HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180131Vote Solar 78-100 to IPC.pdfDavid Bender, WI Bar # 1046102 (Pro Hac Vice) Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Road Madison, WI 5371I 202-667-4500 db en der(a) earthj usti ce. or g IN THE MATTER OF THEAPPLICAIION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH NEW SCHEDULES FOR RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL GENERAL SERVICE CUSTOMERS WITH ON-SITE GENERATION David Bender Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Road Madison, WI537l I dbender@earthjustice. org ft[C E IVE D 2$lB J.{il 3 t p}t Z: trS ,,,.l?iilu#i,*l8r,o* BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-I7-13 SEVENTH SET OF DATA REQUESTS BY VOTE SOLAR TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY Vote Solar hereby serves its seventh set of data requests regarding the above- mentioned docket. Vote Solar requests that Idaho Power Company provide responses as expeditiously as possible, but not later than the deadline of 2l days, which is February 20,2018. INSTRUCTIONS L Please provide copies of responses to the following contacts: Briana Kobor Vote Solar 986 Princeton Ave S Salt Lake City, UT 84105 briana@votesolar.org 2. Whenever possible, Vote Solar prefers to receive electronic copies of data responses via FTP transfer or email, and only if necessary, by mail on a CD or DVD. 3. Responses to any and all of Vote Solar's data requests should be supplied to Vote Solar as soon as they become available to Idaho Power Company. Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Company I 4. The requests herein shall be deemed to be continuing in nature and Idaho Power Company is requested to supplement its responses as necessary and as additional information becomes available. 5. ln responding to each data request, please consult every document source which is in your possession, custody, or control, including all documents in the possession of experts or consultants. 6. For each response, identify the person who prepared the answer to the data request as well as his or her position with Idaho Power Company or any Idaho Power Company affiliate or parent company. 7. Please reproduce the data request being responded to before the response. 8. If the responses include computer modeling input and output files, please provide those data files in electronic machine-readable or txt format. 9. If the responses include spreadsheet files, please provide those spreadsheet files in usable electronic Excel-readable format. 10. In responses providing computer files, list the file names with the cross-reference to the data request, and ifnecessary to the understanding ofthe data, provide a record layout of the computer files. Computer files provided with a response must be in or compatible with the current version, or the immediately prior version, of Microsoft Office. 1 1. For each dollar amount provided in response to a discovery request please state if the amount is in nominal or constant dollars and what years' dollars. 12. All references to electricity load during a specific hour are assumed to be the hour ending at the indicated time unless you state otherwise in your response. 2 Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Corrpany 13. "You", "your", "Company", and "Idaho Power" used herein refer to Idaho Power Company, its agents, employees, and affiliates. 14. When load data are provided in response to these data requests, please anonymize the data so that personally identifiable information is omitted from the data provided. Where feasible, please include a consistent customer reference for each customer so that data from the same customer can be matched from different data sources and/or groups without disclosing the identity of any customer. Data Requests 78. Reference the following statement by Mr. Timothy E. Tatum on page 5, lines 12- 15 of his rebuttal testimony: "Ensuring customers are making decisions based on better information will allow the market to advance those technologies that are competitive from a cost standpoint, not those that compete based on subsidies." a. Please explain in detail the "better information" that will be provided to customers under the Company's proposal in this case to establish a rate class but not the rate design or rates for net metering customers. b. Please explain how the Company's proposal in this case to establish rate classes but not rates informs customers of the difference between "those technologies that are competitive from a cost standpoint" and those that "compete based on subsidies." 79. Reference the following statement by Mr. Tatum on page 5, lines 18-21 of his rebuttal testimony: "Lower levels of adoption to date make it easier to address issues like 'grandfathering' -- the contentiousness of this issue will only grow as more customers adopt." a. Please confirm that the Company supports grandfathering at current levels of adoption. b. Please indicate the level of adoption at which the Company would no longer support grandfathering. 80. Reference the following statement by Mr. Tatum on page 5, lines 2l-23 of his rebuttal testimony: "[C]ustomer education and communication are easier to facilitate with lower levels of adoption." a, Please provide all supporting evidence, analysis, documentations, reports, and information that support this statement. b. Please identify the customer education and communication efforts that would be conducted at current levels ofadoption, how each such effort becomes more difficult with higher adoption levels, and the level of J Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Company adoption at which each customer education and communication effort becomes infeasible. 81. Reference the following statement by Mr. Tatum on page 5, line 23 through page 6, line 3, of his rebuttal testimony: "Sending a signal today that 'net metering with volumetric rates is not sustainable' will communicate to those customers considering investing in solar or other DG that changes in rate design will occur. Establishing rates that send clear price signals will enable growth of DG in a non- subsidized manner." a. Please explain how the Company's proposal in this case to create new classes but not set rates-with or without volumetric components or any other rate component- sends a signal that "net metering with volumetric rates is not sustainable." b. Please confirm that the Company is not requesting the Commission establish rates or establish rate design components in this case. c. Please explain how creating a separate class but not setting rates or a rate structure communicates that "changes in rate design will occur." d. Please identify all rates that would send clear price signals to enable gr6wth of DG in a non-subsidized manner and provide all evidence, analysis, workpapers and other supporting data that each such rate: (i) sends a clear price signal; (ii) enables the growth of DG; and (iii) eliminates any subsidy. 82. Reference the following statement by Mr. Tatum on page 6, lines 19-23 of his rebuttal testimony: "The Commission has, in other cases, implemented modest transition periods, and the Company's position is that if the Commission chooses to implement a transition period in this case, it may be appropriate." Please identify each instance known to the Company when the Commission has implemented transition periods. 83. Reference the following statement by Mr. Tatum on page 14, lines l2-15 of his rebuttal testimony: "Idaho Power does not believe it is in the best interest of its customers to ignore, and leave in place, a pricing structure that fails to collect costs from a segment of customers at the expense of other customers." a. Please explain how the Company's proposal not to change any rates or pricing until the next General Rate Case does not "leave in place" the pricing structure described. b. Identify the number of customers in the residential and small general service ("R&SGS") classes, other than net metered customers, from whom the Company fails to collect its cost to serve. c. Explain all plans the Company has to change its pricing structure for customers, other than net metered customers, from whom the Company fails to collect its cost to serve under current pricing. 4 Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Company 84. Reference the following statement by Mr. Tatum on page 15, lines 16-22 of his rebuttal testimony: "The Company's proposal would take an important step toward establishing a framework in which a customer's decision to install his or her own generation system can be informed by the actual economics of doing so without hidden subsidies that exist within an outdated rate design and compensation structure." a. Please explain how approval of "the Company's proposal" in this docket, which does not change any rates, informs customers of "the actual economics" of a choice to adopt distributed generation. b. Please describe the elements of a rate design for customers with generation that provide the "actual economics" of self generation without "hidden subsidies," that this case will provide to "inform" customers. 85. Reference the following statements by Mr. Tatum on page 16, lines 5-9 and page l9,lines 8-15 of his rebuttal testimony: "The Company's proposal recognizes that, under the status quo, the current pricing structure for R&SGS is ill-suited to appropriately recover the costs associated with the distinctly different usage characteristics of R&SGS customers with on-site generation" and "I believe that there is one relatively limited, but important, policy issue to resolve in this case, which is to answer the question: 'Do the different load service requirements and usage characteristics of R&SGS customers who install on-site generation justify a separate and unique rate structure to provide a reasonable opportunity to recover the costs of serving those customers?"' a. Does the Company contend that the Commission should create new customer classes based on the Company's allegation that it does not have a reasonable opportunity to recover costs of serving customers with generation under current rates? Please set forth the full basis for your answer. b. If so, does the Company contend that the Commission can make that determination without first determining the cost of service and/or revenue recovery under current rates? Please set forth the full basis for your answer. 86. Reference the discussion of the Fixed Cost Adjustment ("FCA") mechanism on pages l8 and 19 of Mr. Tatum's rebuttal testimony. a. Please confirm that the FCA mechanism allows the Company to recover any shortfall in fixed cost recovery due to decreased energy consumption by customers for any reason, not limited to net metering. b. Please confirm that the FCA "facilitates annually any cost shifting that may exist" from any customer who uses less energy for any reason, not limited to net metering. c. If you contend that the FCA facilitates "cost shifting" rather than shifting the collection of revenue, please explain the basis for your contention, including, but not limited to, how the Company determines costs for each FCA adjustment. 5 Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Company 87. Reference Mr. Tatum's discussion of the comparison of "pattern of usage" between customers with and without on-site generation on pages 20-23 of his rebuttal testimony and pages 4 through l7 of Mr. Angell's rebuttal testimony. a. Please provide the electricity load factor, load profile, system coincident demands ("SCD") and the non-coincident demands ("NCD") for residential customers who have natural gas service and those who do not. b. Please provide the electricity load factor, load profile, system coincident demands ("SCD") and the non-coincident demands ("NCD") for residential customers who reside in the City of Boise and those who do not. c. Please provide the electricity load factor, load profile, system coincident demands ("SCD") and the non-coincident demands ("NCD") for residential customers in the top 90th percentile of annual kilowatt-hour usage and the lowest lOth percentile of annual kilowatt-hour usage. d. Please provide the electricity load factor, load profile, system coincident demands ("SCD") and the non-coincident demands ("NCD") for residential customers in the top 90th percentile of individual customer peak hour usage and the lowest lOth percentile of individual customer peak hour usage. 88. Please confirm that Dr. Faruqui's reference to "distributed generation" and "DG" customers throughout his rebuttal testimony in this case refers to net metered customers in the residential and small general service classes. If your response is anything other than an unequivocal confirmation, please define "distributed generation" and "DG" as used by Dr. Faruqui and explain how it differs from net metered customers in the residential and small general service classes. 89. Reference the following statement by Dr. Faruqui on page 5, lines 5-7 of his rebuttal testimony: "This results in an unintended cross-subsidy from non-DG customers (including a disproportionately large share of lower income customers) to DG customers." a. Please quantify the "cross-subsidy" referenced. b. Please provide all empirical evidence relied on and all workpapers and calculations of the "cross-subsidy." c. Please provide the income threshold used to determine a "lower income customer" in Idaho Power's service territory d. Please provide the proportion of lower income customers to non-lower income customers in Idaho Power's service territory and, for each category, the percentage of customers with distributed generation in Idaho Power's service territory, e, Please provide all empirical evidence from Idaho Power's service territory that supports the assertion that any alleged "cross-subsidy" is from "a disproportionately large share of lower income customers." 6 Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Cornpany 90. Reference the following statement by Dr. Faruqui on page 8, lines l3-16 of his rebuttal testimony: "I calculated the hourly average consumption of DG customers before and after the installation of DG. This gives a sense of how the DG customer load profiles differ before and after the installation of rooftop PV." a. Please provide a detailed explanation of the methodology employed to determine hourly average consumption of DG customers before the installation of DG from the data provided by Idaho Power. b. Please provide all data relied on in the above-referenced analysis, in the format it was provided by Idaho Power to Dr. Faruqui. 91. Reference Dr. Faruqui's Table I on page 10 of his rebuttal testimony. Please identify: a. The total number of non-DG residential class customers with a load factor of llo/o or less during summer months; b. The total number of non-DG residential class customers with a load factor of 17% or less during winter months; c. The total number of non-DG residential class customers with a load factor of 14% or less during all months; and d. The load factor of irrigation customers during summer months, winter months, and all other months. 92. Please provide: a. All customer data and documentation provided to Dr. Faruqui, in the format that it was provided by Idaho Power, as referenced on page 11, lines 14-16 of his rebuttal testimony: "For EE customers, Idaho Power provided me with hourly load data for a sample of 576 customers." b. All workpapers and spreadsheets developed by Dr. Faruqui from those data. 93. Reference page 16 in Dr. Faruqui's rebuttal testimony: a. Provide all studies, determinations, orders, and any other references to a "cost shift" Dr, Faruqui considered as part of his "survey" but did not include in Figure 5. b. Provide the methodology for Dr. Faruqui's "survey" of "cost shift estimates" from other jurisdictions, including but not limited to how studies were identified and how the determination was made as to which studies to include in Figure 5. c. Provide all documentation, analysis, and relevant workpapers supporting Dr, Faruqui's analysis, if any, of any of the alleged "cost shift estimates" depicted in Figure 5. 7 Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Company 94. Identify, describe, and provide a copy of all analyses and workpapers for each assessment of actual Idaho Power system costs by Dr. Faruqui in preparation of his rebuttal testimony in this proceeding, including but not limited to the cost to serve Distributed Generation customers and/or the cost to serve non-Distributed Generation customers. 95. Reference the following statement by Dr. Faruqui on page 27,lines l9-21 of his rebuttal testimony that: "These load characteristics lead to a significant cost shift when DG customers are billed under the current residential rates with net metering." a. Please identify and provide all data and analyses of Idaho Power's service territory that Dr. Faruqui relied upon to conclude that there exists a "signifi cant cost shift." b. Please indicate whether Dr. Faruqui performed any analysis to quantify the level of "cost shift" from DG customers being billed under the current residential rates with net metering in Idaho Power's service territory and if so, provide all such analyses, documentation, and workpapers by Dr. Faruqui. 96. Please provide, in unlocked Excel file format, with all formulas intact, the data that form the basis for Ms. Aschenbrenner's Table I and Table 2 onpage 3 of her rebuttal testimony that differentiates the number of active systems and level of capacity from the number of systems and level of capacity that is pending. 97. Reference Mr. Angell's discussion of load factor in his rebuttal testimony on pages 4-5. a. Please confirm that load factor is not used to determine or allocate cost of service to customers in the Company's cost of service study methodology. b. Please confirm that load factor, as discussed by Mr. Angell, is a ratio of average load to a peak load which is not necessarily a peak load used to allocate costs in a cost of service study (i.e., the individual customer's peak load does not correspond to the system coincident peaks or class peaks used to determine cost allocation in a cost of service study). 98. Please provide your hourly system loads for each of the months represented in Figures 3 through 5 of Mr. Angell's rebuttal testimony. 99. Reference the following statement by Mr. Angell on page 13, lines 20-22 of his rebuttal testimony that: "This constraint causes the Company to dispatch less economic resources resulting in higher energy costs for retail customers." a. Please quantify the incremental energy costs that were incurred, by month, for each of the last five years as a result of distributed generation customers'rate of change in usage. b. Please provide supporting documentation for your response. 8 Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Company 100. Please provide all analysis and workpapers supporting all rebuttal testimony you filed in this case in electronic, unlocked, native format with all formulas intact. DATED: January 30, 2018 Respectfully submitted, s/ David C. Bender David C. Bender Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Road Madison, WI 53711 (202) 667-4s00 db en der(@ e arthj usti ce. or g 9 Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Company CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this 30th day of January 2018, served the foregoing SEVENTH SET OF DATA REQUESTS BY VOTE SOLAR TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY upon all parties of record in this proceeding, via the manner indicated: FedEx and Electronic Mail Diane Hanian Cornmission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, lD 83702 Diarre. holt@puc. idaho. gov (Three copies) Electronic Mail IDAHO POWER COMPANY Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 lno rdstrom(ru idahop ower. com dockets@idahopower. corn Timothy E. Tatum Connie Aschenbrenner Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 ttatr-un @,i dahopow er. com caschenbrenn er(rD,i dahopower. corn Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Company l0 COMMISSION STAFF Sean Costello Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 West Washington (83 702) PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83120-0074 Sean. costel lo((Dpuc. idaho. gov IDAHYDRO Idahydro clo C. Tom Arkoosh, and Idaho Clean Energy Association c/o C. Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Offices 802 W Bannock Street, Suite 900 P.O. Box 2900 Boise, ID 83701 Tom. arko o shGDarkoo sh. corn Erin. ceci l@arkoosh.com IDAHO IRRIGATION PUMPERS ASSOCIATION, INC Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. Eric L. Olsen ECHO HAWK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 PershingAve., Ste. 100 P.O. Box 6119 Pocatello, Idaho 83205 elo@echohawk.cotn Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Ave., Unit 2505 Lakewood, OH44107 tony@yankel.net IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE MatthewA. Nykiel Idaho Conservation League P.O. Box 2308 102 E . Eu,clid, #207 Sandpoint, ID 83864 mnlzkie I (Ei dahoconservati on. org Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Company ll AURIC LLC Elias Bishop Auric Solar, LLC 2310 s. 1300 w. West Valley City, UT 841l9 El i a s. b i shop (g) auric so lar. c om Preston N. Carter Deborah E. Nelson Givens Pursley LLC 601 West Bannock Street Boise, lD 83702 prestoncarter(@ given spurs Iey. com den@ gi venspursley.com SIERRA CLUB Kelsey Jae Nunez KELSEY JAE NUNEZ LLC 920 N. Clover Dr. Boise, ID 83703 k eJ s e v Ca) kel s e yiacnunez.ao m Tom Beach Crossborder Energy 2560 gth Street, Suite 213,A. Berkeley, CA947l0 tomb@)cros sborderenergy. com ZackWaterman IDAHO SIERRA CLUB 503 W. Franklin St. Boise, ID 83702 Zach. waterman@) s i errac lub. org Michael Heckler 3606 N. Prospect Way Garden City, ID 83714 Michael.p. heckler@ gmail. com Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Company t2 CITY OF BOISE CITY Abigail R. Germaine Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. P.O. Box 500 Boise, Idaho 83701-0500 a genna i n e (rD.c i tyo fbo i s e. org IDAHO CLEAN ENERGY ASSOCIATION Preston N. Carter Deborah E. Nelson Givens Pursley LLC 601 West Bannock Street Boise, lD 83702 prestoncarter@ givenspursley. com den(d gi v ensp urs lel,.ceul VOTE SOLAR David Bender Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Road Madison, WI 53711 db ender@) earthj ust i ce. org Briana Kobor Vote Solar 360 22"d Street, Suite 730 Oakland, CA94612 bri ana (a) voteso I ar. o rg Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Company l3 SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE AND NW ENERGY COALITION John R. Hammond Jr. Fisher Pusch LLP 101 South Capitol Blvd., Suite 701 PO Box 1308 Boise, Idaho 83702 irh(g)fisherpusch.com Snake River Alliance wwilson(@snakeriveralliance. org NW Energy Coalition dicgo(qDnwenergy.org INTERMOUNTAIN WIND AND SOLAR, LLC Ryan B. Frazier Brian W. Burnett KIRTON McCONKIE 50 East South Temple, Suite 400 P.O. Box 45120 Salt Lake city, uT 841I I rfrazier@kmclawcom bburn e tt (D,kmslarry. cala Intermountain Wind and Solar, LLC 1952 West 2425 South Woods Cross, UT 84087 dou g(@ imwindands o I ar c om s/ Mario A. Luna David C. Bendeq Staff Attorney Earthjustice Seventh Set of Data Requests by Vote Solar to Idaho Power Cornpany l4