HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180706REC 1-13 to Avista.pdfnrt EtvtD BEFORB THtr IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSIONiilii.il.tl -6 pH Z: tZ IN THE MATTER OF PETITION OF IDAHYDRO. SHOROC]K HYDRO, INC." J.R. SIMPLOT C]OMPANY, AND RENtsV/AI]LE EN ERGY C]OALTfION [:OR MODIFICATION OF THE 9OIIIO PERFORMANCE BAND ANI) CALCTJLATION OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE CHARCES FOR PIJRPA QUALIFYING IrAC ILlllES Case No. IPC-E-18-07 RENEWABLH ENHRGY COAI,ITION'S FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION TO AVISTA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Dated: .luly 6,2018 I. DEFINITIONS "l)ocuments" relers to all writings and records of'every type in yoLlr possession, control, or custody, whether or not claimed to be privileged or othenvise excludable {}om discovery, including but not limited to: testimony and exhibits" memoranda, papers, correspondence. letters. repofts (including drafts. prelinrinary, intermediate, and final repclrts), sLrrveys, analyses. studies (inoluding ecernomic and market studies). summaries, cornparisons, tabulaticxs, bills, invoices, statements of services rendered. chafts, books. paniphlets, photographs. maps, bulletins, corporate or other minutes" notes. diaries, log sheets, ledgers, transcripts, microfilm, microliche, computer data (including E-mail), computer files, conrputer tapes, computer inputs, computer outpnts and printouts, vouchers. accounting statcurents. budgets, workpapers, engineering diagrams (including "one-line" diagrams). meclianical and electrical recordings, teleplione and telegraphic communications. speeches. and all other reoords. r.vritten. electrical. meohanical. or otherlvise, and dra{ls of any ol'the above. "'Documents" includes copies of documents, where the originals are not in your possession, custody or cotrtrol. "Documents" inclucles every copy of a document r,vhich contains lrandwritten or other notations or r.vliich otherwise does not duplicate the original or any other cr:py. "Docunrents" also includes any atlachments or appendices to any docunrent. 2. "ldentification" and "identify'" mean When Lrsed with respect to a document, stating tlie nature ol'the document (e.g., letter, memorandum. corporate minutes); the date. if'any, appearing thereon; the date, i{'known. on wlrich tlre doclrr'Ilent was prepared; tlre title of tlre documcnt; the general sub.iect matter of the document: the rrurnber of pages conrprisir-rg the document;the identity of each person who wrote. dictated, or otherrvise participated in the preparation of the PAGI: I * FIRS'I'RL,QUES'f [;OR PRODL]CI'ION'fO AVIS'I'A 5. 6. document: the identity of each person rvho signed or initiated the document; the identitl.' of each person to rvhom the document was addressed; the identity of eaclr person who receivcd the docurnent or revieu,ed it;the location of the docurnent: and the identity of eaclr person having possession, custody, or control of the document. When used rvith respect to a person. stating his or her f'ull name; his or her most recently known home and business addresses and telephone numbers; his or her present title and position; and his or her present and prior connections or associations rvith any parlicipant r:r party to this proceeding. "Avista" refers to Avista Corporation, Washington Water Power. any affiliated company, or any cll'llcer. director or employee o{'Avista, or any af'l'iliated company. "Pcrson"'ref'ers to. w'ithout limiting the generality of its meaning. every llatural person, corporatiorr. partnership. association (whcther fcrrrnally organized or ad hoc), joint veuture, unit operation" cooperative, municipality, comnrission, governmental body or agency, or any other group or organization. "Studies" or "'study" ir-rcludes. without lirnitation, reports, reviervs. analyses and audits. The ternrs "and" and "or" shall be construed either disjunctively or coniunctively whenever appropriate in order to bring within the scope of this discovery any infonnation or documents vvhich might otherrvise be considered to be beyond tlreir scope. The singular fbrm of a rvord shall be interpreted as plural, and the pluralform of a word shall be irrterpreted as singular. w'lrenever appropriate in order to bring rvithin the scope of this cliscovery reqLrest any information or documents which rnight otherwise be corrsiclered to be beyond their soope. These recluests call for all intbrnration, inch"rding inftrrmation c'ontained in documents. which relate to the sutrject matter of the Request and which is knolvn or available to you. Where a Request has a nurnber o1'separate subdivisions or related parts or portions, a complete response is required to each surch subdivision. part or portion. Any objection to a Request should clearly indicate the subdivision, paft, or portion of the Request to which it is clirected. 'l'lre tirne period encompassed by these Requests is fn:m 2002 to the present unless otherrvise speciIied. Each response should be furnished on a separate page. In addition to hard copy. electronic versions of the document. including studies and analyses, must also be fumished if available. J 1. -') 1 7 2 PACE 2 - IIIRS]'REQUES'I'FOR PRODUCI'ION 1'O AVIS"|A II. INS'TRTJCTIONS 5 If'you cannot answer a Request in {ull, aller exercising due diligence to secure the information necessary to do so, state the answer to the extent possible, state why you cannot ans\.ver the Request in full. and state what infonnation or knorvledge you have concerning the unansrvered poftions. ll. in answering any o{'these Requests, you l'eel that any Request or delinition or instruction applicable thereto is anrbiguous, set fbrth the language you I'eel is ambigr-ror-rs and the interpretation you are using in responding to the Reqr"rest. If a clocurnent requested is unavailable, identify the document. describe in detail the reasons the document is unavailable, state where the document can be obtained, and specitl, the trutnber ol'pages it contains. If you assert that any document has been destroyed. state wherr and why it was destroyed and identitl.'the person who directed the destnrction. If the docurrent was destroyed pursuant to your docurlent destruction program. iclentify and produce a copy of the guideline, polic,y, or company manual describing such document destruction prograrn. 11'you refuse to respond to any Request b.v reason ol'a claim ol'privilege. conlidentiality, or tbr any other reason, state in rvriting the type of privilege clairned and the facts and circumstances you rely upon to sLrpport the clainr of privilege or the reason fbr refusing to responcl. With respect to requests firr documents to which you refuse to respond. identify each such document. and specifvthe numtrerof pages itcontains. Please provide: (a) a briel'description ol'the document; (b) date ol'document: (c) name ol'each author or preparer; (d) narne of each person who received the document;and (e) the reason for withholding it and a statement of f-acts constitlrting the.iustification and basis for r,vithholding it. Identify the person lrom rvhom the infonnation and documents supplied in response to eacl'r Request lvere obtained, the person r.vho prepared each response. the person who revierved each response, and the person i.vho will bear ultimate responsibility fbr tlre truth ofeach response. I 1. If no docurnent is responsive to a Request that calls for a document. then so state 12.'l'hese requests fbr documents and responses are continuing in character so as to require .vou to file supplernental answers as soorl as possible if ,vou obtain further or different inforrnation. Any supplemental answer should ref-er to the date and use the number of the original request or subpaft thereof. I -'r Whenever these Requests specifically request an answer rather than the identification of documents. the answer is required and the production of documents in lieu thereol'will not substitute fbr an answer. 11.Wherever these requests ask for a formula, if tlie formula is corrtained in an excel or other rvorkhook please provide an electronic copy of the workbook with all firrmulas intact. 6 1 8 9 10 PACE, 3 - I;IRS'| REQUES'f I;OR PRODUC]'ION 'IO AVIS'I'A t5 l6 t7 1.2 1.3 1.4 t.5 1.6 t./ Wherever these requests ask lbr a specilic nurnber or input {br a lbrmula, Avista may respond by providing the underlying docr"unents that contain the specific nurlber or input with an explanatiorr of'where the requested infirrmation can be fbund. To the extent that the Company believes it is burdensome to produce specific infi:rmation requested, please contact REC to discuss the problem prior to liling an answer ob.iecting on that basis to determine is the request can be modilied to pose less difliculty in responding. To the extent the Cornpany objects to any of the requests please contact RECI t<r cletermine if the request can be modified to produce a less obiectionable requcst III. FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION Please provide copies of Avista's responses to all other parties requests fbr production of documents. This is an ongoing request. Please provide the methodology that Avista uses to calculate and cliarge qualifying facilities ("QFs") fbr operations and nraintenance ("O&M") expenses fbr the QF's interconnection faci I ities. Please provide the melhodology that Avista uses to calculate and charge all non-QF senerators for O&M expenses {br the generator's interconnection I'acilities. In order No. 24025. the ldaho Public Utility Conrrnission ("IPUC") approved O&M charges to be paid by QFs to ldaho Power Cornpany on QF-provided. utility-owned interconnectionfacilitiesassetforthinldahoPower'sScheclule 72. lnthatorder,itwas noted that Idaho Power's methodology was "a common methodology used by other Idaho and northrvest utilities, r.vith the exception o1'Washinglon Water Power Company.'" Since Avista is the successor to Washington Water Porver Comparry. please provide the methoclology that Waslrington Water Power Comparry used at the time Orcler No. 24025 came out on December l. I991. if known. Does Avista have a Schedule approved by the IPUC that govems Interconnections to Non-Utility Generation that is akin to Idaho Power's Sclredule 72. lf so, please provide the most recerrt version of this Schedule. Does Avista charge O&M expenses to QFs for the operation and maintenance ol' interconnection fbcilities that rvere corrstructed under a prior agreement? If so. please describe the rnethodology. When a QIr or other electricity generator that historically operated under an interconnection agreement with Avista seeks to enter a new interconnectiou agreement, how does Avista accolrnt fbr prior O&M payments under the new agreement? PAGE 4 - IIIRS'I'REQUESI- FOR PRODUC'|ION 1"O AVISI'A t.1 t.8 At present, what is Avista's current average O&M costs fbr its distribution and transmission facilities? Please also provide the total O&M costs and total capital costs upon w'hich that average is based and/or any other inputs Avista used to arrive at the average 0&M costs. 1.9 Please provide a list ol'all QFs that have an interconnection agreement with Avista. For each {acility please provie'le an accounting of the amount collected by Avista each year for O&M of tlre interconnection facilities and the actual O&M expenses incurred b-v Avista each year to operate and rnaintain the intcrconnection facilities. I .10 I'or each electric utility in the Pacific Norlhwest, please identi{y rvhether interconnection O&M costs are recovered through a fbrmula rate. actual costs incurred by the utility, or sonre other methodology. I .1 1 Dr:es Avista's O&M charge cover the cost ol replacement lacilities once the interconnection facilities have reached the end ol' their uselirl lil'e? I{'not. who covers the cost of replacement facilities? I .12 Hor.v cloes Avista charge FERC-Jurisdictional interoonnections uncler its OATT frlr 0&M expenses? ls this the same or clifferent than tlre rnethodology usecl to charge QFs for O&N4 ol' gp provided. utility-owned interconnection Iac.ilities ? L I3 For eaclr QF listcd in response to Request fbr Production No. L9, please provide an itemization of the interconnection facilities that rvere constructed including: a. Desc,ripticln clf the facilities constructed (i.e. overhead lines. substatiorrs, poles. breakers" meters, etc.) b. Clost of each f'acility, andc. Whether each ftrcility constructed is a transmission facility sub-iect to the rates in T'able 1 of Schedule 72 (138 kV and 161 kV) or a distribution facility subject to tire rates in l'able 2 o{'Schedule 72 (l}elor.v 138 kV) Dated: .luly 6" 2018 SANGER I,AW, P.C PAGE 5 - FrRS't'REQUL,S'I FOR PRODUC'|ION 1'O AVIS',I'A irion Sanger Attorney for Petitioner Renewable Energy Coalition CERTIF'ICA OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIf'Y that on the 6th day of July 2018, a true and corrcct copy of the within and foregoing RIINIIWABLA IlNIIRCY COALITION'S FIRST RIIQL]EST fOR PRODLJCTION 1"O AVIS'['A in Case No. IPC-E-18-07 rvere de livered via electronic mailto the follorving: Diane l'laniau Clonrm ission Sccretaty Idaho Public t.ltilities Conrnrissiort 472 West Washington Street Boise. ldaho 83702 Diane.ho l ti(lpuc. i daho. qov Michael C. Andrea Sen ior Counsel. Av i sta Corporation l,1l I E. Mission Ave. MSC-23 Spokane. WA 99242 M i chael. iutd rea(ilavi stacorp. cotn "laurarack Iiuergy Partrtership Michael Crcanr and Prestort Carter 601 W. Banrtock Boise, Iclaho 83702 rl ccill-i g i v en sp u rs lel-. com pnc (l) g i ve lt s rr urs I ey.corn Peter.l. Richarclson Gregory M. Adartrs Richarclscln Aclam s, PLI,C P.O. Box 72ltl 515 N. 276 Street Boise. lD 83702 rrctcrrr? r'ichardsottadntns.cor tt qre gaA'i chaldsonadants. coln Clint Kalich Manager. Resource Planning ancl Analysis Avista Corporation l4l I E. Mission Ave, MSC-7 Spcrkane, W A 99242 c lin t. kal ich ()av i stacorp.c<im Donovan Walker Idaho Power C)ompany l22l Wesl ldaho Street Boise. ldaho 83702 dwa I kerldi dahopower. c om clockets@)idahopower.corn C. Tont Arkoosh Arkoosh Larv Offlces I'}.O. Box 2900 Boise, Idalro tt370l tom.arkoosh(0arkoosh.com J. Kahle Becker 223 North 6th St, #325 Boise, Idaho 83702 kahlefu) ka hl e bec kerl aw. cont David H. Arkoosh Law Office of David Arkoosh PO Ilox 2817 Boise,lD 83701 david@arkooshlaw.com Edith I']acillo Deputy AttonlLry Gcneral Iclaho Publ ic LJtil ities Commission 172 W. Washington (83702) P0 Bcrx 113720 Boise. ID 83720-0074 edith.paciI Io(0puc.idaho.gov Min Hu RIiNEWABI,L, IINIIRGY COALITION'S FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION TO AVISTA rPC'-E-l 8-07 CERI"IF ICA'|E OI" SHRVICE