HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170303IPC to Tidwell Attachment 20.4.pdfPage:1IdahoPowerCompany Work Order Construction Report Date:2/21/2017 27177252-02 Work Order:27177252 02 -LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE Designer:JEFFREY LINCOLNWorkOrderType:33 Feeder:WDRIEKHN Location: Priority:5 Customer Requested In Service Date:// Work Start Date Complete Date Design Description: Unusual Conditions —Y N Foreman's Initial Right ofWay Job Staked Dig Line # Date Work Order Directions: Contacts: 0.00EstimatedLaborHours: Actual Labor Hours: 656.64 Trench Hours:Estimated Equip.Hours:616.42 Actual Equip.Hours: Y NCustomerProvidedTrench: Employee#Reg.His.OT Hrs.Jurisdiction Vehicle #Miles Hours Jurisdiction ID OR NV ID OR NV £ID OR NV ID OR NV =3 ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV H U H <Z3 H U <ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV ID OR NV J Ph o Tf VI H CD Outside Services: fO Equip/Rentals W Others Meals:Y/N Field Notes: PO Flagger Gravel — Blasting/Rock Crew: Tf z J N <N r- Contracted Required Start Date:i /Contracted Required Finished Date:// 27177252 02 -LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE Page:2IdahoPowerCompany Work Order Construction Report Date:2/21/2017 27177252 -02 Work Order:27177252 02 -LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE Designer:JEFFREY LINCOLNWorkOrderType:33 On Demand Work Order Reconciling Checklist Work Order Number: Initial each item as it is performed Foreman /Crewmember/Troubleroan Redline the map. On primary rate WO 9 &19,enter transformer manufacturer and serial number on map. Update the WO Construction package Design Compatible Units/Foreman's Code Dictionary and/or the Property Unit Summay Report according to the work performed in the field Print Capital WO Cost Summary report from Asset Suite (M300 Panel) Verify all materials have be issued and/or returned Fill out all applicable information on the WO Construction Report: -Start and finish dates -Foreman's initials -Labor hours by employee -Vehicle miles/hours by vehicle/equipment ID number Forward the completed WO Construction Report,redlined map,WO Cost Summary and any other associated paperwork tc the Service Specialist Sign and date WO construction map Within 5 business days of job being completed. Outside services:flaggers,landscaping, gravel,contract services,credit cards,etc. Field Notes Service Specialist /Designated Reconciler Verify documents are scanned to WO in Asset Suite On primary rate WO (Rate 9 &19),verify transformer manufacturer and serial number have been noted on the constructk map Make color copy of redlined map and forwards original to Designer Run and print the WO Reconciliation Report Package from Info View Place the Property Units in service in Asset Suite (M320 Panel) Verify installs;compare 3-way match -adjusted Foreman's Code Dictionary,materials issued and property units installed Verify removals;adjusted Foreman's Code Dictionary and property units removed If applicable,add,delete and/or update existing WO property unit quantities and cost estimates (update costs,run print 2etc.) Verify all labor hours Verify all vehicle/equipment mileage/hours Verify all contracts have been paid Verify all credit card and other miscellaneous charges are reasonable and appropriate Verify CIAC/DCE's and amount Complete CAPWOREC Work Standards in Asset Suite (M102 Panel).If multiple employees are involved,each person completes the section of the document according to the work they performed.End the explanation with your initials. Enter work order task actual Start and Finish Dates in Asset Suite (M301 Panel) If applicable,Verify Field Office Journal Entries (FOJEs)have been entered Verify Start and Finish dates,dollar amount and connected load amount on vested construciton cost in ECC If applicable,perform unusual conditions refund/transfer If applicable,verify that the Vested Int Refund Indicator has been changed to W or 'A'in FPL9 Verified Non-Metered billing components have been added/updated/or removed in CR&B Set task(s)to finished in Asset Suite (M300 Panel) Confirm that maps were transferred by checking CLRIS CADD Transfers or Fieldsmart redlines were done Complete Work Order in Asset Suite (M300 Panel).(Do not complete Damage Claim Work Orders.) 27177252 02 -LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE Page:3IdahoPowerCompany Work Order Construction Report Date:2/21/2017 27177252 -02 Work Order:27177252 02 -LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE Designer:JEFFREY LINCOLNWorkOrderType:33 Non-Contracted Project Work Order Reconciling Checklist Work Order Number: Initial each item as it is performed: Foreman/Crewmeniber Within 5 business days ofjob being completed Run Work Order Cost Summary Report in Crystal Enterprise Rcdline the map and the Design Compatible Units/Foreman's Code Dictionary for any changes Materials must be issued and/or returned.Communicate with Stores that the Material Request can be completed in Passport . Review WO Cost Summary charges applicable to your crew for reasonableness,including labor,materials,vehicles,Blasting,Outside (flaggers,landscaping,gravel,contract services,credit card charges,etc)and miscellaneous charges Give the completed Work Order Construction Packet,Reconciling Report,and associated paperwork with redline map to the Project R Scheduler Project Resource Scheduler Within 5 business days ofjob being completed Enter work order task Actual Start and Finish Dates in Passport (M301 Panel) Place Property Units in service in Passport (M320 Panel)ifapplicable Send completed Work Order Construction Packet,Reconciling Report and associated paperwork with redline map to applicable Projec Leader/Distribution Designer/Designated Reconciler Project Leader/Distribution Designer/Designated Reconciler Transfer redlined map(s)to the appropriate system (if applicable) Run Work Order Reconciling Report or Work Order Cost Summary in Asset Suite as appropriate and verify the charges to 107000 (ins' 108000 (removals)look reasonable based on the work completed.If the charges do not appear correct,contact your Financial An Delivery Construction &Design Analyst. Distribution and Transmission (138 kV and below)WO:Compare redlined Foreman's Code Dictionary to WO Material ReconcilinWorkOrderPropertyUnitsandtheNetWOMaterialIssuetoensureamatchofpropertyunits. Substation,General Plant Communication Equipment Type 62,and Transmission (230 kV and above)WO:Review the WO Cc Summary Materials for Units ofProperty. Update existing WO property units (installs and removals)quantities and cost estimates,if necessary (Update costs,run print 250,etc) Verify/Place the Property Units in service in PassPort (M320 Panel) Verity/Enter work order task actual Start and Finish Dates in PassPort (M301 Panel) Review WO Cost Summary charges for reasonableness Set task(s)to finished in PassPort (M300 Panel) If applicable,complete Work Order in PassPort (M300 Panel) File project packet in office for auditable period 27177252 02 -LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE Page:4IdahoPowerCompany Work Order Construction Report Date:2/21/2017 27177252 -02 Work Order:27177252 02 -LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE Designer:JEFFREY LINCOLNWorkOrderType:33 Idaho Power's Storm Water Best Practices If you have any questions about when these Best Practices apply or how to implement them,call Eldon Oyadomari (Office:208-388-2230 /Cell:208-954-0053) 1.When conditions warrant the need,take measures to ensure mud,sediment or other pollutants do not leave the construction site.The measures include: 1.1.Reduce track-out from vehicles and equipment onto roadways.If necessary,call for sweepers to clean-up track-out.Any sediment deposited on the roadways must be cleaned by the end of each workday. 1.2.Install inlet protection when ground disturbing activities occur near stormwater inlets and install straw waddles (or other appropriate BMP)when the disturbance is within 50 feet of surface water-bodies,unless the job will be completed in 1 day and rain is not anticipated. 1.3.All erosion and sediment controls must be removed after construction is complete and stabilized 2.If construction ramps are necessary,do not build the ramps with materials that are easily erodible (dirt). Do not obstruct stormwater flow in the "curb &gutter". 3.If portable toilets are necessary,ensure the portable toilets are placed away from storm drainage paths, storm drain inlets and surface water-bodies. 4.Ensure oils,greases,chemicals and other materials are stored in areas that are contained and will not enter storm drainage paths,storm drain inlets or surface water-bodies. 4.1.If you use these materials,ensure your spill kit is adequate for the materials you are using. 4.2.If you use a granular spill absorbent material,you must clean it up promptly. 5.Do not allow wash water,concrete wash-out,or concrete sawing/cutting to enter storm drainage paths, storm drains,or surface water-bodies.Special disposal may be required -call Eldon for assistance. 6.Check the stormwater controls at your site weekly or within 24 hours of a rain event. 6.1.Inspect the BMPs -are they working?Are more BMPs needed?Are different BMPs needed? 6.2.Clean,maintain,and repair BMPs as necessary.0 7.Fuel transfers are only permitted in areas without drainage paths to storm drains or surface water bodies and in areas where spills can be properly contained and cleaned. 8.Control dust to the extent practicable. 8.1.If necessary,call for water trucks or other approved dust suppression. 9.If dewatering is necessary,contact an approved "vac truck"or call Craig Jones or Krista Kinsey.Special permits or disposal may be required. 10.Stockpiles are not allowed to be staged on paved roadways. 11.Call Eldon Oyadomari if the job specs change and any of the following occur: 11.1.Ground disturbing activities require 1 acre or more of disturbance; 11.2.Working within the Ada County Highway District (ACHD)Right-of-Way (ROW)and ground disturbing activities requires 50 feet or more of trench,or 600 square feet or more; 11.3.Working within Boise City,Garden City or Nampa City and ground disturbing activities requires 2 cubic yards (about six-55 gallon drums)or more; 11.4.Working within North Bannock County,Pocatello City or Chubbuck and ground disturbing activities requires 2 cubic yards (about six-55 gallon drums)or more,or if the project is within 50 feet of a creek, river,swamp,etc. 27177252 02 -LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE Page:1 Date:2/21/2017 IDAHO POWER Idaho Power Company An ioacorp Company Design Package 27177252-02 27177252 LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE Feeder:433 -WDRIEKHN Span Vintage Date #ofCompatibleJob LengthLocationPointActiorCUUnitCondition 0540 R433WDRIEKHN 0 196290.00TI10BS 0540 R433WDRIEKHN 0 19622.00TP60C2HT 0540 433 WDRIEKHN R 0 19621.00TP60C1HT 0540 433 WDRIEKHN R 0 196213.00TPB2MHT 0540 R433WDRIEKHN 0 19621.00TA32HT 0540 R433WDRIEKHN 0 19622.00TCS516HT 0540 433 WDRIEKHN 03.00TP70LD1HT 0540 433 WDRIEKHN 03.00TI138HPPHT 0540 433 WDRIEKHN 03.00TCP100HT 0540 433 WDRIEKHN 03.00TCTAHT 0540 433 WDRIEKHN 06.00TI138SHT 0540 433 WDRIEKHN 02.00TCS516HT 0540 433 WDRIEKHN 07.00TGS73HT 0540 R433WDRIEKHN 0 1962280.00TXLABORHT 0540 I433WDRIEKHN 0280.00TXLABORHT Design Version Additional Resource Requirements Resource Total EstimatedNumber Reqd. Hours Per ResourcePoint Type Code Hours Cost 0540 EQUP EQUP EQUP PERS PERS 6000SER 30.00 60.00 30.00 12.00 12.00 2 60.00 60.00 60.00 12.00 12.00 3,000.00 1,680.00 3,000.00 357.60 431.16 0540 802 1 0540 BUCKETTR MEC1 MEC2 2 0540 1 0540 1 Design Version Misc Costs Point Miscellaneous Cost Description DCE Cost 0540 FOOD LODGING 532 1,200.00 1,440,000540533 Design Attributes Value UOMAttribute saioftHo ~T POWER Page:1 Date:2/21/2017IdahoPowerCompany Service Request AttributesAnIDACORPCompany 27177252-02 Work Order:- Service Request: Location: Attribute Value UOM Page:1IDAHO POWER Idaho Power Company Design CU Foreman Code Dictionary Date:2/21/2017 An IDACORP Company 27177252-02 Work Order:27177252 -LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE CU Quantities Labor Hours I R T CU Code Job Code Description I R T 0.00 0.01090TI10BSINSULATOR10INCHDISCB&S 1 INSULATOR 138KV HORIZONTAL P 5.103TI138HPPHT TI138S 6.006INSULATOR138KVPOLYMERSUSP POLE WOOD 60FT CLASS 1 HT 0.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 36.00 0 1 TP60C1 HT 0 2 TP60C2 POLE WOOD 60FT CLASS 2HT 3 TP70LD1 POLE STEEL 70 FT CLASS LD-1HT CU Quantities Labor Hours I R T CU Code Job Code Description I R T 0.00 8.0001TA32CROSSARMASSEMBLED4X10X32 CLAMP 1.00-1.50 RG FOR POST CLAMP SUSPENSION 0.20-0.46 I CLAMP TOP ADAPTER FOR POLYME HT 0.003TCP100HT 0.00 0.0022TCS516HT 1.503TCTAHT 3.507TGS73GUYSTRAININS7FTFIBERGLAS POLE BAND 2 WAY 14K 9.5-12 I HT 0.00 6.50 80.00 80.00 0 13 TPB2M HT 280 280 TXLABOR EXTRA LABORHT 32.10 100.51 0.00 CIAC Information Task DCE Est.CIAC Amount 02 532 1,200.00 1,200.00 02 533 1,440.00 1,440.00 IDAHO POWER Page:1 Idaho Power Company Date:2/21/2017 An IDACORP Company Property Unit Summary By WO Work Order:-LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE Construction Action VintagePointQTYTask AccountDate Install Property Unit:54000134 -TOWER&FIX-POLES W/O F 302 101 35400 3TotalforPropertyUnit54000134 Property Unit:56000132 -POST TYPE INSULATOR-A 302 101 35600 3TotalforPropertyUnit56000132 Property Unit:56000179 -POLYMER SUSPENSION IN 02 6 101 35600 6TotalforPropertyUnit56000179 Remove Property Unit:55000100 -POLES &FIX-W/O FOUND 02 3 108 355001962 3TotalforPropertyUnit55000100 Property Unit:56000055 -10"BELLS-7.5-15KIP W 9002 108 356001962 90TotalforPropertyUnit56000055 Work Order: Page:1saicAHoBHPOWERIdahoPowerCompany Material Request Date:2/21/2017 An IDACORP Company Work Order:27177252 -LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE Work Order Type:33 Material Request:00454810 MR Type:T&D Responsible:JHL6342 Need Date: Issue Facility:PRJ Deliver To: Delivery Notes: MR:00454810 Catalog ID Q Qty UI Actual PendingRsv N000027719 VANG BOLT 3/4X13"/WITH NUT Y 2 2EA N000027721 VANG BOLT 3/4X15"WITH Y 12 EA 12 N000027717 WASHER CURVED SQUARE T&B Y 2 EA 2 0000005259 0 BRACE,HEAD,161KV H-FRAME GALV OR 588 WTHR STL,5"X3"N 2 EA 0000036285 0 POLE,LD,70',LD-1,STEEL POLE,SPECIFICATION BY ENGI Y 3 EA 3 0000038180 0 VANG,STEEL,BOLT-ON,20 KIP,W/BOLTS &WASHERS Y 13 EA 13 0000003657 0 CONDUCTOR,CU,CCS,#6 SOLID BARE DEAD SOFT ANNEALED ¦Y 45 100FT 0000003668 0 GUY WIRE,GALV,EHS,3/8",7-STRAND,CL-A COATING,200 N 0 FT 0000003852 0 CONNECTOR,CU,TYPE VISE,XFMR CASE GRD #6 SOLID TO 1/Y 9 EA 2 0000003853 0 CONNECTOR,CU,TYPE VISE,XFMR CASE GRD #3 SOLID TO 4/Y 3 1EA 0000004067 0 CLAMP,PG,ALUM,3-BOLT 397.5-795 MAIN LINE 397.5-795 N 0 EA 0000004113 0 CLAMP,SUSPENSION,FERROUS,.2"-.46",HOT DIPPED GALV Y 2 EA 0000004727 0 INSULATOR,GUY STRAIN,7'HD FBGL 30000 LB MIN BRKG ST Y 7 3EA 0000004744 0 INSULATOR,LINE POST,POLYMER HORIZONTAL 138KV,W/<Y 3 EA 3 0000004785 0 INSULATOR,SUSPENSION,POLYMER 138KV WOOD TOWER 1 Y 6 EA 6 0000004786 0 INSULATOR,SUSPENSION,POLYMER 138KV STEEL TOWER 1 Y 6 EA 0000004802 0 CLAMP,INSULATOR,ALUM,.50"-!.06",F/CLAMP TOP LINE P N 0 EA 0000004806 0 ADAPTER,CLAMP TOP,F/138KV HORIZONTAL POLYMER LINE F Y 3 EA 0000004808 0 CLAMP,INSULATOR,ALUM,1 .0"-!.5",F/CLAMP TOP LINE PO Y 3 EA 0000004838 0 SHACKLE,ANCHOR,HOT DIPPED GALV STL 5/8"BOLT NUT &S Y 12 EA 9 0000004843 0 SOCKET,CLEVIS,30,000 LB ULT 5/8"PIN F/ANSI 52-3"&Y 6 EA 0000004845 0 CLEVIS,GALV,THIMBLE,W/BOLT NUT &SS COTTER KEY 0.88"0N EA 0000004846 0 EYE,BALL,OVAL,GALV,1 "X 2",OVAL EYE OPENING Y 6 EA 0000004852 0 SOCKET EYE,HOT LINE,5/8"TONGUE 1 1/16"EYE DIA 5/8"N 0 EA 6 0000004864 0 LINK,CHAIN,1 "X2-l/4"Xl/2"THICK,SINGLE HOT DIPPED G Y 12 EA 0000005034 0 ROD,GROUND,5/8"X 8',CU BONDED,MEETING ANSI C-33.8 Y 3 EA 3 0000005123 0 BOLT,MACHINE,3/4"X 12",GALV W/SQ HEAD &ONE SQ NUT N 0 EA 2 0000005124 0 BOLT,MACHINE,3/4"X 14",GALV W/SQ HEAD &ONE SQ NUT Y EA3 3 27177252 -LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE MATERIAL REQUEST #-00455266 0 BOLT,MACHINE,3/4"X 18",GALV W/SQ HEAD &ONE SQ NUT 0 BOLT,MACHINE,3/4"X 20",GALV W/SQ HEAD &ONE SQ NUT 0 BOLT,MACHINE,7/8"X 20",GALV W/SQ HEAD &1 SQ NUT M 0000005126 N 0 EA 3 0000005127 N EA0 1 0000005140 N 0 EA 4 0000005172 0 WASHER,CURVED,4"X4"Xl/4",13/16"HOLE,F/3/4"BOLT, 0 WASHER,SQUARE,4"X4"X3/16",13/16"HOLE,F/3/4"BOLT Y EA3 0000005193 N EA0 0000005259 0 BRACE,HEAD,161KV H-FRAME GALV OR 588 WTHR STL,5"X3" 0 GRIP,GUY,AUTO F/3/8"EHS GUY STR EXTRA LONG BAIL F/M N 2 EA 0000005311 N EA 80 0000005316 0 GRIP,GUY,GALV FORMED WIRE F/3/8"EHS GUY STRAND Y 14 EA 2 0000005342 0 NUT,MALLEABLE FORGED,3/4",GALV SQUARE LOCKNUT Y 3 EA 0000005361 0 SHEAVE,ROLLER,GUY GALV 2-3/8"DIA 27/32"WIDTH 13/16 Y 7 EA 0000005884 0 ANODE,MAGNESIUM,PACKAGED HIGH POTENTIAL 17 LB ANO 3Y3EA 0000014653 0 WASHER,LOCK,1/2",USS-NC,GRADE 5,ZINC PLATED EAN12 0000025448 0 CONNECTOR,CU,RPLCED BY 56674,GROUND,DRIVE-ON,F/5 Y 3 EA 2 0000028809 0 CONDUCTOR,CU,BARE 2/0 19-STR SOFT DRAWN CU CND 61'C 61Y15FT 0000036285 0 POLE,LD,70',LD-1,STEEL POLE,SPECIFICATION BY ENGI EAN3 0000038180 0 VANG,STEEL,BOLT-ON,20 KIP,W/BOLTS &WASHERS N 13 EA 27177252 -LINE433 STR.540 REPLACE STRUCTURE MATERIAL REQUEST #-00455266 Page:1 Date:2/21/2017 S3 IDAHO BH POWER IDAHO POWER COMPANY Stores Cable Footage 27177252 -02AnIDACORPCompany WO: Design Ver:- Designer: WO Type: WO Priority: Location: CABLE DESCRIPTION RUNS FOOTAGE This reports lists span length for cable compatible units estimated on the Design.This may not be all cable required for the job.Please review Material Request for complete list of material. [MHO POWER An idacorp Company Design Unusual Conditions Cost DESIGN NUMBER: WORK ORDER: SERVICE REQUEST: General Overheads:VERSION: Project or Customer Name: Customer Account: Quote Date: Point Number Acti CU Title SUsedMult_S£an_^stimate Yes/No Point Total Total UC used:UC Total Other Unusual Conditions Encountered Total $to be reimbursed to Customer: Signature: Date: Other Total: to be filled out by appropriate IPCo employee Unusual Conditions Financed By Bank Letter of Credit