HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171114Attachment 1-Supplemental Response.pdfCharlie Vartanian, MEPPI, IEEE 1547 Working Group Secretary October 22, 2017 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan IEEE 1547, IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Energy Resources for IEEE’s Renewable Energy Standards Tutorial at 2017 IEEE EPEC 2 Disclaimer This presentation and discussion here on IEEE 1547 are individual’s views and are not the formal position, explanation or position of the IEEE. 3 Outline IEEE 1547 Background –Grid planning challenges with DER –IEEE 1547 series of standards –Associated standards and guides IEEE 1547 Revision Overview –IEEE 1547 revision process –Selected significant revision topics –Coordinating The Revision Across SDO’s: DER and bulk power system Impacts –an example 4 IEEE 1547 Background ?IEEE Advancing Technology forHumanity IEEE 1547 Background 5 Grid Planning & Operation Challenge with DER Increasing DER penetration was a major driver for revising IEEE Std 1547 Safety & Reliability, …’do no harm’ Grid Performance Support, after… Ride through, stabilizing frequency response, voltage support Interconnection requirements for DERs should also adequately address transmission and distribution system needs. Coordination with the NERC Inverter Resource Performance Task Force Anti-Islanding, no interference with primary voltage regulation 6 6 IEEE 1547 Background IEEEIEEE1547 Background IEEE Std 1547™(2003 and 2014 Amendment 1)Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems IEEE Std P1547™{full revision)Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces hunting Technology forHumanity IEEE SCC21 IEEE Std 1547.1*™(2005 and 2015 Amendment 1)standard 1 547 Series of Standards for Conformance Tests Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems yAC7IEEEStdP1547.1 (full revision)Draft Standard for Conformance Tests Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Energy Resources with Electric Power Systems and Associated Interfaces (2008)Application Guide for IEEE 1547 Standard forIEEEStd1547.2TIU1 Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems v IEEE Std 1547.3™(2007)Guide for Monitoring Information Exchange, and Control of Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems IEEE Std 1547.4™(2011)Guide for Design,Operation,and Integration of Distributed Resource Island Systems with Electric Power Systems v IEEE Std 1547 .6™(2011)Recommended Practice for Interconnecting*Colored background designates IEEE published standard; clear background is draft standard work in progress. Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems Distribution Secondary Networks (2013)Guide to Conducting Distribution Impact Studies for Distributed Resource Interconnection IEEE Std 1547.7TM V. IEEE Std P1547.8 Draft Recommended Practice for Establishing Methods and Procedures that Provide Supplemental Support for Implementation Strategies for Expanded Use of IEEE Std 1547-2003 TIM 6 7 IEEE 1547 Interconnection Standards Use in USA **Articles: 480 Storage Batteries ; 692 Fuel Cell Systems; 694 Wind Electric Systems (NEC info. based on NEC 2011) ** 7 IEEE 1547 Background 8 Importance of IEEE 1547 8 •U.S. Energy Policy Act (2005) Cites and requires consideration of IEEE 1547 Standards and Best Practices for Interconnection; all states use or cite 1547. •U.S. Energy Independence and Security Act (2007) IEEE cited as a standards development organization partner to NIST as Lead to coordinate framework and roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability standards and protocols {IEEE 1547 & 2030 series being expanded}; •U.S. Federal ARRA (2009) Smart Grid & High Penetration DER projects {use IEEE stds}. •Adoption by the majority of jurisdictional entities across N. America that set DG/DER interconnection rules 9 HECO’s TOV & VRT CA Rule 21 ! NY SIR ? IEEE 1547 Background Which standards apply during the transitioning period? (Example: California) Today’s Disharmony in a World of Uncertainty: •Technology-specific requirements. •Based on state of the art technology capabilities. •Heavily focused on solar PV inverters. Period after CA Rule 21 and UL 1741 Update NERC / FERC UL 1741-2016 (Listing / Certification Test) State/PUC Utility Laws (CA Rule 21-2015) Individual Utility Generator Connection Agreements IEEE Std 1547.1a- 2015 IEEE Std 1547a-2014 Lo c a l St a t e Na t i o n a l St a n d a r d s Te s t s Source: EPRI 10 IEEE 1547 Background Which standards apply after the transitioning period? (Example: California) Harmonizing Requirements in IEEE Std. 1547 for the Future. •DER interconnection and system integration focus. •Technology-agnostic. •Widely accepted. •Performance-based requirements. •Leading technological development and innovation of DER performance. Lo c a l St a t e Na t i o n a l St a n d a r d s Te s t s Period after IEEE Stds 1547 and 1547.1 Update NERC / FERC UL 1741-20xx (Listing / Certification Test) State/PUC Utility Laws (CA Rule 21-20xx) Individual Utility Generator Connection Agreements IEEE Std 1547.1-20xx IEEE Std 1547-20xx Source: EPRI 11 IEEE 1547 Background Major Changes to IEEE Std 1547 Shall trip in response to abnormal voltage/frequency condition Shall not actively regulate voltage or frequency May ride through abnormal V/F May actively regulate voltage by changing real/reactive power May change real power in response to frequency deviations DER to provide ancillary grid services –capability VS. provision Shall ride through abnormal V/F Shall be capable of actively regulating voltage by changing real/reactive power Shall be capable of changing real power in response to frequency deviations Shall have communication interface IEEE 1547a-20142014 2005 FERC SGIP (Small Generator Interconnection Procedure) IEEE 1547-20032003 2000 California Rule 21 2011 Updated California Rule 21 (consistent with IEEE 1547-2003) 2015 Updated California Rule 21 (more prescriptive than IEEE 1547a-2014) 2017/18 ?IEEE 1547rev-201x Interconnection Agreements / Markets / etc. 2016 Amended UL 1741 (SA) (inverter certification driven by CA Rule 21) 2018/19 ?IEEE 1547.1rev-201x DER Unit Level: Type Test, Production Test DER Facility Level:Design Evaluation, Installation Evaluation, Commissioning Test, Periodic Tests Source: EPRI 12 IEEE 1547 Revision Overview ?IEEE Advancing Technology forHumanity IEEE 1547 Revision Overview 13 IEEE P1547 Full Revision of IEEE Std 1547-2003 w/ amendment PAR P1547 to revise IEEE std 1547-2003 approved March 27, 2014 P1547 WG formed June 2014, using a consensus-driven process to 1) identify the content to revise, and 2) implement a multi-prong process to expedite the proposed revisions, the ‘Folder’s Major content areas being revised: –From no active voltage regulation to required VAR capacity and capabilities –From disconnect for grid disturbance to required ride through prior to disturbance reaching anti-islanding limits –Add Interoperability requirements: consistent with IEEE 2030 –Add performance-driven Categories: remain technology neutral –Remove 10 MW capacity limitation: harmonize with FERC/NERC standards Status. For-Ballot draft has been submitted May 2017. >75% Approval on 1st Ballot. >85% on first recirculation. Second recirculation pending. Highlights 14 14 IEEE P1547 (Full Revision) Project Authorization Approved by the IEEE SASB on March 27, 2014 Title: Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces. Scope: This standard establishes criteria and requirements for interconnection of distributed energy resources (DER) with electric power systems (EPS), and associated interfaces.* Purpose: This document provides a uniform standard for the interconnection and interoperability of distributed energy resources (DER) with electric power systems (EPS). It provides requirements relevant to the interconnection and interoperability performance, operation, and testing, and, safety, maintenance and security considerations. *Note: Interfaces and interoperability and related terms are defined and described in IEEE Std 2030 14 15 1547 Revision –Major Topics Performance categories –Gives flexibility to accommodate different DER futures More coordinated operation under normal conditions –Add reactive power capabilities and voltage/power control requirements (not just allowance , e.g. 2014 Amendment) Grid support under abnormal conditions –Maintains distribution grid safety (cease to energize, trip on voltage or frequency when necessary) –Maintains bulk power system reliability (rides through voltage and frequency disturbances) New guidance for interoperability –Starts us on the path to more open communications –Seeks to strike a balance between varying topologies & needs New guidance for intentional islands –Much needed and immediate relevance Testing requirements completely revised to address new capabilities –Strikes a balance between needs for large and small installs 15 16 IEEE P1547 Performance Category Approach IEEE Std. 1547rev Category ACategory I Category II Category B Category III Ride-Through VoltageRegulation 1 State Regulator, Area EPS or bulk system operator, etc. Authorities Governing Interconnection Agreements1 Impact Assessment •Technical conditions: type & capacity & future penetration of DER, type of grid configuration, etc. •Non-technical issues: DER use case, impacts on environment, emissions, and sustainability, etc. DER Vendors Market Analysis •Costs •Market segment •Etc. Source: EPRI 17 General Requirements Clauses: VAR and VAR Control ?IEEE Advancing Technology forHumanity General Requirements Clauses:VAR and VAR Control 18 Minimum Reactive Power Injection and Absorption Capability VAR and VAR-control capability Draft Reactive Power Capability Requirements Category Injection (Over-Excited)Capability as % of Nameplate Apparent Power (kVA ) Rating Absorption (Under-Excited)Capability as % of Nameplate Apparent Power (kVA ) Rating A (at DER rated voltage) 44 (0.915 power factor) 25 (0.970 power factor) B (at ANSI range A)44 (0.915 power factor) 44 (0.915 power factor) The DER shall be capable of injecting reactive power (over-excited) and absorbing reactive power (under-excited) equal to the minimum reactive power (kVar) corresponding to the value given in the Table below at all active power output equal to 20% to 100% of nameplate active power rating (kW). 19 Voltage and reactive/active power control function requirements for DER categories DER Category Cat A Cat B Voltage regulation by reactive power control Adjustable constant power factor mandatory (shall) mandatory (shall) Voltage –reactive power (volt-var)mandatory (shall) mandatory (shall) Active power –reactive (watt-var) mode optional (may) mandatory (shall) Adjustable constant reactive power mandatory (shall) mandatory (shall) Voltage and active power control Voltage –active power (volt-watt)optional (may) mandatory (shall) 20 VAR-control modes Draft Voltage Regulation Control Modes •The DER shall be capable of activating any of these modes individually. •Adjustable constant power factor mode with unity power factor setting shall be the default mode of the installed DER unless otherwise specified by the area EPS operator. •The Area EPS operator shall specify the required voltage regulation control modes and the corresponding parameter settings. Modifications of the settings and mode selected by the EPS operator shall be implemented by the DER operator. DER Category Cat A Cat B Voltage Regulation by Reactive Power Control Adjustable Constant Power Factor Mandatory Mandatory Voltage –Reactive Power (Volt-var)Mandatory Mandatory Active Power –Reactive (Watt-Var) Mode Optional Mandatory Adjustable Constant Reactive Power Mandatory Mandatory Voltage and Active Power Control Voltage –Real Power (Volt-Watt)Optional Mandatory 21 Abnormal conditions clauses: Voltage & Frequency Ride Through ?IEEE Advancing Technology forHumanity Abnormal conditions clauses: Voltage &Frequency Ride Through 22 Voltage & Frequency Ride-Through Foundations for Voltage & Frequency Ride-Through Requirements Requirement Category Foundation Justification Voltage Ride- Through Category I German grid code for medium voltage-connected synchronous generator-based DER •Essential bulk system needs. •Attainable by all state-of-the-art DER technologies. Category II NERC PRC-024-2 but w/o stability exception, extended LVRT duration for 65-88% Vnombased on EPRI White Paper (May 2015) •All bulk system needs. •Coordinated with existing reliability standards. •Considering fault-induced delayed voltage recovery. Category III CA Rule 21 and Hawaii, minor modifications •All bulk system needs. •Considering fault-induced delayed voltage recovery. •Distribution system operation. Frequency Ride- Through All Categories (harmonized) CA Rule 21 and Hawaii, exceeds PRC-024-2 based on EPRI White Paper (May 2015) •All bulk system needs. •Low inertia grids. 23 Voltage Trip Requirements IEEE Std 1547-2003 Source: NERC, “Performance of Distributed Energy Resources During and After System Disturbance: Voltage and Frequency Ride-Through Requirements,” North American Electric Reliability Corporation, 2013. 24 Voltage Ride-Through Requirements –Category I 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Vo l t a g e ( p . u . ) Time (s) Permissive Operation Capability shall trip0.16 s 13 s 1.10 p.u. 0.00 p.u. 0.88 p.u. 0.00 p.u. 0.50 p.u. 21 s Legend range of adustability default value shall trip zones may ride-through or may trip zones shall ride-through zonesand operating regions describing performance Continuous Operation Capability (subject to requirements of clause 5) Mandatory OperationCapability Permissive Operation Capability shall trip 0.16 s 0.16 s 2 s 2 s 2 1 2 1 may ride-through or may trip may ride-through or may trip may ride-through or may trip Category I 0.88 p.u. 0.16 s may ride-through 1 s 1.20 p.u. 0.45 p.u. 25 Voltage Ride-Through Requirements –Category II 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Vo l t a g e ( p . u . ) Time (s) shall trip1.20 p.u.13 s 1.10 p.u. 0.00 p.u. 0.88 p.u. 0.16 s 0.00 p.u. 0.50 p.u. 21 s Continuous Operation Capability (subject to requirements of clause 5) Mandatory OperationCapability Permissive Operation Capability shall trip 0.32 s 2 s 2 s 2 1 s 1 2 1 may ride-through or may trip may ride-through or may trip may ride-through or may trip 0.88 p.u. Category II 0.45 p.u. 0.65 p.u. Permissive Operation Capability 0.16 s mayride-through 0.16 s Legend range of adustability default value shall trip zones may ride-through or may trip zones shall ride-through zones and operating regionsdescribing performance 26 Voltage Ride-Through Requirements –Category III 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Vo l t a g e ( p . u . ) Time (s) Momentary Cessation Capability shall trip1.20 p.u.0.16 s 13 s1.10 p.u. 0.00 p.u. 0.88 p.u. 21 s 0.00 p.u. 0.50 p.u. Continuous OperationCapability (subject to requirements of clause 5) Mandatory Operation Capability shall trip 10 s 2 s 2 1 s 1 2 may ride-through or may trip Momentary CessationCapability Category III 20 s21 s 50 s 1 ma y r i d e -th r o u g h or m a y t r i p 12 s 0.88 p.u. ma y ri d e -th r o u g h or m a y t r i p Legend range of adustability default value shall trip zones may ride-through or may trip zones shall ride-through zonesand operating regions describing performance 27 Frequency Ride-Through 56.0 56.5 57.0 57.5 58.0 58.5 59.0 59.5 60.0 60.5 61.0 61.5 62.0 62.5 63.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Fr e q u e n c y ( H z ) Time (s) Continuous OperationCapability (V/f ≤ 1.1) (subject to requirements of section Mandatory Operation Capability Mandatory OperationCapability shall trip shall trip 66.0 Hz 66.0 Hz 1 000 s0.16 s 180 s 62.0 Hz 50.0 Hz 0.16 s 1 000 s 50.0 Hz 57.0 Hz 1 000 s180 s 1 2 2 1 61.0 Hz 1 000 s 59.0 Hz Legend range of adustability default value shall trip zones may ride-through ormay trip zones shall ride-through zones and operating regions describing performance may ride-throughormay trip may ride-throughor may trip may ride-throughor may trip Category I,II, and III (harmonized) 299 s 299 s 60.6 Hz may ride-through or may trip 28 New Interoperability Clause ?IEEE Advancing Technology forHumanity New Interoperability Clause 29 Interoperability Achieved By Mandatory communication –A DER shall have provisions for an interface capable of communicating to support the information exchange requirements specified in this standard for all applicable functions that are supported in the DER. Information to be exchanged: –Nameplate Data –This information is indicative of the as-built characteristics of the DER. This information may be read. –Basic Settings –This information is indicative of the present capacity and ability of the DER to perform functions. This information may be read or written. –Monitoring –This information is indicative of the present operating conditions of the DER. This information may be read. –Management –This information is used to update functional and mode settings for the DER. This information may be read or written. 30 Scope of Interoperability Requirements NetworksDER Managing Entity Individual DER Out of Scope –Communication Network Specifics In Scope –Local DER Interface Network Adapters /Modules Out of Scope – Internal DER Specifics DER with System/ Plant Controller ……… IEEE 1547 interface (mandatory)other interfaces (optional)out of scope 31 List of Eligible Protocols Protocol Transport Physical Layer IEEE Std 2030.5 (SEP2)TCP/IP Ethernet IEEE Std 1815 (DNP3)TCP/IP Ethernet SunSpec Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet N/A RS-485 32 Logical Combinations of Protocols Ethernet IP TCP DNP3 Twisted Pair/RJ-45 Ethernet IPV6 TCP IEEE 2030.5 Twisted Pair/RJ-45 RS-485 N/A SunSpec Modbus Twisted Pair/ RJ- 45/CTA-2045 •Allowing for a couple of well-defined options gives vendors more flexibility and is still achievable for aggregators/integrators. Network Access IP Layer Transport Application 33 DER and BPS Impacts –Blue Cut Fire Event Source: NERC ?IEEEDERandBPSImpacts-Blue Cut Fire Event Advancing Technology forHumanity NERC NOBTi4 AMERICA Pi Iff TRI I C fi*EL1frBil_lTv CO G*R OE*ATIQ* 1 200 M W Fault Induced Solar \ Photovoltaic Resource Interruption Disturbance Report Rich Bauer Associate Director Reliability Risk Management /Event Analysis Joint OC/PC Meeting June 6,2017 RELIABILITY \ACCOUNTABILITY H,* 4T Source:NERC 34 DER and BPS Impacts –Loss of PV Resources Source: NERC ?IEEEDERandBPSImpacts-Loss of PV Resources Advancing Technology forHumanity NERC Solar resource loss1NOH1HAMLHILANLLLCTHIC. r?iann it v cnnPHHATLTN 110% 11:4.5:15 AM; 2.B&CD5 MW 100% 50% 11:52:10 AM; 2.-15 J.20 MW S0% 11:52:15 AM; 2,191.64 MW 70% f 11:45:16 AW: 1,705.7 MW 60% 50% 1 1:44:00 11:49:00 11:54:00 Source:NERC RELIABILITY |ACCOUNTABILITY 34 35 DER and BPS Impacts –System Frequency Drop Source: NERC ?IEEEDERandBPSImpacts-System Frequency Drop Advancing Technology forHumanity NERC Western Interconnection frequen14OF*114 A ML HILAN LLLL 1 NIC RFL I A HI.I TV CDUPDF?ATI-73 H WI 20 1 60S 16 184506 E^'hli ID MJOLflOSl —W1FNET End DcHjLTrtian UTC Tlmt ¦«-08 14.-20IS 1&:45:M f \&Lp^alTim^OS 161016 1 1.45.M-ITuiitZdoufPDT 15 Q "\ia Fkc V« [.aa-n Vaiiu A i i 0 109 :o:199\ntiijf-IS 59 92 Tifit.s PaLJll C 59B669 I.TTun:ti:C Pouil C'—Wrt_FPi£T Tuns afC A-B [ffittij 59 a c Mkl IHi FRJ1 B 1} H.«- jl B Dflwp iHd ntM c IMW O.ldzJ 0 5S g - T11111T no 30 -CO ]JO L4U Lea Tiri^I RELIABILITY |ACCOUNTABILITY2 Source:NERC 35 36 DER and BPS Impacts –One Outcome Source: NERC ?IEEEDERandBPSImpacts-One Outcome Advancing Technology forHumanity NERC NERC Alert issued 6/20/2017NOW1HAMLUILANLLGCTHI£ f:-cl i ami.i tv cnRPDBATiaN NERC HMTH A^eniC^N CLECTHIG RSLI AHIuITy eO^PaHATIQH Industry Recommendation Low of &olir Rosour«4 during Tnartjuvijiein Ciis^itfbar^ts du* to [nverter Settings Inraet Di:;trihytinn:June JO.J017 WEftC idcrtff ed 3 potential characteristic exhibited by 5one inverter-based resources,particularly utility-seaIq solar photovoltaic |IFVI generation.,whscti red u cos power output during Fault conditions on the transmission system.An example ofthis behavior has been absented during recent BP'S disturbances.,highlighting patontiaE risks to BJ'S rc 1 ability.VMrth the recent and expected increases of ubllnbyicrjle vpIpi roreurcw,lh>«GfeUMtofCM*reduction In pewtr output fromutility-*til*ptiHNif inverters needs to bo widely cornmunrcated and addressed by the industry.The Industry should identify reliability pi»pe*vlng «*lun*Intheiareatof power aystem planning arid r-pprstianx ts n#dwce the system relia bilnty 1moact m the eveit of widespread lo ss af solar-resources during faults on th c power rys-tem For more information,see the 1.200 MW Fault induced Solar Photovoltaic fiesource interruption nsruik*-.;.?Report ahammmitM": SUtus:Ackn-nw rdgrnirnt Krq J ir-fid by Midnight I astern on June 27,Jill/ Repelling Required b/Midhipht Editu n on August 31,2(317 ¦PUSLlCi No Rc-rtrirtmni Mcri suhmdim RELIABILITY |ACCOUNTABILITY38 Source:NERC 36 37 More Information on IEEE P1547 Go to IEEE SCC21’s P1547 Revision Grouper Website, http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/scc21/1547_revision/1547revision_index.html 38 Thank You! Contact Information Charlie Vartanian, PE Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc. C: 626-818-5230 E: charlie.vartanian@meppi.com