HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170303IPC to Tidwell Attachment 15.2.pdf1/ "V 138 Kv Transmission IDAHO POWER COMPANY,GRANTEE P.0.BOX 70 BOISE,IDAHO 83721'/i IDAHO POWER COMPANY POWER LINE EASEMENTy SUN VALLEY COMPANY,an Idaho corporation duly authorized to do business in the State of Idaho,Grantor,does hereby grant and convey to IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corpora tion,its licensees,successors and assigns,Grantee,for One Dollar and other valuable considerations,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,a right of way and easement for the erection and continued operation,maintenance,repair,alteration,inspection and replacement of the electric transmission,distribution and circuits of the Grantee, attached to poles or other supports,together with guys,crossarms and other attachments and incidental equipment thereon,and appurtenances,for the transmission of electric energy necessary to serve Grantor pursuant to Agreement for Supply of Power and Energy, dated ,over,on and across the following premises, belonging to the said Grantor in Blaine County,State of Idaho,in the following loca tion,to-wit; ,19_6January1Q N-gSW'ij-and SW-jpNWjj of Section 21;E^NEij,NWtjNEij-,and NWjjNWi^of Section 20;SW^SW^-Section 17;EgSEif,NWijSE-^,Wg-NE-f,Lot 1,and Lot 3,Section l8,SE^SWj Section 7,Township 4 North ,Range 18 East .Boise Meridian.' The centerlines of the said transmission lines being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East boundary of the Ny-SW^-of said Section 21 at Survey Station 3859+25 which is North 1530 feet from the South y Corner of said Section 21; thence,North 54-°15'30"West 574-3.1 feet to an angle point;thence,North 88°4-3'32" West 556.9 feet to the West boundary of the NW^SE^of sai(j gection 20;also beginning at a point on the East boundary of the NW^NW^of said Section 20 at Survey Station 3935+60 which is East 1320 feet and South 535 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section 20;thence North 88°4-3'32"West 317-2 feet to an angle point;thence,North 43°44'52"West 4-108.7 feet to an angle point;thence,North l8°l6'27"West JO6.6 feet to an angle point;thence,North 4-2°4-6'32"West 1693-4-feet to an angle point;thence, North 64-°31'40"West 764-.1 feet to an angle point;thence,North 7°31'40"West 1770 feet to the West boundary of the SEzfSWy of said Section 7. Executed and delivered this j.day of " SUN VAL ,19 70 -3 COMPANY /¦ (corporate seal) By ATTEST:•r -..w V U '- (5stateof county of"ss . mllicfZy.day of ,19 7d ,before me, ,a Notary Public,personally appeared ,and,to me 'personally known,who President and C ,On this and L±H being duly sworn,did say'that they are respectively the Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instinment, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said'corporgtion . the '4 O Notary Public for the Residing at: Commission expires: '^0——, of (NOTARIAL-SEAL) k- K*o • -7L-5'f *V \\ J 1 1 V -:.-E v A.*1 ¦I <3 *L"«-•'i*.¦n \0 m-• li0Q-n 45 CN No;nI 5vi '[f3-' rmiV *¦»'r; >£no u ML. V I /f\/£4 33 Idaho Power Company POWER LINE EASEMENT Adeline .C ..Lane J...P..Lane and Blaine Idaho do hereby grant andhiswife,Grantor(s),of.. convey to IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation,its licenseees,successors and assigns,Grantee,for One Dollar and other valuable considerations,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,a right of way and easement for the erection and continued operation,main tenance,repair,alteration,inspection and replacement of the electric transmission,distribution and telephone lines and circuits of the Grantee,attached to poles or other supports,together with guys,crossarms and other attachments and incidental equipment thereon, and appurtenances,with the right to permit the attachment of the wires and fixtures of other companies or parties,over,on and across —County,State of. .Elaine..County,State ofthefollowingpremises,belonging to the said Grantor(s)in.— — in the following location,to-wit:Idaho NE^NW^Section 20,T^N,Rl8E,EM. described as of said Section 20 at Survey Station 3922 /25 which is South 580 feet from the North ^corner of said Section 20;thence N 88°^3'32"W 1335 feet to the West boundary of the NE^NW^ of said Section 20. The center line of said transmission line being more particularly follows :Beginning at a point on the East boundary of the NEr NW^ i/' 1 Together with all rights of ingress and egress necessary for the full and complete use,occupation and enjoyment of the easement hereby granted,and all rights and privileges incident thereto,including the right from time to time to cut,trim and remove trees,brush, overhanging branches and other obstructions which may inj'ure or interfere with the Grantee's use,occupation or enj'oyment of this easement and the operation,maintenance and repair of Grantee's electrical system. sSLJ. day oL Executed and delivered this. T IdahoSTATEOF. S3. BlaineCountyof.—. On this day of..before me, R D Smith >July J P Lane a Notary Public,personally appeared. Adeline ...C Lane ment and acknowledged to me that -and ,known to me to be the person (s)who executed the foregoing instru- —rij.lvl..executed the same freely 'and voluntarily for the useB and purposes therein mentioned. Boise","TctaEo" January 16 ,19MNotaryPublic,residing at. -(Notarial Scab Commission expires.. OVER 1 BOS 1M 0-61 s'stkfEr — ;-County of —~..„w...i. as. t Qn this i day of. a-.Notary.Public,perSeqiily appeared 19. before me,.. and and,to me personally known,who being duly swom,did say that they Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said corporation. 'defectively'tiie President and the.are Notary Public,residing at.. Commission expires •,19:(Notarial Seal) A1-<)£*#¦ * :°'*>~y •as •••-s 5 g ^3 * £-9 : ii1-.i0 .'v.i/.r,y.! j a. .n o s 2 3Ii.1\J S Q Sij I lim i*' V ....-i I.r J £B?&1 a «i KJI•s * o Oi.'i i.i t-. :i Q ^ *i si I'~Ss):i<>7 v '!>¦\\,»o w>8 iNS4§it £:• %at ) IN \ V O'-£l IIdahoPowerCompany POWER LINE EASEMENT Bonnie HouseRupert.House nr.. I_daho_ his wife,Grantor(s),of. convey to IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation,its licenseees,successors and assigns,Grantee,for One Dollar and other valuable considerations,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,a right of way and easement for the erection and continued operation,main tenance,repair,alteration,inspection and replacement of the electric transmission,distribution and telephone lines and circuits of the Grantee,attached to poles or other supports,together with guys,crossarms and other attachments and incidental equipment thereon, and appurtenances,with the right to permit the attachment of the wires and fixtures of other companies or parties,over,on and across — County,State of..,do hereby grant and .Blaine..the following premises,belonging to the said Grantor(s)in .,in the following location,to-wit: .County,State of Idaho Tax Lot No.2185,Tax Lot No.2187,Tax Lot No.2189,Tax Lot No.2191, Tax Lot No .2193,Section 3.T3N ,Rl8E , SlA Se\E2 Sir,SE^Section 31,T^N,Rl8E,BM. The center line of said transmission line being more particularly described as follows :Beginning at a point on the South boundary of Tax Lot No .2185 of said Section 3 T3N,Rl8E,BM.at Survey'Station 365I /95 which is North 1320 feet and East 660 feet from the Southwest corner of said Section 3]thence N $6° 50*15"E 585.8 feet to an angle point]thence N 37°Ol'00"E 3088-6 feet to an angle point]thence N 15°18'58"E 5191*6 feet to the North boundary of the SE^NW^of said Section 3I,TlN,Rl8E,BM. BM. 4 / Together with ell rights of ingress end egress necessary for the full and complete use,occupation and enjoyment of the easement hereby granted,and all rights and privileges incident thereto,including the right from time to time to cut,trim and remove trees,brush, overhanging branches and other obstructions which may injure or interfere with the Grantee's use,occupation or enjoyment of this easement and the operation,maintenance and repair of Grantee's electrical system. fjfl day of. -A 19.il^..Executed and delivered this- id..A7 T STATE OF Idaho Blaine 88. County of. On this day of. ,19.....62..,before me, ...-5...P SmithAugust Rupert HouseaNotaryPublic,personally appeared Bonxii§_JlQii§e ment and acknowledged to me that .tilSiZ executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses .and ...,known to me to be the person(s)who executed the foregoing instru- ind purposes therein mentioned. t?omV—- Notary Public,residing at Ppi.§§j..-.lipfilQ...... Commission expires. -jfefMGrEy..I.P.a 19.fi5,$¦_-(Notarial Seali ?*0®1M ^9-6t OVER V ? /STATFT OF..':.;.:,.!:*:'' 99. ;TiOVinty of. Qrithut,— i day of- _ 4 19......„t._,before me,.. \a.-Notary Public,-personally appeared and ...and,to me personally known,who being duly swom,did say that they Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said corporation. resjtectjvefy the President and the.are Notary Public,residing at Commission expires. (Notarial Seal)¦,19—...., Jr.p mi uv*J O'k a Pi l\d O c Lft ee =?o 3 ••.X aias1*=3 a X,5\!i J*t.£S§3 vIis ;c O Si T « I \ tj j <°i T (aI O*i W ¥y.nC: ,,,%j.y-5 s * '-"v i ..a aVn No¦Q t 1 S2 V <3 OH :M k r>8 4 ;'l j C Li ,y £ l/ Idaho Power Company POWER LINE EASEMENT Campbell.Land,&Livestock.Inc..and. Blaine ..County,State of -J-d3,hQ........,do hereby grant andbinmifc,Grantor (a),of convey to IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation,its licenseees,successors and assigns,Grantee,for One Dollar and other valuable considerations,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,a right of way and easement for the erection and continued operation,main tenance,repair,alteration,inspection and replacement of the electric transmission,distribution and telephone lines and circuits of the Grantee,attached to poles or other supports,together with guys,crossarms and olheT attachments and incidental equipment thereon, and appurtenances,with the right to permit the attachment of the wires and fixtures of other companies or parties,over,on and across ..&Ud,n§..County,State ofthefollowingpremises,belonging to the said Grantor(s)in— ...in the following location,to-wit:.Idaho. NE^"NE Section go.SE^Se\mA SE^Section 17;.T3.N.RISE,EM. NW^SvA,SW'i m*Section 27,E2 NE^"Section 28,S^SE^,SE1^ Tl+N,Rl8E,BM. Section 21, The center line of said transmission line "being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point on the South boundary of the NE^NE^of said Section 20,T3N,Rl8E; BM,at Survey Station 3^90 +20 which is South 1320 feet and West hOO feet from the Northeast corner of said Section 20;thence N 13°53'52"W 585.feet,to an angle point; thence N 3^°l8'15"W 1320 feet to the West boundary of the SE^SE^of said Section 17; also beginning at a point on the South boundary of tha/NW^SE^of said Section 17 at Survey Station 3521 +10 which is North 1320 feet and East 665 feet from the South l/k corner of said Section 17;thence N34°18'15"W ^-59-2 feet to an angle point;thence N 21°29'21"E 10^5 .8 feet to the North boundary of the NW^SE^of said Section 17; also beginning at a point on the South boundary of the NW^SW^of said Section 27,T^N, R18E,BMj at Survey Station 3790 +10 which is North 1320 feet and East 1115 feet from the Southwest corner of said'Section 27;thence N 13°^3*^8"W *1-50.9 feet to an angle point;thence N 28°05'00"W *1-878.3 feet to an angle point;thence N 5^°15'30"W 1585.8 feet to the West boundary of the NW +SE^( 2.a of said Section 21, V/ fj?f,T3-H.£t £¦> Together with all rights of ingress and egress necessary for the full and complefeT^se,occupation and enjoyment of the casement hereby granted,and all rights and privileges incident thereto,including the right from time to time to cut,trim and remove tree9,brush, overhanging branches and other obstructions which may injure or interfere with the Grantee's use,occupation or enjoyment of this easement .and the operation,maintenance and repair of Grantee's electrical system. .Executed ami delivered this. jkj../.... day of, Li.S,7^7. "^Cample1 ,19.4L2.. Land,&Livestock^Inc . ..if.11=-ZAmM-5.1- STATE OF County of™ On this. ss. _,19 before me, .day of a Notary Public,personally appeared !. and „„ known to me to be the person (a)who executed the foregoing instru ment and acknowledged to me that. executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Notary Public,residing at. Commission expires. (Notarial Seal),19. OVER BOS 1M 0-61 V STATE OF. _-._I.iabS. Blaine 6S. County of.. ,19...^.§....,before me, -?_P....?!S.i.1;.b. Everett Campbell AugustOnthis...21st day of. a Notary Public,personally appeared .and ...and,to me personally known,who being duly sworn,did say that they Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and Mildred.I.Campbell President and the.are respectively the. acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public,residing at : J.s.nuarx...l^.r"^Notarial Seal).,19...6.5Commissionexpires. \ r;\& a 5 g s I g iS q-!38 :J c c.f ^A -u. 'r M [\,?5 \ !\IV h' A =- ;2 a ;! 1 1 I S2JkLU3 Ijoc V -*Si Cs. 5\o-1r 5 ISu?s £°3NJ\a 2 x.O ./»•- : -'ID K c_ s ¦J —*¦ *«•V Idaho Power Company POWER LINE EASEMENT Marjorie P.Hellyer,MSJ?eth...F.„,„gellyer.._ .nnd B3-.ai.ae -County,State of. convey to IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation,its L'censeees,successors and assigns,Grantee,for One Dollar and other valuable considerations,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,a right of way and easement for the erection and continued operation,main tenance,repair,alteration,inspection and replacement of the electric transmission,distribution and telephone lines and circuits of the Grantee,attached to poles or other supports,together with guys,crossarms and other attachments and incidental equipment thereon, and appurtenances,with the right to permit the attachment of the wires and fixtures of other companies or parties,over,on and across .County,State of J£aho .,do hereby grant andhiswife,Grantor(s),of. .Bl&iae.the following premises,belonging to the said Grantor(s)in— _... ,in the following location,to-wit:Idaho Tax Lot No.2178,Section 8.Tax Lot No.2180,Tax Lot No.2179 >Tax Lot No.2l8l, Tax Lot No.2318 Section 9,Tax Lot No.2183 Section 3j T3N,R1&E,EM. The center line of said transmission line being more particularly described as follows:Beginning at a point on the South boundary of Tax Lot No.2178 of said Section 8 at Survey Station 3572 /65 which is .North 1320 feet and West 215 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 8;thence N 21°29'21"E 1^00 feet to the North boundary of Tax Lot No.2179 of said Section 9'>also beginning at a point on the West boundary of Tax Lot No.2l8l at Survey Station 3599 /^0 which is East 1320 feet and North 775 feet from the West -qr corner of said Section 9i thence N 65°10'23"E 1310 feet to the North boundary of Tax Lot No.2l8l of said Section 9l also beginning at a point on the West boundary of Tax Lot No.2318 of said Section 9 at Survey Station 3630 /35 which is West 1320 feet and South 210 feet from the Northeast corner of said Section 9;thence N ¥+°55'13"E 299-9 feet to the North boundary of Tax Lot KJJo.2318 of said Section 9i also beginning at a point on the West boundary of Tax Lot No.2183 of said Section 3 at Survey Station 36^-7 /20 which is North 885 feet from the Southwest corner of said Section 3 J thence N 56°50'^5"E 775 feet to 'the North boundary of Tax Lot No.2183 of said Section 3-? Jet,3,T-3 Together with all rights of ingress and egress necessary for the full and complete use,occupation and enjoyment of the easement hereby granted,and all rights and privileges incident thereto,including the right from time to time to cut,trim and remove trees,brush, overhanging branches and other obstructions which may inj'ure or interfere with the Grantee's use,occupation or enjoyment of this easement and the operation,maintenance and repair of Grantee's electrical system. Executed and delivered this. .-JCLZ day of jLuJ$/L „1SU ..........!.,/!¦¦.V/ 7*k'A IdahoSTATEOF County of, On this Jlsjt 88. .Blaine... 62 R D Smith ,.day of. 19...before me, Kenneth F.HellyeraNotaryPublic,personally appeared-- Marjorie P.Hellyer .I..H ¦S*WHill ment and acknowledged to me that-. and known to me to be the person (s)who executed the foregoing instru- —executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ...§9.11!-,....idafco 19...2.5 Notary Public,residing at. Commission expires- (Notarial Scab OVER iri 0-61 ««oa .H.-- mti v ....¦'* ¦.STATE OF .—* 8S. -,Couply of. day of. before me,.,..On.lhia,..s....s.19-... V tr.Notary Public,^etaooally appeared. x '-;V and,to me personaliy known,who being duly sworn,did say that they ..Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument,endarerespectivelythe. acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said corporation. ...President and the. Notary Public,residing at... Commission expires. 19-.(Notarial Seal) *¦ 1 ¦A;2>-!"'ri •yt-;•\ i'-;- *^jr s <°4 ®mit i\ai -i?VI a x ;•-O ®*3i¦ B*i i i!St/y «.dNMil'PL ,,&1 '^Qo V<X i J IIIJ"Nsi 8-tw X >*~--JOv ^«>•x X X "yXJ JX V- I t %r r *TAX2183L_ w oo O °°£ 34K^lK90W___ 1ST1320 9 1 10 I -JAK2I8I 5e«6u*y X-o/a?/? V EBz —I 1 Si U -^ 313 2 z 9 10 _4-—(- 16 15 Date:04-04-2003Title: T File:Line 433 #!'l7659.desScale:1 inch =1000 feet j Data and Deed Call Listing of File:Line 433 #1 17659.des Tractl:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =s09.1504e 1337.39 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =1535 Feet Tract 2:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =s21.2921w 1400.00 Ffeet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =1400 Feet Tract 3:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =s59.3455w 1530.69 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =2095 Feet Tract 4:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =s65.1023w 1310.00 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =1310 Feet Tract 5:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =n80.5738e 1336.60 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =1530 Feet Tract 6:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =s44.5513w 299.90 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =300 Feet Tract 7:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =sOO.OOOOw 885.00 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =885 Feet Tract 8:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =s56.5045w 775.00 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =775 Feet 001=/SE,8,3N,18E 002=NOE 1320 003=N90W 215 POB 004=@4 005=N21.2921E 1400 TAX 2181 006=@0 007=/SW,NW,9,3N,1 8E 008=N90E 1320 OO9=N0E 775 POB 010=@10 011=N65.1023E 1310 TAX 2181 012=@0 01 3=/NE,9,3N,18E 014=N90W 1320 015=S0E 210 POB 016=@16 017=N44.5513E 299.9 TAX 2318 018=@0 019=/SW,3,3N,18E 020=N0E 885 POB 021=@21 022=N56.5045E 775 TAX 2183 «/ Idaho Power Company POWER LINE EASEMENT MU,ex„C-B.QariL&-.rtme H,.Board;l...and Pred_H_Boa^J_.a_single..man.. Grantor(s),of Blaine County,State of. convey to IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation,its licenseees,successors and assigns,Grantee,for One Dollar and other valuable considerations,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,a right of way and easement for the erection and continued operation,main tenance,repair,alteration,inspection and replacement of the electric transmission,distribution and telephone lines and circuits of the Grantee,attached to poles or other supports,together with guys,crossarms and other attachments and incidental equipment thereon, and appurtenances,with the right to permit the attachment of the wires and fixtures of other companies or parties,over,on and across .County,State of .,do hereby grant and Mainethefollowingpremises,belonging to the said Grantor(s)in. ,in the following location,to-wit:Idaho SE14 SE14 Section 8J T3N,Rl8E,.BM. The center line of said transmission line "being more particularly described as follows :Beginning at a point on the South boundary of the SE14 SE14 of said Section 8 at Survey Station 3558 /5*4*14 which is West 731*6 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 8;thence N 21°29'21"E 1^10.6 feet to the North boundary of the SE^"SE*4 of said Section 8. ¥ Together with all rights of ingress and egress necessary for the full and complete use,occupation and enjoyment of the easement hereby granted,and all rights and privileges incident thereto,including the right from time to time to cut,trim and remove trees,brush, overhanging branches and other obstructions which may injure or interfere with the Grantee's use,occupation or enjoyment of this easement and the operation,maintenance and repair of Grantee's electrical system. $Zkd^Executed and delivered this. sJt.-J. day of hJ A,Q tgdA:?>y £ W~™r% Idaho ... Blaine STATE OF. ss. County of. On this. 22-™.—day of 62 R D SmithJuly.,before me,19. a Notary Public,personally appeared Fred H Board,a single man and known to me to be the person(s)who executed the foregoing instru ment and acknowledged to me that executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses And purposes therein mentioned. 'JT" -\£.rI.1.r..¦7 .... jlmuacy...l6* iisigL Notary Public,residing at.... Commission expires. -£Notarial OVER 808 1M ^'B-et V .t VHM»«lll«lHi1IWlWIStfI •stathT C Couflty of. v— ss. 1 .»before me,.On thia.---"—day of "***'¦.. a Notary Public,pehwially appeared -19.z - - and and,to me personally known,who being duly sworn,did say that they .Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument,andarere'Spectivfely the acknowledged to me that auch corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said corporation. President and the. Notary Public,residing at. Commission expires (Notarial Seal),19. ^4 \ .^-1 ft i *Njh|*"I '¦JN -*:<i '¦>S ?°"!^ -ikS ir J O j U --£K;f\I 3 S S 5S?:ft O D1!/iQ;0 iI—ef ;*C 4 \¦/\'o sc •s r s M j i\HV-|J It.J III«A:S J (N O'v U N 5 J::o %j V. FS J5 1 Idaho Power Company POWER LINE EASEMENT m?-n and. IdHiioGrantor(s),of. .?l.§.i.n§. _ -County,State of convey to IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation,ita licenseees,successors and assigns,Grantee,for One Dollar and other valuable considerations,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,a right of way and easement for the erection and continued operation,main tenance,repair,alteration,inspection and replacement of the electric transmission,distribution and telephone lines and circuits of the Grantee,attached to poles or other supports,together with guys,crossarms and other attachments and incidental equipment thereon, and appurtenances,with the right to permit the attachment of the wires and fixtures of other companies or parties,over,on and across ,do hereby grant and Blaine the following premises,belonging to the said Grantor(s)in— _... ,in the following location,to-wit: — County,State of Idaho SE^SE^"HE1*"Section £0,StA SE^Section YJ ,T3N,Rl8E,BM. The center line of said transmission line being more particularly, follows :Beginning at a point on the East boundary of the Mir SE 20 at Survey Station 3^7^/55 which is North 2327 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 20;thence N 13°53'52 "W 15^5 feet to the North boundary of the SE^NE*4"of said Section 20;also beginning at a point on the East boundary of the SfcA SE*4"of said Section 17 at Survey Station 3509 /25 which is West 1320 feet and North 375 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 17;thence N 3^°18' 15"W 1185 feet to the North boundary of the SW^"SE of said Section 17. described as of said Section S Together with all rights of ingress and egress necessary for the full and complete use,occupation and enjoyment of the easement hereby granted,and all rights and privileges incident thereto,including the right from time to time to cut,trim and remove trees,brush, overhanging branches and other obstructions which may injure or interfere with the Grantee's use,occupation or enjoyment of this easement and the operation,maintenance and repair of Grantee's electrical system. Executed and delivered this. ™/„ day of. IdahoSTATEOF... 88. ..Blaine On this Jlst day o{ a Notary Public,personally appeared. County of. 19..-.?—.,before me, Carmelo Mendiola,a single man R D SmithAugust .and - — .,known to me to be the person(s)who executed the foregoing instru ment and acknowledged to me that —§. executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ° f\s /. ~~T\As.</ Notary Public,residing at— Commission expires ...^Notarial SeSO'i OVER ^1M"V-61 V mtwiUMii .«• •/** .'S^A-TE OR. 88. s Jaunty of..... '. z.-.On^this,-¦"'i ^¦fr'-fttsy 0f ~Zr _'"^«k¦A Notary Public,.perwtirffly appeared 19 before mor and and,to me personally known,who being duly sworn,did say that they Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said corporation. "...p'e'cWeTy the..President and the..arc res Notary Public,residing at. Commission expires (Notarial Seal),19. "•K X 3 \5 in !-1 V -4 <I _•a.• £W 8 0 ^^ *s»tW* A r VJA¦;\ fo" csi 4 xi' siii3./m)\s s-ifH :zill:rV,<?Ci ?o i,g H » 5-n r?> iV 3a!OS l^0 Cj r>o¦>-X 6 w»r-9 |-s ~\ NSI ti (M.Vj OS .Qmio nJ o 'd.*1 ¦i>•9-i o 3:c. 4 -\9 ~'Tn*~ Ii i l\:l &l mmtn>L<zc i%i n O IJ*l L. 3,I=2o ;! Ii 3L. ¦f— I 1 /'7d.Sc 1 £.'•3 1 S a1 *J J£J W .-'r.•: i i: : i V V II -iy ' 1 | ±Q&i-__ AS *3&1-¦<3 Be?-/1,-);I 1 nzci } I •••••¦' I;i 3 l-i L,W!I 1• i i Ii i ~i ¦" i ¦s1Iso S I 4.;{S-1- I I.W&: ! ;J [f i -2^-:] ii I i ]Date:02-24-2004-J,Title: File:Line 433 #1 17656 #1 18673 #382167 .desScale:1 inch =2000 feet Tractl:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =sl3.5352e 1565.00 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =1565 Feet Tract2:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =s34.181 5e 1 185.00 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =1185 Feet Tract 3:0.433 Acres:18875 Sq Feet:Closure =s08.5632e 6475.21 Feet:Precision =1/1 :Perimeter =7145 Feet Tract 4:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =s08.4601e 6719.97 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =7000 Feet 021=S41.1748W 15.69 022=N28.2317W 270.96 023=@0nn#l 18673 024=/SE,SW,28,3N,1 8E 025=/N90W 1300 026=N06.4207E 3669.8 027=N25.5134W 3330.2 011=/N80.0838E 1357.88 012-N19.0149E 952.34 013=N06.0035E 1379.68 014=N01.0854E 1157.94 015-N04.0333W 1021.28 016-N17.0527W 368.56 017-N87.2305W 415.74 018-N52.2218W 158.33 019-N22.2718W 787.12 020-N31.3632W61733 001=/SE,20,3N,18ED#l 17656 002=/N0E 2327 003-N13.5352W 1565 004=@0 005-/SE,1 7,3N,1 8E 006-/N90W 1320 007-/N0E 375 008-N34.1815W 1 185 009=@0??#3 82 167 |0 1 0-.'SW,28,3N,1 8E 1/ s Idaho Power Company POWER LINE EASEMENT —Q./Til!?.!7t::r.V?'...E.i.1—.).J.Q77..1...i.rAl.. filld Blaine...—County,State of I.da,il9. ,do hereby grant andhtartfe,Grantor(s),of. convey to IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation,its licenseees,successors and assigns,Grantee,for One Dollar and other valuable considerations,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,a right of way and easement for the erection and continued operation,main tenance,repair,alteration,inspection and replacement of the electric transmission,distribution and telephone lines and circuits of the Grantee,attached to poles or other eupports,together with guys,crossarms and other attachments and incidental equipment thereon, and appurtenances,with the right to permit the attachment of the wires and fixtures of other companies or parties,over,on and across IJLalae..County,State ofthefollowingpremises,belonging to the said Grantor(s)in.— — in the following location,to-wit:-Idaho. if Section 20.SE^Se\mA SeA Section 17;.T^K.Rl8S,EM. mA SlA;SW^NW4 Section 27,E2 mA Section 28,S2 SeA,NlA SE^Section 21, TUN,R10E,BM. bNE^"NE The center line of said,transmission line being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South boundary of the IffiA mA of said Section 20,T3N,Rl8E, BM,at Survey Station 3^-90 +20 which is South 1320 feet and West LOO feet from the Northeast corner of said Section 20;thence N 13°53'52"W 585,feet to an angle point; thence N 3^°l8'15"W 1320 feet to the West boundary of the SE^SE^of said Section 17; also beginning at a point on the South boundary of the/NW^SE^of said Section 17 at Survey Station 3521 +10 which is North 1320 feet and East 665 feet from the South l/k corner of said Section 17;thence N3^°18'15"W ^59-2 feet to an angle point;thence N 21°29'21"E 10^5.8 feet to the North boundary of the pA SE^4 of said Section 17; also beginning at a point on the South boundary of the mA SW^of said Section 27,TifN, R18E,BM,at Survey Station 3790 +10 which is North 1320 feet and East 1115 feet from the Southwest corner of said'Section 27;thence N 13°^3'^-8"W ^50.9 feet to an angle point;thence N 28°05'00"W ^878.3 feet to an angle point;thence N 5^-°15'30"W 1585.8 feet to the West boundary of the NW^SE^of said Section 21.. v' rT T3h,&!•£11 Together with all rights of ingress and egress necessary for the full aud complete occupation and enjoyment of the easement hereby granted,and all rights and privileges incident thereto,including the right from time to time to cut,trim and remove trees,brush, overhanging branches and other obstructions which may injure or interfere with the Grantee's use,occupation or enjoyment of this easement mid the operation,maintenance and repair of Grantee's electrical system. Executed and-delivered this. jkj../..— day of .A.19-^.iZ. Campbell Land,8c Livestock Inc .v.U«i *—¦ STATE OF County of On this. day of a Notary Public,personally appeared.. 83. —,19 —before me, r ............a;j 1.: ,known to me to be the person (s)who executed the foregoing instru- executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.ment and acknowledged to me that Notary Public,residing at.. Commission expires. (Notarial Seal),19. OVER soa im o-ai IdahoSTATEOF. BlaineCountyof. 62August R D SmithOnthis day of.r_...,before me,„ ,19...V; Everett CampbellaNotaryPublic,personally appeared ..and and,to me personally known,who being duly sworn,did say that they Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said corporation. Mildred I •Campbell are respectively the.President and the. Notary Public,residing at Boise }Idaho .J.anuajx..l6,.. \ V .,19...6.5(Notarial Seal)Commission expires.-. v.-"* \ ...i 3 1' I*o O «^ (]I 1 !\!m -%-ts5i*s.&* sn fti1o c 3 ^fin 3 2 f •r t * ;L S 3 *jj1^ s ss a «IMCs 5 0 -¦* Is \.j - $5 5 2 0 1NJr SNV¦c n TX.lO 2 s:«• F:^ r /¦V Idaho Power Company*¦- POWER LINE EASEMENT J^gj^..JeajL.Chapmap,^...y^Sg -hi»'"Swfi,Grantor (4)¦of .JS-iliS?. Idaho do hereby grant andCounty,State of convey to IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation,its licensees,successors and assigns,Grantee,for One Dollar and other valuable considerations,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,a right of way and easement for the erection and continued operation,main tenance,repair,alteration,inspection and replacement of the electric transmission,distribution and telephone lines and circuits of the Grantee,attached to poles or other supports,together with guys,crossarms and other attachments and incidental equip ment thereon,and appurtenances,with the right to permit the attachment of the wires and fixtures of other companies or parties, Elaine .County,State ofover,on and across the following premises,belonging to the said Grantor(s)in. —,in the following location,to-wit:Idaho Tax Lot No.672,Section 33».T3N.RISE.BM. The center line of said transmission line being more particularly described as follows:Beginning at a point on the South boundary of Tax Lot No.672 of said Section 33 at Survey Station 335U+03 which is North 11*90 feet and East 1*80 feet from the Southwest corner of said Section 33;Thence N21T151 07"E 912.5 feet to the East boundary of Tax Lot No.672 of said Section 33«/ .7t/Wi .JD % _/ 3 7"3^,R Together with all rights of ingress and egress necessary for the full and complete use,occupation and enjoyment of the ease ment hereby granted,and all rights and privileges incident thereto,including the right from time to time to cut,trim and remove treea,brush,overhanging branches and other obstructions which may injure or interfere with the Grantee's use,occupation or enjoy ment of this easement and the operation,maintenance and repair of Grantee's electrical system. Executed and delivered this. dBy of 19 , _____ -fc t STATE OF IBfffiS County of BL&E50S. On this. SXth...day of. — a Notary Public,personally appeared. m, 19._6.2__before me, .te.9.thy...J.'e.aa...CliSEittah R.D.Smith and known to me to be the peraon(s)who executed the foregoing instru ment and acknowledged to me that S.feS .executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ... **/..Bfilsfij....Idaho ..Ianufli:y,..l6....19.65 Notary Public,residing at. Commission expires "(Notarial -Seafk ' OVER 3£s --/' IM 3-01 X1" J t,* .-State of^....^ *"*^"€oftpty of iH.mmm.W.wm.¦a. : -.On,thiB.—^.-rday of a.Notary Public,fJcrsoiially appeared before me,...19. and to me personal];known,who being duly sworn,did say that they are respedfiVeTy 'the President and the. Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said corporation. -v Notary Public,residing at.. Commission expires 19 (Notarial Seal) \\ \ o ®h-2 4':C: £z i i ; M !Use£3 £ 0 OJ;o C 4'fo A s L*v *&O >!ci ^&3 I-( °s esagkt•'a-c ;S 1 (II?t 3 u>'-\*-a r wi ?J ^ / m sc;\cj\a -u V v Or las >> r S *1r-r "II f=% S Li'8 S °J •J ••h fl*1 ,S S) > ¦SVj1'fields*>^ tN 1 Mi', I t ?I A4- 32 I 3332 I I I I I I I I I I I 17"~ I #1176441^ I rf# m 1117734 I I I I I I 1I I 1 i313232;33 t Title:Lijie 433 #1 17734 #1177644 | j Scale:Tinch =1000 feet iFile:Line 433!#1 17734 #1 177644.des Date:09-12-2000 I Tract 1 :OLOOO.Acres:.0 SqFeet;Closure =s24.09Q4w .1253,00.Feet:Precision =1L1:.Perimeter =1 253 Feei Tract 2:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =sOO.OOOOw 10.00 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =10 Feet Tract 3:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =n00.0000w 10.00 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =10 Feet Tract 4:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =s24.1507w 912.50 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =913 Feet 001=/se,32,3n,18e 002=/n0e 375 003=/n90w 40 004=n24.0904e 1253 #117734 005=@0 006=/sw,32,3n,18e 013=/n0e 1490 014=/n90e 480 015=n24.1507e 912.5 #117644 007=n0e 10 008=@0 009=/ne,32,3n,18e 010=s0e 10 011=@0 012=/sw,33,3n,18e / >-a Idaho Power Company POWER LINE EASEMENT .©K^_!^z^«LCo^M.„.mzer ..and™. Idaho .County,State of .,do hereby grant andhiswife,Grantor(s),of convey to IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation,its licenseees,successors and assigns,Grantee,for One Dollar and other valuable considerations,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,a right of way and easement for the erection and continued operation,main tenance,repair,alteration,inspection and replacement of the electric transmission,distribution and telephone lines and circuits of the Grantee,attached to poles or other supports,together with guys,crossarms and other attachments and incidental equipment thereon, and appurtenances,with the right to permit the attachment of the wires and fixtures of other companies or parties,over,on and across Blaine .County,State ofthefollowingpremises,belonging to the said Grantor(s)in ,in the following location,to-wit:Idaho Tax Lot No.2059,Section .13,T3N,RISE,BM. Overhang of wires only,across approximately 100 feet in the Northwest corner. Together with all rights of ingress and egress necessary for the full and complete use,occupation and enjoyment of the easement hereby granted,and all rights and privileges incident thereto,including the right from time to time to cut,trim and remove trees,brush, overhanging branches and other obstructions which may injure or interfere with the Grantee's use,occupation or enjoyment of this easement and the operation,maintenance and repair of Grantee's electrical system. Executed and delivered this. day of. v v — £ Idaho .Blslne_ day of a Notary Public,personally appeared. Paul Mizer and Cora M.Mizer STATE OF. County of— On this as. 2lfth JU^ 19..i?.„before me, R D Smith — and ,known to me to be the pereon(s)who executed the foregoing instru ment and acknowledged to me that...——.9X executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses id purposes therein mentioned. 7.^ Notary Public,residing at——J.d&hQ.—— Commission expires ... J.S-J1.U&.1X...1.6. ,19GD...(Notarial Seal) OVER BQ9.lja 9-81 A ISIWW8»ltS»MIS—arm iwhwmu oi h STATE OR S3. County of before me , ......jjay of.19."On this a Notary Public,personally appeared and,to me personally known,who being duly sworn,did say that they Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument,andpectftely-the."— acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said corporation. President and the.are res Notary Public,residing at. Commission expires .,19.(Notarial Seal) 5 ;O r i 2 n is ! i *jh -<; It;f ^8j *a T! f 2 r;- \%r U^i' >Wo[i J Q'>«\fp :til ]bl ^1 3 u.: L'':L- 5to C ».v. y °vK Nbir\ ;\C;'N u.\„ lioB<K N. '¦t •^^VX >(\o >4 ::?i £4 ift. ; $Vvl I-...b O tig t«^4O-o- •/ *33 f POWER LINE EASEMENT VALLEY RANCH.INC. Grantor(s),of do hereby grant and convey toIdahoCounty,State of IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation,with its principal officelocated at 1221 Idaho Street,Boise,Idaho,its licensees, successors and assigns,Grantee,for One Dollarand othervaluable considerations,receipt ofwhich is hereby acknowledged,a right- of-way and easement for the erection and continued operation,maintenance,repair,alteration,inspection,and replacement ofthe electric transmission,distribution and telephone lines and circuits ofthe Grantee,attached to poles or other supports,togetherwith guys,crossarms and other attachments and incidental equipment thereon,and appurtenances,with the right to permit the attachment of the wires and fixtures ofother companies or parties,over,on and across the followingpremises,belonging to the said Grantor(s) County,State of Blaine in the following location,to-wit:in IdahoBlaine A parcel ofland located in theE'AV/'A,NW'/SNW1/ofSection 28 and the SW'/SSW'/i of Section 21,Township 3 North,Range 18 East,B.M.,Blaine County,Idaho,more particularly described as follows: A strip of land 100.0 feet in width,being 50.0 feet on either side ofthe following described centerline: Commencing at the Southwest corner ofSection 28,T3N,R18E,B.M.,Idaho;thence,N 80°08'38"E a distance of 1357.88 feet to a point;said point being the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING;thence,N 19°01'49"E a distance of 952.34 feet to an anglepoint; thence,N06°00'35"E a distance of 1379.68 feet to an angle point;thence,N 01°08'54"E a distance of 1157.94 feet to an angle point;thence,N 04°03'33"W a distance of 1021.28 feet to an anglepoint;thence,N 17°05'27"W a distance of 368.56 feet toan angle point;thence,N 87°23'05"W a distance of415.74 feet to an angle point;thence,N 52°22'18"W a distance of 158.33 feet to an angle point;thence,N 22°27'18"W a distance of 787.12 feet to an angle point;thence N 31°36'32"W a distance of617.33 feet to an angle point;thence S 41°17'48"W a distance of 15.69 feet to a anglepoint;thence N 28°23'17"W a distance of270.96 feet more or less to the Point of Terminus. Together with all rights ofingress and egress necessary for the full andcomplete use,occupation and enjoyment of the easement hereby granted,and all rights and privileges incident thereto,including the right firom time to time to cut,trim and remove trees,brush,overhanging branches and other obstructions which may injureor interfere with the Grantee's use, occupation or enjoyment ofthis easement and the operation,maintenance and repair ofGrantee's electrical system. Grantor's use ofthe above-described right-of-way shall be subject to the following limitations:(1)no buildings or structures ofany kindor any flammable material shall be placed or erected within the right-of-way,(2)no vehicles ofany kind that exceed 14 feet in height shall be placed or used on the right-of-way,and (3)anyother equipment or material within the right- of-way shall be kept at least 20 feet awayfrom the wires of said electric power tines at all times,even ifthewires sag or sway as a result ofincreased temperatures,wind,electrical loading on the wires,or other conditions. Subject to the foregoing limitations,said right-of-way may be used by Grantor for roads,agricultural crops and other purposes not inconsistent with saideasement. 2-7 kL7Executedanddeliveredthis dayof y 7 IJdlu>STATEOF County of Im4wOnthisbeforeme,day of_ NotaryPublic,personally appeared i a krar. ,to me personally known, Secretary ofthe corporation that and who being duly sworn,did say that they are respectively the executed the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed ofsaid President and corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,the day and year first above written. A &tL382167 {NOTAft^&EXIT^f Notary fubiy,Residing at u?KuklAp BLAINE CO.REQUEST Commission Expires Co* \?O T A R y\ ft \PUBL\C /I A X.<7 P r*x:'25 gEp 13 11 33 GREEN'.C.LERK ! OF: 7 6?KVUP ¦"> ROV*001 4795) w a. I. "-T \ i!:l\1¦v ¦!t- tents**Ja n 1 1 _2c 12/2c; I i I i 9 ti. !>7£St ^ I& f i I: i i T |I v.*2 <^2 /.2/t.r¦&«j.% 9I7«^?'I,!* ii ~'Y" 3 I SIsi. +f In IIF> S 5I ]¦•r:Z 1 I &l I ari,i 28¦2S:J--I i j i T 1 :J J.-Date:02-24-2004Title: File:Line 433 #1 17656 #1 18673 #382167.desScale:1 inch =2000 feet Tract 1:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =sl3.5352e 1565.00 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =1 565 Feet Tract 2:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =s34.1815e 1 185.00 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =1 185 Feet Tract 3:0.433 Acres:18875 Sq Feet:Closure =s08.5632e 6475.21 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =7145 Feet Tract 4:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =s08.4601e 6719.97 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =7000 Feet 00 1=/SE,20,3N,18En#117656 002=/N0E 2327 003=N13.5352W 1565 004=@0 005=/SE,1 7,3N ,1 8E 006=/N90W 1320 007=/NOE 375 I Q08-;N34.1815W 1 185 I 009-~@OD D#382l 67 01 0=/SW,28,3'N,1 8E 021=S41.1748W 15.69 022=N28.2317W 270.96 023=@0nn#l 18673 024=/SE,SW,28,3N,18E 025=/N90W 1300 026=N06.4207E 3669.8 027=N25.51 34W 3330.2 011=/N80.0838E 1357.88 012=N19.0149E 952.34 013=N06.0035E 1379.68 014=N01.0854E 1157.94 015=N04.0333W 1021.28 016=N17.0527W 368.56 017=N87.2305W 415.74 018=N52.2218W 158.33 019-N22.2718W 787.12 02.0=N3 !.3632,W 61 7.33 3 -3 3 Idaho Power Company POWER LINE EASEMENT Margaret Jean Evans Idaho John E Evans w ...and.„,_. Blaine do hereby grant andCounty,State of convey to IDAHO POWER COMPANY,a corporation,its licenseees,successors and assigns,Grantee,for One Dollar and other valuable considerations,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,a right of way and easement for the erection and continued operation,main tenance,repair,alteration,inspection and replacement of the electric transmission,distribution and telephone lines and circuits of the Grantee,attached to poles or other supports,together with guys,crossarms and other attachments and incidental equipment thereon, and appurtenances,with the right to permit the attachment of the wires and fixtures of other companies or parties,over,on and across his wife,Grantor(s),of Blainethefollowingpremises,belonging to the said Grantor(s)in— ,in the following location,to-wit: .County,State of Tax Lot No.678,Tax Lot 677;Section 33;T3N R18S.BM.Tax Lot No.15^6,Section 32;i. The center line of said transmission line being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in Tax Lot No.I5I+6 of said Section 32 at Survey Station 33^-1 +50 which is North 375 feet and West 1+0 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 32; 1253 feet to the North boundary of Tax Lot No.677 of saidthenceN2k°09'Ok"E Section 33- Together with all rights of ingress and egress necessary for the full and complete use,occupation and enjoyment of the easement hereby granted,and all rights and privileges incident thereto,including the right from time to time to cut,trim and remove trees,brush, overhanging branches and other obstructions which may inj'ure or interfere with the Grantee's use,occupation or enjoyment of this easement and the operation,maintenance and repair of Grantee's electrical system. Executed and delivered this. ^L.zL day of.'^7 IdahoSTATEOF... County of. Blaine. SB. 19..i?.2...,before me,July.R D Smith /On this. day of. a Notary Public,personally appeared _.:l9.Un„E.J3vans Margaret Jean Evans ...and known to me to be the person(s)who executed the foregoing instru ment and acknowledged to me that tilSZ executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Notary Public,residing .U Boise,Idaho ...January 15, 19.65 1 '(NotariaTSpa!)Commission expired OVER ^BOS fM ^e-8!; A V-i-,-¦ wmmmwbmmwiiMii .•STATE OF. ss. -County of 5 : "Oil this day of -before 19 m '».*¦ T a-Notary Public,penally appeared - and ...and,to me personally known,who being duly aworn,did say that they Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument,and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed of said corporation, are respectively the President and the. Notary Public,residing at.. Commission expires. (Notarial Seal)....,19.. o it;o)J?fc-% *¦- 4 fti Q o 0 s»li 1|| \-2isv412"Nj «]I \ ¦><\Vr\°h O O 2 1 i ar5u.N O sM i'\ SVJ to A •J **: ;.••*c- j iC i X1*r'J •x>'V.»X\ Vv. I i I¦»* It I I -A- 32 I 3332 j j I I I l I V I •J17644 I I ]SV$<V,r- >§I 1117734 I t c*> Sf/s ffi E'I 31 32 32 33~<? I i _ ijie 433 #117734 #1177644 !ITitle:L Date:09-12-2000 I.IFile:Line 433!#1 1 7734 #1 1 77644.desScale:1 ,inch =1000 feet Tract 1:..OlQOQ.Acre&i.0 Sq.F.ecU Closure =s24.09Q4w 1253.Q0.Feet:.Precision =1L 1:Perimeter =.1 253.F.eet Tract 2:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =sOO.OOOOw 10.00 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =10 Feet Tract 3:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =nOO.OOOOw 10.00 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =10 Feet Tract 4:0.000 Acres:0 Sq Feet:Closure =s24.1507w 912.50 Feet:Precision =1/1:Perimeter =913 Feet 001=/se,32,3n,18e 002=/n0e 375 003=/n90w 40 004=n24.0904e 1253 #117734 005=@0 006=/sw,32,3n,1 8e 007=n0e 10 008=@0 009=/ne,32,3n,18e 010=s0e 10 011=@0 012=/sw,33,3n,18e 013=/n0e 1490 014=/n90e 480 015=n24.1507e 912.5 #1 17644