HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170410IPC to Staff Attachment 20.pdfWATER LAWS543A.410 are unnecessary or unreasonable,the amount found to be unnecessary or unreasonable shall be refunded to the applicant.The ap plicant shall not waive the right to judicial review by paying the portion of the fee or expense in dispute.11997 c.449 §34] amount and require the applicant to make periodic payments of such costs pursuant to a cost reimbursement agreement.The cost reimbursement agreement shall provide for a first payment of 25 percent of the estimated costs on a schedule established in the agree ment.543A.415 Reauthorization fee.(1)Ex- '*5 1 If costs of the team's evaluation of a project exceed the estimate in the cost re imbursement agreement,the applicant shall pay any excess costs shown in an itemized statement prepared by the team.In no event shall the team and its participating agencies incur evaluation expenses in excess of 110 percent of the fee initially estimated unless the team provided prior notification to the applicant and a detailed projected budget the team believes is necessary to complete eval uation of the application.If costs are less than the fee paid,the team shall refund the excess to the applicant. (6)The Water Resources Department shall reimburse participating agencies for costs incurred in their review of a project. Such costs shall not include expenses of other state agencies for which a fee is oth erwise collected under state law.[1997 c.449 cept as provided in subsection (2)of this section,each holder of an existing hydro electric license shall pay to the Water Re- Department reauthorization fee in an amount per theore tical horsepower covered by the existing li cense that,when added to the amount per theoretical horsepower covered by the exist ing license that is paid under ORS 543.300, equals 28 cents for each horsepower covered by the existing license,or $15,whichever is greater,for the purpose of implementing the state reauthorization process established by this chapter and ORS 468.065,468B.040, annuallysources a irC 'A fee 468B.045,468B.046,536.015,536.050,543.012 and 543.710.The reauthorization fee shall be paid until the project is reauthorized,and a water right issued,under this chapter and ORS 468.065,468B.040,468B.045,468B.046, 536.015,536.050,543.012 and 543.710.Upon §33,reauthorization and issuance of a water right,a new annual fee shall be assessed un der ORS 543.300,and the reauthorization fee shall no longer apply. 543A.410 Fees and expenses to be nec essary,just and reasonable;appeal.(1)All expenses incurred by the Hydroelectric Ap plication Review Team and its participating agencies that are charged to or allocated to the fee paid by an applicant shall be neces sary,just and reasonable.Upon request,the team shall provide the applicant with a de tailed justification for all charges.Not later than January 1 of each year,the Water Re sources Director by order shall establish a schedule of fees that those persons submit ting a notice of intent must submit under (2)The department shall notify existing license holders of the amount of the fee de scribed in subsection (1)of this section.The notice shall state the date by which the li cense holder must notify the department if the license holder does not intend to reau thorize the project.The department shall as sess the fee described in subsection (1)of this section unless the license holder notifies the state that it does not intend to apply to reauthorize the project upon expiration of the license.The holder of an existing hydro electric license that notifies the department that it does not intend to reauthorize the project need not pay the reauthorization fee and may not seek reauthorization of the project upon expiration of the existing li cense. ORS 543A030 or 543A.075.The fee schedule shall be designed to recover the actual costs of evaluating the notice of intent.Fees shall be based on actual,historical costs incurred by the team and its participating agencies to the extent historical costs are available.The fees established by the schedule shall reflect the size and complexity of the project for which a notice of intent is submitted. ..j i (3)The department shall submit a report (2)If a dispute arises regarding the ne-j-j^e Legislative Assembly during each leg- cessity or reasonableness of expenses islative session describing the department's charged to or allocated to the fee paid by an uge of reauthorization funds, applicant,and if the dispute is not resolved by the directors of the affected agencies,the ..... applicant may seek judicial review in circuit reauthorization fee in subsection (1)of this court of the amount of expenses charged or section shall be deposited to the Water Re allocated as provided in ORS 183.480,183.484,sources Department Hydroelectric Fund and 183.490 and 183.500.If the applicant estab-disbursed to the Department of Environ- lishes that any of the charges or allocations mental Quality.[1997 c.449 §37;1999 c.873 §17] (4)Four cents of each 28 cents paid as a 222