HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191218Telephonic Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfo o CSB REPORTING Ce rl iJied Short han d Reporte rs Post Oflce llox 9774 Boise. tdaho 83707 csbrcnortin!.1 yahoo.com Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION rN THE MATTER OE THE PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO STUDY THE COSTS, BENEE]TS, AND COMPENSATION OF NET EXCESS ENERGY SUPPLIED BY CUSTOMER ON-SITE GENERAT]ON CASE NO. ] PC-E- 18 - 15 BEFORE *:." e);:; :brTi dins) 3o e,'ci m C)@rn?#0 COMM]SSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (PTeSi COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON oZ PLACE :Commission Conference Room 11331 West Chinden BIvd.Building 8, Suite 2 01-ABoise, Idaho DATE:Decem.ber 2, 2OL9 VOLUME I Pages 1 246 o ORIGINAL Ph:208-890-5198 Fax: l-888-623-6899 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I o 10 11 1.2 13 l4 15 16 l1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 APPEARANCES Edward Jerell , Esq. Deputy Attorney Generalii331 !i. Chinden Blvd.Building 8, Suite 2 01-ABoise, Idaho 83714 For Idaho Power Company:Lisa D. NordataoDIdaho Power Company L22L W. Idaho Street PO Box 70 Boise. Idaho 83707-0070 o 25 AP PEARANCES For the Staff: o t- 2 3 4 5 o 7 B 9 10 11 l2 o 13 t4 t6 I1 1B L9 2A 2L 22 23 ?4o CSB REPORT]NG(208) 890-5198 lNDEX WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE AIlen Merri tt (Public ) Statement 5 Robert Kunz(Pubfic)Statement Jeff Fereday(Public)Sr:atement 11 Robert Conant (PubIic) Statement 13 Roger Turcotte(PubIic) St-at-ement L6 Cathy Pr iest (PubIic) Statement t-B TyIer Grange ( Publ ic ) Statement Ms. Nordstrom (Cross) 21. 24 Janet Buchert ( Publ ic ) St at- ement 25 Robert Parker ( Pubfic ) Sta t ement 27 Donald Shaff ( Publ ic ) Statement 33 Kevin Hunkovic (Publ ic ) Statement 35 Kay Hummel(PubIic)Statement 39 TJ Boyer(PubIic)Statement 43 Barry Cl ot (Pubfic) 46Statement 25 INDEX I 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 1.2 o 13 14 15 16 L1 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24a CSB REPORTING (208 ) 890-s198 INDEX (ConLinued) WlTNESS EXAMINAT]ON BY rAUL Douglas Namba(Public ) Statement 48 Emory Goin (Publ ic) S L at-ement 52 Wayne Szalay (Public)Statement 56 Andres La zarte(Public)Statement 59 Myrna Keyes ( Public ) Stat eme n t 63 Ed Robertson (PubIic) S t- a tement 65 Jesse Simpson (Public) Statement 69 f,awrence Vedder (Public)Statement 13 Scott Moore (PuLrlic) Statement 16 Brian Pe r kins(PubIic)St. atement 84 Scot Mccavin(Public) Statement B1 Paul Alfen (PubIic) Statement 93 Roger Lewi s(Public)Statement 96 Sierra Scott(Public)9BStatement 25 ]NDEX o 1 2 3 4 5 6 l I 9 10 11 t2 o 13 L4 15 16 L1 1B 79 2A 27 22 23 24o CSB REPORTING(208) 890-s198 INDEX (Continued) WITNESS EXAMINAT]ON BY PAGE Mitchell Eorrest (Public) St a t ement 101 David Davi,es (Pubfic) Statement 103 Evelyn Hitchcok (Pub-lic) Statement 106 Steven Graves (Public) Statement 109 Mi-chel1e Bfank ( Publ ic)Statement i13 Ryan Eisher ( Pubfic ) St at eme nt 116 Marvin Schroeder (Publ ic ) Statement t27 Thomas Arnold (Pub]1c ) Statement 126 Joshua Seth Hi 11 (Pubfic ) Statement 128 Kris Milfer(Public) Statement 747 Trudy Mccavin (Publ-1c) Statement 746 Pat Hoffer ( Publ ic ) Statement 151 Brian Shie Ids(Public ) Statement 154 Larry Moore (Public ) 155Statement 25 lNDEX a 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 I 9 10 11 t2 a 13 L4 15 16 7'1 18 19 20 27 23 24 CSB REPORT ING(208) 890-s198 INDEX (Continued) WITNESS EXAM]NATlON BY PAGE Robert Loken(PubIic)Statement 159 Paul Robb (Publ ic ) Statement 161 Linda Prlberg ( Publ ic ) Statement 764 Mervin Erigerg ( PubIic ) Statement 166 Nick Davls (Publ ic ) Statement 168 Robert Rus se 1I (Pubfic) Statement 170 Joseph Schuefer (Public) Statement t12 Gregory Earmer ( Publlc ) Statement 181 Austin Thompson (Public ) Statement Kirk Ebert z(Public)Statement 186 Michae.I Eelton ( PubIic ) Statement lBB David Burica(PubIlc ) Statement 190 Elizabeth,Jeffrey (Publi.c) Statement 192 Timothy E. Riha ( Publ- i c ) 19sStatement o 25 ]NDEX 183 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 o 13 74 l5 L1 l6 19 20 27 22 23 ?4 CSB REPORT]NG(208) 890-5198 INDEX(Continued) W]TNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE Rick Aman (Publ ic ) Statement 199 Jonathan Cont rucci (PubI ic ) Statement 20L Johannah Thompson 205 (PubIlc ) Statement Susan Giannettino ( Public ) S t at-ement 208 Roy Cossai rt (Public ) Statement 277 Lauresta (Public ) Welty Statement 215 Robert Marcinko (Publ ic ) Statement 218 Lindsay Meloy (Public ) Statement 220 Car.I Simmons(Public)Statement Justin Welty (Publj-c) Statement 229 Jenette Morgan(Pubfic)Statement 232 Shari Dorsey ( Publ ic ) Statement 234 Laura Raynes ( Public ) Statement 236 Nic Hunter(Public)Statement 238 Thomas E(Public)Nevifle 24LSLatemenLa INDEX a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 o 13 14 15 16 l1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 1 BOISE, IDAEO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2OL9, 1O:OO A. M COMMISS IOTIER KJELLANDER :WeI1, good a telephonicformorning. This is the time and place hearing in Case No. IPC-E-18-15, also Power Company's petition to initiate energy supplied by is Pauf Kjellander. matter of the appLication of Idaho Power Company to study the costs, benefits, and compensation of net excess known as ldaho a docket in the customer on-site generation. My name I'm a Commiss.ioner of the Public Utilities Cornrnlssion and I'11 be Chairing today's Commissioner Ericproceedings. Anderson and I am also joined by Commissioner Kri st ine Rape r . like to out that this is we are conducting Pubfic Utilities Lhe very first telephonic in our new facilities at This morning 1 would just point hearing that the ldaho Campus and so glitches a long Commi ssion East State there could possibly be a few technical the way, so I appreciate everybody's patience and we move forward with the proceedings One thing that I do need to mention that apparently, the access code indulgence as today. for the record is .information that was published in severaf least one perhaps, was incorrect and the newspapers/ at number and IDo25 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 't I 9 l0 11 L2 o 13 l4 15 L6 11 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208 .890. s198 2 code that is on our website is, of course, correct, but there is no way for us to print-ed, so we apologi ze have already created for and any potential ca I Iers Hopefully, change for any some of what ' s already been inconvenience that may the caffers thi s throughout the rest of to be begl n with mornang the day. exact a part with the those individuals who cannot get through will check our website and notice the correct codes that they need to enter into of today's tefeconference, so why don't we appearances of the parties and letrs Deputy Attorney Generaf representing begin Staf f . the MR. JEWELLT Thank you, Commissioner. cood afternoon -- good morning. My name is Edward JeweII, J-e-w-e-f-I, and Irm an attorney for the Commission Staff. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and also then representing Idaho Power Company. MS. NORDSTROM: My name is Lisa Nordstrom and I'm Iead counsel for Idaho Power Company and my l-ast name is spelled N-o-r-d-s-t-r-o-m, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you ve ry t oday wilLbeing for much. We appreciate the to the case. There officially reference presence of those no other parties pa r:t 1e s that I the record that are present in the room today, we wil-l- go ahead and b'egin with the25 COLLOQUY a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2t13 t4 15 16 L1 1B t9 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 3 instructions in today's proceedings. We have guite a few cal-fers who are in Lhe queue and the way that we wil-l- work this is please know the l-ast four digits of your telephone number, because the way that we will get you at feast started in your testimony process will be to reference the next calfer and give out those fast four digits so that you wil-f know that it is you, so hopefully, in today's age of technology, you sti1I know the fast four digits of your phone number. I only say that because I'm not so certaj-n that I know that myself on my own phone, but again, the last four dj-qits will be your recognition that it's your turn to provide public testimony, so how this wi}l work today is once I reference your last four digits, you wiJ-1 be unmuted and we'fI first try to make sure that you're there, and then I wj-l-l- ask you just a to get you officially on the record. name and have you spef l- your name for have an officiaf court reporter here few brief questions Irll ask you the record. you r We do a ful-1 and who is taking a recordtranscription of the record or to create once f get your recognize that swear you in as a customer of and what else Idaho Power, we will do we need to do? need to take your for the intervenlng name and your address and also to testimony. There is an you are we l.I , Then at that point we opportunityt25 COLLOQUY a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 a 13 74 15 16 L1 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 a CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.s198 4 for the Commissioners to ask follow-up questions, and so parties who were earlier ask follow-up questions recognized in thi s and there ' s also an possibly you thank the next proceeding to opportunity occur, so please you for your cal1er. I apologize for of you, of do know the a part of our fi rst we wif l- just allow for that to stay on the l-ine until- we tefl testimony today and move on to So as we go th rough have had, that was this, the newspapers was inaccurate and that the one on the any confusion that we recognizing that the may code in the queue. and digits to also again published in one of webs i- te is, of whc are numbe r s course. correct. Eor those course, correct you obvious Iy put j-n to be ready now fortoday's conference, ca]-]er and the Last so caller, are you (No 5663? so we are wifl move on, then, to a cafler whose last four digits of their phone number end in 5663. That is unmuted, so four digits of that ca-Ller are 3352, there? 3352. 3352? response. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: 4]I right, we fHE CALLER: Good morn j-ng. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good morning. have you. Coul-d I get you to why don'L I gel you sworn in. Great, it's good to first and foremost,25 COLLOOUY o o I 2 3 4 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 76 L1 18 79 20 27 2? 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 AL],EN MERR] TT , appearing as a pub.Iic witness, sworn, testified as fol lows : having been first duly COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and if we coufd for t.he record please get your name, first and 1ast, and the.spelling. THE WITNESS:My name is Affen Merritt, M-e-r-r-i-t-t.A-l--l-e-n; Iast name Merritt. COMM] SSlONER AIIen, and you're speaking weII, and could you for the address ? KJELLAN DER : very clearJ-y. record, then. Thank you, We hear vou glve us your THE WITNESS: It's 607 Ridge Circle, KimberIy, Idaho, 83341. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: Yesr I am COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and good morning, and we're now ready for your public co[unent. THE W]TNESS: a letter and I've read many WeII, I've already other Ietters that submitted their concern about what's being invested thousands and thousands done to people express vrho have of dol-fars into a solar 5 MERR] TT PubI ic o 25 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 a l3 L4 l5 l6 L1 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 (:MERR I TT Publ i- c a 25 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 system on their: residential property, and I woul-d say and urge that the Conrmission needs to take that j-nto consideration, We did that in good faith. You know, we're spending our -- we spent our future, a Iot of money, to hopefull-y make ourselves self-sufficient, and it appears that the effort is being made to ki.I.I solar in Idaho and just allow Idaho Power to create a monopoly or sustain their monopoly. I guess one point that wasn't included in my fetter that's already been submitted that I did request that Idaho Power provide me records of my hourly use, which afte.r reviewing, I guess they're going to hourly meterj-ng, but the records they provj-ded me show that I was using negative kilowatts in certaj-n hours, even though I didn't even have a solar system at the time, so I guess I'm kind of confused how they can measure ki.Iowatts hourly during the night and have me generating power, so if that's the kind of meters they -- granted, they swapped out to a net meter, but the old meters, it didn't seem like it's acceptable to be selllng something on an hourly basis when it doesn't seem to be accurate, Anyway, I guess I hope the Commission wil-l- take afl the hundreds of comments that solar people have provided and I urge them to ej.ther grandfather in or e l_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 a 13 L4 L5 16 1-1 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 MERR]TT Publ ic change the rate schedu.Ie or reconsider it, because, you know, it just doesn't seem fair. You generate power in the day and turn around at night and eventualLy you get about 40 percent back if you're doing credit, so anys,ay, that's about a]l I have. I'11 stand for questions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you very much. l,et's see if there are any questions from the parties to the case. see none. corunents as well your oral there any quest i otrs certainly appreciate morning, Thank yot: (The There are no questions there. from members of the Commission? 411en, thank Any I you very being the much. you both testimony for your written today and we there? first calfer this wicness Ieft the line.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we move now to the next calfer whose last four digj-ts of their phone number end ln 1492, Caller, are THE CALLER: YeS, you I'm here. Thank you. COMMISSlONER KJELLANDER: Great, than k you. Let's beqin first by getting you sworn in, 25 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,7 8 9 10 11 t2t13 L4 15 76 L7 t8 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 I KUN Z Publ ic appearing as a public ROBERT KUNZ, witness, having been first duly sworn, testified as folLows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and if we could for the your name and spelL THE WITNESS: It is Roberl Kunz, common first speIling, and fast name K-u-n-2. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, Robert, and your address, please. THE WITNESS: Is 11367 West Hickory HilI Court and that's in Boise, 8371-3. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Mr. Kunz, are you currently a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great, thank you ve.ry much, and i f you wou.Id, pl-ease, provide us with your comment. THE WITNESS:Certainfy. I did send in form at the PUC to do that, wri-tten comments here that one to the webslte using the but I've formulated di f ferent I'11 read for you into the record.Thank you very much to deaf with thefor the opportunity to address how record, coufd we get you to state it for the record? existing on-sjt-e generation customers in Case IPC-E-18-15I25 a 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 o 10 11 o L2 13 t4 15 16 l1 2I 1B 19 20 t 2? 1a 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 in general. I own an 8. 1 ki.l-owatt DC photovoltaic a r ray. of 2015. At that time excess generation I It was installed on my roof Schedule 84 in May and anyI was placed on produced would consumption. count as a ki.l-owatt-hour credit against my My system was planned and priced based on thj-s assumption to yield an adequate payback period for my investment in clean energy. Schedule 6, of course, was created and Schedule 84 people were moved to it in 2018. Now, Idaho Power wishes to change the schedule to better reflect how it needs to recoup expenses, claimj.ng that Schedule 6 customers are being subsidized by Schedul-e 1 customers. In reality, Idaho Power needs to address exactly how to coll-ect fixed and variable costs across all their cusLomers, and this work has begun with a fixed cost evaluation in response to IPC-E-18-16. In the meantime, Idaho Power wishes to separate one smal,f cl-ass of around one-quarter of one percent of customers and create a discriminatory schedule to penalize these on-site generation customers under the pretense that reducing the credit provided for energy returned to the grid will sofve the perceived inequity between Schedufe 1 and 6 customers, Surprisingly, the intervention parties alI ()KUNZ Pubf i c 25 o 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 o t-3 l4 15 L6 l1 LB 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 KUNZ Public agreed to method to settlement addit i on, this. It co rrect Iy is simply not based on any sound aLlocate frxed and variable costs among customers. I ask this Commission to deny the agreemenL and prohibit Idaho Power leaves the on my side be worth its implementation. In disposition of existing customers as an open question. Clearly, those customers of whom I am a member should remain on the current Schedu.l-e 6 where a kilowatt-hour consumed is worth the same as an excess ki Iowatt-hour generated. In fact, if of the meter are worth the same, they should side meter as wel-I. Moving system those kilowatt -hours address this issue. existing customers to the new export credit model violates norms in the industry. Changing the ru.Ies after customers have made their investments is unethical and unfair. I ask the Commission -- I ask even if the Commission accepts this settlement agreement, it shoul-d estabfish that existing customers remain on the current Schedul-e 6. ldaho Power's position to expire this g randfathe ring- in at 10 years should be denied and existing customers shoul-d be the same on the Company changes. t-he opportunity to aflowed to remain on the current Schedule 6 until their is retired or ownership Thanks again for o 10 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 a 13 LA 15 16 t1 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 E EREDAY Pub 1i c COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, Mr. Kunz. We appreciate your comments this morning. Letrs see if there are any questlons from either members of the Commission or from the parties. There are no questions from the parties and no questions from members of the Commiss j-on, so Mr. Kunz, thank you very much for your testimony this morning. THE WITNESS: Thank you. (The witness ],ef t the line. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we move now to a calJ-er whose last f our digits end i-n 0256 , 0256 . I s the ca l.Ler there? THE CALLER: Yes, I'm here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, Iet's f irst get you swor:n j,n. JEEE FEREDAY, appearing as a public witness, sworn, testified as folfows: having been first duly COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and if you could for the record, please state your name and spell it. THE WITNESS: Jeff Fereday, F-e-r-e-d-a-y. I l-ive al 420 East Crestline Drive in Boise, f'm ano25 11 o a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 11 l2 13 L4 t-5 16 11 1B r9 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 . 890.5198 ldaho Power cust-onLe-r. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address. THE WITNESS:. 420 East Crestl-ine Drive, Boise, 837 02 . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and we're ready, then, for your public comment. THE WITNESS: I actually intend to appear tomorrow night and I do have some rrrritten test.imony and primariJ-y, Irm monitoring this today so I can bette.r prepare, but I will say briefly that I support the testimony of the previous two calIers and respectfu1ly request that the Commission not adopt or approve that settlement agreement or the new tariff arrangement and hold the matter in abeyance pending further study. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for -- THE WITNESS: So I intend to provide testimony tomorrow. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank you, and we'Il- look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Let's see if there are any follow-up questions from parties to the case or from the Commission. Seeing none, I want to thank you again for your testimony thi-s morning. THE WITNESS: Thank you. (The witness left the line.) EEREDAY PubIic o 25 72 I 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 l?. o t3 74 15 15 1.1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890. 5198 CONANT Pub l ic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : calfer whose last four digits in their in 0009, 0009. Ca1ler, are you there? THE CALLER: I am and as cal1er, I'm just basically J,istening in planning on attending in person tomorrow. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : testify this morning or should we move on cal- f er ? THE CALLER: interested in listening. I but I'fl be there in person COMMl SSIONER Moving now Lo a phone number end with the previous today and Did you want Lo to the next We can move on. Irm more do echo what they had said, tomorrow as weII. KJELLANDER: I,{e11, we wi.l,.l, move on now to a caller thank you whose I astvery much, and four dlgits are appearing as was examined 5119, 5119. Caller, are you there? THE CALLI.R: I am here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great. Why don't we begin by swearing you in. ROBERT CONANT, a public wi-tness, having been duly sworn, and testified as fol-Iows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And if you could state for the record your name and spell it for us.o 25 13 a 1 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 o 11 72 13 74 l5 l6 L'1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 CONANT Public THtl WITNESS: Sure. Robert Conant, conmon spelling on Robert, C-o-n-a-n-t. clean energy, also the comrnunity It's been great to see. My brief COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And vour address, please. THE WITNESS: 4960 North Farrow Street, E-a-r-r-o-w, Boise, 83713, and I am an ldaho Power cus tome r . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you very much, and we're ready, then, for your corunent. TtlE WITNESS: creat, thank you so much for taking my corunent. I appreciate all the diligent work that a1l the parties are doing for the consumers, for for engaging in this. comments would be that clean energy discouraged, that has the encourage t.he the math adds is something and clear1y, ahrility to do biIled that, and T would a dec.ision just that and how that shoufd be encouraged, not this 1s a move or Commission to further consider the fixed cost report that was provided, I was up to do that, and as I reviewed thoroughly Itlaho Power was thorough, but I did not encouraged . see anything rega rding and how they woulci be fixed cosLs for other consumers the math worked out for net or, afso, I did not see how hourly bi1ling, and I say neta25 14 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 hourly billing very specifically, I think that it's been misleading how the consumer has treen kind of sol-d this proposal as a measuring -- that theyrre merely measuring different.Iy. I think they need to cfearly say that we're going to be bj-11ing you differentfy and caff it the right thing, so those are my. I guess -- so in conclusion, I would realJ-y like to see a more accurate fixed cost report for everyone and hear Idaho Power say how everyone will be bl]]ed correctly for fixed costs/ not just target the solar customers with mis.Ieading terminology.10 11 l?. 13 L4 15 16 Thank you for hearing my COMMlSS IONER KJELLANDER : comment . Thank you, and o fet's see if there see no questions. of the Commission? you very much for CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 are any questions from the parties. I Are there any questions from members I see no questions. Robert, thank your tes t imony. l1 (The witness left the line.) 15 10 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we move now to a caller whose fast four digits end in 6241 , 6241 . Is the caller there? THE CALLER: Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great, thank you, and why dorr't we get you sworn in. a CONANT PubIic O 11 L2 a 13 l-4 L5 16 71 18 19 2A 2T 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 r0 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 PubIic appeari-ng as was examined ROGER ?URCOTTE, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as folfows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And if vou could T-u-r-c-o-t-t-e, Sr. , Roger state your name and spell it THE I,i]TNESS: for the official record. Roger, R-o-g-e-r, Turcotte, Sr. , residing at colrunent. 921 North 10th Street, Boise, Idaho, 83102. I am an I daho Power cllsr omer . we're ready for your public THE WITNESS: opportunity and of the previous points and I'11 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and I can't say I disagree with callers said. I agree with keep it brief, but I think Okay. I thank you for the anything any al-L the the net think we shoul-d certainly does are in the metering, it should be -- since we are using renewable and that's the way the worfd encourage it, not discourage not. Not grandfathering the system now, which in the big and in Idaho Power's worJ-d, I huge . of things in Boise think it is very is going. I it, and thi s people s cheme don't that If they want. to change the rules, you know, subsequent to that because itrs causing issues, youo25 16 a o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 13 T4 16 15 L1 2I 18 19 20 ,.) 23 2A CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 TU RCOTTE Public know, that's programs, to some people I think that cha n qe would they say, I shoufd you bets solve the their rlght to do that, but under most forces in midstream as, you know, that was made about, residence, then aff don't think that is correct and grandfather us in, and the point know, if you sefl your are off. People are under the just takes care of the currentnew rules, et cetera. It owner and a lot of us like myself, I'm in my 60's, I'm not going to be that ' s going to here for who know.s how many years, but time with them don't see where is breaking the anyway if you that ' s going covenant that even with what ;ob of tel I ing contributed to grandfather to break the problem over people, so I bank. but it t hey And we you the have, I made with the existing residents. the fast point under net metering, don't think it does a very bif -L each month how much I go od mean, it's kinci of on your grid and a black how much I took out of it, I hole and you end up with just I have no credits feft. You know by your bil1, obviously, that your consumption, espec.ially in the wintertime, goes up significantly, which is understandable, but it's not a very cfear -- regardless of what they end up doing, it's not a very clear process I don't think. You know, iL would be simple if your bill just showed I produced this much and I consumed this mucho25 7l o 10 11 L2 o 13 l4 15 16 71 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 CSB REPORT lNG 208.890.5198 PR I EST PubI ic and they ce rta infy my last comment. from your meter, and thatrs for your time. KJELLANDER: Thank you, and questi-ons from the parties or know that I thank you COMMl SSlONER fet's see if there are any from the Commission. I see for your testimony today. (The witness COMMISSIONER the next caller whose fast number end in 7083, 7083. THE CALLER: COMMISS]ONER letrs get you sworn in, none. We thank you very much feft the line. ) KJELLANDER: four digits Ca11er, are Yes, f am. KJELLANDER:Thank you, and CATHY PR]EST, appearing as a publlc wj-tness, having been first duly sworn, testified as fol-Iows: COMMISSlONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and if we coufd get you to state your name and speIl it for the record. T'HE WITNESS: Cathy Priest, C-a-t-h-y P-r-i-e-s-t. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And Cathy, your address, please. Moving now to of their phone you the re ? a l5 1B 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 I 9 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 a L1 t2 13 74 15 l6 71 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 PRIEST Publ ic THE WITNESS: (Inaudibfe) South Seminofe PIace, Boise,83709. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And Cathy, could we get you garbfed on could j ust to repeat the phone you r Iine, address again? It was a fittle repeat it for us THE WITNESS: Not you.r problem, but if you again s J-owly. 5096 South Seminole, like the Indian, Place, Boise,83709. COMMISSIONER KJE,LLANDER: Thank you, and are you a customer of Idaho Power? ]'llli l^ ITNESS: T ,lm - COMMISSIONER K.IELLANDER: Could you please provide your tesLimony, then? THE WITNESS: I can't disagree I just have with any of the previous cal lers bit more to add. We on anything.a litt1e were sofd a biII of goods, you know, when we purchased the solar panels would be the way it is and we stood that, you know. thi s by that and invested a lot of money thinking about not only clean energy, but our future. Especially when we go on 1ot. beinq that was to a fixed income, you know,this woul-d help a to Idaho Power, so able to }ower our pa yme nt s factors one of the deci-ding still working the future. I can go on investirrq in it now while we're and being able to take And we advarrtage of that in do get a reading thato25 t9CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 O 13 1l t2 l4 15 16 L7 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 PR] EST Publ-ic online and get on our proCuction and ki.Iowatt-hours and I can fook in October and our Lowest productj-on, and it goes daily, .Iowest production in the 28th and that was 14.1, and was on the 23rd and that was that shows for the month of that ' s a significant amount kilowat-t-hours was orl our highest productj-on 28, and Octobe-r, of power so for mv Tdaho Power bill my usage was that fdaho Power is them to want to ao SO get t ing decrease and I plan on bei ng we 1.I , so it sounds the parties questions. from our investment. that over time I think is unconscionab.Le and it's just not right for them to be wanting to do that and I hope you guys can see that and understand that and realize that we invested in this, you know, solar for several reasons, one of which was to benefit us, not Idaho Power. They take care of themselves pretty well, I think, so I also submitted a statement and my husband there tomorrow at the meeting AS to get that I s everybody -- you're going from a lot of peopl-e anda fot of same statements pretty much all I have to add. your comment. Let me see if we 1i ke COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for to the case or from Thank you again for (The witness l-eft have any questions from the Commission. I see no your testimony today. the line. )25 20 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 o l3 74 15 L6 71 18 19 20 27 ll 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 GRANGE Public COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to a cal1er whose last four digits end in 8459, 8459. CaIler, are you there? Last four digits of your phone number 845 -- THE CALLER: Yeah, I'm here, sorry about that. COMMISSIONER KJELI.,ANDER: Oh, sood. Good morning. Let's get you sworn in. TYLER GRANGE, appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn, testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: 1f we could get you to state your THE name and spell it for the record. WTTNESS:Yeah, my name is Tyler G-r-a-n-g-e. KJELLANDER: Thank you, Grange, T-y-l--e-r, Grange, COMMI SS IONER Ty1er, and your address, please. THE WITNESS: 866 North World Cup Lane, Eag1e, Idaho, 83616. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and are you a customer of Idaho Power? irHF, WITNESS: I am COMMISSIONER KJELI,ANDER: GIeat. Could25 2L t I 2 3 4 5 6 1 o o l0 11 L2 a 13 t4 15 16 11 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 GRANGE Public you please provj-de us your statement? THE WITNESS: Yes, so we got installed solar a little bit ago. I actually work j-n the solar industry, so this is going to be testimony coming from the side of the solar installers, so it will be kind of .interest j-ng, and sol-ar industry -- companies in the severa] f ami-I ies what we have seen .is and how we feef the we talked to a couple other sol-ar area, we've all sold and install-ed and homecwners in the previous years wi.th the notion that Idaho Power was going in place. to keep thi s net metering policy You ln check and are still pending know, we've installation had several customers that and we just kind of feel 1ike, you know, this Idaho Power throwing the who.Ie net metering out tlre window and chang.ing it in the middle of the game all the you know, behind the need to be done is a little the reasoning -- why the changes because rdaho j-s saying they customers cost the unset t.I ing, we've hea rd, is unfair to everybody .involved, you know, with previous custome.rs who we have had choose to go, solar. With that being saicl, net metering seems a littIe Power, you know, from what need to change the costs because solar grid money, Like the previous testimony that has been stated, you know, a .l-ot of Lhese customers are puttingI25 22 I I 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 t2 a 13 l4 15 t6 71 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 23 GBANGE PubI ic aff their extra energy onto the grid and it doesn't cost Idaho Power a sj.ngle penny for them to get energy and to sell- it to t.heir neighbors at full retail rate, so the cost of -- to acquire solar customers doesn't rea11y cost Idaho Power anythj,ng, the reason being if there are any if know, because they're saying we cost coufdn't be farther from the truth. testimony. sent us, the homeowners or the both of us, a quote and they've upgrade their grid, so we've had we've had to pay to upgrade to them money, it so that ' s my Idaho Power's infrastructure in order for them to go to so1ar, and so to see Idaho Power change the rates, you order to fit the solar Idaho Power has always instaflation compan i es, actually charged us to several- customers that necessary, few thoughts to add is we capacity that's there have been any utility .Iike transformers that need or grid upgrades to be upgraded in being installed, if I'ff be at the meeting tomorrow to add a there, but that's just the main thing f want been receiving invo j-ces their infrastructure and you know, change it from Idaho if it stayed we have to because they ' re adding more costs or costlng true, because we're paying Power to upgrade one-to-one, that upgrade, but if saying that they them more money, have makes sense. they want to need to be that I s notI25 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 l-0 11 72 a 13 L4 15 16 l1 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 GRANGE (X) Public for their infrastructure upgrades, so thatrs it. Thatrs what I have. COMMISSIONER K,IELLANDER: Ihank you. Let me see if there are any questions from the parties. We counsel-do we have a question coming representing ldaho Powe r . from the lega I MS. NORDSTROM: Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Could you please get closer to your microphone so he can hear: you more clearf y ? MS. NORDSTROM: Sure, thank you. CROSS_EXAMINATION BY MS. NORDSTROM: 0 Could yr:u please telf me what company you work for ? A Yes, it's Idahome Solar. o I 'rn sorry, which solar? A Idahome Solar. MS. NORDSTROM: Oh, Idahome Solar. Thank you. No f urther: questions. TIIE !v ITNESS : Yeah. COMMISSIONER KJELI,ANDER: ATe theTe any questions from members of the Cornnission? There areo25 ?4 o o I 2 3 4 5 o 1 8 9 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 t'1 1B 19 2A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 BUCH E RT Publ ic none. Thank you very much believe you ment j-oned that (The witness COMM]SSlONER t,he next caller whose last Ca11er, are you there? THE CALLER: for your we will testimony and I see you tomorrow. Ieft the line. ) KJELLANDER: Moving now to four digits end in 6878, 6878. I am here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: GIeat. Let me get you sworn an first. appearlng as was examined JANET BUCHERT, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and coufd we get your name and spelled for the record, please? THE WITNESS: Yes, Janet Buchert. Janet, the usual speIIing, and Buchert, B-u-c-h-e-r-t. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank your address, please. THE WITNESS:. 235 West ELoating Road in Eagle, Idaho. COIIMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Power? you, and Eeather o 25 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 t-6 l1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BUCHERT Pubfic Please provide THE WITNESS: I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : us with your comments. THE WITNESS: So I woul"d comments given by Robert I'd add is that I read a costs, but I don't read Thank you. with all of the The only thing agreement about revenuesr so in ei.ght that Idaho Power could say that T agreed Kunz earlier. lot in the a lot about years now, it's completely feasible be payang us number and 4.4 cents per then sefling thatkifowatt-hour or wha Lever energy out where the we've made of state for substantially more, and we wonder reward is for us for the beneficial investment j-n that scenario, so thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELI,ANDER: Thank you. Let me see if there are any questions from the parties or the Commission. There are none . Thank you aga.in f or your t est imony . (The witness feft the line.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Moving now to the next ca11er whose last four digits end in 1547, those digits 1547. CaLLer, are you there? THE CALLER: I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, could we get you just a }iltf e closer to your mouthpiece on your phone ?o 25 26 a 10 11 t2 o 13 L4 15 t-6 77 18 79 2A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 PARKER PubIic THE CALLER: How is that? COMMISSIONER K,f ELLANDER: A you to speak a l-ittl-e louder. THE CALLER: Let me turn off COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER : THE CALLER: How is that? -Iittfe better. We may need my bluetooth m sorry ? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: That is perfect. Why don't we begin by getting you sworn in. ROBERT PARKER, appearing as a pub.Iic witness, having been fj-rst duly sworn, testified as follows: COMMISS IONER KJELLANDER :Thank you, and and spell it? Robert Par ker, could you for the record state your name THE !,IITNESS: My name is P-a-r-k-e-r. COMMISSIONER your address, please. THE WITNESS: Middleton, 83644. COMMISSIONER customer of Idaho Power? THE W]TNESS: Like everybody efse, I got KJELLANDER: And Mr. Par ker, 25518 Kingsbury Road in KJELLANDER: And are you a f am, but a comment on that, my letter dated October 23rdI25 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 l0 11 72t13 L4 15 16 L7 1B L9 20 2l 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 PARKER PubIic regarding -- from on that.Ietter, it other, now w.if e as our names are on the bill. on Lwo separate occasj ons, testimony thr:ough conments made it ldaho Pohrer regarding these changes and came addressed to my slgnificant cf fast week, E1len Jones, but both of I'm mentioning this because website as we.Ll-, so I rm not whether there ' s two listed comments were being weeded officially on the account, mine, COMM]SSIONER that on our end, but there a conment from being put in can't find that. Not as an ITS system here saying that it I went onfine to the web form and neither with our new sure what the deaf was there, people or whether those out based on whose name was but that was a conce.rn of p rovide of those to the published pdfrs that are on the KJELLANDER: We'11 look into wou-Ld be no reason to exclude there, so we'11 see if we excuse, but we do have a new facilities and f 'm not was losL due to that, but that will be our excuse if that's okay with yori today. sure that you possible, bul- if you could, those, if you THE I/IITNESS: WelI, I woufd hope to make would want to get al-l- the comments as regardless, letrs get into my comments. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ExCeIlent, and too, why don't you go ahead and re-send would, and we'11- make sure that those gett25 ?B a t- 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 a 1l t2 13 74 15 16 77 l8 L9 20 2t 22 23 2A o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 PARKER Public into the record, and if you could then provide us with your statemenl t-his morn ing. THE WITNESS: Certainly, and do you want me to resubmit it through the same form or what? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: That would be planning on com.ing THE also bring those show up tomorrow record. Rega rdlng Iisted out the letter that again cha nge s Two of Iabeled fine or if you wanted to go ahead and tomorrow? day that because were you Okay. You could WITNESS: Depend.ing how the road conditions are. yeah. COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: in in printed form if you do decide to and we coufd also include those in the THR WITNESS: AIl right. very good. determination on but the first onc we all- got on the 23rd, it that you're going to make a those had to do with pricing, No. 1 was the one that f think most people. A11 of us th ree has been misunderstood by commenting here those are based at a certain time of the day. Now. because of that. today have PV systems and obviously, on sunshine and how much sunshine we qet only three to six hours per more power than we use. but there I s typically we can generate way currently there's a25 29 O a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 l3 L4 15 16 7'1 1B 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 PARKER Publ ic o 25 30 net effect where they take all the power that we produce on a monthfy basis and all the power that we consume on a monthl-y basis and then do a subtraction at the end of the month to show either a debit or a credit ba]-ance, it helps us to balance, you know, h?hen we produce excess power ve.rsus when we need that power and so we get a lump sum credit now. The letter claims that you want to make a change to make this a net hour.Iy basis. which basically means that, again, itrs already based on time of year, we only get three to six hours of time where we can generate mo.re power than we can use and we're already being dinged because the other two items are regarding pricesr but this change on the net hourly basis is probably going to have a greater effect in terms of allowing us to retain any sort of reimbursement on the math of tens of thousands of dollars worth of expenses that we've al-l- made to get these systems in place. I suspect that most peopfe don't realJ.y understand what this change in net hourly means, because what it basically means j-s that lf you donrt use the power the same hour you generate it, you're losing it. Not only do you not get to use it later on in the day or the week when you need it, it's going to be sold at a l-ower rate than you ar:e cu.rrently, and your re saying this o 1 2 3 4 5 6 -7 I o 10 11 T2 o 13 l4 15 t6 11 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 PARKER PubIic is being done to provide a more accurate measurement, but you're not explaining what the actuaf implications are to most users, and I was a littl-e surprised to see that and that ' s basically that's the point I wanted to make. The last thing I just wanted to that this enti.re process, I think, is going on because the State of Idaho itself hasn't come say is right now to create any and standards regarding reimbursement rate s solar power production and usage and I'm thinking naybe they and these changes areshould, because this fetter extremely heavy-handed, wif l- absofute.Iy destroy the solar job market, It wiII destroy any investments, which it's already long term. We're afready looking at 14-plus-year reimbursements on the massive expenses we're making, but these changes would absolutely destroy the job market, would destroy the desire for anybody to want to go solar, because there literalJ-y would be no benefits to us. Those are the extent.s of my com.rnent s, so anyways. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let me see lf there are any questi-ons from the parties or from members of the Commission. No, so thank you very much, Mr. Parker. (The witness l-eft the 1ine.) COMMISSfONER KJELLANDER: Moving now to the next cal-Ier whose Iast four digits in their numbero25 3L o o 1 2 3 A 5 6 1 I 9 end j-n 5337. That's 5337. Caller, are you there? THE CALLER: Yes, I'm here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: GTeat. Cou].d I get you to get a little closer to your phone and if yourre on mute, please unmute it and speak directly into the phone. THE CALLER: (Inaudibfe, ) COMMISSIONER K.]ELLANDER: We cannol hear you. Excuse me, sir. We can't hear you. Are you on speaker phone? THE CALLER: I don't think so. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, yourre goj-ng to have to get very close and perhaps you're going to have to speak very slowly -- THE CALLER: Okay. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: -- and talk a l-ittle louder. Why don't we go ahead and geE you -- THE CALLER: A]1 right. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Why don't we get you sworn in. CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 10 o 1l t2 13 14 l-5 L6 71 18 19 2A 27 22 23 24 25 COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2t13 14 15 16 1.1 18 19 20 2I 22 l1 24 CSB REPORTlNG 208.890.5:-98 SHAFE Public DONALD SHAEE, appearing as a public witness, having been first duly sworn, testified as foflows: COMMISSIONER K,IELLANDER: Thank you, and if we could get you, again, to speak a litt1e louder, if you could give us name -- THE WITNESS: A11 righty. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: -- and please spel-l it for the record. THE WITNESS: Sure, it's Donald, D-o-n-a*I-d, Shaff, S-h-a-f-f, S-h-a-f-f. I reside at 4552 North Foothill Drive, Boise, Idaho, 83703. I'm an Idaho Power customer. and if you and, again, we can get little bit with We seem to be having a comment, I suppfements Commi-ssion would set aside the agreement that's minor single party and the Power Company. touches al1 the parties .invol,ved. could please provi.de us speak as loudly as you it on the record here. COMMI SS IONER KJELLANDER :Okay, thank you, your co(unents and s1ow1y so thatcan of difficulty with the line you're on. THE WITNESS! Very good. The first did submit written comments, so this my written comnents. I wish that the That made by ha rdl y I 25 33 o 1 2 3 4 6 7 I 9 10 o 11 l1 72 13 74 15 16 a 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTII'lG 208.890. s198 S HAEE Pubfic Secondly, Idaho 1oad. Solar customers reduce new residents coming to Idaho their load. This balances out Power is concerned about the foad for the future of that wiIl only increase by having smal.L so.Ia r I was a former subscriber project t hat interested they could an mov rng the systems on the grid to ldaho Power's own capitalize and that direct ion, instal-fation of long term. small solar that ' s why they're but they want to pull back on small solars. My last point the net metering program must cost-benefit study performed inform the Corunission of the sol-ar interconnection and to thank you. Let parties to the There are none, willingness to you. for a change to bya third party to as a be bya true request preceded neutraf costs and benefits of promote the growth of the on-site power generation. I Lhink that sums up my supplementa] comments for today. I hope I've tafked loud enough, clear enough to go on the record. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: You have and me see if there are any questions from case or from members of the Commission. so we appreciate your patience and help rrs develop the record today. (The witness Ieft the line. ) your Thank 25 34 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 \2 a 13 t4 15 t6 T1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HUNKOV I C Publ-ic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to a caller whose .Iast four digits in their number ends in 423L, 4231 - CaI1er, are you there? THE CALLER: I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and let's get you sworn in, appearrng as was examined KEVIN HUNKOVIC, a public witness, having been duly swo.rn, and testified as follows: COMM] SS IONER KJELLANDER : you could state yoLlr name and spell it THE WITNESS: is spelled H-u-n- k-o-v-i-c. COMMISS]ONER your address, pJ-ease. THE WITNESS: Meridian, Idaho, 83646. COMMISSIONER customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: COMMISSIONER we're ready for your public THE WITNESS: Thank you and if for the record. Kevin Hunkovic. Last name KJELLANDER: Thank you, and 4238 West Campfire Court, KJELLANDER: And are you a I am. KJELLANDER: Thank you, and cornment. I'11 keep this short. I ama25 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 12 o 13 74 15 16 L] 1B L9 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 a recent solar customer and I'11 have to say that I was on the fence, like many people are, because it's such a long-term investment and any -- anything that was negative, anything like this, if I had known, this was not known to me at the time, but anything like this would have no effect other than to discourage people from going sofar in the future. I agree with every comment that's been made so far and specifically with those people who are pointinq out that the effect of what is going on here is going to have -- it really seems like it has no other purpose than to keep people from going solar in the future. It's just awfully heavy-handed. If we are such a small percent of the customers, why come at us like this? The effect of this seems just to keep people from making this decision in the future, and again, I just want to reiterate that I agree and echo everything that everyone has said so far, and I just want to make a point that a guy 1j-ke me who was on the fence, if things like this had come up when I was making the decision, it could have kept me from going solar and I believe that wiLl happen . There ' s a rea11y need to the long-term fot of people who don't be tal-ked into this and you know, who explained benefits of this and I rea1ly25 36 HUNKOVIC Publ ic I 1 2 3 4 5 o 1 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 74 l5 16 7't 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890. s198 HUN KOVI C Public whole-heartedly believe thaL this move nothing. It wi 11 environment or do not do anything good anything good for the benefit from this wi I.l- is going to do for the wor1d. The only be Idaho Power, me from making the have to say. Thank you. Let parties or members people that because it decision to will to a calfer whose Iast wi 1I discourage people Iike go so]ar, and that's all I COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER : me see if there are questions from the of the Commission. There being none, we want to thank you again for your testimony today. (The tritness Ieft the l-ine. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Moving now to a caffer whose last four digits end in 7693, 1693. Caller, are you there? 7 693. (No response , ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We'11 move on, t hen, 3068. here. 1311, SO 1311. into j ust four digits end a little bit of in 3058, difficulty for ca l.Ler m running we've lost cafler 3068. Let's fook (No response . ) COMM] SSIONER KJELLANDER :And what apparently has estabfished the people who have happened is queue and that as we've initiall-y t-he nunLbers, we've had some gone <;ff the quelie. and so thatrs whatI i1 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 74 15 16 l1 1B l9 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208 - 890.5198 werre weeding through at this polnt, continue to so again, thank you findfor your patience as the next calfer. We move through caffer whose to wiII Iook for a last four diqits end in 8798, 8798. Caller, are you there? Tt{E CALLER: Yes, I'm here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and your voice is a fittle weak on you would talk a little louder woufd be appreciated, so let's the speaker here, so if into your phone, that begin by getting you sworn ln. THEI CALLER: Actually. I just wanted to .I i sten in. we'fl do, thank you whose last COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : then, is we'll move on to the for call j,ng in today. Let's Okay, then what next caller and l"ook to a cafler four digits end in 1950, 1950. (No response. ) COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER : 7950? they have dropped next, which would from the queue. be 1104, 7104. CALLER: YES, We'f -[ And apparentfy, move to the THE Caller, are you there? I 'm here . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and you're coming in very clearly. Why don't we get you sworn ln.t 25 )aJ COLLOQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 a 11 t2 13 l4 15 76 17 r8 19 20 2l 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HUMMEL Public appearing as was exam.ined KAY HUMMEL, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as fo.l-]-ows: COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and if you could state for the record and spe11 it, please, your name. THE WITNESS: Kay HuruneL, K-a-y H-u-m-m-e-1. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, if you could give us your address. THE WITNESS z 420 East Crestl-ine Drive, Boise, 837 02. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And aTe you A customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: I certainly am. COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and if you coul-d please give us you.r public co(unent. THE WITNESS: Thank you. f have been a distributed generator of solar power to the benefit of myself and the Company, Idaho Power, for nearly three years. My family has invested over $25,000 in our system with a clear expectatj-on that it would be good for the environment, good f or t-he Company, and that we wou.l-d have a realistic .return, which is now not possible if this25 39 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 l2 a 13 16 L4 l5 l1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 CSB REPORT lNC 208. 890.5198 HUMMEL Public proposed settlement is adopted. I strongly urge the Commission to t rue re j ect study ofthis proposed seLtlement and to conduct the costs and benef i.ts that was ordered in June would Iike to underscore that the study has not heen done. There was a colfaboration to talk about some of of 2018. I for the record, Ithe issues, wh j.ch I'm have from a re I at ive not privy to, and who is a-lso a sma]l his question aboutgenerator a reply to study and Ms. Jol-ene investlgator for the Tuesday, November 26, study created, " Bossard, a ut ilities Idaho PUC, answered r:ooftop sofa r where is the comp.l, i ance him that -- on by email that "Therc was no actual would inc.I ude So given that fact, settlement/ sirould not go forwa.rd. you should undertake in a true and this proposal, Among the things that transparent study such as the relat ive years ago the higher non-sofar ratepayers firmness and as compared can purchase at a minimum thinqs interrupt ib i I ity of costs that are supposedly borne by as a resu]"t of my and other solar for the Company under this current our solar-produced power to the other generating sources Idaho Power on either the retail or solar market. I would fike to see and understand the thing that kicked this off over two people producing power net meter j-nga 40 o a 1 2 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 !2 13 1.4 16 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 4l arrangement. I aLso bel.ieve that the Company accrues benefits from us who produce more power and thatmany they t hese other If this proposal goes study of the accounting of how to the Company's sharehofders or to be clearly analyzed and produced. forward reducing the net metering rese11 and a f ul.l- benefits accrue ratepayers must credit by about 50 percent, there needs to be an explanation of would gain by 1ess, whether payj ng I and other those revenues wi 1I distributed generators benefit to other shareholder and in what the fixed cost question whether these revenues that the company ratepayers or just to the Company amounts, and at a minimum, since has been brought up many times, the actuaf transmission and fixed costs incurred by the Company that arises from hooking me up, whi"ch I and my so-Iar installer paid the hookup fees, I need to understand what other fixed costs the Company or its ratepayers are bearing as a resulL of this relatively simple hookup. My understanding is that my excess power when I have it goes to the nearest needed ratepayer, probabfy my neighbors across the street and next to me, and lastly, it goes without saying and mentioned by other testimony that there is a huge economic and cornmerci-al impact, because if this proposal is adopted, there wi.l-.1- HUMMEL Publ- i- c o 25 o a I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 l2 13 14 15 15 11 l1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 CSB RE PORT INC 208.890.5198 HUMMEL Pub,l ic be greatly diminished solar equipment sales in Idaho Power ' s serv.i<:e area and the economic impact of this, the and tax benefits should beI oss of jobs, commerce, cfearly understood and described, so I again urge the an open andCommission transparent to study t irese things and thorough way that I'm rea11y in the 1rl has not occurred. dark. This is not- farr to the current generators of distributed soIar, nor to future purchasers of systems, and lastly, I would like to mention, again, that I was not a party to the stakehofders who did meet with Idaho Power to develop this proposed settlement. They did not represent my interests and I will stand for any questions. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let me see j-f we have any questions from the parties or from members of the Commission. We do not, so we thank you again for your testimony today. (The witness left the 1ine.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Moving now to the next calfer whose fast four digits end in 0235, 0235, Ca l- ler, are you there? THE CALLER: f am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. t 25 42 t 1 2 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 72t13 L4 15 16 t1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT ] NG 208.890.s198 BOYER Publ ic appearing as was examined TJ BOYER. a pub).ic witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as fol lows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and if you couJ-d state for the record your name and please spell- it for the record. THE WITNESS: TJ Boyer, B-o-y-e-r. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address, please. THE WITNESS: 249 North 400 West, Blackfoot, Idaho, 8322L. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Please provide you-r testimony for THE WITNESS: FiTSt much for having this input even though we f would first of all fence of about going with investment. We -- it's a always worry am I having the wi-nter. This is new us today. of alJ-, where we thank you very open hearing can have our 're on the other side of the state. Iike to say that we were on the solar. It is a huge very confusing process and you enough panels to get me through to us. We have only beenI25 43 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o 10 11 72 o 13 l4 15 16 L1 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 BOYER PubIic installed know, gel big huge and we're a couple of through the gamble with looking to Thi s months and we're hoping to, winter with what we have, so you it's a thousands of dollars for families, our f Llture, for retirement and that we can through. We afso befieved in when they announcecl Lhey want movement now, and now we find ollt thal change our exchange rate and we donrt us setting up our house see our retirement ldaho Power this summer to be the first state to go they ' re going to know if we have to is part of green. That was huge in our decision. If theyrre going green and t-he state believes in everybody going so.Lar, then we should do it, too. We should be part of that get more panels installed, what that will do to our loan right now. Lj-ke this is causing a panic within our househol-d. Is this going to change when we can retire? Is this going to change our billing from month to month to month? We're not rich people. We are middle class and we sought out a company here to install our solar that werve come to know the people that work there. Werve come to know the owners where they befieve in their emp.Loyees. that they give back to our community for vets, They give back to disabled chil-dren in our community. You would take that company out and it's hard-working25 44 I 1 2 ? 4 5 6 1 I o 10 11 l2 o 13 14 15 16 L1 IB 19 20 2l 22 23 24 BOYER Public people, people table, peopl,e pfan for thei r I think it- was, us and steal our that- are trying to put food on their to pfan for the future, for the world, and we that are trying children, plan believed 1n what ldaho Power was saying: Let's go solar, by 2026 and now you're power when we be} ieved going to turn on in your vision? and that ' s justUSI,ie believed in whal you unbefievable to me. I You have were tel .L ing can't believe to at leas t iL. grandfather in pray lf you thatare going Lo do this, which I real.Iy hope and you don't, because it will kill future peopfe so1ar, which is what Idaho Power stands for, they're going fo.r. That's their future. We that future, too, so please don't do this to going That I s what befieve in us, please. That ' s my testimony. COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and l-et's see if there are any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commj-ssion. There are none, so thank you for your testimony thj-s morni-ng. (The witness left the line.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Moving now to a calfer whose last four digi-ts end in 0605, 0605. Ca11er, are you there? 0605. (No response, ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, the nexto25 CSB RE PORT I NG 208.890.5198 45 O o 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 I 9 10 11 I2 13 74 15 16 11 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 CLOT Pubf i c caf]er last fout: digi]-s arc THE CALLER: YeS. I am. l1 60, 71 60. Caller, are you the re ? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let's beginning by getting you sworn in. appearing as was examined BARRY CLOT, a public witness, havlng been duly sworn, and testified as follows: you could state your name and spell it CJOMMISS IONE]R KJELLANDER : record . THE WITNESS: name C-l-o-t. COMMISSIONER address, please. THE WITNESS: Nampa, 83687. COMM] SSIONER customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: COMMI S S IONER offer up your public corunent THE WITNESS: Thank you. lf for the of f icial- Barry Cf ol-, B-a-r-r-y; fast K.TF,I,I,AN DF]R : And VOUT 5 013 Joe, J-o-e, Lane, KJELLANDER: And are you a V-c T .m KJELLANDER: We1I, please for us. Okay, I just wanted too25 46 o 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 l0 11 t2 a 13 L4 15 l6 l1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORI'I NG 208 .890.5198 CLOT Pubfic mainly listen today, but I do want to go on the record and say that I agree with just about every caffer so far. I'm obviously worried about my investment and to recoup that on a personal level, but more I think the fact that we need more renewable my abil ity import ant 1y, energy. If willing tothis goes t.hrough, then put in solar to help out forward, especialJ y with nobody is going the much-needed to be energy goang growi no communities. I put dry with mean, I'm good friends with the solar company that in our solar system and their job market is going to up as wel1, so I just wanted to basically there I s asay f bigger you' re point say' agree most everything on there and picture with going to more renewabfe energy and basir::aIly cL.rl-ting that off at the knees at this if th j.s goes through, so that's al1 I have to COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let me see if there are any members of the quesLions from parties to the case or from Commission. I see none, so t.hank you for your testimony. (The witness left the l-ine. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Moving on to the next caller whose last four digits in their phone number there ?end in 2333, 2333. Cafler, are you IHE CALLER: I'rrL here.o 41 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 t CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 NAMBA Pub] ic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good morning. appearing as was examined DOUGLAS NAMBA, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as fol-l-ows: COMMISS1ONER KJELLANDER: Could you state and spell for the record your name? THE WITNESS: Yeah, my name is Douglas Namba. That fast name is spelled N-a-m-b-a. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And vour address, please. THE WITNESS: My address is 3414 Vista Park Drive in Caldwell, Idaho. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: Yes, I am a customer of Idaho Power. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good morning, and please offer us your public comment. THE WITNESS: Good morning, I realIy appreciate the opportunity to speak out in public. I've been waiting for this opportunity. I currently work for a sofar company. In doing so, f 've had the opportunity to work with severaf different homeowners. With Idahot 4E 10 11 1"2 12 1.4 15 L6 7'l t-8 19 20 2L )) 24 25 O I 2 4 5 6 7 I 9 o CSB REPORT I NG 208.890.5198 NAMBA Publ- i c Powerrs ability to accomnodat.e certain homeowners for solar, we've received homeowner Lo use thei r few requests for the funding in order to fund the residential have shown many of thousands of dol-lars, with the Company of Sefl and he has qurte a private the upgrade of transformers in transactions, and my observat ions these transactions in the tens of so werve worked with an employee fdaho Power by the name of ,Jared presented many bids to us in and a round Wit-h these transactions, s10-12,000. these homeowners are paying Eheir pri-vate dol,l-ars to purchase these transformers. In the event these homeowners were to sell- or vacate their premises, those to Idaho Power. They don't move transformers stiII belong with the homeowner, and I belj-eve that this is a significant investment that homeowners are making and theyrre making investments in Idaho Power's infr:a s tructure r so under this current model that's being present-ed to monetize the value of on-site generation, I don't believe that ldaho Power has submitted sufficient data in order to consider these homeowners who are utilizing their private money investing in private property -- we1I, in the property of Idaho Por",er. f feel like with the current petition thatrs been submitted, this isn't real_l-y the proper timea 1q 10 11 t2 'I 1 L4 15 16 71 18 19 20 2t 23 24 25 o a I 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 72 13 74 t-5 76 l1 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 NAMBA Publ ic and there hasn'L bcen enough consideration that's been made by the Comprany with t.his currenL structure that would reduce the value proposal to go to a of on-site generation, because these transformers are not considered to be the private property of these homeowners who are funding the upgrade of these devices. I wou.Id like the Public Utifities Commission to consider this -- the on-site generation be private property of the homeowners. Because these transformers don't befong to the homeowne r s , Commission producing f would request the Idaho Pubfic Utilities j ust to be consider the electricity these homes are the private property of these homeowners, because these homeowners are investing in Idaho Power and in return, I would expect Idaho Power to produce an equal investment towa.rds these homeowners, because they're making this movement and these investments into Idaho Power and I believe that Idaho Power owes it to these homeowners to give t.hem an opportunity to have that data presented pr.ior to any ability for them to be able to change the way that they're compensating these homeowners producing electricity on-site. I produce electricity on-site and I'm happy with the way that the current model is operating and I'm very passionate about sofar. I'm open for conunent or any suggestions or questions that might beo25 50 o a 10 1l- 72 13 14 15 L6 l-t 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 avaifable, COMMISS -IONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let or the you for me see if there are any questions from parties Commissioners. There are none. so again, thank your testimony this m.ornj-ng. (The wit-ness left the .line. ) COMIIISSIONER KJELLANDER: We now move to a caller whose last four digits end in 8798, 8798. Ca11er, are you the re ? T,HE CALI,ER : He L Lo . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: HeI1o. Are you the re ? 'lHE CAI,LER: I 'm here. COMMISSiJONER KJELLANDER: We wiII need you to get cfoser to your phone or to speak more loudly into your receiver. TI1E (IALLER: I defer to tomorrow night to have t he pub J i <: L cs: i.mony. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, ca11er, if you intend Lo be here tomorrow, because we can't hear you very weI1, we caller and we If I have cut re gorng qo look forward ahead and move to the next to hearing from you tomorrow. you of f i nappropri ate.l-y, my apologies. We can't hear you. submit written You a 1so will have cofiunen L s and again, an opportunity to I apologize for ourt25 51 COLLOQUY 1 2 3 4 6 't I 9 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 a 13 l4 15 t6 71 l8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890.5198 GOIN Publ ic digits end in 0158, 0158. Ca11er, are you there? THE CALLER: Yes, s ir. inability to hear you at this time. much. Let me first get you sworn in. We'II move now t-o a caller whose last- four COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you very appear.ing as was examined EMORY GOIN, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and could you state and spel1 your name for the official record? THE WITNESS: Llmory Goin, Last name is G-o-i-n. COMMISS IONER KJELLANDER: And your address, pl ease. THFI WITNIISS: 566 West 1800 South, Oakley, Idaho,83346. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER; And are you a customer of ldaho Power? I'HI Wl -l,ESS: Yes, s i r . CjOMMT SS i ONER KJEI,LANDER: Great. Could you please provicle us your comment?a 25 52 a 1 2 4 5 6 7 I o 10 o 11 72 13 14 15 L6 t1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890. 5198 THE WITNESS: First of all-, the.re has not been a study like you recommended, There has been no private party costs and benefits program. I am a solar customer, I built it two years ago. Just at about the time 1 turned mine on is when a1f this stuff started happening. If I had known then, I wouldnrt have put it in. I invested over $32,000. Irve got -- currently r.ight now it's only made me about $3,400, so I've got a l-ittle ways yet to go before it's done, Idaho Power encouraged years ago, they went to you guys and said oh, we need permission for more customers. You guys granted that. You know, they were Iooking at the benefit going wow, we're goi-ng to need more installers. You know, I honestl-y think that they decided well, hefl, we can capitalize on this and thatrs what theyrre doing. They're not losing any money in any way. They -- I Iive out here -- I'm out here way, way, lvay out.the boonies power, I am he lpi ng am helping t-he grid, the amperage on the boosting station out pretty much. When I'm producing take the .load off of the grid. I you know, I'm helping generation and Iines and all that by being a here in the niddle of nowhere. ln () They're not taking Lhat into consideration. I sper)t my money. grid, help my retir:emenL, help the I tried to help the environment, and Idaho GO]N Pubf i c I 25 53 o 1 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 a t2 13 L4 15 16 1t 71 2L 1B 1S 20 22 23 24 CSB REPORT 1NG 208.890. s198 Power is. wel1, all I'm not qoing to knock ldaho Power, but all pr.:wer companics go to a different company, so are a monopoly. I can't Irm stuck with Idaho Power. talklng about riqht now. until a study to make money. Lhis is They need to do them up, so rry, independent, we not pay j-ng for $50.00 a month the way it is, contr j-but j-ng to .Iie. It's just ]i ke Ma BeI-L back in the years and brea k is done by an They're another way to money. It's not a large clas s and everybody Idaho Power say, the but- anyway, should not If t-hey want to go -- if they say we're the grid, Iet's go with this fixed cost, or whatever, and then leave the metering even consider what we're saying that we're not is a 1ie, ItIs a 100 percent but them the grid anot he r guaranteed Lo make money way and guarantee theirselves that- they can right and if this does th::ough, I do action lawsuit. I don't want to see just ma ke that. Eve r ybody that has an applic.rtion shoul-d be grandfathered mi.nimum of what Lhe life that is in right in unti-l, existing now with I would that you installed in, which the system, woufd be 25 to grandfather us in customers that went solar system, years, so a a minimum of 25 on good faith ot m1n.1rnum years to -- Lhey protect need the and are trying t.o help the Company to go green and GOIN Publ ic o 25 l:4 a t 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 o 13 L4 15 1"6 77 18 l9 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 GOIN Public everything I ike Lhat. cents and currently. if we use the You ' re killing jobs. wanting to pay me 4.7 grid, they want to You propose t-h I s It's iust not I mcan. right-. they're charge me 10.2. 6.7 percent -- 6.1 cents on average is vrhat they say ttreir grid is. Itrs aff off hopes to make money, to qua.rantee that they make money, and honestly, you have got to go back to the drawing board. They should honor our customers the way they are. That's all- I have and thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let's see if there questions from t-he none, so thank you ( The are any questlons. Are there any p.lrt ies tor your witness or the Commi-ssioners? 1 see testimony. Ieft the llne. ) KJELLANDER: Moving now to aCOMMI SSIONER caller whose last four digits end in 0063, 0063. fs the caller there? I'm rroL hearing you very clea.rly. Is the caller there whose last four dig-its are 0063? HelIo? (No rr:::prtnsc. ) COMMISSIONFIR KJELLANDER: Hello? We wilf move on to Lhe next cafler whose last four digits end in 't 901 , 7901 . (No r:esponse. ) COMM TSS]]ONER KJELLANDER: Let ,S moveIo25 !_,5 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2t13 t4 15 16 l1 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208. 890.5198 SZALAY Public then, to a call.er whose l.ast cafler? 1907. are you there, TUE CALLER: He]1o? COI,IMISS IONER KJELLANDER: YeS, good mo rnfnq . 'IHE CALLER: Yes, helf o. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: YeS, Can you hear me? THE CALLER: I think part going on is the delay, because mine wasn' you asked me, like, three t.imes. COMMISSIONER K.]ELLANDER: you the ca]ler who's Iast f our dig.its are THE CALLER: Yes, sir. COMMISSIONER KJEI,LANDER: let's get you sworn in and thank you for of the issue t unmuted until Okay, and are L901? Great. WeIl, your patience. appearing as was examined WAYNE SZALAY, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISIjIONER KJELLANDER: CouId you state your name and spelJ it for THE WITNESS: the officiaf record? Yes, sir. My name is Wayne Szalay, Caldwell, ldaho, W-a-y-n-e, fast name Szalay,o 25 56 t I 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 L2t13 L4 15 t6 11 1B 19 2A 27 )) 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 S ZALAY Pub l ic S-z-a-1-a-y. COMMISSIONEIT KJELLANDER: And youT address, please. THE WITNESS: 11317 Tamsworth Drive, Caldwe1l, Idaho, 83505. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ATe you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: Yes, sir. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and good morning, and if you could please offer us your public commenl. THll WITNI,jSS : My mai n thing is T rm new to sofar. I recent1y purchased it this spring. If I would have known to happen, because of lowered my to make my for me, someEhing 1i ke this I would absolutely was going on or was golng have not purchased solar and it would havethe cost of the investment return and extended the time it- would take me return where it wotild not be cost effic.ient I think it is more of a money grab and (phone cut out) scafe in another way and it is unfair for me to make this investment and have no say on how much they're going to change the return, and I befieve that if they get this through, they're just going to keep reducing it and reducjng it until eventually they are notO25 7l t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 1_2 I 13 L4 15 76 1.'l 1B L9 2A 27 2? 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208. 890. 5198 S ZALAY Publ ic paying me for any of my excess power I generate, which would totally hinder my power bj-11, because I generate power during the day when I am not using it, because there's only no one -- there's maybe one person home. I use power at night. I generate $50.00 worth of power at night. I use $50.00 worth of power, but with them giving me my credi-t, I woufd actually stifl owe money and I would stiff have to pay out of pocket or get an even larqer system until eventually when does it stop. They start taking now and it just keeps going and going and when does it stop. Thatrs my testimony for now. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Letrs see if there are any questions from members of the Commiss j-on or part-ies to the case. There being none, thank you for your testimony this morning. (The witness left the l-ine. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We now move to a caller pat i ent numbe r for just a is stil-L in moment, we the queue. so 7955. whosc last tour digits end in 7955, 7955. .lust be re Iooking to see if that 7955, and we found it, so it's b,eing unmut ed, THE CALLER: I'm here. Yeah, it's taking awh.ile to unmute. I'm coming Lomorrow. lrm just l-j-steninq .tn.t 25 IJE o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 a 13 L4 15 ).6 L1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB RE POR'i l NG 208.890.5198 LAZ ART E Pubflc COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: Okay. We]1, thank you, and we to a ca.ller whose sti l- I have yet to 8979. appearrng as was examined will see you tomorrow. Moving,then, and weIast four digits are 8979, 8979, unmute that, so please be patient. (No response . ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And that number apparently ls not in the queue. Moving now to -- was that 8979 we were looking for? Okay, the next number with the last four. digits are 5694, 5694. 5694, we have unmuted that caller, are you there? THE CALLER: Yes, I am. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and again, thank you for your patience. ANDRES LAZARTE, a public witness, having been duJ-y sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and if you could, please state for the record. THII WITNESS: COMtq I S ll i oN[R Lazarte. That 's A*n-d-r-e- s your name and spell your name Sure. my name is Andres ],-a-z-a-r-t-e. K,IELLANDER: And if you couldo25 59 a o 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 B 9 10 l1 72 l3 74 L5 16 1.1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 telf us your .rddress. Streel, Boisc, I.Jaho. customer of l claho Power? Tl-iE WITNE:IS: Sure . 8420 West Limelight COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a THE WTTNESS: Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We11, good morning, and please THE offer your pubJ- j-c comment for us. WITNESS: Yes, thank you. f want to thank the Corunission for having Lhis public hearing. I think it's important that everyone gets their voice heard in this issue. I want to start by saying I think this settlement is a bad dea.I for the consumer. There's real-Iy no way to spin this into being something positive for those who have already bought into solar and those who are considering soIar, consi.dering that in our country today, especially here in Idaho, there have been commitments made by fdaho Power to go green, and all this is doing is hindering that opportunity for the general public to go and produce their own energy. I beLj.eve that most of this has come by back door and closed door meeti-ngs where a l"ot of regular consumers and other solar industr:y members were not privy to. A lot of this has to do with private organizations such as ldaho Clean Energy Association that kind of LAZARTE Pubfic o 25 60CSB RE PORT ] NG 208.890.s198 a a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 l0 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 L1 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 LAZART E Publ- i c sprung this on ever:ybody and being made wi t.hout customer let us know there's a deal and e r:o nomi cdone, a fi nanc ia I is actually going input. I believe, a1so, that there has to be a study this study, to see if this settfement, orto hefp t-he i r own ldaho, individuals producing go. You cannot penai i ze f acts. That is in no way Power needs to perf.orm a energy is a better way to to gettj ng Lhepeople prior logical and study for at I think that Idaho least two to three years brefore they can come back and say whether or not something is beneficial or detrimental- to the state and to the power grid. Idaho i-s a state of individual freedom and individual right and individual right to make sure that it's this i s p rod uce on 1y their hampering own power. a person I s I want to very cl ear Ehat Idaho Power is not anti-so1ar. They'::e just anti the individuaf getting solar. They themselves have many solar plants and many sola.r paneJ-s and they have the consumer pay for them. The onfy time that they complain is when they themsel-ves -- when an indj-vidual happens to get sofar and then ldaho Power loses a customer, even though they still get the excess power and they're still able to seI.l- it at fuIl retail price. A gr:eat question for the consume.r to aska 61 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 I 13 t4 15 16 l1 1B 79 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 LAZARTE Publ ic is how many Lax breaks has Idaho Power gotten since the i ncept l on pe rsona -L loops that Idaho trying to strip I think that Lhe of their Company? How many times have taxes gone to benefit certain tax breaks my and tax isPower has extorted? ldaho Power these rights away PUC needs to ].ook from the individual and at that very closely and just use the foresight. In the next L0, five, l-0, 1,5, 20 years, is the country, is the world going to be needing more individuals producing energy or less, and the clear answer is more and this settfement would onfy reduce the future of clean energy in ldaho, and I thank you for allowing me to speak. COMMISSIONER K.TELLANDER: And thank you for your comments. Let's see if there are any questions from parties to the case or from Commissioners. There being none, thank you for your testimony thj-s morning, (The witness left the line.) COIU},I I SS ] ONER K.IELLAN t)ER :Moving now to a 8139. Ca I Ier,are 8739,cal-fer whose Iast four digits are you there? 83 -- oh, I'm calfer there'? (No response . ) sorry, 8739. 8739, 1s the COMI.4IS]SIONER KJELLANDER: We are unable to hear the caller. If they are orr 8739. Oh. iust a ntorrrent.. let's mute, please unmute. try aqain. 8739. is thet o I 1 caffer t here ? (IJo re:rponse. ) COMIVIl SS IONER KJE],LANDER: apologize if we lost yoLr. We'11 move on whose last four cligits are 5120, 5120. (No response. ) COr4M I SS IONER K JELLAN* DER : 2 3 4 b 1 I 9 No. [,le 1-o a caller caller with the last four digits 4852, Moving on to a 4852. Is the l0 caller the re ? TIIFI CALLER: I.le11o. COI4MI SS IONER K.iFll,LAI{DER: Yes, good morning. LeL nre get you sworn in for the record. 11 L2 13 L4 15 t-6 20 27 appearing as was examined MYRNA KEYES, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as fol lows: !1 18 COMMISSIONER KJULLANDER: Could you please 19 staLe and spell you:: name for the record? THLI '{ITNESS: Myrna, M-y-r-n-a, last name Keyes, K-e-y-e-s. 22 23 address, plea se ? 24I25 Idaho. 83551. CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 COI"IMISS TONER KJELLANDER: And your THE WI.TNESS: 2225 Aries Drive, Nampa, 63 KEYES Publ ic a I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 16 l1 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o CSB RE POR']'I NG 208.890.s198 KEYE S Publ ic COMMISSIONETi KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idahc L'owe r ? THli [J]TI{ES5: Yes. CiOMMISiS IONER KJELLANDER: Great. Please provide your statement. THE WITNESS: I lust wanted purchased my system under one set of rufes decision based on Lhat. The new ru.Ie will to say that I and made the affect me financial ly and I would request old rule you . that existing owners would be left under Lhe and not forced to change to the new rule. Thank COMMISS IONER KJET,LANDER :Thank you. Are case or from the for your there any ques E ions Commission? There testimony. from parlies to the are none. Thank you (']'he wrtness Ief t Lhe f ine. ) COMMISSIONER KJEI,LANDER: Let's move now to a caller: whose last four digits end in 4421 , 4421 Ca11er, are you there? THE CALLER: Yes, I'm here. COMMISSiONER KJELLANDER: Great, thank you. 25 64 a t- 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 o 13 74 15 L6 L1 1B 19 2A 2)- 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 ROBERT SON Publ- i c appearlng as was examined ED ROBERTSON, a publlr: witness, having been duly sworn, and Lestified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and could we have you speak Cou]d you please st-at e record? jusl I ittf e .Iouder f or us ? your name and spe.Il it for the THil V{ITNESS: Is thi s 1it Lle betLer? COI',lIlIIJSIONER KJFiLLA}.IDER: A IitIlE, bUt if we could get plus as wef1. 1a-J ust .l little louder, that would be a 'fHE WTTNESS: okay, thank you. This is Ed Robertson, E-d and then R-o-b-e-r-t-s-o-n. COMM I:] S IONER KJELLANDER:Okay, bir and we might need you t.c slow down just a little to he 1p us 1ike.since you're rrot- coming in as Ioudl-y as we would How about your addrcss, please. 'IHE h-ITNllSjS: 4201. West- Quail Ridge Drive, Bo.i se, 83703. COMM lliSION!lR KJEI.LANDER: Thank you. and are you a customcr of lcl.rho Power? l'HEi Idl T'NtlSS : Yris. we I re a cusl-omer of ldaho Powe,r. COMMl SSTI]NER K"TELLAIIDER: ThanK you.o 25 65 a o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.4 15 76 l1 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT I NG 208. 890.5198 Pfease provide yoir r st-aLement. Last year my roof and this We added the used e.l-ect r i c THll WITNESS: This will be my statement: wife and I instafled 24 PV panels on our year: we added an additionaf three panels. addiLional panels because we purchased a smart car this spring and thought that we additional production to charge the car tot-al investment for our panels has been woufd need each day. $24,000. No. 1, we adding the house when exposure for maximum power paneJ-s wi 11 pr oduction. er)hance the We believe that resale value of our We made the investment for several, reasons. believe thaL the increased population growth in the Our PV Idaho Power's service area that in the future rates wi.If have to increase. We also be.Iieve that there wil-l- be more low water years in the and that again, Idaho Power rates. can help to offset- the declining experiencing in the valJ-ey due to have a new south-south facing or and have the abili.ty Lo maximize fr,iturr: due to cl Lmate change wi I I need to raise their The use of efectric cars for Iocal trips air quality that we are populat.ion growth. We southwest facing roof Ehe benefit of good the tirne comes for us to relocate. E.ren with the overal] Iow Idaho Power rates right now, atlding these panels at this time just ROBERT SON Public o 25 (;€, a 1 2 4 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 o l3 l4 15 16 L1 18 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 ROBE RTSON PubIic seemed lrke the riqht Lhing do. We made this investment with the expectat- ion approximately eight amount that we would direct metering credit of ki-l,owatt-hour would be the Lirai, the cents prir perhaps even a higher rate should Idaho Power need to raise their rates. be crediLed within the future and 'Io see the .settlement agreement anticipate a new estimated rate in 2028 of 4.4 cents per kilowatt-hour wculd be unfair to customers who have made this investmenL. As for cafculations on a monLhfy credited at the rate of 4,4 a change basis to one on an hourly we may be dS to net metering from basis, would this mean that in the future cent- s per during the kilowatt-hour for day and then bethe production of charged the going orr r powe I rate tha t customers in our rreighborhood our electr.icity aL night when As I mentioned investment as we believe that our non-power producing increase the wou.Id be charged for use of our system is shut down? earfier. we made this everything else being equa 1 , vafue future owneIS the addltion of a solar system would of our home. Eor this to be treated same benef i t a real i t y, have theof this propert y cost -wi-se for the In adcliti on to would expect to system that we have today. the Publlc Utili.ties Commissicn considerinq rato changes for Idaho Power'so25 61 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 f 13 L4 l5 l6 T1 1B 19 2A ?t ?2 23 24 CSB RFJPOR'I N(] 2U8.890. i.,196 ROBERT SON PubIic service a.rea, I t-hink t.hat the Commission shoul-d a.l-so be encouraging the increased use of solar systems as a mechanism to reduce the use of natura.I gas and coal as we think about climate change. C-Iimat-e change is not an issue sometime in t-he future.ltrs impacting our valley solar systems, you willhomeright now. By encouraging also be supportinq electric throughout the va11ey. Air ruling can impac L . ca ]:s for: short trips quality is an issue that your Not knowing or understanding all the factors that you wil-l- be considering, I would hope that you will grandfather in Lhose of us who have made a significant investment and al-l-ow us to continue with the p.Ian that we currently have, Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let's see if there are any questions from the partj-es to the case or from the Commission, There are none, so thank you very much for your testimony this morning. (The witness lef t the l" j-ne. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let's move to a ca.Iler who's l-ast f our digits end in 54L'7 | 541-7 . Caller, are you the re ? (No response, ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Is the caller whose last four digits are 5417 on the line?I 25 (;fJ o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 l2 o 13 l4 15 l6 t1 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24I CSB REPORl'iNG 208.890.5198 SIMPSON PubIic 'IIIE CALLUR: Yes, I 'm here. Sorry about that. appearlng as was examined COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good. Why don't we get you sworn in. JESSE S IMPSON, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and t-esti f ied as follows: COMMISSIONER and spell your name for the THE WITNESS: Simpson, J-e-s-s-e, S j.mpson, COMMISS IONER address, pJ ease. T'HE W]TNESS: Boise, Idaho, 83705. customer of ldaho Powe r ? KJELLANDER: Cou]-d you state record ? Yes, my name i-s Jesse S-i-m-p-s-o-n. KJELLANDER: And your 4704 West Grover Street, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a THE WITNESS: Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you and if we could just get you to be a little l-ouder as you present your testimony today, please provide your statement. THE WITNESS: Thank you for the25 69 o 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 74 15 76 ll 1B 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890. 5198 S IM PSON Pubfic opportunity to give public comment on this issue. f work in the solar indust-ry here in ldaho and have since 2013, so our industry has flourished and created many jobs over the past decade. ldaho is a great place for sofar. There's Iots of sunshine and we have -- the company that I work for hired multiple people year after year and as this industry grows, we see this settlement agreement that fdaho Power is trying to pass as clearly trying to undermine the solar irrdustry to protect their future profits. I agree with the others before us that golng into this case, rate case, the public expected a fair study be done to evaluate any benefits that solar has to the grid. It lsn't clear to the public that this study has been perfcrmed and that any benefits of solar on the grid have been attributed to rates going forward, and I personally think the public needs to be invol-ved in the study, and belore any decisions are made on the future rates of solar that it's got to be performed and t ran spa rent . I personally have sat in front as they tried of my to makeclients for the past sj-x years their clecisions on whether to invest their lif e cl.ients have invested in savrngs solar tointo solar. Many cf protect t-he i r fufure my ior r:et,lrement ancl also to invest ino l0 I o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 their kids' f uturr.: as they may prosper in the future and not consistently be under the hand of the corporate money. I ask thaL the Commisslon take their time j-n reviewing ldaho Power's request. That's no need to rush into a settfement agreement at this time as only one percent of Idaho Power clients have so.Lar. Erorn a Brookings Institute study done in other states, therc have been proven facts that show that penetration rales of not ]ess than l0 percent or -- excuse me, (j.naudible) penetration rates of 10 percent on the grid thaL so.Iar penetration actua]ly affects the grid and we're a long ways from that. Also, Ird like to point out that with this settlement, workj-ng in the industry, j-t is very -- j-t's going to be almost clearly impossible to model this on an hourly basis and, l--herefore, when we -- when f personally give quotes to my clients in the future, it is not going to be an accurate representation, because people Iive each day differently, and when you look at bj-111n9 on an hourly basis every day, each day is different and it's different per househo.Id, so as a solar salesman, I do not bel-ieve the settlement gives us a clear path for our industry to even be able to model the settlement rate reduction, so I t-hink that's aff Ird like to say and just add that this settle:ment is clearly undermin.ing the sol-ar CSB REPORT]NC 208.890. 5198 10 11 L2 13 11 l4 15 L6 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 S]MPSON PubI ic o 25 1L a 1 .) 3 4 5 6 'l I 9 industry. I'nL worr:ied personal.Iy for my job. I own a house in Idaho here in Boise. I have a three-year-old daughter, a family. I'm personally worried for my future in this state, because if this settfement goes through, our industry is going to struggle and there's been a Iot of revenue that our industry has created through permitting and throuqh other investments of hiring people for new jobs and it will be a significant hit to the revenue that our industry creates. That's all Ird like to say at this time. 10 o 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 Thank you for the to please not pass opportunity and I urge the Lhis settlement and do a Commission study and do does benefit aJ-ready the due diligence of understanding how the grid and protect the consumers that purchased so.Iar. Thank you very much. COIqMI SS IONER KJELLANDER: there are any questions from parties to members of the Commission. I see none. your testlmony today. sol ar ha ve l1 Let's see if the case or Thank you for 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 (The witness left t-he Iine. ) o the rrext caller with ttle ]ast four digits 6103, 6703. CalIer, are you Lherer' 'l'!iE (IALLER: I am. COMMSSIONER KJELLANDER: Now mov j-ng to l?.CSB REPORTING 208. 890.5198 S IM PSON Pubfic I 1 2 3 4 5 6 l I 9 10 11 t l2 13 L4 15 16 71 1B t9 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPOR ING 208.890.5198 COMMISSIONE1T KJELLANDER: Good morning. Cou]d vou -Let-'s qet you sworn in f irst. appear.rng as was examined LAWRETT*CE VEDDERT a public witness, having been duly sworn, and Lestif ied as f 01.l-ows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Could you pfease state and spell yc-,ur name for Lhe record? IHE WITNUSS: Lawrence Vedder, V-e-d-d-e*r. COl4l'.'II S S IONER K.IELI,ANDER: And your address. please. 'IHE WITNEISS: 1339 Ever:gre en Drive, Twin Ea11s, Idaho, 83301. COMI'IISSIONEII KJELLANDEIR: And are you a customer of Idaho Powc r ? THE WITNESS: I am. COI,4M]SS1(]NER K.JELLANDER: Weff, good mor.ning and please oflcr Lrs your stat-ement. 'f ilE WlTl'lESS: I wanted to endorse v j-rLual1y eve ry and 31 minules c:ornment I've heard in the last one hour t, h.'r i I've been listening, but a new fLavor agreement has arisen in my mind whichto this sett Icment I want Lo cornmen t or). My solar installation was approved VEDDER PubI ic t 73 o 10 o 11 L2 13 1.4 15 76 11 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 VE DDER Publ ic on Lhe 21st of March this year. The settlement proposed back even a thought be worked out, to say severa f agreement in October for a it would as I have since learnr:d had been of 2018. llad I kriowrL i here w.rs settlement agreement Lo have to have affected my decision to install it, but that has the correspondence I have received my system and from Idaho Power, I talked about a possible change to and it was in a .letter from ldaho the remuneration system been stated many times What i Loday. do note is Lhe corol l ary, you pay to so l-ar: f ee,I Lhat at a that going back over all from the installer of found one sentence that Power, to give them that small amount of credit, but one sentence that Idaho Power was involved at- every st-age having to approve every step of the insta.Ilation. (Inaudible)that callersperhaps fdaho have menLioned competition in that the onl y Idaho Power, Power ' s interest was as :,lld want to be predatory, eliminate the so.l.ar instal lation j-ndustry, make sure solar: installer available for the futu.re is amount of money then. cuLLing back the generation cuslomers. mini-mum, currentl customers needed to be grandfathered 1n under the terms of this settfement so Lhat they a.re reimbursed at retail raLes. I mo-re ful.iy understand the net metering system and how that works logical.Iy to ldaho Power's advantage.25 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 a 12 13 14 15 t6 l1 IB L9 20 27 11 23 24 CSB REPORT ] NCJ 208.890. s198 75 I didn't understand t-hat- unLil some of the more technica.l- testimony was givcn earlier today. EurLher, I just think Idaho Power j-s at risk of taking an enormous pubfic re.Iations hit when the implications of the way they've done this comes out. I heard nothing, nothing about a settlement agreement until after I was approved. The first notice I got that there was any possibility of a change in Lhe system as was presented to me at the ti.me of purchase was in a letter dated October I lth. 2019. and that fetter has been referred to many times, but I feel Iike this has been a carefully orchestrated effort by Idaho Power to el-iminate competition to increase grandfather aside this you r f rom There in t-hc sol,rr installation industry and then profit-s at the expense of people who Iargely Idahocame into the solar generation Power encouraged tilem to. busine s s because I urqe the Commjssion at a minimum to in exi s r- inq customers and el)t j rae settfement agr:eement ideally to set until al-f of this scientific and fj nancial- information might clearly be l-aid on the table for al I part.ies concerned. L:CIVII{ISS]ONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you for testimony. l,et's see if ttrere parties to t.tre case or members being none, we Lhank yor.r for are any questi-ons of the Commisslon, your testimony thi s VE DDER Pubfic a 25 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 1.2 o 13 t4 15 16 l1 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT I NG 208.890.51S8 MOORE Pubfic mornlng. (Tire witness left Ehe line.) CONJI"IISSJIONEII KJELLANDER: We move now to a caller whose lasL fcur digits end .in 9655, 9655. Cal.Ler, are you there? THT] CALLER: YeS, I am. (]OI,]MI S.S IONER K.TELLANDER: GOOd. appearrng as was examined SCOTT MOORE, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and t-estified as folfows: o 25 l() COMMISSIONER KJELI,ANDER: Coufd you state for: the record an<1 s6:e1l your rrame, please? 'fHE WI1'NES3: Yes, Scott Moore, S-c-o-t-t M-o-o-r-e. CCMMT:;SIONER KJELLANDER: And your address, pl.ease. THE i{ITNESS: 1840 East Mary Lane, Meridian, Idaho, 'd 3t'42. COMMIS:IIONER KJELLANDER: And ar:e you a cusLomer of Id;,rlio Power ? THE i{ITNESS: Yes, i'm a customer of Idaho Powe.r. I'nr a rr.rt meter:i ng cusjtomer, and I also own a sma.L1 consultirrrl businerjs, A1 Lcjrnate Power Designs. o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 76 11 1B 19 20 27 2?. 23 24 CSB REPOR'I'] NG 208.890.5198 COMI\,IISS IONER KJLILLANDER: Good morning, and please providc for rrs your statement. THE WI,TNESS: Okay. Wel1, fike many and I woul-d metering hydro others saict, I apLJreciate having thls hearing like first to say that I've been involved in net since about 2011 with some consulLing with some proj ects ln installing a involvemenL try to unfair solar s ys tem after s hort l- y on my own home, and my getting back involved in fdaho arid then shorLly after or prior to that 2072 was faced witli ]daho Power coming to the PUC 20LL, at that had to be time with a case on net metering afte.r the kind of reached the critical point where it reviewed, but at the t-ime. Idaho Power came kind of a hostile .rttitude towards the net customer, and a ,-:oupIe of those issues were a monetary a kilowatt p rog ram needed back with metering that they charge of be seeing cha rge . stuff to fittle system of crediL, because tried requesting and implementing a $1.48 a kilowatt, I believe, at the customer that was electric heat with may j ust a $30.00 demand t. ime, which a an electric furnace instantiy compared to another customer a mor)th service charge for that demand which is typically rese::ved for businesses and relieve thcir peak loads which seemed a and that vras denied, and at, the Eime, fdaho Power was also requesting Lo qo from dollar and cenLs t-cr c:redit l-o MOORE Publ ic a 25 17 o t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 T2 13 L4 15 L6 1B 19 20 27 24 CSB REPORTINC 208.890. 5198 MOORE Publ ic they were, as I reca l.l-, concerned that if it was j-n a financial unit, 1t- would get involved in the federal or FERC regulatory problems, so they went to a kifowatt-based crediL, but the negative part about that at the time was Idaho Power was requesting the PUC to grant them the authoriLy to terminate any outstanding credit December: 31st that a customer may have, effectively confiscate the power. ThaL was also denied, but it did set a precedent that at the time, Idaho Power seemed to be very unfair in iLs actions towa.rds the net metering customer, and in the most recent case, I've not been actively doing much solar work jn the last year and I was not completely aware that this case was ongoing at the }evel it was. My unde r stand.l- ng had requested customers and approx ima te.Iy that in tu.rn they would be comprehensive and pos i tive so my first was a lette r saying t hat requrred to study done cosl'- effects do a comprehensive showing the cost -- of rret metering the siluation as understanding schedule that or have a the negative customers, and it sits today the last f was aware was that ldaho Power a new rate scheclule for solar net metering was granted that here. I believe, a ye.rr-and-a-half ago with my for c;rving them that new rate awarene-"s of in the end of Oct-ober from Idaho Power a sett.lement had been reached, and when Ia25 7B a I 2 3 4 5 6 l B 9 10 11 o L2 13 L4 15 16 I1 10 19 20 2t 22 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 19 reached out and called Idaho Power to get a more informatiorr, I was told that this case basically pursued about the effort of trying little bit was being to be fair and equitable, that cost for delivering paying for and that cost. then if one assumes maybe generate excess power at .05 percent oI d]-[ their net metering custome.rs cause an undue power at night that they're not other customers have to pick up that We1I, in the investigation of that, I was told there was approximately 5,000 existing applications for net metering customers, which when compared to the over 500,000 plus Idaho Power customers, that trorks out to .1 percerrt, wirich dictn'L seem very significant, and ha 1f of those customers any s igni ficant customer base. leve1, thatrs That didn't seem very significant, and at the time I coufdn't get any information aboul how much financial losses $re were tafking about correcting here, which seemed kind of odd for a case that was based upon faj-rness, and so when it comes down to i,t, I suspect that between the previous cases, this case and the future cases,we've all spent consultants thanl it igation 're taI king more time irr stucties and and the value of the p.rwer was a little bit- of my And then about here, so that take on .i1: the other issue I've had with MOORE Pubfic a 25 a I 2 3 4 5 6 1 this whole situat-ion is ]daho Power currently has at Ieast two programs that i know of Lhat kind of run contradictive to this whole approach, which is their energy efficiency services program, which in prior -- up untiL recently has been approximately a four percent tax on all- Idaho Power customersT and the purpose of that program was to take that revenue co.llected from that and turn it j-nto programs paying businesses and supporting other programs to subsidize high efficiency lighting and motor systems in an effort to reduce peak daytime demands, and when that program has come back before the PUC and reviewed in past years, I recall Idaho Power indicating that their records showed that for every dol.lar collected from a customer wifl eventually save $3.00 in excess fol an additional cost to bring in new generation and new distributjon, so with that program there, they're saylng that aIf customers contribute a little bit to reducing peak load is beneficial for the whole system, whi-ch a homeowner putting solar on their property offsetting, or even a business putting solar on offsetting, their peak daytime load, especially during the summer when air conditionj-ng is at a peak demand, does effectively Lhe same thing as the energy efficiency program without any c()ntribution from other customers to pay f or that so l.a.r system the customer comp.letely paid, I 9 10 11 72 o 13 l4 15 16 l7 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPCR'I'ING 208.890.5198 MOORE PubI ic 25 BL) t 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 o 13 l4 15 16 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTItT"G 208.890. s198 Ei MOORE Publ ic so that seemecl to lun contradict-ive to what was being bilringrequested, ancl t h€r rl therers program v'/here Y.)u can pay a and a 1owe.r rat-e during the also the time-of-day capital. investment to accomplish that 'l'he oLiler issue that I rate during the day another program Idaho Power customers powe r have any upfront reduct ion . hi gher night, indicating t-hat it's important for once again, ldaho Power has not had to incur to shed their peak daytime usage. which is effectively what a solar customer provides, so in that case there, that when Idaho PcvJer sent out that letter the end of October, the re today and l-here was no ment ion of Lhe publ ic found that and here on LS meet ing. so 1 was no menLion of this conference calf After further i nvesLigation, I thought thaL w.ls al]OLller j ndic.iti on of not wanting as much public invofvement Idaho Power really as has happened in website onthe past, and when looking at comments, there ' s an extremely the letter going out anci then And one of the had was that there may be some inlervenors, particu1arly the direct correlation between the the PUC's ot, he r next day the rate of been a little bitpublic cofiment coming in. so .it's deceptive, I beJ-reve. j-n not- keeping customers aware of lhe sitriation as the net metering itrs happening. comments here that I legitimacy to some of the i. rrigati-on pumpe.rs might bea25 t o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 l4 15 15 r1 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NC; 208.890.5198 MOORE Publ ic a fittl-e bil- unique and different from the homeowners in the sense that they have systems that bank energy all year long, yet their demand ls only a few months during the growing season, which effectively is requesting Idaho Power to bank ener:gy and then give it back to them at the same rate, There may be some inequity there that pumpers the res t- needs to be adclressed, but then again, discounted rate to starl with, so one all costs the same amount of money to pumpers get a would argue.if it deliver energy that the things that was first started can carry a system t he re wi 1.1- are already tak.ing advantage of the system and there are of us must be making up that difference, and so some situations that may need to be addressed, but I don't think the home solar: customer ls an issue that requ.ires came out back was that there was no metering shoufd take there are program:i or any changcs. and one of in 2012 in the case that state legislation directing how net place and for example, in Oregon, laws in there that do state that it's a one-to-one r;rediL and that the customer a 12-monLh credit, which seems fair to prevent throughout the yearoversized, butfrom being be peaks in match up, 12 -mon t-h qener;t-ion arLd pcaks in demand t-hat may not buL t-hr-.y a-Llow the system to even out over a period, so T ttrink Lhat's enough of my corrnentsa25 B?- t a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 for today. as weII as 1 ' 11 LIy t'- o make it to the neeting tomorrow provide addi t ional written comments. COI.IMI SS IONER KJELLANDER: me see if there are any questions from members of the Commission. There being then, to a caller whose IasL four d-igits IO22 and we don't find that number in the (No response . ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let the parties or rlone, thank you move now 10 f or your test-irnorly. (Tl:e witness left the 1ine.) COMI{Ii:ISIONER KJLILLANDER: Let's to a caller whose ia..it four digits end in 5366, (i,lo r:esporrse. ) COMMITISIONER KJEI-,LANDER: Let's qf66 move1l- 72 13 L4 15 16 71 18 l9 ?0 2t )) 23 24 are 7022, olr 7022. queue. Again, let's move to a cafler whcse last four digits are Cafler, are yolr t-here? 6042, ts the caller (l o response . ) COMMl SS]ONER KJELI,ANDER : 6042,6042. there? 6442? We' ll move on t-o a cal1er whosre Iast four digits end 9705. Caller, arc you t-here? 9705. 1s your mute by any chance '? 9705, 9705. ( No -r esponse . ) COMT.IiSSIONER KJE],LANDER: WeIII move on to a caller wh(lse -Lest -[our in 9705, phone on dicli';s CSB REPORTINC 208.890.5198 MOORE Publ i c t 25 E3 are 1547. a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 a CSB REPORTINC; 208.890.s198 PERKINS Publ- ic (l{o response. ) CCI.IMISSIONF.IR KJELLANDER: V,le'If move on to caller 6681 , 668'1 . Is the cal-t er there? THEI CALLER: Yes, 6687, that is me. C(JMM ISSJ IONER KJELLANDER: Good morning. THE CAI,LER: Hel Io . COMMISS IONER close to good afLernoon, so you sworn in, KJELLANDER: Actually, itrs why don't we begin by getting BRlAN,PERKINS, appearing as a public witness, having been duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: C()MMISSIONER K.IELIANDER: And could you state for the ri.iccrd your name and spe1l it, please? THEI WIii'NESS: Yes, my name is Brian Perk-Lns. Eirst narnc is B*.r*i-:r*n. Last name is P-e-r-k-i-n-s. CJOI'{MiSSiICNER KJELLANDER: And your addres s . ,t.HE W1'1'NESS:My address is 3406 Idaho,83605.Manchester Drive, (la lclwe l- l, CLTN]I'1iS]S IONER KJE]],LANDER: And are you a customer of Idahc L'o'u/e r ?o a4 10 l1 L2 13 t4 15 L6 7l l-8 1-9 20 2L 22 23 n, 25 a o 'tlili WI'L'l'lEsfj: Yes, I am, (-l(11,4[,lISSTONER K.IELLANDER: Thank you. Could you pleasr: pt ovi.de lroqa Ti]Ii WITI''IESS:story is a fittfe that people have been startement? Yes, my bit different than some of the ones 10 sharing here tc-rcJa1,, and tlrat i--s my wife and currently solar-gclreraf-ing custonrers, but have a contract wiLh a solar iltsl-allation that. We reache(J that .ior)tract- i.rt OcLober shortly before thc ICahcr Pov,er let-ter came I are not we actual l y company to do of this year, out, and so then, we are11 t2 13 74 15 16 71 1B 79 20 2l 22 23 24 with the changes that have happened now facing a ve.ry dlfficult decision S]NCC righL now, us anrl we in thaL we can either back ouL of the contract at significant personal happened, month, and going to with a power My fee 1ing it's going to signed this PERKINS PubI ic expense, that the we have want to with the uncerta i nt- y, actually make CSB RE PORTlNG 208 .890.5198 because the instaffaEion has not yet solar installation will be later this about 10 days to two weeks to decide on if we continue with thi.s or not or we could continue contract that we have, E'/en though there's obviously great we have no idea if we're ever mo,re noney t.han we would have bill if the ccsjt ]s goi ng to of f set or not. is thal Lhe way things be a definite f inancial are golng loser for contract thinkinq bot-h oL envir:onmental reasons and fora25 85 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 l4 15 t6 L1 1B t9 2A 2t )) 23 24 CSB REPORTIN(] 208.890. s198 PERKINS Publ i c financial reasons for us. because it made sense monetarily and, ,-ri .,r,:)Lrr:s(:, we did want to do what we could Lo lrel p l-hc e ler:Lri caI this unccrta in .r r t--.,i wlrere we goinq on. not been fort-ht igirt been forthright trith the other associated system out, so now we're in don't know exactfy what's I feei iike my issue is not so much wi.th the solar inst-allation company. 1 feel the abso]-lrte bcst: j.nformation that more that the -i. ssuc i s with Idaho Iike they gave us had, but it's that they have They have not thls point, we can cl-ean we will be again, we they Powe r , wiLh the customers, tire solar-generating companies and businesses with that. It seems to me like the homeowners are paying the cost of the installation and taking the risk, but ldaho Power is generating the profit and that's pretty much h,hat I have to say on that. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let me see 1f there are any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission. There are none, so we thank you for your test-imony. (Thc wil-ness left the 1ine.) CiOMI,iISSIONER KJELLANDER: At we wil]- take a qli cr, 10-minute break so that up the qucue ancl please stay orr the line and back in 10 minut-es to resume t.estimony/ so,a 25 86 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72t13 T4 15 16 L1 18 L9 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890. s1?8 MCGAVI N Publ ic will go off can clean up 12:18. the lecord for a brief 1O-minute period so we the plrone queue and continue with the calls in a lO-minute winclc.w, so it is our intent to resume at (Recess. ) .JOMMI SS IONER KJE]-LANDER: We to go back on the record and we are now ready fcr a calfer whose 2L74. Caller, are you there? are on the are now ready record. We numbers end in 2174. Can you hear me? KJELLANDER: Yes, yes, we TIIIi CAL],ER: CC)MM I :] JJ I ON ER can. Thank you. Let me swear you in. appearing as was examined SCOT MCGAV]N, a public w.itness I having been duly swo.rn, and testif ied as f o.l-lows: COI''IMISSICNElR KJEI,LANDtrR: Thank you, and could you please sitra.e y()ur name and spell it for the record? 'lllll WITNESS: Scot McGavin, S-c-o-t M-c-G-a-v-i-n. COI\jMiSSIQNER KJEI,LANDER: Thank you, and your acld ress, f ieas-. Tllli !,VITNESS: 1605 South PhiIlippi.O 25 81 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 11 L2 a 13 74 15 16 L1 1B l9 2t 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT ING 208.890. 5198 MCGAV I N Publ ic Actual1y, Lhr: adrl.rcrss of our neL nLeter-ing inst.allation is 5479 Wesl li nauriib."c I - rluMlllllS LONER iiJELLANDER: I'm sorry, if you could repca L Ihii t .lqa i n . THE hlITNlll-lS: The insta l lation address of our net met er-ing sysLem is 5479 llest* Overland Road in Boise. CIO[4]']LSS I.ONER KJEI,LANDER: Okay, thank you, and are you a clrstomer of Idaho Power? T'HE WITNESS: We are on multiple systems. CT]I.IM I SIJ IONEIT KJT.]I,I,ANDER: could you go ahearl and provi de us your Thank you, and statement ? system. We are net the system in operat ion thank you very Commission for listening to our $25,000 into our THE W1TNESS: much for yor: holding the se Yc:1 . WeII, so first of aI1, at the Idaho PubIic Utifities public meetings and for My fami 1y has invested overu.-)nceIIts. roo f t- op so-Lar metering cust ome r s. We've had for more than a year now, inst-aIled the system for both the sl-gnificant i-mpr:ovement to our impact on the environment in ldaho, as wel-f as for the value of the .return on our investmenl. We believe strongly that providing green energy is the best-- thing for Idaho, We have severalI25 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 a 11 l2 13 L4 15 t6 71 18 L9 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTl NG 208 .890.5198 MCGAVIN Pubfic buildings that are on Idaho Power in Boise as wefl as outside of Boise and we have had the intention of installing one or two addltional rooftop so.Iar systems on those other sit-es, at leasL up until this proposal. At this point, though, adclitlonal installations are on hold. We have purchased an electric car that r^re use to charge with our system. It's another way that we a.re able to retluce our air qual-ity impact in Boise. We are essentially doing everything we can as consumers to minimize our environmental impact and rooftop so1ar .is one ma j or action that ourse.l-ves and other Idaho consume.rs can take, at least that!s been the case up until this rate proposal decrease. ,l have a strong concern that the value of our investment that we made wilf be lost if we seIl our proper:ty. We ur'rder:stand that the current proposal does not alfow for the rate -- if there's a settlement, any change in the settlernent, that might be grandfathered in t.hat the rate increase or the rate decrease rather wonrt with our system and that from our signifi.cant portion of our $25,000 necessarily standpoint investment. Power as of investment t rans fer negates a At the today, for this crr r ren t cur sofar r.:te being pa j-d by Idaho generation, the return on nearly 20 years f-c) break even, un[ortunately, 25,000 t-hat. we put in will take so weo 89 o I t- 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 L? 13 L4 1J L6 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORI']NG 208.890.5198 MCGAV I N Publ i c generate our tr)ower ,iuring the day and we use less power during t-he d.r y t,hen w€, gener rat e and irave an elecL.ric because of that, we heatbecause we:ha ve usage don'L is heaviLy focused on the evening have any soiar-. If we're not paid pump system, our as well when we the same amount for the power [hat use in the evening, we generatc dr:r:ing the day as what we LhaL's an rlnreasonabfe impact, "ts.econonll c rat-e s are impac t , t-o The p ropos e<1 decrease rat-r: j.ncrease or, excuse me, wil l complet.ely negate thethe proposed r al-e economic benefits rates would be so for investing in thi.s system, The new low as Lo usable llfe of solar panels. is about never break even over the As I mentioned. our payback current- rate and if those or a quarter, the system wll-l the time we actually finish the p.roposed rate, there's 20 years under dropped r-o a h.rve no valueactually paying iL ti h() h,1l f by off; t-hcref ore, absolutely no economj.c financial incenLive for other Idaho Power subscribers to even go forward in installing rooftop solar under the proposed rate changes, The proposaf would effectj.vefy eliminate consumer rooftop solar installations in Idaho, There are numerous solar instal.Iation companies, including the one we went through. th;rt we used to insta]l our system, it woufd effectively have their business in Idaho destroyedI il Ll o 1 2 3 4 6 7 I I T1 11 1.2 13 !4 15 16 as a result of Llii:; pr:,.rposal-, .rnd this would eliminate hundreds of goo,i-pa yi rtg that what othcr cdl lcrs in Idaho, so f reiterate indi-cated as well that the be a required study for evaluate the actual impact of i nstal I ing be done and I understand j obs have public expecte,,l t-l'ra t Lhere woul.d the lPUC Case t'Jo. 'f PC-E-17-1.i to costs, benefrts, arrd tihen true rooftop solar that no such t-ha t tha t- would st-uciy has bee n done. .I h.r,;e done a -Lot- of research on green 10 power generatiorr and I don't believe the propaganda that Idaho Power is stating is based on fact. f befieve that the value of rooft-op solar has actually much more benefit for ldaho than any potential downside cited by Idahoo Power as pr:opo s ed Iawsuit before any sett- Lement such suit. I don' t: resuft of that, i' t settlemenL artd force CSB REPORT IN(] 208.890.5198 of the settlement proposal. If this does go through and a class action would definitely be a participant in want to see that happen, so as a askinq you to pfease reject the the required study to be compl-eted is accepted. 91 the basis rate cut- i s fi le,'ct, I 18 ).9 2A 2t 22 23 24 Please don't crit the rates being provided to aI1 rooftop so.l..ir systems past, present, or future. At the very minirnum. please grandfather existing systems that tie "r grandt.rthered i:alc structure to the solar system itself and not lhe Iciahi: Power customer as thiso25 MCGAV] N Publ ic a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 l-1 l2 13t L4 15 16 l1 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTlNG 208.890.5198 MCGAV IN PubIic would be the orrLy eciu.l-tab1e of such syr LCIlLS . I'h,:,i 's m)/ COM} i :l lr I ON ER way t-o protect the statement. KJELLANDER: Thank inves t.ment you. Are there any questions of the Commissiort? test imony. from parties '1 here being to the case or members none, thank you for your (The r.,iLness lcft the line. ) C.JMMISSIONER KJET,LANDER: We move now to a caller wlrose Iast lour digits are 5265, 5265. Ca.I.l-er, are you thc re ? THE CAL,LER: I am here. This is Pau] Al fen. COl.4['lISS]ONER KJELLANDIIR: Mr. A1]en, if you could state your n.rme again for r-he record and spe1l it. 'l'HE .jALl,ER: I,au1. P-a-u-f , last name Allen, A-I-l-c-n. COMI{IS:J TTJNER KJEI,LANDER: And youT address, please. 'l'atE CALi,ER: 7961 West Pocatello Creek Road in PocatclIo, Iciaho. 832.01 . COMI,IISSJIONLIR K,,IEI,LANDER: AnC] ale you an Idaho Povie r cu.st-on er:: 'Ill I.l CAl,i,tlR: f am. COMIlI:jaj l ONI]R KJELLANDER: Wel], gooda25 t l0 11 L2t13 L4 15 t6 I1 18 19 20 2l 22 24 ALLEN Publ ic afternoon ;,rnd pleasc offer us your statement. 'l'liE CAi,l,ER: I lliink i t's true for many of us thaL we .1 irl ..rl COMN1IIJSlO}']F]R KJE],I,ANDER: JuSt one moment, I apol ogi ze. f ncr,:d tr() i.n'.errupt you because I f a.i.Ied to swear you in and 1,hat's on me. appearj.ng :rs a Pr-tlrJ ic PAUL ALLEN, wltness, having been first duly sworn, Lest--ifiecl as foLfows: COMI'IISS IONLIR KJELIANDER: Thank you, and I apoJ og"Lze for i n|-crruptirig you, if you could please start over. THE WII'NESS: All righty. I installed a solar roof t-op net meter-ing solar roof t-op motivation in the community to be a good this year \^rith the in i[s current fashion. I understanding of did not invest in an investment. system There are rnu ch generat i.on for purposes bettrer investments out of sclar energy was there.My to bene fitl nve-st 1ng in and the world j-n general. T was choosing ci.trzen. I beii eve it is create policy wh i r:ii et',r:ourages stewards of eaeh other and fand the role of government to its citizenry t.o be good policy which encouragesI25 93 I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 CSB REPORT ING 208-890.5198 o o 1 2 3 us to be good citizens. I beLieve that those of us that chose to invest in thj,s way to better the environment, to better our communiLies are being singled out for punishment. This proposal will be a disincentive for those who are considering investing in al-ternative energy and I do not think that fosters good citizenship. If T am being askecl to pay for the infrastructure and maintenance of Idaho Power's systems' I wou.Id ask that Llrat be done on a straight fee which is understandable to its customers. The proposed system seems right for abuse. I don't understand whether what I'm being asked 1-o pay is commensurate with the infrastructure needs of ldaho Power. I do think that there is a need to be fair and I do understand that Idaho Power has expendit.ures which I'm not -- I shoufd be required to pay f or:. It seems that Idaho Power anticipates investing in infraslructure because of increased needs in the future. It would seem that my personal investment of severaf tens of thousands of doflars is serving to pay up front for some of t-hat infrastructure. This is power- gene rat ing equipment that they will no longer be required to invest in because I'm generating the power for them. I'm noL sure why -- that seems like infrastructure t-hat I am providing for them. I think 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 o 11 72 13 L4 15 16 11 1B t9 20 2l ?? 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.51 98 ALLEN Pub 1i c 25 a o t- 2 3 4 f) 1 I 9 10 11 l2 13 L4 15 76 ).1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT] NG 208.890.5198 ALLEN PubIic that needs to be corrs:rdererl if my calculations are co.rrect. 1 bel.i.eve t,traL's aIl I have to say and I appreciate the Comrnj ssion taking these COMMI SSlONER KJEI,LANDER : your comments. Let's see j-f there are calls today. Thank you for any questions from the case. Theremembers of a re nolle , the Comrnission or parties so tharrk you again for your lThe witness left the 1-o testimony. line. ) .OMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We now move to a caller whose f ,i:rl {,:ur digi ts ar e 1295, 1295. Is the cal]er ttlere? 1:'95. 1s the L:aller on mute? L295. (No respr>nse ) . ll(-)MM I S sj I ONER KJELLANDER: We'11 move on, therr, t-o cal.Ir:.r Iast :Lour digiLs 1174, 111 4. Is the cal l.er there? 'J'll-rl (li\LLIiR: Ycs. I'm here. (:()UII4ISSIONER K,ltil[,LANDER: Good. I'11 begin by swL;rlril'.r y t- itr. o 25 95 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 LEWIS Publ i c appearing as was examined IIOGT]R LEWIS, a pubf i.r witness, hav.ing been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COIV]MISSIONER K.]IILLAND!]R: ThanK you, and coulcl you staLe ior t.he record anLl spe]I your name? T'11ll WITNIlSS: i\4y name is Roger, R-o-g-e-r, L-e -w- i-s. COMMISS IOLIER KJELLANDER: And your address. j'llE t4 lTllESS : 5444 West Tivoli Lane, Boise. Idaho, B3 /03. COMMISISIONER KJEI,LANDER: Could you repeat again the name of thc lane? T'HE i4lTi'NESS: Trvol i, T-i -v-o-1-i, Lane. COMI"IISS]ONER KJELLANDER: Thank you very much, and are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: f am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank vou. Please offer your: statement. TtlE WITNESS: f want to thank the Commission for taking o[1r tesf-imony and my testimony is a far. I think that if we cause littfe different trom what I've heard so afl of us need to understand and be fair Idaho Power extr.r exf)enclitLlires Lo defiver and administert :i ta 10 1l_ 72 l-3 L4 15 16 L1 18 19 20 27 )) 23 24 25 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 o 13 t4 15 ).6 11 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB RE POR'| I N(J 208.890.519u LEWIS PubIic solar power bacl;. understand lhat wi th Lo 5e,|6. people that they need to Apparent-Ly, or is going Lo have having a problem b)ack to the PUC customers of Idaho Lhi.s cr:sts monelr. Idaho is to come asking f or a rate r n-rrease f or: alI Power to just.ify the added expense and management, maintenance of the solar powei: industry, so I'm in favor Power tc cut the rate ofof this proposal. b\, ldaho ki.Iowa t t -hollrs LC Lirose customers. There are some people majorj.ty of people, that and a 1ot of people, either cannotprobably the afford solar whatever t hat power, 1t' s expenses of Idaho Power, questions if POWCI it's or .rre local-ed c:lose to trees or just not practical to go to sofar not f air. for them to have what tl,r: solar power people to pick up the have incurred to so thaL's my statement and I'ff take any you have any. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions from the parties to the case or members of the Commission? There are none. Thank you for your testimony toda y. ('Ihe witness left the 1lne.) C:Ol,lMiSS IONER KJE]LLANDER: We move now to a caller whose la:it. four ctigits end in 6258, 6258. Ca11er, are you thc re ?t 25 9t I 1 2 3 4 5 o 1 I 9 10 11 t2 o 13 L4 15 16 L1 1B 19 20 2l ZZ 23 CSB RE PORT I NCJ 208.890.5198 SCOTT Public Tilii CALLER: Yes, T 'm here. (JOT4MISS-LOI.lER KJE]LLANDER: ThanK you. Why don' t we l:,eg in by swea r: i r.rg lzou i n. appearing as was examined S]ERRA SCOTT, a public witness, having been duly sworn, anci testified as f oIl-ows: (JOMM I'.JSIONER the record pJ.ease state yolrr .I'H}i W I TNESS: Scott, S-c-o-t-t. COMIVI I IJ I] I ON Eit adcire s s, please. TIiII l/J I'I'NE.SIJ : Tetonia, Idaho. 8)45':. COMM]SSIONER customer of Idaho P ow€i ra'? ,t,H!t !,lt,rliESS: COMMl S-i :] ION IP. afternoon. and pi ease cffer T'H E W.t -INESS: start, with sayi nr; it's all. a KJELLANDER: Could you for name and spe11 it? Sierra Scott, S-i-e-r-r-a, KJEII,L,ANDER: And your 4730 North 8000 West, KJELLANDER: And are you a Yes. KJELLANDER: We11, good us your Than k little dea 1. , testimony. you. Irve got to uncfear to me what I s goang been on wlth thi s whc)l e PUC my story is Irve humanity since I but .interested irr t.hc. environment, anda 9ii a 1 2 3 4 5 6 't I o was in col-Iege in Austral.ia in the l-990s and I worked in the industry in development trying to do green devel-opment through t-he 2000s and then I made personal commitments, and just in the last three years, I instafled the largest solar panel system with Eal1 River, which is a 2L-3 kilowatt .system. It produces all my power. I have a dude ranch. Itrs 100 percent renewable and.it's not been very easy L,eing a flrst mover in solar. Il's been very confusing just how to monitor the sofar and then this just adds to the confusion. I don't -- it doesn't seem measurabfe by what this proposal will actually cost me, which other people have mentioned as welL. ft doesnrt seem to take into account the overa.Il environmentaf impact for the good of the pfanet at- a]-I . IL seems pretty -- it seems a fittle bit greedy in its nature and it might be the current government. You know, I'm just not sure why we canrt figure out a way to make this beneficial for all, not just the Power Company, but al-]. the consumers across the board. There's qot to be a way to make this work, and those of us who have already invested -- my investment was $76,000 af t.er some tax credits, so it was sizeable, l-ike a huge invesLment. Yeah, T forego paying off a big chunk of my mor:tgage to put in a solar system/ because I 10 o 72 13 14 15 L6 11 L1 2L 18 l9 2A o 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 99 SCOTT Public 25 o o 1 2 3 4 felt that strcngiY the comrnun i l- y and, about:;r:rrding 1,hi s know, thi.s is positive message to just -- it's kind of m hoping since I'm 1O rl a back.lash. It- do,:sn't seem progressive. It seems not forward-moving. 6 1 8 o commenLs. buL rt- se'ems l.ike forward and t wo :,s L r.lp:; b"'ick t-ime. There has ,,i- b(j __ hearing iike t-hi.s 'r s qoo,:1. confused wi.til hoping that I so you can hear these there should be a solut.ion It- s--ems Iike we're taking one step five steps back afl the kriow, having a public .)1: you that isn't just !.azzy, unclear, and doesn't promote humanjty moving Icrr:wa.rci i.n a pos.Ltive d.irection. I wi.sh, you know, I could be more scientif ic because, as I a.l ready sa.id, I'm a little it al..l . but I just wanted to say that I am ).,ou know, t,his wi I1 I don't. know what sort of f i nanc ia I it's rlot impact s i zeab.1 have on me, but I' i-f any at aIl, especially already an existing cusr-omer that that wouldn't change my agreement that I have with my electricity Company with net metering, so (hank you for hearing me. COMM.ISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and there being no Commission, we CSB REPOR1'ING 208.890.5198 qiic:iti.ori:j f rofil p,rrtr es to the case or the ;rcDr cr- ia L e your commerlts today. THil $lITllElSS: Than k you. (The witness left- the line. ) SCOTT Pubfic o r 00 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 L1 18 19 20 27 .)) ')? 2A 25 I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 t 11 72 13 l4 15 76 t1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 I01 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Moving now to a calfer whose lasL four digiLs 5652, 5652. Is the caller t.here? THE CALLER: Yes, I am here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon. MITCHELL EORREST, appearing as a public witness, havi,ng been first duly sworn, testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Could you state forth the record your name and spe1l it for us, please? THI b]ITNESS: I am Mitchel] Forrest, M-i-t-c-h-e-f-1. Iast name F-o-r-r-e-s-t. COMMISIJTONER KJELLANDER: And your addre s s . THE !{ITNESS: 315 South Cedar Point Avenue, Namp.l, 43686. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE I/']ITNESS: ] am, yeS. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Please offer us your test-imony. TilE I/iITNESS: Thank you f or having me. I am pa.rt ot the solar lndustry here in the Treasure Valley EORRE ST PubI ic 25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 l I 9 10 11 72t13 74 15 t6 ).1 1B t9 ?a 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 and I ! ve only l- i.,'ed here for a little over a year. I have prospered generously in this industry as solar makes a ton of sense for most people where if you have southern exposure and have the abj-lity to either finance or pay for your system, it makes a ton of sense in the ]ong run.' however, like many other calfers, it seems that Idaho Power study that tha t that is trying to come that they need to to a conclusion do, so that is without doing the the biggest thing those s tudie sdoI urge is they need that first, they will to do and, secondly,I j ust don't thlnk what they're proposing is fair to anybody as they already have a service charge and other charges that are supposed to be for maintaining the grid and delivering power, and that doesn't seem to be case as !hey're trying to get more money out of their sol-ar customers than the existing customers that are afready there. I do believe that the solar customers that have made the lnvestment have done the right thing, takes thatbecause it peak demand the hardest any need for ki l- owatt -hour does he lp off the t hing them our environment out. It grid, which for the grid to change it is to my understanding to handle, and I don't see from the one-to-one rate structure that they already at least for have as that seems to make the most sense,existing and needcustomers, and if they do end up doing the studyo25 742 EORRE ST Public o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 1u 11 l2 o 13 74 15 l6 l1 1B 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890. s198 DAVI E S Publ ic to change it, i woulC urge at the very least that they keep the one-t-o-one gr:.rrrdf athered in to existing customers and only make changes to future cusLomers. That's all I have to say. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any queslions from parlies to the case or members of the Commission? There being none, thank you again for your tes t imony. (The witness Ieft the line.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We now move to a caller with the fast four digits 9371 , 9371 . Is the caller there ? THE CALLER: Yes, I'm here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Oh, thank you. Let me begin by swcarino you :n. appearlng as was examined DAVID DAVIES, a public witness, having been duJ-y sworn, and testified as foflows: COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: Could you for the record please state your name and spell it? THE WITNESS: David Davies, D-a-v-i--e-s. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Mr. Davies, could you also give us your address?o 25 103 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 t? o 13 L4 15 16 t1 1B 19 20 2L 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208 . 8 90.5198 NA\/TFC Public THE lrlITrrr-ESS | 21349 Hop, H-o-p, Road in Cafdwe11, Idaho. 83607. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS r I am, yes. COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER : Thank vou and Tha n k Could you please provide your statement for us THE WITNESS; Yes, I would like my conments, but the comments are possibly being affected by you . today? to thank of so many of us today this settlement say that at the very l-east, I existing net mete.r customers b)acktrack on our current h,ut more than that, f conversation with the You, onfy that Pauf. and also K-ristine and Errc for hearing not agreement. hope you do into thi s agreement s rega rding wanted to I wouLd like to grandfather us aoreement and not our one- Eo-one rateJ, say that I |rad a nice or contracts that we have wlth Idaho Power Idaho Power employee who installed our net meter a few months ago and I wanted to get the perspective of Idaho Power as to why it woufd not be a one-to-one relationship in terms of buying and selling this power. His comments to me were, I think, very interesting and somewhat in fine with the calfer about six calls the grid ago. and I Idaho Power has an expense to maintain need the grid and every solar customer whoa 104 O 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 ll l2 o 13 14 15 16 71 1B 19 2A 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT l NG 208.890.5198 DAV] ES Publ ic has spoken and who is about to speak and may be listening to me now needs that. grid. In order to maintain that grid, there is an expense, with maintaining the roads My comment, with the rate that's being if I was to sell power to cents or so that I woufd just Iike there is an that we drive on. though, primarlly has proposed of roughly 4 Idaho Power versus the expense t-o do 4 cents purchase 1t for. I 've eight read through the settlement agreement. I've read through many of the documents that have been posted onfine and I thank you for post ing that number: was take the ldaho derived, employee's to me what the co.r.rect this study that I s been that would become more SO those. What's not clear to me is how we need some money Lo WhaL is one cent per kilowatt -hour? Eour cents? Six cents? t how 4.4 cents was derived. If I comments at face va1ue, he says maintain the grid. I accept that, the right amount of money? Is it A half a cent? Two cents? r.rnder: s t and that ldaho Power started at an offer of something like two cents a kilowatt-hour and now we're at 4 4 cents, and again, .it I s number would be. referred to is obvious to me and not clear Perhaps if comp.I e t ed, others and that's my main cornment to you three today and the parties to the agreement asCommissioners well.25 r 05 a a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 l4 15 16 71 I 18 79 20 27 22 23 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 H ] TCHCOCK Pubfic Pfease help us, help me understand how 4.4 cents, the differentra] there, is the correct amount to maintain that grid that thank you very much for I need and that others need and I this opportunity today. KJELLANDER: Thank you forCOMM I SS IONER your comments. Are the case or members there any quest ions of the Commiss ion? from partles to If not, then thank you for your testimony. (The witness left the line.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: lie move now to a caller whose last four digits arc 1611, 161L. Is the caIler there? THE CALLER: Yes, I 'm here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Let me get you swo.rn in f irst. appearang as was examined EVELYN HITCHCOCK, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as f oI.Iows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Could you please state for the record your name and spe.I] it. please, for US? THE WITNESS: This is Evelyn Hitchcock, E-v-e-I-y-n H-i-t-c-h-c-o-c-k.25 106 o 1 2 3 4 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 o 13 l4 15 76 71 18 I9 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT I NG 208.890.s198 i07 H]TCHCOCK Publ- 1c COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address, please, THE WITNESS: L492 Los Altos Way in Pocate.Lf o. CjOMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Powe r ? THE WITNESS: Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We11, good afternoon, and coufd you please offer your statement? THE WITNESS: I would lust like to state my point of view. I'm a 73-year-o.l-d single woman fixed 1ow income and I decided to install a so.Iar ona in part environment and to assist with system g1oba1to help the but a1so,it's out of mvwarmlng, hopeful ly electrlc system myself insurance arid suppl-ying the deliver onto savings and it was independent fromto assist me to become bills in the future. My corunent and agreeing ma i n tenarce is that by financing this and having to pay for ln infrastructure the grid when i the fuLure, I am essential.Ly for the electricity that I generate a little bit excess, and 1f they're asking me to pay the full amount of el-ectricity blll that they are -- the full rate that they charge, they are justifying that because I am paying -- about two-thirds or three-quarters of myo25 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 efectric that I pay for is attributed to infrastructure. i actual,ly cal.Ied a representatj-ve of the customer generation team and discussed this issue with them and there was a woman there that said that only about onfy 25 percent of the bill that I get charged for the electricity that I use is actually for the energy. The rest is for infrastructure, so I guess my point is if it's fair that I have to pay 100 percent of the energy, pfus the infrastructure for energy that I consume that then I shouJ-d be credited with the fu1l amount of the energy I del-iver onto the grid, including my infrastructure costs, which is my investment, my financing, and my maintenance over the years. And I al-so have a point to make about the effect of this type of more restrictive net metering on future investment in sol-ar systems in the future in Idaho, because it was very exciting to see that in the Pocateffo area, we greatly exceeded the number of instaffations this year over what they anticipated they would get to participate in the program that we had here calLed Solarize Pocatello, and the enthusiasm -- we got over three times as many installs as they predicted that we would get or that they even hoped we would get, and I'm afraid that this actj-on by the PUC if you approve this cutback on the net metering rates that we receive, 10 11 L2 a 13 l4 15 t6 L1 18 79 20 II ?? 23 24 CSB REPORTTNG 208.890.5198 a 108 H I TCHCOCK Public o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 17. o 1i t4 15 16 l1 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 GRAVE S Pubfic it will definitely put a here in Pocatello and cn up to do as I did, which ciamper cn the number the solar i ndu st ry was to sacrifice some of people that sign of thei,r savings impact on gfobal warming here in ir.Idaho and I guess that's COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We]1, thank you for your com,'nent. Let's see -rf we have any f ollow-up questions from parties to the case or from members of the Commissron. Seerng none, I want to thank you for your testimony to.lay. (The witness left the line.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to a caffer whose last four dig-Lts are 0169, 0169. Is the ca.I.I e r there ? THE CALLER: Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good a fternoon I and cou.Id we fir-st get you sworn ln? to alleviate our appearing as was examined STEVEN GRAVES, a public witness, having been duly swo.rn, and testified as fol lows: COMM] SSIONER KJELLANDER : state your name and spell it for us for And if you could the record. TllE !{lTNESS: Steven Graves, S-t-e-v-e-nI 109 o 1 2 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 o 13 l4 15 16 11 1B 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 G-r-a-v-e-s. address. THE WITNESS: R-e-d- s-p- i -r-e, Way, Star, COMMISSIONER customer of Idaho Power ? THE WITNESS: COMMISS]ONER afternoon, and please of f er THE WITNESS: .Ot'lTiII SS IONER KJELLANDER : And your 1388 Nort.h Redspire, 1daho,83669. KJELLANDER: And are you a Yes, I am. KJELLANDER: WeII, good statement. 'm calling in today Idaho concerning thisbecause I wrote to subject matter and information about the Governor of he was the us your Yes. I this phone one that gave conference and regarding factor on the upcoming my this me the meet i ng I ette r tomorrow in Garden City. When I received from ldaho Power, there was nothing about: communication that we would have wi-th the Publi-c Utilit j-es Commission, nor did I rece.ive anything from the Pubfic Utilities Commission basically the communication failed miserably. I don't know this p1an, so this matter has that have solar panels on top of have received this information. The news media did not take any -- how many customers their roofs ]-ike f have It wasnlt in the papers. public time to announce wha t a 25 110 GRAVE S PubI ic t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 I 13 74 15 16 T1 18 L9 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 GRAVES Pubfic this meeting or did they even trample on this subject. lvhat we have here, gentlemen, is a situatj-on where Idaho Power and IDACORP are much like Cable One and the newspapers and everybody else at these times. Technology j-s overcoming the analog processes that have been provided to us for numerous of years. We're -in the 21st century. We need to figure this out. Solar panels, I believe, are an excellent option. I purchased them myself, I spent a fot of money for them. I maj-ntain them, okay? !,lhen they go down, I monitor them. When they go downr I have to get them fixed. I have to get them rep.l-aced. Idaho Power doesn't run in and do anything for me, okay? Eurthermore, I want it noted that the CEO of IDACORP makes a tremendous amount of money annually and f believe that this is being generated by them, because it's affecting their bottom fine. They're in the stone age and they're going to remain in the stone age unfess they embrace solar energy, wind power, or anything else that's an alternative source of For th.i s to producing energy. a three-member panel a1so. There' s far energy than the of che IPUC. I t.hink it's be put on ludi crous , educated onmore peopfe that IPUC. I believe are more I wrote aboul this in the varlous tn Lhe Idaho Statesmarl, the Idaho 'Irtbune, and I just don'tt 111 I 1 3 4 6 1 8 9 know what to say. Irm dumbfounded that we are even discussing this. fdaho Power, you've got to figure it out, because when they invent a battery that contains the energy I'm producj-n9r Irl cutting you off, werre finished, and I wil-l not be on the grid again. I know that's kind of an isolationist thinking, but that's the way the world works these days. The improvements on solar panels are remarkable. I had a problem with my panels during Lhe summer. They were producing a vast amount of energy and my solar company came in and repfaced some of my panels and they -- during that time, yeah, I had to depend on Idaho Power to provide energy for my air conditioning, but I believe that we've straightened out that probl-em and we're moving on. Anyway, that's alf f 've got to say. Thank you for your time. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let's see if there are any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission, There being none, thank you for your comments today. (The witness left the line.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ble move now to a calfer whose last four digits end in 3894, 3894. Is the ca11er there? 3894. Is the caller there? (No response . ) t0 11 72 o 13 14 15 16 77 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890. 5198 172 GRAVE S PubIic o 25 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 7? a 13 l4 15 L6 71 18 T9 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 BLANK PubI ic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: MoVe now to a ca1ler whose la:it. f or,rr: drgits end r^ri th 7501, 7501. Is the ca.L ] er there? THE CALLER: I am, yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Oh, good. Let me starr b1' swc.rring ycu in. appearing as was examlned MICHELLE BLANK, a public witnessf having been duly sworn, and testified as folfows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Could you for the record please state your name and spelf it for us? THE WITNESS: Yes, my name is Michelle BIank, spelled M-i-c-h-e-L-1-e, B1ank, B-1-a-n-k. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address. THE WITNESS: Do you address is 144 Deer Forest, Mccaif, want my -- my street Idaho, 83638. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: COMMISSIONER Could you please offer your THE WITNESS: Okay, thank you. us today? husband and I I arn K.] I.] I,LAN DE R : t est imony Yes. My tor o 25 1t 3 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 L4 15 16 t1 L8 L9 20 2l 2? 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 carefully considered if we cou-Ld afford to and the that if with an lnvest r-n net metering we rea11y upfront I hope current befieve i-t solar panels by way of tax refunds schedule. Eventual-l-y we determined stretched ourse.Ives financlally now investment, it would be worth it j-n the long run. It would be a real Iinancial hardship if Utilities Comrn.r-ssion changes the net schedule at this point. It is wrong midway through the game. Like many others have the Idaho Public metering fee to change the ru.l-es in. but said, I afsoCUSTOMEIS AIC would be wrong grandfathered to change the net metering rules for future homeowners. As an individual born and raised in ldaho, I know that Idaho believes in independence and this incl-udes energy independence. With changes to the net metering rules, Idaho Power is attempting to undercut energy independence j-n Idaho. If these rule changes pass, I be.Iieve there will be political impl-ications such as what happened in Nevada. Peop1e wi.I1 also avoid the utiJ-ity altogether, especially as sol-ar power and battery storage becomes cheaper. Idaho Power wiJ-l see lts consumer base dwindling and Iosing an important source of power to offset the electric shifting demands, such as summer air conditioning and other peak energy use. BLANK Public o 25 it1 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 o 13 74 15 16 71 1B t9 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 BLANK Public Einally, in an attempt to make solar panels financiaLJy unaffordable for horneowners j-s moralfy wrong at a time in which climate change is already change would put Idaho Public Utilities impacting our country. This Power and, if approved, the Commission on the wrong slde working on moving as quickfy sustainable renewab.Ie fuLure of history. We need to be as possibfe towards a and homeowner-owned so]ar rule f daho panels are an important part of It's disingenuous a utility that cares commi-tment to run 100 that future . for ]daho Po!{er to craft about the environment,an lmage as wrth their by 2045 while undercutting renewabfe energy proposed change to net metering. Thank you and consideration of these concerns and an share them. percent on clean energy with thi s for your time opportunity to you. Are members of again for COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank there any quest.ions from parties to the Commission? Seeing none, then, your testimony todaY. (The witness feft the THE WITNESS: We now the fast four digits ending in 1547, there? L54'7. (No response . ) the case, thank you 1ine. ) move to a caller with 1547. Is the ca1ler o 1i5 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 12t13 74 15 16 l't 18 19 2A ?7 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208 .890. s198 E] SHER PubIic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: WerLI move on to the next caller with the last four digits ending in 1687. 7681 . Is the calter there? THE CALLER: Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon. Let's begrn by swearing you in. appearlng as was examined RYAN FI SHER, a publ-ic witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as folfows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And couLd please sEate for the record your name and spe1l it as welL ? you for us THE !'iITNESS: Yes, Ryan Eishen, R-y-a-n F-i-s-h-e-r. COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: And youT address, please. THE WITNESS: 333 [,lest Warren Street, Boise, Idaho. 83706. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Powe r ? THE WITNESS: Yes, f am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Could you pJease offe-r us your comment?a 25 lr6 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2t13 14 15 76 l1 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 E] SHER Public you for ca 1.I in . addi t i on sending THE WITNESS: Yes, thank you, and thank the time for the Commission this afternoon to It's vronderful to have these type of forums in to writing to our e.Iected written comments into the legislators and Commission. I appreciate the opportunity to voice in Simil-ar to many others, customer with the net metering program and I would urge the Commj-ssion -- COMMI SSIONER KJELLANDER : person as wef1. i am a solar power from Idaho Power IL appears t hat everyone from stifl on the I'm not tal ki ng the system, and interrupt you only .your presentation, fortunatefy, you're callers, so what I up a fittl-e bit for own recaff when we almost at the very to anyone now as we've lost in Ll.e evenr thar anyone is caII, we are having a minor -- actually a significant technical -- (liause rn proceedings. ) THE WITNESS: Excuse me, what the rate decreases will be in the years in between those -- COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Sir, I need to because whi.Ie you were in the midst of we had our system go down and still on as well as the other would like to do is ask you to back it us and I apologize. I cannot on my lost you, and from what I hear, itrs beginning, so again, I apologize andI25 117 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 if we could get, you to sort of reboot those cornments, we'd greatly appreciate it. THE WITNESS: Oh not at aff. Thank you for mak.ing those cornments. I have no troub]-e going back, so just to start from the beginning since f wasnrt sure where you ]ost me, thank you, as a current net metering customer of ldaho Power, I urge the Comnission not to approve the proposal by Idaho Power currently before it for tomorrow's meeting mainly on two-fold, both from a financial- perspecti.ve and to help support what I think is an important renewable energy push for Idaho and this community on multiple fronts. On the fj-nancial side, I invested a decent 10 11 t2 o 13 15 t6 L1 l4 18 20 2t 22 24 amount of money in solar underneath the rules three years theago per ldaho Power's proposal ldaho Power I can honestly say I net metering currently has program, and per before the Comm.ission, 19 impa c t least system that Idaho Power I financed, mainly on its mailer sent of a negative I think 1t wiff at off my solar -- even though of this year to 2020 what they for compensation the ending rate of decreases or their EISHER Publ ic this wi lI be to me, even double my time horizon for don't know how big though paying because out 10-23 its net metering customers want the per ki.Lowa tt-hour for net metering customers, CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.s198 est-imated in r:ate to be as weII as o 2028, Lhey dldn't coinment on wilat- the o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 10 11 l2 o 13 1-4 15 l6 71 18 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 E] SHER Public amounts would two po.ints, so ca.I cuf ate how have a monthly into the biq of a There's be in the subsequent years in between those it's actually impossible for me to Idaho Power sent out an financial- impact this would be. a]-so nothing in the proposal that their 10-23 mailer to net metering customers t.hat they wonrt come customers should participate with, which back again to the Commission and again dec::ease rates for net metering customers. I do understand where Idaho Power is com.ing from and per infrastructure and I don't think metering customer of any type would disagree is a certain infrastructure cost Lhat net fee regardless of how much any net that there meteri-ng is why we do energy we feed that needs to bebackgrid. I daho If that ' s something revisited by Power, it should be revisited in that way. I do encourage the Commission to keep the one-for-one for all existing net metering customers' compensat.ion for power generated as of this year. I would actual]y even encourage going forward that future customers have that opportunity and, if not, any changes be applied only to new customers so they can properly vet the financial lmplications themselves, give solar installing compani.es a chance to maybe change things up on their end, as welf to cont.inue the viabifity of solaro25 CSB RE PORT ING 208.890.5198 119 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 o 72 l4 13 15 76 L1 o 18 t9 20 ?L 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ]NG 208.890.5198 for end customers. Tht-.re's beerr by other power commissions several exampJ-es of just that throughout the country; 2017 with grandfathering in, Service Commission of 2019 as namely, one and, again, we.Il. This by existing moder:nizing in Arkansas in Kentucky PubI i c would he 1.p respect al1 to date and fi nancial i nve s tment s also consideringcustomers Idaho's power structure. If their too heavily powe r inf .Iuencedstructure the way they have lt is on per kilowatt-hours and not other factors, that might be something they need to stil1 give ldaho Power the a safe grid for everybody look at their own system to resources it needs to maintain Those are the comments I have and I thank and a-I so be fair for everybody. you for your time this afternoon. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are the.re any questions from parties to the case or from members of the Commission? Seeing none, I thank you aga-in for your comment.s today. (The witness left the 1ine.) cal-]er whose .last f our digits end in 2046, 2A46. Is the ca].Ier there? 2046. Is the caf f er there? I think we may have a cal,l-er, Is Lhe ca1.l-er there? Hel-l-o? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to a THE CALLER: Yes, I'm unmuted, but I don't El SHER Publ ic 25 120 a o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 13 t4 15 76 71 18 19 20 2L 24 CSB RE PORT I NG 208.890.s198 understand. you now and they actual dlgits of appearing as was examined Is it my passcode? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: No, we can hear were the last four numbers of your we're good.your telephone, so I think Why don't r^re start by swearing you -in. MARV]N SCHROEDER, a public witness, hav.ing been duly swo.rn, and testified as follows: COMM] SS ]ONER cou.Id you start, please, by spelling it for the record? K\IELLAN DER: Thank you, and L e 11ing us your fufl name and THE WITNESS: My full name is Marvin Schroeder, M-a-r-v-i-n S -c-h- r-o-e-d-e-r . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address. THE WITNESS: My address is 2980 Mil-l Road, Cambridge, Idaho. COMMISSIONER K,JELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: YeS, ] am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and good afternoon and please feel free to offer us your comment . S CHROE DE R PubIic I 127 I o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 t/ 13 15 15 L1 t4 18 19 2A 21 22 23 ?-4 CSB REPORT]NG 208. 890.5198 S CHROE DE R Public THE WITNESS: WeI1, thank you very much. Eirst of all,, I'd like to express my appreciation for real.Iy do ma int a in Idaho Power. T have a very high respect for them. They in energy conservation and they You know, I've never had any mainLenance in getting the power back great j obs wiLh system. it forproblem on afl the the time and we don't have any of the fires that they have in Califcrnia, so I have a good and a fot of respect for Idaho Power, and this effort for changing the program, the users has real ly appreci at.ion so that ' s why net metering taken me byprogram, for solar panel surprise, and Irve called Idaho Power several t.imes to try to get the ratlonafe behind it, and 1'11 go through each kind of the ones that I received when I've calfed. The first one I calfed was they were talking about the people that have commercia.l- power from solar power has a different rate than we do for solar panel use and I never reaIIy considered myself as a producer of solar power. A.l-L I was trying to do was to provide about ha.If of my average use so that I could reduce my expenditures in my power, so that kind of surprised me that they were even considerj-ng me as a sol-ar power user or producer, and then the next time I call-ed they said -- and f understand, al-so, severaf people have mentioned it before is the requirement foro25 122 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 o 13 l1 l2 t4 t-5 16 71 18 t9 2A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 maintenance and 1 can understand that, because I -- but I still use about half my power, I still use Idaho Power and stilL pay for Idaho Power for half that time, so I didn't that understand that, and then the Iady said, when I was talking to reduced rate and wou.Id be a f ixed the maintenance cha rge s , and power adj ustments, in our value, Idaho Power said, that besj-des the at the end of the year there cost adj ustment j"ncluded for get a they ' d rea1ly re du ct.i on also include the maintenance in addition, so I was and so we'd also not in the reduced cost. about it. thing was that one of the growth of the sofar and j ust but them pane I s I Ioo k I j ust was confused Then the Ia st kept saying that we're has been exponent.ial,IS at that they told me rea11y considerable, that it's, Iike, and I 'm not sure about it, 5,000-6,000 solar panef users for -- of ]daho Power compared to 560,000, so we're talking about one percent of the people that are using Idaho Power are actually solar panel residential power users, so I was kind of a l-ittle bit surprised that it's such a small figure that they're talking about, and besides that, as I understand from 2O2O Lo 2022, the subsidies, the federaf subsidies. drop off to nothing, so aL 2022, there won't be any more realfy subsidies and probably no more justification for increased use of the sofar panefs, SCHROE DER Publ-ic o 25 t23 a o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 L1 13 L4 15 76 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 because they woul-dn't be of the solar paneJ-s, so I rationale for Idaho Power pay off the fixed cost donrt understand the this. in their revenue and able to I still doing looked don't Their profit j us tl fi cat ion, with the cost at this they end up -- and Iike, $45.00 but anyway, point, so f 'm really a year $4s.00 have any realIy if they told me problem -- the that I only thing I coulcl come up with is that Iast cafl I had theyincrease t his solar pane.Ls -- my would the suggestion that my they t hatwant woLrld cost me, was $45.00 a month, and -- maybe and that ' s onlv on the initial year. and then after that at the end it woufd probably be more closer to $100, and then when you make the calcufation, you're talking about if there's 5,000-6,000 people, you're talking about 600,000 for the year additionaL profit for the Idaho Power, so the only thing I can think is that theyrre trying to increase their bottom line before the push -- you know, before solar panels actually stop, because sofar panels wj.11 probably end in about 2022. They really will drop off consj-derably once the federal subsidies go off, and my suggestion is that this proposal be completely rejected and with al-f the respect I have for Idaho Power, it rea.lly does confuse me, because it looks like the only thing that SCHROEDER Public o 25 124CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 9 10 11 l2 o 13 14 15 l6 L1 1B 19 20 2l 22 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208 .890.5198 S CHROE DE R PubIic they're trying Lo do is one, increase therr we11, panel profit if there's users, so margj-ns, and two i.s Lo stop before any more, but that ' s all I rejected and look at this prevent any more have to say. I rea11y believe the final mention is that- you really have to solar Lhe proposaf should be is really suggesting is solar power, users for a rate increase, so this residential solar panel an ldaho Power rat e Than k as what Idaho Power that all the residential power, ldaho Power are actuaffy getting is very selective, targeted for users. They're actually gett ing increase, and that's all I have.you very much. Thank you. Are case or members COMMI SS IONER KJELLANDER : there any questions from parties to the of the Commission? Seeing none, then, comment s . thank you for your (The witness left the fine.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to a cal-Ler whose fast four digits of their telephone number are 061 4, 061 4. ]s the call-er there? THE CALLER: YeS. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon. Let's start with swearing you in, o 25 L25 I 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 l4 15 l6 L1 18 l9 2A 2l 22 23 24t CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 ARNOLD Public appearlng as was examined THOMAS ARNOLD, a public witness, havlng been and testified as f ol.Iows: duly sworn, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and if you could spell it for state for the record your name and please us as weII. THE WITNESS: Thomas Arnold, T-h-o-m-a-s A-r-n-o-f-d. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and your address, please. THE I,iITNESS: Boise,83709. 117 51 West Thomas Drive, COMMlSSIONER KJELLANDER: And a.re you a customer of Idaho Powe r ? THE WITNESS: Yes, for 33 years. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Could you pJ.ease offer us your comments? THE WITNESS: Yeah, two-and-a-ha1f years ago I had an 11.7 kil,owatt generated 35 megawatts to footprint by 57 tons and I I've been environmenta 11y with a president who seems protections and promot ing sys tem date and lnstalled and f 've e.Iiminated my CO2 think that's significant. concerned aff to be gutting coa.l- and other my life and today a.I l of our eco fossil f ue.I s for i26 o L 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 t-0 11 L2 o 13 74 15 76 71 1B 19 )n 2l ll 23 24 CSB REPORTlNG 208.890.5198 ARNOL D Public power, I find it -- anything to prevent climate change, but two-and-a-haIf years The y I where it's feasible. my the hands are almost tied to do ago }:recause j-t was the right time. perfected this certainfy to the point I find it ironic that Idaho Power I decided *-o invest in inevitable olobal that warming and this donated some money saw in the news the for panels at a sctioof kids out playing with this vear and I their solar cars and other toys and I assume also be reduced by 50 percent orl their they' re return going to on e lect r ic grid usually to the grid. infrastructure share, then monthly biII I r:ea]Iy don't understand need. I think we pay, I understand what, $5.00 a month my cabin, Ifor this. My power bill in Stanfey contribute $53.00 a month just for maintenance and at- pa yl ng make it if ir access, in additlon to what my po\^/er is, which i-s less than $53.00. If we are in fact not our fa.ir a s tat ic more expensive for ldaho Power to supply me grid. The only thing I can do if my rates raise the monthly rate, and I would accept that is i-n fact access to the -- if I start go off the don't know getting power bi11s is to grid, which I'm cerl-ainIy what else to do other than work for me, and it's the aclcl batr-eries and willing to do. I I'm make this system do. I think going to thing torighto25 t2t a 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 8 9 10 11 I2 o 13 74 15 I6 l1 18 19 20 2l 22 23 CSB REPORT ING 208.890. s198 H ILL Pubfic everybody shoufd be with g1oba1 cl-imaEe Thank you. extremefy alarmed change. Anyway, at what ' s happening I guess that I s it. Arnofd. Are the.re any questions from parties COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank calfer with the final four digits number being 3757, 3757. fs the of their tefephone caller the re ? you, Mr. to the case or members of the Commission? There being none, thank you for your testimony today. (The witness left the line.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: l,,Ie now move to a THE CALLER: Yes. I'm here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Oh, we can hear you very Ioud and c.l-ear. Why don' t we swear you in first. appearing as was examined JOSHUA SETH H]LL, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as f o].Iows: COMMISS.TONER KJULLANDER: Thank you. and could you please state for the record your f u1] name and spelf that for us as well? TIIE WITNESS: Joshua Seth Hiff, J-o-s-h-u-a S-e-t-h H-i-1-1.o 25 128 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 o 13 14 15 t6 11 18 19 ?0 2t ?.2 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.519S H]LL Publ ic COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: And your address, please. THE WITNESS: Current address 1625 South Latah Street, Bo.ise, Idaho, 83705. I am a customer of Idaho Power. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and coufd you please cffer up your comment? THE WITNESS: Yes. Thank you, Commissioner Kj e1 lander, Conmi ssione.r Raper, and listening and canAnderson. I hope everyone hear me okay. Sound stifl is here and COMM I SS IONER good? KJELLANDER: YeS. Am I allowed to quote others or is that discouraged? KJELLANDER: I think we'11 THE WITNESS: in my testimony and corrunent COMM I SS IONER accept it today. perhaps As long as you new, that would offer us a few things a] so be beneficial asthat are welI. THE I.]ITNESS : I understand. I be.Iieve I wifl. Most of my Lestimony is not going give a brief reasons, I settlement i-o be the standard, so I want to just overview. The two reasons, t-he two prima ry re j ect the be.Iieve the Commission shou ld and postpone any the benefitsdecision on the Case IPC-E-18-15 is because of solar currently trave a zero value. I confirmed thiso25 L29 o 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 o l3 L4 l5 15 11 1B 19 20 2t 22 23 24 O CSB RE PORT I NG 208.890.5198 H]LL Public with PUC Staff and ldaho Power. They much trouble to weigh the l:renefits of costs and the current rate structure costs as I understand. decided i-t was too solar against the only weighs the They did confirm Lhere are some the, as they can see it, bigger numbers but many of the benefit values are not benefits. have aSome of benefit, and that the sofar graduated would not be fair to any sort the publ j-c to of decis.ion in weighted those CASC. grve thisvalues zero and pass The 70 percent c.Laim fixed cost seems to of kilowatt-hours billed have many problems, but a to the public, so in being a simple fix to this rate issue and cost shift of solar customers would be a Lime-of-use rate structure and this would not be discriminatory. So to profession from Brown get into the points, I've worked in conservative young man from a small independent farm. I wanted an education, I befieve I got that, graduating in 2OO'7. I've since chosen to work in the solar industry and become a NABCEP certified professional and I testify today only as an industry professiona.I hoping to inform the PUC Commission why the sett.Iement j-s at best in Idaho for four years. I University, went there as a worsl the compf et-e opposite of what's inprematur:e and at the best int erest a previous hearing25 130 a I 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 l2t13 l4 l5 16 71 1B 19 2A 21 22 23 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HILL Publ ic related to solar, the Commission, the Commission, Order No. 34045 in 2018, existing I also testified in through everything, it seemed to from the Commission. that case, after read j-ng result in two key quotes They assured Idaho Power customers that discriminatory price would not follow from the outcome of that case and ordered Idaho Power to comprehens.ivef y study Idaho the f ol low j-ng solar issue. settl-ement and was solved is customers. as which I don't an Idaho Power Power's system, as well as proper rates and rate rel-ated issues of the costs and benefits of on-site generation on design, transitional rates, and compensation for net excess energy provided as a resource to the Company. I'm not trying quote be redundant, only that I see that as, issue with this current case 18-15, that to.you know, the primaryagafn, Idaho regulatory Staff informed me they said many times in these cases, specifically referring to is not acase, 18 - 16, that The problem is a the problem rate des ign issue. This case being decided before the rate issue discriminatory to Schedule 6 and 8 weII as in some way Schedule 1 customers, be.Iieve has been testified to, so regulatory agent, when customers -reas on. thaL creat es what we're left to do to quote re du ce underrecovery is colfect that their usage for for the utility any an:la25 131 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 a 13 74 i5 16 11 IB I9 20 2L 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HIIL Publ ic from other customers. Tlie Company's position is that solar isn't the problem, it I s a rate design problem, and we have repeatedly stated that in t.hese cases; therefore/ I see no way that a just and reasonable outcome woufd be to decide on this case before the rate problem would be solved for all customers. Further, in this caser as one customer already testified, the communication seems to be an issue from both fdaho Power and the Public Utifities Commission. Idaho Power did send a fetter to Schedu]e 6 and I customers who already had solar, but as Schedule 6 and 8's are options that home and business owners could opt into being customers under those schedules if they were Schedule 1 or 7 currentfy, they should also have been J,ega11y notified of this case, Case IPC-E-18-15. ft changes the future returns for cusEomers in other schedu.Ies who may opt in the future to become customers of Schedu.Ie 5 and 8. I see this as a paramount reason t.o notify them is fair, j ust, so they can be and reasonabfe part of in thesedetermining schedules,not simply the ones are cu.rrently ln. I most of the testimony wi 11 hear will be about -- people wha t also believe the Order read so the Public Utilities Conrnission they tha t here very redundant. It will be talking25 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 1l L2 o 13 L4 15 l6 t1 18 79 20 2t ?2 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 HILL Publ ic talking about why they should be hearing only from solar owners, ol./ners, not the public at large they were not informed. Another issue is or a customer has only had a few the settlement proposaf and the grandfathered in, again on-site qeneration to welgh j-n on this as that a solar professionaf short weeks to discern intricacies of the case and then be injustice to public to be the grid in information sayrng favo r asked to testify. Thr s the public interes L. rnformed and weigh in seems to me to be an shcu-Ld have If we truly want the on their utifity on sufficientIdaho. they and time to read that i-nf ormation, Sorry so long. I'm trying to make this as short as possibJ-e. Further, many intervenors did not sign off on the settlement, such as the Idaho Conservation League and Vote So.Iar. Instead of objecting to the settlement, t.heir said reason is, and I quote, "While we not do suppo.rt the sett.Lement, out of respect for the process and other stakehofders, we will address our concerns in future proceedings";so what they're those who argued in professional opinion, wanted the settl-ement is they didn't want to of t-he sel L Iement-, ancl upset in my on andthe reason others signed off is they believe the settlement. t-heir profit margins may improve after a 25 133 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 LO 11 12 13 l4 15 L5 l1 o 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 To be clear, the leadership of some of the nonprofit ent.it-ies signing off on the sett.Lement are owners of so lar: companies. the settfement will cause economically feasibl.e opposite of what ' s in In my oplnion, they believe contraction and fal-lout of the solar industry. I, too, be.lieve that and they believe that in Idaho this will- resuft in less competition. This is already happening. I know personally three companies who have conf ir:med to me they will be leavj-ng Idaho to go to more stable markets to provide sofar to customers and grant them energy independence and freedom from paying the grid, so this less competition will result in worse pricing to customers in coming yea.rs, so not only will the compensation structure be reduced significantly, but the customers choosing to go so.Iar wil-l- be sold more expensive systems due to reduced competition. They will also be billed and sold batteries, which do not have the returns necessary to be and reasonable is to at this time, the public's so this is completely best interest. lihat have a thriving solaris falr, just, industry in our solar industry state. Again, I chose to work in the and I've had noth-ing but turmoil due to these cases from Lhe utility company and do not have job security, I believe, and I bel-reve everyone working in the industry, the nearly 500 jobs in ldaho giving HILL Public 25 134 o 1 2 3 4 6 1 8 9 millions of revenue over the years to the state, are af l- in lirnbo because of this proceeding. Eurther, disclosure of savings in net metering policy to customers, .it's now both an ethicaf dilemna and an impossible !ask. As someone else has aLready testified, calculating their savings is nearly impossible not knowing what the outcomes wil-l- be. No solar company can know a reasonable estimate of what monetary savings that their product will provj-de until the compensation structure i-s given certainty. This has created a void and an expensive limbo in the industry. As an ethical provider, 1'm trylng to be as honest and professional as possible. I'm simpl-y not comfortab.Ie discussing savings and trying to estimate savings, potential savings, on solar investments with customers until this Commission provides and hopefully wilf fol1ow through on previous orders holding Idaho Power to completely, comprehens j-ve.l-y study the solar benefits and costs, and I shoufd hope and suggest that we order a fufl restructure of rate des.ign. As Idaho Power has admitted, it is a rate design issue, not a solar issue, so something simi.lar to time-of-use in other states . The Corunission also holds the power to issue an Order which would give certainty to the industry 10 1L I2 o 13 l4 15 16 L1 1B 19 20 2L 22 24 o CSB REPORT ]NG 208.890.5198 25 i 35 HILL Publ,ic t O 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 '1 1 ).2 13 14 15 76 71 18 t9 20 ?t 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT ING 208.890. s198 HILL Publ ic by keeping the current net metering program open to both existing customers indef:-nitely and setting a date by which the program and rate compensation structure would not change before that date. Thatrs the only way the industry wiII have certainty and the market wil-I stabilize. Right now every solar company who testifj-es I hope and workers in the industry should ment.ion how much Losses theyrve incurred and that they anticipate incurring over the next -- the previous months and the next couple of months because of this case. I did think of a point while I was on kilowatt for f .ixed costsho1d, the that Idaho 70 percent cost Power cl a ims, per I've hc:rrd thal number and I've tafked to try to, calcufate how they have -- I have not had time to go through all their math. as another customer mentioned try to, arr.ived at that number. I do not the documents and studies to discern ASI understand from the PUC Staff member Stacey Donohue, there are two methodologies that could calculate that and basically one gives a really low number and one gives a very high number, but back to the 70 percent of costs for fixed costs in the per kilowatt generation charge, so a residentiaf customer is bil-l-ed L 9 and maybe 12 cents or more in the summer for a kilowatt-hour. If 70 percent of that kilowatt-hour charge is fixed costs, as we are tolda25 136 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 I 13 l4 15 76 77 18 l9 ?a 21 22 24I CSB REPORTING 208. 890.5198 HILL Public by Idaho Power staff, that's around 6 or'l cents per kilowatt-hour. The large kifowatt -hour commerc r a l and you're rm down to the settlement. it rate, the rate is 4.5 talking about us.ing,cents per buslnesses Okay, I st.retch here, f of ks . The time to understand using, thousands and thousands of kilowatt-hours per day, per month and 70 percent of that number woul-d be 3.1 cents, you know, 3 cents per kilowatt-hour, so how is the residential fixed rate doubLe that of commercial? I would love to see the math justifying 70 percent of both those or perhaps they're just claiming 70 percent for residential and somehow the infrastructure costs for Iarge commercial are much, rnuch less. I woufd fove to see that j ust i fication. the fast -- the home Ethical di.Iemma, I've covered that. there. The benefits of sola.r, again, the transmission and distribut.ion costs solar has not been reduced provides, the reduced demand l-oads, especially during peak summer use, The Idaho Powel staff tol-d me -- I asked directly when the peak usage is on the grid. They hemmed and hawed saying it depends, but had to eventually admit our peak usage is in the summertime when solar is making the most electricity; therefore. I do not undersLand how we can charge upwards of 40 and 50 per:cent more per25 731 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 1? o 13 L4 15 L6 L1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 HILL I'ubl i c kil-owatt-hour in peak summertime to power air condj-tioners and give solar a value ]-ess than that and claim that it costs the grj-d in those months. Distributed generation creates a more reliable, less susceptible to attacks and terrorist outages. That's the future of the grid. Solar is the future and why should Idaho Power be the onfy entity who is able to provide solar at a cost that is what they cha r ge be.I i eve the customer, meaning the retail .rate. I donrt this will bc testified to and as an industry professional, I 've a solar system is seen this happen multiple times, when proposed ancl Lire net meter application is submitted to ]daho Power, occasionally require a transformer upgrade. they wiJ-l A transformer is a large piece of equipment that is originally maintained by the utility company and in these solar upgrade requirements, the customer purchases the transfor:mer to proceed with thelr solar j-nstallation that would be required. It would cost thousands of dolfars and that's a compfete cost to the customer and the utility beneflts from that cost as we.l-I, so not only does solar upgrade the distributed generation, but occasionally will require transformer upgrades purchased by customers. Substations, cur.rently there are 138 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 l2 O 13 L4 15 16 l1 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 a CSB REPORT ]NG 208. B90. s198 HILL Publ ic substations on their capacity infrastructure wouldn I t need Again, this is cheaper, such compensation generated to a rate issue. Time-of-use rate fixes this possibl-e. If is burdensome the grid that ar:e being turned on and is near maximum capacity and existing with more solar on those circuits. you to upgrade those substations as often. issue in the most elegant and fair manner the net hourly proposal of this to the lndustry, in asklng Idaho sett lement Power st.aff how to expfain net hourly as a solar pr:ofessiona] to a potential customer, the answer was quote. "Um, that's a toughie. " This is absurd. We should not be on net hourly as the privately-owned residential and smafl commercia.l- solar is a sma}l fraction of the power, of the grid's power, supply. We are not outpacing growth as a saturation of sof ar. Net hou.r]y needs to be, for everyone to be, fair; hence, time-of-use. Whenever power is more va]-uable, the compensation st.ructure for sol-ar customers should be more valuabfe, as perhaps midday, t-he When power is generat ion That ' s go-ing strucLure may be be fair. Grandfathering to be testified a percent of the power of customers is fair. to ad nauseam i-n this case due to the issues wrth the Order, which Irve already mentioned, so sorry, again, for the Length here. but I25 1.3 9 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 have a fot of points to cover. That is al-]. I really believe that rejecting Lhe settlement is the most reasonabl-e cou.rse of action until Case 18-l-6 and potentiall,y a fu11 rate redesign are done; otherwise, declding to change the rate structure for solar customers would be unfair, unjust, and unreasonabl-e, Idaho Power customers further shoul-d have a sol-ar bill of rights similar to other states where customer-owned generation, the benefits are properly given, compensation is fair, and the priority is given to customer-owned generation instead of utility-owned generation. In clos.ing, I urge you to protect the qrowing solar industry j-n ldaho. Please don't put me out of work. Please do not put the interests and profj-ts of a few companies above those of the pub-Lic. Thank you. COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: ATe theTe any questions from parties to the case or from members of the Commission? Since there are none, we want to thank you for your testimony. (The witness left the Iine.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to a caller with the last four digit-s in their telephone number belnq 5719, 5719. Is the cal-fer there? TllE CALLER: I'm here. COMMISSlONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon. 10 l1 12 o 13 l4 15 l6 l1 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. 5198 H]LL Public 140 I 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2t13 74 15 76 l1 18 19 20 2l t1 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 M ] LLER Public Let's begin by swearino ycu in. appearrng as was examined KRIS MILLER, a publ j-c witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: , COMMlSSIONER for the record your name and THE I/,] ] TNES S : M-i-I-f-e-r, 3735 North 2500 KJELLANDER: Could you state speIl Kri s it for us as wel]? Miller, K-r-i-s East, Twin Ealls, ldaho, and I am a current Idaho Power user. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and if you'd fike, pl-ease offer us your comments. THE WITNESS: So I mean, I just put a system in this year and I put a substant.ial- system i-n, because I had two adjacent addresses and so I could make use of the transferring of kilowatt-hours, you know, once a year after, you know, the season of generation. I could transfer it from my shop to my house, so that really defeaLs the whole purpose, you know, and just like the guy said before, f mean, nobody saw this coming exactly this directj-on, but it's going to take me a f ifetj-me to pay it off if ldaho Power comes in and says, 1ook, you know. we're going to cut you in ha1f. You know, basically I produce the powero L4L o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 T2 o 13 l4 15 l5 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 ?4 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 M ] LLER Pubfic and then the credits that I want to transfer ls half of what T produced and I woufdn't have put in as large of a down thesystem, obvious-ty, pj-pe, but I don't this f uJ-ly on, you You had I known this was coming know that they've really .l-ooked j-nto know, what their costs are. know, f can't T find it- r.eaf hard to be.Iieve that solar panels -- you know, people wj,th solar panels is creat.ing a higher cost for power in Idaho. Just like the gentleman before said, you know, you've got to upgrade your transformer if it.'s not just quite right. We1I, Idaho Power doesn't do that. You have to do that. You know, a lot of people specu.Iated that it wou.Id be grandfathered. If you were in by a certain date that you would be the one-for-one and then, you that know, customers going forward, you know, may not have opportunity, but they would know up front what they were getting into you ' re not going after the cutoff wi t-h Lhe Lo get a it I sand fact that hey, you know, one-for-one trade, You're going to be this. T mean, I just see this being a huge road block in the so.Iar industry in Idaho for sure and, you know, as Idaho Power customers, you know, we've al-l- been looking for a way to how can we produce powe.r, how can we lessen our costs, because Idaho Power is the only entity in Idaho that you can get power from, so we don't have at25 t4?- a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 74 t5 15 L7 18 ).9 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.s198 MI LLER Pubfic choice, Therers no competition, so as far as the infrastructure goes and they're basj-ng this on welJ., you know, it's costing the resj-dential customer that doesnrt have solar more than the guy that has solar. I kind of see that as a cop-out. I don't see how that can rea11y be. You know what they didn't anticipate was the type of construction that's Boise, Twrn, al} of Idaho, so I going on right now in can understand their they didn't month moving from infrastructLlre being behind, because know, 2,000 people ayouant i-cipate, Cafi-fornia they were though, is that they or any other communist state into Idaho, and Iittfe bit ill-prepared, so a]l I can think, that the solar has been brenef.icial to them so a can keep up with the, you know, needs of the power, because they have no other, you know, source of generation, you know, versus hydroelectric or some of the wind generation that's been put in. I just -- I think they're throwing numbers out there, I truly think they are throwing numbers out there just to push it through. I don't see that this is based on any actual numbers, but, you know, here I am, started in JuJ-y and have put, you know, a total- of 15 plus megawatts back into the system or generated so far and was looking forward to, you know, my one-for-oneo25 143 o a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 l2 13 l4 15 76 I1 o 18 19 20 2r z/ 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 transfer to my other place, which it wiII never cover both completely, I'1I al-ways pay Idaho Power, you know, unless I create more of a system, but I just -- I think this needs to be looked into a 1ot more than just grandfathering a bunch of people in and then, you know, telling Lhe new peop.Ie looking at it that, you know, this rs your new figures. I j ust think altogether and the it's golng to whole idea of kill thi-s be c omi ngindustry I'm not green . the the re fai-r answer is, but they're sure that they VCj real-1y know, you know, what j ust thrcwing something out had such an influx of so1ar,and saying hey, we' put it on Ehe solar but I don't think that's to everybody. I really looklng at reasonable idea. they need to be pushed into up with a 9UYS, thinkcic goes up kind of everything and coming You know, a fot of people have stated the per month fee there ' s some option. but to j ust th.is for us and now say hey, werre just donrt think or, you know, something. I'm sure .1I I you're going to generate going to give you half or that sofves the problem, problem. You know, system or they didnrt do less than half, 1 only see that creating more I they don't maintenance any of my anything. All they did was come M I I,LER Pubfic 25 144 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 l2 o 13 74 15 ).6 L7 1B 19 2A 2l 22 23 24 a CSB REPOR'ITNG 208 .890 .5198 M I LLER PubIic and you end and switch out one met.er to the next. know, extra infrastructure. Where of the line. I used to have a lot I don't see any, f'm at, I'm on the of power surges well pump, it hadnot enough power and,know, myyou lackfried it twice because of of power. In and a lack oftherers so many houses around our a rea power that they had power issues and I haven't seen that since. Obviousfy, I went on the grid and started producing my own power and produced some extra power for Idaho Power. I just -- I think this rea11y needs to be fooked at extensively As it slows down for for the next two to three years. incentives from the government, from the federal government, you know, we're not going to see an j-ncrease in solar power. You know, as those incentives go away, solar power gets less and 1ess, you know, realistic to make work. I think we need to be going in the incentives to adddirection of, you know, solar pohrer instead of creating more going aga ins t and creating reasons why not to invest in sol-ar power. af l- the answers. I just know that about it .is unfair, unjust, and we' resuft that anybody is going to for anybody as far as the public Idaho Power get s You know, I don't have the way they're going re not going to get a that ' s going to work goes. what they want and25 145 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 I 13 L4 15 16 L1 ]B 19 20 2t 22 24t CSB REPORT]NG 208 .890.5198 MCGAV IN Publ i c they're off to the races again, so my -- what I have that is my I appreciate offer and we That's I guess to say.cornment s . your guys I can visit come up with a real plan Idaho's sol ar power.that makes sense for Idahoans and Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission? There bei-ng none, thank you for your testimony. (The witness left the line.) COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: We move now to a caller with the last four diqits in their phone number as 6333, 6333. rs the caller there? 'I'HE CALLER: Yes. I am here . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great. Why don't we get you sworn in for the record. time and I hope you reject their this in the future and appearlng as was examined TRUDY MCGAVIN, a public witness, havlng been duly swo.rn, and testlfied as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and the record please state your name and spellcould you for it for us?25 746 a t- 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 I2 a 13 I4 15 16 71 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. 5198 MCGAV ] N Public TIIE WITNESS: My name is Trudy Mccavj-n, T-r-u-d-y M-c-G-a-v-1-n. your address, please ? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and ldaho. going to read my thank you to the THE !'lITNESS: 3203 Treasure Drive, Boise, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Powe r ? THE WITNESS: Yes. Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and coufd you please offer us your comment? THE WITNESS: Okay, yes, I wifl, so I'm our statement if that's okay, so Commission for holding these public meetings and .l-isten to our concerns. My famiJ-y has invested over 25,000 for our rooftop solar system and are net metering customers. We've had this system in operation for just over a year now. We .rnstalled the system both for the slgnificant improvement of our environmental- impact ln Idaho as wefl as for the return on investment of the system. We be.Iieve strongl-y in providing green energy. We have severaf buildings in Boise that use Idaho Power, these are rentals, and have had the intention to install one or two additional systems on 741 o 1 2 3 4 5 o 7 I 9 10 1l t2 o 13 t4 15 t6 l1 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 MCGAV IN Public other sites. These additional instaflations are now on hofd. We have purchased an electric car that we charge wj-th our system. This is another way we are able to reduce our air quality impact in Boise. We are doing everything we envi ronment a 1 investment we through. We not a1low for again, if you grandfathering, reads, it would Idaho Power for i-nvestment for years to break impact and rooftop solar rs one mal oI take, at Least can as consumers to minimlze our action that other Idaho consumers can until this rate decrease proposal. I have a strong concer:n have wi]l be fost if this you're going wou]d. but the for the va]ue of understand that the current the rates to transfer with have if proposal goes proposal does our system, so a1low for way it currently being heard by return on to yes, it not, At lhe current rate our solar generation, the the existing system wi.ll take us nearly 20 even. We generate our power during the day and we use less power during the day than we gene.rate, because we have an electrj-c heat pump system, our is also heavily during the evening when we have no but u sage solar. If we are not paid Lhe same amount for the power we generate as unreasonable the power e con oma c we use, this would be an harm to us, so we do --j ust to25 148 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 14 15 L6 l1 18 19 2A 2L 22 ?4 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 MCGAVIN PubIic make note, we are not genenat,ing enough for them to get some, but we're generat ing some months, of course, so it's not .Iike we're generating we us.l . we're having to pay in, an amount over than what The proposed rate cut wj-f1 completely negate the economic benefit for investing in the system, The new rate woul-d be so fow as to never break even over the usable life of the solar panefs; therefore, at the proposed rates, there j-s absolutely no economic financiaL incentive for Idaho Power subscribers to instal-1 solar rooftops. This proposal would effectively eliminate consumer rooftop solar installations 1n Idaho. There are numerous sol-ar installation This wif] destroy hundreds of good-paying jobs in Idaho. I reiterate what cLher call-ers have indicated that the pubfic expected that the required study per the IPUC Case No. IPC-E-17-13 to eva.Iuate the actua.I costs and benefi-ts and the true impact- of installing rooftop solar woul-d be done. companies that would ldaho eliminated as effective Iy a result of f understand that j ust the request I ask like othe:: have thei-r busi-ness .in the proposed rate cut. no such study was to approve the ca.l.Ie rs that it sounds completed, but settfement, so fike this study really a needed study to evaluateo 149 o 10 11 t2 o 13 t4 15 '1 6 l1 18 19 20 2t 9) 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 150 MCGAV IN Publ ic these costs. I've done a lot of research on green power generation. I donrt befieve the propaganda that Idaho Power is stating is based on fact. I befieve that the value of rooftop solar is actually much more a benefit to Idaho than any potentia.I downside being cited by Idaho Power as a basis of thls settfement proposal. If this proposed rate goes through and a class actj-on lawsuit is filed, my husband and I wilf definitely participate. I don't want to see that happen. Please reject this settfement and conduct the appropriate study, Pl-ease do not cut the rate bej-ng provided to al1 our rooftop so]ar installations, past, present, and future. At a minlmum, please grandfather existing systems and tie that grandfather rate structure to a solar system itself/ not the Idaho Power customer as that would be the only way to protect the val-ue of the investment, and that's my statement. Thank you very much . COMM] SSIONER KJELLANDER :Thank you. Are case or membersthere any questions frcm parties of the Commission? There being testimony today, (The witness lef t to the none, thank you for your the 1ine. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We now move to a ca1ler with the last four digits in thej-r phone number as25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 t I 2 3 4 5 6 1 o 9 10 11 72 o 13 14 15 16 l1 18 19 20 2! )a 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.s198 151 HO FFER Pubfic '1092, 1092. Is the caller there? don't we begin by swearing you in. THE CALLER: Yes, hel Io. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: HelIo. !,lhy appearing as was examined PAT HOFF'ER, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as f o]lows: could you for name ? THE WITNESS: Pat, P-a-t, H-o-f-f-e-r, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : your address, please. THE WITNESS: 22825 Elsie E-1-s-i-e, Caldwe.l-.1-, Idaho. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: I am. COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: afternoon, and could you please offer COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and the record state your name and spe1l your Hoffer, Thank you, and Street, And are you a We11, good your comment ? am currently a sola rT]IE W]TNESS: power client. I have been Okay, I a c-L ient of ldaho Power for ao25 O a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 11 72 13 B 9 10 15 76 11 t4 18 19 20 27 CSB REPORT I NG 208.890. s1-98 22 23 25 HO F FER Publ ic o 752 great number of years and the current system is that I give the excess power that I produce from my so.l-ar to Idaho Power and then at nighttime I get back some of that if I need it, and then if I don't use aLl- of the power, Idaho Power is keeping it and they're selling it to other customers who need power, so why does that cost them money? Somehow that doesn't quite make sense to me. I guess they need a different accountant, and they want to change it so that I will onfy get back half of what -- the excess that I produce and anymore, I may have to start paying for the free power that I'm giving them, so, therefore, pfease do not a1l-ow them to make these changes. That's my comment. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions from partj-es to the case or members of the Commission? Seeing none, then, thank you again for your comments today. (The witness left the line. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to the last four digits of a caller 8459, 8459. Is the ca]ler there? THE CALLER: Yeah, I've already given my opj.nion or my input earlier today. I had to jump off the line, but I jumped back on. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Oh, okay- Well, O 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 a 1-3 74 15 16 1.1 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5l-98 thank you, and werll -- THE CALLER: Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: -- move on, then, and thank you again. The last four digits of the next ca1ler are 0846, 0846. Is the caller there? 0846. (No response . ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We'Il- move on to the next cal.Ier 2031 , 2031 . Is the call-er there? Okay, lost 2037. Next cal-ler 2080, 2080. We just lost 2080. And the next caller 5694, 5694. Is the cal1er there ? THE CALLER: earfier. I was just hearing COMMISS]ONER gave my test imony of them. I a l ready the res t KJELLAN DER :Okay, thank you. Are there moreLet's see, caffs? And just a brief pause here so that we can get a fev, additional ca1ls on my sheet. (Pause in proceedings . ) COMMISSIONER K.IELLANDER: And I now have that list. We move now to a caller whose last four digits in their phone number are 0206, 0206. Is the caffer on the line? THE CALLER: YeS. that exhausts the Iist I have. o 25 153 COLI,OQUY o t- 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 ll t2 O 13 t4 15 l6 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 SHIELDS Publ ic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon, and fet me swear you in. appearing as was examined BR]AN SH ] ELDS, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and could you for the record please state your name and spell it? THE WITNESS: Itrs Brian, B-r-i-a-n, Shields, S-h-i-e-1-d-s. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address, please. THE WITNESS: 2 Northridge Way, Jerome, Idahof 83338. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Could you please offer us your comments? THE WITNESS: We1}, I'm just kind of perplexed with this proposal. We put rooftop sol-ar on our home .Iast December and I also am an employee of a solar system. It's a very large system, It was a huge 1ir4 I I I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 14 15 16 L1 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 155 investment. Werre klnd of different than most people in that our house is alL el-ectric, so we need to provide enough energy in the summer to heat our house in the winter, so our power bills in the winter are much higher than they are in the summer. We entered .into a contract with Idaho Power in good falth that we would produce energy and when we need it in the winter,store it on the we wi] 1 be able grid and to call on that. we would not be able to afford to pay our solar bill. I also have Under the new proposal, pay ldaho Power and to not been able to self a system in good faith since this proposaf came out because I don't bef j-eve it would be of benefit to my customers, so if this proposal goes forward as stands, itrs my opan.Ion away and that the entire sol-ar system in ldaho will go there wil-I be no more green power, I mean, Idaho sources to buy power, because enough power off the river. they're trying to put an end that's -- you know, to go on reiterat.ing the corunents I've say. I don't understand to sola.r in Idaho and Power is going to other: they can no longer produce why basically appreciate you what I have to would be j ust but I mu ch hea rd, takj-ng my testimony and that's pretty COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are SHIELDS PubI ic I 25 o 1 2 3 A 5 6 1 8 9 10 1l t2t13 t4 15 76 l1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MOORE Pubfic there any questions from partj-es to the case or members of the Commission? There being none, thank you for your testimony today. (The witness }eft the 1ine.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to a caller with the last four dlgits of their phone number beinq 1873, 1873. Is the ca1ler there? THE CALLER: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good, Iet's get you sworn in. appearing as was examined LARRY MOORE a public witness, having been duly swo.rn, and testif i-ed as f o]f ows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and could you for the record pfease state your name and spe1l ir? THE WITNESS: Lar.ry Moo.re, L-a-r-r-y M-o-o-r-e. address. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your THE WITNESS: 11710 West Tioga Street. Boise, Idaho,. 83709. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you aI25 156 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 a 13 L4 15 L6 71 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MOORE Public customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: I am. w iLh this phone call, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank vou. CouJ-d you please offer us your , THE WITNESS: ] colr[nents? got on this l-ate in the but I did hear Mr.game here Miller's said. I agree that energy thought by -- with their plan and idea. I did thls to conmenLs and I ditto pretty much everything he we're going to ruin the whole if Idaho Power is able to go it just goes against the whofe green forward sofar as a conservat lon thought by I think it'sqo 1ng wor ked fdaho other than to solar power and so I did it and Powe r weII for me and worked welf for the state and also and that's even though they're thinking the opposite. I think it's mor:e greed on their part trying to say that they're not making money, pretty much aff my con[nents. It's sad that the PUC can agree to, you know, al-lowing customers to do this and then pulJ-ing back that right by allowing Idaho Power to come forward and change their game fater in the process, so I think that is wrong, you know, and it's going to take advantage of the people and so thatrs my comments there. I just fee.I that v/ay and I will- listen in on this and I appreciate it and thank you for including me in this conference ca11.o 157 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 o 13 74 15 L6 l1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208 - 890.5198 MOORE Publ ic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission? Seeing none, thank you again for your testimony today. (The witness l-eft the Iine.) COMMISSIONER K.JELLANDER: We move now To a caffer v.rith the .Iast four diglts in their number being 5119, 5'719. rs the calfer there? THE CALLER: Yes, I already co[unented earlier.Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank you. to a caffer with the l-ast four diqits 1907, the call-er there? Moving t901 . now fs THE CALLER: testj-mony earlier. I 'm j ust Yes, I already gave my listening in. COMMTSSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank you. Mov in g 3021 . now to a caller with the last four digits 3027, Is the cafler ther:e. THE CALLER: I'm just listening l-n. COMMISSIONER K,IELLANDER: Okay, thank you. We'11 move to caller 2055, 2055. Is the ca11er there? 2055. As the last four digits of your phone number, 2055. (No response. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Move now to the 158 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 't 8 9 10 11 L2 a 13 14 t5 16 L1 18 L9 2A 2t 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.51_98 LOKEN Pub l lc next caller with the last four dig.j-ts of 1294, L294. fs the caller the re ? THE CALLER: YeS. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon. Can we begin by swearing you j-n.? appearing as was examined ROBERT LOKEN, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as f o.Il-ows: COMM]SS]ONER KJELLANDER :Thank you, and .I itt 1e moreif we could get you to speak up just would be appreciated on a loudly, p 1ea se for us that our end. Could you state for the record your ful-I name and speIl it as welf ? THE WITNESS: Robert Loken, R-o-b-e-r-t L-o- k-e-n . COMMISSIONER K.TELLAN DER: And your address , THE WITNESS:. 2496 East Ashbrook Court, EagLe, Idaho. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Powe r ? THE I/,11TNESS: Yes, I am COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Pfease provide25 159 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o 10 11 t2 I 13 L4 15 15 l1 18 19 20 2L ./ ,/ 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208. 890.5198 LOKEN PubIic us your comment. T}IE WITNESS do1lars for solar panels on many thousands one-and-a-haf f I paid my roof of years ago the with the promise from Idaho Power that if I foffowed requlrements, whlch I did, I wou.Id be reimbursed at retail- for the energy generated by my panels, Now, IP se1ls the energy at retaif to its customers and they get this -- the energy they get from my panels to their customers. Now, IP is breaking its promise by proposing to lower my reimbursement by approximately half and I find this extremely unethical and unfair. I was ra.ised to believe that a prom.ise is a Now, of course, cus t ome rs , promr- se . IP may develop new but not for those underprogr:ams for future the decades ofd net metering program. so please reject IP's proposa.l-. That is my comrnent. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: to the Thank you. Are case or membersthere any questions from parties of the Commission? There being again for your testimony. (The witness lef t none, then. thank you the line. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to a caller with the last four digits of their phone number being 8128, 8128. Is the caller there? THE CALLER: YeS.I 25 160 o L 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 t-0 11 t2 a 13 l4 l5 16 71 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 ROBB Pubfic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great, thank you. Let's began by swearing you in. appearrng as was examined PAUL ROBB, a public wj-tness, havlng been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER K,-IELLANDER: Thank you, and could you please for the record state your fuf .I name and spell it for us? THE WITNESS: My name is Paul Robb, P-a-u-l- R-o-b-b. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address. THE WITNESS: 5134 North Backwater Avenue, Garden City, 83714. COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: And aTe you a customer of Idaho Powe r ? THE i/'JII,NESS: T am, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you. Could you please offer us your cornrnent? THE WITNESS: Sure. As teachers, my wife and I have invested our careers, time, and resources in future for our chifdren. Usingbetterhelping build a our ret.irement savings to reduce our carbon emissions2lt 161 o 1 2 3 4 i 6 7 I 9 10 11 72 a 13 L4 15 t6 71 18 19 2A 2t 22 23 24 o CSB RE PORT I NG 208.890. s198 ROBB Pub-L a c footprint example. seemed worth the sac.rifice and feading by service agreement with ldaho addition to gene r:at ing clean measures to conserve our use COMM]SSlONER KJELLANDER: The proposed net metering rates in essence penalizes conservation measures as well when a sofar customerr s surplus energy, then, is devalued and has to be bought back. It makes no sense, so we ask that you please honor the service agreement with responsi-ble citizens trying do the right thing for our community and envlronment. That is my statement. As retirees, we are literally counting on our Power being honored. In energy, we a.Iso take great of energy. Thank you. Are case or members thank you again there any questions from parties to the of the Commission? Seelng none, then, for your comments today. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to the next caller: last four digits of t-heir phone 4960, 4960. Is the caller there? (No response. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let's move on to the next ca.Iler, t-hen. 8798, 8798. Is the calfer there? THE CALLER: (Inaudible. ) COMMISSIONER KJELI,ANDER: Hello. THE CALI,ER: (lnaudible. )25 L62 a I 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 72 o t3 74 15 16 71 1u 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.si98 COMMISSIONER K.IELLANDER: Excuse me, sir, werre having a iittle dj-fficulty in don't we start first by getting you we'f1 see how the audio sounds. hearing you. sworn in and why then THE CALLER: Can you hear me? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Yes. THE CALLER: I said earlier I'm just listenlng on f ine. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Just Iistening. THE WITNESS: I wifl testify tomorrow night. COMMISSlONER KJBLLANDER: Okay, that ' s good, thank you, and we appreciate your attention to this matter today. Thank you for being on the call. We'lI move now to the next caller with the fast four dlgits 8798. Oh, I'm sorry. The next call-er is last four digits 4231 , 4237. Is the caller there? THE CALLER: The caller is here. I a.Lready made my comments and I was booted off, so I had to cafl back in. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, but we did get YES, line your comments,' THE but the phone, dropped me, so is that cor.rect ? CALLER: you guys I had to You got -- for my corunents earlier, some reason the phone call back in again.o 25 163 CO L I,OQUY o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 T2 o 13 l4 15 16 \1 1B l9 2A 27 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 FRI BERG PubIic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and we appreciate having you back on the l-ine. Letrs move now to the next ca1ler with the last four digits in their number as 8'717, 8'777. Is the caJ-fer there? THE CALLER: Yes, she is. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Oh, good. Why don't we begin by getting you sworn in. appearrng as was examined LINDA FR]BERG, a public witness, having been dufy sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and could you for the record please state your name and spe11 it? THE WITNESS: My name is Linda Eriberg, spelled Linda, L-i-n-d-a, Eriberg, E-r-i-b-e-r-9. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address. THE WITNESS z 12585 South Carriage Hill Way in Nampa, 83686. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you an Idaho Power customer? THE WITNESS: f am. We are. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good. WelL,25 t64 t I 2 3 4 6 1 9 10 11 l2 I 13 I4 15 16 L1 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208. 890.5198 F'R I BERG Public good afternoon, and if you'd 1ike, please offer us your statement. THE WITNESS: My husband and I added solar j ust a]-most one expectation that yea.r ago, we coufd about 11 months ago, with the continue with the service agreement that was made between us and Idaho Power. We're recent retirees and for economic reasons looked at adding or did add the solar system, ecological benefj-ts over the current used, so to withdravr the agreed-upon had originally made with Idaho Power add to our retired budget and so we as wefl as the power that ' s being conmitment that we would substantially want to make our voice be heard that we are opposed to the current suggestion of have fost you. yeah . COMMl SSIONER KJELLANDER: I think we may THE WITNESS: My husband was trying to help me a little bit. THE CALLER: This is her COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : moment. If you choose to testify, and might be wi111ng to, we need to get you hu sband Me rv yn, i.t sounds sworn in Me rvyn . j ust fike and a you get you officially on the record, so at least for the moment concludes and so why don't we get you sworn f 'm assuming that that the comments of Linda, ln.t 25 165 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 o 13 I4 15 76 71 1B L9 20 2l 24 CSR REPORTTNG 208.890. 5198 ERIBERG Pubfic appearlng as was examined MERVYN FRIBERG, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as fol-.Iows: your name on well as spell COMMISSIONER the record, if it for us. THE W]TNESS: E-r-i-b-e-r-9. COMMI SS IONER KJELLANDER: Why don't we get you could state your name as M-e-r-v-y-n, Ye s, it 's Mervyn, KIIELLAN DER: And your address. THE WITNESS: 12585 South Carriage Hil-1 Way, Nampa, Idaho, 83686. COMMISSIONER K,IELLANDER: Are you a customer of ldaho Power? THE WITNESS: YeS. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank you and please offer us your thoughts, THE WITNESS: Yeah, the additional thing I was trying to add is that, you know, werve made the loan to purchase the sol-ar system based on an understand.ing that the net metering would help us out and lf this is taken away, it's not just kicking us back to where we were before, we would still have to -- you know, there woufd be a significant out of cost that we're onlya25 766 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 't I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 14 15 16 t1 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 ER ] BERG Publ ic gettinq hal-f back instead of the ful-l cost and so it's a significant further burden to us financially if Idaho Power reneges on their commitment, their agreed pJ-an with us. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank you. Does that conclude your comments? THE !'IITNESS: Yes. CCMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you. Are f romthere any questions for the case or either Linda or Mervyn parties to members of the Commission? There belng none, we wish to thank you for your comments today. (The witnesses feft the line.) COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: calfer wlth the .Iast four digits in thei.r 0203 , 0203. 1s the cal1er there? Moving now to a phone number of THE CALLER: I'm just li-stening in. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank you. VJe'f l- move now to a caller with the last four digits 7389, 7389. Is the ca.l-.1-er there? THE CALLER: Yes, I am here. I had a question regarding if I'm al-lowed to make comments if I already made a written cornment on the IPUC websj.te, COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: SuTe, you Can, but what we'fl need to do first is get you sworn i-n. 25 L61 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 o 13 1"4 15 1.6 !1 18 1.9 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 DAVI S Publ- i c NICK DAV] S, appearing as a pul-..J ic witness, sworn, testifled as follows: having been first duly COMM]SS IONER the record p]-ease state your THE WITNESS: N-i-c-k D-a-v-i-s. COMMISS IONER KJELLANDER: CouId you for for us?name and spel1 Yeah, it's Nick i.t Davi s , KJELLANDER: And your addre s s . THE !{ITNESS: 6298 North Stafford Place, Boise, Idaho. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Powe r ? THE biITNESS: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, please provide us your comment. THE W]TNESS:Okay, I'I1 just comment on in my written corunent, but shine a littl-e light on the the parts basically di fference difference cus t ome r, house and l did not include I j ust wanted to beLween, if this proposal does go and through the between, an existing customer a new so I recently installed a sofar system on my going to potentiafl-y completely had I known that this was be a net hourly system/ I would haveO25 168 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 't 8 9 10 11 t1 72 13 74 15 16 o 1B 19 20 2l 22 23 CSB REPORT ING 208.890. s198 DAV] S PubIic redesigned my system. I wouid have had my panels facing more the summer and thewesterly to utilize the power in evening and afternoon better, potentialfy probably a smal-fer system that way, because therers rea11y no need to overgenerate with the net hourly and potentially a battery or a smafl battery to offset some of my usage that aren't generated -- you know, that arenrt during times of generatlon, so I just think that's important to know that therers a Lrig difference, and my investment is, 1ike, a 20-plus-year investment period and so it's not financially feasibfe to refocate solar pane.Is and redo the system, so Irm stuck with the system I've got, so even if it changes in what I believe your IPUC Staff said, eight years was your potential proposal for, you know what I'm saying, for accepting the proposal, that was -- eight years -- I mean in eight years lrm going to start l-ooking at more increased biIIs. I'm still going to be paying off my solar system at that point. It's going to become not financially feasible and I think you guys understand the ramifications, you know, regarding the economic or ecol-ogy of the whole thing, and being green and environmentally friendly, I think this is a statement that you guys need to make to Idaho and to alf of the --25 169 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 I 11 72 13 l4 15 16 l1 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 RUSSELL PubIic to everybody that you guys support. c.Iean energy and obviously, by doing this, you're saying the exact opposite, so those are my comments. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Are there any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission? Seeing none, thenr we appreciate your comments today. (The witness l-eft the line. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Moving now to the next caffer with the Iast four digits of their phone number beinq 6206, 6206. Is the cal-fer there? THE CALLER: Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and good afternoon. Let me start by swearing you in. appearing as was examined ROBERT RUSSELL, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as f o]]ows: could you for it for us? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and the record please state your name and spell THE WITNESS: Yes. it's Robert Russell, R-o-b-e-r-t R-u-s-s-e-l-.1. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your25 170 a t 1 2 3 4 6 '1 I 9 10 13 t-1 L1 t2 l4 16 15 18 L9 20 27 a 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 address. THE WITNESS: I l-ive at 5 Symms Ranch Road in SaImon. Idaho, 83461 . COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: And aTe you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: I am, yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDERi Thank you. Please offer up your comments for us. THE WITNESS: Okay. You know, I have been listening for some time now and my comments are simiLar to lrhat I've heard before, but basically, I just put j-n a solar system that's only been operational for three months. I got it in in August of this year and for aJ-f the same reasons that I've heard other people would have designed a different return that the agreement my system period on Lhat I had differently and explain, I perhaps for I known Power was going I did tal- k to behind what you. Are membe rs my investment had with I daho to change,' therefore, I really Idaho Power. I understand the they're proposing, but I who have already designed think that existing customers believe rat i ona fe to the case or and invested in their system should be grandfathered in at the existing situation. COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK there any questions from parties of the Commission? Seeing none,then, we appreclate your RU S SELL Public 25 t7L o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 o 13 T4 15 16 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 a CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 S CHUELE R Publ ic comments today. (The witness ieft the line.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we move now to the next caller with the ]ast four diglts of their phone number being 1041 , 1A41. Is cal1er ther:e? THE CALLER: Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Good afternoon. Let me get you sworn in for the record. appearing as was examined JOSEPH SCHUELER, a publi-c witness, having been duly sworn, and testifi.ed as folfows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Could you for the record please state your name and spe11 it? THE WITNESS: My name is Joseph Schueler, spelled..T-o-s-e-p-h, Schueler, S-c-h-u-e-l-e-r. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and your address, please. THE WITNESS: 1,002 North 8th Street. It's ln Boise, Idaho, 837 02 . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And a.re you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: f am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and25 112 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 l B 9 10 L2 13 l4 15 L6 11 71 2T 18 19 20 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208. B 90. 5198 could you pfease offer us your statement? THE WITNFISS: Yor.1 Power customer for t hree then I sha.re a res idence mountalns as we],1, but bet, and Irm properties an Idaho separate up in the in Boise and al-so under Idaho Power, so my statement ls I to not allow Idaho Power to take the existing production implore you rates for My wi fe such a way as remain caIm, inquire to us with that which we resident.iaL so.Iar generators and set new rates for those producers. contact Idaho Power the next day, and further about j-t. Perhaps it didn't My heart absolutely sunk when I read the fetter sent by Idaho Power this last month. reassured me this had to be a step taken in to remai-n fair to us and our investment and just apply be yondsome aspects of our consume at the end powe r of the year. I called the next day and when I spoke to an Idaho Power representative, f was not on]-y shocked to learn my worst thoughts were accurate, but it was actualfy worse than I feared, so just to give you a perspective on us, my wife and I took out a loan, 38,000, to invest .in a 20-panel solar array system for our primary home in downtown Boise in 2018. This system was designed to offset 90 percent of our etectricity consumption on a 1910 year, S CHUELE R Publ ic a 25 173 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B o 10 11 L2 o 13 t4 15 16 L1 1B 19 20 2l 22 24 a CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 S CHU ELE R PubIic 1,400 square foot home without natural- gas, so werre all el-ectr.ic there and that 10 pe.rcent gap we hoped to make more energy efficiency upgrades to the home, alL investing in that o]-der home so that we could be as energy efficient as possibler so my estimates put the rose at a consistent rate Honestly, recovery of between 10 fee 1-good the use of those funds at a low investment return of annuaf utility costs 5 and 15 percent. see it as a wise, opportunity costs for have pa j-d down our investment of my the amo rt i zat ion and 12 yea rs,assumlng be tween I didn't mortgage at an assured return mortgage interest compounded schedul-e, so you may ask why sofar. Wel1, I wouldn't want lnvestment rel-ative to that 38,000. We could of by did to we choose to invest in think I would have to ask that question or have that question not known to the Publ-ic Util iti es Commission. lrle all know the importance of investing in al-ternative energy sources, especially right now, and Idaho itself has a rich history in such investments, Idaho Power is heavily invested in solar energy itself, so it just makes sense, not upfront, but over time and to scafe. Yet, Idaho Power's proposed settlement agreement threatens to undermine my investment, making our modest rate of return non-existent. If you cut our return for 114 I t- 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o production in half to what your consumption rate of cost is, there's just no end in sight to that return. It's go.ing to even make our home, depending on them, the monopoly holder of our energy resou.rce, as a customer at our location under contract and it's to a public utility company, so when asked why we shoufd pay full price for our consumption while receiving half price for our production on a tiered system fulJ-y in effect prior to my investment maturation, I was tofd something really concerning to me as an fdaho resident. I was told that Idaho Power can shop around in competitive markets for so.Iar at rates cheaper than $rhat was provided me as a consumer of their energyi therefore, they found a happy medium above those market rates that they felt was fair. And I just want to bring a coupfe, several issues I see with that market-based attitude. Eirst, they're not a private market purchaser. Theyrre a public utility provider under contract. Due to lack of competition, they can purchase sofar from externa.l parties at massive.l-y reduced rates because they control all power in Idaho and thereby, represent virtually all the customer base in Idaho, assuring lower prices through volume. Second, if this we.re a competit j-ve market 10 11 T2 a 13 1.4 15 76 11 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 SCHUELE R Public t 25 115 o t 1 2 3 4 5 6 't 8 o scenario' I, too, woufd have the ability to review the pricing being provided me and "shop around" as they do for better pricl-ng for my solar production. Yet, Idaho Power wi.Il not let me. In fact, they do not even al1ow me to consume the same energy I produce, nor install battery storage to store energy. In Boj-se, you can't do that, so I'm forced to join their net metering program and have no market buyer variability, not from my own choosing or competitj-on availability, but because Idaho makes it i]1ega1 for me to do anything other than use electricity through fdaho Power and that gives them dlrectfy the power I produce and trust that they're measurj-ng that productivity accurately and accepting the rates they provide. How then can that same company hand me reduced rates after my investment period and stilf fook me in the eye? To me, that equates to robbery. This settlement, if a]l-owed to proceed, wilf rob me of my freedom, I have a right to purchase my power or consume power or limit that consumption and invest in my home. My largest single purchase investment outside of property purchasing was this solar array system, and r wlfl- have my monthly utility payment right back where it was prior to investing in solar. With the .reduced value of solar equipment, 10 11 72 13 o t4 15 16 71 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 SCHU ELER Publ ic 25 11 6 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 1.2 o 13 t4 15 16 L1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 SCHUELER Publ1c no good investor wj-lf want a solar sucks money out of your pocket like this goes through, so that feads me don't know if you've been watchj-ng environmental outlook long term .is product that only it's doing to mine if to my final point. I the news, but our so good. Even the United States' not history has produced its own report detaj-11n9 the economic impacts of inaction on climate change and costs the taxpayers in the billions of dollars and onl-y worsening over time. As the fire seasons onfy ramp up in Idaho as snowpack and watershed capabllitj-es diminish and most conservative administration across seasonal ebbs and ffow intensifies for a Idaho climate, this resul-ts in increased destruction, increased harmful dryer, hotter fire bug infestation, increased and a dimin.ished va.lue inassociated floodinq and eroslon Idaho. Treasure Valley j-nversions reach air quality standards further and further as population growth continues to result in more and more carbon pol]ution in the valley and it traps air between the peaks of our mountain ranges, all to the detriment of public heal,th and diminj-shed quality of life, particularly children, the e1der1y, and those who are iLl-. Our native safmon population will continue to decl-ine and have received concerted attention by our t71 o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 t0 11 72 o 13 74 15 76 t1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 SCHUELER Publ ic o 25 Governor and our nationaf efected Congressmen by underpe r formirrg dams owned and managed or subsidized by Idaho Power. I could go on and on, I'm a hunter and an angler and I see what power Idaho trufy has and how it is mismanaged. We can be doing better than this and it needs to start with our solar. The point is the time is now to garner every tool in our tool-box and every individual in the state, a state known for its independence and individual- respons ibi l itles, to puJ-1 their own weight to find sustainable energy p.roduction practices, then why on earth would you denigrate, castigate, and in other ways disincentivize private citj-zens of Idaho from developing their own energy production system, It's at our own cost. If anything, you should incentivize Idaho residents to invest in a decentralized solar grid system that places the cost of maintenance and repair on the individual consumer instead of a centralized monopoly, Iinaudible], The proposed separate rate system accomplishes the opposite. If you wish to separate rates, pay solar producers more for their production. I understand the need for a public utility consortium, but they don't own the power. Idaho citizens do and we have a right to use j-t, produce it, and enshrine our 178 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 I2 o 13 74 15 t6 1.1 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890. s198 SCHUELER Public envj-ronment with a sustainabLe energy source for future generations. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Excuse me, sir, couJ-d you slow down a little bit? You're going a little fast -- THE WITNESS: Oh, I'm sorry. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: -- and our court reporter is having a littfe bit of difflculty having her fingers fIy across the keyboard. THE WITNESS: Okay, sorry. The point is the time is now to garner every tool in our toolbox and every individual in this state, a state known for its independence and indivi-duaI responsibi I ities, to pu1l their weight to find sustainable energy production practices. Why on earth would you disincentivize private citizens of ldaho from developing their own energy production systems? If anything, you should be incentivizing Idaho residents to invest in a more decentrafized sol-ar grid system that places the cost of maintenance and repair on of a centralized monopoly, the inCividual consumer instead and I've read this, that the same power action. !,le sites tend to be soft targets for terro.rist are decentra.Iized through solar production. accomplishes the oppos ite. The pr:oposed separate rate system If you wish to separateo25 119 I l- 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 l2 o l3 74 15 L6 1l 19 20 27 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 SCHUELER Public rates, if anything, pay solar production. f understand t-he producers need for a more for their utility citizens publ ic I dahoconsortium, but they don't own t.he do and we have a right to use .it, our environment with a sustainabl-e powe r . produce,and enshr.ine energy source for future generations. Idaho Power has been granted a va.Iuabl-e responsibility to and this proposal responsibillty. this is the l-a st access to power to all citizens in the face of that been advised to advocate, and have been advised to advocate ensure laughs I have comment, I for at least a grandfather c.Iause for those of invested early. The selfish side of me wants us who to support it only future ofbe silent. I know far more solar proposal stands that measure, I'11 be honest; however, to fre, therepresents our nation personaf choice to a payoff to wi 1I rely on put applications than in direct defianceit does today and the of that endeavor. It cannot pass because I know from experience that someone who made the difficult line is that I my comlflunity and world woufd not have done so before mv bottom if this proposal will go into effect. grandchi.l-dren to have been to me, It just make it impossible. I want my children and solar as easily available as it has has to be easier. Please do not Thank you.o 180 t t 1 2 3 4 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 15 l4 t6 71 1B 79 o 20 2l 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 EARMER Publ ic COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: there any quesiions from parties to the of the Commission? Seeing none, then, testimony. Thank you. Are case or members thank you for your (The witness left the fine.) the next ca.Ifer with the ]ast four di-gits of their phone number being 8124, 8724. Is the caller there? THE CALLER: Yes, he11o. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We now move to COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Yes, he11o. Why donrt we begin by swearing you in. appearing as was examined GREGORY FARMER, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and could you for the record please state your full- name and spel1 it. for us? THE WITNESS: Gregory Farmer. G-r-e-g-o-r-y E-a-r-m-e-r. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address ? THE WITNESS: 568 Victoria Drive, Boise. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a25 181 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 74 15 16 L1 18 79 20 2t 22 23 ?4 FARMER Publlc customer of ldaho Power? your testimony. panels approximately two-and-a-haIf years TllE V{ITNESS: Yes/ I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Please offer us THE WITNESS: Yes, I installed solar ago the with the understanding that net metering would be thls would be monitored and col-.Iected. grandfathering those in who have signed agreement with Idaho Power. way that The second thino and I'm going to along with have that I advocate for on in that that if this changed, theydoes go through are forcing me electricity to to become a business by me selling donrt have the -- I have put allbenefits of being a Power; however, I business. I wiL l Irlaho the upfront costs maintenance, and tax benefits for I wil-l be in charge of no ability to depreciate or have a business. 1n. I have belng COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: And does that complete your cornments ? THE WITNESS: It does, thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission? There being none, thank you again for your testimony.o 782.CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 a 13 t4 15 16 71 1B 79 20 21 22 23 CSB REPORTINC 208.890.5198 T HOM P SON Publ ic (The witness left the Iine.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We know move to a ca]Ier with the last four digits of their phone number being 6605, 6605. Is lhe caller there? THE CALLER: YeS, I aM COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good a fteTnoon, and fet me swear you in first. appearing as was examined AUSTIN THOMPSON, a publ-ic witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: could you for it for us? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and the record please state your name and spell THE WITNESS: Austin Thompson, A-u-s-t-i-n T-h-o-m-p- s -o-n . COMM]SS]ONER KJELLANDER: And youT address. THE WITNESS: My address is 2106 North Linden Street, Jerome, Idaho, 83338, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho? THE WTTNESS: Yes, sir, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you.a 25 tar.) o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 o o CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 THOMPSON Public Could you please offer: us your coniment? THE WITNESS: Yeah, so I have been a sol-ar sales representat-ive for going through, evaluating as far as financially, as the last two years j-n Idaho and homeowners' current s i tuat ions goes, regardl-ess of different was barely able to make it as structure provided with their as financial feas ibi 1i t y prices in systems, Idaho it is with the rate net metering program, so going through having sofd almost 50 deals myself in the fast two years and having a company that has instaffed over 2r 000, we have several-, obviously several, thousands of homeowners that are invo]-ved in the net meterinq program who are either not able to speak here today or listen j-n, but have reached out to us internally and asked that we go through and stand our ground as far as what we have sofd them on, so our biggest concern is coming down to, at the very l-east, advocating for a grandfather cl-ause for those preexisting homeowners. Understanding Idaho Power ' s current sj-tuation and their reason for the proposa] is understandable, but going under the context of trying to revoke the net metering program that has been put ln place for af.l- these previous homeowners, everybody has made their decisions based on the cur.rent situati-on. A1so, I just wanted to touch on ldaho far t-84 10 11 t2 13 IA 15 1,6 l1 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 t 1 2 3 A 5 6 1 I 9 Power going comp.Iete green energy by 2045. I befieve that by proposi.ng -- making solar next to impossible is going to be one of the most difficuJ.t things for Idaho Power to achieve by cutting out homeowner generation. The reason being is solar is one of the only renewable resources that is scal-able on a person-by-person basis allowing Idaho Power to obtain that goaf. That concludes my cornments. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission? There being none, then, thank you for you testimony this afternoon. (The witness left the l-ine. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to a cafler with the last four digits of their phone number being 2454, 2454. Is the cafler there? THE CALLER: Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Great. Letrs get you sworn in, a I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 THOM P SON Public 185 10 11 L2 13 \4 l-5 t6 t1 18 19 ZU 2l 22 23 24 25 I 1 / 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2t13 7A 15 16 L1 18 79 20 21 22 23 2A CSB RE PORT I NG 208.890.5198 EBERTZ Public appearlng as was examined KIRK EBERTZ, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER K,fELLANDER: Thank you, and coufd you for the record pl-ease state your fulf name and spel1 it? THE WITNESS: Kirk Ebertz. K-i-r-k E-b-e-r-t-2. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address. THE !,IITNESS: 125 Belmont Drive, Ketchum, Idaho, 83340. COMMISSIONER K,IELLANDER: And are you a custome.r of ldaho Power? THE WITNESS : Yes I i^7e are. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank you. Could you please offer us your statement? THE WITNESS: Sure. We fooked costs and rewards of sofar panels and decj-ded at the to go ahead Idaho Power the new '1',n I s with them after wants to change rates no longer isn't right. I crunching the numbers and now the rates for net metering and make the sofar cost effective. feel we should be grandfathered in to the rates that we siqned up for and agreed to. and I alsoo25 186 o I 2 3 4 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 o r.3 14 15 76 71 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 EBERTZ Publ ic think the Stat.e of Idaho shoul-d be looking renewable to do all they can to encourage solar energy not making it more dj.fficulL, It's something and try that energy and to help it. everyone knows our climate is changing Let's do aff we can conrment s , and it's not changing for the better. to make i"t better. That concludes my COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commj-ssion? There being none, then. thank you again for your cornments today. (The witness left the l-ine. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to the next caller with the Iast four digits 0033, 0033. Is the caller the re ? THE CALLER: Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon. Let's get you sworn in f i-rst. 25 187 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 o 13 L4 LJ 16 71 1B 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5r98 EELTON Public appearing as was examined MICHAEL EELTON, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as fol-l-ows: could you for it for us? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and the record please state your name and speJ-l THE WITNESS: My name is Michael Felton, M-i-c-h-a-e-1 E-e-l-t-o-n, and I live at 507 Sun Terrace Drive in Twin Eafls, ldaho. COMMISSIONER K,fELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: I am. COMMISSIONER K.TELLANDER: Wel-l-, good afternoon, thank you, and cou.Id please offer us your statement ? THE WITNESS: Sure. My wife wo.rth of panels on our home in May the permitting process was approval which we and I put in $24, 000 Part of Powe r , exce -L 1en t benefit on The panels than what have been of this year. by Idaho doing an as far as our that Idaho got. bet terj ob, net and now to expected f i-nd out WC Power wants to met e r ing, change the rate, instead of feeling good to spend to getmoney I hadabout myself in spite of the solar panels, if this change goes through, I'm going too25 188 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 r0 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 16 l1 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 o EELTON PubI ic have a $24,000 albatross on the roof of my house that's not going to make to my home, and I Idaho Powe.r to do I think at the very relied on what Idaho Power tofd us should be grandfathered in and that large number of people, and I think heard testify today to me any money, isn't going to add value just think it's completely unfair for that. feast people who the rate would be that wouJ-d protect a that I s basically what wanted and if, youeveryone I rve know, people they're going want to put pane I s to have to crunch in the future, then numbers and see if it up the works for them. I know that systems are getti-ng cheaper as time goes on and so maybe it will- work at the new rate they want, but lhey're absol-ute1y cutting the financial throats of anybody who put panels up prior to this proposed rate change and that concfudes my testimony. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, Mr. Felton. Are there any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission? Hearing none, then, again we thank you for your testimony today. (The $ritness left the l-ine. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to the next calfer with the last four digits of their phone number being 6478, 6478. Is the cafler there?25 1E9CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I o 10 11 l2t13 ).4 15 76 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 BURICA PubIic THE CALLER: Yes, I am. CCMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon. Let's begin by getting you sworn in for the record. appearing as was examined DAVID BURICA, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as fol Iows : coufd you for it for us? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and the record please state your name and spell THE WITNESS: David Burica, D-a-v-i-d B-u-r-i-c-a. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address, please. THE WITNESS: 311 [inaudib]el ]ane, McCalf, Idaho. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: that once more? We had a little bit of a lj-ne and I apologi ze. THE WITNESS: 311 Heikkila I daho . Could you repeat breakup on the L,ane, McCall, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, and I am sorry, could you spell- the name of the l-ane? THE WITNESS: Sure, it's H-e-i-k-k-i-I-a.e 25 190 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 a 13 l4 l5 16 L1 18 t9 20 2L 22 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 BUR ] CA Pub I ic COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and again, I apologlze for the difficulty in us hearing you and are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and coul-d you pfease offer us your statement? THE WITNESS: Sure. The proposal that Idaho Power brought to the IPUC last year regarding the evaluation of the export credit was specifically proposed to be an evaluati.on of both the costs and benefits of the export credit to ]daho Power as I understand it. The settlement agreement as l read it looked to be entirely I could telf. benefits and based they that costs whe re on the costs evaluation and from urhat specificaffy left out aIl evaluation would be speciflcally benefit.s that of cause the pea ker or the peaker benefits that occur during the surmer solar matched the increased demand on Idaho Power during those days, and envj ronmenLal benefi ts, then as general benefits, such as all of which were left to be evaluated for the future, and I feef that the Commission shoul-d not accept this settl-ement proposaf until the other half of the equation has been eva.]uated and that's 1r. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are there any questions from parties to the case or membersa 191 o 1 2 3 A 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 T2 o 13 14 15 t6 11 18 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890. s19B JE FEREY PubIic of the Commission? There berng none, then, we thank you for your comments Loday. (The witness Ieft the Iine.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to the nexL caller with Lhe last four digits of their phone number being 3352, 3352. Is the caller there? 3352? (No response. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We will move on to the next caller with the last four digits 8459, 8459. Is the cal.Ie.r t-here? 8459? (No response. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Moving now to the next caller with the last four digits beinq 0336, 0336. Is the caller there? THE CALLER: Yes, I am. COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon. Let's begin by gelting you sworn in. appearing as was examined ELIZABETH JEEEREY, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as fol-l-ows: COMMlSSIONER the record please state your THE WITNESS: KJELLANDER: Could name and spe1l it Elizabeth Jeffrey, you for for us? Eli z abetho25 792 a I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 74 15 16 L1 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 JE FFREY Publ i c with a "2" Je{ ( rcy, I-c-f-f-r -c'-y. COMMISSlONER KJELLANDER: And your addre s s . THE WITNESS: 201 North 3rd Avenue in Hailey. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Powe r ? THE !,I]TNESS : Yes, we are . COMMTSSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank you. Could you please offer us your cornment? THE WITNESS: Yes. I was quite concerned and downsized and to make sure it about this proposition. bui-Lt a smal I house in was going to be a house [,]e are reLired Hailey that and worked we could afford to live in for the rest of our lives and made it tight and made it and so when at the endnot net zero, but we worked at it, of the discussion period wj-th our builder,we discussed was higher to take the we didn't what can we do to bring the cost down. It than we'd expected. His recommendation solar off, being the h,iggest cost item need, and we felt we did need it if we was tha t wanted to move forward with our fixed .income, and so we chose to keep have itthat because of the payback and the abllity to long we hope Idaho Power, even out in 20 years, which is how to .I ive . When we worked with theyo25 193 o 1 2 3 A 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 o r.3 ).4 15 t6 71 18 79 20 2l 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208 .890. s198 JE FFREY PubIic guaranteed us we would be grandfathered in and, I befieve, in the agreement and so we surprised a couple weeks ago to hear that questioned now, especial-1y as we need more all around the state. It's a curious way both ve rba I ly were pretty that is being and more so]-ar to quash the it differently knowing Ionger, but I woufd the agreements that were made and from a to that end and support for coal, so thatrs my idea Powe r go 1ng different of even being able to Company and put solar forward other people depend on agreements with our on our roof, and I rea.Iize wiII do hope that numbers and maybe l iving the Commission consider were made as sol id pubJ-ic ut i l.i ty and solar and fight the whole corunenL. agreements that be trustworthy increased need COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you. ATe there any questions from parties to the case or members of the Corunission? Seeing none, then, we agaj.n thank you for your comments today. (The witness left the Iine.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to the next caller with the last four digits of their phone number betng 3021 , 3027. Is the ca]ler there? THE CALLER: I'm just listening in. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, thank you. Moving on, then, to the next caller with the last four25 L94 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 t0 11 72t13 l4 15 t6 L1 t-9 20 21. 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890. s198 RI HA Public diglts 5651. 565i. Is t-he caller there? THE CALLER: Irm also just listening in. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, the next four diglts 5392, 5392. Is the caller there? THE CALLER: Speaki-ng. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good. Let's get you sworn in for the recor:d. TIMOTHY E. RIHA, appearing as a public witness, having been fj.rst duly sworn, testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and could you for the record p]-ease state your fufl name and spe1l it for us? THE WITNESS: Timothy E. Riha, t-i-m-o-t-h-y E. R-i-h-a last name. COMMISSlONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and your address. THE WITNESS: 341-9 Kaden Lane, Nampa, Idaho,83686. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of ldaho Power? TI1E WITNESS: I am a customer of Idaho Power and I am afso a stockhofder of Idaho Power,a 25 195 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 o 13 14 15 16 L1 1B 19 20 27 .// 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 o 25 RI HA Publ i c COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you for joining us this afternoon and could you please offer your collunent ? THE WITNESS: WelI, yes, as I say, Irm an Idaho Power stockho.lder. I installed sol-ar paneJ-s on our home as sort of an insurance poJ-icy, because we're 70s and older and you can't really get insurance polJ-cies, so thinking that if we put insurance or put the sofar panels on our house, that would enhance the value of our home should we end up selJ-ing it and whoever would buy it woul-d get 'the same deal from Idaho Power with the credits as we signed up for, and f'm a little miffed with ldaho Power for trying to come around the back side and l-ower our investment by trying to give us fess credits, so I totally disagree as a stockholder with what Idaho Power is doing. The way this area is grow.ing, if we have a drought and power is not being able to produce like 1t has in the past, soJ-ar panels wou.Id be helpful . Now, we produce excess number of hours or our panels do and I have a credit that buifds up and I'm not asking them to buy those and pay me. I'm just saying let it ride and I'I1 use them as I can, so I thj-nk it's totalfy unfair for Idaho Power to do what they're doing and try to cut our rewards. That's totally wrong to me. 195 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 o 11 L2 13 t4 15 15 L1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 ?.4 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 We signed an agreement wlth that understandj-ng. Had I known that they were going to pul-f some shenanigans like this, I woufd have never put the solar panels on, so I'm a little disappointed with Idaho Power and what they're trying to do. I think itrs totalLy unfair. frm a senior citizen. I'm on a fixed income. I invested, paid for a bit of a loan to pay off the COMMISS IONER KJELLANDER : these things. I sti11 have ba.l-ance, but I think it ' s totaffy unfair of Idaho Power to change the rules and that ' s my comment. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We11, thank you for your coftunent. Are there any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission? There being none, then, we certainly thank you for your comments today. (The witness }eft the line.) currentl-y do not have it be would my intent to see if we have any notice from our court any other calfers to take at.Ieast At this point we in the queue, so a 15-minute break addltional callers cafl in, and I reporter that that 15 minutes was welcomed and I certainly do appreciate your willingness to work through as diligently as you have without as many breaks as we normally would have in a live meetlng, so, R] HA Pubfic a 25 r91 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 i0 1l- 12 a 13 L4 15 16 71 1B t9 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 again. point momen t thank you for your we wifl be prepared with the reminder record. Again, this is the for Case No. I PC-E-18-15. patience there, so at thls t.o go cff the record in just a that we wil-], return within 15 minutes, so .if there are additj-onal callers who calJ- in, we can get their comments on the record as we11, so with that, we will go off the record for 15 minutes and if my math is cor.rect, which it Iikely is not, that wiff be somewhere around 3:06 is, I believe, the time in which we wifl return, so thank you and we look forward to being back on at 3:06. (Recess . ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We wil-f go back on the hearing public intent to 4:00 p.m wno go up ca.IIers corrunents slnce 10:00 a telephonic publ ic We have been taking .m. this morn.ing. It 1s our this afternoon and we haveto two more resume our telephonic number ending in the calfer on the f ine? have joined us, public hearing last four digits so we will begin or with the phone 6101 ,6101 . Is the THE CALLER: Yes, I am on the line. COMMlSS]ONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon. Let's begin by swearing you ln. a 25 198 COLLOQU Y o o I 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 o 72 13 L4 15 76 I1 :-8 t9 2A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 AMAN Publ ic appearang as was examined R]CK AMAN, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as folfows: could you for the record state your name and spell 1t for COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and THE WITNESS: Sure, Rick Aman, R-i-c-k Star, and a A-m-a-n. Irm at 7263 Southern Vista Court in US? noon, so thank of your day. I except my wi fe weeks before we fong day. I showed about 10: l5 taking the and had comment toward the end Idaho, and I am both a customer of ldaho Power supplier of if you wou1d, please offer us your statement or comment. THE WITNESS: Wel1, first of thank the Cornmissioners. You have endured energy to Idaho Power as wel-l . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and a 11, 1et me an awful ly t o l- eave at you up for imagine and I put rece ived nothing I'm going to say is solar panels in 1i teral I y the note from Idaho Power new, three tha t ofthere was goj-ng to be hourly net meter.ing and that, course, is a significant problem. There was no indication that that kind of process was go-ing to be in place when we put a relatively25 t9s I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 I 13 74 t5 15 L1 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 a CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. 5198 AMAN Publ ic expensive wouldn ' t solar system on our roof. Had we known, we have done it.It \^ras really clear Idaho Power. the.re and, of course, in talking wrth 15 a place that we as consumers need to check to indicate we rules will change. that within our understand the rates wilJ- change and I don't think appl ication, this kind of that mi-tigates there coufd have the fact been some indication that a process As with was golng on. a numbrer of other callers, I'm asking for a study, because I do not understand the concept actually of Idaho Power the idea that rooftop sofa r additional -- there would bewifl cost customers additional costs to other customers.I j ust and I don't befieve thal. I've asked for a study so 1et literally have a CD would ask you rea 11y cus t ome rs fuIl of informat ion, the Commissioners to need to grandfather me just say that I reject the .l-n exi st ing settfement and sol.ar if that isn't the case. Thank you. ThankCOMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER:you. Are there any questions from parties to case or members of the Commiss.ion? There being none, then, we thank you for your testimony today. (The witness left the line.) COMt'lISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to the nexL caller with the last four digits of thei-r25 2C)0 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 12 o 13 l4 15 t6 1.1 1B 19 2A 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 CONTRUCC I Publ ic telephone number being E925, 8925. Is the ca1ler there? TI1E CALLER: Ye-s, that-'s me. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon. Let's begin by getting you sworn in. JONATHAN CONTRUCCI, appearinq as a public witness, having been duly sworn, was examlned and testifi-ed as follows: could you for it for us? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and the record please state your name and spe.Il THE WITNESS: Yes, it's Jonathan Contrucci and that's J- o-n -a-t -h-a-n, last name C-o-n-t-r-u-c-c-i. COMMISSIONER KJEI,LANDER: And your address, please. THE WITNESS: Street, Boise, Idaho, 83706. COMMISSIONER customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: COMMlSSIONER That I s 1507 East Wright KJELLANDER: And are you a I am. KJELLANDER:Thank you. or statement ? am a member of the Could you please offer- us your comment T},IE IIJITNTESS: YeS, So I solar industry profession he::e, solar energy consuftant,I 25 ?,4 i o 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 72 13o 74 18 15 16 ll l-9 2A 2t 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 CONTRUCC] PubIic so my job is to go to people's homes with the peopi.e who are interested and size the system for t.hem and basing the savings and the performance based on past and present and then forecasting future based on those data points, and so I've been doing this now for about three years and have probably over 100 customers that have gone solar with ne, and I am a customer myself for net metering. My solar familiar with the went in April of 2017, so I'm net metering program and how it worked for the last, you know, 17 years and it was a substantial shock to me to see what the proposal, the settlement, was and that lt would not incfude -- woul-d not protect existing customers who made a substantiaf investment of tens of thousands of doll"ars based on the evidence that was availabfe to us at the time/ and I've actually done a decent amount of math, at least I attempted to be as accurate as I can, to see how this ve ry wil- 1 impact that I see hour I y arid data of a existing and customers and the biggest change is the change from -- wel], change to net based on the math that I was able to do on the number of customers, I think I did the math on six, there's not one customer that had over 50 percent that they were using on site. Most of their energy was being exported on that net hourly basis and so the proposed chanqe wil-f bea25 202 o 1 2 3 A 5 6 1 8 9 10 1l L2 o 13 74 76 7l IB 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890. s198 CONTRUCCI Publ- i c substantial- to those customers, thousands of dollars worth of energy change. on my around -- over my customers have over 20, so double on that, and the J-arger that j-s exported to the grid, know, to the savings of people so if I woufd have known what that is being d.j-minished because of that own personal home, it looks to be $2,000 over the next 20 years and that is a very small system that I have, only 12 panels. Most of that would be at .Ieast the system the more energy so the less impact, you with the largest systems, the changes would be, I different than how I'mwoul-d have sized systems sizing systems today and wouf d be much d.if f erent, one, I would love to see based off. I've scoured ve ry a1so, too, so I the study everywhere t heir expected savrngs -- well-.thlnk tha t that al-l- this is being and have not been able to see how these numbers are ca.l-cu1ated, how the .04406 number came to be and so I woufd Like to see that before there are any decisions made or if there hasn't been one completed, I really think that would be the best option would be to figure out exactly what the cost-benefit anafysis is. I just don't think there's been enough time. This all seems fike it's happening so fast and it was stateci in the docket previously that discriminatcry rates will not fo.I.Iow the ruling and Io25 203 o 1 2 3 4 5 o 1 I 9 feel f ike this is a discriminatory rate, especially since custonrers are not being grandfathered in, andexi s t 1ng anothe r thing, tha tshifting but I do going to make something that I agree, yeah, maybe there's a cost could be happening to non-so1ar customers, not think it is to the extent that Idaho Power 10 is claiming, especially since such a small number of people in Idaho have sol-ar. By Idaho Power's own math on the IRP, .5 percent of customers have so.Iar and that's barely a drop in the bucket, so yeah, I am against the settlement and I am -- if the settfement does go through, f am for grandfathering existing customers. I think it woul-d be the only ethical and fair thing to do. I feel really bad for a number of my 11 o 13 t2 74 15 76 1.1 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 custoners that made a decision based on information and now that j-s be.ing taken it more of a of savings. toy for the 1S the present away from them, i think it's rich and Iess of fn thousands of dcflars worth average Joes 1i ke me can also partake producing thatwith c-Lean, renewablc close to the 1oads. sense. Yeah, that's energy that I think that what I wanted just makes a to say and fot I thank you powe r of o for your time. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER : there any questions from parties to the of the Commission? Hear.ing none, thank Thank you. Are case or members you for your CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 CONT RUCC I Publ, ic 204 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72I13 74 15 16 l1 TB 19 2A 27 22 23 24I CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 THOM P SON Public testimony today. (The !,rit-ness left- t-he line. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to the next caLler with the last four digits of their phone number hreing 1815, 181-5. Is the ca-Ller there? THE CALLER: YeS. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon. Let's Iirst begin by swearing you in. appear.rng as was examined JOHANNAH THOMPSON, a pubfic witness, having been duly sworn, and testi.fied as follows: for the record state your full name and COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Could you please THE WITNESS: Yes, it's spe11 it Johannah Thomp s on, J-o-h-a-n-n-a-h, last name T-h-o-m-p- s -o-n . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address. THE WITNESS i L625 South Latah Street in Boise, Idaho,83705. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: I am, yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and for us? 25 205 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 11 L2 o 13 74 l6 7l 1B L9 2.4 21. 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 could you pfease offer us your testimony today? TliE WITNESS: Yes, so I am a nurse here in Idaho. I've lived here for six years and I've considered putting sofar on my home recently. On researching the policies and returns on solar this fa1], I learned about this pending case. I'm unab]-e to determine what my savings wou.Id be at this time if I instafl photovoltaic modules on my property with this new policy potentially being put .l-n p1ace, so I woul-d like to comment on the IPC-E-18-15 specifically as to the fairness of these p ropos ed proposal any value changes and how unjust the current settlement is, so the current .rate study doesn't provide to the numerous benefits which a customer-owned on-site generation system such as solar wouJ-d provide to the grid, Idaho Power states in this case, and this is quote, "The signing parties agreed that other costs and benefj-ts, capacity integration costs, and environmental- benefits may be measurable, but agreed not to include those costs or benefits as pa.rt of the settlement agreement"; so currently my home is on rate Schedul-e 1 with ldaho Power, but I do have the option to choose to invest in solar and become a Schedule 6 customer, and I onfy received notice of this case through friends and it's very unsettling that I didn't receive ao25 206 THOMPSON Publ ic t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 74 15 L6 T7 1B 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTlNG 208.890.5198 THOM P SON Public about changes to the potentiaf investment. public notice from Idaho Power that I might need to know which would change my final1y, if I pay and in example one, versus exampLe two, rate schedule, sooner, and then of $100 a monthan ave.rage power I lower thj-s by bi It 50 percent with solar I see an ad for energy efficiency paid for Idaho Power and lower my consumption by 50 percent using their other suggested methods, the management and cost shift of my use to other customers is virtually the same j-n both of those examples. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And does that concfude your comments? THE WITNESS: It does, yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are membe r sthereany queslions Commission?Seeing today. from parLies to the case or of the none, then, we thank you again for vour comment s COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to (The witness left the l-ine. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Susan, iust a the next caller whose last four digits are 4319, 4319. Is the ca.I]e r there? THE CALLER: Yes, this is Susan Giannettino. moment, if we co,:Id get you sworn in first.o 25 201 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 l2 l3 t4 15 16 L1 2t 18 19 20 o 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT IIJG 208 .890. 5198 G IANNETT ] NO Publ i-c appear.rng as was examined SUSAN GIANNETTINO, a pubj-ic witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as f o]f or,rs: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and the record please state your name and spel]coufd you for it for us? address, please. THE W]TNESS: My Cd o]ena, O-I-e-n-a, in Hailey. THE WITNESS: Susan Gj-annettino, Susan S-u-s-a-n, Giannettino G-.i-a-n-n-e-t-t-i-n-o. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your physical address is 1040 Idaho, I3333. COMMTSSIONER KJELLANDER: Are you a customer of Idaho Pcwer? THE WITNESS: YeS, I am. COMM]SS]ONER KJELLANDER: Wel]., good afternoon, and please provide your THE WITNESS: ThanK thank you for t-he opportunity that We have also provided comment via provided comment back when the PUC considering this entire topic. our new home in Halley, Idaho, that time I wanted to make sur:e testimony. you very much and you I ve provided here. the website and wAS We put ori gi na 11y solar panels on about three years ago. At I fully understood what25 208 o 1 2 3 4 6 1 8 9 10 11 o o CSB REPORTlNG 208.890.5198 G IANNETT INO Pub.I ic the relationship was between our solar generation and Idaho Power's rate system, so I spent a fair amount of time interacting with Idaho Power customer service representatives and staff and I have that documentation if anybody needs to see it. At that time I thought ldaho Power was be j- ng ma ki ng point, that we have, so I am not h.ppy, my husband and I happy, to see a proposed change. Whife I have to the fact that Idaho Powe.r can propose a change to and do exactly this sort of process, I feel that enticed into putting solar paneJ-s on our roof in quite fair and responsive to the investment we were on our own in solar panels and so far to this we've been very satisfied with the relationship had with are not accept the PUC we were part because of ratepayers selfishly, system. solar panels and efficient house, time .is probably felt that given investment. I the program that Idaho Pohrer who were willing to do that,so personally and I'm very concerned about a change in the We've made slnce we a significant investment in already had a new energy the amortization of lengthier than some the net metering, we that investment over people, but we stilf made a wi se 'm not sure today if things were as 209 L2 13 t4 L5 L6 L't 18 L9 20 21. )) ZJ 24 25 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 o 13 1.4 15 l6 L1 18 19 20 2t 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 G IANNETT I NO PubI ic uncertain as they through, Irm not roof. I befieve commitment to clean energy it intends to achieve and I are now or if this proposed change goes suJ:e r^Je would put solar panels on our that ldaho Power has expressed a and has set itself a goal that think j-t's disingenuous to have made that promise to the broad community, the environmental corrununj-ty, the conservation community, the ratepayers and not recognize that sol-ar, and for that matter wind, but domestic solar j-s a piece of that larger pttzzLe. There should be an incentivization of people wi1ling energy goal.doing bus iness need to be, so as usua.I is not I would suggest unethical, but to help Idaho Power achieve that clean Just gorng tha tto get us where we it 's not thlnk it's I can't quite say appropriate to come it's I don't at feast grandfather the same time, I a.Iso the J-mplicat.ion of in this obviously port f oIj-o of clean you. there any questions of the Commission ? to this position and not in the existing ratepayers, and at think Idaho Power needs to rethink not will ing good locat i on COMM],SSIONER KJELLANDER : from parties to the Seeing none, then, to support domestic solar for sofar in its entire energy. Those are my cornments. Thank Thank you. Are case or members we appreciate yourI?.5 2ta o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 -7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 74 15 71 t6 TB 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT iNG 208.890. s198 27L conments today. ('Ihe witness ,Lef t the line. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let's move now to the next cafler with the fast four digits in their number beinq 5329. 5329. Is the caller there? THE CALLER: Yes, f am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon. Let's begjn by getLing you sworn jn. ROY COSSAIRT, appearing as a public witness, havj-ng been first duly sworn, testified as foflows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Could you for for us?the record please THE name is Cossairt, WITNESS: YeS, West Edna Street in Boise, Idaho, COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: Yes, we are. COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: WeI1, good afternoon, and could you please provide us your testimony? THE WITNESS: Yes. My wife and I went state your name and spell it C-o-s-s-a-i-r-t, itrs Roy, R-o-y, fast and my address is 9921 83704. COSSA]RT Pubfic o 25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 8 9 10 11 I2 o 13 74 16 71 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 COS SAI RT PubI ic through the process of house and 1i ke previous deciding to put caf f ers, we d j-d be 31 panels on our in conversations with ldaho Power and we our due diligence had been tofd valid andthat the net- metering agreement would grandfathered in for people that had 2017, and so when we saw this change been installed by com:" ng, be the we were way forward,quite concerned if then we would not We going to the pane 1s on our roof. weren't this was have put fike the roof, because it's a biq blank space that is not going to have a huge environmental impact compared to putting together a solar farm somewhere which wil-l take up space and cause grief wherever the land is in terms of the concrete and just the heat and cutting down the access, so we're al-l for solar, but I don't think that Idaho idea of the panels on our in previousPower has given, as they've discussed testimonies, any val-ue to that whj-ch we are up to the grid, especially if you consider one-for-one exchange in terms of watt for a worked fairly weII. We're not at net zero and we feeding back they've done a watt and this intending a sudden looking because to be, but at the same time, going from one to a .6 or ,4 at what's been proposed, that it does rrot take into account if this is a1I of down the road in is di s ingenuous, the value thato 2L2 o 1 2 3 4 J 6 1 8 o 10 11 72 o 13 l4 15 l6 l'1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890. s198 213 COSSAIRT Public we've added by putting over S25,000 worth of equipment on our roof to help generate power for Idaho Power. Especially when you .Iook at their peak time in the summer, we're giving back power to the grld that they're needing right away, and so to discount that as kind of nil-, that's hurtful and I think it's a bad business decision. I understand if they get solar farms, they can qet a generation price down to, and I'II pick a number, four-tenths of something, but the fact that werre at eight-tenths is more retail, but what we could be spending for power during the peak times is that summer rate. I don't remember what the number is, if it to l0 or just what it ls, but we're feeding that we wou.ld be goes up to Idaho gettingPower and that ' s the for our first block, same pr.ice that so I think that had been told in document.ation Lhat change, we woufd aga1n, we be grandfathered in and that's obviously changed, and I think the PUC shou]d not allow this particular change to happen, and Idaho Power needs to take a new l-ook at how they are dealing with their their producers. There I s kind wants to own everything that clients and customers and ot a story that ldaho Power kind of feeds that narratj-ve, generates power and thi s because of the fact we owno25 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 11 t2 o 13 L4 15 16 L1 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 COSSAI RT Publ ic sofar panels and now goes right along with we're going to be reimbursed fess the general- gist of ny story on what they' re should be allowed and that narrati-ve, so I think that's testimony. They've changed their trying to do and I donrt think it whil-e water is most efficlent in terms of getting .Ieast energy costs for Idaho Power, solar can be quite useful as wel1, especially during those peak times, so that's my testimony. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you. Are membe rsthere any questions from parties of the Commission? There being your testimony. to the case or none, then, thank you for (The witness l-eft the Iine.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: !,ie move now to the next caller with the last four digits of 3613, 3673. Is the caller there? THE CALLER: YeS, ] am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good a fternoon, Why don't we begin by swearlng you in. 25 2L4 a a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 T4 LJ 16 I1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 WELT Y PubIic appearang as was exami ned LAURESTA WELTY, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as folfows: could you for it for us? COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and the reco.rd please state your name and spell THE WITNESS: My name is Lauresta Welty, L-a-u-r-e-s-t-a W-e-1-t-y. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address. THE WITNESS: 2309 Ma-Lad Street, Boise, I daho . COMMISSIONER customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: COMM]SSIONER afternoon and please offer THE WITNESS: others that I've heard. I KJELLANDER: And are you a KJELLANDER: WeIl, good your My just testimony at test j-mony is this time. slmilar to I have solar panels on my roof and we put want.ed to add my voice. them in in 2 016 a done dealwas basically issue and that this would be when we thought net metering and that this wouldnrt be an an investment, and we would not have made thj-s investment if we wouldn't have been net zero. because we had to paya25 2r5 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 l1 L2 o 13 L4 15 16 L1 18 19 20 2t 23 24 CSB REPORTlNG 208.890.5198 WELTY Publ ic for the solar solar panels, by not having to do that. paneis and so we needed to because we had to pay for the have a way to afford that and to pay a power bi1l, that's how we're able We took a second mortgage out on the house in order to qet solar cost. to us and we -- pane.Is, so it was a signi ficant about the We definitely that, we're possibility of not being shou.Id be grandfathered concerned that people are not re very concerned grandfathered in, in, but more than going to house, and have an incent ive solar energy is wet to put solar panels on their the cleanest kind of energy that we I daho want to can get Poh/er, and itr s very I think, isimportant for our future, and always talking about how they and this is the best way to do use clean energy and so we need to be us a way to provide net metering is peopfe are that, able to provide they need to give that. be c omi ng interested different If they're concerned too difficult because too in doing it, then option where solar they need to give us a panels on roofs woufd sti1l they pay for the sofar that many be a possibility, panels themselves houses that have so whethe r and just put them on our houses, on the some kind of a program sunlight, and they come up with where customers don't pay for the good o 2L6 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 l6 71 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.s198 WELT Y Publ ic solar panels and then continue electricity through Idaho Power paying -- do j-ng and continue to pay an electricity bi11. I think that's a real possible afternative, but their current opt.ion is basically a no win situation and will cause many, many of us to fose this j.nvestment and many others wil-l- noL be able to get the cLean energy that they woufd have otherwi.se, and think that is everything f wanted to say. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We1f, thank Let's see if there are any questions from parties to case or members of the Commission. There being no I you - the questions, we thank you again for your testj-mony today, (The witness left the fine. ) COMMISSIONER K,IELLANDER: Let's move now to the next caf l-er wlth the .Last four digits of their number beinq 4863, 4863. Is the call-er on the line? THE CALLER: Could you repeat that? It might be me. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: I think it's you. THE WITNESS: Okay. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Let's begin by swearing you in. o 25 211 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 !4 15 76 l1 18 19 20 27 22 24 O CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MARC I NKO PubI ic appearing as was examined ROBERT MARCINKO, a public witness, having been dufy sworn/ and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and if you cou]-d for the recor:d, please state your name and spell it for us. TI1E WITNESS: It's Robert Marcinko, M-a-r-c- i -n-k-o . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and your address, please. THE WITNESS: 3315 Lundburg Lane in Pocatello, Idaho. COMMISSIONER K.IELLANDER: And are you a customer of ldaho Power? THE WITNESS: YeS, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay. We11, good afternoon and please offer us your conments. THE WITNESS: I'11 try and keep this simple and short. I've just recently had solar panels installed and unless Idaho Power installed my new meter today, werre stil f making my deci sion not hooked up, but in the course of to have them installed just within the what the costlast wou l d couple months, i fooked at, you be and my savinctrs would be over know, some time and I25 218 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 o 10 11 72 o 13 l4 15 15 t1 1B L9 20 2L 22 o CSB REPORT]NG 208. 890.5198 MARC I NKO PubI ic never expected that I woufd actualJ-y essent.ia.Ily be around to pay off felt it was a good che system I'n having thing to do from an instaJ-Ied, but I envi ronmenta 1 standpoint with taking place. In also, to have my friends and many they coufdn't they would be installed on not even tha t feft that even with the installed, I talked with numerous neighbors and t.hey all essentially credit value that is applied that do it now and they didn't think ever see a payback to have sol-ar the issues with climate change that are the course of making the decision, system of my afford to a.Iive to their homes, so the incentive right now i-s Idaho Power are presenti-ng, the incentive great and right now with the say changes that to do so is I tota l ly there ' s going to be on their homes and it's many decades the incenti-ve going to be even worse, so Ird have to disagree with this plan. They're concerned that too many peopfe putting solar systems they're going to lose money. I think away from that ever occurrj-ng, because sti l- f isn't that have the money to even if they do, system instalfed, screwing me over great for people to do it. People don't install these systems and, you know, just like myself just recently having my I feel that ldaho Power is essentially as wefl as others that I've heard ta]k,25 219 t 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 I 13 14 15 76 l1 18 1.9 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 MELOY Publ- i-c so that's bas.ically my two cents' worth, the opportunity. COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: your comments. Are there any questions the case or members of the Commission? then, we again thank you for your testimony (The witness feft the Iine.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We so I appreciate Thank you for from parties to There being none, today. move to our COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon, and fet's beqin by swearing you in. next cafler whose last four digits number end in 0834, 0834. Is the THE CALLER: I am. appear.r-ng as was examined of their telephone caffer there ? LINDSAY MELOY, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and could you for the record pfease state your fuII name and spell it for us? THE WITNESS: Lindsay Meloy, L-i-n-d-s-a-y M-e-1-o-y. address. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And yourt25 ?.20 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 THE WITNESS: 1507 East Wright Street, Boise, Idaho, 83706. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNESS: f am. COMMISSIONER KJEI,LANDER: Okay. Wel1, good afternoon, and please provide your test.imony. THE WITNESS: Thank you, so I signed up for my sol"ar and I got it installed a couple of years ago when I was 28 and working at a nonprofit and it was the most expensive purchase I had ever made by a long shot. It cost me about $15,000 and I, you know, did that under the net monthly metering program that existed, and I had done some research and I knew that Nevada had tried to get away with net metering and not qrandfathering in existing customersr but that in the end that they had to reverse that decision because it was deemed to be unethical and the governor in Nevada actually dj,dn't even reappoint the presidirrg officer of the PUC. It was a big thing, so I felt pretty safe knowing that Idaho's monthly net metering program had been around, I think, 15 years at that time, and so I rea11y felt that even j.f there were to be changes in the future that grandfathering would exist, and I befieve that it's fair, just, and reasonable for that to be the case. because my system was 10 11 72 o 13 L4 15 16 71 18 19 2A 2t 22 CSB REPORT]NG 208. 890. s198 227 MELOY PubIic o 25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 designed unde-r that net monthly metering program. Switching over to this new net hourly billing program is not what my system was optimized underneath and it would have been designed differently had that been the case. I was actually at a meeting that was put on where one guy was tafking, he has a masterrs in math and econ and he said he dj-d the math on switching from the net monthfy metering to the net hourly bill-ing and it changed his payback period from l-7 to 35 years, and I don't have the math prowess to do that math on mine, but that's a huge, huge switch and I think in Idaho, we have shared values of valuing individual j-nvestments and keeping things fair and this just doesn't fit rhat bill. It's not fair to change the program that al,l of us Iinaudible] underneath and especially not to a new program that doesn't include everyone. You know, this might be different j-f everyone was under the net hourly program, but in addition to that, you know, this whole thing started with the PUC asking for a study from Idaho Power and there's no study. Ihe study hasn't been done or we haven't seen the study, and so, you know, without that, I think they shcufd go back and they shou1d be tofd to do their homework, because therers been numerous studies that have shown that net metering is 8 9 10 11 O 72 13 t4 15 L6 l1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208 .890.5198 MELOY Publ ic o 25 222 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 l2 o 13 I4 15 ).6 L'1 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208 . B90. st 98 actual-Iy -- the economic benefjts outweigh the costs and impose no si-gni-f icant cost inerease for non-so1ar customers. You know, you can go to the Brookings Institute, the SEIA website. There's Iots of studies from PUCs to different institutes, the states that show that and for Idaho Power to be making this decision without that study isn't fair, and so the case -- you know, this is a tiny that are asking to be a minuscule change for i-t costs us thousands number of people, of their customers grandfathered in folks that don't and thousands of and it would have have so1ar, dol1ars, and but Lhey love to spout, Idaho Power spouts and advert.ises, that they support green clean energy with one hand, but on the other hand, they're hurting individuafs' investments into that same clean green energy, anC, you know, they love to ask people to reduce energy consumption, but when we're basically doing that, reducing t-he amount of energy that we're using from them, we're gett.ing dinged for it and, you know, if they're going to be paying to install and supply megawatts of sofar in the future, why not just a.l-Iow the private investmenL and the dispersed production of energy that's cur:rently there, because maintaining these terms for existing customers is very common practice for other ut ilities in the region and around the25 MELOYPublic o I 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 t4 15 15 71 1B 19 20 27 2? 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 MELOY Public nation, and it's reasonabfe for us as Idahoans to get that same treatment. because solar reduces transmission and distribution costs. There's less demand load, especially during peak sumner use. That doesn't even count the environmental- benefj-ts t.hat currently are not incl-uded at a1f j.n their calculation and, now. Now i-t 's a you fot know, there's a lot more difficulE for it to the wav bac k of guess work me to understand know what the getting to define an how my sol-ar works and to explain savings are, and I'm also real1y concerned wi-th how thi s is going to settl-e out with defining Itve heard that Idaho Power wants an exlsting customers. existing customer in to October 11th andthis set t l-ement be al1 therers a l-ot of people sol-ar since then and I that have probably l-ooked lnto don't think lt's fair at a1f for them to not reall-y have known into, so I would Love to see existing customer as anybody application wj-thin 30 days of again, because grandfathering fair, and equal anC ethical, tafk to those things and, you what they were the PUC deci<1e who files a net metering agreement, andyour finaf is what's so I just rea 11y rea l1y j ust, wanted to seems Iike rhe net metering program was was wel- 1- estabf i shed for 15 years, had a kriow, ma ke it cLear that it something that precedent for being grandfathered in if there were changes like there t 1 2 3 4 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 1.4 15 16 77 1B L9 20 21 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 MELOY Publ ic were in Nevada, but there's been no study done to prove the rate that they buythe numbers for the paybacks for the power that we put out o11 onto the grid, so there's a Iot of reasons to grandfather in, but also to reject this settfement entire.Iy and send it back until Idaho Power has done their homework. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay. THE W]TNESS: That,s aII f have. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: A11 r j-ght. I 25 ?_25 Weff, thank you for your cornments. Are there any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission? There being none, then, we appreciate your comments and thank you for jolnj-ng us this afternoon. (The witness left the line.) COMMISSIONER K,JELLANDER: iie move now to the next calfer with the last four digits of their phone number being 2444, 2444. Is the cal-.Ier there? THE CALLER: The calfer .is here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, why don't rrre begin by swearing you in, o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 a 13 L4 15 I6 11 18 19 20 2L )) 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 SIMMONS PubI ic appearrng as was exam.ined CARL S IMMONS, a p,rblic witness, having been du.Iy swornl and testified as f ol-f ows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: ThanK you, and if you could for the record state your name and spelf it for us, THE WITNESS: CarI Simmons, C-a-r-f, S-i-m-m-o-n-s. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your addre s s . THE WITNESS i 244 oh, no, it lsn'L. I just moved here a little wh11e ago. I've got to fook it up. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: I have to walk home today and I may have to look it up before I get out, too. THE ViITNESS: Not quite that bad, but al-most. I can find the house. I just don't know the address.Irll- have it for you in just a second here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: A1I right. THE WITNESS: Okay, r,re are at 2866 South Iinaudible. ] . COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Could you repeat that for us?o 25 226 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I I 10 11 I2 o 13 t4 15 16 7'7 18 L9 2A 2l 22 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 221 S IMMONS PubI ic TtlE WITNESS: 2866 South Canonero, C-a-n-o-n-e-r-o, Iriay. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Powe r ? THE WITNESS: Yes. I am. COMM]SSIONER KJELLANDER: AIl WeIl, we wefcome your conments, then. Please T}IE WITNESS: r ight . proceed. moved here aA11 ri-ghty. our home, and premise that We coup f e sofar powe r Now, of years ago, power insta I led bought on the immediately had this so }ar over X amount of time is going to pay for itseLf. that was not the big selling point. Whi-Ie not being envi ronmental i st, I am an environmentafist and Ia strong want to save what environment I can and this is the only way I ' ve qot to do it. I was told that the way it's set up nor., would be the way it's kept and would be grandfathered i.n. Now, I realize that that's a se1l.ing point, that those people at the time had absoLutel-y no way of providing, but I did get a contract, at Ieast a verbal contract, with Idaho Power that this is golng to be the way it is and they will leave it afone, and now they vrant to change it and they're talklng about the .reason they need to do that is the cost to producing and transmitting the power i-s increasing.25 o 1 2 3 4 5 f) 1 I 9 WeIl, I'11 go along with that. They're passing that on to the ratepayers, including me. Now, what they're telling me is my expense, which was $30,000 plus to have my solar installed, doesn't mean anything and I think thatrs very wrong. My expense of putting the solar in means a 1ot to me and I think that point, the amount of money that we spent putting solar in, needs to be figured into this thing somehow. Exactfy how I'm not sure, but that's prett.y much how I feef about the whole thing, and I want to thank you ve.ry much for allowing me a coupfe of minut-es to express my feelings on this point. COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: We appreciate your corunents. Let's see if there are any questions from parties to this case or members of the Commission. There being none, thanks agarn for your testimony today. (The witness left the line.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we move now to the next ca.l-l,er with the last four digits of their telephone number being 3674, 361 4. Is the calfer there? THE CALLER: I'm here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Wel1, good afternoon. Why don't we begin by swearing you in. 10 11 l2 o 13 l4 llr I6 l1 1B t9 20 21 22 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 S I MMONS Public o 25 o 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 I 9 10 11 I2 o 13 L4 15 16 7'7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 a CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 WELTY Public appearang as was examined JUSTIN WELTY, a publj.c witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as foflows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and full namewhy don't we begin by getting and spefl j.t for the record. ?HE WITNESS: Welty, J-u-s-t--i--n W-e-1-t-y. you to state your My fu11 name .is Justin COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address. THE WITNESS | 2349 West. Malad Street, which is M-a-.I-a-d, in Boise, 83705. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Powe r ? THE WITNESS: I am, yes. COMM]SS]ONER KJELLANDER :Okay. Wel-f , we are ready to Lake your statement. Go ahead. THE WTTNESS: Thank you. I the.Iast was j ust couple of than f ever cal l ing calfers to say I was listening and I think they said to it way better coufd, but we also invested $15,000 ln solar panels for a variety of reasons, one of wh.ich was to become soJ-ar independent and reduce our costs in the long run by an upfront cost arid feef that this new system that's being25 229 I I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 o 13 l4 15 16 ?4 1B 79 20 77 21 23 22 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 WELTY Pub-L rc imposed upon us is very unfair without any study to show what the long-term impact is going to be on the consumer as well as how it's affecting -- like the previous speakers have said, what's going to happen with the studies that were supposed to be done and then haven't been j ust these they can produced yet, talk about how hypocritical from Idaho but mainfy I wanted to call today to l feel it is to see afl advertisements to be more telling us how to efficient, Powe r conserve energy, how changing light bulbs, ene rgy pots.cover lng them af II see costs lots and lot s over the airwaves. That of money. They're doing everything reduce power, but when I see them trying to to try to do this to us who are generatlng the most locaf power for ourselves and our neighbors at peak times, because that power gets shared, it just strikes me as incredibly hypocritical of a Company to be doing that to us, because we are doing the most for power consumption, and as previous speakers talked about, we are generating power not only for ourselves, but for our neighbors and werre transferring that power during peak times when Idaho Power needs it most. To suddenly say that you less now, especially those of us we're going to charge who have .invested, you know, many years ago rn solar power, just seemsI 230 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 't I 9 10 11 t2 a 13 L4 15 76 1-1 1B 19 2A 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. 5198 WELTY Pubf i c beyond hypocritical to me and fathom why they would do this wanting to have more money in more commercials about how to I can't understand or other than simple greed and their pockets, to produce save powe.r, because a1l, that costs money, let you get to the and thank you for your time and I'll next caller. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Well-, thank you for your call. Letrs see if there are questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission, and there being none, again, thank you for your comments today. (The witness left the lj-ne. ) COMMISSlONER KJELI,ANDER: We move now to the next caller with the l-ast four digj-ts of their telephone number being 1628, 1,628. Is the cal-fer there? THE CALLER: YeS, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good a fternoon. Letrs begin by swearing you in. I 25 1.1 I o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 o 13 L4 15 76 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 2-3 24 CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 MORGAN Public appearlng as was exam.ined JENETTE MORGAN, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testif ied as fo.l]ows: coufd you for it for us? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and the record please state your name and speJ-I THE WITNESS: My name is Jenette Morgan. It's speffed J-e-n-e-t-t-e M-o-r-g-a-n. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address, please. THE WITNESS : 215 Covered ['lagon Court of WiIder, Idaho. 83676. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE WITNE]SS: YeS, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay. If you would, could you please offer your cornment? THE 'iITNESS: WeII, I would like to chime in that I do not agree wlth the suggested change to hourly monitor-ing for both day and night. I recently invested into solar panels and I feel that this change .is significantly going to chanqe the model that I understood going into this investment. that now my home electricity usage is going to be monitored at nlghttime and rathero25 232 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 than showing the net usage over the whole day, I'm going to be charged more at night versus matching the electricity produced during the daytime, so r am against the hourly rnonitoring, but primarily, I object to the rate changes proposed and the change in rates ove.r the eight-year period. I very recentfy purchased our solar panels with the idea that over the long run, the energy produced by ny panels would hel-p pay for the initial investment, and I was very surprised shortly after our investment to find out about this case and how Idaho is proposing to drastically drop the rate that we get paid for the kilowatts per hour and I just think that's a very unfair change that is going to hurt not only ny personal investment and the long-term payoff of my panels, but I think it's going to discourage others from investing into solar panels and helping to support our environment through cleaner energy, so that is what I have to say, COMMISSfONER KJELIANDER: Thank you. Let me see if there are any questions from parties representing or legaJ. counsel representing the partj-es or from the Commissioners. There being none, then, thank you again for your testimony. (The witness left the Line. ) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to 10 o 11 72 13 t4 18 15 16 l1 19 )n 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 MORGAN Publ i c O o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 o 13 74 15 16 L1 1B 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 the next caffer with Lhe last four digits of their number beir\g 2441 , 2441 . Is the cal.Ier: there? THE CALLER: YeS. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon - Letrs begin by swearing you in. appear.rng as was examined SHAR] DORSEY, a public witness, having been duJ-y sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and if you coul-d for the record, p]ease state your name and spe11 it for us. THE WITNESS: Shari Dorsey, S-h-a-r-i I_\-^-r-d-^-r,u v r J L y. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address, please. THE WITNESS: 1190 East Carter Street -- COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer -- TflE WI'INESS : -- Boise 7 Idaho. COMMISS]ONER KJELLANDER: Oh, I'm SoTTy. Thank you. THE WITNESS: T'm sorry. COMMISSIONER K.JELLANDER:You're fine. Io DORS EY Publ ic I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2t13 14 15 L6 71 18 79 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208 .890.5198 235 DORS E Y Publ ic was just ;unping Lhe qun. Are you a customer of Idaho Powe r: ? THE WITNESS: Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank vou. Tf you could please provide your comrnent for us. THE WITNESS: Thank you. We would fike to voice our objection Lo ldaho Power's proposal to change the net and many meter.ing system for existing others made the decision to solar customers. We system Idaho bus iness years and to trust same. is a customary We've }ived inpractice. one th ing based on the current net Power. and I don't think metering system lt would be f air invest in a solar t hr ough at a}l or offer to new customers whife leaving their existing reasonabfe for this to be chanqed for ft is common for businesses to change existlng customers. the plans they and reasonable ldaho for over 40 value is the abiJ-ity companies. We are would even consider customers' p-Ian s the Thi s our government and that we rea 11y utiliLy Por^rervery disappolnted that Idaho going back on their word by proposing this change and we really want to encou.rage and trust that the PUC will reject Idaho Power's proposal and require them to do what is reasonable for their customers. I for many years defended ldaho Pov/er whenI25 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 't I 9 10 l-1 72 o 13 74 15 16 l1 18 19 2A 2L 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208. 890. 5198 RAYNE S Public many people criticized me for using level pay and I trusted them and they always kept their rates or Iowered our rates accordj-ng to word, raised our our usage, but I have to say that now I am questioning that first time, because I just don't think this right. That's all. Thank you. there any questions Commission? Seeing testimony. trust f or: the moraLLy COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Are Members of thefrom the part i es ? none, then, thank you again for your (The witness left the line.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move now to the next cafler with the l-ast four digits of their telephone number being 0425, 0425. Is the ca11er there? THE CALLER: Yes, I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good afternoon. Why donrt we begin by swearing you in. appearfng as was examined LAURA RAYNES, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as follows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and cou.Id we have you state your name and speI1 j-t for us for the record?o 25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 THE WITNESS: Laura, L-a-u-r-a, Raynes, R-a-y-n-e-s. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And your address, pfease, THE WITNESS: 4986 East Sawmj-l-f Vlay and that's in Boise, I3 716. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you a customer of Idaho Power? THE W]TNESS: I am. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and we're ready for your comment. THE WITNESS: Welf, I just want to say that I agree with everything that I've heard on the last few ca1ls, that I do think it is unfair for Idaho Power to expect peopJ-e with existing solar systems, solar power systems, to suddenly receive, 1ike, 50 percent of what they were being paid before for their rooftop generation, and I a1so, I submitted a written comment to this effect, but I also thlnk that at this time in -- on a planetary scafe at this time in our history, it is reall-y morally wrong to be disincentivizing clean energy. There are more and more people who woufd do solar on their rooftops, except that Idaho Power is going to make it less appealing to do so if this proposal goes through and so I would rea1ly encourage the Public 10 11 I2 o 13 L4 15 16 L1 19 20 21. 22 23 24 CSB RE PORT I NG 208.890.s198 231 RAYNES Public a 25 I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 lLr a 11 I2 13 l4 15 l5 L1 1B 19 2A 2t l/ 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890. s198 HUNTER Public Utilities Commission to reject their proposal. Thank you - there any questions from parties of the Commission? Seei-ng none, comments and thank you very much (The witness lef t appearrng as was examined COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Are to the case or members then, we appreclate your for calling in. the l-ine. ) our next caller with the last four digits being 8454. That's 8454. Is the caller there? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: We move noi^, to THE CALLER: YeS. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Good a fternoon. Let's begin by swearing you in. NIC HUNTER, a public witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as fof lows : COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Could you for the record please state your name and spell it? THE WITNESS: It's Nic Hunter. WeII, are you asking for the account name or just name? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Just your name and if you could just spell it so that our transcription expert can get that into the record.25 238 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 o o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 ?39 HUNTER Pubf i-c THE WITNESS: So itrs Nic Hunter, spelled N-i-c, last nar,re 1s I{-u-n-t--e-r. COMMISSIONER your address, please ? THE WITNESS: Boise, rdaho, 83709. COMM]SS]ONER are you a customer of Idaho THE W]TNESS: COMMISS]ONER are ready for your comment. THE WITNESS: al lowing had so.Iar KJELLANDER: Thank you, and 4324 South TiIIamook Way, K,IELLAN DER: Thank you, and Power ? I am, KJELLANDER: Thank you. We Great. Thank us to cafl in today. for about a year now. f appreciate f t ve also you for that. so I've spoken with a fixed.l-ot of people who so for us whether or because of have when have sofar who are to go solar took us on a very about aincome, de cide ma in 1y people and so one the poL j.cy up, the PUC derogatory done and so heard of a not we were going to do the financiaL, I gues s, it comes to investing j-n it or not, struggles that their future, year to I've study was haven't thing that is proposed had stated Irm kind Cf frustrated with is that to change, because that there wouldnrt when we signed be any effects after the after the case I haven't seen a case study case study yet. I've looked yet. I online. 10 11 1.2 13 1.4 l6 L] 18 19 20 2L ')) 23 24 25 t 1 2 3 4 1 I 9 10 11 12I13 74 15 76 L1 1B L9 20 2I 23 24I CSB REPORT I NG 208 .890.5198 240 HUNT ER Public looked at the PUC website, so if there's somethi-ng that Irm just not findrng, it would be great to know where that information is. And from the environmental standpoint, it just seens like -- I guess I'm rea1ly confused why Idaho Power is making this shift. I think that for Idaho Power to ful-fill their portfolio, residential homeowners having renewable energy as a part of their overall portfolio, I see this as a hindrance to allowing that to exist. I really appreciate the fast few people who have spoke, I wholeheartedly agree with everything I heard over the last few calls and I'ff feave it at that so you can get to some other call-s going in here. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Wef1, thank you. Are there any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission? Hearing none, then, thank you again for you testimony. (The witness left the fine.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And that brings us to our final caller of the day -- oh, excuse me, 1 more past this. I just have oneare tlrobelieve there more number. caller, which '7111 1 a) ) We do have two, so let's move to the next the final four dig.its of their number are Is the caller there? THE CALLER: Yes, sir.25 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 12 o 13 L4 15 16 l1 1B 19 2A 2L 22 23 2,4 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 NEV ] LLE Public COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. Why don't we go ahead and get you sworn in. appearing as was examined THOMAS F. NEVILLE, a pubJ-ic witness, having been duly sworn, and testified as foffows: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, and if you could record, state your name and spell your name for the THE WITNESS: Yes, my name is Thomas E l-ast name is NevilLe, N-e-v-i-l-.I-e. I am an Idaho Power customer. COMMISSIONER K,IELLANDER: And your address. THE WITNESS:. 3722 West Edson, E-d-s-o-n, Terrace, Boise, 83705. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we're readv for vour com-rnenL. THE WITNESS: Thank you, Honorable Commlssioners. I appreciate been on the the opportunity to have this input. I've less. I 've I am largely Neville. I' only hea rd .l .ine for 15 minutes or corunents from three or four others and IIr in agreement wrth them. I am Thomas 73 years old and a Boise native. My wife 24L o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 o 13 L4 15 15 71 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 NEVILLE Pubfic Nancy Nevil-le and I have raised four chil-dren who al,L attended public schools, college, and are now gainfully employed here. I've been a public servant my entire 1ife, starting as a Naval officer and then having a A2-year career i-n the law. I submj-t this testimony as a private citizen. In each of calendar years 2018 and 2019, I made difficult deci.sions to instafl rooftop solar panels on as wel]- as on a home outside of Boise.both my Boise home I selected Auric, both instances. I A-u-r-i-c, Energy say "dif f icul-t" as mv contractor in decisions because the funds required were very substantial 1n amount and particular.Iy so for anyone in public service for which one neither seeks nor expects nor receives higher compensation. CandidIy, I made these two lnvestments using a l-ifetime of savings and retirement benefits. I've tried for many years to remain aware of issues surrounding Idaho Power, an entity for which I've had high regard in the past. My impression ls that Idaho Power's peak summer .l-oads have grown substantially and have set new records in recent years. f have also thought that Idaho Powerrs two fairly Bennet t new natural gas-powered facilities, those at Mountain and the othe.r even more recent.l-y ato25 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 1.2 o l3 14 15 76 l1 18 79 20 2l 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 NEVILLE Publ- ic Langley Gulch, were bui.It in rro small part Lo meet these summer peak load challenges. Part of my own roo f top months rationale in solar panel s when Idaho making my .incfuded Power had the sun was so.I a r panels the grid. a type we I come and now wi shes shining brightly were producing two decis.ions to invest in the fact that the hot sum,ner set new oeak foad records were precisely when and residential rooftop and exporting energy back to This seemed to me to be an opportunity for me as an indivi-dua1 to use less from ldaho Power at a time when Idaho Power was stressed by my producing c.Iean, 1ocal, and rel-iabIe energy. I had thought this shoul-d be of renewable energy which Idaho Power would would encourage. I to change the rules understand Idaho Power after the fact, after and ins tal ledindividuafs such as me have invested rooftop solar detriment on panels, c -redi t s after having relied to their for energy exported back to the grid at the same raLe as a1l- customers pay Idaho Power for electricity. If metering" program could be changed exported onto the nearly ha1f, as I thls change is approved, the for existing customers, such so that the creclit rates for grrd would be substantially understand it, over the next "net as mysel f, ene rgy reduced by eighto25 24.) o 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 I 9 10 l1 12 o 13 74 15 t6 l1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 NEVILLE Pubfic years. Such a change may well remind one of "bait and switch" schemes, which are fundamentally unfair to the point of being reprehensible. In addition to being fundamentally unfair, forcing existing solar owners into a new program with substantially reduced credits for el-ectricity provided back to the grid wou.Id substantlal-fy reduce the vafue of existing solar ownersr investments, prolonging by years the break-even calculations investors made. In my case, at age 73, being forced into new credit rates after the fact woufd make it unlikely I years further customers who would ]ive long enough to see a new break-even point their detriment in making their recej-ving falr credits at the for e l-ect r icit y should be out in the f utu.re. Existing soJ-ar relied to investment decisions on rates afl customers pay "grandfathered, " exempted from this proposaf and not forced into a new credit rate scheme of which they had no notice. Regardl-ess of whether or not it woul-d be fair to impose such a change on future investors who are given notice j-n advance of such changes as of a date, just for example, such as July lst, 2A20, it remains potential-Iy or patently, I shoufd say, inequitabfe to impose retroactively such changes on customers who were25 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 1"2 a 13 74 15 16 L1 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 CSB REPORT ING 208.890.5198 NEVTLLE Public I 25 245 contractuafly obliged and had made payments for such instalfations or who had already actually instalfed thelr rooftop residential" solar panels. A common sense compromise would qrandfather those of us in this situation. Thank you for considering my remarks. I am respec!fuIIy Thomas E. Neville. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you, Let's see if there are any questions from parties to the case or members of the Commission. There being none, thank you again for your cornnents. (The witness feft the fine.) COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we move now to the final caller and that is the caller with the last four digits of their telephone number being 2875. That's 2815. Is the cal.Ier on the li-ne? THE CALLER: The ca11er is on the line. I spoke earlier and had to switch phones. I'm only hear to fisten at this time. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Oh, okay. We11, thank you, and we appreciate that. That exhausts the list of callers that we have today. I want to thank the parties to the case for their wiffingness to stay here throughout the fength of today's telephonic conference. I a.Lso want to thank my coJ-Ieagues, Commissi-oner Eric Anderson and Commissioner Kristlne o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 o t-3 L4 15 l6 71 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.5198 Raper, and few breaks process. time to Conn i e today Aga in, Bucy, our and all-owed US our new to proceed eve rybody of you who Thi-s was system in through this who took the stayed on to our first our new court reporter, who took very I want to thank call in more today and those of the comment s ..I i- sten to telephonic facifities hearing using and I'm sure that we have fearned a lot that we wif l- debrief on to try to make the system work even better as we use it going forward, but with that, then, we wil-L continue the pubfic hearing tomorrow live in our faiilities, and for those of you who need the exact reference to that., it is on the website and can be accessed. I'm sure f have it in front of documents today, but for the fife of me cannot find it, so I wj-II and location thatnot give you the wrong ti-me can be found on the website. and date for your participation the continuance of the tomorrow. That said, again, thank you and we are adjourned untif hearing wh j-ch will be t oday publ ic (The tefephonic public hearing adjourned at 4:1.2 p.m. ) 25 246 COLLOQUY