HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170306IPC to Staff Attachment 8-2.pdfProposed Study Plans included in Idaho Power’s Formal Consultation Package The proposed study plans in section VIII of the Formal Consultation Package reflected Idaho Power’s response to preliminary recommendations for studies and necessary information. Study titles are categorized according to resource and listed below. Aquatic Resources • Pollutant Sources to Hells Canyon Complex • Pollutant Transport and Processing Study • Turbine Oil Losses from Hells Canyon Complex • Oxbow Bypass Study • Total Dissolved Gas Study • Sediment Transport Study • Evaluation of Anadromous Fish Potential with the Mainstem Snake River (RM 149-RM 458) and Tributaries within the Hells Canyon Complex of Reservoirs • Future Direction of IPC Anadromous Hatchery Program • Status and Habitat Use of White Sturgeon in the Hells Canyon Complex • Status, Distribution and Limiting Factors of Redband Trout and Bull Trout Associated with the Hells Canyon Complex • Hells Canyon Resident Fish Study Plan • A Survey and Study of Benthic Macroinvertebrates in the Hells Canyon Complex, including Upriver and Downriver Adjacent Reaches Wildlife Resources • A Description of the Small Mammal Community in Hells Canyon • A Description of the Nongame Bird Community in Hells Canyon • A Description of the Raptor Community Nesting in Hells Canyon • A Description of the Amphibian and Reptile Community in Hells Canyon • A Description of the Bat Community in Hells Canyon • Distribution and Abundance of Wintering Bald Eagles in Hells Canyon • Distribution of Nest Sites and Productivity of Nesting Peregrine Falcons in the Hells Canyon Study Area • A Description of State and Federal Sensitive Species in Hells Canyon • Mule Deer Population Survey in Hells Canyon • Distribution and Abundance of Mountain Goats in Hells Canyon • Literature and Status Review of Big Game Species in Hells Canyon • Spring Distribution, Habitat Use, and Relative Abundance of Upland Game Birds in Hells Canyon • Distribution and Abundance of Sage and Sharp-tailed Grouse in Hells Canyon • Summer Survey of Waterfowl Broods in Hells Canyon • Use of Hells Canyon by Wintering Waterfowl • Distribution and Relative Abundance of Mammalian Carnivores and Furbearers in Hells Canyon • Survey of Wolverine Dens in the Seven Devils Mountains of Hells Canyon • Nongame Wildlife Habitat Measurements • Review of Wildlife Information and Data Collected in Hells Canyon by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Department • Habits of Bald Eagles Wintering in Northeastern Oregon and Adjacent Areas of Washington and Idaho (From Isaacs et al. 1992) • Validation of a Mountain Quail Survey Technique (From Heekin and Reese 1995) • Movements, Habitat Use, and Population Characteristics of Mountain Quail in West-central Idaho; Big Canyon Creek (from Reese and Smasne 1996) • Effects of Water Level Fluctuations on Wildlife Habitat • Effects of Water Level Fluctuations and Road and Transmission Line Corridors on Riparian Habitat Fragmentation • Effects of Water Level Fluctuations on Threatened and Endangered Species: Bald Eagle • Effects of Water Level Fluctuations on Species of Special Concern • Effects of Water Level Fluctuations on Amphibians and Reptiles • Effects of Reservoir Icing on Big Game Populations • Effects of Road and Transmission Line Corridors on Wildlife Habitat • Effects of Roads and Transmission Line Corridors on Wildlife Habitat: Threatened and Endangered Species and Species of Special Concern • Effects of Human Recreational Activities on Nesting Peregrine Falcons in the Hells Canyon Study Area • Effects of Human Recreational Activities on Wintering Bald Eagles in the Reservoir Reaches of the Hells Canyon Study Area • Effects of Human Recreation Activities on the Distribution and Relative Abundance of Townsend’s Big-Eared Bats and Spotted Bats in the Unimpounded Reach of the Hells Canyon Study Area • An Evaluation of Raptor Electrocution at Transmission Lines Associated with the Hells Canyon Project • An Evaluation of Avian Collision with Transmission Lines Associated with the Hells Canyon Project Terrestrial/Botanical Resources • Vegetation Description of Hells Canyon—Weiser, Idaho to the Salmon River • Inventory of Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Plant Species along the Snake River, Weiser, Idaho to Salmon River • Effects of Water Level Fluctuations on Noxious Weeds • Effects of Road and Transmission Line Rights-of-Ways on Noxious Weeds • Effects of Water Level Fluctuations on Botanical Resources • Effects of Road and Transmission Line Rights-of-Ways on Botanical Resources • Effects of Water Level Fluctuations Resulting from Operation of the Hells Canyon Complex upon Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Species • Effects of Road and Transmission Line Rights-of-Ways on Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Plant Species • Land Management Plan (LMP) Archaeological/Cultural Resources • Archaeological Inventories—Hells Canyon Complex Transmission Lines • Archaeological Inventories—Brownlee, Oxbow, and Hells Canyon Reservoirs • Archaeological Inventories—Below Hells Canyon Dam • Euro-Asian Oral History Study—Hells Canyon, Oxbow, and Brownlee Area • Native American Oral History Study—Hells Canyon, Oxbow, and Brownlee Area • Reconnaissance Inventory of Existing Project Structures: Brownlee, Oxbow, and Hells Canyon Dam • Effects of Reservoir Water Level Fluctuations on Cultural Resources • Effects of River Water Level Fluctuations on Cultural Resources • Other Terrestrial Resources Effects of Water Level Fluctuations on Soil Resources • Effects of Road and Transmission Line Rights-of-Ways on Soil Resources • Influences of Land Management Practices on Terrestrial Resources on IPC Non-Project Lands • Influences of Recreation Activities on Terrestrial Resources Recreation Resources • A Review of Past Recreation Issues and Uses in the Hells Canyon Recreation Complex (HCRC) • A Description of Current and Potential Recreational Use and Users Associated with Reservoirs within the Hells Canyon Recreation Complex (HCRC) • A Description of Current and Potential Recreation Use and Users Associated with the Snake River within the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (HCNRA) • An Investigation into the Current and Potential Physical and Social Conflicts Associated with Recreational Use and Recreational Carrying Capacity of the HCRC • A Description of the Impacts of Reservoir Water Level Fluctuations Within the HCRC on Navigation, Recreational Opportunities, Amount of Recreational Use and Quality of Recreational Experience • A Description of the Impacts of Project-Induced River Water Level Fluctuations Within the HCNRA on Navigation, Recreational Opportunities, Amount of Recreational Use and Quality of Recreational Experience • An Inventory of Existing Dispersed Recreational Access Sites Associated with the Reservoirs within the Hells Canyon Recreation Complex, Recreational Use at those Sites, and Attitudes about Dispersed Access • An Inventory of Existing River-Related Dispersed Recreational Access Sites Within the HCNRA, Recreational Use at those Sites, and Attitudes about Dispersed Access • An Evaluation of Current (1997–2000) and Potential Recreational Use at Major Developed Sites on Reservoirs within the Hells Canyon Recreation Complex • An Evaluation of Users’ Attitudes about and Expectations of Major Developed Sites and Facilities Associated with Reservoirs within the Hells Canyon Recreation Complex • Description of Current Angling Use, Users and Angling Results at Reservoirs within the Hells Canyon Recreation Complex • A Description of Angling Use Associated with the Snake River within the HCNRA • A Description of Hunting Pressure within the Hells Canyon Recreation Complex Aesthetic Resources • An Evaluation of the Aesthetic Resources of Hells Canyon