HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170331IPC to Tidwell Attachment 45.1.pdfMEETING MINUTES DATE: 8-9-06 TIME: 10:00am GROUP MET WITH: IPCo Staff PHONE# LOCATION OF MEETING: CR Wood River Valley Operations Ctr CITY: Hailey SUBJECT: Wood River Electrical Plan DISTRIBUTION: ATTENDEES: Jim Bell Dan Olmstead Lynette Berriochoa Ben Hendry Bryan Hobson Mel Trammel Kent McCarthy MINUTES:  Kent told the group that Kip had instructed that this process will be for the buildout plan for the entire Wood River Valley electrical supply. So, it will include 230 kV facilities from Midpoint to Wood River and the 138 kV (or whatever) facilities from Hailey north.  Discussed philosophy of Community Advisory Committee. Kent passed around a set of questions for the group to answer.  Four key action items resulted from the meeting: 1) Determine whether funding exists for a facilitator and begin the RFP/hiring process (Kent); 2) Produce the video and brochure needed to invite participants and provide background on the project (Lynette); 3) Analyze and compile data on electrical needs, costs, etc. (Ben, Mel, Bryan); 4) Prepare a pool of names for membership on the CAC. 1. What is the desired outcome of the advisory committee process?  We would like the committee’s support of our desired options.  Want a yes or no to a 2nd transmission line into Ketchum/Sun Valley. Dan asked if we should have a “no build” option. The group agreed that it should be presented, especially since that was the decision 10 years ago and we can’t ignore it.  We need to communicate that we are continuing the process that was begun 10 years ago. At that time, Idaho Power committed to reviewing plans for the Wood River Valley in 10 years so it is time to do so. 2. How willing are we to let the committee change our plans?  We must be willing to listen to all proposals from the committee and must be willing to accept their decisions within boundaries that are to be determined. Will meet with Kip and Dave to discuss boundaries and how we communicate them.  The committee will know right off the bat if we aren’t willing to accept their proposals. 3. Who all should be involved?  I meant this question to mean who should be involved from Idaho Power but we discussed the committee makeup at this point. So, this question still needs to be answered. Kent’s initial cut (please add/subtract) is: o Dan Olmstead o Jim Bell o Ben Hendry o Bryan Hobson o Mel Trammel o Lynette Berriochoa o Kip Sikes o Dave Angell 1 o Kristi Pardue o Kent o Somebody to record the proceedings if we have no facilitator 4. Do we need a facilitator?  While Kip and Dave said this would be done without an outside facilitator, this group strongly urged Mel and Kent to try to convince Kip and Dave of the need to have an outsider run this show for credibility. Also, Kent is concerned that the work load would be overwhelming if the duties of facilitator were performed by Idaho Power staff.  The meetings will be run by Dan with Kent giving the education component. Other staff will be on-hand to smooze and answer questions. 5. Where should the meetings be held?  Meeting should be held in Hailey since it’s between Ketchum and Shoshone. Kent suggested that the meetings shouldn’t be held at an Idaho Power facility. Dan and Jim will see what the best location(s) is in Hailey. Must have comfortable seating and allow catering. 6. How often should the meetings be held?  Meetings should be held monthly. 7. How long should the committee be in-place?  The committee should be in-place for 6 months. Lynette hopes to have the promotional material (brochure and video news clip) ready by mid-October and then the first meeting would be in November. No meeting in December with the second occurring in late January. Wrap up the committee process by June 2007. 8. Committee makeup?  Similar to the 1995 committee. There are all new players but we’ll go after the same positions at the county and city level. Also will have commercial representation from Sun Valley Co. and others plus environmental/advocacy group representation, as well as some general citizens. Also need representation from Shoshone and/or Lincoln County. We will shoot for about 20 members total.  Dan and Jim will do the recruitment. They will wait until the brochures and video are ready to make the official invitations. 9. How much background education should we give the committee?  Plan that the first 3 meetings will be almost entirely educational in nature with some group exercises included.  We will need to modify the reliability education session a little since the Wood River Valley won’t require n-1 reliability…at least not per WECC regulations. Internally, we need to discuss this issue in more detail. Do we want the Wood River system to remain an improved radial or do we want to up it to n-1. And what do we use as justification for either position?  There is still a growth and capacity component involved for Hailey south.  An after thought…a presentation by Rates and Regulatory might be very useful to this group. 10. What kind of analogy should we use for describing electrical systems?  The same kinds used in the Treasure Valley Electrical Plan. 11. Should we start with a bus tour of facilities?  The group thought this would be a good idea to bond the group together and form better relations with Idaho Power staff. Some ideas include Fossil Gulch, Shoshone Falls, Midpoint and/or King Substations, 138 kV and 230 kV line routes. 12. How much involvement should we have from Corporate Communications?  Similar to Treasure Valley Electrical Plan…meaning a lot.  Will create a brochure and invitation video. 2 13. Who are the antagonists? Should we invite them to be on the committee?  Will identify antagonists. Likely Ketchum City Council. And yes, we will invite antagonists to be on the committee. 14. Should we set-up a website?  Yes. Similar to TVEP. 15. How do we communicate the formation of this committee?  Initially will communicate the formation only to those invited to be on the committee. While the process won’t be closed to the press and general citizens from attending the meetings, only the committee members will be allowed to actively participate. Press releases will go out after the first meeting/field trip to announce the effort, followed by one or more throughout the course of the WREP process to keep the community abreast of the planning effort. Again, we will try to run this similar to the TVEP public process. 16. Are there internal (IPCo) sensitivities we must be aware of?  None that anyone could identify…well there is that big Texas shaped mole in the middle of Kent’s forehead but everyone was very respectful and kept the snickers to a minimum.  A question was asked if this process should include distribution facilities. We will include distribution substations but not distribution lines. The distribution lines will be discussed in the education process but the committee won’t be responsible for their placement. 3