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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130812min.docIDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING AUGUST 12, 2013 – 1:30 P.M. In attendance were Commissioners Mack Redford and Marsha Smith, with Commissioner Kjellander participating by telephone. Commissioner Redford called the meeting to order. The first order of business was APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING on Monday, August 5, 2013. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the minutes as written. The second order of business was approval of the CONSENT AGENDA: 2. Don Howell's August 5, 2013 Decision Memorandum re: Avista Corporation's Annual Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Application, Case No. AVU-E-13-04. 3. Karl Klein's August 7, 2013 Decision Memorandum re: Avista's 2013 Annual PGA Filing, Case No. AVU-G-13-01. 4. Matt Elam's August 8, 2013 Decision Memorandum re: Idaho Power's Tariff Advice - Revisions to Schedule 5. 5. Weldon Stutzman's August 6, 2013 Decision Memorandum re: Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC's Petition to Approve Replacing the Performance Assurance Plan, Case No. QWE-T-13-05. Regarding item 4, Commissioner Smith asked about the Company’s concern about its billing system and why it doesn’t wait until it is not an issue so there is no appearance of discrimination by excluding some people. Matt Elam responded that the Company doesn’t anticipate any problems but wanted to include the language just in case. He stated there are more than 1,200 participants right now so the cap has already been exceeded. He said the Company would like to do further analysis on more customers than it currently has before proposing potential mandatory time-of-use rates and to get a better feel for the pilot project. Commissioner Smith stated it was a great idea to get more data and a broader spectrum of customers participating before making any decisions as to whether to apply to the Commission to make it mandatory. There was no further discussion and the Commission voted to approve Staff’s recommendations for items 2 through 5 on the Consent Agenda. The next order of business was MATTERS IN PROGRESS: 6. Don Howell's August 6, 2013 Decision Memorandum re: Avista Corporation's Application to Increase the Rates Contained in Its Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment, Schedule 91, Case No. AVU-E-13-05. Mr. Howell reviewed his Decision Memo. Mr. Howell stated that if the Commission desires to hold a public workshop because of the proposed rate increase, Staff would more or less assume that the workshop could be combined with the workshop that is being held regarding Avista’s proposed PGA increase—i.e. one workshop could cover both proposed increases. Commissioner Redford asked Mr. Howell if he also wanted to hold public hearings in this case. Mr. Howell replied that he wasn’t suggesting public hearings for either this case or the PGA case, but under Rule 127, the Commission has the discretion to decide whether or not to do an informal workshop in order to explain the proposed rate increases to the customers. There was no further discussion. Commissioner Smith made a motion to process the case under modified procedure and to add the Schedule 91 tariff rider case to the planned workshop on Avista’s PGA in order to fully inform customers of all the rate impacts that are coming in about the same time frame. A vote was taken on the motion and it carried unanimously. 7. Don Howell's August 9, 2013 Decision Memorandum re: Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho's Motion to Compel, Case No. PAC-E-13-04. Mr. Howell reviewed his Decision Memo. He said it appears that the parties have resolved their differences in that Rocky Mountain Power has indicated that it intends to provide the requested studies to CAPAI and that it would do so on or before August 12th. He stated that CAPAI was reluctant to withdraw its motion until it receives its answers. Mr. Howell stated that the Staff feels there is no need to hold an oral argument on the motion and asks the Commission if it would be inclined to give CAPAI a little more time to respond if needed. He said Staff is not suggesting that but perhaps it would eliminate a subsequent motion for more time. Mr. Howell stated that he spoke with counsel for Rocky Mountain Power and they did not object to giving them a week but also did not want to grant anything additional that would affect the established schedule for public hearings and technical hearing in this case. Commissioner Smith made a motion that the Commission not take any action on the Motion to Compel because it is apparently moot now that the company has agreed to provide the response. She said in light of the fact that the response has not yet been provided and the filing deadline is Friday, the Commission should offer CAPAI up to one week additional time at their discretion, if they need it. A vote was taken on the motion and it carried unanimously. 8. PacifiCorp's 2013 Electric Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) -- Late Petitions to Intervene filed by Monsanto and Renewable Energy Coalition, Case No. PAC-E-13-05. [Neil Price, Attorney] Neil Price stated that he had conferred with counsel for Rocky Mountain Power and they don’t object to the interventions; however, they don’t want to extend the comment deadline, which is a moot point now because it has already passed. Commissioner Smith asked if Monsanto and Renewable Energy Coalition have filed comments. Mr. Price replied that they have filed comments, with Renewable Energy Coalition filing comments about five days past the deadline. Commissioner Redford asked for a vote and the Commission voted unanimously to accept the late Petitions to Intervene. There was no further business before the Commission and Commissioner Redford adjourned the meeting. _____________________________________ ______________________________ COMMISSION SECRETARY DATE OF APPROVAL 1