HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180205Hearing Transcript.pdfORIGINAL o o o BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COIVIPANY FOR AN ORDER APPROVING THE TRANSF'ER AND SALE OI' CERTAIN ASSETS TO THE CITY OF MERIDIAN, IDAHO. cAsE NO. rPC-E-17-17 BEFORE Commissioner Eric Anderson, Chairman Commissioner Kristine Raper DATE: TIME: PLACE: January 22 , 2 01- 8 1 : 45 P.M.Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 WesL Washington StreetBoise, ID 83702 REPORTER BY:Tauna K. Tonks, CSR No. 276, RPRNotary Public HEIINICK COURT REPORTING POST OFFICE BOX 578 BOISE, IDAHO 83701 208-336-9208 Su,,ig, tlo &na/aaxxw|,,eiao /976 ) ) ) ) ) ) I 2 O1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 L2 o13 14 L5 15 L7 L8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o25 APPEARANCES For ldaho Power Company: IDAIIO POWER COMPAIVY MS. LISA D. NORDSTROM MS . SHEI.LI D. STEWART L22L West ldaho St,reet P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83702 lnords trom@idahopowe r . com g e tewart@idahopower . com For Commission Staff: OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERJAI, MR. KARL, T. KLEfN Deputy Attorney General 472 WeEt Washington P.O. Box 83720 BoiEe, Idaho 83720-0074 karl . klein@puc. idaho. gov AI,SO PRESEIIIT:Mark Annie, Senior Regnrlatory Analyet Matttrew Evans, Public Information Of,f,ieer IPUC Public Hearing - January 22,2A18 3 o o 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 L0 LL 1,2 1.3 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 MO![DAY, iIAI{UARY 22, 2018, Lz45 P.M. PROCEEDINGS COMMISSIONER AIiIDERSON: WeLl, good afteraoon everyone. Thie ie the time and place for our puJrJ.ic hearing today, Case No. IPC-E-L7-L7, in tshe Matter of, Application of Idaho Power Company for an Order Approving the TranEfer and Sale of Certain Aseets to the City of Meridian, fdaho. Again, EhiE ig before the Idatro Public UtiLitsies Comurieeion. I am Conmiseioner Andergon, and I will be todayre Chair. To my Left ie Comrissioner Kristine Raper, and our third CourmiEeioner, PauL KJ ellander, ien I t avaitable today, buts he will review ttre tranEcripta of this hearing at a later date. In thie caEe Idaho Power Company hae aeked the Conurieeion for permiEsion to sell property to the City of Meridian. Ttre property hae been ueed to aupply power to ttre Cityr E waetewater treatment plant. Our goal aa Cortrrisaion iE to eneure the proper transaction ie consigtenU with the public intserest and wilL not raiEe ttre eosts aad rates, and t,hat, the buyer hag ttre intent and financial ability to operatse and maintain the property in the public service.o IPUC Public Hearing - January 22,2018 $[e have eeheduled today I e prrblie hearing so customere , pubJ.ic of f icials, and pereons who are otherffirise unrelated to Idaho Power may teetify about the proposed EaLe in these mattere. A few of our formaLitiee today, X,11 begin by taking the appearance of partsies to the caEe. Following ttra.t, I ' 11 calL witneeeee tso the etand Eo they can Eeetify. We have a liEt of thoee that have eigned up. Matt EvanE is in the back of the room. For thoge that are here , Lt you hawen I t given trim your name y€t , pleaee do . He hae Eh,eetg that you can f i l L out . We'lL work through the Iiet. IrLl call your name, and you' 11 come f or:ward to Etre witnegg stand. Comiseioner Raper wilL Ewear you in. After that, after yourre Eworn in, the Deputy Attorney General repreoenting the CouurriEeion etaff wil.l aak your nErse and addraes and wtrether you are an Idalro Power cuEtomer. At that point you will be asked to provide your Etatement for the record. We have our eourt reporter here today who will take down everything ttrat we Eay verbatim. 8o t,o begin with, let'e recognize the parties that are preeent, Idaho Power Company, and your name. Mg. NORDSTROM: Hel1o. Dfy name is Liea Nordstrom, and I am lead couneel f,or Idaho Power. And 4 O1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 O13 L4 15 15 L7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 o25 IPUC Public Hearing - January 22,2018 eeated to my left, ie Senior CounEel SheLLi Stewart, and Senior ReguJ.atory Analyst Mark ArrniE. COMMISSIONER AIIDERSON: Welcome all three of you. Ttre City of Meridian, any repreeentativee from t,he City of Meridian? (lgo audible response. ) COMMISSIONER AtiIDERSON: And tshen we also have CommiEsion etaff. MR. KtEfN: YeE, Karl Klein for Comrnission staff. COMMISSfONER ATiIDERSON: Thank you, Kar1. Okay. So right oni we'I} take testimony. Is there anybody, Matt, that signed up to this point tshat are trere in public? MR. EVAI{S: Ttrere ig not. COMMISSIOI.IER ANDERSON: None being here publicly, iE ttrere anybody on the phone tstrat has signed up or wiEtres to sign up to teetify? (lto audible response. ) COMMISSIONER ATiIDERSON: I hear no f hear a very vacant ctramber. Shall we giwe it one minute? COMMf SSf ONER RiAPER: Go of f the record and giwe it, f ive minut,es maybe. COMMISSIONER ANDERSON: We are going to go off 5 o o L 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 LI L8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25o IPUC Public Hearing - January 22,2018 5 O1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 O13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o25 the record. For anybody that wiehee to caLl in, pLeaee do. Axrd we I 11 go of f the record for f ive minutee and eome back on ats five minutes to 2:00. So at thiE point in time we are off the record. (A brief reeegg wag taken. ) COMMISSIONER AI{DERSON: WeII , thank you . f think wer1l caLI the meeting back to order. It ig five minuteE to 2200. And do we have anybody on the line that wiehee to teetify today? (lUo audibLe reeponse. ) COMMISSIONER ATiIDERSON: Ilearing nonee ar€ will go ahea,d and cloee the public testimony at thig point in time, with a reminder that we can EtiLl eubmit written couments ttrrougtr ilanuary 25th, and the company wilL have until February 8th to f iIe any written reply comrentE. The uratter Ehen will be fully eubmitt,ed and ready for ttre Commission to deliberate on. Arrd with that, tshiE public trearing hae concluded, and we are adjourned. (The PubLic Hearing concLuded at 2 : 00 p.m. ) o o 1 2 3 .t 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 1_3 t4 15 76 77 r_8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 REPORTERI S CERTIFICATE l, TAUNA K. TONKS, CSR No. 216, Certified Shorthand Reporter, certify: That the foregoing proceedings were taken before me at the time and place therein set forth, at which time the witness was put under oath by me; That the testimony and all objections made were recorded stenographically by me and transcrlbed by me or under my direction; That the foregoing 1s a true and correct record of all testimony given, to the best of my ability; I further certify that I am not a relative or employee of any attorney or party, nor am I financially interested in the action. JN WITNES AndthiscL - day of S WHEREOF, I set my hand and seal (, Actts . TAUNA K. TONKS, CSR, RPR Notary PubIlc P.O. Box 2636 Boi-se, Idaho 8370L-2636 My commission expires October 5, 2022 {hUNr{t v,Fl7 ?{cn IDA$,o o o o o ll!tf' t_ In the Matter of the Application of ldaho Power Company etc A IPUC Public Hearing January 22r2Ol8 M o o ability (1) 3:24 address (l) 4:17 adjourned (1) 6:19 afternoon (1) 3:5 Again (1) 3:10 ahead (1) 6:12 Anatyst (1){., ANDERSON (10) 3 :5, 1 2;5 :3,8, 1 2,17,21,25 ; 6:6,1I Annis (1) 5:2 appearance (l) 4:6 Application (1) 3:8 Approving (1) 3:9 Assets (1) 3:9 Attorney (1) 4:16 audible (3) 5:7,20;6:10 available (1) 3:15 left (2) 3:13;5:1 line (1) 6:8 Lisa (1) 4:24 list (2) 4:8,12 maintain (1) 3:24 Mark (1) 5:2 Matt (2) 4:9;5:14 Matter (2) 3:7;6:16 matters (1) 4:4 may (1) 4:3 maybe (1) 5:24 meeting (l) 6:7 Meridian (4) 3:10,19;5:5,6 minute (1) 5:22 minutes (4) 5:24;6:2,3,8 MONDAY (1) 3:1 B N name (5) 4:10,13,17 ,23,24 None (2) 5:17;6:11 NORDSTROM (2) 4:24,25 o off (4) 5:23,25;6:2,4 officials (1) 4:2 one (1) 5:22 operate (1) 3:24 Order (2) 3:8;6:'7 otherwise (1) 4:3 out (1) 4:ll back (3) 4:9:6:3,7 begin (2) 4:5,22 brief(1) 6:5 buyer (1) 3:23 C call (4) 4:7,12;6:1,7 can (3) 4:7,ll;6:13 Case (3) 3:7,17;4:6 Certain (1) 3:9 Chair (1) 3:13 chamber (1) 5:22 City (4) 5:24;622,3,7 F'ollowing (1) 4:6 formalities (1) 4:5 forward (l) 4:13 fu[y (r) 6:16 G General (1) 4:16 given (1) 4:10 goat (l) 3:20 good (1) 3:5 H 3:10n18;5:5,6 City's (1) 3:20 close (l) 6:12 comments (2) 6:14,15 Commission (7) 3 :l 1,18,21 ;4:1 6;5 :9, 1 0; 6:17 coMMrssroNER (14) 3 : 5,1 2,13,14;4:14;5 :3,8,12, 17,21,23,25;6:6,17 Company (4) 3:8,17;4:23;6:14 concluded (2) 6:19,21 consistent (l) 3:22 costs (l) 3:23 counsel (2) 4:25;5:l court (l) 4:20 customer (1) 4:18 customers (1) 4:2 hear (2)q.?l ?r hearing (6) 3 :7,1 6;4:l ;6:1 1,18,21 Hello (1) 4:24 D I date (r) 3: l6 deliberate (1) 6:17 Deputy (1) 4:15 down (1) 4:20 Idaho (8) 3 :8, I 0, 1 1,17 ;4:3,17,23,25 iutent (1) 3:23 interest (1) 3:22 rPC-E-r7-l7 (1) 3:7 E J JANUARY(2) 3:l;6:14 K ensure (l) 3:21 Evans (2) 4:9;5: l6 everyone (1) 3:6 F Kart (2) 5:10,12 Kjellander (1) 3:14 KLErN (2) 5:10, l0 Kristine (1) 3: l3 L February (l) 6: 15 few (l) 4:5 file (l) 6: 15 till (1) 4:l I Iinancial (l) 3:24 five (4) later (l) 3: l6 Iead (1) L.)< o (8) ability - out In the Matter of the Application of ldaho Power Company etc IPUC Public Hearing January 22,2018 P 6:3,8,21 2018 (1) 3:1 22 (t) 3:l 2sth (1) 6:14 8th (1) 6: l5 o o parties (2) 4:6,22 Paul (1) 3:14 permission (l) 3:18 persons (1) 4:2 phone (l) 5:18 place (1) 3:6 plant (l) 3:20 please (2) 4:11;6:l PM (2) 3:l;6:21 point (4) 4:18;5:15;6:3,12 Power (7) 3:8,17 ,19;4:3 ,18,23 ,25 present (1) 4:23 proper (l) 3:21 property (3) 3:18,79,25 proposed (1) 4:4 provide (1) 4:19 public (10) 3 :6,1 1,22,25 ;4:1,2;5 : I 5 ; 6:12,18,21 publicly (1) 5: I8 I R raise (1) 3:22 Raper (3) 3:74;4:14;5:23 rates (l) 3:23 ready (l) 6:16 recess (1) 6:5 recognize (l) 4:22 record (5) 4:19:,5:23;6:1,2,4 Regulatory (1) <.? reminder (1) 6:13 reply (1) 6:15 i;rt i a* * t.i -l.i t:rii.,r Lrli; reporter (1) 4:20 representatives (1) 5:5 representing (1) 4:16 response (3) 5:7,20;6:10 review (1) 3: l5 right (l) 5:13 room (1) 4:9 S 4:3,8;5: l9;6:9 testimony (2) 5:13;6:12 third (1) 3:14 three (1) 5:3 today (5) 3:7,15:4:5,20:6:9 today's (2) 3:13:4:1 transaction (1) 3:21 transcripts (l) 3:16 Transfer (1) 3:9 treatment (1) 3:20 U unrelated (1) 4:3 up (4) 4:8;5:14,19,l9 used (l) 3:19 Utilities (1) 3:11 v vacant (1) 5:22 verbatim (l) 4:21 w wastewater (1) 3:20 Welcome (1) 5:3 wishes (3) 5: l9;6:1,9 witness (l) 4:13 witnesses (l) 4:7 work (1) 4:12 written (2) 6:13,15 I Sale (2) 3:9;4:4 scheduled (1) 4:l seated (l) 5:1 sell (1) 3:18 Senior (2) 5:1,2 service (1) 3:25 Sha[ (r) 5:22 sheeh (l) 4:ll Shelli (1) 5:1 sign (1) 5: l9 signed (3) 4:8;5:14, t 8 staff (3) 4:16;5:9,11 stand (2) 4:7,13 statement (l) 4:19 Stewart (1) 5:l still (1) 6:13 submit (1) 6: l3 submitted (1) 6:16 supply (l) 3:19 swear (1) 4:14 sworn (1) 4:15 1:45 (r) 3:1 2T testify (4)2:00 (3) o (9) parties - 8th