HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170303IPC to Tidwell Attachment 25.pdfINTRODUCTION The Wood River to Ketchum 138 kV Project's public participation process began last springwhenIdahoPowerdecidedtoreviewa1973decisiontoconstructasecondtransmissionlinefromtheWoodRiverSubstationonthenorthedgeofHaileytotheKetchumSubstationonSimValleyRoad.The construction of the line has been delayed for a number of reasons,includingpublicopinionandlackoffundingduetotherecentdroughtyears.An Idaho Power team met tostudytheissueandthroughtechnicalanalysis,found that the line is not required for additionalcapacityduetopopulationgrowthbutmaybenecessaryforreliabilitypurposes,ifthere were anoutageontheexistingline.The team presented their findings and proposed to senior managementthatthedecisionshouldhavetheopinionofthecitizensoftheWoodRiverValley,the customerswhocouldbeaffectedbythepresenceorabsenceoftheline. The Citizen's Advisory Committee,(CAC)was designed to represent the concerns about theprojectwithinthecommunityandtohelptheprojectteamestablishrelationshipswiththecitizensinthearearepresented.The project team is also very interested in the individual opinions ofthecommitteemembersandwantstoinformthemabouttheproject. On January 25th of 1995 an open house will be held for the citizens north ofHailey,those in theimmediateimpactareaofanalternatelineroute.The purpose ofthis open house is to discuss thegoalsandobjectivesoftheproject,and more importantly,to listen to the ideas and concerns oftheresidentsoftheWoodRiverValley.Exhibits will include the possible general routes of theproposedalternateline,information on power lines and electromagnetic fields,pole andconductorvariationsavailable,zoning and land use,engineering,the CAC,public input ballotsandcomments.This open house is designed to allow the project team to present the facts abouttheneedforthetransmissionlineandtoexpandtheirknowledgeandunderstandingofthecommunityandtheenvironmentalandsocialissueswithinit.Besides the project team,Community Advisory Committee members should be available at the open house to meet,listen,and discuss issues and concerns with their neighbors and fellow citizens. Written comment,either through the computer or by hand,from these meetings will be tabulated.We will also tabulate those comments sent in from those unable to attend.Care will be takenwhenanalyzingthisinformation.This effort is not intended as,nor should the results beinterruptedas,a "vote"on the project.A tally of the statements for or against the project cannot,and should not be interpreted as a mandate to do,or not to do,a particular project.The IdahoPower's ultimate decision will take into consideration these public comments as part,but not all,of their consideration.All ofthe comments will be solicited in an open forum.Others may have adifferingview,but all views will be considered. Wood River to Ketchum 138 kV Transmission Line Project Comments from Open House,January 25,1995 Supports: O "I would not support the line going down Highway 75.1 live in Weyyakin.Blaine County required the developer to setback400feetfromthehighwayforaviewcorridor.A power line,I'm sure,will be fought by our homeownersassociationifitweretofurtherencroachonthiscorridor.We have perhaps $15,000,000 ofbuildable land that wecannotdevelopbecauseofthepriorrequirementsofthecounty.Thus,I would feel this project would greatly affect ourprojectastovalues." R.G.Reeder Box 856 Sun Valley,ED 83353 O "Valuations on right-of-way costs may be a little low.The commercial property along the highway corridor is escalatingataphenomenalrate. Make sure to emphasize the reliability and future growth requirements.Some ofthe new homes (temples)are over 10,000 square feet with multiple heating sources that all require electricity to work." AlLindley P.O.Box 3509 Hailey,ID 83333 O "It seems like a good idea." Stephen Smith Box 3089 Hailey,ID 83333 O "The valley is going to continue to grow.We need to be prepared for that growth.The cost in the long run will becheapernowthanlater.In my youth,I was against a four-lane highway.Now,we are going to have four lanes at a costthatwillultimatelybeconsiderablyhigherthanin1971.The same thing will happen with the power lines.Today's dollars are cheaper than tomorrow's. It would be preferable to have underground lines.It would most certainly limit the objections that are sure to come fromsomeelementsofthiscommunity. As a note,last January while I was in Seattle,the power went out When I came back I had approximately $7,000 ofboilerandpiperepair.Power stoppages are not uncommon where I am." James R.Reid Box 356 Ketchum,ID Billing address:212 Hawthorne Road Bellingham,WA 98225 Wood River to Ketchum—138 kV Transmission Line Project Comments from Open House,January 25,1995 Page 2 O "My concern is the additional height Ifproposed 'new line'is going onto existing secondary line along Highway 75(from Hailey to Ketchum)." Canterbury Contr.Inc. #809 Sun Valley,ID O "Only if utilizing the existing system along route 75.Otherwise,upgrade the existing system to make it more durableandlesspronetodamagefromavalanche." H.D.McNee,Jr. P.O.Box 2028 Sun Valley,ID 83353 O "Reside E.Fork.Support line—Perfer Highway route per phone 1/30/95 ." Chuck Ellis 619-360-0459 California loes Not Support: O "It seems to me that the money used in installing a second line into the valley would be better spent in extra maintenanceofourcurrentline.It would be a fraction ofthe expense.I have family in Washington state and they pay lots for theirpower.I'd hate to see us pay more than we already to and degrade our environment with yet more unsightly power linesacrossourhills. You're doing a fine job currently.Ijust don't see where a second line will make it that much better.Thanks." O The developable area which the proposed transmission line would serve is limited and can be served adequately byexistingfacilities.The proposed transmission line would be environmentally and aesthetically damaging to the entireareathroughwhichitwouldpass. Idaho Power should concentrate its efforts to serve its customers by offering,as other western utility companies do,products like compact fluorescent lamps and fixtures at subsidized prices as well as other items such as insulation blankets for water heaters to create more electrical energy through intelligent conservation." D.M.Christensen HC 64 Box 8288 Ketchum,ID 83340 O "First,I would ask you to extend the comment period for at least two weeks,so that people unable to attend yourmeetingonthe25thwouldatleasthaveachancetoreadaboutitinthenewspaper—you could announce it on the radio.For a proposed project of this magnitude five days is not nearly enough time to allow for dissemination of informationtopeoplewhomaynothaveknownabouttheopenhouseandaboutthescopeofwhatyoupropose. Second,I am totally against the new power line from a visual standpoint.From a cost standpoint and from a safety standpoint,you have done a greatjob keeping the present line servicing the valley.We are a tourist destination and to Wood River to Ketchum—138 kV Transmission Line Project Comments from Open House,January 25,1995 Page 3 put up the equivalent of a 5-7 story high power line next to our scenic corridor,would be absolutely unacceptable. Please keep me informed of your plans." Beth Duke Box 964 Sun Valley,ID 83353 O "After reading the facts,I feel that it's not necessary.Temporary power outages that are not planned would be ofno major concern to our family,and the track record is great (only 2 in 14 years)." O "Unless,it's necessary,the unknown health risks affects our property values and scenic eye sores associated with being near high-voltage lines outweigh the need for a back-up line. As a realtor,I have discovered that the public is very concerned about the health and visual affects high-voltage power lines create.I have research that shows property values are decreased 25%below normal for properties located within one lot of the existing high-voltage line.I can provide this information ifyou would like it.I also have otherwise high demand properties that are not selling because they are located near the high-voltage line in Croy Canyon." ?? Box 869 Ketchum,ID 83340 J "Based upon the excellent service we have now,only 2 outages in the last 14 years,I feel we do not need redundants.I think we should spend money on making the current system stronger,able to withstand avalanches,etc.rather than money to build a second system." O "The cost does notjustify the need for redundancy.An occasional outage isjust something we can live with.The scenic value of our highway area would be damaged forever with the proposed line." O "I do not think it is necessary.I have lived here 21 years and am pleased with the service.I do not think the expenditure warrants it,based on our population base. Thank you for a good presentation and communication." Sue White Box 3428 Ketchum,ID 83340 O "I feel that replacing the existing poles would be best.Also,please explore making a special 'power district'to enable the financing to bury power cables in high-profile areas as Sun Valley/Ketchum." Jack Williams Box 505 Ketchum,ID 83340 Home 726-6013 Office 726-4001 N "My power supply is/appears just fine.When the power goes out,it is not long when it comes back on." Barb Ancona Box 5076 Ketchum,ID 83340 Wood River to Ketchum—138 kV Transmission Line Project Comments from Open House,January 25,1995 Page 4 I O "It is my strong belief that your crews would be capable of restoring service within 2-3 days in a bad storm situation. The cost and visual blight of a new line are worse than the costs for frozen plumbing,stopped ski lifts,and cold houses. We are willing to accept those difficulties. As an option,why not consider low-interest loans for critical facility generators for hospitals,fire stations,nursing homes,etc. Also,why not use steel towers painted dark green for fire resistance,and steel for avalanche deflection structures. Itjust seems unnecessary.Thanks for a well-organized presentation.Please keep me informed." David Lister Box 1789 Ketchum,ID 83340 O "I strongly feel that Idaho Power should be involved in power saving and reduction programs.Also,I think that there should be a limit placed on the amount ofelectricity that a single-family residence can use,or a higher rate is used for that household.This would subsidize extra facilities needed in the Wood River Valley. I know Idaho Power is in the business ofselling power,but there has to be some responsibility for the adverse affects on the environment for the production of an every increasing use of electricity. Please concentrate on how people can use less electricity or on creating electricity in a way that does not adversely affect the world we live in.Thank you." Carolyn Lister HC 64 Box 8002 Ketchum,ID 83340 O "Phone —Doesn't feel needed unless for capacity.Would be willing to live with minor outages/inconvenience." Dan Harding O "Review in 5 years." Terri Moore Box 3083 Kethcum,ID 83346 O "Present system is sufficient There has been only three minutes ofnatural power outage in the last 14 years.We don't need more clutter along the highway." Susan Doyle Box 3648 Ketchum,ID 83340 f ~>"There simply isn't anything more unsightly than a power line.If it isn't essential,don't build it" Robert Doyle Box 3648 Ketchum,ID 83340 Wood River to Ketchum—138 kV Transmission Line Project Comments from Open House,January 25,1995 Page5 O Nancy Humphrey Sun Valley Neither Supports Nor Does Not Support: O "Undecided at this point.Glad Idaho Power has to decide and not me." Pane Smith P.O.Box 3089 Hailey,ID 83333 O "Local Options—Jack.Taxes—Underground distribution." / WOOD RIVER to KETCHUM Community Advisory Committee Doug Clemens Clemens Associates Box 300 Ketchum,ID 83340 726-5331 Mary A.Crofts Blaine County Rec.District Box 297 Hailey,Idaho 83333 788-2117 John Gaeddert Galena Engineers?Box 425" Ketchum,Idaho 83340 788-6021 Martha Hardin Realtor,Bitterroot-Whitecloud Properties Box 3552 1 Hailey,Idaho 83333 ^/tVally Huffman Sun Valley Company Sun Valley,Idaho 83353 v 788-5991 622-2105 Jim Jaquet Ketchum City Administrator Box 23 15 Ketchum,Idaho 83340 726-4172 Jim Lloyd Ketchum Realty Box 420 Ketchum,Idaho 83340 726-3333 Will Miller Heatherland Subdivision,Association Board Member Box 2505 Ketchum,Idaho 83340 788-0034 V. advcom.lst Pam Morris (Mt.Express Paper,Editor Box 1013 Ketchum,Idaho 83340 726-8060 Barry Peterson Barry Peterson Jewelers Box 988 Ketchum,Idaho 83340 726-5202 Alan Pinkerton US Forest Service,District Ranger Box 2356 Ketchum,Idaho 83340 622-5371 Roy Rainey Sun Valley City Administrator Box 416 Sun Valley,Idaho 83353 622-4438 Ron Sharp Ron Sharp Property Investments Box 2180 Sun Valley,Idaho 83353 726-4521 Pam Smith Blaine County Commission,Executive Assistant Box 400 Hailey,Idaho 83333 788-5500 Paul Stoops Stoops Engineering Box 4869 Ketchum,Idaho 83340 726-7122 Jack Williams Jack Williams Photography Box 1528 Sun Valley,Idaho 83353 ..726-4001 advcom.lst TIMES NEWS TWIN FALLS,ID f£B 1 5 TO Idaho Power's plan for 2nd transmission line fizzles r By Barbara Neiwcrt megawatts and a summer peak load of 30 megawatts. But since 1973 the second line hasHAILEY-Local officials from Idaho been in the planning stages to aid in non-Power Co.will recommend not building interrupted service during maintenanceasecondhigh-voitage transmission line down times or emergency power out-between Hailey and Ketchum-Sun ages. Times-News correspondent About 75 percent of the 70 residents atAfterresearchandpubliccommentonarecentpublicforumopposedinstallingthematter,Idaho Power district manager a second line,Olmstead said.Dan Olmstead told the Blaine County Sun Valley Co.,Idaho Power'scommissionersasecondlineisnotneed-biggest customer in Blaine County,favored maintenance ofthe existing line. Sun Valley Councilman JoeHumphreyswasconcernedoveroutagesduetobrushfiresorseverecoldandbad Valley. ed. "Our customers are telling us,'If youdon't have to build it,don't,'"Olmsteadsaid. A second 138,000-volt transmission weather,line would be built to enhance power •The route of a new transmission linereliabilityforKetchumandSunValley,has not been developed,but easementsnottoprovideadditionalcapacity,along Highway 75 would be the leastOlmsteadsaid. Northern Blaine County has onesourceofelectricalpower.The 12.4-burying the line,mile 138,000-volt transmission linebetweentheWoodRiverSubstationjust high voltage,it would cost SI millionnorthofHaileyconnectingtheElkhompermiletoburytheline,and maintenancecostswouldbehigh.These costly. Most residents,however,favored Olmstead said because of the line's (f Substation was built in 1962. Though the wooden structures are in expenses would be passed on to the cus-generally good condition,on-going tomers,Olmstead said,maintenance will be required as the lineages,Olmstead said. He said the existing line will provide Highway 75 in case the need for an addi-more than enough capacity,even with tionai line arises,full "build-out"of Ketchum and SunValley. Olmstead said Idaho Power Co.willholdopentheirright-of-way along Olmstead will recommend to seniorcompanyofficialsthatanotherreviewofThelinehasacapacityof120powerneedsinthenorthcountybemegawattsinthewinterand90investigatedintheyear2000.A finalmegawattsinthesummer.Analysis indi-determination on the matter will becatedawinterpeakloadof115madeinMarch. -2 rz z&z ( Idaho Power studies line Idaho Power Company is receiving mixed opinions on whether or not a second line needs to be constructed from Hailey to Ketchum. The utility is conducting a sur vey of locals on building a sec ond line to enhance reliability in the valley,not because the exist ing facility lacks capacity. The cost of building a new line would be about $150,000 per mile,said Idaho Power manager Dan Olmstead.IPC would pick up the basic cost of the line,but anything beyond that,like under ground construction,would be picked up by taxpayers. Last week about 70 people showed at an open house at Ketchum City Hall,where IPC officials had information pertain ing to a new line.. A second line is already con structed from Shoshone to Hailey.Olmstead said a second line from Hailey to Ketchum could fend off a major power out age. c The most logical and cheapest route for a new line to take would be on Highway 75.That way, said Olmstead,few easement pur chases would be necessary and it would keep costs down. But,esthetically,that routeO^miI/4 Un MnklAMniiM c i al-r ; i ¦ ¥m transmission line fizzles By Barbara Neiwert Times-News correspondent ; ¦ megawatts and a summer peak load of 1 50 megawatts,. But since 1973 the second line has HAILEY -Local officials from Idaho been in the planning stages to aid in non- Power Co.will recommend not building interrupted service during maintenance a second high-voltage transmission line down times or emergency po\Ver put- between Hailey and Ketchum-Sun ages. Valley.About 75 percent ofthe 70 residents at - After research and public comment oft a recent public forum opposed installing the matter,Idaho Power district manager a second line,Olmstead said.; Dan Olmstead told the Blaine County Sun Valley Co.,Idaho Power's commissioners a second line is not need-,biggest customer in Blaine County, ed,favored maintenance ofthe existing line..< "Our customers are telling us,'If you Sun Valley Councilman Joe don't have to build it,don't,"'Olmstead.Humphreys was concerned over outages said.due to brush fires or severe cold and bad A second 138,000-volt transmission weather, line would be built to enhance power The route of a new transmission line reliability for Ketchum and Sun Valley,has not been developed,but easements not to provide additional capacity,along Highway 75 would be the least Olmstead said.costly. Northern Blaine Couqty has one Most residents,however,favored . source of electrical power.The 1 2:4-burying the line..J mile 138,000-vplt transmission line Olmstead said because of the line's : ween the Wood River Substation just high voltage,it would cost $1 million ; -„rth of Hailey connecting the Elkhorn per mile to bury the line,and mainte-; Substation was built in 1962.nance costs would be high.These • Though the wooden structures are in expenses would be passed on to the cus-. generally good condition,on-going tomers,Olmstead said.' maintenance will be required as the line Olmstead said Idaho Power Co.will ages,Olmstead said.hold open their right-of-way along He said the existing line will provide Highway 75 in case die need for an addi- more than enough capacity,even with tional line arises.' full "build-out"of Ketchum and Sun Olmstead will recommend to senior Valley.company officials that another review of The line has a capacity of 120 power needs in the north county be megawatts in the winter and 90 investigated'in the year 2000,A final megawatts in the summer.Analysis indi-determination on the matter will be cated a winter peak load of 115 made in March, ,¦ ' t . •"L—_ IP* 'V