HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171120IPC to Staff 1-2.pdfSIffi*@ RECEIVED 2011H0V 20 PH hr 05 ',,,' l,?1 I iic-uX,f'*h 18 *' o * An IDACORP Company DONOVAN E. WALKER Lead Counse! dwal ker@idahopower.com November 20,2017 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane M. Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Case No. IPC-E-17-15 Annual Compliance Filing to Update Load and Gas Forecast Components - ldaho Power Company's Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff Dear Ms. Hanian Enclosed forfiling in the above matter please find an originaland three (3) copies of ldaho Power Company's Response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff. very yours, n E. Walker DEW:csb Enclosures PO. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. ldaho St. Boise, lD 83702 Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DONOVAN E. WALKER (lSB No. 5921) ldaho Power Company 1221West ldaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwal ker@ ida hopower. com IN THE MATTER OF THE ANNUAL COMPLIANCE FILING OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO UPDATE THE LOAD AND GAS FORECASTS IN THE INCREMENTAL COST INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN AVOIDED COST MODEL RECEIVED 2011 HOY 20 Plt lr:05 ,, r li? itl:Odsun?#l8 r, o * ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. !PC-E-17-15 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF COMES NOW, ldaho Power Company ("!daho Power" or "Company"), and in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to ldaho Power Company dated November 1,2017, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 1 REQUEST NO. 1: Please explain why ldaho Power changed the natural gas price forecast from the U.S. EIA Reference Case Forecast for Natural Gas Henry Hub Spot Price used in Case No. IPC-E-16-22 to the U.S. EIA's Natural Gas Henry Hub Spot Price: High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology forecast, adjusted for pricing at Sumas and transport for ldaho City Gate delivery used in this filing. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1: The Company has historically aligned the natural gas forecast used within the lncremental Cost lntegrated Resource Plan ("lClRP") Avoided Cost model with the natural gas forecast used in the lntegrated Resource Plan ("lRP"), updated to reflect the most current prices. The natural gas price forecast that was used in the October 2016 update to the ICIRP Avoided Cost model, Case No. IPC-E-16-22, was the Energy lnformation Administration's ("ElA') Reference Case for Natural Gas Henry Hub Spot Price ("ElA Reference Case"), and aligned with the natural gas forecast used in the 2015 lRP. With this filing, the Company continued to align the natural gas price forecast used within the ICIRP Avoided Cost model with the natural gas price forecast used in the Company's most recent lRP (2017 !RP), which is the EIA Natural Gas Henry Hub Spot Price: High Oi! and Gas Resource and Technology forecast. The adjustment for pricing at Sumas and the transport for ldaho Citygate are not new with this filing, and have been included in the AURORA model, as they have been in the previous updates to the natural gas price forecast. The response to this Request is sponsored by Michael Darrington, Energy Contracts Leader, ldaho Power Company, and Rick Haener, Power Supply Planning Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 2 REQUEST NO. 2: Please explain why ldaho Power chose the U.S. EIA's Natural Gas Henry Hub Spot Price: High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology forecast and why it believes that forecast is more accurate than other natura! gas forecasts provided by ElA. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 2: In accordance with ldaho Public Utilities Commission orders, the ICIRP methodology used for larger projects subject to negotiated rates and contracts utilizes the natural gas price forecast that ldaho Power uses in its IRP process. The Company's IRP model and process use the EIA natural gas price forecast from EIA's Annual Energy Outlook for Henry Hub, adjusted for pricing at Sumas and ldaho Citygate, where ldaho Power holds firm pipeline capacity and actually performs natural gas transactions. Specifically, in the development of the 2017 lRP, ldaho Power used EIA's Natural Gas Spot Price at Henry Hub: High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology forecast. ldaho Power's IRP development attempts to use the gas price forecast which most closely aligns with current and future expectations. Of the EIA natural gas forecasts from the 2016 EIA Energy Outlook, the High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case is the case that most closely aligns with current and future expectations for gas prices, and was supported by reviewing future trading prices from the lntercontinental Exchange ("lCE'). The other EIA forecasts did not represent the direction of future prices indicated by the natural gas forward contract market. ldaho Power discussed the natural gas price forecasts extensively with members of the IRP Advisory Council and other public participants during the IRP planning process. As IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 3 such, ldaho Power selected the High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case for use in the 2017 lRP, and subsequently for use in this case. The graph below demonstrates that the High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case and the lCE settled contracts line up very well through 2028. Henry Hub Natura! Gas Prices (Nomina! S/mmbtu) S16.oo s14.00 S12.oo S10.oo S8.oo S6.oo S4.oo S2.oo -Historical -2017 EIA Reference Case -20t7 tRP Planning (EtA High Oil and Gas Resource and Tedrnology) -lCE Setdes 2015 2017 EIA Low Oil a nd Gas Resource and Technologys- 1997 2000 2003 2006 2@9 20L2 2015 2018 202L 2024 2027 2030 2033 2036 The response to this Request is sponsored by Michael Darrington, Energy Contracts Leader, ldaho Power Company, and Rick Haener, Power Supply Planning Leader, ldaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, ldaho, this 20th day of November 2017. NE KER Attorney for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 4 I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 20th day of November 2017 ! served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Camille Christen Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Wash i ngton (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO THE FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 5 X Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email camille.christen@puc.idaho.oov