HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170303IPC to Tidwell Attachment 26.pdfLARRY D.RIPLEY PATRICK A.HARRINGTON Idaho Power Company P.0.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 (208)388-2674 Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West Idaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 FAX Telephone No.:(208)388-6936 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ) AMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY,) CERTIFICATE NO.272 CASE NO.IPC-E-95-6 )APPLICATION FOR AN AMEND MENT TO CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO.272 ) On October 31,1973,Idaho Power filed an application with the Commission (which was designated Case No.U-1 006-89)requesting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the construction and installation of a 50 megawatt (MW) combustion turbine generator and related facilities at the Company's Wood River Substation near Hailey,Idaho,and the conversion and rebuild of the 46 kV transmission and distribution lines from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum Substation to a 138 kV transmission line.The Commission approved the Company's application in its APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE,Page 1 Order No.1 1315 and issued Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No.272 (see ( Exhibit 1).The Company is hereby requesting an amendment to Certificate No.272 relating to the proposed Wood River Ketchum 138 kV transmission line that was approved therein. The Company's primary concern in its 1973 application (Case No.U-1006- 89)was to provide back-up facilities for the two transmission lines which extended service to the Company's two substations in Hailey.At that time,Idaho Power provided service to Hailey through a 46 kV line from the Shoshone Substation to the Hailey Substation,and through a 138 kV line from the King Substation near Hagerman to the Wood River Substation near Hailey.The 46 kV Shoshone-Hailey line had insufficient capacity to serve the entire load in the area,and an outage on the 138 kV King-Wood River line (which is (72 miles long and,as described in Order No.11315,"traverses high desert and mountainous terrain,subject to storms,snow,avalanches,slides,fire and icing conditions") would affect the entire Hailey-Ketchum-Sun Valley area.Accordingly,pursuant to the Commission's authorization in Order No.11315 and Certificate No.272,the Company built and installed the combustion turbine generator (the Hailey Turbine)at the Wood River Substation.The Hailey Turbine made back-up service available in the event of an outage on the King-Wood River line.In 1989,Idaho Power completed construction of a new 138 kV transmission line extending from the Midpoint Substation to the Silver Substation to the Hailey Substation.This line completed the Company's capacity and reliability upgrade of electric service to Hailey,and allowed the Company to eventually dispose of APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE,Page 2 the Hailey Turbine,as approved by the Commission's Order No.24676 in Case No.IPC-E- 92-9 dated January 27,1993 (see Exhibit 2). Idaho Power's application in Case No.U-1 006-89 also addressed the Company's request for authority to construct electric facilities extending north of Hailey to serve the Ketchum-Sun Valley area.The Company proposed a new 138 kV transmission line from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum Substation to provide back-up service for the existing Wood River-Ketchum 138 kV transmission line which runs along the east end of the Wood River Valley.However,after the issuance of the Commission's Order No. 11315 and Certificate No.272,Idaho Power was unable to obtain the necessary right-of- way for the additional 138 kV Wood River-Ketchum transmission line.The proposed new 138 kV line was intended to follow a portion of an existing 46 kV line route from the Wood River Substation to the Gimlet area,but also required right-of-way through the city of Ketchum.In the meantime,the Company began the difficult and protracted process of obtaining the necessary easements,licenses and permits for its Midpoint-Silver-Hailey transmission line referenced above.Faced with continuing right-of-way obstacles in extending a new 138 kV line north of Hailey,the Company has continued to rely upon its existing Wood River-Ketchum 138 kV line for service to the Ketchum-Sun Valley area. Idaho Power recently performed an extensive reassessment of the feasibility and need for an additional 138 kV transmission line from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum Substation.This study included a review of both the capacity requirements and the reliability requirements for Idaho Power's electric service to the Ketchum-Sun Valley area. APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE,Page 3 Idaho Power's current projections of electric demand in the Ketchum-Sun ( Valley area indicate that the existing Wood River-Ketchum 138 kV transmission line has sufficient capacity to meet the area's electric needs for the foreseeable future.The 138 kV line's capacity ranges from approximately 120-130 MW in the winter to approximately 90 MW during the summer (power lines are able to carry more electricity in colder conditions). By comparison,the actual winter peak load on the transmission line was 55.5 MW for 1994-1995,and projected winter peak loads are estimated at 73 MW for 2005-2006 and 110 MW for 2030-2035.Summer peak loads on the transmission line are projected to stay well below the 90 MW capacity of the line over the same planning period.Idaho Power will continue to monitor its load growth projections and make modifications where necessary. However,based on current projections,there is presently no need for a new 138 kV (transmission line to provide additional electrical capacity to the Ketchum-Sun Valley area. Idaho Power has also thoroughly reviewed the reliability of its electrical service to the Ketchum-Sun Valley area.The Wood River-Ketchum 138 kV transmission line has had an excellent record of reliability since its construction in 1962.Nonetheless, the Company has taken a number of steps to further improve the reliability of the line including the following: 1.Structural Assessment -Energy Data Management,Inc.of Colorado has performed a field inspection and structural analysis of the poles,cross-arms, insulators,conductors and other components of the transmission line.This study confirmed that the transmission line structures are in good condition and are in APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE,Page 4 conformance with applicable National Electrical Safety Code standards.Structures and cross-arms identified in the study as needing work were repaired. Electrical Assessment -Energy Data Management and Power2. Engineers of Hailey have analyzed the historical performance of the transmission line, including outages and lightning-related incidents.The transmission line was determined to have an excellent outage history,with only two unplanned outages in the past fourteen years,for a total duration of only three minutes.The electrical assessment was based upon Idaho Power's records and did not include any brief outages which may not have been recorded for the line over the years. Fire Protection -Osmose,Inc.of New York has coated the3. transmission poles with Fire-Guard protectant,which is designed to protect the poles through three fires. 4.Avalanche Study -Power Engineers and Energy Data Management have reviewed the probabilities and severities of avalanches in the vicinity of the transmission line and calculated the resulting pole strength requirements.All structures were determined to have adequate strength to withstand a 50-year recurrence avalanche. 5.Conductor Assessment -Idaho Power performed visual inspections of several spans of the transmission line wires which were removed in connection with the rerouting of a one-mile segment of the line in 1994. 6.Maintenance Plan -Idaho Power has developed an enhanced maintenance plan to repair and replace power line components as needed. APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE,Page 5 Emergency Action Plan -Idaho Power has prepared a detailed7. ( comprehensive emergency action plan to facilitate a rapid and effective response to a service outage or other emergency regarding the power line.The plan includes detailed maps and directions for access to structures,specific guidelines for structure replacements,and contact lists for internal and external communications (e.g.law enforcement,hospitals,etc.).Materials are stored in Hailey to facilitate the rapid restoration of service in the event of an unplanned line outage. Idaho Power has also recently completed an extensive public participation process regarding the possible construction of a second 1 38 kV transmission line from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum Substation.The Company's process included meetings before the Ketchum and Sun Valley City Councils,as well as before the Blaine (County Board of Commissioners.Idaho Power also presented a proposal to construct the new transmission line to a Community Advisory Committee whose members are listed on the Committee list attached hereto as Exhibit 3.In addition,Idaho Power held a public open house at Ketchum City Hall (with invitations sent to over 8,000 Idaho Power customers in northern Blaine County)to provide information regarding the proposed transmission line and to receive public comments. At the conclusion of Idaho Power's public participation process,the Company carefully evaluated the input received from the area's public officials and citizens.The overwhelming response from the parties commenting was that,despite the unavoidable risk of an outage to the existing transmission line,the proposed transmission line should not be built.The reasons for public opposition to the line included the difficulty of finding ( APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE,Page 6 an acceptable route for the transmission line,aesthetic impacts,health and safety concerns,and excessive cost of burying part or all of the line.(The newspaper articles attached as Exhibit 4 provide additional information regarding public input on the line). Based on Idaho Power's extensive review of the proposal to construct a 138 kV transmission line from the Wood River Substation to the Ketchum Substation,and in light of the public comments received regarding the line,the Company has concluded that the project is not feasible at this time.Idaho Power will continue to monitor the condition of the existing Wood River-Ketchum transmission line,the increase in load growth in the Ketchum-Sun Valley area,and the feasibility of obtaining the required right- of-way and public permits for a second 138 kV line. Communications with reference to this Application should be sent to the following: Larry D.Ripley Attorney Idaho Power Company P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 Patrick A.Harrington Attorney Idaho Power Company P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707 WHEREFORE,the Company requests an Amendment to Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity,Certificate No.272,to remove the authority for the construction of a second Wood River-Ketchum 138 kV transmission line from Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity,Certificate No.272,as authorized by the Commission in U-1 006-89,Order No.11315. APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO CERTIFICATE,Page 7