when they went hurting during the -- a coupJ-e of years ago, we baj-l-ed them out pretty hard. We're not asking for a bailout. We have peopfe here that ]-ove this area that donated $100 million to help the cause. They didn't ask for anyone's help and theyrre paying for it every month. Please donrt let us down and we no way appreciate I could do Thank you, and appreciate your testimony. (The witness ]eft the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELI,ANDER: Doug Nambe? o 25 182 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 14 15 t6 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. si 98 NAMBA Publ ic THE AUDIENCE: Namba, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Namba, thank you. DOUG NAMBA, appearing as a public witness, having been f irst- duly sworn, testified as f ol.Lows: THE WITNESS: My name is Doug Namba. I five at 3414 Vista Park Drive in Caldwell, fdaho, and I am an Idaho Power user, My last name is spelled N-a-m-b-a, Namba. I wanted to krnd of share my perspective as a solar dislributor. I'vc worked in the so].ar industry for a short amount of time. Prior to working ln the soLar industry, I commuted to Oregon as a state worker. Irm a father of six children, so commuting to Oregon and working in a state job reaJ-]y wasnrt an optimaf position for me, and since adopting the so.Iar -- my new posiLron as a solar employee, I've found it to be a very beneficial rcle for me and it's workecl out great for me and g-iven me a 1ot more opportunity to spend time with my famiiy. ft's been great working in the soLar industry and selling and I've opted to find my business by going door to door, and I have been real1y surprised 483 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 that there is a large amount of people that are willing to listen to me about solar:/ and in this last few months, I have willingiy stopped distrib,utinq solar because of the volatility of the presented petitlon, and because of the way that it trivia]-izes the product, I don't have the confidence to go out and talk to people and describe what it is thal Irm presentj-ng. I have had a few people still opt to have solar panels installed after ny knowledge of the proposed petition and t-hey stilI willingly were willing to switch to solar given the proposed petltion, but I also have several homes and househol-ds t-hat are wa-iting on your ruling before they decide t.o proceed with future solar instaLlments, but the main thing I'd like to share is Lhat when I go door to door and I speak to people and I propose so1ar, the biggest reservation that I find is mostly regarding the inconsistency i.n what the future holds for solar, and I believe t,hat if there were higher sanctions, repercussions for ldaho Power with their attempts at trying to adjust the current policy, there wou.Id be a larger amount of people willing to make that trans.ition to go to sofar if they had that -- some type of confidence or the ability to know that there would be a structure that would be laid out for those indiv.iduals. I know ttrat iL's been expressed severa-I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 NAMBA Pub] ic 10 11 L2 13o 15 76 7l 74 1B 79 20 27 22 24 a 25 484 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 l4 15 16 l1 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208. 890. s198 NAMBA Publ- i c times about petit ion, think if it a grandfathering proposition and j-n the was .Iisted as an exemption, but I don't I an exempti-orr were tc occur, it woufd have to pro j ected time to be occur on a proj ected date that able to date and would give make their trickling the fin i sh it would have to be a people an ample amount of decisions. Itm households through of being installed of income, bringing right now, I wi 11 be able bring future the fast amount of line of their so.Ia r right now, and so as far as my these homes across the finish process vo fume .I ine to stay in this homes across the am eager to hear if there is a ruling that I industry and be able to finish 1ine, because one since this petition has been that finish Iine, because Power's difference that Irve not iced distrlbuted, even to homes with just simply appl.ications for net meters to ldaho Power, there's not as much excitement when they cross about ldahothey're unsure thwart their excitement for contribut ing attempts to to soclety, ruling that know and so I really hope that as you consider suggesting that come to a you might in the past that in other hearings Idaho you know, I Power has been urged to produce arnple amounts of time before they significant changes like this and that's p ropo se not rea I J- y the case in this situation. but as a courtesy, I would loveo25 485 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 l 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 L4 15 16 ).1 18 to 2A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 to have the abj,lity to te1l. people what and not have such the product that trivial numberswetre gorng distributing is through what I'm able to present, so other than time and I really hope for a with urgency so that I can keep your testimony this evening. that, I appreciate your ruling that would come working. we missed? If not, then, conclusion to the public case, and we thank all of COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for (The wltness left the stand. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And that's the last name that we had on our fist. Was there anyone that that brings at this hour the testimony component of thi s you for your patience and for the this ve ry and evenrng cordiaf effort and time you put into creatj-ng your testimony and for your wlllingness to operate in a anci courteous fashion. Thank you very much the Commission wiII be deliherating on this case and making a ruling sometime in the near term. There is no anticipated date at this moment in terms of when an Order woul-d be issued, but it's our intent to resolve the matter as soon as is reasonable with .regards to our deliberative process, so with that, again, we want to thank you, especially Connie, for your diligence, and thank you aga.in for youro25 486 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o 10 11 L2 O 13 l4 15 1.6 71 ]B 19 20 2t 22 ?,3 24 CSB REPORTiNG 208.890. s198 participat.ion this Tenrng. hearing il,le are adj ourned. adjourned aL 2r2O a(rh m o 25 48'l COLLOQUY o l- 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 AUTHENTICAT]ON This is proceedings held Power Company to to certify that the forego.ing in the matter of the petition of Idaho benefits, and supplied by customer 10:00 a.m. on Monday, at 7:00 p.m. on study the costs, compensation of net on-site generat j.on. December 2nd, 20L9, excess energy cornmencing at and continued Tue s day, at 11331 December 3rd, 2019, at the Commission's office W. Chinden Bl-vd., Building 8, Suite 20L-A, Boise, Idaho. is proceedings and Commission. a true and correct transcript of said thereof for the file of thetneorlginal CON STANCE Certi f ied S. BUCY Shorthand Reporter colts7Ar'lcE s BUCY,'/OIARY PUBt,C SIAIE OF toAlt0colrMlsstoNNUMBER2995MYEXPIRES$$2024o 4BB l0 1t L2 13 l4 15 16 l1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 0 *s/a^ot- S COLLOQUY