HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170424IPC to Staff Attachment 7.pdfAppendices Idaho Power Company Page 196 Demand-Side Management 2016 Annual Report Appendix 5. 2016 DSM program activity by state jurisdiction Idaho Oregon Program Participants Utility Costs Demand Reduction/ Annual Energy Savings (MW) Participants Utility Costs a Demand Reduction/ Annual Energy Savings(MW) Demand Response A/C Cool Credit ............................................................... homes $ 1,061,450 33 368 homes $ 41,845 0.4 Flex Peak Program .......................................................... sites 520,088 29 9 sites 247,909 13 Irrigation Peak Rewards .................................................. service points 7,378,725 295 50 service points 221,351 7 Total ................................................................................................................................. $ 8,960,263 357 $ 511,104 21 Energy Efficiency Residential Easy Savings ................................................................... kits 127,587 402,961 – kits – – Educational Distributions ................................................. kits/bulbs 2,336,721 14,680,660 1,316 kits/bulbs 56,164 468,945 Energy Efficient Lighting .................................................. bulbs 3,017,507 20,646,094 37,509 bulbs 63,200 447,719 Energy House Calls ......................................................... homes 190,621 470,535 32 homes 15,815 39,324 ENERGY STAR® Homes Northwest ................................ homes 140,648 150,282 – homes 1,510 – Fridge and Freezer Recycling Program ........................... refrigerators/ freezers 253,362 627,104 12 refrigerators/freezers 4,555 5,082 Heating & Cooling Efficiency Program ............................. projects 567,729 1,073,380 17 projects 27,184 40,194 Home Energy Audit ......................................................... audits 289,812 207,249 audits Home Improvement Program ........................................... projects 324,024 500,280 projects Multifamily Energy Savings Program ............................... projects 59,046 149,760 projects Oregon Residential Weatherization ................................. 7 homes 3,930 2,847 Rebate Advantage ........................................................... homes 104,658 385,528 4 homes 6,392 25,744 Simple Steps, Smart Savings™ ........................................ appliances/ showerheads 150,249 570,581 94 appliances/showerheads 3,535 6,739 Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers ......... homes/ non-profits 1,254,338 722,430 12 homes/non-profits 35,471 23,732 Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers .............. homes 1,323,793 621,653 homes Sector Total $ 10,140,095 41,208,496 $ 217,756 1,060,326 Commercial Custom Projects (Custom Efficiency) ............................... projects 7,745,408 46,614,955 11 projects 237,216 903,916 Green Motors—Industrial ................................................. motor rewinds 50,955 2 motor rewinds 0 72,745 New Construction (Building Efficiency) ............................ projects 1,888,663 12,254,358 3 projects 42,559 138,891 Retrofits (Easy Upgrades) ............................................... projects 4,811,357 27,040,532 59 projects 228,834 1,084,247 Sector Total $ 14,445,428 85,960,800 $ 508,608 2,199,799 Idaho Power Company Appendices Demand-Side Management 2016 Annual Report Page 197 Appendix 5. 2016 DSM program activity by state jurisdiction (continued) Idaho Oregon Program Participants Utility Costs Demand Reduction/ Annual Energy Savings Participants Utility Costs Demand Reduction/ Annual Energy Savings Irrigation Green Motors—Irrigation ................................................. motor rewinds 72,871 1 motor rewind 746 Irrigation Efficiency Rewards ........................................... projects $ 1,737,168 12,860,872 53 projects $ 635,185 2,812,641 Sector Total ..................................................................................................................... $ 1,737,168 12,933,743 $ 635,185 2,813,387 Market Transformation Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance 1 .......................................................................... 2,542,567 23,384,820 133,820 1,230,780 Other Programs and Activities Residential Energy Efficiency Education Initiative ........................................................................... 278,108 12,071 Shade Tree Project ....................................................................................................... 76,642 – Commercial Oregon Commercial Audits ........................................................................................... – 7,717 Other Energy Efficiency Direct Program Overhead ................................................................. 276.074 16,964 Total Program Direct Expense $ 38,456,344 $ 2,043,225 Indirect Program Expenses ........................................................................................... 2,147,479 116,414 Total Annual Savings ..................................................................................................... 163,487,859 7,304,292 Total DSM Expense ........................................................................................................ $ 40,603,823 $ 2,159,639 a Levelized Costs are based on financial inputs from Idaho Power's 2013 Integrated Resource Plan and calculations include line loss adjusted energy savings. 1 Savings are preliminary funder share estimates provided by NEEA. Final savings for 2016 will be provided by NEEA May 2017.