HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170425IPC to ICL&Sierra Club Redacted 1.1-1.7.pdf3Iffi*. I i: r-l ::- i \r/ [: L An TDACORP Company ii;i i,i-';i 25 PH L: 37 DONOVAN E. WALKER Lead Counsel dwal ker@i dahopower.com April 25, 2017 VIA HAND DELIVERY Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re Case No. IPC-E-17-01 Contract Terms, Conditions, and Avoided Cost Pricing for Battery Storage Facilities - ldaho Power Company's Response to the First Set of Data Requests of the ldaho Conservation League and the Sierra Club Dear Ms. Hanian Enclosed for filing in the above matter please find an original and three (3) copies of ldaho Power Company's Redacted Response to the First Set of Data Requests of the ldaho Conservation League and the Sierra Club. Also enclosed for filing are an original and three (3) copies of ldaho Power Company's Confidential Response to the ldaho Conservation League and the Sierra Club's Data Request No. 1.4. ln addition, enclosed are four (4) copies of a confidentia! disk containing information responsive to the ldaho Conservation League and the Sierra Club's data requests. Please handle the confidential information in accordance with the Protective Agreement executed in this matter. yours, Donovan E. Walker DEW:csb Enclosures 1221 W. ldaho 5t. (83702) P-O. Box 70 Boise, lD 83707 DONOVAN E. WALKER (lSB No. 5921) ldaho Power Company 1221West Idaho Street (83702) P.O. Box 70 Boise, ldaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-5317 Facsimile: (208) 388-6936 dwalker@ idahopower. com Attorney for ldaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A DECLARATORY ORDER REGARDI NG PROPER CONTRACT TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND AVOIDED COST PRICING FOR BATTERY STORAGE FACILITIES i"'li:IIiiVE D :ill i,f ll 25 Pll \: 38 CASE NO. IPC-E-17-0',1 IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB ,.(:' ._:!) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) COMES NOW, ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Compooy"), and in response to the First Set of Data Requests of the ldaho Conservation League and the Sierra Club to ldaho Power Company dated April 4, 2017, herewith submits the following information: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB - 1 REQUEST NO. 1.1: Please identify each Qualified Facility ("QF") from which you expect or anticipate purchasing electricity (capacity and/or energy) during 2017 and for each Qualified Facility identified, please provide each of the following: (1) The fuel and/or generation source for the QF; (2) The approximate location of the QF generation; (3) The date on which the QF first delivered electricity to you; (4) The date on which the QF obligation (contract or legally enforceable obligation) occurred for the QF; (5) The projected capacity factor of the QF during 2017; (6) The total generation expected from the QF during 2017; (7) The expected capacity value of the QF during your system peak during 2017; (8) The expected pricing for capacity and energy from the QF during 2017. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1.1: Please see the confidentia! Excel file provided on the confidential CD. The confidential CD wi!! only be provided to those parties that have executed the Protective Agreement in this matter. The response to this Request is sponsored by Michael Darrington, Energy Contracts Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB - 2 REQUEST NO. 1.2: Please provide an updated version of Allphin Exhibits 2,3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 10 filed in Docket No. IPC-E-15-01, based on data current through the date of your response (for Exhibit 8, please include at least years 2014,2015 and 2016). RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1.2: For updated Allphin Exhibit No. 2, please see Attachment 1 attached hereto. For updated Allphin Exhibit No. 3, please see Attachment 2 attached hereto. ln that document, ldaho Power has included two tables that describe proposed solar projects in ldaho and Oregon from January 21, 2015, to the present. ldaho Power has not estimated contractual obligations for proposed projects that have not requested an indicative pricing proposal or did not provide information required by ldaho Power to prepare an indicative pricing proposalfrom the Company. For updated Allphin Exhibit No. 4, please see confidential Attachment 3 provided on the confidential CD. The confidential CD will only be provided to those parties that have executed the Protective Agreement in this matter. As described above in relation to Exhibit No. 3, ldaho Power has not estimated obligations for all proposed solar projects; therefore, an estimate of contractual obligations including proposed solar has not been made. Allphin Exhibit No. 6 was completed at a specific time for a specific purpose and ldaho Power has not updated that analysis. There have been no changes in net power supply expenses included in ldaho base rates since Exhibit No. 8 was prepared and therefore there is no update. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB - 3 Regarding Allphin Exhibit No. 9, the energy sales agreements ("ESA") applicable to the following projects have been terminated at the projects' request: Pocatello Solar 1, LLC; Clark Solar 1, LLC; Clark Solar 2, LLC; Clark Solar 3, LLC; and Clark Solar 4, LLC. The following projects have been added and remain under contract since the time Allphin Exhibit No. 9 was prepared: Brush Solar, Morgan Solar, and Vale I Solar with respective estimated contractual obligations of $8,214,430, $9,584,594, and $9,072,087. The following chart is an updated version of Allphin Exhibit No. 10: Aver.Sa PURPA Price vs. Mid-c lndex t00 90 80 10 60 50 40 30 20 10 5 E. 2m0 2m2 2m4 2m6 2m8 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 -Midc Historiral -PURPA FoNard kice Obligations -PURPA Historic:l - - Mid C Futur€s Settled Prket The response to this Request is sponsored by Michael Darrington, Energy Contracts Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB.4 REQUEST NO. 1.3: For each of the projects identified in Allphin Exhibit 3 filed in Docket No. IPC-E-15-01, please state the current status of the project, including but not limited to: (1) whether the project proponent obtained a contract or legally enforceable obligation; (2) the date of the contract or legally enforceable obligation; and (3) The date on which the project either first produced electricity transferred to ldaho Power or is projected to first produce electricity to transfer to ldaho Power. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1.3: (1) None of the proposed projects that were the subject of Allphin Exhibit No. 3 obtained an ESA with ldaho Power. (2) N/A. (3) N/A. The response to this Request is sponsored by Michael Darrington, Energy Contracts Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB - 5 REQUEST NO. 1.4: Please provide the following for the Langley Gulch natural gas fired power plant for 2015,2016, and projected for 2017: (1) Total annual generation in Megawatt Hours (MWh); (2) The generation for each hour of the year; (3) The fue! cost in dollars per MWh of net production for each hour of the year; (4) The variable operation and maintenance (O&M) costs in dollars per net MWh for each year; (5) The categories of costs that were included in your calculation of variable O&M costs. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1.4: (1) The total annual generation for Langley Gulch for 2015 and 2016 was 1,656,526 MWh and 1 ,407,777 MWh, respectively. For the time period January 1 through April 4, 2017, the total generation was 296,974 and the projected generation for the remainder of 2017 ir I MWh. (2) The hourly MWh output data for Langley Gulch for the time period January 1, 2015, through April 4, 2017, is contained in the confidential Excel workbook (Attachment 1) provided on the confidentia! CD. ldaho Power does not project long- term hourly forecast. (3) The confidential Excel workbook (Attachment 2) included on the confidentia! CD provides the monthly fuel expense for the Langley Gulch plant by month for the years 2015,2016, and January-April of 2017 actual and May-December forecast. ldaho Power does not project long-term hourly forecast. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB - 6 (4) ldaho Power does not delineate between fixed versus variable non-fuel O&M in its accounting system; therefore, it cannot provide a response to this Request with any precision. (5) Please see the Company's response to subpart (4) above. The confidential CD will only be provided to those parties that have executed the Protective Agreement in this matter. The response to this Request is sponsored by Randy Henderson, Finance Team Leader ll, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB.7 REQUEST NO. 1.5: Please provide the following for 2015,2016, and projected for 2017: (1) The marginal energy cost for each hour of the year; (2) The marginal generation resource for each hour of the year. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1.5: Actua! marginal energy cost and resource is not tracked on an hourly basis. The response to this Request is sponsored by Rick Haener, Power Supply Planning Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB - 8 REQUEST NO. 1.6: Please provide the following: (1) Each potential QF that has requested an energy sales agreement since February 5,2015; (2) The fuel or generation source for each potential QF that requested an energy sales agreement since February 5,2015; (3) The nameplate generation size of each potential QF that requested an energy sales agreement since February 5,2015; (4) Each potential QF that submitted a written request for indicative pricing since February 5, 2015; (5) The fuel or generation source for each potential QF that submitted a written request for indicative pricing since February 5, 2015; (6) The nameplate generation size of each potential QF that submitted a written request for indicative pricing since February 5, 2015; (7) Each potential QF that has requested an energy sales agreement since August 20,2015; (8) The fuel or generation source for each potential QF that requested an energy sales agreement since August 20,2015; (9) The nameplate generation size of each potential QF that requested an energy sales agreement since August 20,2015; (10) Each potentia! QF that submitted a written request for indicative pricing since August 20,2015; (11) The fuel or generation source for each potential QF that submitted a written request for indicative pricing since August 20,2015; IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB.9 (12) The nameplate generation size of each potential QF that submitted a written request for indicative pricing since August 20,2015; and (13) The approximate location of each QF identified in response to subparts 1-12, above. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1.6: The table below Iists the projects that have submitted either a Schedule 73 (ldaho) or Schedule 85 (Oregon) QF ESA Application ("Application"), arranged by date the Application was deemed complete. Projects identified by name executed an ESA with ldaho Power that was filed with the applicable state's public utilities commission. All others remain confidential. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB - 1O Project Name or Confidential Identifier Date Schedule 73 or Schedule 85 Application Received, Including Request for an Indicative Pricing Pronosal Date of Request for Draft Energy Sales Agreement Facility Type Location Nameplate (Mw) Proiect D5 211712015 N/A Solar Idaho 10.00 Proiect D6 2/1712015 N/A Solar Idaho 10.00 Proiect D4 31212015 N/A Solar Idaho 10.00 Proiect D3 31212015 N/A Solar Idaho 10.00 Baker City Hydro 3/5/2015 31512015 Hydro Oregon 0.24 Proiect D2 3t20t2015 N/A Solar Idaho 7.s0 Proiect Dl 3/2012015 N/A Solar Idaho 6.00 Project Ml 41712015 412712015 Solar Oregon 5.00 Malheur River Solar 4/712015 4127/2015 Solar Oregon 10.00 Olds Ferry Solar 417/2015 4t27t2015 Solar Oregon s.00 Project M5 41712015 412712015 Solar Oregon 10.00 Project M6 41712015 412712015 Solar Oregon 10.00 Arcadia Solar 4116/2015 7lt4/201s Solar Oregon s.00 Little Valley 4t2712015 7lt4l20ts Solar Oregon 10.00 Jamieson Solar 4127/2015 7lt4l20t5 Solar Oregon 4.00 Evergreen Solar 4t27t2015 7114t20r5 Solar Oregon 10.00 Moores Hollow Solar 412712015 711412015 Solar Oregon 10.00 John Day Solar 4t27/2015 7/14t2015 Solar Oreqon 5.00 Project N2 4127/2015 N/A Solar Oregon 10.00 Project Ql 412712015 711412015 Solar Oregon 6.00 Project Q2 412712015 7114t2015 Solar Oregon 5.00 Fairway sl6l20ts 412712015 Solar Oregon 10.00 North Gooding Main sn6l20ts 5ll6l20t5 Hydro Idaho 1.22 Proiect Rl 6lt5l20t5 N/A Solar Idaho 0.10 Proiect R2 611512015 N/A Solar Idaho 0.10 Proiect R3 611512015 N/A Solar Idaho 0.10 Proiect R4 611512015 N/A Solar Idaho 0.10 Proiect R5 6lt5l20t5 N/A Solar Idaho 0.10 Proiect R6 6n512015 N/A Solar Idaho 0.10 Proiect R7 611sl20ts N/A Solar Idaho 0.10 Proiect R8 6lt5l20t5 N/A Solar Idaho 0.10 Proiect R9 611512015 N/A Solar Idaho 0.10 Proiect Rl0 6t1st20ts N/A Solar Idaho 0.10 Proiect Sl 8l3t/2015 N/A Solar Idaho 16.00 Project Tl 9lt5l20t5 10t29t2015 Solar Oregon 10.00 Proiect U1 6t3t2016 7/712016 Solar Idaho 20.00 Proiect U2 61312016 71712016 Solar Idaho 20.00 Proiect U3 613/2016 71712016 Solar Idaho 20.00 Proiect U4 613/2016 71712016 Solar Idaho 20.00 Brush Solar 712U2016 7t2U2016 Solar Oregon 2.75 Vale I Solar 7t2y2016 7l2t/2016 Solar Oregon 3.00 Morgan Solar 81512016 8/s/2016 Solar Oregon 3.00 SISW LFGE 8nU20t6 tt/17/2016 Biomass Idaho s.00 Project T5 1112/2016 Utu20r7 Solar Oregon 15.00 The response to this Request is sponsored by Michael Darrington, Energy Contracts Leader, ldaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB - 11 REQUEST NO. 1.7: Please provide the spreadsheets, workpapers, and/or analyses conducted and/or relied on in any way for your response to the foregoing requests. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 1.7:There are no other spreadsheets, workpapers, and/or analyses to provide. The response to this Request is sponsored by Michael Darrington, Energy Contracts Leader, ldaho Power Company. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 25th day of Apnl2017 OVAN E. WALKER Attorney for ldaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB - 12 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTTFY that on the 25th day of April2OlT l served a true and correct copy of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Commission Staff Camille Christen Deputy Attorney General !daho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 \N est Washi ngton (83702) P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 Franklin Energy Storage One through Four, LLC Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 515 North 27th Street (83702) P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ldaho 83707 Black Mesa Energy, LLC Brian Lynch Black Mesa Energy, LLC P.O. Box 2731 Palos Verdes, California 90274 Idaho Conservation League Benjamin J. Otto ldaho Conservation League 710 North Sixth Street P.O. Box 844 Boise, ldaho 83701 Sierra Club David Bender Earthjustice 3916 Nakoma Road Madison, Wisconsin 537 11 X Hand Delivered _U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email camille.christen@puc.idaho.oov _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email peter@richardsonadams.com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email brian@mezzdev.com _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email botto@idahoconservation.oro _Hand DeliveredX U.S. Mail _Overnight Mail _FAXX Email dbender@earthjustice.orq rista Bearry, IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S REDACTED RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF DATA REQUESTS OF THE IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB - 13 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GASE NO. IPC-E-17-01 IDAHO POWER COMPANY RESPONSE TO THE IDAHO GONSERVATION LEAGUE AND THE SIERRA CLUB'S REQUEST NO. 1.2 ATTACHMENT 1 ldaho Power Company Renewable Energy Project List SUMTARY PURPA Projects OregonSolar Projec{s Non PURPA Projects Biomass CoGen Solar Thermal Hydro \Mnd Biomass Solar Hydro 133 60 3 1,135.83 MW 0.46 MW 135.65 MW 196 1,271.94!fiN 29.45 MW 15.90 MW 289.50 MW 5.00 MW 147.77 MW 626.92 MW 10 1 14 2 69 32 128 I,114.53MW 5.00 8.75 MW 7.55 MW 1 3 1 PURPA PROJECTS ONLINE PURPA PROJECTS UNDER CONTRACT NOT YET ONLINE 21.30 ]rftu OR Solar 0.46 MW 0.46 MW Geothermal \Mnd 2 1 35.00 MW 100.65 MW 3 135.65 ifiW 1,271.91ifiil196 Totals Projects Capacity Respons 1.2 - Updatad Allphin Exhibit 2.xls Pag3'l ldaho Power Company Renewable Energy Project List PURPA PROJECTS ONLINE I I Proiect Proiecl Name ProiectStateCountvFacilitv 316'16150 Biomass 41365515 Biomass 31615100 Biomass 316'16100 Biomass 316161 15 Biomass 21865113 Biomass 2'1615100 Biomass 4'1455091 Biomass 316161 10 Biomass 11766002 Biomass Tot.l Blom.$ Preiecb: l0 41875695 Cocen Total Cocon Prclects: 1 E]6 Anaercbic Digester Bannmk County Landfill Betten@urt Dry Creek BioFactory, LLC Big Sky Vl/est Dairy Digester (DF-AP #1, LLC) Double A Digester Prcject Fightjng Cr€ek Landfill Gas to Energy Station Hidd€n Hollor Landfll Gas Po€tello \y'Yaste Rock Cresk Dairy Tamarad( Cspp Simplot - Po€tello Ameri€n Falls Solar ll, LLC Ameri€n Falls Solar, LLC Grand View PV Solar Two Grcve Solar Center. LLC Hyline Solar Center, LLC lD Solar I Mt. Home Solar 1, LLC Murphy Fl€t Power, LLC Open Range Solar Cent€r, LLC Orchard Ranch Solar, LLC Railmad Solar Center, LLC Simco€ Solar, LLC Thunder€gg Solar Center, LLC Vale Air Solar Center, LLC Tasco - Nampa Tasco - Twin Falls ID ID ID ID ID ID ro ID ID ID to ID ID ID OR OR ID ID ID OR ID OR ID OR OR ID ID ID OR ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID to ID ID ID to ID ID to ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID Gooding Bannock County Twin Falls Gooding Lin@ln K@tenai Ada Bannock Twin Falls Adams PNer Piler Poiler Elmore Malheur Malheur Ada Elmore Owyhe€ Malh€ur Ada Malheur ElmoE Malheur Malhsur Canyon Twin Fells 2.28 3.20 2.25 1.504.fi 3.06 3.20 0.46 4.00 5.00 29.45 15.90 15.90 20.00 20.00 80.00 6.00 9.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 4.50 20.00 10.00 10.00 289.50 25586937 Solar 25591&4 Sotar 12616100 Sotar 127273* S,olat 12739324 Sotar 25088520 Sotar 25031625 Solar 25524198 Sotar 12705219 Solar 25573998 Solar 1274'1175 Sotar 25580735 Solar 12745920 Sotat 12719362 Sotar Total Sol.r PrcJec{3: 14 2'1662'100 Thermal 31616082 Themal TotalThemrl Projecb: 2 2.OO 3.00 5.00 21615205 Hydro 20150601 Hydro 21615078 Hydro 31214058 Hydro 31415065 Hydro 20140708 Hydro 31615140 Hydro 31416013 Hydrc 31515100 Hydro 31715126 Hydrc 3141@20 Hydrc 3161@81 Hydro 31516014 Hydro 3'1615057 Hydrc 31415023 Hydro 31615106 Hydo 44395973 Hydro 11615077 Hydro 41717137 Hydto 21615215 Hydro 31615121 Hydrc 314'15134 Hydrc 3'1615098 Hydro 3'13'15093 Hydro 317'15128 Hydrc 31715140 Hydro 20140328 Hydro 11715144 Hydrc 31415094 Hydrc 31615031 Hydrc 3'16'15030 Hydrc 31615056 Hydro 3'1316015 Hydrc 315151 10 Hydrc 31615105 Hydro 31515'107 Hydro 31715099 Hydro 3'1615130 Hydro 31615125 Hydro Arena Drop Baker City Hydro Barber Dam Birch Crek Black Canyon #3 Black Canyon Bliss Hydro Blind Canyon Box Canyon Briggs Creek Bypass Canym Springs Cedar Oril Clear Springs Trcul Crystal Springs Curry Catlle Company Dietrich Drop Eightmile Hydro Proj*t Elk Cre6k Falls Riv€r Fargo Orop Hydrcelfftric Faulkn€r Ranch Fisheri€s D€v. Gs-Bon #2 Hailey Cspp Haelton A Huelton B Head of U Canal Prcject Horsssho€ Bend Hydro Jim Knight Kasel & Wthe6pmn Koyl6 Small Hydro Lateral # l 0 Lemoyne Little \ bod River Ranch ll Little Vlbod Rvr Res Littlilmd / Arkoosh Lw Line Canal Loil Line Midway Hydro Lilline#2 Canyon Baker Ada Gooding Gooding Gmding G@dng Twin Falls Twin Falls Jerome Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Jerome Lemhi ldaho Fremont Canyon G@dng Goodang Lincoln Blaine Jerome Jerome Jerome Boise Gooding Twin Falls G@din9 Twin Falls Gooding Shoshone Blains Lincoln Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls 0.45 o.24 3.70 0.05 0.14 0.03 1.63 0.36 0.60 9.96 0.13 1.55 0.52 2.44 o.22 4.50 0.36 2.@ 9.10 1.27 o.87 0.26 0.930.6 8.10 7.60 1.24 9.50 0.34 0.90 '1.25 2.06 0.08 1.25 2.85 0.87 7.97 2.50 2.79 Response 1.2 - Updated Allphin Exhibit 2.xls Page 2 ldaho Power Company Renewable Energy Project List 31715123 Hydro 315'15009 Hydrc 31615117 Hydro 316'15'154 Hydrc 12618250 Hydro 12614070 Hydro 21615200 Hydro 31515005 Hydrc 31414111 Hydrc 20150729 Hydto 12616071 Hydro 31615067 Hydro 314'15166 Hydro 31415167 Hydro 214151 19 Hydro 31615003 Hydro 31615104 Hydro 31515103 Hydro 31617100 Hydro 41515122 Hydto 'I 1415000 Hydro 31615158 Hydrc 31416002 31315021 31414075 41717139 31415027 12616072 31315029 31715141 Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydrc Hydro Magic Reseryoir Malad Riv6r Ma@ Ranches Mile 28 Mill CEek Hydroslectric Mitchell Butte Mora Drop Small Hydrcelectric Facility Mud Creek S and S Mud Creeuwhite North Gooding Main Hydro Owyhe€ Oam Cspp Pigeon Cove Pristine Springs #1 Pristine Springs #3 Reynolds lrigation Rmk Creek #1 Rock Creek #2 Sagebrush Sahko Hydrc Schaffner Shingle Crek Shoshone #2 Shoshone CSPP Snaks River Pottery Snedigar Tibsr Dam Troulco Tunnel #1 v\ihite vlhter Ranch Wl$n Lake Hydro Bennstt Creek Vvind Fam Benson Crek Wndfam Burlsy Butte Wnd Park Camp Reed Wnd Park Cassia Wnd Farm LLC Cold Springs Wnctfam Dessrl Meadow VMndfam Durbin Creek VMndfam FossilGulch Wnd Golden Vall€y VMnd Park Hammett Hill v\4ndfam High Mesa Wnd Project Horseshe Bond Wnd Hot Springs Wnd Fam Jett Creok Wndfarm Lime V\4nd Energy Mainline VMndfam Milner Dam Wnd Ol€gon Trail Wnd Park Payne's Ferry WM Park Pilgrim Stage Station Wnd Park Prospector VMndfam Rmkland Wnd Fam RyegEss Wndfam Salmon Falls Wnd SaMooth Wnd Prcject Thousand Springs Wnd Park Tuana Gulch Wnd Park Tuana Springs Expansion Two Ponds VMndfam Wllor Spring VMndfam Yahoo Creek Wnd Park to ID ID ID OR OR ID ID ID ID OR ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID MT ID OR ID ID ID OR ID ID ID ID ID OR ID ID ID ID MT ID OR OR to ID ID ID ID OR ID ID ID ID ID ID ID ID OR ID Blaine Gmding Jerome Jerome Union Malheur Ada Twin Falls Twin Falls Lin@ln Malheur Twin Falls Jercme Jercme Canyon Twin Falls Twin Falls Lin@ln Twin Falls Lemhi Adams Lin@ln Lincoln Gooding Twin Falls Liberty County Gooding Malheur Gooding Jerome Elmore Baker Cassia Elmore Twin Falls Elmore Elmore Baker Twin Falls Cassia EImore Twin FallVElmore Cas€de Elmore Baker Baker Elmore Cassia Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Baker Peer Elmore Twin Falls Elmore Twin Falls Twin Falls Twin Falls Elmore Baker Twin Falls 9.07 0.62 '1.20 1.50 0.80 2.09 1.85 o.52 o.21 1.30 5.00 1.89 0.10 0.20 0.26 2.05 1.90 0.43 0.50 0.53 0.2. 0.58 0.36 0.07 o.54 7.50 o.24 7.OO 0.16 8.40 117.77 21.00 10.00 21.30 22.50 10.50 23.00 23.00 10.00 '10.50 12.00 23.O0 40.00 9.00 21.O0 10.00 3.00 23.00 19.92 13.50 21.00 '10.50 10.00 80.00 23.00 22.OO 22.OO '12.o0 10.50 35.70 23.00 10.00 21.OO 625.92 21615101 V\4nd.126,18240 wnd 31765170 Vvind 31315050 Wnd 31318100 Wnd 21615115 Wnd 21615120 Wnd 126'18230 V\4nd 313'15035 V\6nd 31765'160 VMnd 21615125 VMnd 3'1315130 \ rnd 41718'140 Wnd 21615105 Wnd 12618220 Vvind 12618200 Wnd 21615130 VMnd 31720190 Wnd 313'15075 Wnd 31315060 V\itnd 31315045 VMnd 12618210 Wnd 41455300 VMnd 21615135 V\4nd 31618100 Vvind 21615110 VMnd 31315055 VMnd 31315065 Wnd 31315150 Wnd 21615140 VMnd 12618245 Vvind 31315070 VMnd Total Wnd ProJect8: 32 PURPA PROJECTS UNDER CONTRACT NOT YET ONLINE Proiect Number Tvpe Proiect Name State Countv 20170214Biomass SISWLFGE Totrl Biomrs PrcJe{3: 1 12975375 Solar 12985329 Solar 12963059 Solar Total Soler Project3: 3 Brush Solar Morgan Solar Vals I Solar 20'140601 Hydro Totrl Hydro PrcJEts: 1 Clark Canyon Hydmleclic ID OR OR OR MT Cassia 5.m 5.00 2.75 3.00 3.00 8.75 Baker [ilalheur Malheur Beawrhsad Response 1.2 - Updated Allphin Exhibit 2.xls Paga 3 7.55 ldaho Power Company Renewable Energy Project List PROJECTS ONLINE 900014'12 OR Solar 90001411 OR Solar 9000131'l OR Solar 90000088 OR Solar 9000@73 OR Solar 90000001 OR Solar 90001415 OR Solar 90001413 OR Solar 90000067 OR Solar 90000084 OR Solar 90000080 OR Solar 90000086 OR Solar 90000063 OR Solar 90000062 OR Solar sth Ave Pivot 6th Ave R€ntal 7 kW Shafier Solar 7.7 kW lnigation 8.64 kW Home Bausr Solar Chamberlain Dairy Chamb€rlain House Circle M Fams City of Ontario PV Aray #2 - WWTP Building City of Ontario PV Aray #3 - VVWTP Aerators City of Ontario PV Aray ,,4 - VVWTP Lift Station City of Ontario PV Aray #5 - City Hall City of Ontario PV Anay ,6 - Public Works Shop City of Ontario PV Aray #7 - WTP (East Building) City of Oilano PV Aray ,E - WTP (West PoMs) City of Ontario PV Aray #9 - Golf Clubhous Cliff and Pal Looney D€an Mackeyl Main House - PV Amy D€an Macksy3 lnigation Pump - PV Aray Findley Land and Livestmk, LLC lnigation Findley Residen@ Findley Shop Findley Well Gary T. Taylor Green House Ham Piv H@ss Jackie Hansen Jake's House Konnington Dairy Solar Luther Homestead Luther V1/etlands Malheur County Fairgrcunds #1 Malheur County Fairgrcunds #2 Malheur County Fairgounds #3 Michasl Mccourty Nslr House Onion Storag€ Pins Eagle High School PV Aray Pine Eagle Maddle School PV Array Pine Eagle Pump Station PV Anay Pump 1 Pump 12 Pump 15 Pump 16 Pump 17 Pump 19 Pump 2 Pump 20 Pump 3 Pump 4 Pump 9 Pump A Pump B Roger Findlsy Schuster S@tt Piv Shop TVCC Liwstmk Center Solar Project OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0'1 0.0'1 0.01 0.01 0.0't 0.01 0.0'l 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.ol 0.01 0.01 0.0't 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0't 0.01 0.01 0.0'l 0.0'l 0.01 0.0'l 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.0'1 0.46 90000059 OR Solar 90000055 OR Solar 90000072 OR Solar 9O00m28 OR Solar 9000m79 OR Solar 90000077 OR Solar 90000025 OR Solar 90000002 OR Solar 90000075 OR Solar 9000m81 OR Solar 90000006 OR Solar 90001302 OR Solar 90000076 OR Solar 9000@44 OR Solar 90001417 OR Solar 9000'1415 OR Solar 90000005 OR Solar 90000003 OR Solar 90000007 OR Solar 90001306 OR Solar 90001313 OR Solar 90001315 OR Solar 90001414 OR Solar 90001410 OR Solar 90001312 OR Solar 90000051 OR Solar 90000064 OR Solar 90000078 OR Solar 90000057 OR Solar 90000060 OR Solar 90@0043 OR Solar 90001310 OR Solar 90000045 OR Solar 90000048 OR Solar 90000047 OR Solar 90000056 OR Solar 90000054 OR Solar 90000050 OR Solar 90000052 OR Solar 90m1307 OR Solar 90000046 OR Solar 90000061 OR Solar 90001309 OR Solar 90001303 OR Solar 90001301 OR Solar 90000004 OR Solar Malhsur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malh€ur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malhusr Malheur Malheur Malheur Malhuer Malh€ur Malh€ur Malheur Malheur Malhsur Malheur Malheur Malh€ur Malheur Baker Baker Baker Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malheur Malh6ur Malhusr Malheur Malheur Malheur MalhBur Malheur Malheur Total OR Sohr ProjecE: 50 Non PURPA PROJECTS ONLINE 10000003 Geothemal Neal Hot Springs Unit #1 1000m02 ceothemal Raft River Unil #1 Total Geothemrl Prclst3: 2 OR ID OR Malh€ur Cassia 22.OO 13.00 35.00 10000001 Wnd Total Wnd PrcJect!: I union State Countv ProiectProieclProiect NarneFacilitv Proiect Name State Countv ProiectProiectFacilitv Elkhom VVnd Proiect Response 1.2 - Updated Allphin Exhibit 2.xls Page 4 100.65 r00.65 ATTACHMENT 2 ldaho Powercompany Propos€d PURpA Solar - As of Janu ary 20, 2Ol5 tdaho Project Name Project Developel MWac Term (Years)State Estimated Operation Date Estimated Obli8ation (includes integrationl Estimated 2 Yeal Obligation (includes intesrationl Proiect A1 Develooer A 80 20 ldaho 12lO1lt6 S\94.o97.773 s9.903.s5s Proiect A2 Develooer A 28 20 ldaho t2loLlL6 67.364.680 3.418.565 Proiect 43 Developer A 30 20 ldaho L2l3Llt6 ss8,638.038 52.s6t,s12 Proiect A4 Develooer A 30 20 ldaho 72137176 Ss7.091.198 52.43s.2to Proiect B1 Developer B 20 20 ldaho LOl30/L6 48.tt7.629 2.44L.832 Proiect 82 Developer B 20 20 ldaho 70130/16 547,7s8,rL9 52,4L3,4s0 Proiect C1 Develooer C 20 20 ldaho t2137176 553.382.246 s2.318.923 Proiect C2 Developer C 20 20 ldaho 72l3rl15 s3.283.030 2.337.229 Proiect C3 Develooer C 20 20 ldaho 721371t5 549.2o3.964 S2-1s0.195 Proiect C4 Develooer C 20 20 ldaho 72131/L6 49.360.962 2.148.558 Proiect C5 Developer C 20 20 ldaho L2l3rlL6 ;48,760,343 2,O84,643 Proiect C5 Develooer C 20 20 ldaho 1213r/t6 Ss1.486.s68 52.20a.705 Proiect C7 Develooer C 20 20 ldaho 72l3rlt6 51.493.788 2.t78.763 Proiect C8 Developer C 20 20 ldaho L2l3tlL6 51.355.245 2.769.547 Proiect Cq Develooer C 20 20 ldaho 12l3rl76 351.797.624 s2.148.386 Proiect C10 Developer C 20 20 lda ho rzl37l76 48.438.230 2.048.049 Proiect D1 Developer D 5 20 ldaho Lzl3tlL6 13,450,419 652,577 Proiect D2 Develooer D 7.5 20 Idaho 1213].1t6 S15.813.024 s8 1s-639 Proiect D3 Developer D 10 20 ldaho t2/3LlL6 72.477.366 1.087.519 Proiect D4 Develooer D 10 20 ldaho 72131176 522,417 366 S1,087,s 19 Proiect E1 Develooer E 13 20 ldaho L2l3Ll16 529.742.575 st.4t3.775 Proiect E2 Developer E 20 20 ldaho 72131175 44.834.73L 2.t7s.o38 Proiect E3 Develooer E 13 20 ldaho t2l3tl16 s29.142.57s 5r.4r3.77s Proiect E4 Developer E 20 20 ldaho 12l3t/t6 44.077.867 2.LL3.543 Proiect E5 Developer E 20 20 ldaho Lzl37h6 43.254.238 2.047.377 Proiect E6 Develooer E 20 20 ldaho L2l31lL6 s43.264.238 s2.O47.377 Proiect E7 Developer E 20 20 ldaho Lzl3LlL6 43.264.238 2.047.317 Proiect E8 Developer E 70 20 ldaho 72/31/16 543,264,238 52,047 3r7 Proiect E9 Develooer E 20 20 ldaho 72137176 s42.355.002 E]..972.s77 Proiect E10 Developer E 20 20 ldaho t2/3L/t6 4L.372.O78 1.893.106 Proiect E11 oeveloper E 20 20 ldaho 12/31175 54L,372,078 S1,893,105 Proiect E12 Develooer E 13 20 ldaho t2l3Ll76 s26.891.851 s 1.230.519 Proiect F1 Developer F 70 20 lda ho 12l3tl76 5.745.735 Proiect G1 Develooer G 3 20 ldaho t2l3tl15 s5.863.804 s255.151 Proiect H1 Develooer H 1 20 ldaho 72/3tlL5 1.818.839 15 Proiect I 1 Developer I 20 20 ldaho t2l3Ll16 s36.f76.776 L.486.292 755 7tL,94L,939 Subtotal Total ldaho Power Company Proposed PURPA Sohr - As of January 20, 2015 OIesoo Project Name Project Developer MWAC Term (Years)State Scheduled Operation Date Estimated Obligation (includes integration) Estimated 2 Yeal Obligation (includes inteErationl Proiect J 1 Develooer J 10 20 Oregon 05lL5l76 s30.282.970 s2.004.849 Proiect E13 Developer E 20 20 Oregon 72131/76 s4t.372.078 s1.893.105 Proiect K1 Develooer K 10 20 Oreson 7213r/75 s31.889.203 s2.084.319 Proiect K2 Developer K 10 20 Oreson 72l3LlL6 s31.889.203 s2.084.319 Proiect K3 Develooer K 10 20 Oreson t2l3t/t6 s31,889.203 s2.084,319 Proiect K4 Developer K 10 20 Oregon L2/3Llt6 s31.889.203 s2.084.319 DeveloDer K 10 20 Oreson 72131.11,6Project K5 s31,889.203 s2.084.319 Proiect KG Developer K 10 20 Oreson tzl3il16 s31.889.203 s2.084.319 10 20 C)resonProiect K7 Developer K 12137116 s31.889.203 s2,084,319 Proiect K8 Develooer K 10 20 Oreson 72137/16 s31.889.203 s2.084.319 Proiect K9 Developer K 10 20 Oreson t2l3tlL6 s31.889.203 s2.084.319 10Proiect K10 Developer K 20 Oregon 12l3LlL6 s31.889,203 s2,084.319 885 ldaho PowcrCompany Propos€d PURPA Solar - January 2t 2015 - Pres€rt ldaho P.oject Name Project Developer MWac Term (Years)State Scheduled Operation Date Estimated 20 Year Obligation (includes intesrationl Estimated 2 Yeal Obligation lincludes inte!rationl Proiect D5 Develooer D 10 20 ldaho 12l3Llt6 N/A 1.001.813 Proiect D5 Develooer D 10 20 ldaho t2l3Ll76 N/A s958,ss0 Proiect L1 Develooer L 2A 20 ldaho 1^2l3tl76 Proiect L2 Oevelooer L 28 20 ldaho t2l3rlL6 Proiect L3 Developer L 80 20 ldaho 7213t175 Proiect O1 Develooer O 20 20 ldaho t2l3tlL6 Proiect 02 Develooer O 20 20 ldaho L2l3Llt6 Proiect R1 Develooer R 0.1 20 ldaho 03l3tl75 Proiect R2 oeveloper R 0.1 20 ldaho 03l3tlt6 Proiect R3 Develooer R 0.1 20 ldaho 03131116 Proiect R4 Develooer R 0.1 20 ldaho 03l3rl76 Project R5 Developer R 0.1 20 ldaho 03l3Ll76 Proiect R5 Develooer R 0.1 20 ldaho 03l3tl75 Proiect R7 DeveloDer R 0.1 20 ldaho 03l3tlt6 Proiect R8 Developer R 0_1 20 ldaho 01117116 Proiect R9 Develooer R 0.1 20 ldaho 03l3tlt6 Proiect R10 Develooer R 0.1 20 ldaho 03l3LlL6 Proiect S1 Develooer S 16 2 lda ho 7211012t6 N/A s2.U7.257 Proiect U1 Develooer U 20 20 ldaho L2lOLl78 N/A 4.t77.20t Proiect U2 Developer U 70 20 ldaho 72lOLl78 N/A s4,1s5,870 Proiect t.r3 Develooer L,20 20 ldaho 12lOtl1.8 N/A s4.O95.757 Proiect U4 Develooer U 20 20 ldaho 72lOLl18 N/A 4.120.183 subtotal 293 subtotal 150.75 Total 444 ldaho Power Company Proposed PURPA Solar - January 21, 2015 - Pr6€nt Oreron Project Name Project Developer MWac Term (Years)State Scheduled Operation Date Estimated 20 Year ObliBation (includes intesration) Estimated 2 Year Obligation (includes int.!iationl Proiect M1 Develooer M 5 20 Oreeon 12l3rlt6 N/A Proiect M2 Develooer M 10 20 Oreeon 12l3tlt6 3L.709.475 N/A Proiect M3 Develooer M 10 20 OreEon 72l3rl16 s31.367.00s N/A Proiect M4 Develooer M 5 20 Oreeon t2l3rlt6 sts.s43.752 N/A Proiect M5 Developer M 10 20 Oregon 72l3Ut6 ;31,555,325 N/A Proiect M5 Develooer M 10 20 Oreson t2l3tlt6 N/A Proiect N1 Develooer N 5 20 Oreson t2l3Ll16 13.358.301 N/A Proiect N2 Develooer N 10 20 Oreson 12l3rl16 s29.880.s77 N/A Proiect N3 Develooer N 4 20 Oreson t2l3rlfi to.652.073 N/A Proiect N4 Developer N 10 20 Oregon L2/3U75 29,913,809 N/A Proiect N5 DeveloDer N 10 20 Orepon t2l3tl16 s29.94A.932 N/A Proiect N6 Develooer N 5 20 Oreson L2l3tl16 13.375.588 N/A Proiect N7 Develooer N 10 20 Oreson t2l17lt6 N/A Proiect O1 Develooer O 5 20 OrePon t2l3tl16 N/A Proiect 02 Develooer O 5 20 Oregon 72131176 N/A Proiect T1 Develooer T 10 20 Oregon 07l3ur7 22,757,703 N/A Proiect T2 Develooer T 2.75 20 Oregon 7cl07lt9 s8.214.430 N/A Proiect T3 Develooer T 3 20 Oreson 70/o7lL9 9.584.s94 N/A Proiect T4 Developer T 3 20 Oreson 10l0tlL9 s9.072,O87 N/A Proiect T5 Develooer T 15 20 Orepon 721371t9 s45.220.395 N/A Proiect T5 Develooer T 3 20 Oreson t2l3Ll79 N/A ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 3 IS CONFIDENTIAL AND WILL BE PROVIDED TO THOSE PARTIES THAT HAVE EXECUTED THE PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT IN THIS MATTER