HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171101Renewable Energy Coalition 3-11 to IPC.pdfGregory M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N.27m Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 greg@richardsonadams. com RECE IVED ?0ll l{0Y - | P}l 3: [3 liiiiHC PUBLIC iJT lLlTlli: S CO[tMlSSlON Attorney for the Renewable Energy Coalition BEFORE TFM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 201 7 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN CASE NO. IPC-E-I7-II SECOND SET OF PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY Pursuant to Rule 225 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission"), the Renewable Energy Coalition by and tluough its attorney of record, Gregory M. Adams, hereby requests that ldaho Power Company ("Company") respond to the following set of production requests. This production request is to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide by way of supplementary responses additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide one physical copy and one electronic copy, if available, of your answer to Mr. Adams at the address noted above. For each item, please indicate the name of the person(s) preparing the answers, along Renewable Energy Coalition's Second Set of Production Requests to Idatro Power IPC-E-17-11 Page 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) with the job title of such person(s) and the witness at hearing who can sponsor the answer. If some of the following requests include disclosures deemed by Idaho Power to be confidential, the Renewable Energy Coalition is prepared to enter into an appropriate confi dentiality agreement. REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 3 Please refer to page 84 of the IRP where Idaho Power states that it is using the Energy lnformation Administration's ("EIA") High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case from EIA's 2016 Annual Energy Outlook ("AEO") for its Natural Gas Price Forecast because "this case is more consistent with recent price trends than the reference case." a. What were the other EIA forecasts that Idatro Power could have used? Please provide a fuller explanation of why each of the alternatives was rejected in favor of the High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case. b. Please explain why "recent price trends" are relevant to Idaho Power's Natural Gas Price Forecast? c. What "recent price trend" datadid ldaho Power review? Please provide this data. d. Please explain how the High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case is more consistent with recent price trends? e. Please explain how the'orecent price trendo'data is more reliable at predicting long-term natural gas forecasts than the EIA's Reference Case. f. What (if any) are the actual natural gas prices Idaho Power has paid during the last two years and contracted for in the future (and explain how they are calculated)? Renewable Energy Coalition's Second Set of Production Requests to ldaho Power IPC-E-17-11 Page2 ', REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 4 Please refer to the graph on page 84 of 2017 IRP where ldatro Power shows the EIA Reference Case forecast, and the EIA High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case forecast. Please also refer to ldaho Power's 2015 IRP on page 85 where ldaho Power also included the Low case. a. Please explain why Idaho Power has not considered the low case in the 2017 IRP? If the low case was considered in the2017IRP, please explain why it has not been displayed on this graph as it was in the 2015 IRP. b. What are the assumptions used in the EIA's Reference Case, High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case, and Low Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case? c. Please explain why EIA chose the EIA Reference Case over the others, and why EIA did not choose the EIA High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case? d. What makes Idaho Power different such that it should not use the EIA's Reference Case? REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 5 Please refer to page 85 where ldaho Power states that it applies a Sumas basis adjustment and transportation cost to the Henry Hub price to derive an Idaho Citygate price. What is the formula Idaho Power uses to adjust for the Sumas basis and transportation cost? Please provide any spreadsheets used for this analysis with all formulas intact. Renewable Energy Coalition's Second Set of Production Requests to Idaho Power IPC-E-17-11 Page 3 REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6 Please refer to page 112, Figure 9.1 of the IRP. a. Does this graph reflect that Idaho Power has selected the lowest of all gas scenarios as the planning case, and only analyzed price sensitivities above that of the planning case? b. Why has Idaho Power not analyzed any sensitivities below the planning case? c. Why has Idaho Power chosen to use low gas prices in its planning case scenario? d. Is this the same gas price assumptions Idatro Power has used for its energy efficiency analysis? REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 7 Please refer to pages ll2-ll3 where table 9.4 shows the portfolio relative costs under increasing levels of gas prices. With increasing gas price forecasts, portfolio costs increase for Pl, P3, P4, P6, P9, P10, and Pl2. Please explain why the portfolio costs did not increase for P2, P5, P7, P8, and Pl1. REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.8 Please refer to page 114 of the IRP. a. Please explain what ldaho Power means by "adjusted upward from the planning case gas price forecast." Please explain why Idaho Power used this approach. b. Please explain how ldaho Power estimated the black dashed line in figure 9.2 and why the Company chose a lower estimation for natural gas prices while it did not choose Renewable Energy Coalition's Second Set of Production Requests to ldaho Power IPC-E-17-11 Page 4 r a lower estimation for the other two stochastic variables (customer load sampling or hydro generation sampling). REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 9 Please refer to page 109 of Appendix C to the IRP where ldaho Power shows the historic EIA Henry Hub natural gas spot price forecasts for 2010 through20l6. Are these all based on the EIA's Reference Case in each year or the High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case? REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. TO Please refer to page 108 of Appendix C to the IRP where Idaho Power shows the Idaho Citygate Natural Gas, Coal, and Nuclear Price Forecasts. Please also refer to Idaho Power's 2015 IRP on page 129 of Appendix C, where Idaho Power also included the Idaho Citygate Natural Gas prices based on the High Case and the Low Case. Please explain why Idaho Power has chosen to only analyze the Idaho Citygate natural gas price forecast for its planning case (the High Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case), and not also compare the Idaho Citygate natural gas prices based on EIA's Reference Case and Low Oil and Gas Resource and Technology Case? REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 11 What data did Idatro Power use for gas prices in its energy effrciency analysis? What data did Idaho Power use for gas prices in its load-resource balance analysis? Renewable Energy Coalition's Second Set of Production Requests to Idaho Power IPC-E-17-l I Page 5 t r:! DATED this t day of November 2017. By: M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Adams, PLLC 515 N 27ft Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Telephone: 208.938.223 6 Fax: 208.938.7904 gre g@richardsonadams. com Renewable Energy Coalition's Second Set of Production Requests to Idaho Power IPC-E-17-11 Page 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on th" !fiuyof Novemb er2017,a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION TO IDAHOHO POWER COMPANY, in DocKet No. IPC-E-L7-II was served VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL and UNITED STATES MAIL, postage prepaid. to the following: Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 diane.holt@puc. idatro. gov Timothy Tatum Michael Youngblood Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idatro Street Boise, Idaho 83702 ttatum@idahopower.com myoungblood@idahopower. com Peter Richardson Industrial Customers of Idaho Power PO Box 7218 Boise,Idatro 83702 pete@richardsonadams. com C. Tom Arkoosh IDAHYDRO PO Box 2900 Boise,Idaho 83702 tom. arkoo sh@arkoo sh. com erin.cecil@arkoosh.com (email only) Gloria D. Smith Sierra Club 2101 Webster St, Suite 1399 Oakland, California 94612 gloria. smith@sierraclub. com Lisa Nordstrom Idaho Power Company 1221 West Idaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 lnordstrom@idahopower. com dockets@idahopower. com Eric Olsen Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Assn PO Box 6119 Pocatello,Idaho 83205 elo@echohawk.corn Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohio 44107 tony@yankel.net Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, Idaho 83702 dreading@mindspring.com Pete Bennett Micron Technology, Inc 8000 South Federal Way Boise, Idaho 83706 cbennett@micron.com Brad M. Purdy STOP B2H 2019 N. l7s Street Boise, Idaho 83702 bmpurdy@hotmail.com Renewable Energy Coalition's Second Set of Production Requests to Idaho Power IPC-E-17-l r Page 7 Thorvald A. Nelson Emanuel T. Cocian Kim Stanger Holland & Hart, LLP 6380 South Fiddlers Green Circle, Ste. 500 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 tnel son@hollandhart. com etcocian@hollandhart. com kcstanger@hollandhart. com khall@hollandhan.com Sean Costello Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 sean.costello@puc. idaho. gov Adams Renewable Energy Coalition's Second Set of Production Requests to Idaho Power IPC-E-17-11 Page 8 \