HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170306IPC to Staff Attachment 8-1.pdfOutline of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Traditional Relicensing Stages for Hydroelectric Facilities. First Stage o Applicant issues notice of intent, preliminary application document, request to use Traditional Licensing Process (“TLP”), and newspaper notice; o Commission approves use of TLP; o Formal Consultation Package (“FCP”) sent out to Consulting entities; o Applicant conducts joint agency/public meeting and site visit to discuss FCP; o Resource agencies and tribes provide written comments; and o Agencies, tribes, or applicant request dispute resolution on studies with the Commission. Second Stage o Applicant completes reasonable and necessary studies; o Applicant provides draft application and study results to resource agencies and tribes; o Resource agencies and tribes comment on draft application; and o Applicant conducts meeting if substantive disagreements exist. Third Stage o Applicant files final application with Commission and sends copies to agencies and tribes. hells Canyon Complex (FERC No.1S71) C onsu nation Appendix AN OVERVIEW OF IDAHO POWER'S RELICENSING CONSULTATION PROCESS Fint Stage Forinal Comulfii lion (Farnai rajfidted™rqferz zt>the rrccecs described in1FERC Teguiadan:) (II CFX$J6.S aid 4.51}' Jan.'53e-Apr.139S CeveloD Cdlaboralve Approach ,-llh StaJtEhddet* Apr.It,1936 Raquei:Letts*cf CcmmmenMo 3rxtsi laF*.25.13K (Botes] Sep.26."596 (Harway; Oett 1336 (Lswteton) PiU c Meedrg Heldto Receive Broader 3rafcendder Input Fed.1996-Jan.1997 Develop Study PlaneiMH RW3a tf lhe CT FaP.1 2 .1397 FCP Sent In AgencleE. Trties,1 IrtefeetaJ Pardee 1ST Comment Mar.£—12,1997 -APC hlEellrge lo D-s-ojse FCP Apr.1,1997 REVIse Stucy ^lareBated or Comments nd2 Stage Formal Consultation (13 CFR Sections 16.3 and4.51} hJun.1997-0ec.31,2001 Conduct ErTtfraiments! StLdfeE Hoidl Regular Meeting with RWGsand CTtn Review Progiess and Findings De^op Potential PMlEs Attn input Tnxn rwgs Sep.IS,2002-Jan.10.2003 SLtHTil Draft Application Far stafceftcldEr Review SynthestzH RWG Goals £ ?fceto™^RMP March M,20C3 Joint Agency-Meeting June 25,2003 JontAgefteyMEerdrcg Third Stage Formal Consultation (ISCFR*]6.S<md4J]) 311-31,2003 File Application 'Attn FERC *Sarnie studies tiave been in.progress since IPS!(i.e.Fa]]Chinook). Idaho Power Company ISO