HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170501Rock Rolling 1-16 to IPC.pdfGregory M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) Peter J. Richardson (ISB No. 3195) Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,Idatro 83702 Telephone : (208) 938-2236 Fax: (208) 938-7904 greg@richardsonadams.com peter@richardsonadams. com Attomeys for Rock Rolling Properties, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. IPC-E-16-28 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF TDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO CONSTRUCT SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS FOR WOOD RTVER VALLEY CUSTOMERS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FIRST SET OF PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF ROCK ROLLING PROPERTIES, LLC TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY Rock Rolling Properties, LLC hereby requests that Idaho Power Company ("Idatro Power" or the "Company") provide responses to the following requests for production under Rule 225 of the Rules of Procedure of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (the "IPUC" or "Commission"). This production request is to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide by way of supplementary responses additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide one physical copy and electronic-mail copies of the responses to Gregory M. Adams at the addresses noted above. FIRST SET OF PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF ROCK ROLLING PROPERTIES, LLC TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY rPC-E-16-28 PAGE 1 For each item, please indicate the name of the person(s) preparing the answers, along with the job title of such person(s) and the witness who can sponsor the answer at an evidentiary hearing. REQUEST NO. 1: Reference the Oregon Public Utility Commission's Seven-Year Electric Service Reliability Statistics Report, available at http://www.puc.state.or.us/safety/Seven- Year%20Elec%20Service%20Reliability%20Study%20May%2020 I 6.pdf. Provide the same information displayed in the report for the Company's circuits (in the same format as the report, i.e. averaged across those circuits) located in tdatro for each of the last 30 years for which data is available, including the following reliability indices: a. SAIFI (with Major Events excluded) b. SAIFI (with Major Events included) c. SAIDI (with Major Events excluded) d. SAIDI (with Major Events included) e. MAIFIe (with Major Events excluded) f. CAIDI (with Major Events excluded) REQUEST NO.2: Reference The Oregon Public Utility Commission's Seven-Year Electric Service Reliability Statistics Report, available at http://www.puc.state.or.us/safety/Seven- Year%20Elec%20Service%20Reliability%20Study%20May%202016.pdf. For the North Valley circuit(s) (the circuits fed by the 138 kV Wood River-Ketchum line), please provide the following indices as defined in the referenced report for each of the last 30 years for which data is available: FIRST SET OF PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF ROCK ROLLING PROPERTIES, LLC TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY IPC-E-16-28 PAGE 2 a. SAIFI (with Major Events excluded) b. SAIFI (with Major Events included) c. SAIDI (with Major Events excluded) d. SAIDI (with Major Events included) e. MAIFIe (with Major Events excluded) f. CAIDI (with Major Events excluded) REQUEST NO. 3: For each outage on a North Valley circuit identified in the response Request No. 2, please explain: (i) whether Company confirmed that the location of the fault causing the outage originated on the Wood-River-Ketchum 138 kV line, and if so (ii) how the redundant transmission line proposed in the Application would have prevented the outage. REQUEST NO. 4: Reference the Company's Response to StaffProduction Request No. 14. Please provide a responsive explanation and supporting documents to the same question for the Company's proposed redundant transmission line TPI (transition underground at Elkhorn Road). In other words, provide the Company's estimates of condemnation costs of the Underground Transmission line route from the Wood River substation to the Ketchum substation, including identification and estimates of costs to condemn necessary property rights for all lots that must be considered in such estimates. REQUEST NO. 5: Please identify where in the Company's filing the costs identified in response to Request No. 4 appear in the cost for the Underground Transmission line route TPl. REQUEST NO. 6: Please explain precisely where the Company plans to route the overhead transmission line along Hospital Drive if the Commission approves the proposed Underground Transmission line route TPI (transition underground at Elkhorn Road). Specifically explain FIRST SET OF PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF ROCK ROLLING PROPERTIES, LLC TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY IPC-E-16-28 PAGE 3 whether the Company believes the right of way on Hospital Drive is wide enough include the transmission line as proposed in the Application without the need to condemn property or otherwise obtain easements from property owners and provide all supporting documents and studies on costs and safety issues to route line down Hospital Drive. REQUEST NO. 7: Please explain whether Idaho Power has ever received a nuisance claim or demand for payment, e.g. I.C. $ 52-101 et seq., from an abutting landowner to a transmission or distribution line whose property is not crossed by the line. If so, please explain for each such instance how the Company responded to such claims, and the liability and costs incuned by the Company as a result of each such claim. REQUEST NO. 8: Under the Underground Transmission line configurations (TP1, TP2, and TP3), has Idaho Power considered any potential costs associated with liability to landowners directly abutting the overhead portions of the transmission line but whose land the line does not cross, such as nuisance claims under I.C. $ 52-l0l et seq.? If yes, please identifr provide all documents and studies regarding the topic and identiff where such costs are included in the Application for each line route option. If no, please explain why Idatro Power does not believe this is a possible cost associated with the line route options. REQUEST NO. 9: Reference R. Adelman,Ex. 7 at 2, please explain in detail the justification for the estimates of "Right-of-Way" costs for the TPl, TP2, andTP3 options listed in the exhibit. Please provide all work papers calculating these costs and all documents and studies supporting the estimates in the work papers. REQUEST NO. l0: Provide all documents describing steps that will need to be taken to ensure that an overhead transmission line along Hospital Drive will not interfere with emergency FIRST SET OF PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF ROCK ROLLTNG PROPERTIES, LLC TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY IPC-E-16-28 PAGE 4 helicopter operations by St. Luke's Hospital, including any additional lighting and location of the line, and documents and sfudies demonstrating the Company can obtain necessary permits from the Federal Aviation Administration. REQUEST NO. 11: Reference the Company's Response to Staffs Production Request No. l(c), stating that the overhead line route through Ketchum was abandoned because it would require condemnation and residents and public officials were adamantly against having transmission lines through downtown Ketchum. Please explain how these problems do not exist along the overhead transmission sections of the Underground Transmission line routes TPl, TP2, and TP3. REQUEST NO. 12: Reference the Company's Response to StaffProduction Request No. l(e), stating that the Company often restores power during outages tluough distribution switches, and the Response to Tidwell Production Request No. 2(d), indicating there is one such tie switch fed by the Hailey substation between the HALY-I5 circuit and the North Valley circuit. a. Please explain why the existing infrastructure at the Hailey substation and the existing distribution lines and corridor cannot be upgraded to provide a backup source of power for the North Valley through this tie hitch. b. With upgrades to the existing infrastructure as described in subpart a., what is the maximum load that ldaho Power could supply back-up power to the North Valley through the referenced tie hitch? c. Please provide all studies supporting the response in subparts a and b. FIRST SET OF PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF ROCK ROLLTNG PROPERTIES, LLC TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY IPC-E-16-28 PAGE 5 REQUEST NO. 13: Please provide Idaho Power's peak electrical load for each month in the past 30 years in the North Valley circuit. Please provide an estimate of the proportion of this load that is space heating load and water heating load and the source of the estimate. REQUEST NO. 14: Reference the Company's Response to StaffProduction Request No. 14, stating that the Company estimates that condemnation or easement rights would cost approximately 50% of the assessed value of the property (without improvements). What is the basis for this estimate? Please provide all studies supporting this estimate would apply in resort area such as the Wood River Valley. REQUEST NO. 15: Reference the Company's Response to Sierra Club Production Request No. 4, regarding the costs of the temporary shoe-fly line that would allow reconstruction of the existing 138 kV Wood River-Ketchum line. Was this option presented to the Community Advisory Committee (CAC)? Please provide all documents demonstrating this option was presented to the CAC and the CAC's response that this option was unacceptable. REQUEST NO. 16: Reference the Company's Response to Sierra Club Production Request No. 1, Attachment, discussing the option of rebuilding the line while "hot." a. Please identiff all transmission lines that Idaho Power has reconstructed while hot in the past 30 years and the reason why the line was rebuilt while hot. b. Was this option presented to the Community Advisory Committee (CACX Please provide all documents demonstrating this option was presented to the CAC and the CAC's response that this option was unacceptable. DATED: May 1,2017 FIRST SET OF PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF ROCK ROLLING PROPERTIES, LLC TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY IPC-E-16-28 PAGE 6 RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC By M. Adams (ISB No. 7454) FIRST SET OF PRODUCTION REQUESTS OF ROCK ROLLING PROPERTIES, LLC TO IDAHO POWER COMPANIY IPC-E-16-28 PAGE 7 CERTTFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the l"t day of May 2Ot7, I served a true and correct copy of this First Set of Production Requests on the following via First Class Mail and Electronic Mail: Diane Hainan, Secretary (Hand Delivery) Idaho R.rblic Utilities Commission 472W Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Diane. holt@puc. idaho. gov Tim Tatum Idaho Power Company l22l W Idaho Street Boise ID 83702 t. tatum@idahopower.com Kiki Leslie A. Tidwell 300 Let'er Buck Road Hailey, Idaho 83333 ktinsv@cox.net Zack Waterman Director, Idaho Sierra Club 503 W Franklin Street Boise, Idaho 83702 zack. waterman@sierraclub. org Daphne Huang IPUC 472 W Washington Boise, ID 83702 daphne. huang@puc. idaho. gov C. Tom Arkoosh Arkoosh Law Offices 802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 900 Boise, ID 83702 tom. arkoosh@arkoosh. com Donovan Walker Idaho Power Company l22l W Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 dwalke@idahopower. com docket@idahopower. com Peter Richardson Richardson Adams, PLLC 515 N 27u" Street Boise ID 83702 peten@richardsonadams. com Laura Midgley 231 Valley Club Drive Hailey, Idaho 83333 midgley22l@gmail.com Benjamin Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N Sixth Street Boise, Idaho 83702 bott@idahoconservation. org Camille Christen IPUC 472 W Washington Boise, lD 83702 camille. christen@puc. idaho. gov Matthew A. Johnson Wm. F. Gigray White Peterson Gigray & Nichols, PA 5700 E. Franklin Rd., Suite 200 Nampa, tdaho 83687 mj ohnson@white pe terson. com Michael Heckler 3606 N Prospect Way Garden City, Idaho 83714 Michael. p. heckler@gmail. com By: M. Adams Adams, PLLC