HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171114Attachment 2 - Supplemental Response.pdfUpdate on IEEE P1547.1 Revision: Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Energy Resources with Electric Power Systems and Associated Interfaces Dr. Anderson Hoke, P.E., NREL, Chair P1547.1 Working Group(WG) October 30, 2017 DISCLAIMER This presentation and discussion here on IEEE P1547 and IEEE P1547.1 are individual’s views and are not the formal position or explanation of the IEEE. 2 IEEE 1547 Series of Standards 3 (Not published) IEEE 1547 Series of Standards "N JEEE Std 1547™(2003 and 2014 Amendment 1)Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems J IEEE Std P1547™(full revision)Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems InterfacesIEEESCC21 1547 Series of Standards* IEEE Std 1547.1™(2005 and 2015 Amendment 1)Standard for Conformance Tests Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems J ?IEEE Std P1547.1 (ftl)l revision)Draft Standard for Conformance Tests Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Energy Resources with Electric Power Systems and Associated Interfaces v.J IEEE Std 1547.2™(2008)Application Guide for IEEE 1547 Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems (2007)Guide for Monitoring Information Exchange, and Control of Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems IEEE Std 1547,3™ JV r IEEE Std 1547.4™(2011)Guide for Design,Operation,and Integration of Distributed Resource Island Systems with Electric Power Systems J f IEEE Std 1547.6™(2011)Recommended Practice for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems Distribution Secondary Networks *Colored background designates IEEE published standard; clear background is draft standard work in progress. IEEE Std 1547.7™(2013)Guide to Conducting Distribution Impact Studies for Distributed Resource Interconnection IEEE Std P1547,8™Draft Recommended Practice for Establishing Methods and Procedures that Provide Supplemental Support for Implementation Strategies for Expanded Use of IEEE Std 1547-2003 (Not published)EEk. Advancing Technology for Humanity 3 •DER technology maturing, prices falling. Policies are driving DER adoption •In some locations, the power system is becoming dependent on the cooperation of DERs for proper operation •Existing issues must be addressed •DER impacts on voltage •Aggregate impact of DERs on bulk power system •Protection coordination •New issues are being identified •Inverter response to faults •Inverter response to load rejection events •Inverter response to ground faults •Inverter response to distorted voltage waveforms •Inverter controls for grid support are maturing –many new functions are available (and more are becoming available) •Inverters can be designed to address many of these issues •Standards are catching up to technology 4 Context and motivation 5 IEEE 1547: Full Revision Scope: This standard establishes criteria and requirements for interconnection of distributed energy resources (DER) with electric power systems (EPS), and associated interfaces. Purpose: This document provides a uniform standard for the interconnection and interoperability of distributed energy resources (DER) with electric power systems (EPS). It provides requirements relevant to the interconnection and interoperability performance, operation, and testing, and, safety, maintenance and security considerations. Title: Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces. Changes from IEEE 1547-2003 shown in blue 4. General interconnection technical specifications and requirements 4.1 Reference points of applicability 4.2 Applicable voltages 4.3 Measurement accuracy 4.4 Cease to energize and trip performance requirement 4.5 Control response requirements 4.6 Prioritization of DER responses and execution of mode or parameter changes 4.7 Isolation device 4.8 Inadvertent energization of the Area EPS 4.9 Enter service 4.10 Interconnect integrity 4.11 Integration with Area EPS grounding 5. Reactive power capability and voltage/power control requirements 5.1 Reactive power capability of the DER 5.2 Voltage and reactive power control 5.3 Voltage and active power control 6. Response to Area EPS abnormal conditions 6.1 Area EPS faults and open phase conditions 6.2 Area EPS reclosing coordination 6.3 Voltage 6.4 Frequency 6.5 Return to service after trip 7. Power quality 7.1 Limitation of dc injection 7.2 Limitation of voltage fluctuations induced by the DER 7.3 Limitation of harmonic current injection 7.4 Limitation of over-voltage contribution 8. Islanding 8.1 Unintentional islanding 8.2 Intentional islanding 9. DER on distribution secondary grid/area/street (grid) networks and spot networks 9.1 Distribution secondary grid networks 9.2 Distribution secondary spot networks 10. Interoperability, information exchange, information models, and protocols 10.1 Interoperability requirements 10.2 Monitoring, control, and information exchange requirements 10.3 Nameplate data 10.4 Basic settings information 10.5 Monitoring information 10.6 Management information 10.7 Communication protocol requirements 10.8 Communication performance requirements 10.9 Cyber security requirements 11. Test and verification requirements 11.1 Definition of test and verification methods 11.2 Full and partial conformance testing and verification 11.3 Modeling and simulation Annex A (informative) Bibliography Annex B (informative) Guidelines for DER Performance Category Assignment Annex C (informative) DER Microgrid Island system configurations Annex D (informative) DER communication and information concepts and guidelines Annex E (informative) Basis for Ride-Through of Consecutive Voltage Disturbances New Technical Requirements –1547 Revision (Draft 6.1) 6 Major 1547 Revision Achievements Include 7 •DER performance categories o Gives flexibility to accommodate different DER futures o Utilities/regulators need to specify which category applies (application-specific) •More coordinated operation under normal conditions o Many new details on reactive power capabilities and voltage/power control requirements (not just allowance) •Grid support under abnormal conditions o Maintains distribution grid safety (cease to energize, trip on voltage or frequency when necessary) o Maintains bulk power system reliability (rides through voltage and frequency disturbances) •New guidance for interoperability o Starts us on the path to more open communications o Seeks to strike a balance between varying topologies & needs •New guidance for intentional islands o Much needed and immediate relevance •Testing requirements completely revised to address new capabilities o Strikes a balance between needs for large and small DERs P1547 DRAFT Test and Verification Requirements (Work in Progress) 8 P1547 DRAFT Test and Verification Requirements (Work in Progress) Component Level (DER unit)Local EPS Level (DER system) DER Design Evaluation DER As-built InstallationEvaluation*1ProductionTest Periodic TestRequirementComplianceTypeTestCommissioningTest Depends on DERFull(F)Required (R)Not Required (NR)Required (R)Required (R)Not Required (NR)Reactive power Evaluation (D) capability of the Depends on DER Evaluation (O) DER Required (I)Partial (P)Not Required (NR)Required (R)Required (R)Not Required (NR) Full (F)Voltage and reactive power control VPartial(P) Ml aAkdDEREvaluationAttimeof technology development (within a product family of the same design) Over lifetimeRide-Through Requirements 1.Design evaluation (during the interconnection review process) 2.As-build installation evaluation (at time of commissioning) At time of comm issioning or At lime of production when DER is changed substantiallyCommunication Interface and Protocols J V r Ww\ vjTime <®>IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity 8 IEEE 1547.1: Full Revision Title: Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Energy Resources with Electric Power Systems and Associated Interfaces Scope: This standard specifies the type, production, commissioning and periodic tests, and evaluations that shall be performed to confirm that the interconnection and interoperation functions of equipment and systems interconnecting distributed energy resources with the electric power system conform to IEEE Standard 1547. Purpose: Standardized test and evaluation procedures are necessary to establish and verify compliance with those requirements. These test procedures shall provide both repeatable results, independent of test location, and flexibility to accommodate a variety of DER technologies and functions. 9 IEEE 1547.1: Full Revision 10 IEEE 1547.1-2005 CONTENTS 1.Overview 2.Normative references 3.Definitions and acronyms 4.General requirements 5.Type tests 6.Production tests 7.Commissioning test 8.Periodic interconnection tests Annex A (normative) Test signals Annex B (informative) Bibliography •What needs to be revised? •What needs to be added? •What needs to be external to P1547.1? •Goal: to come up with P1547.1 contents that fulfill the PAR scope and purpose: addressing revised requirements in IEEE 1547 •IEEE P1547.1 provides conformance test procedures to establish and verify compliance with the requirements of IEEE P1547 •IEEE P1547.1 is not just for type testing; conformance may be established through combination of type (aka “design” tests), production tests, design evaluation, installation evaluation, commissioning tests, and periodic tests •This standard does not cover testing for safety •Although this standard does not define a certification process, these P1547.1 tests can be used as part of such a process –e.g. UL 1741 •Need to keep objectives technically precise for P1547.1 –this is not a design guide, recommended practice, business, tariff, contractual, or regulatory and policy document 11 IEEE P1547.1: Overview IEEE P1547.1 Subgroups (as of March 2017) General requirements Overall document Abnormal voltage and frequency conditions tests Voltage and frequency regulation tests Unintentional islanding tests Power quality tests Synchronization tests Modeling and simulation Hardware-in-the- loop tests Interoperability tests Installation, commissioning, and periodic testing DER microgrid capabilities Chair: Andy Hoke Secretary: Jeannie Piekarz Treasurer: Charlie Vartanian Vice Chairs: Tim Zgonena, Babak Enayati, Karl Schoder 12 •A large number of new requirements are included in the revised IEEE 1547 –requires a number of writing groups in P1547.1 IEEE 1547.1 Revision Status More information: http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/scc21/1547.1_revision/1547.1_revision_index.html P1547.1 Working Group is drafting a revision to IEEE 1547.1-2005. •Content: Test procedures to validate conformance to IEEE P1547 •Some tests may not change substantially •Voltage and frequency trips, synchronization •Some tests will be updated •Unintentional islanding, harmonics •New tests will be added: •Transient overvoltage (TrOV; load rejection overvoltage) •Temporary overvoltage (TOV; ground fault overvoltage) •Voltage regulation (volt-var, volt-watt, etc); Frequency support (frequency-watt) •Voltage and frequency ride-through (VRT, FRT) •Major addition:Many new DER evaluation and commissioning test procedures •What tests/evaluations apply to a given DER depend on kVA capacity, embedded load, and whether the DER is a single unit or includes supplemental devices As electric grids come to depend on DERs for essential functions and services, more thorough testing and validation are needed. •But must balance this need with burden of testing. 13 IEEE P1547.1 new type-test content *A version exists in UL 1741 Supplement SA •Some tests may not change substantially •Voltage and frequency trips, synchronization •Some tests will be updated •Unintentional islanding*, harmonics •Many new tests will be added: •Voltage regulation (volt-var, volt-watt, etc)* •Frequency support (frequency-watt)* •Transient overvoltage (TrOV; load rejection overvoltage) •Temporary overvoltage (TOV; ground fault overvoltage) •Abnormal condition ride-through: •High/low voltage and frequency ride-through* •Consecutive disturbance ride-through* •Voltage phase angle change ride-through •Voltage imbalance ride-through •ROCOF ride-through •Soft-start tests* •Test to characterize response to voltage faults •Communications interface tests •Prioritization of response tests Tests shown in red are still to be drafted. (No tests are finalized presently.) 14 Tentative Timeline to Ballot for P1547.1 Dates Activities Status June 16, 2016 P1547.1 WG meeting –Draft 1 initiated Done Summer 2016 P1547.1 subgroups work and complete Draft 1 Done September 30, 2016 P1547.1 Draft 1 posted for WG consideration Done October 15, 2016 Comments posted to iMeet Central Done October 27-28, 2016 P1547.1 WG meeting –Draft 1 discussed Done January 31,2017 P1547.1 Draft 2 posted for WG meeting Done March 2, 2017 P1547.1 WG meeting –Draft 2 discussed Done May 19, 2017 P1547.1 Draft 3 posted for WG meeting Done June 20-21, 2017 P1547.1 WG meeting –Draft 3 discussed Done September 2017 P1547.1 Draft 4 posted for WG meeting Ongoing November 2017 P1547.1 WG meeting –Draft 4 discussed January 2018 P1547.1 Draft 5 posted for WG meeting March 2018 P1547.1 WG meeting –Draft 5 discussed May, 2018 P1547.1 Pre-ballot draft sent to WG June, 2018 P1547.1 WG meeting –Finalize Draft 6 for ballot Aug-Sept 2018 P1547.1 Initial IEEE ballot Oct 2018 –Jan 2019 Resolve ballot comments 2019 P1547.1 Published 15 Further information 16 For further information, see http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/scc21/1547.1_revision/1547.1_revision_index.html Sign up for the ListServ to receive occasional communications, including meeting information. Instructions are at the website above. 17 Fostering Technological Innovation and Excellence For The Benefit Of Humanity Thank You Andy.Hoke@NREL.gov NEEE Fostering Technological Innovation and Excellence For The Benefit Of Humanity Thank You Andv.Hoke@NREL.gov ?IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity 17