HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170303IPC to Tidwell Attachment 4.pdfIDAHO POWER.COMPANY1.^ SNAKE RIVER rv ag DAHO 33707BOX70BOISE, HYDRO POWER May 15,1974 ROBERT J.O'CONNOR Vice Presrderh Administration The Honorable Mayor of the City of Ketchum and City Council Ketchum,Idaho 83340 Dear Mayor and City Council: As you are probably aware,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,after a formal hearing in Hailey on February 6,1974, granted a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to Idaho Power Company to construct and then operate a 50,000 kilowatt gas cycle turbine plant near Hailey,and to rebuild to 138,000 volts the existing 46,000 volt transmission line between the Idaho Power Company Wood River Substation near Hailey and the Ketchum Sub station .This action on the part of the Idaho PUC makes it possible for the Company to fulfill its service responsibilities to the people of the Ha iley-Ketchum-Sun Valley communities. For several years it has been a source of concern to our Company that your area had only a single source of electric power delivered over the existing 138,000 volt line into the Ketchum Substation.The 50,000 kilowatt generating plant,together with the reconstructed line,will enable the Company to provide a greater reliability of service to the entire area.Once the generating plant is in service,coupled with the rebuilt trans mission line,the possibility of total outage of electrical service to the area is substantially relieved. It is our concern that under the present conditions the 138,000 volt line could fail under climatic conditions that would make it impossible to restore electricity to the area for hours, or even days.The Company believes it has a duty to provide duplicate service conductors to minimize the risk of extreme hard ship that a loss of electricity could mean to the communities. This was the primary reason for seeking the certificate to rebuild the transmission line and construct the generating plant. J The Honorable Mayor of the City of Ketchum and City Council -2-May 15,1974 The Company has diligently sought to find another feasibleroutetotheKetchumSubstationwhichwouldnotpassthrough Ketchum.However,such efforts have failed. The Company is aware that the present 46,000 volt linethroughKetchumisoldandcanbeimprovedbyrebuilding.It isourconvictionthattherebuiltlinethroughKetchumwillbebetterandmorevisuallypleasingthanthepresentline.Our presentscheduleprovidesfortheCompanytobeginthelinerebuildingaboutAugust25.With this schedule we felt that our plans forthelineconstructionwouldbeofinteresttoyou,both from thetimingofconstructionandtheappearanceofthenewstructuresweplantoerect. If the City Council desires,we will be happy to meetwithyoutoexplainourrebuildingplans.The Company is participatingthisweekinhearingsbeforetheIPUCrelativetotheCompany's request for a rate increase,so the earliest feasibledateforameetingwouldbeduringtheweekofMay20.If it isnotpossibleforyourCounciltomeetwithourrepresentatives that week,we will be pleased to attempt to arrange another meetingtime,if you desire.We would prefer a daytime meeting so as tobeabletoshowyouthepresent46,000 volt line through Ketchumanddescribethechangesplanned.Because of construction timingandproblems,we believe such a meeting should be arranged as soonaspossible. Please let us know your desires in this matter. Very truly yours, I y r i)^ R 3 O'Connor Vice President RJO:rm E E Haroldsen E E Paige cc BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE ) AND NECESSITY ) ) CASE NO.U-1006-89 ) ORDER NO.11315 On October 31,1973,the Commission received an application from the Idaho Power Company (Applicant)requesting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the construction and installation of a 50 megawatt (50,000 kilowatts) combustion turbine generator and related facilities at Substation near Hailey,Idaho,and the conversion and rebuild of the present 46KV Applicant's Wood River transmission and distribution lines from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum Substation to 138KV transmission line. On November 7,1973,the Commission issued its Notice of Hearing setting the matter for Hearing at the Grange Hall,Hailey,Idaho,commencing at 9:00 A.M., Thursday,December 6,1973,at which time and place the Hearing was held before Commissioners Ralph H.Wickberg and Robert Lenaghen,and the following appearances were entered: JAMES E.BRUCE,Vice-President,Secretary and General Counsel, and THOMAS G.NELSON,Attorney at Law,appearing for the firm of Parry,Robertson,Daly §Larson,First National Bank Building, Twin Falls,Idaho,appearing for the Applicant. JOHN S.CHAPMAN,Attorney at Law,Idaho Building,Boise,Idaho, appearing for Dorothy Jean Chapman,Protestant. K.D.SMITH,Assistant Director,Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 472 W.Washington St.,Boise,Idaho,appearing for the Commission. Applicant proposes to construct and install a 50 megawatt combustion turbine generator and related facilities for the generation of electrical power The plant will be located adjacent to Applicant's Wood River Substationandenergy. situated between the cities of Hailey and Ketchum,Blaine County,Idaho. The combustion turbine will be a General Electric model Series 7000, simple cycle turbine.In the simple cycle,air is drawn into the axial flow compressor and discharged into the combustion chamber at high pressure.Energy is -1- added in the combustion chamber where liquid or gaseous fuel is burned to produce These high temperature gases are expanded through thehightemperaturegas. turbine,which converts the thermal energy into mechanical energy of rotation. The unit will be 32.25 feet at the highest point,116.75 feet long and 61.52 feet It is a modular type construction and will not have any open running parts. All the operations will be housed in a structure which will be painted a neutral wide. color to blend it into its surroundings. There will be a fuel supply tank located on the property,but some distance away from the turbine to store the fuel supply for the turbine.The tank will be 32 feet high with a maximum diameter of 106 feet capable of storing 50,000 An earth dike will surround the tank and will encompass an areabarrelsofoil. that will contain all of the oil in the event of a leak.The ground will have an impervious barrier to prevent any escape of the oil into the ground. The turbine will be so constructed and installed that at 400 feet the sound level will be 47 decibels (dba)and 44 dba at 600 feet,which will produce approximately the same sound pressure level that existed at the site on September At the present time there are no residents within 400 feet of the tur- The noise level from the operations 10,1973. bine and only 3 residences within 600 feet. of the turbine will not be noticeable at these residences. To determine the effect that running the turbine would have on the air quality in the area the Applicant had the General Electric Company to make a study The study was of the magnitude of ground level concentrationonwhatwouldoccur. of combustion products that might be expected from operation of the unit.The methods used in the study were those approved by the Environmental Protection Agency and included Holland Plume Rise Formula and Pasquel's Atmospheric Diffusion Formula and weather information obtained from the United States Forest Service offices in Boise,Hailey and Ketchum.Using the worst one-hour period that could occur to compute the ground level concentration,the study found that the highest concentration of any substance is less than 1%of the concentration permitted by There would be no significant deterioration of the airtheIdahostandards. quality in the area resulting from the operation of the combustion turbine,either with natural gas or No.2 heating fuel. -2- The Applicant anticipates a shortage of power on the system during the months of June,July,August and September,1974,due to the delay of the first 500 megawatt unit of the Jim Bridger Steam Electric Generating Station now under construction in Wyoming.The first unit of Jim Bridger was scheduled for produc tion in June,1974.However,this schedule,due to labor turnover and harsh winter weather,has been delayed for 3 to 6 months.In these months,the Appli cant,due to the very large irrigation and air-conditioning load,will need addi tional power and energy to supply these loads.With the delay of Jim Bridger additional energy sources must be obtained by Applicant and the output of the 50 megawatt combustion turbine will aid in remedying this deficit and assist the Applicant in maintaining its large summer load requirements. Service to the Hailey-Ketchum-Sun Valley area is presently being supplied by a 46KV line from Shoshone to Hailey,which does not have the capacity to serve the entire load in the area,and a single 138KV line running 72 miles from the King Substation near Hagerman to the Wood River Substation, in the Hailey-Ketchum area are primarily dependent on the operation of the 138KV The residents line.The 138KV line transverses high desert and mountainous terrain,subject to storms,snow,avalanches,slides,fire and icing conditions.Although the opera ting experience with the 138KV line since its construction in 1962 has been espec ially good,the passage of time and corresponding deterioration of plant will contribute to a substantial outage sometime in the future. Hailey-Ketchum area is very high due primarily to the large amount of electric heat used and any prolonged outage of the electric supply especially in the winter months The winter load in the could cause great hardship. The combustion turbine generator will be used to supply energy to the Applicant's system for the summer of 1974 and until completion of the Jim Bridger Plant,but it will remain at this location to provide increased security of service in the Hai1ey-Ketchum-Sun Valley area and as reserve capacity after the Jim Bridger Plant is completed and in operation.The Applicant investigated alternate methods for increased electric reliability in the Hailey-Ketchum area.One method consid ered was the construction of an additional 138KV transmission line extending from -3- the Hunt Substation hear Eden northerly across the desert and mountains to the Silver Creek area,across the Silver Creek area to Gannett and then northerly to The Applicant encountered a number of problems to this proposal,prim- The Applicant contacted many individual landowners on the Ketchum. arily the right-of-way. possibility of obtaining right-of-way and found that these individuals did not desire to grant such right-of-way across their property.Such a transmission line would cross a substantial portion of federal lands and obtaining right-of- way across these lands presented serious problems. Applicant also requests authority to rebuild and convert its existing 46KV transmission line extending from the Wood River Substation to a point near Gimlet to 138KV transmission capacity with distribution underbuild and to convert and rebuild the existing distribution line extending from Gimlet to the Ketchum Substation to 138KV transmission capacity with distribution rebuild.The rebuild will be on a pole for pole basis;that is,a new pole will be located next to an old pole and upon completion of the new line all the old poles will be removed. The length of the new pole will be higher than the present poles and a curved type wooden mast arm will be used to carry the conductors and the distribution lines will be located on the new poles at a point below the transmission line.The rebuild will be done on the present right-of-way and no additional right-of-way will be required . The Applicant maintains that it is necessary to have an additional 138KV transmission line into the Ketchum-Sun Valley area for the reason that since the present 138KV transmission line was constructed,the load on the Ketchum Sub station has increased from 2,664 kilowatts to 20,924 kilowatts,and with the present building and expansion going on in the Sun Valley,Elkhorn and Ketchum area,the load will continue to increase, the existing 138KV line that extends from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum All of the present load is served on Substation on the east side of the Big Wood River Valley to the east fork of the Big Wood River,at which point it crosses along and over the east side of the This section of the line ismountainsthatlieadjacenttothevalleyfloor. particularly vulnerable to snow,mud or road slides and is in a difficult area to -4- As a result of the large increases in load andreachwithgroundtransportation. the line outage possibility it is prudent to provide an alternate source of power to the Ketchum Substation. The attorney for the protestant questioned the necessity of the const ruction and rebuild of the present 46KV transmission and distribution lines from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum Substation to 138KV capacity.The primary concern appears to be the effect the rebuild of the line to higher poles would have on the environment of the valley, there was an alternate route that could be utilized either for additional trans- He further questions whether or not mission line or the possibility of placing the proposed line on the present 138KV structures. It was his concern that whether or not the operation of the combustion turbine would cause a substantial deterioration in the air quality in the valley, especially during periods of low wind velocity. We have given careful consideration to the effect on the area of constructing a combustion turbine generator and the rebuild and construction of the present 46KV lines and distribution lines to 138KV capacity, opinion that if the proposed 138KV line were to be placed in another area the land We are of the use impact,which is the primary consideration,would be much greater on the total valley impact than in using some route other than the highway, would replace the present lines and would not add additional poles and wires in The present plan But placing the proposed line on the present 138KV structures would not meet the purposes for which the line is designed and that is an additional the valley. power source to Ketchum Substation by an alternate supply of power so that in the case of the loss of the present 138KV line then you would not lose the entire The record is clear that theelectricalsupplytotheKetchum-Sun Valley area. emission from turbine would,when compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards,be less than 1%of the standards and would be far below the "no signi ficant"deterioration level in all categories to which these standards apply and would be lower than the minimum requirements of the State of Idaho and the Environmental Protection Agency. -5- We conclude that the benefits to be derived from the installation and operation of the combustion turbine generator at this site are greater than any detrimental effect that might be made on the environment of the area, is not installed on the proposed site and a major interruption should happen, harm to the public would occur by the loss of electrical energy for space heat- If the unit ing,the pumping of water for fire fighting and other purposes and the general disruption of activities that follow loss of electrical service for an extended period of time. not take action to approve an alternate source of electrical power for the Hailey- Ketchum-Sun Valley area to guard against the extended power outages that would We would not be fulfilling our regulatory obligations if we did occur if the 138KV transmission line were lost.It appears that the installation of the combustion turbine generator and the proposed construction and rebuild of the present 46KV transmission and distribution line to 138KV capacity is the most reasonable method to provide security at this time. £I_NDI_NGS I. THAT Idaho Power Company is a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Maine and is duly authorized to trans act business in the State of Idaho and is engaged as a public utility in furnish ing electric service in the State of Idaho and in the states of Nevada and Oregon with its principal office in Boise,Idaho. II. THAT Applicant has filed with this Commission an application request ing a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the construction and installation of a 50 megawatt combustion turbine generator and related facilities adjacent to its Wood River Substation near Hailey,Idaho,and the conversion and rebuilding of the present 46KV transmission line and distribution lines from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum Substation to 138KV capacity. III. THAT electric service is provided to the Hailey-Ketchum-Sun Valley area by a single 138KV transmission line extending for 72 miles from the King -6- Substation near Hagerman to the Wood River Substation near Hailey,Idaho. IV. THAT the 138KV transmission line traverses high desert and mountainous terrain subject to storms,snow,avalanches,fires and icing conditions. V. THAT the operating service of this line has been exceptionally good, but the passage of time and corresponding plant deterioration will contribute to a substantial outage sometime in the future. VI. THAT the Hailey-Ketchum-Sun Valley area has a very high winter load due primarily to electric heat and any prolonged electrical outage in the winter time would cause great hardship. VII. THAT the construction and installation of a 50 megawatt combustion turbine generator at the Wood River Substation would provide increased security to the Hailey-Ketchum-Sun Valley area and alleviate any hardship that could be caused by a prolonged electrical outage. VIII. THAT the construction of an additional transmission line from the Hunt Substation to the Hailey-Ketchum-Sun Valley area to provide increased relia bility is not feasible at this time. IX. THAT the rebuild and conversion of existing 46KV transmission and distribution lines to 138KV capacity between the Wood River Substation and the Ketchum Substation is required for increased security in the Ketchum-Sun Valley area. X. THAT the noise resulting from the operation of the combustion turbine will not be of sufficient pressure level to cause any hardship to the present residents of the immediate area. -7- XI. THAT the combustion turbine will be designed,constructed and operated in such a manner as to meet the air quality standards pursuant to the applicable laws,rules and regulations of the State of Idaho and of the United States. XII. THAT a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the construction and installation of a 50 megawatt combustion turbine generator and related facilities at Applicant's Wood River Substation and the rebuild and conversion of the present 46KV transmission and distribution lines from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum Substation is in the public interest and a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity should be issued. ORDER IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity should be,and the same is,hereby granted to Idaho Power Company for the construction and operation of a 50 megawatt combustion turbine generator and related facilities at the Wood River Substation near Hailey and the conversion and rebuild of the present 46KV transmission and distribution lines from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum Substation to 138KV transmission line. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in Boise,Idaho, this 6th day of February,1974. /»/RALPH H.WICKBERG COMMISSIONER /s/ROBERT LENAGHEN COMMISSIONER (SEAL) ATTEST: /s/MARILYN BOURNER SECRETARY Note:Commissioner Nock did not participate in this order. REL:eh -8- BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE) AND NECESSITY CASE NO.U-1006-89 ) CERTIFICATE NO.272 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that public convenience and necessity requires and will require Idaho Power Company to construct and operate a 50 megawatt combustion turbine generator and related facilities at the Wood River Substation near Hailey,Idaho,for the furnishing of electrical energy to the public and the conversion and rebuild of the present 46KV transmission line from the Wood River Substation near Hailey to Gimlet and the reconstruction of the present distribution lines from Gimlet to the Ketchum Substation to 138KV trans mission line capacity;to exercise all rights and privileges which have been granted to said Idaho Power Company,its successors and assigns by any franchise or permit conferred or hereafter conferred upon said Idaho Power Company,its successors and assigns by any city or village or by any county or by the State of Idaho or by any political subdivision thereof. This certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the findings and order of this Commission,the same being Order No.11315 in the above entitled matter made and entered on this 6th day of February,1974. DATED at Boise,Idaho,this 6th day of February,1974. /s/RALPH H.WICKBERG COMMISSIONER /s/ROBERT LENAGHEN COMMISSIONER (SEAL) ATTEST: /s/MARILYN BOURNER SECRETARY Note:Commissioner Nock did not participate in this certificate. REL:eh CONCURRING STATEMENT BY COMMISSIONER RALPH H.WICKBERG My personal attitude toward authorizing a gas turbine power plant to serve emergency electric power to the Sun Valley-Ketchum-Hailey area is one of ambivalence. It is easy for me to understand that many people who reside in the area would like to avoid the construction of additional electric facilities whether they be power plants or higher poles for transmission purposes. My personal observation is that commercial and residential devel opments now taking place require a firm and secure electric power supply to avoid the possibility of serious economic and personal discomfort that would come about as the result of a major electric power outage. Idaho law clearly requires the serving utility (Idaho Power Co.) and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to use reasonable diligence in providing an excellent and reliable electric system to all consumers and areas. The testimony and uncontroverted facts of this case prove conclusively,to me, that the present electric transmission system serving the Hailey-Ketchum-Sun Valley area is deficient from reliability criteria. I believe that this Commission would be derelict in not recognizing that a present hazard exists to the health,comfort and safety of the residents of Hailey-Ketchum-Sun Valley.This Commission has before it a reasonable plan to eliminate much of the risk of a serious electric power outage to this area. The construction of the proposed gas turbine north of Hailey and the reconstruction of the transmission line to Ketchum,is,in my opinion,bene ficial and necessary. I concur, /s/(RALPH H.WICKBERG) COMMISSIONER ATTEST: /s/(MARILYN BOURNER) SECRETARY •a CERTIFICATE STATE OF IDAHO,) County of Ada.) )SS. I hereby certify that the foregoing ie a fullt true and correct copy of the original urcriEk NO.11515 and CERT.NO.212 in the foregoing entitled matter,now on file m the office of the Idaho Public Utilities Commieeion._ IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto eet my hand and affixed the eeal of the Idaho Public Utilities Commieeion thie Oth day of FFRPHARY 1Q7/1 ft I I\WA \i yiY.v id CommissionSecretarysa ¦a BEFORE THE BLAINE COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power Company )MEMORANDUM OF IDAHO POWER CO.) ) PROCEDURAL MATTERS Appellant has wholly failed to comply with the Rules of Procedure of this Board in attempting to perfect her appeal . The following defects are noted: No notice of transcript was filed,(Rule No.1) nor was a statement filed that no transcript was required (Rule No.13). 1. No transcript was filed (Rule No.2). The Assignments of Error were not timely filed (Rule No.3). 2. 3 . The Assignments of Error include exhibits and factual assertions not presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission (Rule No.3). 4 . FACTUAL MATTERS Rather than extending this memorandum by re-stating the facts,attention of the Board is called to several mis statements of fact by appellant. 1.While a transmission line is included in the Idaho Power Company's total project,the variance request did not request any action relative to the transmission line.The transmission line authorization question was submitted to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (See Exhibit F to the original application). 2.Air quality standards are governed by regulations issued by the Idaho Department of Environmental and Community Services.The testimony of Norman Dibeluis ,submitted to the PUC and to Planning and Zoning ,was based on State standards (See page 5 of Dibeluis'testimony and Exhibit 16)A permit f to construct the proposed generator has been granted by DECS , the body charged with controlling air pollution.A copy of this permit was submitted to Planning and Zoning.There is no evidence in the record concerning "acid rain"or metallic pollutants as stated in appellant's Memorandum at pages 3, 4 and 5.Appellant presented no evidence on these matters at either the PUC hearing or the Planning and Zoning hearing, and these assertions are totally without support in the record. Alternatives were considered by the Idaho Power A site at the Ketchum sub- 3. Company,and were discussed, station presents the following difficulties: Not sufficient physical space.1. Oil would have to get from the tracks clear through Ketchum to the turbine. 2. 3 .Access to natural gas. 4.A power line would still be needed to Ketchum for start up of the turbine. 5.Extra cost. A site at Elkhorn would present much the same problems , except that the space around the Elkhorn substation is not so constricted.A remote rural site,such as south of Bellevue, would present problems of site acquisition.A new transmission line from the site to the Wood River substation (through or around Bellevue and Hailey)with attendant right of way acqui sition difficulties,loss of time,and increased cost. Rebuilding of the line from Shoshone was discussed,but since much of the right-of-way is on federal land,new easements would have to be obtained,with a delay of several years involved. A statement that alternatives were not discussed or considered is simply not accurate. ASSIGNMENTS OF ERROR I . Assignments 1,2 and 3 relate generally to the question of the propriety of granting a variance and will be discussed together . -2- The basic legal question is whether a variance can be granted at all,in view of the requirements in §27.31 that a variance "not effect a change in zoning". Under §5-38,a permit use in Zone R-2 is "Public utility and public service installations,not including business offices and repairs and storage facilities;" (emphasis added) In reading this section,the question comes up what sort of facilities are prohibited.Note the wording "business offices and repairs and storage facilities." The emphasized "and"indicates that this is a two part series,including the two categories of (a)business offices;and (b)repairs and storage facilities.An example of a simple series will serve to illustrate the usage. "Sacks,boxes and crates"is a typical series with the "and"inserted before the last item of the series. The "and"in a series serves to set off the last item and give notice that the series is ending.The other items in a series are separated by a comma,each item then being a distinct unit.§25.75 includes a series of "domestic livestock,poultry,rabbits and household pets." In the series used in §5.38,the "and"setting off the last item of the series appears to be the "and" following the word "offices",with the next "and"being a conjunctive,joining "repairs"with "storage",so that the prohibited use must involve both repair and storage uses to be prohibited.(If one thinks this is simply a mistake in the ordinance,note that the identical language is used in §4.34 under Zone R-l). In the context in which used,would such a construction The zoning ordinance takes notice that publicmakesense? utility facilities are necessary to serve the public. The zoners were probably familiar with the usual utility "yards"were material and vehicles are stored and refurbished, and did not want such a facility included. The oil tank is not a typical storage facility,where parts,vehicles,poles,or wire are collected in a central place for use elsewhere.The oil tank is an integral part of the generator facility,and the oil in the tank is for use with the generator only.This interpretation is supported by the definition of "accessory use or structure,"§2.2: "A use or structure....as herein defined." -3- The oil tank is an integral part of the entire public utility installation,as opposed to being a collection point for an item or items ,to be used at other places.Websters New International Dictionary,2nd Ed. (unabridged")defines "storage"as: "1.Act of storing,or state of being stored; specif.,the safekeeping of goods in a warehouse or other depository.Cf .COLD STORAGE . 2.Space,or place,for the safekeeping of goods . The price charged for keeping goods in a storehouse . 3. 4 .The production,by means of electricElec. energy,of certain chemical reactions which when allowed to reverse themselves,generate electricity again without serious loss." While the oil tank has been referred to as a "storage tank",it appears that this is a loose usage of words,and the tank is not a "repairs or storage facility"within the meaning of §5.38,but is an accessory use to the public utility installation,the gas turbine generator. If there is any question about the interpretation of the oridinance,all doubts must be resolved in favor of the landowner's free use of the property.101 C.J.S.Zoning, §129,p.884 et seq. II . Assignments of Error 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 seem to loosely relate to a general claim that the Planning and Zoning Commission's decision was wrong factually and that insufficient conditions were required.These contentions will be discussed together . As a preliminary matter,it should be noted that Assignment 4 includes Schedule "A",statistics on accidents from some sort of petroleum storage facilities ,no source stated and Assignment 8 includes federal safety standards for oil tanks.None of this was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission.It appears from Schedule "A"that gasoline tank farms are being discussed,which is a far different situation than an isolated heating oil tank. -4- If Mr.Chapman had bothered to read or include the balance of the federal standards,he would have found that the type of fuel being put in the tank is perhaps the single most important factor governing where the tank is placed, difference between gasoline and heating oil is almost as acute as the difference between lightning and lightning bugs. The As the Idaho Power Company told the PUC and Planning and Zoning,the most stringent standard will be followed whether those othose of OSHA or the Uniform Fire Code, apply in the absence of any conditions imposed by Planning and Zoning. These requirements So far as the merits of the decision of Planning and Zoning are concerned,it would appear that protection of the health,safety and morals of residents of Blaine County requires consideration of interests other than those of surrounding property owners.The need for the generator was detailed before the PUC and Planning and Zoning.No evidence that the generator was not needed for reliability was presented.Loss of power for any extended period of time would be extremely detrimental to not only residential users ,but farmers and ranchers as well. The Planning and Zoning Commission's decision on the facts should be accorded a presumption of validity.They certainly are aware of the character of the surrounding area ,and can weigh the impact of the facility on other properties . The exhibits submitted to Planning and Zoning indicate that the surrounding area is far from purely residential area.The Highway Department stockpile and equipment shop is next door. The properties immediately south include storage areas for what appears to be building material.There is a quonset hut across the street.These factors were known to Planning and Zoning and certainly bear on any decision in the case. Assignment 6 alleges lack of notice.The variance sections require notice to be given to the names appearing "in the list accompanying such application."(§27.4) is defined,but may refer to the list required to be submitted with a re-zone application,(§26.43)of property owners within 300 feet of the property described in the application. Appellant's property is not within 300 feet of the land involved. In any event,since appellant appeared at the hearing,it is difficult to see any prejudice. No list -5- r CONCLUSION While there are some contentions made by Appellant which are not specifically discussed herein,we have discussed the issues we think determinative of the matter. The fact that certain specific contentions of Appellant were not discussed does not mean we agree,but merely that those specific contentions were not discussed in the interests of time or brevity. -6- VOUCHER CHECK REQUEST Requested by (Department)Legal Amount of Check $20.00 Ha i ley GrangePayee: Street or P 0 Box Hailey,IdahoCityandState Zip Code Rental of Grange hall for combustion turbine hearing.For Accounting Distribution Budget DistributionGroupLine Amount 24-346-001 $20.00 |1 Mail to reach above payee on or before [~~3<j Forward to Prepared by James E Bruce on or before 1/11/74 1/11/74DateMaryMorton D \'Approved T !?¦ f K tOv" *'4 Electricity ••-Does So Much-Costs So Little! - — — STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Statehouse Boise,Idaho 83720 James A.Bax Administrator Cecil D.Andrus Governor December 7,1973 PjWRY, F:. Mr.G.J.Hall Vice President Idaho Power Company 1220 Idaho Street Boise,Idaho 83706 'i i 1 3 1973 mm...... AM Dear Mr.Hall: This letter is to be considered Idaho Power Conpany's "Permit to Construct",in compliance with the provisions of Regulation H,Section 3 of the Rules and Regulations for the Control of Air Pollution in Idaho. Construction is authorized for the facility defined in your application of November 1,1973.This application covered the installation of a 50 megawatt gas turbine generating unit at the Wood River Substation.This unit is to be operated on natural gas or GT-2 distillate which contains less than .5% sulfur by weight.As defined in your application,this expansion \rill not violate any existing air pollution standard;however,this permit does not constitute a waiver of any applicable local,State or Federal Air Pollution Control Regulation. It should be pointed out at this time,that the Federal EPA has proposed rulemaking in the July 16,1973 Federal Register dealing with "Prevention of Significant Air Quality Deterioration."The regulation that they will adopt will be retroactive to any construction that was started after July 16,1973. It is this Department's feelings that the Wood River area will be effected by this new regulation.Depending upon the final wording of this new regulation,your new generating station may be included.You should be advised that this could mean this plant would not be permitted to operate on GT-2 distillate oil. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Anthony Yankel Environmental Engineering Specialist II AY/va A.J.Eiguren,Assistant Administrator,DECS Lee W.Stokes,Director,Air and Water Programs,DECS cc: P ,: -^>$*','*;¦'. A.«...¦•" ¦' r-.: r*m,Y /7 .'OS*n 6-4-73 TRICO DEV. DEC 1 1973WOODSIDE Population Projection :¦ r.p: RECEIVEDv:j.¦pp ¦ i" Year Population Living Units ;•1 60 21 jKi,/'-"•' I&-'PT^jIS 2 150 54 3 280 100 4 580 207 5 900 321 6 1,230 1,570 439 ^'P-.¦V 7 561 :-P 8 1,920 2,270 2,880 3,230 3,580 3,930 4,280 4,630 4,980 686 ?¦9 811 10 1,029 1,154 life*• 11 ft" ;.12 1,279 1,404 1,529 1,654 1,779 r w.--1 13 14(1*j;> 15 16 $!V'"C .-17 5,330 5,680 6,030 6,356 1,904 2,029 2,154 2,270 18 19 20 ,1 h 'i ¦'-i'. fl ee:G.Dayton¦; .T(- t : P Exhibit 19 Idaho Power Company Irrigation Connected Horsepower '1963 -1974 (Hailey &Total Company) Hailey District (added) Hailey District (total connected) IPCo (added) IPCo (total connected) 4,4181963210 36,019 342,294 125 4,628 31,982 378,3131964 410,2952404,753 50,6051965 460,90039,9484,9931401966 500,84857,6035,1333801967 28,215 558,4515,5131771968 36,086 586 ,6665,6901551969 622,75248,0525,8451821970 670,80439,6626,0271001971 710,46646,4086,127651972 756,87467,4496,1921,0671973 846,87490,0001974(est)7,1921,000 PARRY,ROBERTSON,DALY <5t LARSON LAWYERS R.P.PARRY T.M.ROBERTSON JOHN H.DALY (1913-1968) BERT LARSON C.G.MclNTYRE JOHN R.COLEMAN THOMAS G.NELSON JOHN A.ROSHOLT FRED D.DECKER ROBERT C.PAINE THE IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING P.O.BOX 525 TWIN FALLS,IDAHO ©3301 TELEPHONE (EOQI 733 -3722 November 27,1973 * Mr.David Vhay Blaine County Zoning Administrator :11 E.Croy Hailey,Idaho 83333 Re:Idaho Power Co. Dear Mr.Vhay: We have previously submitted,on behalf of the Idaho Power Company,an application for rezone or for creation of a new district near the Idaho Power Company Substation north of Hailey.I am writing this letter to request that the Commission consider such application to be in the alternative for a variance from the strict terms of the zoning ordinance and request that such a variance be granted to permit the installation described in the Application and accompanying materials on the ground that a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship and that permitting the variance will permit the spirit of the ordinance to be observed and substantial justice done. If you need any further information,please let me know. Yours very truly, THOMAS G.NELSON TGN :ib PARRY,ROBERTSON,DALY <5t LARSON LAWYERS R.P.PARRY T.M ROBERTSON JOHN H.DALY (1913-1960) BERT LARSON C.G.MclNTYRE JOHN R.COLEMAN THOMAS G.NELSON JOHN A.ROSHOLT FRED D.DECKER ROBERT C.PAINE THE IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING P.O.BOX 525 TWIN FALLS,IDAHO 033OI TELEPHON E (208I *733-3722 November 6,1973 Mr .David Vhay Blaine County Zoning Administrator 11 E.Croy Hailey,Idaho 83333 Re:Application of Idaho Power Company Dear Mr .Vhay : Enclosed herewith is a copy of the land description for the property being purchased from Mr.Bodner by the Idaho Power Company.Two copies are enclosed so that you may include it in both of the copies of the application which I left with you. As you know,the Idaho Power Company has filed an application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for a certificate of public convenience and necessity for the generating plant.The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has set the matter for hearing on December 6 in Hailey. We wonder if there would be any possibility of having a joint hearing on that date with the Blaine County Planning &Zoning Commission and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. This would allow us to put on our evidentiary showing only once,hopefully to the benefit of both Commissions. If you need anything further,please let me know. Yours very truly, THOMAS G.NELSON TGN :ib . enc . y*rnnn BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A CASE NO.U-1006-89) CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE ) AND NECESSITY ....NOTICE OF HEARINGoaaaoaoooa YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on October 31,1973,the Commission received an application from the Idaho Power Company (Applicant)requesting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct and install a 50 megawatt combustion turbine generator and related facilities for the generation of electric power and energy,the plant to be located adjacent to Idaho Power Company's Wood River Substation located between the cities of Hailey and Ketchum,Blaine County, Idaho.Applicant also proposes to rebuild and convert its transmission line extending from the Wood River Substation to a point near Gimlet to 138 KV transmission capacity wi*&distribution underbuild and to rebuild the existing distribution line extending from Gimlet to the Ketchum Substation to 138 KV transmission capacity with dis tribution underbuild. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that this application has been set for public hearing in the GRANGE HALL.HAILEY.IDAHO.COMMENCING AT 9:00 A.M.,THURSDAY.DECEMBER 6.1973,at which time and place you will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED at Boise,Idaho,this 7th day of November,1973. ?WRY,mm'" R E NOV J 1973 AMI MARILYN BOUR OMMISSION SECRETARY dh n Exhibit 19 Idaho Power Company Irrigation Connected Horsepower '1963 -1974 (Hailey &Total Company) Hailey District (total connected) Hailey District (added) IPCo (total connected) IPCo (added) 210 4,418 342,294196336,019 31,9824,628 378,3131251964 4,753 50,605 410,2952401965 39,948 460,9004,9931401966 500,8485,133 57,6033801967 28,215 558,4515,5131771968 586 ,66636,0865,6901551969 622,75248,0525,8451821970 39,662 670,8046,0271001971 46,408 710,4666,127651972 67,449 756,8746,1921,0671973 846,87490,0007,1921974(est)1,000 0 I J-«J-B ENGINEEHS,INC.%¦ S*1 4" Twin Falls,Idaho 83301I'M third Avtinue Eflbt rclcphone;733*2414 November 7,1973 /f/k &1 J 'IN 6,h j ,«j y yvj- DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY NO VI 4 1973 AM IDAHO POWER COMPANY ;rfl«•• Blaine County,Idaho *V TV* A parcel of land located in the SE%of the SE*s of Section 32 and the SW*s of the SVfc of Section 33 in Township 3 North,Range 18 East,Boise Meridian, Blaine County,Idaho,more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said SE*s SE*t;thence North 88°31'47" West for 374.36 feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way boundary of U.S,Highway 93;thence North 19°33'13"West for 235.52 feet along said U,S.Highway boundary to an Idaho Power Company brass cap marking the northwest corner of a parcel of land described in a certain warranty deed between John E.Evans and Idaho Power Company,recorded July 30,1962, said point also being the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING;thence North 19°33'13" West for 400.00 feet along said U.S,Highway boundary;thence North 70°30'42" East for 803.56 feet;thence South 3 32'43" South 22°32'H"East for 252.76 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of a parcel of land described in a certain warranty deed between John E. Evans and the State of Idaho,recorded April 26,1963;thence North 89°37'36" West for 312.83 feet to a point marking the northeast corner of said warranty deed with Idaho Power Company;then.ce South 70o31'02"West for 449.80 feet along a line common to said parcel described in said warranty deed with Idaho Power Company to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. '¦ilk:.' fS © frS,.• lp.v: iff#? East for 264.10 feet;thence ¦M-t 1 $r*f t The above described parcel of land contains 7.29 acres,more or less. -'\y ^OPRo>^ •4 i'S><6e>¦^rUln¦ I'If!..-'*¦ as BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE ) AND NECESSITY .„ CASE NO.U-1006-89) NOTICE OF HEARING) YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on October 31,1973,the Commission received an application from the Idaho Power Company (Applicant)requesting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct and install a 50 megawatt combustion turbine generator and related facilities for the generation of electric power and energy,the plant to be located adjacent to Idaho Power Company's Wood River Substation located between the cities of Hailey and Ketchum,Blaine County, Idahoo Applicant also proposes to rebuild and convert its transmission line extending from the Wood River Substation to a point near Gimlet to 138 KV transmission capacity with distribution underbuild and to rebuild the existing distribution line extending from Gimlet to the Ketchum Substation to 138 KV transmission capacity with dis tribution underbuild. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that this application has been set for public hearing in the GRANGE HALL.HAILEY.IDAHO.COMMENCING AT 9:00 THURSDAY,DECEMBER 8r 1973.at which time and place you will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED at Boise,Idaho,this 7th day of November,1973. MARILYN BOUR OMMISSION SECRETARY dh r\H ?MWV,wW" F - NOV'l 4 1973 ili?H Novow'er 7,li?73 if^ Mr.John S.^Chapnan ."arti?:,j^apr-.aii,''at tin G Lyons Attorogys at La'.;y F.Of Box 2"9.7 £5ise,Idaho 8370.1 fr^\P.e:Case No.I i-1006-89 Dear Mr.Chapman : V'c acknowledge receipt of your letter of Icvrtfh.er 7 onbehalfof"rs.Oeretfty .lean Chaprar protest inr the applicationofIdahoPowerCe-ryany for authority to construct nrJ Install a50MegawattcombustionturbinegeneratorandrelatedFacilitiesbetweenthecitiesofLaileyanaketchum,Idaho.0) hearing on the matter has been set for ;ccembrr C atLaileyasshownarttheattachedNoticeofHearing. Sincerely, IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES CO'"'157 ION Marilyn Bourner Secretary fit:?-'r.James Bruce Vice President G General Counsel Idaho Power Company .-,» LAW OFFICES Martin ,Chapman,Martin &Lyons, CHARTERED SUITE 309 IDAHO BUILDING BOISE,IDAHO 037OI C.SEN MARTIN JOHN 5.CHAPMAN J.F.MARTIN (1093-1 907)? A.L.LYONS DAVID W.HYDE 1 *P.O.BOX 2090 TELEPHONE 343-0485 AREA CODE 2O0 I U i 1 "November 7,1973 .S3 I OM State of Idaho Public Utilities Commission 317 Main Street Boise,Idaho 83702 Gentlemen : This firm represents Mrs.Dorothy Jean Chapman,who owns the land immediately to the north,of the proposed oil or gas generator which,has been proposed by Idaho Power Company.in Blaine County. By this letter,Mrs.Chapman formally opposes this application by Idaho Power Company and urges the Public Utilities Commission to deny said application. In the event this generator should be constructed,it will ser iously impair the value of Mrs.Chapman's property.In addition to the noise and air pollution,the generator and ancillary facilities will be unsightly.This project will have a detrimental effect on the environment of the Wood River Valley. I would appreciate if you would notify me as to the date of the public hearing so that Mrs.Chapman can present her personal testimony. Veryy&uly/^w^YSj<7 John S.apman JSC :j c cc:Dorothy Jean Chapm nuv 6 1973 H3MH©IPILj jBILIKD OTUMMIO OTmIIOMM STATEHOUSE BOISE,IDAHO 83720 384-3420 CECIL D.ANDRUS Governor HARRY L.NOCK,President RALPH H.WICKBERG,Commissioner ROBERT LENAGHEN,Commissioner mm ,£J/ mmm $MARILYN BOURN ER,Executive Assistant &Secretary November 2,1973 Mr.James E.Bruce Vice President &Secretary Idaho Power Company Box 7 0 Boise,Idaho 83707 Dear Mh.Bruce: We acknowledge receipt of your company's Application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for the con struction and operation of a combustion turbine generating plant and transmission line near Hailey,Idaho, matter has been assigned Case No.U-IOO6-89. This You will be advised of further action taken by the Commis sion. Sincerely , IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 0\i <wV. Marilyn Boifrner Executive Assistant & Commission Secretary MB :dh SNAKE RIVER IDAHO POWER COMPANY<* W/H\rt'.-/jii'a.T "f.'J HYDRO POWER BOX 70 •BOISE,IDAHO 8 3 7 2 1 November 1,1973 *"'v 4*Mr Tom Nelson Parry,Robertson,Daly &Larson P 0 Box 525 Twin Falls,Idaho 83301 S'973 Dear Tom: I am forwarding herewith description of You canpropertybeingpurchasedfromMrBodner. attach it to the papers you already have as Exhibit A. Very truly yours, R D Smith RDS :mlm Encls ENGINE.iRS,INcfXHIBIT Av-U-B Twin Palls,Idaho 0330114TfhirdAvenueEast Telephone:733-2414 October 31,1973 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY IDAHO POWER COMPANY Blaine County,Idaho A parcel of land located in the SE%of the SE%of Section 32 andtheSWVoftheSW%of Section 33 in Township 3 North,Range 18 East Boise Meridian,Blaine County,Idaho,more particularly described asfollows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said SE%SE%;thence North 88 31'47"West for 374.36 feet to a point on the easterly right -of way boundary of U.S.Highway 93;thence North 19 33'13"West for 235.52 feet along said U.S.Highway boundary to an Idaho Power Company brass cap marking the northwest corner of a parcel of land described in a certain warranty deed between John E.Evans and Idaho Power Company,recorded July 30,1962,said point also being theREALPOINTOFBEGINNING;thence North 19°33'13"West for 400.00 feetalongsaidU.S.Highway boundary;thence North 70 30'42"East for768.56 feet;thence South 5 32'20"East for 258.81 feet;thence South 20 45'10"East for 243.33 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of a parcel of land described in a certain Warranty Deed between John E.Evans and the State of Idaho,recorded April 26,1963; thence North 89 37'36"West for 277.83 feet to a point marking the northeast corner of said Warranty Deed with Idaho Power Company; thence South 70 31 '02"West for 449.80 feet along a line common to said parcel described in said Warranty Deed with Idaho Power Company to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. "—i The above described parcel of land contains 6.95 acres,more or less . AUi YH$ ENGINEERING—PLANNING—SURVEYING October 31,1973 Mr A1 Eiguren Department of Environmental & Community Services Statehouse Boise,Idaho 83720 Dear Mr Eiguren i We are filing herewith in triplicate application and exhibits for a new or modified industrial air emission permit for a combustion turbine generator to be located approximately Xh miles north of Hailey,Idaho.I am also forwarding herewith as additional information one copy of Application for Certificate of Convenience and Necessity filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on Wednesday,October 31,1973. Due to the energy problems existing in the Pacific Northwest,in Idaho and in the Ketchum-Hailey-Bellevue area,we would appreciate it if action on this application could be expedited. Any additional material that might be required will be furnished to you upon request. If you or anyone in your department desire to observe the operation of a combustion turbine generator of this type,we will be pleased to make arrangements to take you to another state where this operation can be viewed. Very truly yours, James E Bruce Vice President and SecretaryJEBtmlm Ends IDAHO POWER COMPANY BOISE,IDAHO October 31,1973 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse Boise,Idaho Gentlemen; I am filing herewith original and five copies of Idaho Power Company's Application for Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for the construction and operation of a combustion tur bine generating plant and transmission line. Under present plans this installation would be installed adjacent to the Company's Wood River Substation site approximately 1%miles north of Hailey,Idaho.An existing 46 KV transmission and distribution lines would be converted to 138 KV transmission voltage in order to provide an alternate route for power into the Ketchum area. D This installation will serve two purposes: an additional energy source,which will be parti cularly necessary in order to meet the Company's energy requirements during the summer of 1974,due to the delay of the Jim Bridger Steam Generating Plant,and 1. provide an alternate source of power for the Ketchum- Hai ley-Be llevue area in the event of a loss of the transmission line extending from the King Substation in Hagerman Valley,a distance of approximately 75 miles . 2. If further information is required,please contact me. Very truly yours, James E Bruce Vice President and SecretaryJEBsmlm Ends !J-L/-B ENGINEERS,INC. Twin Falls,Idaho 83301149ThirdAvenueEast Telephone:733-2414 October 31,1973 Mr.R.Darrell Smith Idaho Power Company P.0.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83701 Property Survey -N.Hailey Sec.32 &33,T 3 N.,R 18 E., RE: Dear Mr .Smith : Enclosed please find a plat showing your recently acquired 6.9 acres north of your present substation in Hailey.Also enclosed are two copies of the legal description for this parcel. You may notice that there is an apparent problem with your original parcel which you acquired from the Evans'in 1962.During our survey we found the corner marking the northwest corner of your original parcel along the highway right of way.We then measured south along the highway right of way the 250 feet shown in your description and found that the southwest corner of your original parcel falls about 14 feet south of the north section line of Section 5.This corner is apparently the problem since the deed for this parcel calls for it to fall on the section line. You will notice the section line is established by the original section corner and original 1/4 corner to the west. We do not know how the southwest corner of your present parcel was misplaced, which in turn probably caused the northwest corner to be in the wrong place,but the northwest corner is an established corner for that parcel and should not be changed . We feel it is our responsibility as Professional Engineers to recommend that you take whatever steps are necessary to correct the description on your original parcel. 1)acquire theThereareessentiallytwowaystocorrecttheproblem: sliver of land on the south side of the section line (14.48'wide at the highway); 2)resurvey and redescribe your land using the existing monuments. ENGINEERING-PLANNING—SURVEYING J—LJ B ENGINEERS,INC.1'iilrd Avenue East -Twin Falls,Idaho 83301 Mr.Smith Page 2 October 31,1973 The second solution would be the logical one.This would decrease your frontage along highway 93 from 250.00 feet to 235.52 feet as we have shown. The remaining portions would stay the same and the revised deed would record the ground as it exists. The accompanying description and plat of the land to the north will not be affected by the revision of the original parcel and should be considered satis factory as they exist. If we can be of further assistance in correcting the problem with your original parcel,please let us know. We apologize for taking so long in getting this description to you but we had to verify where the problem was. We want to thank you for allowing us to be of service to you. Sincerely yours, J-U^B ENGINEERS,Inc. Q P% Joseph K_.Haynes ,F.E . JKH/clb encl. cc:Tom Nelson J-J-B ENGINEE RS,INC. Twin Falls,Idaho 83301140ThirdAvenueEast Telephone:733-2414 October 31,1973 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY IDAHO POWER COMPANY Blaine County,Idaho A parcel of land located in the SE%of the SE%of Section 32 andtheSW%of the SW%of Section 33 in Township 3 North,Range 18 EastBoiseMeridian,Blaine County,Idaho,more particularly described asfollows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said SE%SE%;thenceNorth8831*47"West for 374.36 feet to a point on the easterly right-of way boundary cf U.S.Highway 93;thence North 19 33*13"West for235.52 feet along said U.S.Highway boundary to an Idaho.Power CompanybrasscapmarkingthenorthwestcornerofaparceloflanddescribedinacertainwarrantydeedbetweenJohnE.Evans and Idaho PowerCompany,recorded July 30,1962,said point also being theREALPOINTOFBEGINNING;thence North 19°33'13"West for 400.00 feetalongsaidU.S.Highway boundary;thence North 70 30'42"East for768.56 feet;thence South 5 32*20"East for 258.81 feet;thenceSouth2045*10"East for 243.33 feet to a point on the northerlyboundaryofaparceloflanddescribedinacertainWarrantyDeedbetweenJohnE.Evans and the State of Idaho,recorded April 26,1963;thence North 89 37*36"West for 277.83 feet to a point marking thenortheastcornerofsaidWarrantyDeedwithIdahoPowerCompany;thence South 70 31*02"West for 449.80 feet along a line common tosaidparceldescribedinaaidWarrantyDeedwithIdahoPowerCompanytotheREALPOINTOFBEGINNING. The above described parcel of land contains 6.95 acres,more orless. <3v Uj cc IofJXyw ENGINEERING—PLANNING—SURVEYING ''HHP "•¦28 «,A 3 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION^' )APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE 'OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY )CASE NO U- APPLICATION) ) COMES NOW,Idaho Power Company,Applicant herein,and respectfully shows the Commission as follows: I Idaho Power Company (Applicant)is a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Maine on May 6,1915 and duly qualified to transact business as a foreign corporation in the States of Applicant is engaged in the busi-Idaho,Oregon,Nevada and Wyoming. ness of generating,purchasing,transmitting and.distributing electrical energy.Applicant's principal place of business is situated in Boise,Idaho,and its address is 1220 Idaho Street,Boise, Idaho,P O Box 70,83721. II Applicant proposes to construct and install a 50 megawatt combustion turbine generator and related facilities for the genera tion of electric power and energy.said plant to be located adja cent to Idaho's Wood River Substation located between the cities of Hailey and Ketchum,Blaine County,Idaho. Ill The combustion turbine generating plant will have a nominal capacity of 50,000 KW and is planned to be in commercial operation about May,1974. A map showing the location of the proposed combustion turbine generating unit and related facilities is attached hereto as Exhibit "A." -2- The combustion turbine generating unit will utilize oil or natural gas,depending upon the availability of either supply. Idaho is negotiating with oil and gas suppliers for supplies suffi cient to meet the operating needs of said unit. The generating plant will be designed,constructed and operated to meet air quality standards pursuant to the applicable rules and regulations of the State of Idaho and of the Unitedlaws, Applicant will file an application with the State of IdahoStates. Department of Environmental and Community Services for a new indus trial air emission permit.The generating plant will not compete directly with any other public utility.since the power and energy will be used to supply loads on the Applicant's system. IV Applicant also proposes to rebuild and convert its existing 46 KV transmission line extending from the Wood River Substation to a point near Gimlet to 138 KV transmission capacity with distribution underbuild and to convert and rebuild the existing distribution line extending from Gimlet to the Ketchum Substation to 138 KV transmission capacity with distribution underbuild.This rebuild and conversion will utilize existing private,highway and street right of way.A map showing the lines proposed to be rebuilt and converted is attached hereto as Exhibit "B." V The estimated cost of the proposed generating facilities. including the turbine generating unit,substation facilities,oil storage tanks and other related facilities is estimated to be about The estimated cost of converting and rebuilding the$6,000,000. existing transmission and distribution lines to 138 KV is estimated to be about $385,000. -¦-•:s -.j,,-.i — I rfTrrkT— —3- VI It is estimated that the energy output of said combustion turbine generating unit at 23 percent annual load factor will be approximately 100,000,000 kilowatt hours per year and that the estimated annual operating expense (excluding fuel)for the plant will be approximately $75,000. VII Jt is proposed to finance the new construction by the use of internally-generated cash,the issuance of either stocks or bonds,or both,as may from time to time be approved by this Commission. VIII Attached as Exhibit "C"is a statement showing the financial condition of Applicant,which statement is by this reference incorporated as a part of this application in compliance of Practice and Procedure of thiswithRule15oftheRules Commission. IX Certified copies of Idaho's Restated Articles of Incorporation,as amended,and By-laws of Idaho,as amended,are on file with this Commission as part of Case No U-1006-80. X Applicant alleges that there will be an urgent and con tinuing need for power supplied'from the combustion turbine unit in order to supply the requirements of Applicant's system commencing in June,1974. Applicant proposes to use the combustion turbine generat ing unit to supply both peaking power and energy during the months _4- of June,July,August and September,1974.In these months,due to the Company's very large irrigation and air conditioning load,the Company will need additional power and energy in order to supply this The first unit of the Jim Bridger steam electric generatingload. plant was scheduled for production in June,1974.However,this schedule,due to labor turnover and harsh winter weather,has now been delayed for three to six months.With this delay additional energy sources must be obtained by the Company and the output of the 50,000 kilowatt combustion turbine will assist in remedying this deficiency and assist the Company in meeting its large summer load requirements for irrigation,air conditioning and other uses.With the current energy deficiency in the Pacific Northwest,there are no reasonable alternatives for obtaining this amount of power and energy. In addition,after the Jim Bridger unit commences genera tion.any failure or shutdown of the Jim Bridger unit will require the Company to obtain replacement energy.This combustion turbine generating unit will be available to supply a portion of this replace ment energy. XI Applicant further alleges that reliable service to the Bellevue Hailey,Ketchum and Sun Valley areas will be greatly enhanced by the alternative source of supply obtained by placement of this generating unit in the area and construction of the 138 KV transmission line from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum Substation.At the present time this entire area is served by one 138 KV transmission line extend ing from the King Substation in the Hagerman Valley to the Ketchum Substation,a distance of approximately 72 miles.This line in many places traverses high desert and mountainous terrain subject to storms. „ ---- — "-r Y ~- —v rj-*" —5— snow,avalanches,slides and fires.Due to the location of the line, outages could occur at any time and such outages could last for many The load in the Hailey-Ketchum area.as of last winter'shours„ peak,was in excess of 31,000 kilowatts and this load has been steadily increasing with the construction of Elkhorn and other developments. It is estimated that this load could increase to a peak in the winter of 1973/1974 of 40,000 kilowatts.The majority of the homes and businesses in this area are heated by electricity and any extended outage could have a very detrimental effect on the area due to frozen pipes,extreme cold and other difficulties that occur in buildings and to people from a failure of their heating sources. XII Applicant for the foregoing reasons alleges that construction and operation of the combustion turbine generating plant at the Wood River Substation site and the rebuild and conversion of existing 46 KV transmission and distribution lines to a 138 KV transmission line will materially contribute to the energy requirements for the Company's entire system,will provide an alternative source of supply to the Bellevue,Hailey,Ketchum and Sun Valley area,and will greatly improve reliability of service to this area.The overall result of this con struction will be in the public interest and the present and future public convenience and necessity require that this application be granted . WHEREFORE,Applicant respectfully requests that this Commission enter its order herein granting to Applicant a Certi ficate of Public Convenience and Necessity authorizing the con struction,operation and maintenance of the combustion turbine -6- generating unit and related facilities and the conversion and rebuilding of the 138 KV transmission line,as described in the foregoing application. DATED this 24th day of October,1973. IDAHO POWER COMPANY /s/Albert Carls en President By ^ /s/James E Bruce Attorney for Applicant STATE OF IDAHO ) )ss County of Ada ) ALBERT CARLSEN,being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the President of IDAHO POWER COMPANY,the Applicant named in the foregoing application;that he has read the said application,including the Exhibits thereto,and knows the con- and that the same are true to the best of histentsthereof; knowledge and belief. /s/Albert Carlsen Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th clay of August,1973. /s/Mary L Morton Notary Public for Idaho Residing at Boise,Idaho My Commission expires April 1,1976(NOTARIAL SEAL) —~7 •).••."V~l - —_—¦ _..i _"** t'#«— 4*1 a?/?/«/!(''"'Vr U f/0 AGREEMENT >^rhTHISAGREEMENT,Made and entered into this i ;day 1973,by and between ANTON A.BODNER and LISELOTTEofOctober, BODNER,husband and wife,of Reseda,California,hereinafter referred to as "Sellers,"and IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation. with its principal office located at 1220 Idaho Street,Boise, Idaho,hereinafter referred to as "Buyer,"WITNESSETH: I Sellers agree to sell and convey and Buyer agrees to purchase,effective as of September 25,1973,for the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND AND NO/HUNDRETHS DOLLARS ($7,000.00),per acre. payable as hereinafter provided,a parcel of land owned by Sellers located North of and adjoining Buyer's Wood River Sub station in Blaine County,Idaho,said parcel having a four hundred foot (400')frontage on Highway 93 and extending Easterly seven hundred twenty-six feet (726')or to the foot of the bench. J a-tr=lSre—the--Buyer,);together—with-^Tl-wa t er ~a nd -water I w "*....'—*—*"¦ rights-;—cfoesty di Lull rights-,!th-eyguato—bel-org-rng—o-r in anywrse appertaining ./!/%,j h 4**y ii The parties hereto agree that said property shall be surveyed and the corners established by a licensed engineer.It is further agreed that each party will pay one-half of the cost of said survey.i III Sellers agree to deliver to Buyer on or before December 15,1973,a Warranty Deed to be prepared by Buyer,conveying good «-l~—...r c">.•'c;*~'r • •z :r- 2 and merchantable title,free and clear from all liens and encura- brances,in and to the property described hereinabove,as surveyed, and to execute any necessary assignments and documents for the transfer of any rights in and to said property. f Suy/Sn /¦£v/z~fy/UrJifiAt.»*¦,rs/*f fi/u-piStfy a jy \iIV i Sellers agree to pay all taxes and assessments on the property for'the year 1972 and prior thereto.Taxes and assess ments for the year 1973 shall be prorated by the parties as of September 25,1973.Buyer assumes and agrees to pay all taxes and assessments on the property after September 25,1973.V V Buyer agrees to pay the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND AND NO/ HUNDRETHS DOLLARS ($7,000.00)per acre as surveyed as follows: (a)One Thousand and No/Hundreths Dollars ($1,000.00), upon the execution and delivery of the Warranty Deed as herein above provided. (b)The remaining purchase price after January 1,and before January 15,1974. VI Sellers agree that they shall obtain at their sole cost and expense,a policy of title insurance in the amount of d"¦the purchase price for the property,as surveyed,naming Idaho Power Company as the insured,with a company duly qualified to issue policies of title insurance in the State of Idaho. VII Sellers acknowledge that said property is being pur chased by Buyer for the construction and operation of a 50 MW T 3 oil or gas fired gas turbine electric generating station and Sellers expressly agree that they shall not object or appear against Buyer in any proceeding relating to rezoning of said land or the issuance of construction or operating permits,or bring any action against Buyer relating to the construction or operation of said station. VIII THIS AGREEMENT and the provisions thereof shall be binding upon the heirs,representatives,successors and assigns of the parties hereto. S=4 SLf-u Sellers IDAHO POWER COMPANY,Buyer Vice President By^L i. (CQRPORATE SEAL) >' 'ATTEST: r y a ¦'•ri '¦-7 I Secretaire zs: fz ./,*c o '¦?r' - _-t/; ¦-.-it**------.--i --'-js-i*-^Tm^.._r2^>*-^:YgF3f"-J*-- —L7. 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of On this /~7 day of October,1973,before me,a Notary Public,personally appeared ANTON A.BODNER and LISELOTTE BODNER,husband and wife,known to me to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. )ss IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,the day and year in this certificate first above written. LOS ANGELES COUNTY ' MyGDnimlsjJcnExpifdiAfjyJ£,j 971; mi Airport Blvd.,Los CM STATE OF IDAHO ) ¦> 7 c-C r eii-1 Notary Public Residing at; My Commission expires: )ss County of Ada ) day of October,1973,before me,a Notary Public,personally appeared *4.-' to me personally known,who being duly sworn,did say that they are respectively the Vice President and the Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said corporation. On this and JAMES E.BRUCE, IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,the day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary/Public Residing at: My Commission expires:C (NOTARIAL SEAL) v,'1-id • n BLAINE COUNT?PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION POST OFFICE BOX 149 HAILEY,IDAHO 83333 TELEPHONE 208 788-4665 ROBERT VERNON,CHAIRMAN NICK PUROY,VICE CHAIRMAN DORIS BENNET,SECRETARY ROYCE ASHER GLENN COOPER LEE ELDRIDGE ANDY GARDNER GLEN MUELLER MARK PATTERSON COY POE CLAUDE PORTER JERRY SIDWELL DAVID VHAY,ADMINISTRATOR ROBERT BARNES,DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR December 4,1973 Idaho Power Company 1220 Idaho Street Boise,Idaho 83706 Dear Sirs; In regard to your present variance application before the Commission,we are requesting that additional information be submitted to this office.Our purpose in requesting this information is to provide the commission with a more detailed picture of the power system within the Wood River Valley,present and anticipated demands within this service area,possible alternatives to the present proposal, and potential hazards or nuisance which may be created by the generating facility and transmission lines. It is requested that the following information,to the greatest degree possible,be submitted in graphic form on maps of the area with use of different colors or over lays to indicate the existing system,proposed systems,alternatives,etc.,. 1.)Existing Transmission System a.)All existing transmission lines into the Wood River Valley (W.R.V.) service area,location,approximate kjlovolt and kilowatt capacity, point of origin and capacity at origin source. b.)Transmission lines within the W.R.V.service area approximate kilovolt and kilowatt capacity.(Note:Kilowatt or megawatt capacity is requested to allow the Commission to equate supply capability and demand. c.)Substation locations and distribution areas. 2.)Proposed System Improvements (Present Application) a.)Location and capacity of proposed transmission line (Hailey to Ketchum). b.)Location and capacity of proposed generating facility. Note:This information has been submitted,however,we request that it be indicated graphically in context with the over all system. n December 4,1973 Idaho Power Page 2 3.)Possible Alternative Systems a.)Alternative locations for proposed generating facility and related trans mission line requirements (i.e.,location of the generating facility in lower W.R.V.area (South of Bellevue)or other area less likely to undergo intensive residential development. b.)Alternative of providing new main transmission line into the W.R.V. service area as discussed two years ago,and right of way location considered at that time. c.)Utilization of all or a portion of the existing 138kilpvolt transmission line (Hailey to Ketchum)for new transmission facilities. d.)Brief statement presenting positive and negative aspects of the facilities proposed as contrasted with the above or other alternatives.This should weigh economics,capability to provide service,reliability,potential hazards or nuisance,environmental effects,aesthetics,and other con siderations which may be relevant. 4.)Wood River Valley Electrical Demand a.)Graphic indication of separate service areas within the W.R.V. (Item 1.)-c.)above) b.)Present peak summer and winter kilowatt demand for each area and total . c.)Anticipated future peak demands for each area based on Idaho Power Planning Projections. d.)Approximate per capita consumption (residential). e.)Approximately the percentage of consumption by use,(i.e.residential commercial,industrial,recreational,agricultural,etc.,.). 5.)Potential Hazards or Nuisance; a.)Related to location of a 138 kilovolt transmission line in close proximity to highly developed areas,(I ine breakage,electrical fields,etc,,.). b.)Related to combustabi I ity of proposed oil storage facility. c.)What is the octave band (frequency,cycles/seconds of the proposed generating plant at the specified 47 db sound pressure level. n December 4,1973 Idaho Power Page 3 6.)Miscellaneous Questions and Information Requested a.)Time Periods that new generating facility will be in operation,(months during the year,hours/day,etc.,.).Will the proposed generating facility be used as an emergency standby unit after the Jim Bridger . Plant is in operation (fall,1974)? b.)What is the cost of power generated by the proposed plant in relation to present cost/kilowatt? c.)Effect of present federal policies (regarding oil as a fuel source for generating plant? d.)Photographs or drawings of proposed transmission poles,approximate spacing and number of existing pole lines that would be replaced.Will the proposed Hailey to Ketchum pole line be used for other services, (telephone,television cable,etc.,.)? Hopefully,this information can be submitted to this office for our review a few days prior to the Commission's Hearing on the 13th day of December (Thursday). Please note that the originally scheduled hearing date of Tuesday,December 11th has been changed to December 13th due to a meeting conflict at the Court House, will still be at the same time as previously published,8:00 P.M. It If there are questions pertaining to the information requested,please contact this office. Yours trulyp\ David L.Vhay Planning and Zoning Administration cc:Blaine County Commissioners Blaine County Planning and Zoning Commission Members Blaine County Prosecuting Attorney i Ui-Mio Q)< pffi pr • 7o I3e&nz 5Mz4 ^~^T^QsZT^LU £3(4 (fHr / JMfcr %>u^•• PtfrzVJA&Tr To "R^v\s ...t-cxo THv v L»KKA f^VijV>rTrvi.OPVK«9 ^51p&«,*-;•«>¦>*«/•- AM""f^terpuffcsnf nJ^eC-MATica J 'rtWa^^o^T K M--fy^At,N<P To ^0^-ffC^GT sf ¦ 4 ^j?<p ^f^Egv^uTp.'1 JasUCUfc^-sccmetJL.1A>A .1 1 ffeu T^-vi-T?jo ffr^oret?o-ras A*»r»¦•_ ^tow frTrrUt^T'M^1 •.iW oPpv<3.S. I Vok,flriss-jie^j \ f5QQ>.0WS\J A U 4J ,e>F-Z.S A-PT^ iOF~^Ptl Ci/OV?-^-- vWp^i*>o?, ^iT-cjoA>^'-Ks^O^^CSU^t^'.l^gSg Ufttfe^_Accer®&»>)<^ T^6 T4i2 0At^^;S aP-<A$S 4TVr*uj.TH®kk* t^.H-JjPekW^>tU3V»lO^t^-Wr 1 UJOplry AlO^e-if^fflS ^vfT vyoiar f TG A £3^ )L«^n»Jr -V).£*m,v-A r^1-V ^••nl'}^4j,"t*vr DP AW^lT*"v.tjM?V4iO ^00'OjF jfo?&ry?7 fSotJtvorz^, bjYJlGUH'i'j WAP,SUfMlHrf TO ft® jpEUv^,-fgyte-T _UJ J^I^^TWV ro.Gir^j a*>UMU3^, texi<.r \1iH/r "L<mu u \g»,up*j<;Tt>)JV otfsUbsua'PM-atOT A *-iom^mAA^,i^^,f,.fi&tM<kfe3 grtfeCO-LATUrU (S OOTS*r ..j_!es-TO . ^OOl-T 1:1^1Vi Mrtyi^-KtoTWH Arties ^otw or5 T4C.-^-r^.-— _...... MAP? X (JTtiKtrrttwan \?V U^l 0C»TV+Q fan TKvA Ptlz-FOSaC • F£ai\,iMDU^ri^fo'To ^Pe^AV>i?L«c.r», s^ijiki^^e f ^.TpooTucre;^'f aoAovuu.vc^ffofipvnis**,uce ¦¦¦¦'"!>rf ^-'''* ._H )EXi^TikTo A>Jr?Vrtafcrtiffr?Testes ._ouk^tF^&rwrfc-^ osmi^Ba^^of ^rUrui^j.(^r2&ogs,TQ(0 .M+r 60*1.(£<L'c&<iof _._v )*~>T\2.U^rorsofv,UAOT7iCAP!kU^tsTC.,)5>rc._d.u«too'£«*»"- ss3s?$)Cs&Pito M-.\M pcivM^lGU)_f^1?T7A-rWu3v Tt5 , __<Q2UEto^AiS'.A.T ,¦ofZ^vPCo^/,P^o-ro^,j"ECt^,ipft'Vi.j^r-- '2'J).T£)E-XI^LAhT t^&rUTdg of- _fKC^\r*y .¦',.i __ X)jwFA.cn"f,tDiz^|u-mtk --ffeiMi-To Tdsi_ <^srC5t2fc<o£Si l>W i -Souru n?iev«l4 ;-^ixo^e £W mm i-5 rY-j ^,_ £vrr?clUiiTO fePbCTF of:TJti fficlorcT TWa^T 'u^Varz^iX ._..'SraCiiAV.0*^4 «&*-_•. ¦ffZoG^trT V±)g:£>^ TH\^lUPcsa^/XTVSV-'bFfooLtv F$S ^otSiAimSr-*UJ a. livtl<S)4 I i U/|_._....TO T*H2 <SS*m*BA^V.l MA/j (^U«o ^apO^T Odd TlO^/ts-L.K P^W-4TV6V_) A<s»MM OccccS.<;atz^AFT^a.ecu O^^K* _A^tCAT*SU , 1=izyuio«Je>L^,TkH5.AfrttA MA*&&&-> PbM.I hJOViC.nTi 'A t-."LaUV^O ._ArM te TVto. fc^AA^uSU,t)V>i^T OJi-Uw U/W^T TO gXffc?Ty 3^-^^cgWVtra^L ATkgxO f T U Lufetff aF 5HAV ¦fi&T|IT TM-AT ^0 40Wf 6J1&A1* j kVKit&XJZ w&fr U/^-tCU JfOU T.^,fo^TVh3. aTt)k X^OTT-^, nif ZONE APPLICAT ION BLAINE COUNTY F INNING AND ZONING BEZONE APPLICATION (Nol a business I i ronso or building permit) 788-2262 Hailey Phone 344-25 11 BoiseNAME: Idaho Power Company (Owner or Holder of Valid Option)Home Business A D D R ES S :Hailey, Idaho 122.0 Idaho Street,Boise,Idaho GENERAL LOCATION:One and one-half (lh)miles North of Hailey,Idaho LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach if necessary): See Attachment ! R—1 -Residentialproposed :M-l IndustrialZONINGCLASSIFICATION:Present: JUSTIFICATION:Attach a brief statement concerning the following: 1.)Flow the land uses in the requested zone are more related to the Comprehensive Plan for the area than the uses presently permitted. i 2.)Availability of facilities to support the allowable uses such as streets, sewage,water,etc.,. 3.)Any other pertinent information. V5C1N3TY SKETCH:A vicinity map which is drawn to scale must be attached showing the location of the property under consideration. A$25.00 fee must accompany this completed application.FEE : PROOF OF OWNERS FIIP OR VALID OPTION HOLDER:A copy of your property deed or option agreement should be I attached.Idaho Power Company ! ^7 \SIGNATURE By yice President Attorney for Applicant -Parry,Robertson,Daly & —EaTSorf' STAFF RECORDS B3L1 I Torn NplRnrT P-Z COMMISSION HEARING DATEDATERECEIVED RECEIPT NO. Received by ; JUSTIFICATION The basic reasons for the installation of the Combustion Turbine Generating Plant in this vicinity of Hailey,Idaho,is set forth in detail in the application filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Exhibit F to this application). 1.The proposed generating plant is located immediately adjacent to property presently used by Idaho Power Company for an electric substation and the use of the property requested to be rezoned for a generating plant will be related to the existing use of the adjacent property belonging to Idaho Power Company.In addition,part of the adjoining property on the south and east is owned by the State of Idaho and is presently used for equipment storage,shops and gravel pit. 2.Existing facilities are available to support the installation.A gas line is located on the railroad property lying east of the proposed plant site and oil can be hauled by tank car on this railroad and piped to the site by underground pipeline. An existing highway borders the west side of the property and a private roadway lies along the south side of the property. Water required for the turbine can be obtained from an existing well on the property.No sewage or other disposal will be required. EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE RECLASSIFIED I A certain parcel of land in the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter (SE%SE%)of Section thirty-two (32)and Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (SW%SW%)of Section thirty-three (33)in Township three (3)North,Range eighteen (18)East,BM,Blaine County,Idaho;More particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point,said point being the Southeast corner of above described Section thirty-two (32)and is the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING;thence North eighty-nine degrees forty-four minutes West (N 89°44'W)three hundred sixty-nine and five-tenths (369.5) feet along South boundary of said Section thirty-two (32)to a point;thence North eighteen degrees forty-seven minutes thirty- three seconds West (N 18°47'33"W)two hundred fifty (250)feet to a point;thence North seventy-one degrees twelve minutes thirty seconds East (N 71°12'30"E)four hundred fifty (450)feet to a point;thence South eighteen degrees forty-seven minutes forty- eight seconds East (S 3.8°47'48"E)four hundred five and six- tenths (405.6)feet to a point;thence North eighty-nine degrees forty-four minutes twenty-one seconds West (N 89°44'21"W)one hundred six (106)feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. The above described land contains three and thirty-seven hundredths (3.37)acres,more or less. II A parcel of land located in the SE%SE%of Section 32 and the SW%SW% of Section 33,Township 3 North,Range 18 East,Boise Meridian, lying Northerly and adjoining the Idaho Power Company Wood River Substation located 1%miles North of Hailey,Blaine County,Idaho. Contains 6.50 acres,more or less,and said parcel has 400 foot frontage on Highway 93 and extends Easterly to the toe of the slope.* *This property is presently being surveyed and a survey description will be filed within one week. /,•. 2-„3—WARRANTY.DEED lrt'intctlair" " I J _—Z.l( THIS INDENTURE,Made this day of22..,1962 ll ,betweenIintheyearofourLordonethousandninehundredandsixty-two i ;:JOHN E EVANS and.MARGARET JEAN EVANS,husband and wife, ,County of ,the parties of the first part,and IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation, ! ,State of IdahoofKetctrumBlaine i 1 I! i i,State of IdahoofBoise,County of Ada ¦i i! i : Il;the part y of the second part. I of the first part,for and in consideration of the sum of;;WITNESSETH,That the said parties i TEN AND NO/HUNDREDTHS ($10.00) » DOLLARS,' i ,•'.tasvfu!money,of the United States of America,and other good and valuable consideration '•to iheia in hand paid by the said t party ¦¦¦of the second part,the receipt whereof is hereby-acknowledged,have granted,bargained j and s^ld,.0d fey these pmehte bargain,sell,convey and cbnfinn unto the said parties j ¦of the sebond part,and to its'items aha assigns forever,all of the following described real estate,1 ;.shyalfcd in /,County of Blaine ,State of Idaho,to-wit:1) j A -A'certain phrcel of land in the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter (SE^SE^) 'of;S»c*,tion tlrtrty-t#(32)and Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (StfpwJ)j | of Sectio.-I thirty-three (33}in Township three (3)North,Range eighteen (l3)East, BM,Blaine County,Idaho;More particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point,said point being the Southeast corner of above described 1 Section thirty-two (32)and is the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING;'thence -North |;eighty-nine degrees forty-four minutes Nest (a Q^"KK'w)three hundred sixty- nine end five-tenths (369*5)feet along South boundary of said Section thirty- two (32)to a point;thence North eighteen degrees forty-seven minutes thirty ;:three seconds West (N lS°k7'33"W)two hundred fifty (250)feet to a point;thence :North seventy-one degrees twelve minutes thirty seconds East (N 71°12'30"E) four hundred fifty (I5&)feat to a.point;thence South eighteen degrees forty- ¦|seven minutes forty-eight seconds East (S l3°k7 '18"E)four hundred five and j j six-tenths (k05*6)feet to a point;'thence North eighty-nine degrees foriy- 1 four minutes twenty-one seconds West (N 89oilV2l"W)one hundred six (106) 'feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. :i The above described land contains three and thirty-seven hundredths (3.37) acres,more or less. i Ii ! i i ¦ 1" ¦i- It',! !iii1 i m ii ii! i !:1 1in.il*im l5j i ;?,I 1 Ii1?I> :; i I TOGETHER,With all and singular the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining,the reversion and reversions,remainder and remainders,rents, 1 issues and profits thereof;and all estate,right,title and interest in and to the said property,as well ;in law as in equity,of the said parties '1 of the first part.i ii TO HAVE AND TO HOLD,All and singular the above mentioned and d ,with the appurtenances,unto the party i and the said parties of the first part,and "their heirs^tlie I possession of thesaid party of the second part,itl SteSSiua :of the first part,and their heirs,and against all and every person and persons whomsoever,lawfully I j claiming or to claim the same shall and will WARRANT and by these presents forever DEFEND. finises,together of the second part,and to its find assigns forever remises in the quiet and peaceable assigns,against the said parties ' ¦ ! i ! X-' —te --— -^Tyhr-rt -¦..... IS |( mp,^- T ~T'f-'? : Ai;!i. '' ¦,1! ¦ ¦ i !!1 !i !i J \j •> ' IiIhereuntosettheirhandINWITNESSWHEREOF,The said parties of the first part have .the day and year first above written.and seal ;i CSIGNED,SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF [Seal]j [Seal]| /fO i ( [Seal]j / lii [Seal] ! 1{•') STATE OF IDAHO !!ss.li BlaineCountyof I )'in the year 19 62',before me •;,a Notary Public j ! On this day ofI \w i ,i ;• in and;foresaid State,personally appeared -john E EVANS and MARGARET JEAN EVANS i 1 I, f subscribed to the;within instrument,and.known to me to be the person s acknowledged to me that t he y whose names executed the same.i ¦: IN WITNESS WHEREOF;I have hereunto set my h^nd and affixed my official seal,thejduy and year in this certificate,first above written., /.L_/L ,1 ] .1 Notary Public for the State of Idaho, Residing at I, ;,Idaho (i t!.j Jt;:• Jjf I 1 if 4 :!:i ¦p ^I i 1 !if .1?a ;dCL> iQ!a3d1Ifi "Ji,aj 1 i j S !;f.\A %ul'ii ! I i|®|w"fifliijl Jill -j-J IQ1 i liOH¦S9t5K'¦]ja.s *0' Eh Qo35, 1 S fin Vo\¦N ¦s £r-:<r W NP36H 1 <tiz V\P5 02<J 1 1 T3CD %•4-> <3 •o A ¦t-O -rrr r;_ < A G R E B M E N T r-,r',THIS AGREEMENT,Made and entered into this day of October,1973,by and between ANTON A,BODNER and LISELOTTE BODNER,husband and wife,of Reseda,California,hereinafter referred to as "Sellers,"and IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation. with its principal office located at 1220 Idaho Street,Boise, Idaho,hereinafter referred to as "Buyer,"WITNESSETH: I Sellers agree to sell and convey and Buyer agrees to purchase,effective as of September 25,1973,for the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND AND NO/HUNDRETHS DOLLARS ($7,000.00),per acre. payable as hereinafter provided,a parcel of land owned by Sellers located North of and adjoining Buyer's Wood River Sub station in Blaine County,Idaho,said parcel having a four hundred foot (400')frontage on Highway 93 and extending Easterly seven hundred twenty-six feet (726')or to the foot of the bench. at"--bhc—option-s>f—the-Buyer ,i|to a~lT~watfer and-wa:ter ; rightST—d-Llie-hg-er;—di-tnch-Trirghlrs .1 thoreuhto—be-loiig-iHg-&7tr-irn^anyw-i-s-e M,appertaining ./! r-f& ii The parties hereto agree that said property shall be surveyed and the corners established by a licensed engineer.It is further agreed that each party will pay one-half of the cost of said survey.I III Sellers agree to deliver to Buyer on or before December 15,1973,a Warranty Deed to be prepared by Buyer,conveying good •-¦-——.¦_.7 •-—. y -¦ —& 2 and merchantable title.free and clear from all liens and encum brances,in and to the property described hereinabove,as surveyed, and to execute any necessary assignments and documents for the transfer of any rights in and to said property. X ia"-VIV Sellers agree to pay all taxes and assessments on the property for the year 1972 and prior thereto.Taxes and assess ments for the year 1973 shall be prorated by the parties as of September 25,1973.Buyer assumes and agrees to pay all taxes and assessments on the property after September 25,1973. V Buyer agrees to pay the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND AND NO/ HUNDRETHS DOLLARS ($7,000.00)per acre as surveyed as follows: One Thousand and No/Hundreths Dollars ($1,000.00),(a) upon the execution and delivery of the Warranty Deed as herein above provided. (b)The remaining purchase price after January 1,and before January 15,1974. VI Sellers agree that they shall obtain at their sole a policy of title insurance in the amount ofcostandexpense. J.'the purchase price for the property,as surveyed,naming Idaho Power Company as the insured,with a company duly qualified to issue policies of title insurance in the State of Idaho. VII Sellers acknowledge that said property is being pur chased by Buyer for the construction and operation of a 50 MW 3 oil or gas fired gas turbine electric generating station and Sellers expressly agree that they shall not object or appear against Buyer in any proceeding relating to rezoning of said land or the issuance of construction or operating permits,or bring any action against Buyer relating to the construction or operation of said station. VIII THIS AGREEMENT and the provisions thereof shall be binding upon the heirs,representatives,successors and assigns of the parties hereto. </X Sellers IDAHO POWER COMPANY,Buyer 'i'c"f ¦—nn b Vice President •' (CORPORATE SEAL) •ATfT^ST: r-I.-s ~Secretary TyC ,C<J-1 A-"-/—.-'pf—st-l-,-*-—,Sc../ST.£)•>S~ r-t-f 'L Z'uC-i-lL,''i m -kt-•V •;as •-p*v—~—T*F—T W— .........T-^— -v-•- :'rv cr - —•i i- a -a __l .—*I ¦¦¦¦¦^^¦'1 — —fm-«_•<-*.. > '-^r ,-—f .• T -.VT--¦ r "V..'; —sJ:! 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss County of day of October,1973,before me,a Notary Public,personally appeared ANTON A.BODNER and LISELOTTE BODNER,husband and wife,known to me to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. On this IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,the day and year in this certificate first above written. \MkW/u ,angsus couNry 8 9341 Airport Blvd.,Los toggle <3a(ff,ggg/fg STATE OF IDAHO ) O it\Notary Public Residing at; My Commission expires:J )ss County of Ada ) 'ii'i day of October,1973,before me,a Notary Air and JAMES E.BRUCE, sworn,did say that they are respectively the Vice President and the Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said corporation. On this Public,personally appeared x_Zi- to me personally known,who being duly IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,the day and year in this certificate first above written. ^_• "7 ">"5=4-7;v. (NOTARIAL SEAL)Notaryj&ublic Residing at: My Commission expires:V*/-7£ EXHIBIT B PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 300 FEET OF THE BOUNDARY OF THE PROPERTY TO BE RECLASSIFIED Anton A Bodner 18607 Calvert Street Reseda,California 91335 Idaho State Highway Department 3311 West State Street Boise,Idaho Tom W Richmond Hailey,Idaho Del Panting Hailey,Idaho Mez McMurray 2058 Miller Avenue Bur ley,Idaho Dan Howarth 200 West Braemere Road Boise,Idaho Western National Corporation 1419 West Bannock Street Boise,Idaho Roscoe Bigler Harold Valentine 5855 South Broadway Los Angeles,California Bill Schlunegger Box 591 Hailey,Idaho Glen G Withers Hailey,Idaho Rod Overfield Ketchum,Idaho 1 \•t /INDIAN SPRINGS AM M-l ^\\ OHIO GULCH" :PR.SANITARY LANDP 1 1 |3SlCta \ R-B K1~-_^sssi! HIGHWAY =)S i ^0 00 \/\ .-¦iSi /V "¦^0 ?I . tR*aR-2¦aft Pt'ifli f.-¦ jr-DEER CREEK RQAD£ ; -:AII\fr^^^rr.--TIT.ss3*#eA^W;SgSNjjjffP -Srs^'¦A 08 Rt H .-R2 FMtLiK^)57+T U Y-f *fet«J 4YS* I.G2> :i£>1(3 WCOED RlVEjR /I R.g i—DEES?Cf?EE< L C J I ¦:•t!vyp SREff H MORN GULCH ///i >">Te2;wet:l Si(EET S 1 NORTH Of EXHIBIT "A" y a H FY .=4 •'*- 'aD5w,c 7' 8? ¦ SS-5 r_A•1 -t i >'ri V*,1m .* 9k •!i"S.- S»l i 'Efc* *$.>Vw1 !...*¦-•|«jJ "/ i KK&Sii* ^tit-Si fi*•: £3raWSi?:~ Vi:'.:I Afc I ¦ ,-•'•&jj ^'•'iiR. %7 <-Z:)'VS r*/--7?*-F ^,- -/* *,*¦n .'«**¦ f.i £-7 1 m-.. wr- .¦<&.•4*i >.t :1SP*&«jr»•£!&£5-»•PV t'•>("*!J* mmWi•w L7-..A r<<*>1 5K •.s«P5 ^xrs *«i ¦•*-.-.--i-..^•--ss i m*tii>\S*i si "W.ij tov SS &V'V-V:..«2K -t •"-v,-7?*l girl! t *•v. L-'-u ¦>SgBSE®^¦P*f :•»A."*P-¦NT.v>j •-.,¦- fif-/•-¦•*?vr if-.%SSWw^BBk--*A,iV.firv- sfi¦-\!&.r»~Q-4 < :s- ~(» V .fe.-wd '-1 S*r J-H*a«raB5 r?l I*J»\v Ia i r. CM tt alii?Ml §Silflj»J i Si B ftf 1 LM I 1 iC3ats.r $*a*4 f?i ^4 53¦a->I!a ?¦, 1 1 >S £-*1 fPp«:|j®s ,I 91 13 11 a ¦ps fa Jb r.a P§ oM V Vi*•{w-' I B •« MMt_^ 11§di§15Stow 5-J SIIfct ftl s £*&* J|Jtfliaiu*>!a L>.lists1^1$v li©r*l rc M7 |iK fc*C MiK 3i« uass a'l is i ¦>»<§&I I %1 4 F 8acsj:!S IS<p f nI«:S .-Jl|a p.t *$:}i If gg&Ijfcl £J •n'.<j ^®2III«*«8a -4 X*H . bl 4-!S r[ift t?"tfsSseifasi&ii'I a o 3i-a e?r*?•3 ^?>•Vaf-SJ f,£-J?3 |®«*#* *i ?i s?8 &i if*8 111 sill I si ;i fj9%t a O £J r*^*1;u o 524 oarages uo\ m smmimtm,s&mim to is^eo poess*coupler,.its sscosssopjs i$&essichs,4$ S2L.ECtF.I-v Uoas,BjSWP i'la FG5?6H iMCinsi. !M 11 Gtomm m ths wj,xgxw jin3 bp*3©of xis?s?8ss 0?sas vijllags OF Mtt,BICJSt CCUSTf,I23S480,TB^Ti Sfptibu 1,There is hereby granted to Id«sfce Stover Gm$myt suc cessor#end uasi-sns {herein Celled the Orudisa),ri^t,priyiXovja oxf fren* Chios until Rp.pt,r»^hP!r 1 r 1 007 .to cons true!,minte in s.~id operate in tha present end future streets,alloys «&&public pieces in the YiHcy#at Xetobucs, Blaine County,Idaho,and its successora,©leotrio light feud pores?linaa,together with.ail the »e«e##»2*;e?deeirsbla aypnrtaasaees {including imdorsrsaad ooudaibs, poluo,booere,wires,trancHisalon linen end tmlsgrAph &ad ielesshone lias*for its 4*®use},for the P»r?o»*of osspplyin#elactrleity to »«id 7illas5»,the In habitant#ihsreof and person#sad corporation#bsysaid the-limits thereof,for light,heart,power s®4 othsr *#w?poss&a* Section E*FoX.-iO and towers shall be Constructed in &good and wS» sta&tiel rnaaw,w»d shall be »©rested as to interfere n»little as possible with traffic orar street#n»&tXIeysu The location of poles,tower#sal eondulb# shell b©fixed under the oapssprlsion ot the Bonrd of Tract oea of the TlHo»o,but not 00 as to interfere unreasonably Mth the proper operation of the Srant««,s/-' lis as.* 1 ) Seettsn 3»She Grantee shall iad-ssssaify sad s«*e the "Village fca.xsalsa# fra#say <snd ell sjepsas#or liability ehioh aay secant*to it by reason of the eegli&scts*or aiseoaduefc of the Grants*in the coaatruotloa,operation or xsaia- taaasce of its systoa hereunder* Section 4+The Great ea stall file with the Clerk of the Board of ffruo* toss of the Tillage sn «ue#*yfc«»ee la writing of this franchise,on or before thirty dsya after the flasl puassg*hereof. Section 5*Tfei»ordinance shell iefce offoat upon.approval by the Chair- s<s»of the Board of •Srasteeo,soe«pt«aoo a#required herein,and puhlissi-isn *itM& one csonth nfter its p&snauce* F4SS32>by the 3o«rd of Tract see of the 7111&^a of S.etehua,31aina Ocwaty, Xielo,this .„Pnft_.«»/ (oo^^'B s;^l)...«"!* Qhniroioi ox the Board of Trustees of the Tillsice Of SLetciasa.,Idaho,.,.TfI£T; Jjnf liaaaa Acting Oish-c of the Board of Trustee#of the (.YlLhiao of K&bzinjsst,Idsho,